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Copyright 2011: William Stallings

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Nikhil Bhargava for providing most of the problems in this problem set.



Chapter 5 TCP/IP and OSI....................................................................................4 Chapter 7 Internet-Based Applications ...............................................................5 Chapter 8 Internet Operation ................................................................................7 Chapter 9 Local Area Networks .........................................................................11 Chapter 10 Ethernet..............................................................................................13 Chapter 11 Wireless LANs ..................................................................................15 Chapter 12 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching .......................................16 Chapter 14 Wireless WANs.................................................................................18 Chapter 15 Data Transmission............................................................................19 Chapter 16 Data Communication Fundamentals..............................................20 Chapter 17 Data Link Control and Multiplexing .............................................21 Chapter 18 Computer and Network Security Threats ....................................24 Chapter 19 Computer and Network Security Techniques..............................26



5.1 5.2 Distinguish among service access point address, Internet address, and physical address. Consider a 4-layer protocol implementation with application, TCP, IP, and Ethernet layers in that order (top to bottom). Each layer requires a header except the Ethernet layer, which requires a header and trailer. The application header is 16 bytes in length, TCP header 20 bytes, IP header 20 bytes, and let the Ethernet header be 14 bytes, and the trailer 4 bytes (ignore the preamble and gap). a. Sketch and label the layered protocol model b. Sketch a packet for this system carefully showing and labeling all headers, trailers, and data fields. c. Assume a maximum data field for an Ethernet frame of 1500 bytes. What is the overhead (in %) for a 4096-byte application message? Hint: the message must be segmented into multiple frames and be careful of how you consider the data field in the Ethernet frame.



7.1 Consider the Internet in the figure below, in which zones are indicated with a dashed line. There is only one DNS server per zone and it happens to have the same name as the highest node in each zone: yale.edu, cs.yale.edu, rutgers.edu, cs.rutgers.edu and root-servers.net. The only servers supporting recursive querying are cs.yale.edu and cs.rutgers.edu. For each of the queries below, list in order all the DNS servers contacted by the resolver (located in the OS of the machine running the query). Assume there is no caching performed at any level of the hierarchy.

root-ser vers.net




r utger s






a. napoleon.history.yale.edu is a machine installed in the history dept at Yale, and a user on eden.rutgers.edu launches this query: nslookup napoleon.history.yale.edu


b. At the prompt of paul.cs.rutgers.edu, somebody launches this query: nslookup napoleon.history.yale.edu c. Later, napoleon.history.yale.edu is assigned a new IP (but keeping the complete name) and is physically moved into the engineering building to a local Ethernet with other machines such as electron.eng.yale.edu and theorem.eng.yale.edu. At the prompt of eden.rutgers.edu a user launches this query: nslookup napoleon.history.yale.edu d. In engineering building, on napoleon.history.yale.edu, somebody queries: nslookup paul.cs.rutgers.edu e. Follow the same scenario as in (b), but this time indicating in order, all the queries involved in the process. Use this notation to represent a query: rutgers.edu rootservers.net to indicate that rutgers.edu is generating/forwarding a query to rootservers.net 7.2 Consider an HTTP client that wants to retrieve a Web document at a given URL. The IP address of the HTTP server is initially unknown. The Web document at the URL has one embedded GIF image that resides at the same server as the original document. What transport and application layer protocols besides HTTP are needed in this scenario? Suppose within your Web browser you click on a link to obtain a Web page. The IP address for the associated URL is not cached in your local host, so a DNS look-up is necessary to obtain the IP address. Suppose that n DNS servers are visited before your host receives the IP address from DNS; the successive visits incur an RTT of RTT1, , RTTn. Further suppose that the Web page is an HTML text file and four additional objects. Let RTT0 denote a RTT between the local host and the server containing the object. Assuming zero transmission time of the object, how much time elapses from when the client clicks on the link until the client receives the entire Web page? Assume a non-persistent HTTP protocol with no parallel TCP connections




8.1 Consider the figure below. In the figure, for each host and for each interface on each router, the link-layer address (top line) and IP address (bottom line) is shown.

