Ython Programming For Physicists: Hapter
Ython Programming For Physicists: Hapter
Ython Programming For Physicists: Hapter
A Python program consists of a list of instructions, resembling a mixture of English words and mathematics and collectively referred to as code. Well see exactly what form the instructions take in a moment, but rst we need to know how and where to enter them into the computer.
When you are programming in Pythondeveloping a program, as the jargon goesyou typically work in a development environment, which is a window or windows on your computer screen that show the program you are working on and allow you to enter or edit lines of code. There are several different development environments available for use with Python, but the most commonly used is the one called IDLE.2 If you have Python installed on your computer then you probably have IDLE installed as well. (If not, it is available as a free download from the web.3 ) How you start IDLE depends on what kind of computer you have, but most commonly you click on an icon on the desktop or under the start menu on a PC, or in the dock or the applications folder on a Mac. If you wish, you can now start IDLE running on your computer and follow along with the developments in this chapter step by step. The rst thing that happens when you start IDLE is that a window appears on the computer screen. This is the Python shell window. It will have some text in it, looking something like this: Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 21 2011, 21:12:33) Type "help" for more information. >>> This tells you what version of Python you are running (your version may be different from the one above), along with some other information, followed by the symbol >>>, which is a prompt: it tells you that the computer is ready for you to type something in. When you see this prompt you can type any command in the Python language at the keyboard and the computer will carry out that command immediately. This can be a useful way to quickly try individual Python commands when youre not sure how something works, but its not the main way that we will use Python commands. Normally, we want to type in an entire Python program at once, consisting of many commands one after another, then run the whole program together. To do this, go to the top of the window, where you will see a set of menu headings. Click on the File menu and select New Window. This will create a second window on the screen, this one completely empty. This is an editor window. It behaves dif2 IDLE stands for Integrated Development Environment (sort of). The name is also a joke, the Python language itself being named, allegedly, after the inuential British comedy troupe Monty Python, one of whose members was the comedian Eric Idle. 3 For Linux users, IDLE does not usually come installed automatically, so you may have to install it yourself. The most widely used brands of Linux, including Ubuntu and Fedora, have freely available versions of IDLE that can be installed using their built-in software installer programs.
ferently from the Python shell window. You type a complete program into this window, usually consisting of many lines. You can edit it, add things, delete things, cut, paste, and so forth, in a manner similar to the way one works with a word processor. The menus at the top of the window provide a range of word-processor style features, such as cut and paste, and when you are nished writing your program you can save your work just as you would with any other computer program. Then you can run your complete program, the whole thing, by clicking on the Run menu at the top of the editor window and selecting Run Module (or you can press the F5 function key, which is quicker). This is the main way in which we will use Python and IDLE in this book. To get the hang of how it works, try the following quick exercise. Open up an editor window if you didnt already (by selecting New Window from the File menu) and type the following (useless) two-line program into the window, just as it appears here: x = 1 print(x) (If its not obvious what this does, it will be soon.) Now save your program by selecting Save from the File menu at the top of the editor window and typing in a name.4 The names of all Python programs must end with .py, so a suitable name might be or something like that. (If you do not give your program a name ending in .py then the computer will not know that it is a Python program and will not handle it properly when you try to load it againyou will probably nd that such a program will not even run at all, so the .py is important.) Once you have saved your program, run it by selecting Run module from the Run menu. When you do this the program will start running, and any output it producesanything it says or does or prints outwill appear in the Python shell window (the other window, the one that appeared rst). In this case you should see something like this in the Python shell window:
4 Note that you can have several windows open at once, including the Python shell window and one or more editor windows, and that each window has its own File menu with its own Save item. When you click on one of these to save, IDLE saves the contents of the specic window you clicked on. Thus if you want to save a program you must be careful to click on the File menu in the window containing the program, rather than in any other window. If you click on the menu in the shell window, for instance, IDLE will save the contents of the shell window, not your program, which is probably not what you wanted.
1 >>> The only result of this small program is that the computer prints out the number 1 on the screen. (Its the value of the variable x in the programsee Section 2.2.1 below.) The number is followed by a prompt >>> again, which tells you that the computer is done running your program and is ready to do something else. This same procedure is the one youll use for running all your programs and youll get used to it soon. Its a good idea to save your programs, as here, when theyre nished and ready to run. If you forget to do it, IDLE will ask you if you want to save before it runs your program. IDLE is by no means the only development environment for Python. If you are comfortable with computers and enjoy trying things out, there are a wide range of others available on the Internet, mostly for free, with names like PyDev, Eric, BlackAdder, Komodo, Wing, and more. Feel free to experiment and see what works for you, or you can just stick with IDLE. IDLE can do everything well need for the material in this book. But nothing in the book will depend on what development environment you use. As far as the programming and the physics go, they are all equivalent.
A program is a list of instructions, or statements, which under normal circumstances the computer carries out, or executes, in the order they appear in the program. Individual statements do things like performing arithmetic, asking for input from the user of the program, or printing out results. The following sections introduce the various types of statements in the Python language one by one. 2.2.1 VARIABLES AND ASSIGNMENTS
Quantities of interest in a programwhich in physics usually means numbers, or sets of numbers like vectors or matricesare represented by variables, which play roughly the same role as they do in ordinary algebra. Our rst example of a program statement in Python is this: x = 1
This is an assignment statement. It tells the computer that there is a variable called x and we are assigning it the value 1. You can think of the variable as a box that stores a value for you, so that you can come back and retrieve that value at any later time, or change it to a different value. We will use variables extensively in our computer programs to represent physical quantities like positions, velocities, forces, elds, voltages, probabilities, and wavefunctions. In normal algebra variable names are usually just a single letter like x, but in Python (and in most other programming languages) they dont have to be they can be two, three, or more letters, or entire words if you want. Variable names in Python can be as long as you like and can contain both letters and numbers, as well as the underscore symbol _, but they cannot start with a number, or contain any other symbols, or spaces. Thus x and Physics_101 are ne names for variables, but 4Score&7Years is not (because it starts with a number, and also because it contains a &). Upper- and lower-case letters are distinct from one another, meaning that x and X are two different variables which can have different values.5 Many of the programs you will write will contain large numbers of variables representing the values of different things and keeping them straight in your head can be a challenge. It is a very good ideaone that is guaranteed to save you time and effort in the long runto give your variables meaningful names that describe what they represent. If you have a variable that represents the energy of a system, for instance, you might call it energy. If you have a variable that represents the velocity of an object you could call it velocity. For more complex concepts, you can make use of the underscore symbol _ to create variable names with more than one word, like maximum_energy or angular_velocity. Of course, there will be times when single-letter variable names are appropriate. If you need variables to represent the x and y positions of an object, for instance, then by all means call them x and y. And theres no reason why you cant call your velocity variable simply v if that seems natural to you. But whatever you do, choose names that help you remember what the variables represent.
Also variables cannot have names that are reserved words in Python. Reserved words are the words used to assemble programming statements and include for, if, and while. (We will see the special uses of each of these words in Python programming later in the chapter.)
Variables come in several types. Variables of different types store different kinds of quantities. The main types we will use for our physics calculations are the following: Integer: Integer variables can take integer values and integer values only, such as 1, 0, or 286784. Both positive and negative values are allowed, but not fractional values like 1.5. Float: A oating-point variable, or oat for short, can take real, or oating-point, values such as 3.14159, 6.63 1034 , or 1.0. Notice that a oating-point variable can take an integer value like 1.0 (which after all is also a real number), by contrast with integer variables which cannot take noninteger values. Complex: A complex variable can take a complex value, such as 1 + 2j or 3.5 0.4j. Notice that in Python the unit imaginary number is called j, not i. (Despite this, we will use i in some of the mathematical formulas we derive in this book, since it is the common notation among physicists. Just remember that when you translate your formulas into computer programs you must use j instead.) You might be asking yourself what these different types mean. What does it mean that a variable has a particular type? Why do we need different types? Couldnt all values, including integers and real numbers, be represented with complex variables, so that we only need one type of variable? In principle they could, but there are great advantages to having the different types. For instance, the values of the variables in a program are stored by the computer in its memory, and it takes twice as much memory to store a complex number as it does a oat, because the computer has to store both the real and imaginary parts. Even if the imaginary part is zero (so that the number is actually real), the computer still takes up memory space storing that zero. This may not seem like a big issue given the huge amounts of memory computers have these days, but in many physics programs we need to store enormous numbers of variablesmillions or billions of themin which case memory space can become a limiting factor in writing the program. Moreover, calculations with complex numbers take longer to complete, because the computer has to calculate both the real and imaginary parts. Again, even if the imaginary part is zero, the computer still has to do the calculation, so it takes longer either way. Many of our physics programs will involve millions or billions of operations. Big physics calculations can take days or weeks 14
to run, so the speed of individual mathematical operations can have a big effect. Of course, if we need to work with complex numbers then we will have to use complex variables, but if our numbers are real, then it is better to use a oating-point variable. Similar considerations apply to oating-point variables and integers. If the numbers we are working with are genuinely noninteger real numbers, then we should use oating-point variables to represent them. But if we know that the numbers are integers then using integer variables is usually faster and takes up less memory space. Moreover, integer variables are in some cases actually more accurate than oating-point variables. As we will see in Section 4.2, oating-point calculations on computers are not innitely accurate. Just as on a hand-held calculator, computer calculations are only accurate to a certain number of signicant gures (typically about 16 on modern computers). That means that the value 1 assigned to a oating-point variable may actually be stored on the computer as 0.9999999999999999. In many cases the difference will not matter much, but what happens, for instance, if something special is supposed to take place in your program if, and only if, the number is less than 1? In that case, the difference between 1 and 0.9999999999999999 could be crucially important. Numerous bugs and problems in computer programs have arisen because of exactly this kind of issue. Luckily there is a simple way to avoid it. If the quantity youre dealing with is genuinely an integer, then you should store it in an integer variable. That way you know that 1 means 1. Integer variables are not accurate to just 16 signicant gures: they are perfectly accurate. They represent the exact integer you assign to them, nothing more and nothing less. If you say x = 1, then indeed x is equal to 1. This is an important lesson, and one that is often missed when people rst start programming computers: if you have an integer quantity, use an integer variable. In quantum mechanics most quantum numbers are integers. The number of atoms in a gas is an integer. So is the number of planets in the solar system or the number of stars in the galaxy. Coordinates on lattices in solid-state physics are often integers. Dates are integers. The population of the world is an integer. If you were representing any of these quantities in a program it would in most cases be an excellent idea to use an integer variable. More generally, whenever you create a variable to represent a quantity in one of your programs, think about what type of value that quantity will take and choose the type of your variable to match it.
And how do you tell the computer what type you want a variable to be? The name of the variable is no help. A variable called x could be an integer or it could be a complex variable. The type of a variable is set by the value that we give it. Thus for instance if we say x = 1 then x will be an integer variable, because we have given it an integer value. If we say x = 1.5 on the other hand then it will be a oat. If we say x = 1+2j it will be complex. Very large oating-point or complex values can be specied using scientic notation, in the form x = 1.2e34 (which means 1.2 1034 ) or x = 1e-12 + 2.3e45j (which means 1012 + 2.3 1045 j). The type of a variable can change as a Python program runs. For example, suppose we have the following two lines one after the other in our program: x = 1 x = 1.5 If we run this program then after the rst line is executed by the computer x will be an integer variable with value 1. But immediately after that the computer will execute the second line and x will become a oat with value 1.5. Its type has changed from integer to oat.6 However, although you can change the types of variables in this way, it doesnt mean you should. It is considered poor programming to use the same variable as two different types in a single program, because it makes the program signicantly more difcult to follow and increases the chance that you may make a mistake in your programming. If x is an integer in some parts of the program and a oat in others then it becomes difcult to remember which it is and confusion can ensue. A good programmer, therefore, will use a given variable to store only one type of quantity in a given program. If you need a variable to store another type, use a different variable with a different name. Thus, in a well written program, the type of a variable will be set the rst time it is given a value and will remain the same for the rest of the program. This doesnt quite tell us the whole story, however, because as weve said a oating-point variable can also take an integer value. There will be times when
If you have previously programmed in one of the so-called static-typed languages, such as C, C++, Fortran, or Java, then youll be used to creating variables with a declaration such as int i which means Im going to be using an integer variable called i. In such languages the types of variables are xed once they are declared and cannot change. There is no equivalent declaration in Python. Variables in Python are created when you rst use them, with types which are deduced from the values they are given and which may change when they are given new values.
