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This book discusses flood risk management in the context of climate change and increasing flooding. It presents tools and frameworks for assessing and prioritizing climate-related flood risks and developing adaptation responses.

This book presents flood risk management as a framework for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing climate-related risks. It integrates economic, social, and environmental flood concerns and supports interdisciplinary activities in flood disaster management.

This book provides a full explanation of available probabilistic and fuzzy set-based analytic tools for flood risk assessment. It explains when each is appropriate and how to apply them to practical problems.

more information - www.cambridge.

Floods in a Changing Climate
Risk Management

Climate change and global warming of the atmosphere are very likely to lead to an increase
in flooding, and there is now an urgent need for appropriate tools to tackle the complexity of
flood risk management problems and environmental impacts. This book presents the flood risk
management process as a framework for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing climate-related
risks, and developing appropriate adaptation responses. It integrates economic, social, and
environmental flood concerns, providing support for interdisciplinary activities involved in the
management of flood disasters. Rigorous assessment is employed to determine the most suitable
plans and designs for complex, often large-scale, systems, and a full explanation is given of the
available probabilistic and fuzzy set-based analytic tools, when each is appropriate, and how
to apply them to practical problems. Additional software and data, enabling readers to practice
using the fuzzy and probabilistic tools, are accessible online at www.cambridge.org/simonovic.
This is an important resource for academic researchers in the fields of hydrology, climate
change, environmental science and policy, and risk assessment, and will also be invaluable to
professionals and policy-makers working in hazard mitigation, water resources engineering, and
environmental economics.
This volume is the fourth in a collection of four books within the International Hydrology
Series on flood disaster management theory and practice within the context of anthropogenic
climate change. The other books are:

1 – Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation by Ramesh Teegavarapu

2 – Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling by P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh
3 – Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling by Giuliano Di Baldassarre

S l o b o d a n S i m o n o v i ć has over thirty years of research, teaching and consulting experience

in water resources engineering, and has received a number of awards for excellence in teaching,
research and outreach. Most of his research is being conducted through the Facility for Intelligent
Decision Support (FIDS) at the University of Western Ontario, where he is a Professor of Civil
and Environmental Engineering and the Director of Engineering Studies with the Institute
for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. His primary research focus is on the application of systems
approach to, and development of the decision support tools for, management of complex water
and environmental systems and the integration of risk, reliability, uncertainty, simulation and
optimization in hydrology and water resources management. Dr Simonovic teaches courses in
civil engineering and water resources systems, plays an active role in national and international
professional organizations, and has been invited to present special courses for practicing water
resources engineers in many countries. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Flood Risk
Management, and Water Resources Management, and has published over 350 articles and two
major textbooks.

The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) in 1975 as the successor to the International Hydrological Decade. The long-term goal of the IHP is to
advance our understanding of processes occurring in the water cycle and to integrate this knowledge into water resources management.
The IHP is the only UN science and educational programme in the field of water resources, and one of its outputs has been a steady
stream of technical and information documents aimed at water specialists and decision-makers.

The International Hydrology Series has been developed by the IHP in collaboration with Cambridge University Press as a major
collection of research monographs, synthesis volumes, and graduate texts on the subject of water. Authoritative and international in
scope, the various books within the series all contribute to the aims of the IHP in improving scientific and technical knowledge of
fresh-water processes, in providing research know-how and in stimulating the responsible management of water resources.

editorial advisory board

Secretary to the Advisory Board
Mr Shahbaz Khan Division of Water Science, UNESCO, I rue Miollis, Paris 75015, France

Members of the Advisory Board

Professor B. P. F. Braga Jr Centro Technológica de Hidráulica, São Paulo, Brazil
Professor G. Dagan Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr J. Khouri Water Resources Division, Arab Centre for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands, Damascus, Syria
Dr G. Leavesley US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Denver Federal Center, Colorado, USA
Dr E. Morris Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK
Professor L. Oyebande Department of Geography and Planning, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Professor S. Sorooshian Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, California, USA
Professor K. Takeuchi Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yamanashi University, Japan
Professor D. E. Walling Department of Geography, University of Exeter, UK
Professor I. White Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

titles in print in this series

M. Bonell, M. M. Hufschmidt and J. S. Gladwell Hydrology and Water Management in the Humid Tropics: Hydrological Research
Issues and Strategies for Water Management
Z. W. Kundzewicz New Uncertainty Concepts in Hydrology and Water Resources
R. A. Feddes Space and Time Scale Variability and Interdependencies in Hydrological Processes
J. Gibert, J. Mathieu and F. Fournier Groundwater/Surface Water Ecotones: Biological and Hydrological Interactions and Management
G. Dagan and S. Neuman Subsurface Flow and Transport: A Stochastic Approach
J. C. van Dam Impacts of Climate Change and Climate Variability on Hydrological Regimes
D. P. Loucks and J. S. Gladwell Sustainability Criteria for Water Resource Systems
J. J. Bogardi and Z. W. Kundzewicz Risk, Reliability, Uncertainty, and Robustness of Water Resource Systems
G. Kaser and H. Osmaston Tropical Glaciers
I. A. Shiklomanov and J. C. Rodda World Water Resources at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
A. S. Issar Climate Changes during the Holocene and their Impact on Hydrological Systems
M. Bonell and L. A. Bruijnzeel Forests, Water and People in the Humid Tropics: Past, Present and Future Hydrological Research for
Integrated Land and Water Management
F. Ghassemi and I. White Inter-Basin Water Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States, Canada, China and India
K. D. W. Nandalal and J. J. Bogardi Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs: Applicability and Limits
H. S. Wheater, S. Sorooshian and K. D. Sharma Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
J. Delli Priscoli and A. T. Wolf Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts
H. S. Wheater, S. A. Mathias and X. Li Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas
L. A. Bruijnzeel, F. N. Scatena and L. S. Hamilton Tropical Montane Cloud Forests
S. Mithen and E. Black Water, Life and Civilization: Climate, Environment and Society in the Jordan Valley
K. A. Daniell Co-Engineering and Participatory Water Management
R. Teegavarapu Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation
P. P. Mujumdar and D. Nagesh Kumar Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling
G. Di Baldassarre Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling
S. Simonović Floods in a Changing Climate: Risk Management
Floods in a Changing Climate

Risk Management

Slobodan P. Simonović
University of Western Ontario
cambridge university press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,
Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York

Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781107018747

C Slobodan P. Simonović and UNESCO 2012

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2012

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data

Simonovic, Slobodan P.
Floods in a changing climate : risk management / Slobodan P. Simonovic.
pages cm. – (International hydrology series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-107-01874-7
1. Flood control. I. Title.
TC530.S565 2012
363.34 932 – dc23 2012010631

ISBN 978-1-107-01874-7 Hardback

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or

accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to
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To Tanja, Dijana, and Damjan
What is the appropriate behavior for a man or a woman in the
midst of this world, where each person is clinging to his piece of
debris? What’s the proper salutation between people as they
pass each other in this flood?
Buddha (c. 563–483 BC)

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood,

leads on to fortune. . . . we must take the current when it serves,
or lose our ventures.
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no

community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and
ultimately no life, without community.
M. Scott Peck (1936–2005)

Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free.

Paul Tillich (1886–1965)

Forewords page ix Part II Flood risk management: probabilistic

Dr. Gordon McBean and Dr. Donald H. Burn approach
Preface xi
4 Risk management: probabilistic approach 71
Acknowledgments xii
4.1 Mathematical definition of risk 71
Definitions xiii
4.2 Classification of risk 74
List of acronyms and abbreviations xvi
4.3 Risk criteria 75
4.4 Probabilistic risk modeling 76
Introduction 1
4.5 Probabilistic tools for flood risk management 79
4.6 Conclusions 114
Part I Setting the stage
4.7 Exercises 114
1 Flood risk management 7
1.1 The global flood problem 7 Part III Flood risk management: fuzzy set
1.2 Problem context 10 approach
1.3 Flood risk 13
5 Risk management: fuzzy set approach 119
1.4 How do we manage flood risk? 14
5.1 Paradigm change 119
1.5 Systems view of flood risk management 14
5.2 Introduction to fuzzy sets 120
1.6 Conclusions 16
5.3 Fuzzy risk definition 129
1.7 Exercises 16
5.4 Fuzzy tools for flood risk management under
2 Climate change and risk of flooding 17 climate change 134
2.1 Floods and their physical characteristics 17 5.5 Conclusions 163
2.2 Climate change and variation impacts 20 5.6 Exercises 164
2.3 Approaches for dealing with climate change 27
2.4 Conclusions 29 Part IV Future perspectives
2.5 Exercises 30
6 Future perspectives 169
3 Risk management as adaptation to climate 6.1 Understanding climate change and flood
change 31 risk management 169
3.1 Flood risk management decision 6.2 Adaptive flood risk management under
process 32 climate change 170
3.2 Approaches to flood risk management as 6.3 Risk communication 171
adaptation to climate change 37 6.4 Conclusions 173
3.3 An example: Climate change-caused flood risk
to municipal infrastructure, City of London References 174
(Ontario, Canada) 41 Index 178
3.4 Conclusions 66
Color plates appear between pages 16 and 17.
3.5 Exercises 67


Almost every day, many people are affected by flooding. In 2011, effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportuni-
cyclones and heavy monsoon rains triggered unusually severe ties,” this book deals with how to moderate harm or specifically
seasonal flooding across Southeast Asia, affecting many nations reduce flooding risk. Chapter 6 specifically addresses future per-
including Thailand. The major floods in Bangkok had, by mid- spectives in a changing climate.
December, killed at least 675 people and caused major economic In November 2011, governments approved the Summary for
impacts. In the fall 2011, there were also floods in Colombia, Policy Makers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Australia, Kenya, and other places. Hydrologic disasters, dom- Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Dis-
inantly floods but also including wet mass movements (mud asters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. The Summary for
slides), are responsible for just more than half of all the disas- Policy Makers includes the statement: “A changing climate leads
ters in the period 2000–2010. During this period, these events to changes in the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration, and
killed, on average, more than 5,000 people per year with the total timing of extreme weather and climate events, and can result in
affected being about 100 million people. The total affected is the unprecedented extreme weather and climate events.” The Special
sum of injured, homeless, and people requiring immediate assis- Report specifically concluded: “It is likely that the frequency of
tance during a period of emergency. Annual damage costs are heavy precipitation or the proportion of total rainfall from heavy
about US$20 billion. falls will increase in the 21st century over many areas of the
M. Wahlström, the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General globe.” The Special Report states that the changes in projected
for Disaster Risk Reduction, stated, “Over the last two decades precipitation and temperature changes imply possible changes in
(1988–2007), 76% of all disaster events were hydrological, mete- floods, but notes that there is low confidence in projections of
orological or climatological in nature; these accounted for 45% changes in fluvial floods due to the limited evidence and because
of the deaths and 79% of the economic losses caused by natural the causes of regional changes are complex. This book is address-
hazards.” She concluded her statement with: “The real tragedy is ing those relationships so with further studies based on these
that many of these deaths can be avoided.” This book on flood risk principles the evidence should become clearer in the future.
management, by Professor Slobodan Simonović, is about actions This book provides methods and approaches to reduce the
that can be taken to anticipate and prevent or mitigate harms that impacts of floods that have for millennia been affecting peo-
may be avoidable and reduce the number of deaths and lower the ple around the world and usually most on those most vulnerable.
socio-economic impacts. Now through the actions of people collectively, and specifically
Although the impacts of a flood are usually less than an earth- mostly those in developing countries, the atmospheric green-
quake, floods occur more often. Meteorological events, such as house gas concentrations have increased and are changing the
storms, the next most common, occur less than half as often. Both climate. With that climate change there will be more intense
are part of what we can call the climate system, and this book precipitation events and warmer temperatures which based on
is addressing flood risk management in the context of climate physical logic implies more flooding events. Hence, the impacts
change. In 2009, world leaders at the United Nations Climate on the vulnerable will increase more and raise the need for
Change Conference agreed to the Copenhagen Accord, which actions. Among those actions needed is the reduction of risk
states in the opening paragraph: “We underline that climate change of flooding and that is the topic addressed in this important and
is one of the greatest challenges of our time. . . . We recognize timely book.
the critical impacts of climate change and the potential impacts
of response measures on countries particularly vulnerable to its Dr. Gordon McBean, C.M., O. Ont., FRSC
adverse effects and stress the need to establish a comprehensive President ICSU
adaptation programme including international support.” Since cli- University of Western Ontario
mate change adaptation is “the adjustment in natural or human London, Ontario, Canada
systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their December 2011

x F O R E WO R D S

Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues ticular, but also looks at flood risk management, which can be
facing society today and the potential impacts of climate change usefully applied, as he suggests, as an effective form of climate
are currently a prime concern for water resource professionals. change adaptation. Climate change adaptation through flood risk
The possible impacts of climate change have the potential to management is one of several themes that tie the parts of this
dramatically alter the temporal and spatial distribution and avail- book together. The book consists of four parts. The first part,
ability of water on the Earth’s surface with consequences that entitled “Setting the Stage”, deals with the central topic of flood
could be disastrous. Furthermore, climate change could, paradox- risk management and introduces climate change and the interplay
ically, lead to both more frequent and severe drought conditions between climate change and flood risk management. An important
and flooding events that are of greater frequency and magnitude. and interesting section in this part is the very detailed case study
In this book, Professor Slobodan Simonović addresses the poten- of climate change impacts on municipal infrastructure within the
tial impacts of increases in flood event magnitude and frequency City of London, Ontario, Canada. This extensive example applica-
through a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between cli- tion very nicely draws together the common intertwining threads
mate change and flooding conditions with a particular focus on of floods, risk, and climate change within a real-world applica-
the role of the management of flood risk. tion. The research described in this section of the book is one of
Professor Simonović has had a distinguished career as a water the strengths of this publication. The second and third parts of
professional, consultant, educator, and researcher. I first met the book deal with flood risk management from the perspective
Slobodan more than 25 years ago when we were both faculty of a probabilistic and a fuzzy set approach, respectively. In both
members at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Mani- of these parts, flood risk management is introduced from a sys-
toba, Canada. Through collaboration on research and consulting tems analysis context; systems analysis is another common and
projects I came to appreciate the wealth of knowledge that he unifying theme for much of the material in this book. The final
brings to his professional activities. Towards the end of our time part of the book looks at “Future Perspectives” and again pro-
in Winnipeg, we were both involved in different aspects of the vides an essential link between the potential impacts of climate
Red River Flood of 1997, the so-called “Flood of the Century”, in change and flood risk management with a particular focus on the
the Red River valley, a flood-prone area of Canada and the United importance of both of these issues to the public and also the over-
States. Slobodan’s involvement with this major flood event, and arching need to effectively communicate climate change impacts
its aftermath, is but one of many examples of the practical exper- and flood risk management issues to the general public. These are
tise that he brings to the writing of this important and timely book. again topics with which Professor Simonović has considerable
We frequently hear reports in the media of devastating flooding experience.
events, in various parts of the world, of seemingly unprecedented This is an important book that will be of interest to water
scope, geographic extent, and magnitude. There often follows nat- professionals, policy makers, researchers, and others concerned
ural speculation that the occurrence of such a flooding event, or with the potential impacts of climate change on flooding events
events, must be further evidence of the impacts of climate change. and on flood risk management.
This book helps to make sense of these events and provides the
water professional with important tools to cope with the impacts
of increases in the frequency and magnitude of flooding events Dr. Donald H. Burn
and the associated societal consequences. University of Waterloo
In this book, Professor Simonović considers not just what the Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
impacts of climate change may be on water, and flooding in par- January 2012

I have stated many times that I am one of the lucky few who examine a range of alternatives to prevent or reduce future flood
have the opportunity to work all their professional lives in an damage. I was appointed to the task force and the subsequent
area that they enjoy. The most enjoyable activity for me is to inte- experience changed my life.
grate knowledge from different fields into an approach for solving My work has taken me all over the world. I have had an oppor-
complex problems that include uncertainty. My work has brought tunity to see flood problems in the developed and developing
me into contact with many people, responsible professionals, tal- world, in small villages and large urban centers. Projects I have
ented engineers, capable managers, and dedicated politicians. In been involved with range in scale from the local to the interna-
my capacity as an academic I have also had an opportunity to tional. I have discussed flooding issues with farmers of the Sihu
work with young talented people – the future of our workforce. area in China as well as the Minister for Irrigation and Water
I learned a lot from all of them. I learned many things about Resources of Egypt. I hope that my professional expertise con-
the profession, I learned a lot about different cultures, and most tinues to contribute to the solution of some of these problems. It
importantly I learned about life. Thank you. definitely inspires me to continue to work with greater effort and
My interest in risk and flooding as a natural disaster grew from more dedication.
my main area of expertise – water resources systems management. For more than 35 years of personal research, consulting, teach-
From the early days of my professional career I was involved with ing, involvement in policy, implementation of projects, and pre-
floods and flood management, first from an engineering point of sentation of experiences through the pages of many professional
view and then later from a management point of view. Flood prob- journals, I have worked hard to raise awareness of the importance
lems along the Morava, Sava, and Danube rivers in my country of uncertainty – objective and subjective – in the solution of com-
of origin – Serbia – were among the first professional challenges plex problems. The main thrust of my work is the use of a systems
I had to deal with after graduation. In 1997, I was teaching at approach in dealing with complexity. I have accumulated tremen-
the University of Manitoba and living in Winnipeg. That was the dous experience over the years. In that time I realized that there is
year of the “Flood of the Century.” The governments of Canada an opportunity to contribute to the area of flood risk management
and the USA have agreed that steps must be taken to reduce by transferring some of the knowledge and experience from the
the impact of future flooding on the Red River. In June 1997, implementation of systems thinking and systems tools to vari-
they asked the International Joint Commission (IJC) to analyze ous steps of the flood risk management cycle. Writing this book
the causes and effects of the Red River flood of that year. The offered me a moment of reflection, and it elaborates on lessons
IJC appointed the International Red River Basin Task Force to learned from the past to develop ideas for the future.


Publishing this book was made possible through the contribu- Angela Peck (Chapter 3), Dejan Vucetic (Chapters 4 and 5), Ozren
tions of many people. I would like to start by acknowledging Despic (Chapter 5), Ibrahim El-Baroudi (Chapter 5), Taslima
the publication support provided by the International Hydrologic Akter (Chapter 5), and Mike Bender (Chapter 5). A special thank
Programme of UNESCO, and the Water Science Division team you goes to Veerakcudy Rajasekaram, who is the developer of the
including Siegfried Demuth and Biljana Radojevic. Most of the computer programs.
knowledge contained in this book came from my numerous inter- The support of my family, Dijana, Damjan, and Tanja, was of
actions with teachers, students, and colleagues throughout the the utmost importance in the development of this book. They pro-
world. They taught me all I know. I would like particularly to vide a very large part of my motivation, my goals, my energy, and
thank the students whose work is used in this text. In order of my spirit. Without the endless encouragement, criticism, advice,
appearance in the text, they are Hyung-Ill Eum (Chapter 3), Dra- and support of my wife Tanja this book would never have been
gan Sredojevic (Chapter 3), Lisa Bowering-Taylor (Chapter 3), completed.


Uncertainty: lack of certainty; a state of having limited knowl- which will usually involve complex technical, natural, and/or
edge where it is impossible to exactly describe the existing state social systems. Such complex systems are often characterized
or future outcome; more than one possible outcome. Sometimes by non-linear behavior, which makes it impossible to resolve
the implications of uncertainty involve risk – a significant poten- uncertainties by deterministic reasoning and/or research.
tial unwelcome effect of system performance. For example, if The second main form of uncertainty in Tannert’s taxonomy is
you do not know whether it will rain tomorrow, then you have subjective uncertainty, which is characterized by an inability to
a state of uncertainty. If you apply probabilities to the possi- apply appropriate moral rules. These types of uncertainty can lead
ble outcomes using weather forecasts, you have quantified the to societal anxiety or conflict. Again, we can distinguish between
uncertainty. Suppose you quantify your uncertainty as a 90% two sub-forms of subjective uncertainty. The first is uncertainty
chance of sunshine. If you are planning a major, costly, out- with respect to rule-guided decisions. This is caused by a lack of
door event for tomorrow then you have risk, since there is a applicable moral rules and we call these situations “moral uncer-
10% chance of rain and rain would be undesirable. Furthermore, tainties.” In this case, decision-makers have to fall back on more
if this is a business event and you would lose $100,000 if it general moral rules and use them to deduce guidance for the spe-
rains, then you have quantified the risk (a 10% chance of losing cial situation in question. The second sub-form is uncertainty with
$100,000). respect to intuition-guided decisions – that is, uncertainty in moral
Vagueness or ambiguity is sometimes described as “second- rules. In specific situations, we can make decisions only by rely-
order uncertainty,” where there is uncertainty even about the defi- ing on our intuition rather than knowledge, or explicit or implicit
nitions of uncertain states or outcomes. The difference here is that moral rules. This means that we act on the basis of fundamen-
this uncertainty is about human definitions and concepts, not an tal pre-formed moral convictions in addition to experiential and
objective fact of nature. It has been argued that ambiguity, how- internalized moral models. As with rule-guided decisions, a level
ever, is always avoidable while uncertainty (of the “first order”) of deduction is used here, but in a subconscious and intuitive way.
is not necessarily avoidable. We call the decisions that stem from internalized experiences and
Uncertainty may be purely a consequence of a lack of knowl- moral values “intuitional.”
edge of obtainable facts. That is, you may be uncertain about
whether a new dyke design will work, but this uncertainty can be Risk and reliability: An attempt by risk analysis experts in the late
removed with further analysis and experimentation. 1970s to come up with a standardized definition of risk concluded
There are other taxonomies of uncertainties and decisions that that a common definition is perhaps unachievable, and that authors
include a broader sense of uncertainty and how it should be should continue to define risk in their own way. As a result,
approached from an ethics perspective (Tannert et al., 2007). numerous definitions can be found in recent literature, ranging
Figure 1 shows the taxonomy of uncertainties and decisions from the vague and conceptual to the rigid and quantitative. At
according to Tannert et al. a conceptual level, we define risk (i) as a significant potential
The first form of uncertainty in this scheme is objective uncer- unwelcome effect of system performance, or (ii) as the predicted
tainty, which can be further divided into epistemological uncer- or expected likelihood that a set of circumstances over some time
tainty and ontological uncertainty. The former is caused by gaps frame will produce some harm that matters, or (iii) as future issues
in knowledge that can be closed by research. In this case, research that can be avoided or mitigated, rather than present problems
becomes a moral duty that is required to avoid dangers or risks, that must be immediately addressed. More pragmatic treatments
to realize possible benefits, or to balance risks and benefits in a view risk as one side of an equation, where risk is equated with
rational and responsible way. On the other hand, ontological the probability of failure or the probability of load exceeding
uncertainty is caused by the stochastic features of a situation, resistance. Other symbolic expressions equate risk with the sum


Epistemological Knowledge guided

Objective UNCERTAINTY decision
Ontological Quasi-rational
Moral Rule guided
Subjective UNCERTAINTY decision
Rule Intuition guided

Figure 1 Taxonomy of uncertainties and decisions (after Tannert et al., 2007).

of uncertainty and damage, or the quotient of hazards divided by a system or component to perform its required functions under
safeguards (Simonovic, 2009). stated conditions for a specified period of time.
Because there is a need to understand how a potential loss might
affect and be perceived by the various stakeholders, it is insuffi- Vulnerability: Generally vulnerability is the susceptibility to
cient, and indeed can be quite misleading, for the decision-maker physical or emotional injury or attack. In relation to hazards
to consider risk solely in terms of probability and consequence. and disasters, vulnerability is a concept that links the relation-
Risk involves three key issues: (i) the frequency of the loss, that ship that people have with their environment to social forces
is, how often the loss may occur; (ii) the consequences of the loss, and institutions and the cultural values that sustain and con-
that is, how large might the loss be; and (iii) the perception of the test them. The concept of vulnerability expresses the multi-
loss, that is, how a potential risk is viewed by affected stakeholders dimensionality of disasters by focusing attention on the totality
in terms of its effect on their needs, issues, and concerns. of relationships in a given social situation which constitute a con-
Perhaps the most expressive definition of risk is the one that dition that, in combination with environmental forces, produces a
conveys its multi-dimensional character by framing risk as the disaster.
set of answers to three questions: What can happen? How likely Vulnerability is also the extent to which changes could harm
is it to happen? If it does happen, what are the consequences? a system. In other words, it is the extent to which a community
(Simonovic, 2009 after Kaplan and Garrick, 1981). The answers can be affected by the impact of a hazard. In global warming,
to these questions emphasize the notion that risk is a prediction or vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or
expectation that involves a hazard (the source of danger), uncer- unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including
tainty of occurrence and outcomes (the chance of occurrence), climate variability and extremes.
adverse consequences (the possible outcomes), a time frame for
evaluation, and the perspectives of those affected about what is Risk management: Activities undertaken by an individual, orga-
important to them. The answers to these questions also form the nization, or government all involve some degree of risk. All activ-
basis of conventional quantitative risk analysis methodologies. ities expose people or groups to a potential loss of something
Three cautions surrounding risk must be taken into consider- they value: their health, money, property, the environment, etc.
ation: risk cannot be represented objectively by a single number Individuals, groups, or organizations who are able to affect, who
alone, risks cannot be ranked on strictly objective grounds, and are affected by, or believe they may be affected by, a decision
risk should not be labeled as real. Regarding the caution of view- or activity are called stakeholders. Because different stakehold-
ing risk as a single number, the multi-dimensional character of risk ers may place different values on things, they may also view the
can only be aggregated into a single number by assigning implicit acceptability of risk differently. As such, attempts to manage risk
or explicit weighting factors to various numerical measures of may be unsuccessful if one fails to recognize its complex nature.
risk. Since these weighting factors must rely on value judgments, The objective of risk management is to ensure that significant
the resulting single metric for risk cannot be objective. Since risk risks are identified and that appropriate action is taken to mini-
cannot objectively be expressed by a single number, it is not pos- mize these risks as much as is reasonably achievable. Such actions
sible to rank risks on strictly objective grounds. Finally, since risk are determined based on a balance of risk control strategies, their
estimates are evidence-based, risks cannot be strictly labeled as effectiveness and cost, and the needs, issues, and concerns of
real. Rather, they should be labeled inferred at best. stakeholders. Communication among stakeholders throughout the
Reliability is directly related to risk. In general, reliability is the process is a critical element of this risk management process.
ability of a system to perform and maintain its functions in routine Decisions made with respect to risk issues must balance the tech-
circumstances, as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances. nical aspects of risk with the social and moral considerations that
In engineering, for example, reliability refers to the ability of often accompany such issues.





and monitoring

Figure 2 Steps in the process of decision-making under uncertainty.

Risk management can be defined as the systematic applica- of professionals to change the public’s risk-taking behavior;
tion of management policies, procedures, and practices to the and (iii) high uncertainty, or the public expressions of concern
tasks of analyzing, evaluating, controlling, and communicating over risk factors that are poorly characterized from a scientific
about risk issues (Canadian Standards Association, 1997). Risk standpoint, or where uncertainties in risk assessments are quite
management for health and environmental risks uses scientific large.
risk assessments to estimate the probable harm to persons and
environments resulting from specific types of substances or activ- Decision-making under uncertainty: Statistician George Chacko
ities. As such, even when decision-makers seek honestly to take (1991) defines decision-making as “the commitment of resources
into account varying perceptions of the risk in question, they today for results tomorrow.” Because decisions involve expecta-
are necessarily and properly constrained by the scope and lim- tions about the future, they always involve uncertainty. Decision-
itations of their scientific assessment in recommending specific making in general is concerned with identifying the values, uncer-
courses of action. This is an inescapable part of their duty to tainties, and other issues relevant in a given decision, its rational-
protect public interests and well-being to the best of their ability, ity, and the resulting optimal decision. The practical application
taking into account the uncertainties that are always a factor in of decision theory (how people actually make decisions) is called
risk estimates. Leiss (2001) distinguishes between risk and risk decision analysis, and is aimed at finding tools, methodologies,
issue management as two fundamentally different processes. The and software to help people make better decisions. The most sys-
most important difference is that risk issues, as they play out in tematic and comprehensive software tools developed in this way
society at large, are not primarily driven by the state of scien- are called decision support systems.
tific risk assessments. Rather, such assessments are just one of Decision-making under uncertainty will be described in this
a series of contested domains within the issue. The phrase risk book as a systematic process that consists of six steps that fol-
issue refers to: (i) stakeholder confrontation, or the existence of low a standardized management or systems analysis approach as
some dispute about the scope or existence of a risk and how summarized in Figure 2. Each step in the process is followed by
it should be managed; (ii) intractable behavior, or the inability a decision. It should be noted that the process is iterative.
Acronyms and abbreviations

ACO Ant Colony Optimization LP Linear Programming

AMO Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation MCS Monte Carlo Simulation
CCGP Chance Constrained Goal Programming NAM Northern Annular Mode
CC_LB Climate Change Lower Bound NAO North Atlantic Oscillation
CC_UB Climate Change Upper Bound NatCatSERVICE Natural Catastrophe Service
CP Circulation Pattern NDBC National Data Buoy Center
CSA Canadian Standards Association NEXRAD Next Generation Radar
CRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of NN Neural Network
Disasters NWS National Weather Service
CUP Composition Under Pseudomeasures NWIS National Water Information System
DA Dissemination Area OF Objective Function
DICE Dynamic Integrated Climate Change OWA Ordered Weighted Averaging
DTM Digital Terrain Model PCA Principal Component Analysis
EAD Expected Annual Damage PCP Pollution Control Plant
EMS Emergency Management Services PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation
ENSO El Niño–Southern Oscillation PDF Probability Density Function
EP Evolutionary Programming POT Peak Over Threshold
FCP Fuzzy Compromise Programming P-CUP Polynomial Composition Under
FLP Fuzzy Linear Programming Pseudomeasure
GA Genetic Algorithm RCM Regional Climate Model
GCM Global Climate Model SAM Southern Annular Mode
GDP Gross Domestic Product SFCP Spatial Fuzzy Compromise Programming
GEV Generalized Extreme Value Distribution SPRC Source–Pathway–Receptor–Consequence
GIS Geographic Information System SST Sea Surface Temperature
GP Genetic Programming SSTA Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly
HEC-HMS Hydrologic Engineering Center’s (US Army TIN Triangulated Irregular Network
Corps of Engineers) Hydrologic Modeling UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and
System Cultural Organization
HEC-RAS Hydrologic Engineering Center’s (US Army USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
Corps of Engineers) River Analysis System USGS United States Geological Survey
IDF Intensity–Duration–Frequency UTRCA Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
IFM Integrated Flood Management WCoG Weighted Center of Gravity
IJC International Joint Commission WG Weather Generator
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change WLD West London Dyke
K-NN K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm WMO World Meteorological Organization


Flooding is a rising and overflowing of a body of water onto greatly increase the risk of flooding. Population growth is likely
normally dry land. This can occur (i) directly, when rainfall is to increase the number of people at risk.
of sufficient quantity that the land surface cannot absorb and Flood risk management is the attempt to anticipate and pre-
redistribute water to prevent a surface accumulation, and/or (ii) vent or mitigate harm that may be avoidable. The main goal of
indirectly, when a river overflows its banks. River flooding is this book is to introduce the systems approach to flood risk man-
primarily caused by hydro-meteorological conditions. These can agement as an alternative approach that can provide support for
occur in the form of excess snowmelt runoff, rain, rain on snow, interdisciplinary activities involved in the management of flood
and ice jams or other natural dams. In this book, flooding is disasters. The systems approach draws on the fields of operations
considered as a general term that includes a variety of events and research and economics to create skills in solving complex man-
processes that lead to an accumulation of surface water on land agement problems. A primary emphasis of systems analysis in
that is usually dry. disaster management as I see it is on providing an improved basis
Floods are the most common natural disasters. Their frequency, for decision-making. A large number of analytical, computer-
magnitude, and cost are on the rise all over the world. River- based tools, from simulation and optimization to multi-objective
banks and floodplains are very attractive for habitation as well as analysis, are available for formulating, analyzing, and solving
for agriculture, transportation, power generation, recreation, and disaster management problems.
disposing of wastes. Over thousands of years, cities and other Large and more frequent flood disasters in the last few decades
infrastructure have increasingly encroached into the floodplains. have brought a remarkable transformation of attitude by the dis-
As the encroachment increases, the actual damage and potential aster management community toward (i) integration of economic,
risks from flooding have increased. social, and environmental concerns related to disasters, (ii) seri-
Climate change and global warming of the atmosphere will ous consideration of both objective and subjective risks, and
increase the capacity of the atmosphere to hold water, and this will (iii) action to deal with the consequences of large flood disasters.
also accelerate many of the processes involved in the redistribution The early period of flood defense was characterized by taking
of moisture in the atmosphere. These changes alone suggest that knowledge from various fields of science and engineering that
floodgenerating processes linked to the atmosphere are likely to is applicable to flood hazards and using it in their management.
increase. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) The most significant contribution in the last 10 years is a fun-
states that it is certain that floods will increase in future climates. damental shift in the character of how the citizens, communities,
However, there is considerable uncertainty in the exact nature of governments, and businesses conduct themselves in relation to the
how this will evolve. natural environment they occupy. Flood defense is being replaced
Flooding itself is simple and at the same time very complex. with flood risk management that builds resiliency to flooding.
A flood is simply too much water; however, the main sources of Flood risk management being divided among disciplinary
uncertainty are in how and why there is too much water. Floods boundaries has faced an uphill battle with the regulatory
involve both atmospheric and hydrologic processes and various approaches that are used in many countries around the world. They
uncertainties associated with them. Changes in the climate will have not been conducive to the integrative character of the systems
only increase the uncertainty in the wide variety of atmospheric approach that is inherent in simulation and optimization man-
and hydrologic processes with differing impacts on the magni- agement models. Fortunately, recent trends in regulation include
tude and timing of floods. Flood severity and risk are to a large consideration of the entire region under flood threat, explicit con-
extent determined by human activities, both within the flood- sideration of all costs and benefits, elaboration of a large number
plain and outside. Changes in land use and drainage patterns may of alternatives to reduce the damages, and the greater participation

2 I N T RO D U C T I O N

of all stakeholders in decision-making. Systems approaches based (ii) the concept of adaptive risk management as a system
on simulation, optimization, and multi-objective analyses have that is able to learn, adapt, prevent, identify, and respond to
great potential for providing appropriate support for effective dis- new/unknown threats in critical time; and (iii) the notion of inte-
aster management in this emerging context. grated flood risk management based on joint consideration of
Uncertainty, defined as lack of certainty, has important implica- objective and subjective uncertainty and the use of risk communi-
tions for what can be achieved by flood risk management. All flood cation to link together risk assessment, risk management, and the
risk management decisions should take uncertainty into account. decision-making process. Simulation, optimization, and multi-
Sometimes the implications of uncertainty involve risk, in the objective analysis algorithms are presented for risk-based man-
sense of significant potential unwelcome effects of flooding. Then agement and computational tools will be developed and included
managers need to understand the nature of the underlying threats on the website for this publication.
in order to identify, assess, and manage the risk. Failure to do so is
likely to result in adverse impacts and extensive damage. Some-
times the implications of uncertainty involve an opposite form of T H E O R G A N I Z AT I O N O F T H E B O O K
risk, significant potentially welcome effects. Then managers need
to understand the nature of the underlying opportunities in order The material presented in the book is organized in six chapters
to identify and manage the associated decrease in risk. Failure to and four parts. The introductory part of the book is focused on
do so can result in a failure to capture good luck, which can terminology and proper definitions of uncertainty, risk, reliabil-
increase the risk. ity, vulnerability, risk management, and decision-making under
Systems can be defined as a collection of various structural and uncertainty.
non-structural elements that are connected and organized in such a The first part of the book is divided into three chapters that set
way as to achieve some specific objective through the control and the stage for the rest of the material presented in the book. In
distribution of material resources, energy, and information. The the first chapter, the problem of flood risk management is clearly
systems approach is a paradigm concerned with systems and inter- defined together with a presentation of what is flood risk. A com-
relationships among their components. Today, more than ever, prehensive review of the current approaches to flood risk manage-
we face the need for appropriate tools that can assist in dealing ment is presented here. The following chapter deals with climate
with difficulties introduced by the increase in the complexity of change and risk of flooding. The purpose of this section is to link
flood risk management problems, consideration of environmental climate change to flood risk. This will be done for floods caused
impacts, and the introduction of the principles of sustainability. by hydrometeorological events (snowmelt-runoff floods, storm-
The systems approach is one such tool. It uses rigorous methods rainfall floods, rain-on-snow floods, and ice-jam floods) and nat-
to help determine the preferred plans and designs for complex, ural dams (outburst floods and landslide floods). Climate change
often large-scale systems. It combines knowledge of the available is reviewed to elaborate all impacts that affect flooding. Mitiga-
analytic tools, an understanding of when each is appropriate, and tion and adaptation are presented as the two main approaches for
a skill in applying them to practical problems. It is both math- dealing with climate change impacts. One of the main contribu-
ematical and intuitive, as is all the disaster management cycle tions of the book is the definition of climate change adaptation
of flood hazard mitigation, preparation, emergency/event/crisis as a risk management procedure. This idea is elaborated in the
management, and recovery. context of flood management in the third and final chapter of this
The aim of this book is directly related to the current state of part of the book. In the same chapter, both probabilistic and fuzzy
systems thinking as an approach within the social sciences and approaches to flood risk management are introduced.
especially flood disaster management. Its purpose is to offer sys- The second part of the book is technical in nature and is used
tems thinking as a coherent approach to inquiry and flood risk to introduce methodological aspects of probabilistic flood risk
management. With this book I would like to contribute to the management in Chapter 4. It reflects the systems view of risk
change of flood risk management practice and respond to a clear management under uncertainty using a probabilistic approach.
need to redefine the education of disaster management profession- The presentation includes three main types of system tools: simu-
als and increase their abilities to (i) work in an interdisciplinary lation, optimization, and multi-objective analysis. These tools are
environment; (ii) develop a new framework for hazard mitigation, presented in probabilistic form. Simulation is represented using
preparation, emergency/event/crisis management, and recovery a Monte Carlo procedure. Evolutionary optimization is presented
that will take into consideration current complex socio-economic as an optimization technique in probabilistic form. A probabilis-
conditions; and (iii) provide the context for disaster management tic multi-objective goal programming technique is selected as
in conditions of uncertainty. an example of multi-objective analysis techniques. LINPRO and
The innovative aspects of this book include: (i) parallel use of EVOLPRO computer programs are introduced and selected exam-
probabilistic and fuzzy set approaches to flood risk management; ples demonstrate their utility.
I N T RO D U C T I O N 3

The third part of the book presents a fuzzy set approach to flood characteristics of the risk communication process are elaborated
risk management in Chapter 5. Basic explanations are provided in detail.
on fuzzy sets, development of fuzzy membership functions, and
operations on fuzzy numbers. A new definition of fuzzy risk is
provided and fuzzy simulation, optimization, and multi-objective USE OF THE BOOK
analyses tools are presented. The FUZZYCOMPRO computer
program is introduced for the implementation of fuzzy multi- Computer programs presented in the text are included on the web-
objective analysis in the discrete form. site (www.cambridge.org/simonovic). The text and the accompa-
The second and third parts of the book contain two chap- nying website have four main purposes. (i) They provide material
ters that present the theory and implementation of flood risk for an undergraduate course in flood risk management under cli-
management tools. Implementation of each methodological mate change. A course might be based on Chapters 1 through
approach is illustrated with a real example. The set of flood 5. (ii) They also provide support for a graduate course in flood
risk management problems in these two chapters includes flood- risk management under climate change, with an emphasis on ana-
plain zoning, flood forecasting, flood emergency management, lytical aspects of application of systems tools to management of
design of municipal water infrastructure, operations of a flood flood disasters. Such a course might draw on details from Chap-
management reservoir, and ranking of flood risk management ters 4 or 5. Both undergraduate and graduate courses could use the
alternatives. computer programs provided on the website. (ii) Flood disaster
The final part, Chapter 6, provides an insight into the future management practitioners should find the focus on the applica-
of flood risk management under changing climate. The very slow tion of the methodologies presented to be particularly helpful,
process of dealing with emissions of greenhouse gases leaves us and could use the programs for the solution of real flood disaster
with the need to seriously consider adaptation as almost the sole management problems. There is discussion of a number of spe-
approach to minimizing the negative impacts of climate change cific applications in Chapters 4 and 5 that may be of assistance.
on flooding. In Chapter 6, flood risk management under uncer- (iv) Specific parts of the book can be used as a tool for special-
tainty is once more revisited as the climate change adaptation ized short courses for practitioners. For example, material from
approach. Practical guidelines are provided for the implemen- Chapters 3 and 4 could support a short course on “Probabilistic
tation of the tools introduced in the book. Risk communication approach to flood risk management under changing climate.” A
is also discussed as a supporting tool for effective implemen- course on “Fuzzy set approach to flood risk management under
tation of the tools presented in the book and some important changing climate” could be based on Chapters 3 and 5.
Part I
Setting the stage
1 Flood risk management

A flood is a very simple natural phenomenon that occurs when had been evacuated because of the risk of flooding and landslides
a body of water rises to overflow land that is not normally sub- by early August. As I am writing these words, Pakistan’s deadliest
merged (Ward, 1978). At the same time, a flood is a very complex floods in decades have killed more than 1,500 people and over-
phenomenon that connects the natural environment, people, and whelmed government efforts to provide aid. The flood’s death toll
the social systems of their organization. Flooding causes loss of may rise to 3,000. Approximately 20 million people had been
human life. It damages infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and affected by floods by early August. Regions downstream in the
buildings, and hurts agricultural productivity because of lost crops Indus River valley, where most of Pakistan’s 162 million people
and soil erosion. Flood disaster relief often requires enormous live, are bracing for floods that may damage crops.
funding. Connectivity increases risks. As more links are present
among the elements of natural, social, and technological systems,
these systems develop unexpected patterns of connections that 1 . 1 T H E G L O BA L F L O O D P RO B L E M
make breakdown more likely.
We are witnessing many catastrophic flood disasters. European Assessing the global flood problem is not an easy task due to
floods in 2002 caused more than €7 billion damage. Hurricane gaps and numerous deficiencies in statistics, the highly variable
Katrina caused flooding in 2005 that was the costliest natural dis- quality of the available data, and the problems of comparing flood
aster, as well as one of the five deadliest, in the history of the USA. impacts across the wide socio-economic development spectrum.
At least 1,836 people lost their lives in the actual hurricane and Most of the information to be presented here is from the Dart-
in the subsequent floods; total property damage was estimated at mouth Flood Data Observatory (2010) in Germany, the Emer-
US$81 billion. In June of 2006, northeastern Bangladesh disap- gency Events Database EM-DAT of the Centre for Research on
peared under monsoon floods as rains drenched the region. The the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED, 2009) in Belgium and the
floods stretched across hundreds of kilometers of what had been Munich Re NatCatSERVICE online database (Munich Re, 2011).
dry land a month earlier and inundated two thirds of the territory of The longer time period records (traced back to 1900, although
the country. Typhoon Morakot of 2009 was the deadliest typhoon more reliable after 1950) show a relentless upward movement
to impact Taiwan in recorded history. It created catastrophic dam- in the number of natural disasters (Figure 1.1) and their human
age in Taiwan, leaving 461 people dead and 192 others miss- and economic impact (Figure 1.2). Black indicates the number
ing, and roughly US$3.3 billion in damage. The storm produced and impacts of flood disasters. It is troubling that disaster risk and
huge amounts of rainfall, peaking at 2,777 mm (109.3 in). The impacts have been increasing during a period of global economic
extreme amount of rain triggered enormous mudslides and severe growth. On the good side, a greater proportion of economic sur-
flooding throughout southern Taiwan. One mudslide buried the plus could be better distributed to alleviate the growing risk of
entire town of Xiaolin, killing an estimated 500 people. In disaster. On the bad side, it is possible that development paths are
the wake of the flood, Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou faced themselves creating the problem: increasing hazards (for exam-
extreme criticism for the slow response to the disaster, having ple through global climate change and environmental degrada-
initially deployed only roughly 2,100 soldiers to the affected tion), human vulnerability (through income poverty and political
regions. Later additions of troops increased the number of sol- marginalization), or both.
diers to 46,000. Days later, the president publicly resigned due to The information on flood disasters presented in Figures 1.3
the government’s slow response to the disaster. The 2010 China to 1.6 is taken from EM-DAT: The CRED International Disaster
floods began in early May. The total death toll as of August 5 was Database for the period 1950–2010. In order for a disaster to be
2,507. More than 305 million people in 28 provinces, municipal- entered into the database at least one of the following criteria has to
ities, and regions were affected, while at least 12 million people be fulfilled: 10 or more people reported killed; 100 people reported





1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption Flood

Windstorm Extreme temperatures (e.g. heat wave, wildfire)

Figure 1.1 Great natural disasters 1950–2007: number of events (source: Munich Re, NatCatSERVICE).

affected; a call for international assistance; and declaration of a

state of emergency.
282 loss events 1.8 million fatalities
The damage related to floods is direct and indirect. Deaths of
6% 7% 2% people and animals, damage to houses, properties, and standing
28% crops, damage to physical infrastructure, etc. may be the direct
consequence of floods. Other effects, such as a change in ecosys-
36% 55% tem or spread of diseases, may be indirect damage due to floods.
Throughout the world, floods are inflicting substantial dam-
41% age year after year. According to the information presented in
Overall losses*: Insured losses*: Figures 1.4 to 1.6 and the statistics of the International Red
US$ 1,770bn US$ 370bn
Cross organization, the average number of people who suffered
6% 5% 4% 10% from flood damage during the period from 1973 through to 1997
amounted to more than 66 million a year. This makes flood-
24% ing the worst of all natural disasters (including earthquakes and
drought). The average number of people affected by flooding for
the five-year period from 1973 through to 1977 was 19 million
and escalated sharply to 111 million for the period 1988 through
40% 81%
1992 and still further to 131 million for the 1993 to 1997 five-
Geological related events year period. The average death toll per year has been recorded as
Earthquake, tsunami,
approximately 7,000 people for the last 25 years. In 1998 alone,
volcanic eruption this figure reportedly came close to 30,000.
Weather related events A typology for floods is provided in Table 1.1 with estimates
of the frequency of occurrence for the period between 1985 and
Windstorm 2009. More than 90% of floods are attributed to meteorological
processes, with hydrologic types only contributing about 5% of
Extreme temperatures
the events.
* 2007 values
Floods are the most common and widespread of all natural
Figure 1.2 Great natural disasters 1950–2007: percentage distribution disasters, besides fire. They are also the number one killer. Flood
worldwide (source: Munich Re, NatCatSERVICE). disasters account for about a third of all natural disasters (by
1 . 1 T H E G L O BA L F L O O D P RO B L E M 9



Number of floods



1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 1.3 The number of flood disasters (source: EM-DAT CRED).







1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 1.4 The total number of deaths caused by flood disasters (source: EM-DAT CRED).


Affected people (millions)





1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 1.5 The total number of people affected by flood disasters (source: EM-DAT CRED).
10 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T

Table 1.1 Types of floods and their frequency of occurrence regional coverage and also due to the fact that much of the damage
1885–2009 (e.g., ecological damage, human pain, suffering, deaths, distress)
cannot be directly expressed in terms of monetary values.
Frequency Total for Floods form one of the most important parts of the world’s
Number (%) class (%) natural disasters today, and there is an increasing trend in the
Human induced Dam/levee 47 1.34 1.34 resulting damage and deaths due to them. The flood disasters that
break were strongly evident throughout the second millennium have
always been a part of the human experience. They are going to
Natural event Avalanche- 2 0.06 0.14
continue to be so in the third millennium. They continue to be
destructive and they are more widespread and harmful now than
Landslide 1 0.03
Outburst flood 2 0.06 in the past.

Hydrologic Rain on snow 84 2.40 4.97

Snowmelt 60 1.72
Ice jam/breakup 30 0.86 1 . 2 P RO B L E M C O N T E X T
Meteorological Brief torrential 297 8.49 92.40
The beginning of the third millennium is characterized by the
major and widespread change known as the global change. It
Extra-tropical 19 0.54
storm encompasses the full range of global issues and interactions con-
Heavy rain 2235 63.89 cerning natural and human-induced changes in the Earth’s envi-
Monsoon rain 280 8.00 ronment. In more detail, it is defined by the US Global Change
Torrential rain 27 0.77 Research Act of 1990 as “changes in the global environment –
Tropical cyclone 348 9.95 including alterations in climate, land productivity, oceans or other
Tropical storm 26 0.74 water resources, atmospheric chemistry, and ecological systems –
Other Tidal surge 4 0.11 1.14 that may alter the capacity of the Earth to sustain life.” Global
Not determined 36 1.03 change issues include understanding and predicting the causes
and impacts of, and potential responses to: long-term climate
Total 3498 100
change and greenhouse warming; changes in atmospheric ozone
and ultraviolet (UV) radiation; and natural climate fluctuations
Source: the Dartmouth Flood Data Observatory
over seasonal to inter-annual time periods. Other related global
number and economic losses). They are responsible for over half issues include desertification, deforestation, land use manage-
of the deaths associated with all such disasters. ment, and preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. They are
The estimates of damage by floods given here are estimates all directly related to flooding. Flood hazards and disasters have
in the pure sense of the word. It is very difficult to calculate the always been part of human history. They will continue to be so
damage from floods in terms of numerical values due to their wide into the future. In the context of global change they are as much a


Damage (US$ millions)






1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 1.6 The total estimated damage (US$) caused by flood disasters (source: EM-DAT CRED).
1 . 2 P RO B L E M C O N T E X T 11

part of the history of humankind as population growth, settlement, et al., 2007). Future sea level rise is highly uncertain. The main
industrialization, computerization, and repeated cycles of reces- reason for the uncertainty is in the response of the big ice sheets
sion and expansion. Flood hazards and disasters are an intrinsic of Greenland and Antarctica. Sea level will continue to rise for
component of accumulated cultural experience which manifests many centuries after global temperature is stabilized, since it takes
itself in complex social structures and practices. Flood hazard that much time for the oceans and ice sheets to fully respond to
and risk are inherent in these structures and practices. The key a warmer climate. The future estimates highlight the fact that
issue for the global community today is the extent to which flood unchecked global warming is likely to raise sea level by several
hazards and disasters can be contained and reduced. meters in the coming centuries, leading to the loss of many major
Floods as physical features are most affected by climate change coastal cities and entire island states.
(a very detailed discussion of climate change and risk of flooding The Population Division of the Department of Economic and
follows in Chapter 2). Many of the impacts of climate variations Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat (2009) reports
and climate change on society, the environment, and ecosystems that the world population, at 6.8 billion in 2009, is projected to
are caused by (i) changes in the frequency or intensity of extreme reach 7 billion in late 2011 and 9 billion in 2050. Most of the addi-
weather and climate events, and (ii) sea level rise. The IPCC tional 2.3 billion people expected by 2050 will be concentrated in
Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC, 2007) concluded that many developing countries, whose population is projected to rise from
changes in extremes had been observed since the 1970s as part of 5.6 billion in 2009 to 7.9 billion in 2050. The world is undergoing
the warming of the climate system. These included: more frequent the largest wave of population and urban growth in history. In
hot days, hot nights, and heat waves; fewer cold days, cold nights, 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of the world’s
and frosts; more frequent heavy precipitation events; more intense population was living in towns and cities. By 2030 this number
and longer droughts over wider areas; an increase in intense trop- will swell to almost 5 billion, with urban growth concentrated in
ical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic; and sea level rise. Africa and Asia. While mega-cities have captured much public
Recent climate research has found that rain is more intense attention, most of the new growth will occur in smaller towns and
in already-rainy areas as atmospheric water vapor content cities, which have fewer resources to respond to the magnitude
increases (The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009). Recent changes of the change. In principle, cities offer a more favorable setting
have occurred faster than predicted by some climate models, for the resolution of social and environmental problems than rural
emphasizing that future changes could be more severe than pre- areas. Cities generate jobs and income. With good governance,
dicted. In addition to the increases in heavy precipitation, there they can deliver education, health care, and other services more
have also been observed increases in drought since the 1970s. This efficiently than less densely settled areas simply because of their
is consistent with the decrease in mean precipitation over land in advantages of scale and proximity. Cities also present opportu-
some latitude bands. The intensification of the global hydrologic nities for social mobilization and women’s empowerment. Most
cycle with climate change is expected to lead to further increases in of the world cities are along rivers, lakes, and ocean shores. The
precipitation extremes, both increases in very heavy precipitation first attractions of such locations were as sources of food and
in wet areas and increases in drought in dry areas. While precise drinking water. Later, the attractions also included water for irri-
predictions cannot yet be given, current studies suggest that heavy gation and transportation. In the present, the closeness to water
precipitation rates may increase by 5–10% per ◦ C of warming, also provides power generation, commerce, and recreation. River-
similar to the rate of increase of atmospheric water vapor. banks and flood plains are also attractive for agriculture, aesthet-
Population density in coastal regions and islands is about three ics, and as a way of disposing of wastes. Over several thousand
times higher than the global average. Currently 160 million peo- years cities, settlements, and other infrastructure have increas-
ple live less than 1 meter above sea level. This allows even a ingly encroached into the floodplains. Negative impacts of flood
small sea level rise to have disastrous consequences. Effects may disasters are directly related to population trends and changes. A
be caused by coastal erosion, increased susceptibility to storm larger number of people translates directly into larger exposure
surges and resulting flooding, groundwater contamination by salt and potentially higher risk from flooding.
intrusion, loss of coastal wetlands, and other issues. Sea level Population and climate change are connected. Most climate
rise is an inevitable consequence of global warming for two main change is attributed to anthropogenic impacts. Flood disasters,
reasons: ocean water expands as it heats up, and additional water climate change, and population interactions will have one more
flows into the oceans from the ice that melts on land. Since 1870, dimension of complexity in the future – climate migrations. One
global sea level has risen by about 20 centimeters (IPCC, 2007). of the observations of the IPCC (2007) is that the greatest single
The average rate of rise for 1993–2008 as measured by satellite is impact of climate change could be on human migration – with mil-
3.4 millimeters per year, while the IPCC projected a best esti- lions of people displaced by shoreline erosion, coastal flooding,
mate of 1.9 millimeters per year for the same period. Actual rise agricultural disruption, etc. Since 2007 various analysts have tried
has thus been 80% faster than projected by models (Rahmstorf to put numbers on future flows of climate migrants (sometimes
12 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T

called “climate refugees”). The most widely repeated prediction reactions, and perceptions), and built environment (type and loca-
is 200 million by 2050 (IOM, 2008). But repetition does not tion). A different thinking is required to address the complexity
make the number any more accurate. The scientific argument for of flood risk management. Mileti (1999, page 26) and Simonovic
climate change is increasingly confident. The consequences of (2011, page 48) strongly suggest adaptation of a global systems
climate change for human population distribution are unclear and perspective. Systems theory is based on the definition of a system –
unpredictable. The available science translates into a simple fact – in the most general sense – as a collection of various structural
the population of the world today is at higher level of risk. The and non-structural elements that are connected and organized in
disasters that will move people have two distinct drivers: (i) cli- such a way as to achieve some specific objective through the
mate processes such as sea level rise, salinization of agricultural control and distribution of material resources, energy, and infor-
land, desertification, and growing water scarcity, and (ii) climate mation. The basic idea is that all complex entities (biological,
hazard events such as flooding, storms, and glacial-lake outburst social, ecological, or other) are composed of different elements
floods. It is necessary to note that non-climate drivers, such as gov- linked by strong interactions, but a system is greater than the sum
ernment policy, general population growth, and community-level of its parts. This is a different view from the traditional analytical
resilience to natural disaster, are also important. All contribute to scientific models based on the law of additivity of elementary
the degree of vulnerability people experience. The problem is one properties that view the whole as equal to the sum of its parts.
of time (the speed of change) and scale (the number of people it Because complex systems do not follow the law of additivity,
will affect). they must be studied differently. A systemic approach to prob-
Issues of sustainable development were drawn closer to lems focuses on interactions among the elements of a system and
water resources systems management after the publication of the on the effects of these interactions. Systems theory recognizes
Brundtland Commission’s report “Our Common Future” (WCED, multiple and interrelated causal factors, emphasizes the dynamic
1987), which introduced the concept of sustainable development character of processes involved, and is particularly interested in
as “The ability to meet the needs of the present, without compro- how a system changes with time – be it a flood, floodplain, or
mising the needs of future generations.” This vision of sustainable disaster-affected community. The traditional view is typically lin-
development may never be realized, but it is clearly a goal wor- ear and assumes only one, linear, cause-and-effect relationship at
thy of serious consideration. There is an increasing realization a particular time. A systems approach allows a wider variety of
that exposure and vulnerability of population and environment to factors and interactions to be taken into account. Using a systems
flooding are important dimensions of sustainable communities. view, Mileti (1999) and Simonovic (2011) state that flood disaster
Applying principles of sustainability to management of flood losses are the result of interactions among three systems and their
risks requires major changes in the objectives on which decisions many subsystems: (i) the Earth’s physical systems (the atmo-
are based and an understanding of the complicated interrelation- sphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere);
ships between existing ecological, economic, and social factors. (ii) the human systems (e.g., population, culture, technology,
The broadest objectives for achieving sustainability are environ- social class, economics, and politics); and (iii) the constructed
mental integrity, economic efficiency, and equity (Simonovic, systems (e.g., buildings, roads, bridges, public infrastructure, and
2009). Another important aspect of sustainable flood risk man- housing).
agement is the challenge of time (i.e., identifying and accounting All of the systems and subsystems are dynamic and involve
for long-term consequences). We are failing to provide basic flood constant interactions between and among subsystems and sys-
protection for a large portion of the world population, and there- tems. All human and constructed systems and some physical ones
fore are not at the starting point in terms of dealing with the needs affected by humans are becoming more complex with time. This
of future generations. For some developments, the prediction of complexity is what makes flood disaster problems difficult to
long-term consequences is difficult. The third aspect of the sus- solve. The increase in the size and complexity of the various sys-
tainable flood risk management context is the change in procedural tems is what causes increasing susceptibility to disaster losses.
policies (implementation). Pursuing sustainable flood risk man- Changes in size and characteristics of the population and changes
agement through the implementation of structural projects and in the constructed environment interact with changing physical
use of non-structural solutions will require major changes in both systems to generate future exposure and define future disaster
substantive and procedural policies. The diverse policy questions losses. The world is becoming increasingly complex and inter-
raised include: How should the flood risk management decision connected, helping to make disaster losses greater (Homer-Dixon,
methods and processes be used? What should be the reliance on 2006).
market as opposed to regulatory mechanisms? And what should The first component of the complexity paradigm is that flood
be the role of public and interest groups in flood risk management risk management problems in the future will be more complex.
decision-making? Domain complexity is increasing. Further population growth,
Flood risk management involves complex interactions within climate change, and regulatory requirements are some of the
and between the natural environment, human population (actions, factors that increase the complexity of flood risk management
1. 3 F L O O D R I S K 13

problems. Flood risk management strategies are often conceived flood damage, for the purpose of this text I will stay with the
as too short-sighted (design life of dams, levees, etc.). Short-term definition provided by Ward (1978) that a flood is a body of water
thinking must be rejected and replaced with flood risk manage- which rises to overflow land which is not normally submerged.
ment schemes that are planned over longer temporal scales in This definition explicitly includes all types of surface inundation,
order to take into consideration the needs of future generations. but flood damage is addressed only implicitly in its final three
Planning over longer time horizons extends the spatial scale. If words. Both inundation and damage occur on a great range of
resources for flood risk management are not sufficient within scales.
an affected region, transfer from neighboring regions should be According to Smith and Ward (1998) the impact of floodwaters
considered. The extension of temporal and spatial scales leads through deposition and erosion, or through social and economic
to an increase in the complexity of the decision-making pro- loss, depends largely on the combination of water quality, depth,
cess. Large-scale flood risk management processes affect numer- and velocity. Flood hazards result from the potential for extreme
ous stakeholders. The environmental and social impacts of com- flooding to create an unexpected threat to human life and property.
plex flood risk management solutions must be given serious When severe floods occur in areas occupied by humans, they
consideration. create natural disasters, which may involve the loss of human
The second component of the complexity paradigm is the rapid life and property together with disruption to existing activities of
increase in the processing power of computers. Since the 1950s, urban or rural communities. Flooding of a remote, unpopulated
the use of computers in water resources management has grown region is an extreme physical event – usually only of interest to
steadily. Computers have moved from data processing, through hydrologists.
the user’s office and into information and knowledge processing. Terms such as “flood risk” and “flood losses” are essentially our
Whether the resource takes the form of a laptop PC or a desktop interpretations of the negative economic and social consequences
multiprocessing workstation is not important any more. What is of natural events. Human judgment is subject to value systems that
important is that the computer is used as a partner in more effective different groups of people may have and therefore these terms may
flood risk management (National Research Council, 1996; Global be subject to different definitions. The flood risk, at various loca-
Disaster Information Network, 1997; Stallings, 2002). The main tions, may be increased by human activity – such as inappropriate
factor responsible for involving computers in flood risk decision- land use practices. Also, the flood risk may be reduced by flood
making processes is the treatment of information as the sixth management structures and/or effective emergency planning. The
economic resource (besides people, machines, money, materials, real flood risk therefore, stems from the likelihood that a major
and management). hazardous event will occur unexpectedly and that it will impact
The third component of the complexity paradigm is the reduc- negatively on people and their welfare (Smith and Ward, 1998).
tion in the complexity of contemporary systems tools. The most Flood hazards result from a combination of physical exposure
important advance made in the field of management in the last cen- and human vulnerability to flooding. Physical exposure reflects
tury was the introduction of systems analysis. Systems analysis the type of flood event that can occur, and its statistical pattern,
is defined here as an approach for representing complex manage- at a particular location. Human vulnerability reflects key socio-
ment problems using a set of mathematical planning and design economic factors, such as the number of people at risk on the
techniques. Theoretical solutions to the problems can then be floodplain, the extent of flood defense works, and the ability of
found using a computer. In the context of this book, systems anal- the population to anticipate and cope with flooding.
ysis techniques, often called “operations research,” “management The philosophical discussion of risk definition is well doc-
science,” and “cybernetics,” include simulation and optimization umented in Kelman (2003). It ends with the statement that to
techniques that can be used in the four-phase flood risk manage- understand risk, we must understand ourselves. For the purpose
ment cycle (discussed in detail in Section 1.3). Systems analysis is of this text the formal definition of flood risk is a combination
particularly promising when scarce resources must be used effec- of the chance of a particular event with the impact that the event
tively. Resource allocation problems are very common in the field would cause if it occurred. Flood risk therefore has two compo-
of flood risk management, and affect both developed and devel- nents – the chance (or probability) of an event occurring and the
oping countries, which today face increasing pressure to make impact (or consequence) associated with that event. The con-
efficient use of their resources. sequence of an event may be either desirable or undesirable.
In some, but not all, cases (Sayers et al., 2002), therefore, a
convenient single measure of the importance of a flood risk is
1.3 FLOOD RISK given by:

Risk = Probability × Consequence (1.1)

The terms “floods,” “flooding,” “flood hazard,” and “flood risk”
cover a very broad range of phenomena. Among many definitions If either of the two elements in (1.1) increases or decreases, then
of floods that do not incorporate only notions of inundation and risk increases or decreases respectively.
14 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T

It is important to avoid the trap that risks with the same numer- identification of opportunities to enhance the performance of the
ical value have equal significance, since this is often not the case. system as a whole. Integrated flood management takes a participa-
In some cases, the significance of a risk can be assessed by mul- tory, cross-sectoral and transparent approach to decision-making.
tiplying the probability by the consequences. In other cases it The defining characteristic of IFM is integration, expressed simul-
is important to understand the nature of the risk, distinguishing taneously in different forms: an appropriate mix of strategies,
between rare, catastrophic events and more frequent, less severe carefully selected points of intervention, and appropriate types
events. For example, risk methods adopted to support the tar- of intervention (structural or non-structural, short or long term).
geting and management of flood warning represent risk in terms An IFM plan should address the following six key elements:
of probability and consequence, but low probability/high conse- (i) Manage the water cycle as a whole; (ii) integrate land and
quence events are treated very differently than high probability/ water management; (iii) manage risk and uncertainty; (iv) adopt
low consequence events. An additional factor to include is how a best mix of strategies; (v) ensure a participatory approach; and
society or individuals perceive a risk (a perception that is influ- (vi) adopt integrated hazard management approaches.
enced by many factors including, for example, the availability of Flood risk management, according to Equation (1.1), aims to
insurance, government assistance, or similar) and uncertainty in reduce the likelihood and/or the impact of floods. Experience
the assessment. has shown that the most effective approach is through the devel-
opment of flood risk management programs (Simonovic, 2011)
incorporating the following elements:
1 . 4 H OW D O W E M A NAG E F L O O D r Prevention: preventing damage caused by floods by avoiding
construction of houses and industries in present and future
flood-prone areas; by adapting future developments to the
In many countries flood risk management is evolving from tradi-
risk of flooding; and by promoting appropriate land use,
tional approaches based on design standards to the development
agricultural, and forestry practices.
of risk-based decision-making, which involves taking account of r Protection: taking measures, both structural and non-
a range of loads, defense system responses and impacts of flood-
structural, to reduce the likelihood of floods and/or the impact
ing (Sayers et al., 2002). The difference between a risk-based
of floods in a specific location.
approach and other approaches to design or decision-making is r Preparedness: informing the population about flood risks and
that it deals with outcomes. Thus, in the context of flooding it
what to do in the event of a flood.
enables intervention options to be compared on the basis of the r Emergency response: developing emergency response plans
impact that they are expected to have on the frequency and severity
in the case of a flood.
of flooding in a specified area. A risk-based approach therefore r Recovery: returning to normal conditions as soon as possible
enables informed choices to be made based on comparison of
and mitigating both the social and economic impacts on the
the expected outcomes and costs of alternative courses of action.
affected population.
This is distinct from, for example, a standards-based approach that
focuses on the severity of the load that a particular flood defense A change to proactive flood risk management requires identifica-
is expected to withstand. tion of the risk, the development of strategies to reduce that risk,
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO, 2009) is pro- and the creation of policies and programs to put these strategies
moting the principle of integrated flood management – IFM – that into effect.
has been practiced at many places for decades. Integrated flood
management integrates land and water resources development in
a river basin and aims at maximizing the net benefits from the use 1.5 SYSTEMS VIEW OF FLOOD RISK
of floodplains and minimizing loss of life from flooding. Glob- M A NAG E M E N T
ally, both land – particularly arable land – and water resources
are scarce. Most productive arable land is located on floodplains. Flood risk management is a part of all social and environmental
When implementing policies to maximize the efficient use of the processes aimed at minimizing loss of life, injury, and/or material
resources of the river basin as a whole, efforts should be made to damage. Mileti (1999) and Simonovic (2011) advocate a sys-
maintain or augment the productivity of floodplains. On the other tems view of flood risk management processes in order to address
hand, economic losses and the loss of human life due to flooding their complexities, dynamic character, and interdisciplinary needs
cannot be ignored. Integrated flood management recognizes the of management options. A primary emphasis of systems analy-
river basin as a dynamic system in which there are many interac- sis in flood risk management is on providing an improved basis
tions and flux between land and water bodies. In IFM the starting for effective decision-making. A large number of systems tools,
point is a vision of what the river basin should be, followed by the from simulation and optimization to multi-objective analysis, are
1 . 5 S Y S T E M S V I E W O F F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 15

available for formulating, analyzing, and solving flood risk man- subsystems. Only information and resources flow link people
agement problems. and organizations. Value systems are influenced by these two
The question I would like to answer in this section is: flows, but operate in a different way. Value systems are generated
What are we trying to manage? We keep trying to manage within the individual or organization but feed off information and
environments (water, land, air, etc.). We keep trying to man- resource flows.
age people within environments. It seems that every time we Management principle 2: Two flows – resource flows and infor-
push at one point, it causes unexpected change elsewhere – mation flows – link the individual, organization, society, and envi-
the first fundamental systems rule. Perhaps it is time to sit back ronment subsystems. Value systems are the means through which
and rethink what we are trying to manage. different values are attached to information and resource flows.
A model: In order to apply a continuous improvement approach All open systems require input of energy – resources – to pro-
to flood risk management it is essential to have a way of thinking – duce output. The need to constantly access resources is a major
a model – of what is being managed. Without this it is not possible mechanism for the operation of subsystems. Each subsystem relies
to see where energy or resources are being wasted, or might on other subsystems and on the environment for its resources. In
significantly alter outcomes. Up to now, no such general model an ideal state, the goals of each subsystem, and performance rel-
has been proposed, let alone accepted, as a basis for predicting ative to those goals, must represent a gain for other subsystems
outcomes from different flood risk management interventions, and for all to continue to receive resources. The physical environ-
their combinations. ment exerts passive pressure on the subsystems to ensure fit. In
The system in our focus is a social system. It describes the way addition, the environment can limit the action by running out of a
floods affect people. The purpose of describing the system is to resource or by changing circumstances to make the resource more
help clarify the understanding and determine the best points of precious – for example changing climate.
systems intervention. Management principle 3: The ongoing need of subsystems for
Management systems principles: The flood risk management resources from one another sets the limits of their exploitation
system comprises four linked subsystems: individuals, organiza- of one another and of the environment, and is a determinant of
tions, and society, nested within the environment. Individuals are behavior within the system.
the actors that drive organizations and society to behave in the way Information is used by each of the subsystems to make decisions
they do. They are decision-makers in their own right, with a direct required to ensure fit with other subsystems and the environment.
role in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from Without flows of information from outside the system – or sub-
flooding. Organizations are the mechanism people use to pro- system – the system must rely on its own internal information
duce outcomes that individuals cannot produce. Organizations are (knowledge) to make decisions. Such a circumstance increases
structured to achieve goals. Structure defines information and/or the risk that the subsystem will drift out of fit with its context.
resource flows and determines the behavior of the organization. Regardless, it constantly receives signals from the outside world,
The concept of society is different from those of individuals and and is itself sending signals to other systems. Well-functioning
organizations, being more difficult to put boundaries around. In systems have structures built into them to capture relevant infor-
general, society itself is a system of which individuals and organ- mation and use that information to maximize their chances of
izations are subsets and contains the relationships people have utilizing resources to achieve their systems goals.
with one another, the norms of behavior, and the mechanisms that Management principle 4: Information is used by subsystems
are used to regulate behavior. The environment includes concrete to make decisions intended to ensure fit with the needs of other
elements such as water and air, raw materials, natural systems, etc. subsystems and the environment.
It also encompasses the universe of ideas, including the concept Data do not in themselves have meaning. A process of interpre-
of “future.” This concept is important in considering flood risk tation occurs between information and meaning, and this process
management – it is the expectation of future damage and future is driven by existing values. Value systems determine what indi-
impacts that drives concern for sustainable management of flood viduals, organizations, and societies find important: (i) the sorts
disasters. of resources they will pursue; and (ii) the interpretation of infor-
Management principle 1: To achieve sustainable management mation received and used. Value systems are embedded in the
of flood risk, interactions between the four subsystems: individ- culture of society and organizations, and in the values held by
ual, organization, society and environment, must be appropriately individuals, and they determine how subsystems behave. Use of
integrated. value systems may be triggered by information, and shaped by
A second principle we can use in developing our framework flow of resources.
is that we can order systems inputs and outputs into three cat- Management principle 5: Values provide meaning to infor-
egories: resources, information, and values. These connect indi- mation flows that are then used to determine resource use by
viduals, organizations, society, and environment, linking the four subsystems.
16 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T

The reality of linking mechanisms indicates that it is the avail- the formal definition of flood risk is a combination of the chance
ability of resources that largely conditions choice. It is information of a particular event with the impact that the event would cause
about availability that signals to the decision-maker (individuals, if it occurred. Flood risk management aims to reduce the likeli-
organizations, or society) whether it is implementing appropriate hood and/or the impact of floods. Experience has shown that the
management strategies. It is through the process of optimizing most effective approach is through the development of flood risk
resource access that learning takes place and significant changes management programs incorporating prevention, preparedness,
in culture and values are achieved. So, the most powerful manage- emergency response, and recovery to normal conditions.
ment strategies will go directly to resource access, and will initiate A change to proactive flood risk management requires identi-
signals that show which social or environmental performance will fication of the risk, the development of strategies to reduce that
allow for access to resources on improved terms. risk, and the creation of policies and programs to put these strate-
Management principle 6: The most effective management gies into effect. Flood risk management is a part of all social and
strategies for sustainable management of flood risk are those that environmental processes aimed at minimizing loss of life, injury,
condition access to resources. and/or material damage.
Each subsystem utilizes different mechanisms for minimizing A systems view of flood risk management is recommended in
negative impacts of flood disasters. Within each subsystem there order to address the complexity, dynamic character, and inter-
are many different interactions and many different options to disciplinary needs of management options. A primary emphasis
optimize resource use. of systems analysis in flood risk management is on providing
No “right” management strategy: Flood risk management is an improved basis for effective decision-making. A large num-
a process of managing behavior. There is no one strategy that ber of systems tools, from simulation and optimization to multi-
will be optimal for any situation. Neither regulation, nor eco- objective analysis, are available for formulating, analyzing, and
nomic incentives, nor education, nor shifts in property rights, solving flood risk management problems. The main objective of
is the “right” management strategy. What will work will vary this book is to present a variety of systems tools for flood risk
with the social system being managed, in response to three vari- management.
ables: the information and resource flows, and the value systems
that are in place. The challenge for the flood risk manager is to
manage these three elements, across individuals, organizations, 1.7 EXERCISES
and the society and within the environment, to achieve the most
effective outcome that is possible. 1.1. Describe the largest flood disaster experienced in your
Management principle 7: More intensive focus on the systems region.
view of flood risk management will accelerate understanding of
a. What were its physical characteristics?
what management strategies work, and particularly why they
b. Who was involved in the management of the disaster?
might work.
c. What is, in your opinion, the most important flood man-
For example, when one program deals with economic incen-
agement problem in your region?
tives, another deals with improving information flows, and a third
d. What lessons can be learned from the past management
is focused on regulatory enforcement, it is very easy to believe
of flood disasters in your region?
that they are focused on different aspects with fragile links. What
e. What are the most important principles you would apply
is necessary is a systems model to make sense of the interactions
in future flood disaster management in your region?
and dynamics that are being managed. This will allow us to learn
from what we are so “clumsily” doing, so that eventually we can 1.2. Review the literature and find a definition of integrated flood
do it better. management. Discuss the example from Exercise 1.1 in the
context of this definition.