Suppose Host A sends a datagram to host B. Assume that the datagram sent is small enough to fit into one link-layer frame. During the transmission of this datagram from A to B a frame is sent from R4 to R1, a frame is sent from R1 to R2 and a frame from R2 to R3. (Other frames might be sent as well but in this question we are not concerned with them).Each of these frames contains a (1) frame source (MAC) address, (2) a frame destination (MAC) address and an encapsulated datagram containing a (3) source IP address and a (4) destination IP address. In the table below fill in the values of these four items for each of the 3 frames indicated. Frame sent Frame Source Frame Destination IP Datagram IP Datagram on link from (MAC) Address (MAC) Address Source Address Destination Address R4 to R1 R1 to R2 R2 to R3 -7-


The figure below illustrates Router R1 sending a datagram to host H through Router R2. Link L1 only permits a MTU of 1000 bytes. Link L2 permits a MTU of 1500 bytes. (MTU= Maximum Transfer Unit) A is an IP datagram which i) Has size 4000 bytes (the size of a datagram includes its header) ii) Is not using any of the option fields in its header. Because A is larger than the MTU of Link L1, A is fragmented when it is sent over L1.

a. Into how many IP datagrams is A fragmented when it is sent from R1 to R2 over L1? What is the size (in bytes) of each of these smaller fragments? b. For some fields of the IP header, the fragments created all contain the same value. For some fields, the fragments contain different values. In particular the fragmentation offset and offset-flag bit are different in different fragments. For each of the fragments described in (a) give the value of the fragmentation offset and offset-flag bit. c. In order for Host H to receive the data in A, R2 must also send some datagrams to H. Describe the datagrams that R2 sends to H. How many are there and what are their sizes? d. Explain how the fragmentation offset field and offset-flag bit are used to reconstruct datagrams. 8.3 8.4 In what cases may an IP Router not forward the packets it receives? For this and several subsequent problems, we introduce an alternative notation to that of the subnet mask. A routing prefix is the sequence of leading (mostsignificant) bits of an IP address that precede the portion of the address used as host identifier and, if applicable, the set of bits that designate the subnet number. Routing prefixes are expressed in a notation that uses the first address of a network followed by the bit-length of the prefix, separated by a slash (/) character. For example, is the prefix of the IPv4 network starting at the given address, having 24 bits allocated for the network number, and the rest (8 bits) reserved for host addressing. Assume that you are the address administrator at an ISP. You have a address block. You have two customers with networks of size 1000 nodes each; two customers whose networks have 500 nodes each; and three customers whose networks have 250 nodes each. What are the addresses blocks (first and last address) you will assign to these customers? Use notation similar to to denote the address blocks you allocate. Suppose that all your remaining customers have networks of size 50 nodes each. For how many customers can you allocate address blocks with the remaining addresses you have? -8-


The traceroute program may be used to determine an end-to-end Internet Path through a network. Consider the following configuration. Explain the set of packets that are exchanged when Client A uses traceroute to find the path to Server B.

C lient A

Switch I

R outer J

R outer K

Ser ver B


You are given a pool of IP addresses to assign to hosts and routers in the system shown in the figure below.

a. How many separate networks are in the system? b. Partition the given address space and assign addresses to the networks. To answer this question properly you should write down the addresses of all of the networks in the A.B.C.D/x format. c. Assign addresses to components of the network. To answer this question you should label all of the interfaces in the diagram below with their assigned addresses. -9-


Consider the following local area network:

a. Do the hosts A and C share the same network part of their IP addresses?. b. Can host C access the WWW server at the same time as host B accesses the Internet through the router? c. Can host A access the WWW server at the same time as host B accesses the Internet through the router? d. What is the maximum size of the bridges table (in the number of entries) in this configuration? e. When host A sends an ARP query to learn the data link address of the router, can host C hear it? 8.8 In the configuration below, an Internet Protocol packet is broadcast by B. Which End Systems receive this?



