Parts: Roebuck
Parts: Roebuck
Parts: Roebuck
This _ the mode! number of your Band Saw. It will be found on a plate on the back cover, mention model number when communicatJ-ng wlth us _ga._g
"four Band _w or when o_ering parts.
All p_s
herein must
be ordered
Parts always
are shipped _ve _e
a Sears
paid. _en ordering repair par_s, ing information: t. The Part Nun'Lber. 2. The Part Name and Price. 3. _e Mode! Number 103.24_3.
and CO.
FIGURE i You now own a Band Saw which is the product of extensive engineering research and thorough test_ ing_ Accurately machined parts built to high inspection standards are carefully assembled to make sure this Band Saw will deliver top quality perform_ ance. These features have all been combined with an attractive appearance to create a tool that is a pleasure to operate and a welcome addition to your shop. This Band Saw can be used for cutting curves, circles, or any irregular shape as well as straight ripping or cutoff. ASSEMBLY:
slMe the
Place the 4 mounting bol_, No. 38_ in the four holes of the trunnion support bracket and mount the _bh and suppo_ bracket assembly to the frame as shown in Fig_ 2. Leave thee 4 bolts loose enough to a|Iow the entire assembly to be shifted. Place the blade _ntst rolle_ Nos. 30 and 49, in tool as shown in Fig. 2_ .
To prevent damage in shipment some of the parts were disassembled from the tool, These parts are listed below, Be sure they are all accounted for before discarding any of the packing material. I. Saw Blade; item 3 see page 5_ 2. Table and Mounting Bracket Assembly complete; items 4, 6, 7, 11 (4), 12, 13, 14, 15, I6, 17, 18, 19 (2), 20 (4), 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 73, 74, 77, 78 and 79,
3. Bag of of items miscellaneous small parts consisting 5, 30_ 38 (4), 49 and 76,
Before proceeding wi_ ass_bllng be sure the table is locked so that the _ stop v:.rew, No_ 4, is resting on the support bracket, No_ 14. Locking of _e table h accomplished _th the _ble flit lock handle as shown in Fig. I. install the saw blade with the teeth pointing down_ and away from d_e saw blade guides. Apply enough tension to the blade to take up the slack by turning the blade adjus_ kn_, see Fig. I. With an accurate _uare resting on the table sur_ face, see Fig_ 2, square the ruble and mounting
bracketassembly with the saw blade, and finish tighteningthe mounting_lts, Nor 3& Placethe knurledscrew,No. 5, in the tablesaw slot. Beforereplacingthe cover checkthe blade for "Tension and"Tracking"asexplained '" under"AdINSTALLATION= Securely "bolt the Band Saw to a solidly "built bench checking each foot and adding spacers if necessary to provide good contact with the bench, it is suggested that the bench be of sufficient height to bring the saw table about elbow level. Three holes have been provided to secure Band Saw to bench. There are two holes in the front foot on the outside of the tool. The rear foot has one: hole accessible from inside the: cover. We suggest that a 3-inch square hole be cut in the bench top directly back of the front foot to prevent the accumulation of saw dust, The motor may be installed behind or below toot.
termined after the motor position has been selected by measuring with a steel tape around the outside of the pulleys, not in the grooves, LUBRICATION:
A special double row bail bearing built into the drive shaft and the two single row ball beatings in the idler wheel have been packed with lubricant and sealed at the factory_ They require no further attention. The blade thr_t roiled, as shown in Fig. 2, should be lubricated occasionally. Other moving and sliding parts such as the guide slide bar, No. 46, and table trunnions_ Nos. 12 and 16, may require occa_ sional lubrication to maintain smooth operation.
The table tilt lock handle locks the table in any position from 90* to 45* with _w blade. The table _t pointer indi_tes the: table angle on the calibrated trunnion scale. The blade back up the blade: for both lateral and direct thrust. The blade guide el lo_k knob controls the upper assembly in relation _ table surface for various work piece thicknesses. The blade ali_ment knob provides a means of tilting the upper wheel for correct _w blade tracing.
This tool was completely checked and tested under power at the factory. Rough handling in shipment may have caused some misa]ignmenL Check the following points to insure proper operation.
Proper Made tension may be _t by raising or lowering the upper wheal assembly. This is done by turning the bhde tension adjusfmg knob as shown in Fig. |. When properly adjusted the blade should de_ press the rubber facings on the wheels slightly and also may be deflected by thumb pressure exerted between the first two fingers.
A I/3 horsepower 1750 R.P,M. motor is recommended for general usage. Install the motor so that the direction of rotation of the drive pulley, see Fig. I, is counter-clockwise when viewed from the drive pulley side of the tool.