1.3. Discuss characteristics of the flood disaster from

Exercise 1.1.

Flood risk management involves complex interactions within and a. What are the complexities of the problem in
between the natural environment, human population (actions, Exercise 1.1?
reactions, and perceptions) and built environment (type and loca- b. Identify some uncertainties in the problem.
tion). A different thinking is required to address the complexity c. Can you find some data to illustrate the natural vari-
of flood risk management. Adaptation of a global systems per- ability of regional conditions?
spective is strongly recommended. For the purpose of this text d. How difficult is it to find the data? Why?
Figure 3.13 The floodplain depth grid and bounding polygon for the CC_UB 250-year flood at one location along the North Thames.
Figure 3.14 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 100 CC_LB and 100 CC_UB at the location of the University of Ontario (North Thames).

Figure 3.15 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 100 CC_LB and 100 CC_UB at the location of the Forks (confluence of the North Thames and
the South Thames).
Figure 3.16 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 100 CC_LB and 100 CC_UB at the location of the Broughdale Dyke (North Thames).

Figure 3.17 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA at the location of the University of Ontario (North
Figure 3.18 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA at the location of the Forks (confluence of the
North Thames and the South Thames).

Figure 3.19 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA at the location of the Broughdale Dyke (North
(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 3.21 Risk to all infrastructure for (a) 100 CC_LB, (b) 100 CC_UB, (c) 250 CC_LB, (d) 250 CC_UB, and (e) 250 UTRCA.
(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 3.22 100 CC_UB infrastructure risk indices for (a) barriers, (b) bridges, (c) buildings, (d) critical infrastructure, (e) PCPs, and (f) roads.
(a) (b)

Figure 3.24 Percentage increase in risk index between the lower and upper bound, 100- and 250-year return events.

Figure 3.25 Percentage increase in risk between the 250 UTRCA and 250 CC_UB scenarios.
Figure 5.27 Schematic map of the Upper Thames River basin.
2 Climate change and risk of flooding

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather Table 2.1 Major factors initiating floods
over long periods of time that range from decades to millions of
years. Weather refers, generally, to day-to-day temperature and Flood type Flood-initiating process
precipitation activity. Climate change may be limited to a specific River floods rHeavy rain
region, or may occur across the whole Earth. In the context of rRapid snowmelt
environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes rRapid ice melt
in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate rGlacial lake breaches
change, more generally known as global warming. Global warm- Ice jam floods Ice breakup
ing is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s near- Debris-jam floods Debris entrapment
surface air and oceans since the mid twentieth century. According Landslide blockages Landslides
to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC, 2007), global sur-
face temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 ◦ C during the twentieth
century. than expected, and in accepting that many human activities can
The warming of the atmosphere increases the capacity of the magnify both the size and the impact of floods. While the most
atmosphere to hold water, and accelerates many of the processes common type of flood is generated by the rapid input of excessive
involved in the redistribution of moisture in the atmosphere. These quantities of water, floods may also be created by blockages within
changes alone suggest that flood-generating processes linked the drainage network, and by high tides and onshore winds that
to the atmosphere are on the increase. However, warming also can create both sea and estuarine floods (sea and estuarine floods
alters many other aspects of the global water cycle: (i) increas- will not be discussed further in this text). All inputs of water
ing evaporation, (ii) changing precipitation patterns and intensity, are modified by the topography and the hydraulic properties of
(iii) affecting the processes involved in surface storage of water the surface and/or subsurface materials they encounter. Table 2.1
including snowpack generation, snowmelt, river ice breakup, and provides a list of major factors that initiate floods. Flood volume
glacial melt. Most of these processes are active in flood genera- and timing are affected by natural interactions with environment
tion. The general view of scientists is that flooding is increasing and humans. Table 2.2 lists the flood modifying factors.
with changing climate (The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009). The hydrograph of river flow synthesizes flood hydrology with-
In this chapter a brief review of the physical causes and charac- out necessarily producing more information on the main flood-
teristics of floods is provided first. It is followed by a discussion of producing processes. Hewlett (1982) stated: “it is not the peak
climate change and its impacts. At the end a review of approaches discharge in the headwaters that produces the downstream flood,
for dealing with climate change is provided, including mitigation but rather the volume of stormwater released by the headwater
and adaptation. areas.”

2.1.1 Floods caused by rainfall

C HARACTER I S T I C S Floods in most river basins are caused almost entirely by exces-
sive heavy and/or excessively prolonged rainfall or by periods of
Floods are an integral part of the inherent variability of nature. prolonged and/or intense snowmelt. In each case all processes
Much as we may seek to control and eliminate floods, they will result in a large volume of quick flow, which reaches the stream
continue to occur. Most people are increasingly finding a common channel very rapidly during and immediately after a rainfall or
interest in accepting the inevitability of floods that are larger melt event. Quick flow is the outcome from rain falling on a

18 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

Table 2.2 Flood-modifying factors where i is rainfall intensity, f is infiltration capacity, t is time, Pe
is precipitation excess, and Qo is overland flow.
Basic interactions Human effects A combination of surface and soil profile effects normally
Basin morphology Water supply engineering causes a rapid reduction in infiltration capacity soon after the
Hillslope properties r Dams beginning of rain so that rain falling at moderate intensity,
r Morphology r River regulation although incapable initially of generating overland flow, may do
Material properties r Inter-basin transfer so once the early high infiltration rate has declined. Since infil-
Channel properties r Wastewater release tration capacity is likely to show a continued decrease through
r Network morphology r Water abstraction and irrigation a sequence of closely spaced storms, it is commonly found that
r Channel form and materials Land use changes rain falling late in the storm sequence will generate more overland
r Urbanization flow and therefore more severe flooding than the same amount of
r Deforestation
precipitation falling early in the storm sequence. When the storm
r Agriculture
area (the area on to which rain falls simultaneously) covers all
Channel modification
r Land drainage or most of the catchment, and when the rainfall duration is pro-
r Channel straightening longed, most of the catchment will eventually contribute quick
r Flood protection works flow simultaneously. Then, aside from initial infiltration or satu-
Weather modification ration conditions, the amount of quick flow generated for a given
r Rainmaking depth of precipitation will be about the same from a forested,
agricultural, or urbanized area. This has important implications
for the effectiveness of catchment management strategies aimed
at reducing flood runoff.
river basin and originates from the interaction of rainfall and
catchment conditions (Smith and Ward, 1998). In the early stages
of a storm, all rainfall (P) infiltrates the soil surface. Then, as a
2.1.2 Snowmelt and ice melt
result of infiltration and flow in the soil profile (Qt ), the lower Where snowmelt is a major component of flooding, as in high-
valley slopes become saturated as the shallow water table rises to latitude and high-altitude catchments, variable source areas and
the ground surface. In these saturated areas infiltration capacity is flood intensity may decline, rather than increase, with time. The
zero so that all precipitation falling on them, at whatever intensity, main reasons for this are that, first, the overland flow of melt
becomes overland flow (Qo ). water at the base of the snowpack will be more efficient with a
Although, at the onset of rainfall, variable source areas may be frozen than with an unfrozen ground surface. Second, the vol-
restricted to the stream channels themselves and to adjacent valley ume of the residual snowpack, which ultimately determines the
bottom areas, convergence of shallow subsurface flow paths may maximum volume of melt water that can be produced, declines
also result in surface saturation and saturation overland flow in as melting proceeds. And third, since melting normally proceeds
slope concavities and areas of thinner soils throughout the catch- from lower to higher altitude, the leftovers of a melting snow-
ment. Continuing throughflow from upslope unsaturated areas of pack tend to be located at an increasing distance from mainstream
the catchment will result in the spatial growth of source areas channels.
wherever they are located initially. Consequently, source areas Ice melting normally takes place more slowly than snow melt-
that often cover less than 5% of the catchment at the beginning of ing and by itself is rarely responsible for severe flooding. How-
rainfall may expand to cover 20–25% of the catchment as a storm ever, glacial lake breach floods may occur when the melting of
continues, thereby resulting in a five-fold increase in the volume glacier ice suddenly releases large volumes of melt water that
of quick flow generated by a given rate of rainfall. have ponded back within the glacier system. Similarly, floods
Where rainfall is particularly intense, or where natural infiltra- may occur when the breakup of ice pack in a river results in an
tion capacities have been reduced by anthropogenic effects such ice jam, which may hold back large volumes of water.
as soil compaction or overgrazing, overland flow may result from
the process described by Horton (1933). During those parts of
a storm when rain falls at a rate that is greater than the rate at
2.1.3 Volume and timing modification
which it can be absorbed by the ground surface there will occur EFFECTS O F BA SIN A N D CH A N N EL
an excess of precipitation, which will flow over the ground surface MO RPH O LO G Y
as overland flow: The uniformity of runoff times from different parts of the basin can
be critical in creating a flood. The more uniform the response and
Qo = Pe = (i − f ) t (2.1) travel times, the greater the likelihood of the river flow building
2. 1 F L O O D S A N D T H E I R P H Y S I C A L C H A R AC T E R I S T I C S 19

Area where C is an empirically derived coefficient. The UK Flood

Studies formulae (Smith and Ward, 1998) also consider stream
frequency, the average slope of the main channel, and the effects
of lake storage and urban drainage. Some more recent updates of
this approach add special attention to soil properties, including the
presence of impermeable layers and the thickness of groundwater
t t t t
Drainage density
The surface of the Earth has been significantly modified by human
activities. This has affected local and regional water balances and
river regimes. These impacts are either direct, by manipulation of
water resources, or indirect, through the effects of forest clearance
and agriculture. Parker (2000) estimates that 20% of the land area
of the globe has been drastically changed by human activities.
t t t t
Some modifications have intensified the flood hazard while
Figure 2.1 Effects of basin morphology on the shape of the flood
others have reduced it. Removal of the natural vegetation tends
to reduce evapotranspiration losses and expose the soil surface
to the full kinetic energy of the falling rain, causing breakup of
up into a high peak flow. Basins that are highly uniform in both the soil crumbs, clogging pores, reducing infiltration capacity,
process and transmission time may create flood flows out of runoff maybe even forming impermeable patches. Vegetation removal
volumes that in other basins would pass as non-significant events. reduces water loss through transpiration and interception, and
Soils with low permeability generate floods more rapidly. The evaporation losses from the soil, because the reflectivity of the
speed of runoff is as important as the actual creation of the runoff. bare soil is higher. Higher surface wind speeds following removal
Speed is critical in determining whether runoff arrives at a certain of vegetation could counter this trend, but in the long term actual
point in the channel in time to add to peak flow or to be regarded as evaporation will tend to be reduced by lower soil moisture storage.
a normal runoff. High slope gradients and high drainage densities The range of activities that have reduced flood risk may be
contribute to speed of runoff, as well as a compact basin form and equally extensive. All activities that increase the transmission
a compact channel network. Figure 2.1 illustrates the effects of the time or reduce the net water surplus within a basin will tend to
main morphologic variables. The importance of stream network reduce the flooding risk. This means that any activity that increases
density lies in the great contrast in speed of transmission between evapotranspiration losses or infiltration capacity, improves soil
hill slope processes and channel flow. The shorter the length of structure, exports water from the basin or consumes it will reduce
hill slope that the water has to pass, by whatever route, the more river discharges. Denser vegetation, rougher surfaces, and bar-
quickly it will reach the channel. Typical open channel velocities riers designed to retard runoff all delay overland flow, which is
during quick flow events are of the order of a few meters per one of the prime sources of floodwaters. Activities designed for
second. This compares with average measurements of 300 mm/s purposes such as rainwater harvesting, stormwater irrigation, and
for pipe flow, 50 mm/s for overland flow, 3 mm/s for macro-pore soil retention all delay and/or reduce the quick flow discharge into
flow and so on (Parker, 2000). the mainstream.
In a feather-shaped elongated basin, water drains from differ- Increasing the public water supply by inter-basin transfer of
ent parts of the basin with different travel times and the peak water resources can act in two ways. It can reduce the flood risk
discharges from the tributaries arrive at the basin outfall at dif- in the source basin and increase it in the receiving basin. Even if
ferent times, spreading the peak and reducing flood risk. Travel there is no net transfer of water in or out of a basin, the effects of
times are more equal when tributaries are of similar length, which water exploitation on levels of river flow can affect flood risk in
is more commonly the case in more circular basins. both directions, depending on the timing and the rate of freshwater
Of all the morphologic variables, basin area (A) is generally abstraction and wastewater return.
considered the most important in controlling the volume of dis-
Forest modifications Deforestation may intensify river flood-
charge, and is the only one used in the United States Geological
ing by adversely affecting soil structure and volume, reducing
Survey (USGS) Index Flood formula for the mean annual flood
infiltration rates, and reducing water storage. These influences
(which has a return period of 2.33 years):
are normally more significant during frequent low-magnitude
Q2.33 = C × A0.7 (2.2) storms. Their effect during increasingly severe flood-producing
20 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

storms diminishes as prolonged heavy rainfall and/or melting fills Table 2.3 Impermeability of typical urban surfaces
available storage and creates widespread conditions of surface
saturation and zero infiltration. Type of surface Impermeability (%)
The initial modification of river flood behavior is brought about Roof surfaces 70–95
not by afforestation or deforestation but by associated, temporary, Asphalt paving 85–90
mechanical procedures. For example, ploughing and drainage Stone, brick paving
prior to planting, and skid-road construction and more general with tight joints 75–85
compaction during felling may have dramatic, but short-lived with open joints 50–70
effects on runoff volumes and suspended solids loads. More gen- Macadam roads and paths 25–60
erally, in the longer term, afforestation of previously non-forested Gravel roads and paths 15–30
areas appears to cause an average decrease of flow equivalent to Unpaved surfaces 10–30
200 mm of precipitation. Although average first-year increases Parks, gardens, lawns 5–25
of streamflow after forest removal are about 300 mm, the effect
After Smith and Ward, 1998
diminishes rapidly with time after cutting.
Forest clearance for agriculture has frequently been blamed
for increased flooding downstream. The reduced vegetation cover can also be shown that flood conditions within and downstream
allows more water to reach the soil more rapidly and returns less to of urban areas are modified by changes in channel morphology,
the atmosphere. Surface runoff begins to occur more frequently which are either engineered to improve channel efficiency and
and rates of erosion begin to rise. Erosion rapidly reduces the capacity or are brought about by downstream channel adaptation
depth of the soil and thus its capacity to store water. Flooding to modify outputs of water and sediment from urbanized areas.
is more serious because of the increased volume of water in the In addition, flood hydrology is influenced directly through the
environment, because of the increased frequency and volume of changed timing and volume of quick flow generated from the
surface runoff, and because of the rising levels of affected river extensive impermeable surfaces of urban areas, by the import of
beds. clean water for domestic and industrial use, and by the genera-
As with other aspects of the relationship between flood hydrol- tion and export of wastewater through stormwater and sewerage
ogy and environmental change, there still remain gaps and systems.
uncertainties in our understanding. The extent to which flood characteristics are modified by urban-
ization depends very much on the nature of the modified urban
Agriculture and land drainage The long-term effects of surface, on the design of the urban hydrologic system, and on
land clearance and agricultural development are difficult to assess. the climate. The main distinguishing characteristic of urban sur-
However, they are likely to include increases in the total volume faces is that they are less permeable than most of the surfaces
of runoff and flood peaks. There are some estimates (Parker, they replace. As a result they are effective source areas for quick
2000) that vegetation clearance reduces actual evapotranspiration flow and their flood hydrographs tend to have both higher and
by over 400 mm/year in the humid tropics and 200 mm/year in earlier peaks. Table 2.3 illustrates, however, that the permeability
mid latitudes. of urban surfaces varies considerably, so that careful urban design
More recent flood problems are related to land drainage. Exper- planning can do much to minimize the adverse hydrologic effects
imental work in Britain indicates that open drains in peat soils of urbanization.
increase runoff peaks. The general tendency is that underdrainage The effect of urbanization on the flood hydrograph is also influ-
increases runoff rates when the soil is saturated in extreme events. enced by climate, especially rainfall, conditions (discussed in the
In North America and most of Europe much land drainage has following section). The threat of subsurface flooding has increased
been part of extensive reclamation of wetlands. It is now appreci- in major urban areas that have complex underground transport and
ated that the loss of wetland storage can have a crucial effect on service systems.
flood hazard.

Urbanization Although urban areas occupy less than 3% of the

Earth’s land surface, the effect of urbanization on flood hydrology 2 . 2 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D
and flood hazard is disproportionately large. In part this reflects VA R I AT I O N I M PAC T S
the large and rapidly growing urban population. In part the hydro-
logic importance of urbanization reflects the wide diversity of Variations in climate and climate change are another main cause
flow-producing processes. It has long been accepted, for exam- of significant trends in the occurrence of flooding over time. How-
ple, that urban areas make their own climate and there is strong ever, their explanations and interpretations have not yet produced
evidence that more rain falls over urban areas than elsewhere. It convincing evidence on the character of these impacts. At a global
2 . 2 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D VA R I AT I O N IM PAC T S 21

scale, the warming of the atmosphere will increase the capa- simulations after the IPCC (2007) generally confirm the IPCC
city of the atmosphere to hold water, and this warming will also assessment.
accelerate many of the processes involved in the redistribution Current understanding of climate change in the monsoon
of moisture in the atmosphere. These changes alone suggest that regions remains of considerable uncertainty with respect to cir-
flood-generating processes linked to the atmosphere are likely to culation and precipitation. The IPCC (2007) projected that there
increase. However, warming will also alter many other aspects “is a tendency for monsoonal circulations to result in increased
of the global water cycle, increasing evaporation, changing pre- precipitation mainly in the form of extremes due to enhanced
cipitation patterns and intensity, and also affecting the processes moisture convergence, despite a tendency towards weakening
involved in surface storage of water including snowpack genera- of the monsoonal flows themselves. However, many aspects of
tion, snowmelt, river ice breakup, and glacial melt. Many of these tropical climatic responses remain uncertain.” Work since the
processes are active in flood generation. IPCC (2007) has not substantially changed these conclusions. At
However, these processes take place not at the global scale, but regional scales, there is little consensus in climate models regard-
at relatively local scales, making generalizations about flooding in ing the sign of future change in the monsoons. Land use changes
future climates difficult. Also, at the global scale the role of land and aerosols from biomass burning have emerged as important
use in flooding is generally unresolved, yet, at a watershed scale forcings on the variability of monsoons, but are associated with
land use effects can be as great as or even more important than large uncertainties.
changes in the meteorological processes. While the general view Research since the IPCC (2007) has not shown clear and
of scientists is that flooding will increase with changing climate, widespread evidence of observed changes in floods at the global
making a precise pronouncement is unwise. level except for the earlier spring flow in snow-dominated regions.
Research performed since the IPCC (2007) has reinforced the After a period of frequent occurrence at the end of the Little
conclusion that for the period since 1950 it is very likely that Ice Age and a more stable period during the twentieth century,
there has been a decrease in the number of unusually cold days glacial-lake outburst floods have increased in frequency in many
and nights, and an increase in the number of unusually warm regions. It is more likely than not that anthropogenic greenhouse
days and nights on both a global and regional basis (where the gas emissions have affected floods because they have influenced
respective extremes are defined with regard to the 1960–1990 components of the hydrologic cycle, but the magnitude and even
base period). In addition, from a limited number of regional anal- the sign of this anthropogenic influence is uncertain. The causes
yses and implicit from the documented mean changes in daily of regional changes in floods are complex. It is likely that anthro-
temperatures, it is likely that warm spells, including heat waves, pogenic influence has resulted in earlier spring flood peaks in
have increased since the middle of the twentieth century. The few snowmelt rivers. A few recent studies for Europe (Dankers and
studies since the IPCC (2007) of annual maximum daily maxi- Feyen, 2008, 2009) and one global study (Hirabayashi et al., 2008;
mum and minimum temperatures suggest that human emission of Hirabayashi and Kanae, 2009; Kundzewicz et al., 2010) have pro-
greenhouse gases has likely had a detectable influence on extreme jected changes in the frequency and/or magnitude of floods in the
temperatures at the global and regional scales. Post IPCC (2007) twenty-first century at a large scale. However, the sign of any
studies of temperature extremes have utilized larger model ensem- projected trend varies regionally.
bles and generally reinforce the projections of changes in temper- It is important to highlight that our confidence in past and future
ature extremes as well as providing more regional detail (i.e., changes, including the direction and magnitude in extremes,
virtually certain warming trends in daily temperature extremes depends on the type of extreme, as well as on the region and
and very likely increases in heat waves over most land areas; the season, linked with the level of understanding of the underlying
temperature extremes being defined with respect to the 1960–1990 processes and the reliability of their simulation in models. The
base period). different levels of confidence need to be taken into consideration
Many studies conducted since the IPCC (2007) support its con- in management strategies for disaster risk reduction involving cli-
clusion that increasing trends in precipitation extremes have likely mate and weather extremes (The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009).
occurred in many areas over the world. Overall, new studies have The following three sections provide more details on the changes
substantially strengthened the assessment that it is more likely in extreme temperature, precipitation, and monsoons. The ending
than not that anthropogenic influence has contributed to a global addresses the link between climate extremes and flooding.
trend towards increases in the frequency of heavy precipitation
events over the second half of the twentieth century. The IPCC
2.2.1 Temperature
(2007) projected that it is very likely that the frequency of heavy
precipitation will increase over most areas of the globe in the Temperature is associated with flood extremes. Temperature
twenty-first century. In some regions, heavy daily precipitation extremes often occur on weather time scales that require daily
events are projected to increase even if the annual total precip- or higher time scale resolution data to accurately assess possi-
itation is projected to decrease. The analyses of climate model ble changes. However, paleoclimatic temperature reconstructions
22 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

can offer further insight into long-term changes in the occurrence number of both unusually cold days and nights, and an increase in
of temperature extremes and their impacts. Where instrumental the number of unusually warm days and nights on both a global
data are used, it is important to distinguish between mean, max- and regional basis. Furthermore, based on a limited number of
imum, and minimum temperatures, as well as between cold and regional analyses and implicit from the documented changes
warm extremes, due to their differing impacts on flood generation in daily temperatures, it appears that warm spells, including
processes. heat waves defined in various ways, have likely increased in
The latest IPCC report (2007) provides an extensive assessment frequency since the middle of the twentieth century in many
of observed changes in temperature extremes. Global mean sur- regions.
face temperatures rose by 0.74 ◦ C ± 0.18 ◦ C over the 100-year Compared with studies on mean temperature, studies of the
period 1906–2005. The rate of warming over the 50-year period attribution of extreme temperature changes are limited. Regard-
1956–2005 is almost double that over the last 100 years (0.13 ◦ C ing possible human influences on these changes in temperature
± 0.03 ◦ C vs. 0.07 ◦ C ± 0.02 ◦ C per decade). Trends over land are extremes, the IPCC (2007) concludes that surface temperature
stronger than over the oceans. For the globe as a whole, surface air extremes have likely been affected by anthropogenic forcing. This
temperatures over land rose at about double the ocean rate after assessment is based on multiple lines of evidence of temperature
1979 (more than 0.27 ◦ C per decade vs. 0.13 ◦ C per decade), with extremes at the global scale including an increase in the num-
the greatest warming during winter (December to February) and ber of warm extremes, and a reduction in the number of cold
spring (March to May) in the Northern Hemisphere. extremes. There is also evidence that anthropogenic forcing may
Regarding changes in temperature extremes on a global scale, have significantly increased the likelihood of regional heat waves
the IPCC (2007) reports an increase in the number of warm (Alexander et al., 2006).
extremes and a reduction in the number of daily cold extremes in Detection studies of external influences on extreme temperature
70–75% of the land regions where data are available. The most changes at the regional scale are also very limited. Regional trends
marked changes are for cold nights, which have become rarer in temperature extremes could be related to regional processes and
over the 1951–2003 period, whilst warm nights have become forcings that have been a challenge for climate model simulations.
more frequent. From 1950 to 2004, the annual trends in minimum Results from two global coupled climate models with separate
and maximum land surface air temperature averaged over regions anthropogenic and natural forcing runs indicate that the observed
with data were 0.20 ◦ C per decade and 0.14 ◦ C per decade, respec- changes are simulated with anthropogenic forcings, but not with
tively. For 1979 to 2004, the corresponding linear trends for the natural forcings (even though there are some differences in the
land areas where data are available were 0.29 ◦ C per decade for details of the forcings).
both maximum and minimum temperature. Recent work done in Canada by Zwiers et al. (2011) compared
Alexander et al. (2006) and Caesar et al. (2006) have brought observed annual temperature extremes, including annual max-
many regional results together based on data for the period since imum daily maximum and minimum temperatures and annual
1951. According to their work, over 70% of the global land area minimum daily maximum and minimum temperatures, with those
sampled shows a significant decrease in the annual occurrence simulated responses to anthropogenic (ANT) forcing or anthro-
of cold nights; a significant increase in the annual occurrence of pogenic and natural external forcings combined (ALL) by mul-
warm nights took place over 73% of the area. This implies a posi- tiple Global Climate Models (GCMs). They fitted generalized
tive shift in the distribution of daily minimum temperature (Tmin ) extreme value (GEV) distributions to the observed extreme tem-
throughout the globe. Changes in the occurrence of cold and warm peratures with a time-evolving pattern of location parameters as
days show warming as well, but generally less marked. This is obtained from the model simulation, and found that both ANT
consistent with Tmin increasing more than maximum temperature and ALL influence can be detected in all the extreme tempera-
(Tmax ). More recently, Meehl et al. (2009) found the ratio of the ture variables at the global scale over the land, and also region-
number of record daily maximum temperatures to record daily ally over many large land areas. They concluded that the influ-
minimum temperatures averaged across the USA is now about 2 ence of anthropogenic forcing has had a detectable influence on
to 1, whereas in the 1960s the ratio was approximately 1 to 1. extreme temperatures that have impacts on human society and
In summary, regional and global analyses of temperature natural systems at global and regional scales. External influence
extremes nearly all show patterns consistent with a warming is estimated to have resulted in large changes in the likelihood
climate. Only a very few regions show changes in temperature of extreme annual maximum and minimum daily temperatures.
extremes consistent with cooling, most notably the southeastern Globally, waiting times for events that were expected to recur
USA, which has a documented decrease in mean annual tem- once every 20 years in the 1960s are now estimated to exceed
peratures over the twentieth century. Research performed since 30 years for extreme annual minimum daily maximum tempera-
the IPCC (2007) reinforces the conclusions that for the period ture and 35 years for extreme annual minimum daily minimum
since 1950 it is very likely that there has been a decrease in the temperature, and to have decreased to less than 10 or 15 years for
2 . 2 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D VA R I AT I O N IM PAC T S 23

annual maximum daily minimum and daily maximum tempera- shortcomings can be partly addressed with (dynamical and/or sta-
tures respectively. tistical) downscaling approaches (Teegavarapu, 2012; Mujumdar
Regarding projections of extreme temperatures, the IPCC and Kumar, 2012). In addition, in some parts of the world, pre-
(2007) states that is very likely that heat waves will be more cipitation extremes are poorly monitored by very sparse network
intense, more frequent, and longer lasting in a future warmer cli- systems, resulting in high uncertainty in precipitation estimates,
mate. Cold episodes are projected to decrease significantly in a especially for extreme precipitation that is localized in space and
future warmer climate. Almost everywhere, daily minimum tem- of short duration, and thus limiting possibilities to thoroughly
peratures are projected to increase faster than daily maximum validate modeling and downscaling approaches.
temperatures, leading to a decrease in diurnal temperature range. Based on station data from Canada, the USA, and Mexico,
Decreases in frost days are projected to occur almost everywhere Peterson et al. (2008) suggest that heavy precipitation was increas-
in the middle and high latitudes. Temperature extremes were the ing over the period 1950–2004, as well as the average amount of
type of extremes projected to change with most confidence in precipitation falling on days with precipitation. The largest trends
the IPCC (2007). If changes in temperature extremes scale with towards increased annual total precipitation, number of rainy days,
changes in mean temperature (i.e., simple shifts of the probability and intense precipitation (e.g., fraction of precipitation derived
density function (PDF)), we can infer that it is virtually certain from events in excess of the 90th percentile value) are focused on
that hot (cold) extremes will increase (decrease) in the coming the central plains/northwestern Midwest.
decades (if these extremes are defined with respect to the 1960– Positive trends in extreme rainfall events are evident in south-
1990 climate). eastern South America, north central Argentina, northwest Peru
and Ecuador (Marengo et al., 2009). In the State of Sao Paulo,
Brazil, there is evidence for an increase in magnitude and fre-
2.2.2 Precipitation
quency of extreme precipitation events over 1950–1999 and 1933–
Because climates are so diverse across different parts of the world, 2005. Increases in the annual frequencies in spatially coherent
it is difficult to provide a single definition of “extreme precipita- areas over the La Plata basin for both heavy and all (>0.1 mm)
tion.” In general, three different methods have been used to define precipitation events during summer, autumn, and spring of 1950–
extreme precipitation: (i) relative thresholds, i.e., percentiles; 2000 are reported too.
(ii) absolute thresholds; or (iii) return values. As an example of the A number of recent regional studies have been completed for
first case, a daily precipitation event with an amount greater than European countries. According to Moberg et al. (2006), aver-
the 90th percentile of daily precipitation for all wet days within a aged over 121 European stations north of 40◦ N, trends in 90th,
30-year period can be considered as extreme. Regarding the sec- 95th, and 98th percentiles of daily winter precipitation, as well as
ond type of definition, a precipitation amount that exceeds prede- winter precipitation totals, have increased significantly over the
termined thresholds above which damage may occur can also be 1901–2000 period. No overall long-term trend was observed in
considered as an extreme. For example, 50 mm or 100 mm per day summer precipitation totals. In the United Kingdom (UK) there
of rain in Canada is considered as extreme. A drawback of this are widespread shifts towards greater contributions from heavier
definition is that such an event may not occur everywhere, and the precipitation categories in winter, spring, and (to a lesser extent)
damage for the same amount of rain in different regions may be autumn, and towards light and moderate categories in summer dur-
quite different. Engineering practice often uses return values asso- ing 1961–2006. Extreme rainfall during 1961–2006 has increased
ciated with a predetermined level of probability for exceedance up to 20% relative to the 1911–1960 period in the northwest of
as design values, estimated from annual maximum one-day or the UK and in parts of East Anglia. Similar seasonally dependent
multi-day precipitation amounts over many years. Return val- changes of precipitation extremes are reported over Germany dur-
ues, similarly to relative thresholds, are defined for a given time ing 1950–2004. Opposite trends occur in spring and the changes
period and region and may change over time. Climate models are are spatially least coherent and insignificant in autumn. In con-
important tools for understanding past changes in precipitation trast, in Emilia-Romagna, a region of northern Italy, the frequency
and projecting future changes. However, the direct use of output of intense to extreme events decreases during winter, but increases
from climate models is often inadequate for studies of attribution during summer over the central mountains, while the number of
changes of precipitation in general and of extreme precipitation rainy days decreased in summer during 1951–2004.
in particular. The most important reason is related to the fact Several recent studies have focused on Africa and, in general,
that precipitation is often localized, with very high variability have not found significant trends in extreme precipitation. How-
across space, and extreme precipitation events are often of very ever, data coverage for large parts of central Africa is poor.
short duration. The spatial and temporal resolutions of climate Observations at 143 weather stations in ten Asia-Pacific Net-
models are not fine enough to well represent processes and phe- work countries during 1955–2007 did not indicate system-
nomena that are relevant to precipitation. Some of these modeling atic, regional trends in the frequency and duration of extreme
24 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

precipitation events (Choi et al., 2009). However, other stud- may occur more or less frequently in the monsoon regions as a
ies have suggested significant trends in extreme precipitation at consequence of climate change. Generally, however, precipitation
sub-regional scales in the Asia-Pacific region. Significant rising is the most important variable for inhabitants of monsoon regions,
trends in extreme rainfall over the Indian region have been noted, but it is also a variable associated with larger uncertainties in
especially during the monsoon seasons. Significant increases over climate simulations. The IPCC (2007) concluded that the current
the period 1951–2000 in extreme precipitation in western China, understanding of climate change in the monsoon regions remains
in the mid–lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and in parts one of considerable uncertainty with respect to circulation and
of the southwest and south China coastal area are documented precipitation. With few exceptions in some monsoon regions, this
too, but a significant decrease in extremes is observed in north has not changed since The Copenhagen Diagnosis (2009).
China and the Sichuan Basin. The precipitation indices show The observed negative trend in global land monsoon rainfall
insignificant increases on average. A significant decreasing trend is better reproduced by atmospheric models forced by observed
in the monsoon precipitation in the northwestern Himalaya dur- historical data than by coupled models without explicit forcing
ing 1866–2006 has been observed. During the summers of 1978– by observed ocean temperatures. The trend is strongly linked to
2002, positive trends for heavy (25–50 mm per day) and extreme the warming trend over the central eastern Pacific and the western
(>50 mm per day) precipitation near the east coasts of east Asia tropical Indian Ocean. An important aspect for global monsoon
and southeast Asia were observed, while negative trends were seen patterns is the seasonal reversal of the prevailing winds. Changes
over southwest Asia, central China, and northeast Asia. Summer in regional monsoons are strongly influenced by changes in the
extreme precipitation over south China has increased significantly states of dominant patterns of climate variability such as the El
since the early 1990s. Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscilla-
As atmospheric moisture content increases with increases in tion (PDO), the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), the Atlantic
global mean temperature, extreme precipitation is expected to Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO), and the Southern Annular
increase as well and at a rate faster than changes in mean precipi- Mode (SAM) (Teegavarapu, 2012). However, it is not always
tation content. In some regions, extreme precipitation is projected clear how those modes may have changed in response to exter-
to increase, even if mean precipitation is projected to decrease. nal forcing. Additionally, model-based evidence has suggested
The observed change in heavy precipitation appears to be con- that land surface processes and land use changes could in some
sistent with the expected response to anthropogenic forcing but a instances significantly impact regional monsoons.
direct cause-and-effect relationship between changes in external The IPCC (2007) concluded that there “is a tendency for
forcing and extreme precipitation had not been established at the monsoonal circulations to result in increased precipitation due
time of the IPCC (2007) Fourth Assessment. As a result, the IPCC to enhanced moisture convergence, despite a tendency towards
only concludes that it is more likely than not that anthropogenic weakening of the monsoonal flows themselves. However, many
influence has contributed to a global trend. New studies since aspects of tropical climatic responses remain uncertain.” Work
the Fourth Assessment Report have provided further evidence to since the IPCC (2007) has not substantially changed these con-
support the assessment that it is more likely than not that anthro- clusions. As global warming is projected to lead to faster warming
pogenic influence has contributed to a trend towards increases in over land than over the oceans, the continental-scale land–sea ther-
the frequency of heavy precipitation events over the second half of mal contrast, a major factor affecting monsoon circulations, may
the twentieth century in many regions. However, there is still not become stronger in summer and weaker in winter. Based on this
enough evidence to make a more confident assessment regarding hypothesis, a simple scenario is that the summer monsoon will
the causes of observed changes in extreme precipitation. be stronger and the winter monsoon will be weaker in the future
Regarding projected changes in extreme precipitation, the IPCC than at present.
(2007) concluded that it is very likely that heavy precipitation
events, i.e., the frequency (or proportion of total rainfall from
2.2.4 Flooding and climate change
heavy falls) of heavy precipitation, will increase over most areas of
the globe in the twenty-first century. The tendency for an increase The main causes of floods are intense and/or long-lasting precip-
in heavy daily precipitation events in many regions was found to itation, snow/ice melt, a combination of these types, dam break
include some regions in which the mean precipitation is projected (e.g., glacial lakes), reduced conveyance due to ice jams or land-
to decrease. slides, or a local intense storm (see Chapter 1). Climate-related
floods depend on precipitation intensity, volume, duration, tim-
ing, phase (rain or snow), antecedent conditions of rivers and their
2.2.3 Monsoons
drainage basins (e.g., presence of snow and ice, soil character and
Changes in monsoon-related extreme precipitation due to climate status, wetness, rate and timing of snow/ice melt, urbanization,
change are still not well understood, but extremes such as floods existence of dykes, dams, and/or reservoirs). This section focuses
2 . 2 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D VA R I AT I O N IM PAC T S 25

on the spatial, temporal, and seasonal changes in high flows and the past few to several decades, while a significant shift to earlier
peak discharge in rivers related to climate change. spring discharge is found as well (Shiklomanov et al., 2007).
The IPCC (2007) concluded that no gage-based evidence had In Europe, significant upward trends in the magnitude and fre-
been found for a climate-related trend in the magnitude and quency of floods were detected in a considerable fraction of river
frequency of floods during the last decades. However, it was basins in Germany for the period 1951–2002, particularly for win-
noted that flood damage was increasing (IPCC, 2007) and that ter floods (Petrow and Merz, 2009). Similar results are found for
an increase in heavy precipitation events was already likely in the Swiss Alps. In contrast, a slight decrease in winter floods and
the late twentieth century trend. The IPCC Fourth Assessment no change in summer maximum flow were reported in east and
Report concluded that abundant evidence was found for an earlier northeast Germany and in the Czech Republic (Elbe and Oder
occurrence of spring peak river flows in snow-dominated regions. rivers). In France there is no evidence of a widespread trend in
Research subsequent to the IPCC (2007) still does not show clear annual flow maxima over the past four decades, although there is
and widespread evidence of observed changes in flooding at the evidence of a decreasing flood frequency trend in the Pyrenees,
global level based on instrumental records, except for the earlier and increasing annual flow maxima in the northeast region. In
spring flow in snow-dominated regions. Spain, southern Atlantic catchments showed a downward trend in
Worldwide instrumental records of floods at gage stations are flood magnitude and frequency, whereas in central and northern
limited in spatial coverage and in time, and only a limited number Atlantic basins no significant trend in frequency and magnitude
of gage stations span more than 50 years, and even fewer over of large floods was observed. Flood records from a network of
100 years. Earlier flood data sources can be obtained from docu- catchments in the UK showed significant positive trends over the
mentary records (archival reports, in Europe continuous over the past four decades in high flow indicators primarily in maritime-
last 500 years), and from proxy geological indicators known as influenced, upland catchments in the north and west of the UK
paleofloods (sedimentary and biological records over centuries to (Hannaford and Marsh, 2008). In spite of the relatively abundant
millennia scales). Analysis of these long-past flood records have studies for rivers in Europe, a continental-scale assessment for
revealed: Europe is difficult to obtain because geographically organized
patterns are not seen.
r flood magnitude and frequency are very sensitive to small The number of analyses for rivers in other parts of the world
alterations in atmospheric circulation, with greater sensitivity based on stream gage records is very limited. Some examples in
for the largest “rare” floods (50-year flood and higher) than Asia are as follows: annual flood maxima of the lower Yangtze
the smaller frequent floods (2-year floods); region showed an upward trend over the last 40 years (Jiang et al.,
r high inter-annual and inter-decadal variability is found in 2008); an increasing likelihood of extreme floods during the last
flood occurrences both in terms of frequency and magnitude, half of the century was found for the Mekong River (Delgado
although in most cases cyclic or clusters of flood occurrence et al., 2009); and both upward and downward trends were detected
are observed in instrumental, historical, and proxy paleoflood over the past four decades in four selected river basins of the
records; and northwestern Himalaya (Bhutiyani et al., 2008). In the Amazon
r past flood records may contain analogues of unusual large region in South America, the July 2009 flood set record highs in
floods, as large as those recorded recently, which are some- the 106 years of data for the Rio Negro at the Manaus gage site.
times claimed to be the largest on record. However, the However, such analyses cover only limited parts of the world.
currently available pre-instrumental flood data are also Evidence in the scientific literature from other parts of the world,
limited. and for other river basins, appears to be very limited.
In summary, except for the abundant evidence for an earlier
occurrence of spring peak river flows in snow-dominated regions
O BS ERV ED CH ANGE S (likely), no clear and widespread observed evidence is found in
Although flood trends might be seen in the north polar region and the IPCC (2007) and subsequent research (The Copenhagen Diag-
in northern regions where temperature change affects snowmelt or nosis, 2009). In addition, instrumental records of floods at gage
ice cover, widespread evidence of this (except for earlier spring stations are limited in spatial coverage and in time, which limits
flow) is not found. Cunderlik and Ouarda (2009) reported that the number of analyses. Pre-instrumental flood data can provide
snowmelt spring floods come significantly earlier in the southern information for a longer period, but these data are also limited.
part of Canada, and one fifth of all the analyzed stations show
significant negative trends in the magnitude of snowmelt floods CAU SES O F CH A N G ES
over the last three decades. On the other hand, there is no evidence Floods are affected by various characteristics of precipitation,
of widespread common trends in the magnitude of extreme floods such as intensity, duration, amount, timing, and phase (rain or
based on the daily river discharge of 139 Russian gage stations for snow). They are also affected by drainage basin conditions such as
26 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

water levels in the rivers, presence of snow and ice, soil character precipitation and long-term precipitation are both projected to
and status (frozen or not, saturated or unsaturated), wetness (soil increase (see Section 2.2.2; Hirabayashi et al., 2008).
moisture), rate and timing of snow and ice melt, urbanization, and The IPCC (2007) in summary states that it is more likely than not
existence of dykes, dams, and reservoirs (see Chapter 1). A change that anthropogenic forcing leading to enhanced greenhouse gas
in the climate physically changes many of these factors affecting concentrations has affected floods because they have detectably
floods and thus may consequently change the characteristics of influenced components of the hydrologic cycle such as mean pre-
floods. Engineering infrastructure such as dykes and reservoirs cipitation, heavy precipitation (see Section 2.2.2), and snowpack.
regulates flow, and land use may also affect floods. Therefore the Floods are also projected to change in the future due to anthro-
assessment of causes of changes in floods is complex. pogenic warming (see Section 2.2.1), but the magnitude and even
Many river systems are no longer in their natural state, mak- the sign of this anthropogenic influence have not yet been detected
ing it difficult to separate changes in the streamflow data that are in scientific literature, and the exact causes for regional changes
caused by changes in climate from those caused by regulation in floods cannot be clearly ascertained. It is likely that anthro-
of the river systems. River engineering and land use alter flood pogenic influence has resulted in earlier spring flood peaks in
probability. Many dams have a function to reduce the impacts snow-melting rivers; the observed earlier spring runoff is consis-
of flooding. On the other hand, engineering infrastructure can tent with expected change under anthropogenic forcing. It should
contribute to flooding. For example, the largest and most perva- be noted that these two assessments are based on expert judgment.
sive contributors to increased flooding on the Mississippi River
system over the past 100–150 years were wing dykes and naviga- FU TU RE CH A N G ES
tion structures, followed by progressive levee construction (Pinter The number of studies that showed the projection of flood changes
et al., 2008). in rivers, especially at a regional or a continental scale, was limited
The possible causes for changes in floods were assessed in when the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007) was published.
the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007). A cause-and-effect The number of studies is still limited. Recently, a few studies for
relationship between external forcing and changes in floods has Europe (Dankers and Feyen, 2008, 2009) and a few studies for the
not been established. However, anthropogenic influence has been globe (Hirabayashi et al., 2008, 2009) have demonstrated changes
detected in the environments that affect floods, such as aspects in the frequency and/or magnitude of floods in the twenty-first cen-
of the hydrologic cycle including precipitation and atmospheric tury at a large scale using daily river discharge calculated from
moisture. Anthropogenic influence is also clearly detected in Regional Climate Model or GCM outputs and hydrologic models
streamflow regimes. at a regional or a continental scale. For Europe, the most notable
In climates where seasonal snow storage and melting plays a changes are projected to occur in northern and northeastern areas
significant role in annual runoff, the hydrologic regime is directly in the late twenty-first century, but the results are varied. Three
affected by changes in temperature. In a warmer world, a smaller studies (Dankers and Feyen, 2008, 2009; Hirabayashi et al., 2008)
portion of precipitation will fall as snow (Hirabayashi et al., 2008) show a decrease in the probability of extreme floods, which gener-
and the melting of winter snow will occur earlier in spring, result- ally corresponds to lower flood peaks, in northern and northeastern
ing in a shift in peak river runoff to winter and early spring. This Europe because of a shorter snow season, while some earlier work
has been observed in the western USA and in Canada, along with shows an increase in floods in the same region. Changes in floods
an earlier breakup of river ice in Russian Arctic rivers. It is not in central and western Europe are less prominent and with not
clear yet if greenhouse gas emissions have affected the magnitude much consistency seen between the studies. For other parts of
of the snowmelt flood peak, but projected warming may result in the world, Hirabayashi et al. (2008) show an increase in the risk
an increase in the spring river discharge where winter snow depth of floods in most humid Asian monsoon regions, tropical Africa,
increases or a decrease in spring flood peak (Hirabayashi et al., and tropical South America, which were implied in earlier work
2008; Dankers and Feyen, 2009). There is still a lack of work iden- that used annual mean runoff changes obtained from a coarse res-
tifying an influence of anthropogenic warming on peak stream- olution GCM. This projected change was also implied in earlier
flow for regions with little or no snowfall because of uncertainty studies by the changes in precipitation in monsoon seasons.
in the observed streamflow data. However, evidence has emerged In summary, the number of projections on flood changes is
that anthropogenic forcing may have influenced the likelihood of a still limited at a regional and continental scale, and those pro-
rainfall-dominated flood event in the UK. Additionally, it has been jections often show some degree of uncertainty. Projections at
projected for many rain-dominated catchments that flow season- a catchment/river-basin scale are also not abundant in the peer-
ality will increase, with higher flows in the peak flow season but reviewed scientific literature. In particular, projections for catch-
little change in the timing of the peak or low flows. More recent ments except for Europe and North America are very rare. In
hydrologic studies also show an increase in the probability of addition, considerable uncertainty has remained in the projec-
flooding due to a projected rainfall increase in rain-dominated tions of flood changes, especially regarding their magnitude and
catchments (e.g., humid Asia) where short-term extreme frequency. The exception is the robust projection of the earlier
2 . 3 A P P ROAC H E S F O R D E A L I N G W I T H C L I M AT E C H A N G E 27

shift of spring peak discharge in snow-dominated regions. There- At the core of most mitigation proposals is the reduction of
fore, it is currently difficult to make a statement on the confidence greenhouse gas emissions through reducing energy waste and
of flood change projections due to anthropogenically induced cli- switching to cleaner energy sources. Frequently discussed energy
mate change, except for the robustly projected earlier shift of conservation methods include increasing the fuel efficiency of
spring floods (likely), because of insufficient reliability of climate vehicles (often through hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric cars
models and downscaling methods. and improving conventional automobiles), individual-lifestyle
changes, and changing business practices. Newly developed tech-
nologies and currently available technologies including renewable
2 .3 APPROAC H E S F O R D E A L I N G W I T H energy (such as solar power, tidal and ocean energy, geother-
C L I M AT E C H A N G E mal power, and wind power) and more controversially nuclear
power and the use of carbon sinks, carbon credits, and taxation
Climate change as a global challenge is being addressed through are aimed more precisely at countering continued greenhouse gas
two distinct approaches: mitigation and adaptation. Since the First emissions. More radical proposals that may be grouped with miti-
Assessment Report of the IPCC in 1991, a very intensive discus- gation include biosequestration of atmospheric CO2 and geoengi-
sion has been going on regarding: (i) the values and impacts of neering techniques ranging from carbon sequestration projects,
these two approaches; (ii) the priorities in their implementation; such as CO2 air capture, to solar radiation management schemes,
(iii) the links between them and the impacts of climate change; such as the creation of stratospheric sulfur aerosols. The ever-
and (iv) the links between the two. The following discussion increasing global population and the planned growth of national
will briefly review the two approaches and focus on flood risk economies based on current technologies are counter-productive
management as a component of the climate change adaptation to most of these proposals.
portfolio. The Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC (2007) assesses
options for mitigating climate change. It introduces important
“new” concepts such as cost–benefit analysis and regional inte-
2.3.1 Mitigation
gration. There is a clear and strong correlation between the
Climate change mitigation is action to decrease the intensity of CO2 -equivalent concentrations (or radiative forcing) of the pub-
radiative forcing in order to reduce the potential effects of global lished studies and the CO2 -only concentrations by 2100, because
warming. Most often, climate change mitigation scenarios involve CO2 is the most important contributor to radiative forcing.
reductions in the concentrations of greenhouse gases, either by Essentially, any specific concentration or radiative forcing tar-
reducing their sources or by increasing their sinks. get, from the lowest to the highest, requires emissions to even-
Scientific consensus on global warming, together with the pre- tually fall to very low levels as the removal processes of the
cautionary principle and the fear of abrupt climate change is lead- ocean and terrestrial systems saturate. To reach a given sta-
ing to increased effort to develop new technologies and sciences bilization target, emissions must ultimately be reduced well
and carefully manage others in an attempt to mitigate global below current levels and mitigation efforts over the next two
warming. Most means of mitigation appear effective only for or three decades will have a large impact on opportunities
preventing further warming, not at reversing existing warming. to achieve lower stabilization levels (high agreement, much
The Stern Review (2007) identifies several ways of mitigating evidence).
climate change, such as: (i) reducing demand for emissions- There are different measures for reporting costs of mitiga-
intensive goods and services; (ii) increasing efficiency gains; (iii) tion emission reductions, although most models report them in
increasing use and development of low-carbon technologies; and macroeconomic indicators, particularly gross domestic product
(iv) reducing non-fossil fuel emissions. (GDP) losses. The GDP is a measure of a country’s overall eco-
The energy policy of the European Union, later accepted by nomic output. It is the market value of all final goods and services
the larger international community, has set a target of limiting the made within the borders of a country in a year. It is often posi-
global temperature rise to 2 ◦ C (3.6 ◦ F) compared to preindustrial tively correlated with the standard of living. For stabilization at
levels, of which 0.8 ◦ C has already taken place and another 0.5– 4–5 W/m2 (or ∼590–710 ppmv CO2 -eq) macroeconomic costs
0.7 ◦ C is already committed. The 2 ◦ C rise is typically associated range from −1 to 2% of GDP below baseline in 2050. For a
in climate models with a carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2 -eq) con- more stringent target of 3.5–4.0 W/m2 (∼535–590 ppmv CO2 -
centration of 400–500 ppm by volume; the current level of CO2 eq) the costs range from slightly negative to 4% GDP loss (high
alone is just above 390 ppm (NOAA, 2010) by volume, and ris- agreement, much evidence). GDP losses in the lowest stabilization
ing at 2 ppm annually. Hence, to avoid a very likely breach of the scenarios in the literature (445–535 ppmv CO2 -eq) are generally
2 ◦ C target, CO2 levels would have to be stabilized very soon. This below 5.5% by 2050 (high agreement, medium evidence).
is generally regarded as unlikely, based on the current programs The risk of climate feedbacks is generally not included in the
in place. IPCC analysis. Feedbacks between the carbon cycle and climate
28 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

change affect the required mitigation for a particular stabiliza- and greater possibility for offering incentives in the case of adap-
tion level of atmospheric CO2 concentration. These feedbacks are tation of human systems than in the case of adaptation to protect
expected to increase the fraction of anthropogenic emissions that natural systems.
remains in the atmosphere as the climate system warms. There-
fore, the emission reductions to meet a particular stabilization SY STEMS V IEW O F A DA PTATIO N
level reported in the mitigation studies assessed here might be Adaptation can be defined as adjustments of a system to reduce
underestimated. vulnerability and to increase the resilience of a system to change,
The economic potentials for mitigation at different costs have in this case in the climate system. Adaptation occurs at a range of
been reviewed for 2030 by the IPCC (2007). The review confirms interlinking scales, and can either occur in anticipation of change
that there are substantial opportunities for mitigation levels of (anticipatory adaptation) or be a response to those changes (reac-
about 6 Gt CO2 -eq involving net benefits (costs less than 0), with tive adaptation). Most adaptation being implemented at present is
a large share being located in the buildings sector. Additional responding to current climate trends and variability.
potentials are 7 Gt CO2 -eq at a unit cost (carbon price) of less Adaptive capacity and vulnerability are important concepts for
than 20 US$/t CO2 -eq, with the total, low-cost, potential being in understanding adaptation. Vulnerability can be defined as the con-
the range of 9 to 18 Gt CO2 -eq. The total range is estimated to text in which adaptation takes place, and adaptive capacity is the
be 13 to 26 Gt CO2 -eq, at a cost of less than 50 US$/t CO2 -eq ability or potential of a system to respond successfully to climate
and 16 to 31 Gt CO2 -eq at a cost of less than 100 US$/t CO2 -eq variability and change, in order to reduce adverse impacts and
(370 US$/t C-eq) (medium agreement, medium evidence). No one take advantage of new opportunities. High adaptive capacity does
sector or technology can address the entire mitigation challenge. not necessarily translate into successful adaptation.
This suggests that a diversified portfolio is required based on a Adaptive capacity is driven by factors operating at many dif-
variety of criteria. ferent scales, and it is important to understand the ways in which
the different drivers of adaptive capacity interact. Physical con-
2.3.2 Adaptation straints are important, but in most cases it is social processes that
increase or decrease adaptive capacity. It is widely accepted that
Adaptation to climate change consists of initiatives and measures adaptive capacity is a social construct. The social drivers of adap-
to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to actual tive capacity are varied but may include broad structures such as
or expected climate change effects. The capacity and potential economic and political processes, as well as local structures such
for human systems to adapt (called adaptive capacity) is unevenly as access to decision-making and the structure of social networks
distributed across different regions and populations (IPCC, 2007). and relationships within a community.
Adaptive capacity is closely linked to social and economic devel- The social construction of adaptive capacity is very impor-
opment. The economic costs of adaptation are potentially large, tant when thinking about the risks and impacts of a changing
but also largely unknown. Across the literature, there is wide climate. It is not just the change in climate that will affect vul-
agreement that adaptation will be more difficult for larger magni- nerability and livelihoods, but the way in which these changes
tudes and higher rates of climate change. propagate through complex social systems. Adaptation can be
Because of the current and projected climate disruption precip- seen as a social and institutional process that involves reflecting
itated by high levels of greenhouse gas emissions by the industri- on and responding to current trends and projected changes in
alized nations, adaptation is a necessary strategy at all scales to climate.
complement climate change mitigation efforts because we cannot Adaptation processes change with temporal and spatial scales.
be sure that all climate change can be mitigated. Indeed, the odds Much adaptation takes place in relation to short-term climate
are quite high that in the long run more warming is inevitable, variability; however, this may cause maladaptation to longer-term
given the high level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and climatic trends. It is clear from history that people have always
the (several decade) delay between emissions and impact. adapted to a changing climate and that coping strategies already
Adaptation has the potential to reduce adverse impacts of cli- exist in many communities.
mate change and to enhance beneficial impacts, but will incur
costs and will not prevent all damage. Extremes, variability, and METH O D S O F A DA PTATIO N
rates of change are all key features in addressing vulnerability The following criteria may be of value to policy-makers in assess-
and adaptation to climate change, not simply changes in average ing adaptation strategies for dealing with global warming:
climate conditions.
Human and natural systems will, to some degree, adapt r Economic efficiency: Will the initiative yield benefits sub-
autonomously to climate change. Planned adaptation can sup- stantially greater than if the resources were applied else-
plement autonomous adaptation, though there are more options where?
2. 4 C O N C L U S I O N S 29

r Flexibility: Is the strategy reasonable for the entire range of distribution of benefits. Both approaches can be related to sustain-
possible changes in temperature, precipitation, and sea level? able development goals, but differ according to the direct benefits,
r Urgency: Would the strategy be successful if implementation which are global and long term for mitigation, while being local
were delayed 10 or 20 years? and shorter term for adaptation.
r Low cost: Does the strategy require minimal resources? Adaptation can be both reactive (to experienced climate change)
r Equity: Does the strategy unfairly benefit some at the expense and proactive, while mitigation can only be proactive in rela-
of other regions, generations, or economic classes? tion to benefits from avoided climate change occurring over cen-
r Institutional feasibility: Is the strategy acceptable to the pub- turies. The IPCC (2007) also points out that there can be conflicts
lic? Can it be implemented with existing institutions under between adaptation and mitigation in relation to the implementa-
existing laws? tion of specific national policy options. A common approach of
r Unique or critical resources: Would the strategy decrease the many regional and national developing country studies on mitiga-
risk of losing unique environmental or cultural resources? tion and adaptation policies has been to focus on the assessment
r Health and safety: Would the proposed strategy increase or of context-specific vulnerabilities to climate change.
decrease the risk of disease or injury? Schipper and Burton (2008) suggest that research on adaptation
r Consistency: Does the strategy support other national state, should focus on assessing the social and economic determinants
community, or private goals? of vulnerability in a development context. The focus of the vul-
r Private versus public sector: Does the strategy minimize nerability assessment according to this framework should be on
governmental interference with decisions best made by the short-term impacts, i.e., should try to assess recent and future
private sector? climate variability and extremes, economic and non-economic
damage, and the distribution of these. Based on this, adaptation
In the implementation of these criteria when designing adaptation policies should be addressed as a coping strategy against vulner-
policy, Scheraga and Grambsch (1998) suggest use of the fol- ability and potential obstacles. The role of various stakeholders
lowing fundamental principles: (i) the effects of climate change and the public sector should also be considered.
vary by region; (ii) the effects of climate change may vary across Hydrological processes of relevance to flooding take place at
demographic groups; (iii) climate change poses both risks and a local scale and not at the global scale. Therefore, reaching
opportunities; (iv) the effects of climate change must be consid- general conclusions about flooding in future climates is loaded
ered in the context of multiple stressors and factors, which may with various uncertainties. Many processes that play a role in
be as important to the design of adaptive responses as the sensi- flood generation are unresolved in models at the global level. At
tivity of the change; (v) adaptation comes at a cost; (vi) adaptive the river-basin scale, land use effects are more important than
responses vary in effectiveness, as demonstrated by current efforts changes in the meteorological inputs of future climates. The gen-
to cope with climate variability; (vii) the systemic nature of cli- eral agreement of scientists is that the warming of the atmosphere
mate impacts complicates the development of adaptation policy; will increase the capacity of the atmosphere to hold water, and this
(viii) maladaptation can result in negative effects that are as seri- warming will also accelerate many of the processes involved in
ous as the climate-induced effects that are being avoided; and the redistribution of moisture in the atmosphere and will increase
(ix) many opportunities for adaptation make sense whether or not excess rainfall. However, making a pronouncement that all flood-
the effects of climate change are realized. ing will increase with changing climate is not possible at the
Examples of adaptation include defending against floods current time.
through better flood defenses, and changing patterns of land use, Climate change studies agree that rainfall, and rainfall intensity,
such as avoiding more vulnerable areas for housing. will change, indicating that the most prevalent flood-generating
processes are likely to increase. Warming will also alter many
other aspects of the global water cycle: increasing evapora-
tion, changing land cover and soil properties, changing precip-
2 .4 CONCLU S I O N S itation patterns and intensity and also affecting the processes
involved in surface storage of water including snowpack gen-
Climate change is one of the most significant challenges on the eration, snowmelt, river ice breakup, and glacial melt. All these
global scale. It directly affects flood-generating processes and processes are active in flood generation and will result in changes
flooding. Mitigation and adaptation are identified as the two in flooding patterns at the local scale and also in the spatial distri-
approaches for dealing with climate change. The discussion on bution of flooding processes on a larger sale as winters decrease
mitigation and adaptation portfolios has a global as well as a in length and winter precipitation changes (Whitfield, 2012).
national/regional dimension. It should be recognized that mitiga- It is important to point out that the full range of possible climate
tion and adaptation are very different regarding time frame and outcomes, including flood impacts that remain highly uncertain,
30 C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D R I S K O F F L O O D I N G

should be considered. Without taking these uncertain events into 2.2. Figure below illustrates the two common urban hydrologic
consideration, decision-makers will tend to be more willing to systems. For both systems (A and B) sketch the shapes of
accept prospective future risks rather than attempt to avoid them the natural and modified flood hydrographs.
through abatement. Flood management practice documents that,
when faced with the risk of major damage, humans may make A B
Urban area with Urban area with
their judgment based on the consequences of the damage rather combined sewage
separate sewage
than on probabilities of events. The IPCC (2007) concludes that system system
Reservoir Reservoir
it is not clear that climate change flood impacts have a low prob-
ability; they are just very uncertain at present, and it is suggested
that these uncertainties are taken into consideration in integrated
assessment models, by adjusting the climate change flood dam-
age estimates. The adjustments suggested include using historical
data for estimating the losses of extreme floods, valuing ecosystem
services, subjective probability assessments of monetary damage Sewage treatment
estimates, and the use of a discount rate that decreases over time within catchment
in order to give high values to future generations. In this way the
issues of climate change flood risk management have an element
of decision-making under uncertainty, due to the complexity of
the environmental and human systems and their interactions.

2.3. What are the most significant impacts of climate change

in your country? In answering this question use as many
examples as you can.
2.1. Show, in graphical form, the impact of storm location on 2.4. What are the flood-generating processes affected by climate
the shape of the flood hydrograph. Sketch the shape of the change?
flood hydrograph corresponding to storm locations 1 and 2
2.5. Describe in your own words the difference between climate
(rainfall area shaded).
change mitigation and adaptation?

2.6. Describe one major flood event in your country.

a. What were the causes of the event?

b. What were the main consequences?