9.1 Bridges are self-learning (plug-and-play) devices that implement filtering/forwarding of frames on the same LAN. A bridge maintains a bridge table, which is a mapping between MAC addresses of nodes in the LAN and its (the bridges) interfaces. a. When the bridge is first turned on, its bridge table is empty. Explain how a bridge learns the information that it uses to fill in its bridge table. b. When a bridge detects a frame on one of its interfaces it filters the frame and decides whether the frame should be forwarded to other interfaces and, if so, to which interface(s). Describe the algorithm that the bridge uses to do this filtering and forwarding. Consider the following diagram of a LAN composed of three LAN segments connected by a bridge. Assume that the bridge table starts off empty and the given sequence of frames is sent, in the given order (frame 1, frame 2, etc.). As the bridge filters the frames it is using the standard bridge-learning algorithm to fill in its table. For each frame write down to which interfaces (if any) the Bridge forwards the frame (the answer to the first one is filled in for you) Note that it is possible that in some cases the Bridge will drop the frame and not forward it. If this happens you should say so.



Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 9.3

Source node A H C G E B

Destination node Bridge forwards frame to interfaces # D 2,3 D H H D E

Consider a network path, consisting of four 10-Mbps LAN bus Ethernet links (segments) A, B, C, D connected by the three store-and-forward switches S1, S2, S3 as shown in the figure below. Assume that each Ethernet link introduces a propagation latency of 10 microseconds, but the switches introduce no queuing delays.

a. Calculate the paths one-way latency (total packet delay) for sending a 1-kB frame from Host H1 to Host H2 b. Calculate the effective data rate for sending a 1-kB frame across the path c. Calculate the effective data rate for sending a sequence of 1-kB frames if the source H1 must wait for a 20-byte ACK of the previous frame before it can send the next packet to destination H2.


10.1 Consider hosts A and C connected by two Ethernet segments, with a repeater B in the middle. The segments are 10 Mbps and introduce a latency of 3 s and 7s respectively.

Repeater A B C

7 s

3 s

A is transferring data to C by sending Ethernet frames with a 1500-byte payload. After sending a frame, it waits for an acknowledgment from C before sending the next one. The acknowledgment has a 10-byte payload. Recalling that an Ethernet frame includes an 8-byte preamble and a 14-byte header, a. Calculate the effective data rate of the data transfer. b. Calculate the effective data rate if B were replaced by a bridge. c. Calculate the effective data rate if B were replaced by a cut-through switch. 10.2 Suppose nodes A and B are attached to opposite ends of a 100 Mbps Ethernet cable segment. Suppose A begins transmitting a frame and, before it finishes, B begins transmitting a frame. In order for A to detect collision with B, what should be the maximum length of the Ethernet cable segment? (Assume that the transmit frame size is 500 bits and signal propagation speed is 2 108 m/sec. 10.3 Consider the following linear network

Assume that propagation speed of electromagnetic waves sent over the medium is 2 108 m/s and the transmission rate of the network is 10 Mbps. Also, assume that we are using a CSMA/CD protocol with minimum frame size of 400 bits. -13-

What is the maximum length of the linear network, i.e., distance from A to F that will ensure that CSMA/CD will work properly for this network? 10.4 Assume CSMA/CD protocol. Find the minimum frame length for a 1-Mbps bit rate and maximum network span of 10 kilometers with no repeaters. Assume a medium propagation delay of 4.5 nanoseconds per meter. Is CSMA/CD a reasonable protocol for a network of this span and bit-rate? 10.5 Two hosts, A and B, are connected to an Ethernet Network along with some other hosts. Host A wishes to send frame a and host B wants to send frame b to some other hosts on the Ethernet. Suppose that host A has had 3 collisions while trying to send frame a (with some hosts other than host B) and host B has had 5 collisions while trying to send frame (with some hosts other than host A). At time T, only hosts A and B are the ones that are ready to transmit some data. All other hosts remain idle. a. What is the maximum slot number that A can decide to transmit packet a in? b. What is the probability that A and B will collide in both of the next two transmissions as well? c. Suppose that A generates random number 0.5 and B generates random number 0.6. What are the slots that A and B will transmit their packets in? (Random numbers are generated on the interval [0,1). Assume the 1st slot is the next slot)



