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Pediatric GI Radiology

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II. Upper GIT - Most common cause of congenital duodenal obstruction
III. Lower GIT - Failure of recannulation of duodenum typically occurs
IV. Hepatobiliary Tree in the region of the ampulla of Vater
- Incidence: 1 in 10,000 livebirths
NEONATAL - Associated disorders: Down syndrome (30%),
malrotation (20%), Heart Disease (20%), Renal
- Interruption of tubular esophagus - Radiographic Features:
- Incidence: 1 in 2,000 – 4,000  “Double Bubble” sign –
livebirths dilated stomach and
- Most common associated anomaly is duodenal bulb
TEF  Dilated stomach, no gas
- Common Radiographic Features: distal to proximal duodenum
 “Coiled NG Tube” in esophageal  No gas in the rest of small or
pouch large bowel
 Best view is LATERAL to
 If (+) bowel gas in abdomen,
visualize sacral area
there must be an associated TEF
(90% of cases of Esophageal
 Contrast collecting in proximal
esophageal pouch. (A contrast
study is rarely indicated. Air
injected through NGT can be
used as very safe, negative
contrast agent).


- three types: - Segmental atresia of the jejunum or the ileum
 A: esophageal - Associated with malrotation and volvulus (25%) and
atresia with distal cystic fibrosis (10%)
fistula - Patients present within the first days of life with
 B: esophageal vomiting or a distended abdomen
atresia without
fistula  Multiple distended loops of
 C: TEF without bowel
esophageal atresia
(H-type) – manifest with concomitant aspiration
pneumonia because food materials will go to the
trachea and eventually to the lungs
- Secondary to incomplete division of the trachea and
esophagus during organogenesis, resulting in an
abnormal connection between esophagus and trachea
- Incidence: 1 in 2,000-4,000 livebirths  Barium enema demonstrates unused microcolon in
- Sxs: coughing and choking during feeding, recurrent a patient with distal ileal atresia. Blurred picture,
pneumonia, and respiratory distress hindi rin maappreciate. What is important here is
- Radiographic Features: the barium enema demonstrating microcolon.
 Contrast was administered
through G tube into the 5. MECONIUM ILEUS
stomach - Caused by thick, tenacious meconium that adheres to
 Contrast refluxed into the the wall of the small bowel and causes obstruction
distal esophagus across the most often at the level of ileocecal valve in a neonate
TEF into the trachea and from - Almost all have cystic fibrosis (CF)
the trachea into the esophageal - 10-15% of CF patients present with meconium ileus
pouch - Treated nonsurgically with water-soluble enemas to
 Bronchial tree visualized upon relieve the obstruction or be treated surgically
administration of contrast - Complications:
 Ileal atresia and/or stenosis
 Perforation - Aganglionosis of colon with absence of
 Meconium peritonitis (due to obstruction and parasympathetic ganglia in mucosal and submucosal
ischemia from tenacious meconium) layers of colon
- Radiographic Features: - Result of failure of normal cranial-caudal migration of
 Microcolon (unused colon) ganglion cells
 “Frothy” or “Soap-bubble” pattern of bowel gas - Most common transition site: rectosigmoid colon
(air mixed with meconium), often in RLQ - Total colonic aganglionosis is rare
 Dilated small bowel loops - Radiographic Features:
 Small bowel obstruction  Abnormal rectosigmoid ratio with rectum smaller
 Calcification due to meconium peritonitis (15%) than sigmoid due to denervation hyperspasticity
 Distal ileum packed with meconium and larger than (normally, rectum is larger than colon)
microcolon on contrast enema  “Transition Zone” – junction between proximally
normally innervated colon and the distal
aganglionic segment
 normally innervated proximal colon dilates
 In 33% of cases, there is normal-appearing rectum
 Small bowel obstruction
with dilated loops of bowel
and soap bubble bowel gas  Transition zone is near splenic
pattern in RLQ flexure

