Kolkata New Metro Corridor
Kolkata New Metro Corridor
Kolkata New Metro Corridor
Sub : PET SURVEY FOR NEW METRO CORRIDORS IN AND AROUND THE METROPOLITAN CITY OF KOLKATA - Invitation for Financial Proposal for Carrying Out Traffic Surveys for Two Additional Corridors ((Budge Budge to Ruby Hospital (24 km) and Kolkata Terminal to Karunamoyee (7 Km)) Dear Sir, We are pleased to inform you that your firm has been short listed as one of the consultancy firms to take up the above work as per the detailed scope of work as given in Annexure-I. You are requested to submit your financial offer(s), filled by hand in the enclosed original scope of work document with each page duly counter-signed, for taking up the above assignment in a sealed cover (clearly mentioning the subject work in bold letters on the packet) by courier/ speed post latest by 3:00 pm of 06h November 2012. Refundable earnest money deposit (EMD), as mentioned in the enclosed scope of work document, is required to be deposited in form of Pay Order/DD in favour of RITES Ltd, Gurgaon. Late or delayed tenders shall not be entertained. The financial offers will be opened at 3.30 pm on same day. You may nominate a representative to attend the tender opening. You can contact the undersigned for any clarification on the scope of work in person or through phone/ fax. If your firm is not able to quote, you must submit a letter mentioning the same. The financial offer along with Earnest Money Deposit to be sent to the following address: Shri Piyush Kansal, General Manager, Urban Transport Division, RITES Ltd. RITES Bhawan, 1, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122 001, India. Ph: 0124- 2818769 Fax: 0124-2571638
Thanking you, Yours sincerely,
Encl: as above
1. M/s TPA Engineering Consultancy (I) Pvt. Ltd, 112, Kailash Hills (Basement) New Delhi-110 065 Contact Person: Mr. Rajeev Roy, Director Ph: 011-41623940 Fax: 011-26910128 Mobile: 9811124721 2. M/s Park Projects Consultancy (P) Ltd, IB 14 A, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I, New Delhi-110 052 Contact Person: Mr. A. K. Gupta, Managing Director Ph: 011-22414655 Fax: 011-27414655, 27464469 Mobile: 9810162241 3. M/s Futuristic Engineers & Traffic Surveys A-75, Adhyapak Nagar, Peer Baba Road, Nangloi, Delhi-110 041 Contact Person: Mr. Dinesh Gupta, Director Ph: 011-25941377(O), 25186127 (R) Fax: 011-25948859 Mobile: 9312407671 4. M/s Matrix Surveys & Data Services, G-4 107/ 108, Sector - 16, Rohini, Delhi - 110085 Mobile: 9810438559 5. M/s. Highway Engineering Magnitude Consortium, C-42 A (Basement), near Gate No. 2, Gurudwara Lane, Mahendru Enclave, G. T. Karnal Road, Delhi 110033 Mobile: 9871448006 6. ACME Consultants Pvt. Ltd, 10 Middleton Row, Calcutta-700071 Contact Person: Mr. Sushobhan Roy Ph: 033-22294676/22294858 Mobile ; 0-9830306003 7. National Consultancy for Planning & Engineering, 9-4-131/17/A, Tombs Road, Akbar Bagh, Toli Chowk, Hyderabad, AP 500 008 Contact Person: Mr. S.M. Subhani Mobile: 0-9848035377 8. M/s Shiv Marwah & Associates, C-136A, LGF, Sushant Lok II, Gurgaon 122002, Haryana
PET survey for new metro corridors in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SUB-CONSULTANT FOR TRAFFIC SURVEYS
SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SUBCONSULTANT FOR TRAFFIC SURVEYS 1. Introduction Kolkata Metro has engaged RITES Ltd. for the PET survey for new metro corridors in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata. 2. Study Area/ Corridor The work mainly comprises of Traffic Survey in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata along two proposed Metro Corridors, as depicted in the following Table and Figure; S. No. 1 2 Name of work Budge Budge to Ruby Hospital Kolkata Terminal to Karunamoyee Length (in Km) 24 7
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PET survey for new metro corridors in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SUB-CONSULTANT FOR TRAFFIC SURVEYS
Scope of work The scope of work of the sub-consultants for traffic surveys shall be as following; (a) To collect relevant secondary data i) Right of Way and Road Development Plans from the relevant planning agencies. ii) Traffic management and intersection control measures along the Corridor. iii) Existing Off-Street parking provisions in the influence of corridor and any new parking proposals planed. To carry out following primary traffic surveys on a typical working day to analyse the traffic characterises of the corridor; (b) Road Network Inventory for the identified road network in the influence area. (c) Speed and Delay survey along the identified road network in the influence area. This survey would be done separately for the traffic stream and for buses, both in peak and off peak period for a minimum of 3 test runs. (d) Direction-wise Classified Traffic Volume Survey and Passenger Occupancy survey for 16 hours duration at Mid-Blocks/Screen Line locations along the Corridor. (e) Passenger Count & Interview (O.D. Cum Opinion) at important interchange locations along the Corridors for16 hours duration. (f) Bus/ IPT(Auto/Taxi) Stop Passenger Interview (O.D.Cum Opinion) Survey for 16 hours duration. (g) Bus/ IPT Stop Volume & Boarding/ Alighting Survey for 16 hours duration. (h) Additionally, the sub-consultant shall also depute an executive to be available during the study duration for review of formats, study update, data verification, data analysis and its presentation in the required formats.
