Measuring Water PDF
Measuring Water PDF
Measuring Water PDF
Editor: International Resource Panel Working Group on Water Efficiency Lead author: Jacqueline McGlade Contributing authors: Beate Werner, Mike Young, Marty Matlock, Donna Jefferies, Guido Sonnemann, Maite Aldaya, Stephan Pfister, Markus Berger, Carole Farell, Kylie Hyde, Mathis Wackernagel, Arjen Hoekstra, Ruth Mathews, Junguo Liu, Ertug Ercin, Jean-Louis Weber, Alessandra Alfieri, Ricardo Martinez-Lagunes, Bram Edens, Peter Schulte, Sabine von Wirn-Lehr, David Gee. Helpful comments were received from several anonymous reviewers in a peer-review process coordinated in an efficient and constructive way by Kala Vairavamoorthy and supported by Jochen Eckart together with the Resource Panel Secretariat. The preparation of this report also benefitted from discussions with several experts on various occasions. Special thanks go to Ernst Ulrich von Weizscker and Ashok Khosla as Co-Chairs of the International Resource Panel, the members of the International Resource Panel and its Steering Committee for their dedication and commitment. The International Resource Panels Secretariat coordinated the preparation of this report. The main responsibility for errors remains with the authors.
ISBN: 978-92-807-3220-7 Job Number: DTI/1461/PA The full report should be referenced as follows: UNEP (2012) Measuring water use in a green economy, A Report of the Working Group on Water Efficiency to the International Resource Panel. McGlade, J., Werner, B., Young, M., Matlock, M., Jefferies, D., Sonnemann, G., Aldaya, M., Pfister, S., Berger, M., Farell, C., Hyde, K., Wackernagel, M., Hoekstra, A., Mathews, R., Liu, J., Ercin, E., Weber, J.L., Alfieri, A., Martinez-Lagunes, R., Edens, B., Schulte, P., von Wirn-Lehr, S., Gee, D. Copyright United Nations Environment Programme, 2012 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or nonprofit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. UNEP would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source. No use of this publication may be made for resale or for any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writing from the United Nations Environment Programme. Design/layout/printing: Serge Miserez and Alain Escourbiac. Cover photos : 123RF/ GRID-Arendal photo library/ UNEP photo gallery.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations Environment Programme concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Moreover, the views expressed do not necessarily represent the decision or the stated policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, nor does citing of trade names or commercial processes constitute endorsement. UNEP promotes environmentally sound practices globally and in its own activities. This publication is printed on FSC-certified paper, using eco-friendly practices. Our distribution policy aims to reduce UNEPs carbon footprint.
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Without doubt water and its abundance or its scarcity will define human well-being, environmental sustainability and economic activity in the 21st century. The world is awash with reports warning about water stressed areas now and in the future; the relative demands of competing industries locally and regionally and fears that without sustainable management, cooperation and improved and more efficient use water resources may become a driver and an escalator of tensions and conflicts over the coming years and decades. Meanwhile a raft of important studies and assessments have equally underlined the importance of water to wider society in terms of its role in maintaining healthy ecosystems whose services not only underpin economic activity but the viability of the planet as a home for seven billion people, rising to over nine billion by 2050. This report by the UNEP-hosted International Resource Panel marks a serious and critical analysis of the way societies are managing water supplies including how those supplies are allocated across sectors, interests and the environment. It provides a critique of the various regimes and systems that have evolved over time alongside new and evolving initiatives that together may illuminate a pathway to the ultimate goal of decoupling resource usein this case waterfrom economic development and growth and environmental degradation. Importantly it makes a case that at some scales and linked with globalization water must be considered as a global issue, rather like the atmosphere: not least because water is being traded and used across continents as a result of the shipment and exchange of goods and productsso called virtual water. There are clearly many interesting and innovative ways of achieving the adageif you can measure it, you can manage it. The report looks at Water Registers and Water Footprinting up to Life Cycle Assessments backed up by case studies of places and countries where such management regimes have been piloted and tested including in Australias Murray Darling River Basin and within river basins in China to innovative approaches by a company like Volkswagen in respect to car manufacturing.
The study also looks at countries where national circumstances are already triggering the kinds of comprehensive management, policies and technological innovations that are leading to decoupling of per capita water use: Singapore being a case in point. The Measuring Water Use in a Green Economy report is the first of a triumvirate of assessments by the International Resource Panel on this issue and an important contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals that are likely to emerge from the Rio+20 process post June 2012. I would like to thank the members of the Panel for taking on this complex but important task and in particular Jacqueline McGlade of the European Environment Agency who has been the lead author and intellectual engine-room behind this work.
Achim Steiner
un under-secretary general and executive Director, un environment Programme (uneP)
The world is entering a period of growing water scarcity. We estimate that by 2030, global demand for water could outstrip supply by over 40% if no changes are made. The growing demands placed on our supply of water are not merely the result of the worlds growing population, but the way in which our economies develop. Since 1900, our consumption of water for human use has grown at twice the level of population growth, jumping from 600 billion cubic meters in 1900 to 4,500 billion cubic meters in 2010. Fortunately, this means that there is nothing inevitable about the strains we currently see in global water supply. Many of the problems we are now encountering in our use of water are economic, social and political in character. This means that it is within our power to change the structures governing water use and prepare more intelligently for our current and future needs. But these needs are complex as they involve nearly all sectors of our economy, society and government. Those involved include politicians and administrators at all levels of government, as well as a host of private actors, such as agriculture and the food industry, transport and energy suppliers, water utilities, manufacturing industries, and enterprises of all sizes, making water an obvious economic resource. It also involves the general public, and by implication, the advocates for their interests (consumer, social and environmental NGOs). The art of water management between these different actors is one of integration and balancing powers for the common interest of further welfare and growth. This need to balance welfare and growth places the issue of water management at the heart of the debate on the green economy. Water is arguably more important than any other natural resource, sustaining as it does all human life and the wealth of ecosystems on which human life depends. It is with awareness of this complex context that the Sustainable Water Management Working Group of the International Resource Panel (IRP) has set out to examine the contours of a new, sustainable approach to water management. This report is the second in a series of reports on sustainable water management. The first report in the series drew on existing literature, and conceptual frameworks developed by the IRP in other research, to provide a conceptual and analytical basis for decoupling policy and decision making in water resource management. In this report, we develop these concepts further. We follow on closely from the first report in emphasising decoupling as the prism through which future water management should be considered. The first Resource Panel report on decoupling (UNEP, 2011a) used the term decoupling to denote a reduction in the amount of resources used or environmental impacts caused per unit of economic output. This second report aims to provide a more detailed account of how a decoupling policy can be measured. While we cannot provide specific practical tools for water administration, we do aim to introduce and discuss the analytical methods and policy frameworks needed to ensure that water use can be properly quantified over the life cycle and integrated into other measures within the green economy. The challenge we set to out to address in this report is how best to measure and quantify these different types of decoupling. We do this by introducing various analytical methods focused principally on the water balance, which includes fluxes (flows available for immediate use) and stocks (resource from past inputs) but not future inputs. We also discuss methodologies of water accounting and water footprinting to help quantify water scarcity.
Jacqueline Mcglade
executive Director of the european environment agency (eea)
table of contents
Foreword......................................................................................................................................... 2 Preface ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 1.2
1 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................10 The need for common frameworks and methods for water policies and analysis .................11 Report outline ................................................................................................................................12 Concepts, frameworks and definitions.....................................................................................14 Green economy .............................................................................................................................14 Water and the green economy .....................................................................................................15 Policy framework and the knowledge base ...............................................................................18 Decoupling concepts.................................................................................................................... 23 Challenges in quantifying water impact decoupling ................................................................. 27 Targets and tools for water decoupling ..................................................................................... 29 Decoupling indicators addressed in this report ........................................................................ 32 Data and information sources ................................................................................................... 34 Elements of the water balance ................................................................................................... 34 Sources of water balance data ................................................................................................... 38 Information on ecosystem functioning....................................................................................... 42 Methodologies for quantifying water use and environmental impacts .............................. 46 Water registers..............................................................................................................................47 Water accounting ..........................................................................................................................49 Water scarcity indicators............................................................................................................. 54 Water Footprint Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment ....................................................... 57 Virtual water ................................................................................................................................. 70 Water stewardship quantification in corporate monitoring ...................................................71 Summary and Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 73 References................... 80
5 6
Box 2.1 Box 2.2 Box 2.3 Box 2.4 Box 3.1 Box 3.2 Box 4.1 Box 4.2 Box 4.3 Box 4.4 Box 4.5 Box 4.6
Measuring water use Jordan Water Information System ....................................... 21 The case of Singapore an example of significant relative decoupling of economic growth from freshwater abstraction and use ........................................ 24 More efficient use of tap water by the Dutch economy................................................ 28 Dairy impact on water resources in the Mississippi River Basin ............................... 30 Open geospatial data standards for water.................................................................... 39 Measuring ecosystem services at the river-basin level in Ghana.............................. 44 The development of water trading in Australia ............................................................ 48 Added value of the water footprint: new dimensions for better water management ........................................................................................ 58 Water footprint and virtual water trade in China.......................................................... 59 Water consumption throughout a cars life cycle ........................................................ 62 Comparing LCA and WFA ............................................................................................... 66 Examples of Virtual Water Assessments ..................................................................... 69
Water and ecosystem services in the draft common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES) ............................................................... 52 Stages in LCA and WFA .................................................................................................. 68
executive summary
Humanitys key challenge over the coming decades will be to meet the energy, land, water and material needs of up to 9 billion people, while keeping climate change, biodiversity loss and health threats within acceptable limits. Countries are already facing common but differentiated challenges requiring a range of solutions specific to each situation. A key factor in determining which solution is most appropriate will be the availability of data and information on how much water is available and how it is being used, and the frameworks for assessing the distributional needs of each society. The International Resource Panel (IRP) considers that achieving sustainable patterns of consumption and production equitably while maintaining the integrity of the natural environment requires the decoupling of economic growth from resource use and environmental degradation. The two main objectives of the panel are: to contribute to a better understanding of how to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation; to provide independent, coherent and authoritative scientific assessments of policy relevance on the sustainable use of resources and their environmental impacts over the full life cycle. productivity and efficiency together with aspects of governance and institutional arrangements. This modular approach aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the policy options available to implement sustainable water management in a green economy in a way that recognises water as vital natural capital while at the same time developing a healthy and productive water sector within an economy that cares for and enables social equity.
The IRP Working Group on Integrated Sustainable Water Management is examining ways of achieving decoupling through improved water productivity, for example in the harvesting, use and reuse of water, and of defining a measurement framework for achieving efficient, effective and equitable water use. This first working-group report covers the analytical methods and policy frameworks needed to ensure that water use can be properly quantified over the life cycle and integrated into decoupling measures within the green economy. Following this report, and using the conceptual and methodological analysis set out in it, the IRP will publish two further assessments an overview of the scope of the water management problem around the world and an analysis of the economic and social elements of water
methodologies and approaches for data and information at the river basin scale. A comprehensive examination of the various methodologies for quantifying water use and environmental impacts, their underlying assumptions and the context in which they can be effectively used, forms the core of this report. It considers water registers, water and ecosystem capital accounting, water scarcity and vulnerability indices, water footprint assessment and life-cycle assessment. Conclusions from this, and associated case studies, are that: water registers provide a key to the fair distribution of access to water; accounting can provide governments with knowledge of how water, as one part of the natural capital of ecosystems, is linked to the economy and human well-being; water footprint assessment can provide a tool for awareness raising to highlight water issues in production and consumption, especially in areas such as agriculture and food industries; life cycle assessment and the various standards associated with it can provide benchmarking for industries; and water stewardship can help improve quantification in corporate water monitoring.
sufficiently robust set of tools and methods currently available to be able to include water in all major economic and social considerations. The report concludes that there is an absolute need to asses water-resource use and management against ecosystem resilience and the limits of sustainability when developing policy options in order to balance the competing needs of water users. It recommends that the environments water needs should be treated as a vital priority in order to ensure the steady supply of the basic regulatory ecosystem services that underpin the delivery of social and economically-valuable provisioning services. In essence, water ecosystems must function properly and make clean and sufficient water available to ensure food production crops, husbandry and fish, drinking water supply, energy and cultural values. Effective and targeted assessments depend on open data access and optimal data availability to function in a transparent and equitable dialogue of relevant stakeholders. The methodologies applied for the assessment of resource use and allocation as well as for the assessment and tracking of pollution loads need to be transparent and comparable between regions up and downstream of the connecting water bodies and scalable between the local and regional or pan-regional scales. Further efforts are needed to provide this comparability and the link between different scales, as shown by the differences between the accounting methodologies, life-cycle and footprint assessments.
It is also clear that, while there are differences between the various methods, there is a
1 Introduction
Humanitys key challenge over the coming decades will be to meet the energy, land, water and material needs of up to 9 billion people, while keeping climate change, biodiversity loss and health threats within acceptable limits. Countries are already facing common but differentiated challenges requiring a range of solutions specific to each situation. A key factor in determining the success of these solutions will be the availability of data and information on how much water is available and how it is being used, and the frameworks for assessing the distributional needs of society. In 2010, UNEP responded to this challenge by establishing the Green Economy Initiative, which proposed a major transformation in the use of energy and materials (UNEP, 2011b), together with an International Resource Panel (IRP) to provide the scientific impetus that will be needed to support the transition to a Green Economy. The International Resource Panel considers that achieving sustainable patterns of consumption and production equitably while maintaining the integrity of the natural environment requires the decoupling of economic growth from resource use and environmental degradation: Decoupling at its simplest is reducing the amount of resources such as water or fossil fuels used to produce economic growth and delinking economic development from environmental deterioration (UNEP, 2011a). The two main objectives of the panel are: to contribute to a better understanding of how to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation; to provide independent, coherent and authoritative scientific assessments of policy relevance on the sustainable use of resources and their environmental impacts over the full life cycle.