 Transition zone is mid-

 Area of rectosigmoid. On descending colon
Barium Enema, there is

- Most common acquired GI emergency of premature
- Meconium obstruction of the colon, often seen in - Occurs less frequently in older children who are under
infants of diabetic mothers who received MgSO42 for great stress (eg congenital heart disease)
eclampsia - Relation to infection and ischemia, commonly affecting
- Meconium forms a cast of the colon, colon remains the ileum and ascending colon
normal in caliber - Usually presents during 1st or 2nd week of life with
- Patients present within the first 24 hours of life with bloody stools (50%), explosive diarrhea, bilious emesis,
abdominal distention, vomiting, failure to pass mild respiratory distress, generalized sepsis, abdominal
meconium distention, feeding difficulties.
- DDx: Hirschsprung Disease - Requires immature gut and time for gut to become
- Treatment: Water-soluble enemas colonized in order to develop
- Tx: Bowel rest and antibiotics & surgery for bowel
 Meconium cast filling defect in - Radiographic Features:
colon on barium enema.  Definitive finding: pneumatosis (gas in bowel wall)
 “Frothy” or “soap-bubble” gas pattern
 Linear or crescent-shaped gas collections in the
bowel wall may also be seen
 Unchanged bowel gas pattern over several films
indicating an ileus
 More worrisome signs: gas in portal venous system 2. HYPERTROPHIC PYLORIC STENOSIS
and ascites - thickening of the muscle of the pylorus resulting in
 Infants can have occult perforation without free obstruction
intraperitoneal air in the setting of gasless abdomen - Incidence: 3 in 1,000 livebirths
 Pneumoperitoneum used to be considered a - M:F ratio of 4-5:1
- Increased incidence with firstborn male children
surgical emergency. However, percutaneous drain
- S/Sx: nonbilious, projectile vomiting, palpable mass
may now be placed instead of surgery.
- Tx: Surgery
- Associated abnormalities: Esophageal atresia, TEF,
renal abnormalities, Turner’s syndrome, trisomy 18,
- Radiographic Features:
 Multiple dilated loops of bowel  “Single bubble” with air in distended stomach
with pneumatosis
 String Sign: elongated and narrowed pyloric canal
(2-4 cm in length when a small amount of barium
streaks through the pyloric canal).
 Diamond Sign: transient triangular tent-like
cleft/niche in the middle of pyloric canal

 “Single bubble” sign of dilated


 Extensive pneumatosis
throughout the abdomen

 Antral beaking: mass impression upon the antrum

with a streak of barium pointing toward the pyloric
 Kirklin or Mushroom Sign: indentation of the
base of the bulb (occurring in 50%)
 Presence of multiple bubble-like
lucencies in the bowel wall
indicates pneumatosis (arrows)

 Upper GI study with barium

demonstrating “mushroom

- Most swallowed FB especially the round ones pass  Outpouching along the lesser curvature because of
through the entire GIT successfully, but some lodge in antral peristalsis disruption
the esophagus, usually proximally at the thoracic inlet  Gastric distention with fluid and/or air
or at the level of aortic arch
- Most common FB is coin. Batteries can cause mucosal - Sonographic Features:
damage.  Hypoechoic ring of hypertrophic pyloric muscle
- Radiologic Features: around echogenic mucosa centrally on cross
 Coin lodged in the esophagus section
has its widest dimension in AP  Indentation of muscle mass on fluid-filled antrum
view on longitudinal section
 Coin in trachea has its widest  Pyloric length >14mm
dimension in lateral view  Pyloric muscle wall thickness >4mm (measured
from outer wall to mucosa)
 Caterpillar Sign: active gastric hyperperistaltic - Abnormal positioning of the duodenojejunal and
waves/ Exaggerated peristaltic waves ileocecal junctions results in a shortening of the
 Delayed or no gastric emptying of fluid into normally broad based mesenteric attachment
duodenum - Patients usually present within the first month of life
with bilious vomiting, abdominal distention, shock.
 Using linear probe (7-10 megaHertz) : Thick and
- Associated disorders: duodenal atresia (20%), Duodenal
elongated pyloric muscle
diaphragm, duodenal stenosis, annular pancreas
- Complications: intestinal ischemia and necrosis in the
distribution of the superior mesenteric artery
- Malrotation with midgut volvulus is a surgical
- Radiographic Features:
 Dilated air-filled duodenal bubble
 “Double-bubble” sign; double bubble with a little
- Failure of the normal embryonic rotation of the bowel,
bit of distal gas
which results in suspension of the small bowel on a
 Gas in bowel loops distal to obstructed duodenum
narrow vascular pedicle
- Duodenal-jejunal junction does not reach its expected  Small bowel obstruction
location (normal: to the left of the spine at the level of  UGI: duodojejunal junction lower than duodenal
duodenal bulb) bubble and to the right of expected position; spiral
course of midgut loops; duodenal fold thickening;
- Abnormal: Duodenal-jejunal junction at the right of
malposition of cecum
spine adjacent to duodenal bulb
- Malposition of the cecum may result in its location in
the left side of the abdomen
- Complications include obstruction and midgut volvulus  Spiral course of small
- Most present at early age with bilious vomiting,, but bowel
symptoms can occur at any age
- Midgut volvulus is a surgical emergency, because it can
lead to bowel necrosis
- Ladd Bands are dense peritoneal bands, which cross
the duodenum from the malpositioned cecum to the 3. MECKEL’S DIVERTICULUM
hilum of the liver. They may cause partial obstruction - Persistence of omphalomesenteric duct
- Radiographic Features: - Incidence: 2-3% of the population
- Most common anomaly of GIT
 Duodenal-jejunal junction at the - Majority of patients will be under the age of ten, with
right of spine, most of the small M:F ratio of 3:1
bowel is on the right side of - Normally located within the last 6 feet of ileum with
abdomen 94% of cases on the antimesenteric border
- Rule of 2’s:
1) 2% of population
2) 2% of those with diverticulum will become
3) symptomatic usually before age 2
 Abnormal location of cecum: 4) located within 2 feet of ileocecal valve
midpelvis] 5) length of 2 inches
- Patients present with bleeding because of ectopic
gastric mucosa, focal inflammation, perforation, or
- Nuclear scintigraphy is most often used.
- How to differentiate small bowel from large bowel –
HAUSTRATIONS in large bowel
 Ladd Bands resulting in a
distended stomach with a small
amount of distal gas

