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The Byosen Technique

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The main takeaways are that the Byosen technique can be used to find negatively charged or tense body areas, and that practicing Reiki helps develop sensitivity to distinguish healthy from unhealthy body parts. The Byosen is a feeling of tension, heat, cold or other sensation in diseased areas that can be perceived through hands.

The Byosen technique involves feeling the tension or other sensations in one's own or a partner's body to distinguish healthy from unhealthy areas. When giving Reiki, one scans the body with hands above it to find areas where an unusual sensation is felt, and places hands there to treat it until the sensation disappears.

Tips include practicing the Joshin Kokyu-Ho breathing technique, focusing senses on listening to or feeling the body if an auditory or kinesthetic learner, training the less sensitive hand, and being open to perceiving sensations elsewhere in one's own body.

The Byosen Technique

The main skill for a Japanese Reiki practitioner of both the Hayashi and the Usui lineages is the ability to find and treat negatively charged body parts. The word negative is not meant derogatorily. It simply means that this particular body area needs more love and attention... Finding these places we are aided by something that happens in a dis- eased body area that the Japanese call Byosen. The Japanese word byo means sick and sen means gland. It is to be understood as the tension you feel in a diseased body part. This tension can be felt as excess heat, excess cold, a tingle, a magnetic feeling in your hand, pins and needles or something other of this sort. By practicing Reiki you learn to make your hands more and more sensitive to be able to distinguish a healthy body part from one that is not well, tense or ill. To find out what this byosen is, please experiment with the following partner exercise. Perceiving the Byosen Sit on a chair or on the floor facing your partner. Now, both of you place one of your hands on your own upper thigh (unless this is a problem area in your body), and the other hand on one of your partners shoulders. Close your eyes and pay attention to the sensation you perceive in both hands. Is there a difference? Do you feel one hand more than the other? Describe the feeling to your partner. After a while, switch hands. What do you feel now? Most likely you will be able to feel the tension in your partner s shoulders. This feels quite different from the feeling that is prevalent in the hand that is resting upon your own thigh. You can experiment with the same technique by yourself in the same way to get a feeling for the Byosen. Place one hand on one of you upper thighs and the other on one of your shoulder. It is preferreble to do it with a partner though, because in your practice you will be working with others... A good way to find these negatively charged body areas is by scanning either the front or the back of your client s body. I prefer to treat my clients laying on their backs- it seems more comfortable for most of us. Scanning the body As your client to lay down on his back or on his belly, whatever is more comfortable. You can also do this with the client sitting in a chair, if no massage table is available. Begin by placing one or both of your hands above the crown chakra of your client and feel your self into his energybody. Is one of your hands more sensitive? If yes, use the more sensitive hand for now. After you have practiced with this hand for a while, use your other hand to make it more sensitive. Now run one or both of your hands very slowly down the front or the back of your client s body. Keep them 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) above your client s body. What do you feel? Do you perceive a difference in temperature, a magnetic feeling, a tingle in your hand(s)? Every time you notice something of this kind, stop and place your hands upon that body area. Rest your hands upon this area until the sensation (hot, cold, a tingle, a magnetic push or pull, pins and needles) goes away and your hands feel normal again. Keep going until you have scanned the whole body of the client. If you should feel any pain in your hands, arms or shoulders while treating your client's problem area, don t worry about it. When Reiki energy enters a negatively charged body area this may happen as part of a natural process. Keep your hands there until the pain goes away. If it should become unbearable- which may happen when treating a seriously ill client- take your hands off and shake them out, before placing them on the clients body once more. Dont worry about taking on your clients negative energy: this usually does not happen with Reiki. If it does happen to you, talk to your Reiki- Teacher...I wish you and your clients a lot of fun and great healing results with the Byosen technique.

