ICET - 2009: Instructions Booklet (To Be Retained by The Candidate)
ICET - 2009: Instructions Booklet (To Be Retained by The Candidate)
ICET - 2009: Instructions Booklet (To Be Retained by The Candidate)
(to be retained by the candidate)
Last date for submitting Application Form to
The Convener, ICET - 2009
Besides Mechanical Engineering Department,
Andhra University College of Engineering, Time and Date of Entrance
Visakhapatnam - 530 003 (A.P.) 10.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
Up to 5.00 p.m. on 28-03-2009 (Saturday) without late fee. 9th May, 2009 (Saturday)
With a late fee of Rs.500/- up to 5.00 p.m on 10-04-2009 (Friday).
With a late fee of Rs.2,000/- up to 5.00 p.m on 17-04-2009 (Friday).
In terms of orders issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the proceedings by A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad,
applications are invited for appearance at the integrated Common Entrance Test for admission into 1st year MBA/MCA Degree Course for the
academic year 2009-2010 in the following universities and their affiliated colleges offering MBA/MCA Programme.
1. Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), 2. Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), 3. Adikavi Nannaya
University (AKNU), 4. Andhra University (AU), 5. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), 6. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
University (BRAU), 7. Dravidian University (DU), 8. JNT University, Ananthapur (JNTU-A), 9. JNT University, Hyderabad
(JNTU-H), 10. JNT University, Kakinada (JNTU-K), 11. Kakatiya University (KU), 12. Krishna University (KrU), 13. Mahatma
Gandhi University (MGU), 14. Osmania University (OU), 15. Palamur University (PU), 16. Rayalaseema University (RU), 17.
S.K. University (SKU), 18. S.V. University (SVU), 19. Satavahana University (SU), 20. Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam
(Women’s University) (SPMU), 21. Telangana University (TU), 22. Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU), 23. Yogi Vemana
University (YVU).
The Candidates are advised to submit the duly filled in Application Form for Entrance Test by Speed Post through the Head Post Offices or
delivered in person at the Office of The Convener, ICET-2009, Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam - 530 003 (A.P.) on or before stipulated date.
9 ×
Correct method of Wrong method of Wrong method of Wrong method of Wrong method of
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3. Please darken the most appropriate response chosen by you, only in the corresponding circle against the number corresponding to the
question, you are attempting.
4. Please do not make any stray marks ELSEWHERE on the Answer Sheet, ELSE the Answer Sheet will become invalid.
5. If you wish to change an answer, please ERASE COMPLETELY the already darkened circle and then darken a new circle.
II. If you are appearing for final year of the qualifying examination in March/April, 2009, enclose the following :
1. A Certificate from the Principal of the College where the candidate is appearing for the final year examination or any other evidence to show
that the candidate is appearing for final year examination in March/April, 2009.
2. Xerox copies of Certificates mentioned against serial Nos. 3 and 4 above.
Note: 1. Ensure that you have filled in all the particulars required in the Application Form and in the ICR Summary Sheet and that the
information is identical. Write your address legibly on the computerised ICR Summary Sheet. Fill your address on the
acknowledgement card and affix the required postage stamp. Affix the required postage stamps on the hall ticket cover and rank card
cover. Send the material to the Convener at the earliest in the envelope supplied (Don't send the instruction booklet)
2. DO NOT staple, wrinkle, scribble, tear, wet or fold the ICR summary sheet.
Section-A: Analytical Ability: 75Q (75 Marks) time, distance and work problems, areas and volumes,
1. Data Sufficiency: 20Q (20 Marks) mensuration, modular arithmetic.
A question is given followed by data in the form of two II. Algebraical and Geometrical Ability 30Q (30 Marks)
statements labeled as i and ii. If the data given in i alone is
sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct Statements, Truth tables, implication converse and inverse,
answer. If the data given in ii alone is sufficient to answer the Tautologies-Sets, Relations and functions, applications -
question the choice. (2) is the correct answer. If both i and ii Equation of a line in different forms.
