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Sample Paper - 2012 Class - XII Subject - COMPUTER SCIENCE - 083 (Theory) Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

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Sample Paper 2012 Class XII Subject COMPUTER SCIENCE - 083 (Theory) Time allowed : 3 hours
Instructions : i) ii) iii) iv) v) 1.

Maximum marks : 70

All the questions are compulsory . Programming Language : C++ . Write down the serial number of the question before attempting it. Leave 4-5 line gaps before starting a new answer. Total Number of pages in question paper is 6. 2 1

a) What do you mean by a reference of a variable in C++? Explain how is it created with suitable example? b) Read the following code and answer the questions (i) and (ii). void main( ) { char NM[30]; int RNO=12; cin>>NM; puts(NM); cout<<RNO; } i) What are the headers files to be included? ii) If the value of NM given during program execution is Kunal Kapoor, what would be the output? c) Correct all the syntax error(s), if any, in the following program. Underline each correction. #include<IOSTREAM.H> void main( ) { int M[5]={45,34,56,87,95,65,49,19}; for(i=0;i<5;++i) if(i%2) cout>>M[i]; else cout<<i } d) Give the output of the following program ( Assuming that all required header files are included in the program ): (i) void PACK(char *str) { char ch='A'; int L,M,N; for(L=0;L<str[L]!='\0';L++); for(M=0;M<=L;M++) if(str[M]=='-') { for(N=M;N<=L;N++) str[N]=str[N+1]; M--; } else if(isdigit(str[M])) str[M]=ch++; }

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void main( ) { char STD[ ]="The-STD-code--is-0542"; PACK(STD); cout<<STD<<endl; getch(); } (ii) 2 int Pos=3; int *Return_Ans(int *a,int &b) { if(b>=5) { *a+=b; b-=2; } else { (*a)--;} return a; } void main( ) { int P=8,Q=11,i; for(i=1;i<=::Pos;i++) { int *Ans=Return_Ans(&P,Q); cout<<*Ans<<','<<Q<<endl; }} e) Go through the following c++ code, find out the correct possible output(s) from the suggested 2 output options i) to iv). #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { randomize( ); int A[]={4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; int N=5; int num=random(A[N]); for(int i=num;i>=1;i--) { cout<<i; if(i!=1) cout<<','; } } OUTPUTS i) 5,4,3,2,1 ii) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 iii) 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 iv) 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 2. a) What is the difference between constructor & destructor? Support your answer with example. b) Answer the questions (i) and (ii) after going through the following class : class TEST { private: char subj[30]; int no_of_cand,roomno; public: 2 2

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TEST(char *,int,int); //constructor 1 TEST(TEST &T); // constructor 2 }; i) Write a statement that will invoke constructor 1. ii) Write complete definition of constructor 2. c) Define a class STATE in C++ with following description : Private members : Name of state (type string) Population (long int) Number of girls under 16 years of age attending school (long int) Total number of girls under 16 years of age (long int) A member function CALC_PER( ) to calculate & return the percentage of girls attending the school as ( Number of girls attending the school/Total number of girls*100) Public members : A constructor to initialize name of the state as NOT ALLOTTED A function INSTATE( ) to allow user to enter data for all data members A function OUTSTATE( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members along with the percentage of girls attending the school. d) Read the following class declaration and answer the questions from (i) to (iv) : class Kitchen_Products { char Model_No[15], C_Name[30]; int year; protected : auto float marks; public: void Get_It( ); void Show_It( ); }; class Fridge: public Kitchen_Products { protected: int Capacity; long Price; char Color[12]; public: void Read_It( ); void Print_It( ); }; class Stock : protected Fridge { int Stock_In_Hand; public: int Sold_Num; void Get_Data( ); void Dis_Data( ); }FRIDGE; void main( ) { ..} i) What is the size of the object FRIDGE in number of Bytes?

ii) iii) iv)

What are the data members directly accessible by the object FRIDGE? What are the members functions inherited into the class Stock? Define the function Get_Data( ) to input data members of object FRIDGE.

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a) A 2-dimensional array maintains the data for the temperature recorded in a city over a period of five months in a year as shown below: Month Number Average Temperature in 0C (1-Jan,.12-Dec) 3 36 4 46 5 42 6 40 7 35 Write a function that will take the array and its size as parameters and display the following: i) Average temperature as (sum of average/5) ii) Display the name of the hottest month iii) Display the array in increasing order of the temperature b) An array X[15]30] is stored in the memory along the column with each of the elements occupying 2 bytes. Find out the memory location for the element X [7][1], if the element X[10][5] is stored at memory location 4500. c) Top is a pointer variable pointing to the top most element of a stack, with each node having the following structure declaration: struct STACK { float data; STACK *Next; }; Considering the above explanation, what does the following code do? int count=0; float sum=0; stack *Temp=Top; while(Temp->Next!=NULL) { count++; sum+=Temp->data; Temp=Temp->Next; } cout<<sum/count; d) Consider the class: class QUEUE { private: int data[100],front,rear; public: QUEUE( ) { front=rear=-1; } void INSQ( ); //to insert an element into queue after checking the overflow condition void DELQ( ); //to delete an element from the queue after checking empty queue void PRINTQ( ); //to print the current status of queue after checking empty queue }; Complete the definition of functions INSQ( ) & DELQ( ) of above class. e) Convert the following infix notation into postfix notation showing the stack status during the conversion: (x*5+y*5+z*5)/(x+y+z)

