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Master Monograph: Illuminati Section

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The document discusses fire as an esoteric principle and how mystics attune themselves with nature's laws regarding fire.

The sun's rays are almost a reversal of other laws pertaining to light and heat. It is not fully understood why heat is only produced when the sun's rays interact with objects like the Earth.

The human body has a thermostatic arrangement that increases or decreases internal heat as needed to fight disease and maintain health.

The Rosier ucian Order


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This Week’s Considération of a Famous Opinion

Ç This week’s monograph introduces the next esoteric

principal to be dealt with—that of Fire. Although from
time to time we return in our exercises to the first principal,
Water, the use of Fire in attuning ourselves with the operation
of nature’s laws will occupy us for a number of monographs to
corne. The following quotation fittingly introduces the subject.

What says the esoteric teaching with regard to fire? ‘Fire,’ it says, (is the most
perfect and unadulterated reflection, in Heaven as on Earth, of the ONE FLAME.
It is Life and Death, the origin and the end of every material thing. It is divine
SUBSTANCE. Thus, not only the FIRE-WORSHIPPER, the Parsee, but even the
wandering savage tribes of America, which proclaim themselves ‘born of fire,’
show more science in their creeds and truth in their superstitions, than ail the
spéculations of modem physics and learning. The Christian who says: ‘God is a
living Fire,’ and speaks of the Pentecostal ‘Tongues of Fire’ and of the ‘burning
bush’ of Moses, is as much a fire-worshipper as any other ‘heathen.’ The
Rosicrucians, among ail the mystics and Kabalists, were those who defined Fire in
the right and most correct way. Procure a sixpenny lamp, keep it only supplied
with oil, and you will be able to light at its flame the lamps, candies, and fires of
the whole globe with- out diminishing that flame. If the Deity, the radical One, is
eternal and an infinité substance (‘the Lord thy God is a consuming fire’) and
never consumed, then it does not seem reasonable that the Occult teaching should
be held as unphilosophical when it says: ‘Thus were the Arupa and Rupa worlds
formed: from One light seven lights; from each of seven, seven times seven, . . . ’
Temple Section- AMORC •The Rosicrucian Order

To the Members of the Esoteric Hierarchy, Greetings!

I do not want any of the members of my class to think that the

remaining laws and principles of esoteric mysticism center around the use
of water or that a bowl of water will be constantly used by each member
in his future studies and practices. I simply want you to be- come
familiar with the use of water. Later you will return to it from time to
time in connection with your other exercises.

This week, I want to call your attention to the next esoteric law
and principle. It deals with fire and the flame. Fire is one of the great
éléments that the mystics hâve used in producing marvelous resuit s and
in attuning themselves with the operation of nature’s laws. You may think
of fire and the flame only in connection with heat and light, but fire is
an important element in nearly every one of the de- partments or sections
of universal manifestation. Even our own bodies manufacture fire or its
équivalent in heat. Without heat in the universe around us and without
heat within our bodies, we could not exist. Our bodies manufacture heat
every hour that we are alive, and that heat serves many important
purposes. There is heat generated from the émanations of the sun. The
sun's rays are almost a reversai of our other laws pertaining to light
and heat. When we want to produce a substitute light for the sunlight, we
first hâve to produce heat and from the heat cornes further light. It is
because the little filament of wire in the electric light bulb gets very
hot and is overheated that it produces light.

Scientists hâve been hunting for many years for what they call cold
light. They are trying to find some means of making a substitute for
sunlight or some sort of light that is not the resuit of heat and could
be used day or night in dark places. In ail of our présent methods,
whether burning a candie, burning a kerosene wick, a gas jet, or an
electric light bulb, we first produce heat and from the heat we dérivé
light. It is an expensive, costly, and wasteful method. When we burn the
electric light bulb we are getting about 98 percent heat and 2 percent
light. In other words, we hâve to waste a tremendous amount of heat to
get a little light. The same is true in burning the kerosene wick. If
that heat could be saved, or ail of it turned into light so that we would
hâve 100 percent light and no heat, we would hâve cold light, and a
greater amount of light at the same cost.

The sun’s rays are still a puzzling and often contradictory phe-
nomenon to us though much has been learned about them. Early experi-
ments made by the use of balloons and airplanes indicate that the higher
we ascend from the earth and the doser we get to the sun’s rays,
the colder the atmosphère! Many hâve gone far enough \ / up into the
sky almost to freeze to death with the sun shin-
ing. In fact, modem jet-propelled planes, flying at extreme
V altitudes, require pilots to be dressed in electrically heated
Temple Section AMORC •The Rosicrucian Order

suits as an added assurance that they will not freeze. On the other hand,
a zone of reversai is now spéculâted where the température be- comes
hotter with height. In parts of the stratosphère it may become as hot as
boiling water. This is probably caused by absorption of the sun’s rays by
the thin layer of ozone which surrounds the earth. The sun itself may be
a flaming mass of heat, as generally believed.
The sun's rays are not cold. They contain heat, just as do the
radiations from a candie flame. However, radiations in flight, as the
rays of the sun, do not give off heat until interrupted by the earth or a
material body. That is true for the candie flame, also. Hence it is not
correct to assume that the sun's rays contain less heat than earthly
radiations as, for example, the fiâmes from a fire. It is true that
ordinarily the red and infrared rays are felt by our skin to be hot
because they are the kind of rays given off by a body that is hot, but
not quite hot enough to burn brightly. Nevertheless, a thermometer will
indicate heat in those rays that fall into the blue and ultraviolet
région of an intense spectrum as well as in those in the infrared région.

