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18-Division 2-Section 02900 PP Pipelines, Materials, Installation & Testing

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Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 1 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Revision No. Date Revision Description/ Purpose of Issue


Jan. 2012

First Issue












Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 2 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................... 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5 1.6 2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 SCOPE ................................................................................................ 4 RELATED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................... 4 STANDARDS ....................................................................................... 4 SUBMITTALS ....................................................................................... 6 PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS APPROVAL. ....................................... 6 METHOD STATEMENTS ..................................................................... 7 DRAWINGS. ........................................................................................ 8 QUALITY CONTROL............................................................................ 8 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING............................................. 8 PIPE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ....................................................... 10 PIPES AND FITTINGS ....................................................................... 10 PP FOR NON-PRESSURE APPLICATION. ....................................... 10 QUALITY CONTROL TESTS ............................................................. 12 PP PIPES AND FITTINGS. ................................................................ 12 TYPE TESTS ..................................................................................... 12 REGULAR QUALITY CONTROL TESTS ........................................... 12 PIPE INSTALLATION ......................................................................... 13 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINES ........................................ 15 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINES GENERAL. ..................... 15 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF NON PRESSURE PIPELINES ........... 16 DEFLECTION MEASUREMENT OF PIPELINES ............................... 17

PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 10

EXECUTION .................................................................................................. 13


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 3 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


SCOPE This section of the specification gives the requirements for soild wall and structured polypropylene non pressure pipelines and the installation and testing thereof for sewerage systems.


RELATED DOCUMENTS The following sections of the specification shall be read in conjunction with this section. Section 01000-07 Section 01000-08 Section 01000-09 Section 02120 Section 02300 Submittals. Quality control. Materials and equipment. Utility excavation, surround and backfill. Sewage works.


STANDARDS All activities relating to this section of the standard specification shall comply with the following or approved equal standards. EN 13476 Plastics, piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Structured wall piping systems of unplasticised poly vinyl chloride (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) Including CEN/TS 13476-4 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage Polypropylene (PP) Including CEN/TS 1852-2 and 1852-3 General requirements for components used in drains and sewers Plastics piping and ducting systems Injection moulded thermoplastic fittings Methods for visually assessing the effects of heating Elastomeric seals. Material requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications. Plastics piping and ducting systems Polyolefin pipes and fittings Determination of oxidation induction time Plastics piping and ducting systems - Thermoplastics pipes Test method for resistance to external blows by the round the clock method Plastics piping systems Thermoplastics piping system for non-pressure applications Test method for water tightness
PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

EN 1852

EN 476 EN ISO 580

EN 681 EN728 EN 744



Division 02

Section 02900

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 4 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

EN 1055

Plastics piping systems Thermoplastic piping systems for soil and waste discharge inside buildings Test method for resistance to elevated temperature cycling Plastics Determination of melt mass flow rate (MFR) and melt volume flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics Thermoplastic pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids Determination of the resistance to internal pressure Plastic piping systems Thermoplastics piping systems for buried non-pressure applications Test method for leak tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type joints Plastics piping and ducting systems - Thermoplastics pipes Determination of resistance to external blows by the staircase method Plastics piping and ducting systems Thermoplastic pipes Determination of ring flexibility Construction and testing of drains and sewers Thermoplastic pipes - Longitudinal reversion Test method and parameters Plastics piping systems Plastic components Determination of dimensions. Thermoplastics pipes Determination of tensile properties Thermoplastic pipes Determination of creep ratio Thermoplastic pipes Determination of ring stiffness Plastics piping systems Thermoplastic fittings Test method for impact resistance Plastics piping systems Thermoplastic fittings Test method for mechanical strength or flexibility of fabricated fittings Investigation and assessment of drain and sewer systems outside buildings Thermoplastic fittings Determination of ring stiffness Plastics piping and ducting systems Thermoplastics pipes Determination of ring flexibility Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems Joints for buried non-pressure applications Test method for the long term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure Plastics pipes and fittings Combined chemicalresistance classification table