The first panel report on decoupling natural resource use from environmental impacts and economic growth (UNEP, 2011a) provided a foundation for the concept of decoupling, clarified key terms and concepts and identified many applications for resource management. The green economy report (UNEP, 2011b) stressed that the massive investments needed to improve resource efficiency would need to be complemented by strategies for greatly enhanced resource productivity and the development of circular flows of materials and water. The IRP Working Group on Integrated Sustainable Water Management is therefore examining ways of achieving decoupling through improved water productivity, e.g. in the harvesting, use and reuse of water, and of defining a measurement framework for achieving efficient, effective and equitable water use. This working group report covers the analytical methods and policy frameworks needed to ensure that water use can be properly quantified over the life cycle and integrated into decoupling measures within the green economy. The second report covers decoupling within integrated water resource management, including innovative approaches and technologies to maximise water-use efficiency and productivity gains in different sectors. The two reports aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the options for implementing
sustainable water management in a green economy that recognises water as vital natural capital while continuing to develop a healthy and productive water sector within the economy. The tools described in this first report, for quantifying and prioritising water use and the needs of economic sectors and healthy ecosystems, are seen as essential for sustainable development and thus represent important elements for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
economic differences could also be exacerbated by population growth, urbanisation, pollution and increased demands for high-quality water (UNFPA, 2009). Equally, the many uses of water will create pressures on the natural systems that supply water and which themselves rely on water to function and deliver valuable services. Water management will continue to have a decisive influence on the generation and distribution of wealth and well-being. Yet despite numerous reports on inefficient water use, poor harvesting and water pollution, there remains a general lack of knowledge about how water is being used across the economy, how much water is needed to support ecosystems and how much will be available in the future as a result of climate change, population growth and shifts in economic activity. The current setting in which water policies are developed is not well suited to the task of ensuring that water is an integral part of the green economy. The UNEP report Towards a green economy states We cannot hope to manage what we do not even measure. Therefore, it argues that notwithstanding the complexity of an overall transition to a green economy, appropriate indicators at both a macroeconomic and a sectoral level must be identified (UNEP, 2011b). In the future, a better understanding and quantification of water use throughout the life cycle of uses will be needed, involving the integrated needs of ecosystems and society, the pressures arising from climate change and environmental degradation, economic drivers and the impacts of pollution and abstraction on water availability and quality. Many quantitative approaches are available, including hydrological modelling, water accounting, water footprinting and life-cycle and impact assessment. From a policy perspective, indicators and measures across a simplified DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Indicators and Responses) framework will also be needed (EEA, 1999; Stanners et al., 2007). All these approaches and methods can help to articulate where and how water productivity and efficiency can be improved to facilitate
1.1 The need for common frameworks and methods for water policies and analysis
Water is an essential resource for all aspects of human enterprise: for agriculture, energy production, industrial production and human health. Freshwater represents only 3% of existing water on the planet, of which 0.3% is available for humans. Yet over the past 50 years global freshwater withdrawals have tripled. Today, a quarter of freshwater use exceeds accessible supplies (MA, 2005; UNWWAP Water, 2009; OECD, 2007). By 2030, the OECD estimates that nearly 3.9 billion people will be living under conditions of severe water stress. The 2030 Water Resource Group1 estimates that global demand for water by 2030 will be 40 per cent higher than it is today. This implies that more than a third of the worlds population will be living in river basins with significant water shortages, including many in countries and regions that drive global economic growth. Climate change is projected to cause major shifts in precipitation and seasonal patterns, and to have a major impact on physical water scarcity. Socially-induced water shortages caused by political priorities, policies and socio1 2030 water resource group members include McKinsey & company, the world Bank group, and a consortium of business partners: the Barilla group, the coca cola company, nestl sa, new Holland agriculture, saB Miller PLc, standard chartered and syngenta ag.
decoupling of economic growth from water resource depletion. The aim of this first report is to explain how the different analytical methods and approaches fit together and how they can best be used across the policy cycle and in water management.
indicators and the different approaches available to measure water use, efficiency and the environmental impacts on different geographic scales arising from different economic and social activities. The chapter covers the extraction and provision of water, as captured in the reports of the national statistical agencies,
water potential within key sectors such a food and agriculture and water use at the local industrial installation level. Taking the green economy as its entry point, the chapter defines the data, information and knowledge needs for maintaining the water components of the natural capital stored within ecosystems, the manufactured and financial capital in the economy, and the social capital linked to human well-being.
It is clear that water availability is not only highly dependent on the global hydrological cycle but also on local and regional water management regimes, so many sources of information are needed. Accounting is seen as a crucial tool for the purpose of overall water management and the generation of economic assessments, alongside GDP growth and other economy-wide indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions. There is a need to address ecosystem services within such resource accounting schemes, to enable the links to be made between resource efficiency and biodiversity and ecosystem services and hence the connection to the social values of water. An important conclusion that emerges is the significant and growing interest in the business world in taking water resources into account when considering future business. For public bodies involved in determining water balances, there is a need not only to produce quantitative estimates of stocks and flows but also to assess the impact of fluctuations and uncertainties coming from the global hydrological cycle on water abstraction licenses and access rights and on the quality of water. In chapter 3, the data and sources of information on water balances globally and within river basins and ecosystems are described, with a view to providing knowledge of how they are derived, and the strengths of a series of common classifications and water reporting processes are analysed. One of the key features determining the balance between water demands and availability is the emerging view of how best to take into account the water needed to sustain the many different types of ecosystem services. Here, we present examples of the data used to quantify the condition and changes in services across a river basin and its landscape though time, and show how the impacts of land transformation on ecosystem service loss can be demonstrated. One important conclusion from the analysis is that there is a common need across all methodologies and approaches for data and information at the river basin scale. Chapter 4 looks in detail at the various methodologies for quantifying water use
and environmental impacts, their underlying assumptions and the context in which they can be effectively used. This chapter provides the core of the report, covering water registers, water and ecosystem capital accounting, water scarcity and vulnerability indices, water footprint assessment and life cycle assessment. Case studies are used to exemplify how the different methods are currently used and where they are developing. It is possible to conclude that water registers provide a key to the fair distribution of access to water; accounting can provide governments with knowledge of how water as one part of the natural capital of ecosystems is linked to the economy and human well-being; water footprint assessment can provide a strong analytical perspective on production and consumption of water, especially in areas such as agriculture, crops and the food industry; life cycle assessment and the various standards associated with it can provide benchmarking for industries; and water stewardship can help improve quantification in corporate water monitoring. There are tradeoffs between the various methods, but it is clear that today we have a sufficiently robust set of tools and methods to be able to include water in all major economic and social considerations. Chapter 5 summarises the main conclusions of the report. It provides information on how to address decoupling through the adoption of targets and policies on water efficiency, innovation, appropriate market signals, and water rights, so as not to deplete water resources and to increase water productivity.
Figure 2.1 The world economy 2.1 Figure operates within and operates on the global ecosystem The world economydependswithin and depends on the global ecosystem
With a limited sustainable throughput of resources, longterm economic growth requires enhanced resource efficiency
Green Economy
Human well-being (social and human capital)
Goal: enhance social equity and fair burden-sharing
ecosystem limits damages the natural capital base, reducing its ability to provide goods and services. In this sense, ecosystems are seen as a form of capital. Maintaining the worlds natural capital will contribute to economic output by providing valuable renewable resources and services. Over-exploiting the natural capital, for example by emitting excessive pollutants, will reduce its ability to provide further goods and services. The transition to a green economy presents a triple challenge. First, there is a need to focus on the economy, finding ways to increase prosperity without increasing resource use and environmental impacts put simply, being more resource-efficient. By itself, however, resource efficiency cannot guarantee steady or declining resource use or sustainability: the world could become more efficient but still put excessive demands on the environment. So the second challenge, to achieve sustainability, is the need to maintain ecosystem resilience, which is governed by the status, trends and limits of natural systems. The third element is human wellbeing, including health, employment, job satisfaction, social capital and equity. This also includes a fair distribution of the benefits
and costs of the transition to the green economy. In balancing environmental, economic and social elements, the green economy concept evidently has much in common with some models of sustainable development, which sees the triple challenge of economic efficiency, ecological sustainability and social equity.
and the subsequent valuation project, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB, 2010) noted, ecosystem services include: water cycling as a supporting service; water-flow regulation, and water purification and waste treatment, as regulating services; water as a provisioning service, including the provisioning of plants, fish and other organisms grown in or with water.
resources and this can influence the provision of ecosystem services. Water is mobile (via flows and the water cycle) and water resources are often transboundary. These factors frequently give water some common property resource characteristics. Problems with allocating complete property rights can mean that users lack an incentive to manage water resources sustainably both in terms of extraction and pollution: the rational pursuit of individual interests can lead to socially suboptimal outcomes. These problems are often reflected in water prices, which fail to account for scarcity or the externalities implicit in resource use. While these different characteristics of water give it a unique role in the green economy, they also significantly complicate concepts and efforts to quantify water use and impacts and to design tools to manage water resources. The UNEP report Towards a green economy (UNEP, 2011b) highlights the economic and societal opportunities that arise from adapting the water sector to the needs of green and sustainable water management. For example, by investing in green sectors, including the water sector, more jobs and greater prosperity can be created. This is most pronounced in developing countries where limited access to clean water and adequate sanitation affects health, education and the well-being of citizens, limiting their contribution to a more prosperous economy. In a similar way, maintaining and restoring ecosystems in the short term pays off in terms of the benefits these ecosystems can provide reliably and in the long term. It also avoids unnecessary restoration costs and secondary investments in health care in areas where people suffer from polluted drinking water and inadequate sanitation. Perhaps most important is the cross-sectoral significance of water. Its pervasive role in ecosystems, societies and economies means that strategies for sustainable water use need to engage people in all sectors. Shaping governance to achieve efficient and equitable
Water contributes directly and indirectly to virtually all other ecosystem services but the area of water supply and sanitation also comprises an economic sector in itself. Furthermore, as well as being needed for all biotic and economic production processes, in most societies water also has important recreational, cultural and spiritual values. This fundamental threefold value, sustaining life, economies and cultures, creates an enormous range of competing demands on water resources but also economic opportunities. Assessing the socially-optimal allocation of water resources is extremely complex, involving balancing and trading off many pressing but often extremely diverse interests. However, this complexity also offers opportunities for win-win situations, even though scrutiny of the various elements, including a break with traditional concepts, might be needed to realise them. Water also differs from other resources with respect to its high variability in time and space. Seasonality and catchment characteristics are key features that need to be considered in the complex task of quantifying and managing water. First, although water is globally abundant and non-depletable in aggregate, it is very unevenly distributed and local stores of water can easily be exhausted. Localities vary in terms of water abundance and scarcity, with climatic and seasonal variations (affecting precipitation, evapotranspiration, etc.) also having an important influence. This means that the impacts of the same amount of water use will differ enormously between locations and periods of time. In addition, water use can affect water quality as well as the abundance of local
allocation of water requires an effective stakeholder dialogue within a catchment and at other relevant scales, which can help foster cross-sectoral integration and exchange.
needs to operate within environmental and social sustainability limits. More efficient use of all resources in all sectors can help reduce water demand and water pollution, thus alleviating pressure on the environment and related ecosystem services. However, inequity in water use and allocation, when linked with social and political imbalances, risks impairing the ability of ecosystem services to deliver water and is also likely to jeopardise human well-being. Thus a green economy requires clear governance structures and carefully, perhaps differently designed economic, regulatory and normative tools to allocate water among competing users and thereby ensure healthy ecosystems. The UNEP report Towards a green economy (UNEP, 2011b), for example, discusses enabling conditions, such as the establishment of sound regulatory frameworks, prioritising government investment to stimulate specific areas and shifting marketbased instruments towards promoting green investment and innovation. The OECD report Towards green growth makes similar suggestions (OECD, 2011c). In a broader context, soft measures which include the social aspects of governance (including public participation in water boards and round tables, as seen under the EU Water Framework Directive) are highly relevant and a precondition for the transparent implementation of a green economy. Data, indicators and national water-accounting systems are essential tools for recognising the challenges and designing appropriate responses. At the same time, investments in certain sectors will increasingly need to reflect the intensity of water usage and will need to be assessed on the basis of the hydrological and climatic conditions in the river basin, as well as the local and regional social and economic realities.
Water in society
Ecosystems, societies and economies all depend on water resources to exist and prosper. Ecosystems require water to function and provide ecosystem services; they therefore represent an additional major water user alongside agriculture, industry, urban centres and households, leading to competition between the needs of the sectors and the environment. But ecosystems, in turn, provide services such as ensuring water quality and flow regulation.
Growing populations and economies, changing diets, as well as climate change, are leading to increasing water use plus the associated demands on the environment (Liu et al., 2008). The allocation of water to competing but highly interdependent users and sectors will thus strongly influence the sustainability of economic growth and the distribution of wealth and wellbeing across societies and generations. To maintain the sustainability of water supply and use, the allocation of water to different uses, including both consumptive and in-stream,
a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights. The tools and methodologies needed to measure the distance to achieving such societal goals are similar to those presented in this report for the water environment. There are also some common approaches, as in the case of determining water registries and water allocation rights. Overall, decoupling water use from economic growth serves both environmental and societal goals. For example, absolute decoupling of resource use and environmental impacts can benefit human health and preserve environmental assets of cultural, recreational or religious importance, while enabling economic growth to continue. However the full range of social and political issues connected with water and sustainable development cannot be covered in this report, which focuses only on the environmental aspects from a conceptual and methodological perspective. Another report would be needed to enlarge in this very important area and fully integrate the approaches here into the political debate.
depletable resources by investing in other forms of (natural) capital. The interplay of resource use and environmental impacts from a life-cycle perspective can be simply conceptualised using the DPSIR framework, which portrays the dynamics and interactions of drivers (D), pressures (P), state (S), impact (I) and responses (R). Figure 2.3 illustrates how population growth and economic activities such as agriculture, energy production and industry act as driving forces to build up pressures on the environment through the use of water, materials, energy and land. This in turn affects the state of the natural environment (biodiversity, air and water quality) and the state of human health and well-being. Specific impacts can be distinguished, for example by considering thresholds related to the state of ecosystems in the context of their resilience. Evidently, water is itself an essential component in all elements of the DPSIR framework. Water supply and sanitation can be considered as a driver with its own dynamics of
pricing, infrastructure and governance. Water is a vital good and service represented in the pressure (water use), and it is a core element in the state of an ecosystem in terms of water scarcity, quality, and the state of water and wetland ecosystems. Across the policy cycle there is a need for indicators that can show the source and availability of water, the extent and nature of resource inputs required and taken, and the relationship to economic outputs globally, nationally and in individual sectors. Consumption-focused indicators, which measure the use of resources in products and services across the whole life cycle are also valuable, particularly when resources are not reused, to help designing policies to address resource use embedded in international trade.
Integrated water resource management (IWRM) Institutional innovation Transboundary agreements Water use efficiency measures Water economics (tariffs, taxes, transfers) River and Wetland restoration Clean production Catchment control and management
Stocks / flows of water bodies Chemical, biological and hydromorpholical status of water bodies Catchment ecosystems structure + resilience
Water scarcity Drought Floods Wetland loss Salination Sedimentation Diseases Species / habitat loss Invasive alien species Eutrophication
I Impacts R Responses
example, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) uses a type of water accounting approach to calculate the worlds national water balances. The method consists of a set of rules and guidelines (FAO/BRGM (1996)), in which renewable water resources are determined on the basis of the hydrological cycle and represent the long-term average annual flow of rivers, surface waters and groundwater, and non-renewable water resources are groundwater bodies (i.e. deep aquifers) that have a negligible rate of recharge on the human time-scale. It is from here that we understand the regional aspects of global water availability. Below are some of the most common phrases and the way in which they are more specifically defined in the water-resource literature. Water availability varies around the world and depends on both precipitation and evapotranspiration. It is given as a percentage of global runoff, usually by region. Latin America is the most water-rich region with about one third of the worlds run-off, and the Middle East and North Africa the least with only 1 per cent of global runoff. Water consumption, or water abstraction, is usually described in terms of annual water withdrawal as the gross amount of water extracted from all sources, either permanently or temporarily, for a given use. Some may be returned to the original source, the rest may be consumed in the use. Consumptive use refers to water that is made unavailable for reuse in the same basin or irrecoverable, for example through seepage to a saline sink, evapotranspiration or contamination (Gleick, 1996; 2003). Most agricultural water use is consumptive, being bound up in plants or consumed by evapotranspiration, whereas water abstracted for electricity generation is nearly all returned to a water body. In Europe, total abstraction is 288 km3 per year. Of this, 44 per cent is for energy production, 24 per cent for agriculture, 21 per cent for public water supply and 11 per cent for industry. However regional differences are very pronounced: for example, in the south the largest extraction is for agriculture which can be as high as 80 per cent (for irrigation).