we wish to give a variable an integer value, like 1, but nonetheless have that variable be a oat. Theres no contradiction in this, but how do we tell the computer that this is what we want? If we simply say x = 1 then, as we have seen, x will be an integer variable. There are two simple ways to do what we want here. The rst is to specify a value that has an explicit decimal point in it, as in x = 1.0. The decimal point is a signal to the computer that this is a oating-point value (even though, mathematically speaking, 1 is of course an integer) and the computer knows in this situation to make the variable x a oat. Thus x = 1.0 species a oating-point variable called x with the value 1. A slightly more complicated way to achieve the same thing is to write x = float(1), which tells the computer to take the value 1 and convert it into a oating-point value before assigning it to the variable x. This also achieves the goal of making x a oat. A similar issue can arise with complex variables. There will be times when we want to create a variable of complex type, but we want to give it a purely real value. If we just say x = 1.5 then x will be a real, oating-point variable, which is not what we want. So instead we say x = 1.5 + 0j, which tells the computer that we intend x to be complex. Alternatively, we can write x = complex(1.5), which achieves the same thing. There is one further type of variable, the string, which is often used in Python programs but which comes up only rarely in physics programming, which is why we have not mentioned it so far. A string variable stores text in the form of strings of letters, punctuation, symbols, digits, and so forth. To indicate a string value one uses quotation marks, like this: x = "This is a string" This statement would create a variable x of string type with the value This is a string. Any character can appear in a string, including numerical digits. Thus one is allowed to say, for example, x = "1.234", which creates a string variable x with the value 1.234. Its crucial to understand that this is not the same as a oating-point variable with the value 1.234. A oating-point variable contains a number, the computer knows its a number, and, as we will shortly see, one can do arithmetic with that number, or use it as the starting point for some mathematical calculation. A string variable with the value 1.234 does not represent a number. The value 1.234 is, as far as the computer is concerned, just a string of symbols in a row. The symbols happen to be digits (and a decimal point) in this case, but they could just as easily be letters or 17
spaces or punctuation. If you try to do arithmetic with a string variable, even one that appears to contain a number, the computer will most likely either complain or give you something entirely unexpected. We will not have much need for string variables in this book and they will as a result appear only rather rarely. One place they do appear, however, is in the following section on output and input. In all of the statements we have seen so far you are free to put spaces between parts of the statement. Thus x=1 and x = 1 do the exact same thing; the spaces have no effect. They can, however, do much to improve the readability of a program. When we start writing more complicated statements in the following sections, we will nd it very helpful to add some spaces here and there. There are a few places where one cannot add extra spaces, the most important being at the beginning of a line, before the start of the statement. As we will see in Section 2.3.1, inserting extra spaces at the beginning of a line does have an effect on the way the program works. Thus, unless you know what you are doing, you should avoid putting spaces at the beginning of lines. You can also include blank lines between statements in a program, at any point and as many as you like. This can be useful for separating logically distinct parts of a program from one another, again making the program easier to understand. We will use this trick many times in the programs in this book to improve their readability. 2.2.3 O UTPUT AND INPUT STATEMENTS
We have so far seen one example of a program statement, the assignment statement, which takes the form x = 1 or something similar. The next types of statements we will examine are the statements for output and input of data in Python programs. We have already seen one example of the basic output statement, or print statement. In Section 2.1 we gave this very short example program: x = 1 print(x) The rst line of this program we understand: it creates an integer variable called x and gives it the value 1. The second statement tells the computer to print the value of x on the screen of the computer. Note that it is the value of the variable x that is printed, not the letter x. The value of the variable in this case is 1, so this short program will result in the computer printing a 1
on the screen, as we saw on page 12. The print statement always prints the current value of the variable at the moment the statement is executed. Thus consider this program: x = 1 print(x) x = 2 print(x) First the variable x is set to 1 and its value is printed out, resulting in a 1 on the screen as before. Then the value of x is changed to 2 and the value is printed again, which produces a 2 on the screen. Overall we get this: 1 2 Thus the two print statements, though they look identical, produce different results in this case. Note also that each print statement starts its printing on a new line. The print statement can be used to print out more than one thing at a time. Consider this program: x = 1 y = 2 print(x,y) which produces this result: 1 2 Note that the two variables in the print statement are separated by a comma. When their values are printed out, however, they are printed with a space between them (not a comma). We can also print out words, like this: x = 1 y = 2 print("The value of x is",x,"and the value of y is",y) which produces this on the screen: The value of x is 1 and the value of y is 2
Adding a few words to your program like this can make its output much easier to read and understand. You can also have print statements that print out only words if you like, as in print("The results are as follows") or print("End of program"). The print statement can also print out the values of oating-point and complex variables. For instance, we can write x = 1.5 z = 2+3j print(x,z) and we get 1.5 (2+3j) In general, a print statement can include any string of quantities separated by commas, or text in quotation marks, and the computer will simply print out the appropriate things in order, with spaces in between.7 Occasionally you may want to print things with something other than spaces in between, in which case you can write something like the following: print(x,z,sep="...") which would print 1.5...(2+3j) The code sep="..." tells the computer to use whatever appears between the quotation marks as a separator between valuesthree dots in this case, but you could use any letters, numbers, or symbols you like. You can also have no separator between values at all by writing print(x,z,sep="") with nothing between the quotation marks, which in the present case would give 1.5(2+3j)
7 The print statement is one of the things that differs between Python version 3 and earlier versions. In earlier versions there were no parentheses around the items to be printedyou would just write print x. If you are using an earlier version of Python with this book then you will have to remember to omit the parentheses from your print statements. Alternatively, if you are using version 2.6 or later (but not version 3) then you can make the print statement behave as it does in version 3 by including the statement from future import print function at the start of your program. (Note that there are two underscore symbols before the word future and two after it.) See Appendix B for further discussion of the differences between Python versions.
Input statements are only a little more complicated. The basic form of an input statement in Python is like this: x = input("Enter the value of x: ") When the computer executes this statement it does two things. First, the statement acts something like a print statement and prints out the quantity, if any, inside the parentheses.8 So in this case the computer would print the words Enter the value of x: . If there is nothing inside the parentheses, as in x = input(), then the computer prints nothing, but the parentheses are still required nonetheless. Next the computer will stop and wait. It is waiting for the user to type a value on the keyboard. It will wait patiently until the user types something and then the value that the user types is assigned to the variable x. However, there is a catch: the value entered is always interpreted as a string value, even if you type in a number.9 (We encountered strings previously in Section 2.2.2.) Thus consider this simple two-line program: x = input("Enter the value of x: ") print("The value of x is",x) This does nothing more than collect a value from the user then print it out again. If we run this program it might look something like the following: Enter the value of x: 1.5 The value of x is 1.5 This looks reasonable. But we could also do the following:
8 It doesnt act exactly like a print statement however, since it can only print a single quantity, such as a string of text in quotes (as here) or a variable, where the print statement can print many quantities in a row. 9 Input statements are another thing that changed between versions 2 and 3 of Python. In version 2 and earlier the value generated by an input statement would have the same type as whatever the user entered. If the user entered an integer, the input statement would give an integer value. If the user entered a oat it would give a oat, and so forth. However, this was considered confusing, because it meant that if you then assigned that value to a variable (as in the program above) there would be know way to know in advance what the type of the variable would bethe type would depend on what the user entered at the keyboard. So in version 3 of Python the behavior was changed to its present form in which the input is always interpreted as a string. If you are using a version of Python earlier than version 3 and you want to reproduce the behavior of version 3 then you can write x = raw input(). The function raw input in earlier versions is the equivalent of input in version 3.
Enter the value of x: Hello The value of x is Hello As you can see value is interpreted rather loosely. As far as the computer is concerned, anything you type in is a string, so it doesnt care whether you enter digits, letters, a complete word, or several words. Anything is ne. For physics calculations, however, we usually want to enter numbers, and have them interpreted correctly as numbers, not strings. Luckily it is straightforward to convert a string into a number. The following will do it: temp = input("Enter the value of x: ") x = float(temp) print("The value of x is",x) This is slightly more complicated. It receives a string input from the user and assigns it to the temporary variable temp, which will be a string-type variable. Then the statement x = float(temp) converts the string value to a oating-point value, which is then assigned to the variable x, and this is the value that is printed out. One can also convert string input values into integers or complex numbers with statements of the form x = int(temp) or x = complex(temp). In fact, one doesnt have to use a temporary variable. The code above can be expressed more succinctly like this: x = float(input("Enter the value of x: ")) print("The value of x is",x) which takes the string value given by input, converts it to a oat, and assigns it directly to the variable x. We will use this trick many times in this book. In order for this program to work, the value the user types must be one that makes sense as a oating-point value, otherwise the computer will complain. Thus, for instance, the following is ne: Enter the value of x: 1.5 The value of x is 1.5 But if I enter the wrong thing, I get this: Enter the value of x: Hello ValueError: invalid literal for float(): Hello
This is our rst example of an error message. The computer, in rather opaque technical jargon, is complaining that we have given it an incorrect value. Its normal to make a few mistakes when writing or using computer programs, and you will soon become accustomed to the occasional error message (if you are not already). Working out what these messages mean is one of the tricks of the businessthey are often not entirely transparent. 2.2.4 A RITHMETIC
So far our programs have done very little, certainly nothing that would be much use for physics. But we can make them much more useful by adding some arithmetic into the mix. In most places where you can use a single variable in Python you can also use a mathematical expression, like x+y. Thus you can write print(x) but you can also write print(x+y) and the computer will calculate the sum of x and y for you and print out the result. The basic mathematical operations addition, subtraction, etc.are written as follows: x+y x-y x*y x/y x**y addition subtraction multiplication division raising x to the power of y
Notice that we use the asterisk symbol * for multiplication and the slash symbol / for division, because there is no or symbol on a standard computer keyboard. Two more obscure, but still useful operations, are integer division and the modulo operation: x//y the integer part of x divided by y, meaning x is divided by y and the part after the decimal point is discarded. For instance, 14//3 gives 4. modulo, which means the remainder after x is divided by y. For instance, 14%3 gives 2, because 14 divided by 3 gives 4-remainder2. This also works for nonintegers: 1.5%0.4 gives 0.3, because 1.5 is 3 0.4, remainder 0.3. (There is, however, no modulo operation for complex numbers.) The modulo operation is particularly useful for telling when one number is divisible by anotherthe value of n%m will be zero if n is divisible by m. Thus, for instance, n%2 is zero if n is even (and one if n is odd). 23
There are a few other mathematical operations available in Python as well, but theyre more obscure and rarely used.10 An important rule about arithmetic in Python is that the type of result a calculation gives depends on the types of the variables that go into it. Consider, for example, this statement x = a + b If a and b are variables of the same typeinteger, oat, complexthen when they are added together the result will also have the same type and this will be the type of variable x. So if a is 1.5 and b is 2.4 the end result will be that x is a oating-point variable with value 3.9. Note when adding oats like this that even if the end result of the calculation is a whole number, the variable x would still be oating point: if a is 1.5 and b is 2.5, then the result of adding them together is 4, but x will still be a oating-point variable with value 4.0 because the variables a and b that went into it are oating point. If a and b are of different types, then the end result has the more general of the two types that went into it. This means that if you add a oat and an integer, for example, the end result will be a oat. If you add a oat and a complex variable, the end result will be complex. The same rules apply to subtraction, multiplication, integer division, and the modulo operation: the end result is the same type as the starting values, or the more general type if there are two different starting types. The division operation, howeverordinary non-integer division denoted by /is slightly different: it follows basically the same rules except that it never gives an integer result. Only oating-point or complex values result from division. This is necessary because you can divide one integer by another and get a noninteger result (like 3 2 = 1.5 for example), so it wouldnt make sense to have integer starting values always give an integer nal result.11 Thus if you divide any
Such as: x|y bitwise (binary) OR of two integers x&y bitwise (binary) AND of two integers x^y bitwise (binary) XOR of two integers x>>y shift the bits of integer x rightwards y places x<<y shift the bits of integer x leftwards y places
11 This is another respect in which version 3 of Python differs from earlier versions. In version 2 and earlier all operations gave results of the same type that went into them, including division. This, however, caused a lot of confusion for exactly the reason given here: if you divided 3 by 2, for
combination of integers or oats by one another you will always get a oatingpoint value. If you start with one or more complex numbers then you will get a complex value at the end. You can combine several mathematical operations together to make a more complicated expression, like x+2*y-z/3. When you do this the operations obey rules similar to those of normal algebra. Multiplications and divisions are performed before additions and subtractions. If there are several multiplications or divisions in a row they are carried out in order from left to right. Powers are calculated before anything else. Thus x+2*y x-y/2 3*x**2 x/2*y is equivalent to is equivalent to is equivalent to is equivalent to x + 2y x 1y 2 3x2 1 2 xy
You can also use parentheses () in your algebraic expressions, just as you would in normal algebra, to mark things that should be evaluated as a unit, as in 2*(x+y). And you can add spaces between the parts of a mathematical expression to make it easier to read; the spaces dont affect the value of the expression. So x=2*(a+b) and x = 2 * ( a + b ) do the same thing. Thus the following are allowed statements in Python x = a + b/c x = (a + b)/c x = a + 2*b - 0.5*(1.618**c + 2/7) On the other hand, the following will not work: 2*x = y You might expect that this would result in the value of x being set to half the value of y, but its not so. In fact, if you write this line in a program the computer will simply stop when it gets to that line and print a typically cryptic error messageSyntaxError: cant assign to operatorbecause it
instance, the result had to be an integer, so the computer rounded it down from 1.5 to 1. Because of the difculties this caused, the language was changed in version 3 to give the current more sensible behavior. You can still get the old behavior of dividing then rounding down using the integer divide operation //. Thus 3//2 gives 1 in all versions of Python. If you are using Python version 2 (technically, version 2.1 or later) and want the newer behavior of the divide operation, you can achieve it by including the statement from future import division at the start of your program. The differences between Python versions are discussed in more detail in Appendix B.
