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180953rd Pre Board Paper Computer Sc. 2010-11

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2nd Pre-Board Examination, 2010-11

Subject: Computer Science (083)

Class: XII
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Programming language: C++. iii) Please check that this question paper contains 7 questions in 7 pages. iv) Please write down the complete serial number of the question before attempting it. 1) (a) What do you mean by jump statements? Name some jump statements? Differentiate between break and continue statements. 2 (b) Name the header files that belongs to the following functions: 1 (i) puts ( ) (ii) gotoxy ( ). (c). Rewrite the following program after removing the syntactical errors (s), if any. Underline each correction. 2 #include<iostream.h> void main( ) { struct STUDENT { char stu_name[20]; char stu_sex; int stu_age=17; }student; gets(stu_name); gets(stu_sex); } (d) Write the output of the following program: 3 #include<iostream.h> void main() { int Numbers[ ] = {2,4,8,10}; int *ptr = Numbers; for (int C = 0; C<3; C++) { cout<< *ptr << @; ptr++; } cout<<endl; for(C = 0; C<4; C++)
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{ (*ptr)*=2; --ptr; } for(C = 0; C<4; C++) cout<< Numbers [C]<< #; cout<<endl; } (e) Write the output of the following program segment: 2 #include<iostream.h> #include<ctype.h> void Encode(char Info[ ],int N); void main( ) { char memo[ ]=Justnow; Encode(memo, 2); cout<<memo<<endl; } void Encode(char Info[ ],int N) { for(int I=0;Info[I] != \0;I++) { if(I % 2 = = 0) Info[I]= Info[I] N; else if (islower(Info[I])) Info[I] = toupper (Info[I]); else Info[I] = Info[I] + N; } } (f) In the following program, find the correct possible output(s) from the options: 2 # include <iostream.h> # include <stdlib.h> const int limit = 4; void main ( ) { int points; randomize ( ); points = 100 + random (limit); for (int P= points; P >= 100; P-- ) cout << P << #; cout <<endl; } Output options: i) 103#102#101#100# ii) 100#101#102#103# iii) 100#101#102#103#104# iv) 104#103#102#101#100#
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2. (a) What is this pointer? What is its significance?
2 4

(b). Define a class RESORT with the following specifications. Private members: Data members : roomno- int, name- string, charges- float, days- int, amount- float. Member function: compute( ) - To calculate and return amount as days * charges and if the value of days * charges is more than 2100 then as 1.5 * days * charges. Public members: Constructor: To assign roomno as 786, name as DON, charges as 420 and days as 7. Member Functions: enterdetails ( ) to input data and invoke compute( ) function. display ( ) to display the details of the customer (c) Consider the following declarations and answer the questions given below: 4 class olympics { int no_of_events; char country_name[25]; protected: void initialize( ); public: olympics( ); void olympicsentry( ); void olympicsdisp( ); }; class outdoorgame : public olympics { char eventname[20]; int eventcode; public: outdoorgame( ); void outdoorentry( ); void outdoordisp( ); }; class hockey : public outdoorgame { int no_of_players; char venue[25]; public: hockey( ); void hockeyentry( ); void hockeydisp( ); }; (i) Which type of inheritance is shown in the above example? (ii) How many bytes will be required by an object of the class hockey? (iii) Write names of all the data members accessible from member functions of the class hockey? (iv) Write names of all the member functions, which are accessible from an object of the class outdoorgame? (d) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class. 2 class Factory
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{ private: char Name[30]; int worker; public: Factory( ) //function 1 { strcpy(Name,Blank); worker=0; } void Details( ) //function 2 { cout<<Name<<endl<<worker<<endl; } Factory(char *Fact_name, int No); //function 3 Factory(Factory &F); // function 4 }; i). In OOP, what is function 4 referred as? Also write its complete definition and a statement which will invoke this function? ii). In OOP, which concept is illustrated by function 1, function 3 & function 4 together? Also write a statement which will invoke function 3?