The above
motor equipped with a 2-inch diameter give an arbor speed of approximately 640 R,P,M, This is recommended for general use with wood and similar matetial. When purchasing the motor pulley be sure to specify the shaft diameter of your motor and that the pulley is for a l/2-inch V-belt,
.will BELT: The drive pulley is designed N-inch V_belt, The length for use with a standard of this belt may be de-
The saw blade must run consistently on the approximate center of the wheals. The wheels are c_owned to accomplish this, with the upper wheel being tiltable. Rotate the mechanism by hand and if the saw blade tends to ride off d-_e wheels loosen the lock _ob, as shown in Fig. I. Turn the blade _gnment knob slightly in or out until _e blade returns to its proper position. When blade tracks consistently 6ghten the lock knob.
Saw guide _emMies are provided both above and below the table to support the blade against lateral and direct thrust, _'_e upper saw guide a_mbly, Fig. 3, m_t operate so that the distance from the back of the saw blade to the _rust roller remains the same throughout the entire up and down movement of the a_embly. If 3
is nece_ _w ra_de
out as
remove _
the cover g _,
of op_a_on
nut, Fig. 3,
Following are several common _es blade br_kag_ Avoid thee _tuafions
of Band _w by fr_uenfly
and _mce
" 1 down Failure to bring the upper g_a_de _ y dose to _e work allo_ dhto_on of _e blade which encourag_ brae, _xce-_ve feed pressure C_US_ _e blade to _de hard on _e thPa_ rolle_ _u_ng cra&ing and _ent_l br_k_e. A dull blade, or one that has been
F1GUFt 3
Both of _e gdd_ and _e blade _I1 be dan,aged if _e _id_ touch the tee_ rather than _e _ooth _d_ of the blade.
Adjust the saw guide as_mblies so that the hte_l saw g-_des_ see Fig. 2, when adjusted, will contact the blade on the solid portion only, not on the: teeth or
to _
necessary. Lock the saw guide assemblies in position. The hteral saw gmd_ must be set as dose as possible to the blade without binding it at any point or deflecting it sideways. Lock _e set screws securing the lateral saw guides. The bhde thrust rollers _ shown h Fig. 2 should be set the thickness of a piece of newspaper, _e Fig. 3, from the back edge of _e blade. Adjustment of
the blade thrust rollers may be accomplished by!ly, one of t,he most common _ of blade difficulty is the practice of cutting too sha_ a radius or turning the work pi_e too f_t when catting a rad.i_ thus binding or twisting _e blade, Follow_ ing h a table _owing _e approximate minimum diameters which _ould be cut _th vario_ wid_ binds, WIDTH iNCH_ I/8 I/4 i/2 OP|RAIIOH: DIAMETER INCH_
loosening the holder set _ews (Fig, 2) and moving both _e holder bearing and thr_t taller in or out by turning the back Up scrcw_ Fig. 3, until the roller is in the correct position. Re-lock the holder
tighten the hold_ s_ _ _e Fig. 2, only slightly in bo_ the upper and lower saw _ide hrack-. eta as any undue pressure may _use the thrust roller to bind, T'he above adjustments shodd result in a free runsing saw blade when no cut6ng is being done_ The table h square _ h Wtade and at the _me time the pointer indicate zero on the _le. If correction is necessary it may be made _th an accurate square resting on the table surface: and a_inst the saw blade. Adjust the _o slop sc-rew_ see Fig, 2, until co has been made, The _ble _t polnte_, _ shown in F_g. l, may now be readjusted to the zero mark on the s_le by loosening the screw which holds _e pointer to the tool After' making adjustments on the Band Saw, check _refuily by turning the mechanism by hand several revolutions before appl_ng power.
