Atrium 1 Monograph 6
Atrium 1 Monograph 6
Atrium 1 Monograph 6
This monotraph always remalrx the property of thc
Supreme Grand Lodge of A.If,. O. R. C. It ls not
purchased by, but loened tq the receiving member.
Atrium Atrium
I 1
Monograph Monograph
6 6
ielJ6-aeirsreneo rrnouctsout rxE woRLDl
A man should not so much repeat his lesson as practice it; let him re-
peat it in his actions.we shall discouer if there be in him prudence, bg
his undertakings; if goodness and iustice, bg his deportment; if grace and
iustice, by his speaking; if firmness, by his siclcness,'
if modestg, bU his
recreations; temperance, bg his pleasures; order, by the management of
his affairs; and indifference bg his palate, whether what he eats or
drinks be flesh or fish, wine or water. (Qui disciplinam suam non
ostentationem scientiae, sed legem uitae putet; quique obtemperet ipse
sibi, et decretis pareat.) 'Who considers his own discipline, not as a uain
ostentation of science, but as a law and rule of life; and i[ho obeys his
own decrees, and obserues that regimen he has presqibed for himself .'
The eonduct of our liues is the true mirror of our doctrine. Zeuzidamus,
to one who asked him whg the Lacedemonians did not commit their
constitutions of chiualrg to writing, and deliuer thern to their goung men
to read, made answer that it was because theg would inure them to action
and not to words.
Neophyte Section4MORC The Rosicrucian Order
Respected Neophyte:
(The usual opening for aII your study-night meetings should be
used in addition to the instructions given. )
After a few preliminary remarks we will consider in this mono-
graph the increasingly popular subject of thought vibrations. But
first let us talk about something of great importance to every student.
ltlte have received many letters regarding the monographs and are
pleased to find, though our students have read many books and tried to
understand the difference between soul and spirit, mind and body, it
ls not until they have taken the step-by-step instructions of these
teachings that a wonderful understanding of these subjects has been
mad.e possible. In other words, development is slow and necessarily
so, as each student will prove to himself or herself.
Some subjects can be completely and thoroughly mastered through
intellectual comprehension. One of these is the study of law, or, in
other words, the laws of the land. For that reason students of Iaw were
ca1led readers of law, and the more they read and comprehended the
great principles involved, the rulings and decisions of their country
and state, the more proficient they became in the mastery of Iaw. 0n
the other hand., there are subjects which require nore than intellectual
comprehension. A certain amount of personal development, of fund.a-
mental development of the mind and body, must accompany the intellectual
comprehension of the brain. This is true of subjects like music, art,
and mysticism.
You may buy books, in any Iarge music store, that are called.
Complete Courses of Instruction for the Violoncello. Some of these
are written by the most eminent cellists in the world. They have
introductory explanations, photographs, pictures, and diagrams, with
a carefully selected series of exercises and pieces to be played upon
the instrument. I4re do not believe there is a single one of these very
fine books of instruction that would require more than twenty-four
hours ofwords, statements, and phrases used in telling the pupil what
to do. Can you imagine anyone claiming that because he could read the
book through in twenty-four hours he had, therefore, mastered the
course of instruction and was a completely educated cellist, able to
demonstrate what he had studied? It would be absurd. Ihe real student
knows that before anyone could go to the second or third
lesson of such a course he would have to practice the first
exercises and master them and that although the first
lesson required but twenty minutes of reading to comprehend
the instructions intellectually, it would take at least five
Neophyte Section= M o R g-------------'The Rosicrucian order
master it. There are not enough hours in any day for nature to have
an opportunity to develop the iaculties and. functions which must be
aeveiopea between each two monographs'
In the future our lessons will contain, in addition to unrch
valuable information, one or two importa?t points, laws or principles
an6 exercises. ir, =o*a cases, by th-e wording -of the lessons, by the
tilr, we cause the student to meditate upon some inner process' some
on it and awaken and bring
thought to it we cause him to concentrate dormant for many years'
it into life again after it has been }ying
You are now we}I along in your studies, and the introd.uctory
arguments an6 principfes which-form the foundation for the experiments
that are to foriow i.r ti i= section have been presented to you' 1[e want
instruction or mor-e of the exercises for each week'
-of various ways in which vibrations function is
further explanat"ion thai whenever we use the word viprations
necessary. Let me remind youphysicar nature, and r hope to show you
we mean actual vibrations of a
that thoughts actually produce vibrations of such nature'
vfe often read in magazines or other Iiterature how these
tions manifest or whence they come; yet we never find a definite ex-
planation.Picxinguponeofthelatestbooksonnewthought,wefind when we think
in it a paragrail;ii;h =.y": nBy this law we f ind that these vibrations
of health, the thought prod.uces healthvibrations' and
iiow ttrrough the body and produce health' n
llthat is disease? what
ing? what is tiro"eht? what is health?travel are
health vibrations?" How do vibrations through the body? How do
they produce health?
