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Creating A Cohesive

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Lesson Plan with Technology Integration

Teachers Name: Gloria D. Brogdon-Grantham Lesson Title: Creating a Cohesive Classroom in a World of Diversity - Digital Lesson Plan Target Grade/Subject: 8-12th Grade- Language Arts/English/Television Production Time: Depending on the class size Aprox- 5-6 hours VA SOL (including Computer Technology SOL): a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using and variety of media and formats. c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. Basic Operations and Concepts C/T K-2.2 The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology. Demonstrate the use of mouse, keyboard, printer, multimedia devices, and earphones. Use multimedia resources such as interactive books and software with graphical interfaces. Technology Communication Tools C/T K-2.7 The student will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. Identify the best tool to communicate information. Use technology tools for individual writing, communication, and publishing activities. Demonstrate the ability to create, save, retrieve, and print document. NETS Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. Objectives : This lesson is designed to create a cohesive classroom. It is as an ice breaker at the beginning of the school year for students to get to know each other. Often times on the students are apprehensive in letting others know who they are. This assignment allows them to share who they are without actually standing in front of the entire class. This type of assignment allows students to get to know each other, and creates a more cohesive learning environment.

Tools and Resources Software: iMovie or low end PC Video editing software Hardware: Computer with digital Editing System, Computer Microphone, Digital Camera Other: 1. Digital Tape, 2. Each student needs to bring 5-8 action photos of themselves, their family and Friends. 3. Blank writable DVD (This allows students to make a copy to keep.) Preparation Instructional environment set-up: Computer lab or Classroom. Any place that allows room to set up a camera to video the students, and has computers for editing. Students should be quiet during videotaping. Technology/Classroom Management Strategies: a. All students will learn the basics and safety of operating the video equipment. b. All students will the basics of the editing process. c. Students will be in crews of 3, (Camera operator, Talent, Producer) (Each student will have the opportunity to perform the duties of each position) d. During the editing process, each member of the crew will collaborate and assist each other in creating the final production.
(lab or classroom, grouping, computer to student ratio, time constraints, alternative strategy in case of problems such as loss of connectivity)

Prerequisite technology skills needed by students: Prior to the assignment the teacher will demonstrate the proper use of the video and editing equipment, and allow the students to use equipment to become familiar the video and editing environment. Lesson Development Focus and Review of previous work/knowledge: The lesson will start with a class discussion on What makes up a family?
(Outline how the lesson will start; focus students on lesson content and build on prior knowledge)

Anticipatory set: What is a family, what does family mean to you. What makes up a family? Can people in a classroom be a family? Why or Why not? Who is the most interesting person in your family? What makes them interesting/or not interesting? Describe your ideal family.(fictional or non-fictional) Why did you choose that particular Family?
(A brief activity or event at the beginning of the lesson that effectively engages all students' attention and focuses their thoughts on the learning objective. Examples: Question(s); demonstration (especially one with a result the students do not expect); story or anecdote; shock; humor; pertinent news item; role-playing; modeling/visualization; quiz. Be creative in planning your anticipatory sets!)

Instructional Activity:
(Outline the sequence to be followed in the development of the lesson. Describe what the teacher and students will be doing. Pay particular attention to concept development and questioning.) See Attachments # 1-5 (Visit the web site for examples -http://www.orangeusd.k12.ca.us/yorba/instructional_strategies.htm)

Guided practice and checking for understanding (student activities): Students use the attachment for understanding of vocabulary
(Uses the vocabulary and concepts in several examples to practice the skills required for students to perform on their own. Allows teacher to assess initial comprehension of concepts.)

Independent practice (student activities): See Attachments 1-5

Structures the application of vocabulary and concepts in authentic activities; allows student to assess comprehension of concepts and to use resources to clarify misunderstandings.)

Closure: Students will post their productions on YouTube or Veoh (online video posting sites). There will also be a screening in the classroom for critiquing by the students.
Brings the lesson full circle by summarizing what has been learned. May allow the students to demonstrate or present products of their independent practice.)

Evaluation Procedure Rubric/Assessment of objectives (student activities). Includes description of assessment and scoring tool/rubric assessing both the content and technology; state how you plan to communicate your expectations to the students. Attachment # 6

Reflection For assignments, this section will be left blank. However, understand that your reflection on the teaching, learning, and assessment phases of this lesson is critical to becoming a teacher who is able to reach all learners. Questions you would consider in this section: To what extent did students achieve the content and technology objectives? The students ere very successful in achieving the content and technology objectives. As you can see in the video they conducted their research wrote their scripts and edited their footage with very little assistance from me, the teacher. What were the instructional environment and/or lesson challenges? There we ery few challenges and the instructional environment was conducive to creating this type of project. How effective was your assessment tool? How engaged were the students during the activities? What evidence do you have to show that your instructional management strategies were effective and adequate? What did not work and how will you change the lesson to be more effective next time and to ensure the success of all students?

* This lesson plan format was designed using information from the Central Virginia Consortium and ISTE.