Byosen Part One

In the words of my teacher, Chiyoko Yamaguchi, illness has to do with the accumulation of toxins in the body. She told us that the body deposits toxic materials in strategic places. Those are the inner organs, the large joints, the head, the area where the lymph nodes and lymphatic ducts ran, as well as the problem area if there is one. Chiyoko told us that toxic materials are deposited around the inner organs and thus impede the organs natural oscillation process. When the organs cannot oscillate in the way they are meant to, their proper function is inhibited. When they do not work properly they go to sleep or atrophy. In order to help the body work properly again we energize it by giving it Reiki (Soul Energy). Reiki activates the immune system and then the body is able to eliminate the accumulated substances. While touching a body part that has accumulated toxic substances you get a certain feedback from the body. This feedback is called Byosen in Japanese, and I would like to let you know how this is perceived and worked with. The following article is the first of a series of three originally written for William Rands Reiki News magazine. Part two will be sent to you in a couple of months. Reiki Ryoho Usui Sensei, who was blessed with Reiki while preparing for death at Mount Kurama, Kyoto, in March 1926, called what he experienced on the 21st day of his fast: The secret art of inviting happiness, the spiritual medicine for all illnesses. When he began teaching what he was given in April 1922, he founded an association for his work called the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. In four years of teaching, he taught 20 teachers. A photograph of these teachers dated January 1926, can be found in Tadao Yamaguchis delightful book Jikiden Reiki published by Lotus Press Wisconsin. One of those fully trained teachers was Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who, according to one of his many students, Chiyoko Yamaguchi, founded his own Association in 1925, with his Masters blessings. Hayashi Sensei, being a licensed physician, taught the same way his teacher did. He taught his art to many students. Two of them that are known to us in the Western Reiki world, are Chiyoko Yamaguchi and Hawayo Takata. The latter brought Reiki from Japan to the USA, thus liberating it from the constraints of a strict traditional and secretive Japanese healing art and spreading it all over the globe. Without her efforts none of us would have learned Reiki Yet for reasons unclear, she changed the system considerably. Whether these changes took place deliberately, or for certain reasons we do not know. As far as I can see, she probably forgot some of what she had learned: between learning and teaching the art of Reiki passed about 30 years. It is possible that she deleted some of what she learned, because she did not find it suitable for the Western Mind. May be she did not understand the importance of one or the other techniques? And possibly she changed some aspects, because they may not have been in accordance with American law.

The main difference between what later developed as the Western Reiki Tradition, and the original Japanese Reiki Tradition, is the practical way of giving a treatment. What is also different is that in Japan Reiki is traditionally used as a healing art- not for wellness. Most of us may have learned to follow a systematic system of hand positions in every treatment. This does not exist in Japan. Usui Sensei and Hayashi Sensei gave handbooks to their students that contained certain positions, but this was meant as a guideline for the beginner only. The real thing was something unknown to most Western Reiki practitioners. According to Mrs. Kimiko Koyama, the previous president of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai as well as Chiyoko Sensei, both Usui Sensei and Hayashi Sensei followed what is called in Japanese Byosen. The word Byosen is a Japanese word, but it is Reiki specific. You will neither find it in the dictionary, nor in any other healing art. It is made up of two Chinese characters. The first one is byo which means sick, ill or illness and the second one is sen which stands for gland, line (as in blood vessel or lymphatic duct) or accumulation. In our case what is meant is accumulation. How Reiki Works Dr. Hayashi, according to Chiyoko Sensei, often explained how Reiki functions: he said that it detoxifies the body. For this he used a beautiful analogy, which his students called The muddy stream. He said that if you look at a stream, it looks clear and beautiful. But if you disturb the water (giving a Reiki treatment) the mud from the bottom comes up to the surface, making all the water appear dirty (healing- crisis, the toxins have entered the bodys liquids). If you then keep cleaning the water of the impurities that have come up (more Reiki), it becomes cleaner and cleaner until the whole stream is reborn The client has come back to his natural equilibrium once more, as some of the muck sinks down to the bottom again. The toxicity of the Body Hayashi Sensei said that the body accumulates toxins because of wrong movement, wrong food, as well as bad physical, emotional and mental habits. These toxins are deposited in certain places in the body, mainly around the large joints, the lymph and the inner organs as well as the head. If body and mind and the environment they live in work together well, the body will eliminate these toxins. The internal avenues of elimination are the intestinal tract, the liver, the kidneys, the bladder and the bodily liquids. Some toxins are expelled through the sweat glands and, if something along the line is not in perfect order, the body eliminates them through the skin as well. If, for some reasons, toxins cannot be eliminated, the toxicity increases until the balance in the body tips and health turns into illness. The first step to illness maybe tension on all levels! If the body is not well taken care of then, the inner organs will become toxic and ...ill. Someone who has been trained in the art of finding the byosen and in watching its movements can monitor the process I described above. According to Koyama Sensei it takes several years to perfect this skill. When I first read her descriptions in her teaching manual that I was given about ten years ago, I felt suspicious. I thought that I could teach what she described to my students in a weekend. But over the years I realized that I ought to be more humble. The art of Byosen is quite complex as well as amazingly rewarding. Chiyoko Sensei often used to say that you couldnt 3