11.1 Why does the 802.11 protocol not use CSMA/CD? 11.2 In wireless networking, the hidden terminal problem occurs when a node is visible from a wireless access point (AP), but not from other nodes communicating with that AP. How does the 802.11 solve the hidden terminal problem?



12.1 Suppose that between a sending host and a receiving host there is exactly one packet switch. The transmission rates between the sending host and the switch and between the switch and the receiving host are R1 and R2, respectively. Assuming that the router uses store-and-forward packet switching, what is the total end-toend delay to send a packet of length L? (Ignore queuing and propagation delay.) 12.2 Consider a network in which for each link, the link capacity is greater than the sum of the input rates for all end systems in the network. a. Is congestion control needed in this scenario? Why? b. Is flow control needed in this scenario? Why? c. Would it be better to use circuit switching or packet switching in this network? Why? 12.3 For a link with capacity of 1Mbps, what is the maximum number of users can be supported at the same time in the following situations: a. Circuit switching b. Packet switching such that the probability of exceeding the maximum capacity is less than 0.0004 Assume that on average each user is active 10% of the time, and when active has a rate of 100 kbps. Show your solution steps and calculations 12.4 Consider sending a file of F = M L bits over a path of Q links. Each link transmits at R bps. The network is lightly loaded so that there are no queuing delays. When a form of packet switching is used, the M L bits are broken up into M packets, each packet with L bits. Propagation delay is negligible. a. Suppose the network is a packet-switched virtual circuit network. Denote the VC set-up time by ts seconds. Suppose the sending layers add a total of h bits of header to each packet. How long does it take to send the file from source to destination? b. Suppose the network is a packet-switched datagram network and a connectionless service is used. Now suppose each packet has 2h bits of header. How long does it take to send the file? c. Finally, suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that the transmission rate of the circuit between source and destination is R bps. Assuming ts set-up time and h bits of header appended to the entire file, how long does it take to send the file?


12.5 Considering a small network of four hosts and three links as depicted in the figure below. A 1,024,000 bits message is to be sent from A to D. The data rate of the first two links is 0.4 MB/second, but the link between C and D is 1.6 MB/sec. Propagation delays of the links are negligible. ABCD a. Assume that circuit switching is used and the total circuit set-up time is 100 ms, what is the time to send the message from A to D? b. Assume that message switching is used and queuing delays are negligible, what is the time to send the message from A to D? c. Assume that packet switching is used, packet size is 128 bytes and header size is 22 bytes (128 bytes is only payload, excluding header), what is the time to send the message from A to D? Hint: throughput of a pipeline is decided by how long it will take to pass the bottleneck step



14.1 Consider a sender A wants to send the data bit 0 with chipping code = 010011. Consider a sender B wants to send the data bit 1 with chipping code = 110101. Assume we code a binary 0 as -1, a binary 1 as +1. Both signals are transmitted at the same time. The noise to the transmitted signal is (-1, 0, +1, 0, -1, +1). Note: Noise has 3 states: -1, 0 and 1. The state 0 here means no noise meaning in this state there is no impact of noise on signal. a. What signal is received by a receiver? b. What can the receiver detect for sender A and B respectively? 14.2 a. Consider an area of 1260 square km covered by a cellular network. If each user requires 200 kHz for communication, and the total available spectrum is 40 MHz, how many users can be supported without frequency reuse? b. If cells of area 30 square km are used, how many users can be supported with cluster sizes of 7?