EN ISO 1133 EN ISO 1167

EN 1227

EN 1411

EN 1446 EN 1610 EN ISO 2505 EN ISO 3126 EN ISO 6259 EN ISO 9967 EN ISO 9969 EN 12061 EN 12256

EN13508 EN ISO 13967 EN ISO 13968 EN 14741

ISO/TR 10358


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 5 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

ISO 11922-1 EN ISO 16871 WIS 4-35-01

Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids. Dimensions and tolerances. Plastics piping and ducting systems - Plastics pipes and fittings - Method for exposure to direct weathering UK water industry specification for thermoplastics structured wall pipes, joints and couplers with a smooth bore for gravity sewers for the size range 150900 mm

1.4 1.4.1

SUBMITTALS PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS APPROVAL. a) In order to verify compliance with the specification the Contractor shall submit information for all products and materials used in the Works to the Engineer for approval sufficiently in advance of their use in accordance with the Contract programme allowing for ordering and approval times. Reference shall also be made to Section 01000-09 of the specification on products and materials approval. Information to be submitted shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to: i. The manufacturer's complete and detailed specification and test results of the proposed PP pipes and fittings required for the Works including the manufacturers certification of compliance with this section of the standard specification. Information on all items listed in Table 1.4.1 shall be given. Should any details of the pipes and fittings be altered in any way during manufacture from those proposed and approved by the Engineer, submit for the Engineer's approval the revised details and test results. Submit to the Engineer the certification for all pipes and fittings together with the results of quality control tests carried out on the manufactured pipes and fittings as soon as is practicable. As a minimum this should be not later than the time of delivery of the relevant pipes and fittings to the site.




Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 6 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Table 1.4.1 Product Information For PP Pipes and Fittings Product Information Manufacturing Details Name of manufacturer Manufacturing process for pipes Manufacturing process for bends and fittings Joint type Raw material producer, grade and data sheet Date of latest long term type test and process verification test Details of master batch and other pipe material additives Summary of Design Criteria (completed by the Engineer) Minimum depth of cover Maximum depth of cover Pipe Details Factory hydraulic test pressure Pipe wall type (solid, hollow, ribbed, spiral or corrugated etc.) Nominal inside diameter Outside diameter Minimum wall thickness (e 4 or e 5 to EN 13476 e min to EN1852) Nominal short term stiffness (SN to EN ISO 9969) Pipe roughness coefficient (k) Standard pipe length mm mm mm kN/m2 mm m bar m m Units

Notes: Pipe data to be provided for every diameter in each class of pipe. 1.4.2 METHOD STATEMENTS a) The Contractor shall submit method statements to the Engineer for approval 4 weeks in advance of commencing the site activity in accordance with Section 01000-07 of the specification. These shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to. i. ii. iii.

Procedures for handling, storage and installation of pipes and fittings. Hydrostatic testing procedures for PP non pressure pipelines. Deflection measurement procedures for PP non pressure pipelines.
Division 02 Section 02900 PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing Rev: 00 Jan. 2012 Page 7 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


DRAWINGS. a) The Contractor shall submit drawings to the Engineer for approval in advance of commencing the site activity in accordance with Section 01000-07 of the specification. These shall comprise but not necessarily be limited to: i. ii. Drawings of the pipes, fittings, joints, pipe specials and the assembly thereof. Pipe laying diagram and schedule showing location, length, design designation and designation by number of each pipe section and pipe special to be furnished and installed. All data on curve and bends for both horizontal and vertical alignment.



QUALITY CONTROL a) Prior to dispatch of any product and/or material from source the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing in sufficient time to allow the Engineer the opportunity to inspect and test the product and/or material prior to delivery in accordance with Section 01000-08 of the specification. b) Products shall be from a manufacturer/supplier who operates a quality management system which is registered to ISO 9000 series or an approved equivalent. c) To allow the Engineer to inspect the Works the Contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours notice of carrying out the following activities on site. i. ii. iii. Installation of pipeline. Hydrostatic testing of pipeline. Deflection measurement of pipeline.


DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING a) Delivery, storage and handling of products and materials shall be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, Section 0100009 of the specification and the following provisions: i. No pipes and fittings shall be stored on site for longer than 6 months and the ordering of materials by the contractor shall be planned to ensure that the 6 month period is not exceeded. Delivery storage and handling shall at all times be performed in a manner to avoid product damage. Pipes and fittings shall not come in contact with any sharp projections that may cause damage to the pipes and fittings during

ii. iii.


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 8 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

transportation loading and unloading. Ensure that pipes and fittings are well secured during transit and adequately supported along their length. Do not allow pipe to overhang the end of a vehicle during transportation. iv. Ensure that pipes and fittings are lifted using nylon or large diameter rope slings positioned at a quarter of the pipe length from each end. Do not allow the use of wire rope chains or unpadded forks or clamps on forklifts to lift pipes. Store pipes and fittings on a flat level area as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Ensure that pipes and fittings supplied either on pallets or crated, remain on the pallets or in their crates until required. Stack non-crated pipes to the approval of the Engineer. Stack spigot and socket pipes so that successive pipe layers have sockets protruding at opposite ends of the stack. Stack pipes of different sizes and thickness separately. Do not allow stacked pipes to exceed 2m in height or as recommended by the supplier whichever is the lesser.



vii. Store PP pipes and fittings under opaque cover and out of direct sunlight at all times. Maintain a free flow of air around the pipes at all times. viii. Store rubber joint rings in a temperature controlled and well ventilated place free from exposure to sunlight and in their original packaging until they are needed. ix. x. xi. The Contractor shall visually inspect all products upon delivery to site and report any damage to the Engineer. Any products damaged during delivery, storage and handling shall be marked by the Contractor and set aside. Proposals for repair of any damaged products shall be submitted in writing to the Engineer for approval.

xii. Any damaged products deemed unsuitable for repair by the Engineer shall be removed from site and replaced. xiii. Prior to installation products shall be inspected for signs of UV degradation (weathering). If such an inspection finds any major discolouration, cracking, crazing or chalking of the pipe surface they shall be put to one side for inspection jointly by the Engineer and pipe manufacturer. Should the joint inspection determine that any of the products have been damaged they shall be removed from site and replaced.


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 9 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


PIPE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The minimum nominal short term stiffness classes (SN) are given in Table 2.1.1. It should be noted that the minimum classes are based on the design criteria given after the table and that in each case the designer should undertake the structural design of the pipes to accurately determine the required stiffness classes. Table 2.1.1 Minimum PP Pipe Stiffness Requirements Minimum Nominal Short Term Stiffness Class (kN/m2) Polypropylene pipelines of all sizes Cover < 4m SN 4 Cover 4 8m SN 8 Cover > 8m SN 16

The minimum stiffness classes given in table 2.1.1 are based on typical installation conditions in good quality soil conditions and shall only be taken as indicative. The Contractor and pipe manufacturer shall undertake structural design calculations in accordance with international standards to determine the pipe stiffness classes required to meet the actual conditions on site, based on a maximum allowable deflection of 6%. These calculations shall be reviewed by and to the approval of the Engineer. 2.2 2.2.1 PIPES AND FITTINGS PP FOR NON-PRESSURE APPLICATION. a) All pipes and fittings shall be supplied by approved manufacturers and shall be fully compatible with regards to both performance and being jointed together. b) Structured wall pipes and fittings shall fully comply with the requirements of EN 13476. c) Solid wall pipes and fittings shall fully comply with the requirements of EN 1852. d) Pipes and fittings shall be manufactured from PP having a E modulus (Youngs Modulus) of between 1250 and 2500 MPa, together with those additives that are needed for the manufacture and performance of pipe. Pigments may be added to achieve the manufacturer's pipe colour. e) No mineral modifiers or fillers shall be used. f) Pipes and fittings shall be capable of withstanding the surcharge pressure, test pressure and loadings required by the project design and this specification.