(3) (a) A 2-d array defined as A[4..7, -1..3] requires 2 words of storage space for each
element stored in row major order. Calculate the address of A[7,0] and base address if the location of A[6,2] as 126. . 3 (b) Write a function in C++ to merge the contents of two sorted arrays A & B into third array C. Assuming array A is sorted in ascending order, B is sorted in descending order, the resultant array is required to be in ascending order. 3 (c). Write a function in C++ to find the sum of both left and right diagonal elements from a two dimensional array (matrix). 2 (d) Write a function in C++ to insert an element in a dynamically allocated Queue containing nodes of the following given structure: struct Book { };

char BName[20]; Book *Next; Write the equivalent postfix notation for the following: AB+C*D^E*G/H 2

(4) (a) Observe the program segment given below carefully and answer the questions that
follows: class PracFile { int Pracno; char PracName[20]; int TimeTaken; int Marks;
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public: //function to enter PracFile details void EnterPrac( ); //function to display PracFile details void ShowPrac( ); //function to return Time taken int RTime( ) { return TimeTaken;} //function to assign Marks void Assignmarks(int M) { Marks = M; } }; void AllocateMarks( ) { fstream File; File.open(Marks.Dat.,ios::binary|ios:in|ios:out); PracFile P; int Record = 0; while(File.read((char *)&P, sizeof(P))) { if (P.RTime( ) > 50) P.Assignment(0); else P.Assignment(10); ______________________//statement 1 ______________________//statement 2 Record++; } File.Close( ); } If the function Allocate Marks( ) is supposed to allocate Marks for the records in the file MARKS.DAT based on their value of the member TimeTaken. Write C++ statements for the statement1 and statement2, where statement1 is required to position the file write pointer to an appropriate place in the file and statement2 is to perform the write operation with the modified record. (b) Write a function to count the number of VOWELS present in a text file named PARA.TXT.

(c). Given a binary file USER.DAT, containing records of the following class type. class User { int uid; // user ID char uname[20]; // username char status; // usertype: A- Active, I- Inactive
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public: void register( ); //to enter contents void show( ); //to display contents char getstatus( ) { return status;} }; Write a function in C++ that read and display the details of all the users whose status is A (i.e Active) from a binary file USER. 3

(5) (a) What do you mean by constraint? What is the similarity and dissimilarity between
primary key and unique constraint? 2 (b) Study the following tables TOUR and ACCOMODATION and write SQL commands for the questions (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii). 6 Table : TOUR SNO STUN NAME STD JAIPUR BARMER POCKET O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B01 B02 B03 B04 G01 G02 G03 Aamir Salman Akshay Ranveer Shilpa Preeti XII XII XI XI XII XII LB MB LB UB LB MB MB UB LB UB LB UB 2000 2500 2000 1500 2500 1500 3500

Rani XI UB MB Table : ACCOMODATION STUNO ROOMNO FLOO FOO R D B01 B02 B03 B04 G01 G02 201 201 202 202 402 402 II II II II IV IV Veg N Veg N Veg Veg Veg N Veg

Note : i. ii.

G03 403 IV Veg In Stuno B stands for Boys and G stands for Girls JAIPUR refers Train to JAIPUR and BARMER refers Train to BARMER LB Lower Berth, MB Middle Berth, UB Upper Berth
Display the details of student who got lower berth in both Jaipur and Barmer train.

Display the name of students whose food choice is Veg.

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iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Update the food type as N Veg for girls students. Display the sum of pocket money of the students standard wise. select tour.stuno, name, roomno from tour, accomodation where accomodation.stuno = tour.stuno; select count(pocket), sum (pocket) from tour, accomodation where tour.stuno = accomodation.stuno AND food ='Veg'; select distinct roomno from accommodation; select max(pocket), min(pocket) from tour group by std; 2 2 1

(6) (a) State and prove De- Morgans first law using algebraic method.
(b) Draw logical circuit diagram for the following Boolean expression. F= AB + BC + CA (c) Write the POS form of a Boolean Function F, which is represented by the following truth table: A B C F

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 (d) Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-map. F(P,Q,R,S)= (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,15)

(7) (a) What do you mean by a router and switch?

(b) Expand the following terminologies with respect to Networking: i) ISP ii) DHTML (c) What are cookies?

1 1 1

(d) How Trojan Horse and Worms spread? 1 (e) What is protocol? Which protocol is used to copy a file from/to a remotely located server? 1 (f) Oxford University has set up its new center at Mumbai for its office and web based activities. The company compound has 4 buildings as shown in the diagram below: 4

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Center to center distances between various blocks Black A to Block B 50 m Block B to Block C 150 m Block C to Block D 25 m Block A to Block D 170 m Block B to Block D 125 m Block A to Block C 90 m Number of Computers Black A 25 Block B 50 Block C 125 Block D 10 i) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the blocks. ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to house the server of this organisation with a suitable reason. iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification (i) Repeater ii) Hub/Switch iv) The organization is planning to link its front office situated in the city in a hilly region where cable connection is not feasible, suggest an economic way to connect it with reasonably high speed?

All the Best for Board Exam 2011

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LIFE and TIME are two great teachers. LIFE teaches you the use of TIME and TIME teaches you the value of LIFE.

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