Serving The Community With The Help of The Community
Serving The Community With The Help of The Community
Serving The Community With The Help of The Community
Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to introduce you to the Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club, a newly established sporting club that has had a history of success spanning more than 32 years as Morley PCYC Cricket Club. I invite you to read the following proposal and visualize your business in partnership with our vibrant new community based sporting club. Over 32 years, Morley PCYC Cricket Club has had a long and proud history of success. Our committee members and volunteers continue to support the club by giving generously of their time and skills. It is these personal commitments along with donations that help build clubs that in turn help build communities. Because of developments within the PCYC, we now find ourselves in a situation where the partnership between the Junior Cricket Club, and the PCYC has come to an end. We invite you to become a part of this new and exciting time as the newly formed Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club endeavours to continue on with even greater commitment and success and to strive to be a strong and vibrant community based sporting club. Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club is located at RA Cook Reserve, Coode Street, Bedford. It is surrounded by old and new housing developments, large and small business, schools and many families. With so much in the immediate area Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club will continue to go from strength to strength. An increased demand on local sporting facilities and cricket in general has already impacted on our club with the result that we average approximately 200 playing members each year. Our club has always welcomed mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends and extended family to come along and experience the joy of seeing their family members, friends and extended family play the International Game of cricket in a safe and caring environment. Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club will continue to benefit greatly from this increased demand. Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club has a bright future and would like to offer you the opportunity to be part of our success through a variety of sponsorship packages, suitable to both large and small businesses.
Reviewed and Updated 3 February 2008 -2-
We are confident that we can deliver valuable exposure for your company that will outlast your direct involvement with us. We will work for you and with you to ensure that you are more than satisfied with the result and we are confident your involvement with us at Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club will be a long and happy one. Cricket is growing in leaps and bounds, and now that Australia has won back the Ashes and continues to dominate the World cricketing stage, this provides you with an ideal opportunity for you to become involved and to benefit directly from its future success. We ask that you consider sponsorship of our club and the benefits it will bring to both your company and to Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club. With your approval our Sponsorship Coordinator will contact you in the next few days to further discuss this proposal. In the meantime should you require any further information, or have any queries please feel free to contact our President or Sponsorship Coordinator on the numbers listed at the end of this document. Thank you for your consideration, we look forward to your support. Sincerely
Diamond Package - $2,000 plus (Each year for a 3 year period)
The Diamond package may include the following:
Pitch boards for home match days (supplied by sponsor) Acknowledgement of sponsor at all club events Inclusion of sponsors brochure (supplied by sponsor) in club mail outs (email or postage) Sponsors logo and special offers included in Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club Newsletter Sponsors logo on web site Sponsors logo on appropriate club apparel Presentation of one Club Champion Award, including sponsors name on trophy
Please feel free to donate to our club. A receipt will be provided for all donations and what a better way to show your support for Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club.
Mission Statement
To provide the facility, safe environment, and the expertise to enable all players to develop their cricket skills and allow them to reach their full potential.
Current Exposure
Morley Bayswater Junior Cricket Club has on average 200 registered playing members participating in the Bayswater Morley/Mount Lawley Junior Cricket Competition playing a minimum of 150 games over a six month period throughout the Bayswater, Mount Lawley, Tuart Hill, Ballajura and surrounding suburbs. In 2006/2007 the club had players chosen to represent Western Australia in the State Schoolboys Cricket team.