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 10 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

g) Pipes and fittings shall be suitable for carrying domestic sewage complying with the requirements of the RSB Trade Effluent Control Regulations. They shall also be suitable for carrying sewage having a temperature of 45oC and maximum sulphide concentration of 50 mg/litre. h) In addition to virgin material the use of the manufacturers own reprocessable material obtained during the production and testing of the products is permitted provided the material is of the exactly the same grade as the virgin material. Use of external reprocessable and recycled material is not allowed. i) Pipes shall have been tested in accordance with clause 6.11 of WIS-435-01 and the deflection in the vertical axis shall not exceed 5% of the pipe length. All bends shall be long radius bends unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.


k) Unless otherwise approved, all buried joints shall be spigot and socket type or double socket type with elastomeric sealing rings in accordance with EN 681. The sealing rings shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. i. ii. iii. iv. v. l) In the case of structured pipes the dimensions and performance of the joints shall comply with the requirements of EN 13476. In the case of sold wall pipes the dimensions and performance of the joints shall comply with sections 6 and 9 EN 1852. The ends of cut pipes shall be suitably chamfered prior to making the joint. The performance and profile of all joints shall comply with the requirements of section 6 of EN 476. Solvent welded joints shall not be permitted for buried pipelines.

The use of thermally fused or welded joints shall be allowed provided it complies with the requirements of clause 4.6 of EN 13476 Parts 2 or 3, as appropriate.

m) All pipes, including cut lengths and all fittings shall be marked in accordance with EN13476 or EN1852 as appropriate. The manufacturers information must include the date of manufacture and batch number. n) EN 13476 and EN 1852 have no requirements for resistance to weathering. PP pipes and fittings shall be stabilized to give protection against a cumulative solar radiation level of 3.5 GJ/m2. The pipes shall be weathered in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 16871 and then undergo impact strength and ring stiffness testing in accordance to EN 13476 or EN 1852 to prove that they are unaffected by the required
PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing


Division 02

Section 02900

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

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General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

level of weathering. A batch of at least 6 identical pipe samples for each PP resin and master batch compound shall be weathered and then half of each batch shall undergo each test. The size of the samples shall be suitable for hanging on the frame shown in figure 2 of EN ISO 16871. 2.3 2.3.1 QUALITY CONTROL TESTS PP PIPES AND FITTINGS. The testing of PP pipes and fittings shall comprise type testing and regular quality control testing during manufacture. 2.3.2 TYPE TESTS The type tests for solid wall pipes shall comprise those tests referred to in Clause 4.2.3 of CEN/TS 1852 - 2. The type tests for structured wall pipes shall comprise those tests referred to in Clause 4.2.3 of CEN/TS 13476 - 4. 2.3.3 REGULAR QUALITY CONTROL TESTS Also referred to as batch release tests (BRT). In addition to the submission of type test results the pipe manufacturer shall undertake a programme of regular testing during the manufacture of the pipes and fittings and these shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the pipe deliveries to site. In the case of solid wall pipes manufactured in accordance with EN 1852, the regular testing shall comply with the requirements of Clause 4.2.4 of CEN/TS 1852 - 2. In the case of structured wall pipes manufactured in accordance with EN 13476, the regular testing shall comply with the requirements of Clause 4.2.4 of CEN/TS 13476 - 2. In the event that any pipe or fitting fails any of the regular quality control tests stipulated in this specification the pipe shall be rejected and the same series of tests shall be undertaken on a further ten pipes of the same diameter and stiffness class. The tests should be carried out on the five pipes produced immediately prior to and immediately following the failed pipe. If any of these ten pipes fail, the pipe manufacturer shall cease production of pipes of that stiffness class and diameter. Discussions will be held between the Contractor and the Engineer to establish the reason for and significance of the failures. The suitability of manufactured pipes for the proposed installation will be determined and the Engineer reserves the right to reject all the pipes of that stiffness class and diameter.