treat someone successfully without following the byosen. To give you a taste of it, I would like to describe it below. What is the byosen? The byosen is the frequency that is emitted from a tense, injured or ill body part. But that is not all there is to it. It is also the reaction of the body to the incoming Reiki energy. Resulting from that, an experienced practitioner can estimate the time needed for a treatment and the time needed for the recovery of his client. All the above sounds a little negative, but the good news is that the byosen is not a bad boy: It is a sign of Life. Our body is in a constant movement of finding its natural balance. This balance does not remain forever; it changes moment by moment- and so do we! The different processes in the body The first step is to become aware of all the different processes in the body. You feel the energy flowing through your hand and into your client. You probably feel the pulse of your client. You may be aware of an energetic pulse of the body that you are touching. You may feel the movement of energy in the body you are touching. You feel the temperature, the texture and the density of the body. And, you may feel the byosen. Because of the multitude of the impressions, it is easier to feel the byosen in someone elses body. Because of that it is easier to begin practicing with another. The easiest way to practice is with a client who is unwell, because the byosen will be strong and tangible. Levels of Byosen The byosen has five levels, all of which you probably have experienced in your practice. But you may not have been aware of the fact that there is a system to it. In general the following is universally true. But you may discover your own individual way of experiencing the byosen. Let it teach you. The first level is: 1. Heat. This heat is above body temperature. 2. Strong heat. This heat makes your palms sweat 3. Tingling. The tingling can be experienced as pins and needles, as a magnetic feeling, or as your hands falling asleep. 4. Pulsation, cold. The pulsation can be strong or weak, slow or fast. When the place you touch feels cold, it is not the fault of your hands, but a sign of Byosen level 4. 5. Pain in the hand of the practitioner. This pain may be felt in the hand, in the fingers or in the back of the hand. It may move up your hand into the forearm, and may continue all the way up to your shoulder. If that happens, dont worry. Koyama Sensei said that pain happens when positive Reiki Energy flows into a strongly negatively charged body area. All that you need to do is to stay there until it goes away. Change your hands if it becomes too uncomfortable, or take them off for a while. Then place them on the same spot again. Dont be afraid to be contaminated by bad energy. Reiki is a one-way street The first three levels of byosen are a sign of tension or light toxicity. This is nothing to worry about, but it is time to give plenty of Reiki, if possible, daily treatments until level two or one have been reached. 4

The movement of the byosen The byosen does not remain constant, but it moves in cycles. Usually these cycles come and go in intervals of 10- 15 minutes. That means that you must stay in one position for a long time, to be able to detect and watch the byosen. A foundation treatment is good for general wellness or stress related issues. However, if your client is seriously ill, I suggest working with the byosen. When you place your hands on a body part that is ill, you will feel the byosen in that area. It may come up right away, or may take some time to develop. If the practitioner is experienced, he will feel it instantly. Let's say you feel a byosen #5 right away. It increases and the pain you feel in your hand will move up your arm. When it is most intense, you know that it will soon diminish. So, after the peak comes a valley. Sometimes the byosen flat lines completely and you feel nothing, or, just the flow of energy. Stay where you are and dont move to another position. Maybe you will feel nothing at all for another 10 minutes. Then comes the next wave... it increases, peaks and then diminishes... Some exceptions An infection can display a fast and violent byosen, but that may not mean that the clients life is in danger. Another exception is when you do not feel a byosen at all. This means that the client is either dead (!), or the body is too toxic to react at all (yet). This happens after chemotherapy for example, or in heavy cases of drug abuse, diabetes etc. After one, two or three sessions the body will have gathered enough energy to react. A constant byosen level five is a bad sign. If the client does not know that he is ill, send him to the doctor without scaring him too much. The duration of a treatment Chiyoko Sensei told us that it would be helpful to watch four or five byosen peaks per treatment. That means we should treat the client for 60-90 minutes during which we should not move, or at least not move much in order to follow the byosen. If the peaks grow smaller, the recovery of the client is underway. If they remain constant, more Reiki is needed the next day and the next and the next: until the peaks diminish and we end up with a level 1-2 byosen. And then you and the client are happy again