put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither Trigonometry - Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of
statement alone is sufficient, then choice (3) is the correct standard angles, (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 180°): Trigonometric
answer, if both i and ii put together are not sufficient to answer identities: sample problems on heights and distances,
the question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is Polynomials; Remainder theorem and consequences; Linear
the correct answer. equations and expressions; Progressions, Binomial Theorem,
2. Problem Solving 55Q (55 Marks) Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative; Plane geometry -
a) Sequences and Series 25Q (25 Marks) lines, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate
Analogies of numbers and alphabet, completion of blank spaces geometry-distance between points.
following the pattern in a:b::c:d relationship; odd thing out: III. Statistical Ability: 10Q (10 Marks)
missing number in a sequence or a series. Frequency distributions, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard
b) Data Analysis 10Q (10 Marks) Deviations, Correlation, simple problems on Probability.
The data given in a Table, Graph, Bar diagram, Pie Chart, Venn
Diagram or a Passage is to be analyzed and the questions Section-C: Communication Ability: 50Q (50 Marks)
pertaining to the data are to be answered. Objectives of the Test
c) Coding and Decoding Problems 10Q (10 Marks) Candidates will be assessed on the ability to
A code pattern of English Alphabet is given. A given word or a 1. identify vocabulary used in the day-to-day communication.
group of letters are to be coded or decoded based on the given 2. understand the functional use of grammar in day-to-day
code or codes. communication as well as in the business contexts.
d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems 10Q (10 Marks) 3. identify the basic terminology and concepts in computer and
Calendar problems, clock problems, blood relationships, business contexts (letters, reports, memoranda, agenda,
arrivals, departures and schedules, seating arrangements, minutes etc.).
symbol and notation interpretation. 4. understand written text and drawing inferences.
MODEL QUESTION PAPER appropriate choice form (1) to (4) as per the following
(1) If the statement i alone is sufficient to answer the question;
Analytical Ability
(2) If the statement ii alone is sufficient to answer the question;
(i) Date Sufficiency (3) If both the statements i and ii are sufficient to answer the
question but neither statement along is sufficient.
In each of the questions numbered 1 and 2, the question is
(4) If both the statements i and ii together and not sufficient to
followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as i and
answer the question and additional data is required.
ii. You must decide whether the data given in the statements are
sufficient to answer the questions. Using the data, make an
1. What is the value of the non-negative integer x? 2. The ratio of the area of square of side ‘a’ to the area of an
(i) 2x is odd (ii) 3x is odd equilateral triangle of side ‘a’ is
(1) 4: 3 (2) 2: 3 (3) 3 :2 (4) 3 :4
2. What is the length of the train?
(i) It crosses a pole in 8 seconds. 3. If in a group of people, m persons can speak Telugu, n persons
(ii) It crosses a bridge of length 100 m in 12 seconds. can speak Tamil and t persons can speak both Tamil and
Telugu, then, the number of persons who can speak either
(i) Problem solving Telugu or Tamil is
a) Sequence and Series (1) m-n+1 (2) m-n-t (3) m+n-1 (4) n-m+t
Note: In each of the questions numbered 3 and 4, a sequence of 4. If a:b 1; 3 and b:c = 2:5, then, a:b:c =
numbers or letters that follow a definite pattern is given. Each (1) 1:3:5 (2) 1:6:5 (3) 2:6:15 (4) 6:2:15
question has a blank space. This has to be filled with the correct
answer chosen from the given four options to complete the (ii) Algebraical and Geometrical Ability
sequence without breaking the pattern. 5. If one root of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is double the other
