.. Resumes Corp HR 15 Template Corp HR 15
.. Resumes Corp HR 15 Template Corp HR 15
.. Resumes Corp HR 15 Template Corp HR 15
POSITION APPLIED FOR:FINANCE EXECUTIVE PERSONAL DATA Full Name in block letters : (Please expand initials)
First Name VARUN Date of Birth Month Year 09 1986 Place of Birth H.P Middle Name
Day 17
Mailing Address : (Please specify date until when you are available at this address) V.P.O SIDHPUR DSHALA H.P 176057 AVAILLABLE TILL MARCH
Telephone Number : 9015535109 Email :varunsharma398@gmail.com Languages Known english hindi punjabi Read yes yes No
Telephone Number : 01892211224 Email :varunpanku@yahoo.com Write yes Yes No Speak yes Yes Yes
Have you applied in the past for a position at any of the Divisions or Group Companies of ITC Limited ? No
Details of any major illness / operations that you have had in last 5 years :
: public sector
Marital Status
Name and addresses of three referees, other than your relatives, to whom we may write
Name Dr. sp singh Shivdasini amin prem sibbal Occupation professor lecturer professor Address Lbsim delhi Lbsim delhi Lbsim delhi Telephone No./Email id spsingh@lbsi m.aciin shivdasini@lb sim.ac.in premsibbal@l bsim.ac.n
(Starting from school upto professional qualification)
Sacred heart high school k.v.s Jawahar lal Nehru govt engg college Lal bahadur shashtri institute of management
: Identified the scope of improvement and formulated a strategy for the company to improve customer retention and also improve customer lifetime value
2. What were your major recommendations to the organisation ? Give an example of one recommendation made by you that was implemented. Virtual dealership model is being scruitinized.
3. Give an example of a recommendation made by you that was not accepted. What is your understanding of why it was not accepted ? Having more customer touch points by having small offices rather than one large was rejected as it had some implications of cost benefit analysis.
Organisation chopra constructions Date : From june 2010 To june 2011 Emoluments Position & Nature of Work Reason for change
Site supervisor
Key Responsibilities
Further studies
Supervise the construction and check it against the designs approved. Inventory Planning & Control Keep the project on time and on budget.
1. What is your mission in life ? To do something for the society and make a difference to it due to my efforts.
2. What are your short term and long term objectives ? Have a good position in a company where I can make strategy level decisions and make the organization in which I am working perform better. Learn about business and all the implications in it.
Career Goals : 1. What would you like to achieve in your professional career ? 2. What are the career choices you have before you ? 3. What are the factors influencing your career choice at present ?
In your student life or professional career so far, please cite any innovative/creative initiative taken by you, that has given you a sense of accomplishment. First prize in Xahalaration, Cognizance in IIT Roorkee. First prize in inter school maths Olympiad. First prize in inter college cricket tournament. Event coordinator in college. Runners up in inter college basketball tournament
Describe a situation where as a member of a team, you took the lead role to accomplish a critical task. What was the outcome ?
In my undergraduate course I was able to complete underground water cooling and heating system ,which was very difficult to make but in the end we completed it by tem effort.
In todays competitive world, work pressures are inevitable. What are your inherent strengths to deal with such situations? Patience Never say die attitude Positive attitude Devotion Dedication Determination
Write down any question that you would like us to respond to during the interview : What do you expect from me as the employee of the company?
NAME : RESUME REFERENCE NO: EXISTING EMOLUMENT PACKAGE Please indicate your existing emolument package in the following format :Rupees Per Month A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 * * * * Monthly Remuneration Basic Salary Allowance 1 Allowance 2 Allowance 3 Allowance 4 ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... . . Rupees Per Annum
Sub Total ( A1.....A5 ) B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 * * * * ** Annual Remuneration Performance Bonus Leave Travel Assistance Allowance 1 Allowance 2 Allowance 3 Allowance 4 ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................
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Sub Total (B1.....B5 ) TOTAL REMUNERATION (A + B) C C1 C2 C3 C4 D D1 D2 D3 D4 *** Retiral Benefits Provident Fund (Whether Govt / Company) Gratuity Pension (Whether Contributory / Non Contributory) Superannuation Scheme Other Benefits Company provided Accommodation / Maintenance Unfurnished / Furnished; If furnished provide details Housing Loan Car Loan Furniture Loan Also provide information of quantum of loan owed by you to the Company
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D6 i ii iii D7
List of Fixed Assets provided by the Company ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Company Car / Vehicle - Please give brief details ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
Please provide details of any other benefits not included in the above list ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
Notes * ** *** Please name allowances & specify quantum Please indicate the quantum received in the last year. Please indicate percentage of contribution.