Facebook Media Kit 2013 - Ads & Sponsored Stories (By Facebook Inc.)
Facebook Media Kit 2013 - Ads & Sponsored Stories (By Facebook Inc.)
Facebook Media Kit 2013 - Ads & Sponsored Stories (By Facebook Inc.)
The Facebook media kit provides an overview of Facebooks advertising and Sponsored Stories products. It is a tactical guide for advertising and marketing professionals wishing to understand the basic workings of the Facebook advertising programme.
media kit
Media kit
(click to view)
Facebook Mission
Global statistics Connecting with peoples friends Reaching people with accurate targeting Brand resonance & ROI 4 5 6 7
Sophisticated ad targeting 19
Ad formats - RHS of homepage Ad formats - RHS of Facebook 21 22 23 24 25
Social is not an objective Facebook ad destinations Facebook ad placements Ads inside Facebook Ads to external websites (option 1) Ads to external websites (option 2) Ads to external websites (option 3) Sponsored Stories Products for each objective 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ad formats - News feed Desktop Ad formats - News feed Mobile Log-Out Experience
Page 2
Facebook Mission
Make the world more open and connected
Media kit
58% 1 Billion
Return daily
3:03 2:07
Yahoo Google Facebook
YOY growth
Page 4
Source: Desktop: comScore global monthly data, September 2012; Mobile:: comScore US monthly data, September 2012
Media kit
92% 47%
Source: Nielsen, April 2012: Global Consumers Trust in Earned Advertising Grows in Importance.
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Media kit
Reach the right people more efficiently with more accurate ad targeting
94% 77%
Cost Savings
Cost Savings
Online average Facebook Online average Facebook
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generated a
of campaigns
or greater return on ad spend generated a
Online average
Online average
of campaigns
Better ad recall
or greater return on ad spend
Page 7
Channels and placements
Media kit
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Media kit
For example, when you want to connect people with your Facebook Page, generate engagement with your pages content or drive users to an application.
External Site
When you want to send people to an external website or other destination outside of Facebook.
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Media kit
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Media kit
1. Inside Facebook
Everything starts with your page
Right-hand side on Facebook
Available placements
2 1
Create a post on your page
Choose between 6 different types of posts: status (text), image, video, link, event or question
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Log-Out Experience
Media kit
2. External website
Option 1 - Using an offsite ad
Right-hand side on Facebook
Jaspers Market Come and check out our fresh produce at our brand new website!
Available placements
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Log-Out Experience
Media kit
2. External website
Option 2 - Using a page post link ad
Right-hand side on Facebook
Available placements
2 1
Create a post on your page containing a link
This creates a link box which pulls in an image and basic information from the site to which you are linking
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Log-Out Experience
Media kit
2. External website
Option 3 - Placing links within the text component of the page post
Right-hand side on Facebook
Available placements
Including a link within the text of various page posts
When posting content such as photo or videos you can include a link within the descriptive text
The resulting ad will be a page post ad containing the link
This can be powerful as it uses a photo or video to stand out but is still capable of driving people off-site
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Log-Out Experience
Media kit
Sponsored Stories
Organic stories with the reach of paid media
Right-hand side on Facebook
Available placements
3 1
Distribute content
From the page posts you have created and paid to promote, your content is now being distributed across Facebook
Users engage with your content
The Facebook audience engages with your content in the form of likes, comments and shares, all of which in turn generate additional stories about your brand from users to their friends
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Log-Out Experience
Media kit
Recommended Products
Page like ads Sponsored stories
(Page like)
Recommended Placements
News feed desktop News feed mobile Right-hand side Log-Out Experience News feed desktop News feed mobile Log-Out Experience News feed desktop News feed mobile Log-Out Experience News feed desktop News feed mobile
Sponsored stories
(Video, photo, questions)
Video plays
O2 (click here to view) BT (click here to view) Sainsburys (click here to view)
Fan engagement
Sponsored stories
(Video, photo, questions)
News feed mobile Right-hand side News feed desktop News feed mobile Gamepoint (click here to view) McDonalds (click here to view) Dominos (click here to view) Costa Crociere (click here to view)
Sponsored stories
(Claim, RSVP, link)
There are 2 main ways to buy Facebook Ads & Sponsored Stories: CPC via Self Serve, CPM via IO. Talk to your local Facebook representative for more information. Page 17
Media kit
Age Gender Market
City / State / Zip Birthday Education Workplace Relationship status
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Media kit
Offsite ad
Title: 25 characters Text: 90 characters Image: 110x80 px
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Media kit
Offsite ad
Title: 25 characters Text: 90 characters Image: 100x72 px
Page like ad
Title: 25 characters Text: 90 characters Image: 110x80 px
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Media kit
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Media kit
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Media kit
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