root, then
3. AZBY, CXDW …………………. GTHS (1) b2 = 9ac (2) 2b2 = 3abc (3) b = 2a (4) 2b2 = 9ac
(1) EXUV (2) EVFU (3) EVRU (4) EVSU
6. Equation of the line passing through the point (2, -3) and
4. 9, 19, 40, ………………, 146 perpendicular to the line segment joining the points (1, 2) (-1, 5)
(1) 70 (2) 59 (3) 69 (4) 64 is
(1) 2x-3y-13 = 0 (2) 2x-3y-9 = 0
Note: In questions 5 and 6 pick the odd thing out (3) 2x-3y-11 = 0 (4) 2x-3y-7 = 0
5. (1) 65 (2) 126 (3) 217 (4) 343
7. If (0, 0), (2, 2) and (0, a) form a right angled isosceles triangle,
6. (1) BFH (2) MQS (4) GJL (4) NRT then a =
(1) 4 (2) -4 (3) 3 (4) -3
b) Data Analysis
(iii) Statistical Ability:
Note: The following figure has four intersecting circles, each 8. The mean deviation of the values 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 39,
representing a group of persons having the quality written 46, 48 from the mean is
against it. Study the figure carefully and answer questions 7 and (1) 7.6 (2) 6.7 (3) 7.8 (4) 8.7
Hard-working Intelligent 9. Eight coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of
A B C getting at least six heads is
F 39 29 31 37
M (1) (2) (3) (4)
D E G 256 256 256 256
J K 10. If the standard deviation of a1, a2, …., an is s, then, the standard
Truthful L Honest deviation of a1 + b, a2 + b, …., an + b is
(1) s + b (2) s – b (3) s (4) sb
7. The region which represents people who are not honest but
possess all other three qualities, as denoted by SECTION – C
(1) B (2) F (3) D (4) M Communication Ability
Part – 1 : Vocabulary
8. The region which represents the people who are neither honest
Choose the correct meaning for the word:
nor truthful but are intelligent and hard working, is denoted by
(1) A (2) C (3) D (4) B 1. Alleviation
(1) Decoration (2) Exaggeration (3) Mitigation (4)
c) Coding and Decoding Problems: Aggravation
In a code TANK is written as SZOL and FRIEND is written as Fill in the blank choosing the correct word:
EQHFOE. Find the process of coding and answer the question 9.
2. The old lady is an …………. Story-teller
(1) adept (2) adopt (3) adapt (4) adrift
9. The code for ZENITH is
Part – 2 : Business and Computer Technology
d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems: Choose the correct answer:
10. In a row of six persons, D and C are immediate neighbours of E. 3. An Actuary is
B is a neighbour of A only. A is the fourth from F. Who are on (1) One who presents himself
the two end points? (2) One who project himself
(1) F, B (2) F, C (3) B, D (4) C, A (3) One who works in a sanctuary
(4) One who makes calculations connected with insurance
Mathematical Ability Part – 3 : Functional Grammar
Choose the correct answer:
(i) Arithmetical Ability: 4. A : Would you mind lending your umbrella?
1. A wire of length 132 cm is bent to form a rectangle whose sides B : Yes, I do.
are in the ratio 7:4. The area (in square cms) of the rectangle is In this conversation
(1) 4032 (2) 4230 (3) 100 (4) 3420 (1) B is willing to lend it to A (2) B excuses himself
(3) B is hesitant (4) B is annoyed by the request
5. “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. This sentence Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrase/verb/ preposition
(1) speaks of an utter impossibility 6. We had a pleasant conversation …………… a cup of tea.
(2) expresses a condition (1) with (2) on (3) over (4) during
(3) implies a difficult possibility
(4) states an absurdity 7. Some bottles are not suitable ……………. Recycling.
(1) for (2) with (3) to (4) in
Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, most of us are very conscious of deficiencies in our looks, our clothes, and the circumstances of our
homes. But on the screen we can feast our eyes on people selected to appear because of their good looks, dressed in expensive and sometimes
extravagantly showy clothes, and moving about most of the time in the plushy environment of wealth. What you cannot have yourself, at least
you can continuously look at surrounding other people, and, who knows, one day you may have these things too, like the stars who have come
up from nowhere but now earn large fortunes!