Byosen Part Two

To refresh your memory, the byosen has been discovered to have five distinct levels: Levels of byosen 1. Heat. This heat is above normal body temperature. 2. Strong heat. This heat makes your palms sweat. 3. Tingling. The tingling can be experienced as pins and needles, as a magnetic feeling, or as your hands falling asleep. 4. Pulsation, cold. The pulsation can be strong or weak, slow or fast. When the place you touch feels cold, it is not the fault of your hands, but a sign of byosen level four. 5

5. Pain in the hand of the practitioner. This pain may be felt in the hand, in the fingers or in the back of the hand. It may move up your hand into the forearm, and may continue all the way up to your shoulder. Working with the Byosen In Japan only a beginner is taught standard hand positions for certain illnesses. Both Usui Sensei and Hayashi Sensei gave their beginner students handbooks that explained what to do with the most common ailments of that time. This was done so the students could get to work before they understood the art of byosen. With time he will learn from his teacher how to listen to the body of the client, and to the workings of the energy. But please dont misunderstand that to be a psychic ability, or intuition. The Japanese approach is not exclusively intuitive. Instead it is perception. To be perceptive can be learned, and this happens most easily in the presence of a skilled teacher. We have noticed over the years that the teachers expertise flows naturally to his students in his physical presence. This is the natural law of the spirit. The higher vibration transforms the lower. However, understanding the way the body works is a good beginning. The first thing one needs to train in order to be perceptive is awareness. Begin with being aware of all the information that your senses supply you with. Look at the body of your client with the utmost attention and awareness. Notice every little thing. The client may not know what he needs, but his body does. His body will give you the abovementioned signs in the form of the five levels of byosen. The byosen attracts your attention, it pulls your hands to itself. Also the byosen tells you how the healing is going as well as how to proceed. There are three traditional ways to aid you in your work. 1. The first technique is really not a technique at all. A client comes to you and tells you what his physical problem is. He has been diagnosed by a health- care practitioner and maybe he experiences pain or discomfort. You place your hands on that body part and feel the byosen. If you feel a strong byosen, level four or five, you know that something serious is happening there which needs serious and possibly time- consuming attention. As you keep your hands on this area you watch the peaks and valleys of the byosen. It comes and goes in waves. You keep working with the client until the peaks have diminished to level two or one. One example: A seminar participant was supposed to have his gall bladder removed a few days after the workshop. She had developed very painful stones and the doctors saw no other way for her than surgery. Every day, for five days I worked on her with the group. On the first day I felt a strong byosen, level five. During the treatment one of us held her head, one held her feet, two or three held other positions and I placed my hands on the gallbladder for the whole duration. The byosen changed after two peaks and dropped to a strong level four. I felt the area cold, and imagined the stones turning to dust. The next day we began again with a light level five and from then on the byosen dropped dramatically. On the third day, all I felt was a strong tingle- level three. By the end of the training, after five days, there was only heat to be felt. I asked her quite strongly to have a checkup before surgery, because I knew that the body was taking good care of itself. Her healing powers were activated and I was confident that the body could heal itself now. All the others felt it too. The surgery was cancelled by a surprised physician.

