R+C Vowel Sounds and Correct Intonation
R+C Vowel Sounds and Correct Intonation
R+C Vowel Sounds and Correct Intonation
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In our Rosicrucian work the proper use of vowel sounds is found in their intonation for mystical purposes. In the east, vowel sounds are also known as mantras. The most famous one being the vowel or mantra of OM. We come to discover in our studies that all existence is a vibrating energy. Different frequencies of this energy manifest to our consciousness as different things in the material world. Although this energy is constant and eternal, its manifestations conform to an inherent LAW and ORDER. The manifestations of this energy are constantly in a state of change or ux. Life is potentially more uid and plastic in its manifestations than we initially realise. Vowel sounds have a particular effect upon the material and psychic aspect of our beings. Certain glands and nerve centres in the human body also act as physical counter parts for the chakras or psychic centres in the psychic body. If we intone a particular sound, it can under the right circumstances and with the right intention stimulate the cosmic energies in and around us. Sometimes this can be so specic that a certain vowel sound can be used to help manifest a particular set of cosmic vibrations in our lives.
The rst two vowels are also interconnected! They represent the dynamic creative principles of the cosmos. In a sense you could also liken them to Ying and Yang! Given below are the principle vowel sounds used in the R+C work of AMORC with an explanation based upon comments originally made by Dr.H.Spencer-Lewis. The real origin of singing and chanting can be found in the proper use of vowel sounds for mystical purposes. Every vowel sound has its proper pitch or tone in the musical scale. Each vowel sound is related to a specic colour and nerve centre in the human body. Here then are the principle and important vowel sounds;
RA Pronounced like RAAH, it is intoned on A natural above middle C. The A sound should be drawn out like the A in father. The sacred royal sound of RA is the creative, masculine power of God
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MA Pronounced like MAAH, it is also intoned on A natural above middle C. The A sound should be drawn out like the A in father. This is the feminine, maturing aspect of God. When the RA sound and the MA sound are alternated together they help create new conditions around us and produce creative power. These two vowels, when alternated, also aid in protecting us against harm.
KHEI Pronounced like a double syllable KAY-EE and is intoned on the note of E natural above middle C. This is a soothing, healing, peace producing vowel.
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AUM Pronounced like AAH OOH EMMM and is intoned on the note of D above middle C. This sound helps maintain the body in good harmony and is also a health giving vowel.
MEH Pronounced like the word MAY it is intoned on the note of C in the middle octave. This is the psychic tone note. It attunes the psychic centre of the human system to the cosmic.
THO This is the invigorating and arousing vowel. It is intoned on the note of F sharp over middle C. It is pronounced like TH-OW with the accent on the TH sound and the O pronounced like O in THROW.
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EHM This is pronounced like the word AIM. The note is D natural above middle C and the accent is on the rst syllable. This vowel is the sleep producing sound that quiets the nervous system and ends pain and suffering.
When using these vowel sounds one should sit comfortably and relax. Inhale, hold your breath briey then exhale and sing the vowel. This should be done three times for each vowel sound. Use the sequence of three repetitions for each vowel once in the morning, then at mid-day and then last thing at night before retiring. The most effective spirit to use these sounds in is one of reverence. Imagine that as you say these sounds they tune into the sacred universal version with all of its power. In a sense you are creating a resonance or sympathetic attunement with that which already exists as extant within the universe itself. Sacred sounds are part of the original lost word or laws that bring everything into existence. All the pictures included in this article are by the famous Russian artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947). You can nd out more about Roerich and his remarkable paintings and writings at www.roerich.org
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