doesnt know what to do. The problem is that Python does not know how to solve equations for you by rearranging them. It only knows about the simplest forms of equations, such as x = y/2. If an equation needs to be rearranged to give the value of x then you have to do the rearranging for yourself. Python will do basic sums for you, but its knowledge of math is very limited. To be more precise, statements like x = a + b/c in Python are not technically equations at all, in the mathematical sense. They are assignments. When it sees a statement like this, what your computer actually does is very simpleminded. It rst examines the right-hand side of the equals sign and evaluates whatever expression it nds there, using the current values of any variables involved. When it is nished working out the value of the whole expression, and only then, it takes that value and assigns it to the variable on the left of the equals sign. In practice, this means that assignment statements in Python sometimes behave like ordinary equations, but sometimes they dont. A simple statement like x = 1 does exactly what you would think, but what about this statement: x = x + 1 This does not make sense, under any circumstances, as a mathematical equation. There is no way that x can ever be equal to x + 1it would imply that 0 = 1. But this statement makes perfect sense in Python. Suppose the value of x is currently 1. When the statement above is executed by the computer it rst evaluates the expression on the right-hand side, which is x + 1 and therefore has the value 1 + 1 = 2. Then, when it has calculated this value it assigns it to the variable on the left-hand side, which just happens in this case to be the same variable x. So x now gets a new value 2. In fact, no matter what value of x we start with, this statement will always end up giving x a new value that is 1 greater. So this statement has the simple (but often very useful) effect of increasing the value of x by one. Thus consider the following lines: x = 0 print(x) x = x**2 - 2 print(x) What will happen when the computer executes these lines? The rst two are straightforward enough: the variable x gets the value 0 and then the 0 gets printed out. But then what? The third line says x = x**2 - 2 which in nor26
mal mathematical notation would be x = x2 2, which is a quadratic equation with solutions x = 2 and x = 1. However, the computer will not set x equal to either of these values. Instead it will evaluate the right-hand side of the equals sign and get x2 2 = 02 2 = 2 and then set x to this new value. Then the last line of the program will print out -2. Thus the computer does not necessarily do what one might think it would, based on ones experience with normal mathematics. The computer will not solve equations for x or any other variable. It wont do your algebra for you its not that smart. Another set of useful tricks are the Python modiers, which allow you to make changes to a variable as follows: x += 1 x -= 4 x *= -2.6 x /= 5*y x //= 3.4 add 1 to x (i.e., make x bigger by 1) subtract 4 from x multiply x by 2.6 divide x by 5 times y divide x by 3.4 and round down to an integer
As we have seen, you can achieve the same result as these modiers with statements like x = x + 1, but the modiers are more succinct. Some people also prefer them precisely because x = x + 1 looks like bad algebra and can be confusing. Finally in this section, a nice feature of Python, not available in most other computer languages, is the ability to assign the values of two variables with a single statement. For instance, we can write x,y = 1,2.5 which is equivalent to the two statements x = 1 y = 2.5 One can assign three or more variables in the same way, listing them and their assigned values with commas in between. A more sophisticated example is x,y = 2*z+1,(x+y)/3 An important point to appreciate is that, like all other assignment statements, this one calculates the whole of the right-hand side of the equation before assigning values to the variables on the left. Thus in this example the computer 27
will calculate both of the values 2*z+1 and (x+y)/3 from the current x, y, and z, before assigning those calculated values to x and y. One purpose for which this type of multiple assignment is commonly used is to interchange the values of two variables. If we want to swap the values of x and y we can write: x,y = y,x and the two will be exchanged. (In most other computer languages such swaps are more complicated, requiring the use of an additional temporary variable.) E XAMPLE 2.1: A BALL DROPPED FROM A TOWER Let us use what we have learned to solve a rst physics problem. This is a very simple problem, one we could easily do for ourselves on paper, but dont worrywe will move onto more complex problems shortly. The problem is as follows. A ball is dropped from a tower of height h. It has initial velocity zero and accelerates downwards under gravity. The challenge is to write a program that asks the user to enter the height in meters of the tower and a time interval t in seconds, then prints on the screen the height of the ball above the ground at time t after it is dropped, ignoring air resistance. The steps involved are the following. First, we will use input statements to get the values of h and t from the user. Second, we will calculate how far the ball falls in the given time, using the standard kinematic formula s = 1 gt2 , 2 where g = 9.81 ms2 is the acceleration due to gravity. Third, we print the height above the ground at time t, which is equal to the total height of the tower minus this value, or h s. Heres what the program looks like, all four lines of it:12 File: h = float(input("Enter the height of the tower: ")) t = float(input("Enter the time interval: ")) s = 9.81*t**2/2 print("The height of the ball is",h-s,"meters")
12 Many of the example programs in this book are also available on-line for you to download and run on your own computer if you wish. The programs, along various other useful resources, are packaged together in a single zip le (of size about ten megabytes) which can be downloaded from Throughout the book, a name printed in the margin next to a program, such as above, indicates that the complete program can be found, under that name, in this le. Any mention of programs or data in the on-line resources also refers to the same le.
Let us use this program to calculate the height of a ball dropped from a 100 m high tower after 1 second and after 5 seconds. Running the program twice in succession we nd the following: Enter the height of the tower: 100 Enter the time interval: 1 The height of the ball is 95.095 meters Enter the height of the tower: 100 Enter the time interval: 5 The height of the ball is -22.625 meters Notice that the result is negative in the second case, which means that the ball would have fallen to below ground level if that were possible, though in practice the ball would hit the ground rst. Thus a negative value indicates that the ball hits the ground before time t. Before we leave this example, heres a suggestion for a possible improvement to the program above. At present we perform the calculation of the distance traveled with the single line s = 9.81*t**2/2, which includes the constant 9.81 representing the acceleration due to gravity. When we do physics calculations on paper, however, we normally dont write out the values of con1 stants in full like this. Normally we would write s = 2 gt2 , with the understanding that g represents the acceleration. We do this primarily because its easier to read and understand. A single symbol g is easier to read than a row of digits, and moreover the use of the standard letter g reminds us that the quantity we are talking about is the gravitational acceleration, rather than some other constant that happens to have value 9.81. Especially in the case of constants that have many digits, such as = 3.14159265 . . ., the use of symbols rather than digits in algebra makes life a lot easier. The same is also true of computer programs. You can make your programs substantially easier to read and understand by using symbols for constants instead of writing the values out in full. This is easy to dojust create a variable to represent the constant, like this: g = 9.81 s = g*t**2/2 You only have to create the variable g once in your program (usually somewhere near the beginning) and then you can use it as many times as you like thereafter. Doing this also has the advantage of decreasing the chances that
youll make a typographical error in the value of a constant. If you have to type out many digits every time you need a particular constant, odds are you are going to make a mistake at some point. If you have a variable representing the constant then you know the value will be right every time you use it, just so long as you typed it correctly when you rst created the variable.13 Using variables to represent constants in this way is one example of a programming trick that improves your programs even though it doesnt change the way they actually work. Instead it improves readability and reliability, which can be almost as important as writing a correct program. We will see other examples of such tricks later.
Exercise 2.1: Another ball dropped from a tower A ball is again dropped from a tower of height h with initial velocity zero. Write a program that asks the user to enter the height in meters of the tower and then calculates and prints the time the ball takes until it hits the ground, ignoring air resistance. Use your program to calculate the time for a ball dropped from a 100 m high tower. Exercise 2.2: Altitude of a satellite A satellite is to be launched into a circular orbit around the Earth so that it orbits the planet once every T seconds. a) Show that the altitude h above the Earths surface that the satellite must have is h= GMT 2 4 2
where G = 6.67 1011 m3 kg1 s2 is Newtons gravitational constant, M = 5.97 1024 kg is the mass of the Earth, and R = 6371 km is its radius. b) Write a program that asks the user to enter the desired value of T and then calculates and prints out the correct altitude in meters. c) Use your program to calculate the altitudes of satellites that orbit the Earth once a day (so-called geosynchronous orbit), once every 90 minutes, and once every 45 minutes. What do you conclude from the last of these calculations?
13 In some computer languages, such as C, there are separate entities called variables and constants, a constant being like a variable except that its value can be set only once in a program and is xed thereafter. There is no such thing in Python, however; there are only variables.
There are many operations one might want to perform in a program that are more complicated than simple arithmetic, such as multiplying matrices, calculating a logarithm, or making a graph. Python comes with facilities for doing each of these and many other common tasks easily and quickly. These facilities are divided into packagescollections of related useful thingsand each package has a name by which you can refer to it. For instance, all the standard mathematical functions, such as logarithm and square root, are contained in a package called math. Before you can use any of these functions you have to tell the computer that you want to. For example, to tell the computer you want to use the log function, you would add the following line to your program: from math import log This tells the computer to import the logarithm function from the math package, which means that it copies the code dening the function from where it is stored (usually on the hard disk of your computer) into the computers memory, ready for use by your program. You need import each function you use only once per program: once the function has been imported it continues to be available until the program ends. You must import the function before the rst time you use it in a calculation and it is good practice to put the from statement at the very start of the program, which guarantees that it occurs before the rst use of the function and also makes it easy to nd when you are working on your code. As we write more complicated programs, there will often be situations where we need to import many different functions into a single program with many different from statements, and keeping those statements together in a tidy block at the start of the code will make things much easier. Once you have imported the log function you can use it in a calculation like this: x = log(2.5) which will calculate the (natural) logarithm of 2.5 and set the variable x equal to the result. Note that the argument of the logarithm, the number 2.5 in this case, goes in parentheses. If you miss out the parentheses the computer will complain. (Also if you use the log function without rst importing it from the math package the computer will complain.) The math package contains a good selection of the most commonly used mathematical functions: 31
log log10 exp sin, cos, tan asin, acos, atan sinh, cosh, tanh sqrt
natural logarithm log base 10 exponential sine, cosine, tangent (argument in radians) arcsine, arccosine, arctangent (in radians) hyperbolic sine, cosine, tangent positive square root
Note that the trigonometric functions work with angles specied in radians, not degrees. And the exponential and square root functions may seem redundant, since one can calculate both exponentials and square roots by taking powers. For instance, x**0.5 would give the square root of x. Because of the way the computer calculates powers and roots, however, using the functions above is usually quicker and more accurate. The math package also contains a number of less common functions, such as the Gaussian error function and the gamma function, as well as two objects that are not functions at all but constants, namely e and , which are denoted e and pi. This program, for instance, calculates the value of 2 : from math import pi print(pi**2) which prints 9.86960440109 (which is roughly the right answer). Note that there are no parentheses after the pi when we use it in the print statement, because it is not a function. Its just a variable called pi with value 3.14159 . . . The functions in the math package do not work with complex numbers and the computer will give an error message if you try. But there is another package called cmath that contains versions of most of the same functions that do work with complex numbers, plus a few additional functions that are specic to complex arithmetic. In some cases you may nd you want to use more than one function from the same package in a program. You can import two different functionssay the log and exponential functionswith two from statements, like this: from math import log from math import exp but a more succinct way to do it is to use a single line like this: from math import log,exp
You can import a list as long as you like from a single package in this way: from math import log,exp,sin,cos,sqrt,pi,e You can also import all of the functions in a package with a statement of the form from math import * The * here means everything.14 In most cases, however, I advise against using this import-everything form because it can give rise to some unexpected behaviors (for instance, if, unbeknownst to you, a package contains a function with the same name as one of your variables, causing a clash between the two). Its usually better to explicitly import only those functions you actually need to use.15 Finally, some large packages are for convenience split into smaller subpackages, called modules. A module within a larger package is referred to as packagename.modulename. As we will see shortly, for example, there are a large number of useful mathematical facilities available in the package called numpy, including facilities for linear algebra and Fourier transforms, each in their own module within the larger package. Thus the linear algebra module is called numpy.linalg and the Fourier transform module is called numpy.fft (for fast Fourier transform). We can import a function from a module thus: from numpy.linalg import inv This would import the inv function, which calculates the inverse of a matrix. Smaller packages, like the math package, have no submodules, in which case one could, arguably, say that the entire package is also a module, and in
14 There is also another way to import the entire contents of a package in Python, with a statement of the form import math. If you use this form, however, then when you subsequently use one of the imported functions you have to write, for example, x = math.log(2.5), instead of just x = log(2.5). Since the former is more complicated and annoying, it gets used rather rarely. Moreover the existence of the two types of import, and particularly their simultaneous use in the same program, can be quite confusing, so we will use only the from form in this book. 15 A particular problem is when an imported package contains a function with the same name as a previously existing function. In such a case the newly imported one will be selected in favor of the previous one, which may not always be what you want. For instance, the packages math and cmath contain many functions with the same names, such as sqrt. But the sqrt function in cmath works with complex numbers and the one in math does not. If one did from cmath import * followed by from math import *, one would end up with the version of sqrt that works only with real numbers. And if one then attempted to calculate the square root of a complex number, one would get an error message.
such cases the words package and module are often used interchangeably. E XAMPLE 2.2: C ONVERTING POLAR COORDINATES Suppose the position of a point in two-dimensional space is given to us in polar coordinates r, and we want to convert it to Cartesian coordinates x, y. How would we write a program to do this? The appropriate steps are: 1. Get the user to enter the values of r and . 2. Convert those values to Cartesian coordinates using the standard formulas: x = r cos , y = r sin . (2.1) 3. Print out the results. Since the formulas (2.1) involve the mathematical functions sin and cos we are going to have to import those functions from the math package at the start of the program. Also, the sine and cosine functions in Python (and in most other computer languages) take arguments in radians. If we want to be able to enter the angle in degrees then we are going to have to convert from degrees to radians, which means multiplying by and dividing by 180. Thus our program might look something like this: File: from math import sin,cos,pi r = float(input("Enter r: ")) d = float(input("Enter theta in degrees: ")) theta = d*pi/180 x = r*cos(theta) y = r*sin(theta) print("x =",x," y =",y) Take a moment to read through this complete program and make sure you understand what each line is doing. If we run the program, it will do something like the following: Enter r: 2 Enter theta in degrees: 60 x = 1.0 y = 1.73205080757 (Try it for yourself if you like.) 34
There are a small number of functions in Python, called built-in functions, which dont come from any package. These functions are always available to you in every program; you do not have to import them. We have in fact seen several examples of built-in functions already. For instance, we saw the float function, which takes a number and converts it to oating point (if its not oating point already): x = float(1) There are similar functions int and complex that convert to integers and complex numbers. Another example of a built-in function, one we havent seen previously, is the abs function, which returns the absolute value of a number, or the modulus in the case of a complex number. Thus, abs(-2) returns the integer value 2 and abs(3+4j) returns the oating-point value 5.0. Earlier we also used the built-in functions input and print, which are not mathematical functions in the usual sense of taking a number as argument and performing a calculation on it, but as far as the computer is concerned they are still functions. Consider, for instance, the statement x = input("Enter the value of x: ") Here the input function takes as argument the string Enter the value of x: , prints it out, waits for the user to type something in response, then sets x equal to that something. The print function is slightly different. When we say print(x) print is a function, but it is not here generating a value the way the log or input functions do. It does something with its argument x, namely printing it out on the screen, but it does not generate a value. This differs from the functions we are used to in mathematics, but its allowed in Python. Sometimes you just want a function to do something but it doesnt need to generate a value.
Exercise 2.3: Write a program to perform the inverse operation to that of Exercise 2.2. That is, ask the user for the Cartesian coordinates x, y of a point in two-dimensional space, and calculate and print the corresponding polar coordinates, with the angle given in degrees.