Hold the work pie_ firmly ag_-_st _e table surface during cutting operatior, s. Do not force the -.-cork aga_st the blade beyond the cutting _pad_ of the bhde _ thi_ will make the following of the _ttem extremely difficul_ A few practice cuts h ad'dsable tO get the hd of Band
operator proteete& It _ a good practice to stop the tool before raising or lowering the upp_ blade wade. ACC _-_S for this rod are a fence for ripping and a miter gage for angular cuts. _ acc_ori_ are list_ in our catalog and may be purchased _m your nearest _rs retail store or _l order hou_e_
% 55
tl+atlorl No. Order Part No,
I 2 3
18619 4 {230
I/_" 4 5 6 7 8 i0 l| 12 13 !4 t5 16 !7 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
3,_" and
41150 38416 41421 41616 41417 X-606 X-432 41813 x-!o0 41625
_X-383 41213 41718 38716 41711 41624 38812 18232 41130 41416 X-162 _X-420 '_X-377 41621 41130 )(-745 41414 X-736 X-607
nearest Sears retail store or mail order house. Ask for catalog No. 9-262 $, State width wanted. Machine _rew 5/16+ 18x1 square head .............. 10 Knurhd s_:rew ................................... _....................... !5 H_, nut 5/16-18 ...................................................... |0 5! _X-420 Table .................................................................... {4.50 52 *X-382 Much, screw 1/4-20x3/8 slotted binding hd ........ 10 Machine screw 5/16-! 8x3/4 hew head _th _53 41712 temal !ock washer .................................................. 10 Blade guard 35 54 18211 Bearing---upper wheel I_80 Right foot ........................................................... 1.20 _ft foot .............................................................. t.20 55 41812 Beating spacing ring = ........................................... 15 56 41270 Upper Wheel and beafing assembly ................... i2.00 Machine screw 5/16-1 8x3/4 round head with ex_'heel tire ........................................................ 75 ternal lock washer ............................................. 10 _8 41815 41020 Table trunnion with scale ....................................... 1.50 Upper wheel fulcrum assembly .......................... 1,85 59 _X-417 Hex, nut 10 Table inert ..................................................................... 5/!6-18 15 60 X-745 Much. screw 5/16.18x1 hex, hd. with external Trunnion support bracket ...................................... 2.50 lock washer ........................................................ 10 Guide: holder stud ................................................. 20 Upper wheel guide rod ...................................... 20 Table trunnion plain ............................................ !.30 6! 41612 Plain w_her 3/8 I.D. x 7/80.D ...................... 10 62 41611 Upper wh_l ten_oner rod .................................. 25 Upper wheel bracket ........................................ 1.50 Hex, nut: 3/8-24 ................................................... 10 63 41419 Upper wheel guide rod retaining ring ............ 15 Saw _ide .................................................................. 15 64 38715 Tension knob bushing ..2.o.._+. ...................... 35 Set screw 1/4-20xl/4 slotted head cup point ...... 10 66 41619 Hand wheel with set screw ................. _............. 2.25 Cover stud_lower fight ................................... 20 67 38120 _t screw 5116-18x5116 socket head cone point +10 Bearing and key assembly_rive wheel .......... 5.00 68 X-182 _w blade tension spring .......................... 35 Machine _rew 1/4_20x3/8 slotted truss head ...... 10 69 4 | 811 Wh_l adj, lock knob 40 Lower wheel .............................................................. 8,00 70 41413 Upper wheel adL knob with stud .................. 85 Lower wheel retaining ring .................................. 15 71 41250 Upper saw _ide lock knob ................................. 75 Retaining ring ................................................. 15 72 41210 Protractor pointer ............................................. !5 Spring washer .! 5 73 18922 ........................................................ 74 *X-516 Much. screw No. _32x I/4 slotted round hd. oI 0 Cover stud left .......................................................... l5 75 X- 179 Set screw 5/16-|8x5/16 socket head cup point _10 Drive shaft key ...................................................... 15 76 *X-1403 Allen v,_ench_5i32 ....................................... 15 Blade thrust roller ................................................. 35 77 X-606 Plain washer 3/8 LD, x 7/80.D ......................... !0 Holder beating ........................................................... 25 78 384 { 7 Trunnion lock nut. ......................................... 35 Lower _w guide bracket .................................... 60 79 384{4 Table ti!t lock handle ...................................... 75 Set screw 1/4-20x5/8 slotted head half dog point ,10 80 41140 Pulley _th set screw_5 inch single groove VHex. nut 1/4-20, ................................................... 10 pulley 5/8 in_ bore. Purchase from your n_rMuch, _rew No, ! _24x3/8 slot'd binding hd, , I0 _t _ars re_ii store or mail order house, Ask %unnion l_k screw ........................................ 30 for Catalog No. 9-2805_5/8 inch hare, ........... Holder bearing ...................................................... 25 81 41715 Driva wheel bearing retaining ring .................20 Frame .................................................... 25.00 Ms&, _rew 5/|6-18x! hew hd. with ext. lock 82 41030 washer ................................................................... 10 83 41004 Upper _w guide assembly complete consisting of: 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 48, and 49. ..................... 1.50 Upper s_w guide bracket .................................... 65 Lower saw guide a_embiy complete consisting Much. _rew 1/4-20x I l hex. hd. with ex84 4 i 005 ternal !ock washer ..................................................... !0 of; t9, 20, 30, 3t, 32, 33, and 34 .................... 1.40 Plain washer 17/64 I.D, x 19/32 O,D ................ 10
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Saw guide ...................................................... $ .15 Set screw I !4-20x518 slotted hd. half dog point , !0 H_ nut 1/4_20 ............................................ 10 " Guide bar tension spring .......................................... l 5 Upper mW _ide bar ........................................ 1. I 0 _ver stud a_embly--upper right ....................... 40 Set screw 1/4-20x!/4 slotted head cup point ...... 10 Blade thrust roller .......................................... 35 Set _r_ 1/4-20xl/2 slotted hd. round point .10 Hex nut l/4-20 ............................................ 10