Study Outputs Compilation and analysis of above traffic data. The analysed data to be supplied as soft and hard copies. These are listed below: - Peak & off peak period Speed & Delay analysis for buses and other modes enlisting road section wise running & journey speeds, delays, causes & duration of delays. - Road network inventory for each section of the corridor enlisting ROW, carriageway, median, footpath, service roads, abutting landuse, encroachments and road widths utilised for parking, etc. - Daily & peak hourly (morning, evening & midday) classified direction-wise movements at all mid-blocks/ screenlines. - Daily & peak hourly (morning, evening & midday) direction-wise movements at all mid-blocks/ screenlines. - Daily & peak hourly (morning, evening & midday) occupancy for various modes and buses. - Daily & peak hourly travel demand on the corridor. - Daily & Peak hourly passengers alighting & boarding at Bus/IPT stop and Interchange locations. - Passenger Interview Survey analysis for Bus/IPT stop and Interchange locations.
Co-ordination and control General Manager/T&T/UT or his nominated officer with whom you will co-ordinate for the purpose of execution of the assignment.
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PET survey for new metro corridors in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SUB-CONSULTANT FOR TRAFFIC SURVEYS
The services shall be rendered in consultation and association with General Manager/T&T/UT and his representatives. Visits to various sites/offices in connection with the work shall be made in consultation with the above named officer/ officers. 6. Period of completion The assignment shall be completed in a period of 6 weeks commencing from the date of award of the contract. However, the engagement can be terminated, any time by RITES without assigning any reason. Format For Submission Of Financial Bid The consultant shall indicate the rates for the surveys as listed below, which shall be all-inclusive in nature (i.e., including the cost of stationary, secondary data collection related to the surveys, their conduct, labour, equipment, preparation of drawings, compilation, analysis, all incidentals of any kind for proper completion of the work, all profit & taxes - except service tax). Service tax, as applicable (presently @ 12.36%), will be paid extra. The rate shall be quoted by the sub-consultant in figures as well as words. Where there is a discrepancy between figures and words, the rate in words will govern. S. No. 1 Description of Items of Work Network Inventory Survey (KM) 31 2 Speed & Delay Survey (KM) 31 3 Classified Traffic Count And Occupancy Survey At Midblocks/ Screenlines (16 hour) Passenger Count & Interview (O.D.Cum Opinion) At Important Interchange Locations Along The Corridors Bus/ IPT Stop Passenger Interview (O.D.Cum Opinion) Survey Bus/ IPT Stop Volume & Boarding/ Alighting Survey 50 7 Secondary Data Collection L.S. TOTAL AMOUNT (Rs) Per Km Per Location Per Location 10 Per Location 50 6 Per Location Per Km Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
The number of survey locations (Quantity) may vary as per the Project Requirements. The quantum of variation would be limited to +/ - 20 (twenty) %
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PET survey for new metro corridors in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SUB-CONSULTANT FOR TRAFFIC SURVEYS
of the awarded work. The actual payment to the sub-consultant will be based on the agreed survey locations. 8. Earnest Money Separate Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 25,000 (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favour of RITES Ltd. shall have to be furnished with the financial proposal. All EMDs of sub-consultants, other than those to which the project is awarded, shall be refunded after the award of the project. The EMD of the sub-consultants to which the work is awarded shall be adjusted as detailed below in para 9. Schedule of payments The consultant will be paid a fee of Rs _________________________ as per the following payment schedule along with the deliverables required at various stages of work: i) On submission of Inception Report and its approval by RITES 20% (3 days from start of work) ii) On completion of all traffic surveys other than Bus/ IPT Stop Passenger Count & Interview to the satisfaction of RITES (2 weeks from start of work) iii) On completion of all traffic surveys including Bus/ IPT Stop Passenger Count & Interview to the satisfaction of RITES (4 weeks from start of work) iv) Submission of Data Analysis Report and its acceptance by RITES (6 weeks from start of work) 30%
In the absence of any performance guarantee a security amount of 10% of each invoice shall be deducted and the same will be paid within one month of completion of entire work to the satisfaction of RITES. The EMD submitted will be adjusted against security deduction of the first payment. To ensure the compliance of work within the above time schedule, a penalty clause will be incorporated in the contract. The penalty for the delay of work @ 1% per 3 days of the total consultancy fee to the maximum of 5% of the fee will be levied.
Arbitration In case of any dispute arising out of this Agreement between M/s RITES Ltd. and the consultant, the matter shall be referred to GM/UT/RITES who will be the arbitrator, and the dispute will be resolved in accordance with the recommendations made by the arbitrator and his decision will be binding on both the parties.
Other conditions i) There will be complete co-ordination between consultant and RITES to review the progress of work done at each stage and RITES will review the progress of work every week.
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PET survey for new metro corridors in and around the metropolitan city of Kolkata SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE SUB-CONSULTANT FOR TRAFFIC SURVEYS
In case of the premature termination, no extra compensation will be payable. RITES in that case will make payment of remuneration to the extent of the services rendered till that time. All the documents created out of the assignment work, will become the sole property of RITES, and RITES will be free to use the same in any manner deemed fit. The consultant will exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of the services under the agreement and shall carry out all the responsibilities with recognised professional standards.
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