Exercise 2.4: A spaceship travels from Earth in a straight line at relativistic speed v to another planet x light years away. Write a program to ask the user for the value of x and the speed v as a fraction of the speed of light c, then print out the time in years that the spaceship takes to reach its destination (a) in the rest frame of an observer on Earth and (b) as perceived by a passenger on board the ship. Use your program to calculate the answers for a planet 10 light years away with v = 0.99c. Exercise 2.5: A well-known quantum mechanics problem involves a particle of mass m that encounters a one-dimensional potential step, like this:
E R incoming T V
The particle with initial kinetic energy E and wavevector k1 = 2mE/ enters from the h left and encounters a sudden jump in potential energy of height V at position x = 0. By solving the Schrodinger equation, one can show that when E > V the particle may either (a) pass the step, in which case it has a lower kinetic energy of E V on the other side and a correspondingly smaller wavevector of k2 = 2m( E V )/ , or (b) it may h be reected, keeping all of its kinetic energy and an unchanged wavevector but moving in the opposite direction. The probabilities T and R for transmission and reection are given by 2 k1 k2 4k1 k2 , R= . T= ( k 1 + k 2 )2 k1 + k2
Suppose we have a particle with mass equal to the electron mass m = 9.11 1031 kg and energy 10 eV encountering a potential step of height 9 eV. Write a Python program to compute and print out the transmission and reection probabilities using the formulas above.
This is a good time to mention another important feature of Python (and every other computer language), namely comments. In Python any program line that starts with a hash mark # is ignored completely by the computer. You can type anything you like on the line following a hash mark and it will have no effect: # Hello! 36 Hi there! This line does nothing at all.
Such lines are called comments. Comments make no difference whatsoever to the way a program runs, but they can be very useful nonetheless. You can use comment lines to leave reminders for yourself in your programs, saying what particular parts of the program do, what quantities are represented by which variables, changes that you mean to make later to the program, things youre not sure about, and so forth. Here, for instance, is a version of the polar coordinates program from Example 2.2, with comments added to explain whats happening: from math import sin,cos,pi # Ask the user for the values of the radius and angle r = float(input("Enter r: ")) d = float(input("Enter theta in degrees: ")) # Convert the angle to radians theta = d*pi/180 # Calculate the equivalent Cartesian coordinates x = r*cos(theta) y = r*sin(theta) # Print out the results print("x =",x," y =",y) This version of the program will perform identically to the original version on page 34, but it is easier to understand how it works. Comments may seem unnecessary for short programs like this one, but when you get on to creating larger programs that perform complex physics calculations you will nd them very useful for reminding yourself of how things work. When youre writing a program you may think you remember how everything works and there is no need to add comments, but when you return to the same program again a week later after spending the intervening time on something else youll nd its a different storyyou cant remember how anything works or why you did things this way or that, and you will be very glad if you scattered a few helpful pointers in comment lines around the program. Comments become even more important if someone else other than you needs to understand a program you have written, for instance if youre working as part of a team that is developing a large program together. Understanding how other peoples programs work can be tough at the best of times, and you will make your collaborators lives a lot easier if you include some ex37 File:
planatory comments as you go along. Comments dont have to start at the beginning of a line. Python ignores any portion of a line that follows a hash mark, whether the hash mark is at the beginning or not. Thus you can write things like this: theta = d*pi/180 # Convert the angle to radians
and the computer will perform the calculation = d/180 at the beginning of the line but completely ignore the hash mark and the text at the end. This is a useful trick when you intend that a comment should refer to a specic single line of code only.
The programs we have seen so far are all very linear. They march from one statement to the next, from beginning to end of the program, then they stop. An important feature of computers is their ability to break this linear ow, to jump around the program, execute some lines but not others, or make decisions about what to do next based on given criteria. In this section we will see how this is done in the Python language. 2.3.1 T HE IF STATEMENT
It will happen often in our computer programs that we want to do something only if a certain condition is met: only if n = 0 perhaps, or x > 1 . We can do 2 this using an if statement. Consider the following example: x = int(input("Enter a whole number no greater than ten: ")) if x>10: print("You entered a number greater than ten.") print("Let me fix that for you.") x = 10 print("Your number is",x) If I run this program and type in 5, I get: Enter a whole number no greater than ten: 5 Your number is 5 But if I break the rules and enter 11, I get:
Enter a whole number no greater than ten: 11 You entered a number greater than ten. Let me fix that for you. Your number is 10 This behavior is achieved using an if statementthe second line in the program abovewhich tests the value of the variable x to see if it is greater than ten. Note the structure of the if statement: there is the if part itself, which consists of the word if followed by the condition you are applying. In this case the condition is that x > 10. The condition is followed by a colon, and following that are one or more lines that tell the computer what to do if the condition is satised. In our program there are three of these lines, the rst two printing out a message and the third xing the value of x. Note that these three lines are indentedthey start with a few spaces so that the text is shifted over a bit from the left-hand edge. This is how we tell the program which instructions are part of the if. The indented instructions will be executed only if the condition in the if statement is met, i.e., only if x > 10 in this case. Whether or not the condition is met, the computer then moves on to the next line of the program, which prints the value of x. (In Section 1 we saw that you are free to add spaces between the parts of a Python statement to make it more readable, as in x = 1, and that such spaces will have no effect on the operation of the program. Here we see an exception to that rule: spaces at the beginning of lines do have an effect with an if statement. For this reason one should be careful about putting spaces at the beginning of linesthey should be added only when they are needed, as here, and not otherwise.) A question that people sometimes ask is, How many spaces should I put at the start of a line when I am indenting it? The answer is that you can use any number you like. Python considers any number of spaces, from one upward, to constitute an indentation. However, it has over the years become standard practice among Python programmers to use four spaces for an indentation, and this is the number used in all the programs in this book. In fact, most Python development environments, including IDLE, automatically insert the spaces for you when they see an if statement, and they typically insert four. There are various different types of conditions one can use in an if statement. Here are some examples:
if if if if if if
Note particularly the double equals sign in the rst example. It is one of the most common programming errors that people make in Python to use a single equals sign in an if statement instead of a double one. If you do this, youll get an error message when you try to run your program. You can also combine two conditions in a single if statement, like this: if x>10 or x<1: print("Your number is either too big or too small.") You can use and in a similar way: if x<=10 and x>=1: print("Your number is just right.") You can combine more than two criteria on a line as wellas many as you like. Two useful further elaborations of the if statement are else and elif: if x>10: print("Your number is greater than ten.") else: print("Your number is fine. Nothing to see here.") This prints different messages depending on whether x is greater than 10 or not. Note that the else line, like the original if, is not indented and has a colon at the end. It is followed by one or more indented lines, the indentation indicating that the lines are inside the else clause. An even more elaborate example is the following: if x>10: print("Your number is greater than ten.") elif x>9: print("Your number is OK, but youre cutting it close.") else: print("Your number is fine. Move along.")
The statement elif means else ifif the rst criterion is not met it tells the computer to try a different one. Notice that we can use both elif and else, as hereif neither of the conditions specied in the if and elif clauses is satised then the computer moves on to the else clause. You can also have more than one elif, indeed you can have as many as you like, each one testing a different condition if the previous one was not satised. 2.3.2 T HE WHILE STATEMENT
A useful variation on the if statement is the while statement. It looks and behaves similarly to the if statement: x = int(input("Enter a whole number no greater than ten: ")) while x>10: print("This is greater than ten. Please try again.") x = int(input("Enter a whole number no greater than ten: ")) print("Your number is",x) As with the if statement, the while statement checks if the condition given is met (in this case if x > 10). If it is, it executes the indented block of code immediately following; if not, it skips the block. However (and this is the important difference), if the condition is met and the block is executed, the program then loops back from the end of the block to the beginning and checks the condition again. If the condition is still true, then the indented lines will be executed again. And it will go on looping around like this, repeatedly checking the condition and executing the indented code, until the condition is nally false. (And if it is never false, then the loop goes on forever.16 ) Thus, if I were to run the snippet of code above, I would get something like this: Enter a whole number This is greater than Enter a whole number This is greater than Enter a whole number This is greater than Enter a whole number Your number is 5 no greater than ten: 11 ten. Please try again. no greater than ten: 57 ten. Please try again. no greater than ten: 100 ten. Please try again. no greater than ten: 5
16 If you accidentally create a program with a loop that goes on for ever then youll need to know how to stop the program: just closing the window where the program is running does the trick.
The computer keeps on going around the loop, asking for a number until it gets what it wants. This constructsometimes also called a while loopis commonly used in this way to ensure that some condition is met in a program or to keep on performing an operation until a certain point or situation is reached. As with the if statement, we can specify two or more criteria in a single while statement using and or or. The while statement can also be followed by an else statement, which is executed once (and once only) if and when the condition in the while statement fails. (This type of else statement is primarily used in combination with the break statement described in the next section.) There is no equivalent of elif for a while loop, but there are two other useful statements that modify its behavior, break and continue. 2.3.3 B REAK AND CONTINUE
Two useful renements of the while statement are the break and continue statements. The break statement allows us to break out of a loop even if the condition in the while statement is not met. For instance, while x>10: print("This is greater than ten. Please try again.") x = int(input("Enter a whole number no greater than ten: ")) if x==111: break This loop will continue looping until you enter a number not greater than 10, except if you enter the number 111, in which case it will give up and proceed with the rest of the program. If the while loop is followed by an else statement, the else statement is not executed after a break. This allows you to create a program that does different things if the while loop nishes normally (and executes the else statement) or via a break (in which case the else statement is skipped). This example also illustrates another new concept: it contains an if statement inside a while loop. This is allowed in Python and used often. In the programming jargon we say the if statement is nested inside the while loop. While loops nested inside if statements are also allowed, or ifs within ifs, or whiles within whiles. And it doesnt have to stop at just two levels. Any number of statements within statements within statements is allowed. When we get onto some of the more complicated calculations in this book we will see examples nested four or ve levels deep. In the example above, note how the break statement is doubly indented from the left marginit is indented by an 42
extra four spaces, for a total of eight, to indicate that it is part of a statementwithin-a-statement.17 A variant on the idea of the break statement is the continue statement. Saying continue anywhere in a loop will make the program skip the rest of the indented code in the while loop, but instead of getting on with the rest of the program, it then goes back to the beginning of the loop, checks the condition in the while statement again, and goes around the loop again if the condition is met. (The continue statement turns out to be used rather rarely in practice. The break statement, on the other hand, gets used often and is denitely worth knowing about.) E XAMPLE 2.3: E VEN AND ODD NUMBERS Suppose we want to write a program that takes as input a single integer and prints out the word even if the number is even, and odd if the number is odd. We can do this by making use of the fact that n modulo 2 is zero if (and only if) n is even. Recalling that n modulo 2 is written as n%2 in Python, heres how the program would go: n = int(input("Enter an integer: ")) if n%2==0: print("even") else: print("odd") Now suppose we want a program that asks for two integers, one even and one oddin either orderand keeps on asking until it gets what it wants. We could do this by checking all of the various combinations of even and odd, but a simpler approach is to notice that if we have one even and one odd number then their sum is odd; otherwise its even. Thus our program might look like this: print("Enter two integers, one even, one odd.") m = int(input("Enter the first integer: ")) n = int(input("Enter the second integer: ")) while (m+n)%2==0:
17 We will come across some examples in this book where we have a loop nested inside another loop and then a break statement inside the inner loop. In that case the break statement breaks out of the inner loop only, and not the outer one. (If this doesnt make sense to you, dont worryitll become clear later when we look at examples with more than one loop.)
print("One must be even and the other odd.") m = int(input("Enter the first integer: ")) n = int(input("Enter the second integer: ")) print("The numbers you chose are",m,"and",n) Note how the while loop checks to see if m + n is even. If it is, then the numbers you entered must be wrongeither both are even or both are oddso the program asks for another pair, and it will keep on doing this until it gets what it wants. As before, take a moment to look over this program and make sure you understand what each line does and how the program works. E XAMPLE 2.4: T HE F IBONACCI SEQUENCE The Fibonacci numbers are the sequence of integers in which each is the sum of the previous two, with the rst two numbers being 1, 1. Thus the rst few members of the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. Suppose we want to write a program to calculate the Fibonacci sequence up to 1000. This would be quite a laborious task for a human, but it is straightforward for a computer. All we need to do is keep a record of the last two numbers in the sequence, add them together to calculate the next number, then keep on repeating for as long as the numbers are less than 1000. Heres a program to do it: f1 = 1 f2 = 1 next = f1 + f2 while f1<=1000: print(f1) f1 = f2 f2 = next next = f1 + f2 Observe how the program works. At all times the variables f1 and f2 store the two most recent elements of the sequence and the variable next stores the next element, calculated by summing f1 and f2. If f1 is less than 1000, we print it out, update the values of f1 and f2, and calculate a new value for next. The process continues until the value of f1 exceeds 1000, then the program stops. This program would work neit gets the job donebut heres a neater way to solve the same problem using the multiple assignment feature of Python discussed in Section 2.2.4:
f1,f2 = 1,1 while f1<=1000: print(f1) f1,f2 = f2,f1+f2 If we run this program, we get the following: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 Indeed, the computer will happily print out the Fibonacci sequence up to a billion or more in just a second or two. Try it if you like.
Exercise 2.6: Catalan numbers The Catalan numbers Cn are a sequence of integers 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132. . . that play an important role in quantum mechanics and the theory of disordered systems. (They were central to Eugene Wigners proof of the so-called semicircle law.) They are given by C0 = 1, Cn+1 = 4n + 2 Cn . n+2
Write a program that prints in increasing order all Catalan numbers less than or equal to one billion.