Water withdrawal usually describes the amount of water used per person. This varies considerably around the world, from 20 m3 per year in Uganda to 5 000 m3 in Turkmenistan; the average is 630 m3 per person per year from surface and groundwater sources. Water scarcity can be described as a physical or a social measure; it is a measure of the relationship between the use of water and its availability. For clarity, the physical term will be used in this report to denote a lack of enough water (i.e. quantity) and/or access to safe water (i.e. quality). Water shortage is an absolute lack of water, where the available amount does not meet defined minimum per capita requirements for water use. In some cases it is measured as the number of people that have to share each unit of water resource (Falkenmark et al., 2007). Global and regional trends in water shortages show that in 2005 2.3 billion people lived under chronic water shortage conditions (Kummu et al., 2011). Water stress describes the consequences of water scarcity on ecosystems and human populations. It can be related to a decline in quality or to the level of conflicts. Water exploitation index (WEI) is a relatively straightforward indicator of the pressure or stress on freshwater resources. It is calculated annually as the ratio of total freshwater abstraction to the total renewable resource. In Europe it is given as a national index; a value above 20 per cent implies that water resources are under stress and values above 40 per cent indicate severe water stress and unsustainable use of water resources (Raskin et al., 1997; EEA, 2009). Despite its limitations, the WEI shows a broad correlation between river basins with a high WEI value and detrimental impacts.
efficiency and productivity, defined below: Water productivity (product units/m3 water) measures how a system converts water into goods and services. It captures the ratio of net benefits derived, for example, from crops, forestry, fisheries, livestock and industrial systems, to the amount of water used in the production process. In general terms, increased water productivity means increasing the amount of benefit - i.e. output, service or satisfaction from a unit of water input. When the output per unit of water is monetary rather than physical, it is referred to as economic water productivity. Water-use efficiency (m3/product units) is defined as the ratio of the water input to the useful economic/product output of a system or activity. It is thus the inverse of water productivity. Greater water-use efficiency would imply using less water to achieve the same or more goods and services. In statistical publications the ratio (m3/product units) is also neutrally referred to as water intensity. Improving water-use efficiency entails finding ways to minimise water intensity and so maximise the value of water use and allocation decisions within and between sectors for sustainable social and economic development. It involves getting the most not only out of scarce water resources but also out of other natural, human and financial resources. Such an approach is based on four key inter-related concepts: technical efficiency, productive efficiency, product-choice efficiency and allocative efficiency (Global Water Partnership, GWP, 2006a). Product choice efficiency and allocative efficiency can be considered at different levels (Hoekstra and Hung, 2005). The first is the user level, where price and technology play a key role. This is the level where local wateruse efficiency can be increased by creating awareness among water users, charging prices based on full marginal costs and stimulating water-saving technology. At the second, the catchment or river basin level, a choice has to be made on how to allocate the available water resources to the
different sectors of the economy (including public health and the environment). People allocate water to serve certain purposes, which generally implies that other, alternative purposes are not served. Choices on the allocation of water can be more or less efficient, depending on the value of water in its alternative uses. At this level we speak of water-allocation efficiency. In the context of international trade it is relevant to consider water beyond the catchment level with the important aspects of local water-use efficiency and water-allocation efficiency. The virtual water concept considers water as a global resource and talks about global water-use efficiency. Overall efficiency in the appropriation of global water resources can be defined as the sum of local water-use efficiencies, meso-scale water-allocation efficiencies and global water-use efficiency. This includes the need to look at the comparative advantages of certain water uses in particular regions and for particular local economies as well as to consider opportunity costs for these local economies. However in all cases it is most important to consider the direct physical impacts of the water abstracted in a certain river basin and the impacts caused. For that it is also vital to distinguish the actual source of the water rainwater, surface water, groundwater, grey water or fossil water, each of which have different implications for the sustainability of the management. For many economists, a key solution lies in calculating the monetary value of externalities and ecosystem resources and services that are currently unpriced but have a huge influence on human well-being. Such values can then be incorporated into decision-making by reflecting them in economic cost-benefit analysis, using them to design economic policy instruments (taxes and subsidies or cap-andtrade schemes) or integrating them into green national accounts. The last point is crucial since some would argue that faulty pricing is the core factor driving unsustainable economic decision-making.
According to classical economic thinking, in idealised market conditions the pricing mechanism should ensure the allocation of resources to their most productive uses and thereby maximise social well-being. Reality differs markedly from optimal market conditions, however, and prices often provide highly distorted signals of resource scarcity and the full costs and benefits of our actions, leading to inefficient investments and resource use. Economists assessing market failures and responses often seek to derive prices for human preferences. Such values represent a very important analytical tool. They render diverse ecosystem services commensurable with each other and with other economic and social costs and benefits, and make it possible to integrate these values into decision-making and policy incentives. This last point leads us to an additional area where decision-makers require knowledge to guide the transition to a green economy: information on the policies, tools and technologies that can be deployed within the economy (at national, regional and other scales) to extract more value from resources, while minimising waste and emissions. Market-based tools are clearly important as a means to correct price signals and thereby incentivise an adaptive water management and better allocation of resources. But there is also a role for regulatory information-based approaches. Clearly, the underlying knowledge base on resource use and natural systems will be essential for designing effective tools and setting and monitoring appropriate targets for keeping the limits of sustainability, as outlined in the following chapter. As examples from Jordan, Singapore and Netherland show, knowledge of available and used resources is key to developing the governmental and institutional setting for sustainable water management. The availability or constraints of water resources, particularly in water-scarce areas, pose a significant risk to political and social stability (i.e. Jordan, Singapore but also in the African and Chinese case studies). Climate change is further increasing these risks. In this sense, knowledge
management and risk management go hand in hand, using appropriate tools, reliable information and indicators on the status of the resources and the impacts on ecosystems and their social and economic consequences.
respective ecosystems; this is often used synonymously with double decoupling which captures the notion of decoupling resource use from both economic activity and environmental impacts. Absolute decoupling in contrast occurs when resource use declines irrespective of the growth rate of the economic driver. Absolute reduction in resource
use only occurs when the growth rate of resource productivity exceeds the growth rate of the economy (UNEP, 2011a). However, depending on the nature of the environmental impact, this can, but does not necessarily, also lead to impact decoupling. Coupling or decoupling can be described, as in Figure 2.6, by a decoupling index, which
Figure 2.4 Figure 2.4 Stylised representation of resource decoupling and impact decoupling Stylised reprentation of resource decoupling and impact decoupling
Human well-being Economic activity (GDP) Resource decoupling Resource use Impact decoupling Time Environmental impact
Sorce: (UNEP, 2011a)
Box 2.2 The case of Singapore an example of significant relative decoupling of economic growth from freshwater abstraction and use
Singapores 4.4 million people live within a city-state that has an area of about 700 km 2. The main source of freshwater has been imported water from Johor, Malaysia via three large pipelines across the 2 km causeway that separates the two countries. This was necessary because, despite an annual rainfall of 2 400 mm/year, Singapore has no large water catchments external to the city or groundwater aquifers from which to draw water to meet its needs and is considered a water-scarce country. These factors have focused attention at Singapores water utility, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) to reducing the demand for water by improving efficiency, cutting waste and expanding alternative sources of supply, resulting in the achievement of significant levels of relative decoupling (PUB, 2009). Over the last 40 years, Singapores economy has grown by a factor of 25. It has had one of the fastest transitions from a developing to a leading first-world country in history, with the highest per capita incomes in Asia. The population has grown by a factor of 2.5 in the period, from 1.7 million to 4.4 million today, yet water use has only increased five-fold. In terms of water consumption in absolute terms this represents a five-fold relative decoupling for the whole Singapore economy (Figure 2.5). This has been achieved through effective, purposeful and long-term demand management, water efficiency and water-leakage prevention programmes. Per capita residential water use has fallen
Figure 2.5 Singapore GDP, population and total water consumption, 19652007 (index, 1965 =1)
30 GDP grow 26 times 25 Total Consumption (mgdy) Population (000)
consistently for the last 15 years providing an exception to an otherwise worldwide increase. This result is no accident. The Singapore government is one of the few with a publically stated target for residential sector per capita water use of 140 litres per capita per day by 2030. Singapore and its Public Utilities Board have also reduced growth in water consumption by minimising water leakage throughout the citys water infrastructure which is tracked by measuring the level of unaccounted for water (UFW) (Tortajada, 2006b). This has been reduced from 9.5 per cent of total water production in 1990 (Khoo, 2005) to 5 per cent by 2002. This is a level that no other country can match at present and contrasts with the fact that unaccounted for water in most Asian urban centres now ranges between 40 and 60 per cent. Singapore has also reduced absolute freshwater consumption by 60 per cent through the development of alternative sources such as extensive stormwater harvesting, treatment and reuse, treated and recycled municipal water, and desalination. Today, 35 per cent of Singapores water comes from rainfall captured on its own limited territory, about 15 per cent is high-quality recycled water produced from wastewater by its NEWater treatment plants, 10 per cent comes from desalinated water, and around 40 per cent is imported from Malaysia (ADB, 2005). In 2010, the Singapore government and its Public Utilities Board announced that it has now committed to replacing the final 40 per cent of imported freshwater usage with further waterefficiency improvements as well as the development of greater levels of water recycling and desalination so as to eliminate the need for imports from Malaysia by 2060. This remarkably integrated and holistic approach to sustainable urban water management has been institutionally possible because Singapores Public Utilities Board currently manages the entire water cycle of Singapore, as well as electricity and gas. This includes sewerage, protection and expansion of water sources, stormwater management, desalination, demand management, pricing, community-driven programmes, catchment management, and public education and awareness programmes, leading to wastewater treatment and reuse on an unprecedented scale.
quantifies the different trends (growth rates) of resource use or the economy (e.g. as GDP against time). In the resource-constrained world we inhabit, increasing resource use has already reached physical limits and causes environmental impacts (e.g. in fisheries, soil erosion or with CO2 emissions). The impact per unit of resource use is increasing, meaning that impacts do not decouple and, instead, the state of ecosystems declines. In Figure 2.6 this scenario is represented in Case I. Here, a decoupling index DI 1 means that the increasing rate of resource consumption keeps pace with or is higher than economic growth, and no decoupling takes place. This in turn could lead to adverse effects on human well-being and GDP: prices could rise further as resources are constrained, while human well-being goes down. When DI equals 1 it is the turning point between absolute coupling and relative decoupling. Case II describes relative decoupling where resource consumption falls short of economic growth.
In Case III resource use decreases while the economy keeps growing. Neither Figures 2.4 nor 2.6 depict whether the coupling or decoupling between resource use and economic growth ultimately leads to maintaining and preserving ecosystem services. Whether economic growth decouples from actual environmental impact depends on the status and resilience of the affected ecosystems, over time and space. While very robust and resilient ecosystems may not show impacts as a result of increasing resource use, it is nevertheless important to follow the precautionary principle, reject the thinking of filling up everything and turn the trend of resource use in comparison with the reference value (absolute decoupling).
Scenarios for economic growth and itsits pressure on resources economic growth and pressures on resources Scenarios for
Economic growth
Case I: CouplingDI>1
Trends of economic growth Trends of resources consuption / polluants emission
Sorce: (UNEP, 2011a)
and products while water productivity embodies a more macro-economic view relating water to GDP. However, although all forms of decoupling involve an improvement in efficiency, it is not necessarily the case that increased efficiency will lead to all forms of decoupling. Clearly, greater efficiency will always result in relative decoupling, but it will not guarantee a decline in resource use or environmental impacts. Efficiency measures cannot, by themselves, provide adequate indicators of sustainability or indeed stand-alone targets. Only metrics that convey the full relation of economic activity to environmental impacts at the relevant hydrological unit and time period can guarantee sustainable water management. The need to focus on resource-use impacts on ecosystems derives partly from the potentially mixed effects that can arise from efficiency improvements. The adoption of technologies that reduce the resource inputs required to produce a unit of economic output may not result in a commensurate fall in demand for the inputs. It can even, paradoxically, result in an increase in the use of those resources. This rebound effect occurs because greater efficiency reduces the price of the goods produced, incentivising higher levels of consumption, which can partially or wholly offset the declines in demand for resource inputs. Leaving aside the rebound effect, however, the characteristics of water resources mean that it is particularly important to focus on ecosystem impacts rather than the amount of water used in production processes or in economic output as a whole. The enormous variation in water abundance and scarcity at differing locations and times means that the impacts of water use will vary enormously depending on the source and timing of the water extraction.
This is not to say that technologies and other innovations that enhance the water efficiency of production are not important for societies to sustain economic development while preserving environmental and social systems. On the contrary, they will be absolutely essential. At the same time, however, it is obvious that navigating the shift to a green economy, designing the necessary targets, instruments, indicators, etc., requires us to look beyond efficiency and focus on the impacts of resource use and the status of natural systems.
Box 2.3 More efficient use of tap water by the Dutch economy
Although water itself is not scarce in the Netherlands, groundwater stocks in particular are coming under increasing pressure. This is caused by competing uses, especially in warm summers, as well as the minimum standards required for drinking water. Lowering groundwater tables and the resulting desiccation are having an impact on nature conservation and biodiversity in certain areas. The water industry is responsible for 75 per cent of groundwater use. As Figure 2.7 shows, Dutch industries have been using less and less tap water (and therefore less groundwater) since 1990: there has been a 17 per cent reduction in water use, although industrial production has been rising. As a result the tap water intensity has decreased by 46 per cent, although tap water use has been stable since 2006. Industrial tap water use has been absolutely decoupled from GDP as a result of efficiency gains from water-saving measures and from the mid 1990s onwards by substitution of tap water by surface water, triggered by the introduction of a groundwater tax.
Figure 2.7 Figure 2.7 Tap water intensity, total tap water use and GDP
Tap water intensity, total tap water use and GDP
Index 1990=100
Tap water intensity
Note: tap water intensity, defined as the amount of tap water used per unit of value added (in constant prices), is an indicator of the water efficiency of economic production.