2.7. List the potential adaptation strategies that may reduce the
1 2
risk of flooding due to climate change and variability?
3 Risk management as adaptation to climate change

Several definitions of adaptation are available in the climate Definitions of terms that describe system characteristics that are
change literature. The following are some of the examples as relevant to adaptation include:
summarized by Smit et al. (2000):
Sensitivity: the degree to which a system is affected, either
Adaptation to climate is the process through which people adversely or beneficially, by climate-related stimuli.
reduce the adverse effects of climate on their health and Vulnerability: the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or
well-being, and take advantage of the opportunities that unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, includ-
their climatic environment provides. ing climate variability and extremes. It is a function of the
Adaptation involves adjustments to enhance the viability character, magnitude, and rate of climate variation to which a
of social and economic activities and to reduce their system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity.
vulnerability to climate, including its current variability and Resilience: the degree to which a system rebounds, recoups, or
extreme events as well as longer-term climate change. recovers from a stimulus.
Responsiveness: the degree to which a system reacts to stimuli.
The term adaptation means any adjustment, whether
Adaptive capacity: the ability of a system to adjust to climate
passive, reactive or anticipatory, that is proposed as a means
change (including climate variability and extremes) to moderate
for ameliorating the anticipated adverse consequences
potential damage, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope
associated with climate change.
with the consequences.
Adaptation to climate change includes all adjustments in Adaptability: the ability or capacity of a system to adapt to (to
behavior or economic structure that reduce the vulnerability alter to better suit) climatic stimuli.
of society to changes in the climate system.
Adaptation is often the result of interactions between climatic and
Adaptability refers to the degree to which adjustments are other factors. It varies not only with respect to its climatic stimuli
possible in practices, processes or structures of systems in but also with respect to other, non-climate conditions. It is impor-
response to projected or actual changes of climate. tant to highlight that the relationship between a changed climate
Adaptation can be spontaneous or planned, and can be system (e.g., higher temperatures, altered precipitation regime,
carried out in response to or in anticipation of change in etc.) and impacts on various systems is not necessarily linear. The
conditions. role of adaptation (whether reactive or anticipatory, spontaneous
According to some of the typologies considered, adaptation can or planned, etc.) is crucial for assessments of potential impacts of
be planned or spontaneous; passive, reactive, or anticipatory, etc. climate change.
According to the IPCC (2007), adaptation “has the potential to Adaptation to climate change is a challenge that is complex
reduce adverse impacts of climate change and to enhance benefi- and involves increasing risk. Efforts to manage these risks involve
cial impacts, but will incur costs and will not prevent all damages.” many decision-makers, conflicting values, competing objectives
The tendency of systems (e.g., natural, social, and engineering) and methodologies, multiple alternative options, uncertain out-
to adapt is influenced by certain system characteristics. These comes, and debatable probabilities (Noble et al., 2005). Adapta-
include terms such as “sensitivity,” “vulnerability,” “resilience,” tion occurs at multiple levels in a complex decision environment,
“susceptibility,” and “adaptive capacity,” among others. The and is generally evaluated as better–worse, not right–wrong, based
occurrence, as well as the nature of adaptations, is influenced on multiple criteria. Identifying the best adaptation response is
by these. As Smit et al. (2000) point out, there is some overlap in difficult.
the concepts captured by these terms. It may be argued that sensi- Risk management techniques help to overcome these problems.
tivity, vulnerability, and adaptability capture the broad concepts. Risk management offers a decision-making framework that assists


in the selection of optimal strategies (according to various criteria)

using a systems approach that has been well defined and generally
accepted in public decision-making. In the context of adapting to
climate change, the risk management process offers a framework
for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing climate-related risks, Mitigation
and developing appropriate adaptation responses.
As a method for implementing adaptation to climate change,
the risk management approach offers considerable benefits (Noble
et al., 2005).
Recovery Preparedness
r Vulnerability assessment is a central element of risk man-
agement. Vulnerability assessment is increasingly useful
for guiding adaptation, since it helps reveal local- and
larger-scale system vulnerabilities for which adaptation mea-
sures may be necessary to prevent serious adverse conse-
quences. Future climate scenarios, based on the outputs of Response
GCMs, will continue to provide valuable information, but the
vulnerability-based approach is critical for helping identify
specific risks and potential impacts that reflect the interests
and values of people affected.
r Unlike “adapting,” the concept of “managing risks” seems,
Figure 3.1 The Venn diagram of integrated disaster management (after
Simonovic, 2011).
from many perspectives, much more clear. Risk management
is a familiar concept, especially in disaster management,
whereas the notion of “adapting” is still poorly understood
by many. 3 . 1 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T D E C I S I O N
r Risk management provides a means for addressing uncer- P RO C E S S
tainties explicitly. Uncertainties exist in respect to uncertain
future climate conditions and other aspects of climate change The flood risk management community has developed key con-
adaptation decision-making. Without a risk management cepts and methods for managing, reducing, and transferring or
view, decision-makers often receive uncertain responses to sharing flood risk (GTZ, 2002; Sayers et al., 2002; Kelman, 2003;
their question “what are we adapting to?” GTZ, 2004; Levy and Hall, 2005; WMO, 2009). These concepts
r Risk management is relatively easy to apply in practice. must evolve in order to take into account the ways changing cli-
In Canada, for example, many organizations have devel- mate may affect management schemes and challenges. This sec-
oped and accepted generic risk management procedures, and tion presents the conceptual flood risk management framework as
gained first-hand experiences in using risk management tech- the basis for the management of flood risk due to climate change.
niques (Canadian Standards Association, 1997 – reaffirmed Two main risk management approaches are presented in the fol-
in 2009). Increasingly, these are being applied to manage lowing two sections – (i) a probabilistic approach and (ii) a fuzzy
climate-related risks. set approach – paving the path for the remaining chapters of the
Climate change policy, strategy, and implementation already Flood risk management, in its most general form, follows
use the language and terminology of adaptation with increas- the disaster management cycle that has four closely integrated
ing emphasis on the need for adaptation in the face of changing components: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery
average climate and climate and weather extremes (Schipper and (Figure 3.1). Most traditional presentations of the integrated disas-
Burton, 2008). Increasing demand exists for assessment and pro- ter management cycle involve graphing these four phases as inde-
motion of flood (and other) disaster risk management practices pendent components that follow each other. In this text, the Venn
that can contribute to climate change adaptation. This requires diagram presentation is introduced to capture the idea of integrated
increasing synergy, merging, and complementarity between these disaster management where each component of the cycle has some
two currently and still largely differentiated practices. The major overlapping activities with other components (Simonovic, 2011).
aim of this book is to present a set of risk management tools as In this book, flood risk management is viewed as a compo-
a practical approach to climate change adaptation as it relates to nent of integrated disaster management as defined by Simonovic
the risk of flooding. (2011). Managing, in everyday language, means handling or
3 . 1 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T D E C I S I O N P RO C E S S 33

directing with a degree of skill. It also can be seen as exercis- distribution of material resources, energy, and information (see
ing executive, administrative, and supervisory duties. Managing Section 1.5). The basic idea is that all complex entities (biological,
can be altering by manipulation or succeeding in accomplishing. social, ecological, or other) are composed of different elements
Management is the act or art of managing. linked by strong interactions but a system is greater than the sum
of its parts. This is a different view from the traditional analytical
Integrated disaster management is an iterative process of
scientific model based on the law of additivity of elementary
decision-making regarding prevention of, response to, and
properties that views the whole as equal to the sum of its parts.
recovery from a disaster (Simonovic, 2011).
Because complex systems do not follow the law of additivity, they
This process provides a chance for those affected by a disaster must be studied differently.
to balance their diverse needs for protecting lives, property, and A systemic approach to problems focuses on interactions
the environment, and to consider how their cumulative disaster- among the elements of a system and on the effects of these interac-
related actions may affect the long-term sustainability of the tions. Systems theory recognizes multiple and interrelated causal
affected region. The guiding principles of the process are systems factors, emphasizes the dynamic character of processes involved,
view, partnerships, uncertainty, geographic focus, and reliance on and is particularly interested in a system change with time – be it
strong science and reliable data. a flood, flood evacuation, or a flood disaster-affected community.
It is well documented in the flood risk management literature The traditional view is typically linear and assumes only one, lin-
(GTZ, 2002; Sayers et al., 2002; Kelman, 2003; GTZ, 2004; Levy ear, cause-and-effect relationship at a particular time. A systems
and Hall, 2005; WMO, 2009) that many factors influence imple- approach allows a wider variety of factors and interactions to be
mentation of integrated disaster management activities that will taken into account.
minimize loss of life, injury, and/or material damage. It seems that Using a systems view, Simonovic (2011, page 49) states that
governments, businesses, organizations, and individuals do not disaster losses are the result of interaction among three systems
implement large-scale disaster management decisions that would and their many subsystems:
enable them to avoid long-term losses from hazards (Simonovic, r Earth’s physical systems (the atmosphere, biosphere,
2011). Making integrated disaster management a reality requires
cryosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere);
overcoming many social, political, and financial obstacles, as well r human systems (e.g., population, culture, technology, social
as changing many human behaviors. One of the most important
class, economics, and politics); and
factors that influences flood risk management (as a component of r constructed systems (e.g., buildings, roads, bridges, public
integrated disaster management) is the decision-making process
infrastructure, housing).
Decisions to (i) make an initial commitment of resources All of the systems and subsystems are dynamic and involve
to taking precautionary measures and (ii) continue allocation constant interactions between and among subsystems and sys-
of resources to follow through on them can be made at per- tems. All human and constructed systems and some physical ones
sonal, organizational, or government levels. The decision-making affected by humans are becoming more complex with time. This
process differs with the different level of decision-making. complexity is what makes national and international flood dis-
In the most general way, decision-making is defined as the aster problems difficult to solve. The increase in the size and
process of making an informed choice among the alternative complexity of the various systems is what causes increasing sus-
actions that are possible. The process may involve establish- ceptibility to disaster losses. Climate change, changes in size
ing objectives, gathering relevant information, identifying alter- and characteristics of the population, and changes in the con-
natives, setting criteria for the decision, and selecting the best structed environment interact with changing physical systems to
option. generate future exposure and define future disaster losses. The
Flood risk management as a component of integrated disaster world is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected,
management involves complex interactions within and between helping to make flood disaster losses greater (Homer-Dixon,
the natural environment, human population (actions, reactions, 2006).
and perceptions), and built environment (type and location). A
different thinking is required to address the complexity of flood
3.1.1 Six-step procedure for flood risk management
risk management. Mileti (1999, page 26) strongly suggested adap-
tation of a global systems perspective. The flood risk management process is a process for dealing
Systems theory is based on the definition of a system – in the with uncertainty within a public policy environment. It com-
most general sense as a collection of various structural and non- prises a “systemic approach to setting the best course of action
structural elements that are connected and organized in such a under uncertainty by identifying, understanding, acting on and
way as to achieve some specific objective through the control and communicating risk issues” (Simonovic, 2011) and by managing



End Go back
Next step and/or
take action analysis
Risk communication

End Go back assessment
Next step and/or
take action


End Go back
Next step and/or
take action

End Go back
Take action


Figure 3.2 Steps in the process of decision-making under uncertainty – a model (modified after Canadian Standards Association, 1997, reaffirmed in

the flood risk in such a way that it is reduced to acceptable levels 2009) is adopted for use in this textbook. The CSA Guideline,
or accommodated by other actions. illustrated in Figure 3.2, lays out the general steps of the risk
Before the 1980s, risk management was an analysis tool used management process for the identification, analysis, evaluation,
almost exclusively by financial institutions and the insurance and control of risks and potential risks, including risks to health
industry. Since then, its use across engineering, health science, and safety. It offers a pragmatic and evolutionary approach to
environmental science, and other disciplines has become increas- guide the development of strategies to avoid, reduce, control, or
ingly common (Noble et al., 2005). Risk management methodol- otherwise manage real and perceived risks. It also assists in setting
ogy is now of primary importance in deriving optimal decisions priorities and balancing the effectiveness and costs of complex risk
related to real or perceived impacts on human life, property, or control strategies. Importantly, the process is iterative and allows
the environment. Risk management has also become an important for the inclusion of new information when it becomes available.
component of government policy analysis. The center column prescribes a risk management process with
The generic risk management framework developed by the standard steps and commitment to self-evaluation, not proceeding
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) (1997, reaffirmed in until a step has been satisfactorily accomplished. The left-hand
3 . 1 F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T D E C I S I O N P RO C E S S 35

bar prescribes continuing two-way interaction with the public. Stakeholders are defined in the process as anyone who can
That interaction seeks to focus the process on public concerns affect, is affected by, or believe they might be affected by, a
and make its conclusions as credible as possible. Fischhoff and decision or activity. In assembling the list of stakeholders it is
Morgan (2009) suggest that the Carnegie Mellon risk ranking important to think as broadly as possible and to include parties
approach could offer a scientifically sound approach to realizing both inside and outside the problem domain.
this philosophy.
Each step of the process is separated by a decision diamond with STEP 2: PRELIMINA RY A NA LY SIS
three potential outcomes: end, go back, or next step and/or take The preliminary analysis includes: (i) definition of the scope of
action. The decision to end recognizes that the risk management the decision; (ii) identification of hazards using risk scenarios;
decision process need not be continued further. This decision can (iii) beginning of stakeholder analysis; and (iv) beginning of the
be reached because: (i) concerns about the risk no longer exist; development of a risk information library. The purpose of this
(ii) all associated risks are considered acceptable by stakeholders; step is to define the basic dimensions of the risk problem and
(iii) the existing management options are judged to be sufficient then undertake an analysis and evaluation of potential risks. This
and the residual risk is considered to be acceptable; or (iv) the step will identify one of the following courses of action: (i) a risk
source of hazard that generates the risk is eliminated. exists and action should be taken immediately; (ii) there is a need
The go back decision provides for the repetition of one (or to undertake a more detailed analysis before taking any action;
more) previous steps in order to improve the accuracy and com- and (iii) the analysis should end, as it has been determined the
pleteness of the risk information, to update the data or modify risk is not an issue.
the assumptions. In this way, the process provides for continuous The decision-maker and risk management team determine the
improvement. scope of the decisions to be made with due regard for the needs,
The next step and/or take action decision involves proceed- issues, and concerns of the stakeholders. The decision-maker
ing to the next step. Immediate action may be necessary dur- should anticipate that the problem or opportunity may extend
ing emergency management where timing is critical. In such beyond the initially determined scope of the decision framework
cases, the decision-making process may not involve all of the and that new stakeholders may need to be included.
steps in a formal manner, but the steps are reviewed to deter- The flood hazards that generate risk include natural hazards,
mine that an emergency exists and that the particular actions are economic hazards (inflation, depression, changes in tax, etc.),
necessary. technical hazards (system or equipment failure, water pollution,
etc.), and human hazards (errors or omissions by poorly trained
STEP 1: INITIATION people, acts of sabotage or terrorism, etc.). Identification of haz-
The initiation step includes: (i) definition of the problem and ards using risk scenarios starts by defining a risk scenario as
associated risk issue(s); (ii) identification of the risk manage- a sequence of events with an associated frequency and conse-
ment team; (iii) assignment of responsibilities, authorities, and quence. The risk scenarios may be simple or quite complicated.
resources; and (iv) identification of potential stakeholders. The There are various tools for identification of risk scenarios: failure
purpose of this step is to establish the administrative details of the mode and effect analysis, analysis of historical data, fault-tree
process and link the process and the decision-maker in terms of analysis, event-tree analysis, hazard and operational studies, and
time frame, reporting, resources for the process, etc. others.
Defining the problem or opportunity and the associated risk Stakeholder analysis provides the decision-maker with a pro-
issues is often the most difficult step in the process and also the file of stakeholders. Through this process, stakeholders and their
most important. The issues must be specifically defined, doc- needs are determined together with risk issues and concerns.
umented, and dealt with one at a time. There is often a need Stakeholder analysis also provides the risk management team
to prioritize issues. It may be beneficial to consult with stake- with the context for a risk communication strategy.
holders during this stage to validate or define the scope of the At this step, the structure of the risk information library is ini-
issues. tiated. Through the risk management process, this structure is
The role of the risk management team is to provide techni- further developed as additional information is incorporated into
cal expertise and advice to the decision-maker. The team must the risk information library. The library includes information
have access to the knowledge bases needed to resolve issues. The necessary for making risk management decisions.
team guides the process to its termination and must be prepared
to change its composition as necessary throughout the decision STEP 3: RISK ESTIM ATIO N
process. It is necessary to provide the risk management team with The risk estimation includes: (i) definition of methodology for
both the authority to do its job and the resources necessary for estimating frequency and consequences; (ii) estimation of fre-
accomplishing its objectives. quency of risk scenarios; (iii) estimation of consequences of

risk scenarios; and (iv) further refining of stakeholder analy- operational costs (other than risk) should also be considered. This
sis. The purpose of this step is to estimate the frequency and information is then integrated into the risk information library.
consequences associated with each risk scenario selected for the Both benefits and costs are evaluated in terms of the needs, issues,
analysis. and concerns of the stakeholders. It is important here to consider
This step is quite technical and requires making decisions on more than the hard, financial, benefits and costs associated with
the appropriateness of use of historical data, models, professional the flood hazard. So-called soft benefits and soft costs should
judgment, or a combination of methods. Explicit definition of also be considered. They may include, for example, the comfort
applied methods is required to avoid conflict between technical people are afforded knowing that a trusted agency is managing
experts and laypersons. The choice of method will reflect the the flood risk. Another example is the increased trust developed
accuracy needed, cost, available data, the level of expertise on between decision-makers and other stakeholders as a result of
the team, and the acceptability of the method to stakeholders. an effective communication program. Greater trust means less
Validation of the methods should ensure that they are appropriate anxiety on the part of stakeholders. An example of a soft cost
for the stated objectives, that the analysis can be reproduced, that could be a reduction in quality of life or adverse effect of flooding
the analysis is not sensitive to the way data or results are formatted on lifestyle. There may be a number of indirect benefits and costs
and that all assumptions and uncertainties are acknowledged and associated with flood hazard that may not be readily recognized –
documented. for example, employment opportunities after the flood or other
The purpose of frequency analysis is to determine how often spin-off benefits.
a particular scenario might be expected to occur over a specified It should be noted that there are a number of factors, other than
period of time. These estimates often rely on available histori- expected value of flood loss, that affect stakeholder acceptance of
cal data, where judgment about the future is based on what has risk. In this context the perception of risk is an important issue
occurred in the past. In cases when the data are not available or that affects the flood risk management process (Slovic, 2000;
the past cannot be used to predict the future, as in the case of Simonovic, 2011). A major part of the risk management confusion
climate change, other methods may be used. relates to an inadequate distinction between three fundamental
Consequence analysis involves estimating the impact of various types of risk: (i) objective risk (real, physical), Ro , and objective
scenarios on everyone and everything affected by the hazard. probability, po , which is the property of real physical systems;
Flood consequences are often measured in financial terms, but (ii) subjective risk, Rs , and subjective probability, ps . Probability
they can also be measured by other factors: numbers of injuries or is here defined as the degree of belief in a statement. Rs and ps are
deaths, numbers of wildlife affected, impact on quality of life, and not properties of the physical systems under consideration (but
others. The benefit of measuring consequences in financial terms may be some function of Ro and po ); and (iii) perceived risk, Rp ,
is that it provides a common measure for comparing dissimilar which is related to an individual’s feeling of fear in the face of
conditions. an undesirable possible event, is not a property of the physical
Needs, issues, and concerns of stakeholders are further refined systems but is related to fear of the unknown. It may be a function
in this step. Permanent communication with stakeholders helps of Ro , po , Rs , and ps .
ensure that the stakeholder analysis continues to present a true Because of the confusion between the concepts of objective and
profile of the stakeholders. The stakeholder analysis has to be subjective risk, many characteristics of subjective risk are believed
updated as new data become available. to be valid also for objective risk. Therefore, it is almost univer-
sally assumed that the imprecision of human judgment is equally
ST EP 4 : RI S K EVAL UAT ION prominent and destructive for all flood risk evaluations and all
The risk evaluation includes: (i) estimation and integration of risk assessments. This is perhaps the most important misconcep-
benefits and costs; and (ii) assessment of acceptability of risk to tion that blocks the way to more effective societal disaster risk
stakeholders. The main objective of risk evaluation is to determine management. The ways society manages disaster risks appear to
the acceptability of the risks, as estimated in the previous steps, be dominated by considerations of perceived and subjective risks,
in terms of needs, issues, and concerns of stakeholders. One of while it is objective risks that kill people, damage the environment,
three conclusions will result from the risk evaluation exercise: and create property loss (Simonovic, 2011).
(i) the risk associated with the hazard is acceptable at its current
level; (ii) the risk associated with the hazard is unacceptable at STEP 5: RISK CO N TRO L
any level; or (iii) the hazard might be acceptable but risk control Risk control includes: (i) identifying feasible risk control options;
measures should be evaluated. (ii) evaluation of risk control options according to various criteria
Up to this step in the process, only the risk has been considered. (effectiveness, cost, etc.); (iii) assessment of stakeholders’ accep-
Prior to continuing the process, the benefits from flooding and any tance of proposed action(s); (iv) evaluation of options for dealing

with residual risk; and (v) assessment of stakeholders’ acceptance 3 . 2 A P P ROAC H E S TO F L O O D R I S K

of residual risk. The main objective of risk control is to determine M A NAG E M E N T A S A DA P TAT I O N TO
the effectiveness of flood risk control options before they have C L I M AT E C H A N G E
been applied. The costs, benefits, and risks associated with the
proposed flood risk control measures are considered. All strategic activities of flood risk management and adaptation
In the consideration of feasible risk control options, six broad require the use of reliable methodologies that allow an adequate
strategies for controlling risk are available: (i) avoiding exposure, estimation and quantification of potential losses and consequences
(ii) reducing the frequency of loss, (iii) reducing the consequence to the natural systems, human population, and built environment.
of loss, (iv) separation of exposure, (v) duplicating assets (includ- There are a wide range of approaches for integrating data with
ing redundancy), and (vi) transferring the control of losses to some the flood risk management process. Inductive approaches model
other party. Evaluation of risk control options should be done in risk through weighting and combining different hazard, vulnera-
terms of their effectiveness in reducing losses, the cost of imple- bility, and risk control variables. Deductive approaches are based
mentation, and the impact of control options on other stakeholder on the modeling of historical patterns of materialized risk (i.e.,
objectives. disasters, or damage and loss that have already occurred). An
Before risk control strategies are decided upon, they should obstacle to inductive modeling is the lack of accepted procedures
be communicated to the stakeholders in order to assess their for assigning values and weights to the different vulnerability and
acceptability. A proposed option may appear acceptable to the hazard factors that contribute to flood risk. Deductive modeling
decision-maker, but may not be acceptable to other stakeholders. will not accurately reflect risk in contexts where disasters occur
The complete evaluation should be done in terms of the needs, infrequently or where historical data are not available. In spite of
issues, and concerns of all affected stakeholders. this weakness, deductive modeling offers a shortcut to flood risk
Flood risk that cannot be totally eliminated by risk control indexing and can be used to validate the results from inductive
measures must be financed, that is, someone has to pay for the models.
loss. At this stage two basic risk financing techniques are avail- In the area of adaptation to climate change, there are a large
able: retention and transfer. The responsibility for paying for number of studies that deal with impact and adaptation assess-
the loss may be retained by the responsible organization (in the ment of climate change (Schipper and Burton, 2008). These have
case of flooding, different levels of government) or transferred become increasingly sophisticated in the past few years, but few
to some other organization. An example of this type of trans- have been able to provide robust information for decision-makers
fer arrangement is the purchase of commercial insurance where and flood risk managers (Dessai and Hulme, 2003). According
available. to Schipper and Burton (2008) this occurs because of: (i) the
wide range of potential impacts of climate change – issue of
STEP 6 : ACTI O N uncertainty; (ii) the mismatch of resolution between GCMs and
This step includes: (i) development of an implementation plan; local adaptation measures – issue of scale; (iii) impact assess-
(ii) implementation of chosen control, financing, and communi- ments not designed to consider a range of adaptation options; and
cation strategies; (iii) evaluation of the effectiveness of the risk (iv) adaptation considered as an assumption rather than explored
management decision process; and (iv) establishment of a mon- as a process.
itoring process. The main objective of this step is to implement The majority of adaptation studies have taken a prediction-
the measures resulting from the risk management process and oriented top-down approach (Dessai and Hulme, 2003) that con-
establish the monitoring program. siders a range of scenarios of world development, whose green-
Prior to implementation of any of the chosen flood risk control house gas emissions serve as input to GCMs, and whose output
measures, it is important to develop an implementation plan. This serves as input to impact models. In the next section an example is
plan should consider training requirements, staffing requirements, presented that follows the top-down approach (Peck et al., 2010,
job shifting or new positions, and financing requirements. 2011; Eum et al., 2011). Some studies do not consider adaptation,
Monitoring is a key function of the risk management program while others assume arbitrary adaptation.
in order to detect and adapt to changing circumstances, to ensure The second group of adaptation studies includes adap-
that the risk control is achieved, to ensure proper implementation, tation based on observation or trying to model adaptation
and to verify the correctness of assumptions. with a bottom-up approach. Anticipatory adaptation strategies
After having undergone the extensive decision process, it is are then considered within a certain decision-making frame-
prudent to evaluate the effectiveness of the flood risk management work based on the physical impacts of climate change on
process in satisfying the objectives of the decision-maker. This flooding being examined with some consideration for the
facilitates continuous improvement in the decision process itself. context.


No basis
– scenario IGNORANCE

Basis for probabilities

– Bayesian
– fuzzy
– frequency


Continuum Discrete Poorly defined outcomes
of outcomes outcomes outcomes
Figure 3.3 Risk, uncertainty and ignorance (after Stirling, 1998).

The flood risk management community in the context of inte- First, there is the problem of ignorance (see Figure 3.3). Put
grated water resources management uses two approaches to deal simply, it is a condition under which it is possible neither to
with decision-making under uncertainty: a probabilistic approach resolve a discrete set of probabilities (or a density function) along
and a fuzzy set approach (Simonovic, 2009, 2011). In flood risk a scale of outcomes (as is possible under risk proper – in the
management, probability is used based on historical records, for bottom left of the grid in Figure 3.3), nor even to define a compre-
example, to determine the magnitude of the 100-year flood. This hensive set of outcomes (as under uncertainty – in the top left of
probability is called objective (classical, frequentist) because it Figure 3.3). Ignorance, in this sense, lies in the top right hand cor-
is determined by long-run observations of the occurrence of an ner of the grid in Figure 3.3. Ignorance arises from many familiar
event. In contrast, climate change probabilities are subjective sources, including incomplete knowledge, contradictory informa-
because they are based on the degree of belief that a person tion, conceptual imprecision, divergent frames of reference, and
has that it will occur, given all the relevant information currently the intrinsic complexity of many natural and social processes.
known to that person. Under such circumstances, there often exists no basis for the
Stirling (1998) observed that in general risk assessment there is many sophisticated techniques of probability theory. No matter
recognition of the intrinsic subjectivity of fundamental assump- how well informed, judgments concerning the extent to which “we
tions and the consequent necessity for active participation in anal- don’t know what we don’t know” are subjective and value driven.
ysis by all interested and affected parties. Despite this, there is Second, it is impossible both democratically and consistently
considerable inertia in the implementation of these insights in for- to aggregate individual preferences in a plural society (Arrow,
mal policy-making and regulatory procedures. He stated that the 1963). The derivation of any single social preference ordering
issue seems often to be seen as a need for better “communication” (or aggregate social welfare function) will violate at least one of
and “management” than for better analysis, with attention devoted a minimal set of economic conditions in the characterization of
as much to the classification of different public perspectives as to individual choice.
techniques for direct stakeholder participation. Stirling (1998) concluded that problems posed in risk manage-
The newly emerging consensus on risk policy has very deep ment are as much a matter of analytical rigor as they are of policy
and robust theoretical roots, which reach right to the core of legitimacy. Acknowledgement of the complexity and subjectivity
established methodologies. It represents basically coming to terms of risk analysis need not be taken to imply the rejection of the
with two fundamental constraints that have been established, and clarity and rigor of quantitative techniques. If we cannot mean-
at the same time neglected, for many years. ingfully speak of risk as a discrete scalar number, then we might

see it rather as a vector with as many elements as there are relevant similar to rolling a perfect dice, with each side having an equal
dimensions. Straightforward techniques such as simulation, opti- probability of 1/6 at any time in the future.
mization, and multi-objective analysis may go some way toward
addressing these apparently intractable problems. Frequency interpretation of probability In this interpreta-
tion, the limitation on knowledge about the overall sample space
is remedied by defining the probability as the limit of n/N as
3.2.1 Probabilistic approach N becomes large. Therefore, Pr(E) = limN=∞ (n/N). Thus, if we
have observed 2000 starts of a pump in which 20 failed, and if
Probability is a concept widely accepted and practiced in flood risk
we assume that 2000 is a large number, then the probability of
management. To perform operations associated with probability,
the pump failing to start is 20/2000 = 0.01. The frequency inter-
it is necessary to use sets – collections of elements, each with
pretation is the most widely used classical definition in flood risk
some specific characteristics. Boolean algebra provides a means
management today. However, some argue that because it does
for evaluating sets. In probability theory, the elements that make
not cover cases in which little or no experience (or evidence) is
up a set are outcomes of an experiment. Thus, the universal set 
available, or cases where estimates concerning the observations
represents the mutually exclusive listing of all possible outcomes
are intuitive, a broader definition is required. This has led to the
of the experiment, and is referred to as the sample space of the
third interpretation of probability.
experiment. In examining the outcomes of rolling a dice, the
sample space is S = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). This sample space consists
Subjective interpretation of probability In this interpreta-
of six items (elements) or sample points. In probability concepts,
tion, Pr(E) is a measure of the degree of belief one holds in a
a combination of several sample points is called an event. An
specified event E. To better understand this interpretation, con-
event is, therefore, a subset of the sample space. For example, the
sider the probability of improving an evacuation system by mak-
event of “an odd outcome when rolling a dice” represents a subset
ing a plan change. The manager believes that such a change will
containing sample points 1, 3, and 5.
result in a performance improvement in one out of three evacu-
Associated with any event E of a sample space S is a probability,
ation missions in which the plan is used. It would be difficult to
shown by Pr(E) and obtained from the following equation:
describe this problem through the first two interpretations. That
m(E) is, the classical interpretation is inadequate since there is no rea-
Pr(E) = (3.1)
m(S) son to believe that performance is as likely to improve as to not
improve. The frequency interpretation is not applicable because
where m(.) denotes the number of elements in the set (.). no historical data exist to show how often a plan change resulted
The probability of getting an odd number when tossing a dice is in improving the evacuation. Thus, the subjective interpretation
determined by using m(odd outcomes) = 3 and m(sample space) = provides a broad definition of the probability concept.
6. In this case, Pr(odd outcomes) = 3/6 = 0.5. Note that Equation
(3.1) represents a comparison of the relative size of the subset
represented by the event E and the sample space S. This is true 3.2.2 A fuzzy set approach
when all sample points are equally likely to be the outcome. One of the main goals of integrated flood disaster risk management
When all sample points are not equally likely to be the outcome, is to ensure that flood protection performs satisfactorily under a
the sample points may be weighted according to their relative wide range of possible future flooding conditions (Simonovic,
frequency of occurrence over many trials or according to expert 2011). This premise is particularly true of large and complex
judgment. In disaster management practice we use three major flood risk management systems. Flood risk management systems
conceptual interpretations of probability. include people, infrastructure, and environment. These elements
are interconnected in complicated networks across broad geo-
Classical interpretation of probability (equally likely graphical regions. Each element is vulnerable to natural hazards
concept) In this interpretation, the probability of an event E can or human error, whether unintentional, as in the case of opera-
be obtained from Equation (3.1), provided that the sample space tional errors and mistakes, or from intentional causes, such as a
contains N equally likely and different outcomes, i.e., m(S) = terrorist act.
N, n of which have an outcome (event) E, i.e., m(E) = n. Thus The sources of uncertainty are many and diverse, as was dis-
Pr(E) = n/N. This definition is often inadequate for flood risk cussed earlier, and as a result they provide a great challenge to
management applications. For example, if failures of a pump to integrated flood risk management. The goal to ensure failsafe pro-
start in a flood-affected area are observed, it is unknown whether tection system performance may be unattainable. Adopting high
all failures are equally likely to occur. Nor is it clear whether the safety factors is one way to avoid the uncertainty of potential
whole spectrum of possible events is observed. That case is not failures. However, making safety the first priority may render the

system solution infeasible. Therefore, known uncertainty sources hazards is expressed by fuzzy probability. Moreover, uncertain-
must be quantified. ties about the correlation of the parameters of hazard intensity,
The problem of flood system reliability has received con- damage, and loss, i.e., vulnerability relations, have been consid-
siderable attention from statisticians and probability scientists. ered by means of fuzzy relations. The composition of the fuzzy
Probabilistic (stochastic) risk analysis has been used extensively probability of hazard and the fuzzy vulnerability relation yields
to deal with the problem of uncertainty in flood risk manage- the fuzzy probability of damage (or loss). The system has been
ment. A prior knowledge of the PDFs of both resistance and applied for assessing the earthquake risk in Istanbul metropoli-
load, and their joint PDF, is a prerequisite of the probabilis- tan area. Akter et al. (2004) and Akter and Simonovic (2005)
tic approach. In practice, data on previous flood disasters are used a fuzzy set approach to multi-objective selection of flood
usually insufficient to provide such information. Even if data protection measures in the Red River basin (Manitoba, Canada).
are available to estimate these distributions, approximations are They derived a methodology for integrating preferences of a large
almost always necessary to calculate flood risk. Subjective judg- number of stakeholders through the use of fuzzy expected value.
ment by a flood risk decision-maker in estimating the probabil- Ahmad and Simonovic (2007) and Simonovic and Ahmad (2007)
ity distribution of a random event – the subjective probability presented an original procedure for spatial flood risk assessment
approach – is another approach to dealing with a lack of data. using a fuzzy set approach. Three fuzzy risk indices – reliability,
The third approach is Bayes’s theory, where an expert judgment resilience, and robustness – were developed using fuzzy sets for
is integrated with observed information. The choice of a Bayesian flood risk mapping.
approach or any subjective probability distribution presents real Shortly after fuzzy set theory was first developed in the late
challenges. For instance, it is difficult to translate prior knowl- 1960s, there were a number of claims that fuzziness was nothing
edge into a meaningful probability distribution, especially in the but probability in disguise. Probability and fuzziness are related,
case of multi-parameter problems. In both subjective probabil- but they are different concepts. Fuzziness is a type of determinis-
ity and Bayesian approaches, the degree of accuracy is strongly tic uncertainty. It describes the event class ambiguity. Fuzziness
dependent on a realistic estimation of the decision-maker’s measures the degree to which an event occurs, not whether it
judgment. occurs. At issue is whether the event class can be unambiguously
Until recently the probabilistic approach was the only approach distinguished from its opposite. Probability, in contrast, arises
for flood risk analysis. However, it fails to address the problem from the question of whether or not an event occurs. Moreover, it
of uncertainty that goes along with climate change, human input, assumes that the event class is crisply defined and that the law of
subjectivity, a lack of history and records. There is a real need to non-contradiction holds – that is, that for any property and for any
convert to new approaches that can compensate for the ambiguity definite subject, it is not the case both that the subject possesses
or uncertainty of human perception. that property and that the subject does not possess that property.
Fuzzy set theory was intentionally developed to try to capture Fuzziness occurs when the law of non-contradiction (and equiv-
judgmental belief, or the uncertainty that is caused by a lack of alently the law of excluded middle – for any property and for
knowledge. Relative to probability theory, it has some degree of any individual, either that the individual possesses that property
freedom with respect to aggregation operators, types of fuzzy sets or that the individual does not possess that property) is violated.
(membership functions), and so on, which enables it to be adapted However, it seems more appropriate to investigate fuzzy probabil-
to different contexts. During the past 40 years, fuzzy set theory ity for the latter case than to completely dismiss probability as a
and fuzzy logic have contributed successfully to technological special case of fuzziness. In essence, whenever there is an exper-
development in different application areas such as mathematics, iment for which we are not capable of “computing” the outcome,
algorithms, standard models, and real-world problems of different a probabilistic approach may be used to estimate the likelihood
kinds (Zadeh, 1965; Zimmermann, 1996). More recent disaster of a possible outcome belonging to an event class. A fuzzy the-
literature shows a slow introduction of fuzzy set theory in disaster ory extends the traditional notion of a probability when there are
management. Altay and Green (2006) report about 5% of research outcomes that belong to several event classes at the same time,
effort using fuzzy sets in their review. Among many examples, but to different degrees. Fuzziness and probability are orthogonal
Chongfu (1996) provides an excellent introduction to the fuzzy concepts that characterize different aspects of human experience.
risk definition of natural hazards with emphasis on urban hazards. Hence, it is important to note that neither fuzziness nor proba-
More recently, Karimi and Hullermeier (2007) presented a sys- bility governs physical processes in nature. These concepts were
tem for assessing the risk of natural disasters, particularly under introduced by humans to compensate for our own limitations.
highly uncertain conditions, i.e., where neither the statistical data Let us review two examples that show a difference between
nor the physical knowledge required for a purely probabilistic risk fuzziness and probability. Russell’s paradox. That the laws of
analysis are sufficient. The theoretical foundation of this study is non-contradiction and excluded middle can be violated was
based on employing fuzzy set theory. The likelihood of natural pointed out by Bertrand Russell with the tale of the barber.

Russell’s barber is a bewhiskered man who lives in a town and the Thames River, which flows south through the city where the
shaves a man if and only if the man does not shave himself. branches meet at a location locally known as the Forks. The city
The question is, who shaves the barber? If he shaves himself, has a well-documented history of flooding dating back to the
then by definition he does not. But if he does not shave him- 1700s, with the worst recorded flood event occurring in 1937.
self, then by definition he does. So he does and he does not. This flood was destructive of both life and property; five deaths
This is a contradiction or paradox. It has been shown that this were recorded and over 1,100 homes experienced significant flood
paradoxical situation can be numerically resolved as follows. Let damage. Fanshawe Dam on the North branch of the Thames is
S be the proposition that the barber shaves himself and not-S used to control downstream flooding. The City of London has
the proposition that he does not. Since S implies not-S and vice a high-density urban core located at the Forks, which is largely
versa, the two propositions are logically equivalent, i.e., S = not- protected by a series of dykes.
S. Fuzzy set theory allows for an event class to coexist with This case study measures the impact of changing flood patterns
its opposite at the same time, but to different degrees, or in the within the city, due to climate change, on its municipal infrastruc-
case of paradox to the same degree, which is different from zero ture (Peck et al., 2011). Since infrastructure is designed to last
or one. for many years, and is based on codes that use historical data, the
Misleading similarities. There are many similarities between changing climate has the potential to have a serious impact on
fuzziness and probability. The largest, but superficial and mis- current and future infrastructure. Study into how different infra-
leading, similarity is that both systems quantify uncertainty using structure elements react to varying flooding conditions and the
numbers in the unit interval [0,1]. This means that both systems compounding effects of multiple failures or partial failures is an
describe and quantify the uncertainty numerically. The structural integral component of flood risk management. Table 3.1 shows
similarity arising from lattice theory is that both systems alge- an overview of the types and quantities of data being consid-
braically manipulate sets and propositions associatively, com- ered for the infrastructure within the City of London. Interviews
mutatively, and distributively. These similarities are misleading were conducted with experts across the infrastructure categories
because a key distinction comes from what the two systems at the City of London to better understand each system and gather
are trying to model. Another distinction is in the idea of input for the risk analysis. The departments and divisions involved
observation. Clearly, the two models possess different kinds of in this process include: Risk Management Division, Wastewater
information: fuzzy memberships, which quantify similarities and Drainage Engineering, Planning and Development – Build-
of objects to imprecisely defined properties; and probabilities, ing, Transportation Planning and Design, Water Operations Divi-
which provide information on expectations over a large number of sion, Water Engineering Division, Pollution Control Operations,
experiments. Environmental Programs and Customer Relations, and Corporate
Security and Emergency Management Division.
The study considers transportation infrastructure (including
3 .3 AN EXAM P L E : C L I MAT E bridges, culverts, and arterial roads), buildings (residential, com-
C HANGE-CAU S E D F L O O D R I S K TO mercial, and industrial), critical infrastructure (fire stations, emer-
MUNICIPAL I N F R A S T RU C T U R E , C I T Y O F gency management services (EMS), police stations, hospitals,
L O N D O N ( O N TA R I O , C A NA DA ) schools, and pollution control plants (PCPs)), flood protection
structures, sanitary and storm networks, and the drinking water
The following example illustrates the top-down approach for flood distribution network. Each of these infrastructure elements has
risk assessment to municipal infrastructure due to the climate different failure mechanisms under flood loading.
change. It provides an original approach to incorporating climate
change into flood risk analysis and combines elements of prob-
abilistic and fuzzy set approaches. The study was conducted for
Table 3.1 Infrastructure summary: City of London
the City of London (Peck et al., 2011) as one of the first steps in
the implementation of the municipal climate change adaptation Infrastructure Quantity
Bridges and culverts 216
Arterial roads 520 km
3.3.1 Background Buildings >3000 (within the
floodplain considered)
The City of London is located in southwestern Ontario, Canada,
Sanitary/storm pipe network >1327 km
within the Upper Thames River basin (Figure 3.4). The City is Pollution control plants 6
the 10th largest in Canada, with a population of approximately Stormwater management facilities 100
352,400 and an area of 42,057 ha. The City is characterized by

Figure 3.4 The Upper Thames River watershed.

T R A N S P O RTAT I O N to which the road is damaged depends largely on the velocity

Arterial/primary roads are considered in the study. Roads are a and turbulence of the floodwater as well as the road surface
critical network in the event of any disaster as they allow for material. An inundated road also becomes a danger to human
evacuation and rescue access for emergency services. The effect safety and must be closed, therefore causing it to experience func-
of flooding on roads has been well documented in regions such tional failure. This can hamper emergency access for fire, police,
as the Gulf Coast of the USA where hurricanes make flooding and ambulance services.
common. Primary failure mechanisms for an inundated roadway The City of London’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) indi-
include scour of the embankments and subsoil (washout) and rut- cates that the primary mode of transport for citizens is through the
ting. Other failures include total collapse due to extreme scour use of private vehicles. This demonstrates the importance of keep-
and surface wear from debris impact. One of the most common ing the roadways in good condition in order to maintain a high
impacts of flooding on a roadway is that it decreases its design life. level of productivity in the city. There are over 520 km of primary
Therefore, while the road may not experience catastrophic fail- and arterial roadways within the City of London. Due to the size
ure, it will become more susceptible to damage and likely require of this network and its importance for the city’s day-to-day opera-
repair at an earlier date than planned or budgeted for. The degree tions, emergency response, and budgeted investment, it is crucial

that the transportation division be prepared for an increase in the Hospitals must have accessibility from many different routes
frequency of extreme flood events. This study provides a unique for ambulances and possible evacuation in case of a large flood
way of measuring the expected impact of a flood on a roadway. disaster. In addition, the location of the personnel who staff the
The inundation depth is used as a key variable in predicting the hospital will impact the operations at the building even if the
structural and functional losses that are expected during the flood. hospital itself is not submerged. The inflow of patients during a
flood disaster event may also increase, and the hospitals should be
BRIDGES AND CULVERTS prepared to deal with this influx of patients (as well as any from
The bridges documented in the Bridge Management System oper- hospitals that may need to evacuate due to flooding inundation).
ated by the city are included in the flood risk assessment process. Similarly to hospitals, fire fighting, EMS, and police infrastruc-
The study includes footbridges and culverts. The main failure ture will lose functionality if major access roads are cut off due to
mechanisms of a bridge during a flood are washout due to embank- flooding. The location of the personnel will also affect the opera-
ment and/or pier scour from the fast moving water. Other major tions of the infrastructure, especially if many are located near, or
flood damage can be the overturning of the structure due to the cut off by, the floodwaters. An increase in demand for emergency
forces of water and possible build-up of ice and/or debris creating services must be expected during the disaster flood event. Fire
a damming effect. Debris may also be expected to contribute to the Services London manages all of the fire stations for the city. None
damage of non-structural elements such as railings, conveyance of the stations are within the existing floodplain. However, some
cables, and streetlights. Similarly to a road, the functionality of a stations are in close proximity to high risk areas. Therefore, they
bridge will be compromised should the deck become submerged may experience an increased demand for their services during and
and the bridge is closed. immediately following a flood disaster event. The main stress on
Culverts are designed for some overhead. However, if this is the system will be the increased demand and reduced access due
exceeded the culvert can experience the same damage as previ- to flooded roads, which will increase the response time. Thames
ously described for roads and bridges. In addition, the loss of Emergency Medical Services manages the emergency services
function can be extended to account for the water that exceeds the for the City of London through the use of six locations. None of
culvert’s design capacity. This will cause damming action behind these locations are in the floodplain; however, similarly to the fire
the culvert, increasing the inundation depth upstream. stations, some will be affected due to their proximity to the areas
There are 117 culverts, 99 bridges, and 8 footbridges within at risk.
the city. These structures are an integral part of the transportation Pollution control plants are generally located in low-lying areas
network and must be prepared to cope with the increased flood near the river due to the nature of their design and function. Thus
load due to climate change. The majority of the bridges are in they are highly vulnerable to flooding. A PCP may experience
good condition, as indicated by the Bridge Management System. partial to full failure depending on the extent of inundation it
This study examines not only the current condition of the structure experiences. For example, if the secondary treatment system is
and how that impacts its ability to withstand increased loads due inundated, the plant may still run primary treatment and bypass
to flow increase, but also its structural design, such as capacity the secondary system. This is not the ideal operation, but it is
(culverts) and elevation (bridges) in relation to the modified design better than allowing raw sewage to pass untreated into the system.
floods. However, if the outlets become submerged such that the water is
backing up into the plant, a full bypass may be necessary. This
CRITICAL FACILITIES means that, for the duration of the high water levels, the sewage
Critical facilities are defined in this study as the buildings that will be discharged directly to the river. Any electrical equipment
provide essential or emergency services and include: hospitals, that becomes inundated during a flood can also be lost or damaged
emergency management services (EMS), fire, police, pollution by the water. It is documented that 4 ft of water is enough to
control plants (PCPs), and schools. Many of these services are short out all electronics. In addition, damage can be expected to
especially important during a flood event and so they are studied include pump stations, exposed sewer mains, and washout, silt,
separately from the rest of the building infrastructure. and debris interfering with manholes and mains. The study uses
All critical facilities may experience the same failure mech- inundation depth to measure flood damage and so a combination
anisms with respect to structural and equipment damage. Any of visual inspection with structural details from each plant is used
costly equipment that is below the inundation depth may be lost to determine the degree of failure that can be expected for those
and the building envelope itself may be compromised in the event plants that fall within the flood scenarios.
of large inundation or extreme foundation scour, depending on the London has six PCPs: Southland, Greenway, Vauxhall, Oxford,
velocity and depth of flooding. The functionality of the critical Adelaide, and Pottersburg. Together the plants have the capacity
facility may also be affected depending on its proximity to the to handle approximately 298 ML per day. Currently Pottersburg,
floodplain. Adelaide, and Greenway experience difficulty discharging during

extreme flow events. Emergency overflows are in place to manage runoff and rainfall absorption. As land use changes from agricul-
the discharge in addition to a bypass at Pottersburg. Due to the tural and rural to developed and urban, more stormwater infra-
location of the plants within the floodplain, access during a flood structure is required to manage the large volumes of rainfall runoff.
event is a concern. Vulnerable aspects of the plant include the When an extreme storm event occurs, both flooding types com-
tanks, clarifiers, and electrical equipment. bine, increasing the amount of infrastructure affected. As the
The final type of critical facilities considered is schools. It stormwater system becomes overwhelmed, more water is dis-
is assumed that schools will be closed and/or evacuated in the charged to the already full river, amplifying the flooding. The
event that they are inundated (therefore experience total failure of extent of the analysis conducted in the case study includes over-
functionality). Structurally, a school will be affected in the same lay of the final flood risk map over the stormwater network to
way as any other building of similar construction that experi- identify key areas of the intersection of high risk with vulnerable
ences inundation. This structural damage is related to the velocity storm infrastructure.
and depth of the floodwaters, the age and condition of the build-
ing envelope and foundation, and the surrounding infrastructure FLOOD CONTROL S TRUCTURES
(debris damage). The proximity of the school to the floodplain (if There are many flood control structures at work within the City
it is not within the floodplain) determines the level of its func- of London. Due to the position of the city around the Thames
tionality loss based on school bus access, walking access, and River, and the propensity of the Thames to flooding, these control
the level of safety. Schools may also experience loss of contents structures are important in the management of water levels for
such as computers, desks, and books if the building becomes both safety and recreation in the city. The city’s largest dam,
inundated. Fanshawe, is located on the North Thames branch at the northeast
end of the city. It is an embankment dam with a concrete spillway
that controls a drainage area of 1,450km2 at its outlet. The total
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT S YSTEM storage volume is approximately 35.6 ×106 m3 . The hydraulic
The stormwater system consists of a network of sewers, man- modeling done for this study begins at the outlet of Fanshawe
holes, outlets, and stormwater management facilities (SWMFs). dam; as such the dam is not included in the case study.
There exist over 1,300 km of storm gravity sewers, 6.7 km of There is an extensive network of dykes designed to protect
combined sewers, 18,472 storm access holes and 100 SWMFs. the city from flood damage. As of 2006, there were approxi-
Hydraulic modeling of the stormwater network is not conducted mately 5.5 km of dykes around sections of the north, south, and
in this case study. Floodwaters affect stormwater management by main Thames River. Along the south branch are the Clarence
overwhelming the system. The pipe networks can become unable and Ada-Jacqueline dykes. Along the main branch are Riverview,
to handle the extreme volume of water causing it to back up the Byron, and Coves. The West London Dyke (WLD) is the largest.
pipes and flood the roadways out of the manholes and inlets. In It runs along the north and main branches at the Forks. Finally, the
the case of combined sewer systems the sewage may back up and Broughdale Dyke is on the north branch. The WLD was recently
through basement drains causing major damage to buildings. If repaired and some parts were replaced to bring it up to acceptable
SWMFs are inundated fully, they will be no longer be able to pro- conditions and the 250-year regulatory flood levels.
vide storage or treatment for the area and will therefore lose their The majority of the dykes within the city are earthen fill
function for the duration of the inundation. Extensive hydraulic dykes. Ada-Jacqueline was repaired in the 1990s using riprap and
modeling is needed to fully understand and predict the response portions of Broughdale are composed of gabion. WLD is con-
of the entire system to extreme flooding scenarios. structed using reinforced concrete panels and has been restored
There are two major flooding mechanisms that may affect the and replaced in some sections with the flood wall. The Coves con-
city. The first is flooding due to the river overtopping its banks. tains a flap gate that is used as a stormwater management release
This type of flooding may occur due to large and intense (a large structure. Recent vegetation and erosion studies done on the dyke
amount of precipitation within a relatively short period of time) network have indicated that the main vulnerabilities of the system
storm events leading to increase in flow within the river which are due to erosion from the river. This causes undercutting, which
then overtops its banks. The flooding of the Thames and its trib- can lead to failure. Failure may also be caused by overtopping or
utaries is the type of flooding considered in this case study. The breeching of the dyke.
infrastructure that is affected is therefore within the floodplains
or in close proximity. BUILDINGS
The second type of flooding may occur due to a large amount Due to the intensive urbanization of the city, with the densest
of rainfall that overwhelms the SWMFs but does not cause the development occurring around the Forks area of the Thames,
river to flood. The problem may be compounded by urbaniza- flooding has the potential to have devastating effects on residen-
tion and land use change, which lead to a reduction of natural tial and business properties. The study identifies all buildings that

experience any level of inundation in each climate scenario. The

level of inundation is defined in the stage–damage curves as the Input
level of the water above the first floor entrance. The amount of
damage sustained by a building during a flood is typically mea-
sured using stage–damage curves. These curves are used in the
Climate modeling
study for the calculation of flood risk due to climate change. The
Output: precipitation for two climate scenarios
foundation of the building is critical in determining its response to
inundation. In addition, the age, structure type, and condition of
the building all play an important role. This study assumes that all
buildings will be evacuated in the event of a flood and therefore Hydrologic modeling
Output: streamflows
only structural and functional impacts are considered. The data
were provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corpora-
tion. Factors taken into consideration when evaluating the risk to
buildings include age, design, value, inundation level, and total Hydraulic modeling
area inundated. Output: floodplains
There are approximately 3,014 buildings affected by the mod-
ified floodplains (due to climate change) of which the majority
(2,823) are residential. The average residential building value Infrastructure flood risk due to climate change
is $95,177 in 2008 C$. The most common building type is Output: risk tables and maps
property code 301 – single family detached, not on water. The
next most common type is property code 370, residential con-
dominium. Together these two categories account for 85% of the
Ranking of climate change risk
affected properties. The average age of the residential structures is Output: location of high risk areas
52 years. Flooding not only impacts the physical building struc-
ture, it can also cut off access to commercial industries causing Figure 3.5 Infrastructure risk assessment to climate change.
business disruption and economic damage. These damages are
taken into account in this case study. performed in the next step to generate a detailed spatial distribu-
tion of flood risk to municipal infrastructure due to climate change.
The methodology in this study is specific to the flood hazard –
identified as the most critical climate change impact in the Upper
3.3.2 Overview of the risk assessment methodology
Thames River basin – but the general approach and methodology
The Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee may also be applied to other hazards.
(PIEVC) established by Engineers Canada recently conducted
an assessment of the vulnerability of Canadian public infrastruc-
3.3.3 Climate modeling
ture to changing climatic conditions (Engineers Canada, 2008;
Simonovic, 2008). The major conclusion of the assessment was An original inverse impact modeling approach (Simonovic, 2010)
that failures of public infrastructure due to climate change will is used in the case study for assessing the vulnerability of river
become common across Canada. basin hydrologic processes to climate forcing. The approach con-
The integrated risk assessment procedure developed for this sists of the following four steps:
case study includes: (i) climate modeling; (ii) hydrologic model-
ing; (iii) hydraulic modeling; and (iv) infrastructure risk assess- Step 1 Identification of critical hydrologic exposures that may
ment. Figure 3.5 provides a visual overview of the risk assessment lead to local failures of water resource systems in a particular
methodology. There is a vertical interconnectivity between all the river basin. Critical exposures are analyzed together with exist-
steps in the methodology. Output from each step is used as input ing guidelines and management practices. The vulnerable com-
into the next step. The climate modeling approach based on the ponents of the river basin are identified together with the risk
use of GCM data together with a weather generator (WG) is used exposure. The water resource risk is assessed from three differ-
to provide precipitation data for a set of climate change scen- ent viewpoints: risk and reliability (how often the system fails),
arios. Precipitation data are transformed into flow data using the resiliency (how quickly the system returns to a satisfactory state
hydrologic model of the watershed. Flow information is processed once a failure has occurred), and vulnerability (how significant
through hydraulic analysis to obtain the extension and depth of the likely consequences of a failure may be). This step is accom-
flood inundation. Quantitative and qualitative risk calculations are plished in collaboration with local water authorities.

Step 2 In the next step, the identified critical hydrologic expo- 2500
sures (such as floods and droughts) are transformed into corre-

Flow at Byron (cms)

sponding critical meteorological conditions (e.g., extreme pre- 2000
cipitation events, sudden warming, prolonged dry spells). A
hydrologic model is used to establish the inverse link between 1500
hydrologic and meteorological processes. Reservoir operation, 1000
floodplain management, and other anthropogenic interventions in
the basin are also included in the model. In this study, the US Army 500
Corps of Engineers (USACE) Hydrologic Engineering Center
Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is used to transform 1 10 100 1000
inversely extreme hydrologic events into corresponding meteor- Return periods (yrs)
ological conditions. HEC-HMS is a precipitation–runoff model
Hist CC_UB
that includes a large set of mix-and-match methods to simulate
river basin, channel, and water control structures. Figure 3.6 Flood flow analyses under climate change: the Upper
Thames River basin.

Step 3 A WG is used to simulate the critical meteorological

of the 100-year flood under historic and climate change con-
conditions under present and future climatic scenarios. The WG
ditions, 1,286 m3 /s and 1,570 m3 /s respectively, an increase of
produces synthetic weather data that are statistically similar to the
more than 20% is observed.
observed data. Since the focus is mainly on extreme hydrologic
Starting from the conclusions of the previous work, this case
events, the generator reflects not only the mean conditions, but also
study examines the increase of flood risk due to climate change
the statistical properties of extreme meteorological events. The K-
and its impact on the municipal infrastructure. Practical imple-
nearest neighbor (K-NN) algorithm is used to perform strategic
mentation of the inverse approach to the problem of high flows
resampling to derive new daily weather data with altered mean
includes the use of a WG and an event-based hydrologic model
or variability. In the strategic resampling, new weather sequences
(discussed in the following section). For flood frequency analy-
are generated from the historical record based on prescribed con-
sis, a large number of rainfall events need to be simulated by the
ditioning criteria. For a given climatic variable, regional peri-
WG. These events are used as inputs into the hydrologic model.
odical deviations are calculated for each year and for each
The outputs of the hydrologic model (peak flows) are used in
frequency analysis.
One of the main contributions of the work conducted in the
Step 4 In the final stage, the parameters of the WG are linked case study is the assessment of climate change impacts for a range
with GCM and an ensemble of simulations reflecting different of climate scenarios (Simonovic, 2010). A general suggestion is
future climatic conditions is generated. The frequency of critical to consider the assessment of impacts for two extreme climate
meteorological events causing specific water resources risks is scenarios that will define the lower (CC_LB) and upper bound
then assessed from the WG outputs. (CC_UB) of potential climate change. Two climate scenarios are
The main impacts of climatic change, obtained by earlier stud- derived by integrating a WG, which perturbs and shuffles histor-
ies in the Upper Thames River basin (Cunderlik and Simonovic, ical data, with inputs from GCMs. The CC_LB is obtained by
2005, 2007; Simonovic, 2010), include: (i) flooding that will occur perturbing and shuffling locally observed data with the assistance
more frequently in the future, regardless of the magnitude of of a WG tool. Through the perturbation process, it allows the
floods; and (ii) that low flow conditions in the Upper Thames extreme (minimum and maximum) generated values to be out-
River basin will remain the same as currently observed. There- side of the historic range. In this way the character of the lower
fore, the changing climatic conditions are expected to increase bound scenario reflects the existing conditions (greenhouse gas
flood damage. emissions, land use, population, etc.) and their potential impact
Figure 3.6 illustrates the main findings of earlier studies for on the development of future climate. The CC_UB is derived by
one station in the basin (Byron). The solid line represents the perturbing and shuffling historical data and combining them with
flood flow frequency that corresponds to the historical data and the input from the GCMs. The choice of GCM is made on the
the dashed line shows the flood flow frequency for the upper basis that the CC_UB should represent the most critical impact
bound of climate change (CC_UB). Simple comparison between of climate change for the basin under consideration. Selection of
the two climatic conditions shows that the 100-year flood (histor- the range of potential climate change through the use of two scen-
ical data) becomes an event with a return period of 32 years under arios compensates for the existing level of uncertainty present in
changed climate. If a comparison is made between the magnitude global modeling of climate change for a watershed. It is noted in

the literature that the global models offer various predictions of The weights are calculated for each k neighbor using the
future climate as a consequence of (i) the selected global model, following Equations (3.5) and (3.6):
(ii) the selected global model simulation scenario, and (iii) the 1/k
spatial and temporal resolution of the selected global model. It wk = (3.5)

is important to point out that both climate scenarios are equally 1/i
likely as well as the range of climatic conditions between the two.
where k = 1, 2, . . . , K. Cumulative probabilities, pj , are given
The WG used in this study (Yates et al., 2003) modified by
Sharif and Burn (2006) is based on the K-NN algorithm. The
K-NN algorithm, further modified by Simonovic (2010) with p 
pj = wi (3.6)
variables and q stations proposed has the following steps:

Note that Sharif and Burn (2006) used the cumulative probability
(1) Calculation of regional means of p variables (x) across all q
of K neighbors according to Equation (3.6) while Yates et al.
stations for each day in the historic record:
(2003) used just a probability for each of K neighbors according
  to Equation (3.5).
X t = x 1,t , x 2,t , . . . , x p,t ∀ t = {1, 2, . . . , T } (3.2)
(9) Generate a random number u(0,1) and compare it to the
where cumulative probability pj to determine the nearest neigh-
bor of the current day. If p1 < u < pK , then day j for which
1 j
x i,t = x ∀ i = {1, 2, . . . , p} (3.3) u is closest to pj is selected. On the other hand, if u < p1 ,
q j =1 i,t then the day corresponding to d1 is selected, and if u =
pK , then the day corresponding to dK is selected. Once the
(2) Compute the potential neighbors of size L = (w + 1) × nearest neighbor is selected, the weather of the selected
N − 1 days long for each variable p with N years of historical day is used for all stations in the region. By this charac-
record and selected temporal window of size w. All days teristic of the K-NN algorithm, therefore, cross-correlation
within that window are selected as potential neighbors to among variables in the region is preserved. In this step, the
the current feature vector. Among the potential neighbors, improved K-NN algorithm provides a reasonable method
N data corresponding to the current day are eliminated in that can randomly select one among K neighbors because
the process to prevent the possibility of generating the same it uses the cumulative probability. However, in the algo-
value as that of the current day. rithm by Yates et al. (2003) the first nearest neighbor may
(3) Compute the regional means for all potential neighbors be selected in most cases because it selects the one of K
selected in step (2) across all q stations for each day. nearest neighbors for which u is closest to the probability
(4) Compute the covariance matrix, Ct , for day t using the data of each neighbor.
block of size L × p. (10) This step was added by Sharif and Burn (2006) to gener-
(5) Select randomly a value of the first time step for each variable ate variables outside the range of historical data by per-
p from all current day values in the record of N years. turbation. They suggested the optimal bandwidth (λ) that
(6) Compute the Mahalanobis distance expressed by Equation minimizes the asymptotic mean integrated square error
(3.4) between the mean vector of the current days (Xt ) and (AMISE) for a Gaussian distribution. In the univariate case,
the mean vector of all nearest neighbor values (Xk ), where the optimal bandwidth becomes:
k = 1, 2, . . . , L.
λ = 1.06 K −1/5 (3.7)

dk = Xt − Xk Ct−1 X t − X k (3.4) where K represents the number of nearest neighbors.
In addition, they suggested that a new value can be
where T represents the transpose matrix operation, and C−1 j j
achieved from a value with mean xi,t and variance (λσi )2 ,
represents the inverse of the covariance matrix. i.e., the perturbation process is conducted according to

(7) Select the number of K = L nearest neighbors out of L Equation (3.8):
potential values. j j j
yi,t = xi,t + λσi zt (3.8)
(8) Sort the Mahalanobis distance dk from smallest to largest,
and retain the first K neighbors in the sorted list (they are where xi,t is the value of the weather variable obtained
referred to as the K nearest neighbors). Then, use a dis- from the original K-NN algorithm; yi,t is the weather vari-
crete probability distribution giving higher weights to clos- able value from the perturbed set; zt is the normally dis-
est neighbors for resampling out the set of K neighbors. tributed random variable with zero mean and unit variance,


Glen Allan

Waterloo WPCP

Stratford MOE

Embro Innes


Ilderton Bear Creek

London A

St Thomas WPCP

Figure 3.7 Schematic map of meteorological stations in the basin.

for day t. To prevent the negative values for bounded vari- variables available in the basin for use with the WG model, the
ables (i.e., precipitation), the largest acceptable value of calculation of Mahalanobis distance expressed by Equation (3.4)
j j
λa = x∗,t /1.55σ∗ is employed, where * refers to a bounded becomes quite demanding. Therefore, a modified WG model is
weather variable (Sharif and Burn, 2006). If the value of integrated with principal component analysis (PCA) to decrease
the bounded weather variable computed previously is still the dimensions of the mean vector of the current day (Xt ) and
negative, then a new value of zt is generated. the mean vector of all nearest neighbor values (Xk ) in step (6) by
employing only the first principal component.
Sharif and Burn (2006) have developed the K-NN algorithm to
generate three variables (p = 3: precipitation, maximum tempera- (6a) Calculate the eigenvector and eigenvalue for the covariance
ture, and minimum temperature). If there are more meteorological matrix (Ct ).

(6b) Find the eigenvector related to the largest eigenvalue that Table 3.2 Monthly changes in precipitation and temperature
explains the largest fraction of the variance described by between the historic and the CC_UB scenarios
the p variables.
(6c) Calculate the first principal component with the eigenvector CC_UB scenario
found in step (6b) using Equations (3.9) and (3.10): Precipitation Temperature
P Ct = X t E (3.9) Month (% change) (difference in ◦ C )

P Ck = X k E (3.10) Jan 0.1767 4.43

Feb 0.0638 3.29
where PCt and PCk are the values of the current day and the Mar 0.1507 4.52
nearest neighbor transferred by the eigenvector from step Apr 0.2284 5.78
(6b), respectively; and E is the eigenvector related to the May 0.2414 4.50
largest eigenvalue. Jun 0.1855 3.32
Jul 0.0503 3.59
After calculating PCt and PCk with the one-dimensional matrix
Aug 0.0788 4.09
(Equations (3.9) and (3.10)), the Mahalanobis distance is com- Sep 0.0427 2.11
puted using: Oct −0.1151 3.11

Nov −0.1555 4.64
dk = (P Ct − P Ck )2 /Var(PC) ∀k = {1, 2, . . . , K} (3.11) Dec −0.031 1.43
where Var(PC) represents the variance of the first principal com-
ponent for the K nearest neighbors.
This case study employs daily precipitation, maximum tem-
perature, and minimum temperature for 15 stations in the basin CLIMATE MODELING RESULTS: PRECIPITATION
(Figure 3.7) for the period from 1964 to 2006 (N = 43) to gener- The WG model is first used with 43 years of observed data (1964
ate two climate scenarios using the WG model described above. to 2006) to simulate the lower bound of potential climate change.
Among the 15 stations used in this study, only three locations The underlying assumption in this scenario is that neither mitiga-
are selected to show the comparison of WG: (1) Stratford for tion nor adaptation measures will be introduced into the social-
illustrating the characteristics of the northern part of the basin; economic-climatic system and the future state of the system will
(2) London for the southwestern part; and (3) Woodstock for the be the consequence of already existing conditions within the sys-
southeastern part of the basin. For the application of WG, the tem (concentration of greenhouse gases, population growth, land
temporal window of 14 days (w = 14) and 43 years of histori- use, etc.). Figure 3.8 shows the comparison between the generated
cal data are used resulting in 644 days as the potential neighbors and observed precipitation data for the CC_LB scenario. Then,
(L = (w + 1) × N – 1 = 644) for each variable. the historic data are modified using information from the GCM
The CC_UB uses the CCSRNIES B21 scenario provided by the (shown in Table 3.2) to provide the WG input for the CC_UB
Canadian Climate Impacts Scenarios group at the University of scenario. Figure 3.9 shows the precipitation comparison for the
Victoria (www.cics.uvic.ca/, last accessed November 10, 2010). CC_UB scenario.
The GCM time slice of 2040–2069 is used to represent climate The synthetic data generated using the WG model are shown
conditions for the 2050s. To include the impact of climate change using the box plot while dots represent the percentile values of the
in the WG model, the observed historical data are modified by observed data corresponding to the minimum, 25th, 50th, 75th,
adding (in the case of temperature) or multiplying (in the case of and maximum value (from the bottom up). The median value
precipitation) the average change between the reference scenario of the observed historical data is shown as the solid line. The
and the future climate scenario to the regional observed historical results confirm that the WG regenerates well the percentile values
data at each station. The monthly change for the CC_UB scenario of the observed data. In addition, due to the implementation of
for precipitation and temperature variables is shown in Table 3.2. the perturbation step in the WG algorithm the generated data
The CC_UB scenario shows the increase in precipitation during include values outside of the observed minimum and maximum
the period from January to September with a significant increase values.
during the spring season, from March to June. Detailed results of climate modeling also include maximum
The climate modeling phase results in 200 years of daily values and minimum temperature data for two climate scenarios. These
for three meteorological variables: precipitation, maximum tem- data are used in extensive analyses of climate change impacts and
perature, and minimum temperature, for the CC_LB and CC_UB timing of flood events (Eum and Simonovic, 2010).
scenarios. All variables generated by the WG model are compared The precipitation results obtained by the WG for two climate
with the observed historical data for verification purposes. scenarios are used as the input into the hydrologic analysis.




Precipitation (mm)





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

(a) London




Precipitation (mm)







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(b) Stratford



Precipitation (mm)






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(c) Woodstock

Figure 3.8 Comparison of the generated and the observed precipitation values for the CC_LB scenario.

3.3.4 Hydrologic modeling

basin. This study selected the HEC-HMS version 3.3 due to flex-
The meteorological variables generated by the WG model are ible time and spatial scales, ease of use, short set-up time, etc.
used, as input data for a hydrologic model, to further assess the (USACE, 2008). Despite the fact that HEC-HMS is not “the best”
impacts of climate change on the hydrologic conditions in the model for use in urban watersheds, reasons such as (i) availability




Precipitation (mm)





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

(a) London



Precipitation (mm)






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(b) Stratford



Precipitation (mm)






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(c) Woodstock

Figure 3.9 Comparison of the generated and the observed precipitation values for the CC_UB scenario.

of the calibrated model for the whole Upper Thames River basin, The WG model generates daily precipitation and temperature
(ii) limited modeling time and resources available for the study, variables at 15 stations within the Upper Thames River basin.
and (iii) limited flow data for most sub-watersheds within the City However, the HEC-HMS requires extreme precipitation data with
of London boundaries, led to the selection of this model for use at least hourly resolution. In addition, the spatial resolution of
in the study. model input data has to be adjusted too. The meteorological input

60 60

50 50
Precipitation (mm)

Precipitation (mm)
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 103 0 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 103
Time (hours) Time (hours)
(a) CC_LB scenario (b) CC_UB scenario

Figure 3.10 Hyetographs of an annual extreme event for London station.

data (precipitation) are available at 15 stations within the basin There are no measured streamflow data available for the Stoney
and required for each sub-basin in the Upper Thames River basin. Creek and the Pottersburg Creek during the July 2000 event.
Therefore, the temporal disaggregation and the spatial interpo- The Stoney Creek is also affected by backwater from the North
lation schemes are implemented to provide the necessary input Thames River, which further complicates the selection of proper
data. The spatial interpolation, based on the inverse distance measurement data for calibration. Following the recommendation
method and the location information for 15 measurement stations, from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA),
is applied to obtain the meteorological data for each sub-basin. the flood event of October 4 to 7, 2006, is used for calibration of
The disaggregation procedure based on the method of fragments the Stoney Creek sub-basins. This event is not affected by the
is implemented to convert daily data into hourly. backwater impact.
This study generates daily data for 200 years and any given year A calibrated hydrologic model, HEC-HMS, is used to con-
contains a number of events. The main objective of the hydrologic vert climate input into flow data within the City of London. The
analysis is to perform the flow frequency analysis of extreme annual extreme precipitation events for each of 200 years and
annual flood events. Therefore, the 5-day annual extreme events both climate scenarios (total of 400 flood events) are selected and
that produce the largest annual events (200 events altogether) for used as input into the HEC-HMS model. For each flood event, the
the entire basin are selected. Figure 3.10 shows one example of streamflow values are calculated for each sub-basin and each con-
the extreme flood hyetographs at London station for both climate trol point. Each hydrologic simulation run is done using a 5-day
change scenarios. time horizon. The simulation results provide the essential hydro-
Cunderlik and Simonovic (2005, 2007) have developed the logic information for each sub-basin and each control point for
HEC-HMS model with 34 sub-basins for the Upper Thames two climate scenarios and 200 years. Within the City of London
River basin and successfully applied the model to assess climate 171 locations of interest are identified – mostly representing input
change impacts in the basin. For the assessment of the vulnerabil- profiles for the hydraulic analysis (Eum and Simonovic, 2010).
ity of municipal infrastructure to climate change within the City A frequency analysis is used to relate the magnitude of extreme
of London, more detailed description of the hydrologic conditions events to their frequency of occurrence. The results of the hydro-
within the City of London is required. The nesting procedure of logic analyses (using the HEC-HMS model) in this study are
additional sub-basins (for improved spatial resolution within the used as input into the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s (USAE)
city boundaries) into original model structure is implemented. River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), which calculates the extent
There are four major sub-basins in the city: Medway Creek, and depth of flood inundation for two regulatory flood return
Stoney Creek, Pottersburg Creek, and Dingman Creek, which periods, 100 and 250 years. Flood frequency analysis of the
are divided into 5, 6, 4, and 16 sub-watersheds, respectively. In hydrologic model output is conducted to provide the input for
addition to four sub-basins, this study also delineates the main the hydraulic analysis. In this study, the method of L moments
river basin within the city. At the end, the complete HEC-HMS and three extreme event probability distributions are used: Gum-
model used in this study (Eum and Simonovic, 2010) consists bel, generalized extreme value (GEV), and Log-Pearson type III
of 72 sub-basins, 45 reaches, 49 junctions, and 3 reservoirs (Eum and Simonovic, 2010). Previous studies done in the basin
(Figure 3.11). and recommendations provided by Environment Canada suggest
An hourly rainfall event from July 5 to July 16 of 2000 that the use of the Gumbel distribution. Therefore, the Gumbel distri-
covered almost the entire basin is used for model calibration. bution is used in this study in order to provide for the comparison

Mitchell SG

3 4
8 5 Avon 3G
JR750 10 18
JR830 11 Wildwood Dam
16-2 16-3 13
16-1 12 R930
St. Marys SG
Jn16-1 JR2290 Innerkip SG
16-4 16-6 14
17-1 Pittock Dam
16-7 19
17-2 16-1 16-8 R2290 15
23 R111
Jn16-2 Plover Mills SG 28-1
R17-1 17-3 17-4 JR1840
16-5 Jn16-3
Stoney SG Jn16-5 R28-1 Thamesford SG Cedar Cr. SG
Jn (Stoney) 16-9 28-2 Beachville
R17-2 Jn7-2 R17-4 16-10 Ingersoll 20
Jn17-3 27 24 SG
Jn16-6 Jn 28-2 22
R17-3 21
Forks 28-3
17-5 30-1 23-4 26
30-5 JR1960
31-2 31-1 Reynolds Cr. SG
31-3 Jn30-1 Pottersburg
32 R2030 25
Jn30-2 30-2 R2050
30-4 Ealing SG
28-1 JR2050
Oxbow Gr SG 30-6
33 34-15 34-14 34-13 34-12 34-11 34-9 34-8 34-7 34-6 34-3 34-2
JR2120 34-10 34-5 34-4
R2120 R34-7
34-9 R34-8 R34-6 R34-2
R34-5 R34-4 R34-3 R34-1
Dutton SG
Jn 34-9 Dingman SG Jn34-7
34-16 Jn34-6 Jn34-5 Jn34-4 Jn34-3 Jn34-2 Jn34-1

Figure 3.11 The HEC-HMS model structure.

of the results of flood frequency analysis under climate change for hydraulic modeling and computation of water elevation in the
with those used in the current flood plain management by the basin. HEC-GeoRAS, an extension of ArcGIS (USACE, 2005), is
City of London. Figure 3.12 shows the results of the flood fre- used for the preparation of spatial data for input into a HEC-RAS
quency analysis for two climate scenarios at North Thames, South hydraulic model and the generation of geographic information
Thames, and Forks locations. Similar results are obtained for all system (GIS) data from the output of HEC-RAS for use in flood-
171 locations. As expected, the results of flood frequency analysis plain mapping.
for the CC_UB scenario show an increase in both flood frequency The climate modeling provides meteorological data (precipita-
and flood magnitude when compared with the CC_LB scenario. tion) for hydrologic analysis. The HEC-HMS hydrologic model
The difference between the two scenarios identifies the range (USACE, 2008) is used to transform the climate data generated
of climate change flood impacts that may be expected at each by the WG model into flow data that are required for hydraulic
location. analysis. The methodology used in hydraulic analysis consists of
Two return period flow values for two climate scenarios are three steps: (i) pre-processing of geometric data for HEC-RAS,
then provided as input into the hydraulic analysis. using HEC-GeoRAS; (ii) hydraulic analysis in HEC-RAS; and
(iii) post-processing of HEC-RAS results and floodplain map-
ping, using HEC-GeoRAS.
3.3.5 Hydraulic modeling
The first step in the pre-processing stage is the creation of a digi-
The traditional process of floodplain mapping based on hydraulic tal terrain model (DTM) of the river system in a triangulated irreg-
calculations of water surface elevations is adopted for the purpose ular network (TIN) format. The TIN also serves for the delineation
of climate change flood risk assessment to municipal infrastruc- of floodplain boundaries and calculation of inundation depths.
ture for the City of London (Sredojevic and Simonovic, 2010). The pre-processing starts with the development of the geometry
Standard computer software, HEC-RAS (USACE, 2006), is used data file for use with HEC-RAS. The geometry data file contains

1500 After completion of the pre-processing stage, the hydraulic

analysis is performed using the HEC-RAS modeling program for
1200 the computation of water surface profiles. The analysis starts by
importing geometric data (GIS layers) generated in the previous
Flow (m 3/s)

900 stage. The hydraulic analysis is performed using flow data for
two climate scenarios (CC_LB and CC_UB). For both climate
600 scenarios, steady flow data are used for flow return periods of 100
and 250 years. Flow information is entered at all 171 locations for
which the frequency analyses were completed as the ending step
of the hydrologic analysis. The HEC-RAS model is executed for
0 50 100 150 200 250 the subcritical flow profiles. Two water surface profiles (100 and
Return periods 250) are generated within the boundaries of the City of London for
(a) North Thames both climate scenarios: 100 CC_LB, 100 CC_UB, 250 CC_LB,
250 CC_UB.
1000 The post-processing of the water surface profiles is performed
using the same maps that were used for the pre-processing of
800 geometry data. Floodplain mapping is performed within the limits
of the bounding polygon using the water surface elevations gener-
Flow (m 3/s)

ated by the HEC-RAS. An example map is shown in Figure 3.13.
A summary of the results is presented in Table 3.3. It is clear
that the climate change conditions result in significant increases in
flooded area. Figures 3.14, 3.15, and 3.16 show the comparison of
floodplain areas for the two climate scenarios and 100-year return
0 period at the location close to the University of Western Ontario
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
(North Thames), the Forks (confluence of the North and the South
Return periods
Thames), and the Broughdale Dyke (North Thames), respectively.
(b) South Thames Similarly, Figures 3.17, 3.18, and 3.19 show the comparison of
floodplain areas for the two climate scenarios and current condi-
2500 tions (UTRCA scenario) and 250-year return period at the location
close to the University of Western Ontario (North Thames), the
Forks (confluence of the North and the South Thames), and the
Broughdale Dyke (North Thames), respectively.
Flow (m 3/s)


3.3.6 Risk calculation
A comprehensive risk assessment has been undertaken to better
0 understand climate change-caused flood impacts on municipal
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Return periods
infrastructure and provide a measurement of risk as the basis for
the development of climate change adaptation options. The main
(c) Forks goals of the assessment are (i) to provide the level of risk to
CC_UB infrastructure that may be affected by flooding; and (ii) to pri-
Figure 3.12 Flood frequency for two climate scenarios at selected oritize areas of high infrastructure risk for future climate change
locations. adaptation planning decisions. The areas in the City of London
identified as high risk areas are flagged for further socio-economic
studies. The methodology is based on an integrated risk index
important information about cross sections, hydraulic structures, for each infrastructure element considered in the study. The risk
river bank points, and other physical attributes of river chan- index allows for comparison among various locations that may
nels. The pre-processing is done by using the HEC-GeoRAS to be flooded. Each risk level for a particular location provides the
generate the following geometric data: River, Banks, Flowpaths, source of risk (type of infrastructure that may be affected) and
XsCutLines, Bridges, Levees, and InlineStructures. relative contribution of each source to the overall risk.

Table 3.3 Comparison of flooded areas for two climate scenarios

Flooded area (m2 )

100-year return period 250-year return period

River/Creek CC_LB CC_UB Difference CC_LB CC_UB Difference

Main Thames River 2,717,208 3,228,637 511,429 3,189,657 3,342,766 153,109

North Thames River 4,951,784 6,327,229 1,375,445 6,144,150 6,497,384 353,234
South Thames River 2,676,651 2,885,980 209,329 2,886,324 3,128,588 242,264
Medway Creek 1,143,686 1,170,080 26,394 1,219,177 1,242,106 22,929
Stoney Creek 974,141 1,008,950 34,809 1,030,558 1,104,061 73,503
Pottersburg Creek 2,853,112 3,063,310 210,198 3,069,149 3,283,552 214,403
Mud Creek 72,339 123,697 51,358 124,241 226,260 102,019
Dingman Creek 7,750,220 8,011,897 261,677 8,302,463 9,061,872 759,409
Total 23,139,141 25,819,780 2,680,639 25,965,719 27,886,589 1,920,870

Figure 3.13 The floodplain depth grid and bounding polygon for the CC_UB 250-year flood at one location along the North Thames. See color plates

R I S K I N D EX negative effects, and benefit from the positive effects, of changes

Risk is defined as the product between a hazard and vulnerability in the climate conditions used to design and operate infrastruc-
in the context of this case study (Peck et al., 2011). This study ture” (Engineers Canada, 2008).
measures vulnerability, which is defined by Engineers Canada in An original risk measure termed the risk index, R, is defined.
the context of engineering infrastructure and climate change as This index is calculated for each infrastructure element and incor-
“the shortfall in the ability of public infrastructure to absorb the porates quantitative and qualitative data to address both objective

Figure 3.14 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 100 CC_LB and 100 CC_UB at the location of the University of Ontario (North Thames). See
color plates section.

and subjective types of uncertainty. The mathematical expression 100, or 1%. Similarly, the probability of a 250-year event is 1 in
of the risk index is: 250 or 0.4%.
The risk index is tabulated and normalized for each infrastruc-

ture element across each of the five scenarios (two climate scen-
Rke = P × (Di × I Mi ) (3.12)
arios – 100 CC_LB, 100 CC_UB, 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB –
and one scenario describing current conditions – 250 UTRCA).
where P is the probability of occurrence of the hazard event These values are then combined and displayed spatially using
(dimensionless); Di is the economic loss for each impact category, GIS in the form of risk maps. Risk is portrayed geographically by
i ($); IMi is the impact multiplier (fraction of damage sustained for dissemination areas (DA) classification, consistent with the Statis-
each impact); e is the infrastructure element; k is the infrastructure tics Canada method of representing data. There are 527 DAs
type from 1 to 6 (building, bridge, barrier, critical facility, PCP, within the City of London (Figure 3.20). Each DA is defined by
and road); and i is the impact category, from 1 to 3, representing Statistics Canada as “a small, relatively stable geographic unit
function, equipment/contents, and structure. For a 100-year flood comprised of one or more adjacent dissemination blocks,” avail-
event, the probability, P, of occurrence in any given year is 1 in able online at Statistics Canada (2011).

Figure 3.15 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 100 CC_LB and 100 CC_UB at the location of the Forks (confluence of the North Thames and
the South Thames). See color plates section.