- Twisting of small intestine around its vascular pedicle
due to malrotation
- Obstruction of the appendiceal lumen resulting in
distention of the appendix, superimposed infection, - Rule of 3:
ischemia, eventually perforation 1) 3 meters height of contrast material put cannula in
- Incidence: 7-12% of Western world population, anus; contrast is suspended
occuring in all ages 2) 3 feet (I don’t know kung 3 meters ba or 3 feet...)
- Sxs: fever (56%), nausea and vomiting (40%), RLQ 3) 3 attempts
pain-McBurney sign (72%), leukocytosis (88%)
- In 20-30% of patients, however, classic S/Sx are not - Barium enema reduce intussusception. Visualize cecum
present and ileacecal area
- Perforation is a serious complication - If in
- Tx: Surgical removal of the appendix

 Small bowel obstruction with an

appendicolith faintly visualized
in RLQ

third attempt – not yet reduced – proceed to SURGERY

 1- Soft tissue mass (intussusceptum outline by
barium in hepatic flexure)
 2- Soft tissue mass (intussusceptum outline by
barium reduced to ileocecal valve)
 3- Complete reduction with reflux of contrast into
distal small bowel

 UTZ: Dilated appendix with - Ultrasound:

the calcified appendicolith.  Pseudo-kidney sign:
 Calcified appendicolith in alternating signs of
CT Scan (I did not include hyper- and
the picture, blurred kasi). hypoechogenicity
indicate the telescoped

- Telescoping of one portion of the bowel into another - Air enema:
- Idiopathic incidences maybe seen following viral illness  Pre-reduction scout
with hypertrophy of Peyer’s patches in the terminal film: Demonstration
ileum of intussusception in
- Age of presentation is usually 3-24 months hepatic flexure
- Pathologic intussusception is associated with a lead A. Reduced to
point such as tumor, inspissated feces (cystic fibrosis) ileocecal valve
or lymphoma, often in older child >2. B. Completely
- If <2 y/o : inflammatory - affecting Peyer’s patches reduced with air
- If >2 y/o : tumor, lymphoma refluxed into
- Sx: crampy abdominal pain, bloody stools, vomiting small bowel
- Tx: fluoroscopically guided reduction with air or fluid
enema or surgery if unreducible
- Air enema is first performed followed by surgery if this If air in cecum
method is unsuccessful visualized :
successful reduction

- Rare; likely secondary to in utero ischemic event
- Tx: surgical
- Radiographic Features:
 Abdominal film: distal obstruction often with
“frothy” appearance of air mixed with meconium
in RLQ
 Enema: small caliber distal unused colon; no filling
proximal to atretic segment

 Large cystic lesion in location of common bile duct

 Multiple dilated loops of
bowel with frothy
appearance in RLQ

 Microcolon with abrupt

cutoff in mid-transverse


- Inflammation of neonatal liver
- Radiographic Features:
 Normal/decreased hepatic tracer accumulation
 Prolonged clearance of tracer from blood pool
 Bowel activity faint/delayed usually by 24 hours
 Gallbladder may not be visualized
- Ultrasound:
 Absence of gallbladder is suggestive; 20% of
patients have a small or normal gallbladder.
Normal hepatic parenchyma, normal intrahepatic
bile ducts
 Hepatobiliary scintigraphy: normal radiotracer
uptake by liver, no excretion into GIT

4 Types
Type I Dilatation of the extrahepatic ducts (80%) of
the cases
Type II Eccentric diverticulum
Type III (Choledochocele): Focal dilatation near the
sphincter that extends into the duodenal wall
Type IV Multiple

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