We have seen how to work with integer, real, and complex quantities in Python and how to use variables to store those quantities. All the variables we have 45
seen so far, however, represent only a single value, a single integer, real, or complex number. But in physics it is common for a variable to represent several numbers at once. We might use a vector r, for instance, to represent the position of a point in three-dimensional space, meaning that the single symbol r actually corresponds to three real numbers ( x, y, z). Similarly, a matrix, again usually denoted by just a single symbol, can represent an entire grid of numbers, m n of them, where m and n could be as large as we like. There are also many cases where we have a set of numbers that we would like to treat as a single entity even if they do not form a vector or matrix. We might, for instance, do an experiment in the lab and make a hundred measurements of some quantity. Rather than give a different name to each onea, b, c, and so forthit makes sense to denote them as say a1 , a2 , a3 , and then to consider them collectively as a set A = { ai }, a single entity made up of a hundred numbers. Situations like these are so common that Python provides standard features, called containers, for storing collections of numbers. There are several kinds of containers. In this section we look at two of them, lists and arrays.18 2.4.1 L ISTS
The most basic type of container in Python is the list. A list, as the name suggests, is a list of quantities, one after another. In all the examples in this book the quantities will be numbers of some kindintegers, oats, and so forth although any type of quantity that Python knows about is allowed in a list, such as strings for example.19 The quantities in a list, which are called its elements, do not have to be all of the same type. You can have an integer, followed by a oat, followed by a complex number if you want. In most of the cases well deal with, however, the elements will be all of the same typeall integers, say, or all oatsbecause this is what physics calculations usually demand. Thus, for instance, in the example described above where we make a hundred measurements of a given quantity in the lab and we want to represent them on the computer, we could use a list one hundred elements long, and all the elements would presumably
There are several others as well, the main ones being tuples, dicts, and sets. These, however, nd only occasional use in physics calculations, and we will not use them in this book.
19 If you have programmed in another computer language, then you may be familiar with arrays, which are similar to lists but not exactly the same. Python has both lists and arrays and both have their uses in physics calculations. We study arrays in Section 2.4.2. 18
be of the same type (probably oats) because they all represent measurements of the same thing. A list in Python is written like this: [ 3, 0, 0, -7, 24 ]. The elements of this particular list are all integers. Note that the elements are separated by commas and the whole list is surrounded by square brackets. Another example of a list might be [ 1, 2.5, 3+4.6j ]. This example has three elements of different types, one integer, one real, and one complex. A variable can be set equal to a list: r = [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ] Previously in this chapter all variables have represented just single numbers, but here we see that a variable can also represent a list of numbers. You can print a list variable, just as you can any other variable, and the computer will print out the entire list. If we run this program: r = [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ] print(r) we get this: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21] The quantities that make up the elements of a list can be specied using other variables, like this: x = 1.0 y = 1.5 z = -2.2 r = [ x, y, z ] This will create a three-element list with the value [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ]. It is important to bear in mind, in this case, what happens when Python encounters an assignment statement like r = [ x, y, z ]. Remember that in such situations Python rst evaluates the expression on the right-hand side, which gives [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] in this case, then assigns that value to the variable on the left. Thus the end result is that r is equal to [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ]. It is a common error to think of r as being equal to [ x, y, z ] so that if, say, the value of x is changed later in the program the value of r will change as well. But this is incorrect. The value of r will get set to [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] and will not change later if x is changed. If you want to change the value of 47
r you have to explicitly assign a new value to it, with another statement like r = [ x, y, z ]. The elements of lists can also be calculated from entire mathematical expressions, like this: r = [ 2*x, x+y, z/sqrt(x**2+y**2) ] The computer will evaluate all the expressions on the right-hand side then create a list from the values it calculated. Once we have created a list we probably want to do some calculations with the elements it contains. The individual elements in a list r are denoted r[0], r[1], r[2], and so forth. That is they are numbered in order, from beginning to end of the list, the numbers go in square brackets after the variable name, and crucially the numbers start from zero, not one. This may seem a little oddits not usually the way we do things in physics or in everyday lifeand it takes a little getting used to. However, it turns out, as well see, to be more convenient in a lot of situations than starting from one. The individual elements, such as r[0], behave like single variables and you can use them in the same way you would use a single variable. Thus, here is a short program that calculates and prints out the length of a vector in three dimensions: from math import sqrt r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] length = sqrt( r[0]**2 + r[1]**2 + r[2]**2 ) print(length) The rst line imports the square root function from the math package, which we need for the calculation. The second line creates the vector, in the form of a three-element list. The third line is the one that does the actual calculation. It takes each of the three elements of the vector, which are denoted r[0], r[1], and r[2], squares them, and adds them together. Then it takes the square root of the result, which by Pythagoras theorem gives us the length of the vector. The nal line prints out the length. If we run this program it prints 2.84429253067 which is the correct answer (to twelve signicant gures). We can change the values of individual elements of a list at any time, like this:
r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] r[1] = 3.5 print(r) The rst line will create a list with three elements. The second then changes the value of element 1, which is the middle of the three elements, since they are numbered starting from zero. So if we run the program it prints out this: [1.0, 3.5, -2.2] A powerful and useful feature of Python is its ability to perform operations on entire lists at once. For instance, it commonly happens that we want to know the sum of the values in a list. Python contains a built-in function called sum that can calculate such sums in a single line, thus: r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] total = sum(r) print(total) The rst line here creates a three-element list and the second calculates the sum of its elements. The nal line prints out the result, and if we run the program we get this: 0.3 Some other useful built-in functions are max and min, which give the largest and smallest values in a list respectively, and len, which calculates the number of elements in a list. Applied to the list r above, for instance, max(r) would give 1.5 and min(r) would give 2.2, while len(r) would give 3. Thus, for example, one can calculate the mean of the values in a list like this: r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] mean = sum(r)/len(r) print(mean) The second line here sums the elements in the list and then divides by the number of elements to give the mean value. In this case, the calculation would give a mean of 0.1. A special, and especially useful, function for lists is the function map, which is a kind of meta-functionit allows you apply ordinary functions, like log or sqrt, to all the elements of a list at once. Thus map(log,r) takes the natural logarithm of each element of a list r in turn. More precisely, map creates 49
a specialized object in the computer memory, called an iterator, that contains the logs, one after another in order.20 Normally we will want to convert this iterator into a new list, which we can do with the built-in function list. Thus, consider this snippet of code: from math import log r = [ 1.0, 1.5, 2.2 ] logr = list(map(log,r)) print(logr) This will create a list logr containing the logs of the three numbers 1, 1.5, and 2.2, and print it out thus: [0.0, 0.4054651081, 0.7884573603]| Another feature of lists in Python, one that we will use often, is the ability to add elements to an already existing list. Suppose we have a list called r and we want to add a new element to the end of the list with value, say, 6.1. We can do this with the statement r.append(6.1) This slightly odd-looking statement is a little different in form from the ones weve seen previously.21 It consists of the name of our list, which is r, followed by a dot (i.e., a period), then append(6.1). Its effect is to add a new element to the end of the list and set that element equal to the value given, which is 6.1 in this case. The value can also be specied using a variable or a mathematical expression, thus:
The difference between an iterator and a list is that the values in an iterator are not stored in the computers memory the way the values in a list are. Instead, the computer calculates them on the y when they are needed, which saves memory. Thus, in this case, the computer only calculates the logs of the elements of r when you convert the iterator to a list. In versions of Python prior to version 3, the map function produced a list, not an iterator, so if you are using an earlier version of the language you do not need to convert to a list using the list function. You can just say logr = map(log,r). For further discussion of this point, and of iterators in general, see Appendix B.
21 This is an example of Pythons object-oriented programming features. The function append is technically a method that belongs to the list object r. The function doesnt exist as an entity in its own right, only as a subpart of the list object. We will not dig into Pythons object-oriented features in this book, since they are of relatively little use for the type of physics programming we will be doing. For software developers engaged on large-scale commercial or group programming projects, however, they can be invaluable.
r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] x = 0.8 r.append(2*x+1) print(r) If we run this program we get [1.0, 1.5, -2.2, 2.6] Note how the computer has calculated the value of 2*x+1 to be 2.6, then added that value to the end of the list. A particularly useful trick that we will employ frequently in this book is the following. We create an empty list, a list with no elements in it at all, then add elements to it one by one as we learn of or calculate their values. A list created in this way can grow as large as we like (within limitations set by the amount of memory the computer has to store the list). To create an empty list we say r = [] This creates a list called r with no elements. Even though it has no elements in it, the list still exists. Its like an empty set in mathematicsit exists as an object, but it doesnt contain anything (yet). Now we can add elements thus: r.append(1.0) r.append(1.5) r.append(-2.2) print(r) which produces [1.0, 1.5, -2.2] We will use this technique, for instance, to make graphs in Section 3.1. Note that you must create the empty list rst before adding elements. You cannot add elements to a list until it has been createdthe computer will give a give an error message if you try. We can also remove a value from the end of a list by saying r.pop(): r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2, 2.6 ] r.pop() print(r)
which gives [1.0, 1.5, -2.2] And we can remove a value from anywhere in a list by saying r.pop(n), where n is the number of the element you want to remove.22 Bear in mind that the elements are numbered from zero, so if you want to remove the rst item from a list you would say r.pop(0). 2.4.2 A RRAYS
As we have seen, a list in Python is an ordered set of values, such as a set of integers or a set of oats. There is another object in Python that is somewhat similar, an array. An array is also an ordered set of values, but there are some important differences between lists and arrays: 1. The number of elements in an array is xed. You cannot add elements to an array once it is created, or remove them. 2. The elements of an array must all be of the same type, such as all oats or all integers. You cannot mix elements of different types in the same array and you cannot change the type of the elements once an array is created. Lists, as we have seen, have neither of these restrictions and, on the face of it, these seem like signicant drawbacks of the array. Why would we ever use an array if lists are more exible? The answer is that arrays have several signicant advantages over lists as well: 3. Arrays can be two-dimensional, like matrices in algebra. That is, rather than just a one-dimensional row of elements, we can have a grid of them. Indeed, arrays can in principle have any number of dimensions, including three or more, although we wont use dimensions above two in this book. Lists, by contrast, are always just one-dimensional. 4. Arrays behave roughly like vectors or matrices: you can do arithmetic with them, such as adding them together, and you will get the result you expect. This is not true with lists. If you try to do arithmetic with a list
22 However, removing an element from the middle (or the beginning) of a list is a slow operation because the computer then has to move all the elements above that down one place to ll the gap. For a long list this can take a long time and slow down your program, so you should avoid doing it if possible. (On the other hand, if it doesnt matter to you what order the elements of a list appear in, then you can effectively remove any element rapidly by rst setting it equal to the last element in the list, then removing the last element.)
you will either get an error message, or you will not get the result you expect. 5. Arrays work faster than lists. Especially if you have a very large array with many elements then calculations may be signicantly faster using an array. In physics it often happens that we are working with a xed number of elements all of the same type, as when we are working with matrices or vectors, for instance. In that case, arrays are clearly the tool of choice: the fact that we cannot add or remove elements is immaterial if we never need to do such a thing, and the superior speed of arrays and their exibility in other respects can make a signicant difference to our programs. We will use arrays extensively in this bookfar more than we will use lists. Before you use an array you need to create it, meaning you need to tell the computer how many elements it will have and of what type. Python provides functions that allow you do this in several different ways. These functions are all found in the package numpy.23 In the simplest case, we can create a one-dimensional array with n elements, all of which are initially equal to zero, using the function zeros from the numpy package. The function takes two arguments. The rst is the number of elements the array is to have and the second is the type of the elements, such as int, float, or complex. For instance, to create a new array with four oating-point elements we would do the following: from numpy import zeros a = zeros(4,float) print(a) In this example the new array is denoted a. When we run the program the array is printed out as follows: [ 0. 0. 0. 0.]
Note that arrays are printed out slightly differently from liststhere are no commas between the elements, only spaces. We could similarly create an array of ten integers with the statement a = zeros(10,int) or an array of a hundred complex numbers with the statement a = zeros(100,complex). The size of the arrays you can create is lim23
ited only by the computer memory available to hold them. Modern computers can hold arrays with hundreds of millions or even billions of elements. To create a two-dimensional oating-point array with m rows and n columns, you say zeros([m,n],float), so a = zeros([3,4],float) print(a) produces [[ 0. [ 0. [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] 0.] 0.]]
Note that the rst argument of zeros in this case is itself a list (thats why it is enclosed in brackets [. . . ]), whose elements give the size of the array along each dimension. We could create a three-dimensional array by giving a threeelement list (and so on for higher dimensions). There is also a similar function in numpy called ones that creates an array with all elements equal to one. The form of the function is exactly the same as for the function zeros. Only the values in the array are different. On the other hand, if we are going to change the values in an array immediately after we create it, then it doesnt make sense to have the computer set all of them to zero (or one)setting them to zero takes some time, time that is wasted if you dont need the zeros. In that case you can use a different function, empty, again from the package numpy, to create an empty array: from numpy import empty a = empty(4,float) This creates an array of four empty oating-point elements. In practice the elements arent actually empty. Instead they contain whatever random numbers happened to be littered around the computers memory at the time the array is created. The computer just leaves those values as they are and doesnt waste any time changing them. You can also create empty integer or complex arrays by saying int or complex instead of float. A different way to create an array is to take a list and convert it into an array, which you can do with the function array from the package numpy. For instance we can say: r = [ 1.0, 1.5, -2.2 ] a = array(r,float) 54
which will create an array of three oating-point elements, with values 1.0, 1.5, and 2.2. If the elements of the list (or some of them) are not already oats, they will be converted to oats. You can also create integer or complex arrays in the same fashion, and the list elements will be converted to the appropriate type if necessary.24,25 The two lines above can conveniently be combined into one, like this: a = array([1.0,1.5,-2.2],float) This is a quick and neat way to create a new array with predetermined values in its elements. We will use this trick frequently. We can also create two-dimensional arrays with specied initial values. To do this we again use the array function, but now the argument we give it must be a list of lists, which gives the elements of the array row by row. For example, we can write a = array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],int) print(a) This creates a two-dimensional array of integers and prints it out: [[ 1 [ 4 2 5 3] 6]]
The list of lists must have the same number of elements for each row of the array (three in this case) or the computer will complain. We can refer to individual elements of an array in a manner similar to the way we refer to the elements of a list. For a one-dimensional array a we write a[0], a[1], and so forth. Note, as with lists, that the numbering of the elements starts at zero, not one. We can also set individual elements equal to new values thus:
Two caveats apply here. (1) If you create an integer array from a list that has any oatingpoint elements, the fractional part, if any (i.e., the part after the decimal point), of the oating-point elements will be thrown away. (2) If you try to create a oating-point or integer array from a list containing complex values you will get an error message. This is not allowed. Though its not something we will often need to do, you can also convert an array into a list using the built-in function list, thus: r = list(a) Note that you do not specify a type for the list, because lists dont have types. The types of the elements in the list will just be the same as the types of the elements in the array.