2. The second technique is called Reiji- Ho in Japanese. It comes directly from Usui Sensei, who taught it to his students. In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Healing Method Association) this technique is thought to be one of the Pillars of Reiki. They suggest to practice and perfect it over the course of many years. This may seem strange to you, because the technique is rather innocent looking. But I promise you, it is a tiger in a sheep skin. The words Reiji- Ho mean indication of the spirit or in our case, indication of the Reiki Energy. These are the instruction for this technique: Step One: Fold your hands in Gassho* and bow lightly. Now become aware of the Reiki flowing through you. (Someone who has been attuned to Reiki will feel this instantly. Most of us feel a pulsation, or waves of energy in between your palms.) Step Two: Pray for the healing and wellbeing of the client on all levels (without judgment). Step Three: Lift your hands up in front of your forehead, thus activating the third eye, and ask the Reiki energy to take your hands to where they are most needed in this moment. Now you will receive an inspiration that tells you where you shall place your hands. This may come in a variety of forms. It may come to you as a thought or as an emotion. You may see an inner image, or an etheric one. You may just know where to go. You may hear an inner voice telling you where to go. You may sense what is happening to your client. Or you may feel a subtle sensation in your own body, pointing you in the right direction. Once you follow this perception by placing your hand on the clients respective body part, the sensation in your own body disappears. After you have received the information in whatever form, you place your hand on the body, and pay attention to the byosen. Depending on the strength of the signal, remain there until it decreases to level one or two. The first part of this technique is linked to your intuition, but the second part is perception. And this is what I personally like about working with the byosen. You can always verify what you intuit by placing your hands on the body. I am not comfortable with the emperors invisible clothes Several years ago I showed this technique to an old friend who is an internationally wellknown physician. I stood behind him for a couple of seconds and then told him which areas of his body needed attention. He could not believe his ears, and immediately invited me to a congress. This technique turns Reiki into a very serious healing art, and should be learned by everyone who practices Reiki. After you have worked with this technique for a while, you may not need to go through the motions anymore, or you may find your own way of doing it. Maybe you just need to look at someone to be able to tell what is happening to his body. Personally I am not a very skilled at these things- and if I can learn it I promise you that you will be really good at it! This technique can be used for psychic development in other areas of life as well. *The word Gassho means two hands coming together. The correct way to practice Gassho is to hold the hands up, with the palms close together. Each finger is supposed to lie upon the respective finger of the other hand. The hands are held so that the finger- tips are held just below the nose. The elbows are not touching the body, but there is enough space in between the inside of the upper arm and the armpit to fit in an egg. The back is held erect and the head floating up by itself as if held up by a helium- filled balloon.

3. The third technique is scanning the body. This is usually done by running your hands over the body through the aura of the client slowly and consciously. While doing so, you pay attention to the subtle changes in the perception of your hands. Scan the whole body and remember or write down the areas that were indicated. After you have covered the whole body, go to the place where the impulse was strongest, place your hands on it and wait for the byosen to develop. In both the second and the third technique, the byosen pulls your hands to the place that needs attention. You can also scan the body from the inside. Place your hands on the body and listen carefully. Listen with love and devotion and you will hear the melody of the body you are touching. Body and mind will reveal their secrets to you. Sensitivity and Perception Your hands may already be sensitive, and they may require some perception training. One hand may be more sensitive than the other at the moment, but eventually both are able to feel the energy equally well. It is possible that you may feel the byosen with one hand or with both, depending on the size of the area that is afflicted. You may also feel it only in one finger, or, in the back of the hand. You will be surprised how accurate it can be. In the next issue of the ReikiDharma Newsletter, I will share with you how you can increase the perception in your hands.

Byosen Part Three

Perception Training The most important thing to understand is that perceiving the byosen is not a psychic ability, but perception. This perception can be trained by practicing simple exercises. If you would like to develop your psychic abilities as well, please practice the Reiji- Ho Technique described in part two of this series. Sensitivity and Perception Your hands are already sensitive after you have been initiated into Reiki, yet they may require some additional perception training to feel the byosen clearly. The traditional way to increase the perception in Reiki is divided into two pathways. One depends upon your teacher; the other depends on your personal practice. Hayashi Sensei sometimes demanded that students practice on their own before he was ready to give them an attunement. Training with your teacher Reiju The most precious gift your teacher can give you is the attunement. The Japanese word for attunement is Reiju. In this case, the word Rei means, soul or spirit. The word Ju means to grant or to give. When the soul forces that are dormant in your being are activated by your teacher, the energy awakens and your hands become super- sensitive. After receiving a Reiju is a good time to practice perceiving the byosen for that reason. In Japanese Reiki circles it is said that is helpful but not absolutely necessary to repeat the Reiju at least once a month- until you yourself become a teacher. One Reiju opens the door to the