The risk index is used to aid in the prioritization of areas of components) and indirect (such as a loss of functionality). Dam-
infrastructure at risk. Equation (3.13) shows the calculation of ages resulting from flooding are extremely varied and include
risk to a DA for all infrastructure elements of interest (bridges, losses ranging from inconvenience to structural damage to death.
buildings, barriers, roads, critical facilities, and/or PCPs): This study considers three variables as a measure of these con-
sequences: the loss of function (IM1 ), loss of equipment (IM2 ),

Rq = Req (3.13) and loss of structure (IM3 ). Each of these factors (termed impact
e=1 multipliers) is measured as a percentage loss and calculated using
both quantitative and qualitative information. They are incorp-
where q is the DA, and m is the number of infrastructure elements
orated into the risk index as demonstrated by expanding Equation
of interest.
(3.12) as shown below:

IMPACT MULTIPLIERS, IM i Re = P × (D1 × I M1 + D2 × I M2 + D3 × I M3 ) (3.14)

The second element of the risk equation represents the impact to
the infrastructure as a result of its interaction with the flood hazard. The quantitative data include the ability of the infrastructure to
The damage is both direct (such as loss of structural integrity and withstand direct damage due to flooding in addition to actual

Figure 3.16 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 100 CC_LB and 100 CC_UB at the location of the Broughdale Dyke (North Thames). See color
plates section.

inundation. The qualitative data include information gathered relative to that for which it was originally designed, as a result of
through interviews relating to the decision-makers’ expertise and flooding. The value of IM1 is an integer belonging to [0,1] where
experience. This includes the condition of the infrastructure and 0 denotes no loss of function and 1 denotes total loss of function.
how that may affect its response to flooding. It is important to The transportation infrastructure (roads, bridges, culverts, and
note that the measure of the impact multiplier may be different footbridges) is designated as having an IM1 equal to 1 once
across the varying infrastructure types; however, they are consis- they are inundated. Buildings and critical facilities are assigned
tent across any one particular infrastructure type. an IM1 of 1 if they are inundated or if all possible access
routes are blocked due to flooding. Flood protection structures
Loss of function (IM1 ) The loss of function impact multiplier, have an IM1 value of 1 once their design capacity has been
IM1 measures the degree to which the infrastructure has lost its reached.
functionality. This is defined in the case study as the degree to Partial loss of function may occur in the case of critical infra-
which the infrastructure no longer functions at an acceptable level structure such as fire stations, EMS, hospitals, and schools if

Figure 3.17 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA at the location of the University of Ontario (North
Thames). See color plates section.

some, but not all, of the access routes are blocked by floodwaters. For PCPs, the loss of function multiplier is 0 or 1. IM1 is 1 if the
The methodology assigns a fractional value of IM1 depending on danger flow or elevation danger point as indicated by the City of
the number of incoming or outgoing major routes and the number London Flood Plan is exceeded, or the outlet invert is inundated
of routes that are flooded. The relationship used to calculate IM1 up to the plant elevation.
for fire stations and EMS buildings is
Loss of equipment (IM2 ) The second impact multiplier, IM2 ,
(n − m)
I M1 k = (3.15) estimates the percentage of equipment lost as a direct result of
inundation. Equipment is defined as contents or non-structural
where k = 4 (critical facility types); n is the total number of components of the infrastructure. In the case of residential build-
major access routes; and m is the number of routes obstructed ings this would be the housing contents or anything that would
by floodwaters. In the case of schools and hospitals, the loss of be expected to be taken in a move. Transportation infrastructure
function multiplier is calculated based on the total number of (roads, bridges, culverts, and footbridges) and flood protection
access routes within one intersection from the building. structures (dykes) do not have an IM2 component. Buildings and

Figure 3.18 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA at the location of the Forks (confluence of the
North Thames and the South Thames). See color plates section.

critical facilities have equipment values estimated using meth- the incorporation of qualitative and subjective data with the quan-
ods based on building type and value and are estimated as 30% titative measures. The qualitative portion uses fuzzy set theory to
of the total structure’s value. The equipment values for PCPs allow for subjectivity and differences of opinion with respect to
are estimated based on the City of London’s 2010 Wastewater the condition of the infrastructure, its failure mechanisms, and its
Budget. response to flooding.
The deterministic element of IM3 is calculated using stage–
Loss of structure (IM3 ) The final impact multiplier, IM3 , mea- damage curves. These curves use the inundation depth as input to
sures the percentage structural loss of the infrastructure. This is the estimate the percentage damage (LS) to the infrastructure (both
degree to which the structural integrity is compromised as a result structural and contents) as a result of flood inundation.
of flooding. The flood depth was used in the calculation of IM3 in The qualitative element of IM3 is used to quantify the subjective
addition to the infrastructure element’s condition, age, capacity, uncertainty associated with potential failure of the infrastructure
and other knowledge gained during interviews with experts in system. Assessment of subjective uncertainty is conducted with
each area. IM3 is a measure of both quantitative and qualitative the assistance of experts for various types of infrastructure. The
structural loss. The methodology uses an innovative approach in qualitative component of IM3 allows for the measure of partial

Figure 3.19 Comparison of floodplain boundaries for 250 CC_LB, 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA at the location of the Broughdale Dyke (North
Thames). See color plates section.

failure as well as the impact of the structure’s current conditions Once combined with a flood event, the condition of the infra-
on its response to flooding as perceived by experts in the field. This structure will affect its structural loss measure. Therefore, to cal-
measurement is termed the fuzzy reliability index (El-Baroudy culate IM3 the fuzzy risk index and the deterministic measure must
and Simonovic, 2004; Simonovic, 2009). The premise for the be combined. An increase in the compatibility measure indicates
combination of the fuzzy reliability index with the quantitative a decrease in risk to the particular infrastructure (e.g., a bridge
structural loss measure is that the condition of the infrastruc- that is considered not to be in an acceptable state with respect to
ture will affect the amount of structural damage sustained by the its condition will experience higher damage than a bridge that is
infrastructure during a flood. The condition of the infrastructure considered to be in an acceptable state). To represent this inverse
is not quantified by the stage–damage curves and therefore the relationship in the calculation of the loss of structure impact mul-
input of those who are the most familiar with infrastructure may tiplier (IM3 ), the following equation is used:
provide for a more accurate assessment of the risk. The condition
of the infrastructure is measured using fuzzy analysis through ⎧
interviews performed with experts within the city (Peck et al.,
⎨ 1, CM = 0
I M3 (CM) = 1 (3.16)
2011). ⎩ Min 1, LS × , CM > 0

Figure 3.20 Dissemination areas for the City of London, Ontario, as of 2007.

where IM3 is the loss of structure impact multiplier used in Equa- finally the monetary loss incurred by damage to the infrastructure
tion (3.12); CM is the compatibility measure obtained through itself (D3 ).
the fuzzy compatibility analysis (Peck et al., 2011); and LS is
the percentage loss of structure from the stage–damage curves
3.3.7 Analysis of results
(LS ≤ 1).
Therefore, in this study when CM is 0, the structure is deemed The implementation of the methodology to the City of London
to be completely unsafe, or experiencing a total loss (IM3 = 1). offers, first, insight into the spatial risk for each climate scenario
The stage–damage curves are assumed to represent the damage to individually that results from an aggregation of all the risk indices.
a structure at a completely acceptable state. As such, for CM less The second set of results provides insight into the risk to the
than 1, the risk to the infrastructure will increase proportionally. specific infrastructure elements and their individual contributions
A CM value of 1 (completely safe) will yield IM3 = LS. to the aggregated risk. The third and final set of results provides the
comparison of risk between each event scenario (the 100 CC_LB
E CO N O M I C LO SS to 100 CC_UB, 250 CC_LB to 250 CC_UB, and 250 UTRCA to
Economic loss refers to the potential monetary damage incurred 250 CC_UB) and examines the contribution of climate change to
by an infrastructure element as a result of a flood event. It is the overall risk to London’s infrastructure.
a value that is applied which provides a higher weight to those For all risk maps, the risk increases from 0 to 1, with 1 being
structures that are more expensive to repair or replace. This is in the darkest color and 0 being white or very light grey. The maps
favor of the City of London’s priority of protecting and investing are shown for the entire city, with the Forks located at the mid-left
in the infrastructure that could potentially cause the most inter- of the image. The major roads are labeled for comprehension.
ference as a result of a flood event. The economic loss factor is The risk maps of the entire city for the five climate scenarios are
different for each piece of infrastructure. There is an associated shown in Figure 3.21.
economic loss value for each type of impact multiplier (IM1 , IM2 , In the 100 CC_LB scenario, the PCPs and barriers dominate
IM3 ) as shown in Equation (3.14). These may be referred to as the risk index. The reason for this is that the PCPs have vulnerable
monetary losses due to loss of infrastructure function (D1 ), mon- equipment of very high value and are in a highly hazardous area,
etary losses associated with infrastructure’s equipment (D2 ), and being located along the river. The risk factor for each barrier

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 3.21 Risk to all infrastructure for (a) 100 CC_LB, (b) 100 CC_UB, (c) 250 CC_LB, (d) 250 CC_UB, and (e) 250 UTRCA. See color plates

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 3.22 100 CC_UB infrastructure risk indices for (a) barriers, (b) bridges, (c) buildings, (d) critical infrastructure, (e) PCPs, and (f) roads. See
color plates section.

is based on the consequences of a breach. Therefore, any areas city. This is likely due to the fact that under the 100 CC_UB some
behind a barrier that fails will have a high risk index. For the barriers fail, which leads to high risk being spread across the
100 CC_LB scenario, the highest risk is along the south bank city.
of the Main Thames branch. Due to the high risk at the PCP, For the 250 CC_LB, there is a sharp contrast in risk distribu-
the majority of the DAs have risk indices below 0.25. There is tion. A few areas containing PCPs and dykes have very high risk
a high concentration of risk along the Dingman West branch, values, while the remaining DAs at risk have a much lower risk
due to the size of the DAs and the number of culvert and bridge index in comparison. This demonstrates that the 250 CC_LB is
structures. More detail is examined in the specific infrastructure dominated by PCPs and dyke failure. Conversely, the 250 CC_UB
maps. For the 100 CC_UB scenario, the spatial distribution of has a more even distribution of risk since the PCP and dyke fail-
risk is very similar to the 100 CC_LB. However, the extent of ures are more closely matched with the number of buildings that
risk is increased to cover more DAs and the distribution of risk become catastrophically damaged due to the flood. Finally, the
is more even. That is, the risk is more evenly spread across the 250 UTRCA scenario shows a very high concentration of risk in

Figure 3.23 Greenway PCP under 100 CC_UB inundation.

the Dingman West area and along the Forks and Main Thames contributed by roads but it is not as strong as the other categories.
branch. The remainder of the DAs at risk are at a very low risk In addition, the maps can be used to determine characteristics of
index in comparison to the others. The reason for this uneven one type of infrastructure. One example, shown in Figure 3.23,
distribution is not immediately apparent and must be examined is a magnified view of Greenway PCP under the 100 CC_UB
further in the detailed infrastructure risk maps. flood scenario. Here it is possible to see what processes are inun-
The second set of results shows the specific infrastructure across dated, which is used in the calculation of the loss of function
each climate scenario, enabling further analysis on the contribu- multiplier.
tions of each element to the overall risk. The presentation in Another case shows that the highest risk to roads in the 100
Figure 3.22 includes results for all infrastructure types for the CC_UB scenario occurs mainly in the Dingman creek area. Fur-
100 CC_UB scenario. The presentation of results for other scen- ther research into this area can determine the exact causes – such
arios is available in Peck et al. (2011). Figure 3.22 shows maps as the poor pavement quality in the area. In this way, the maps can
for the roads, bridges and culverts, PCPs, critical infrastructure, be used to prioritize areas of high risk that should be examined in
and barriers for the 100 CC_UB scenario. greater detail.
By examining the risk indices for each infrastructure type sep- The next set of results shows the contribution of climate
arately, conclusions can be drawn on the contributions of each change to the risk to infrastructure across the city. The two maps
element to the overall risk. For example, from Figure 3.21(a), (Figure 3.24) show the percentage difference between the lower
it is evident that a high risk area exists along the south bank bound and upper bound climate scenarios for both return periods.
of the Main Thames branch just downstream of the Forks. By For the 100-year flood, the risk map shows that there is a large
examining Figure 3.22, it is seen that the same area has risk con- increase in the risk due to climate change. Many DAs along the
tributed by barriers, bridges, buildings, and a PCP. Some risk is north, south, and Medway branches display increases of at least

(a) (b)

Figure 3.24 Percentage increase in risk index between the lower and upper bound, 100- and 250-year return events. See color plates section.

100% and, in many cases, of over 300%. Dingman West does not of action and policies to enact. The results are of high importance
appear to be affected strongly by climate change; however, it does to the City of London. They indicate the most at-risk areas that
undergo a slight increase in risk of between 5% and 25%. On the result from the changes in flood patterns due to climate change
other hand, the 250-year flood shows a more evenly distributed, that can be expected in the future. These results are used to form
but higher increase overall. There is a large increase in risk due recommendations on engineering, operations, and policy for the
to climate change in the Dingman area as well as along the North city (Peck et al., 2011), which have been relayed to the city council
Thames. There are fewer critical (more than 300% change) areas via formal reports and a workshop.
here than in the change between the 100-year flood scenarios, but
the overall change in risk is higher.
The comparison between the 250 UTRCA and 250 CC_UB 3.4 CONCLUSIONS
scenarios is shown in Figure 3.25. The overall trend of the map
does show an increase in risk between the two scenarios. The Adaptation to climate change is defined in the context of flooding
majority of the added risk occurs in the Pottersburg area, Dingman as a risk management process. A six-step methodology for risk
area, and west London. The reason for the large increase in risk management is presented as the process to be used in adaptation to
in the Pottersburg area is that the current UTRCA floodplain does climate change. The two main approaches to flood risk manage-
not accurately model the damming effect of a culvert and rail ment are identified as probabilistic and fuzzy set. The following
embankment located west of Clarke road, south of Hamilton Road. two parts of the book provide detailed analytical methodologies
During the modeled 250 CC_UB scenario, the culvert reaches for the implementation of these two approaches.
capacity and the rail embankment acts as a dam, causing the An example of the assessment of climate change-caused flood
water to back up and flood the Pottersburg area. risk to municipal infrastructure is presented for the City of London
The results of integrated risk analyses are very useful for (Ontario, Canada). It provides an original approach to incorporat-
quickly identifying and prioritizing areas at high risk. Further ing climate change into flood risk analysis and combines elements
inspection of the detailed infrastructure maps leads to more infor- of probabilistic and fuzzy set approaches. The study is conducted
mation on the specific infrastructure elements that contribute to for the City of London (Peck et al., 2011) as one of the first steps
the overall risk. Areas on the map that have been identified as in the implementation of the municipal climate change adaptation
high risk should be studied further to determine specific courses strategy.
3. 5 E X E R C I S E S 67

form of an essay, a minimum of three examples of flood

risk management using one, or both, of the approaches
introduced in this section (maximum 500 words for each

3.4. Read the article by Stirling (1998) listed in the references.

a. Illustrate your understanding of the concepts presented

in Figure 3.3.
b. Provide an example to support your answer to
question (a).

3.5. How is climate change addressed in the City of London

example presented in Section 3.3?

a. Provide your understanding of the advantages and dis-

advantages of the approach based on the range of poten-
tial impacts of climate change (use of upper and lower
bound of change).
b. What are the other ways of incorporating the climate
change impact in similar analyses?

3.6. Describe the risk assessment methodology used in the City

of London example presented in Section 3.3.

3.7. Read the article by Sharif and Burn (2006) listed in the

a. What is the main advantage of the WG tool presented

in the article?
Figure 3.25 Percentage increase in risk between the 250 UTRCA and
b. Explain the perturbation process.
250 CC_UB scenarios. See color plates section.
c. Is there, in your opinion, a way to improve the tool
presented in the article?

3.5 EXERCISES 3.8. The City of London example uses 100-year and 250-year
floods as regulatory floods in the region.
3.1. Select one flood example that you are familiar with.
a. Find the definitions of these two regulatory floods from
a. Describe in your own words the integrated flood dis- the documentation that applies to Ontario (Canada).
aster management process that applies to the selected (Tip: search the web information available for the local
example. conservation authority.)
b. For the selected example present the details of a six-step b. Are you familiar with similar regulations in your
flood risk management procedure. region? Discuss the regulations that apply to your
c. What is in your opinion the most critical step in the region.
flood risk management procedure?
3.9. How would you apply/modify the risk calculation proce-
3.2. How is climate change addressed in the example selected dure for the example in your region?
in Exercise 3.1?
a. Describe the example.
3.3. What are the two main approaches to flood risk man- b. Identify the key elements of risk.
agement as adaptation to climate change? Present, in the c. Show your modified risk calculation procedure.
Part II
Flood risk management:
probabilistic approach
4 Risk management: probabilistic approach

In flood risk management probability is used based on historical and vulnerability. They are mutually conditioning situations and
records, for example, to determine the magnitude of the 250- neither can exist on its own.
year flood. This probability is called objective (as pointed out in Most commonly in flood management, risk has been defined as
Section 3.2) because it is determined by long-run observations of the probability of a system failure. Risk involves uncertainty as
the occurrence of an event. well as loss or damage. The risk of flooding involves the proba-
bility of occurrence of the flood as well as the damage that might
result from the flood event. To understand the linkage between
4 .1 M ATHEMAT I C A L D E F I N I T I O N hazard and risk it is useful to consider the source–pathway–
O F RISK receptor–consequence (SPRC) framework of Sayers et al. (2002)
shown in Figure 4.1. This is, essentially, a simple conceptual
At a conceptual level, we defined risk (in the Definitions) as a model for representing systems and processes that lead to a par-
significant potential unwelcome effect of system performance, or ticular consequence. For a risk to arise there must be a hazard that
the predicted or expected likelihood that a set of circumstances consists of a “source” or initiator event (e.g., high water level), a
over some time frame will produce some harm that matters. More “receptor” (e.g., flood plain properties), and a “pathway” between
pragmatic treatments view risk as one side of an equation, where the source and the receptor (e.g., flood levee). A hazard does not
risk is equated with the probability of failure or the probability automatically lead to a harmful outcome, but identification of a
of load exceeding resistance. Other symbolic expressions equate hazard does mean that there is a possibility of harm occurring,
risk with the sum of uncertainty and damage, or the quotient of with the actual harm depending upon the exposure to the haz-
hazards divided by safeguards (Samuels, 2005; Singh et al., 2007; ard and the characteristics of the receptor. The bottom part of
Simonovic, 2009, 2011). Figure 4.1 links the SPRC framework to the load–resistance con-
Let us start with a risk definition based on the concept of load cept of flood risk definition.
and resistance, terms borrowed from structural engineering. In the Equation (1.1) in Section 1.3 was used as the most general
field of flood risk management these two variables have a more mathematical definition of flood risk. However, a drawback of
general meaning. For example, the flood rate can represent the this definition is that it equates the risk of a high probability/low
load, whereas the levee height can be considered as the resistance. consequence event with that of a low probability/high conse-
Load l is a variable reflecting the behavior of the system under quence event. In real life these two events may not result in the
certain external conditions of stress or loading. Resistance r is a same risk. Therefore, an improved measure of flood risk is given
characteristic variable that describes the capacity of the system to by:
overcome an external load. When the load exceeds the resistance
(l > r) there should be a failure or an incident. A safety or reliabil- Risk = Hazard uncertainty
ity state is obtained if the resistance exceeds or is equal to the load + Consequence of the system’s vulnerability (4.1)
(l ≤ r).
Mathematically, risk may be expressed as the probability of To illustrate the definition let us consider the following simple
exceeding a determined level of economic, social, or environ- example.
mental consequence at a particular location and during a partic-
ular period of time. Convolution is a mathematical operation on Example 1
two functions f and g, producing a third function that is typically Most people are interested in large-scale flooding. What is the risk
viewed as a modified version of one of the original functions. Con- of the largest flood on record occurring next summer in London,
volution can be used to describe the mutual conditioning of hazard Ontario?


(flood levee) Receptor
(people in the floodplain)

(river or sea)
Load Load depth Total damage ($)

f(load exceeded)
P(depth P(damage
P(fail) exceeded) exceeded)

Figure 4.1 Source–pathway–receptor–consequence framework for the assessment of flood risk (after Sayers et al., 2002).

Solution drowning is considerably smaller. Thus safeguards help reduce

We would like to know whether the coming summer in London risk. Mathematically, one can write (Kaplan and Garrick 1981):
will be the wettest on record and the consequences if it is. Thus,
Risk = Hazard/Safeguards (4.2)
risk (assuming large flooding events are harmful) in this case is
the probability of occurrence of the largest flood next summer in Equation (4.2) uses division rather than subtraction. As safeguards
London and the resulting consequences in terms of flood damage tend to zero, even a small hazard can lead to a high value of risk;
to property in London, crop damage, damage to infrastructure, as safeguards increase, the risk becomes smaller. In day-to-day
loss of business, cost of emergency management, and so on. life this equation is seen to work. For example, after the tragic
Flood risk is conditional and conditions are often implied by experience of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in New Orleans and
the context and are not explicitly stated. For example, the risk of along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, people in western Louisiana
death from a flood is relatively small in the developed countries, and Texas heeded the warnings about Hurricane Rita and the
but its value will significantly differ from one place to another and result was significantly lower loss of human life.
from one country to another, depending on the climate, flood pro-
tection measures, warning issued, communication, rescue opera-
Example 2
tions, people’s perception, etc. In contrast, the risk of death from
Consider a detention pond for local flood control in an urban area.
a flood of the same magnitude can be relatively large in the devel-
What could the risk be from this detention structure?
oping world. The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004,
caused an unimaginable loss of human life (over 230,000 people) Solution
in Indonesia and surrounding countries. The very large tsunami The detention dam may be overtopped and breached. As a result,
of March 11, 2011, following the Tohoku earthquake in Japan, the dam breach may cause harm to people in the urban area. The
caused loss of human life in the range of 30,000 – incomparable risk would be the probability of specified damage or harm in a
to the 2004 event in the Indian Ocean. The difference is due to given period. For water control structures, hazard from failure
advanced warning systems, better infrastructure, and the recep- depends on the size of the structure. Therefore, decisions about
tivity of Japanese people to warning. the recommended design load (or design flood) are based upon the
Hazard is a situation or occurrence of an event that could, in size of the structure and its hazard potential. Widely used recom-
particular circumstances, lead to harm. Hazard can be considered mendations of the USACE regarding selection of spillway design
as a latent danger or an external risk factor of an exposed system. flood for a dam are given in Table 4.1. A typical classification
This can be mathematically expressed as the probability of occur- of reservoirs according to size and the hydraulic head is given
rence of an event of a certain intensity at a particular location and in Table 4.2. The hazard potential classification of reservoirs is
during a determined period of exposure. Thus, hazard is a source given in Table 4.3.
of risk and risk includes the chances of conversion of that source Characterization of risk helps establish its specific context. To
into actual loss. For example, it is not advisable to cross a river in characterize risk, two basic elements are necessary: (i) probability
a rubber boat during flooding conditions, because the chances of of occurrence of hazard; and (ii) extent of damage (governed
drowning are relatively significant even for an expert swimmer. by the vulnerability of a given system). The concept of triplet
But if one attempts to cross the river by motorboat, equipped with definition of risk introduced in the Definitions is widely applied
a powerful engine, rugged body, and life jackets, etc., the risk of in flood risk management: (i) What can happen – what can go
4. 1 M AT H E M AT I C A L D E F I N I T I O N O F R I S K 73

Table 4.1 Recommendations for selection of design flood Table 4.4 Illustrative list of scenarios for levee failure

Hazard Size Design flood Scenario or event Probability Consequences

Low Small 50–100 years Structural failure

Intermediate 100 years – 0.5 PMF Levee overtopping 0.001 Failure of levee
Large 0.5 PMF – PMF Piping 0.002 Excessive erosion
Significant Small 100 years – 0.5 PMF Failure of levee 0.0004 May lead to failure of levee
Intermediate 0.5 PMF – PMF drainage
Large PMF Sloughing on levee 0.0009 Localized damage to levee
Large Small 0.5 PMF – PMF slopes body
Intermediate PMF Earthquake of 0.0001 Extensive damage to the
Large PMF magnitude >8 on levee
Richter scale
PMF: probable maximum flood occurs

Performance failure
Table 4.2 Reservoir classification by size
Flood bigger than 0.0002 Large water levels damage
design flood occurs levee
Storage Inflow
Others 0.00003 Unknown
capacity Hydraulic design
Type of dam (106 m3 ) head flood

Small 0.5–1.0 7.5–12 100 year

Intermediate 10–60 12–30 SPF
Large >60 >30 PMF

SPF: standard project flood

PMF: probable maximum flood Risk curve A

Table 4.3 Reservoir hazard potential classification Risk curve B

Category Loss of life Economic loss

Low None expected Minimal

Significant Few Appreciable
High More than a few Excessive

wrong during a given event? (ii) How likely is it to happen – what Figure 4.2 Risk curves.
is the probability of the event occuring? (iii) If it does happen,
what are the consequences? (Simonovic, 2009 after Kaplan and
Garrick, 1981). These three questions are answered by preparing a added to the list for completeness. The problem of assigning a
list of scenarios in which the answers to the questions are arranged probability to this category remains to be solved.
as a triplet: The triplet definition of risk, Equation (4.3), suggests that haz-
ard can be defined as a subset of risk, a set of doubles:
R = [si , pi , xi ], i = 1, 2, . . . , N (4.3)
H = [si , xi ], i = 1, 2, . . . , N (4.4)
where si is the scenario or hazardous event identification, pi is the
probability of that event or scenario, xi is a measure of loss and
If the consequences are arranged in order of increasing severity
represents the consequences of that event or scenario, and R is the
of damage:
risk. The scenario list can be arranged in the form of a table. An
example table for a failure of a levee is shown in Table 4.4. x1 ≤ x2 ≤ . . . ≤ xN (4.5)
If this table contains all the possible scenarios, it is the esti-
mation of risk. In real life, the list of scenarios can be exten- then the second column of Table 4.4 can be accumulated and
sive. Kaplan and Garrick (1981) suggest that a category “others,” a smooth curve relating x and p can be plotted as shown in
including all the scenarios that have not been thought of, may be Figure 4.2, known as a risk curve.

4.2 CLASSIFICATION OF RISK extension of past practice and experience, which may be inade-
quate to deal with rapidly changing conditions. The probabilistic
Singh et al. (2007) classify risk into three categories: (i) risks approach, on the other hand, describes hazard in terms of risk
for which statistics of identified casualties are available; (ii) risks of failure and its associated consequences. Thus, it enables an
for which there may be some evidence, but where the connection acceptable decision to be made based on a design process and the
between suspected cause and damage cannot be established; and needed judgments to be made.
(iii) estimates of probabilities of events that have not yet occurred. The risk of failure and its consequences are significantly influ-
Additionally, there are risks that are unforeseen. enced by management. Management of safety involves the train-
All systems have a probability of failure no matter how small ing of staff to observe, record, and report; not to panic; to sys-
it is and the complete avoidance of all risk is not possible. The tematically react to the onset of a potential flood disaster; and to
objective is to reduce the probability to an acceptable level of organize evacuation and rescue procedures in the event of a flood
individual and societal risk. An engineering approach to quan- disaster.
tify risk begins with a physical appreciation of possible failure Risk can be negative and positive. The concept of risk is widely
mechanisms or modes and their analysis. This entails quantifi- used in a society that is future oriented, which sees the future to
cation of the reliability of the components and examination of be managed. We wish to minimize a multitude of risks, such as
the systematic failure to establish the overall vulnerability of the those related to human health, flooding, environmental pollution,
complete system, based on experience, and verified by analysis, disease epidemic, drug addiction, wildfires, and social violence.
testing, and inspection. This indeed is the basis of insurance, introduced as a mechanism
An examination of past events helps with an understanding of to spread the risk (Skipper and Kwon, 2007).
failure modes. Consider, for example, the case of river levees for The notion of risk is inseparable from the concepts of proba-
flood control and their failure modes. In light of the potential for bility and uncertainty. Risk is not the same as hazard or danger.
major consequences involved in levee failures, it is inappropriate It relates to hazards that are assessed in terms of future possibil-
to wait for disasters to occur such that a body of case histories ities. One classification distinguishes between two types of risk:
can be built to form a basis for management of floods. Therefore, external and manufactured (Singh et al., 2007). External risk
an anticipatory approach based on judgment and experience is is the risk that originates from outside, or from nature. Manu-
required. Such an approach can follow a systems view (discussed factured risk is the risk that is created by our actions and can
in Section 1.5) of using risk estimation through methods based on occur in a situation that we have very little experience of con-
a systematic decomposition of a complex system into its compo- fronting. According to this classification, the flood risks due to
nent subsystems and the use of predictive techniques and model- climate change are manufactured risks, influenced by intensifying
ing. The system failure mechanisms can be analyzed and risk can globalization. This is the risk created by the very impact of our
be estimated by aggregating together models of individual subsys- developing knowledge upon the world. Flooding risk from land
tems. This method requires a wide range of data on past failures use change, such as urbanization, can be categorized as a manu-
and knowledge about the various processes that could occur. factured risk too. From the earliest days of human civilization up
There are other more traditional methods in widespread use that to the threshold of modern times, risks were primarily due to nat-
are essentially deterministic in nature. A deterministic method can ural or external sources: floods, famines, earthquakes, tsunamis,
be illustrated by the employment of a factor of safety, which can etc. Recently, the focus has shifted from what nature does to us
be defined as the ratio of design load to design resistance. A mul- to what we have been doing to nature. This marks the transition
titude of factors affect both design load and design resistance. In from the predominance of external risk to that of manufactured
practice, therefore, there will be a distribution of load and resis- risk. Therefore, natural phenomena, such as floods, droughts, and
tance, with their mean and variance values. If the mean load is extreme weather, are not entirely natural; rather, they are being
smaller than the mean resistance, then it can be shown that failure influenced by human activities, as suggested by their unusual fea-
will occur where the upper end of the load distribution encounters tures. As manufactured risk expands, there is a new riskiness to
the lower end of the resistance distribution. This leads to defini- risk. The very idea of risk is tied to the possibility of calculation.
tions of safety factors and safety margins in probabilistic form. However, in many cases we simply do not know what the level of
Although a deterministic approach incorporates the concept of risk is and we could not know for sure until it is too late. Thus, one
the variability of load and resistance, it implies that there is a level way to cope with the rise of manufactured risk is to employ the
of probability of failure that is acceptable for design purposes, and precautionary principle. It presupposes action about issues even
that level can be quantified. In contrast, the probabilistic approach though there is insufficient scientific evidence about them. This
includes the low-probability events in the assessment. By neces- leads to the concept of risk management: the balance of risk and
sity, sufficient data must be available. In terms of decision-making, danger.
the deterministic approach incorporates implicit value judgments Another classification of risk, introduced in Section 3.1.1,
as to an acceptable standard of practice and is derived from an leads to risk management confusion due to an inadequate

distinction between three fundamental types of risk (Slovic, 2000; We have already pointed out that risk cannot be perceived sim-
Simonovic, 2009, 2011): ply as a one-dimensional objective concept, such as the product of
the probabilities and consequences of any event. Risk perception
r Objective risk (real, physical), Ro , and objective probability, is inherently multi-dimensional and subjective, with a particular
po , which is a property of real physical systems. risk or hazard meaning different things to different people and
r Subjective risk, Rs , and subjective probability, ps . Probability different things in different contexts. So we can say that risk is a
is here defined as the degree of belief in a statement. Rs and ps social construct.
are not properties of the physical systems under consideration Statistical estimation of a risk may involve developing prob-
(but may be some function of Ro and po ). abilities of future events based on a statistical analysis of past
r Perceived risk, Rp , which is related to an individual’s feeling historical events. One of the key steps in risk assessment is defin-
of fear in the face of an undesirable possible event, is not a ing acceptable risk. The acceptability depends on the context in
property of the physical systems but is related to fear of the which to assess risk and the availability of financial resources. It
unknown. It may be a function of Ro , po , Rs and ps . may be added that the notion of an acceptable probability is highly
subjective. Consider a design that can give protection against a
Because of the confusion between the concepts of objective and flood event x up to a certain magnitude xd . The design is accept-
subjective risk, many characteristics of subjective risk are believed able if the exceedance probability, Prob(x ≥ xd ) = 1 − Prob(xd ),
to be valid also for objective risk. Therefore, it is almost univer- is smaller than the acceptable value PAcc (Plate, 2002). Vrijling
sally assumed that the imprecision of human judgment is equally et al. (1995) define the acceptable value of risk for a person that
prominent and destructive for all flood risk evaluations and all risk reflects their preference as:
assessments. This is perhaps the most important misconception
βi × 10−4 /year
that blocks the way to more effective societal flood risk manage- PAcc = (4.6)
ment. The ways society manages risks appear to be dominated by νij
considerations of perceived and subjective risks, while it is objec- where βi can range from 0.01 for a high risk for an action that gives
tive risks that kill people, damage the environment and create no benefit to the person to 10 for a risky activity that brings high
property loss. satisfaction to the person; and νij is the vulnerability of an indi-
vidual to an event xi . For a larger region or a nation, the acceptable
probability, according to Vrijling et al. (1995), becomes:
4.3 RISK CRITERIA 10−3 /year
PAcc = ∀n ≥ 10 casualties (4.7)
Natural hazards, such as floods, have always been a source of A problem with the idea of acceptable risk is that the acceptability
concern to planners, designers, operators, and managers of engi- or not of a risk can only be expressed together with the associated
neering systems. Because of their destructive nature, they are costs and benefits. A decision-maker will choose the optimum
assigned a major role in design considerations. There are many mixture of risk, cost, and benefit and might be willing to take a
phenomena for which it is difficult to assess the degree of risk. higher risk only if it is associated with either lower cost or more
By increasing the factor of safety one can reduce the risk, but benefit. The relationships (4.6) and (4.7) implicitly assume that
there is a natural reluctance to pay the often exorbitant cost that is risks are linearly comparable, which is known not to be true. If
associated with the safety factor. Even with an increase in safety, we look at Figure 4.2 we cannot say whether the risk is higher in
there will always be some risk because it is not possible to build the case of curve A or curve B.
a system that is so strong that it can withstand all conceivable After the flood hazard events have been identified and their
disasters. Thus, in reality flood risk cannot be eliminated entirely, data collected, an assessment of risk can be made. In the case of
but it can be reduced to an acceptable level. flooding, unwanted situations arise if the water level exceeds a
A risk criterion is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of critical value.
the acceptable level of risk with which to compare the assessed
risk. A risk criterion is employed to balance the risk of loss against Example 3
the cost of increase in safety. There are several probabilistic risk City X is located on the banks of River Y. The river flow follows an
criteria that are employed in flood risk management (modified extreme value distribution with a mean of 256.8 m3 /s and standard
after Borgman, 1963): (i) return period, (ii) encounter probability, deviation of 78.2 m3 /s. The rating curve of River Y at a gaging
(iii) distribution of waiting time, (iv) distribution of total damage, site near X is given by Q = 97.03 × (h − 214.5)0.64 . The water
(v) probability of zero damage, and (vi) mean total damage. The authority is asked by a developer Z to approve construction of an
choice of the most appropriate criterion is a matter of decision- office building on a plot of land near the river at an elevation of
making judgment. These criteria emphasize different risk aspects 223.0 m. Find the risk of flooding at this plot every year. If the
and can be derived from mathematical risk models. acceptable flood risk for approval of a development is 5%, will

the developer be granted a permit? If the risk is greater than 5%, where P(.) denotes the probability that the flood event within
what will be the necessary increase in ground elevation to provide parentheses will not occur. It is assumed that the flow values
for granting a permit? of flood events are statistically independent and have the same
distribution F(x). For statistical independence, the time scale for
measuring X may be in years. If the flood flow of a river at a
Parameters of the extreme value distribution can be calculated
given gaging station, for example, represents the time series, then
from the provided mean and variance (see for example Singh
X may represent the instantaneous maximum annual flood flow.
et al., 2007, page 214) as follows:
At the end of the first year (t = 1), the flow value of the flood
1.282 event would be the maximum flow for that year. Similarly, if the
α= = 0.0164 (4.8)
78.2 time series is represented by the water elevation at a particular
0.5772 location, then the largest elevation during a year would be one
u = 256.8 − = 221.605 (4.9)
0.0164 value of X for that year.
From the river rating curve, the flow at stage 223.0 m will be
381.7 m3 /s. So, the probability that the flow in a given year will
exceed a value of q = 381.7 m3 /s will be: 4.4.2 Return period modeling
P [Q ≥ q] = 1 − FQ (q) = 1 − e In flood risk modeling and hydraulic design in general, the return
P [Q ≥ 381.7] = 1 − FQ (381.7) = 1 − e period is commonly used, because of its simplicity. However, it
is prone to misinterpretation and misuse. The return period T(x)
P [Q ≥ 381.7] = 0.0695 ≈ 7% (4.10)
is defined as
There is about 7% risk that the office building will be under water
1 1
in any given year. Since the acceptable risk is 5%, the water T (x) = = (4.12)
1 − P [X ≤ x] P [X ≥ x]
authority will not issue a permit.
If the developer wants to build the office building at this very where T(x) represents the average time between flood events hav-
site, it will have to raise the plinth level by soil filling. In order ing values equal to or exceeding x. It does not mean that the flood
to achieve the acceptable risk level of 5%, the flow calculated event will certainly take place. The flood events occurring in the
from (4.10) should be q5% = 403 m3 /s. Using the rating curve we time interval n − 1 < t ≤ n are plotted at t = n, not at their actual
find that the safe building elevation is 223.75 m. So raising the time of occurrence in the interval. T(x) will be slightly greater than
ground elevation by 0.75 m will be required in order to secure the the real average time between the flood events with flow of x. The
development permit at the selected location. magnitude of the difference will depend on the time scale used.
For example, the return period for time measured in years will be
different from the return period for time measured in decades.
4.4 PROBABILISTIC RISK MODELING Consider a random variable W(x) that denotes the time inter-
val between two successive exceedances of x. Then, W(x) can be
Fundamental to probabilistic risk modeling is the assessment of referred to as the time between events. If exceedance of x has just
uncertainties. These cover a range of types. This section presents occurred, we can compute the probability that the next exceedance
the discussion of statistical independence-based risk modeling will occur n time units away. Because of the assumption of statisti-
and return period modeling modified after Singh et al. (2007). cal independence, what occurs during one time unit has no effect
on the probabilities of future occurrences. This means that the
same result would be obtained if any integer on the time axis was
4.4.1 Statistical independence-based risk modeling
selected as the initial point, irrespective of whether an exceedance
Consider a flood time series where at each integer value of time, has just occurred. If W = n, this means that there must have been
say, 1, 2, 3, . . . , along the time axis t, flood events occur. The flood n – 1 flood events without an exceedance of x (probability of
time series may be water elevation, flood discharges, and so on. each = q) followed by an exceedance (probability = p). Here the
Each flood event has a flow value, denoted by X, which measures following relationships apply:
the degree of danger the event creates. It is assumed that X is a
random variable with the distribution function F(x) defined as the p = 1 − F (x) and q = F (x) = 1 − p (4.13)
probability that X will be less than or equal to x (a spec value of
X) for one of the selected future flood events. In mathematical
P (N = n) = q n−1 p = [F (x)]n−1 [1 − F (x)] , n = 1, 2, . . .
F (x) = P [X ≤ x] (4.11) P (N = n) = q n−1
(1 − q) = q n−1
−q n

The expected or theoretical average of n can be expressed as: Equation (4.23) has three variables: α, n, and x. Recall that:
T = 1P (N = 1) + 2P (N = 2) + 3p(N = 3) + · · · 1 1
T = or q =1− (4.24)
∞ ∞ ∞
 1−q T
T = E[N] = nP (N = n) = nq n−1 − nq n (4.15)
n T
n=1 n=1 n=1 1 1
α = 1− = 1− for n=T (4.25)
which results in: T T
1 1 and therefore:
T = = (4.16)
1−q 1 − F (x) T
The quantity T is known in hydrologic literature as the average lim 1− = e−1 ∼
= 0.368 (4.26)
T →∞ T
return period. On average, a flood above a level x will occur once
According to Equation (4.26), P (at least one exceedance within
every T years. It should be noted that the distribution function of
a large return period) is:
N is a geometric progression:
1 − qn P = 1 − 0.368 = 0.632 (4.27)
P (N ≤ n) = p(1 + q + q 2 + q 3 + · · · + q n−1 ) = p
= 1 − qn (4.17)
Example 5
Since q = F (x) = 1 − 1/T , Equation (4.17) can be expressed in For the 100-year flood (with a return period of 100 years), find the
terms of the return period as: probability of at least one exceedance within the return period.

1 T Solution
P (N ≤ n) = 1 − 1 − (4.18)
T Given T = 100, then using Equation (4.25) we find:
We can also find the variance of N as follows:
1 n 1 100
α = 1− = 1− = 0.99100 = 0.366 (4.28)
Var[N ] = E[N]2 − [E(N)]2 , 0<p<1 (4.19) T 100

or and
1+q 1 q q P (A) = 1 − 0.366 = 0.634 (4.29)
Var[N ] = − = = 2 (4.20)
(1 − q)2 (1 − q)2 (1 − q)2 p
Let us illustrate these concepts with an example.

Example 4 4.4.3 Flood risk and return period

Find the variance of the return period if q = 0.9 and 0.99.
The link between flood risk and return period is of significant
importance in planning, design, and operation of flood protection
infrastructure. As in the previous section, let p = 1 − F (x) and
When q = 0.9, p = 1 − 0.9 = 0.1. Hence T = 10 and variance
q = F (x) = 1 − p be the probability that a value of the random
can be calculated using Equation (4.20) as:
variable X will be equal to or greater than x. The probability that x
q 0.9
Var[T ] = = = 90 (4.21a) will occur in the next year by definition is p = 1/T. The probability
p2 0.01 that x will not occur in the next year is q = 1 – p = 1 – 1/T. The
In the second case when q = 0.99, p = 1 − 0.99 = 0.01 and T = probability that x will be equaled or exceeded in any n successive
100: years is given by (1 – 1/T)n . The probability that x will occur for
q 0.99 the first time in n years is:
Var[T ] = 2 = = 9900 (4.21b)
p 0.0001
1 n−1 1
This example shows that E[N] is not the best measure. Therefore, q n−1 p = 1 − (4.30)
it is better to calculate the probability of no exceedance within a
given period of n as: The probability that x will occur at least once in the next n years
is the sum of the probabilities of its occurrence in the first, sec-
P (N > n) = α ond, . . . and nth years and is therefore:
∞ ∞

P (N > n) = P (N = k) = q k−1 (1 − q) (4.22) p + pq + pq 2 + · · · + pq n−1 (4.31)
k=n+1 k=n+1
So, the risk, or probability that the event will occur once is:
which yields
1 n
α = q n = [F (x)]n (4.23) R = 1 − qn = 1 − 1 − (4.32)

Table 4.5 Encounter probabilities E1 [= 1 − (1 – 1/T)L ] for estimated life L and return period T1


L 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 160 200 250 300 400 500

1 0.200 0.100 0.067 0.050 0.040 0.033 0.025 0.020 0.017 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002
2 0.360 0.190 0.129 0.098 0.078 0.066 0.049 0.040 0.033 0.025 0.020 0.017 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.007 0.005 0.004
3 0.488 0.271 0.187 0.143 0.115 0.097 0.073 0.059 0.049 0.037 0.030 0.025 0.019 0.015 0.012 0.010 0.007 0.006
4 0.590 0.344 0.241 0.185 0.151 0.127 0.096 0.078 0.065 0.049 0.039 0.033 0.025 0.020 0.016 0.013 0.010 0.008
5 0.672 0.410 0.292 0.226 0.185 0.156 0.119 0.096 0.081 0.061 0.049 0.041 0.031 0.025 0.020 0.017 0.012 0.010
6 0.738 0.469 0.339 0.265 0.217 0.184 0.141 0.114 0.096 0.073 0.059 0.049 0.037 0.030 0.024 0.020 0.015 0.012
7 0.790 0.522 0.383 0.302 0.249 0.211 0.162 0.132 0.111 0.084 0.068 0.057 0.043 0.034 0.028 0.023 0.017 0.014
8 0.832 0.570 0.424 0.337 0.279 0.238 0.183 0.149 0.126 0.096 0.077 0.065 0.049 0.039 0.032 0.026 0.020 0.016
9 0.866 0.613 0.463 0.370 0.307 0.263 0.204 0.166 0.140 0.107 0.086 0.073 0.055 0.044 0.035 0.033 0.025 0.020
10 0.893 0.651 0.498 0.401 0.335 0.288 0.224 0.183 0.155 0.118 0.096 0.080 0.061 0.049 0.039 0.032 0.025 0.020
12 0.931 0.718 0.563 0.460 0.387 0.334 0.262 0.215 0.183 0.140 0.114 0.096 0.072 0.058 0.047 0.039 0.030 0.024
14 0.956 0.771 0.619 0.512 0.435 0.378 0.298 0.246 0.210 0.161 0.131 0.111 0.084 0.068 0.055 0.046 0.034 0.028
16 0.972 0.815 0.668 0.560 0.480 0.419 0.333 0.276 0.236 0.182 0.149 0.125 0.095 0.077 0.062 0.052 0.039 0.032
18 0.982 0.850 0.711 0.603 0.520 0.457 0.366 0.305 0.261 0.203 0.165 0.140 0.107 0.086 0.070 0.058 0.044 0.035
20 0.988 0.878 0.748 0.642 0.558 0.492 0.397 0.332 0.285 0.222 0.182 0.154 0.118 0.095 0.077 0.065 0.049 0.039
25 0.996 0.928 0.822 0.723 0.640 0.572 0.469 0.397 0.343 0.270 0.222 0.189 0.145 0.118 0.095 0.080 0.061 0.049
30 0.999 0.958 0.874 0.785 0.706 0.638 0.532 0.455 0.396 0.314 0.260 0.222 0.171 0.140 0.113 0.095 0.072 0.058
35 0.999+ 0.976 0.911 0.834 0.760 0.695 0.588 0.507 0.445 0.356 0.297 0.254 0.197 0.161 0.013 0.110 0.084 0.068
40 0.999+ 0.985 0.937 0.871 0.805 0.742 0.637 0.554 0.489 0.395 0.331 0.284 0.222 0.182 0.148 0.125 0.095 0.077
45 0.999+ 0.991 0.955 0.901 0.841 0.782 0.680 0.597 0.531 0.432 0.364 0.314 0.246 0.202 0.165 0.140 0.107 0.086
50 0.999+ 0.955 0.968 0.923 0.870 0.816 0.718 0.636 0.568 0.467 0.395 0.342 0.269 0.222 0.182 0.154 0.118 0.095

The value of risk can be obtained directly from the probability of so the relationship between E and T is given by:
non-exceedance in n years. This equation can be used to calculate  
1 L
the probability that x will occur within its return period: E =1− 1− (4.35)
1 T
RT = 1 − 1 − (4.33) Equations (4.34) and (4.35) have the same appearance because
there are one or more exceedances of x in time L if N ≤ L.
For large T, it has already been shown that PT = 1 − e−1 ∼ = 0.63. Hence, E = P(N ≤ L). Table 4.5 shows values of the encounter
This indicates that the probability that x will occur within its probability for various values of the estimated life L and return
return period is about 64%. Thus, a levee designed to withstand periods T. Table 4.6 shows the return periods for various values
a flood with a 100-year return period has a 64% chance that this of the encounter probability and estimated life. A comparison of
design flood will be exceeded before the end of the first 100-year the time between events and the encounter probability brings out
period. several interesting properties. For example, a levee with a 50-year
For flood infrastructure design purposes it might be desirable to life has a better than even chance of encountering 50-year floods
specify some probability that the undesirable event would occur during its life. Indeed, the probability is 0.636. Thus, depending
within the design period and calculate the required return period. If on the amount of risk the decision-maker is willing to take, a
R is the risk that the event will occur within the design period, then much higher return period flood will have to be used for a 50-year
using Equation (4.33) we can calculate the design return period T. levee. As an example, for a 10% risk, a 475-year flood will have
The probability R is also called the encounter probability. Suppose to be used.
a levee is built for a postulated life of L time units (say, years). The
probability that an event with intensity x will occur during the life
Example 6
of the levee is the encounter probability, E(x), and is a measure of
Suppose a flood control reservoir and corresponding dam are
risk. The probability of no exceedance during L time units is
designed with a projected life of 25 years. The designer wants to
[F(x)]L . Hence, the probability of one or more exceedances is:
take only a 10% chance that the dam will be overtopped within
E = 1 − [F (x)]L (4.34) this period. What return period flood should be used?
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 79

Table 4.6 Return periods T1 for estimated life L and encounter 4.5.1 Monte Carlo simulation for flood risk
probability E1 [= 1 − (1 – 1/T)L ] management under climate change

Simulation models describe how a system operates, and are used
to predict what changes will result from a specific course of action.
L 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.70 Such models are sometimes referred to as cause-and-effect mod-
1 50 20 10 7 5 3 3 2 1 els. They describe the state of the system in response to various
2 99 39 19 13 9 6 4 3 2 inputs, but give no direct measure of what decisions should be
3 149 59 29 19 14 9 6 5 3 taken to improve the performance of the system. Therefore, sim-
4 198 78 38 25 18 12 8 6 4 ulation is a problem-solving technique (Simonovic, 2009). Simu-
5 248 98 48 31 23 15 10 8 5 lation consists of designing a model of the system and conducting
6 297 117 57 37 27 17 12 9 6 experiments with the model either for better understanding of the
7 347 137 67 44 32 20 14 11 6 functioning of the system or for evaluating various strategies for
8 396 156 76 50 36 23 16 12 7 its management. Nowadays most simulation experiments are con-
9 446 176 86 56 41 26 18 13 8 ducted numerically using a computer. A mathematical model of
10 495 195 95 62 45 29 20 15 9
the system is prepared and repeated runs of this model are taken.
12 594 234 114 74 54 34 24 18 10
The results are available in the form of tables, graphs, or perfor-
14 693 273 133 87 63 40 28 21 12
16 792 312 152 99 72 45 32 24 14
mance indices. They are analyzed to draw inferences about the
18 892 351 171 111 81 51 36 26 15 adequacy of the model.
20 990 390 190 124 90 57 40 29 17 In the application of a probabilistic approach, the design of
25 1238 488 238 154 113 71 49 37 21 real-world systems is based on observed historical data. For exam-
30 1485 585 285 185 135 85 59 44 25 ple, the observed streamflow data are used in sizing a reservoir,
35 1733 683 333 216 157 99 69 51 30 designing a levee, determining capacity of a diversion channel,
40 1981 780 380 247 180 113 79 58 34 etc. However, in the consideration of climate change it is well
45 2228 878 428 277 202 127 89 65 38 known that the historical records and the observed pattern of data
50 2475 975 475 308 225 141 98 73 42 are not likely to repeat in the future (Milly et al., 2008). Besides,
the performance of a system critically depends on the extreme
values of input variables and the historical data may not contain
Solution the entire future range of input variables. An important implica-
Given n = 25 and R = 10% = 0.10, we find from the Table 4.5 tion of these facts is that we may not get a complete picture of
the return period T = 238 years. This is the return period of the the system performance and risks involved when historical data
flood that should be used in the design. are used in analysis. Thus, for instance, the risks of a flood risk
management system failing during its economic life cannot be
determined because this requires a very large sample of data,
which are not commonly available.
In flood risk management, probability is based on historical data. Let us consider a system for which some or all inputs are random,
This probability is called objective, classical, or frequentist and system parameters are random, initial conditions may be random,
deals with uncertainty that can be measured quantitatively. Cli- and boundary condition(s) may also be random in nature. The
mate change probabilities are subjective because they are based probabilistic properties of these are known. For analysis of such
on the degree of belief that a person has that change will occur. systems, simulation experiments may be conducted with a set of
The probabilistic approach still has its place in the consideration inputs that are synthetically (artificially) generated. The inputs
of climate change as discussed in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. Figure 3.3 are generated so as to preserve the statistical properties of the
adopted from Stirling (1998) defines the place for a probabilistic random variables. Each simulation experiment with a particu-
approach in the space bounded by the knowledge about likeli- lar set of inputs gives an answer. When many such experiments
hoods and knowledge about outcomes. The focus of this section are conducted with different sets of inputs, a set of answers is
of the book is on the presentation of three probabilistic tools: obtained. These answers are statistically analyzed to understand
Monte Carlo simulation, evolutionary optimization, and multi- or predict the behavior of the system. This approach is known
objective goal programming, that can be of value for flood risk as Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Thus, it is a technique to
management under climate change. obtain statistical properties of the output of a system given the

properties of the inputs and the system (Singh et al., 2007). By based on the literature survey, GCM projections for the study area,
using it, decision-makers can get better insight into the working and transposition of southern climatic conditions. Two scenarios
of the system and can determine the risk of failure (e.g., chances of likely most severe changes are selected: (i) a 25% increase
of a reservoir flood storage being insufficient for flood attenua- in the mean and standard deviation of the Gumbel distribution
tion, levee height being insufficient to prevent overtopping, etc.). of rainfall depth for storm durations from 6 to 48 hours; and
Sometimes, MCS is defined as any simulation that involves the (ii) a 50% increase in the standard deviation only. The HEC-1
use of random numbers. watershed model and the soil conservation service runoff curve
In MCS, the inputs to the system are transformed into outputs method for abstractions are used in MCS. Comparison of Monte
by means of a mathematical model of the system. This model Carlo-derived flood-frequency curves for the two scenarios with
is developed such that the important features of the system are the present day curve shows that scenario 1 is more critical in
represented in sufficient detail. The main steps in MCS are: terms of flood flow increases than scenario 2. Under scenario 1,
r the mean annual flood in the study watershed would increase by
assembling inputs;
r almost 80% and the 100-year flood would increase by 41%.
preparing a model of the system;
r Prudhomme et al. (2003) present a rigorous methodology for
conducting experiments using the inputs and the model; and
r quantifying some of the uncertainties of climate change impact
analyzing the output.
studies, excluding those due to downscaling techniques, and
Sometimes, a parameter of the system is systematically changed applied to a set of five catchments in Great Britain. Uncertainties
and the output is monitored in the changed circumstances to deter- in climate change are calculated from a set of 25,000 climate scen-
mine how sensitive it is to the changes in the properties of the arios randomly generated by MCS, using several GCMs, SRES-
system. 98 emission scenarios, and climate sensitivities. Flow series rep-
The main advantages of MCS are: (i) that it permits detailed resentative of current and future conditions are simulated using
description of the system, its inputs, outputs, and parameters; and a conceptual hydrologic model. Generalized Pareto distributions
(ii) savings in time and expenses. It is important to remember that are fitted to peak-over-threshold series for each scenario, and
the synthetically generated data are no substitute for the observed future flood scenarios compared to current conditions for four
data but this is a useful pragmatic tool that allows extraction of typical flood events. Most scenarios show an increase in both
detailed information from the available data. the magnitude and the frequency of flood events, generally not
The name of the technique comes from the use of roulette greater than the 95% confidence limits. The largest uncertainty
wheels, similar to those in use in the casino at Monte Carlo, in the can be attributed to the type of GCM used, with the magnitude
early days to generate random numbers. The generation of random of changes varying by up to a factor of 9 in Northern England
numbers forms an important part of MCS. During the initial days and Scotland. The recommendation of the study is that climate
of mathematical simulation, mechanical means were employed change impact studies should consider a range of climate scenar-
to generate random numbers. Printed tables of random numbers ios derived from different GCMs, and that adaptation policies do
were also in use for quite some time. The current approach is not rely on results from only very few scenarios.
to use a computer-based routine to generate random numbers. The paper by Booij (2005) assesses the impact of climate
Various techniques in use today are available in many statistics change on flooding in the River Meuse using spatially and tem-
textbooks (for example Singh et al., 2007, page 439). porally changed climate patterns and a hydrologic model with
three different spatial resolutions. This assessment is achieved
MONTE CARLO SIMULATION, CLIMATE by selecting a hydrologic modeling framework and implement-
C H A N G E, A N D FL OOD R ISK MANAGE ME N T ing appropriate model components, derived in an earlier study,
Many studies dealing with climate change uncertainty take advan- into the selected framework. Additionally, two other spatial res-
tage of the MCS approach. Some of them are reviewed here to olutions for the hydrologic model are used to evaluate the sen-
illustrate the utility of the approach in flood risk management sitivity of the model results to spatial model resolution and to
under climate change. allow for a test of the model appropriateness procedure. Monte
Muzik (2002) examines how flood frequencies and magni- Carlo generations of a stochastic precipitation model under cur-
tudes in a midsize subalpine watershed on the eastern slopes of rent and changed climate conditions are used to assess the climate
the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada, would change under change impacts. The average and extreme discharge behavior at
doubled-CO2 conditions. Given the limited spatial resolution of the basin outlet is well reproduced by the three versions of the
present GCMs and their uncertain performance at the regional hydrologic model in the calibration and validation. The results
scale, a first-order analysis is carried out, in which only rain- show improvement with increasing model resolution. The model
fall intensity changes are considered to have the most significant results with synthetic precipitation under current climate condi-
impact on future floods. Estimates of storm rainfall increases are tions show a small overestimation of average discharge behavior
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 81

and a considerable underestimation of extreme discharge behav- integrated assessment models of climate change). DICE links an
ior. The underestimation of extreme discharges is caused by the optimal economic growth model to a description of anthropogenic
small-scale character of the observed precipitation input at the climate change with the implied economic impacts. Economic
sub-basin scale. The general trend with climate change is a small output is described by a constant-returns-to-scale Cobb–Douglas
decrease of the average discharge and a small increase of discharge production function with labor and capital as input factors. DICE
variability and extreme discharges. The variability in extreme dis- maximizes a global welfare function by determining the opti-
charges for climate change conditions increases with respect to mal division of economic output over time into consumption,
the simulations for current climate conditions. This variability investment, and emissions abatement. (ii) It estimates uncertainty
results from both the stochasticity of the precipitation process under three policy scenarios as well as a no policy case, to show
and the differences between the climate models. The total uncer- the impact of the range of uncertainty in estimates for tempera-
tainty in river flooding with climate change (over 40%) is much ture change in 2100 and 2200. Using the Monte Carlo approach,
larger than the change with respect to current climate conditions the paper provides a more comprehensive picture of the relative
(less than 10%). However, climate changes are systematic changes likelihood of different future climates. To examine the relative
rather than random changes and thus the large uncertainty range contributions of uncertain climate parameters (climate sensitivity
is shifted to another level corresponding to the changed average and radiative forcing), the author uses a reduced-form version of
situation. the climate model to generate the PDFs of temperature change by
The Suchen (2006) report on deterioration of existing flood MCS. First, the probability distributions for the uncertain input
defenses within the Thames Estuary (UK) states that flood risk is parameters are defined. Two different probability distributions are
once again becoming increasingly important, exacerbated by the used: uniform and triangular distributions. Radiative forcing is
effects of climate change and growth of the exposed population modeled using a log-normal distribution. Then, the output param-
and assets. This report utilizes risk assessment tools to review eter (temperature change) is identified, and the simulation with
flood defense strategies including the Thames Estuary 2100 10,000 iterations is run.
Project. A portfolio of defense, social, and regulatory initiatives To explore the potential for changes in future flood risk, Shaw
as well as sustainable strategies is discussed subject to controlling and Riha (2011) employ a compound frequency distribution
future flood risks using various source–pathway–receptor frame- which assumes that annual maximum discharges can be mod-
works (mentioned in Section 4.1) with MCS techniques. Failure eled by combining the cumulative distribution functions of dis-
mechanisms of earth embankments are also assessed using exist- charges resulting from annual maximum rainfall, annual maxi-
ing methods. An effective flood risk model used is based on the mum snowmelt, and occurrences of moderate rain on wet soils.
SPRC framework. Each component of the model can be quantified A compound frequency distribution comprises univariate gener-
by: (i) source: fragility curves of defenses; (ii) path: flood inunda- alized extreme value (GEV) and gamma distributions. They find
tion model; (iii) receptor: people and property (database); and that a hypothetical 20% increase in the magnitude of rainfall-
(iv) consequence: resultant damage. This model incorporates related stream discharge results in little change in 96th percentile
defense reliability, changes in climate and flood plains by model- annual maximum discharge. For the 99th percentile discharge,
ing the hydraulic loading on the system as a dependent variable two water bodies in their study have a 10% or less increase
but with the performance of each defense being independent. This in annual maximum discharge when annual maximum rainfall-
setup enables use of MCS – sampling defense system-states under related discharges increased by 20%, while the third water body
various loading conditions referencing fragility curves. Ulti- has a 16% increase in annual maximum discharges. Their analyses
mately the outputs are expected annual damage (EAD) and spatial are done using 50-plus years of historical discharge and meteo-
inundation. rological data from three watersheds in different physiographic
Park (2008) presents an approach to assess climate change regions of New York State, USA. Additionally, in some of their
under uncertainty using MCS. He finds that in the absence of cases, annual maximum discharges could be offset by a reduc-
climate policy, the 95% bound on temperature change in 2100 tion in the discharge resulting from annual maximum snowmelt
is 5.79 ◦ C. The stringent climate policies with aggressive emis- events. While only intended as a heuristic tool to explore the
sions reductions over time significantly lower the temperature interaction among different flood causing mechanisms, the use of
change, compared to the no policy case. His work is not directly a compound flood frequency distribution suggests a case can be
related to flood risk management but offers a traditional imple- made that not all water bodies in humid, cold regions will see
mentation of MCS. This paper builds on previous estimates of extensive changes in flooding due to increased rainfall intensities.
uncertainty in future climate changes but with two important Their work uses Monte Carlo analysis to assess whether the aver-
improvements: (i) It runs MCS with different probability dis- aged 2-month runoff ratios of the warmest winters are statistically
tributions for uncertain parameters and scenarios, based on a different from randomly drawing values from the full record of
DICE model output (DICE denotes a family of optimization global runoff ratios. In the Monte Carlo analysis, they generate 10,000

Table 4.7 The discharge frequency data Table 4.9 Monte Carlo simulation input data for log-normal
Tr Exceedance Discharge
(years) probability (m3 /s) Standard
Mean deviation
500 0.002 898.8
200 0.005 676.1 100 year discharge μ = 538.5 σ = 100
100 0.010 538.5 (m3 /s)
50 0.020 423.0 Stage (m) μ = −6E − 06x2 + 0.0134x σ = 0.3
20 0.050 298.8 + 1.2903
10 0.100 222.5
5 0.200 158.4
variable X will be smaller than or equal to the distribution of an
uncertain input variable x:
Table 4.8 The stage discharge data
F (x) = P (X ≤ x) (4.36)

Discharge Stage where F(x) takes values from zero to one. The next step is to look
(m3 /s) (m) at the inverse function G(F(x)) written as:
898.8 8.32 G(F (x)) = x (4.37)
676.1 7.57
538.5 6.70 The inverse function is used in the generation of random samples
423.0 5.80 from the distribution. Thus, to generate a sample from an input
298.8 4.76 probability distribution fitted to the uncertain variable, a random
222.5 4.00 number (r) is generated between zero and one. This value is
158.4 3.24
substituted into Equation (4.37) where F(x) is equal to (r). The
random number r is generated from the uniform (0, 1) distribution
to provide equal opportunity of an x value to be generated in any
unique combinations of semi-monthly runoff ratios and take each percentile range. The MCS process is automated with the use of
combination’s average, sampling with replacement from all the a software package such as MATLAB (2011).
possible monthly values. Each sample is as large as the number of
(a) The expected value of levee height. Using the expected value
warm winters in the record of the respective site (i.e., either four
of the log-normal distribution we first find the expected value
or six).
of discharge for the 100-year return period and then the cor-
The following includes the detailed presentation of an applica-
responding expected value of stage. The equations below
tion of the MCS for learning purposes.
correspond to the expected value for the log-normal distri-
bution. These equations are implemented with the MCS.
Example 7
Suppose you are asked to design a flood protection levee. Deter- ∞
e−(ln x−μ1 ) /2σ1 dx
2 2
mine the height of a levee for 100-year return period flood protec- f (X) =  (4.38)
tion with the discharge frequency curve as provided in Table 4.7 0 x 2πσ1
and the stage discharge curve in Table 4.8. The freeboard value
is 1 m. 1
e−(ln x−μ1 ) /2σ1 dx
2 2
E(X) = x  (4.39)
In the design of a levee use the implicit probabilistic simula-
0 x 2πσ12
tion procedure with log-normal distribution and given population
properties for a 100-year return period in Table 4.9. The value of where
x in the table represents the discharge.  
Find (a) the expected value of a levee height and (b) the 90th μ1 = ln  (4.40)
σ 2 + μ2
percentile (the height of a levee which will account for the flood
stage value at or below 90%). 
μ2 + σ 2
σ1 = ln (4.41)
The Monte Carlo sampling method starts with a cumulative dis- where μ and σ correspond to the normal distribution mean
tribution function F(x), which gives the probability P that the and standard deviation, respectively.
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 83

Figure 4.3 MATLAB computer code for MCS of discharge.

In this example, 2000 trials of input combinations are eval- The mean stage value from Equation (4.43) and stan-
uated through the use of a random number generator in an dard deviation given in Table 4.9 are used as inputs into the
automated process. The MATLAB computer program was MATLAB MCS (code in Figure 4.4) yielding an expected
developed for the implementation of MCS and is provided flood stage value of E(H ) = 6.773 m. Figure 4.6 shows the
in Figures 4.3 and 4.4. detailed output of stage MCS.
Step 1. Use the discharge parameters for the log-normal Step 3. Using the freeboard of 1 m and expected flood
distribution provided in Table 4.9 as inputs into the stage of 6.773 m the total expected height of the levee is:
MATLAB MCS (code in Figure 4.3). We find that the Ht = H + Hf = 6.773 + 1 = 7.773 m (4.44)
100-year expected discharge is E(Q) = 539.93 m3 /s.
(b) The 90% of levee height. This part of the exercise will also
Figure 4.5 shows the detailed output of the Monte Carlo
be solved using MCS.
discharge simulation.
Step 1. Given the input discharge values in Table 4.9 the
Step 2. Use the stage parameters for the log-normal dis-
MCS using code from Figure 4.3 yields a 90th percentile
tribution provided in Table 4.9 as inputs into the MATLAB
discharge of 664.01 m3 /s. Figure 4.5 shows the detailed
MCS (code in Figure 4.4) to find the corresponding expected
output of discharge MCS.
stage value. The mean stage value is first calculated using
Step 2. Use the discharge value of 664.01 m3 /s and substi-
the mean stage–discharge function provided in Table 4.9:
tute into the mean stage Equation (4.42). The result is a mean
μ = −6.0(10−6 )x 2 + 0.0134x + 1.2903 (4.42) stage value of 7.56 m in addition to the standard deviation
of 0.3 m provided in Table 4.9.
where x is the expected discharge, E(Q) = 539.93 m3 /s,
The values of mean and standard deviation are used as
resulting in:
input for the 90th percentile stage MCS. Figure 4.6 shows
μ = −6.0(10−6 )(539.93)2 + 0.0134(539.93) + 1.2903 the detailed output of stage MCS. The 90th percentile flood
= 6.763 m (4.43) stage is H = 7.16 m.

Figure 4.4 MATLAB computer code for MCS of stage.

Step 3. The design levee height that flood level will be at Okavango Research Centre. This example utilizes a method based
or below for 90% of the time given the freeboard addition on the MCS for making predictions of future temporal flooding
of 1 m is: patterns for the Okavango Delta. The method is developed to
allow for incorporation of upstream water abstraction and global
Ht = H + Hf = 7.16 + 1 = 8.16 m (4.45) climate change in the assessment of the effects on the flooding in
the delta. The MCS is implemented to describe future conditions
The levee height of 8.16 m is conservative and provides a in probabilistic terms based on a large number of simulations
high safety level that may not be economically feasible. that mimic the observed variability. The method uses an annual,
lumped regression model of the delta’s flooding and a series of
The MCS code developed using MATLAB and shown in satellite-derived flood images.
Figures 4.3 and 4.4 is included on the website: directory Proba-
bilistic tools, sub-directory Simulation, sub-sub-directory Monte
Carlo, files discharge.m and stage.m.
Introduction The Okavango Delta is a large wetland situated in
northern Botswana that has developed on a near terminal alluvial
MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF FUTURE fan of the Okavango River. The size of the inundated area of
FL O O D I N G CO NDIT IONS IN T HE OKAVANGO the wetland varies considerably, responding to discharge of the
DELTA Okavango River, with local rainfall playing a less significant role.
This section illustrates the value of the Monte Carlo probabilistic That variation is visible at various time scales (from months to
simulation approach to the management of climate change-caused years to decades to centuries).
flood risk. The example is taken from Wolski et al. (2002) by The strongest variation results from seasonality of rainfall in
permission of Professor Piotr Wolski of the Harry Oppenheimer the catchment of the Okavango River and the consequent seasonal
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 85

LogNormal population pdf

x 10 -3 mean: 538.5, std: 100

p 2

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

LogNormal random simulation

Expected value: 539.9341 m3/s, 90th percentile: 664.0978 m3/s




200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 4.5 The output of Monte Carlo discharge simulation.

LogNormal population pdf

mean: 6.763, std: 0.3



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

LogNormal random simulation

Expected value: 6.7728 m, 90th percentile: 7.1569 mm




6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8
Figure 4.6 The output of Monte Carlo stage simulation.

changes in delta inflow (100 m3 /s during the low flow season and (January–March), which expands to 9,000–12,000 km2 during the
up to 1,500 m3 /s during the peak discharge period, with an annual flood season (July–September). Flood extent also varies between
mean discharge of 320 m3 /s). An area of approximately 4,000– years responding to interannual differences in rainfall over the
6,000 km2 is permanently inundated during the low flow season delta and discharge of the Okavango River.

The regression model relates hydrologic inputs, i.e., local rainfall

and inflow from the Okavango River to the annual maximum size
of the flooded area. Flood distribution maps show that over the last
15 years the spatial distribution of the flood varied relatively little
between years; i.e., floods of similar size occurring in various
years looked remarkably similar. This information can be used
to translate the model-derived maximum size of the flooded area
into a map of that flood.
Using the available tools it is possible to determine the future
temporal flooding pattern in any part of the Okavango Delta, pro-
Figure 4.7 Sequence of observed and simulated annual inflow into the vided with predictions of model inputs, local rainfall, and flow in
Okavango, with the long-term oscillation superimposed (after Wolski the Okavango River. The model provides information on maxi-
et al., 2002). mum annual flood size only, and the duration of flooding cannot
be predicted. The temporal flooding pattern is thus described in
terms of flood frequency, the number of years in a longer time
Longer-term variations in inflow to the delta are also evident period during which a given area is inundated, and the duration
(see Figure 4.7). For example, the 1970s were characterized by of that inundation is disregarded.
a sequence of years with large floods, whereas the floods during To predict future rainfall and flow in the Okavango, an assump-
the 1990s were much smaller. tion is made that statistical description of variation in the future
Another important factor determining the dynamics of flood- time series of rainfall and inflow will be the same as it was in
ing, which acts in a much longer time frame, is the process of the past (which does not hold for the climate change conditions).
sedimentation. That process is responsible for a gradual, lateral Each series is treated as being composed of high frequency ran-
shift of flow between the subsystems of the delta. dom noise superimposed on low frequency deterministic trends.
The dynamic nature of the flood distribution and size results By generating a large number of realizations of future time series
in different regions of the Okavango Delta experiencing different of rainfall and inflow and using them in the regression model a
temporal patterns of inundation. Inundation is the main determi- large number of possible (in probabilistic terms) future series of
nant of the ecology of the delta. The three main units or eco- maximum flooded area can be obtained. For each of such series
regions of the wetland that can be distinguished in the delta are: the flood sizes that would occur with given frequencies are then
permanent swamp, seasonal floodplains, and occasional flood- determined. Using all the realizations, the PDFs describing given
plains. They differ in duration and frequency of inundation, which associations of flood size and flooding frequency are developed.
determines vegetation structure and composition. Due to the long- They provide how likely it is that a flood of a given size would
term variation in flooding extent, the location and size of these occur with a given frequency. Finally, the frequency probability
units varies with time. Obviously, vegetation has had to adapt information is transferred to maps.
to these changing conditions. However, little is known about the The following steps are involved in the implementation of the
dynamics, especially response time, of vegetation changes caused methodology:
by changes in flooding patterns. The long-term change caused by Step1. Generate realizations of future rainfall and Okavango
global climate change also plays an important role in understand- River discharge. Future changes such as upstream water abstrac-
ing the potential extent of inundation and its impact on the ecology tion and/or climate change are implemented at this stage by impos-
of the Okavango Delta. ing them as deterministic factors.
An original method is developed for making predictions of Step 2. Translate each realization of rainfall and inflow into a
future temporal flooding patterns using models and historic data time series of the size of flood inundation using the regression
available for the Okavango Delta. The method allows for incorpor- model.
ation of upstream water abstractions and global climate change. Step 3. Obtain the probability of a given flood frequency being
It can thus be used for assessing the effects of anthropogenic associated with a given size of flood inundation.
interference or natural change on the flooding in the Okavango Step 4. Translate flood frequency probabilities into flood fre-
Delta. quency probability maps.