a[2] = 4 Note, however, that, since the elements of an array are of a particular type (which cannot be changed after the array is created), any value you specify will be converted to that type. If you give an integer value for a oating-point array element, it will be converted to oating-point. If you give a oatingpoint value for an integer array, the fractional part of the value will be deleted. (And if you try to assign a complex value to an integer or oating-point array you will get an error messagethis is not allowed.) For two-dimensional arrays we use two indices, separated by commas, to denote the individual elements, as in a[2,4], with counting again starting at zero, for both indices. Thus, for example from numpy import zeros a = zeros([2,2],int) a[0,1] = 1 a[1,0] = -1 print(a) would produce the output [[ 0 [-1 1] 0]]
(You should check this example and make sure you understand why it does what it does.) Note that when Python prints a two-dimensional array it observes the convention of standard matrix arithmetic that the rst index of a two-dimensional array denotes the row of the array element and the second denotes the column. 2.4.3 R EADING AN ARRAY FROM A FILE
Another, somewhat different, way to create an array is to read a set of values from a computer le, which we can do with the function loadtxt from the package numpy. Suppose we have a text le that contains the following string of numbers, on consecutive lines: 1.0 1.5 -2.2 2.6
and suppose that this le is called values.txt on the computer. Then we can do the following: from numpy import loadtxt a = loadtxt("values.txt",float) print(a) When we run this program, we get the following printed on the screen: [ 1.0 1.5 -2.2 2.6]
As you can see, the computer has read the numbers in the le and put them in a oat-point array of the appropriate length. (For this to work the le values.txt has to be in the same folder or directory on the computer as your Python program is saved in.26 ) We can use the same trick to read a two-dimensional grid of values and put them in a two-dimensional array. If the le values.txt contained the following: 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 then the exact same program above would create a two-dimensional 3 4 array of oats with the appropriate values in it. The loadtxt function is a very useful one for physics calculations. It happens often that we have a le or les containing numbers we need for a calculation. They might be data from an experiment, for example, or numbers calculated by another computer program. We can use the loadtxt to transfer those numbers into an array so that we can perform further calculations on them. 2.4.4 A RITHMETIC WITH ARRAYS
As with lists, the individual elements of an array behave like ordinary variables, and we can do arithmetic with them in the usual way. We can write things like a[0] = a[1] + 1
26 You can also give a full path name for the le, specifying explicitly the folder as well as the le name, in which case the le can be in any folder.
or x = a[2]**2 - 2*a[3]/y But we can also do arithmetic with entire arrays at once, a powerful feature that can be enormously useful in physics calculations. In general, when doing arithmetic with entire arrays, the rule is that whatever arithmetic operation you specify is done independently to each element of the array or arrays involved. Consider this short program: from numpy import array a = array([1,2,3,4],int) b = 2*a print(b) When we run this program it prints [2 4 6 8] As you can see, when we multiply the array a by 2 the computer simply multiplies each individual element by 2. A similar thing happens if you divide. Notice that when we run this program, the computer creates a new array b holding the results of our multiplication. This is another way to create arrays, different from the methods we mentioned before. We do not have to create the array b explicitly, using for instance the empty function. When we perform a calculation with arrays, Python will automatically create a new array for us to hold the results. If you add or subtract two arrays, the computer will add or subtract each element separately, so that a = array([1,2,3,4],int) b = array([2,4,6,8],int) print(a+b) results in [3 6 9 12] (For this to work, the arrays must have the same size. If they do not, the computer will complain.) All of these operations give the same result as the equivalent mathematical operations on vectors in normal algebra, which makes arrays well suited to 58
representing vectors in physics calculations.27 If we represent a vector using an array then arithmetic operations such as multiplying or dividing by a scalar quantity or adding or subtracting vectors can be written just as they would in normal mathematics. You can also add a scalar quantity to an array (or subtract one), which the computer interprets to mean it should add that quantity to every element. So a = array([1,2,3,4],int) print(a+1) results in [2 3 4 5] However, if we multiply two arrays together the outcome is perhaps not exactly what you would expectyou do not get the vector (dot) product of the two. If we do this: a = array([1,2,3,4],int) b = array([2,4,6,8],int) print(a*b) we get [2 8 18 32] What has the computer done here? It has multiplied the two arrays together element by corresponding element. The rst elements of the two arrays are multiplied together, then the second elements, and so on. This is logical in a senseit is the exact equivalent of what happens when you add. Each element of the rst array is multiplied by the corresponding element of the second. (Division works similarly.) Occasionally this may be what you want the computer to do, but more often in physics calculations we want the true vector dot product of our arrays. This can be calculated using the function dot from the package numpy: from numpy import array,dot a = array([1,2,3,4],int) b = array([2,4,6,8],int) print(dot(a,b))
27 The same operations, by contrast, do not work with lists, so lists are less good for storing vector values.
The function dot takes two arrays as arguments and calculates their dot product, which would be 60 in this case. All of the operations above also work with two-dimensional arrays, which makes such arrays convenient for storing matrices. Multiplying and dividing by scalars as well as addition and subtraction of two-dimensional arrays all work as in standard matrix algebra. Multiplication will multiply element by element, which is usually not what you want, but the dot function calculates the standard matrix product. Consider, for example, this matrix calculation: 13 24 4 2 3 1
12 21
3 5 0 2
In Python we would do this as follows: a = array([[1,3],[2,4]],int) b = array([[4,-2],[-3,1]],int) c = array([[1,2],[2,1]],int) print(dot(a,b)+2*c) You can also multiply matrices and vectors together. If v is a one-dimensional array then dot(a,v) treats it as a column vector and multiplies it on the left by the matrix a, while dot(v,a) treats it as a row vector and multiplies on the right by a. Python is intelligent enough to know the difference between row and column vectors, and between left- and right-multiplication. Functions can be applied to arrays in much the same way as to lists. The built-in functions sum, max, min and len described in Section 2.4.1 can be applied to one-dimensional arrays to calculate sums of elements, maximum and minimum values, and the number of elements. The map function also works, applying any ordinary function to all elements of a one-dimensional array and producing an iterator (see Section 2.4.1), which can be converted back into an array using the array function with a statement like b = array(map(sqrt,a),float) This will create an iterator whose elements are the square roots of the elements of a, then convert the iterator into an array b containing those values. Applying functions to arrays with two or more dimensions produces more erratic results. For instance, the len function applied to a two-dimensional array returns the number of rows in the array and the functions max and min produce only error messages. However, the numpy package contains functions that perform similar duties and work more predictably with two-dimensional 60
arrays, such as functions min and max that nd minimum and maximum values. In place of the len function, there are two different features, called size and shape. Consider this example: a = array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],int) print(a.size) print(a.shape) which produces 6 (2, 3) That is, a.size tells you the total number of elements in all rows and columns of the array a (which is roughly the equivalent of the len function for lists and one-dimensional arrays), and a.shape returns a list giving the dimensions of the array along each axis. (Technically it is a tuple not a list, but for our purposes it is roughly the same thing. You can say n = a.shape, and then n[0] is the number of rows of a and n[1] is the number of columns.) For onedimensional arrays there is not really any difference between size and shape. They both give the total number of elements. There are a number of other functions in the numpy package that are useful for performing calculations with arrays. The full list can be found in the on-line documentation at E XAMPLE 2.5: AVERAGE OF A SET OF VALUES IN A FILE Suppose we have a set of numbers stored in a le values.txt and we want to calculate their mean. Even if we dont know how many numbers there are we can do the calculation quite easily: from numpy import loadtxt values = loadtxt("values.txt",float) mean = sum(values)/len(values) print(mean) The rst line imports the loadtxt function and the second uses it to read the values in the le and put them in an array called values. The third line calculates the mean as the sum of the values divided by the number of values and the fourth prints out the result. Now suppose we want to calculate the mean-square value. To do this, we rst need to calculate the squares of the individual values, which we can do by 61
multiplying the array values by itself. Recall, that the product of two arrays in Python is calculated by multiplying together each pair of corresponding elements, so values*values is an array with elements equal to the squares of the original values. (We could also write values**2, which would produce the same result.) Then we can use the function sum again to add up the squares. Thus our program might look like this: from numpy import loadtxt values = loadtxt("values.txt",float) mean = sum(values*values)/len(values) print(mean) On the other hand, suppose we want to calculate the geometric mean of our set of numbers. The geometric mean of a set of n values xi is dened to be the nth root of their product, thus:
n 1/n
i =1
ln x = ln or
i =1
1 n
1 n
ln xi
i =1
x = exp
ln xi
i =1
In other words, the geometric mean is the exponential of the arithmetic mean of the logarithms. We can modify our previous program for the arithmetic mean to calculate the geometric mean thus: from numpy import loadtxt from math import log,exp values = loadtxt("values.txt",float) logs = array(map(log,values),float) geometric = exp(sum(logs)/len(logs)) print(geometric) Note how we combined the map function and the log function to calculate the logarithms and then calculated the arithmetic mean of the resulting values. If we want to be clever, we can streamline this program by noting that the numpy package contains its own log function that will calculate the logs of all the elements of an array. Thus we can rewrite our program as 62
from numpy import loadtxt,log from math import exp values = loadtxt("values.txt",float) geometric = exp(sum(log(values))/len(values)) print(geometric) As well as being more elegant, this version of the program will probably also run a little faster, since the log function in numpy is designed specically to work efciently with arrays. Finally in this section, here is a word of warning. Consider the following program: from numpy import array a = array([1,1],int) b = a a[0] = 2 print(a) print(b) Take a look at this program and work out for yourself what you think it will print. If we actually run it (and you can try this for yourself) it prints the following: [2 1] [2 1] This is probably not what you were expecting. Reading the program, it looks like array a should be equal to [2,1] and b should be equal to [1,1] when the program ends, but the output of the program appears to indicate that both are equal to [2,1]. What has gone wrong? The answer lies in the line b = a in the program. In Python direct assignment of arrays in this way, setting the value of one array equal to another, does not work as you might expect it to. You might imagine that b = a would cause Python to create a new array b holding a copy of the numbers in the array a, but this is not what happens. In fact, all that b = a does is it declares b to be a new name for the array previously called a. That is, a and b now both refer to the same array of numbers, stored somewhere in the memory of the computer. If we change the value of an element in array a, as we do in the program above, then we also change the same element of array b,
because a and b are really just the same array.28 This is a tricky point, one that can catch you out if you are not aware of it. You can do all sorts of arithmetic operations with arrays and they will work just ne, but this one operation, setting an array equal to another array, does not work the way you expect it to. Why does Python work like this? At rst sight it seems peculiar, annoying even, but there is a good reason for it. Arrays can be very large, with millions or even billions of elements. So if a statement like b = a caused the computer to create a new array b that was a complete copy of the array a, it might have to copy very many numbers in the process, potentially using a lot of time and memory space. But in many cases its not actually necessary to make a copy of the array. Particularly if you are interested only in reading the numbers in an array, not in changing them, then it does not matter whether a and b are separate arrays that happen to contain the same values or are actually just two names for the same arrayeverything will work the same either way. Creating a new name for an old array is normally far faster than making a copy of the entire contents, so, in the interests of efciency, this is what Python does. Of course there are times when you really do want to make a new copy of an array, so Python also provides a way of doing this. To make a copy of an array a we can use the function copy from the numpy package thus: from numpy import copy b = copy(a) This will create a separate new array b whose elements are an exact copy of those of array a. If we were to use this line, instead of the line b = a, in the program above, then run the program, it would print this: [2 1] [1 1] which is now the correct answer.
28 If you have worked with the programming languages C or C++ you may nd this behavior familiar, since those languages treat arrays the same way. In C, the statement b = a, where a and b are arrays, also merely creates a new name for the array a, not a new array.
Exercise 2.7: Suppose arrays a and b are dened as follows: from numpy import array a = array([1,2,3,4],int) b = array([2,4,6,8],int) What will the computer print upon executing the following lines? (Try to work out the answer before trying it on the computer.) a) print(b/a+1) b) print(b/(a+1)) c) print(1/a)
Heres another useful trick, called slicing, which works with both arrays and lists. Suppose we have a list r. Then r[m:n] is another list composed of a subset of the elements of r, starting with element m and going up to but not including element n. Heres an example: r = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 ] s = r[2:5] print(s) which produces [5, 7, 9] Observe what happens here. The variable s is a new list, which is a sublist of r consisting of elements 2, 3, and 4 of r, but not element 5. Since the numbering of elements starts at zero, not one, element 2 is actually the third element of the list, which is the 5, and elements 3 and 4 are the 7 and 9. So s has three elements equal to 5, 7, and 9. Slicing can be useful in many physics calculations, particularly, as well see, in matrix calculations, calculations on lattices, and in the solution of differential equations. There are a number of variants on the basic slicing formula above. You can write r[2:], which means all elements of the list from element 2 up to the end of the list, or r[:5], which means all elements from the start of the list up to, but not including, element 5. And r[:] with no numbers at all means all elements from the beginning to the end of the list, i.e., the entire list. This last is not very usefulif we want to refer to the whole list we can 65
just say r. We get the same thing, for example, whether we write print(r[:]) or print(r). However, we will see a use for this form in a moment. Slicing also works with arrays: you can specify a subpart of an array and you get another array, of the same type as the rst, as in this example: from numpy import array a = array([2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16],int) b = a[3:6] print(b) which prints [ 8 10 12] You can also write a[3:], or a[:6], or a[:], as with lists. Slicing works with two-dimensional arrays as well. For instance a[2,3:6] gives you a one-dimensional array with three elements equal to a[2,3], a[2,4], and a[2,5]. And a[2:4,3:6] gives you a two-dimensional array of size 2 3 with values drawn from the appropriate subblock of a, starting at a[2,3]. Finally, a[2,:] gives you the whole of row 2 of array a, which means the third row since the numbering starts at zero. And a[:,3] gives you the whole of column 3, which is the fourth column. These forms will be particularly useful to us for doing vector and matrix arithmetic.