Household use of tap water per capita and per household continues to decline
Households account for nearly two-thirds of overall tap water use in the Netherlands, industry using most of the rest. Agriculture and horticulture have an average 4 per cent share of the total amount of tap water used in the Netherlands, which shows a slight downward trend. Since 1990, the total annual amount of water used by households increased by only 1 per cent, despite population growth. Through efficiency measures such as water-saving toilets and shower heads, and new and improved household appliances in the form of dishwashers and washing machines, household water use per capita fell from 47.9 m3 in 1990 to 43.6 m3 in 2009. For more information see CBS (2010, 2011)
While estimates of global freshwater use in long time series are available no countryby-country database is available to support an analysis of the coupling between economic activity and water use. This paucity of data is related to the fact that water use is often considered a free common good not reflected in economic statistics. System boundaries also raise problems, as the same water can be used many times over. Assessments should adopt a systematic lifecycle perspective, considering both direct and indirect water use for products and all relevant impacts at production sites and water uses along the supply chain all the way to the enduser. However, the ubiquity of water in biotic and economic processes means that linking numerous instances of water use to specific ecosystem impacts is very complex. Each instance of water use and consumption in production processes and at different stages in the supply chain occurs at a local, spatially-distinct scale but in many cases has a global reach. Equally, impacts on human well-being or ecosystems are felt locally in distinct catchments but are often influenced by long supply chains, not only reflecting human activities in the same river basin but also via interbasin exchanges and international trade. In addition, these supply chains and interdependencies are not restricted to single sectors (e.g. manufacturing, agriculture or public water supply) but evolve into interdependencies between sectors. There are therefore substantial difficulties in linking water use and consumption back to impacts in specific river basins at specific times (see also the case study on the Mississippi River Basin below). This in turn complicates the design of consumption-focused instruments, which represent important tools in incentivising and delivering sustainable water management. Beyond the consideration of quantifying allocation decisions or shifting water-intense production processes away from water-scarce regions, accounting for water efficiency should also help to find new and better production technologies for use in such regions.
Box 2.4 Dairy impact on water resources in the Mississippi River Basin
A study by Matlock and colleagues (Thoma et al., 2011) shows that the impacts of agricultural activities such as US dairy milk production on water quantity and quality are highly dependent on location. Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from crop and dairy production facilities can flow to local water bodies where they cause eutrophication, and in aggregate can contribute to regional impacts such as the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. This case study shows the impact of on-farm dairy practices on water quantity and quality with additional analysis of the off-farm impacts of the production of dairy feed on water quality. On-farm dairy water use was typically overshadowed by use in other sectors, and within the agricultural sector by crop irrigation. Areas of high dairy herd populations that overlapped areas of high water stress were mostly located in the southwest and California. The largest proportional impact of on-farm dairy production on water quality came from phosphorus. Nitrogen impacts from the dairy life cycle were associated with feed production, predominately corn. Dairy production water use was less than half of agricultural water use in most locations. With the exception of the southwest US and the California Central Valley, dairy production is not currently located in water stressed regions in the US. The challenge for dairy producers in sustainable water supply appears to be more related to irrigation for growing feed (corn and corn silage) rather than stress from direct on-farm use. The main impacts from nitrogen were associated with corn production, mostly at the regional scale i.e. Gulf of Mexico. The impacts from phosphorus on eutrophication were more complex; corn produced the largest local and regional loads, but on-farm contributions of phosphorus to the Gulf of Mexico were significant. The most effective approach to reducing the impact of US dairy producers on eutrophication would be to reduce nitrogen loss from corn, reduce sediment loss from fields to reduce phosphorus transport, and reduce phosphorus loss from on-farm manure application.
the goods and services society values. Only after adequate water is provided to meet basic human needs and to safeguard ecosystem health is water allocated for irrigation, hydropower, navigation, industrial use and other water-related benefits (Postel, 2003). The key point is that the requirements of the environment and ecosystem services have to be accorded priority in relation to other competing users, and targets must be set for achieving environmental flow requirements; only in this way can the maintenance and restoration of all ecosystem services and sustainability be ensured in the long term.
and services. This requires norm setting and clear and efficient but effective legislation. In Europe the Water Framework Directive (WFD) sets such limits of sustainability in form of the requirement to reach good status for all water bodies by 2015. To implement measures to achieve these targets fully, a wider range of policy options needs to be used to encourage the most cost-effective and innovative developments, based on an active, multistakeholder approach. The main policy options include technological innovation, flexible and cooperative governance, public participation and awareness, and economic instruments and investments Since historic mismanagement of water resources can often be perceived as a market failure, economic instruments such as taxes or auctioned emission permits can have an important role. Market-based approaches potentially have the advantage of applying to all users equally, encouraging the allocation of water resources to their most productive use in an adaptive way. However, pricing approaches obviously have limitations. In reality, governments often have an important influence on water pricing, setting prices based on criteria other than economic
efficiency. The criteria can range from equity concerns (e.g. ensuring that poorer groups or regions have adequate water at a reasonable price), to cultural values (e.g. supporting traditional land-use or lifestyles), to pressure from lobby groups. For example, based on a combination of these considerations, a government might set prices for farmers at levels that fail to reflect water scarcity or promote the most efficient use of resources in terms of crop selection or watering methods. There is certainly considerable scope for improving water management by correcting prices to equal the full marginal costs of supply. However, markets are not necessarily the ideal mechanism for distributing an essential good such as water. Governments may have sound reasons for using other allocation mechanisms, including, most fundamentally, the need to ensure that ecosystems have adequate water to function and deliver services. These alternative approaches can include water volumes when dealing with water scarcity questions or quantities of pollution loads, or indexing a combination of both. Of course, regulatory mechanisms of this sort face their own challenges. For example, monitoring, volumetric metering and
Figure 2.8 Sustainable water allocations Figure 2.8 to ecosystems and competing users Sustainable water allocations to ecosystems and competing users
Distance to target - to fit availability / good quality - prevent depreciation of natural capital
Energy Leisure
enforcement of legal limits on water use or pollution is often costly and varies in its efficacy due to information asymmetries between regulators and water users. There is clearly a case for using a combination of approaches, including information-based tools such as labelling and education of producers and consumers. Operating together, this mixture of tools should incentivise innovation and the adoption of new processes and technologies, enhancing efficiency across all sectors and thereby enabling them to decouple water use and impacts from economic growth. Technical and productive efficiency depends on good water stewardship applied by the main actors and stakeholders in key sectors. Global activities to promote environmental
production processes. In doing so, they support sustainable development in their nation or region, contribute to a greener economy and reduce business risks from water scarcity and other related sources.
stewardship and sustainability in the economic sector are increasingly focused on corporate water management in industry. There are several initiatives aimed at improving corporate water management and ensuring that the manufacturing and beverage industries, for example, use water efficiently in their
water uses and the huge complexity of linking uses to impacts, it should probably come as little surprise that no single approach can meet all these needs. The remainder of this report discusses different accounting and assessment approaches and
their applications. The approaches to assessing impacts and thereby contributing in a policyrelevant way to water efficiency and decoupling are also discussed. All approaches share a focus on water resource management and are based on a physical water balance between water available as a natural resource and the different kinds of water use (consumptive, nonconsumptive, in-stream) in the environment and the economy. One of the key steps, when considering water decoupling, is the development of quantified estimates of the stocks and flows of a countrys water resources. Fluctuations within and uncertainties about the global hydrological cycle make these calculations inherently difficult. This complexity is one reason why a number of accounting approaches have emerged in recent years, capable of informing allocation decisions at the scale of river basins or national parts of river basins.
Such methodologies can illustrate water issues at the product level, displaying interdependencies across the supply chain and between spatially-remote river basins via production processes. Nevertheless, for any production process and water use in a region facing scarcity problems, the basic balances of water use and availability must be compiled in order to quantify scarcity. Accounting and allocation systems must reflect hydrological integrity and a clear reference to local conditions. The quantification approaches described below depend mostly on the context and purpose in which they are applied and are usually not to be compared with each other, but should be considered complementary. A clear and transparent knowledge base is indispensable for all methodologies and approaches.
Figure 3.1, however a static model is shown, not including the time-space variability of the water cycle impacted by climate change. In a further development of Figure 3.1, blue water resources are referred to as the sum of surface and groundwater; green water resources are referred to as rainwater insofar as it does not become run-off. The large differences in residence times make it necessary to address the stocks and flows from the perspective of their potential use. Residence time is an intriguing indicator. It expresses the claim that a storage project makes into the future, as a kind of temporal footprint. It also expresses, in a temporal unit, its spatial dependency and area of influence. The larger the residence time of a reservoir, the greater its dependence on the water resources generated in the upstream catchment area, and the larger the
impacted area downstream [cf. Vrsmarty et al., 1997]. Van der Zaag and Gupta, 2008). Large reservoirs and their operations for agriculture and hydropower can cause large changes in flow regime which can be a major cause of ecosystem degradation. There is no simple method to depict the complexity of the situation. The role of all quantification methods included here is to present the balances at levels of temporal and spatial disaggregation that are practically useful (both in themselves and in supporting other methodologies). They should be as free as possible from misleading errors resulting from misunderstanding of the flux and stock issues, and they should specify the location of water consumption and the (potentially distant) location of impact or water stress. This report uses terminology derived from the International Recommendations for
Figure 3.1 Figure 3.1 Simplified water budget at a river basin scale
Simplified water budget at the river basin scale
SW Inflow
Total Actual Outflow (SW+GW) (Qo = Qo,s + Qo,n) Public water supply Reservoir Storage Industry Qo,n into neighbouring Qo,s into the sea GW Inflow SW Outflow
River Basin - RB
Other Water Abstractions GW Storage GW level Major Aquifer System - MAS GW Outflow
Water Statistics IRWS) adopted by all the UN member countries through the UN Statistical Commission in 2010; the UN Statistic Division (UNSD) System for Economic and Environmental Accounting for Water (SEEA-W); the last provision of the glossary of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO); life cycle assessment and Water Footprint Assessment. Each of the quantification approaches sets up a water balance between the physicallyavailable water and the water used or consumed. Since all the methodologies quantify water flows and balances in an economic context, the basic terminology used is similar, although certain differences in interpretation exist.
the literature there are basically three ways to understand the term water availability: all the water potentially available in a river basin (i.e. precipitation + stream or groundwater inflow into the river basin); all the water technically available (i.e. all the water that can be extracted technically and economically); all the water technically available minus the water needed to maintain ecosystem function.
The term accessibility is also used for the third of these to underline the fact that, after accounting for environmental needs, only a reduced amount is accessible for human use. Other references (e.g. Smathkin et al., 2004; or Poff et al., 2010) account for environmental needs by subtracting environmental flow requirements from total run-off.
In the Water Footprint Assessment Manual (Hoekstra et al., 2011), blue water availability is also understood in the sense of the third definition, as the volume of natural run-off, through groundwater and rivers, minus environmental flow requirements, or, for green water, evapotranspiration of rainwater from land minus evapotranspiration from land reserved for natural vegetation or land not in production. Other authors (e.g. Alcamo et al., 2003) consider water availability to refer only to blue water availability, without subtracting the amount required for environmental flow.
3.1.2 Evapotranspiration
Evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporative losses from the soil surface and transpiration from plant surfaces (FAO, 2011a). These occur simultaneously and are an important component of the water balance in a river basin and can occur due to natural vegetation, agriculture and forestry. The most relevant issue in the context of a river basin is how the increased or decreased evaporation losses and evapotranspiration due to human activities affects downstream runoff1. Total actual evapotranspiration is essential for understanding the green water footprint, where it is equal to the sum of green and blue water evapotranspiration. The green component of evapotranspiration corresponds to rainwater and the blue to irrigation from surface and groundwater.
1 Actual evapotranspiration is the total volume of evaporation from the ground, wetlands and natural water bodies, and transpiration of plants when the ground is at its natural moisture content (wMo, 1992). in hydrology, the concept excludes evapotranspiration resulting from all human interventions except rain-fed agriculture and forestry. actual evapotranspiration is measured or calculated using mathematical models, ranging from very simple algorithms and corrections related to vegetal cover and season, to schemes that capture the hydrological cycle in detail. it is the very relevant parameter in water balances but difficult to measure. Potential evapotranspiration is the maximum quantity of water capable of being evaporated in a given climate from a continuous expanse of vegetation covering the whole ground and well supplied with water. it includes evaporation from the soil and transpiration from the vegetation from a specific region in a specific time interval, expressed as depth of water (wMo, 1992). it is estimated in order to estimate actual evapotranspiration but has no direct practical application in water balance calculations.
Virtually traded water refers to water that is either incorporated into traded products that are removed from the catchment or water used for the growth of traded products, but which might return to the catchment after evapotranspiration.
interpretation of compliance data is also complicated by the scale to which it relates. For example, it may refer to a national territory, rather than a natural feature such as a river basin. Reporting pursuant to legal obligations generally provides quality-assured data. However, the monitoring networks and observation systems that generate such data are often broad in scope and may not be quality-assured at every level. For example, the methodologies used to derive figures for
statistical purposes are often restricted to updates of yearly data. In contrast, the watermonitoring data collected by environmental agencies are often derived from in-stream instruments, which measure parameters in real time. Time-histories can then be derived for different spatial scales to meet specific operational demands. Scientific programmes and modelling can provide a wide array of data types but are often restricted in time and space and may change in the light of new theories and ideas. In
domains where this kind of information is the only type available, for example in some areas of climate science, stratification and ex-post sampling can provide possible solutions if the databases are rich enough. However, there is often a mismatch between the scales used in modelled data and observations and the data reported within national statistical systems. To be of use in water accounting, modelled data, observations and statistical information all need to be correctly inter-calibrated. One way to harmonise data is by using a standard classification scheme. Examples of this include the Land Use and Land Cover nomenclatures in the United Nations System of Environmental and Economic Accounts and the draft common international classification
operationalised and sustained global network of in-situ observation sites and an increased availability of information products and services for monitoring changes in the water cycle (GEO, 2010). Spatial data derived from earth observations, such as Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) are an additional source of information for water accounting (GRACE, 2011). In recent years the resolution of the sensors and the orbital positioning of platforms have improved considerably, with the result that global observations of parts of the hydrological cycle can be obtained on a daily basis. The main concern with these sources is that detecting change is not straightforward; simple algorithms for image
of ecosystem services, which contains classes for water resources and flow regulation (EEA, 2010). At the global level the Group of Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) work programme has set up tasks with international high level scientific participation to develop an
processing and change mapping are often insufficient and can give rise to misleading results. Despite these challenges, information from satellite sources is becoming increasingly important.