General description of the method There are two tools used Simulation scenarios Currently the Okavango River flows with
in modeling of flood size and distribution in the Okavango Delta: its natural, unaltered regime, without any significant anthro-
a regression model of maximum annual flood (Gumbricht et al., pogenic interference. The first simulation scenario assumes that
2004) and a time series of flood maps derived from satellite data. such a regime will continue in the future.
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 87

Developments in the region are likely to occur, which will records, were subject to Fourier analysis in order to detect cycli-
result in abstraction of water from the river and thus alter its flow city. Two long-term cycles were found in both: an 18-year cycle,
regime. At the current time there is no water abstraction scheme and a cycle of length exceeding 60 years. The length of the long-
scheduled to be implemented. However, there is a proposal to term cycle observed in records of the Okavango flow was taken
abstract approximately 100 MCM/year at Rundu. This abstraction as 80 years based on the 3,000 years of proxy data available for
is analyzed as the second simulation scenario. southern Africa.
Another factor that has an immediate effect on the hydro- Two cycles, 18 and 80 years, are deterministic components in
logic inputs to the Okavango Delta is climate change. Vari- the total variation in flow and it is assumed that they will continue
ous GCMs exist that simulate future climatic conditions (rain- in the future. The cyclicity was subtracted from the data and the
fall and temperature) accounting for global warming. This resulting values were normalized and checked for normality of
study uses the results of the Hadley Centre’s HadCM3 model distribution with the Wilk–Shapiro test. Parameters of the normal
(information available on line at www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/ distribution describing the data were then determined. Subtraction
modelling-systems/unified-model/climate-models/hadcm3, last of cyclicity removed the autocorrelation in the data.
accessed June, 2011). The MCS was performed to generate future sequences of rain-
The implementation of the results of climate change models in fall and discharge. The MCS covered the period between 2003
the analysis is challenging due to the lack of a reliable rainfall– and 2100. One thousand realizations were generated for each of
runoff model for the catchment (the model is in the process of the considered scenarios. The PDF of the rainfall and inflow series
development and one of the major obstacles is lack of rainfall was based on de-trended and normalized data, and thus each of
data from Angola). The output of the GCM is expressed as reduc- the generated series was scaled back to the original values and
tion in rainfall in relation to present conditions. The method used the trend (cyclicity) added. The effects of abstractions and global
in this study needs rainfall and discharge data for the Okavango climate change were imposed on the generated rainfall and inflow
River. Thus, there is a need to determine how the discharge in the by subtracting the anticipated reductions from the generated rain-
Okavango will be affected by the simulated reduction in rainfall fall and inflow respectively. The simulated inflows are illustrated
in the Okavango River catchment. The authors implemented a in Figure 4.7, which also shows the historic data and the 18- and
simpler solution in calculating reduction in flow by relating Oka- 80-year cycles. Simulated results are presented by plotting only
vango River discharge to rainfall from Mwinilunga in Zambia 10 simulations for clarity.
(a station that has a sufficiently long rainfall record (80 years) Obviously, the delta rainfall and inflow co-vary. The correla-
and is located in the same climatic zone as the Okavango catch- tion coefficient between them is, however, relatively small: r =
ment). From the resulting regression equation it was determined 0.34. The future sequences of rainfall and inflow are simulated as
that reduction in rainfall by 100 mm would result in reduction in random independent variables, not correlated. In spite of this, the
annual flow by 1,100 MCM. The HadCM3 model simulates the correlation coefficient between the simulated rainfall and inflow
reduction in annual rainfall over the delta to be 60 mm in 2100 is similar to that in the original data. This effect can be attributed
for one emission scenario, compared to contemporary conditions. to the fact that the majority of the correlation in the original data
For the catchment, the HadCM3 model predicts a reduction of 130 resulted from the presence of similar patterns in the low frequency
mm. The latter translates to a reduction in flow of 1,430 MCM. component (long-term trend or cyclicity), and these are preserved
In order to incorporate these values into the procedure presented in the deterministic component of the simulated sequences.
here, use the linear gradual increase from 0 in 2002 to the values Step 2. Development of time series of flood inundation size.
mentioned above in 2100. This is the third simulation scenario. The regression model of Gumbricht et al. (2004) was used to
In summary, the following scenarios have been simulated: transform rainfall and inflow into time series of flood inundation
(i) the natural flow regime (hereafter called “natural flow”); size. The model operates on an annual basis. The maximum annual
(ii) abstraction of 100 MCM at Rundu (hereafter called “abstrac- flood inundation area (A) is the dependent variable, while total
tion”); and (iii) global climate change – progressive reduction annual discharge of the Okavango at Mohembo (Q), total annual
in delta rainfall up to a maximum of 60 mm/year in 2100 and rainfall (P) over the delta, evaporation (E), and the previous year’s
progressive reduction in the Okavango flow up to a maximum of maximum flood inundation (L) are the explanatory variables.
1,430 MCM/year in 2100 (hereafter called “climate change”).
A(km2 ) = 0.96 × Q(106 m3 ) + 5.59 × P (mm) + 0.148
Model analyses The following is the description of the imple- × L(km2 ) − 747 × E(mm) + 2811 (4.46)
mentation of the presented methodology.
Step 1: Future rainfall and Okavango River discharge. The time The model has been calibrated on the flood inundation data
series of the Okavango River discharge at Mohembo and rainfall from 1984 to 2000, which comprised flood inundations as big
over the delta, taken as an average of the Maun and Shakawe as 12,000 km2 and as small as 4,500 km2 . The calibration process

(a) size associated with each of the considered flooding frequencies

is calculated. This is done by considering flooding frequency to
14000 be numerically equivalent to the probability of exceeding a given
Inundation (km )

inundation size, as calculated from the 30 years of data. (ii) For
8000 each of the flooding frequencies f and for each of the flood size
4000 ranges A, the number of combinations of that frequency and flood
size falling into that range is calculated. (iii) Equation (4.47) is
1930 1955 1980 2005 2030 2055 2080 2105 used to obtain the probability of a given flooding frequency occur-
ring within a given range.
pf/A = (4.47)
14000 N
Inundation (km )

where pf /A is the probability that frequency f occurs within zone
6000 A; nf /A is the number of cases when inundation of size falling
2000 into zone A occurred with frequency f; and N is the number
1930 1955 1980 2005 2030 2055 2080 2105 of cases in the sample. In this MCS the number of cases is
As can be seen from Figure 4.8, the time series of generated
16000 flood inundation sizes is very strongly influenced by the 80-year
cyclicity. One can determine flooding frequencies using the entire
Inundation (km )

simulated period: 2003–2100. However, that would contain three
6000 relatively long periods of different, but relatively uniform, flood-
ing conditions. It is likely that ecological change will occur in
1930 1955 1980 2005 2030 2055 2080 2105
response to that long-term variation. As a result, average flooding
Year frequencies obtained for the entire period would not be represen-
Figure 4.8 Model reconstructed flood inundation for 1934–2001 (thin tative of the real conditions. The authors thus decided to divide
black line) and model calculated flood inundation for ten realizations of the period of calculations into three parts, roughly corresponding
rainfall and inflow under: (a) natural flow scenario; (b) abstraction to the three periods of different flooding conditions (2002–2031,
scenario; and (c) climate change scenario, with average of all 2032–2061, 2062–2091) and to determine flooding frequencies
simulations superimposed in bold (after Wolski et al., 2002). for each of them separately.
The aim of the entire procedure described in this case study
comprised adjustment of regression coefficients for each explan- is to determine the flooding frequency or, rather, the probability
atory variable using the minimum square method. The correlation of flooding with a given frequency for each point in the delta.
coefficient between the observed and the simulated floods was Information about floods is, however, obtained from a model in
0.95, with a flood size estimation error of 600 km2 . The incorpor- Equation (4.46) that represents the inundation as a whole. To
ation of potential evaporation (E) as a variable in the model did represent the spatial distribution of the floods obtained from the
not improve model results. The model was used by Gumbricht model, maps of the spatial distribution of flood inundations of
et al. (2004) to estimate flood inundations back to 1934, a period various sizes are used. The maps were obtained by classification
for which rainfall and inflow records are available. of satellite images and their derivation presented by McCarthy
The series of model-calculated flood inundations for ten differ- et al. (2003). The area prone to flooding covers approximately
ent realizations of inflow and rainfall for each of the scenarios are 12,500 km2 . The flood-prone area is divided in zones (spatial
presented in Figure 4.8. The figure also shows the flood inundation unit of analysis) that represent areas characterized by a similar
since 1934, reconstructed using the model. flooding pattern. The zones cover 500 km2 each and represent
Step 3. Probability of given flood frequency associated with areas progressively flooded with an increase in flood inundation.
given inundation size. There are several factors that influence the For each of the realizations, the association of flood inundation
way in which the flooding frequencies are calculated. First is the and flooding frequency is determined by considering the flooding
long-term variation observed in the generated inundation size; frequency equivalent to the probability of exceeding a given flood
second, the nature of flood maps on which the procedure is based inundation. For the purpose of simpler calculation assumption of
and finally, the continuous nature of the generated inundation size. a discrete distribution of both inundation and flooding frequency
The Monte Carlo procedure for calculating flooding frequen- is introduced. Only the following flooding frequencies are con-
cies is as follows: (i) For each of the realizations, the inundation sidered: 0.03, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 0.97 in
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 89


Figure 4.9 Probability of flooding with frequency 0.5 for climate change scenario: (left) 2002–2031, (center) 2032–2061, (right) 2062–2091. Areas
covered by inundation smaller than 4,000 km2 are not shown (after Wolski et al., 2002).

discrete spatial zones. The flooding frequency probability is thus to complex systems; (iii) production of acceptable results over
expressed by Equation (4.47). longer time horizons; and (iv) generation of several solutions that
Step 4. Mapping flood frequency probability. The probability are very close to the optimum.
of occurrence of all flooding frequencies is calculated for each Evolutionary programs are probabilistic optimization algo-
of the flood inundation ranges. As the ranges have a specified rithms based on similarities with the biological evolutionary pro-
representation in space, the probability of occurrence of a given cess. In this concept, a population of individuals, each represent-
flooding frequency is directly transferred to the spatial zones that ing a search point in the space of feasible solutions, is exposed
represent the appropriate ranges. In this way, maps representing to a collective learning process that proceeds from generation
the probability of occurrence of a given frequency are obtained. to generation. The population is arbitrarily initialized and sub-
Such maps are prepared for each of the frequencies considered jected to the processes of selection, recombination, and mutation
and each scenario (Wolski et al., 2002). Figure 4.9 represents such that the new populations created in subsequent generations
selected maps for the climate change scenario and frequency of evolve towards more favorable regions of the search space. This
flooding equal to 0.5. is achieved by the combined use of a fitness evaluation of each
This study has much broader objectives than just to look into individual and a selection process that favors individuals with
impacts of climate change on flooding in the Okavango Delta. The higher fitness values, thus making the entire process resemble the
main conclusions are: (i) Long-term oscillations in rainfall/flood Darwinian rule known as the survival of the fittest.
inundation dominate the variation in hydrologic variables influ-
encing the delta. (ii) The effects of the simulated abstractions
(100 MCM/year) on the flooding regime are very small and will BASICS OF EVOLUTIONARY OPTIMIZATION
mainly occur in the central and distal delta. (iii) The effects of The evolution program is a probabilistic algorithm that maintains
global climate change may be significant. However, they will not a population of individuals, P (t) = {x1t , . . . , xnt }, for iteration t.
be visible before the end of this century. Each individual represents a potential solution to the problem at
This case study also provides an interesting example of the hand, and in any evolution program is implemented as a (possibly
application of the Monte Carlo probabilistic simulation approach complex) data structure S. Each solution xit is evaluated to give
to the management of flood risk. some measure of its fitness. Then a new population (iteration t
+ 1) is formed by selecting the more fit individuals (selection
step). Some members of the new population undergo transforma-
tions (transformation step) by means of genetic operators to form
4.5.2 Evolutionary optimization for flood
new solutions. There are low-order transformations mi (mutation
risk management
type), which create new individuals by a small change in a sin-
Evolutionary optimization algorithms are becoming more promi- gle individual (mi : S → S), and higher-order transformations cj
nent in the water management field (Simonovic, 2009). Signifi- (crossover type), which create new individuals by combining parts
cant advantages of evolutionary algorithms include: (i) no need for from several (two or more) individuals (cj : S × · · · × S → S).
initial solution; (ii) easy application to non-linear problems and After a number of generations the program converges. It is hoped


coding of solutions
➩ objective function
evolutionary operators
specific knowledge
➩ mutation evolutionary
➩ Solution


Figure 4.10 Schematic presentation of the evolutionary algorithm (after Simonovic, 2009).

that the best individual represents a near-optimum (reasonable) Selection Selection determines which individuals are chosen for
solution. Figure 4.10 is a schematic presentation of the evolution- mating (recombination) and how many offspring each selected
ary optimization process. individual produces. The first step is fitness assignment by propor-
Let us consider the following example. We search for a net- tional fitness assignment, or rank-based fitness assignment. The
work of levees that needs to satisfy some requirements (say, we actual selection is performed in the next step. Parents are selected
search for the optimal topology of a network of levees according according to their fitness by means of one of the following algo-
to criteria such as the cost of pumping and level of flood pro- rithms: roulette-wheel selection, stochastic universal sampling,
tection). Each individual in the evolution program represents a local selection, truncation selection or tournament selection.
potential solution to the problem, i.e., each individual represents In selection the offspring-producing individuals are chosen. The
a levee network. The initial population of networks P(0) (either first step is fitness assignment. Each individual in the selection
generated randomly or created as a result of some heuristic pro- pool receives a reproduction probability depending on its own
cess) is a starting point (t = 0) for the evolution program. The objective value and the objective value of all other individuals in
evaluation function is usually given – it incorporates the problem the selection pool. This fitness is used for the actual selection step
requirements. The evaluation function returns the fitness of each that follows.
network, distinguishing between better and worse individuals. In rank-based fitness assignment, the population is sorted
Several mutation operators can be designed that would transform according to objective values. The fitness assigned to each indi-
a single network. A few crossover operators can be considered that vidual depends only on its ranking and not on an actual objective
combine the structure of two (or more) networks into one. Very value. Rank-based fitness assignment overcomes the scaling prob-
often such operators incorporate problem-specific knowledge. For lems of proportional fitness assignment. The reproductive range
example, if the network we search for is connected, a possible is limited, so that no individuals generate an excessive number of
mutation operator would delete a levee section from the network offspring. Ranking introduces a uniform scaling across the pop-
and add a new section to connect two disjoint subnetworks. The ulation, and provides a simple and effective way of controlling
other possibility is to design a problem-independent mutation and selective pressure. Rank-based fitness assignment behaves in a
incorporate this requirement into the evaluation function, penal- more robust manner than proportional fitness assignment, and as
izing networks that are not connected. a result it is the method of choice in most evolutionary optimiza-
Clearly, many evolution programs can be formulated for a given tion algorithms (including the one in the EVOLPRO algorithm,
problem. Such programs may differ in many ways. They can featured here).
use different data structures for implementing single individual, Let us use Nind for the number of individuals in the population,
genetic operators for transforming individuals, methods for creat- Pos for the position of an individual in this population (the least-fit
ing an initial population, methods for handling constraints of the individual has Pos = 1, the fittest individual Pos = Nind), and SP
problem, and parameters (population size, probabilities of apply- for the selective pressure. The fitness value for an individual is
ing different operators, etc.). However, they all share a common calculated using linear ranking:
principle: a population of individuals undergoes some transfor-
mations, and during the evolution process the individuals do their (Pos − 1)i
Fitness(Pos) = 2 − SP + 2 × (SP − 1) ×
best to survive. The following processes constitute the main part Nind − 1
of any evolutionary optimization algorithm. (4.48)
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 91

Table 4.10 Example data

Number of individuals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Fitness value 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
Selection probability 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.02 0

trial 4 trial 2 trial 6 trial 5 trial 1 trial 3

individual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.0 0.18 0.34 0.49 0.62 0.73 0.82 0.95 1.0

Figure 4.11 Roulette-wheel selection.

Linear ranking allows values of selective pressure in [1.0, 2.0]. independently generated. A sample of six random numbers is:
The other option is the use of non-linear ranking: 0.81, 0.32, 0.96, 0.01, 0.65, 0.42. Figure 4.11 shows the selection
process of the individuals for the example in Table 4.10 with these
Nind × XiPos−1
Fitness(Pos) = (4.49) sample random numbers. After selection, the mating population
X consists of the individuals 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9. The roulette-wheel
selection algorithm provides a zero bias but does not guarantee
where X is computed as the root of the polynomial: minimum spread.
For more complex selection algorithms see, for example,
0 = (SP − Nind) × XNind−1 + SP × X Nind−2 + · · ·
Simonovic (2009).
+ SP × X + SP (4.50)

The use of non-linear ranking permits higher selective pressures Recombination-crossover Recombination produces new indi-
than the linear ranking method. Non-linear ranking allows values viduals by combining the information contained in two or more
of selective pressure in [1, Nind – 2]. parents. This is done by combining the variable values of the par-
The simplest selection scheme is roulette-wheel selection, also ents. Depending on the representation of the variables, different
called stochastic sampling with replacement. This is a stochastic methods can be used. Here we look at the discrete recombina-
algorithm and involves the following technique. The individuals tion method, which can be applied to all variable representa-
are mapped to adjacent segments of a line, such that each indi- tions. The intermediate, line, and extended line recombination
vidual’s segment is equal in size to its fitness. A random number methods for real-valued variables as well as methods for binary-
is generated and the individual whose segment spans the ran- valued variables are not presented here, but can be found in the
dom number is selected. The process is repeated until the desired literature.
number of individuals is obtained (which is called the mating Discrete recombination performs an exchange of variable val-
population). This technique is analogous to a roulette wheel with ues between the individuals. For each position the parent that
each slice proportional in size to the fitness (see Figure 4.11). contributes its variable to the offspring is chosen randomly with
equal probability according to the rule:
Example 8 P1 P2
i = Var i × ai + Var i × (1 − ai )
VarO i ∈ (1, 2, . . . , Nvar)
Let us consider the optimization problem with Table 4.10, which
shows the selection probability for 11 individuals, the linear rank- ai ∈ {0, 1} uniform at random, ai for each i new defined.
ing and selective pressure of two together with the fitness value. (4.51)

Solution Discrete recombination generates corners of the hypercube

Individual 1 is the most fit individual and occupies the largest defined by the parents. Figure 4.12 shows the geometric effect
interval, whereas individual 10 as the second least fit individual of discrete recombination.
has the smallest interval on the line (Figure 4.11). Individual 11,
the least fit individual, has a fitness value of 0 and gets no chance Example 9
for reproduction. Let us consider the following two individuals with three variables
For selecting the mating population, an appropriate number of each (that is, three dimensions). Create new individuals using
uniformly distributed random numbers (between 0.0 and 1.0) is discrete recombination.

change for each mutated variable (mutation step) must be defined.

The probability of mutating a variable is inversely proportional to
the number of variables (dimensions). The more dimensions one
individual has, the smaller is the mutation probability. As long as
nothing else is known, a mutation rate of 1/n is suggested.
The size of the mutation step is usually difficult to choose.
Variable 2 The optimal step size depends on the problem considered, and
may even vary during the optimization process. It is known that
small steps are often successful, especially when the individual
is already well adapted. However, large mutation steps can, when
successful, produce good results much quicker. Thus, a good
mutation operator should often produce small step sizes with a
high probability and large step sizes with a low probability.
Variable 1 This operator is recommended:

Parents Possible offspring VarMut

i = Vari + si × ri × ai
i ∈ (1, 2, . . . , n) uniform at random (4.52)
Figure 4.12 Possible positions of the offspring after discrete
where ai = 2−k×u , k is mutation precision, u ∈ [0, 1] is uniform
at random; ri = r × domain r is mutation range (standard 10%);
and si ∈ {−1, +1} is uniform at random.
individual 1 12 25 5
individual 2 123 4 34 This mutation algorithm is able to generate most points in the
hypercube defined by the variables of the individual and range
of the mutation. (The range of mutation is given by the value of
Solution the parameter r and the domain of the variables.) Most mutated
For each variable the parent who contributes its variable to the individuals will be generated near the individual before mutation.
offspring is chosen randomly with equal probability: Only a few individuals will mutate farther away. That means the
probability of small step sizes is greater than that of bigger steps.
sample 1 2 2 1 Typical values for the parameters of the mutation operator from
sample 2 1 2 1 Equation (4.52) are: mutation precision k: k ∈ {4, 5, . . . , 20}; and
mutation range r: r ∈ [0.1, 10−6 ].
After recombination according to Equation (4.51) the new indi-
viduals are created:
Reinsertion Once the offspring have been produced by selec-
offspring 1 123 4 5 tion, recombination, and mutation of individuals from the old
offspring 2 12 4 5 population, the fitness of the offspring may be determined. If
fewer offspring are produced than the size of the original popu-
lation, then to maintain the size of the population the offspring
Mutation Individuals are randomly altered by mutation. The have to be reinserted into the old population. Similarly, if not all
variations (mutation steps) are mostly small. They will be applied offspring are to be used at each generation or if more offspring
to the variables of the individuals with a low probability (mutation are generated than the size of the old population, a reinsertion
probability or mutation rate). Normally, offspring are mutated scheme must be used to determine which individuals are to exist
after being created by recombination. Two approaches exist for the in the new population. Only local reinsertion that meets the used
definition of the mutation steps and the mutation rate: either both selection method (local selection – see above) is presented here.
parameters are constant during a whole evolutionary run, or one In local selection, individuals are selected in a bounded neigh-
or both parameters are adapted according to previous mutations. borhood. The reinsertion of offspring takes place in exactly the
We focus here only on real-valued mutation. (See the literature same neighborhood. Thus, the locality of the information is pre-
for binary mutation.) served. The neighborhood structures used are the same as in local
Mutation of real variables means that randomly created values selection. The parent of an individual is the first selected parent
are added to the variables with a low probability. Thus, the prob- in this neighborhood. The following schemes are possible for the
ability of mutating a variable (mutation rate) and the size of the selection of parents to be replaced and of offspring to reinsert:
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 93

r Insert every offspring and replace individuals in the neigh- reservoir systems are evaluated using the four-reservoir, deter-
borhood uniformly at random. ministic, finite-horizon problem. This is done with a view to
r Insert every offspring and replace the weakest individuals in presenting fundamental guidelines for implementation of the
the neighborhood. approach to practical problems. Alternative representation, selec-
r Insert offspring fitter than the weakest individuals in the tion, crossover, and mutation schemes are considered. It is con-
neighborhood and replace the weakest individuals in the cluded that the most promising GA approach for the four-reservoir
neighborhood. problem comprises real-value coding, tournament selection, uni-
r Insert offspring fitter than the weakest individuals in the form crossover, and modified uniform mutation. The real-value
neighborhood and replace their parents. coding operates significantly faster than binary coding and pro-
r Insert offspring fitter than the weakest individuals in the duces better results. The known global optimum for the four-
neighborhood and replace individuals in the neighborhood reservoir problem can be achieved with real-value coding. A non-
uniformly at random. linear four-reservoir problem is considered also, along with one
r Insert offspring fitter than their parents and replace the with extended time horizons. The results demonstrate that a GA
parents. could be satisfactorily used in real-time operations with stochasti-
cally generated inflows. A more complex ten-reservoir problem is
also considered, and results produced by a GA are compared with
EVOLUTIONARY OPTIMIZATION, CLIMATE previously published results. The GA approach is robust and is
C H A N G E, A N D FL OOD R ISK MANAGE MEN T easily applied to complex systems. It has potential as an alterna-
Evolutionary optimization has been applied to flood control, oper- tive to more traditional stochastic optimization approaches. This
ation of reservoirs, and other water resources management prob- contribution is of more theoretical value since the flood risk man-
lems. Direct applications in flood risk management under climate agement was not dealt with explicitly in the reservoir systems
change are not available yet in the literature. The following review formulations.
provides some examples of the most recent broader application Shafiei and Haddad (2005) implement evolutionary optimiza-
of this approach to water resources management. tion (GA) in determining optimal flood levee setback. It is
Chang and Chen (1998) present genetic algorithms (GAs), one been demonstrated that GAs provide robust and acceptable solu-
type of evolutionary optimization tool, as fairly successful in a tions to the levee setback optimization problem. Past practice in
diverse range of optimization problems, providing an efficient and flood levee design usually used occasional observations of flood
robust way for guiding a search (i) in a complex system and (ii) in stages and empirical judgments on required project scales. More
the absence of domain knowledge. Due to the temporal and spa- recently, several studies have addressed the economic aspects of
tial variability in rainfall and high mountains and steep channels flood levee design, usually with benefit–cost analysis and opti-
upstream of all watersheds on Taiwan Island, water reservoirs are mization. In this work a static model is formulated to maximize
the most effective means for mitigating natural disasters such as the benefit of flood levee construction, considering levee construc-
floods. Rules for reservoir operation are intended to guide and tion cost and resultant protected land value benefit due to levees.
manage such systems so that the releases made are in the best This simple model allows preliminary quantitative examination
interests of the system’s objectives consistent with inflows and of the tradeoff between optimal setback and optimal height in
existing storage levels. For optimal control of reservoirs, predic- designing a new levee.
tion of the inflow hydrograph and optimization of the release Kumar and Reddy (2006) revisit the general reservoir opti-
must be accurate. Due to the natural uncertainties of the pre- mization problem. In this paper a metaheuristic technique called
dicted inflow hydrograph and complexity of reservoir operating ant colony optimization (ACO) is introduced to derive operating
rules, reservoir operation highly depends on the experience-based policies for a multi-purpose reservoir system. Most of the real-
knowledge of the operator(s), such as during an extreme hydro- world reservoir problems often involve non-linear optimization
logic situation like flooding. In this paper, two types of GA, real- in their solution with high dimensionality and a large number of
coded and binary-coded, are examined for function optimization equality and inequality constraints. Often the conventional tech-
and applied to the optimization of a flood control reservoir model. niques fail to yield global optimal solutions. In this study, it is
The results show that both GAs are more efficient and robust than intended to test the usefulness of ACO in solving such types of
the random search method, with the real-coded GA performing problems and compare them to evolutionary optimization algo-
better in terms of efficiency and precision than the binary-coded rithms. The reservoir operation problem is approached by con-
GA. sidering a finite time series of inflows, classifying the reservoir
One of the most significant papers on the topic of evolution- volume into several class intervals, and determining the reser-
ary optimization of reservoir system operations is by Wardlaw voir release for each period with respect to a predefined opti-
and Sharif (1999). Several alternative formulations of a GA for mality criterion. The proposed techniques are applied to a case

study of Hirakud reservoir, which is a multi-purpose reservoir Table 4.11 Rating curve data
system located in India. The multiple objectives comprise mini-
mizing flood risks, minimizing irrigation deficits, and maximizing Flow (m3 /s) Stage (m)
hydropower production, in that order of priority. The developed 0.000 1660.000
model is applied for monthly operation, and consists of two mod- 2.350 1661.225
els, namely, for short-time horizon operation and for long-time 3.678 1662.450
horizon operation. To evaluate the performance of ACO, the devel- 4.954 1663.675
oped models are also solved using real-coded GA. The results of 6.029 1664.900
the two models indicate that the ACO model performs well and 6.977 1666.125
provides higher annual power production, while satisfying irriga- 7.834 1667.350
tion demands and flood control restrictions. 8.622 1668.575
Makkeasorn et al. (2008) address flood forecasting in the con- 9.355 1669.800
10.044 1671.025
text of climate change using evolutionary optimization and artifi-
cial neural networks. To more efficiently use the limited amount
of water in the changing world or to resourcefully provide ade-
quate time for flood warning, the issues led the authors to seek proposed model is applied to the Kajoo River in the southeastern
advanced techniques for improving streamflow forecasting on a part of Iran. The results demonstrate an economical integration of
short-term basis. This study emphasizes the inclusion of sea sur- permanent and emergency flood control options along the river,
face temperature (SST) in addition to the spatio-temporal rainfall which include the minimum expected value of damage related
distribution via the Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD), meteoro- to floods with different return periods and construction cost of
logical data via local weather stations, and historical stream data flood control options. Finally, the resulting protection scheme is
via USGS gage stations to collectively forecast discharges in a used for land use planning through identifying the optimal crop
semi-arid watershed in south Texas, USA. Two types of artificial mix along the river. In this approach, the objective function of
intelligence models, including genetic programming (GP) and the optimization model is an economic function with a prob-
neural network (NN) models, are employed comparatively. Four abilistic framework to maximize the net benefit of agricultural
numerical evaluators are used to evaluate the validity of a suite activities.
of forecasting models. Research findings indicate that GP-derived The following includes a detailed presentation of an application
streamflow forecasting models are generally favored in the assess- of evolutionary optimization for learning purposes.
ment in which both SST and meteorological data significantly
improve the accuracy of forecasting. Among several scenarios, Example 10
NEXRAD rainfall data are proven most effective for a 3-day fore- Consider, for example, the problem of finding the best-fit analyt-
cast, and the SST Gulf-to-Atlantic index shows larger impacts ical equation of the rating curve (flow vs. stage) given with ten
than the SST Gulf-to-Pacific index on the streamflow forecasts. pairs of (x, y) points in Table 4.11. A typical empirical equation
The most forward-looking GP-derived models can even perform for this curve is:
a 30-day streamflow forecast ahead of time with an r-square of Q = AH b (4.53)
0.84 and RMS error of 5.4 in this study.
where Q is flow (m3 /s), H is net stage (m) above datum (1660 m),
Karamouz et al. (2009) present two optimization models. The
and A and b are parameters. So, in the case of the rating curve
first model is developed to determine an economical combination
given in Table 4.11 the net stage is the stage value from the table
of permanent and emergency flood control options and the second
minus 1660 m. Determine parameters A and b in such a way that
one is used to determine the optimal crop pattern along a river
the difference of the sum of squares between the analytic and
based on the assigned flood control options by the first optimiza-
tabulated values of flow for all ten points is minimized.
tion model. The optimal combination of flood protection options
is determined to minimize flood damage and construction cost of Solution
flood control options along the river using the GA optimization This optimization problem can be formulated as: find the values of
model. In order to consider the effects of flood control options parameters A and b such that the value of the following objective
on the hydraulic characteristics of flow, two hydrologic routing function is minimized:
models for the reservoir and the river are coupled with the opti- 
mization model. The discharge–elevation and elevation–damage min (Qi − A(Hi − 1660)b )2 (4.54)
curves obtained, based on separate hydraulic simulations of the i=1

river, are used for flood damage calculations in the optimization Flow–stage values are provided in Table 4.11 for each of the ten
model. The parameters of a hydrologic river routing model are points. In addition, from other empirical studies related to similar
also calibrated using the developed hydraulic model results. The curve fits it can be assumed that the most likely range for the values
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 95

of parameter b is (0,1) and for parameter A is (0,10). To be on the (8) Reinsertion: offspring totalling 30% of the population size
safe side, in this example the values of parameter A are inspected are inserted to replace the least-fit 30% of the previous
in the range of (0,20). The value of parameter b must be less than population.
1 since it is never a straight line, and it must be greater than 0 (9) Step 3 is repeated with the new population.
since values below 0 would not result in an increasing function,
while it is known that the flow does increase with the increase
Steps 4 to 9 are repeated until the desired accuracy is obtained or
in stage. Taking into account this simple knowledge about the
the maximum number of iterations is reached. Both the desired
problem reduces the search space to a value for parameter A in
accuracy (tolerance level) and maximum number of iterations are
the interval (0,20) and the value of b in the interval (0,1), which
program input variables. The Readme file within the EVOLPRO
has a significant impact on the solution efficiency.
sub-sub-directory provides simple instructions for the program
We use the EVOLPRO computer program provided on the web-
installation. The Help menus available within EVOLPRO give
site to solve the problem. Input data for this optimization problem
guidance on EVOLPRO use.
is in the directory Probabilistic tools, sub-directory Optimization,
sub-sub-directory EVOLPRO, sub-sub-sub-directory Examples
under the name Example1.evolpro.
Example 11
The algorithm first goes through a process of initialization,
Experiment with the Example 10 data to find out the sensitivity of
where 100 solutions are generated in a purely random manner.
final results to, for example, maximum number of iterations. The
The optimal values are A = 2.1079 and b = 0.6542 with the
problem from Example 10 has been solved with maximum num-
objective function value OF = 0.039. Observe that the problem
ber of iterations set to 1,000 and tolerance level set to 0.00001.
has been solved with the maximum number of iterations set to
Run EVOLPRO using 500 iterations and compare the final
1,000 and tolerance level set to 0.00001.

E VO L P RO C O M P U T E R P RO G R A M Solution
EVOLPRO facilitates solving an optimization problem using an In the EVOLPRO computer program under the Computation
evolutionary algorithm. The software is capable of handling non- menu, the Population size option defines the size of the popu-
linear objective functions and constraints with multiple decision lation. After each new solution is created, its objective function is
variables. It uses the methodology introduced in the section above. evaluated and compared with the worst objective function of the
The EVOLPRO algorithm includes: initial five solutions. We can review the progress of optimiza-
tion by invoking the Computation>View Iterations Summary
(1) Initialization: assignment of a set of random values (genes) menu sequence and invoking the Computation>View Conver-
between the lower and upper bound for each decision vari- gence Graph menu sequence. Example 10 has been solved with
able (chromosome). The size of population is an input vari- the maximum number of iterations set to 1,000 and tolerance level
able (must be greater than 20). set to 0.00001. Table 4.12 shows the iteration summary for the
(2) Identification of feasible search region: each chromosome Example 10 solution. Figure 4.13 shows the corresponding con-
(one set of values for all decision variables) is checked vergence graph. A second run of the program has been made with
against the set of constraints. If one of the constraints is maximum number of iterations set to 500 and tolerance level set to
not satisfied, the chromosome is discarded. This process is 0.00001. Table 4.13 shows the iteration summary for this solution.
repeated until the required number of chromosomes for the Figure 4.14 shows the corresponding convergence graph.
population is obtained. Comparison of the results from these two experiments provides
(3) Evaluation of objective function: for each chromosome the some insight into the functioning of the EVOLPRO optimiza-
value of the objective function is calculated and ranked. tion algorithm. In the first case (Table 4.12 and Figure 4.13) the
(4) Selection: the best-fit 30% of the population is taken to select optimal solution of A = 2.107934, b = 0654187, and OF (objec-
parents. Parents are picked randomly. tive function) = 0.039454 has been reached in 25 iterations with
(5) Recombination: using relationship (4.51) new offspring the convergence as illustrated in Figure 4.13. In the second case
genes are generated. (Table 4.13 and Figure 4.14) the optimal solution of A = 2.10966,
(6) Mutation: new genes are disturbed using a factor 1 + 0.005 b = 0653802, and OF = 0.039457 has been reached in 45 itera-
* (0.5 – Rnd()). tions with the convergence as illustrated in Figure 4.14.
(7) Feasibility check: the new chromosome produced from off- In addition to number of iterations or tolerance level, the
spring genes is verified against the constraints and bounds. EVOLPRO algorithm is sensitive to change in size of the pop-
If the constraints are satisfied, the new offspring is ready for ulation. In our two experiments this value has been kept constant
migration. and equal to 100.

Table 4.12 Iteration summary for 1,000 iterations Table 4.13 Iteration summary for 500 iterations

Iteration OF A b Iteration OF A b

0 1.602867 2.672821 0.554258 0 6.259741 3.257781 0.412605

1 1.056181 1.664027 0.770402 1 2.037459 2.84014 0.515957
2 1.056181 1.664027 0.770402 2 2.037459 2.84014 0.515957
3 1.056181 1.664027 0.770402 3 0.806644 2.05506 0.646004
4 0.680785 1.793612 0.739629 4 0.355062 2.314799 0.600989
5 0.052154 2.163057 0.642186 5 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
6 0.052154 2.163057 0.642186 6 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
7 0.052154 2.163057 0.642186 7 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
8 0.052154 2.163057 0.642186 8 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
9 0.042618 2.118814 0.652908 9 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
10 0.042618 2.118814 0.652908 10 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
11 0.042618 2.118814 0.652908 11 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
12 0.042618 2.118814 0.652908 12 0.040704 2.107269 0.653507
13 0.042618 2.118814 0.652908 .. .. .. ..
. . . .
14 0.039665 2.104588 0.655186
34 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
15 0.039665 2.104588 0.655186
35 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
16 0.039665 2.104588 0.655186
36 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
17 0.039665 2.104588 0.655186
37 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
18 0.039665 2.104588 0.655186
38 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
19 0.039616 2.112518 0.653361
39 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
20 0.039564 2.113073 0.65313
40 0.03949 2.108365 0.653922
21 0.039481 2.107628 0.654115
41 0.039473 2.110346 0.653549
22 0.039481 2.107628 0.654115
42 0.039472 2.109593 0.653693
23 0.039481 2.107628 0.654115
43 0.039472 2.109593 0.653693
24 0.039472 2.110862 0.653521
44 0.03946 2.109321 0.653913
25 0.039454 2.107934 0.654187
45 0.039457 2.10966 0.653802

1.4 7
Objective function

Objective function

0 1
-1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Iteration number 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 4.13 Convergence graph for 1,000 iterations. Iteration number
Figure 4.14 Convergence graph for 500 iterations.
IMPLICATIONS IN CHOKE CANYON RESERVOIR NNs. This example is taken with the permission of the Journal of
WATERS H ED , S OUT H T E XAS Hydrology. The presentation here is devoted to only one aspect of
This section presents elements of the work conducted by Makkea- their work – evolutionary optimization. It is used as an example
sorn et al. (2008) that addressed flood forecasting in the context of real-world application of evolutionary optimization in manage-
of climate change using evolutionary optimization and artificial ment of flood risk under changing climatic conditions.
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 97

Introduction The importance of understanding and improving data in developing flood flow forecasting models to reduce the
predictive capacity regarding all aspects of the global and regional inaccuracy of interpolation and randomness of point rainfall data.
water cycle is certain to continue to increase. One fundamental Hence, one of the goals of this study is to test the robust-
component of the water cycle is streamflow. Streamflow is related ness of the forecasting models based on a short-term database.
to the incidence of natural hazards, such as floods, that occur It is assumed that inter-annual variation may be driven by the
abruptly and may result in loss of life, destruction of the envi- SSTs that address the long-term impact due to the global cli-
ronment, and economic damage. Flood warning systems hold the mate changes. Effective lead-time streamflow forecast is one of
highest possibility of reducing damage from the floods. Stream- the key aspects of successful flood risk management based on
flow prediction therefore provides crucial information for adaptive enlarged hydrometeorological datasets. Hence, it is the aim of
water resources management. this study to test the hypothesis that the inclusion of SSTs would
Evolutionary optimization (especially the GP model) is selected significantly impact the accuracy of streamflow forecasting and
as an approach for the development of a suite of streamflow the evolutionary optimization model can capture the underlying
forecasting models to meet various demands in this study. The non-linear characteristics in a river system basin-wide.
strengths of the evolutionary approach include the natural selec-
tion process, and the white box characteristic. Since multiple input Study area The Choke Canyon Reservoir watershed (CCRW)
variables may be used in the prediction of flood flows, there is a is a portion of the Nueces River basin, south Texas. It is com-
need to identify the importance of each variable. The evolutionary posed of several land use and land cover patterns covering an
process and natural selection techniques embedded in this model- area of approximately 15,000 km2 . The major uses of the land are
ing approach allow the screening of the multiple input variables to agriculture and livestock. Intensive uses of groundwater for irriga-
be executed explicitly for achieving the best result. The white box tion are highly concentrated in the middle and lower areas of the
character of the modeling approach provides insight into internal basin. The geography of the area strongly influences the hydro-
structures of all the created models. logic cycle of the watershed. In the upper portion of the watershed
This example takes advantage of lead–lag regression in creating the steep slopes and arid terrain of the Balcones Escarpment rise
forecasting models. The lead–lag regression model is a statistical into the Edwards Plateau. This area is the location of the unique
model that identifies differences of timing in fluctuations through formation of karst aquifer called the Edwards Aquifer. A karst
a system. Three-step-behind inputs are paired with a current dis- formation refers to a carbonate rock formation of limestone and
charge, four-step-behind inputs are paired with a one-step-behind includes fractures and sinkholes (openings) that form a subsurface
discharge, and so on. The multiple input variables of interest drainage system. A well-developed karst aquifer could transport
include historic streamflows, NEXRAD precipitation data, SSTs water as fast as several miles per day.
in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico, The Edwards Aquifer is between 100 and 230 m thick and com-
and local meteorological data collected from three weather sta- posed of porous limestone. The San Antonio segment is approxi-
tions in the watershed. Sea surface temperatures have been a pri- mately 256 km long and between 8 and 64 km wide at the surface.
mary expression of global climate anomalies for several decades. The aquifer is characterized into three zones: the contributing
The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the SST oscillation zone, the recharge zone, and the artesian zone. The contributing
in the Pacific Ocean. A vast number of studies show influences of zone of the CCRW is the area above the fault zone. The elevation
ENSO on climate changes in North, Central, and South America. changes between 740 m and 42 m from top to bottom. Faults exist
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is another signature of cli- in the upper area where the water recharges into the groundwater
mate change that largely affects decadal-scaled climate variations aquifer. USGS stream gages are located above and below the fault
in the USA. Similar oscillations of SSTs also occur in the Atlantic lines to capture the amount of water that is lost in the fault zone.
Ocean and are known as the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation Two USGS stream gages are located at the exit of the watershed
(AMO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). All these studies to measure the amount of water released into the CCRW.
of SST oscillations prove that climate variations in America and Although there are many conduits and large caverns in the
Europe are influenced by the connection of Pacific oscillations and Edwards limestone, the aquifer is not a good storage because of
NAO. Since river flow rates are largely driven by precipitation and the high transmissivity rate. Most of the water is traveling in small
climate variation is influenced by SST, there must be a connec- pore spaces within the rock. Water enters the aquifer easily in the
tion between SST and river flow. This study incorporates SSTs recharge zone, but the underground drainage is generally inad-
of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean equate to hold all the water during large rain events. Recharge
to aid in streamflow forecasting in south Texas. Specifically, the conduits and sinkholes quickly become filled up with water. This
use of the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) may capture is the main reason why the region floods so easily. Downstream
some global climate change impacts and help improve flow vol- of the Balcones fault zone the landscape tends to flatten out as the
ume predictions. This study investigates NEXRAD precipitation streams continue southward and eastward into the South Texas

brush country where slopes range from 0% to 10%. The stream- rainfall intensity in mm per day. In order to match the pre-
flow into the Choke Canyon Reservoir turns out to be critical in cipitation rate to the discharge rate, unit conversion (inch per
many flash flood events. day to cubic meter per second) is performed for each grid of
NEXRAD data. The sum of rainfall of all grids inside the water-
Description of a method and data This example follows the shed represents the average daily rainfall in cubic meters per
basic methodology of evolutionary optimization as discussed at second (m3 /s), which was used as the input data for evolutionary
the start of Section 4.5.2. However, its implementation is dif- optimization models. The NEXRAD rainfall data are published
ferent. The evolutionary approach is used here to develop the (http://water.weather.gov/precip/, last accessed July, 2011). The
model’s structure (mathematical form of the objective function) total NEXRAD precipitation upstream of the watershed area is
and select the optimal set of model parameters based on the input summed and converted into the runoff in cubic meters per second
data provided to the model. The EVOLPRO computer program for the purpose of comparison against the discharge.
presented above cannot be used in this way. The authors used Sea surface temperature data are published at the website of
a commercial product known as Discipulus (RML Technologies the NDBC (www.ndbc.noaa.gov, last accessed July, 2011). Three
Inc., www.rmltech.com/, last accessed July, 2011). Regression buoy datasets were used in this study including buoy 42038 in
models developed using evolutionary optimization are free from the Gulf of Mexico, 46047 in the Pacific of Southern California,
any particular model structure. The transparency of the evolution- and 41002 in the Atlantic of South Carolina. The three locations
ary approach reveals structures of the regression models, which of SST are converted to indices as follows: SSTIsst-1 = SSTGulf /
is the significant advantage of the approach. The evolutionary SSTAtlantic and SSTIsst-2 = SSTGulf /SSTPacific where SST is a tem-
optimization models are the best for searching highly non-linear perature in ◦ C. The indices are created under the assumption that
feasible spaces for global optima using adaptive strategies. hot air would rise to a high altitude, and cold air would move in
Given that the evolutionary model exhibits great potential to to replace the hot air. Thus, if the SST in the Gulf of Mexico is
screen and prioritize the input variables, two sets of input data higher than the SST in the Atlantic, the cold air over the Atlantic
are defined, including all input variables and preselected input would transport moisture to Texas. Similarly, if the Pacific cold
variables. While the former include all input variables fed into air moves toward Texas, moisture from the Pacific would be trans-
the model, the latter are those being picked up by the model. All ported to Texas. Overall, SSTs from the three buoys are included
input variables are used with the evolutionary model. While the as the inputs to aid in flood flow forecasting.
training and the calibration data are used as the basis genotype to In addition to the stream gages, three meteorological stations
build models, another independent dataset is used to validate the were used to monitor changes at three locations in the CCRW from
generated models. Two groups of data used in this study include December 2004 to May 2005 (see Figure 4.15). The meteorolog-
the existing national data from USGS Water Data for Nation, ical measurements collected at those stations include the air tem-
National Weather Service (NWS), National Data Buoy Center perature, relative humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature, and
(NDBC), and the data collected by Makkeasorn et al. (2008) from precipitation. The main purpose of the stations is to fill in the gap
three weather stations deployed in the study area. The National in the information between the inflow gages, the discharge gages,
Water Information System (NWIS) (http://waterdata.usgs.gov, the inland temperature, and the SST. Preliminary data analyses
last accessed July, 2011) provides surface stream discharges. The show: (i) that the peak of discharge occurred after each precipita-
NWS provides precipitation data obtained from NEXRAD. The tion; (ii) that the soil moisture at three locations seems to follow
NDBC provides SSTs of the seas and oceans around the USA. the same pattern; and (iii) that the humidity changes do not seem
The research team has three meteorological stations located pre- to have any correlation with the discharge. However, humidity
cisely at strategic locations. All of the datasets were collected or might have some kind of underlying correlation with discharge
obtained on a daily basis between December 16, 2004, and May that the evolutionary programming (EP) models would be able
5, 2005. The validation data are used only to test the fitness of the to capture, which might improve the accuracy of the prediction.
surviving models. In these, study data collected from December Hence, all of them were included in the EP model.
15, 2004, to April 24, 2005, were used as the training and cal-
ibration datasets. Data collected from April 25 to June 4, 2005,
were unseen data and used to validate models. The locations of Scenario analyses Studies of the impacts of climate change on
USGS stream gages and the three weather stations deployed in flood flows have been on the rise with great potential to improve
the watershed are shown in Figure 4.15. adaptive water resources management. Models in this study were
Gridded rainfall data are the measurement of precipitation created under the assumption that SSTs of the eastern Pacific
with NEXRAD. Each grid square covers an area of 16 km2 (4 Ocean, the western Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico
km by 4 km). The daily data are published in inch per day influence climate in the study area, which, in turn, character-
per 16 km2 . Figure 4.16 shows the spatial distribution of daily izes the streamflow of rivers in the watershed. The USGS stream
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 99


0 15 30 60
Figure 4.15 Weather stations used in the Choke Canyon Reservoir watershed (after Makkeasorn et al., 2008).

gages therefore imply the capacity of streams to hold and trans- and the SST indices. The S3 dataset includes USGS streamflows,
port the surface water. NEXRAD rainfall represents the water NEXRAD, SST indices, and 15 meteorological parameters col-
input. Soil moisture content implies the water storage capacity in lected from three weather stations. The S0 dataset is used to
the soil at three prescribed locations in the center and the south develop the base models. The S1 dataset is considered to identify
of the watershed. Creating flow forecasting models by incorpor- how models respond to the NEXRAD rainfall data. The S2 dataset
ating the driving forces of precipitation using NEXRAD, the is purposely designed to investigate the impact of SST indices on
inherent watershed characteristics, the plausible climate impact
with respect to SST indices, and the local micrometeorological
Table 4.14 Datasets used in different scenarios
factors, such as soil moisture, soil temperature, air temperature,
precipitation, and relative humidity should result in a more trans-
S0 S1 S2 S3
parent process of flood flow prediction. Such an effort has also
dataset dataset dataset dataset
sparked a marked interest in finding out the non-linear structure
√ √ √ √
of streamflow variations among those valid driving forces on a USGS streamflow data
√ √ √
short-term basis due to global climate change. NEXRAD
√ √
Two SST indices derived
For the purpose of comparison, a base scenario is prepared √
Fifteen local
using only USGS historical streamflow data (see dataset S0 in
Table 4.14). Four datasets, S0, S1, S2, and S3, are then organized
parameters at three
to form a set of scenarios of interest. S0 is a control dataset, which
only contains seven sets of USGS streamflow data. The S1 dataset √ √ √ √
Total discharge
includes the USGS streamflow data (S0) and the NEXRAD rain-
fall data. The S2 dataset includes USGS streamflows, NEXRAD, After Makkeasorn et al., 2008

9 - 13
14 - 19
20 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 37
38 - 46
47 - 59
60 - 90

0 25 50 100
Figure 4.16 The south Texas NEXRAD rainfall imagery acquired on February 24, 2005 (after Makkeasorn et al., 2008).

flood flow forecasting. The S3 dataset is organized to study the discharge) is offset from the independent variables (three USGS
importance of local meteorological data on the performance of variables, NEXRAD rainfall, three buoys variables, and 15 meteo-
flood flow forecasting. rological variables) by a specific lead time step. For instance, input
In addition to including four different datasets in forecasting variables are paired, with three-lead-time-step discharges for 3-
models, three forecasting time spans were also used to test the day forecasting models, with seven-lead-time-step discharges for
robustness of models in terms of the relative significance of 7-day forecasting models, and with 30-lead-time-step discharges
parameters associated with NEXRAD, SSTs, and the local mete- for 30-day forecasting models.
orological data. In this study, the three forecasting time spans Four statistical measures are applied in this case study to check
are 3, 7, and 30 days, respectively. Overall, a total of 12 evo- the forecasting model performance: (i) ratio of standard deviation
lutionary optimization scenarios were formed for the ultimate of predicted to observed discharges, CO; (ii) root-mean-square
modeling analysis, thereby presenting a selective coverage of error, RMSE; (iii) square of the Pearson product moment corre-
scenarios, denoted as EP-S0–3 day, EP-S1–3 day, EP-S2–3 day, lation coefficient, r-square; and (iv) mean of percentage error, PE
EP-S3–3 day, EP-S0–7 day, EP-S1–7 day, EP-S2–7 day, EP-S3–7 (see Makkeasorn et al., 2008; page 346).
day, EP-S0–30 day, EP-S1–30 day, EP-S2–30 day, and EP-S3–
30 day. Forecasting analyses Available computer power allows for
Lead–lag regression is suitable for developing models with derivation of highly complex non-linear functions using EP for
multiple input variables. Errors can be minimized because only forecasting the streamflow. A very large number (millions) of EP-
historical and current input data are used instead of projecting based models are created and measured during the evolutionary
multiple input data as drivers. One of the objectives of this study process. The better the fitness value, the better the model. Only
is to describe the characteristics of the lead–lag relation for flow the top 20 models with the highest level of fitness are selected for
forecasting. During the forecasting, the dependent variable (the further evaluation. Amongst the top 20 models, the best model
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 101

based on the fitness of the training data may not perform well 80
in cases based on the unseen data. Therefore, the EP model that
performed well on both the unseen dataset and the calibration

Flow rate (cms)

dataset is chosen in this study.
The best 30-day flow forecasting model obtained by EP is:
30 FF = 2 × (2 A1
− 1) × V 4 2 30
A1 = |sin (A2)| + V 2 − A3
A2 = sin (2 × V 10 + 3.075786) + V 2
A3 = [−sin ((−V 1) × (V 8) × (V 16) − V 15) (4.55) -0
5 05 -0
5 5 5 5 05
n- ar ar r-0 ay
-0 n-
an a Fe
b p u
×(2 − 1 + V 2)]
-J -J - 9-
M -M -A
M -M -J
 8 28 17 29 18 28 17
A4 = |sin (A5) + V 9| observed GP S3-30 day

sin ((−V 1) × (V 8) × (V 16) − V 15)
A5 = Figure 4.17 The performance of EP-derived flow forecasting model
1.29105 with a 30-day forecasting scheme.
− 1.0309 + V 2 − V 4 + V 2

where V4 is SSTGulf /SSTAtlantic , V5 is SSTGulf /SSTPacific , V6 is

where V1 is the stream data at gage id# 8197500, V2 is the stream
the air temperature at Donnal, V12 is the relative humidity at
data at gage id# 8198500, V4 is SSTGulf /SSTAtlantic , V8 is the soil
Charlotte, V15 is the volumetric water content at Charlotte, V18
temperature at Donnal, V9 is the precipitation at Donnal, V10 is the
is the soil temperature at Pearsall, V19 is the rain at Pearsall, and
volumetric water content at Donnal, V15 is the volumetric water
V20 is the volumetric water content at Pearsall.
content at Charlotte, and V16 is the air temperature at Pearsall.
See Figure 4.15 for the location of the listed sites.
The best 7-day flow forecasting model obtained by EP is: Results Figure 4.17 presents the flow forecasting based on the
7 FF = [|2B2 − 1| − 2 × V 4] × (−V 15) EP-derived model with the 30-day forecasting scheme. The fore-
casting time period started from April 21, 2005, to cover the
B2 = −0.6205 × {2B 3 − 1 − [sin (−B4) − V 12]2 }
first peak discharge during the calibration process. Such a choice
B3 = [sin (−B4) − V 12]2 allows the model to gain the opportunity to estimate the peak flow
B4 = (20.69816×(B5) − 1) × 2−V 15 for the purpose of demonstration. A general agreement between
B5 = −1.9659 × (B6) + V 12 − 0.9 − 2 × V 15 × sin(V 15) the predicted and observed values can be confirmed within this
diagram, indicative of the model accuracy.
B6 = [sin (V 15) × (−V 15)] − V 4 (4.56)
The performance of the optimal forecasting models has been
assessed using statistical measures and the results are presented
where V4 is SSTGulf /SSTAtlantic , V12 is the relative humidity at
in Table 4.15.
Charlotte, and V15 is volumetric water content at Charlotte.
The r-square value increases as the input dataset moves from S1
The best 3-day forecasting model obtained by EP is:
to S3 in all EP-derived models. The r-square and RMSE show an
3 FF = 2C1 − 1.3729 agreement that training the models with the S3 dataset improves
C1 = 2C2 − 1 the forecasting accuracy. The RMSE, r-square, PE, and CO val-
ues indicate that EP-derived models are generally very accurate
C2 = 2C3 − 1
in terms of the prediction accuracy. Comparison of both RMSE
C3 = 2C4 − 1.3729C3 = 2C4 − 1.3729 and PE values shows general agreement in such a way that the
C4 = 2C5 − 1 increase of dimension of the inputs may significantly decrease
C5 = |||C6| − C7 + V 4 − V 19| − C7| the forecasting errors. The near-term forecasting models with a 3-
day or 7-day scheme may produce relatively higher accuracy and
C6 = (−1.2029) × [−(C84 ) − V 15]2 × (V 6)
smaller errors than the longer lead-time forecasting models with a
C7 = [(C12 − C11) × (C11)] × [−(C84 ) − V 15]2 30-day scheme. Nonetheless, the 30-day EP-derived forecasting
C8 = cos2 (C9) − sin2 (|C10 − V 15|) model may still exhibit predictions with very high accuracy (r2 =
−sin (C20) × sin (C20) 0.84) and considerably small error (RMSE = 5.4). This numeri-
C9 =
cos [sin (C20)] cal potential reinforces the value of using such models as an early
C20 = 2 (−V 12)×(V 20+1.4684)
−1 (4.57) flood warning system at various time scales. Finally, the findings

Table 4.15 Summary of statistical performance measures of region X. So, instead of seeking a single optimal solution, a set of
optimal models non-inferior solutions is sought.
The essential difficulty with multi-objective analysis is that
Model r-square RMSE PE CO the meaning of the optimum is not defined as long as we deal
EP-S0–3d 0.49 12.4 77.5 0.83 with multiple objectives that are truly different. For example,
EP-S1–3d 0.75 8.6 54.0 0.81 suppose we are trying to determine the best design of a system
EP-S2–3d 0.83 9.2 16.4 0.76 of dams on a river, with the objectives of promoting national
EP-S3–3d 0.90 6.1 45.3 0.90 income, reducing deaths by flooding, and increasing employ-
EP-S0–7d 0.83 11.2 24.0 0.42 ment. Some designs will be more profitable, but less effective
EP-S1–7d 0.34 14.5 13.9 0.52 at reducing deaths. How can we state which is better when the
EP-S2–7d 0.76 8.5 20.7 0.86 objectives are so different, and measured in such different terms?
EP-S3–7d 0.79 7.9 65.0 0.77 How can we state with any accuracy what the relative value of
EP-S0–30d 0.72 7.4 61.9 0.87 a life is in terms of national income? If we resolved that ques-
EP-S1–30d 0.54 9.5 51.2 0.90
tion, then how would we determine the relative value of new
EP-S2–30d 0.84 5.7 46.1 0.94
jobs and other objectives? The answer is, with extreme difficulty.
EP-S3–30d 0.84 5.4 39.2 0.81
The attempts to set values on these objectives are, in fact, most
After Makkeasorn et al., 2008 controversial.
In practice it is frequently awkward if not impossible to give
every objective a relative value. Therefore, the focus of multi-
also support the idea that micrometeorological parameters col-
objective analysis in practice is to sort out the mass of clearly
lected within the watershed can obviously improve the credibility
dominated solutions, rather than determine the single best design.
of flow forecasting models.
The result is the identification of a small subset of feasible solu-
tions that are worthy of further consideration. Formally, this result
is known as the set of non-dominated solutions. Mathematically,
4.5.3 Probabilistic multi-objective goal programming
given a set of feasible solutions X, the set of non-dominated solu-
for flood risk management
tions is defined as follows:
Multi-objective decisions, in contrast to single-objective, do not S = {x : x ∈ X, there exist no other x  ∈ X
have an optimal solution. As a result, the focus of multi-objective such that zq (x  ) > zq (x) for some q ∈ {1, 2, . . . , r} (4.59)
analysis is on the assessment of trade-offs between alternatives and zk (x  ) ≤ zk (x) for all k = q
based on using more than one objective function.
It is obvious from the definition of S that as we move from one
non-dominated solution to another non-dominated solution and
BASIC CONCEPTS OF MULTI-OBJECTIVE one objective function improves, then one or more of the other
ANA LY S I S objective functions must decrease in value. For detailed discussion
Section 4.5.2 showed that a single-objective programming prob- of multi-objective analysis see Simonovic (2009) and Goicoechea
lem consists of optimizing one objective subject to a constraint et al. (1982).
set. On the other hand, a multi-objective programming problem is
characterized by an r-dimensional vector of objective functions: STO CH A STIC MU LTI-O BJ ECTIV E A NA LYS IS
A large number of problems in flood risk management under
Z(x) = [Z1 (x), Z2 (x), . . . , Zr (x)] climate change require that decisions be made in the presence
subject to of uncertainty. A key difficulty in multi-objective analysis under
x∈X (4.58) uncertainty is in dealing with an uncertainty space that is huge
where X is the feasible region: and frequently leads to very large-scale optimization models. The
X = {x : x ∈ Rn , gi (x) ≤ 0, xj ≥ 0 ∀i, j } main approaches to stochastic multi-objective analysis that are
recognized in the literature are: (i) stochastic sensitivity analysis,
where R is a set of real numbers, gi (x) is a set of constraints, and
(ii) decision-theoretic programming models, and (iii) risk pro-
x is a set of decision variables.
gramming in linear programming, which includes:
The word optimization has been deliberately kept out of the
definition of a multi-objective programming problem since we r Two-stage programming;
cannot, in general, optimize a priori a vector of objective func- r Stochastic linear programming;
tions. The first step of the multi-objective analysis consists of r Transition probability programming; and
identifying the set of non-dominated solutions within the feasible r Chance-constrained programming.
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 103

A typical problem in stochastic sensitivity analysis arises when the is to determine decision variables, x, that make, if possible, the
random variations in the parameters of a linear programming (LP) objective function value not exceed the pre-specified goal, G, as
problem allow the optimal solution to retain the same basis as the

parameters vary. When this is the case, it has been shown that the cj x j ≤ G (4.60)
objective function can be expanded into a Taylor’s series around j =1
the expected-value solution and, furthermore, that this series has
an asymptotic normal distribution. A level of complexity is added where c is a vector of the objective function coefficient. The deter-
when parametric errors are significant and the same optimal basis ministic goal programming model for such a goal is expressed
cannot be retained throughout the entire range of those parametric as:
errors. One approach to this situation is to attempt to build suitable 
approximations of the LP problem subject to parametric errors. cj x j + d − − d + = G (4.61)
These approximations are termed deterministic equivalents, in the j =1

sense that a probability statement is transformed into an algebraic

where d− and d+ , respectively, represent the under- and over-
expression (i.e., an equality or inequality) that no longer contains
achievement with respect to the goal in which a positive penalty
any random variables. As a result, these deterministic equivalents
is associated with d+ and a negative penalty with d− in the objec-
are often non-linear, and the dimensionality of the original LP
tive function. When the elements in c are random variables, two
problem increases.
approaches are found in the literature that convert the determin-
For the implementation of stochastic multi-objective analysis
istic equation into the chance-constrained one (a good basic text
in flood risk management I present a special form of stochastic
on stochastic programming is that by Birge and Louveaux, 1997).
goal programming that considers constraints as stochastic and
One approach is to utilize Equation (4.61) by simply converting
expands one-sided probabilistic goal constraints into the case of
it into a probabilistic form as:
two-sided probabilistic goal constraints with proper formulation,
⎡ ⎤
which preserves the original characteristics of goal programming. 
This two-sided probabilistic goal-constrained method is more effi- P⎣ cj xj + d − − d + = G⎦ ≥ α (4.62)
cient than the existing methods in that it has fewer constraints and j =1

decision variables.
where α is the goal compliance reliability. A very common prob-
The resulting chance-constrained goal programming (CCGP)
lem with this formulation is that the modelers fail to recognize
method provides an effective way of adapting the LP simplex
that the probability of a continuous random variable equaling a
method, which takes into account the non-linear behavior of the
fixed value is zero.
parameters of a model. Problem formulations obtained by the
The next step in the implementation of goal programming is
application of this approach can be solved using LP computer tools
the derivation of the chance constraint from Equation (4.60).
that are widely available. A later section presents the LINPRO
program that is provided on the accompanying website, which ⎡ ⎤

can be used quite effectively for solving flood risk management P⎣ c j x j ≤ G⎦ ≥ α (4.63)
problems. j =1

The corresponding deterministic equivalent of Equation (4.63) is

derived as:
Goal programming, originally introduced by Charnes and Cooper
(1961), deals with the problem of achieving a set of conflicting 
n   0.5
goals. The objective function seeks to minimize deviations from E(cj )x j + Zα x  x ≤G (4.64)
j =1
the set of pre-assigned goals. Two types of goals are commonly
used in goal programming models. The first type is a two-sided where E(cj ) is the mean value of the jth objective coefficient
goal applicable to goals that must be achieved exactly; any devi- and is the variance-covariance matrix of the random objective
ation, either upward or downward, would result in penalty. The function coefficients. The CCGP equation is then obtained by
second type is a one-sided goal with which only upward or down- adding deviational variables in Equation (4.64) as:
ward deviation would be penalized. When uncertainties exist in
the goal programming problem, the chance-constrained formula- 
n   0.5
E(cj )x j + d − − d + = G − Zα x  x (4.65)
tion is often used.
j =1
For educational purposes I start with the traditional goal pro-
gramming formulation with a one-sided goal for which over- Note that the original goal G from Equation (4.61) has been
achievement would result in an undesirable penalty. The objective changed in Equation (4.65).