In Section 2.3.2 we saw a way to make a program loop repeatedly around a given section of code using a while statement. It turns out, however, that while statements are used only rather rarely. There is another, much more commonly used loop construction in the Python language, the for loop. A for loop is a loop that runs through the elements of a list or array in turn. Consider this short example: r = [ 1, 3, 5 ] for n in r: print(n) print(2*n) print("Finished") If we run this program it prints out the following:
1 2 3 6 5 10 Finished Whats happening here is as follows. The program rst creates a list called r, then the for statement sets n equal to each value in the list in turn. For each value the computer carries out the steps in the following two lines, printing out n and 2n, then loops back around to the for statement again and sets n to the next value in the list. Note that the two print statements are indented, in a manner similar to the if and while statements we saw earlier. This is how we tell the program which instructions are in the loop. Only the indented instructions will be executed each time round the loop. When the loop has worked its way through all the values in the list, it stops looping and moves on to the next line of the program, which in this case is a third print statement which prints the word Finished. Thus in this example the computer will go around the loop three times, since there are three elements in the list r. The same construction works with arrays as wellyou can use a for loop to go through the elements of a (one-dimensional) array in turn. Also the statements break and continue (see Section 2.3.3) can be used with for loops the same way theyre used with while loops: break ends the loop and moves to the next statement after the loop; continue abandons the current iteration of the loop and moves on to the next iteration. The most common use of the for loop, by far, is simply to run through a given piece of code a specied number of times, such as ten, say, or a million. To achieve this, Python provides a special built-in function called range, which creates a list of a given length, usually for use with a for loop. For example range(5) gives a list [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]that is, a list of consecutive integers, starting at zero and going up to, but not including, 5. Note that this means the list contains exactly ve elements but does not include the number 5 itself. (Technically, range produces an iterator, not a list. Iterators were discussed previously in Section 2.4.1. If you actually want to produce a list using range then you would write something of the form list(range(5)), which creates an iterator and then converts it to a list. In practice, however, we do this very rarely, and never in this bookthe main use of the range function is in for loops and you are allowed to use an iterator directly in a for loop without 67
converting it into a list rst.29 ) Thus r = range(5) for n in r: print("Hello again") produces the following output Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello again again again again again
The for loop gives n each of the values in r in turn, of which there are ve, and for each of them it prints out the words Hello again. So the end result is that the computer prints out the same message ve times. In this case we are not actually interested in the values r contains, only the fact that there are ve of themthey merely provide a convenient tool that allows us to run around the same piece of code a given number of times. A more interesting use of the range function is the following: r = range(5) for n in r: print(n**2) Now we are making use of the actual values r contains, printing out the square of each one in turn: 0 1 4 9 16 In both these examples we used a variable r to store the results of the range function, but its not necessary to do this. Often one takes a shortcut and just
29 In versions of Python prior to version 3, the range function actually did produce a list, not an iterator. If you wanted to produce an iterator you used the separate function xrange, which no longer exists in version 3. Both list and iterator give essentially the same results, however, so the for loops in this book will work without modication with either version of Python. For further discussion of this point, and of iterators in general, see Appendix B.
writes something like for n in range(5): print(n**2) which achieves the same result with less fuss. This is probably the most common form of the for loop and we will see many loops of this form throughout this book. There are a number of useful variants of the range function, as follows: range(5) range(2,8) range(2,20,3) range(20,2,-3) gives gives gives gives [ [ [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 ] 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 5 ]
When there are two arguments to the function it generates integer values that run from the rst up to, but not including, the second. When there are three arguments, the values run from the rst up to but not including second, in steps of the third. Thus in the third example above the values increase in steps of 3. In the fourth example, which has a negative argument, the values decrease in steps of 3. Note that in each case the values returned by the function do not include the value at the end of the given rangethe rst value in the range is always included; the last never is. Thus, for example, we can print out the rst ten powers of two with the following lines: for n in range(1,11): print(2**n) Notice how the upper limit of the range must be given as 11. This program will print out the powers 2, 4, 8, 16, and so forth up to 1024. It stops at 210 , not 211 , because range always excludes the last value. A further point to notice about the range function is that all of its arguments must be integers. The function doesnt work if you give it noninteger arguments, such as oats, and you will get an error message if you try. It is particularly important to remember this when the arguments are calculated from the values of other variables. This short program, for example, will not work: p = 10 q = 2
for n in range(p/q): print(n) You might imagine these lines would print out the integers from zero to four, but if you try them you will just get an error message because, as discussed in Section 2.2.4, the division operation always returns a oating-point quantity, even if the result of the division is, mathematically speaking, an integer. Thus the quantity p/q in the program above is a oating-point quantity equal to 5.0 and is not allowed as an argument of the range function. We can x this problem by using an integer division instead: for n in range(p//q): print(n) This will now work as expected. (See Section 2.2.4, page 23 for a discussion of integer division.) Another useful function is the function arange from the numpy package, which is similar to range but generates arrays, rather than lists or iterators30 and, more importantly, works with oating-point arguments as well as integer ones. For example arange(1,8,2) gives a one-dimensional array of integers [1,3,5,7] as we would expect, but arange(1.0,8.0,2.0) gives an array of oating-point values [1.0,3.0,5.0,7.0] and arange(2.0,2.8,0.2) gives [2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6]. As with range, arange can be used with one, two, or three arguments, and does the equivalent thing to range in each case. Another similar function is the function linspace, also from the numpy package, which generates an array with a given number of oating-point values between given limits. For instance, linspace(2.0,2.8,5) divides the interval from 2.0 to 2.8 into 5 values, creating an array with oating-point elements [2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6,2.8]. Similarly, linspace(2.0,2.8,3) would create an array with elements [2.0,2.4,2.8]. Note that, unlike both range and arange, linspace includes the last point in the range. Also note that although linspace can take either integer or oating-point arguments, it always generates oating-point values, even when the arguments are integers.
30 The function arange generates an actual array, calculating all the values and storing them in the computers memory. This can cause problems if you generate a very large array because the computer can run out of memory, crashing your program, an issue that does not arise with the iterators generated by the range function. For instance, arange(10000000000) will produce an error message on most computers, while the equivalent expression with range will not. See Appendix B for more discussion of this point.
E XAMPLE 2.6: P ERFORMING A SUM It happens often in physics calculations that we need to evaluate a sum. If we have the values of the terms in the sum stored in a list or array when we can calculate the sum using the built-in function sum described in Section 2.4.1. In more complicated situations, however, it is often more convenient to use a for loop to calculate a sum. Suppose, for instance, we want to know the value of the sum s = 1001 (1/k ). The standard way to program this is as follows: k= 1. First create a variable to hold the value of the sum, and initially set it equal to zero. As above well call the variable s, and we want it to be a oating-point variable, so wed do s = 0.0. 2. Now use a for loop to take the variable k through all values from 1 to 100. For each value, calculate 1/k and add it to the variable s. 3. When the for loop ends the variable s will contain the value of the complete sum. Thus our program looks like this: s = 0.0 for k in range(1,101): s += 1/k print(s) Note how we use range(1,101) so that the values of k start at 1 and end at 100. We also used the += modier, which adds to a variable as described in Section 2.2.4. If we run this program it prints the value of the sum thus: 5.1873775176 As another example, suppose we have a set of real values stored in a computer le called values.txt and we want to compute and print the sum of their squares. We could achieve this as follows: from numpy import loadtxt values = loadtxt("values.txt",float) s = 0.0 for x in values: s += x**2 print(s) Here we have used the function loadtxt from Section 2.4.3 to read the values in the le and put them in an array called values. Note also how this example 71
does not use the range function, but simply goes through the list of values directly. For loops and the sum function give us two different ways to compute sums of quantities. It is not uncommon for there to be more than one way to achieve a given goal in a computer program, and in particular its often the case that one can use either a for loop or a function or similar array operation to perform the same calculation. In general for loops are more exible, but direct array operations are often faster and can save signicant amounts of time if you are dealing with large arrays. Thus both approaches have their advantages. Part of the art of good computer programming is learning which approach is best in which situation. E XAMPLE 2.7: E MISSION LINES OF HYDROGEN Let us revisit an example we saw in Chapter 1. On page 6 we gave a program for calculating the wavelengths of emission lines in the spectrum of the hydrogen atom, based on the Rydberg formula 1 1 1 =R 2 . 2 m n Our program looked like this: R = 1.097e-2 for m in [1,2,3]: print("Series for m =",m) for k in [1,2,3,4,5]: n = m + k invlambda = R*(1/m**2-1/n**2) print(" ",1/invlambda," nm") We can now understand exactly how this program works. It uses two nested for loopsa loop within another loopwith the code inside the inner loop doubly indented. We discussed nesting previously in Section 2.3.3. The rst for loop takes the integer variable m through the values 1, 2, 3. And for each value of m the second, inner loop takes k though the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, adds those values to m to calculate n and then applies the Rydberg formula. The end result will be that the program prints out a wavelength for each combination of values of m and n, which is what we want. In fact, knowing what we now know, we can write a simpler version of this program, by making use of the range function, thus: 72 (2.5)
R = 1.097e-2 for m in range(1,4): print("Series for m =",m) for n in range(m+1,m+6): invlambda = R*(1/m**2-1/n**2) print(" ",1/invlambda," nm") Note how we were able to eliminate the variable k in this version by specifying a range for n that depends directly on the value of m.
Exercise 2.8: The Madelung constant In condensed matter physics the Madelung constant gives the total electric potential felt by an atom in a solid. It depends on the charges on the other atoms nearby and their locations. Consider for instance solid sodium chloridetable salt. The sodium chloride crystal has atoms arranged on a cubic lattice, but with alternating sodium and chlorine atoms, the sodium ones having a single positive charge +e and the chlorine ones a single negative charge e, where e is the charge on the electron. If we label each position on the lattice by three integer coordinates (i, j, k), then the sodium atoms fall at positions where i + j + k is even, and the chlorine atoms at positions where i + j + k is odd. Consider a sodium atom at the origin, i = j = k = 0, and let us calculate the Madelung constant. If the spacing of atoms on the lattice is a, then the distance from the origin to the atom at position (i, j, k) is
i 2 + j2 + k 2 ,
+ j2 + k 2
with 0 being the permittivity of the vacuum and the sign of the expression depending on whether i + j + k is even or odd. The total potential felt by the sodium atom is then the sum of this quantity over all other atoms. Let us assume a cubic box around the sodium at the origin, with L atoms in all directions. Then
Vtotal =
V (i, j, k) =
e M, 40 a
where M is the Madelung constant, at least approximatelytechnically the Madelung constant is the value of M when L , but one can get a good approximation just by using a large value of L.
Write a program to calculate and print the Madelung constant for sodium chloride. Use as large a value of L as you can, while still having your program run in reasonable timesay in a minute or less. Exercise 2.9: The semi-empirical mass formula In nuclear physics, the semi-empirical mass formula is a formula for calculating the approximate nuclear binding energy B of an atomic nucleus with atomic number Z and mass number A: B = a1 A a2 A2/3 a3 a5 ( A 2Z )2 Z2 + 1/2 , a4 1/3 A A A
where, in units of millions of electron volts, the constants are a1 = 15.67, a2 = 17.23, a3 = 0.75, a4 = 93.2, and 0 if A is odd, a5 = 12.0 if A and Z are both even, 12.0 if A is even and Z is odd.
a) Write a program that takes as its input the values of A and Z, and prints out the binding energy for the corresponding atom. Use your program to nd the binding energy of an atom with A = 58 and Z = 28. (Hint: The correct answer is around 490 MeV.)
b) Modify your program to print out not the total binding energy B, but the binding energy per nucleon, which is B/A. c) Now modify your program so that it takes as input just a single value of the atomic number Z and then goes through all values of A from A = Z to A = 3Z, to nd the one that has the largest binding energy per nucleon. This is the most stable nucleus with the given atomic number. Have your program print out the value of A for this most stable nucleus and the value of the binding energy per nucleon. d) Modify your program again so that, instead of taking Z as input, it runs through all values of Z from 1 to 100 and prints out the most stable value of A for each one. At what value of Z does the maximum binding energy occur? (The true answer, in real life, is Z = 26, which is iron. You should nd that the semi-empirical mass formula gets the answer roughly right, but not exactly.)
We saw in Section 2.2.5 how to use functions, such as log or sqrt, to perform mathematics in our programs, and Python comes with a broad array of functions for performing all kinds of calculations. There are many situations 74
in computational physics, however, where we need a specialized function to perform a particular calculation and Python allows you to dene your own functions in such cases. Suppose, for example, we are performing a calculation that requires us to calculate the factorials of integers. Recall that the factorial of n is dened as the product of all integers from 1 to n:
n! =
k =1
We can calculate this in Python with a loop like this: f = 1.0 for k in range(1,n+1): f *= k When the loop nishes, the variable f will be equal to the factorial we want. If our calculation requires us to calculate factorials many times in various different parts of the program we could write out a loop, as above, each time, but this could get tedious quickly and would increase the chances that we would make an error. A more convenient approach is to dene our own function to calculate the factorial, which we do like this: def factorial(n): f = 1.0 for k in range(1,n+1): f *= k return f Note how the lines of code that dene the function are indented, in a manner similar to the if statements and for loops of previous sections. The indentation tells Python where the function ends. Now, anywhere later in the program we can simply say something like a = factorial(10) or b = factorial(r+2*s) and the program will calculate the factorial of the appropriate number. In effect what happens when we write a = factorial(10)when the function is calledis that the program jumps to the denition of the function (the part 75
starting with def above), sets n = 10, and then runs through the instructions in the function. When it gets to the nal line return f it jumps back to where it came from and the value of the factorial function is set equal to whatever quantity appeared after the word returnwhich is the nal value of the variable f in this case. The net effect is that the we calculate the factorial of 10 and set the variable a equal to the result. An important point to note is that any variables created inside the denition of a function exist only inside that function. Such variables are called local variables. For instance the variables f and k in the factorial function above are local variables. This means we can use them only when we are inside the function and they disappear when we leave. Thus, for example, you could print the value of the variable k just ne if you put the print statement inside the function, but if you were to try to print the variable anywhere outside the function then you would get an error message telling you that no such variable exists.31 Note, however, that the reverse is not trueyou can use a variable inside a function that is dened outside it. User-dened functions allow us to encapsulate complex calculations inside a single function denition and can make programs much easier to write and to read. We will see many uses for them in this book. User-dened functions can have more than one argument. Suppose, for example, we have a point specied in cylindrical coordinates r, , z, and we want to know the distance d between the point and the origin. The simplest way to do the calculation is to convert r and to Cartesian coordinates rst, then apply Pythagoras Theorem to calculate d: x = r cos , y = r sin , d= x 2 + y2 + z2 . (2.7)
If we nd ourselves having to do such a conversion many times within a program we might want to dene a function to do it. Heres a suitable function in Python: def distance(r,theta,z): x = r*cos(theta) y = r*sin(theta) d = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) return d
31 To make things more complicated, you can separately dene a variable called k outside the function and then you are allowed to print that (or do any other operation with it), but in that case it is a different variablenow you have two variables called k that have separate values and which value you get depends on whether you are inside the function or not.