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 12 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


PIPE INSTALLATION a) Trench excavation shall be carried out in accordance with Section 02120 of the specification. b) The Contractor shall provide the Engineer and ADSSC copies of all instructions, advice or reports provided by the pipe manufacturer. c) Pipe, fittings and accessories shall be installed in accordance with EN 1610 and manufacturer's instructions. d) Pipe bedding, surround and backfill shall be as specified in Section 02120 of the specification and associated standard details, with the exception of the following points: i. The minimum trench width shall be in accordance with table 1 of EN1610, as detailed Table 3.1 below: Table 3.1 Minimum Trench Widths Pipe Nominal Dia. (mm) 225 > 225 & 350 > 350 & 700 > 700 & 1200 > 1200 ii. Trench Width (m) OD + 0.4 OD + 0.5 OD + 0.7 OD + 0.85 OD + 1.0

Where pipes are laid in good quality ground conditions such as those native soils comprising granular, sandy or rocky materials, the pipe bed and surround shall comprise clean dry sand free from silty and foreign materials and particles of larger than 5mm diameter. If required by the Engineer, the contractor shall demonstrate that the sand complies with one of the three grading requirements of Table B.16 in EN 1610, as shown in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Grading of sand (fine aggregate) Sieve size (mm) 10,00 5.00 2.36 1.18 0.60 0.30 0.10 Percentage by mass passing BS sieve Overall Additional limits for grading Limits Course Medium Fine 100 89 100 60 100 60 100 65 100 80 100 30 100 30 90 45 100 70 100 15 100 15 54 25 80 55 100 5 70 5 40 5 48 5 70 0 - 15


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 13 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Should the bed and surround material fail to meet the above requirements it shall be graded on site in order to do so or be replaced with an imported material described below. Where pipes are laid in poor quality ground conditions such as those native soils comprising soft or silty materials, the pipe bed and surround shall comprise an imported granular material complying with one of the grades given in Table B.15 of EN1610, as shown in Tables 3.3 and 3.4. Table 3.3 Grading of graded aggregate Sieve size (mm) Percentage by mass passing BS sieve Graded aggregate 40 to 5 20 to 5 14 to 5 50,00 100 37.50 100 90 100 20.00 14.00 10.00 5.00 2.36 35 70 10 40 05 90 100 30 60 0 10 100 90 100 50 85 0 10


Table 3.4 Grading of single sized aggregate Sieve size (mm) 50,00 37.50 20.00 14.00 10.00 5.00 2.36 v. vi. Percentage by mass passing BS sieve Single sized aggregate 40 20 14 10 100 85 100 100 0 25 85 100 100 85 100 100 05 0 25 0 50 85 100 05 0 10 0 25 05

5 100 45 100 0 30

The maximum particle size of the aggregate shall not exceed 10% of the pipe nominal diameter. The maximum particle size of the aggregate to be used with corrugated pipes shall not exceed 80% of the clear distance between corrugations.

vii. If a single sized aggregate is to be used then the pipe bed and surround shall be wrapped in a geotextile filter fabric as detailed in section 02120 of the specification. viii. In the event of very poor ground conditions with a water table above the pipe invert the Engineer may specify that graded granular bed and surround material is wrapped in geotextile.
PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing


Division 02

Section 02900

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 14 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

e) Pipes shall be laid from downstream to upstream with the socket end at the upstream end of each pipe. f) The pipeline shall be within 20mm of the specified line and the invert level shall be within 6mm of the specified value and shall be such that there is no backfall at any point on a gravity pipeline.

g) The Contractor shall undertake the initial deflection testing of the pipeline sections as they are laid and completed between consecutive manholes or chambers in accordance with section 3.3 of this specification. h) When a cut pipe is required, ensure that the cutting is done leaving a smooth cut at right angles to the axis of the pipe. i) Ensure the joint is cleaned and lubricated and that the rubber gasket is inserted in the groove of the socket end of the pipe or in the valley between two corrugations, as appropriate. In the case of pipes having welded joints, dummy welds shall be undertaken with each welding machine every 100 welds. The dummy welds shall be undertaken on a profile similar that of the pipe system being welded and the dummy welds shall be tested in accordance with table 4 of EN13476 1.