The important fact for us is that the sun's rays mix with the
magnetism of our earth and produce heat around us. It is of a degree that
maintains life on this earthly planet. The situation on the moon is quite
different. The moon has no internai heat and no protective atmosphère.
The light we see on the moon is from the sun's rays striking it and
illuminating it. It is reflected sunlight that cornes to us from the
moon. Since the moon has no internai heat, it becomes intensely cold
during the night. During the day, which is equally long, the fiercely
blazing sunshine produces a heat which probably exceeds that of boiling
water. Heat at "noon" will probably be about 261 degrees Fahrenheit; at
"midnight" the température will drop to approximately 240 degrees cold or
below zéro.

The other planets throughout theuniverse, like the earth, appear to

hâve some heat of their own as a resuit of the sunlight acting upon them.
Why the moon is different in this regard has never been defi- nitely
solved except that the moon is not a regular planet like Mars, Jupiter,
Venus, and Saturn, but a sort of satellite that broke away from some
other planet, very possibly from the earth itself, and flew into space as
dead, lifeless matter without any magnetism or electri- cal quality, and,
forced to revolve around and around in space, its shape became spherical.

Some of the most marvelous processes inside our bodies, connected

with the digestion and assimilation of food, and the processes of

of thermostatic arrangement in us that increases the heat as

the body needs it, and decreases it as it is not needed.

metabolism, produce body température or heat. There is a sort

Temple Section-------------------—- ----------------A M O R C----------------------------The Rosicrucian Order


If man goes to the North Pôle to live, the heat within his body is
increased automatically so as to enable him to stand the colder
températures on the outside of the body. If he goes to the Equator to
live, the body gradually adjusts itself to the terrifie heat outside and
does not produce so much heat on the inside. By this marvelous plan the
température of the blood of the average human being is kept at the same
degree whether he goes into the ice and snow of winter, or into the
terrifie heat of summer. Even if a man steps out of a very warm room into
a large refrigerator and remains there for an hour, his internai
equipment, controlled by the subconscious mind, adjusts the blood
température to meet the cold conditions, and the adjustment is made
within twenty or thirty minutes.

This process is not solely to keep the blood at a certain tem-

pérature, but to aid in other vital activities of the body, even to
assisting the brain to operate properly and to keep nerve energy at its
proper power and activity. One of the important features of this internai
heat in the body is to keep the glands and psychic centers active and
normal. When we concentrate upon certain psychic centers, we
unconsciously increase the heat in those centers ; thereby causing an
increase of energy and of functioning. If the practice is con- tinued
over a period of some months, these glands and psychic centers become
accustomed to this increased activity and establish that activity as a
standard and maintain it even when we are not concentrat- ing upon them.
Many of the exercises and practices in the lower De- grees were for the
purpose of energizing these psychic centers through concentration, and
thus raising the key of their activity to a higher pitch where it would
maintain that activity, quicken our psychic fac- ulties and help us to a
better degree of psychic évolution. In some persons this development is
more quickly accomplished than in others, but eventually it Works for
each in the same way.

Ill-health and various diseases are the resuit of some interférence

in the body that prevents the blood from remaining at a normal
température, or prevents some of the glands and other parts of the body
from functioning properly. When disease is in the body or a germ is at
work, the body heat is increased because of increased activity of the
blood and nerve energy to fight the disease. This increase in heat shows
on the thermometer as an increase of température, and doc- tors and
nurses are able to judge the condition of the patient by the rise and
fall of this température. At one time, early physicians thought the
normal température of the average person should be one hundred degrees
Fahrenheit. Therefore, they made their thermometers so that one hundred
degrees would equal the body température. These early physicians were in
error by two degrees, approximately, the normal température of the
average human being about ninety-eight degrees, not one hundred.
When the thermometer of today reaches one hundred degrees for a
person, it indicates an increase of température. If this
increase mounts to one
Temple Section- AMORC ■The Rosicrucian Order
hundred and one or one hundred and two, it becomes a serious indication.

So délicate and accurate is this indication of heat that with some

diseases a température of one hundred and one or one hundred and one and
a half is far more serious than a température of one hundred and two or
one hundred and three with other diseases. Just as we hâve barometers
that indicate the humidity and other qualities of the atmosphère, so the
thermometers used by physiciens to test the internai heat of the body are
a very accurate guide as to whether disturbances of a serious nature are
going on within the body. If a person goes from a moderato climate to the
North Pôle where the heat of the body automatically increases, the normal
température might be slightly more than ninety-eight or ninety-nine
without indicating a serious illness. At the Equator, likewise, where the
body température is lower than ninety-eight, nothing serious would be
indioated as it would be if this occurred in places of a moderate

I want you to give some thought to this subject of heat while you
continue your experiments with the water this week. It will serve to
préparé you for experiments of a different nature to corne.

May Peace Profound abide with each of you.



Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you hâve carefully read the complété monograph, try to
recaïl as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if you
hâve forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.

Fire, one of the essential éléments of universal manifestation, is used by mystics in attuning
themselves with the operation of nature’s laws.

The sun’s rays are almost a reversai of other laws pertaining to light and heat. We first hâve
to produce heat to obtain light, although science has attempted to discover cold light for
many years.

Much regarding the sun’s rays remains puzzling to us. Although high altitudes are freezing,
it is suspected that there exists a zone of reversai. Sun’s rays do not give off heat until
interrupted by the earth or a material body.

It is not definitely understood why the moon, like the other planets, has no internai heat of its
own as a resuit of the sunlight acting upon it, unless it is because it is not a regular planet.

Ç A sort of thermostatic arrangement increases or decreases the heat in man’s body as needed.
Disease and ill-health resuit from interférence with this regulating func- tioning within the
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