CHEMALLOY - A New Alloy For The Science Student
CHEMALLOY - A New Alloy For The Science Student
CHEMALLOY - A New Alloy For The Science Student
CHEMALLOY - A New Alloy for the Science Student Originally conceived as a soldering alloy, this patented substance has anti-friction properties, will aerate soil, improves seed germination, stimulates plant growth, will generate electricity, and ???? By Samuel Freedman What relation there can be between soldering aluminum and promoting the growth of huckleberries is hard to see --- yet in the broadest view, scientists say, all things are in some way interrelated. Chemalloy, with its strangely diverse properties seems to support this view. Put a Chemalloy Rod in plain water (Fig. 1) and you have a battery of .55 volt potential that will last as long as the rod is kept wet, generating enough power to operate a voltmeter, milliameter or oscilloscope. In different liquids, voltage varies from almost zero for petroleum to 1.1 for certain types of chili sauce. As a bearing material, Chemalloy in a solid dry state withstands friction without coolant or lubricant. Chemalloy powderized to about 1,000,000 particles per pound exhibits the same electrical properties (Fig. 2) as the solid rod. Here it generates slightly more than .5 volt, and in addition decomposes the water, liberating hydrogen. * solid rod decomposes water aided by electrolysis. This process is further examined in Fig 3. First fill three graduated cylinders with water, one cold, the second warm, and the third hot. Add equal amounts of Chemalloy to each graduated cylinder. Instantly, the graduated cylinder containing hot water liberates hydrogen (Fig. 3A). Heat is generated by the reaction so that with the passage of a few minutes (Figs. 3B and C) the three graduated cylinders are equally warm and hydrogen production in all three is the same. One of the Most Significant Uses of powdered Chemalloy may be the warming and loosening of soils that are too cold or compact for optimum seed generation and plant growth. The warming and aeration of soil on a laboratory basis is shown in Fig. 4. A sample of dry soil is placed on top of powdered Chemalloyinaglasscase.Notethetemperaturerisefrom94F.to126F.Voltageremainsapproximatelyat.6. From this point on, voltage will remain constant, but soil temperature will decline and finally stabilize at a point a few degrees above the environmental temperature. The electrical action will continue and will generate warmth at this reduced magnitude. To date, the capability of Chemalloy to generate electricity in water has been observed for seven continuous years, and no limit is known. The liquid, rather than the metal is the substance which is consumed and must be replaced. A Provincial Horticulture Station in Alberta, Canada, summarizes an experiment in seed germination as follows:
Vegetable Cucumber Red Beet Lettuce Leek Carrot %germinated (Chem. Treated) 50 96 64 86 68 %germinated (untreated) 16 70 34 54 32
The assistant superintendent supervising this experiment stated that the addition of Chemalloy powder resulted in speedier germination of seeds as well as larger percentages germinated. Initial growth of the plants after emergence was also more rapid in the case of treated seeds. For field crops, Chemalloy is applied at the rate of one to five pounds per acre, in the row or hill with the seeds. It is not broadcast over the entire field area, as this would waste material. It needs to be buried where it will be in contact with soil moisture since it is inert when dry. The peach and nectarine trees in Fig. 5 were planted in poor compact clay soil in El Cajon, Calif., and stands in sharp contrast to anything else in the area havinggrownin1yearstotheheightshownfrom1-in. diameter stubs. Chemalloy Was Developed in 1951 as a fluxless aluminum solder alloy, by combining zinc and lead in the presence of raw muriatic acid, at a temperatureof1500F.Originallyexplosive,todaytheprocessisreducedtoviolentboilingandprolongedtofiveminutes,bytheuseofporouscopper slag and finely divided charcoal. What uses Chemalloy may have beyond those outlined in this article can only be guessed at. Readers may communicate with the inventor, Samuel Freedman, in care of Chemalloy Electronics Corp., Santee, Calif., if they have special interest or need for more specific information, and for samples of Chemalloy which will be supplied for a nominal charge of 25each to cover cost of packaging and mailing. If a working quantity of material is also desired as a fluxless aluminum solder complete with instructions, add 25additional. EDITOR'S NOTE: We are happy are happy to present the science student this exposition of Chemalloy and its properties as told to Science and Mechanics by its inventor, Samuel Freedman. This new substance, granted U. S . Patents No. 2,796,345 (Process of Producing Lead-Zinc Alloys) - June 18, 1957 and No. 2,927,856 (Multi-Purpose Alloys of Controlled Homogeneity), may have many uses not yet discovered. As a project for Science Fair participants it offers interesting possibilities for original research. Copies of the patents may be obtained from the U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C., for $3.00 each. Samples of Chemalloy may be purchased from Nu Energy Horizon's online orderform.
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