ISIC is the international standard for classifying productive economic activities. Its main purpose is to provide a standard set of economic activities so that entities can be classified according to the activity they carry out (OECD, 2011a). NACE is the industrial classification used by Eurostat (OECD, 2011b). These classifications are used in the statistical categorisation of information, following the United Nations Statistics Divisions Standard for Environmental Economic Accounting for Water (SEEA-W). National and sectoral statistics play a vital role in collecting information, in particular with respect to the economic water cycle: withdrawals, consumptive uses and returns. Most water-cycle information related to the economy is collected for macroeconomic purposes by statistical offices at the national level or at smaller scales such as the county or commune. This represents a problem because such administrative units do not match hydrological boundaries and are not comparable with them.
Ecosystem Services
Inputs to production
Natural Assets
Soil Biots (vegetation and fauna) Streams, lakes and wetlands Atmosphere
Ecosystem Services
Maintaining matural assets: Regeneration
For example: Food and fibre Manufactered goods Life-fulfilment Future options
Ecosystem Services
Maintaining matural assets: Assimilation of by-products
Source: Rutherford (2001)
and uses of water necessary for a particular enterprise. Water is often purchased from municipal utilities and in many cases pumped from groundwater from company-controlled wells or from rivers or reservoirs. There is high variability in company awareness and metering or monitoring of water from these various sources. At the facility level, the volumetric use of water in the various processes is often available, but it is seldom harmonised or reported to national or river basin authorities or to statistical units. Information about water flows in the supply chain often requires good international cooperation and transparency. This provides an entry point for stewardship programmes.
(MA, 2005) in a revised version proposed in the context of the SEEA-W revision. Ecosystem services are the goods, functions, and processes we derive from the biosphere. They include the flow of energy, materials and information from natural capital, and the stock of materials or information that exists at a point in time and space (Costanza et al., 1997). Ecosystem services are crucial for all human activities. However, they can provide only a limited flow of services sustainably, whereas human demands are increasing due to growing populations and economic activity. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report (UN, 2005) found that 63 per cent of ecosystem categories were in peril or decline, with the status of wild fisheries and freshwaters causing greatest concern. A global population projected to reach 9.25 billion by 2050, and with much higher per capita prosperity, could increase pressure on remaining ecosystem services dramatically. A clear challenge for the 21st Century is therefore to reduce our impacts on the natural capital base, to maintain healthy ecosystems
and the resulting supply of services. To guide sustainable water management, tools are needed that quantify impacts on ecosystem services. Such tools can support the elaboration of targets that ensure the integrity and functioning of all services but particularly the supporting and regulating services that maintain and restore our basic natural assets.
transformation and (re-)assimilation of the by-products of ecosystem services back into natural assets; internal transformations among natural assets to maintain those assets.
ecosystem classes and will build on results from RUBICODE and the proposed CICES. The services will be related to the four major classes of ecosystem: terrestrial, freshwater, marine and atmosphere.
and maintaining services. They can be used in particular in the design of ecosystem service management systems with the aim of supporting their governance in the most sustainable way for environmental and human well-being, taking account of their costs and benefits. To ensure that demand does not exceed the availability of ecosystem services at a specific location and time requires careful management. Such management requires the right information on the state and trends of ecosystem service supply.
Numerical and comparable indices can be used to describe the interrelationship between competing ecosystem services, allowing prioritisation between them, whilst recognising the importance of their regulatory
Box 3.2
A case study by Leh and colleagues showed that managing ecosystem services requires quantification of the condition and changes in the services across the landscape over time. Ecoregions are the minimum land-forms for quantifying ecosystem services, as they represent areas of relatively homologous plant and animal communities and underlying soils and geology. The landscape of Ghana has experience significant transformations in the past 50 years, in particular shifting from forest to agricultural land use. The impacts of these transformations on ecosystem services were quantified for 20002009. Ecosystem service status by eco-region was indexed to 2000 conditions for reference. Ecosystem services were quantified using best available data for provisioning services (food/ feed/fibre, and water), regulating services (climate change and soil erosion control), and supporting services (net primary productivity). The Ecosystem Services Loss Index (Matlock and Morgan, 2011) was calculated by eco-region (Figure 3.3). Provisioning Services. Ecosystem services were quantified for those parameters where data were available to make reasonable geospatial estimates. Production of primary food crops for each administrative region was aggregated for each eco-region (Figure 3.4). Provisioning services were mapped as tonnes of food production per hectare per year. The InVEST ecosystem model was used to calculate water yield, the amount of runoff water less storage and evapotranspiration losses (Tallis et al., 2011). Soil characteristics data for the region were estimated from the FAO Harmonized World Soil Database (FAO, 2009). Regulating Services. Carbon storage was mapped by measuring the biomass carbon stored in above and below-ground living vegetation from 2000 (Ruesch et al., 2008). Erosion was mapped as the interaction between rainfall, land-cover characteristics, soil characteristics and topography using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation modified for complex terrain (RUSLE2d) (Mitasova et al., 1996). Supporting Services. Net primary productivity (NPP) was derived from the improved MODIS dataset (Zhao et al., 2005) weighted by land-form to obtain NPP per land-form.
Figure 3.3 Process diagram for determining Figure 3.3 the Ecosystem Services Loss Index in Loss Index in Ghana Process diagram for determining the Ecosystem Services Ghana
Estimate rates of landform and land-use change to project future landforms Determine rates of change of ecosystem service provisioning with landform change
Field scale
Matlock and Morgan (2011) proposed the development of an ecosystem service sustainability index that analyses the trends of different ecosystem services and their interdependencies over time. Ecosystem service distributions are as varied as the landscape itself. The obvious macroscale for assessing ecosystem services is the eco-region. This is a reasonably large area for evaluating overall trends and changes. However, the temporal and spatial scales of provisioning and regulating services, especially those directly associated with water resources, require a much more refined scale, such as the river basins within eco-regions. Management decisions are often made at even smaller (site) scales which are often hundreds of hectares or less in size. At any scale (site, local or regional), ecosystem services can be inventoried according to their landform type, for example, temperate deciduous forest, short-grass meadow or stream riparian zone. Each ecosystem service within an eco-region has a historic state,
a current state, a potential condition and a potential design level. If the relevant ecosystem services can be quantified within a spatial unit (eco-region), the interrelation between the different services and the possible prioritisation of the indispensable ones can be quantified. Each state and scale of ecosystem service informs the design goals differently. The index of the current state of ecosystem services provides a benchmark from which all potential management strategies can be evaluated. The goal of ecosystem service management should be to inform resources users of the most effective and efficient uses. This is particularly critical for water resources.
In another perspective, the methodologies can be distinguished between approaches based explicitly on hydrological units (water registers, ecosystem capital water accounts, and some of the water-scarcity indicators) or focused on products and commodities and using statistical units regarding spatial resolution. The WFA and LCA approaches aim to include the hydrological unit as reference in the impact assessments. For all the methodologies, it is essential to identify the way environmental concerns are taken into account. This could be in the form of environmental flow requirements related to hydrological units or in other ways of assessing sustainability.
The approach to defining each watermanagement pool requires careful consideration. For a surface water system, the approach typically involves: a pool of sufficient size to maintain enough base flows to convey water to the end of the system (Poff et al., 2010). This base flow provides benefits to all entitlement holders and also for non-consumptive uses like recreation and transport; one or more consumptive pools. In some situations, it is appropriate to establish pools of varying reliability, for example, to give a city a much more reliable water supply than a dairy farmer; when entitlement systems are put in place, it is normally necessary to define and manage flood waters and flood risks outside the entitlement system; when a shared system is used to define entitlements and the degree of compliance with entitlements is high, it is possible to use market arrangements to encourage each group of users to manage risks associated with climate change. However, an appropriate governance mechanism may be necessary to correct socially iniquitous effects of the market.
Intense stakeholder dialogue and riskmanagement arrangements are necessary to ensure that all water users and relevant stakeholders understand the complexity of the hydrological system, including how rivers and aquifers interact with each other or how adverse climate change, or alterations of policy, are likely to affect the value of their access entitlement and allocations of water. System-wide planning arrangements are needed to specify how water is allocated to the environment and all other users, and to each pool.
of SEEA-Water. Water will be measured in natural capital accounts, focusing on the water-provisioning service, security of access for human and environmental use based on long-term probabilities, impacts of water use on other ecosystem services, and the state of environmental infrastructure more generally. This more recent development is outlined in section 4.2.3 and should, when finally applied, complement the SEEA-W accounts as described in 2007.
To categorise the origin and destination of flows, SEEA distinguishes between the economy and the environment. It divides the economy into three components: producers classified according to the ISIC sectoral classifications, households, and capital. SEEA structures the physical flows into supply (origin) and use (destination) tables. The system boundary between the economy and the environment defines the extent to which economic entities can influence environmental materials. For water, the use tables show extraction by industries, households and the rest of the world. The last category captures a variety of physical interactions, including pollution transfers such as acid rain or by rivers, and cross-border movement of solid wastes and residuals via international transport and tourism. The accounting identities that structure the physical accounts and the categories of flows are based on the material (mass) balance principle, i.e. supply must be equal to use, on an appropriate time scale (use plus change in storage). When ecosystem goods and services are introduced, they must also adhere to this principle. One of the key strengths of accounts is that this definitional consistency enables information to be generated and used at various levels. Researchers can obtain detailed data sets while policy-makers can derive accounting aggregates for policy evaluation. Combining selected parts of the physical and monetary flow accounts requires a hybrid-flow accounting approach known as the National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA). The physical flow accounts focus mainly on material transfers to and from the natural environment. The monetary side can include movement of products between industries, taxes and value added. The formal structure of the water accounts comprises the following elements, expressed also in Figure 4.1: Environmental assets (upper part of the figure): the stocks and flows that make up the hydrological cycle. This includes
monthly data on water flows (rainfall, evapotranspiration, soil water, run-off, supplies and returns by category of users). For stocks, it takes into account reservoirs, lakes and ice (snow and ice as short-term reserves), but groundwater is still poorly considered. Physical flow accounts (exchange between the upper and the lower part): flows between the environment and the economy, expressed in physical terms (e.g. m3/year). The flows are modelled at the monthly level but are quite heavily aggregated because much of the relevant data is still missing. As yet, there are no plans to detail flows internal to the economy (e.g. the amount exchanged between domestic abstraction and industry). SNA flow accounts (lower part of the figure): those elements of the existing SNA that are relevant to good environmental management. This category is purely economic and shows how environmentrelated transactions can be made more explicit. Valuation and environmental adjustments: ways that the existing SNA could be adjusted to account for the economys impact on the environment.
Practical difficulties arise in implementing SEEA and, by extension, water accounts. First, the accounting identities can only be applied when the underlying statistics are sufficiently well developed and cover both the input and the output sides. In practice there is simply insufficient national data in many regions for any solid water-balance calculation. Second, the efforts to integrate ecosystem goods and services into the accounts will increase the imbalance between data needs and availability.
Figure 4.1 Main flows within the inland water Figure 4.1 resource water and the system and Main flows within the inlandsystemresourceeconomy the economy
Precipitation Evapotranspiration
Territory of reference
Surface water (reservoirs, lakes, rivers, snow, ice and glaciers) Inflows
Collection of precipitation
Other industries (incl. agriculture) Rest of the World Economy Water collection, treatment and supply Rest of the World Economy
security of access, and water-use impacts on other ecosystem services and environmental infrastructure. The ecosystem capital accounts will approach water as a component of a broad range of hugely valuable ecosystem services: direct provisioning services for people and key economic sectors such as agriculture and hydroelectricity. They also, in particular, provide services of regulating and maintaining ecosystems and cultural services, both being functionally essential to ensure all the provisioning services (first theme groups in Table 4.1). The ecosystem accounts will link
water resources to other aspects of natural infrastructure such as biomass production and landscape integrity, which are covered by landuse accounts. The main ecosystem services involving water can be listed using the common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES) under discussion in the context of the SEEA revision. All the services addressed in SEEAWATER so far (UNSD, 2007) are provisioning services. They are completely covered by respective groups in the CICES Table 4.1 (waterrelevant groups covered by SEEA-WATER 2007, outlined in blue). There are also many
important regulatory and cultural services supported by the water cycle (outlined in red) which are so far not fully covered in SEEAWATER 2007.
degradation of ecosystem assets (EEA 2012). Because water is the socio-ecological systems vital fluid, ecosystem capital accounts must address a variety of questions, including: Is enough water of the appropriate quality available at the right place when needed? Are human uses (abstraction, management, transfers, pollution, irrigation) compatible with expected risks of drought periods? Are the human uses safe enough? Is current water use compatible with the social objectives of river quality and related services?
Table 4.1 Water and ecosystem services in the draft common international classification of ecosystem services (CICES)
terrestrial and animal foodstuffs nutrition Provisioning Materials energy regulation of wastes Freshwater plant and animal foodstuffs Marine plant and animal foodstuffs Potable water Biotic materials abiotic materials renewable biofuels renewable abiotic energy sources Bioremediation Dilution and sequestration air flow regulation Flow regulation regulation and maintenance regulation of physical environment water flow regulation Mass flow regulation atmospheric regulation water quality regulation Pedogenesis and soil quality regulation Lifecycle maintenance and habitat protection regulation of biotic environment Pest and desease control gene pool protection symbolic cultural intellectual and experimental aesthetic, heritage religious and spiritual recreation and community activities information and knowledge
source: eea (2010)
outlined above this refers to the overall available water minus the amount to be reserved for environmental requirements. The term is used following the approach of Human Appropriation of Renewable Fresh Water approach (HARFW).1 However, accounts differ from that approach in several respects, in particular because they record returns of water and water stored in dams as accessible although it has been appropriated. Ecosystem capital accounts are based on physical statistical units (e.g. hydrological units, land-cover units) and not on economic units defined from their institutional status (e.g. enterprises, governments or households). In the case of terrestrial systems, they are basic land-cover units (e.g. forests, cropland areas, urban areas) which are in a second step combined into socio-ecological landscape units. For water, they are hydrological units (rivers, lakes, aquifers). Rivers are considered as basic reaches re-combined into hydrological networks. River basins and sub-basin limits are considered explicitly in mapping terrestrial and hydrological statistical units.
accessible ecosystem water flow, which is the available hydrological effective rainfall net of the water which is inaccessible because of the water regime (most of the flood water in temperate countries), pollution (river runoff needed to dilute pollution to acceptable levels and/or to maintain life in rivers), additional ETA induced by irrigation, and other uses.
1 Human appropriation of renewable Fresh water (HarFw) is defined in Vitousek et al. (1986). an estimation of HarFw was undertaken by Postel et al. (1996).