k) Ensure that internally all pipes and fittings are sound and clean before laying. When pipe laying is not in progress, ensure that the pipe ends are at all times fitted with watertight plugs or caps. The plugs or caps shall only be removed for the purposes of making a connection of the pipe end or testing the pipeline. The plugs or cap shall be replaced immediately on completion of the test. l) Hydrostatic testing of the pipelines shall be undertaken once the pipe bedding has been completed up to the pipe soffit level. Such testing shall be undertaken in accordance with section 3.2 of this specification.

m) Pipe deflection measurements shall be carried out by an independent inspection party in accordance with section 3.3 of this specification. Initial deflection measurement shall take place once individual sections of the pipelines have been completed between manholes or chambers and final deflection measurement shall be undertaken immediately prior to issue of the Provisional Acceptance Certificate. 3.2 3.2.1 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINES HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINES GENERAL. a) Submit for the Engineer's approval details of the proposed methods and program for testing, including details of test equipment. Arrange for all tests to be witnessed by the Engineer or other person appointed by the


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 15 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Engineer. Provide everything necessary for carrying out testing and cleaning including water, pumps, gauges, piped connections, stop ends and all other temporary works. Ensure that pipelines are properly completed and supported before being put under test. b) Use clean water of an approved quality for hydrostatic testing and pipeline cleaning. c) Test the pipeline in lengths between manholes. d) Use properly designed fittings for the purpose of temporarily closing the openings in pipelines to be tested. Use fittings adequately strutted to withstand the pressure specified. e) Ensure that the arrangement for testing a pipeline includes provision for the purging of air from the pipeline prior to a water test. f) The Contractor must make his own arrangement for the supply and disposal of water used for testing which must be obtained from a source accepted by the Engineer.

g) The Contractor must complete the pipelines between the ends of laid and tested lengths of pipeline by tie-in sections of the shortest practical length. 3.2.2 HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF NON PRESSURE PIPELINES a) Test all non pressure pipelines of up to 1000 mm nominal diameter after completion of the bedding up to the top of the pipeline. Ensure that the trench is kept dry. Apply water head for testing of either depth to invert plus 1.0m, or 5.0m, whichever is the greater. Measure the head at the lower end of the pipeline. b) Maintain the water head over a period of 30 minutes and if necessary, add water from a measuring vessel at 10 minute intervals. Record the quantity of water added from the measuring vessel. i. The leakage, quantity of water added, shall not exceed 0.5 x pipe diameter (m) x length of pipe under test (m) in litres.

c) For non pressure pipelines of greater than 1000mm nominal diameter, the testing and inspection for water tightness, workmanship and compliance to this specification shall be carried out by man entry. Each joint shall be tested hydraulically tested to a pressure of 0.5 bar for a period of 30 minutes in accordance with Clause 13.4 of EN1610. The Contractor shall use a portable stopper system to isolate the area immediately either side of the joint. d) Not more than 7 days prior to handover all pipelines shall be subject to an infiltration test as follows:


Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 16 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

i. ii. iii. iv.

Test the pipeline in lengths between manholes or such shorter lengths as the Engineer may direct or permit. Dewatering shall have been discontinued for at least 3 days prior to the test. Volume of water infiltrating into the pipe shall be accurately measured for a minimum period of 1 hour. Maximum infiltration shall not exceed 1 litre per millimeter of pipe diameter per kilometre of pipe per day.

d) Keep a record of all tests and make them available for inspection. Hand over test records to the Engineer for approval. e) Pipes or joints shall not be accepted if any leakage or damage is visible during an internal inspection. f) If the result of any test or inspection does not comply with the requirements of the specification, the Contractor shall investigate the reason and carry out remedial work to the approval of the Engineer at no cost to ADSSC. The pipeline shall then be re-tested. This process shall be repeated until the requirements of the specification are satisfied.