15.1 Consider a noiseless channel of 10 kHz and devices with the ability to emit and detect 16 distinct signal levels. What is the maximum data rate of this channel? 15.2 What is the channel capacity for a teleprinter channel with a 300 Hz bandwidth and a signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB, where the noise is white thermal noise? 15.3 What is the bandwidth of the following signal: m(t) = 5 cos 1000t cos 4000t Hint: Consult the trigonometric identities in the Math refresher document at WilliamStallings.com/StudentSupport.html



16.1 Consider an asynchronous transmission system with 1 start bit, 3 data bits, 1 parity bit, and 2 stop bits. Assume Pr[bit error] = 0.05 and bit errors are independent. Assume that the data bits and parity bit can be in error, but the start and stop bits are never in error. a. What is the maximum utilization possible on this link (assuming no errors)? b. What is the probability that a received character has no errors? c. What is the probability that 10 characters in a row are received with no errors? 16.2 Suppose that a synchronous serial data transmission is clocked by two clocks (one at the sender and one at the receiver) that drift one minute per day in opposite direction. Assume that a bit waveform will be good if it is sample within 40 percent of its center. How long a sequence of bits can be sent before possible clock drift could cause a problem?



17.1 Consider host A communicating with host B over a 108 bits per sec (bps) channel of length 10,000 m. Assume a propagation speed of 2.5 108 m/s. For a packet of 1000 bits sent from A to B calculate the following: a. Propagation delay (the time it takes for a bit to travel from sender to receiver) b. Transmission delay (the time it takes for the sender to issue all of the bits of the packet) c. Total delay 17.2 Consider two hosts, A and B (see below), connected by a single link of rate R bps. Suppose that the two hosts are separated by m meters, and suppose the propagation speed along the link is s meters/sec. Host A is to send a packet of size L bits to Host B. a. Ignoring processing and queuing delays, obtain an expression for the end-toend delay. b. Suppose Host A begins to transmit the packet at time t = 0. At time t = ttrans, where ttrans is the transmission time, where is the last bit of the packet? c. Suppose the propagation delay dprop is greater than ttrans. At time t = ttrans, where is the first bit of the packet? d. Suppose s = 2.5 108, L = 100bits, and R = 28 kbps. Find the distance m so that ttrans = dprop 17.3 Consider the sliding window ARQ protocol. Suppose that the protocol uses a very large sequence number space that would not wrap around, and it starts from 0. And the sender always has frames to send. The receiver always sends an ACK when receiving a CRC-validated data frame. Define Send Window Size (SWS) = upper bound on number of unacknowledged frames a sender can transmit; Receive Window Size (RWS) = number of out-of-order frames a receiver will accept. Let SWS = 2 and RWS = 1. Moreover, we introduce a new retransmission scheme to the sender. In this scheme, the sender will immediately send the oldest unacknowledged frame if it receives an old ACK. An ACK is considered old if it has been received before or the value of the ACK is 0. Assume that this retransmission scheme always retransmits earlier than the case with timeout mechanism. a. Draw a time-line diagram for the case where the first data frame (SN = 0) has bit errors and is dropped by the sender. All subsequent transmissions (data and ACK) are assumed to be error-free. Draw the diagram until the receivers NFE (next frame expected) = 3. b. Draw a time-line diagram for the case where the transmissions of the first data frame (SN = 0) and its ACK are error-free, but the second data frame (SN = 1) has bit errors and is dropped by the sender. All subsequent transmissions (data -21-

and ACK) are assumed to be error-free. Draw the diagram until the receivers NFE (next frame expected) = 3. 17.4 A sliding window protocol is used between a sender and a receiver. The sender wants to send 10 packets with a rate 1packet/1ms. The propagation time is 2 ms for any packet, and the time out is 8 ms. The time for processing packet is negligible a. Assume that Go-Back-N is used, window size is 5 and the packet #4 is lost. Complete the figure below that shows packets from sender to receiver and ACK packets in the reverse direction.
R eceiver 1 ms