4.3.1 Indices focusing on human water requirements The Falkenmark water stress indicator (Falkenmark, 1989) relates water availability to human population. Falkenmark proposed 1 700 m3 of renewable water resource per capita per year as the threshold, based on estimates of water requirements in the household, agricultural and energy sectors, and the needs of the environment. Falkenmark defined three levels of scarcity: availability of less than 500 m3 per capita is designated as absolute scarcity, 5001 000 m3 per capita as water scarcity and 1 0001 700 m3 per capita as water stress, with no stress above 1 700 m3. The Falkenmark indicator is widely used since the data are readily available and the meaning is intuitive and easy to understand. However, it has important disadvantages. Annual national averages hide important scarcity information at smaller scales and the cut-off points 1 000 and 1 700 m3 per capita are not well founded on physical/ecological evidence. In addition, the indicator does not take into account the availability of infrastructure that modifies the availability of water to users and it has to be specified whether the figures included or exclude green water. In general, indicators based on availability per capita fail to identify problems in areas such as the Murray-Darling basin in Australia, where concerns were based on over-exploitation of
local demand: the sum of domestic, industrial and agricultural water withdrawals. Dividing local demand by the river corridor discharge entering from upstream cells yields an index of local relative water use. A high degree of stress is indicated when this ratio exceeds 0.4. Total water use from all cells divided by the river corridor discharge gives the water reuse index, which represents the extent to which runoff is recycled or reused as it accumulates and flows toward the basin mouth.
Pfister et al. (2009) proposed a water scarcity index, which is often used as a characterisation factor for water consumption in life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Using the withdrawal-to-availability ratio calculated for each river basin, a weighting factor is applied for each river basin to account for variation in monthly or annual flows. Finally, a logistic transformation of the transformed withdrawalto-availability values gives a water scarcity index. The water exploitation index (WEI), based on data collected via a joint OECDEurostat questionnaire, also uses the ratio of annual total water abstraction to available long-term freshwater resources. A WEI above 20 per cent implies that a water resource is under stress, and more than 40 per cent indicates severe stress and clearly unsustainable use of the resource (Raskin et al., 1997). Most withdrawal-to-availability indicators are based on average volumes per year, which do not reveal sensitive seasonal effects and periods when availability and demand differ. For example, many of the systems cited above would not indicate as stressed or sensitive those areas with high winter rainfall but low water storage capacity (e.g. calcareous soils in the Mediterranean). Pfister et al. (2009) include monthly variability, and for European applications the European Environment Agency is currently developing an application of the WEI that disaggregates the information at the monthly and river-basin levels (EEA, 2012). Concern can be expressed that withdrawal-toavailability indicators:
Vorosmarty et al. (2005) used a similar approach, introducing indices for local relative water use and water reuse and applying them using geospatial tools at 8 km resolution. Water use was represented by
do not express absolute availability, a ratio of 1:10 or 10:100 or 100:1 000 would always result in 0.1; do not consider sensitivity to additional water use - adding 1 unit of use to a 1:10 situation would double the withdrawal-toavailability to 0.2, but leave it essentially unchanged if the ratio were 100:1 000; consist of two dimensions: use and availability. As a result, countries in, for example, the arid Sahel region are not regarded as critical because if withdrawal is zero, the withdrawal-to-availability will also be zero.
resources but would need to make very significant investments in water infrastructure to make these resources available are defined as economically water-scarce. This model is appealing; it makes some allowance for infrastructure so is more realistic than assessing physical scarcity alone, and the resulting map is widely referenced. However, a disadvantage is its complexity, as it is not intuitive, and hence relatively inaccessible to the wider public. The method also relies on considerable expert judgement because data are not available to assess all components of the indicators. While the IWMI water scarcity map is frequently cited, the more complex definitions of scarcity are not used by other authors or in other analyses. Furthermore, it does not provide an indication of water resource vulnerability (environmental impacts) but focuses on water stress for humans.
Rijbersman (2006) has argued that the criticality ratio and similar indicators are flawed in that: data on water resource availability do not take into account how much could be made available for human use; water withdrawal data do not take into account how much is used consumptively (or evapotranspired) and how much could be available for recycling, through return flows; the indicators do not take into account a societys capacity to adapt to cope with stress.
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) attempted to overcome all three problems. Its analysis takes into account the share of the renewable water resource available for human needs (accounting for existing water infrastructure) - the primary water supply. The analysis of demand is based on consumptive use (including evapotranspiration) and the remainder of water withdrawn is accounted for as return flows. The future adaptive capacity of each country was assessed for the period 20002025, considering potential development of infrastructure and an increase in irrigation efficiency through improved water-management policies. Countries that will not be able to meet the estimated water demands in 2025, even after accounting for future adaptive capacity, are described as physically water-scarce. Countries that have sufficient renewable
ratio of withdrawal to mean annual runoff and Smakhtin developed this by subtracting from the annual runoff (in the denominator) the environmental water requirements, expressed as a percentage of long-term mean annual river runoff that should be reserved for environmental purposes. A water stress index over 1 is categorised as overexploited, 0.61 is heavily exploited and 0.30.6 is moderately exploited. The EEA is currently developing this indicator further to enable monthly and river basin-level disaggregation and include return flows.
looks at both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer (Hoekstra, 2003). The Water Footprint Network (WFN) has since further developed the concept and related definitions (Hoekstra et al., 2011). The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services consumed by the individual or community or produced by the business. The water footprint is a temporally and geographically explicit indicator, showing not only the volumes of water consumed and polluted but also when and where the water is consumed. The three WF components are defined as: blue water footprint: consumption of blue water resources (surface and groundwater); green water footprint: consumption of green water resources (rainwater insofar as it does not become run-off) (Falkenmark, 2003); grey water footprint: volume of freshwater that is required to dilute and thus reach a certain assimilation of the load of pollutants given natural background concentrations and existing ambient water quality standards (see 5.7).
Chaves and Alipaz (2007) have proposed a broad river-basin sustainability index. The model is river basin-specific (up to 2 500 km2) and is the average of four indicators based on hydrology (both quantity and quality), environment, life and policy, each having pressure, state and response parameters. Stakeholders agree by consensus on scores of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1 for each parameter. A challenge for the model is the availability of the required information at the river-basin level.
The Water Footprint Assessment Manual (Hoekstra et al., 2011) (see below) proposes a water-scarcity indicator that improves on predecessors by: looking at water consumption rather than water withdrawal; comparing water consumption to natural rather than actual runoff; subtracting environmental flow requirements ; comparing water use and availability on a monthly rather than an annual basis.
Water Footprint Assessment (WFA) refers to the full range of activities involved in designing and delivering an assessment of water footprints and formulating a response: setting goals and defining the scope of the assessment; quantifying and locating the water footprint of a process, product, producer or consumer, or quantifying in space and time the water footprint in a specified geographic area; assessing the environmental, social and economic sustainability of this water footprint; formulating a response strategy.
Box 4.2 Added value of the water footprint: new dimensions for better water management
Consumers: When considering water management, consumers usually focus on their direct water footprint (i.e. home water use). However, a consumers indirect water footprint is generally much larger and should therefore be the focus of analysis (Hoekstra et al., 2011). Consumers can reduce their footprints by changing their consumption patterns or selecting products that have a relatively low water footprint and small impacts. This requires, however, that they have the information to make that choice. Since such information is generally unavailable, it is important that consumers demand transparency from businesses and regulation from governments. Companies: Companies have traditionally focused on water use in their operations, not in their supply chain. The water footprint takes an integrated approach, revealing that most companies have a supply chain water footprint that is much larger than their operational water footprint. As a result, companies may conclude that it is more cost-effective to shift investments from efforts to reduce their operational water use to efforts to reduce their supply chain water footprint and the associated risks (Hoekstra et al., 2011). Water footprint thinking encourages businesses to incorporate a consumptive water-use perspective in parallel with conventional water withdrawal indicators. It also shifts the focus from meeting emission or discharge standards to managing the grey water footprint using ambient water quality standards from the ecosystem standpoint. Investors: A businesss failure to manage its water footprint and formulate appropriate responses may translate into various forms of business risk (Levinson et al., 2008; Pegram et al., 2009; Morrison et al., 2009; Morrison and Schulte 2010; Barton, 2010): physical, reputational, regulatory and financial. Risk can actually turn into opportunity for companies that proactively respond to the challenge of global freshwater scarcity. Furthermore, addressing the issues of freshwater scarcity and pollution should be seen as part of corporate social responsibility. Governments: Traditionally, countries formulate national water plans by evaluating how best to satisfy water users. Although countries consider options both to reduce water demand and to increase supply, they generally do not include the global dimension of water management. They therefore seldom consider explicitly options to save water by importing water-intensive products. In addition, by focusing on domestic water use, most governments are unaware of the sustainability of national consumption. Many countries have significantly externalised their water footprint without determining whether imported products are the cause of water depletion or pollution in the producing countries. Governments can and should engage with consumers and businesses to work towards sustainable consumer products. National water footprint accounting should be a standard component of national water statistics, supporting the formulation of national water and river basin plans that are coherent with national policies on, for example, the environment, agriculture, industry, energy, trade, foreign affairs and international cooperation. Water footprint and virtual water trade accounts are a relevant input into various governmental policy areas, such as national, state, river-basin or local water policy; environment; agriculture; industry/economic policy; energy; trade; foreign policy and development cooperation (Hoekstra et al., 2011).
Broadly speaking, the goal of assessing water footprints is to comprehensively quantify total and actual water consumption at a specific time and place and to assess the sustainability of the water consumption. The information gained through these two steps can then be used to identify and prioritise appropriate response strategies.
the same location as the production of these goods or services. The water footprint of consumption links the consumer, through the water embedded in non-local products consumed, to the water footprint of production in river basins around the world. In both the water footprint of production and consumption, the focus is not limited to promoting wateruse efficiency at field level but extended to wise water governance in supply chains as a whole (Kuiper et al., 2011). By integrating the water footprint of production and consumption in water resource management, the true potential for using water more efficiently and meeting new challenges and opportunities that globalisation creates for water management, can be assessed.
Figure 4.2 Figure 4.2 Per capita water footprint (CWRF) for food consumption in China from consumption Per capita water footprint (CWRF) for food1961 to 2003 in China from 1961 to 2003
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003
Oil crops & Vegetable oils Animal products High subsistance level
The spatial distribution of water resources in China is highly uneven. The North China Plain constitutes roughly the three river basins, Huanghe, Huaihe and Haihe (the HHH region). Its water resource availability is extremely low. Yet the region is the major bread basket of the country, especially for wheat and corn. Various measures have been implemented to deal with the water scarcity problem. One of them is to transfer water from the Yangtze River to the north, the so-called South-North Water Transfer (SNWT) project. On the other hand, the north region is currently a net exporter of virtual water through food trade to the south. Each year, a huge amount of virtual water (52 billion m3/yr) flows from northern to southern China in the form of agricultural commodities (Ma et al., 2006). This volume of virtual water is 20 per cent more than the total volume of water from the SNWT project, or 43 billion m3/yr. A question that has been debated in the political arena and scientific community is the rationale of the transfers of real water and virtual water between the south and the north. Such transfers have often been criticised for not following the virtual water strategy. The far-reaching impact of the current patterns of real water and virtual water transfers on Chinas ecosystems has also been a major concern. In reality, however, water is only one of the factors among many that influence decisions on trade. In Southern China, arable land is a scarce resource relative to the north, and the rapid development in urban sectors has led to an increase in the opportunity costs of inputs, particularly land and labour. Meanwhile, the dominant sub-tropical climate in the south is not favourable for wheat and corn. Hence, water endowments alone cannot be the sole criterion to judge the rationale of the transfer patterns. A more comprehensive analysis is needed to take natural conditions and socio-economic factors into account. Nevertheless, a quantification of virtual water embedded in the food transfers from north to south provides useful information for a comprehensive assessment of trade-offs of the real and virtual water transfers.
of the blue water footprint, the environmental flows can be subtracted from natural runoff to get blue water availability. The blue water footprint can then be compared to the blue water availability. The analysis should be done monthly to accurately address intra-annual variability of river flows and water consumption. If the blue water footprint exceeds water availability at any time in the catchment, the water footprint is not sustainable at that time. In this case, action would need to be taken to reduce the blue water footprint to bring it within sustainability boundaries. The green water footprint can also be compared to green water availability, as outlined in the WFA handbook (Hoekstra et al., 2011), although this analysis has yet to be done in case studies. The total grey water footprint for a specific pollutant in a catchment can be compared to the total runoff to determine whether the full assimilation capacity of the river has been used or exceeded. If the total grey water footprint is less than the total runoff, the footprint is sustainable. If environmental flows or water quality standards are violated, it would be expected that the secondary impacts on ecosystem services, biodiversity, human health and other uses of water would begin to occur.
Analysis of water scarcity and water pollution levels addresses the environmental aspects of sustainability. However additional criteria must be developed to assess economic and social sustainability. Integration of these three aspects of sustainability will need to be considered to ensure that the trade-offs are accurately understood and perverse outcomes are avoided.
Life Cycle Assessment - Life cycle of an aluminium product, e.g. can for soft drinks
Figure 4.3 Figure 4.3 Life cycle of an aluminium product, e.g. can for soft drinks
Disposal Use Production
Resource Extraction
Box 4.4 Water consumption throughout a cars life cycle (Warsen et al., 2011)
Volkswagen has been analysing the environmental effects of its cars and components by means of LCA for many years. However, due to lack of data and appropriate impact assessment models, the consumption of freshwater has not been considered. Volkswagen therefore started a study to analyse the freshwater consumption of three specific models Polo, Golf and Passat along their product life cycles on both inventory and impact assessment levels. The freshwater consumption throughout a cars life cycle is determined using the GaBi 4.3 software and internal LCA databases (Volkswagen, 2011) comprising several thousand datasets for materials and production steps. In order to obtain a regionalised water inventory, which is a prerequisite for a meaningful impact assessment, the total water consumption is allocated to different car material groups as a first step. The water consumption in these groups is then assigned top-down to the corresponding countries on the basis of import mixes, location of suppliers, production sites, etc. Based on this, country- and watershed-specific characterisation factors are calculated and selected impact assessment methods for water consumption (Frischknecht et al., 2009; Motoshita et al., 2011; Pfister et al., 2009) are applied to estimate the environmental consequences. In this water footprint study only freshwater consumption was considered. It is complemented by a regular LCA which considers impact categories like eutrophication, acidification, human- and eco-toxicity. At the inventory level, the water consumption along the life cycles of the three cars was: Polo 1.4 TDI: Golf 1.6 TDI: 51.7 m 62.4 m
Passat 2.0 TDI: 82.9 m For all three cars, more than 90 per cent of the water was consumed in the production phase. Water consumption takes place in 43 countries, with less than 10 per cent of the total consumed directly at the production site in Wolfsburg, Germany, mainly from painting and evaporation of cooling water. More than 70 per cent of the total relates to steel and iron materials and polymers and 20 per cent to special metals (gold, silver, and platinum group metals (PGM). The study shows that impact assessment results can lead to different conclusions from purely volumetric water footprints. However, water use and consumption figures are not complete in current LCA databases and regionalisation of inventory data, which is a necessary and inevitable step, still has to be based on assumptions such as the manual disaggregation of import mixes. We therefore recommend improving the quality of water data and establishing spatially differentiated water flows as it is already common practice for fossil energy carriers.