(This assumes that we have already imported the functions sin, cos, and sqrt from the math package.) Note how the function takes three different arguments now. When we call the function we must now supply it with three different arguments and they must come in the same orderr, , zthat they come in in the denition of the function. Thus if we say D = distance(2.0,0.1,-1.5) the program will calculate the distance for r = 2, = 0.1, and z = 1.5. The values used as arguments for a function can be any type of quantity Python knows about, including integers and real and complex numbers, but also including, for instance, lists and arrays. This allows us, for example, to create functions that perform operations on vectors or matrices stored in arrays. We will see examples of such functions when we look at linear algebra methods in Chapter 6. The value returned by a function can also be of any type, including integer, real, complex, or a list or array. Using lists or arrays allows us to return more than one value if want to, or to return a vector or matrix. For instance, we might write a function to convert from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates like this: def cartesian(r,theta): x = r*cos(theta) y = r*sin(theta) position = [x,y] return position This function takes a pair of values r, and returns a two-element list containing the corresponding values of x and y. In fact, we could combine the two nal lines here into one and say simply return [x,y] Or we could return x and y in the form of a two-element array by saying return array([x,y],float) An alternative way to return multiple values from a function is to use the multiple assignment feature of Python, which we examined in Section 2.2.4. We saw there that one can write statements of the form x,y = a,b which
will simultaneously set x = a and y = b. The equivalent maneuver with a user-dened function is to write def f(z): # Some calculations here... return a,b which will make the function return the values of a and b both. To call such a function we write something like x,y = f(1) and the two returned values would get assigned to the variables x and y. One can also specify three or more returned values in this fashion, and the individual values themselves can again be lists, arrays, or other objects, in addition to single numbers, which allows functions to return very complex sets of values when necessary. User-dened functions can also return no value at allit is permitted for functions to end without a return statement. The body of the function is marked by indenting the lines of code and the function ends when the indentation does, whether or not there is a return statement. If the function ends without a return statement then the program will jump back to wherever it came from, to the statement where it was called, without giving a value. Why would you want to do this? In fact there are many cases where this is a useful thing to do. For example, suppose you have a program that uses three-element arrays to hold vectors and you nd that you frequently want to print out the values of those vectors. You could write something like print("(",r[0],r[1],r[2],")") every time you want to print a vector, but this is difcult to read and prone to typing errors. A better way to do it would be to dene a function that prints a vector, like this: def print_vector(r): print("(",r[0],r[1],r[2],")") Then when you want to print a vector you simply say print_vector(r) and the computer handles the rest. Note how, when calling a function that returns no value you simply give the name of the function. One just says print_vector(r), and not x = print_vector(r) or something like that.
This is different from the functions we are used to in mathematics, which always return a value. Perhaps a better name for functions like this would be user-dened statements or something similar, but by convention they are still called functions in Python.32 The denition of a user-dened functionthe code starting with defcan occur anywhere in a program, except that it must occur before the rst time you use the function. It is good programming style to put all your function denitions (you will often have more than one) at or near the beginning of your programs. This guarantees that they come before their rst use, and also makes them easier to nd if you want to look them up or change them later. Once dened, your functions can be used in the same way as any other Python functions. You can use them in mathematical expressions. You can use them in print statements. You can even use them inside the denitions of other functions. You can also apply a user-dened function to all the elements of a list or array with the map function. For instance, to multiply every element of a list by 2 and subtract 1, we could do the following: def f(x): return 2*x-1 newlist = list(map(f,oldlist)) This applies the function f to every element in turn of the list oldlist and makes a list of the results called newlist. One more trick is worth mentioning, though it is more advanced and you should feel free to skip it if youre not interested. The functions you dene do not have to be saved in the same le on your computer as your main program. You could, for example, place a function denition for a function called myfunction in a separate le called You can put the denitions for many different functions in the same le if you want. Then, when you want to use a function in a program, you say from mydefinitions import myfunction This tells Python to look in the le to nd the denition of myfunction and magically that function will now become available in your program. This is a very convenient feature if you write a function that you
32 We have already seen one other example of a function with no return value, the standard print function itself.
want to use in many different programs: you need write it only once and store it in a le; then you can import it into as many other programs as you like. As you will no doubt have realized by now, this is what is happening when we say things like from math import sqrt in a program. Someone wrote a function called sqrt that calculates square roots and placed it in a le so that you can import it whenever you need it. The math package in Python is nothing other than a large collection of function denitions for useful mathematical functions, gathered together in one le.33 E XAMPLE 2.8: P RIME FACTORS AND PRIME NUMBERS Suppose we have an integer n and we want to know its prime factors. The prime factors can be calculated relatively easily by dividing repeatedly by all integers from 2 up to n and checking to see if the remainder is zero. Recall that the remainder after division can be calculated in Python using the modulo operation %. Here is a function that takes the number n as argument and returns a list of its prime factors: def factors(n): factorlist = [] k = 2 while k<=n: while n%k==0: factorlist.append(k) n //= k k += 1 return factorlist This is a slightly tricky piece of codemake sure you understand how it does the calculation. Note how we have used the integer division operation // to perform the divisions, which ensures that the result returned is another integer. (Remember that the ordinary division operation / always produces a oat.) Note also how we change the value of the variable n (which is the argument of the function) inside the function. This is allowed: the argument variable behaves like any other variable and can be modied, although, like all variables inside functions, it is a local variableit exists only inside the
33 In fact the functions in the math package arent written in Pythontheyre written in the C programming language, and one has to do some additional trickery to make these C functions work in Python, but the same basic principle still applies.
function and gets erased when the function ends. Now if we say print(factors(17556)), the computer prints out the list of factors [2, 2, 3, 7, 11, 19]. On the other hand, if we specify a prime number in the argument, such as print(factors(23)), we get back [23]the only prime factor of a prime number is itself. We can use this fact to make a program that prints out the prime numbers up to any limit we choose by checking to see if they have only a single prime factor: for n in range(2,10000): if len(factors(n))==1: print(n) Run this program, and in a matter of seconds we have a list of the primes up to 10 000. (This is, however, not a very efcient way of calculating the primes see Exercise 2.10 for a faster way of doing it.)
Exercise 2.10: The program above is not a very efcient way of calculating prime numbers: it checks each number to see if it is divisible by any number less than it. We can develop a much faster program for prime numbers by making use of the following observations: a) A number n is prime if it has no prime factors less than n. Hence we only need to check if it is divisible by other primes. b) If a number n is non-prime, having a factor r, then n = rs, where s is also a factor. If r n then n = rs ns, which implies that s n. In other words, any non-prime must have factors, and hence also prime factors, less than or equal to n. Thus to determine if a number is prime we have to check its prime factors only up to and including nif there are none then the number is prime. c) If we nd even a single prime factor less than n then we know that the number is non-prime, and hence there is no need to check any furtherwe can abandon this number and move on to something else. Write a Python program that nds all the primes up to ten thousand. Create a list to store the primes, which starts out with just the one prime number 2 in it. Then for each number n from 3 to 10 000 check whether the number is divisible by any of the primes in the list up to and including n. As soon as you nd a single prime factor you can stop checking the rest of themyou know n is not a prime. If you nd no prime factors n or less then n is prime and you should add it to the list. You can print out the list all in one go at the end of the program, or you can print out the individual numbers as you nd them.
When writing a program to solve a physics problem there are, usually, many ways to do it, many programs that will give you the solution you are looking for. For instance, you can use different names for your variables, use either lists or arrays for storing sets of numbers, break up the code by using userdened functions to do some operations, and so forth. Although all of these approaches may ultimately give the same answer, not all of them are equally satisfactory. There are well written programs and poorly written ones. A well written program will, as far as possible, have a simple structure, be easy to read and understand, and, ideally, run fast. A poorly written one may be convoluted or unnecessarily long, difcult to follow, or may run slowly. Making programs easy to read is a particularly importantand often overlooked goal. An easy-to-read program makes it easier to nd problems, easier to modify the code, and easier for other people to understand how things work. Good programming is, to some extent, a matter of experience, and you will quickly get the hang of it as you start to write programs. But here are a few general rules of thumb that may help. 1. Include comments in your programs. Leave comments in the code to remind yourself what particular variables mean, what calculations are being performed in different sections of the code, what arguments functions require, and so forth. Its amazing how you can come back to a program you wrote only a week ago and not remember how it works. You will thank yourself later if you include comments. And comments are even more important if you are writing programs that other people will have to read and understand. Its frustrating to be the person who has to x or modify someone elses code if they neglected to include any comments to explain how it works. 2. Use meaningful variable names. Give your variables names that help you remember what they represent. The names dont have to be long. In fact, very long names are usually harder to read. But choose your names sensibly. Use E for energy and t for time. Use full words where appropriate or even pairs of words to spell out what a variable represents, like mass or angular_momentum. If you are writing a program to calculate the value of a mathematical formula, give your variables the same names as in the formula. If variables are called x and in the formula, call them x and beta in the program. 3. Use the right types of variables. Use integer variables to represent quan82
tities that actually are integers, like vector indices or quantum numbers. Use oats and complex variables for quantities that really are real or complex numbers. 4. Import functions rst. If you are importing functions from packages, put your import statements at the start of your program. This makes them easy to nd if you need to check them or add to them, and it ensures that you import functions before the rst time they are used. 5. Give your constants names. If there are constants in your program, such as the number of atoms N in a gas or the mass m of a particle, create similarly named variables at the beginning of your program to represent these quantities, then use those variables wherever those quantities appear in your program. This makes formulas easier to read and understand and it allows you later to change the values of constants by changing only a single line at the beginning of the program, even if the constant appears many times throughout your calculations. Thus, for example, you might have a line A = 58 that sets the atomic mass of an atom for a calculation at the beginning of the program, then you would use A everywhere else in the program that you need to refer to the atomic mass. If you later want to perform the same calculation for atomic mass 59, you need only change the single line at the beginning to A = 59. Most physics programs have a section near the beginning (usually right after the import statements) that denes all the constants and parameters of the program, making them easy to nd when you need to change their values. 6. Employ user-dened functions, where appropriate. Use user-dened functions to represent repeated operations, especially complicated operations. Functions can greatly increase the legibility of your program. Avoid overusing them, however: simple operations, ones that can be represented by just a line or two of code, are often better left in the main body of the program, because it allows you to follow the ow of the calculation when reading through your program without having to jump to a function and back. Normally you should put your function denitions at the start of your program (probably after imports and constant denitions). This ensures that each denition appears before the rst use of the function it denes and that the denitions can be easily found and modied when necessary. 7. Print out partial results and updates throughout your program. Large 83
computational physics calculations can take a long timeminutes, hours, or even days. You will nd it helpful to include print statements in your program that print updates about where the program has got to or partial results from the calculations, so you know how the program is progressing. Its difcult to tell whether a calculation is working correctly if the computer simply sits silently, saying nothing, for hours on end. Thus, for example, if there is a for loop in your program that repeats many times, it is useful to include code like this at the beginning of the loop: for n in range(1000000): if n%1000==0: print("Step",n) These lines will cause the program to print out what step it has reached every time n is exactly divisible by 1000, i.e., every thousandth step. So it will print: Step Step Step Step 0 1000 2000 3000
and so forth as it goes along. 8. Lay out your programs clearly. You can add spaces or blank lines in most places within a Python program without changing the operation of the program and doing so can improve readability. Make use of blank lines to split code into logical blocks. Make use of spaces to divide up complicated algebraic expressions or particularly long program lines. You can also split long program lines into more than one line if necessary. If you place a backslash symbol \ at the end of a line it tells the computer that the following line is a continuation of the current one, rather than a new line in its own right. Thus, for instance you can write: energy = mass*(vx**2 + vy**2)/2 + mass*g*y \ + moment_of_inertia*omega**2/2 and the computer will interpret this as a single formula. If a program line is very long indeed you can spread it over three or more lines on the
screen with backslashes at the end of each one, except the last.34 9. Dont make your programs unnecessarily complicated. A short simple program is enormously preferable to a long involved one. If the job can be done in ten or twenty lines, then its probably worth doing it that waythe code will be easier to understand, for you or anyone else, and if there are mistakes in the program it will be easier to work out where they lie. Good programming, like good science, is a matter of creativity as well as technical skill. As you gain more experience with programming you will no doubt develop your own programming style and learn to write code in a way that makes sense to you and others, creating programs that achieve their scientic goals quickly and elegantly.
34 Under certain circumstances, you do not need to use a backslash. If a line does not make sense on its own but it does make sense when the following line is interpreted as a continuation, then Python will automatically assume the continuation even if there is no backslash character. This, however, is a complicated rule to remember, and there are no adverse consequences to using a backslash when its not strictly needed, so in most cases it is simpler just to use the backslash and not worry about the rules.