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NCP Impaired Comfort

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Nursing Care Plan

Cues Nursing Background Long Term Short Term Plan of Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Knowledge Interventions
Subjective Impaired The client is After 3 days, In 4 hours, the Monitor VS  To look for  Reassessmen
Comfort r/t diagnosed to the client will client will be significant t of client’s
 “masakit sa Abdominal have feel no pain able to changes in pain felt
may tiyan” vital signs
Cramps appendicitis at all. tolerate felt
 To alleviate
Secondary wherein one pain as Administer
pain felt
Objective to Acute of the manifested by pain
Appendicitis symptoms is (-)facial medications
 4/10 pain felt abdominal grimace. The as per
 (+)facial pain client will also Doctor’s
verbalize a order
decrease in
 Client’s
rated felt pain Promote
position may
from 4 to 1 or comfort by aggravate pain
0 in the 0-10 making sure felt.
numerical pain patient is Positioning
distress scale positioned properly may
using the pain properly. promote
scale: comfort and
also ensure
0- No pain
felt circulation.
1- 3 mild
pain  To facilitate
Encourage expansion of
4-7 deep abdomen and
moderate breathing to decrease
pain exercises

severe Give health
pain teachings
on:  Deep
 Deep breathing
breathing exercises can
exercises help lessen
the pain.
 Diversional
 Diversion activities will
al help the client
activites focus on other
such as things rather
reading a than the pain
book, felt.
TV or
games -To make the
 Energy client feel
conserva rested.
es such
r possible

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