the earth; processing, production and assembly procedures required to create the finished products or services; transportation; consumer use; and ultimately disposal of the products or waste materials (UNEP, 2002). The cycle is driven by the societal needs and uses which in todays globalised world in most cases involve many places and actors around the world and leave specific environmental impacts at each stage and in each location. According to ISO, LCA is structured into four phases. The first phase, goal and scope definition, defines the purpose and scope of the LCA study, outlining the level of detail that will be required. It states the functional unit, i.e. the quantitative reference for the study, and describes the data requirements for both the second and third phases. The second phase, inventory analysis, is the stage where all data is collected for the unit processes, and mathematical relations are used to relate the data to the functional unit of the study, a process called normalisation. The
result is a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) table. Other procedures may also be performed, such as allocation in instances where there are multiple outputs, and data evaluation (for example sensitivity analysis). In the case of quantitative water assessments, input-output balances, based on the hydrology and water uses by the different (economic) stakeholders, are set up during the inventory analysis phase, which are similar to the ones used in the water register and water accounting approaches (see sections 4.1 and 4.2). The third phase, impact assessment, aims to evaluate the LCI table with regard to environmental impacts. Categories of environmental impacts are selected, for example climate change, human and ecotoxicity, and acidification. The inventory analysis results must then be assigned to the different impact categories - a process termed classification. Characterisation factors are then used to transform the LCI results into common units, which are
Raw material extraction Emission (in air, water and soil) Physical modification of natural area (e.g. land conversion) Noise
Resourcve depletion Land use Water use Human toxic effects Ozone depletion Photochemical ozone creation Ecotoxic effects Eutrophication Acidification Biodiversity Ecosystem Quality Resource Depletion
Areas of protection
Human Health
Figure 4.5 Figure 4.5 LCA and WFA using different ways to include LCA and WFA using different ways to include impact assessments in their calculations impact assessments in their calculations
Volumetric accounting
Volumetric accounting
Volumetric accounting
Volumetric accounting
Volumetric accounting
Volumetric accounting
Impact assessment
Impact assessment
Impact assessment
Impact assessment
Impact assessment
Impact assessment
WF impact assessment
aggregated to obtain a single number for each impact category - the indicator result. This characterisation step leads to the environmental profile of the product system. The fourth and final phase, interpretation, evaluates and interprets the results from the inventory analysis phase or the impact assessment phase or both. The first step involves identifying the most significant results and evaluating them. The reliability of the results can be assessed through a completeness check, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty analysis and a consistency check. In the final step the conclusions and recommendations are reported. LCA users include industry, governments, consumers and consumer organisations. LCA and life cycle thinking are very important because it is only by considering each stage in a products or services life cycle that all impacts can be identified and improvements made, while avoiding any burden shifting (between the life cycle stages, the impact categories or geographic regions).
As LCA only assesses the environmental performance of a product or service, however, it needs to be used in conjunction with other assessment tools that can evaluate other impacts, including economic and social ones. UNEP has developed guidelines for assessing the social aspects in the life cycle of products (UNEP, 2009). Individual impact categories of LCA have been identified as footprints, e.g. the carbon footprint2 (equivalent to midpoint category global warming potential) or the water footprint (in this report referred to as the weighted water footprint).
Impact assessment (Berger and Finkbeiner 2010) Finkbeiner, 2010) methods in LCA (Berger and
LCA methods Water inventories PE international (2011) Ecoinvent (2011) Vince (2007) Bayart et al. (2010) Hauschild and Wenzel (1998) Bsch et al. (2007) Frischknecht (2009) Brent (2004) Mila i Canals et al. (2008) Bayart et al. (2009) Bayart et al. (in develop.) Motoshita et al. (2008) Motoshita et al. (2011) Van Zelm et al. (in develop.) Humbert & Maendly (2008) Payet et al. (submitted) Pfister et al. (2009) Bouley et al. (2010)
STAND-ALONE METHODS Virtual Water Water Footprint according to WFN Global Water Tool Impact assessment methods for Human health Ecosystem Resources
water. As outlined in several publications, the quantitative aspects of water resource use have not ben well covered in LCA methodologies until recent years (Koehler, 2008). Figure 4.4 illustrates the modelling steps in LCA. Environmental interventions (physical inputs and outputs) are covered in the inventory phase (LCI). These are characterised in the impact assessment phase (LCIA) within impact categories (midpoints) and/ or damage categories (endpoints). Midpoint methods characterise impacts in terms of a common unit within their category based on modelled effects (e.g. radiative forcing as CO2-equivalents for climate change). Endpoint methods characterise potential damage of the areas of protection (e.g. ecosystem quality and human health damage caused by the radiative forcing of greenhouse gas emissions). LCA assesses individual environmental flows (which are to be understood as exchanges between economic sectors and nature, for example emissions or consumption of resources). Mila I Canals et al. (2009) and Pfister et al. (2009) suggest therefore that water-related impacts in volumetric assessments can be captured by consumption of water resources
(loss of water from the freshwater system), which usually convey the environmental impact of blue water and change in green water (the difference between the green water consumption of an activity compared to the natural situation). This would be captured as a midpoint assessment as shown in Figure 4.4. How the LCIA places the impact assessment in comparison with Water Footprint Assessment (WFA) is shown in Figure 4.5. Emissions to water are addressed individually and summarised within impact categories (such as eco-toxicity and eutrophication) or combined as impacts on ecosystem quality. In relation to the water footprint terminology, these approaches can be understood as an advanced grey water measure, as the impact assessment is based on complex cause-effect chains. Bayart et al. (2010) identify some additional impacts of degradative use. LCA methods vary in their coverage of emissions, but in total hundreds of substances are addressed. In order to avoid double counting, water accounting schemes applied in an LCA context should only account for water consumption since freshwater pollution is covered by other impact categories. There
The results clearly show the relevant differences: while Peanut M&Ms have much higher volumetric water footprints than Dolmio pasta sauce, the related potential environmental impact is much lower (stress-weighted water footprint). This reflects the fact that ingredients with relatively high water consumption (e.g. cocoa derivatives or peanuts) are mainly rain-fed and, if irrigated, found mainly in humid areas of low water scarcity, while, for example, for Australian tomatoes, irrigation water consumption adds significantly to water stress. It therefore guides the focus of the analysis of product supply chains towards the most important issues. The method therefore offers a simple yet meaningful way of making quantitative comparisons between products regarding their potential to contribute to water scarcity. The approach is helpful in pointing to hotspots that should be investigated in greater detail, using tools like integrated water resource management. Also, it includes part of the high spatial resolution results on water consumption and related scarcity in the aggregated number, providing a good interpretation potential for customers, as is the case for carbon footprints, where the potential impacts on global warming are aggregated to a single number (e.g. CO2equivalents). The stress-weighted water footprint is therefore based on high-quality crop water
consumption data of the highest resolution currently available (5arc-minutes), (Pfister et al., 2011; Pfister at al., 2009) and weighted by the corresponding water scarcity factors. The same comparison was done with the results presented in a case study on the water footprint of bioenergy, where, for example, maize becomes favourable over sugar beet when applying the stress-weighted water footprint. Again this illustrates the different conclusions taken from different water footprint definitions and the need for synchronisation. As a result of these comparisons one can conclude that both approaches should be used in combination, reporting blue and green water as well as the stress-weighted water footprint in order to have a transparent yet informative result, as is done for proper carbon footprint assessment in LCAs, where different emissions (e.g. CH4 and CO2) are reported separately but finally aggregated in a weighted number).
are specific methods developed to describe impacts in the field of eutrophication, acidification, human- and eco-toxicity using different model for cause-effect relationships and indices (Goedkoop et al., 2009; GarnierLaplace et al., 2008; Struijs et al., 2011; Itsubo et al., 2008). Early LCA methods, such as the Swiss ecoscarcity method (updated by Frischknecht et al., 2008), related impacts mainly to emission targets. The cause-effect relations now used to assess environmental impacts are more sophisticated, however, and are improving rapidly. Examples include the current EUfunded project LC-Impact. For all methods, spatial distinction is crucial for improving the reliability and usefulness of the results. Developments to improve the quantitative consideration in the LCA analysis have therefore started to integrate WFA into the LCA analysis. However, a purely volume-oriented approach like WFA would not be consistent with the original LCA concept, building on impact factors to reflect the damage that different products do to human health or the environment. Therefore the LCA community has taken up the water footprint concept in a slightly modified way in order to address the recognised deficit of quantitative volume-
oriented water resource assessments, whilst maintaining consistency with the wider LCA concept. As shown in Figure 4.6 there are many impact assessment methods in LCA. They all model different cause-effect-chains to assess the consequences of water consumption (or use) on human health, ecosystems, and resources instead of focusing on the aggregation of volumes only. A review of methods can be found in Berger and Finkbeiner (2010). An on-going ISO process has been set up to discuss, in a wider community, the possibilities of integrating WF definitions into the conceptual structure of LCA and translating the original WF into LCA calculations by adding a weighting factor . However, expanding the original water footprint concept from just water quantitative management into a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment provides a more complex picture, but loses the simplicity of the awareness-raising tool, which the original WFA method set out to be. This process and the widening of the concept is reflected in a recent update of the Water Footprint Assessment Manual (Hoekstra et al., 2011).
Preparation inventory impact assessment results
goals and scope of study Life cycle inventory (Lci) Life cycle impact assessment (Lcia) interpretation
setting goals and scope water footprint accounting water footprint sustainability assessment water footprint response formulation
note: the Lca stages are as defined in iso 14044; the wFa stages are as defined in the wFa Manual (Hoekstra et al., 2011).
4.4.6 Water Footprint Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment: commonalities and differences
Water Footprint Assessment (WFA) and quantitative water aspects of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) cover similar ground and are, from the accounting side, built on the same basic hydrological balance calculations. However, they come from different methodological context and origin and have different purposes. LCA, coming from traditional material balances, is an ISO standard tool for assessing the environmental impacts of different products and services. WFA uses a volumetric approach and, as a consumption-based indicator, is meant to provide information on single products, or at the corporate level, in the context of sustainable, equitable and efficient water management and allocation. It can be used at various levels: river basin, global, product or corporate. Because of the different traditions and purposes, the two methodologies have developed slightly different solutions for assessing impacts. Intense efforts are currently under way to collaborate and define a common approach with widely-accepted definitions and procedures.
Table 4.2 shows that WFA and LCA both comprise four basic stages. The inventory phases of the WFA and LCA methodologies are very similar and also closely match the approach used in water accounting. In LCA, the inventory phase involves calculating and quantifying water-use inputs and outputs across a products life cycle. In the WFA accounting phase, blue and green water is quantified separately for each step of the supply chain. The green and blue figures then can be aggregated to generate a final footprint value. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) compiles and evaluates the inputs and potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle. In WFA, the water scarcity impact category is assessed by calculating the blue water volume with the characterisation factor for each region, source and, if available, timing. The sustainability assessment is also conducted in this phase of WFA. It involves evaluating the water footprint of each step of the supply chain individually from the environmental, social and economic perspectives in the affected water basin. In the final phase of the LCA, the global impacts of water use across the life cycle are calculated by aggregating the impacts of all the stages. In WFA, the response options, strategies or policies are formulated.
The key difference between LCA and WFA is that whereas LCA focuses on impact-weighted water consumption volumes without physical interpretation at every stage of the life cycle (Pfister et al., 2009; Ridoutt et al., 2009), WFA first considers water consumption in terms of volume and then assesses the sustainability of consumption from both local and global perspectives (Hoekstra et al., 2011). Both LCA and WFA analyse sustainability by evaluating impacts on hydrology (primary impacts) and on society, economics and ecosystems (secondary impacts). The difference between the two approaches is in their scope. LCA includes all the supply chain and provides a generalised picture, while WFA looks at single cases after identifying hotspots on a volumetric basis. In that way WFA also looks at the sustainability of water allocation from sustainability, equity and efficiency perspectives at the river-basin level and beyond.
Water scarcity and the environmental impacts of water consumption can also be addressed through assessing virtual water flows. In this instance, water-scarce areas would rely on imports of water-intensive goods to reduce the local demand for water. Through trade, the most water-scarce regions or nations could import water-intensive products and develop products or services that require less water (water-extensive products), thereby relieving pressure on domestic resources (Yang et al., 2006).Conversely, for water-abundant countries there are economic grounds for exporting virtual water to fulfil needs in water-scarce areas. International virtual water flows could enable economic development with lower aggregate environmental impacts. However, as reflected in Box 4.6, the virtual water concept does not sufficiently consider the different opportunity costs of blue, green or grey water, which are always highest for blue water. The concept is therefore clearly a good tool for planning purposes and awareness-raising, but may not be directly applicable to water allocation between particular river basins.
regulatory risks, which occur because of changing, ineffective, poorly implemented, or inconsistent water policies. Stricter regulatory requirements often result from water scarcity, conflict among various users, or excessive pollution. Ineffective policies can create a less inviting or stable business environment or degraded catchment conditions because of incoherent policy design or inconsistent application and enforcement; reputational risks, which stem from changes in how stakeholders view companies real or perceived negative impacts on the quantity and quality of water resources and the health and wellbeing of workers, aquatic ecosystems, and communities. Reputational concerns can lead to decreased brand value or consumer loyalty or changes in regulatory posture, and can ultimately threaten a companys legal and social license to operate.
Corporate water accounting and Water Footprint Assessment is a key component in companies water stewardship and water risk management. During the accounting process, companies collect many different types of information, including: relative water use and water-use efficiency of their different products, manufacturing processes, suppliers, and value-chain segments; location and nature of their various sources of water; relative water stress (based on the local hydrologic, ecological, socio-economic, and governance conditions in the catchments in which they operate).
Considering these pieces of information together can help companies identify risk hotspots by better understanding which waterintensive facilities are located in regions with high water stress. This information provides a basis with which companies can:
drive operational efficiency and more sustainable product design in a strategic manner; assess and manage environmental and social impacts associated with their water use and wastewater discharge; assess and manage risks associated with their water performance and catchment conditions; disclose relevant information about their water policies and practices to stakeholders.
is highly complementary to water accounting tools. It also aims at rewarding for sustainable practices, takes into account the context of EU policies, and promotes a take-up of the EU legislative requirements in the Water Framework Directive. The EWS is an initiative of the global Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS). It provides a powerful water-efficiency tool to help achieve sustainable water management on-site; to implement good management practices and to complement legal measures which together contribute towards sustainable water management at the river-basin scale. The strength of voluntary environmental schemes lies in collecting and serving multiple interests to benefit from more flexible regulation, lower administrative burdens, and superior environmental performance. A generic global Water Stewardship standard that has been set up within a global multi-stakeholder process coordinated by the AWS, will ensure a harmonised implementation of the integrated Stewardship approach world-wide. The Alliance for Water Stewardship is currently developing a global certification standard that encourages and incentivises improved corporate water management and provides environmental, social, and economic benefits at the river-basin level. This standard will apply at the facility and river-basin level and will target agriculture, industry, and water service providers. In addition to the certification standard, AWS is developing a verification process to ensure that company claims are credible and beneficial. It will also include a tool that helps companies identify a suitable risk response strategy. The methodologies that AWS will use to assess corporate water stewardship are still under development.