Soul. My personal favorite Reiju ritual is what I learned from Chiyoko(Yamaguchi) Sensei in 2002. But any ritual that is well- proven to activate Reiki and is close enough to the original, will do. Giving treatments together with your teacher When I trained with Chiyoko Sensei, the participants practiced giving Reiki to each other daily. Under her guidance it was easy to learn: she was an expert in giving treatments with 65 years of actual experience and a heart full of love. I felt like a Reiki baby in her presence We, her students- noticed that we felt the byosen more easily when working with her. In the physical presence of the teacher your vibration is raised to that of your teacher temporarily. If your teacher is capable, his capability (temporarily) becomes yours and you learn rapidly. By repeating this experience as often as possible, you will be able to work on your own later on in the same way. The best way to practice on your own is to work on someone who is seriously ill, because the byosen is felt strongly. If someone just doesnt feel well the byosen is often minimal and hard to catch for a beginner. Your individual Practice Below I will share with you a few techniques that you can work with either alone, or with a partner. Three of them are what Usui Sensei taught to his students with the name Hatsuleiho. (Exercises to strengthen your energy and perception). These are the Gassho Meiso, Joshin KokyuHo and Kenyoku. The first Hatsureiho Technique: Gassho Meiso (Gassho Meditation) Preparation The first technique to increase your perception is the Gassho meditation. You sit with your eyes gently closed in a quiet and preferably darkened room. It may be helpful to place your tongue against your front teeth, and to breathe through your nose as you breathe in- and through your mouth when you breathe out. When breathing out, the tongue automatically drops down. If you like, imagine that you are looking at something beautiful through your closed eyelids, about ten inches in front of you. This focuses the energy on the third eye and makes it easier to be single- pointed. Make sure that you are not disturbed, and that there is nothing that needs to be done. Turn off the telephone and, for half an hour say goodbye to all worldly activities. If you can sit quietly without any movement of body and mind, the results are best. But if you have a backache and your knees are pinching you, dont hesitate to practice anyway. The occasional thought will not disturb you much Make sure that the area just above and just below your navel is relaxed and not tight. Wear comfortable pants or open the top- button if necessary so you can breathe easily into your Tanden (two or three fingers width below your belly button). Fold your hands in front of your heart. The word Gassho means two hands coming together. The correct way to practice Gassho is to hold the hands up, with the palms touching. Each finger is supposed to lie upon the respective finger of the other hand. The hands are held so that the fingertips are held just below the nose. The elbows are not touching the body, but there is enough space in between the inside of the upper arm and the armpit to fit in an egg. The back is held erect and the head floating up by itself as if held up by a helium- filled balloon. 9

The Technique Focus your attention on the place where the two middle fingers meet. In the Japanese ReikiTradition it is said that the middle fingers have the strongest current of Reiki Energy. (Remember that when giving treatments in an area too small for the whole hand). Now pay attention to what is happening in the palms of your hands, as well as in all the fingers. You are probably going to experience a pulsation or tingling sensation in some or in all parts of your hands and fingers. This is the Reiki- Energy. Keep your attention on this process and your middle fingers for at least twenty or thirty minutes. When the time you have given yourself for this meditation is up, take your hands down, rest for a few minutes and then continue with your daily activities. If you have more time, continue as follows: Additional practice This can be done with open or closed eyes, preferably in a darkened room, because you may actually be able to see the energy that is generated. Mrs. Koyama of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai said that you can see the energy playing around your fingers in purple rays. You may see this with open- or with closed eyes. If darkening the room is too time- consuming, do it in daylight or outside in a beautiful quiet place in nature. The Technique Your hands are in the Gassho Position. Move the palms of your hands slightly apart, so that there is a space of about one or two inches in between them. Feel the energy between your hands and when you do, compress the air/energy between your palms, by moving your hands slowly away from each other, and then again closer to each other. You may also move your hands towards or away from your body slowly, as if forming a ball of energy. Slowly let your hands come apart further and further. Each time make sure you take enough time to feel the energy between your palms. If you dont feel the energy anymore at some point, let your hands come closer together again. Then, when you feel it once more, let them move further apart again. Continue to do so until your hands are about shoulder- width apart, or more. Then, in your own time, return very slowly and consciously to the Gassho Position. Remain with your hands folded for a minute or two, and then let them come down. Take a few minutes to return to life This exercise can be done on the train, or in nature, at home or at the office when you have a few minutes of time. When visiting a power spot (like Mount Kurama for example), you may feel the energy instantly, just by moving your palms apart. There is no time limit for this exercise: you decide the length of it in any given situation. Partner Exercise for strengthening the perception Exercise One


