NCP Acute Pain
NCP Acute Pain
NCP Acute Pain
supply, obstruction of nerve pathway, and inflammation. As evidence by -Reports of pain Pain scale 5/10
Analysis A person with cancer often experiences pain of discomfort for numerous reasons. Mush patients will feel pain of varying duration at same point in their cancer experience. Tumors cause pain by invading, destroying or compressing the affected area. Common cause of pain in cancer patients by tumor are: 1.Release of pain causing substances produced by the tumor or by the immune system in response to the presence of tumor 2. invasion of tumor in to bone, nerves, pleura/peritoneum, viscera, blood vessels muscous membranes and soft tissue. Source: pg. 306-307 handbook of oncology nursing by Johnson & Gross third edition
Goals/Objectives Nursing Interventions After 1 hour of nursing intervention the patients pain scale will decrease from 5/10 to 1/10 Objectives: 1)To asses etiology/precipitating contributory factors A . determine pain history,( (location, frequency, duration, intensity using a rating scale of 0-10) B. determine timing and precipitants of break through pain when using aroundthe-clock agents, when their oral, IV, topical transmucosal, epidual or patch medications
Evaluation After 1hour of nursing intervention was the patient able to decrease from 5/10 to 1/10? Yes___ No__ Why?___
Information provides baseline data to evaluate need for, and effectiveness of, interventions. Pain may occur near the end of the dose interval, indicating need for higher dose or shorter dose interval pain may be precipitated by identifiable triggers, or occur spontaneously reviving the use of short half-life agent for rescue or supplement doses
Promotes relaxation
A. Provide nonpharmacological measures such as massage repositioning and back rub: as well a diversional activities such as music, reading and watching tv. B.Encourage the use of stress management skill sand complimentary therapies such as relaxation techniques, visualization guided imagery, bio-feedback, laughter, music, aromatherapy and therapeutic touch. C.evaluate pain relief at regular intervals. Adjust medication regimen as necessary D.Inform client and SO of the expected therapeutic effects and discuss management of side effects
and helps refocus attention. Enables client to participate actively in non-drug treatment of pain and enhance sense of control pain produces stress and, in conjunction with muscle tension and internal stressors, increases clients focus on self, which in turn increases the level of pain. Goals in maximum pain control and minimum interference with ADLS This information helps establish realistic expectations and confidence in own ability to handle what happens. A wide range of analgesics maybe employed RTC mange pain.
To prevent fatigue 3.To promote wellness A.Encourage adequate rest periods B.Review ways to lessen pain (nonpharmacologic therapies) Promotes relaxation and relieves pain
Source: page 854-856, (nursing care plans: guidelines for individualized client care across lifespan by doenges, moorhouse $ murr 8TH edition)