Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Ineffective Breathing Pattern
Nursing Goal Within 1 hour of nursing intervention the patient will exhibit normal breathing pattern
Rationale -Respiratory rate and rhythm changes such as increased in respiratory rate with a decreased tidal volume are early warning signs of impending respiratory difficulties
Outcome Criteria Patient maintains effective breathing, as evidence by respiratory rate 12 to 20 breaths/min and clear and clear and equal lung sounds bilaterally. Chest Radiograph shows lungs fully expanded
Actual Evaluation
Objective: Dyspnea Nasal cannula Usedof accessory muscle: elevation of shoulder Nasal flaring RR-24bpm
-Auscultate lungs for area of diminished or absent lung sounds -Asses for pain
-This may indicate partial or complete collapse of the lung -Pain can result in shallow breathing
-Secure connections
-Fluctuation of fluid caused by pressure changes in the intrandexpirationapleural space during inspiration
-Cessation of fluctuating of fluid can indicate lung re-expansion or, if abrupt can indicate clog or kinked tube -Bubbling indicartes air removal from the intrapleural space, especially during expiration or coughing. Cessation of bubbling can indicate lung re expansion. Continuous bubbling can indicate air leak
-Restlessness, inappropriateness, lethargy and confusion may result with haypoxia and hypercapnia
Assessment Su Mosakit akong kilid (duol sa akong tube inig ubo nako,
Nursing Goals Short Term Goals Patient will report pain less than 3 on 0-10 scale. Patients vital signs will be within normal limits. Long Term Goal Patient will be free of pain
Nursing Intervention -Assess pain characteristics: quality (sharp, burning); severity (0 -10 scale); location; onset (gradual, sudden); duration (how long); precipitating or relieving factors.
Rationale -A good assessment of pain will help in the treatment and ongoing management of pain.
Outcome Criteria
Actual Evaluation
-Tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, tachypnea and fever may accompany pain.
-Some patients may verbally deny pain when it is still present. Restlessness, inability to focus, frowning, grimacing and
-Narcotics are indicated for severe pain. Pain medications are absorbed and metabolized differently in each patient, so their effectiveness must be assessed after administration.
-Some patients are content with reduction in pain, others may expect complete elimination. This effects the patients perception of the effectiveness of treatment
- Excessive sedation and respiratory depression are severe side effects that need reported immediately and may require discontinuation of medication. Urinary retention, nausea/vomiting and constipation can also occur with narcotic use and need reported and treated.
- Anticipate the need for pain relief and respond immediately to complaints of pain.
- The most effective way to deal with pain is to prevent it. Early intervention can decrease the total amount of analgesic required. Quick response decreases the patients anxiety
- Eliminate additional stressors when possible. Provide rest periods, sleep and relaxation
- Outside sources of stress, anxiety and lack of sleep all may exaggerate the patients perception of pain
- Institute nonpharmacological approached to pain (detraction, relaxation exercises, music therapy, etc.)
- Nonpharmacological approaches help distract the patient from the pain. The goal is to reduce tension and thereby reduce pain