10. What aspect of human psychology the author does refer to in the second paragraph?
(1) Human beings enjoy the very sight of qualities and luxuries they are deprived of.
(2) Human psychology is very complex.
(3) Human beings love being poor.
(4) Human being admire themselves.
ICET - 2009
Booklet Code
6. Incase you do not follow the instructions, your answer sheet is likely to be rejected.
7. If the OMR Answer Sheet or Question Paper Booklet is defective, ask invigilator to change it at the
beginning of the Test.
8. Bubble the Booklet Code on Side-II.
9. Bubble all the required particulars before attempting the answers on Side-II.
ICET - 2009
Bubble your Particulars
HALL TICKET NUMBER 140100130 Reservation Category
cd e f g h i j
Minority Community
c d e
Muslim Christian Minority
SECTION - A (1 – 75)
1 cdef 16 cdef 31 cdef 46 cdef 61 cdef
2 cdef 17 cdef 32 cdef 47 cdef 62 cdef
3 cdef 18 cdef 33 cdef 48 cdef 63 cdef
4 cdef 19 cdef 34 cdef 49 cdef 64 cdef
5 cdef 20 cdef 35 cdef 50 cdef 65 cdef
6 cdef 21 cdef 36 cdef 51 cdef 66 cdef
7 cdef 22 cdef 37 cdef 52 cdef 67 cdef
8 cdef cdef 38 cdef 53 cdef 68 cdef
9 cdef cdef 39 cdef 54 cdef 69 cdef
10 cdef cdef 40 cdef 55 cdef 70 cdef
11 cdef cdef 41 cdef 56 cdef 71 cdef
12 cdef cdef 42 cdef 57 cdef 72 cdef
13 cdef 29
cdef 43 cdef 58 cdef 73 cdef
14 cdef 30
cdef 44 cdef 59 cdef 74 cdef
15 cdef cdef 45 cdef 60 cdef 75 cdef
SECTION - B (76 – 150)
76 cdef 91 cdef 106 cdef 121 cdef 136 cdef
77 cdef 92 cdef 107 cdef 122 cdef 137 cdef
78 cdef 93 cdef 108 cdef 123 cdef 138 cdef
79 cdef 94 cdef 109 cdef 124 cdef 139 cdef
80 cdef 95 cdef 110 cdef 125 cdef 140 cdef
81 cdef 96 cdef 111 cdef 126 cdef 141 cdef
82 cdef 97 cdef 112 cdef 127 cdef 142 cdef
83 cdef 98 cdef 113 cdef 128 cdef 143 cdef
84 cdef 99 cdef 114 cdef 129 cdef 144 cdef
85 cdef 100 cdef 115 cdef 130 cdef 145 cdef
86 cdef 101 cdef 116 cdef 131 cdef 146 cdef
87 cdef 102 cdef 117 cdef 132 cdef 147 cdef
88 cdef 103 cdef 118 cdef 133 cdef 148 cdef
89 cdef 104 cdef 119 cdef 134 cdef 149 cdef
90 cdef 105 cdef 120 cdef 135 cdef 150 cdef
SECTION - C (151–200)
151 cdef 161 cdef 171 cdef 181 cdef 191 cdef
152 cdef 162 cdef 172 cdef 182 cdef 192 cdef
153 cdef 163 cdef 173 cdef 183 cdef 193 cdef
154 cdef 164 cdef 174 cdef 184 cdef 194 cdef
155 cdef 165 cdef 175 cdef 185 cdef 195 cdef
156 cdef 166 cdef 176 cdef 186 cdef 196 cdef
157 cdef 167 cdef 177 cdef 187 cdef 197 cdef
158 cdef 168 cdef 178 cdef 188 cdef 198 cdef
159 cdef 169 cdef 179 cdef 189 cdef 199 cdef
160 cdef 170 cdef 180 cdef 190 cdef 200 cdef