3 2


a) Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill in the blanks marked as statement 1:

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void Increment( ) { /*This function will check for the stock, if stock is less than 10, stock is incremented by 10 and written back to the file*/ Product Prod; //Product is a class /*Return_Stock( ) is a member function to return the value of stock, which is a data member*/ int Update=0; fstream file; file.open(PRODUCT.DAT,ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); while(file.read((char*)&Prod,sizeof(Product)) { if(Prod.Return_Stock( )<10) { Prod.Return_Stock( )+=100; Update++; ____________________________ //statement 1, places file pointer to the required position file.write((char*)&Prod,sizeof(Product)); } if(Update) cout<<\nNo. of record updated : <<Update<<endl; else cout<<\nNo updation done in file<<endl; file.close( ); } b) A text file PARA.TXT is available to you. Which contains a paragraph. Write a function OCCUR( ) that searches for a particular character and displays number of times the character is present in the whole file. Example: If content of the file PARA.TXT is as follows: This Is The ProgrAm to find out the frequency Of a ChAracter The function OCCUR( ) will display the following output: Give the character : a Number of times : 4 In above example, both upper & lowercase characters are considered for the output. c) Given a class TRAIN as follows: class TRAIN { long Train_No; int Distance; char Start_Place[30],End_Place[30]; public: char *retStart_Place( ) { return Start_Place; } void Input( ) {cin>>Train_No>>Distance; gets(Start_Place); gets(End_Place); } void Output( ) { cout<<Train_No<<Start_Place<<End_Place<<Distance<<endl; } }; Write functions for the following: i) To write an object of TRAIN type in to a binary file called TRAIN.DAT ii) To read the data from file TRAIN.DAT and display the details of trains starting from Mumbai. 5. a) Define Domain with respect to Data Base. Give an example. b) Consider the following table RESORT and OWNER and answer questions (A) and (B)

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RENT 15000 12000 12500 10900 8000 16000 9600 12000 8500 12800

TYPE 5 Star 4 Stat 5 Star 3 Star 2 Star 7 Star 3 Star 4 Star 2 Star 4 Star

STARTDATE 23 Jan 2008 12 Nov 2007 18 Mar 2006 09 Jan 2007 29 Apr 2008 03 Mar 2003 16 Oct 2005 12 Aug 2006 25 Jan 2004 23 Feb 2008

Table : OWNEDBY PLACE OWNER GOA SUN VILLAGE KERALA KTDC HIMANCHAL KALRA RESORTS GUJARAT KINJAL GROUP ORISSA OTDC (A) Write SQL commands for the following statements: (i) to display the RCODE and PLACE of all 2 Star resorts in the alphabetical order of the place from table RESORT. (ii) to display the maximum & minimum rent for each type of resort from table RESORT. (iii) to display the details of all resorts which are started after 31-Dec-04 from table RESORT. (iv) to display the owner of all 5 Star resorts from tables RESORT and OWNEDBY. (B) Give output for the following queries: (i) SELECT MIN(RENT) FROM RESORT WHERE PLACE=KERALA; (ii) SELECT TYPE, STARTDATE FROM RESORT WHERE TYPE=2 Star ORDER BY STARTDATE; (iii) SELECT PLACE, OWNER FROM OWNEDBY WHERE PLACE LIKE %L; (iv) SELECT RCODE, RENT FROM RESORT, OWNEDBY WHERE RESORT.PLACE=OWNEDBY.PLACE AND TYPE>=4 Star; 6. a) State and verify associative law in Boolean algebra. b) Represent the expression X.Y+Y.Z+Z.X using only NAND gates. c) Write the equivalent Boolean Expression R for the following circuit diagram : A

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d) If F(P,Q,R,S) = (0,2,5,7,8,10,13,15) , obtain the simplified form using K-Map. 7. a) What is the difference between WAN & MAN ? b) Expand the following terminologies : i) VoIP ii) IDEN

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c) Name one server side script. d) Differentiate between WORM & VIRUS in computer terminology. e) What is shareware?. f) GIGGLING SCHOOL, has its campus in DEHRADOON and it has five computer labs located in five different blocks. The school has taken the decision to network all the computers in the campus and to have the high speed internet connectivity. Suggest the requirements for the following points. Give reasons to your choice. (i) Specify the cable layout to network computers in each lab separately. (ii) Specify the hardware requirement from the following to network the labs together located in five different blocks. Switch/Hub Server Repeater (iii) What type of topology will you suggest to network all labs together. (iv) Suggest the type of internet connection suitable for the school. &&&&& 1 2 1

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Paper Submitted by : PRADUMNA SINGH Any, query, mail me on : pradumna_singh@rediffmail.com Mobile No. : 09026574336 PGT Computer Science Sunbeam English School, Bhagwanpur, BHU, Lanka, Varanasi

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