Do the same thing described above with a partner, placing the palm of one of your hands on the palm of your partners hand. Then continue as described above. Exercise Two Place one hand on your partners body and one hand on your own upper thigh. It does not matter which hand you place on your partners body. If your partner has a physical problem in his body, place your hand on that area. If he does not have a problem, or is not aware of one, place your hand on his shoulder. You probably remember that we said earlier that toxicity accumulates around the large joints of the body, the inner organs, the head, the lymphatic system and the afflicted area(s). On the shoulders or between the shoulder blades the byosen readily shows itself in every one of us. Now pay attention to what you are feeling in both hands. Knowing the pulse of the ReikiEnergy will help you distinguish what is going on. Whenever you touch the body- whether it is your own, or someone elses, the energy immediately begins to flow. Chiyoko Sensei always said when she touched the body On and when she took her hands off she said Off. Once initiated into Reiki, this is what happens whatever you do, awake or asleep, conscious or unaware in good spirits or when youre having a bad day. You will now feel different sensations in both hands. The hand resting on your thigh will probably pulsate with the Reiki pulse slightly. It will feel warm, relaxed, comfortable and neutral (unless you have just run the New York Marathon). The other hand will perceive something entirely different: you will become aware of the byosen of your partners shoulder. You may feel a tingling sensation, a strong pulsation or even pain in your hand. Exercise Three Partner exercise. One partner sits quietly as the other prepares himself. Begin as in Technique One and let the energy build up between your palms for a few minutes. Let the palms move away from one another slowly. When your hands are about fifteen inches apart, move them to the left and right side of your partners head, making a Reiki Burger out of his head. Move your hands slowly to and from the head, feeling the subtle changes in the flow of energy. In this case you are not scanning for anything, but administering a treatment- and being aware of the energy flow at the same time. The same exercise can be done distantly. Follow the standard procedure for distant healing. After ten or fifteen minutes switch over. Now you rest and your partner prepares himself, then begins the treatment. These exercises are to be done without the previously described Gassho Meditation. But make sure you do begin with folding your hands in the Gassho position, wait until you perceive the Reiki- Pulse, and only then, begin Remembering Compassion While practicing the above techniques please remember that you are doing it for your clients. Practicing with this attitude you dont get too involved with the phenomena that you may experience. The utmost goal of Reiki is not the fireworks, but compassion. Remember the fifth Reiki Principle: be kind to others (hito ni shinsetsu ni).


The second Hatsureiho Technique: Joshin Kokyu- Ho (breathing exercise to purify the spirit) Preparation This is the second of the exercises to strengthen your sensitivity as well as the output of Reiki energy. Remember the principle law of energy: whatever you pay attention to grows Pay attention to sensitivity and energy and you have more of both. Sit in a comfortable position with closed or open eyes in a quiet and preferably darkened room. To find out what is easier for you, test both ways. Some of us are visited by more thoughts when the eyes are open; others are busier with the eyes closed. To make matters more complicated this may change according to the inner seasons! In any case testing it just takes a minute or two. It may be helpful to place your tongue against your front teeth, and to breathe through your nose as you breathe in, and to breathe through your mouth when you breathe out. When breathing out, the tongue automatically drops down. If practicing with closed eyes, imagine you are looking at something beautiful through your closed eyelids, about ten inches in front of you. Make sure you are not disturbed, and there is nothing that needs to be done. Turn off the telephone and, for ten minutes say goodbye to all your responsibilities. If you can sit quietly without any movement of body and mind, keeping your back erect, the results are best. But if you have a backache and your knees are pinching you, dont hesitate to practice anyway. Make sure the area just above and just below your navel is relaxed and not tight. Wear comfortable pants or open the top- button if necessary, so you can breathe easily into your Tanden (two or three fingers width below your belly button). The Technique This technique should initially not be practiced for more than three to five minutes. If you find yourself dizzy or light- headed, you know that you have overdone it already. Stop the exercise immediately, breathe normally and take a few minutes before you resume with whatever you were doing before. Breathe in through your nose and imagine that you are breathing in a mixture of air and Reiki- Energy through the top of your head- your crown chakra. Pull this breath into your lower abdomen, into your Tanden. Hold your breath and the energy there for a moment or two. While you are holding it, allow this energy to fill your body and energy body, reaching all the corners of it and nourishing it. Let the nectar flow and then slowly and consciously, breathe out. Make sure that you hold your breath only for a few seconds. No need to aim for a new world record! When you breathe out, breathe out through your mouth and imagine that you are simultaneously breathing out the accumulated energy through your hands, your fingers and fingertips as well as your feet and toes.