g) The Contractor may be required to incorporate a 100mm tee on property connection laterals near the junction of the main sewer and this tee may be used to insert an expanding stopper in the lateral for testing purposes. On the satisfactory completion of such tests, remove all temporary fittings from the lateral. Provide the tee with a watertight cap or plug. 3.3 DEFLECTION MEASUREMENT OF PIPELINES a) Initial pipe deflection measurements shall be undertaken within 3 days of a line of PP pipes being installed, hydrostatically tested and the trench completely backfilled. Pipe deflection measurement shall be performed using a laser profiler measuring the full circumference of the sewer whilst simultaneously undertaking a CCTV survey. The Contractor shall not remove any dewatering system until the pipeline has successfully passed the initial deflection test requirements. b) The type of laser profiler used for measuring the pipe deflection shall be approved by the Engineer. The equipment shall be maintained in good working order and have a valid calibration certificate that shall be submitted upon request and or before every period of use. The dimensional measurement shall cover the full circumference of the pipe and shall be able to measure the degree of deflection with an minimum accuracy of +/- 0.25 %. c) Deflection measurements shall be taken along the entire length of the pipeline at regular intervals not exceeding 5cm and the survey details shall be provided as a continuous print out of the results in numerical and graphical displays. Additionally a visual display of the measurements on a remote monitor shall be provided. This shall be
PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing


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Section 02900

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Jan. 2012

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General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

recorded on re-playable media on site and shall allow the results to be printed in graphical or numerical format at later date. A stand alone CCTV inspection is not accepted as a substitute for deflection testing. d) In the case of small diameter pipelines, which are too small to accept a laser profiler, the deflection shall be checked by drawing a rigid mandrel through the pipeline. It shall be sized and designed as detailed below. i. Mandrel Size The rigid mandrel shall have an outside diameter (O.D.) equal to 95% of the inside diameter (I.D.) of the pipe. The inside diameter of the pipe, for the purpose of determining the outside diameter of the mandrel, shall be the average outside diameter minus two minimum wall thicknesses for O.D. controlled pipe and the average inside diameter for I.D. controlled pipe. All dimensions shall be per appropriate standard. Statistical or other "tolerance packages" shall not be considered in mandrel sizing. Mandrel Design The rigid mandrel shall be constructed of a metal or rigid plastic material that can withstand a force of 1380 kPa (200 psi) without being deformed. The mandrel shall have nine or more "runners" or "legs" as long as the total number of legs is an odd number. The barrel section of the mandrel shall have a length of at least 75% of the inside diameter of the pipe. A proving ring shall be provided and used for each size mandrel in use. Adjustable or flexible mandrels are prohibited.


e) In the case of large diameter pipelines in which a laser profiler cannot be used (presently above 1200 mm dia.). Deflection measurements in both the vertical and horizontal axis shall be taken manually 0.5 m either side of each joint with equipment an accuracy of +/- 0.25% of the pipe nominal diameter. f) Immediately prior to the issue of a Provisional Acceptance Certificate, the final pipe deflection measurement of all the pipelines installed under the contract shall be undertaken to check that they have not exceeded the permitted long term deflection value at any point. These final measurements shall be undertaken in the same manner as the initial deflection measurements.

g) All deflection testing and reporting shall be undertaken by an independent 3rd party employed by the Contractor. The 3rd party shall be a company specialized in the inspection of sewers, employing approved inspection and measurement equipment. h) The 3rd party staff undertaking the testing shall be trained and certified by a separate organization in the inspection and assessment of sewers in accordance with the requirements of EN 13508 and associated publications such as the WRc Sewer Condition Classification manual and DWA-M149 Condition assessment and evaluation of drainage systems outside buildings.
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Division 02

Section 02900

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 18 of 19

General Specification for Civil Works

Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Should any of these tests indicate that the deflection has exceeded the permitted values the effected pipes shall be replaced. All defective pipes shall be removed from site and shall not be incorporated in part of the permanent works. Once defective pipes have been replaced, deflection measurements shall be undertaken along the length of the new pipes together with 20m in either direction of the effected pipeline length.


k) The positive or negative deflections values measured inside the pipeline shall not exceed the following values: i. ii. 4% after initial installation. 6% long term.

A general reduction in diameter is considered to be a negative deflection.



Division 02

Section 02900

PP Pipelines. Materials. Installation and Testing

Rev: 00

Jan. 2012

Page 19 of 19

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