do you find simple
Iret me ask you, Fratres and Sorores' wherewhich and
questions-answers enable
complete .rr"*""= t; such
you'to demonstrate every law and principle?
The true Rosicrucian is very analytical'everyHe is a walk-
ing question mark, as we have said' He wants word'
Neophyte Section#MORC The Rosicrucian Order
Keep in mind that the same thing was done in regard to Harvey
when he first prolxulgated to the scientific world the ldea that the
blood in our bodies circulates. His idea had been known to the Rosi-
crucians for many years, just as Mesmer's ideas had been known to
them. Mesmer, however, believed that he had found a new way to utilize
this fluid that everyone possesses. He soon discovered that many
persons who had what they catled a healing power in their hands or
finger tips had an unusual flow of this fluid energy from their hands;
and he believed that this energy could be concentrated into one central
supply and that it could be directed along thin wires in much the same
manner that electricity is sent out along wires today from a central
point. He had groups of people sit in a roomwith their hands touch-
ing one long wire that went around the room, with the idea that the
fluid energy in their fingers would accumulate in this wire and that
at the end. of the wire a powerful force would be mani-fested.
Now Mesmer was absolutely right in regard to this fluid energy
that we have just been calling the electrical energy in the body, and
whlch we know as a manifestation of the Vital Lrife Force that is in
all living matter. As we continue the work of the various lessons, we
shall Iearn to make a definite distinction between the various forms
of electrical energy and the vital forces called Iife.
In the science of electricity, reference is often made to a
piece of machinery called a generator, which is supposed to generate
electricity. The word generator was given to the machine by the first
man or men who perfected it, and it is corunonly known by that name today,
but every electrical expert and every textbook on electricity will telI
you that it is an unfortunate name for the
machine, because it gives the impression that
\\\n\ it generates electricity whereas it does
nothing of the kind. Man has not found any
way as yet to generate electricity in its true
and pure sense. Electricity is in the air
F=u- everywhere, and a generator is really a con-
-'-t:/2,, verter, a device that converts nechanical
energy into electrical energy and directs it
through the cond.uctors to operate various
mechanical devices.
fHE PHENOMENON OF lYe want to have o ur men-
\ ELECTRICALENERGY bers thoroughly
understand the
n nature of energy without becoming
too technical, at the present time,
in our lessons. 0f course, there is
Neophyte Section4MORC The Rosicrucian Order
There are several ways in which you can experiment with the presence of a nerve
energy radiating from your finger tips. Have someone in your family act as the sub-
ject. Then behind their backs, and with their eyes closed, move the fingers of either
hand to different areas of their body, holding them just above their body so that no
part of your fingers or their body is touching. As you move your fingers here and
there, pausing for thirty (30) seconds or so over various positions, have your subject
tell you where your hand is.
Taking deep breaths and directing your conscibusness to your finger tips during
this period will help. You may also try this experiment on yourself. In this ob-
serve the position of your fingers over a part of your body and see if you can"r.",
feel tle
nerve energy.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important princjples of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should n6t forget-. Afler you have careTully read the complete mono-
sraph. try to recali as many as you can of the important -this you read. Then read this
-refer points
;11riil# and see if you have foigotten any. Also to summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
S ffre great body of Rosicrucian truths or mystical teachings have never been put in
book form for public distribution.
I tt e mere reading of any lesson or monograph is not sufficient to give mastery of its
{ M"rtery arises from practice, and in our work it means the diligent awakening of
the inner faculties, so that their usefulness may correspond with our understanding
of their purpose gained through our studies.
{ et least as much time must be set aside for practice and application of the principtes
as is devotedto the study of them.
{ Vital Life Force fows to every part of the body and causes ACTION in every part
of the body.
Q Every cell of our flesh and bones is infused with energy, and these cells operate and
manifest in certain functions according to the nature of that enerw.