(Attachment 1) Unit: The Production Team Objective: To enable students to: 1) become familiar with the importance of preproduction, production & post production, 2) understand the process of communication, using the effect-to-cause production model, and 3) learn the craft of clustering and brainstorming to generate successful project ideas. Focus: We will focus on how the broadcast production has a step by step process to convey the specific message the sender puts forth. Resources & Materials: Textbook- http://www.cybercollege.com Video Lab Software Teaching Activities: 1. Read and discuss the importance of preproduction, production & postproduction. 2. Read, discuss, and create their own effect-to-cause production model using todays slang v/s Standard American English, and how each affects the communication process. 3. Students will work in groups to create project ideas using clustering and brainstorming techniques. 4. Students will learn key terms and concepts for this unit.

Closure: The class will critique student created effect-to-cause production models, and project ideas. All students will be encouraged to participate in a closing group discussion to reinforce the information in this unit.

(Attachment 2) Unit: Looking Through The Viewfinder Objective: To enable students to: 1)learn the basics of framing a shot, 2) manipulate picture depth, and 3) learn camera movement and zooms, and shooting moving objects. Focus: To become familiar with the aesthetics of picture composition. Resources & Materials: Textbook- http://www.cybercollege.com Video Lab Software Video Camera Teaching Activities: 1. Read and discuss aesthetics of picture composition. 2. Using the video Lab software and the camera we will explore the importance of the aesthetics of picture composition 3. Will look at the major ways picture depth can be manipulated. 4. Students will use available cameras to demonstrate framing shots. Closure: The class will successfully know how to frame shots correctly. They will individually demonstrate each shot. Key Terms

Close-Up (CU) Cross-Shot (X/S) Headroom Leadroom

Medium Shoot (MS) Noseroom Over-the-Shoulder shot (O/S) Long Shot (LS)

(Attachment 3) Unit: Video Project- Scriptwriting Objective: To enable students to: 1)become familiar with the art of scriptwriting, 2) understand the process of developing writing a script based a story idea, 3) learn the craft of taking a story idea and turing it into an actual script. Focus: We will focus on how a script developed from an idea becomes a short video. Resources & Materials: Textbook- www.cybercollege.com Scriptwriting Handout Teaching Activities: 1. Using actual scripts, we will watch portions of the corresponding video to see how scripts are written. 2. Read, discuss the differences in the scripts and the video. 3. Students will work on their own scripts based on the their projects 4. Students will learn key terms and concepts for this unit from the handout. Closure: Each student will work to complete their script. They will seek peer critique as first draft is written.

(Attachment 4) Unit: Video Project- Scriptwriting Part 2 Objective: To enable students to: 1. become familiar with the art of scriptwriting, 2. understand the process of developing and writing a script based on a story idea, 3. learn the craft of taking a story idea and turning it into an actual script. 4. get first hand experience writing a script. Focus: We will focus on writing scripts for video projects. Resources & Materials: Textbook- www,ybercollege.com Scriptwriting Handout Teaching Activities: 1. Using actual scripts, we will watch portions of the corresponding video to see how scripts are written 2. Read, discuss the differences in the scripts and the video. 3. Brainstorm and cluster to develop story ideas, 4. Students will work on their own scripts based on the their projects 5. Students will learn key terms and concepts for this unit from the handout. Closure: Each student will work to complete their script. They will seek peer critique as first draft is written.

(Attachment 5)

Unit: Final Script Draft & Shooting Schedule Objective: To enable students to: 1. learn the importance of proofing their writing, 2. use critical thinking by organizing their shooting process, 3. work as a crew to complete the preproduction phase of their project. Focus: We will focus on: 1. fine tuning writing skills to tell the story in a more concise manner, 2. developing a shooting schedule for each project, 3. working together in different job positions to create a production crew. Resources & Materials: 1. Student scripts 2. Library Computers Teaching Activities: 1. Each group will read their scripts to the class for constructive feedback from classmates. 2. Using the scripts the students have written, they will create a production tmeline as to when and where they will shoot on specific days and times. Closure: Students will continue to work as a crew to move to the next phase of this process. At the end of this week students will be ready to start the production phase of their project.

Attachment 6 Production Evaluation Form Production:_______________________________________Date:_____________ Name of student:____________________________________________________ Circle one ( 0 = unsatisfactory 5 = highly satisfactory) Motivation: (accepts assignments and shows incentive completing them): 012345 Comments:_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Initiative: (does things on his/her own): 012345 Comments_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Involvement: (knows what is going on at every moment): 012345 Comments:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Flexibility: (can adjust to new production requirement): 012345 Comments_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 1 Reliability: ( can be counted on to get the job done): 012345 Comments_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Production skills: (demonstrates skills in assigned job): 012345 Comments:________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Creativity: (makes useful suggestions and contributions to the production): 012345

Comments_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Overall performance: (rating of general contributions to production): 012345 (poor) (superior) Comments:________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Total points:____________ Grade_________

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