The concept of the proposed chance-constrained goal formula-   0.5

tion is considered for the three possible goal types of stochastic E(cr )x − ds+ + Fz−1 [αs ] × x  x ≤ Gs , ∀s (4.76)
goal programming. The first type represents a two-sided goal for
which the upward and downward deviations are to be penalized. E(cr )x + dt− + Fz−1 [1 − αt ] × x  x ≥ Gt , ∀t (4.77)
In this case, it is desired to obtain the shortest interval that attains t
the goal, a pre-assigned reliability of α r . Second (upward devi- x≥0 (4.78)
ation) and third (downward deviation) types represent one-sided
goals. In these cases, only upward or downward deviations are to dr− , dr+ , ds+ , dt− ≥ 0, ∀r, s, and t (4.79)
be penalized. The reliability of attaining each goal is denoted by where Fz−1 is the inverse cumulative distribution function of
α s and α t , respectively. the standard normal random variable. In this transformation an
A general form of the CCGP model, based on the goal pro- assumption has been used that all random variables are normally
gramming format, may be formulated as: distributed. The above model can be generalized even further

 +  S 
T by including other deterministic constraints, probabilistic con-
Minimize D0 = dr + dr− + ds+ + dt+ (4.66) straints, or a mixture of both.
r=1 s=1 t=1 The deterministic goal programming model represented fol-
subject to lows an LP format, which can be easily solved by the LP simplex
  algorithm. However, the deterministic equivalent transformation
P Gr − dr− ≤ cr x ≤ Gr + dr+ > αr , r = 1, 2, . . . , R (4.67)
of CCGP constraints represented by Equations (4.73) to (4.79)
P cs x ≤ Gs + ds+ > αs , s = 1, 2, . . . , S (4.68) is non-linear, and cannot be solved directly by the LP technique.
  Therefore, the problem becomes one of non-linear optimization,
P ct x ≥ Gt − dt− > αt , t = 1, 2, . . . , T (4.69)
which can be solved by various non-linear programming tech-
P [Ax ≤ b] > β (4.70) niques. Alternatively, a procedure can be adopted to linearize the
non-linear terms of the chance constraints and solve the linearized
x≥0 (4.71) model iteratively. The “linearized” constraints in the CCGP model
dr− , dr+ , ds+ , dt− ≥ 0, ∀r, s, and t (4.72) are obtained by moving the non-linear terms in constraints (4.75),
(4.76), and (4.77) to the right hand side of the constraints and can
where R is the number of two-sided goals, S is the number of be written as:
one-sided goals for upside deviation, and T is the number of one-     0.5
 + −1 1 + αr
sided goals for downside deviation. In addition, αr , αs , and αt E(cr )x − dr ≤ Gr − Fz × x 0 x , ∀r
2 r
are pre-assigned reliabilities of attaining the corresponding goals.
Constraint (4.70) represents the regular constraint in a probabilis-
tic form that takes into account the random character of A and   0.5
b. It can be represented as a deterministic equivalent when the E(cr )x − ds+ ≤ Gs − Fz−1 [αs ] × x 0 x , ∀s
elements of A and b are all constants. s

Constraints (4.67) through (4.70) in a general formulation are (4.81)

all probabilistic. In order to solve a stochastic goal programming   0.5
problem, these constraints must be transformed to their respec- E(cr )x + dt− ≥ Gt − Fz−1 [1 − αt ] × x 0 x , ∀t
tive deterministic equivalents. The transformation procedure can t

be found elsewhere (for example in Taha (1976) or Birge and (4.82)

Louveaux (1997)). The final form of the deterministic equivalent here x 0 is an assumed solution vector to the optimal CCGP model.
formulation of the problem given by Equations (4.66) to (4.72) is Consequently, the linearized CCGP model can be solved by the
as follows: LP technique iteratively, each time comparing the values of the

 +  S 
T current solutions with those obtained in the previous iteration,
Minimize D0 = dr + dr− + ds+ + dt+ (4.73) then updating the assumed solution values, and using them to
r=1 s=1 t=1
compute the variance term on the right hand sides, until con-
subject to vergence criteria are met. Of course, alternative stopping rules,
E(cr )x − 0.5dr+ + 0.5dr− = Gr , ∀r (4.74) such as specifying the maximum number of iterations, can also
    0.5 be used in order to prevent excessive iteration during the com-
1 + αr
E(cr )x − dr+ + Fz−1 × x x ≤ Gr , ∀r putation. However, prior to the application of these procedures,
2 an assumption for the distribution of the standardized random
 r  −1
(4.75) variable Z must be made so that the terms Fz−1 1+α 2
, Fz [αs ],
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 105

and Fz−1 [1 − αt ] in constraints (4.80), (4.81), and (4.82) can be release and demand for water, (ii) minimization of salinity at
evaluated. Beyeoua reservoir, and (iii) minimization of pumping costs at
Due to the non-linear nature of the CCGP model, the opti- Beyeoua and Echkel reservoirs. The first goal was constructed
mum solution obtained, in general, cannot be guaranteed to be the from four stochastic components: (i) drinking water supply, (ii)
global optimum. Thus, it is recommended that a few runs of these irrigation water supply, (iii) minimum flood control storage, and
procedures with different initial solutions should be carried out to (iv) minimum storage for drought control. The stochastic goal
ensure that the model solution converges to an overall optimum. program has been converted into the deterministic equivalent, lin-
earized and then solved using the traditional LP algorithm. In
this formulation, the impacts of climate change on the random
STO CH A S TI C G OAL PROGR AMMING, C L IMATE variables are not considered. However, the same formulation may
C H A N G E, A N D FL OOD R ISK MANAGE MEN T be applied after addressing the impacts of climate change on the
Application of stochastic multi-objective analysis in flood risk random input variables.
management under climate change is not available in the pub- Lund (2002) looks into economical integration of permanent
lished literature. However, a few examples presented below, and emergency flood control options as a long-standing prob-
related to flood risk management in general, illustrate the ini- lem in water resources planning and management. A two-stage
tial benefits from considering stochastic multi-objective analysis LP formulation of this problem is proposed and demonstrated,
in the field. which provides an explicit economic basis for developing inte-
Raju and Kumar (1998) used stochastic and fuzzy linear pro- grated floodplain management plans. The approach minimizes the
gramming (FLP) for the evaluation of management strategies for expected value of flood damage and costs, given a flow or stage
a case study of the Sri Ram Sagar Project, Andhra Pradesh, India. frequency distribution. In this work, again, climate change is not
Three conflicting objectives – net benefits, crop production, and taken into consideration. However, the formulation can be very
labor employment – are considered in the irrigation planning scen- easily applied to investigate the climate-caused change in flood
ario. The flood control function of the multi-purpose project was conditions, after the appropriate modification of flow and stage
treated as one of the constraints. Uncertainty in the inflows is frequency distributions. A variety of permanent and emergency
considered by stochastic programming. The monthly inflows into floodplain management options can be examined in the method,
the Sri Ram Sagar Reservoir are assumed to follow a log-normal and interactive effects of options on flood damage reduction can be
distribution. Twenty-three years of historical inflow data are used represented. This work suffers from the major problem of combin-
to obtain the various dependability levels of inflows. Optimiza- ing, using economic quantification, some emergency flood control
tion of each individual objective (labor, production, and benefits) measures that in practice will never be considered using economic
is performed with an LP algorithm that gives the upper and lower criteria. This limitation reduces the value of the paper, but does
bounds for the multi-objective analysis. Much stronger emphasis not detract from the presented methodology, which can be imple-
in this paper is given to fuzzy multi-objective program formula- mented correctly for the solution of many flood risk management
tion. problems. The general formulation in this paper includes: (i) the
Foued and Sameh (2001) present a stochastic optimization solu- damage in a floodplain resulting from water stage, given a set of
tion for the operation and control of multi-purpose reservoir sys- permanent floodplain management actions, and emergency flood
tems, with an example from Tunisia. The problem involves finding response actions; and (ii) an implementation cost to each of these
appropriate releases from various reservoirs in the system in order management actions. The overall economic objective of managing
to satisfy multiple conflicting objectives, such as the satisfaction the floodplain is then the expected value of the sum of these costs
of demands with the required salinity, the minimization of pump- and damage, with the average taken using the stage-probability
ing cost, the minimization of flood damage, and the minimization distribution. The complete formulation is a two-stage linear or
of drought impacts. To solve this problem, the authors consider integer-linear program. This form of problem can often be solved
two problem characteristics: multiple objectives and stochastic by readily available linear program solvers. The paper examples
variables. (very simple and hypothetical) are solved using spreadsheet lin-
A five reservoir system in northern Tunisia is used as a case ear program solvers. Limitations of the method in terms of fore-
study. The system is simplified by aggregation of three reservoirs cast uncertainty and concave additive damage function forms are
of the extreme north into one corresponding storage. Reservoir discussed also, along with extensions for addressing these more
inflows and demands are treated as random variables. Flood con- difficult situations.
trol, as well as drought control, purposes of the reservoir system Chang et al. (2007) developed a decision-making tool that can
are considered of importance only during a certain period of the be used by government agencies in planning for flood emergency
year. The overall formulation includes three probabilistic goals: logistics. In this article, the flood emergency logistics problem
(i) minimization of the difference between the reservoir system with uncertainty is formulated as two stochastic programming

models that allow for the determination of a rescue resource dis- of the district are chosen as candidate points for the local rescue
tribution system for urban flood disasters. The decision variables bases.
include the structure of rescue organizations, locations of res-
cue resource storehouses, allocations of rescue resources under
capacity restrictions, and distributions of rescue resources. By
Stochastic multi-objective goal programming often ends in the
applying the data processing and network analysis functions of
solution obtained by the implementation of the traditional LP
the GIS, flooding potential maps can estimate the possible loca-
simplex algorithm. The website accompanying this book includes
tions of rescue demand points and the required amount of rescue
the LINPRO software for the solution of an LP problem. The
equipment. The decision problem does not consider the impacts
Readme file within the LINPRO sub-sub-directory provides sim-
of climate change on the flood risk. However, the methodology
ple instructions for the program installation. The Help menus
can be easily adopted to address the impact of climate change on
available within LINPRO give guidance on LINPRO use. The
flood emergency logistics and therefore reduction of flood risk.
enclosed computer program implements the LP solution using the
Due to the uncertainty of flood disasters and the quick response
simplex algorithm. A detailed presentation of the simplex method
requirement, authorities must create a flood disaster response
is available elsewhere. The recommended source is Simonovic
plan or standard operation procedure and reserve enough res-
(2009, Chapter 9). The following example illustrates the
cue equipment, resources, and rescue teams at proper places in
implementation of multi-objective stochastic goal programming
advance. Once the disaster has occurred, the rescue operation
(presented earlier) and use of LP software in its solution.
will be launched into schedule without chaos. Basic flood rescue
operations follow guidelines that divide the disaster area among
several groups and emphasize intra-group distribution and inter- Example 12
group backup, despite the varying structures of rescue organ- The Water Authority considers investment in nine mutually exclu-
izations among different counties. Under such a disaster rescue sive flood project alternatives to mitigate potential increases in
system, the flood emergency logistics network has a multi-group, flood damage due to climate change. The net present values for
multi-echelon, and multi-level structure. First, the grouping and each project are given together with a certain configuration of
classifying model is used to group the disaster rescue areas and construction costs over a 2-year period. The objective is to max-
classify their level of emergency by minimizing the expected ship- imize the present values of these investments in the context of a
ping distance. Then, based on the results of the first model, the fraction of the adopted flood project investment, given a budget
two-stage stochastic programming model determines the selected constraint of $50 M for the first period and $20 M for the second
local rescue bases that need to be set up after the disaster as period.
well as the quantity of rescue equipment in the storehouses of all The Water Authority expects that each investment in these
echelons and the transportation plans for rescue equipment. The projects should yield a certain amount of flood damage reduc-
former is the first-stage decision and the two latter cases are the tion benefits in each period and utilize a specified number of
second-stage decisions based upon the first-stage decision and man-hours per day. Table 4.16 lists the project proposals along
the realized uncertainty scenarios. The corresponding costs for with their net present values and the present values of con-
distributing the rescue equipment in all rescue demand scenar- struction costs, flood damage benefits, and man-hours for each
ios are considered in the first-stage decision. Thus, the objective period.
is to minimize the current facility setup cost and the equipment The Water Authority would like to achieve the following goals:
average cost as well as the expected future transportation cost, the (i) The flood protection as a whole must yield a net present value
supply-shortage cost, and the demand-shortage penalty during the of at least $32.40 M. Hence it is a one-sided goal because there
period of rescue operation. The proposed models are solved using is no penalty if it is more than this amount. (ii) The flood damage
a sample average approximation scheme. The proposed model is reduction benefits must be at least $70 M for the first period.
applied to Taipei City, located in Northern Taiwan. Taipei City is Again it is a one-sided goal because if the value is more than this
272 square kilometers in area and has a population density of over amount, it is desirable, but if it is less, it causes losses for the Water
10,000 people per square kilometer. Many places in Taipei City Authority that will have an impact on other water management
often face the risk of flood during typhoon seasons. To reduce programs. (iii) The flood damage reduction benefits must be at
the damage of disasters, the government requires that the entire least $84 M for the second period. This is a one-sided goal similar
disaster rescue operation should be completed within 36 hours. to goal (ii). (iv) The man-hours of labor per day must be exactly 40
Furthermore, the Taipei City Government is designated as the for the first period. This is a two-sided goal because any deviations
head disaster rescue center; 12 administrative district offices are (whether upward such as payment for overtime or downward such
set up as regional rescue centers; and 84 offices of the subdivision as idle time of employees) are not desirable. (v) The man-hours
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 107

Table 4.16 Data for the flood project alternative selection example (millions of $)

Flood damage
PV of
PV of construction costs reduction benefits Man hours
Flood project
project costs Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2
1 14 12 3 14 15 10 12
2 17 54 7 30 42 16 16
3 17 6 6 13 16 13 13
4 15 6 2 11 12 9 13
5 40 30 35 53 52 19 16
6 12 6 6 10 14 14 14
7 14 48 4 32 34 7 9
8 10 36 3 21 28 15 22
9 12 18 3 12 21 8 13

of labor per day are to be exactly 40 for the second period. Again, deterministic constraints representing the present values of con-
it is a two-sided goal similar to goal (iv). struction costs in period 1 and period 2, respectively.
Because of the uncertainty associated with the objective func- The problem represented by Equations (4.83) to (4.92) is first
tion coefficients in each goal, the Water Authority wishes to converted into the deterministic equivalent by rewriting proba-
achieve the goals with certain pre-assigned reliabilities α 1 , α 2 , bilistic constraints (4.84) to (4.88) in their deterministic form
α 3 , α 4 , and α 5 . In addition, it is assumed that the objective func- as shown in Equations (4.73) to (4.79). The corresponding LP
tion coefficients are independent normal random variables, with problem has been solved using the LINPRO program. A compre-
the means given in Table 4.16 and standard deviations equal to hensive sensitivity analysis is performed for:
some percentage of the means.
(1) reliabilities α 1 , α 2 , α 3 , α 4 , and α 5 equal to 85%, 90%, and
Solution 95%, and
The mathematical formulation of the problem is as follows: (2) various values of standard deviation of 5%, 10%, 25%, and
Min d0 = d1− + d2− + d3− + d4− + d5− + d5+ (4.83)

subject to A summary of the results is shown in Table 4.17. A quick exam-

  ination of the results presented in Table 4.17 indicates that the total
P c1 x ≥ G1 − d1− > α1 (4.84)
amount of optimal deviations from goals is sensitive to various
P c2 x ≥ G2 − d2− > α2 (4.85) standard deviations and reliabilities. For a given uncertainty level
  of model parameters, the total amount of optimal deviations is
P c3 x ≥ G3 − d3− > α3 (4.86)
  increased as the reliability requirement of the goal constraints
P G4 − d4− ≤ c4 x ≤ G4 + d4+ ≥ α4 (4.87) increases.
  The optimal results show that in order to achieve the goals with
P G5 − d5− ≤ c5 x ≤ G5 + 5 ≥ α5 (4.88)
high reliability, more total deviations should be anticipated in the
a1 x ≤ b1 (4.89) objective functions. By increasing the standard deviations for the
a2 x ≤ b2 (4.90) same level of reliability, as expected, the value of the objective
function is increased.
1≤x≤0 (4.91)
d1− , d2− , d3− , d4− , d4+ , d5− , d5+ ≥ 0, (4.92)
where vectors c1 through c5 are the coefficients of goal constraints, FLOOD EMERGENCY LOGISTICS P REPARATION
representing the present values of alternative project investment, IN TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN
the flood damage reductions in period 1 and period 2, and man- This section is based on the work conducted by Chang et al.
hours in period 1 and period 2, respectively. Vectors a1 and a2 (2007) on the introduction of a scenario planning approach
in constraints (4.89) and (4.90) are the coefficients of regular for the flood emergency logistics preparation problem under

Table 4.17 Optimal results for various standard deviations and reliabilities (millions of $)

deviation 5% 10% 25% 50%

Reliability 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.85 0.90 0.95

x1 0.332 0.305 0.266 0.220 0.168 0.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
x2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
x3 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.918 0.816 0.682 0.536 0.642 0.327
x4 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
x5 0.251 0.253 0.255 0.258 0.261 0.255 0.285 0.302 0.325 0.350 0.332 0.324
x6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
x7 0.551 0.557 0.564 0.575 0.586 0.602 0.623 0.625 0.627 0.630 0.628 0.423
x8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
x9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
d1− 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
d2− 11.8 12.3 13.0 13.8 14.7 16.2 19.7 21.9 25.1 28.9 32.2 33.4
d3− 20.8 21.3 22.0 22.9 24.0 25.5 29.5 32.1 35.8 40.2 43.3 45.0
d4− 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
d4+ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.27
d5− 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
d5+ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.32 14.1
d0 32.6 33.6 35.0 36.7 38.7 41.7 49.2 54.0 60.9 69.1 78.8 97.7

uncertainty, and its real implementation for Taipei City in Taiwan. incurred costs is minimized for the transportation and storage
The occurrence of flood disasters under changing climatic con- of dispatched commodities (food for example). Most of the lit-
ditions in an area and the demand for emergency management erature on emergency logistics emphasizes how to dynamically
are both uncertain. Therefore, there is a need for emergency plan- distribute limited rescue resources to an area after a disaster
ning that will provide rescue agencies with the best options for has occurred. Planning for flood emergency logistics prepara-
uncertain future flood disaster conditions. Comprehensive flood tion has received limited attention. None of the studies used
preparation planning tools currently do not exist (Simonovic, stochastic programming to deal with this issue. The proposed
2011). Chang et al. (2007) have developed a decision-making methodology will apply stochastic programming theory to deter-
tool that can be used in practice by disaster prevention and res- mine flood emergency logistics preparation. Although some pub-
cue agencies for planning flood emergency logistics preparation. lished supply chain network design models and the described
This tool builds on the practical issues of emergency logistics and emergency logistics preparation planning problem have some
the current organizational structure of disaster prevention agen- common characteristics, they are not the same. Therefore, the
cies is taken into consideration. In addition, the disaster rescue chain network design models cannot be adapted to specific
demand point and the amount of demand are treated as stochastic. flood conditions for two reasons: the rescue demand points in
A suitable rescue resource preparation plan must be determined a flood disaster occur randomly, and the distribution of res-
prudently by considering all possible rescue demand scenarios. cue resources requires mutual assistance among multi-group,
In this example, the authors explore how to optimize the expected multi-echelon, and multi-level suppliers. The random character
performance over all scenarios and incorporate scenario planning of emergency assistance demand is further emphasized by cli-
into flood emergency logistics preparation modeling. matic change. The following model is developed to provide a
more adequate solution to the stochastic multi-backup location
Introduction Flood emergency logistics planning involves dis- problem.
patching commodities (medical materials, specialized rescue
equipment, rescue teams, etc.) to distribution centers in affected Model description Due to the uncertainty of flood disasters
areas as soon as possible to accelerate flood relief operations. under climate change and the quick response requirement, author-
In the past this problem has been addressed using a single- ities must create a flood disaster response plan or standard opera-
commodity, multi-modal network flow model on a capacitated tion procedure and plan for enough rescue equipment, resources,
network over a multi-period planning horizon. The sum of and rescue teams at proper places in advance. Basic flood
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 109

1st-level rescue region 2nd-level rescue region 3rd-level rescue region

Head rescue centre Contractor

Global link Regional rescue centre Rescue demand point

Intra-group link
Local rescue centre
Intra-group inter-level link
Figure 4.18 The structure of a flood rescue organization (after Chang et al., 2007).

rescue emergency operations divide the disaster area among sev- assumptions of this work are: (i) the rescue resource may be
eral groups and emphasize intra-group distribution and inter- supplied either by the government or by private enterprises with a
group backup (some variations are possible among different coun- rental contract; (ii) the stochastic rescue demands are predictable
ties). Therefore, the flood emergency logistics network has a under all possible flooding scenarios (including climate change);
multi-group, multi-echelon, and multi-level structure. The struc- and (iii) transportation costs are deterministic.
ture of rescue organizations and the relation of mutual backup are Input variables used in the models are:
illustrated in Figure 4.18.
As shown in the figure, nodes are classified into five types: a L(ω) set of demand points under rainfall event ω;
head rescue center, regional rescue centers, local rescue bases, Lk (ω) set of demand points under rainfall event ω that lie within
contractors, and demand points. Regional rescue centers, local the service area of regional rescue center k;
rescue bases, and demand points can be further classified accord- Ln (ω) set of demand points that belong to the level-n areas under
ing to the district in which they are located. In addition, there are rainfall event ω;
four types of flows (activities), which are shown as global links, Lm n (ω) set of demand points that belong to group-m and level-n
intra-group inter-level links, intra-group intra-level links, and areas under rainfall event ω;
inter-group links in Figure 4.18. The structure of rescue organi- Jnm (ω) set of local rescue bases that belong to group-m and level-n
zations and the flood rescue division is explained in detail in area under rainfall event ω;
Chang et al. (2007). It is evident that flood emergency logis- Knm (ω) set of regional rescue centers that belong to group-m and
tics preparation planning is rigid and complex due to uncertain level-n area under rainfall event ω;
demands. In this study (Chang et al., 2007), the flood emergency K2 (ω) set of regional rescue centers that belong to level-2 areas
logistics preparation problem with uncertainty is formulated as under rainfall event ω;
two stochastic programming models (decomposition of the multi- M(l) group of demand point l;
objective analysis problem) that determine the rescue resource N( j) level of local rescue base j;
distribution plan for urban flood disasters, including the struc- Ci unit penalty for shortage of equipment type i during the period
ture of the rescue organization, the location of rescue resource of rescue operation;
storehouses, the allocation of rescue resources within capacity dli (ω) amount of equipment type i required at demand point l
restrictions, and the distribution of rescue resources. The basic under rainfall event ω;

ei average cost of equipment type i amortized to the period of in mathematical form is:
rescue operation (purchase and maintenance cost); ⎡ ⎤
fj average operation cost of local rescue base j during the period Minimize ⎣Ykk
 P (ω) δk l dli (ω)⎦
of rescue operation; m k k  =k ω i l∈Lk (ω)
O unit pump capacity of equipment type i; (4.93)
P(ω) probability of rainfall event ω;
Qj storage capacity of local rescue base j; subject to
Qk storage capacity of regional rescue center k; m
2Ykk  ≤  +
Xkmn Xkmn ≤ Ykk
 + 1 ∀m, k  , k (4.94)
Qo storage capacity of head rescue center o; n n
ri unit rent cost of equipment type i;   
tji l unit transportation cost of equipment type i shipped to demand P (ω) O i dli (ω)Xkm1
ω l∈Lk (ω) i
point l from local rescue base j;   
tkl unit transportation cost of equipment type i shipped to demand ≥ P (ω) O i dli (ω)Xkm2
 ∀m, k  = k, k
ω l∈L (ω) k i
point l from regional rescue center k;
toli unit transportation cost of equipment type i shipped to demand (4.95)
point l from the head rescue center o;   
vi amount of equipment type i; and P (ω) O i dli (ω)Xkm2
ω l∈Lk (ω) i
δ kl shortest distance from regional rescue center k to demand   
point l. ≥ P (ω) O i dli (ω)Xkm3
 ∀m, k  = k, k
ω l∈Lk (ω) i
The decision variables include: (4.96)

qji l (ω) amount of equipment type i shipped to demand point l 

Xkmn ≥ 1 ∀m, n (4.97)
from local rescue base j under rainfall event ω; k
qkli (ω) amount of equipment type i shipped to demand point l 
Xkmn = 1 ∀k (4.98)
from regional rescue center k under rainfall event ω;
i m n
qol (ω) amount of equipment type i shipped to demand point l m
Ykk  ∈ {0, 1} ∀m, k  , k (4.99)
from head rescue center o under rainfall event ω;
Si amount of equipment type i stored in local rescue base j; Xkmn ∈ {0, 1} ∀m, n, k (4.100)
Sk amount of equipment type i stored in regional rescue center
Model 2: Location allocation. Based on the results of the first
j model, the following two-stage stochastic programming model
So amount of equipment type i stored in head rescue center o;
determines the selected local rescue bases that need to be set
Xkmn = 1 if regional rescue center k belongs to group m and level
up after the disaster as well as the quantity of rescue equip-
n, otherwise = 0;
ment in the storehouses of all echelons and the transportation
yj = 1 if local rescue bases j are selected for setup, otherwise =
plans for rescue equipment. The former is the first-stage decision
 and the two latter are the second-stage decisions based upon the
 = 1 if regional rescue centers k and k both belong to group
first-stage decision and the realized uncertainty scenarios. The
m, otherwise = 0;
i corresponding costs for distributing the rescue equipment in all
αl (ω) amount of shortage of equipment type i at demand point l
rescue demand scenarios must be considered in the first-stage
under rainfall event ω;
decision. Thus, the objective is to minimize the current facil-
βli (ω) amount of surplus of equipment type i at local rescue base
ity setup cost and the equipment average cost as well as the
j under rainfall event ω;
expected future transportation cost, the supply-shortage cost, and
βki (ω) amount of surplus of equipment type i at regional center k
the demand-shortage penalty during the period of rescue oper-
under rainfall event ω; and
ation. The mathematical formulation of the second model is as
βoi (ω) amount of surplus of equipment type i at head center o
under rainfall event ω. ⎡ ⎤
Model 1: Grouping and classifying. The first model groups the Min f j yj + ei ⎣ Sji + Ski + Soi ⎦
disaster rescue areas and classifies their level of emergency by j i j k
minimizing shipping distance. The optimal solution of this model + P (ω)T C(ω) + P (ω)RC(ω) + P (ω)SC(ω)
provides association of a rescue supplier with a specific disaster ω ω ω
rescue group and a level of emergency. The optimization problem (4.101)
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 111

subject to v i Sji ≤ Qj yj ∀j (4.113)

T C(ω) = ⎣ tji l qji l (ω) + tkli qkli (ω) v i Ski ≤ Qk ∀k (4.114)
l∈L1 (ω) i j ∈J1M(l) k∈K1M(l) i
 v i Soi ≤ Qo (4.115)
+ toli qoli (ω) + tkli qkli (ω)⎦ i
k∈K2M(l) yj ∈ {0, 1} ∀j (4.116)

    and all decision variables ≥ 0.
+ ⎣ tji l qji l (ω) + tkli qkli (ω)
l∈L2 (ω) i j ∈J2M(l) k∈K2M(l)
⎤ Solution procedure Two problems representing the flood emer-
 gency logistics preparation, formulated above using Equations
+ toli qoli (ω) + tkli qkli (ω)⎦
(4.93) to (4.116), are approached using the following solution
⎡ procedure developed by Chang et al. (2007). The key difficulty in
    solving this stochastic program is in the evaluation of the expec-
+ ⎣ tji l qji l (ω) + tkli qkli (ω)
l∈L3 (ω) i
tation in the objectives – it is difficult to estimate the rescue
j ∈J3M(l) k∈K3M(l)
⎤ equipment demand for different rainfall events (especially if we
look far into the future in order to be prepared for the potential
+ toli qoli (ω)⎦ (4.102)
impacts of climate change on flood risk). There are far too many
  future flood scenarios to consider. The goal of scenario planning
RC(ω) = ri + αli (ω) (4.103) is to specify a set of scenarios that represent the possible realiza-
i ⎡ l ⎤ tions of unknown problem parameters and to consider the range of
SC(ω) = C βj (ω) + βo +
i i
βl (ω)⎦
(4.104) scenarios in determining a robust solution. The authors selected
i j k a heuristic approach based on the sample average approximation
αli (ω) = dli (ω) − qji l (ω) − qkli (ω) − qoli (ω) scheme. The detailed steps are presented below. The flood risk
j ∈J1M(l) k∈K1M(l)
maps for different rainfall events are used for developing scenar-
 ios that present all possible locations of rescue demand points and
− qkli (ω) ∀i, l ∈ L1 (ω), ω (4.105)
the required amount of rescue equipment. The GIS technology
j ∈K2M(l)
  and its network analysis functions are utilized for this task.
αli (ω) = dli (ω) − qji l (ω) − qkli (ω) − qoli (ω) Scenario development using GIS. The locations of demand
j ∈J2M(l) k∈K2M(l) points and the quantity of emergency rescue equipment required

− qkli (ω) ∀i, l ∈ L2 (ω), ω (4.106) under different rainfall scenarios can be estimated using the GIS
j ∈K3M(l) analysis function. Then, the estimated corresponding quantity of
  emergency rescue equipment can be used to determine the quan-
αli (ω) = dli (ω) − qji l (ω) − qkli (ω)
tity of rescue equipment required for demand points under differ-
j ∈J3M(l) k∈K3M(l)
ent flooding scenarios. The procedure is as follows:
− qoli (ω) ∀i, l ∈ L3 (ω) , ω (4.107) Step 1. Generate map layers for: (i) point map with locations
 of rescue centers; (ii) polyline map of the road network; and (iii)
βji (ω) = Sji − qji l (ω) ∀i, j, ω (4.108)
M(j )
polygon map of administrative districts.
l∈LN (j ) (ω)
 Step 2. Overlap analysis. Overlap the flood potential map for
βki (ω) = Ski − qkli (ω) ∀i, k ∈ K1 , ω (4.109) various precipitation events with map layers from Step 1. Identify
M(j )
l∈L1 (ω)
  centroid of each flooded area as a rescue demand point.
βki (ω) = Ski − qkli (ω) − qkli (ω) ∀i, k ∈ K2 , ω Step 3. Data analysis. Calculate the flood volume at each loca-
M(j ) M(j )
l∈L1 (ω) l∈L2 (ω) tion. Estimate the required quantities of each type of rescue equip-
(4.110) ment for each demand point and each rainfall event. Create a
βki (ω) = Ski − qkli (ω) − qkli (ω) ∀i, k ∈ K3 , ω
Sample average approximation solution procedure. The
M(j ) M(j )
l∈L3 (ω) l∈L2 (ω)
expected value of objectives is obtained through external sampling
(4.111) (known as the sample average approximation). Two stochastic

βoi (ω) = Soi − qoli (ω) ∀i, ω (4.112) models in Equations (4.93) to (4.116) are solved using the sam-
l∈L(ω) pling procedure as follows:

Step 1. Generate a number of independent samples of flood Table 4.18 Rescue equipment data
scenarios. For each sample, solve the two models sequentially.
Step 2. Compute the mean and variance of all solutions to model Unit Average Shortage Pumping
1 and model 2. Equipment rent operating unit penalty capacity
Step 3. Choose two feasible solutions from Step 1 and estimate type (NT$) cost (NT$) (NT$) (m3 /h)
the true objective function values. Then, generate another inde- Type A 35,640 67 67 72
pendent sample of flood scenarios. Estimate the variances of these Type B 36,396 94 94 108
solutions. This new sample is much larger and can reflect the time
horizon of the climate change scenarios. After Chang et al., 2007
Step 4. At the end, compute the optimality gap of the solutions
from Step 1 and Step 3. For the details of the computational Table 4.19 Rescue facility data
algorithm consult Chang et al. (2007, page 746).
Storage Facility
capacity operating
Implementation of the modeling procedure for Taipei City Facility type (pumps) cost (NT$)
The proposed modeling procedure is applied to Taipei City,
Head rescue center 281 –
located in Northern Taiwan. Taipei City covers an area of 272
Regional rescue center 35 –
square kilometers and has a population density of over 10,000
Local rescue base 22 382
people per square kilometer. During the typhoon season many
places in Taipei City face the risk of flooding. To reduce the dam- After Chang et al., 2007
age caused by disasters, the government requires that the entire
disaster rescue operation should be completed within 36 hours. auto-prime engine pumps, i.e., Type A and Type B. They differ in
The local Taipei City Government is designated as the head dis- pumping capacity, have no significant difference in size and have
aster rescue center; 12 administrative district offices are set up as the same unit transportation cost. All the necessary input data are
regional rescue centers; and 84 offices on the sub-district level provided in Tables 4.18 and 4.19.
are chosen as candidate points for the local rescue bases. Small- The rainfall is classified into three types of event by intensity:
size auto-prime engine pumps are among the most important 300 mm/day, 450 mm/day, and 600 mm/day, with probabilities
rescue equipment used in areas with disrupted water drainage. 0.208, 0.025, and 0.003, respectively. The flood risk maps are
For the sake of demonstration, the focus of the following created in GIS and overlaid with the administrative district map
example is on these pumps. There are two kinds of small-size as shown in Figure 4.19.

Figure 4.19 Flood risk map for rainfall event of 600 mm/day (after Chang et al., 2007).
4. 5 P RO BA B I L I S T I C TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 113

Table 4.20 Optimal rescue organization structure

Rescue group Rescue level

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Group 1 10 9 1
Group 2 4 12 11
Group 3 8 3 2
Group 4 7 5 6

After Chang et al., 2007

Figure 4.20 Optimal rescue organization structure (after Chang et al.,


The GIS spatial data analysis of the example problem for three
rainfall events identified the following number of rescue demand
points: 35, 91, and 159. The flood inundation example map is
shown in Figure 4.20. After the spatial data analysis, the LP pack-
age was used to solve the proposed models. For the implementa-
tion of the sample average approximation method the number of
flood scenarios (initial, small sample, large sample) is set to 3, 30,
and 2000, respectively. The 12 administrative districts in Taipei
City are divided into four disaster rescue groups, each classified
into three levels. The results of the rescue organization structure
are shown in Table 4.20. The distribution of all disaster rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue Rescue
group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4
centers/bases is illustrated in Figure 4.21, and the storage at each
disaster rescue supply point is given in Table 4.21. The total stor-
age numbers of the Type A pump and the Type B pump are 642 Figure 4.21 Optimal planning results (after Chang et al., 2007).
and 232, respectively. The solution of the proposed models indi-
cates that only one head rescue center, 10 regional rescue centers, location leads to the best outcome. In order to observe the effect
and 15 local rescue bases are sufficient for Taipei City to perform of the variability of the uncertain demand, three different levels
flood rescue operations. of the variability of the uncertain demand were considered. It is
The authors performed the sensitivity analysis and concluded observed that with the increase in the variability of the uncertain
that as the storage capacity at each rescue echelon increases, the demand, the range of total rescue cost of the stochastic solution
average total rescue cost goes down. These results confirm that the increases at a slower rate than that of the mean-value problem
allocation of the optimal amount of rescue resources to the proper solution.

Table 4.21 Optimal rescue equipment distribution

Equipment type Facility type

Head rescue center Regional rescue center

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Type A 264 9 0 33 26 30 0 25 26 13 13 2 28
Type B 17 1 0 2 9 5 0 10 9 22 22 7 7

Local rescue base

22 23 24 25 26 45 47 48 50 51 58 59 60 61 62
Type A 20 21 21 22 21 0 4 14 1 18 10 1 1 0 19
Type B 2 1 1 0 1 22 18 5 21 4 12 11 1 20 2

After Chang et al., 2007.

4 .6 CONCLUS I O N S 4.3. Find the variance of the return period for different values
of non-exceedance probabilities.
In flood risk management, probability is used based on historical
4.4. What is the probability that a 500-year flood will occur at
records and called objective because it is determined by long-
least once in 100 years?
run observations of the occurrence of an event. However, many
flood risk management decisions are made under the influence 4.5. Suppose a levee is designed with a projected life of 100
of subjective risk that cannot be described using probabilistic years. The responsible water authority wants to take only
tools. In this chapter we review the probabilistic approach to a 5% chance that the levee will be overtopped within this
flood risk management from the practical application point of period. What return period flood should be used for the
view. Some very traditional tools are presented in the context of levee design?
climate change. The focus of the presentation is on probabilistic
4.6. Consider the levee design problem from Example 7 in the
simulation (Monte Carlo simulation), optimization (evolution-
text. Due to climate change there is a major shift in flow
ary programming) and multi-objective analysis (stochastic goal
frequency. The discharge frequency curve under climate
programming). All three techniques are illustrated with simple
change is shown in the table below:
examples for educational purposes. Two computer programs are
provided on the accompanying website for the implementation
of the evolutionary optimization and LP that can be used for the Tr Exceedance Discharge
solution of stochastic goal programming problems. (years) probability (m3 /s)
Three interesting real-world examples from Africa, the USA,
200 0.005 898.8
and Asia are used to demonstrate the utility of the probabilistic 67 0.015 676.1
approach to flood risk management under climate change. How- 18 0.055 538.5
ever, these examples (taken from the literature) do not explore 14 0.070 423.0
the broad range of issues that climate change brings to flood risk 7 0.145 298.8
management. There is ample opportunity for wider use of the pre- 5 0.200 222.5
sented techniques, as well as other probabilistic techniques that 3 0.333 158.4
are not included in the book but are available in the literature, in
assisting flood risk management.
a. Find the difference in the expected value of the levee
height that will be required in order to address the
impacts of climate change on the watershed.
b. Find the difference in the 90th percentile (the height
4.1. Extreme precipitation is one of the causes of flooding. What
of a levee that will account for the flood stage value
is the risk of the largest precipitation on record occurring
at or below 90%) value of the levee height that will
this summer in London, Ontario?
be required in order to address the impacts of climate
4.2. Consider a reservoir for flood control of an urban area. change on the watershed. (Tip: Use MCS and MAT-
What could be the risk from the failure of the dam? LAB code provided on the website.)
4. 7 E X E R C I S E S 115

4.7. A rectangular, underground reservoir for urban flood expressed in 106 m3 per year (MCM/yr). Estimates of the
drainage control is to be proportioned. The flow rate, and annual total cost (FCC) of a reservoir volume result in the
thus the potential flood damage reduction obtained by the expression:
reservoir, is directly proportional to the storage volume
FCC = 44.42x 0.9 + 0.098x 1.45
provided. Typical figures are as follows:
where FCC is in $/yr.

a. The agency responsible for the reservoir construction

Volume Flow reduction wishes to maximize the benefit/cost ratio. Solve the
(m3 ) (m3 /s) ($) problem using the EVOLPRO computer program from
the website.
100 0.35 500 b. Vary the desired accuracy (tolerance level) and the
500 0.40 2,500
maximum number of iterations. Discuss the solutions.
1,000 0.50 5,000
c. Change the size of population and discuss its impact
2,000 0.65 10,000
on the optimal solution and optimization process.

4.9. Consider the stochastic goal programming problem from

The cost of constructing the reservoir is based on the fol- Example 12 in the text.
lowing rates: base and top $2/m2 ; sides $4/m2 ; and ends
$6/m2 . a. Assume that goals (b) and (c) can be considered as
two-sided goals (that flood control may take money
a. Find the dimensions for the maximum net benefits from other water management programs if the desired
(damage reduction – construction cost). The damage goals are not reached). Reformulate the stochastic goal
reduction may be approximated by the function d1 = program and write its deterministic equivalent.
5 × volume in m3 . For solving the problem use the b. Use LINPRO provided on the website to solve the
EVOLPRO computer program from the website. problem assuming the following values for standard
b. Vary the desired accuracy (tolerance level) and the deviations: 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 50%, and relia-
maximum number of iterations. Discuss the solutions. bilities α 1 , α 2 , α 3 , α 4 , and α 5 equal to 75%, 85%, 90%,
c. Change the size of the population and discuss its impact and 95%.
on the optimal solution and optimization process. c. Discuss your solutions.
4.8. Find the optimal size of the reservoir flood control vol- 4.10. Check the most recent literature for other applications of
ume. The total benefit (FCB) derived from the reservoir probabilistic simulation, optimization, and multi-objective
flood control volume (measured as a reduction in the flood analysis in flood risk management under climate change.
damage) has been estimated as:
a. Explain what climate change issues are being
FCB = 100x − 0.00005x 2
where FCB is expressed in dollars per year ($/yr) and b. Indicate what are the advantages and disadvantages of
x represents the available reservoir flood control volume the proposed solutions.
Part III
Flood risk management:
fuzzy set approach
5 Risk management: fuzzy set approach

Flood risk management systems include people, infrastructure, element is vulnerable to temporary disruption in service because
and environment. These elements are interconnected in compli- of flood hazards or human error, whether unintentional, as in
cated networks across broad geographical regions. Each element the case of operational errors and mistakes, or from intentional
is vulnerable to natural hazards or human error, whether unin- causes, such as a terrorist act.
tentional, as in the case of operational errors and mistakes, or Floods can cause serious damage or the total failure of flood risk
intentional, such as a terrorist act. management systems. Human error can also affect functioning
Until recently the probabilistic approach was the only approach of the systems. With the consideration of climate change the
for flood risk analysis. However, it fails to address the problem sources of uncertainty are many and as a result they provide a
of uncertainty that goes along with climate change, human input, great challenge to flood risk management. The goal to ensure
subjectivity, and a lack of history and records (as discussed in failsafe system performance may be unattainable. Adopting high
Section 3.2). There is a real need to convert to new approaches safety factors is one way to avoid the uncertainty of potential
that can compensate for the ambiguity or uncertainty of human failures. However, making safety the first priority may render the
perception. system solution infeasible. Therefore known uncertainty sources
must be quantified.
Probabilistic (stochastic) reliability analysis has been used
5 .1 PARADIG M C H A N G E extensively to deal with the problem of uncertainty in flood risk
management (see Chapter 4). Prior knowledge of the PDFs of
Probability is a concept widely used in flood risk management. both resistance and load, and their joint probability distribution
To perform operations associated with probability, it is neces- function, is a prerequisite of the probabilistic approach. In prac-
sary to use sets, collections of elements, each with some specific tice, data on previous failure experience is usually insufficient to
characteristics (Simonovic, 2009). In flood risk management prac- provide such information. Even if data are available to estimate
tice we use three major conceptual interpretations of probability: these distributions, approximations are almost always necessary
(i) classical interpretation – equally likely concept, (ii) frequency to calculate system reliability (Ang and Tang, 1984). Subjective
interpretation, and (iii) subjective interpretation. judgment by the water resources decision-maker in estimating
the probability distribution of a random event – the subjective
probability approach of Vick (2002) – is another approach to
5.1.1 Problems with probability in flood risk
dealing with data insufficiency. The third approach is Bayes’s
theory, where engineering judgment is integrated with observed
One of the main goals of flood risk management is to ensure that information. The choice of a Bayesian approach or any subjective
a system performs satisfactorily under a wide range of possible probability distribution presents real challenges – the degree of
future conditions. This premise is particularly true of large and accuracy is strongly dependent on a realistic estimation of the
complex flood risk management systems (see example of the Red decision-maker’s judgment.
River basin flood of 1997 in Simonovic (2011), page 9). Flood Fuzzy set theory was intentionally developed to try to capture
risk management systems usually include structural elements like judgmental belief, or the uncertainty that is caused by the lack of
conveyance facilities such as canals, pipes, and pumps, diversion knowledge. Relative to probability theory, it has some degree of
facilities such as diversion canals and floodways, and storage freedom with respect to aggregation operators, types of fuzzy sets
facilities such as reservoirs that function in parallel with many (membership functions), and so on, which enables it to be adapted
non-structural measures. Structural elements are interconnected in to different contexts. During the past 50 years, fuzzy set theory
complicated networks serving broad geographical regions. Each and fuzzy logic have contributed successfully to technological


development in different application areas (Zadeh, 1965; Zimmer-

mann, 1996) and in the past 10 years has started to gain ground in
water resources management (Simonovic, 2009). However, appli- x2
x1 X
cation of the fuzzy set approach to flood risk management under
climate change is still new. Figure 5.1 Ordinary set classification (after Pedrycz and Gomide,
This chapter explores the utility of fuzzy set theory in address- 1998).
ing various uncertainties in the management of flood risk under
climate change. Since there is limited literature that applies fuzzy
set theory to water resources management, this chapter introduces logically equivalent, i.e., S = not-S. Fuzzy set theory allows for
in detail some of the basic concepts of fuzzy sets and fuzzy arith- an event class to coexist with its opposite at the same time, but
metic. However, the main objective here is to discuss fuzzy theory to different degrees, or in the case of paradox to the same degree,
in relation to the simulation, optimization, and multi-objective which is different from zero or one.
analysis of flood risk management systems under climate There are many similarities between fuzziness and probability.
change. The largest, but superficial and misleading, similarity is that both
approaches quantify uncertainty using numbers in the unit inter-
val [0,1]. This means that both approaches describe and quantify
5.1.2 Fuzziness and probability the uncertainty numerically. The structural similarity arising from
Probability and fuzziness are related, but they are different con- lattice theory is that both approaches algebraically manipulate sets
cepts. Fuzziness is a type of deterministic uncertainty. It describes and propositions associatively, commutatively, and distributively.
the event class ambiguity. Fuzziness measures the degree to which These similarities are misleading because a key distinction comes
an event occurs, not whether it occurs, and therefore could be of from what the two approaches are trying to model. Another dis-
value in addressing the climate change. At issue is whether the tinction is in the idea of observation. Clearly, the two concepts
event class can be unambiguously distinguished from its opposite. possess different kinds of information: fuzzy memberships, which
Probability, in contrast, arises from the question whether or not an quantify similarities of objects to imprecisely defined properties;
event occurs. Moreover, it assumes that the event class is crisply and probabilities, which provide information on expectations over
defined and that the law of non-contradiction holds. Fuzziness a large number of experiments.
occurs when the law of non-contradiction is violated.
In essence, whenever there is an experiment for which we are
not capable of “computing” the outcome, a probabilistic approach 5 . 2 I N T RO D U C T I O N TO F U Z Z Y S E T S
may be used to estimate the likelihood of a possible outcome
belonging to an event class. A fuzzy theory extends the tradi- Selected fuzzy set concepts are presented here for those not famil-
tional notion of the probability when there are outcomes that iar with the approach. The material presented in this section of
belong to several event classes at the same time, but to different the text is based on Kaufmann and Gupta (1985), Zimmermann
degrees. Fuzziness and probability are orthogonal concepts that (1996), Pedrycz and Gomide (1998), and Simonovic (2009). First
characterize different aspects of human experience. Hence, it is I will present basic definitions of fuzzy sets, followed by algebraic
important to note that neither fuzziness nor probability governs operations, which will then form the basis for further considera-
physical processes in nature. These concepts were introduced by tion in this chapter.
humans to compensate for our own limitations.
Let us review the example from Simonovic (2009) that shows
the difference between fuzziness and probability. That the laws
5.2.1 Basic definitions
of non-contradiction and excluded middle can be violated was
pointed out by Bertrand Russell with the tale of the barber. Rus- The basic concept of set theory is a collection of objects that have
sell’s barber is a bewhiskered man who lives in a town and shaves similar properties or general features. Humans tend to organize
a man if and only if he does not shave himself. The question is, objects into sets so as to generalize knowledge about objects
who shaves the barber? If he shaves himself, then by definition through the classification of information. The ordinary set clas-
he does not. But if he does not shave himself, then by definition sification imposes a dual logic. An object either belongs to a set
he does. So he does and he does not. This is a contradiction or or does not belong to it, as set boundaries are well defined. For
paradox. It has been shown that this paradoxical situation can be example, if we consider a set A in a universe X in Figure 5.1,
numerically resolved as follows. Let S be the proposition that the it is obvious that object x1 belongs to set A, while x2 does not.
barber shaves himself and not-S the proposition that he does not. We denote the acceptance of belonging to a set by 1 and rejec-
Since S implies not-S and vice versa, the two propositions are tion of belonging by 0. The classification is expressed through a
5 . 2 IN T RO D U C T I O N TO F U Z Z Y S E T S 121

characteristic membership function μà (x), for x ∈ X:


1, if x ∈ A
μà = (5.1) 0.9
0, if x ∈/A
where A(x) is the characteristic function denoting the membership 0.7
of x in set A. 0.6
The basic notion of fuzzy sets is to relax this definition, and 0.5
admit intermediate membership classes to sets. Therefore, the 0.4
characteristic function can accept values between 1 and 0, express- 0.3
ing the grade of membership of an object in a certain set. Accord- 0.2
ing to this notion, the fuzzy set will be represented as a set of 0.1
ordered pairs of elements, each of which presents the element 0
together with its membership value to the fuzzy set: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
à = {(x, μà (x))|x ∈ X} (5.2)
Figure 5.2 “Safe levee” fuzzy set.
The membership function is the crucial component of a fuzzy set,
therefore all operations with fuzzy sets are defined through their A fuzzy set is convex if all α-level sets are convex, or:
membership functions. The basic definition of a fuzzy set is that it
is characterized by a membership function mapping the elements μà (λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ) ≥ min(μà (x1) ), μà (x2 )) (5.6)
of a domain, space, or universe of discourse X to the unit interval
where x1 , x2 ∈ X, and λ ∈ [0, 1].

à : X → [0, 1] (5.3) The membership function may have different shapes and may
where à is the fuzzy set in the universe of discourse X, and X is be continuous or discrete, depending on the context in which it is
the domain, or the universe of discourse. used. Figure 5.3 shows the four most common types of continuous
The function in Equation (5.3) describes the membership func- membership function. Families of parameterized functions, such
tion associated with a fuzzy set Ã. A fuzzy set is said to be a as the following triangular membership function, can represent
normal fuzzy set if at least one of its elements has a membership most of the common membership functions explicitly:
value of 1. ⎧

⎪ 0, if x ≤ a
The crisp set of elements that belong to the fuzzy set à at least ⎪
⎪ −

⎪ x a
to the degree α is called the α-level set: ⎨ , if x ∈ [a, m]
μà = b − x (5.7)
Aα = {x ∈ X|μà (x) ≥ α} ⎪

(5.4) ⎪
⎪ , if x ∈ [m, b]

⎪ b−m

and 0, if x ≥ b

Aα = {x ∈ X|μà (x) > α} (5.5) where m is the modal value, and a, b are the lower and upper
bounds of the non-zero values of membership.
is called a strong α-level set or strong α-level cut. a is also known
A fuzzy number is a special case of a fuzzy set, having the
as the credibility level. To illustrate the definition let us consider
following properties: (i) It is defined in the set of real numbers;
the following simple example.
(ii) its membership function reaches the maximum value, 1.0,
i.e., it is a normal fuzzy set; and (iii) its membership function is
Example 1
unimodal (it is a convex fuzzy set).
An engineer wants to present possible flood protection levee
A fuzzy number can be defined as follows:
options to a client. One indicator of protection is the levee height
in meters. Let X = {1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8} be the X̃ = {(x, μx̃ (x)) : x ∈ R; μx̃ (x) ∈ [0, 1]} (5.8)
set of possible levee heights. Create an example that will show
the fuzzy set “safe levee.” where X̃ is the fuzzy number, μx̃ (x) is the membership value of
element x to the fuzzy number, and R is the set of real numbers.
A support of a fuzzy number is the ordinary set, which is defined
One possible representation of the fuzzy set “safe levee” may be
as follows:
described as à = {(1.3, .2), (1.4, .4), (1.5, .6), (1.6, .8), (1.7, 1),
(1.8, 1)}. Figure 5.2 shows the fuzzy set of the “safe levee.” S(X̃) = X̃(0) = {x : μx̃ (x) > 0} (5.9)

µ µ

1.0 1.0

0 0
a m b x a m1 m2 b x
(a) (b)

µ µ

1.0 1.0

0 0
a m b x a m b x
(c) (d)

Figure 5.3 Triangular (a), trapezoid (b), Gaussian (c), and sigmoid (d) membership functions.

( x)
x The membership function μC̃ of the intersection C̃ = Ã ∩ B̃ is
1 defined by:

μC̃ (x) = min{μà (x), μB̃ (x)}, x∈X (5.10)

where μC̃ is the membership of the fuzzy intersection of à and B̃;

min( ) is the ordinary minimum operator; μà is the membership
X of fuzzy set Ã; and μB̃ is the membership of fuzzy set B̃.

The membership function μC̃ of the union C̃ = Ã ∪ B̃ is defined
S(x) μC̃ (x) = max{μà (x), μB̃ (x)}, x∈X (5.11)

Figure 5.4 Credibility level (α-cut) and support of a fuzzy set. where μC̃ is the membership of the fuzzy union of à and B̃;
max( ) is the ordinary maximum operator; μà is the membership
The fuzzy number support is the 0-level set and includes all the of fuzzy set Ã; and μB̃ is the membership of fuzzy set B̃.
elements with the credibility level α higher than 0. Figure 5.4
illustrates these definitions. COMPLEMENT
The membership function μC̃˜ of the complement of fuzzy set C̃
is defined by:
5.2.2 Set-theoretic operations for fuzzy sets
μC̃˜ (x) = 1 − μC̃ (x), x∈X (5.12)
Operations with fuzzy sets are defined using their membership
functions. I present the concepts here as originally suggested by where μC̃˜ is the membership of the complement of fuzzy set C̃;
Zadeh (1965), since this provides a consistent framework for the and μC̃ is the membership of fuzzy set C̃.
theory of fuzzy sets. However, this is not the only possible way to Note that min and max are not the only operators that can be used
extend classical set theory to the fuzzy domain. to model the intersection and union of fuzzy sets, respectively.
5 . 2 IN T RO D U C T I O N TO F U Z Z Y S E T S 123

Zimmermann (1996) presents an interpretation of intersection as Note that for multiplication and division [Ã(α) (/) B̃(α)](×)B̃ =
“logical and” and the union as “logical or.” Ã and for addition and subtraction [Ã(α) (−) B̃(α)](+)Ã = Ã.
Detailed examples that illustrate the arithmetic operations
A N D – O R O P E R ATO R S of triangular fuzzy sets are available in Simonovic (2009,
Assuming that ∧ denotes the fuzzy AND operation and ∨ denotes Chapter 6).
the fuzzy OR operation, the definitions for both operators are:

μÃ∧B̃ (x) = min{μà (x), μB̃ (x)}, x∈X (5.13)

5.2.4 Comparison operations on fuzzy sets
An important application of fuzzy set theory to flood risk manage-
μÃ∨B̃ (x) = max{μà (x), μB̃ (x)}, x∈X (5.14) ment involves the ranking of fuzzy sets. The relative performance
Detailed examples that illustrate the theoretic operations of fuzzy of different flood protection alternatives may be visually intu-
sets are available in Simonovic (2009, Chapter 6). itive when looking at its fuzzy representation. However, in cases
where many alternatives display similar characteristics, it may
be impractical or even undesirable to make a visual selection.
5.2.3 Fuzzy arithmetic operations for fuzzy sets A method for ranking alternatives can automate many interpre-
One of the most basic concepts of fuzzy set theory, which can be tations, and create reproducible results. A ranking measure may
used to transfer crisp mathematical concepts to fuzzy sets, is the also be useful in supplying additional insight into decision-maker
extension principle. It is defined as follows. Let X be a cartesian preferences, such as distinguishing relative risk tolerance levels.
product of domains X = X1 , . . . , Xr . Function f is mapped from The selection of a ranking method is subjective, and specific
X to a domain Y, y = f (x1 , . . . , xr ). Then the extension principle to the form of problem and the fuzzy set characteristics that are
allows us to define a fuzzy set in Y by: desirable. There exists an assortment of methods, ranging from
horizontal and vertical evaluation of fuzzy sets to comparative
B̃ = {(y, μB̃ (y))|y = f (x1 , . . . , xr ), (x1 , . . . , xr ) ∈ X} methods (Zimmermann, 1996). Some of these methods may inde-
(5.15) pendently evaluate fuzzy sets, while others use competition to
choose from a selection list. Horizontal methods are related to the
practice of defuzzifying a fuzzy set by testing for a range of valid-
μB̃ (y) ity at a threshold membership value, and are not dealt with in this

⎨ sup min{μÃr (x1 ), . . . ,μÃ1 (xr )} if f −1 (y) = 0 text. Vertical methods tend to use the area under a membership
= (x1 , · · · , xr )∈f (y) function as the basis for evaluation, such as the center of grav-

0 otherwise ity. The comparative methods introduce other artificial criteria
(5.16) for judging the performance of a fuzzy set, such as the compat-
ibility of fuzzy sets. The center of gravity method and the fuzzy
where f−1 is the inverse of f.
acceptability method are introduced as common representatives
At any α-level, the fuzzy number à can be represented in the
of vertical and comparative methods, respectively. The reader is
interval form as follows:
directed to Simonovic (2009, Chapter 6) for the presentation of
Ã(α) = [a1 (α), a2 (α)] (5.17) other methods.

where Ã(α) is the fuzzy number at α-level; a1 (α) is the lower

bound of the α-level interval; and a2 (α) is the upper bound of the WEIGHTED CENTER OF GRAVITY
α-level interval. METHOD (WCOG)
From this definition and the extension principle, the arith- Given the desirable properties of a ranking method for many fuzzy
metic operations on intervals of real numbers (crisp sets) can be applications to water resources systems management, one tech-
extended to the four main arithmetic operations for fuzzy num- nique that may qualify as a candidate for ranking fuzzy sets in the
bers, i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The range [0,1] is the centroid method. The centroid method appears
fuzzy operations of two fuzzy numbers à and B̃ are defined at to be consistent in its ability to distinguish between most fuzzy
any α-level cut as follows: sets. One weakness, however, is that the centroid method is unable
to distinguish between fuzzy sets that may have the same centroid,
Ã(α) (+) B̃(α) = [a1 (α) + b1 (α), a2 (α) + b2 (α)] (5.18)
but differ greatly in their degree of fuzziness. This weakness can
Ã(α) (−) B̃(α) = [a1 (α) − b2 (α), a2 (α) − b1 (α)] (5.19) be somewhat alleviated by the use of weighting. If high mem-
Ã(α) (×) B̃(α) = [a1 (α) × b1 (α), a2 (α) × b2 (α)] (5.20) bership values are weighted higher than low membership values,
Ã(α) (/) B̃(α) = [a1 (α)/ b2 (α), a2 (α) / b1 (α)] (5.21) there is some indication of degree of fuzziness when comparing

rankings from different weighting schemes. However, in the case The necessity measure is defined as:
of symmetrical fuzzy sets, weighting schemes will not distinguish
Nec(Ã, B̃) = inf[max{μà (x), μB̃ (x)}], x∈X (5.25)
relative fuzziness.
A weighted centroid ranking measure can be defined as follows: where Nec(Ã, B̃) is the necessity measure of fuzzy numbers Ã
and B̃; inf[ ] is the greatest lower bound value, i.e., infimum; and

μà (x), μB̃ (x) are the membership functions of the fuzzy numbers
g(x)μ(x)q dx
à and B̃ respectively.
W CoG =  (5.22)
The necessity measure is an asymmetrical measure, that is:
μ(x)q dx
Nec(Ã, B̃) = Nec(B̃, Ã) (5.26)
where g(x) is the horizontal component of the area under scrutiny
and μ(x) the membership function values. Both measures hold the following relation:
In practice, WCoG can be calculated in discrete intervals across
Nec(Ã, B̃) + Poss(Ã, B̃) = 1 (5.27)
the valid domain. It allows parametric control in the form of the
¯ is the fuzzy complement of fuzzy number Ã.
where Ã
exponent q. This control mechanism allows ranking for cases
ranging from the modal value (q = ∞) – which is analogous to These two measures, Poss and Nec, can be combined to form
an expected case or most likely scenario – to the center of gravity an acceptability measure (Acc) as follows:
(q = 1) – which signifies some concern over extreme cases. In
Acc = ωPoss(G, L) + (1 − ω) Nec(G, L) (5.28)
this way, there exists a family of valid ranking values (which
may or may not change too significantly). The final selection of Parametric control with the acceptability measure (Acc) is accom-
appropriate rankings is dependent on the level of risk tolerance plished with the ω weight and the choice of a fuzzy desirable state
from the decision-maker. such as a goal, G. The ω weight controls the degree of optimism
The ranking of fuzzy sets with WCoG is by ordering from the and degree of pessimism, and indicates (an overall) level of risk
smallest to the largest value. The smaller the WCoG measure, tolerance. The choice of a fuzzy goal is not so intuitive. It should
the closer the center of gravity of the fuzzy set to the origin. As a normally include the entire range of alternative options L, but
vertical method of ranking, WCoG values act on the set of positive it can be adjusted to a smaller range either for the purpose of
real numbers. exploring the shape characteristics of L, or to provide an indi-
cation of necessary stringency. By decreasing the range of G,
FUZZY ACCEPTABILITY MEASURE the decision-maker becomes more stringent in that the method
Another ranking method that shows promise is a fuzzy accept- rewards higher membership values closer to the desired value. At
ability measure, Acc, based on Kim and Park (1990). Kim and the extreme degree of stringency, G becomes a non-fuzzy number
Park derive a comparative ranking measure, which builds on the that demands the alternatives be ideal. As a function, G may be
possibility to signify an optimistic perspective and supplements linear, but can also be adapted to place more emphasis or less
it with a pessimistic view similar to necessity. Therefore their emphasis near the best value.
measure relies on the concept of compatibility. The ranking of fuzzy sets using Acc is accomplished by ordering
The compliance of two fuzzy membership functions can be values from the largest to the smallest. That is, the fuzzy set with
quantified using the fuzzy compatibility measure. The basic con- the greatest Acc is most acceptable. Acc values are restricted in
cepts of possibility and necessity lead to the quantification of the the range [0,1] since both the Poss and Nec measures act on [0,1].
compatibility of two fuzzy sets. The possibility measure quantifies
the overlap between two fuzzy sets, while the necessity measure
5.2.5 Development of fuzzy membership functions
describes the degree of inclusion of one fuzzy set in another fuzzy
set. A fuzzy set is characterized by a membership (characteristic)
The possibility is then defined as: function that associates each member of the fuzzy set with a real
number in the interval [0,1]. The membership function essentially
Poss(Ã, B̃) = sup[min{μà (x), μB̃ (x)}], x ∈ X (5.23)
embodies all fuzziness for a particular fuzzy set; its description is
where Poss(Ã, B̃) is the possibility measure of fuzzy numbers à the essence of a fuzzy property or operation.
and B̃; sup[ ] is the least upper bound value, i.e., supremum; and
μà (x), μB̃ (x) are the membership functions of the fuzzy numbers REVIEW OF METHODS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF
à and B̃ respectively. MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS
The possibility measure is a symmetrical measure, that is: There are numerous ways to assign membership values or func-
tions to fuzzy variables – more ways than there are to assign
Poss(Ã, B̃) = Poss(B̃, Ã) (5.24)
PDFs to random variables. The following is a brief review of six
5 . 2 IN T RO D U C T I O N TO F U Z Z Y S E T S 125

The membership of different triangle types can be inferred based

on a knowledge of geometry. For an approximate isosceles trian-
Cold Cool Warm Hot
gle, an algorithm for the membership meeting the constraint of
Equation (5.29) can be developed as:
μI˜ (A, B, C) = 1 − min (A − B, B − C) (5.30)
So, for example, if A = B or B = C the membership value of
0 the isosceles triangle is μI˜ = 1; however, if A = 120◦ , B = 60◦ ,
0 20 40 60 80
C = 0◦ then μI˜ = 0.
Temperature (°C)
Figure 5.5 Membership functions for the fuzzy variable temperature Rank ordering The rank ordering approach is based on the
(after Ross, 2010). assessment of preferences by a single individual, a committee,
a poll and/or other opinion methods that can be used to assign
straightforward methods described in the literature. For further membership values to a fuzzy variable. Preferences are deter-
details the reader is directed to Ross (2010). mined by pairwise comparisons, and these determine the order-
ing of the membership. This method is similar to finding relative
preferences through a questionnaire and developing membership
Intuition This method is simply derived from the capacity of functions as a result. The next section of this text illustrates the
humans to develop membership functions through their own nat-
use of the rank ordering approach.
ural intelligence and understanding. In order to utilize intuition,
contextual and semantic knowledge about an issue is required.
Neural networks Neural networks use models that try to recre-
Thus, membership function development is dependent on the sub-
ate the working of neurons in the human brain. Neurons are
jectivity of the individual or individuals consulted in its develop-
believed to be responsible for humans’ ability to learn, thus the
ment. A single fuzzy variable may have more than one mem-
goal is to implement NNs in the development of membership
bership function, that is, there may be many partitions. As an
functions. The use of NNs in membership function development is
example, consider the membership function for the fuzzy variable
centered on a training process (learning as a result of available data
temperature. Figure 5.5 shows various shapes on the universe of
for input) and an unsupervised clustering process (Ross, 2010).
temperature as measured in degrees C. Each curve corresponds to
After training, the degree of membership function for a given
various fuzzy variables: cold, cool, warm, and hot. These curves
input value may be estimated through NN computation. That is,
are a function of context and the person involved with their devel-
each input value has a certain estimated degree of belonging to a
cluster that is equivalent to the degree of the membership func-
An important characteristic of these curves for the purpose
tion represented by the cluster. Ross (2010, Chapter 6) presents
of use in fuzzy operations is that different partitions overlap.
a few examples of the implementation of the NN approach to the
The precise shapes of these curves are not so important in their
development of fuzzy membership functions.
utility. Rather, it is the approximate placement of the curves on
the universe of discourse, the number of curves (partitions) used,
and the overlapping character that are the most important.
Genetic algorithms Genetic algorithms, introduced in Section
4.5.2, are also used in the development of membership functions.
The process starts by assuming some functional mapping for a
Inference The inference method is based on our ability to per- system (membership functions and their shapes for fuzzy vari-
form deductive reasoning. When given a body of facts or knowl- ables). The membership functions are then converted to a code
edge we are able to deduce or infer a conclusion. The inference familiar to the GA, bit strings (zeros and ones), which can then
method can take many forms. Consider the example of identify- be connected together to make a longer chain of code for manip-
ing a triangle when we possess formal knowledge of geometry ulation in the GA (i.e., selection, recombination, and mutation).
and geometric shapes (Ross, 2010). In the identification of a tri- An evaluation function is used to evaluate the fitness of each
angle, let A, B, and C be the inner angles of a triangle in the set of membership functions (parameters that define the func-
order A ≥ B ≥ C ≥ 0 and let U be the universe of triangles, tional mapping). Based on the fitness value, unsatisfactory strings
such that: are eliminated and reproduction of satisfactory strings proceeds
for the next generation. This process of generating and evalu-
U = {(A, B, C)|A ≥ B ≥ C ≥ 0; A + B + C = 180◦ } ating strings is continued until the membership functions with
(5.29) the best fitness value are obtained. Ross (2010, Chapter 6) can be

consulted for examples of GA implementation in the development Table 5.1 Hierarchical approach for development of a fuzzy
of fuzzy membership functions. set

Inductive reasoning This approach utilizes inductive reasoning Step 1 Decomposition of the complex fuzzy information (an
to generate membership functions by deriving a general consensus ill-defined set A) into less complex components
from the particular. Inductive reasoning assumes availability of no (ill-defined sets Bi ). If any of the ill-defined sets Bi is
information other than a set of data. Therefore, this approach is still complex, continue with decomposition until the
ill-defined sets obtained at the lowest hierarchical
quite useful for complex systems where the data are abundant and
level are such that either construction of the
static (more dynamic data would require regular modifications of
corresponding fuzzy sets is not complex any more,
membership functions).
or they cannot be decomposed any further.
The approach is to partition a set of data into classes based on
Step 2 Construction of the fuzzy sets corresponding to the
entropy minimization. The entropy, E, where only one outcome
ill-defined sets at the bottom of the concept hierarchy
is true is the expected value of the information contained in the
using the existing methods for membership
data set and is given by: development from Section 5.2.5.

Step 3 Development of an aggregation model that will be
E = −k [pi ln pi + (1 − pi ) ln (1 − pi )] (5.31) able to perform reliable aggregation of the fuzzy sets
constructed in Step 2 into a fuzzy set à corresponding
where the probability of the ith sample to be true is pi , N is the to the initial ill-defined set A.
number of samples, and k is a normalizing parameter. The minus
sign in front of the parameter k ensures that entropy will be a
positive value greater than or equal to zero. fuzzy set Ã. If we want to design an automated tool for the
Through iterative partitioning, the segmented data calculation construction of such a fuzzy set using hierarchical analysis, the
of an estimate for entropy is possible. The result is a solution of procedure in Table 5.1 may be applied.
points in the region of data interval used to define the membership Each of the three steps in Table 5.1 is important and must be
function. The choice of shape of the membership function is worked out carefully. For Step 1, some input from experts in
arbitrary as long as some overlap is present between membership the subject area of the ill-defined set A is usually necessary. In
functions, therefore simple shapes such as triangles, which exhibit Step 2, the choice of a suitable method for membership evaluation
some degree of overlap, are often sensible. Ross (2010, Chapter 6) has to be made.
also offers examples of inductive reasoning applications. When dealing with complex environments, such as flood risk
management, it is good practice to decompose the ill-defined set
DEVELOPMENT OF A FUZZY MEMBERSHIP A into more levels with fewer components as opposed to fewer
FU N CTI O N F O R FL OOD R ISK MANAGE ME N T levels with many components. This will simplify the aggregation
Simonovic (2009, Chapter 6) presents one practical example of process in Step 3 of Table 5.1. The overall decomposition should
development of the membership function for flood risk manage- be intuitively clear in order to provide an effective evaluation of
ment. This example offers a few different lessons: It illustrates membership values in Step 2. In summary, if enough attention is
sophisticated aggregation operators that are used in the develop- given to the decomposition process in Step 1, then the complexity
ment of membership functions; and it presents a practical proce- of Step 2 and Step 3 can be reduced significantly.
dure for the decomposition of complex systems for the develop- The rules by which membership functions are aggregated can
ment of a membership function. This example is from the flooding be very complex and four of them: (i) Zimmermann’s γ -family
case study for the Red River, Manitoba, Canada. Part of this exam- of operators, (ii) ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operators,
ple is presented here with much less emphasis on the theoretical (iii) composition under pseudomeasures (CUP), and (iv) polyno-
aggregation operators. mial composition under pseudomeasures (P-CUP), are presented
We have defined earlier a set S as the set of all elements in in Simonovic (2009, Chapter 6) and will not be repeated here. The
X having the property p. If the property p is such that it clearly following example will concentrate more on the practical side of
separates the elements of X into two classes (those that have p and membership development for flood risk management.
those that do not have p) we say that p defines a crisp subset S of X. The main purpose of the following example is to illustrate the
When there is no such clear separation, we say that the property p practical application of the three aggregation methods (OWA,
defines an ill-defined subset S of X. A fuzzy membership function CUP, and P-CUP). Three local experts for flood risk manage-
is a proper mathematical definition of an ill-defined set. ment participated in the evaluation process, but only one of them
Let us suppose that we have an ill-defined set A that is too (Expert 1) participated throughout the whole experiment. The
complex for the straightforward construction of its corresponding membership functions for the sets from the lowest hierarchical
5 . 2 IN T RO D U C T I O N TO F U Z Z Y S E T S 127

Flood control

B1 B2 B3
Risk of flooding Decreasing impact of flood Flood damage

C11 C12 C21 C22 C23 C31 C32

Risk level Source of data Flood information Non-structural measures Evacuation Flood volume I Flood volume II

D111-Project risk level D121-Spatial coverage D211-Forecasting D221-Flood proofing D231-Evacuation plan D311-Material damage D321-Material damage

D112-Exp. rate of change D122-Time coverage D212-Warning D222-Structural relocation D232-Flood awareness
E3111-Buildings E3211-Buildings
D123-Measurem. accuracy D213-Information handling D223-Floodplain control
E3112-Infrastructure E3112-Infrastructure
D224-Flood insurance
E3113-Industry E3113-Industry

E3114-Agriculture E3114-Agriculture

D312-Imp. on people and env. D312-Imp. on people and env.

E3121-Population E3121-Population

E3122-Stress level E3122-Stress level

E3123-Env. impact E3123-Env. impact

Figure 5.6 Outcome of the decomposition of flood control.

level in the flood risk management concept are considered a sub- Solution
ject for a-priori evaluation. Step 1: decomposition. We start by dividing flood control into
The example defines flood control, which is difficult to repre- the three major components as described above (see Figure 5.6).
sent via a fixed number of assessable parameters, and therefore it Further decomposition can then be performed for each of these
is defined here through its purpose. Good flood control should pro- components. In the case of the risk of flooding (component B1 in
vide adequate protection against flooding and effective emergency Figure 5.6), we can decompose it into the risk level – calculated
management measures if flooding occurs. Both flood protection from the available hydrologic data – and the reliability of the data.
and emergency management measures are designed to prevent We also need to distinguish between the level of risk that will
serious harm to people, and reduce material and environmen- be steady over time and the level of risk that may significantly
tal damage. Flood protection is highly associated with the flood change in the near future, for example because of climate and
return period, and subject to numerous uncertainties associated other changes, such as land use upstream. The arrangement of
with eventual flooding. these influential factors (one of several possible) that was adopted
The three major areas of concern can be inferred from this as our decomposition model for the component B1 is shown in
introduction. The first concern is about the safety level, below Figure 5.6.
which flooding will not occur. The second one includes all the
actions aimed at decreasing the negative impact of a flood should In similar fashion, the other two components, B2 and B3 , are
it occur. The third concern is with the total potential “bill” after analyzed and further decomposed. Components C31 and C32 are
the flood has occurred. At this point, it seems appropriate to decomposed in the same way. The only difference is in the flood
start developing a concept hierarchy for flood control, since volume for which the total damage has to be determined. This
this will significantly reduce the complexity of further analytical classification can extend to as many different flood volumes as
thinking. appropriate in a particular flooding region. The total material
damage corresponding to each flood volume can be obtained from
Example 2 a stage–damage curve. The evaluation of overall flood damage is
Develop a concept hierarchy for flood control and develop its achieved by taking the weighted average of membership values
membership function for the Red River basin in Manitoba, for flood volume I, flood volume II and so on. The weights should
Canada. correspond to the probability of each event.

Table 5.2 Example query form: bottom level Table 5.3 Example query form: top level

C22 Non-structural measures A Flood control

D221 Flood proofing B1 Risk of flooding

1 = not existing (risk level, potential changes of the risk level in the future, spatial
5 = ready, easy to do, reliable protection and time coverage of the data used for calculation and the accuracy
D222 Structural relocation of these data)
1 = no plan 1 = high risk, no data at all, frequency of flooding is expected to
5 = relocation can be performed effectively increase in the future
D223 Floodplain control 5 = very low risk of flooding, reliable hydrologic data, no major
1 = no control increase expected
5 = effective control over the whole area B2 Decreasing impact of flood
D224 Flood insurance (forecasting techniques, warning system, efficiency of distributing
1 = no good flood insurance plan this information, what types of non-structural measures are
5 = flood insurance covers most of the potential damage considered for protection and how easy is it to implement them,
whether there is an evacuation plan and the local population is
NON-STRUCTURAL MEASURES? aware and prepared for the eventual flooding)
1 = not included or poorly developed
1 = no forecasting or warning system, no extra measures for flood
5 = maximum possible, actions are well planned and organized
protection planned, no evacuation plan
5 = up-to-date forecasting and warning systems, an
excellent communication system for information handling,
Material damage, component D311 , can be expressed using a plan for evacuation is very effective and people are flood
crisp number, and the appropriate membership values can easily educated
be assigned. The components E3111 , E3112 , E3113 , and E3114 are
B3 Potential flood damage
included only to indicate that the importance of different cate-
(the total material value in the flood zone, how many people live
gories of capital concentration may vary.
there, their age structure and their overall mobility, whether there is
However, we should disconnect the issue of importance from any possibility of major environmental impairment in the case of
the potential impact on people and the environment, since this flooding)
impact is considered separately through the component D312 .
1 = level of material damage is very high, flood zone is highly
Therefore, the aggregation of components C31 and C32 into B3 , populated, flood can cause major problems to the whole
as well as the aggregation of components E3111 , E3112 , E3113 and environment
E3114 into D311 , was excluded from the case study.
5 = flood practically does not endanger anything
Step 2: preparation of questionnaire. Every single component
within the flood control concept hierarchy must be carefully for- FLOOD CONTROL?
mulated and prepared for evaluation by defining its extremes, i.e., 1 = very unsatisfactory
the worst and the best conditions, which will correspond to the 5 = excellent; no need for improvement
membership values 0 and 1. Three experts are selected based on
their expertise in the area of flood risk management. Experts not
only need to agree on these boundary conditions, they also need Step 3: evaluation. All the experts were provided with two
to agree on their meaning. sets of query forms and asked to use any number from the interval
In this case study, these requirements were not met and the [1, 5] for the evaluation. The first set was prepared with input con-
experts were exposed individually to these definitions through taining all the combinations of 5s and 1s for each decomposition.
query forms. (Samples of two query forms, one corresponding The evaluation of these combinations yielded the pseudomeasures
to the bottom and the other one to the top level of the concept necessary for the use of CUP and P-CUP aggregation methods.
hierarchy, are shown in Tables 5.2 and 5.3.) The second set of query forms had input randomly generated from
The preparation of a good questionnaire is an important step the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Neither expert had strong objections on the
of the process, and some useful guidelines are available in Bates way flood control was decomposed – disparities were mainly due
(1992). In this case study, the chosen scale for evaluation was to their different understanding of extremes.
from 1 to 5. This was later converted into a scale from 0 to 1, Tables 5.4 and 5.5 provide sample results of the experts’ eval-
which is more appropriate for most fuzzy aggregation methods. uations. The results of evaluations for the first set of sample data
5. 3 F U Z Z Y R I S K D E F I N I T I O N 129

Table 5.4 Example evaluation of the first set of data for innovative concept of fuzzy risk definition as a triplet: (i) a
component C23 : evacuation combined reliability–vulnerability index, (ii) a robustness index,
and (iii) a resiliency index. Originally this idea was intro-
Sample data Evaluation for C23 duced to municipal water supply management (El-Baroudy and
D231 D231 Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Simonovic, 2004) and further extended to flood risk management
(Ahmad and Simonovic, 2007, 2011; and Simonovic and Ahmad,
1 1 1 1 1 2007).
5 1 3 2 1 The majority of flood risk analyses rely on the use of a prob-
1 5 3 3 2
abilistic approach as presented in Chapter 4. Both resistance and
5 5 5 5 4
load used in the conceptual definition of risk (Section 4.1) are
considered to be random variables. However, the characteristics
of resistance and/or load cannot always be measured precisely
Table 5.5 Example evaluation of the second set of data for
or treated as random variables. Therefore, the fuzzy represen-
component B3 : potential flood damage
tation of them is examined. The first use of both fuzzy resis-
Sample D311 3 3 5 2 4 3 3 1 tance and fuzzy load can be found in Shrestha and Duckstein
data D312 4 2 4 3 4 3 5 2 (1997).
Expert 1 B3 4 2.5 5 2.5 4.5 3.5 4 1.5 The key concept involved in the implementation of the three
fuzzy risk indices is the concept of partial failure. It is dis-
cussed below. The discussion of all three fuzzy risk indices
(combinations of 1s and 5s shown in the first two columns) are
given in Table 5.4, while the evaluation for the second set of data,
performed only by Expert 1, is given in Table 5.5.
A detailed set of evaluation results is provided in Simonovic 5.3.1 Partial failure
Step 4: implementation of aggregation operators. Three aggre- The calculation of fuzzy risk indices depends on the exact def-
gation operators, OWA, CUP, and P-CUP, were implemented inition of unsatisfactory system performance. It is difficult to
using the input obtained through Steps 1 to 3. Figure 5.7 shows arrive at a precise definition of failure because of the uncer-
a portion of the results of the exercise. Membership functions tainty in determining system resistance, load, and the accepted
obtained using all three aggregation techniques are presented for threshold below which performance is taken to be unsatisfactory.
the elements A, B1 , B2 , B3 , C11 , C12 , D111 , and D112 of the original Figure 5.8 depicts a typical system performance (resistance
concept hierarchy of flood control from Figure 5.6. Despic and time series), with a constant load during the operation horizon.
Simonovic (2000) calculated the total error (as the sum of squared According to the classical definition, the failure state is the state
errors) and the maximum error for each aggregation method to when resistance falls below the load, margin of safety (differ-
show that P-CUP for this set of data gives a much better fit than ence between the resistance and load) M < 0.0, or safety factor
the other two methods. < 1.0, which is represented by the ratio between the system’s
Different experts have different experiences, and these were the resistance and load, shown in Figure 5.8 by the dashed horizontal
keystone for the judgments used in the case study. Every expert line.
can be expected to be consistent in his or her own judgment, A simple example of a flood levee used for flood manage-
but not necessarily consistent with other experts. Lumping all the ment in an urban area will be considered in the introduction of
data together to find the best aggregation operator would result fuzzy risk definition. The failure state occurs when resistance
really in modeling no one’s reasoning. It is not only that fuzzy falls below the load. In the case of the simple levee example,
relationships are context dependent: the meaning of a relationship load can be represented by the floodwater level and the degree of
depends on who is expressing it at the linguistic level. In practice, resistance by the elevation of the levee embankment used to pro-
the best we can hope for is a reliable fuzzy set construction by tect an area from flooding. The failure state will occur when the
one person in one specific setting. levee height is lower than the floodwater elevation. The margin of
safety (the difference between load and resistance) M(D) < 0.0,
or safety factor (the ratio between load and resistance) (D) <
5.3 FUZZY RISK DEFINITION 1.0, shown in Figure 5.8 by the dashed horizontal line, are used
to define the partial system failure. The area above the line is
Fuzzy set theory is adopted for use in flood risk manage- the area of failure. The area below the dashed line is the area of
ment under climate change through the introduction of the very safety.




0 2 4 6 8 10

1.0 1.0 1.0

B1 B2 B3
0.8 0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

1.0 1.0 Legend

C11 C12 P-CUP
0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6 CUP
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

1.0 1.0
D111 D112
0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 5.7 Membership functions obtained using different aggregation methods.