b. Same as (a) with Selective Reject ARQ. c. Assume that sender wants to send 20 packets, we use selective reject protocol and the packet #4 is lost. What is the minimum window size so that the window is never full? Explain. 17.5 Draw a time line diagram for the transfer of frames on a point-to-point network from a sender node to a receiver node. The diagram should show the time period starting with the transmission of frame 0 by the sender and up to the time when the sender successfully receives an ACK for frame 7. During the transmission the third frame (frame 2) is lost. The Go-Back-N sliding window algorithm is used with SWS = 4 frames and RWS = 3 frames. The receiver uses cumulative ACKs. Assume a time out interval of 2RTT. Moreover, assume that the transmission time (insertion time) of a frame is equal to 0.25 RTT. At the receiver, assume that frames can be processed instantaneously if they arrive in order. On each data frame and ACK frame, indicate the frame number (from 0). In addition, you need to indicate what action is taken by the receiver when a frame is received, for e.g. Processed Buffered or Discarded. 17.6 Suppose synchronous time-division multiplexing is used to share a link among 6 channels, and that channel 1 appears first in the frame and channel 6 appears last. If the bit string 100111000110001111100000 is sent along the data link (leftmost bit is transmitted first; rightmost transmitted last), what bit string is actually transmitted along channel 3? [Again, list the bits in order of arrival, left to right] 17.7 George wants to setup a wireless network in a reserved frequency band for his small department to use. The frequency band reserved for the department is 500MHz wide, for which Peter, Bruce, David, George, and Jacob will share. -22-

George, who did not pay attention during lecture, is trying to figure out the best way to multiplex the channel such that each member can achieve the best throughput in the network. The only method he can currently remember is time division multiplexing (TDM). To test the network the staff will each perform a 1000-kB file transfer simultaneously. Ignore propagation delay and handshaking, and assume a users transceiver is tunable to any frequency and can transmit data at a maximum rate of 2 Mbps, using 100 MHz of the channel. There is a maximum packet size of 1000 bytes, no header is used. Assume a noiseless channel (no loss will occur), such that no ACKing or collision detection scheme is needed. In the TDM protocol that George develops, each staff member is allowed to transmit a single packet, to avoid interference 6 ms of silence is required, followed by the next staff members packet transmission. Therefore, a single round of transmissions looks like this, note the order: George, 6ms, Bruce, 6ms, David, 6ms, Peter, 6ms, Jacob, 6ms. Using this protocol, how long will it take Georges 1000-kB file transmission to finish?



18.1 Which of the following activities might be considered a possible source of threat to a company's network, and why? a. The daily courier service personnel who drop off and pick up packages. b. Former employees who left the company because of downsizing. c. An employee traveling on company business to another city. d. The building management company where an organization has its offices has decided to install a fire sprinkler system. 18.2 Name some of the ways by which hackers compromise computers without code breaking. 18.3 What is a Null session problem? 18.4 How can an intrusion detection system actively respond to an attack? 18.5 Consider the following login protocol. user knows password P user knows Hash function H(.) and has a mobile calculator user gives login name N to machine machine generates random number R machine gives R to user user computes X := Hash(P) XOR Hash(R) user gives X to machine machine uses N to obtain P from password table machine computes Y := Hash(P) XOR Hash(R) if X=Y then machine allows login a. Explain what is wrong with it and how can it be broken. b. Show a simple way to strengthen this protocol against your attack.


18.6 Look at the following code snippet. You may assume that escape() argument is always non-null and points to a \0- terminated string. What's wrong with this code (from a security point of view)? /*Escapes all newlines in the input string, replacing them with"\n".*/ /* Requires: p != NULL; p is a valid \0-terminated string */ void escape(char *p) { while (*p != \0) switch (*p) { case \n: memcpy(p+2, p+1, strlen(p)); *p++ = \\; *p++ = n; break; default: p++; } }



19.1 Will IPsec make firewalls obsolete? 19.2 An attacker is intent on disrupting the communication by inserting bogus packets into the communications. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by IPsec. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by SSL.


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