Companies use a wide range tools and methodologies to facilitate their water accounting processes. While many companies develop their own proprietary tools to measure and monitor their water performance, many use publicly-available methods, namely Water Footprint Assessment (as developed by the Water Footprint Network), Life Cycle Assessment, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Developments (WBCSD) Global Water Tool. WFA and LCA are typically used to understand how a company uses water internally, as well as the social and environmental impacts associated with that water use and wastewater discharge. The WBCSD Global Water Tool attempts to identify which facilities might be more prone to water risks based on local water scarcity. The European water stewardship scheme (EWS), developed for Europe by the European Water Partnership (EWP), addresses operational performance evaluation in terms of sustainable water management, including local river-basin impact, integrated response solutions and risk management of responsible water users. The EWS defines efficient and implementable sustainable water management response strategies for water users, including industry and farmers, in Europe and on a river-basin scale. The EWS includes a guideline/standard and checklists for private water users to help them in changing practices towards sustainable water use, management and governance. It
5.2 Quantifying water use in the local and global perspective for crosssectoral sustainable water management
Water as a resource differs strikingly from resources like metals, oil or coal, dealt with in previous UNEP reports (UNEP, 2011a). Water management is a mix of local, continental and global matters, but most water management is driven by local conditions in local catchments and ruled by regional or local governance structures, which involve governmental policy actions as well as private sector activities and behaviour of the different stakeholders (civil society, farmers, industries enterprises, utilities, etc.). All regional and local management is of course to be seen in a pan-regional and even global context. Some aspects of water management are directly dependent on agreements and cooperation in transboundary river basins (e.g. Rhine or Danube in Europe), are related to
water transfers between adjacent river basins (e.g. Singapore/Malaysia), or are virtual via the water needed for goods and products, depending on international agreements, trade and political developments (trade, pricing, subsidies). As the case studies and methodological details show, particular for Water Footprint Analysis and Life Cycle Assessments, issues of water management, consumption and production are highly relevant to international trade between developed and developing countries, as well as within a country with differentiated issues of scarcity and economic development, as exemplified by the case studies in the report. As water is a resource that is tightly bound to and dependent on local climatic and ecological conditions, the impacts of water use in any kind of production chain always have to be analysed at the local level and in the catchment where the abstraction for the particular step in the supply chain takes place. In many cases, and often for agricultural products, these are in developing countries. But water management per se does not have a global dimension in the way that air does (greenhouse gases, climate change, etc.) or other physical commodities such as ores and fossil fuels which are physically transported and traded. The global context of water management is more subtle. In this perspective it is very important to understand that all the quantification approaches discussed in this report need to carefully consider the physical impacts of water use and possible overexploitation and pollution in the catchment of original production of any goods in the global and trading context. The most relevant actions and measures to be taken for sustainable water management are either driven by national or regional governments and are thus on a macroeconomic level, or require management decisions at a sectoral and corporate level (e.g. agriculture or industries). Both levels are of course highly interrelated and also related to international and inter-regional trade and policies. However they serve different purposes.
There has to be a distinction between wider awareness-raising, large-scale policy planning processes (e.g. at the national or pan-regional level) and operational planning at the local level in the river basin. The information for politicians, stakeholders and the public needs to be concrete and targeted at all these levels. Water and interest in water and its use connect all stakeholders in these and between these different levels. Those involved include politicians and administrators at the different governmental levels and from the very different sectors, as well as private and public actors. The range is from actors in the agriculture and food industry, transport and energy suppliers, water utilities, manufacturing industries and enterprises of all sizes, to actors for the public interests (consumer, social and environmental NGOs). The art of water management between these different actors is one of integration and balancing powers for the common interest of further welfare and growth. The report provides methodologies to inform the knowledge base at all these levels and to help ensure that these are applied in the right combination to link them together in a coherent decision process, improving the overall governance of water and including all relevant actors.
5.3 Decoupling
In this area, spanning economic growth and human welfare, and ecological integrity to support both, there is ample evidence that economic growth is often coupled with unsustainable depletion of natural resources which impairs the environmental foundations of our life. While providing short-term prosperity to certain parts of the population, other parts and future generations are not benefiting in the same way or are worse off, due to environmental impacts and deterioration of the natural capital vital for economic growth and human prosperity. The principle of decoupling as described in recent UNEP reports shows an alternative to this development.
Decoupling at its simplest is reducing the amount of resources such as water or fossil fuels used to produce economic growth and de-linking economic development from environmental deterioration (UNEP, 2011a). The idea of decoupling can thus be a guiding principle for implementing sustainable water management. The most significant argument for decoupling arises from the logic that all environmental impacts, including their social consequences, can jeopardise sustainable economic development and human well-being, as stated, for example, in the World Water Assessment Programme. The case studies on water balances, water productivity and environmental impacts in this report provide some evidence of the need for and feasibility of decoupling. A future water report of the resource panel will go into more detail on the possibilities and opportunities of decoupling from a practical perspective.
and restoring ecosystems are made at an early stage so that ecosystems can provide benefits, including social benefits, more reliably and enduringly. Such investments can avoid unnecessary restoration costs and secondary investments in medical and health care in areas where people suffer from polluted drinking water and insufficient sanitation. Accounting approaches such as registers and water accounting (UNSD, 2007) start at the macro-economic level to inform allocations at the national and river-basin level (national, regional or transboundary), whereas Life Cycle Analysis and Water Footprint Analysis focuses on products/commodities. Where an integrated view of the corporate and macroeconomic level of water management is implemented it can develop into a tool for water stewardship and corporate risk assessment. Sustainable water management in the private sector, and in particular in large international corporations, is driven by the need to minimise business risks. The most important concerns for private stakeholders include physical water risks like scarcity/ floods, pollution and the related reputational risks, climate change impacts, and unstable governance structures and unreliable regulatory frameworks (CEO Water Mandate, 2011; UNEP, 2011c). It is thus evident that using the same transparent and agreed information base for national and corporate risk assessments connects governments, civil society and the private sector for a new, transparent and participatory approach to sustainable water management. It is a precondition for a common understanding of the correct effective measures needed to ensure sustainable resource use. Policymakers have a variety of tools at their disposal to achieve this goal. Political will is needed to respect the inherent resilience and sustainable limits of ecosystems and ensure that the environment has the volumes and quality of water it needs to provide ecosystem goods and services. This requires norm setting and clear and efficient but effective legislation based on quantitative evidence. In
5.4 Risk and knowledge management, the role of information for policy options in a new governance for sustainable water management
For sustainable water management at the local level in the catchments where water abstraction or consumption takes place, the quantification approaches discussed in this report can provide the relevant knowledge base to feed the governance structures that foster sustainability and the protection of environmental resources for the benefit of social equity. As stated in previous UNEP and OECD reports, a green economy aims to improve human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Proper quantification of water assets helps to ensure that investments in maintaining
order to implement measures to fully achieve the targets, a wider range of policy options needs to be used to encourage the most costeffective and innovative developments, using an active, multi-stakeholder approach, again underpinned by quantitative assessments. Policy options that could result in improved water management (or improved environmental management in general) can be categorised into four areas: public participation and awareness to prepare the ground and provide wide agreement throughout society and between all stakeholders (politicians, economic and social leaders, the public) on common values for future sustainable development; flexible and cooperative governance, including and enabling effective regulations, and institutional arrangements to implement them, to improve sustainability and resource efficiency; technological innovation, to use resources more efficiently and protect society and the environment from harmful effects; economic instruments and investments to enable technological innovations, social equity and sustainable development in a growing economy.
political decisions about water allocation that ensure that all relevant ecosystem services are maintained for current and future generations, and to secure further technological development and innovations to enhance water efficiency and productivity (as described in further work by the IRP).
A proper, objective, reliable and inarguable information base helps to provide groundtruth for competing arguments and to prioritise policy options in a balanced stakeholder dialogue.
Three key elements are needed to support this array of policy options and decision-making on water management and related economic and social implications: sufficient knowledge, data and information about how much water is available, the uses for which it is needed (including environmental needs), the identity of users and the relevant time and space scales; clear, easy to use and harmonised international methodologies to assess this knowledge, information and data and to make well-founded allocation decisions that are widely accepted;
it is possible to develop them so that they become the primary source of information used to document how, where and when water may be and is used. Systems built in this manner typically begin by partitioning a water resource into a number of pools of differing allocation priorities. Entitlements to access water allocated to each pool are then distributed amongst users or user groups. As the volume of water within the pools is likely to change from season to season, each entitlement is defined as a share of any water allocated to the pool. Sustainable diversion limits are set for each pool in a manner that ensures enough water is set aside for conveyance, maintaining the environment and meeting other needs. The water for maintaining the environment will ensure that ecosystem services are delivered as an indirect benefit of water use, in addition to its use by agriculture, industry and human settlements. Water accounting is crucial to allow those responsible for water registers to undertake this prioritisation. Without adequate data and sources of information on water availability, use and productivity, these decisions cannot be made on a rational basis. In more and more parts of the world that are increasingly water stressed, water accounting has therefore become a key statistical activity for governments, similar to accounting for the carbon intensity of GDP. Together with investments in green sectors, these indicators are becoming the starting point for managing the transition to a green economy. However, a current shortcoming of traditional water accounting (UNSD, 2007) is the lack of direct consideration of environmental impacts and, often due to data restrictions, the lack of disaggregation to more meaningful hydrological units and temporal information. Further national efforts are needed to generate such data,
while on the international level further work is needed on the revision of SEEA-W to fully integrate ecosystem services and natural capital into accounts. An integrated approach to water management across media and sectors is needed, as there are potential trade-offs between land and water use, ecosystems, GHG emissions, soil degradation, etc. Water scarcity indicators provide an overview and guidance at the pan-regional level and can be used to inform the international coherence of more detailed regional or local assessments, but by themselves do not provide detailed enough information to guide policy decisions. A life cycle perspective is needed in order to account for water use and its related impacts along the entire production chain, from feedstock production to conversion and final use of both agricultural and industrial products. While it is important to take a holistic approach and a long-term perspective, cooperation needs to occur at the river-basin level. It has become clear that there are basic philosophical differences between existing accounting methods for water use over the life cycle of products and systems. The Water Footprint Network (WFN) and with it the virtual water concept understands water as a global resource. According to this approach water is limited only at the global level. Allocating more water to an industrial product means less water going to food, the environment or other uses. Therefore water volumes are the main concern. For a meaningful waterefficiency assessment, providing tools for regional and local water management, the Water Footprint Assessment needs to specify the seasonal and spatial aspect of the analysis more clearly. Furthermore additional criteria must be developed to assess economic and social sustainability and assess the possible opportunity costs of different possible water uses.
In contrast, for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) community, the environmental impacts of water use are the main concern. In LCA the local impacts are aggregated to a functional system level. An increasing number of stakeholders support the further development of regionalised tools to overcome the shortcomings of the aggregation of factors. Life cycle impact assessment and water footprint according to the WFN are inadequate without the differentiation of localised impacts and consideration of seasonal effects. This information is needed to calculate the ecosystem service sustainability index. Only such an index allows the quantification of decoupling economic growth from both water use and impacts on ecosystems, needed to track progress with water productivity. Capacity-building for water accounting is needed worldwide but particularly in developing countries where existing data gaps also need to be filled. One of the main constraints on water management is a lack of updated data. Some monitoring needs to be carried out on a regular basis to comply with regulations and with sustainable production. Many business corporations are developing water management and stewardship schemes. There needs to be a parallel improvement in the way that local, regional and global governmental institutions manage and monitor water resources and productivity.
shift in future policies in order to fully address decoupling and impact assessments at all levels. In many (particularly developing) countries, the limiting factor for full application of the appropriate quantification is data availability. In these cases regional adaptions and preliminary analysis with easy to use indicators might be appropriate. These Water Accounts Light could use available state indicators of water bodies like the state of the groundwater table, the status of water level in lakes and reservoirs, and eutrophication. Further future development of all these approaches and their testing in common and comparable studies is recommended to provide the best and most applicable instruments for policy decisions and to enable the tracking of performance on measures for more efficient water management and decoupling.
Combining the above points, it is important to note that only a combination of the different approaches can fully help and support sound policy decisions. From a social and economic perspective it is vital that the sources of water (blue, green, grey) is identified in all accounting systems, and to find ways of incorporating the differential opportunity costs when adding up their values. The report further emphasises the need for impact and sustainability assessments to support the maintenance of all ecosystem services and for a paradigm
The methodologies applied for the assessment of resource use and allocation as well as for the assessment and tracking of pollution loads need to be transparent and comparable between regions up and downstream of the connecting water bodies and scalable between the local and regional or pan-regional scales. Further effort are needed to provide this comparability and the link between different scales, as shown by the differences between the accounting methodologies, LCA and Footprint assessments. Application of the different methodologies and approaches needs to be suitable and tailored for the relevant purpose and the right scale in management, time and location. Only that can provide an equitable, knowledge-guided allocation of water resources including to meet environmental needs.
Using the conceptual and methodological analysis set out in the report, the International Resource Panel with its Water Efficiency Working Group will publish two other assessments, an overview of the scope of the water management problem around the world and an analysis of the economic and social elements of water productivity and efficiency together with aspects of governance and institutional arrangements. This modular approach aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the policy options to implement sustainable water management in a green economy that recognises water as vital natural capital while continuing to develop a healthy and productive water sector within the economy that cares for and enables social equity.
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UNEP DTIE activities focus on raising awareness, improving the transfer of knowledge and information, fostering technological cooperation and partnerships, and implementing international conventions and agreements.
Water is an essential resource for virtually all aspects of human enterprise, from agriculture via urbanization to energy and industrial production. Equally, the many uses for water create pressures on the natural systems. In this context, enhanced water productivity and management is a major challenge not only for direct water users, water managers and policy makers but also for businesses and final consumers. In most parts of the world, however, the development of consistent water accounting systems both from the production and consumption perspective is in its infancy. This report analyses the different ways for quantifying and accounting for water flows and productivity within the economy (including environmental needs). Based on data from the literature, the report provides the current state of knowledge of the different indicators and tools for quantifying water productivity and highlights why this is important for developing robust allocation and management systems that preserve the natural capital. It is therefore an important piece of work to inform the discussions on decoupling economic growth from water use and impacts and the debate on resource productivity indicators going beyond GDP and carbon that underpin a green economy. The report focuses on two main elements: 1) the conceptual background and knowledge on how water use puts pressure on the environment; 2) methodologies to quantify water availability and use and how this influences ecosystems.
For more information, contact: UNEP DTIE Sustainable, Consumption and Production Branch 15 rue de Milan 75441 Paris CEDEX 09 France Tel: +33 1 4437 1450 Fax: +33 1 4437 1474 E-mail: