FlowFox Decoder Commands - WRAN - LTE
FlowFox Decoder Commands - WRAN - LTE
FlowFox Decoder Commands - WRAN - LTE
./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log --output=XXXX ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log -D --output=drop calls ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log -I ./decoder/flowfox.pl -i YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --file=XXXX.log --output=imsi.html ./decoder/flowfox.pl -i YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --file=XXXX.log -D --output=IMSI_Drops ./decoder/flowfox.pl -i YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --file=XXXX.log -U --output=IMSI_UeExceptions ./decoder/flowfox.pl -i YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --file=XXXX.log --ueref --output=IMSI_ueref_id ./decoder/flowfox.pl -i YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY --file=XXXX.log --ueref 123 --output=IMSI_ueref_flow ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log --ueref ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log --ueref 123 ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log -U --output=Report ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log -DUN --output=Drops_UEH Report ./decoder/flowfox.pl -f XXXX.log -s 12:34:56.789 -e 21:43:56.987 --output=Time Filtering cat <Logfile Name> | ./decoder/decoder.pl --p7 | ./decoder/flow.pl -color | tee Outfile ./decoder.pl --w11b --ctr CT.bin > CT.log
Description To check the complet trace call flow,where XXXX=Logfile name & XXXX=any name for your output call flow file To filter on the drop calls To get all the IMSI's in the trace,This is printed on the screen.
To get the complet call flow for a particular IMSI,where XXXX is log name & replace YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY with a IMSI number output htmal file saved as imsi To get the drops in a particular IMSI.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY=IMSI Number To get the UeEceptions in a particular IMSI.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY=IMSI Number To get all the Ueref id's in a particular IMSI.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY=IMSI Number To get the call flow of a particular Ueref id=123 in a particular IMSI.YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY=IMSI Number To get the Ueref_id's in the trace To filter on a particulart ueref=123 To produce a UE Exception report To producethe drops and UEH report Time stamp based filtering. To parse the raw log file To Convert .bin into .log format
ltng -f XXX.bin -t Trans > XXX.log cat XXX.log | lteflowfox.pl cat xxx.log | lteflowfox.pl -lac lteflowfox.pl -f all.log --output=all lteflowfox.pl -f xxx.log -n --output=nodecodemessages lteflowfox.pl -f xxx.log -a --output=alltrace lteflowfox.pl -f xxx.log -b --output=diffbrowser lteflowfox.pl -f xxx.log -t --output=split lteflowfox.pl -f xxx.log -w tail -f XXX.log | ltng -s | lteflowfox.pl -lac lteflowfox.pl -f xxx.log -D --output=anyname
Parameter Options: -f | --file <file> Input file -o | --output <file> Output file -s | --start <time> Start timestamp (hh:mm:ss.mil) -e | --end <time> End timestamp (hh:mm:ss.mil) -g | --get <patt> Get parameters matching the patterns, comma separated -i | --include <patt> Include T&E message patterns, comma separated -x | --exclude <patt> Exclude T&E message patterns, comma separated -u | --ueref <no.> Filter by UE Reference Option Flags: -a | --alltrace Show All Traces -b | --browse View result with default web browser -c | --colour Show flow in colour (List mode only) default -h | --help Show Help -l | --list List flow on command line (only with piping) default -n | --nodec No decoded messages are shown in the flow -t | --split Split HTML Output file every 500 lines -v | --version Show Version -w | --white Print black and white (no colour) Other Options: --anon Anonymous, hides customer specific variables --csv Command line flow in CSV format --cust Customer friendly (no details in flow) --hrep Header repeat (every 100 lines) --noflow Report mode, no flow is generated --sidecom Show comments on the side (HTML)
Description This command is used to see the complete call fow in the trace, where xxx.log = the logfile name. This command is same as above To get the trace call flow in HTML format,where xxx.log is your trace log name and you can give any name to the output html file.
To decode the .bin.gz file into .log format,In this command after -t you need to give the path or folder in which the Translation .XML files are located,If this i
To get the overall call flow in HTML format with out decodedmessages,where xxx.log is your trace log name and you can give any name to the output html fil
To get the complete call flow of the trace in HTML format with out decodedmessages,where xxx.log is your trace log name and you can give any name to the To get the call flow of the trace indifferent HTML broswer,where xxx.log is your trace log name and you can give any name to the output html file.
To get the call flow of the trace in Split HTML Output file every 500 lines,where xxx.log is your trace log name and you can give any name to the output htm To Print in Print black and white To Monitor Live flow.Where is xxx.log is the trace log name. To filter Drop calls
n .XML files are located,If this is not given properly decoding the .bin file would not be correct.
d you can give any name to the output html file. the output html file.