Level of It is known from practice that failure of the levee, for example,
flooding does not occur immediately when the floodwater levels exceed
the levee height. We may observe different resistance of the levee
structure from one location to another, or fluctuating load (flood-
M(D)=0.0 Region of complete flood damage water levels). Consequently, a certain level of levee failure may be
0(D)=1.0 tolerated. The precise identification of failure is neither realistic
Region of partial flood damage
M(D)‹0.0 nor practical. It is more realistic to build in the inevitability of par-
0(D)‹1.0 Region of no flood damage
tial failure. A degree of acceptable levee failure was introduced
using the solid horizontal line, as shown in Figure 5.8. The area
between the two lines represents the area of partial failure and
Figure 5.8 Variable flood levee performance. the area above the solid line is the area of complete failure.
5. 3 F U Z Z Y R I S K D E F I N I T I O N 131

used for ϕ(m) (or ϕ(θ )) to reflect the subjective decision-maker’s

perception and acceptability of partial failure.
Complete Partial failure Complete safety High system reliability is reflected through the use of high val-
failure region region ues for the margin of safety (or factor of safety), i.e., high values
1.0 region
for both m1 and m2 (or θ 1 and θ 2 ). The difference between m1
and m2 (or θ 1 and θ 2 ) inversely affects the system reliability,
i.e., the larger the difference, the lower the reliability. There-
fore, the reliability reflected by the definition of an acceptable
level of system performance can be quantified in the following
m or
m1 × m 2
m1 or 1 m2 or 2 LR =
m2 − m1
Figure 5.9 Fuzzy membership function of acceptable performance. or (5.33)
θ1 × θ2
LR =
θ2 − θ1
PERF O RM A N C E where LR is the reliability measure of the acceptable level of
The boundary of the partial failure region is ambiguous and varies performance.
from one decision-maker to another depending on the perception The subjectivity of decision-makers will always result in a
of risk. Boundaries cannot be determined precisely. Fuzzy sets degree of ambiguity of risk perception. This alternative definition
are capable of representing the notion of imprecision better than of failure allows for a choice between the lower bound, the upper
ordinary sets. Therefore, the fuzzy membership of the levee per- bound, and the shape of function ϕ(m) or ϕ(θ ).
formance can be expressed in mathematical form as:

⎪ 0, if m ≤ m1 S Y S T E M - S TAT E

⎨ ϕ(m), if m ∈ [m1 , m2 ] System resistance and load can be represented in a fuzzy form
M̃ (m) =
⎪ 1,
⎪ if m ≥ m2 to capture the uncertainty inherent in system performance. The

⎩ fuzzy form allows for the determination of the membership func-
or (5.32) tion of the resistance and load in a straightforward way even when

⎪ 0, if θ ≤ θ1 there is limited available data. Fuzzy arithmetic, introduced in

⎨ ϕ(θ ), if θ ∈ [θ , θ ]
1 2 Section 5.2.3, can be used to calculate the resulting margin of
˜ (θ) =

⎪ 1, if θ ≥ θ safety (or factor of safety) membership function as a representa-

tion of the system-state at any time:
M̃ = X̃(−)Ỹ
where M̃ is the fuzzy membership function of margin of safety;
and (5.34)
ϕ(m) and ϕ(θ) are functional relationships representing the sub- ˜ = X̃(/)Ỹ

jective view of the partial failure (acceptable risk); m1 , m2 are
the lower and upper bounds, respectively, of the partial failure where M̃ is the fuzzy margin of safety; X̃ is the fuzzy resistance
region; ˜ is the fuzzy membership function of factor of safety; capacity; Ỹ is the fuzzy load; (−) is the fuzzy subtraction operator;
and θ1 , θ2 are the lower and upper bounds of the partial failure (/) is the fuzzy division operator; and ˜ is the fuzzy factor of
region, respectively. safety.
Figure 5.9 is a graphical representation of the definition pre-
sented in Equation (5.32). The lower and upper bounds of the FUZZY COMPATIBILITY
partial failure region are introduced in Equation (5.32) by m1 The purpose of comparing two fuzzy membership functions, as
(or θ 1 ) and m2 (or θ 2 ). The value of the margin of safety (or factor introduced in Section 5.2.4, is to illustrate the extent to which the
of safety) below m1 (or θ 1 ) is definitely unacceptable. Therefore, two fuzzy sets match. The reliability assessment, discussed here,
the membership function value is zero. The value of the mar- involves a comparative analysis of the system-state membership
gin of safety (or factor of safety) above m2 (or θ 2 ) is definitely function and the acceptable performance membership function.
acceptable and therefore belongs to the completely safe region. Therefore, the compliance of two fuzzy membership functions
Consequently, the membership value is 1. The membership of the can be quantified using the fuzzy compatibility measure.
in-between values varies with the subjective assessment of partial Possibility (Equation 5.23) and necessity (Equation 5.25) lead
failure by a decision-maker. Different functional forms may be to the quantification of the compatibility of two fuzzy sets. The

Acceptable level of
Acceptable level of
performance Membership
1.0 System A value System-state
System B
Highly satisfactory
Possibility=0.7 A Risky

Universe of discourse

Necessity=0.0 m or Figure 5.11 Compatibility between membership functions of the

m1 or 1 m2 or 2 system-state and different levels of acceptable performance.

Figure 5.10 Compliance between the system-state and acceptable

performance membership functions. between the system-state membership function (S) and the accept-
able performance membership function (L); and WAS is the
weighted area of the system-state membership function (S).
possibility measure quantifies the overlap between two fuzzy sets,
while the necessity measure describes the degree of inclusion
of one fuzzy set in another fuzzy set. However, in some cases 5.3.2 Fuzzy reliability–vulnerability
(see Figure 5.10) high possibility and necessity values do not
Reliability and vulnerability are used to provide a complete
clearly reflect the compliance between the system-state member-
description of system performance in the case of failure, and to
ship function and the acceptable performance membership func-
determine the magnitude of the failure event. Once an acceptable
tion. Figure 5.10 shows two system-state functions, A (solid line
level of performance is determined in a fuzzy form, the antici-
triangle) and B (dashed line triangle), which have the same possi-
pated performance in the event of failure as well as the expected
bility and necessity values. However, system-state A has a larger
severity of failure can be determined.
overlap with the performance membership function than system-
When certain values are specified for the lower and upper
state B (the shaded area in Figure 5.10).
bounds (m1 and m2 (or θ 1 and θ 2 ) in Equation 5.32), thus estab-
The overlap area between the two membership functions, as a
lishing a predefined acceptable performance, the anticipated sys-
fraction of the total area of the system-state, illustrates compli-
tem failure is limited to a specified range. In order to calcu-
ance more clearly than the possibility and necessity measures in
late system reliability, several acceptable levels of performance
Equations (5.23) and (5.25) respectively:
must be defined to reflect the different perceptions of decision-
OAS,L makers.
CS,L = (5.35) A comparison between the fuzzy system-state membership
function and the predefined fuzzy acceptable performance mem-
where CS,L is the compliance between the system-state member- bership function provides information about both system reliabil-
ship function (S) and the acceptable performance membership ity and system vulnerability at the same time (see Figure 5.11).
function (L); OAS,L is the overlap area between the system- The system reliability is based on the proximity of the system-
state membership function (S) and the acceptable performance state to the predefined acceptable performance. The measure of
membership function (L); and AS is the area of the system-state proximity is expressed by the compatibility measure suggested
membership function (S). in Equation (5.36). The combined fuzzy reliability–vulnerability
An overlap in a high significance area (that is, an area with index is formulated as follows:
high membership values) is preferable to an overlap in a low max{CM1 , CM2 , . . . , CMi } × LRmax
significance area. Therefore, the compliance measure should take REf = (5.37)
into account the weighted area approach by modifying Equation max{LR1 , LR2 , . . . , LRi }
(5.35) into:
where REf is the combined fuzzy reliability–vulnerability index;
WOAS,L LRmax is the reliability measure of acceptable level of perfor-
CM S,L = (5.36) mance corresponding to the system-state with maximum compat-
ibility value; LRi is the reliability measure of the ith acceptable
where CM S,L is the compatibility measure between the system- level of performance; CMi is the compatibility measure for the
state membership function (S) and the acceptable performance system-state with the ith acceptable level of performance; and K
membership function (L); WOAS,L is the weighted overlap area is the total number of defined acceptable levels of performance.
5. 3 F U Z Z Y R I S K D E F I N I T I O N 133

Failure type 1
t=0 t1 1 t 21 t 12 t 22 t13 t 23 Time

1st failure 2nd failure 3rd failure

event event event

Failure type 2
t=0 t1 1 t 21 t 12 t 22 Time

1st failure 2nd failure

event event

Failure type 3
t=0 t1 1 t 21 t 12 t 22 t13 t 23 t14 t24 Time

1st failure 2nd failure 3rd failure 4th failure

event event event event
Figure 5.12 Recovery times for different types of failure.

The reliability–vulnerability index is normalized to attain A series of fuzzy membership functions can be developed to
a maximum value of 1.0 by the introduction of the allow for various types of failure. The maximum recovery time
max{LR1 , LR2 , . . . , LRi } value as the maximum achievable is used to represent the system recovery time (Simonovic, 2009,
reliability. after El-Baroudy and Simonovic, 2004):

5.3.3 Fuzzy robustness T̃ (α) = max[t11 (α), t12 (α), . . . , t1J (α)],
j ∈J

Robustness measures the system’s ability to adapt to a wide range
max[t21 (α), t22 (α), . . . , t2J (α)] (5.39)
of possible future load conditions, at little additional cost. The j ∈J

fuzzy form of change in future conditions can be obtained through

a redefinition of the acceptable performance and/or a change where T̃ (α) is the system fuzzy maximum recovery time at the
in the system-state membership function. As a result, the sys- α-level; t1J (α) is the lower bound of the jth recovery time at
tem’s robustness is defined as the change in the compatibility the α-level; t2J (α) is the upper bound of the jth recovery time at
measure: the α-level; and J is the total number of failure events.
The center of gravity of the maximum fuzzy recovery time can
ROf = (5.38) be used as a real number representation of the system recovery
CM1 − CM2
time. Therefore, system resilience is determined to be the inverse
where ROf is the fuzzy robustness index; CM1 is the compati- value of the center of gravity:
bility measure before the change in conditions; and CM2 is the
⎡ t2 ⎤−1
compatibility after the change in conditions. t T̃ (t) dt
⎢ t1 ⎥
According to Equation (5.38), the higher the change in com- RSf = ⎢
⎣  t2

⎦ (5.40)
patibility, the lower the value of fuzzy robustness. Therefore, high T̃ (t) dt
robustness values allow the system to adapt better to new condi- t1
where RSf is the fuzzy resiliency index; T̃ (t) is the system fuzzy
maximum recovery time; t1 is the lower bound of the support of
5.3.4 Fuzzy resiliency
the system recovery time; and t2 is the upper bound of the support
Resilience measures how fast the system recovers from a failure of the system recovery time.
state. The time required to recover from the failure state can be The inverse operation can be used to illustrate the relationship
represented as a fuzzy set. Because the reasons for a failure may between the value of the recovery time and the resilience. The
be different, system recovery times will vary depending on the longer the recovery time, the lower the system’s ability to recover
type of failure, as shown in Figure 5.12. from the failure, and the lower the resilience.

µA k
C L I M AT E C H A N G E A 1k
Climate change brings to flood risk management the need for
proper consideration of uncertainties that arise, for example, from
the choice of the GCM and/or emissions scenario, from the choice µA k (i)
of the downscaling tool, or from the subjective perception of cli-
mate change significance and its impact on extreme flows. The
fuzzy set approach is gaining in importance for sustainable man-
agement of flood risk due to climate change. If we see risk man- X1
agement as a climate change adaptation mechanism, the set of input (i)
tools to be discussed in this section of the book may have a very Figure 5.13 Fuzzification of scalar input from known membership
wide application domain. Three fuzzy-based management tools, function.
fuzzy simulation, optimization, and multi-objective analysis, are
Mamdani’s fuzzy inference method is the most commonly seen
presented in detail. Selected examples are also included in order
fuzzy simulation methodology in practice and in the literature, and
to illustrate the utility of these tools. The main purpose of the fol-
is the methodology presented here (Mamdani and Assilian, 1975).
lowing discussion is to introduce these tools to an audience that
The method was originally proposed as an attempt to control a
has not used these tools before for flood risk management under
steam engine and boiler combination by synthesizing a set of lin-
climate change.
guistic control rules obtained from experienced human operators.
The Mamdani inference method is a graphical technique that fol-
5.4.1 Fuzzy simulation for flood risk management lows five main steps: (i) development of fuzzy sets and linguistic
under climate change rules, (ii) fuzzification of inputs, (iii) application of fuzzy oper-
The computer simulation model is a formal attempt to construct ators, (iv) aggregation of all outputs, and (v) defuzzification of
a model of a complex flood risk management system to make aggregated output.
adequate predictions of its behavior under different initial and Step 1: Development of fuzzy sets and linguistic rules. To
boundary conditions that may be caused by climate change. Fuzzy begin, the Mamdani form rules are described by a collection of r
simulation can be an appropriate approach to include various linguistic IF-THEN expressions. The following is an expression
inherent uncertainties of flood risk management systems in the for a fuzzy system with two non-interactive inputs x1 and x2
simulation process. Among the several commonly used classes (antecedents) and a single output (consequent) y. The concept
of fuzzy simulation models are relational equations, fuzzy neural holds for any number of antecedents (inputs) and consequents
networks, and fuzzy regression models. (outputs).
The approach used for the introduction of fuzzy simulation is IF x1 is A k
and (or) x2 is A k
THEN yk is B k
∼1 ∼2 ∼
derived from utilizing the fuzzy inference method, based on the
f or k = 1, 2, . . . , r (5.42)
representation of human knowledge in IF-THEN rule-based form.
Using rule-based simulation, the inference of a conclusion or fact where A k
and A k
are the fuzzy sets representing the kth
∼1 ∼2
(consequent) given an initial known fact (premise, hypothesis, antecedent pairs; and B k
is the fuzzy set representing the kth

antecedent) can be made (Ross, 2010). consequent. The membership functions for the fuzzy sets may be
generated with one of the methods discussed in Section 5.2.5.
BASICS OF FUZZY RULE-BASED S IMULATION Step 2: Fuzzification of inputs. The inputs to the system x1
A typical way of presenting knowledge is in the form of a natural and x2 are scalar values. In order to proceed with the inference
language expression of the form: method, the corresponding degree to which the inputs belong to
IF premise (antecedent), THEN conclusion (consequent) the appropriate fuzzy sets via membership functions needs to be
(5.41) found. Fuzzification of the input thus requires the membership
function of the fuzzy linguistic set to be known. The correspond-
The form is commonly referred to as the IF-THEN rule-based ing degree of membership for the scalar input belonging to the
form or deductive form. This form of knowledge representation universe of discourse is found through the function evaluation.
is appropriate in the context of linguistics where the linguistic Figure 5.13 outlines the procedure in graphical form.
variables can be naturally represented by fuzzy sets and logical It should be noted that input to any fuzzy system may be a
connectives of these sets. membership function, such as a water level reading. Either way,
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 135

µA k µA k
2 2

Ak Fuzzy
1 A 2k application

µA k (i) Max(or)

µA k (i) Min(and)

0 0
X1 X2
input (i) input (i)

Figure 5.14 Fuzzy operator used for the generalized rule representation.

the simulation methodology remains the same as one that employs In this way all the outputs are combined into a single fuzzy set,
fuzzy singletons (scalar values) as input. which may be defuzzified in the final step to obtain a scalar
Step 3: Application of fuzzy operators. Once the inputs are in solution.
fuzzy form, the degree to which each condition of the antecedent The aggregation of outputs may be achieved in two ways:
is satisfied is known for each rule. If there are multiple antecedent (i) max-min truncation; or (ii) max-product scaling. Discussion
conditions for each rule, as in the case of Equation (5.42), then in this book is limited to the first one. Ross (2010) is an excellent
a fuzzy operator is used to obtain one number that represents source of information about the second one. In the max-min case,
the antecedent for that rule. This number is applied to the output the aggregation is achieved by the use of the minimum or maxi-
function producing a single truth value for the rule. The descrip- mum membership function value from the antecedents (depending
tion of logical operators commonly used follows. Equation (5.42) on the logical operator used in the rule). This value is propagated
has conjunctive antecedents and in brackets for illustration shows through to the consequent and in so doing truncates the member-
disjunctive antecedents. ship function for the consequent of each rule. This procedure is
For conjunctive antecedents, assuming a new fuzzy subset A ∼s
implemented for each rule. The truncated membership functions
as: for each rule are then combined. This is achieved through the use
of disjunctive or conjunctive rules, and the same fuzzy operators
for k = 1, 2, . . . , r (5.43) as in Step 3.
If the system of rules needs to be jointly satisfied, the trun-
expressed by means of a membership function, shown in
cated outputs should be aggregated as a conjunctive system – the
Figure 5.14:
rules are connected by “and” connectives. In the case where the
μA∼ sk (x) = min[μA1k , μA2k ] for k = 1, 2, . . . , r (5.44) objective is for at least one rule to be satisfied, the aggregation
∼ ∼
of outputs may be treated by the definition of a disjunctive sys-
For a disjunctive antecedent a similar procedure follows. This tem – the rules are connected by “or” connectives. Figure 5.15
time fuzzy set A
is defined as: illustrates the aggregation of outputs into a single fuzzy mem-
bership function. Each antecedent is treated as conjunctive and
for k = 1, 2, . . . , r (5.45)
the aggregation of outputs of each rule is treated as a disjunctive
expressed by means of membership function, shown in system.
Figure 2.2: Step 5: Defuzzification of aggregated output. The final step
of the rule-based system simulation is typically identification of
μA∼ sk (x) = max[μA1k , μA2k ] for k = 1, 2, . . . , r (5.46) a single value obtained from the defuzzification of the aggre-
∼ ∼
gated fuzzy set of all outputs. Many defuzzification methods are
Given the above, the compound rule may be rewritten as
available in the literature: max membership principle, centroid
IF A k
for k = 1, 2, . . . , r (5.47) method, weighted average method, and numerous other methods.
∼s ∼s
There is no one most suitable defuzzification method. Selection of
Step 4: Aggregation of outputs. It is common for a rule-based the best method for defuzzification is context or problem depen-
system to include more than one rule. Therefore, in order to dent. I recommend the use of the centroid method introduced in
reach a decision, or overall conclusion, aggregation of individ- Section 5.2.4, Equation (5.22). It is simple, most widely used in
ual consequents or outputs contributed by each rule is required. practice, and physically appealing (Ross, 2010).

µ µ µ

input(i) x1 input(j) x2 y

µ µ µ


input(i) x1 input(j) x2 y

max) result
Figure 5.15 Aggregation of rule outputs into a single fuzzy membership function.

FUZZY RULE-BASED S IMULATION, CLIMATE classification as measured by precipitation-related indices is sim-

C H A N G E, A N D FL OOD R ISK MANAGE ME N T ilar to that of existing subjective classifications. The fuzzy rule-
Very limited literature is available on the use of fuzzy simulation based approach thus has potential to be applicable to the classifi-
in climate change flood studies. The potential of the approach has cation of GCM-produced daily CPs for the purpose of predicting
not yet been fully investigated, creating plenty of opportunities the effect of climate change on space-time precipitation over areas
to push the research and practical application boundaries ahead. where only a rudimentary classification exists or where none at
The following are some applications that can be found in related all exists.
research areas. Cameron et al. (2000) explore the potential for assessing the
Bardossy et al. (1995) applied a fuzzy rule-based methodology impacts of climate change on flood frequency for one watershed
to the problem of classifying daily atmospheric circulation pat- in the UK (Plynlimon, Wales) by taking into account uncertainty
terns (CP). This example is not in the area of fuzzy rule-based in modeling rainfall–runoff processes under current conditions.
simulation, but provides an interesting use of fuzzy rules in clas- The methodology is implemented within a generalized likelihood
sification studies. The purpose of the approach is to produce a uncertainty estimation framework that allows for uncertainty in
semi-automated classification that combines the expert knowl- the model parameters and for the realization effect in reprodu-
edge of the meteorologist and the speed and objectivity of the cing the apparent statistics of potential flood events represented
computer. Rules are defined corresponding to the geographical by the short series of observations. The same approach is used by
location of pressure anomalies. A CP is described by the loca- Beven and Blazkova (2004) for the simulation of both high inten-
tion of four different possible pressure anomalies. The rules are sity and low intensity rainfall events, and snowmelt events, over
formulated with fuzzy sets, allowing certain flexibility because subcatchments in contributing to the flood frequency distribution.
slightly different pressure maps may correspond to a given CP. Their case study is a dam site in a large catchment (1,186 km2 )
Accordingly, the degree of fulfilment of a rule is defined in order in the Czech Republic. A fuzzy rules method is used to evaluate
to measure the extent to which a pressure map may indeed belong each model run, based on the available observations of peak dis-
to a CP type. As an output of the analysis, the CP on any given day charges, flow duration curves, and snow water equivalents. This
is assigned to one, and only one, CP type with a varying degree yields a combined likelihood measure that is used to weight the
of credibility. The methodology is applied to a European case flood predictions for each behavioral parameter set. The cumu-
study. The subjective classification of European CPs provides a lative distribution for flood peaks for any chosen probability of
basis for constructing the rules. The classification obtained can be exceedance over all behavioral models can then be estimated. This
used, for example, to simulate local precipitation conditioned on can be used to assess the risk of a potential flood peak (or duration
the 700 hPa pressure field. The information content of the fuzzy or volume) within a risk-based dam safety assessment.
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 137

Bardossy et al. (2005) used a fuzzy rule-based methodology for development of predictive warning models is very common. The
downscaling local hydrologic variables from large-scale atmo- ability to transfer a model between river basins is highly desirable
spheric circulation models. The method is used to estimate the but has not previously been achieved due to the statistical, site-
frequency distribution of daily precipitation conditioned on daily specific nature of most river breakup models. Building on previous
geopotential fields. This work does not directly consider flood research, the ability to apply soft computing methods to model
risk management but provides essential input for the estimation spring river ice breakup was further investigated with the goal
of flood risk. Hydrologic model transformation of precipitation of evaluating basin transferability and climate change scenarios
into runoff will be necessary to use the results of this work. using logic-based fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy modeling techniques.
The downscaling task is accomplished in two steps. First, the The Athabasca River (prototype development site) and the Hay
exceedance probabilities corresponding to selected precipitation River (model transfer site) in northern Canada were chosen as
thresholds are estimated by fuzzy rules defined between geopo- test sites due to their propensity for ice-jam-related floods. The
tential fields (premises) and exceedance events (conclusion). Then fuzzy rule-based model was transferable between basins, in that
a continuous probability distribution is constructed from the dis- extreme flood years could be distinguished from years when little
crete exceedance probabilities and the observed behavior of pre- flooding was reported; but the high quantitative accuracy of the
cipitation. The methodology is applied to precipitation measured neuro-fuzzy model was not reproduced at the second site. Climate
at Essen, a location in the Ruhr catchment, Germany. Ten years of change scenarios for the Athabasca River indicate a continuously
precipitation data (1970–1979) are used for the development of decreasing risk of severe ice jams, while the frequency in the
fuzzy rules and another 10 years (1980–1989) for validation. The Hay River basin is expected to first increase for a period before
700 hPa geopotential fields are used to characterize large-scale declining.
circulation. The application example demonstrates that this direct Hanson and her collaborators (2010) deal with climate change
downscaling method is able to capture the relationship between effects on the world’s coasts, a problem that at broad scales has
the premises and the conclusions; namely, both the estimated typically proven difficult to analyze in a systematic manner. This
exceedance probabilities and the frequency distribution reproduce research explores an outcome-driven deductive methodology for
the empirical data observed in the validation period. geomorphological analysis that recognizes the non-linearity of
Hall et al. (2007) attempt to construct probability distributions coastal morphology and organizes current knowledge and under-
over socio-economic scenarios, a task that is often resisted by standing using fuzzy set concepts. Building on recent large-scale
the research community. Their work is also not directly related coastal investigations and with reference to a case study of the East
to flood risk management but has a very important link to it. Anglian coast, UK, the methodology defines the active coastal
Variation between published probability distributions of climate system using a flexible generic classification and integrates expert
sensitivity attests to incomplete knowledge of the prior distri- opinion, using the notion of possibility, as a basis for the assess-
butions of critical parameters and structural uncertainties in cli- ment of potential future geomorphological response to changes in
mate models. The authors address these concerns by adopting sea level and sediment supply. Working over the medium term at
a fuzzy rule-based approach. The socio-economic scenarios are a scale where data availability and detailed process understand-
considered as fuzzy linguistic constructs. Any precise emissions ing is variable, this work explores the integrated assessment of
trajectory (which is required as input for climate modeling) is coastal units, such as sedimentary cells and subcells, to allow
assigned a degree of membership in a fuzzy scenario. Next, the investigation of coastal planning (including shoreline man-
this work demonstrates how fuzzy scenarios can be propagated agement) in response to climate change, including sea level rise.
through a low-dimensional climate model, MAGICC. Fuzzy scen- This includes the development of a capacity for the simulation of
ario uncertainties and imprecise probabilistic representation of changes in coastal flood and erosion risk, biodiversity, and social
climate model uncertainties are combined using random set the- and economic resources. The overall assessment effort is termed
ory to generate lower and upper cumulative probability distri- the Coastal Simulator. The fuzzy logic offers powerful concepts
butions for the global mean temperature anomaly. Finally, they and methodology, including the incorporation of multiple out-
illustrate how non-additive measures provide a flexible frame- comes, for Coastal Simulator. It allows for a level of abstraction
work for aggregation of scenarios, which can represent some of and generalization commensurate with a regional scale of coastal
the semantics of socio-economic scenarios that defy conventional analysis because it uses a collection of fuzzy sets (classes with
probabilistic representation. This interesting application of the inexact boundaries) and rules to simplify and reason about data.
fuzzy rule-based approach can be directly translated into flood Preliminary results for the East Anglian coast suggest that the con-
risk modeling for the development of fuzzy socio-economic flood straining of the active coastal system by sea defences is already
scenarios. having, and will continue to be, a significant influence on coastal
Mahabir et al. (2007) deal with spring ice jam floods (charac- evolution irrespective of the rate of sea level rise. Therefore, sig-
teristic of northern communities) where lack of sufficient data for nificant potential exists to guide future coastal evolution toward

Table 5.6 Discharge frequency data µ

frequent infrequent rare
Exceedance 1
Tr (years) probability Discharge (m3 /s)

500 0.002 898.8 0.5

200 0.005 676.1
100 0.010 538.5
50 0.020 423.0 0
20 0.050 298.8 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
10 0.100 222.5 Flow (m 3/sec)
5 0.200 158.4 Figure 5.16 Triangular fuzzy membership functions for flow (m3 /s).

Table 5.7 Stage discharge data shallow average deep
Discharge (m3 /s) Stage (m)

898.8 8.32 0.5

676.1 7.57
538.5 6.70
423.0 5.80 0
298.8 4.76 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
222.5 4.00 Flow∗ (m3/sec)
158.4 3.24 Figure 5.17 Triangular fuzzy membership functions for stage using
flow* variable (m3 /s).

preferred outcomes by using this approach as a component of

(iii) deep. The output variable safety that describes the required
climate change adaptive shoreline management. This methodol-
safety level of the dyke is represented with a fuzzy set with
ogy could be applied to a wide range of flood risk problems outside
three linguistic partitions: (i) low, (ii) medium, and (iii) high
of the coastal domain.
within the interval of [1 m, 10 m]. The triangular shape of fuzzy
membership functions is assumed for illustrative simplicity. The
Example 3 range for each partition and maximum membership value of 1
Let us revisit the flood protection levee design Example 7 from govern the triangular membership function shape. These param-
Section 4.5.1. The problem is to determine the height of a levee eters were subjectively chosen in this example by the author. The
for 100-year return period flood protection with the discharge fuzzy sets and their triangular membership functions are shown in
frequency curve as provided in Table 5.6 and the stage discharge Figures 5.16, 5.17, and 5.18.
curve in Table 5.7. The freeboard value is 1 m.
Assume that 580 m3 /s design discharge is representative of
a 100-year return period flow. Assume triangular membership In Figure 5.16 the flow input space membership functions are
functions for the linguistic variables. Use Tables 5.6 and 5.7 as an developed using subjective selection of flow of 280 m3 /s to repre-
aid for the membership function development. sent the frequent flow, 520 m3 /s to represent the infrequent flow,
and 1,000 m3 /s to represent the rare flow. Each of the partitions
Solution has an ambiguous range surrounding the value representing the
The fuzzy problem of flood protection levee design is solved using full degree of membership in the fuzzy set. In the case of rare
the fuzzy rule-based Mamdani inference method. flow the ambiguous range is one sided. Similarly, the parameters
Step 1: Development of fuzzy membership functions. We start that govern the shapes of triangular membership functions in
with partitioning the flow input space into three linguistic par- Figures 5.17 and Figures 5.18 are determined.
titions within the interval of [0 m3 /s, 1000 m3 /s]: (i) frequent, Step 2: Input fuzzification. The design flow input of 580 m3 /s
(ii) infrequent, and (iii) rare. Similarly we partition the stage is fuzzified in order for the fuzzy inference procedure to proceed.
input space according to flow (using variable flow*) into three Using the appropriate membership functions, the scalar inputs are
fuzzy membership functions described linguistically within the fuzzified and their results (results of rule 2 and 3 firing) are shown
interval of [0 m3 /s, 1000 m3 /s] as: (i) shallow, (ii) average, and in Figure 5.19.
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 139

µ Step 4: Aggregation of outputs. The fuzzy membership func-

low medium high tions corresponding to the output for each rule are truncated with
respect to the membership values found in the previous step.
These membership values are further aggregated using a disjunc-
0.5 tive rule (max) system definition. The aggregation of outputs for
flood levee height is illustrated in Figure 5.20.
Step 5: Defuzzification of the aggregated output. Finally, the
0 aggregated output is defuzzified using the centroid method given
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 by Equation (5.22). The defuzzified value location is shown in
Safety (m)
Figure 5.20 as Y*:
Figure 5.18 Triangular fuzzy membership functions for safety (M).
H = Y ∗ = 5.88 m (5.49)

This is the final value of the levee height designed to account for
the floodwater elevation. The final elevation is:
Rule 1

Ht = H + Hf = 5.88 + 1 = 6.88 m (5.50)

µ=0.80 µ=0.87
Rule 2
The flood levee height of 6.88 m is determined using the fuzzy
simulation approach.
Rule 3
µ=0.15 µ=0.13
flow=580 m3/sec flow*=580 m3/sec MUNICIPAL WATER INFRASTRUCTURE UNDER
Figure 5.19 Fuzzification of the design flow input.
This section illustrates the implementation of the fuzzy simula-
tion approach for the design of municipal water infrastructure
Step 3: Application of fuzzy operators. As the antecedents under climate change. The example presented here is generic in
are disjunctive the max operator is used. The antecedents for nature. The use of the procedure is very much motivated by the
each rule are represented by a single membership value (see current need of municipal engineers for a design procedure that
Figure 5.19): will accommodate impacts of climate change. Most of the munic-
ipalities in Canada (and many other countries over the world) are
μ1 = max[0, 0] = 0 addressing climate change through the modification of intensity–
μ2 = max[0.8, 0.87] = 0.87 (5.48) duration–frequency (IDF) curves (Prodanovic and Simonovic,
μ3 = max[0.15, 0.13] = 0.15 2008; Simonovic and Peck, 2009) that are used for the design
of municipal water infrastructure. The Canadian Standards Asso-
where μ1 , μ2 , and μ3 are fuzzy membership values corresponding ciation (2010) initiated the process of IDF modification in order
to rule 1, 2, and 3, respectively. to address the current water resources management needs. A few

Rule 1 Truncated output

Rule 2 Max µ=0.87

Rule 3 Max µ=0.85

0 1000 0 1000

1 10

Figure 5.20 Outline of aggregation procedure for flood levee height design: (a) disjunctive aggregation of rules.

important observations from the Draft Technical Guide (Canadian 3.5

Standards Association, 2010) may be of interest at this point:

Intensity (mm/min)
Under climate change, scientists project a warming climate
with increases in the intensity and frequency of extreme 5 year storm
precipitation with the result that infrastructure designed
with historical IDF values may be at greater risk from
damage or failure. An increase in the number of damaging 0.5

flood events exceeding design conditions would result in 0

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135
increased stress to the infrastructure and potentially a
Duration (min)
reduction in service life (e.g., increased high flow events in
storm sewers could result in increased strain on pipe joints, Figure 5.21 Intensity–duration–frequency curve.
thereby increasing leakage and resulting in failure or
possible sink hole formation). It is thus important to problems; (ii) sewer pipes must be replaced because of rede-
understand how extreme precipitation and IDF values are velopment. The following example is developed to illustrate the
changing in the current climate and recognize our state of application of fuzzy simulation for sewer pipe design and can be
knowledge, uncertainties and assumptions in projecting how easily expanded to more complex municipal water infrastructure
they could change in the future. New analytical approaches design and operations problems.
may need to be developed and existing IDF methodologies
investigated (e.g., analyses of annual maximum series Example 4
(AMS) and partial duration series (PDS)) to determine how The design problem considers a basin with an area of 2 hectares
they can be applied to future IDF analyses. and a runoff coefficient of 0.6 where a concrete (n = 0.013) sewer
pipe is to be installed at a slope of 0.5%. The preliminary basin
Short-duration rainfall intensities of less than 24 hours are investigations determined the longest flow path time to the pro-
important considerations in planning, design, and posed pipe location to be 15 minutes. Determine the appropriate
management of many drainage and stormwater systems. pipe size using the updated IDF curve for climate change shown
Almost all such infrastructure has, to date, been designed in Figure 5.21.
and built using design information calculated from
historical climate data, with a typical life cycle design of Solution
50 years or longer. With a projected increase in the The traditional pipe design procedure involves the use of time of
frequency and severity of intense rainfall events in the concentration, the time required for stormwater to flow from the
future climate, design criteria are expected to change. most remote point in the basin to the pipe inlet structure. It is
Under climate change, it will be important to review and sometimes referred to as the hydraulic length. The peak discharge
update climatic design values and incorporate changes into under a constant rate of effective rainfall will be reached if the
building codes and other infrastructure standards. effective rain duration is equal to the time of concentration:
“No-regrets” adaptation actions such as these will be needed
Tc = t0 + tf (5.51)
in order to maintain an acceptable service level or risk level
throughout the expected lifecycle of the infrastructure. where t0 (inlet time) is the time required for stormwater to reach
an inlet, tf is the flow time in the pipes upstream of the design
The update of IDFs to include climate change suffers from the point and Tc is the time of concentration.
multiple sources of uncertainty, discussed in Chapter 2, such as
choice of GCM or downscaling tool among others. Therefore, The flow time in the pipes upstream of the design point can be
the fuzzy simulation design procedure is presented here to be determined using:
used with IDF curves updated for climate change. To ensure 
adequate stormwater conveyance, a municipality could replace tf = (5.52)
j =1
existing sewers susceptible to surcharging with pipes of a greater
capacity. In general, this method of coping with an increase in where Lj is the length of the jth pipe, Vj is the average velocity
future rainfall is very expensive and inflexible. However, there in the jth pipe and N is the number of pipe segments upstream
may be cases when sewer replacement may be a viable alterna- along the flow path considered. The inlet time can be calculated
tive: (i) sewer pipes are scheduled to be replaced due to lack of using Table 5.8. For the selected return period, the intensity of the
capacity and resulting damage, or structural and/or foundation design rainfall is obtained from the IDF curve, assuming the storm
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 141

Table 5.8 Inlet time common values µ

Zero Small Medium Large Extra large
Densely developed impervious surfaces 5 minutes
directly connected to drainage system
Well-developed districts with relatively flat 10–15 minutes 0.5
Flat residential areas with widely spaced street 20–30 minutes
inlets 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Flow (m 3 /sec)

duration equals the time of concentration. Once the intensity is Figure 5.22 Five partitions for the input variable, flow (m3 /s).
obtained the design discharge can be found by a rational method:
Zero Small Medium Large Extra large

Qp = i Cj Aj (5.53)
j =1

where i is the design rainfall intensity from the IDF curve, M the 0
number of subareas above the stormwater pipe, A the drainage -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pipe size (m)
area of subarea j, C the runoff coefficient, and Qp the design peak
Figure 5.23 Five partitions for the output variable, pipe size (m).
discharge. Finally, once the design discharge is determined, the
Manning equation can be used to find the required pipe size. For
has been assumed for illustrative simplicity. The flow input space
circular pipes the formula is:
and the pipe size output space parameters are subjectively chosen.
nQp The height of the triangle is defined by the full membership value
Dr = √ (5.54)
0.31 kn S0 and the base of the triangle is determined by the range of values
holding some degree of membership in the fuzzy set.
where Dr is the minimum diameter of pipe (actual size is next
In order to find the solution for the pipe size output a few input
larger standard pipe size available), Kn is the conversion factor
points are selected and the Mamdani graphical fuzzy inference
(1.0 m1/3 /s for SI units and 1.49 ft1/3 /s for US customary units),
method is employed. The centroid method is used for defuzzifi-
S0 is the bottom slope of the sewer, and n the Manning roughness
factor. The above formula is only valid under the assumption that
Let us select eleven crisp singletons for inputs:
the flow is full at the design discharge in the pipe. Usually, in
addition there is a minimum velocity requirement for the flow in flow = {0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0} m3 /s
the pipe of 0.6–0.9 m/s to prevent the deposition of suspended (5.55)
materials and a maximum velocity of 3–4.5 m/s to prevent scour-
ing. To illustrate the procedure, for flow input of 0.1 m3 /s, rules 1 and 2
Considering that the IDF curve in Figure 5.21 is updated for are fired as shown in Figure 5.24. The resulting aggregated output
climate change, the fuzzy simulation procedure is suggested to after applying the union operator (disjunctive rules) is found and
address various uncertainties associated with such an update. The the fuzzy set is defuzzified using the centroid method yielding a
same procedure as represented by Equations (5.51)–(5.54) can be result of 0.0847 m for pipe size as shown in Figure 5.24.
used with the fuzzified value of rainfall intensity, or the fuzzifica- The results for each input, once aggregated and defuzzified, are
tion process can start from the design discharge. In this example summarized in Table 5.9.
the latter has been implemented.
The input flow is partitioned into five simple partitions in the
5.4.2 Fuzzy linear programming for flood risk
interval [0 m3 /s, 1 m3 /s], and the output pipe size is partitioned in
management under climate change
the interval [−0.4888 m, 1 m] into five membership functions as
shown in Figures 5.22 and 5.23 respectively. Flood risk management decisions under climate change are char-
The input variable flow corresponds to a fuzzy set that has five acterized by a set of decision alternatives (the decision space); a
linguistic partitions describing a discharge flow, with the parti- set of states of nature (the state space); a relation assigning to each
tions labeled in Figure 5.22. The output variable pipe size corre- pair of a decision and state a result; and, finally, an objective func-
sponds to the pipe diameter and the fuzzy set partitions labeled in tion that orders the results according to their desirability. When
Figure 5.23. The triangular fuzzy set membership function shape deciding under certainty, the flood manager knows which state to

Table 5.9 Calculated pipe diameter (fuzzy simulation)

Discharge (m3 /s) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Pipe size (m) 0.000 0.085 0.233 0.391 0.425 0.620 0.654 0.693 0.751 0.781 0.823

Flow = 0.1 Pipe Size = 0.0847

Rule 1

Rule 2

Rule 3

Rule 4

Rule 5
0 1

-0.4888 Y*= 0.0847m 1

Figure 5.24 Graphical inference method: membership propagation and defuzzification.

expect and chooses the decision alternative with the highest value µ
of the objective function (in the case of maximization, or the small- Objective function
est value in the case of minimization), given the prevailing state 1

of nature. When deciding under uncertainty, the decision-maker Constraint

does not know exactly which state will occur. Only a probabil-
ity function of the states may be known. Then decision-making
becomes more difficult. The theory of probabilistic optimization
is well developed and presented in Section 4.5, and applications in
flood management decision-making can be found in the literature
and practice. 0 5 10 15 x
The discussion in this chapter is focused on the expansion of
Figure 5.25 A fuzzy decision.
the decision-making model to a fuzzy environment that considers
a situation of decision-making under uncertainty, in which the
objective function as well as the constraints are fuzzy. The fuzzy fully symmetrical: that is, there is no longer a difference between
objective function and constraints are characterized by their fuzzy the former and the latter. Figure 5.25 illustrates the concept.
membership functions.
Since our aim is to optimize the objective function as well as BA SICS O F FU ZZY LIN EA R PRO G RA M MIN G
the constraints, a decision in a fuzzy environment is defined by The presentation in this section relies on Bellman and Zadeh
analogy with non-fuzzy environments as the selection of activities (1970) and Zimmermann (1996). Linear programming models
that simultaneously satisfy an objective function and constraints. are considered as a special type of the general decision model
According to the above definition and assuming that the con- discussed above: the decision space is defined by the constraints,
straints are “non-interactive” (not overlapping), the logical “and” the goal is defined by the objective function, and the type of
corresponds to the intersection. The “decision” in a fuzzy environ- decision is decision-making under certainty.
ment is therefore viewed as the intersection of fuzzy constraints For transforming problems about LP decisions to be made in a
and a fuzzy objective function. The relationship between con- fuzzy environment, quite a number of modifications are required
straints and objective functions in a fuzzy environment is therefore to the deterministic form of LP (Simonovic, 2009). First of all
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 143

the decision-making problem is transformed from actually max- µ

imizing or minimizing the objective function to reaching some
aspiration levels established by the decision-maker. Second, the
constraints are treated as vague. The ≤ sign is not treated in a
strictly mathematical sense, and smaller violations are accept-
able. In addition, the coefficients of the vectors b (right hand
side of the constraints) or c (objective function coefficients) or of
the matrix A (left hand side of the constraints) itself can have a
fuzzy character, either because they are fuzzy in nature or because
perception of them is fuzzy.
Finally, the role of the constraints is different from that in classi-
cal LP, where the violation of any single constraint by any amount
renders the solution infeasible. Small violations of constraints are 0
acceptable, and may carry different (crisp or fuzzy) degrees of di d i + pi domain ß
importance. Fuzzy LP offers a number of ways to allow for all Figure 5.26 A linear membership function.
those types of vagueness, and I discuss some of them below.
“the objective function cx should be essentially smaller than or
In this text we accept Bellman and Zadeh’s concept of a sym-
equal to an aspiration level z0 of the decision-maker” and “the
metrical decision model. We have to decide how a fuzzy “maxi-
constraints Ax should be essentially smaller than or equal to
mize” is to be interpreted. Our discussion will be limited to one
b,” respectively. Furthermore, the fuzzy constraints and goal are
approach for a fuzzy goal, and readers are directed to the litera-
viewed as equally important with respect to the fuzzy decision.
ture for different interpretations. Finally, we have to decide where
Zimmermann (1996) expressed the problem in simplified form
and how fuzziness enters the constraints. One way is to consider
for the fully symmetric objective and constraints:
the coefficients of A, b, c as fuzzy numbers and the constraints
Bx ≺ d
as fuzzy functions. Another approach represents the goal and the ∼
constraints by fuzzy sets and then aggregates them in order to x≥0 (5.57)
derive a maximizing decision. We use the latter. However, we still where,
have to decide on the type of membership function characterizing  
c z0
the fuzzy sets representing the goal and constraints. B= ,d= (5.58)
A b
In classical LP the violation of any constraint makes the solution
The following expression for the (monotonically decreasing)
infeasible. Hence all constraints are considered to be of equal
linear membership function illustrated in Figure 5.26 was pro-
weight or importance. When departing from classical LP this is
posed by Zimmermann for the ith fuzzy inequality (Bx)i ≤ di :
no longer true, and the relative weights attached to the constraints
have to be considered. ⎧ ⎫

⎪ 1; (Bx)i ≤ di ⎪

Before we develop a specific model of LP for flood risk man- ⎪
⎨ (Bx)i − di ⎪

agement under climate change in a fuzzy environment, it should μi ((Bx)i ) = 1 − ; d i ≤ (Bx)i ≤ d i + pi

pi ⎪

be noted once more that by contrast to classical LP, fuzzy LP is ⎪
⎩ 0; (Bx)i ≤ di + pi ⎪

not a uniquely defined type of model. Many variations are possi-
ble, depending on the assumptions or features of the real situation
being modeled. where each di and pi are the subjectively chosen constant values
Let us now formulate the fuzzy LP problem. Let us assume that corresponding to the aspiration level and the violation tolerance
the decision-maker can establish an aspiration level, z0 , for the of the ith inequality, respectively. If the constraints (including
value of the objective function to be achieved, and that each of objective function) are well satisfied, the ith membership function
the constraints is modeled as a fuzzy set. value should be 1. If the constraint is violated beyond the limit of
The fuzzy LP then finds x such that: tolerance, pi , then the value of μ will be 0 for all values greater
than (di + pi ). For values between di and (di + pi ), the membership
cx ≺z
∼ 0 function value μ will change linearly between 1 and 0.
Ax ≺b (5.56)
∼ The membership function of the fuzzy set “decision” of the
x ≥0 model in Equation (5.57) including the linear membership func-
where the symbol “≺ ” denotes a relaxed or fuzzy version of tions is shown below. The problem of finding the maximum deci-
∼ sion is to choose x ∗ such that:
the ordinary inequality “≤”. The fuzzy inequalities represent the
decision-maker’s fuzzy goal and fuzzy constraints and mean that μD (x ∗ ) = maxx≥0 mini=0,...,m {μi ((Bx)i )} (5.60)

In other words, the problem is to find the x ∗ ≥ 0 that maximizes in the loss functions. Results indicate that the reservoir operating
the minimum membership function value. This value satisfies policies are sensitive to change in the shapes of loss functions. This
the fuzzy inequalities (Bx)i ≺ di with the degree of x ∗ (Sakawa, work does not address climate change but sets the stage for the

1993). following.
Substituting the expression (5.59) for the linear membership An FLP formulation is proposed for solving a reservoir oper-
function into Equation (5.60) yields: ation problem and also to address the preferences attached to
$ % the direction and magnitude of climate change by the reservoir
∗ di (Bx)i
μD (x ) = maxx≥0 mini=0,...,m 1 + − (5.61) managers or decision-makers. No specific GCM-based scenario
pi pi
directly linked to the case study area is used but an overall reduc-
The fuzzy set for decision can be transformed to an equiv-
tion in streamflows is considered following the conclusions of a
alent conventional LP problem by introducing the auxiliary
climate change study (Mulholland and Sale, 2002) conducted for
variable λ:
the southeastern part of the USA. To demonstrate the utility of the
maximize λ FLP model in the current context, a short-term operation model
di (Bx)i is developed for Green Reservoir, Kentucky, USA. The primary
subject to λ ≤ 1+ − , i = 0, . . . , m (5.62)
pi pi objective of the reservoir is flood control in the Green River basin
x ≥ 0
as well as in the downstream areas of the Ohio River. Secondary
It should be emphasized that the above formulation (5.62) is for a objectives include recreation and low flow augmentation. An opti-
minimization of the objective function and less than constraints, mization model formulation is developed and solved to fulfil these
thus it should be modified appropriately for other conditions. objectives.
So, the FLP problems can be easily solved using the LINPRO Shrestha and Simonovic (2010) use a fuzzy set theory-based
computer program. The formulation (5.62) is equivalent in form methodology for the analysis of uncertainty in the stage–discharge
to a classical LP problem. relationship. Individual components of stage and discharge meas-
urement are considered as fuzzy numbers and the overall stage
and discharge uncertainty is obtained through the aggregation of
FUZZY OPTIMIZATION, CLIMATE CHANGE, all uncertainties using fuzzy arithmetic. Building on the previ-
AN D F LO O D RI SK MANAGE ME NT ous work – fuzzy discharge and stage measurements – we use
Very limited literature is available on the use of fuzzy optimiza- fuzzy non-linear regression in this case study for the analysis of
tion in climate change flood studies, similar to fuzzy simulation. uncertainty in the stage–discharge relationship. The methodology
The potential of the approach has not yet been fully utilized, cre- is based on the fuzzy extension principle and considers input and
ating opportunities to push the research and practical application output variables as well as the coefficients of the stage–discharge
boundaries ahead. The following are some related applications relationship as fuzzy numbers. The formulation leads to an opti-
that illustrate the potential of fuzzy optimization. mization problem for evaluation of the coefficients. There are two
Imprecision involved in the definition of reservoir loss func- different objective functions for the optimization: the least spread
tions is addressed using fuzzy set theory concepts by Teegavarapu and the least absolute deviation. The results of the fuzzy regres-
and Simonovic (1999). A reservoir operation problem is solved sion analysis lead to a definition of lower and upper uncertainty
using the concepts of fuzzy mathematical programming. Mem- bounds of the stage–discharge relationship and representation of
bership functions from fuzzy set theory are used to represent discharge value as a fuzzy number. The methodology developed
the decision-maker’s preferences in the definition of shape of in this work is illustrated with a case study of Thompson River
loss curves. These functions are assumed to be known and are near Spences Bridge in British Columbia, Canada.
used to model the uncertainties. Linear and non-linear optimiza- Teegavarapu (2010) provides an excellent review of model-
tion models are developed under a fuzzy environment. A new ing climate change uncertainties in water resources management
approach is presented that involves the development of compro- models. He points out that the impact of climate change on the
mise reservoir operating policies based on the rules from the hydrologic design and management of water resources systems
traditional optimization models and their fuzzy equivalents while could be one of the important challenges faced by future practicing
considering the preferences of the decision-maker. The impreci- hydrologists and water resources managers. Many water resources
sion associated with the definition of penalty and storage zones managers currently rely on the historical hydrologic data and
and uncertainty in the penalty coefficients are the main issues adaptive real-time operations without consideration of the impact
addressed through this study. The models developed are applied to of climate change on major inputs influencing the behavior of
the Green Reservoir, Kentucky. The main purpose of the reservoir hydrologic systems and the operating rules. Issues such as risk,
is flood control. Simulations are performed to evaluate the oper- reliability, and robustness of water resources systems under differ-
ating rules generated by the models considering the uncertainties ent climate change scenarios were addressed in the past. However,
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 145

water resources management with the decision-maker’s prefer- suggested LP model:

ences attached to climate change has never been dealt with. This
Minimize 41, 400x1 + 44, 300x2 + 48, 100x3 + 49, 100x4
review paper discusses issues related to impacts of climate change
subject to constraints
on water resources management and application of fuzzy set-
based computational tools for climate-sensitive management of 0.84x1 + 1.44x2 + 2.16x3 + 2.4x4 ≥ 170
water resources systems. 16x1 + 16x2 + 16x3 + 16x4 ≥ 1, 300
Vucetic and Simonovic (2011) provide a comprehensive report x1 ≥ 6
on water resources decision-making under uncertainty. Uncer- x 2 , x3 , x4 ≥ 0
tainty is in part about variability in relation to the physical charac- (5.63)
teristics of water resources systems. But uncertainty is also about
ambiguity. Both variability and ambiguity are associated with a Solution
lack of clarity because of the behavior of all system components, The optimal solution to (5.63) is x1 = 6, x2 = 16.29, x3 = 0, x4 =
a lack of data, a lack of detail, a lack of structure to consider water 58.96. Minimum cost = 3,864,975. Use LINPRO to confirm the
resources management problems, working and framing assump- optimal solution. This part of Example 5 is on the website, in direc-
tions being used to consider the problems, known and unknown tory Fuzzy tools, sub-directory Optimization, sub-sub-directory
sources of bias, and ignorance about how much effort it is worth LINPRO, sub-sub-sub-directory Examples, file Example1.
expending to clarify the management situation. Climate change, linpro.
addressed in this report, is another important source of uncertainty
that contributes to the variability in the input variables for water When the results are presented to the city management it turns
resources management. This report presents a set of examples out that they are considered acceptable but that the managers
that illustrate (i) probabilistic and (ii) fuzzy set approaches for would rather have some flexibility in the constraints. They feel that
solving various water resources management problems. The main because demand forecasts are used to formulate the constraints
goal of this report is to demonstrate how information provided (and because forecasts are not always correct), there is a danger
to water resources decision-makers can be improved by using the of not being able to meet higher demand by the construction sites
tools that incorporate risk and uncertainty. The uncertainty associ- and therefore having to pay penalties to the contractors.
ated with water resources decision-making problems is quantified The total budget of the city for the levees upgrade is 4.2 million,
using probabilistic and fuzzy set approaches. A set of selected a figure that must not be exceeded. Since the city management
examples is presented to illustrate the application of probabilistic feels it should use intervals instead of precise constraints, model
and fuzzy simulation, optimization, and multi-objective analy- (5.63) is selected to model the management’s perceptions of the
sis to water resources design, planning, and operations. Selected problem satisfactorily. The following parameters are estimated:
examples include flood levee design, sewer pipe design, opti- the bounds of the tolerance interval for the objective function dO
mal operations of a single purpose reservoir, and planning of a and three constraints di , i = 1, 2, 3 are dO = 3,700,000, d1 = 170,
multi-purpose reservoir system. Demonstrated probabilistic and d2 = 1,300, and d3 = 6; and the spreads of tolerance intervals are
fuzzy tools can be easily adapted to many other water resources pO = 500,000, p1 = 10, p2 = 100, and p3 = 6. They define the
decision-making problems. simplest linear type of membership function.
The following example illustrates the use of FLP and the com- Since the city problem is a minimization problem with greater
puter package LINPRO (provided on the accompanying website) than constraints, slight modification of the relationship (5.62),
for its implementation. developed for a minimization problem with less than constraints,
is required as follows:
Example 5
maximize λ
A city is upgrading flood control levees at four locations to
subject to λpi + Bi x ≤ pi + di , i = 0, . . . , m + 1
accommodate climate change. It is also deciding on the choice
x≥0 (5.64)
of sources for riprap material being used. Four different sources
(x1 to x4 ) are considered. The objective is to minimize cost, and the
If the optimal solution to (5.64) is the vector (λ, x0 ), then x0 is
constraint is the need to supply all construction sites. That means
the maximizing solution (5.60) of model (5.56) assuming mem-
a certain amount of material has to be delivered from different
bership functions as specified in (5.59).
sources (quantity constraint) and a minimum material require-
The new problem definition includes an objective function and
ment per day has to be supplied from different sources (supply
four constraints. The first constraint is obtained from the modified
constraint). For other reasons, it is required that at least 6 units
formulation by replacing the given values into:
of material must come from the source x1 . The city management
wants to use quantitative analysis and has agreed to the following λp0 + B0 x ≤ p0 + d0 (5.65)

Table 5.10 Levee upgrade problem solutions analyses are from Vucetic and Simonovic (2011) and Eum et al.
(2009). The primary emphasis of the work by Eum et al. (2009)
Crisp Fuzzy was linked to mitigation of climate change impacts on the opera-
Solution tion of flood control reservoirs in the Thames River basin. How-
x1 6 17.42 ever, in their optimization they did not use the fuzzy approach.
x2 16.29 0 The case study shown in this section is aimed at the introduction
x3 0 0 of the fuzzy optimization approach for reservoir optimization and
x4 58.96 65.54 will not directly address the climate change issues. Combination
Z 3,864,975 3,939,202 of the presented approach with the work of Eum et al. (2009) is
Constraints suggested for future investigations.
1 170 171.93
Introduction Reservoir operation problems are challenging
2 1,300 1,327.36
optimization problems. The reservoir operators must make long-
3 6 17.42
term release decisions to accommodate incoming periods of floods
and droughts so that the reservoir design goals are met. Generally,
where B0 are the coefficients of the objective function. The for reservoir operation optimization, inflow data must be known
remaining three constraints are simply obtained by replacing given and discharge or release is considered as the optimization deci-
values into: sion variable. The inflow data are usually from the historic records
and are assumed to be an adequate representation of the future
Bi x − λpi ≥ di , i = 1, . . . , m (5.66)
inflows. This assumption may be a source of critical error and the
and using the membership functions with monotonically increas- main source of uncertainty involved in making reservoir opera-
ing linear shape (opposite from the one in Figure 5.26) because all tion decisions. That justifies the use of an optimization approach
constraints in the original formulation are greater than constraints. able to deal with the reservoir operation problem under uncer-
So our new problem is now: tainty. The optimization reservoir operation problems require a
clear set of constraints that may not always be easy to formulate
maximize λ
due to uncertainty in our knowledge. Use of fuzzy optimization
subject to
may provide the solution for addressing the natural hydrologic
0.083x1 + 0.089x2 + 0.096x3 + 0.098x4 + λ ≤ 8.4
variability and lack of knowledge related to complex reservoir
0.084x1 + 0.144x2 + 0.216 + 0.24 − λ ≥ 17
0.16x1 + 0.16x2 + 0.16x3 + 0.16x4 − λ ≥ 13 operations decisions.
0.167x1 − λ ≥ 1
λ, x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ≥ 0 Mathematical formulation of the flood control reservoir
optimization problem The flood control optimization prob-
Use LINPRO to find the optimal solution. This part of Exam- lem is addressed here using a fuzzy optimization approach. This
ple 5 is on the website, in directory Fuzzy tools, sub-directory approach may be of significant value for climate change impact
Optimization, sub-sub-directory LINPRO, sub-sub-sub-directory analyses when data may not be readily available and constraints
Examples, file Example2.linpro. are not formulated with a high level of precision.
The solution to the city’s levee upgrade problem is shown in Let us start with a traditional deterministic flood control reser-
Table 5.10. As can be seen from the solution, flexibility has been voir optimization model formulation. The main objective is to
provided with respect to all constraints at an additional cost of determine the optimal release from the reservoir in various time
just below 2%. intervals with the objective of minimizing flood damage due to
The main advantage of the fuzzy formulation over the crisp excess storage of water in the reservoir. The flood damage is a
problem formulation is that the decision-maker is not forced into function of storage and therefore minimization of reservoir active
precision for mathematical reasons. Linear membership functions storage is an adequate representation for minimization of flood
(Figure 5.26) are obviously only a very rough approximation. damage. In mathematical form, the flood control reservoir opti-
Membership functions that monotonically increase or decrease in mization problem can be stated as:
the interval of (di , di + pi ) can also be handled quite easily. Minimize Z = S
subject to St−1 + it − Rt = St t = 1, 2, . . . , n
0 ≤ Rt ≤ Rmax t = 1, 2, . . . , n (5.68)
CONTROL RESERVOIR Smin ≤ St ≤ C t = 1, 2, . . . , n
This section illustrates the use of fuzzy optimization for the anal- S 0 ≤ Sn
ysis of a multi-purpose reservoir with flood control as the primary
purpose. The Fanshawe Reservoir on the North Thames River where S is the active volume of water stored in the reservoir; St
(Ontario, Canada) is used as a case study. Most of the data and is the volume of water in the reservoir at time t; it is the inflow
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 147

into the reservoir in the time interval (t − 1, t); Rt is the amount where the time step is one month and the optimization time hori-
of water released downstream in time interval (t − 1, t); C is zon is one year.
the reservoir capacity; Smin is the minimum operational reservoir
storage level; Sn is storage at the end of the critical period; and S0 The Fanshawe Reservoir case study The reservoir opti-
is initial reservoir storage. mization case study is the Fanshawe Reservoir on the North
The first constraint represents the continuity equation. The Thames River located in Ontario, Canada (just outside the City of
remaining three constraints include: (i) deterministic constraint London). The reservoir data are provided by the UTRCA, which
on the reservoir release; (ii) deterministic constraint that keeps is responsible for the management of all flood control reservoirs
the reservoir storage between the maximum reservoir capacity in the basin. The Thames River basin, consisting of two major
and minimum reservoir operational level; and (iii) deterministic tributaries, has a drainage area of 3,482 km2 . The stream length
constraint stating that the storage at the end of the critical period is 273 km (from Tavistock to its mouth at Lake St. Clair). The
must be at least as great as the initial reservoir storage. All the North Branch flows southward through Mitchell, St. Marys, and
constraints and objective function are linear in this formulation so eventually into London, and the East Branch flows through Wood-
that the optimal solution can be obtained using various software stock, Ingersoll, and east London (Figure 5.27). The two branches
tools similar to LINPRO provided with this book. join near the City of London and then the river flows westwards
The flood control reservoir operation optimization model for- and exits the basin near Byron, eventually draining into Lake St.
mulation (5.68) is expanded to utilize the fuzzy linear optimiza- Clair. The basin receives about 1,000 mm of annual precipitation,
tion approach and address various uncertainties related to climate 60% of which is lost through evaporation and/or evapotranspira-
change, lack of knowledge, and insufficient data. The fuzzy reser- tion, stored in ponds and wetlands, or recharged as groundwater.
voir optimization formulation does not require that all coefficients The slope is about 1.9 m/km for most of its upper reaches, while
of the constraints are crisp numbers and that the objective function its lower reaches are much flatter with a slope of less than 0.2
must be minimized or maximized (Zimmermann, 1996). Assum- m/km. The Upper Thames River basin has three major flood man-
ing the fuzzy objective function and fuzzy greater than constraints agement reservoirs: Wildwood, Pittock, and Fanshawe near St.
(as discussed in Section 5.4.2), the deterministic model (5.68) Marys, Woodstock, and London, respectively (Figure 5.27). The
becomes: primary goals of all reservoirs include flood control during the
snowmelt period and summer storm season, low flow augmen-
Maximize λ tation from May to October, and recreational uses during the
(Bx)i di
subject to + λ ≤ 1 + , i = 0, . . . , 360 ≤ Rt summer season. Among these goals, the most important goal is
pi pi
flood control. Floods in the basin result from a combination of
≤ Rmax , t = 1, 2, . . . , n
snowmelt and intensive precipitation during December to April.
(Bx)i di
−λ ≥ , i = 37, . . . , 60 The basin has facilities such as extensive dyking systems and
pi pi
x ≥ 0 a diversion channel to prevent flood damage. Summer frontal
(5.69) storms are also known to produce severe flooding in and around
the basin, but such storms are less frequent than spring floods.
Substituting for (Bx)i leads to: Drought conditions occur mostly from June to September, though
they can occur at any time during the year.
Maximize λ The relevant data consist of physical constraints for the reser-
subject to objective function constraint voir, such as the maximum and the minimum storage capacity and
t=1 St di monthly historical inflow data (1953 to 2009).
+λ ≤ 1+ , i=0
pi pi The remaining data include: maximum reservoir capacity,
and all other constraints C = 0.22503 × 108 m3 ; minimum reservoir storage, Smin =
(St + Rt − St−1 ) di 0.055×108 m3 ; sill of dam elevation operator goal storage, SGOAL
+λ ≤ 1+ , i = 1, . . . , 12,
pi pi = 0.1235×108 m3 ; initial reservoir storage, S0 = 0.1482×108 m3 ;
t = 1, . . . , 12, maximum possible release for non-flooding conditions, Rmax =
St di
+λ ≤ 1+ , i = 13, . . . , 24, t = 1, . . . , 12, 370 m3 /s; and total maximum annual reservoir acceptable storage
pi pi
Rt di (to avoid inundation damage) of 1.6×108 m3 .
+λ ≤ 1+ , i = 25, . . . , 36, t = 1, . . . , 12, The release data are in Table 5.11. The reservoir inflow data
pi pi
St di (for year 2009) are in Table 5.12 and inflow statistics (mean μ
−λ ≥ , i = 37, . . . , 48, t = 1, . . . , 12,
pi pi and standard deviation σ ) are in Table 5.13.
(St + Rt − St−1 ) di For the implementation of the fuzzy optimization approach we
− λ ≥ , i = 49, . . . , 60, t = 1, . . . , 12,
pi pi consider that the reservoir operators require some flexibility in
Rt ≥ 0 t = 1, 2, . . . , 12 (5.70) the formulation of constraints to account for various uncertainties

Figure 5.27 Schematic map of the Upper Thames River basin. See color plates section.
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 149

Table 5.11 Maximum monthly Fanshawe Reservoir release (108 m3 )

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Rmax 9.91008 8.95104 9.91008 9.5904 9.91008 9.5904 9.91008 9.91008 9.5904 9.91008 9.5904 9.91008

Table 5.12 Fanshawe Reservoir inflows (108 m3 )

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inflow 2009 0.34284 1.80472 1.21867 0.72058 0.54104 0.20062 0.12133 0.09508 0.07206 0.12294 0.10446 0.38033

Table 5.13 Fanshawe reservoir inflow statistics (108 m3 )

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
μ 0.5036 0.5685 1.2499 0.9164 0.3722 0.1708 0.1329 0.1120 0.1797 0.2615 0.4689 0.6218
σ 0.3968 0.5231 0.5572 0.5551 0.2954 0.1395 0.1706 0.1157 0.2636 0.3161 0.4033 0.4592

associated with them. The lower bounds and the upper bounds (4.59) of the deterministic non-dominated set) that can be used
of the tolerance interval, di , and spread of tolerance, pi , were by the decision-makers for the selection of the best compromise
estimated by the reservoir operators (oral communication) and solution (Simonovic and Verma, 2008). The second presents an
shown in Tables 5.14 and 5.15 respectively. The value of i in intuitive, and relatively interactive, decision tool for discrete flood
these tables corresponds to the constraint number from the management alternative selection, under various forms of uncer-
formulation (5.70). tainty. This tool explores the application of fuzzy sets in conjunc-
The parameters presented in Tables 5.14 and 5.15 form the tion with compromise programming. The adaptation of standard
linear membership functions to be used with the FLP formula- techniques to the fuzzy framework demands a different set of
tion (5.70). For the continuity constraint a triangular membership operators. We will explore how the fuzzy multi-objective com-
function is used. promise programming method (Bender and Simonovic, 2000)
can be used in flood risk management that takes climate change
Results The Fanshawe Reservoir optimization is performed into consideration.
using the FLP formulation (5.70) and data presented in the previ- Fuzzy decision-making techniques have addressed some uncer-
ous section. The calculated optimal reservoir releases and storage tainties, such as the vagueness and conflict of preferences common
are presented in Table 5.16. The optimal value of the objective in group decision-making. Their application, however, demands
function is 1.5867×108 m3 . The reservoir operation is success- some level of intuitiveness for the decision-makers, and encour-
fully maintaining the goal storage with reservoir release staying ages interaction or experimentation. Fuzzy decision-making is
within the given constraints. The flexibility obtained by the fuzzy not always intuitive to many people involved in practical deci-
formulation provides for effective reservoir operations. sions because the decision space may be some abstract measure
Fuzzy linear formulation data for the Fanshawe case study are of fuzziness, instead of a tangible measure of alternative perfor-
provided on the accompanying website, directory Fuzzy tools, mance. The alternatives to be evaluated are rarely fuzzy: it is their
sub-directory Optimization, sub-sub-directory LINPRO, sub-sub- performance that is fuzzy. In other words, a fuzzy multi-objective
sub-directory Examples, file Fanshawe.linpro. decision-making environment may not be as generically relevant
as a fuzzy evaluation of a decision-making problem. Most fuzzy
multi-objective methods either concentrate on multi-objective LP
5.4.3 Fuzzy multi-objective analysis for flood risk techniques, or experiment with methods based on fuzzy relations
management under climate change (Simonovic, 2009).

An earlier section presents limited work that has been done (and
published) on stochastic multi-objective programming for flood METHOD FOR GENERATION OF F UZZY
risk management. Here we focus on the use of fuzzy sets in extend- NON-DOMINATED SET OF S OLUTIONS
ing multi-objective analysis to uncertain conditions. Two concep- Methods for generating non-dominated (Pareto optimal) solutions
tual tools are presented. The first is developed for the generation of remain very important in water resource decision-making when
the fuzzy non-dominated set (concept that extends the formulation the decision-makers have to consider a wide range of options

Table 5.14 Estimated Fanshawe reservoir lower bound Table 5.15 Estimated Fanshawe reservoir upper bound
parameters (108 m3 ) parameters (108 m3 )

i di pi Comments i di pi Comments

0 1.1000 0.5000 Objective function 37 0.1235 0.0900

1 0.3428 0.0686 38 0.1235 0.0900
2 1.8047 0.3609 39 0.1235 0.0900
3 1.2187 0.2437 40 0.1235 0.0900
4 0.7206 0.1441 41 0.1235 0.0900
Minimum reservoir
5 0.5410 0.1082 42 0.1235 0.0900
Continuity storage constraints
6 0.2006 0.0401 43 0.1235 0.0900
7 0.1213 0.0243 44 0.1235 0.0900
8 0.0951 0.0190 45 0.1235 0.0900
9 0.0721 0.0144 46 0.1235 0.0900
10 0.1229 0.0246 47 0.1235 0.0900
11 0.1045 0.0209 48 0.1482 0.0000
12 0.3803 0.0761
49 0.2743 0.0686
13 0.2250 0.0001 50 1.4438 0.3609
14 0.2250 0.0001 51 0.9749 0.2437
15 0.2250 0.0001 52 0.5765 0.1441
16 0.2250 0.0001 53 0.4328 0.1082
17 0.2250 0.0001 Maximum 54 0.1605 0.0401 Inflow constraints
18 0.2250 0.0001 reservoir capacity 55 0.0971 0.0243
19 0.2250 0.0001 constraints 56 0.0761 0.0190
20 0.2250 0.0001 57 0.0576 0.0144
21 0.2250 0.0001 58 0.0984 0.0246
22 0.2250 0.0001 59 0.0836 0.0209
23 0.2250 0.0001 60 0.3043 0.0761
24 0.2250 0.0001

25 9.9101 0.0001 multi-objective analysis has been focused on the development of

26 8.9510 0.0001 fuzzy methods with prior articulation of preferences and fuzzy
27 9.9101 0.0001
methods for progressive articulation of preferences.
28 9.5904 0.0001
In this method, we generate the fuzzy set of non-dominated
29 9.9101 0.0001
Maximum release optimal solutions for a multi-objective problem using positive
30 9.5904 0.0001
constraints and negative ideals (Lai et al., 1994). The weights assigned to the
31 9.9101 0.0001
32 9.9101 0.0001 objective functions are fuzzy and triangular in shape rather than
33 9.5904 0.0001 crisp. Triangular fuzzy weights of different objective functions
34 9.9101 0.0001 can be either in the same range of pessimistic and optimistic
35 9.5904 0.0001 values or in a different range for different objective functions.
36 9.9101 0.0001 A general multi-objective decision-making problem has been
expressed in mathematical form, Equation (4.58), as:
(alternatives) and criteria (objectives). Evaluation of many alter-
natives, as well as expression of preferences, is highly subjective Max/Min[f1 (x), f2 (x), . . . , fk (x)]
in many cases. The use of fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965) seems subject to
very appropriate here. However, most of the research in fuzzy x ∈ X = {x| gi (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 2, . . . , m (5.71)

Table 5.16 Fanshawe reservoir fuzzy optimization results (108 m3 )

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Release 0.298 1.466 0.990 0.585 0.439 0.163 0.098 0.077 0.058 0.099 0.085 0.290
Storage 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.129 0.148
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 151

where x is an n-dimensional decision variable vector; fk (x) is a µ(x)

value of the objective k; and gi (x) is a value of the constraint i.
The problem consists of n decision variables, m constraints, and
k objectives.
For a multi-objective optimization problem like that repre-
sented by Equation (5.71), it is significant to note that multiple
objectives are often non-commensurable and cannot be combined
into a single one. The objectives usually conflict with each other
and any improvement in one can be achieved only at the expense 0.5
of another. There is no “optimal” solution for the multi-objective
optimization as in the case of a single criterion problem. For the
solution of problem (5.71) only a set of non-dominated, Pareto
optimal solutions can be obtained. However, decisions represented 0
by the Pareto set are not uniquely determined – different prefer- pessimistic modal optimistic X
ences associated with each of the objectives result in a different of discourse
Pareto optimal solution. The final decision must include the selec-
Figure 5.28 Fuzzy weight.
tion from among the set of Pareto optimal solutions of one point
that meets some additional objective, for example, the shortest p
where fk (x), fkm (x), fko (x) are the elements of the vector of
distance to an ideal solution. objective associated with the fuzzy weights for each of K objec-
There are various techniques available to generate the non- tives.
dominated optimal solution set under certainty, amongst which To solve the fuzzy multi-objective decision-making problem,
the weighting method is the oldest, proposed by Zadeh in 1965. the fuzzy objective function with a triangular shape is used
He demonstrated that if, within a multi-objective problem, a non- (for other shapes solutions can be obtained in a similar way as
negative weight or parameter is associated to each criterion then shown in Simonovic and Verma (2005)). This fuzzy objective
the weighted criteria can be aggregated into a single objective p
is fully defined geometrically by three corner points [fk (x), 0],
function. The optimization of this objective function generates an [fkm (x), 1] and [fko (x), 0], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (see Figure 5.28).
extreme efficient point, one non-dominated optimal solution. The In order to preserve the triangular membership shape of the
generating techniques can often leave many of the non-dominated solution space it is necessary to make a small change. Instead of
optimal solutions unexplored. To avoid this, it is possible to reduce maximizing/minimizing these three objectives simultaneously for
considerably the scale of the weights in the application of the all K, three optimization problems are solved:
weighting method. In any case, generating methods are devised
simply to approximate the non-dominated optimal solution set. Max/Min[fkm (x) − fk (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.74)
In water resource decision-making practice the weights asso- p
Min/Max[fkm (x) − fk (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.75)
ciated with the criteria are not always crisp. They are rather
fuzzy in nature (Simonovic, 2009). With fuzzy weights the multi- Min/Max[fko (x) − fkm (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.76)
objective problem given with Equation (5.71) becomes a fuzzy The first and the last objectives measure the relative distance
multi-objective decision-making problem. Weights assigned to from fkm (x) – the second objective. The solution of three new
the objectives are fuzzy weights in triangular form represented problems written for all K original objectives also supports the pre-
using a set of values (p, m, o), where p, m, and o are the pes- vious observation of shifting the triangular distribution to the left.
simistic, modal, and optimistic values of the fuzzy weight mem- p
Max/Min Fk = [fkm (x) − fk (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K
bership function, as shown in Figure 5.28.
The multi-objective problem with fuzzy weights can be written subject to
as: x ∈ X = {x |gi (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 1, 2, . . . , m (5.77)
Max/Min(p, m, o)[f1 (x), f2 (x), . . . , fk (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K
Min/Max Fk = fkm (x), k = 1, 2, . . . , K
subject to
x ∈ X = {x| gi (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 1, 2, . . . , m (5.72) subject to
x ∈ X = {x |gi (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 1, 2, . . . , m (5.78)
Problem (5.72) can be further expressed as:
Max/Min[fk (x), fkm (x), fko (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K Max/Min Fk = [fko (x) − fkm (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K
subject to subject to
x ∈ X = {x| gi (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 2, . . . , m (5.73) x ∈ X = {x |gi (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 1, 2, . . . , m (5.79)

So, the original fuzzy multi-objective problem (5.72) is replaced

with the three new multi-objective problems (5.77), (5.78), and Objective z 2 I
Infeasible solutions
To solve the newly formulated fuzzy multi-objective problem
the Zimmermann (1996) approach with positive and negative
ideal solutions is used as follows. First, the positive ideal solution
(PIS) is found for all the objectives. It is obtained by maximiz-
ing/minimizing the objective for the maximization/minimization
Dominated solutions
problem. D
FkPIS = Max/Min[fkm (x) − fk (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.80)
Non-dominated frontier
FkPIS = Min/Maxfkm (x), k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.81)

FkPIS = Max/Min[fko (x) − fkm (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.82) Objective z 1

Then, the negative ideal solution (NIS) is found for all the objec- Figure 5.29 Illustration of compromise solutions in two-objective
tives. It is obtained by minimizing/maximizing the objective for
the maximization/minimization problem.
where λ takes a value between 0 and 1 and represents the satis-
FkNIS = Min/Max[fkm (x) − fkF (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.83) faction level. Optimization problem (5.89) can be solved using
FkNIS = Max/Min fkm , k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.84) software such as LINPRO. Multiple solutions of the problem pro-
vide a set of non-dominated solutions within the fuzzy interval.
FkNIS = Min/Max[fko (x) − fkm (x)], k = 1, 2, . . . , K (5.85) They are subject to the decision of the decision-maker in order to
The best decisions are those that have the shortest distance from isolate one non-dominated solution that will be acceptable for the
PIS and the largest distance from NIS, provide as-much-as- implementation. So, the subjective preferences of the decision-
possible gain and avoid as-much-as-possible risk. maker will play a role in the final choice of solution for the
A multi-objective problem is reduced to a single-objective prob- implementation.
lem by the introduction of linear membership functions for each
of the objectives: FU ZZY CO MPRO M ISE PRO G RA MMIN G
μmax Fk (x) For compromise programming to address the vagueness in the
⎧ flood risk decision-maker’s value system and objective value

⎪ 1 if Fk (x) ≥ FkPIS
⎨ FkPIS (x) − Fk (x)
uncertainty, a general fuzzy approach may be appropriate. Sim-
= 1 − PIS if FkPIS (x) ≤ Fk (x) ≤ FkNIS (x) ply changing all inputs from crisp to fuzzy produces a definition

⎪ Fk (x) − FkNIS (x)
⎩ for fuzzy compromise programming (FCP) analogous to the crisp
0 if Fk (x) ≤ FkNIS (x)
original. Figure 5.29 shows a two-objective crisp problem. The
solution for which both objectives (z1 , z2 ) are maximized is point
μmin Fk (x) I (z1∗ , z2∗ ) where zi∗ is the solution obtained by maximizing the
⎧ objective i. It is clear that the solution I (named the ideal point)

⎪ 1 if Fk (x) ≤ FkPIS
⎨ Fk (x) − FkPIS (x) belongs to the set of infeasible solutions. Let us consider a discrete
= 1 − NIS if FkPIS (x) ≤ Fk (x) ≤ FkNIS (x) case with four solutions available as a non-dominated set: A, B, C,

⎪ Fk (x) − FkPIS (x)
⎩ and D. The solutions identified as being closest to the ideal point
0 if Fk (x) ≥ FkNIS (x)
(5.87) (according to some measure of distance) are called compromise
solutions, and constitute the compromise set. If we use a geo-
Using Zimmermann’s (1996) approach to solve the problem, the metric distance, the set of compromise solutions may include a
decision x* is obtained by solving: subset of the non-dominated set A and B. The fuzzy modification
μD (x ∗ ) = max{min μk (x)} ∀x ∈ X (5.88) of multi-objective problem in Figure 5.29 can no longer be con-
sidered a single point for the ideal solution, and each alternative
Finally, let us introduce λ = min μk (x) to obtain the following
now occupies a small region to various degrees. Measurements
equivalent model:
of distances between the fuzzy ideal and the fuzzy performance
Max/Min λ of alternatives can no longer be given a single value, because
subject to many distances are at least somewhat valid. Choosing the short-
μk (x) ≥ λ est distance to the ideal is no longer a straightforward ordering
x ∈ X = {x|g1 (x) (≤, =, ≥) 0}, i = 1, 2, . . . , m (5.89) of distance metrics, because of overlaps and varying degrees of
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 153

possibility. The fuzzy multi-objective problem, however, contains It is possible, and may be desirable, to fuzzify all parameters in
a great amount of additional information about the consequences multi-objective problems formulated with a framework. Various
of a decision compared with the non-fuzzy counterpart. shapes of input fuzzy sets can be used for criteria values, weights,
A fuzzy distance metric possesses a valid range of values, each positive ideals, and negative ideals for compromise programming.
with a characteristic degree of possibility or membership, such The FUZZYCOMPRO computer program provided on the web-
that all possible values are a positive distance from the ideal site and discussed later in this chapter provides for the use of a
solution (which also becomes fuzzy). Fuzzy inputs include the wide range of linear and non-linear input fuzzy shapes.
vagueness of criteria weights, α̃ i , vagueness of both positive, z̃∗i , Fuzzification of criteria/objective values is probably the most
and negative ideals, z̃∗∗
i , and vagueness in the appropriate distance obvious use of fuzzy sets in flood risk decision-making problems.
metric exponent, p̃. Of course, if any of the inputs are known with To capture the subtleties of relative performance of different alter-
certainty, then L̃ becomes less fuzzy: natives from the perspective of a decision-maker, there may not
be enough choices. Likewise, if a large number of choices are
 p̃ 1

p̃ z̃i∗ − z̃i (x) provided, the appreciation of subjectivity in linguistic terms dis-
L̃p (x) = α̃i (5.90)
z̃i∗ − z̃i∗∗ appears. Fuzzy sets are able to capture many qualities of relative
differences in the perceived values of objectives among alter-
The process of generating fuzzy sets for input is not trivial (Ben- natives. Quantitative objectives present some slightly different
der and Simonovic, 2000; Simonovic, 2009). Certainly, arbitrary properties from qualitative objectives. It can be assumed that
assignment is simple and may cover the range of possibility, but it quantitative objectives are measured in some way, either directly
is possible to encode a lot of information and knowledge in a fuzzy or through calculations based on some model. They may have
set. The process of generating an appropriate fuzzy set, accommo- stochastic properties that describe the probability of occurrence
dating available data, heuristic knowledge, or conflicting opinions, for values, based on future uncertainties for example. They also
should be capable of preserving and presenting information accu- have some degree of imprecision in their measurement or model-
rately both in detail and in general form. This topic is addressed ing. In this way, quantitative objectives may have both stochastic
in Section 5.2.5. Selection of an appropriate technique for fuzzy and fuzzy properties. To prevent the complication of many flood
set generation is specific to the type of problem being addressed, risk decision-making problems, various uncertainties may be ade-
the availability of different types of information, and the presence quately represented with fuzzy sets. In general, the application of
of different decision-makers. quantitative objectives within a fuzzy approach may assume that
In assuming fuzzy set membership functions for the various quantitative objectives are less fuzzy than the qualitative.
inputs to a distance metric calculation shown in Equation (5.90), Weights associated with different objectives are an important
a decision-maker must make a number of assumptions. Normal aspect of the compromise programming method. Their assign-
fuzzy sets are considered. They acknowledge that there is at least ment is completely subjective, usually with a rating on an interval
one completely valid value, analogous to the expected value case scale. As a subjective value, weights may be more accurately
for probabilistic experiments. In circumstances where at least one represented by fuzzy sets. Generating these fuzzy sets is also a
modal point cannot be found, it is usually better to assign mul- subjective process. It may be difficult to get honest opinions about
tiple modal points than to assign low membership values across the degree of fuzziness of a decision. It might actually be more
the range of possible values (the universe of discourse), partly for straightforward to generate fuzzy sets for weights when mul-
the sake of interpreting evaluations. Multi-modal fuzzy sets may tiple decision-makers are involved. Then, at least, voting meth-
consist of multiple modal points or a continuous range of modes. ods and other techniques are available for producing a composite
The choice of boundaries for the universe of discourse also makes collective opinion. Regardless of this, more information can be
assumptions about available knowledge on the universe of dis- provided about valid weights from fuzzy sets than from crisp
course. Boundary and modal point selection, along with the shape weights.
of the fuzzy sets, define a degree of fuzziness that hopefully rep- The incorporation of vagueness into the ideal solution is an
resents the characteristic fuzziness of real-world behavior. element that impacts the rankings of alternatives. When we incor-
In dealing with flood risk management problems under cli- porate fuzziness into the location of the ideal solution (both posi-
mate change, fuzzy sets describe a degree of possibility for valid tive and negative), the valid area for the ideal point – in objective
values of a parameter. They do not possess properties such as space – affects the measurement of distance to the alternatives.
conditional probabilities for stochastic applications, at least for For example, if flood damage reduction is a criterion, then what
simple applications. This is acceptable because typical sensitivity is the ideal amount of damage reduction? Typically, (crisp) com-
analyses explore all combinations of values anyway, and there is promise programming applications use the largest objective value
usually not enough information to form conditional properties. In among the alternatives as the ideal value. This arbitrary placement
an advanced fuzzy application, there is no reason not to provide is probably not valid, and also affects the relative distances to the
conditional fuzzy sets. overall ideal.

The distance metric exponent, p, is likely to be the most impre- system alternative, either as a best compromise or as a robust
cise or vague element of the distance metric (5.90) calculation. choice. The example redefines the problem in fuzzy terms to
There is no single acceptable value of p for almost any type of demonstrate the added value of adopting a fuzzy compromise
problem, and it can easily be misunderstood. Also, it is not related approach.
to problem information in any way except that it provides para- Raju and Kumar (2001) used FCP for the selection of the best
metric control over the interpretation of distance. Fuzzification of compromise alternative plan in irrigation development. Their case
the distance metric exponent, p̃, can take many forms. Using, for study was the Sri Ram Sagar Project in Andra Pradesh, India. The
example, a triangular membership shape, the principal formula- study deals with three conflicting objectives, namely, net benefits,
tion of FCP provides a replacement for setting the range of values crop production, and labor employment. Their analysis combines
for parameter 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. The shape of the triangle and the values multi-objective optimization, cluster analysis, and multi-criterion
of the three parameters that define it allow for the solution of the decision-making. Compromise programming and multi-criterion
FCP problem using only one solution of (5.90). Q analysis are employed to select the best compromise alternative.
Traditional (non-fuzzy) compromise programming distance Prodanovic and Simonovic (2002) used FCP to evaluate dis-
metrics measure the distance from an ideal point (Figure 5.29), crete alternatives in the context of water resources decision-
where the ideal alternative would result in a distance metric, making. All uncertain variables (subjective and objective) are
L = 0. In FCP, the distance is fuzzy, such that it represents all of the modeled by way of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy set ranking methods are
possible valid evaluations, indicated by the degree of possibility employed to compare, rank, and/or sort the fuzzy output pro-
or membership value (Bender and Simonovic, 2000). Alterna- duced by FCP. Literature suggests that many ranking methods are
tives that tend to be closer to the ideal may be selected. This available; however, not all may be appropriate for water resources
fuzzified distance metric is analogous to a sensitivity analysis for decision-making. The objective of this paper is to compare fuzzy
the non-fuzzy compromise programming case. set ranking methods that can be implemented with FCP. Nine
As an attempt to standardize a procedure for judging which such ranking methods are considered in this research, of which
L̃ is best among a set of alternatives, desirable properties can two are fully tested using case studies from the literature (Bender
be defined. The most important properties to consider are: and Simonovic, 2000). It was found that for all case studies the
(i) possibility values tend to be close to the ideal, x = 0, distance; ranking of alternatives was not very sensitive to changes in the
(ii) possibility values have a relatively small degree of fuzziness; expert’s degree of risk acceptance, or to the changes in the ranking
(iii) modal values are close to the ideal; and (iv) possibility values methods themselves.
tend to be far from poor solutions. Prodanovic and Simonovic (2003) used a multi-criterion FCP
An experienced person may be able to visually distinguish the in combination with a methodology known as “group decision-
relative acceptability of alternatives, but in cases with many alter- making under fuzziness” to come up with a new technique that
natives where each L̃ displays similar characteristics, it may be supports decision-making with multiple objectives and multiple
impractical or even undesirable to make a selection visually. A participants (or experts). All criteria (qualitative and quantitative)
method for ranking alternatives, based on comparisons of L̃, will are modeled by way of fuzzy sets, utilizing the fact that criteria
make summary ranking information more accessible, automat- values in most water resources problems are vague, imprecise
ing many of the visual interpretations and creating reproducible and/or ill defined. The involvement of multiple experts in the
results. There is a theoretical presentation of various methods for decision process is achieved by incorporating each participant’s
comparing fuzzy sets in Section 5.2.4. We introduced the weighted perception of objective weights, best and worst objective values,
center of gravity (Equation (5.22)) method introduced by Bender relative degrees of risk acceptance, as well as other parameters
and Simonovic (2000) and the fuzzy acceptability measure for into the problem. The proposed methodology is illustrated with
use with FCP. a case study taken from the literature (Bender and Simonovic,
2000), combined with the input of four expert individuals with
FUZZY MULTI-OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS, CLIMATE diverse backgrounds. After processing the input from the experts,
C H A N G E, A N D FL OOD R ISK MANAGE ME N T a group compromise decision is formulated.
Very limited literature is available on the use of fuzzy multi- Akter and Simonovic (2005) dealt with various uncertainties
objective analysis in climate change flood studies. The potential inherent in modeling a reservoir operation problem. Two of these
of the approach has not yet been fully investigated, creating plenty are addressed in this study: uncertainty involved in the expression
of opportunities for future work in this area. The following are of reservoir penalty functions, and uncertainty in determining
some applications that can be found in related research areas. the target release value. Fuzzy set theory is used to model these
Bender and Simonovic (2000) developed the FCP technique. uncertainties where the preferences of the decision-maker for
The demonstration of the utility of the new fuzzy multi-objective the fuzzified parameters are expressed as membership functions.
technique was done using the Tisza River basin in Hungary. The Non-linear penalty functions are used to determine the penal-
example is taken to select the most desirable water management ties due to deviations from targets. The optimization is performed
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 155

using a GA with the objectives of minimizing the total penalty and fuzzy numbers, and their qualitative counterparts and the weight of
maximizing the level of satisfaction of the decision-maker with each objective are described using linguistic terms, which are also
fuzzified input parameters. The proposed formulation has been be expressed as triangular fuzzy numbers in the proposed method.
applied to the problem of finding the optimal release and storage With the definition of fuzzy ideal and anti-ideal weight distances,
values, taking Green Reservoir in Kentucky as a case study. The an objective function is constructed to derive the optimal evalua-
approach offers more flexibility to reservoir decision-making by tion for each alternative denoted by a fuzzy membership degree.
demonstrating an efficient way to represent subjective uncertain- The ranking of alternatives and the best one can be determined
ties, and to deal with non-commensurate objectives under a fuzzy directly on the basis of the fuzzy membership degrees without
multi-objective environment. the need to compare fuzzy numbers. The evaluation process is
Akter et al. (2004) researched the Red River basin in Canada, simple and easy to use in practice. A case study of reservoir flood
which faces periodic flooding. The flood management decision- control operation is given to demonstrate the proposed method’s
making problems in the basin are often associated with multiple effectiveness.
objectives and multiple stakeholders. To enable a more effective Schumann and Nijssen (2011) investigated the effectiveness of
and acceptable decision outcome, it is required that more parti- technical flood control measures that strongly depend on multi-
cipation is ensured in the decision-making process. The chal- ple characteristics of floods. Copulas can be applied for multi-
lenge remains of how to obtain and use the diversified opinions of variate statistical descriptions of flood scenarios. However, the
a large number of stakeholders where uncertainty plays a major parameterization of these multi-variate statistical models involves
role. In response to this challenge, a methodology has been pro- many uncertainties that are handled as imprecise probabilities.
posed to capture and aggregate the views of multiple stakeholders These imprecise probabilities are described by fuzzy numbers and
using fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. Three possible different integrated in a multi-objective decision-making framework. This
response types: scale (crisp), linguistic (fuzzy), and conditional work demonstrates the application of the fuzzy multi-objective
(fuzzy) are analyzed to obtain the aggregated input by using the framework for flood retention planning in a river basin. A fuzzi-
fuzzy expected value. The methodology has been tested for flood fied version of the well-known analytic hierarchy process method
management in the Red River basin using a generic case study. (AHP) is used. Original AHP is based on two groups of subjec-
While the results show successful application of the methodol- tive evaluations: comparison of the objectives according to their
ogy, they also show significant differences in preferences of the relative importance, and pairwise comparison of the outcomes of
stakeholders as a function of their location in the basin. Thus, the alternatives for each objective. The uncertainties in these compar-
paper provides alternative ways for collecting and aggregating the isons are addressed using a fuzzy scale instead of the AHP rating
input of multiple stakeholders to assist the fuzzy multi-objective scale.
flood management decision-making process. The following example (modified after Bender and Simonovic,
Simonovic and Nirupama (2005) looked into flood risk 2000) illustrates the application of FCP.
decision-making as a spatial problem. Topographical features
of the region, location of flood risk management infrastructure, Example 6
interaction between the water resources system and other social Compare five major flood risk management alternatives for the
and ecological systems, and impact of different water resources Tisza River basin according to 12 criteria/objectives. Table 5.17
regulation measures are all variables with considerable spatial lists the crisp form of the available input information. The last
variability. In this paper a new technique named spatial fuzzy eight criteria in the table are subjective, and have linguistic evalu-
compromise programming (SFCP) is developed to enhance our ations assigned to them. The criteria for water quality, recreation,
ability to address different uncertainties in spatial water resources flood protection, manpower impact, environmental architecture,
decision-making. A general multi-objective FCP technique, when and development possibility are all considered on a scale with five
made spatially distributed, proved to be a powerful and flexible linguistic options {excellent, very good, good, fair, bad}. The last
addition to the list of techniques available for flood risk decision- two criteria are judged by different linguistic scales. First, inter-
making where multiple objectives are used to evaluate multiple national cooperation has a subjective scale {very easy, easy, fairly
alternatives. All uncertain variables (subjective and objective) are difficult, difficult}. Finally, the sensitivity criterion also uses a
modeled by way of fuzzy sets. Through a case study of the Red subjective scale with four categories (although one of them is not
River floodplain near the City of St. Adolphe in Manitoba, Canada, chosen) {very sensitive, sensitive, fairly sensitive, not sensitive}.
it has been illustrated that the new technique provides measurable The data as presented do not address uncertainty issues involved
improvement in management of floods. with the decision-making problem. The weighting of relative
Fu (2008) presented a fuzzy optimization method based on importance is also an issue of uncertainty. Criteria weights are
the concept of ideal and anti-ideal points to solve multi-objective provided from the set of {1, 2}. All criteria were weighted
decision-making problems under fuzzy environments. The quanti- as 2 except land and forest use, manpower impact, development
tative objectives for each alternative are represented by triangular possibility, and sensitivity, which were given a weight of 1.

Table 5.17 Crisp data for comparison of flood risk management alternatives


Criteria I II III IV V

1. Total annual cost 99.6 85.7 101.1 95.1 101.8

2. Probability of water shortage 4 19 50 50 50
3. Energy (reuse factor) 0.7 0.5 0.01 0.1 0.01
4. Land and forest use (1000 ha) 90 80 80 60 70
5. Water quality very good good bad very good fair
6. Recreation very good good fair bad bad
7. Flood protection % good excellent fair excellent bad
8. Manpower impact very good very good good fair fair
9. Environmental architecture very good good bad good fair
10. Development possibility very good good fair bad fair
11. International cooperation very easy easy fairly difficult difficult fairly difficult
12. Sensitivity not sensitive not sensitive very sensitive sensitive very sensitive

bad fair good very good

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

µ(x) fairly difficult µ(x) fairly sensitive

difficult easy not sensitive sensitive
1.0 1.0
very easy very sensitive

x x
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 5.30 Fuzzy subjective criteria for the Tisza River flood risk management problem.

µ(x) µ(x) µ(x)

0.33 0.66
1.0 1.0 1.0
(1) (2)

x x x
0.01 0.910 0.01 1 2 0.25 0.75
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5.31 Fuzzy input for the Tisza River flood risk management problem.

Bender and Simonovic (2000) introduced the fuzzy definitions criterion values (Figure 5.31a) and the form of distance metric
shown in Figure 5.30 for linguistic terms used in assessing subjec- or degree of compensation, p̃, among criteria for different alter-
tive criteria. Quantitative criteria are also fuzzified, but generally natives (Figure 5.31b). Criterion weights, α̃ i , are fuzzified on a
are less fuzzy. Other fuzzy inputs include the expected ranges of range of [0,1] (Figure 5.31c).
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 157

Table 5.18 Rankings of flood risk management alternatives FU ZZY CO MPRO CO M PU TER PRO G RA M
The accompanying website includes the FUZZYCOMPRO soft-
Rank Alternative WCoG (q = 1) ware. The folder Fuzzy tools, sub-folder Multi-objective analy-
2 I 1.045 sis, sub-sub-folder FUZZYCOMPRO contains two sub-sub-sub-
1 II 0.985 folders, FUZZYCOMPRO, and Examples. The readme file con-
4 IV 2.231 tains instructions for installation of the FuzzyCompro software,
3 III 1.841 and a detailed tutorial for its use is a part of the FUZZYCOMPRO
5 V 2.241 Help menu.
FUZZYCOMPRO facilitates the multi-objective analysis of
discrete problems using the fuzzy compromise programming
technique. The approach allows various sources of uncertainty,
and is intended to provide a flexible form of group decision sup-
port. Fuzzy compromise programming allows a family of possible
III conditions to be reviewed, and supports group decisions through
0.7 fuzzy sets designed to reflect collective opinions and conflicting

0.6 judgments. The transformation of a distance metric to a fuzzy set

0.5 is accomplished by changing all inputs from crisp to fuzzy and
0.4 applying the fuzzy extension principle. The measure of distance
IV between an ideal solution and the perceived performance of an
0.2 alternative is used for comparison among alternatives. An oper-
I ational definition (5.90) is used for computation of the distance
metrics. Choosing the shortest distance to the ideal is no longer
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a straightforward ordering of distance metrics, because of over-
Distance metric laps and varying degrees of possibility. Ranking of alternatives is
accomplished with fuzzy ranking measures designed to illustrate
Figure 5.32 Distance metrics for the flood risk management problem.
the effect of risk tolerance differences among decision-makers.
FUZZYCOMPRO uses a centroid ranking measure (Equation
Solution (5.22) in Section 5.2.4) to rank alternatives according to the fuzzy
Assuming the fuzzy definition for the distance metric exponent distance metric value. It can be used to identify the best compro-
(p̃), and knowing the form of criterion values and weights to be mise alternative under various uncertainties.
triangular, the fuzzy distance metrics (L̃i ) are calculated using
Equation (5.90). The final results are shown in Figure 5.32. As
can be observed, the fuzzy distance metrics have near linearity FU ZZY MU LTI-O BJ ECTIV E A NA LY SIS O F F L O O D
below the mode, and a somewhat quadratic polynomial curvature MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES IN THE RED
above the mode. Although the degree of fuzziness (range of valid RIV ER BA SIN , MA N ITO BA , CA NA DA
distances from the ideal solution) is similar for all five alternatives, This example is based on the collaborative research performed
some of the alternatives are clearly inferior. by the University of Western Ontario and the communities in
the Red River basin. The requirement of the study was set to
develop a methodology for a multi-objective, multi-participant
Ranking these alternatives is reasonably straightforward decision analysis, which would be able to: (i) evaluate potential
because of the simplicity of the shapes, and similarity in degree flood management alternatives based on multiple objectives under
of fuzziness. We use the weighted centroid measure (Equation uncertainty; (ii) accommodate the high diversity and uncertainty
(5.22) in Section 5.2.4). The results are shown in Table 5.18. inherent in human preferences; and (iii) handle information col-
Rankings are insensitive to changes in levels of risk aversion, as lected from a large number of stakeholders (IJC, 2000; Akter
is expected from visual inspection. The resulting ranks confirm et al., 2004; Simonovic, 2004, 2009, 2011; Akter and Simonovic,
that alternatives I and II dominate III, IV, and V. 2005). One of the major problems at the planning stage in the
You can use the FUZZYCOMPRO program provided on the Red River basin is the complex, large-scale problem of ranking
website to confirm the solution in Table 5.18. Example 5 data potential flood risk management alternatives. Decision-making
are in the folder Fuzzy tools, sub-folder Multi-objective analysis, uncertainty addressed through the development of the presented
sub-sub-folder FUZZYCOMPRO, sub-sub-sub folder Examples, methodology includes climate change. For illustration in this text
file Example1.fcompro. I will focus only on that part of the overall work dealing with the

application of fuzzy multi-objective compromise programming in and forecasting systems do not track these flows well, leading to
ranking flood risk management alternatives. unanticipated flooding. The earliest recorded flood in the basin
was in 1826, although anecdotal evidence refers to larger floods
Study area Situated in the geographic center of North Amer- in the late 1700s. The flood of 1826 is the largest flood on record.
ica, the Red River originates in Minnesota and flows north (one A pivotal event in the Red River flood history was the 1950
of eight rivers in North America that flow north). The Red River flood, which was classified a great Canadian natural disaster based
basin covers 116,500 km2 (exclusive of the Assiniboine River and on the number of people evacuated and affected by the flood. A
its tributary, the Souris) of which nearly 103,600 km2 are in the very cold winter and heavy snowpack in the USA, combined with
USA (Figure 5.33). The basin is remarkably flat. The elevation at heavy rain during runoff, were the primary causes. All towns
Wahpeton, North Dakota, is 287 m above sea level. At Lake Win- within the flooded area in the upper valley had to evacuate. More
nipeg, the elevation is 218 m. The basin is about 100 km across at than 10,000 homes were flooded in Winnipeg and 100,000 people
its widest. The Red River floodplain has natural levees at points evacuated. A plan to evacuate all 350,000 people in Winnipeg was
both on the main stem and on some tributaries. Because of the flat prepared, although luckily it did not have to be used.
terrain, when the river overflows these levees, the water can spread Most of the flood management planning in Manitoba was ini-
out over enormous distances without stopping or pooling, exac- tiated after the 1950 flood. This flood was the turning point in
erbating flood conditions. During major floods, the entire valley the history of flooding and flood control in Manitoba’s portion of
becomes a floodplain. The type of soil, largely clay with char- the Red River basin. Construction of elevated boulevards (dykes)
acteristic low absorptive capacity, also contributes to flooding. within the City of Winnipeg and associated pumping stations was
Water tends to sit on the surface for extended periods of time. In initiated in 1950. The current flood control works for the Red River
general, the climate of southeastern Manitoba is classified as sub- valley consist of the Red River Floodway, the Portage diversion
humid to humid continental with resultant extreme temperature and Shellmouth Dam on the Assiniboine River, the primary dyk-
variations. Annually, most of the precipitation received is in the ing system within the City of Winnipeg, and community dyking
summer rather than the winter. Approximately three-quarters of in the Red River valley (Simonovic, 2004).
the 50 cm of annual precipitation occur from April to September. The large 1979 flood was primarily the result of a rapid thaw
Consequently, in most years spring melt is well managed by the and wet spring. Half of the upper valley was evacuated. Homes
capacities of the Red River and its tributaries. However, period- just south of the flood control system were very hard hit yet again.
ically weather conditions exist that instead promote widespread Winnipeg was largely spared. The 1997 flood was a true test of
flooding through the valley. The most troublesome conditions are the flood control system throughout the valley. Extreme snowpack
as follows: (i) heavy precipitation in the autumn, (ii) hard and (98th percentile), extreme cold north and south of the border, high
deep frost prior to snowfall, (iii) substantial snowfall, (iv) late and topsoil moisture, unfavorable time of runoff, and an April blizzard
sudden spring thaw, and (v) wet snow/rain during spring breakup combined to cause the inundation. The peak discharge at Emerson,
of ice. Changing climatic conditions are another source of uncer- Manitoba (at the border), was 3,740 m3 /s; in the 1950 flood it was
tainty that is expected to affect the frequency and magnitude of 2,670 m3 /s. At the Floodway Inlet (just south of Winnipeg) the
flooding in the basin. peak was 4,587 m3 /s compared to 3,958 m3 /s in 1950. Floodwaters
In Manitoba, almost 90% of the residents of the Red at the inlet actually crested 0.45 to 0.60 m higher than the forecast
River/Assiniboine basin live in urban centers. Metropolitan Win- range pronounced; unexpected overland flooding was a major
nipeg contains approximately 700,000 people, and another 50,000 contributor to the error in forecasting, and ultimately increased
live along the Red River north and south of the city. The Red damage. The 1997 flood was the highest recorded in the twentieth
River valley is a highly productive agricultural area serving local, century. An estimated 1840 km2 of land was flooded as the Red
regional, and international food needs. There has been an exten- River rose 12 m above winter levels. Structural measures such
sive and expanding drainage system instituted in the basin to help as the dyking systems and the Red River Floodway are known
agricultural production by increasing arable land. to have prevented enormous losses, as did emergency dyking.
The basin floods regularly. Early records show several major Estimates of those prevented damages run as high as C$6 billion.
floods in the 1800s, the most notable being those of 1826, 1852, Eight valley towns with ring dykes remained dry; however, one
and 1861. In the last century, major floods occurred in 1950, town, one urban fringe community, and numerous farm properties
1966, 1979, 1996, and 1997. The Red River basin has 25 sub- were flooded with subsequent damage.
basins, which have different topography, soils, and drainage that
result in different responses during flood conditions. One common Flood risk management problem The problem addressed in
characteristic is overland flow during times of heavy runoff. Water this section deals with large-scale ranking of potential flood risk
overflows small streams and spreads overland, returning to those management alternatives. During the evaluation of alternatives, it
streams or other watercourses downstream. Existing monitoring is proposed to consider multiple objectives/criteria that may be
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 159

Figure 5.33 Red River basin.


both quantitative and qualitative, various uncertainties associated the criteria categories includes quantitative assessment of poten-
with the flood risk decision-making, and the views of numerous tial climate change impacts and subjective perception of climate
stakeholders. change impacts on flood risk management.
At present the Government of Manitoba, Canada, is respon- The three generic options considered are structural alternatives,
sible for making decisions about flood management measures non-structural alternatives, and a combination of both. The selec-
(Simonovic, 2004). The decision-making process involves con- tion of criteria against which the alternatives are ranked is one
sulting different organizations for their technical input. The con- of the most difficult but important tasks of any multi-objective
cerns of the general public about the alternatives are gathered decision analysis. Here the selection is based mainly on prior
through public hearings and workshops. Economic analysis plays studies of the Red River flooding (IJC, 2000) and climate change-
an important role in formulating plans for reducing flood damage related issues raised by the residents of the basin after the large
and making operational decisions during the emergency. One of flood of 1997. In addition, studies of the Red River flood of 1997
the main limitations of the current flood risk management is its and numerous more recent interviews with stakeholders made it
high emphasis on the economic criterion. Very minor attention is clear that it was of prime importance to consider climate change
given to the various uncertainties that characterize the problem. impacts if a flood risk management policy in the Red River basin
The general public have shown increasing concern about deci- was to be implemented successfully. A special emphasis is placed
sions on flood risk management measures. During the 1997 flood on the climate-related social impacts.
some stakeholders in the basin, particularly the floodplain resi- A detailed survey was conducted in the basin to collect infor-
dents, felt they did not have adequate involvement in flood risk mation on these social criteria (Akter et al., 2004). It used a survey
management decision-making. They expressed particular dissat- questionnaire to allow stakeholders to express their views in an
isfaction about evacuation decisions during the emergency man- easy way. Therefore, the remainder of this case study focuses only
agement, and about compensation decisions during post-flood on the application of the fuzzy multi-objective analysis using the
recovery (IJC, 2000). three generic alternatives and real data on the social objectives. In
Flooding and its impact on communities are inevitable in the addition to social objectives, the comprehensive multi-objective
Red River basin. Dealing with such aspects as communicating analysis includes two more types of criteria: economic (cost, dam-
with multiple stakeholders to decide what flood risk management age, benefits, etc.) and environmental (chemical contamination,
measure needs to be adopted and where, presents a level of com- inter-basin transfer of alien invasive species, and protection and
plexity almost ignored in traditional decision-making techniques. enhancement of the floodplain environment). They are straight-
Any flood risk management measure implies varied effects on the forward to quantify and are not presented here.
different communities along the Red River. A common complaint The detailed survey used to define the social objectives used a
against the government is its lack of consideration towards the set of questions rather than a single preference value:
rural communities around Winnipeg. Rural community residents
claim that the government’s misuse of the flood risk management (1) What is the level of opportunity provided by each alterna-
structures has intensified the backwater effect, leaving their com- tive during the planning stage of flood protection?
munities to deal with the increased water levels outside the Win- (2) What is the level of opportunity provided by each alterna-
nipeg perimeter – an attitude they refer to as “perimeter thinking.” tive to address the main impacts of climate change during
So it is clear that different stakeholders have different objectives the time of flooding?
to be satisfied by flood risk management activities. Implementing (3) To what degree does each alternative induce a sense of
a multi-objective, multi-stakeholder decision-making tool defi- complacency to rely heavily on the existing predictions of
nitely provides a means to incorporate the views and concerns of flooding impacts (no consideration of climate change)?
all communities who are affected by future developments in flood (4) What is the level of climate change knowledge that you
risk management and uncertainty arising from climate change. would be able to provide for each alternative?
Uncertain risk perception expressed through the preferences of (5) How much training is required for each alternative to be
decision-makers is highly affected by the potential impacts that actively involved in flood management activities under
climate change can bring to the basin by changing the frequency changing climatic conditions?
and magnitude of future floods. Fuzzy context is selected in order (6) What is your level of willingness to participate in such
to collect, integrate and use in multi-objective decision-making activity for your personal estate?
various inputs that contain subjective and objective uncertainties. (7) What is your level of willingness to participate in such
activity for your local community?
Description of the method and data Three generic alterna- (8) What is your level of willingness to participate in such
tives for improved flood risk management are considered. A activity for the city of Winnipeg?
flood risk management pay-off (decision) matrix with relevant (9) What is the role of leadership in the successful execution
criteria/objectives and generic alternatives is developed. Each of and implementation of each alternative?
5 . 4 F U Z Z Y TO O L S F O R F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T 161

Table 5.19 Interview responses for community awareness objective and structural alternative

Community awareness: structural


Participant No. Region Flood experience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Winnipeg Technical 1 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 5 4
2 Winnipeg Technical 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
3 Winnipeg Technical 2 1 4 1 5 4 4 4 5 5
4 Winnipeg Technical 4 5 2 5 4 4 4 5 5 5
5 Winnipeg Technical 3 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4
6 Winnipeg Technical 5 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4
7 Winnipeg Technical 5 3 4 2 2 4 4 5 5 5
8 Winnipeg Non-Tech 3 4 4 1 5 5 5 5 5 5
9 Winnipeg Technical 3 2 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 4
10 Winnipeg Non-Tech 4 3 4 1 4 5 4 4 4 4
11 MB Conv Technical 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4
12 MB Conv Technical 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
13 MB Conv Technical 3 2 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 3
14 MB Conv Technical 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
15 MB Conv Technical 2 2 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 3
16 MB Conv Technical 5 2 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 5
17 MB Conv Technical 2 1 4 4 4 5 2 5 4 4
18 MB Conv Technical 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
19 MB Conv Non-Tech 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 2
20 MB Conv Technical 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4
21 St. Adol Non-Tech 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 3 5 5
22 St. Adol Non-Tech 4 2 5 3 5 5 5 1 5 2
23 St. Adol Non-Tech 4 2 4 2 4 5 5 5 5 4
24 St. Adol Non-Tech 5 3 2 4 5 5 3 1 5 5
25 St. Adol Non-Tech 5 5 3 4 3 5 5 3 5 4
26 St. Adol Non-Tech – – – 3 1 5 5 4 5 4
27 St. Adol Non-Tech 4 5 3 3 4 5 4 2 4 4
28 St. Adol Non-Tech 4 5 2 4 2 5 5 4 5 5
29 St. Adol Non-Tech 2 1 4 3 4 4 4 1 5 3
30 Morris Non-Tech 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 1 5 4
31 Morris Non-Tech 4 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4
32 Selkirk Non-Tech 4 3 3 4 2 2 4 3 4 3
33 Selkirk Non-Tech 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5
34 Selkirk Non-Tech 3 4 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 3
35 Selkirk Non-Tech 4 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 4

MB Conv, Manitoba Conservation; St. Adol, St. Adolphe

(10) Rate the alternatives according to the degree to which (13) Rate the level of stress induced in the daily lives of the pub-
they promote local leadership and community awareness lic by each alternative during the planning and preparation
in addressing climate change impacts. for climate change-affected flooding.
(11) What is the severity of flood loss under climate change (14) Rate the level of stress induced in the daily lives of the
(land, homestead, and business) at a personal level for each public by each alternative during a flood.
alternative? (15) What is the level of personal safety provided by each alter-
(12) Rate the degree of impact on personal health each alter- native if the conditions change?
native would expose the public to during a flood under (16) Rate the level of control an individual has over the flood
changing climatic conditions. protection measures to be implemented.

µ µ
1.0 1.0


0.0 0.0
0.15 0.2 0.35 0.4 0.6 0.65 0.8 0.85 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
x x
0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
Figure 5.34 Membership functions for the linguistic terms. Figure 5.35 Membership functions for fuzzy percentages.

These 16 questions were used to develop two evaluation objec- linguistic terms (medium, high, and very high) are also given
tives/criteria. The first ten questions formed the community cli- membership functions as shown in the figure.
mate change awareness criterion and the remaining six questions, The membership functions for fuzzy percentages are also devel-
a personal loss criterion. oped for processing linguistic type inputs. Figure 5.35 shows the
Thirty-five respondents were interviewed. As part of the sur- membership functions for percentage values. All inputs obtained
vey, each participant was asked to answer each question using from all the stakeholders are processed (aggregated) using the
linguistic answers that are processed using fuzzy sets. This fuzzy expected value method (Akter et al., 2004; Simonovic,
response type complicates data processing but allows participants 2009). Table 5.20 summarizes the final results of the fuzzy
to respond with familiar preferences in the form of words. Lin- expected value aggregation.
guistic fuzzy sets allow stakeholder preferences to vary in degree The three objectives are ranked according to two objectives,
of membership, better modeling human views and opinions. The based on the aggregated data, using fuzzy compromise program-
participants could use one of the following five linguistic terms, ming (Equation (5.90)) and set of weights in Table 5.21. Since
very low, low, medium, high, and very high, to answer each ques- the stakeholders were located in different regions of the basin,
tion (see Table 5.19). the weights are obtained in such a way that fuzzy compromise
Table 5.19 shows a sample of collected data for the commu- programming can be applied for multiple rankings of three alter-
nity awareness objective and structural alternative. Note that the natives.
following numbering is used for linguistic responses: 1, very
low; 2, low; 3, medium; 4, high; and 5, very high. These linguistic
terms are converted to a set of membership functions. Figure 5.34 Analyses and results The fuzzy expected values in Table 5.20
depicts the set of membership functions as used in this study. The were used to rank the three generic alternatives. All questions
construction of membership functions is a very important step in were considered to carry the same weight. A set of ranking exper-
the implementation of the fuzzy approach, and should be based iments was conducted to evaluate the impact of different stake-
on proper investigation when applied for a real problem. holder groups on the final rank of alternatives: (i) experiment 1 –
The x axis of Figure 5.34 represents the universe of discourse all stakeholders interviewed; (ii) experiment 2 – stakeholders from
from 0 to 1, which is the range of the values assigned to the the city of Winnipeg; (iii) experiment 3 – stakeholders from the
linguistic terms. For example, the term very low (VL) contains Morris area (south of Winnipeg); and (iv) experiment 4 – stake-
the range from 0 to 0.2. The y axis represents the membership holders from the Selkirk area (north of Winnipeg).
values, which indicate the degree of membership of the range of The fuzzy inputs for Equation (5.90) are: the best, the worst,
values assigned to the term very low. It is shown that the range and the actual values assigned to each objective. The membership
0–0.1 holds the full membership (μ = 1), and for the range 0.1– functions for the best and the worst values are obtained by using
0.2, the membership value is linearly decreasing from 1 to 0. For very high as the best and very low as the worst. With all these
the term low (L), the range is 0.15–0.4, where the membership inputs and using the equation of fuzzy compromise program-
value increases linearly to 1 for the range 0.15–0.2, and then ming (Equation (5.90)), we obtain the fuzzy distance matrices
decreases linearly to 0 for the range 0.2–0.4. Similarly, other for all three alternatives. The distance matrices obtained for all
5. 5 C O N C L U S I O N S 163

Table 5.20 Aggregated fuzzy expected values

Alternative Structural Non-structural Combined

question FEV FEV FEV

1 0.650 0.650 0.625

2 0.517 0.517 0.570

Community awareness
3 0.700 0.625 0.625
4 0.650 0.650 0.650

Objective 1:
5 0.700 0.650 0.650
6 0.825 0.770 0.825
7 0.770 0.717 0.770
8 0.700 0.650 0.700
9 0.825 0.850 0.825
10 0.717 0.650 0.700
11 0.770 0.700 0.717
12 0.570 0.650 0.625
Objective 2:

Personal loss

13 0.570 0.625 0.570

14 0.717 0.717 0.717
15 0.770 0.650 0.717
16 0.570 0.570 0.570

Table 5.21 Collective objective weights from value is used as a method to aggregate those inputs and gener-
the stakeholders ate the elements of the multi-criterion decision matrix for further
analysis. A linguistic type of response for flood risk management
Winnipeg Morris Selkirk All is used. The fuzzy compromise programming technique is used
Obj. 1 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.700 to analyze the alternative flood risk management options.
Obj. 2 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.771 The analyses of flood risk management options in the Red River
basin show the applicability of the methodology for a real flood
risk management decision-making problem. The stakeholders can
now express their concerns regarding climate change-caused flood
four groups (all, Winnipeg, Morris, and Selkirk) are shown in
hazard in an informal way, and that can be incorporated into the
Figure 5.36.
multi-objective decision-making model. This methodology helps
The final results of four ranking experiments with three generic
solve the problem of including a large number of stakeholders in
alternatives and two criteria are shown in Table 5.22 (the defuzzi-
the flood risk decision-making process.
fied distance metric value with the rank in brackets). Table 5.22
shows the ranking results for the three alternatives using the
weighted center of gravity method (Equation (5.22) from Sec-
tion 5.2.4). The values in the table are the weighted centroid 5.5 CONCLUSIONS
measures of input distance matrices for structural, non-structural,
and combination alternatives for four groups: all, Morris, Win- As most of the climate change-related decision-making processes
nipeg, and Selkirk. The numbers within the parentheses indicate take place in situations where the goals, the constraints, and the
the rank of the alternative based on obtained values, where the consequences are not known precisely, it is necessary to include
smallest distance value is given the highest rank. It is obvious these types of uncertainty in the decision-making methodology.
that the final rank varies with the experiment, thereby confirming Fuzzy set and fuzzy logic techniques have been used successfully
that the preferences of different stakeholders are captured by the to represent the imprecise and vague information in many fields,
developed methodology. and so are considered an effective way to represent uncertainties.
Three sets of tools that use fuzzy sets are presented: fuzzy sim-
Conclusions This case study documents an innovative method- ulation, fuzzy optimization, and fuzzy multi-objective analysis.
ology that provides alternative ways to extract and aggregate the Demonstration of their utility is presented through the examples
inputs from a large number of stakeholders for flood risk man- of (i) fuzzy simulation for generic design of municipal water infra-
agement decision-making under climate change. Fuzzy expected structure; (ii) FLP of flood control reservoir in the Thames River

µ 1 µ 1
(a) (b)
0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 Alt 2

0.4 0.4
Alt 1
0.3 Alt 2 0.3 Alt 1
0.2 Alt 3 0.2
Alt 3
0.1 0.1

0 0
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
x x

µ 1 µ 1
(c) (d)
0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 Alt 2

0.4 0.4
Alt 1
0.3 Alt 2 0.3
Alt 3 Alt 1
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 Alt 3

0 0
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
x x

Figure 5.36 Fuzzy distance matrices for (a) all data, (b) Morris, (c) Selkirk, and (d) Winnipeg.

basin (Ontario, Canada); and (iii) fuzzy multi-objective compro- As in the case of the probabilistic tools, there is ample oppor-
mise programming in the Red River basin (Manitoba, Canada). tunity for wider use of the presented techniques in flood risk
Although flood risk management plans can be designed and management under climate change.
achieved without stakeholders’ participation, they cannot be
implemented without it. The presented tools and techniques pro-
vide support for active participation of stakeholders.

5.1. What are the main differences between the probabilistic

and the fuzzy set approaches for addressing flood risk
Table 5.22 Final rank of flood risk management management uncertainties?
5.2. Model the following expressions as fuzzy sets:
Participants Structural Non-structural Combination
a. Large flow.
All 13.46 (1) 13.94 (3) 13.52 (2) b. Minimum flow.
Morris 15.73 (2) 16.30 (3) 13.87 (1) c. Reservoir release between 10 and 20 m3 /s.
Selkirk 14.87 (3) 14.68 (1) 14.83 (2)
Winnipeg 13.98 (1) 15.48 (3) 14.14 (2) 5.3. Assume that X = {1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5} is
the set of possible Simon River stages in meters. Using a
5. 6 E X E R C I S E S 165

fuzzy set describe “river stage” according to the following b. Discuss your hierarchy with an expert in flood evacu-
assumptions: ation and document the discussion.

a. The river stage membership function is unimodal and 5.13. Using your own words, define a partial failure and give an
convex. example in flood risk management.
b. The river stage membership function reaches a maxi-
5.14. When constructing a flood wall, there is a direct correla-
mum value of 1 for a stage value of 3 m.
tion between the block widths (W), length (L), and wall
c. The river stage membership function reaches a mini-
strength (S). The following two rules apply:
mum value of 0 for a stage value of 1 m, as well as for
a stage value of 5 m. Rule 1: IF W is small, and L is small, THEN S is
d. Show the river stage membership function in a graph- small.
ical form. Rule 2: IF W is large and L is small, THEN S is
5.4. What is the support for a river stage fuzzy set?
Use symmetric triangles to construct the membership
5.5. What is the α = 0.5 level set of a river stage fuzzy
functions. For the width W, use a triangle centered on the
interval [0, 20] cm for Small, and use a triangle centered
5.6. Assume that the small municipality of Trident protects on the interval [10, 25] cm for Large. For the length L, use
itself from the Simon River flooding by the levee along a triangle centered on the interval [0, 40] cm for Small.
the river. Let the fuzzy set = {(2.5, 0),(6, 1)} represent For the strength S, use a triangle centered on the interval
the Trident levee height. Show the Trident levee height [0, 28] N/mm2 for Small, and use a triangle centered on the
membership function in graphical form. interval [6, 35] N/mm2 for Medium. Conduct a simulation
for the inputs W = 15 cm and L = 25 cm.
5.7. Find the intersection of the Simon River available flow
and the Trident city domestic water demand. What is the 5.15. Using data from Example 3 in Section 5.4.1, change the
linguistic interpretation of the obtained fuzzy set? shape of the membership functions for all three input
variables (flow, flow∗ , and safety). Simulate the levee
5.8. Find the union of the Simon River stage and the Trident
city levee. What is the linguistic interpretation of the fuzzy
set obtained? 5.16. Consider the levee upgrade optimization problem from
Example 5 in Section 5.4.2. Assume the following param-
5.9. Find the complement of the Simon River stage and the
eters for the fuzzy formulation: d0 = 3,500,000; d1 =
Trident city levee. What is the linguistic interpretation of
170; d2 = 1,300; d3 = 6; and p0 = 1,000,000; p1 = 120;
the fuzzy set obtained?
p2 = 150; p3 = 4.
5.10. Let à = {(1,0.3), (2,1), (3,0.4)} and B̃ ={(2,0.7), (3,1), a. Reformulate the fuzzy optimization problem.
(4,0.2)}: b. Solve the fuzzy optimization problem using
FUZZYLINPRO on the website.
a. Compute à (+) B̃.
c. Compare your solutions with those listed in
b. Compute à (–) B̃.
Table 5.10. Discuss the difference. Comment on the
c. Compute à (×) B̃.
impact of uncertainty on this decision-making prob-
d. Compute à (/) B̃.

5.11. Assess the compatibility of the two fuzzy membership 5.17. For the Tisza River problem presented in Example 6,
functions from Exercise 5.10. Section 5.4.3:
a. Change the fuzzy definitions for linguistic terms and
a. Find the possibility Poss(Ã, B̃).
quantitative criteria. Keep the rest of the inputs as
b. Find the necessity Nec(Ã, B̃).
given in Section 5.4.3.
5.12. Using as a guide the case study from Section 5.2.5 b. Explain the reasoning for the proposed change.
(Example 2): c. Use FUZZYCOMPRO to solve the problem.
d. Compare your solution to the one in Table 5.18. Dis-
a. Develop a concept hierarchy (similar to that in Figure cuss the difference.
5.6) of “flood evacuation” using a maximum of
three hierarchical levels and three issues at each 5.18. For the Tisza River problem presented in Example 6, Sec-
level. tion 5.4.3:

a. Develop a new fuzzy definition of degree of compen- 5.19. For the Tisza River problem presented in Example 6,
sation, p̃, which is different from the one presented in Section 5.4.3:
Figure 5.31b. Keep the rest of the inputs as given in a. Develop a new fuzzy definition of weights, α̃ i , that is
Section 5.4.3. different from the one presented in Figure 5.31c. Keep
b. Explain the reasoning for the proposed change. the rest of the inputs as given in Section 5.4.3.
c. Use FUZZYCOMPRO to solve the problem. b. Explain the reasoning for the proposed change.
d. Compare your solution to the one in Table 5.18. Dis- c. Use FUZZYCOMPRO to solve the problem.
cuss the difference. d. Compare your solution to the one in Table 5.18. Dis-
cuss the difference.
Part IV
Future perspectives
6 Future perspectives

Flood risk management systems include people, infrastructure, of flooding). Leiserowitz (2007) points out that the majority in
and environment. These elements are interconnected in compli- many countries have heard of climate change and say they sup-
cated networks across broad geographical regions. Each element port action to address it. Yet climate change ranks far behind the
is vulnerable to change in the climatic conditions. However, the economy, war, and terrorism among the greatest concerns. Large
discussion of flood risk management under climate change is very majorities oppose policies that would cut greenhouse gas emis-
much dependent on the broader context of the climate change sions by raising fuel prices. Many surveys in the USA, Canada,
debate. The effectiveness of future decisions that may address the Russia, China, and India advocate a “wait-and-see” or “go-slow”
increasing risk of flooding is directly related to our success in approach to emissions reductions. For most people, uncertainty
communicating the message of climate change urgency. about the risks of climate change means delaying costly actions
to mitigate the risks. If climate change begins to harm the econ-
omy, risk mitigation policies can then be implemented. However,
6 .1 UNDERS TA N D I N G C L I MAT E C H A N G E it is clear that due to the long delays in the climate’s response
A N D F L O O D R I S K M A NAG E M E N T to anthropogenic forcing such reasoning is flawed. The wait-and-
see approach assumes that climate is approximately a first-order
Chapter 2 of the book explains the link between climate change linear system with short delays. However, in reality, climate is
and risk of flooding, providing the best scientific knowledge that a complex dynamic system with long delays, multiple positive
links them. Policies to manage complex systems that include peo- feedbacks (that are destabilizing the system), and non-linearities
ple, infrastructure, and environment must be based on the best that may cause abrupt, costly, and irreversible changes.
available scientific knowledge. The IPCC provides carefully vet- There is an even deeper problem of poor understanding of
ted information on climate change to policy-makers. In spite of stocks and flows and the concept of accumulation (Sterman, 2008;
the strong scientific consensus on the causes and risks of cli- Simonovic, 2009, Chapter 8). Accumulation is omnipresent in
mate change there is still widespread confusion and complacency everyday life: (i) water is accumulated in different reservoirs
among the general public (Leiserowitz, 2007). There is a gap through the inflow less the outflow; (ii) a bank account accu-
between the scientific consensus and public perception of the mulates money through deposits less withdrawals; (iii) a person’s
importance of climate change. Why is that, and why is it impor- weight is managed through the inflows and outflows of calories
tant? In democratic societies, the beliefs of the public, not just coming from diet and exercise; etc. Research shows that most
those of experts, affect government decision-making. people have difficulty relating the flows into and out of a stock
Effective climate change-caused flood risk communication is to the level of the stock. Instead, people access system dynam-
based on deep understanding of the mental models of policy- ics using pattern matching, assuming that the output of a system
makers and the general public (Sterman, 2008). A mental model should be correlated with its inputs.
is, in the context of this discussion, an explanation of someone’s Weak understanding of accumulations leads to serious errors
thought process about how something works in the real world. in mental models of climate change. Training in science does not
It is a representation of the surrounding world, the relationships prevent these errors. Building public support for action on cli-
between its various parts and a person’s intuitive perception about mate change requires overcoming the obstacles discussed above.
his or her own acts and their consequences. Our mental models Science is needed to help us recognize: (i) how greenhouse gas
help shape our behavior and define our approach to solving prob- emissions cause warming of the atmosphere; (ii) how warming
lems and carrying out tasks. Studies show an apparent contra- of the atmosphere increases its capacity to hold water and accel-
diction in the principal mental models shaping people’s beliefs erates many processes involved in the redistribution of moisture;
about climate change and its consequences (including the risk and (iii) how increases in frequency and magnitude of flooding


can harm future generations. However, there is no purely tech- actions to reduce flood damage and encourage adapta-
nical solution to climate change flood risk. For climate change tion. Fully understanding climate change-caused flood risk
flood risk management to be grounded in the results of science, increase is a difficult task even for scientific experts. For
it is now time to turn our attention to the dynamics of social and instance, personal experience powerfully influences peo-
political change. ple’s understanding of their environment. But this can be
In summary: misleading in the context of climate change-caused flood-
ing because long-term change is difficult to detect against
(1) There are complex linkages among emissions, concentra- natural variability, and because judgments of varying phe-
tions, climate change, and flood impacts. Projecting future nomena are strongly influenced by memorable and recent
climate change requires understanding numerous linkages extreme events.
among human activities, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
changes in atmospheric composition, the response of the
climate system, and impacts on human and natural systems. 6 . 2 A DA P T I V E F L O O D R I S K
The basic links in this chain are well understood, but some M A NAG E M E N T U N D E R C L I M AT E
elements (in particular, projecting specific impacts at spe- CHANGE
cific times and places) are much less so. As a result, the
outcomes of actions to reduce emissions or to reduce the Chapter 3 provides the main contribution of this book by present-
vulnerabilities of human and natural systems must often be ing the flood risk management process as adaptation to climate
presented in probabilistic or qualitative terms, rather than as change. Flood risk management builds on the expanded defini-
certain predictions. tion of integrated disaster management provided by Simonovic
(2) There are significant time lags in the climate system. It takes a (2011): Integrated disaster management is an iterative process of
very long time (decades to millennia) for some aspects of the decision-making regarding prevention of, response to, and recov-
climate system to respond fully to changes in atmospheric ery from a disaster. A six-step procedure is offered (see Sec-
greenhouse gas concentrations. This is because the world’s tion 3.1.1) for flood risk management that provides a practical
oceans can store a large amount of heat and because impacts guide for the decision-makers. Iterative risk management – which
such as sea level rise and the melting of ice sheets can take emphasizes taking action now, but in doing so, being ready to
several centuries or even millennia to be fully expressed. learn from experience and adjust these efforts later on – offers the
(3) There are also significant time lags in human response most useful approach for guiding flood risk management under
systems. Flood-related climate change impacts are to a climate change. Iterative risk management is a system for assess-
large extent built into societal infrastructure (e.g., buildings, ing risks, identifying options that are robust across a range of
power plants, settlement and transportation patterns) and possible futures, and assessing and revising those choices as new
into human habits and organizational routines, few of which information emerges. In cases where uncertainties are substantial
change quickly. Preparing to adapt to the flooding effects or risks cannot be reliably quantified, one can pursue multiple,
of climate change will require transformative changes, for complementary actions known as a “hedging strategy.” Ideally,
instance, in how the country produces and uses energy, builds this approach includes mechanisms for integrating scientific and
buildings and transportation infrastructure, and manages technical analysis with active participation of the stakeholders
water and other natural resources. Overcoming the inertia most affected by any given decision.
of the status quo in advancing these sorts of transformations Many high level advisory groups worldwide, including, for
will pose challenges for government and individual citizens. example, the IPCC, the United Nations Development Programme,
(4) Risks, judgments about risk, and adaptation needs are highly the World Bank, the Australian Greenhouse Office, and the
variable across different contexts. Different regions, eco- UK Climate Impacts Programme, suggest that for a problem as
nomic and resource sectors, and populations will experi- complex as climate change, risk management should be imple-
ence different impacts from climate change-caused flood mented through a process of “adaptive governance” that involves
risk increase. Their ability to tolerate and adapt to such assuring adequate coordination among the institutions and actors
impacts will hence generate differences in their judgments involved in responding to climate change, sharing information
about the potential risks posed by climate change. with decision-makers across different levels and sectors, ensuring
(5) Many factors complicate and delay public understanding of that decisions are regularly reviewed and adjusted in light of new
flood risk due to climate change. Public understanding of information, and designing policies that can adapt and last over
flood risk is important because public opinion affects pol- time (National Academy of Sciences, 2011). These concepts may
icy and because the public – as consumers, employers, and be of value for the future of flood risk management under climate
community members – can initiate, implement, and support change.
6. 3 R I S K C O M M U N I C AT I O N 171

Even if substantial progress in combating climate change is The success of an iterative adaptive flood risk management
achieved, human societies will need to adapt to some degree approach is based on the establishment of processes that bring
of change. Choosing to do nothing now and simply adapting together scientific/technical experts and government officials with
to climate change flood impacts as they occur, for example by key stakeholders in the private sector and the general public. This
accepting losses, would be an unwise choice for a number of is because these other stakeholders make important contributions
reasons. Even a moderate increase in flood risk due to climate to flood risk management efforts through their daily choices;
change will be associated with a wide range of impacts on because they are an important source of information and per-
both human and natural systems, and the possibility of severe spectives in assessing policy options and in setting priorities for
impacts with a host of adverse outcomes cannot be completely research and development; and because they determine the direc-
eliminated. Unforeseen events may pose serious adaptation chal- tion and viability of most governmental policies over the long
lenges for regions, sectors, and groups that may not now seem term.
particularly vulnerable. A proactive approach to mobilize the
capacity to adapt to future flooding caused by climate change is
required. 6 . 3 R I S K C O M M U N I C AT I O N
Many types of flood risk management decisions would benefit
from improved insight into adaptation needs and options, but most I offer in this book a six-step process of flood decision-making
notable are decisions with long time horizons. These include, for under uncertainty (see Section 3.1.1 and Figure 3.2) and a set of
example, decisions about selecting appropriate flood protection analytical tools to support that process. The process, as well as
infrastructure, land use, siting major facilities, conserving natural the analytical tools, will have limited value without proper risk
areas, managing water resources, and developing coastal zones. communication. The early work of Slovic (1993) and more recent
In these activities, adaptation is less about doing different things work of Leiss (2001, 2010) highly motivate the discussion here.
than about doing familiar things differently. Risk communication can be broadly seen as a process that
In many cases, adaptation options are available now that both includes actions, words, and other interactions that incorporate
help to manage longer term risks of climate change flood impacts and respect the perceptions of the information recipients, intended
and also offer near-term benefits for other development and envi- to help people make more informed decisions about threats to their
ronmental management goals. Experience to date indicates that if health and safety. Risk communication will be more effective if
adaptation planning is pursued collaboratively among local gov- it is performed as a dialogue, not instruction. The main goal of
ernments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and risk communication should be to encourage certain behaviors, not
community groups, it often feeds into broader thinking about alter- simply assume that the provided information will lead to expected
native futures, which is itself a considerable benefit. action. A very important role in risk communication is played by
A sound strategy for managing climate-related flood risks people’s perceptions of risk. The perception of risk is a dual
requires sustained investments in developing new knowledge and process of fact and feeling. We use the information we have and a
new technological capabilities as well as investments in the insti- set of instincts that help us gage how frightening something feels.
tutions and processes that help ensure such advances are actually Instinctive factors that influence public concern about the risk of
used. There is, in particular, an important role for support of basic flooding include life threat, economic loss, unknowability, trust,
climate-related research and pre-commercial technology devel- tradeoff between risks and benefits, choice, and control.
opment that will not be able to attract the support of the private Climate change and flooding as its consequence refer to events
sector and individuals. with probability and consequences that are outside the bounds
Effective flood risk management under climate change requires of normal expectations. Normal expectations are usually defined
information support to help decision-makers develop effective by prior experience or by accepted theories. More specifically,
responses, including the following: (i) information on climate these events belong to the category of events that are more likely
change, vulnerability, and impacts in different regions and sec- to occur than is normally expected, and if they occur they will
tors; (ii) the timely production and delivery of useful flood data, have catastrophic dimensions. Climate change risk management
information, and knowledge to decision-makers; (iii) information has become one of the most politicized and contentious issues of
for greenhouse gas management and accounting; (iv) information our times. Polarized views, controversy, and open conflict have
on energy efficiency and emissions; (v) public communication become omnipresent. Lack of proper risk communication plays
that rests on high quality information and clearly conveys climate a central role in this perspective. Slovic (1993) stipulates that
science and climate choices; and (vi) support for international the conflicts and controversies surrounding risk management are
information systems and assessments because many climate- not due to public ignorance or irrationality but, instead, are seen
related flood management choices occur in an international as a side effect of our remarkable form of participatory democ-
context. racy, amplified by powerful technological and social changes that

systematically destroy trust. Giving proper attention to the impor- resources. (vii) More intensive focus on the systems view of flood
tance of trust and understanding the dynamics of the system that risk management will accelerate understanding of which manage-
destroys trust will shape risk management in the future. ment strategies work, and particularly why they might work.
The most likely solution for efficient flood risk management due In flood risk management, the probabilistic approach is used on
to climate change and its communication may require a degree of historical data. In spite of the fact that climate change probabili-
openness and involvement with the public that goes far beyond ties are subjective, based on the degree of belief that change will
current practice of public relations and two-way communication. occur, the probabilistic approach still has its place in the consid-
Future flood risk management (including communication) will eration of climate change. It is bounded by the knowledge about
require high levels of power sharing and public participation in likelihoods and knowledge about outcomes. Probabilistic simula-
decision-making that have rarely been seen up to now. Considering tion can quantify uncertainties of climate change flood impacts.
the polarization of positions regarding climate change, we have Better understanding of uncertainties provides for more effec-
to accept that trust and conflict resolution will take time. So, the tive communication of resulting risks. Probabilistic optimization
question is, how can the tools and techniques presented in this on the other hand can arrive at the optimal solutions associated
book be of value in this process? with a particular level of risk. Communication of optimal flood
Some of the answers are in the basic characteristics of the protection infrastructure design values or operational strategies
approach behind all the tools presented in the book – the systems that carry the information about the associated level of risk offers
approach. A systems approach to problems focuses on interac- a new dimension for power sharing and public participation in
tions among the elements of a system and on the effects of these the process of flood risk management. Stochastic multi-objective
interactions. Systems theory recognizes multiple and interrelated analysis is the tool well suited for participatory decision-making
causal factors, emphasizes the dynamic character of processes and conflict resolution. Direct involvement of decision-makers in
involved, and is particularly interested in a system change with the process of implementing this set of tools provides for estab-
time – be it a flood, floodplain, or a disaster-affected commu- lishment of close links between the best understanding of risks
nity. The traditional view is typically linear and assumes only and their consequences on the jointly made decisions.
one, linear, cause-and-effect relationship at a particular time. A The fuzzy set approach is probably the most innovative con-
systems approach allows a wider variety of factors and interac- cept presented in this book. It is well suited for addressing the
tions to be taken into account. Using a systems view, Simonovic subjective uncertainties that underpin the issue of climate change
(2011) states that flood disaster losses are the result of inter- and its flood consequences. The approach is slowly getting the
action among three systems and their many subsystems: (i) the recognition it deserves and there is hope that this book will pro-
Earth’s physical systems (the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, vide some contribution to its broader application. Fuzzy sim-
hydrosphere, and lithosphere); (ii) human systems (e.g., popula- ulation is an appropriate approach to include various inherent
tion, culture, technology, social class, economics, and politics); uncertainties of flood risk management systems in the simula-
and (iii) the constructed systems (e.g., buildings, roads, bridges, tion process. There is a great potential for fuzzy simulation in
public infrastructure, housing). the design of fuzzy socio-economic-physical scenarios that can
Section 1.5 of this book presents the seven key management sys- be investigated in a collaborative context. Fuzzy optimization is
tems principles that provide for effective climate change-caused the process of decision-making in which the objective function
flood risk management and communication: (i) To achieve sus- as well as the constraints are fuzzy. The fuzzy objective func-
tainable management of flood risk, interactions among the four tion and constraints are characterized by their fuzzy membership
subsystems – individual, organization, society, and environment – functions. The “decision” in a fuzzy environment is therefore
must be appropriately integrated. (ii) Two flows, resource flows viewed as the intersection of fuzzy constraints and a fuzzy objec-
and information flows, link the individual, organization, soci- tive function. This mathematical context describes the risk com-
ety, and environment subsystems. Value systems are the means munication strategy that is the basis of the whole optimization
through which different values are attached to information and process. Fuzzy multi-objective decision-making techniques have
resource flows. (iii) The ongoing need of subsystems for resources addressed some uncertainties, such as the vagueness and conflict
from one another sets the limits of their exploitation of one another of preferences common in group decision-making. Their appli-
and of the environment, and is a determinant of behavior within cation, however, demands some level of intuitiveness from the
the system. (iv) Information is used by subsystems to make deci- decision-makers, and encourages interaction or experimentation.
sions intended to ensure fit with the needs of other subsystems Fuzzy multi-objective decision-making is not always intuitive to
and the environment. (v) Values provide meaning to information many people involved in practical decisions because the decision
flows that are then used to determine resource use by subsys- space may be some abstract measure of fuzziness, instead of a
tems. (vi) The most effective management strategies for sustain- tangible measure of alternative performance. The alternatives to
able management of flood risk are those that condition access to be evaluated are rarely fuzzy: it is their performance that is fuzzy.
6. 4 C O N C L U S I O N S 173

In other words, a fuzzy multi-objective decision-making environ- technological advancements that would enable society to
ment may not be as generically relevant as a fuzzy evaluation of grow into new energy reservoirs. Alternatively, society
a decision-making problem. could increase its exposure to environmental predation.
Unfortunately, both of these options necessitate inflationary
pressures, so it is hard to see how democratically elected
6 .4 CONCLU S I O N S policy makers would willingly prescribe either of these
things. Otherwise, civilization must rapidly de-couple
A flood myth is a mythical or religious story of a “great flood” sent its growth from CO2 -emitting sources of energy. There
by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine ret- is an important caveat however, which is that such
ribution. It is a theme widespread among many cultures, though decarbonization does not slow CO2 accumulation by as
it is perhaps best known in modern times through the biblical much as might be anticipated. Decarbonizing civilization
account of Noah’s Ark, the foundational myths of the Maya peo- promotes civilization wealth by alleviating the rise in
ples, the Deucalion in Greek mythology, the Utnapishtim in the dangerous atmospheric CO2 levels. But if the growth of
Epic of Gilgamesh, or the Hindu story of Manu, which has some wealth is supported, then energy consumption accelerates,
very strong parallels with the story of Noah. Parallels are often and this acts to accelerate CO2 emissions themselves. Thus,
drawn between the floodwaters of these myths and the primeval civilization appears to be in a double-bind with no obvious
waters found in some creation myths, since the floodwaters are way out. Only a combination of extremely rapid
seen to cleanse humanity in preparation for rebirth. Most flood decarbonization and civilization collapse will enable CO2
myths also contain a cultural hero who strives to ensure this concentrations to be maintained below 500 ppm within this
rebirth. century.
This myth links humanity to water and its power over humans.
This book is written in the hope that we will be able to mobi-
In relation to climate change, Garrett (2011) states:
lize the creative powers of humankind in order to respond to the
Effectively, civilization is in a double-bind. If civilization challenge of climate change. Facts and figures are not on our side
does not collapse quickly this century, then CO2 will likely and mitigation actions will need to be combined with adaptation.
end up exceeding 1,000 ppm; but, if CO2 levels rise by this The methods and tools of this book are aimed at using flood risk
much, then the danger is that civilization will gradually tend management as an adaptation to climate change. I suggest that
towards collapse. the material from the book be used with various forms of edu-
cation and training – short courses, workshops, formal training,
This discussion of the coupled evolution of the economy and the
development of case studies, and similar.
atmosphere ends with the gloomy conclusions:
The final words, as always, are for my two children and their
One route for constraining CO2 growth is to reduce the children – I hope that some of this work will provide you with the
growth rate of wealth. This can be done by slowing the “Noah’s Ark” for surviving the “great floods” of the future.

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climate change, 11, 17, 169, 171 union, 122

adaptation, 27, 28, 31 fuzzy simulation, 134
flooding, 24 FUZZYCOMPRO, 153, 157
impacts, 20
mitigation, 27 GIS, 111
climate variations, 20 global change, 10
complexity, 12 global warming, 17
temperature, 17, 21
evolutionary optimization, 89 hazard, 72

flood, 7 inference, 125

climate change, 24 integrated disaster management, 33, 170
damage, 8, 13 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 11, 21, 169
definitions, 13
disaster, 7 LINPRO, 106, 145, 146
hazard, 13
inundation, 13 multi-objective analysis
physical characteristics, 17 fuzzy compromise programming, 152
return period, 76 goal programming, 102
risk, 13 probabilistic, 102
flood risk, 13, 17 municipal infrastructure, 41, 139
calculation, 54
flood risk management, 7, 12, 14, 31, 44, 169, 171 neural networks, 125
adaptation, 37
adaptive management, 170 optimization, 110
emergency response, 14, 107 fuzzy linear programming, 141
fuzzy set approach, 117 genetic algorithm, 125
integrated flood management, 14
preparedness, 14 partial failure, 129
prevention, 14 population, 11
principles, 15–16 density, 11
probabilistic approach, 69 growth, 12
process, 32 urban, 11, 20
recovery, 14
six-step procedure, 33 rainfall, 17, 23
fuzzy compromise programming, 152 risk, 13
fuzzy linear programming, 141 communication, 169, 171
fuzzy multi-objective analysis, 149 control, 36
fuzzy risk, 129 estimation, 35
fuzzy set, 119 evaluation, 36
acceptability, 124 fuzzy set approach, 39
compatibility, 131 fuzzy sets, 117
complement, 122 load, 71
flood membership function, 126 objective, 75
fuzzy compromise programming, 152 probabilistic modeling, 76
fuzzy linear programming, 141 probability, 39
intersection, 122 resilience, 31
membership function, 121 resistance, 71
multi-objective analysis, 149 return period, 76
necessity, 124 subjective, 75
possibility, 124 vulnerability, 31
reliability–vulnerability, 132 risk management, 32
resiliency, 133 fuzzy sets, 117
robustness, 133 procedure, 33


sea level rise, 11 fuzzy simulation, 134

simulation, 79 multi-objective analysis, 102
Monte Carlo, 79 optimization, 89
snowmelt, 18 risk management, 33
sustainable development, 12 simulation, 79
systems approach, 12 systems view, 14, 16
adaptation, 28 theory, 12
fuzzy compromise programming, 152
fuzzy linear programming, 141 weather generator, 47
fuzzy multi-objective analysis, 149 World Meteorological Organization, 14

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