You can do this exercise alone, to increase your energy, or practice while giving a treatment. You will be surprised by the Turbo Reiki effect. Gradually increase the time you spend breathing like this, until it becomes second nature. Side effects: be careful, breathing properly will change your life! Precaution During pregnancy and if afflicted with high blood pressure, take it easy with this exercise, because it may bring the blood pressure up even more. I suggest you take two or three normal breaths, and then one as described above. If in doubt, measure your blood pressure while practicing. Increase the time for this exercise slowly. Begin with 2 minutes. The third Hatsureiho Technique: Kenyoku (dry bathing) Of this lovely technique I have come across three versions over the years. It is hard to say which one is right. Experiment with all of them and find out which one fits which you. This may not always be the same follow your bodys inner wisdom. Kenyoku is used to strengthen your energy and disconnect yourself from people, things, situations, thoughts and emotions, as if standing under a waterfall and letting the clear mountainnectar cleanse you from head to toe. The Technique, version One Place your right hand on the left side of your chest, over the collarbone. Now stroke down gently across your chest to the right hip- bone. Do the same with your left hand, starting on the right side of your chest, above the collar bone. Stroke down gently towards your left hip- bone. Repeat the movement with your right hand. Now put your right hand on your left shoulder and stroke down gently over your arm and the palm of your hand, down past your finger- tips. Do the same stroke with your left hand over your right arm and repeat the pattern once more with your right hand stroking along your left arm. I was taught this version by someone who used to be a Buddhist monk. In his school of Reiki they add a Gassho at the end, to add a little spice of gratitude. Version Two and Three The other two version begin the same way with three diagonal strokes over the torso. In the second version you then proceed to stroke over the outside of the arms three times (right, left, right). In the third version you stroke over the wrists three times. If you are left- handed or feel more comfortable stroking with your left hand, begin with the left hand. Giving Treatments Once properly trained by your teacher, you can discover the wonderful world of the byosen by yourself. You can practice the techniques mentioned above and most of all: give treatments. When Chiyoko Sensei met foreign and Japanese Reiki Teachers who did not learn from her, she always asked them first: Do you do treatments? And, have any of your clients recovered from a 13

serious illness? If they answered no she wondered, What in the world do you teach when you have no experience? Trouble shooting You dont feel anything Your teacher has not been able to guide you well, but it is never too late. Practice the Joshin Kokyu- Ho technique described above. If that does not help you, think about which representational system you use predominantly. Are you a kinesthetic, an auditory or a visual person? I once talked to a friend who is a musician. She told me that she had Reiki two, but did not feel the energy. I thought it would be impossible to be a musician and not feel anything. So I asked her to listen to the body of the next client, as if it were a song. She called back to say that she listened, she heard and now she feels If you are auditory, listen, if kinesthetic feel, if visual, see (inner and outer as well as etheric images). If one hand is more sensitive than the other Train the less sensitive hand. Choose an area with a strong byosen and place the hand that is more sensitive on it. Wait a while to let the byosen develop. Once you receive a strong signal, change hands and, again, let the byosen develop. If the signal lessens, change back to your more sensitive hand. With a bit of practice, both hands are able to feel the energy equally well. If you feel a different byosen in both hands Since there are many areas in the body where toxicity accumulates, you may feel a different byosen in both hands. This is not due to the sensitivity of your hands, but thats exactly what is happening in the body. The area that one hand rests upon may be more toxic than the other. If you feel the clients byosen in your own body Dont worry about this, but be grateful instead. This is a wonderful way to find out what is happening in the body of the client. You are simply using your body as an instrument. Touch the respective body part of your client, and the itch in your body will go away. No need to worry about receiving negative energy from your client: Reiki is a One Way Street. You feel the byosen only in one finger, or, in the back of the hand. This is possible when the afflicted area is very small. Lets say your client has a cavity in one of his teeth and you place your hands on both cheeks. You may feel the byosen only above the injured tooth. You dont feel the byosen in your hands, but somewhere else in your body A friend of mine perceives the byosen in his feet, instead of in his hands. Be open to anything you may perceive, trust your inner wisdom and if in doubt, ask your teacher for guidance. Words of encouragement The ways of the byosen are still relatively un- charted. Keep working with the mind of a pioneer. Every client, every illness and every fate is unique. Know that the only thing required of 14

you is to have a heart filled with love and to do absolutely nothingThe more you disappear, the more Reiki takes over to do the job. I trust that a combination of these exercises and receiving Reiju repeatedly will have a lovely effect on your hands and your clients body and soul. Your clients, the people that you are practicing Reiki for, will be blessed by this benediction and Usui Senseis last wish will become true: that Reiki will heal the Earth and its inhabitants, with love and gratitude, your friend Frank Arjava Petter Copyright 2008 by Frank Arjava Petter http://www.Reikidharma.com


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