CJR Bilingual Naomii
CJR Bilingual Naomii
CJR Bilingual Naomii
Skor Nilai:
Nim :1193311035
Class :G Ekstensi2019
Oktober 2020
Praise and gratitude for the author, say to God the Almighty for his blessings and
grace. The author can complete a critical journal application of the multiliteration model to
improve writing skills of persuasion essays in high-class science subjects. This journal is
written to complete the assignment of the subject "Bilingual Learning"
In completing this critical journal, the writer certainly cannot solve it alone without
the help of other parties. Therefore, the authors express their gratitude to the teaching
lecturer, namely Dr. Naeklan Simbolon., M.Pd. The end of the word of writing would like to
wish you a happy reading and hope that the material contained in this critical journal can be
as useful as it should be.
DAFTAR ISI .......................................................................................................
A. Background...................................................................................................
B. Purpose of Writing CJR.......................................................................................
C. Benefits of CJR.....................................................................................................
D. Journal Identity...................................................................................................
A. Conclusion.......................................................................................................
When we need a reference, namely a journal as a source of our reading besides books in
studying Bilingual Learning courses, we should first criticize the journal so that we know
which journal is more relevant to be used as a reading source.
C. Benefits of CJR
1. As a reference for how to perfect a jounal and find relevant reading sources.
2. Make me as a writer and student more honed in criticizing a journal.
3. To increase knowledge about Bilingual Learning.
1. Preliminary
The idea to put English as the medium of instruction is essentially based on the theory
which was introduced by Krashen (1985) well known as Input Hypothesis. In some extents,
as stated by Nolan (2001), the Input Hypothesis is similar to Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD) which is the difference between the child's capacity to solve problems
on his/her own capacity to solve them with assistance. This hypothesis postulates that
students acquire language in only one way. Basically, Input Hypothesis is due to the L1
development which perceives that the development from a learner’s current stage of L1
development, I, to the next stage, i+1, is achieved through the learner comprehending
language which contains linguistic components at i+1. This theory is transferable to the
context of L2 or foreign language acquisition.
As Krashen (1985) claims that for acquisition, whether L1 or L2, to occur the student
should be exposed to large amounts of comprehensible input. Based on this underlying
assumption, maximizing learners’ exposure to the target language (EFL/ESL) will be very
beneficial to the learners. Given more learning opportunity by exposing the learner to the
target language is so called immersion model. Johnson and Swain (1997) assert that
immersion is a learning situation where learners with a high-status L1 are taught through the
medium of the L2 in classes containing only such learners, usually by bilingual teachers. In
such situation of learning, the learners are forced into the mainstream of L2 (English) then
this model is well know as bilingual education.
2. Writing purpose.
1. To present a summary of the research results.
2. To identify the purpose of journal writing / research.
3. To explain the research results.
4. To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the journal.
5. To explain the research method.
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Volume dan Halaman Vol. 6, No. 1
Tahun 2010
1. application of Cycle I
2. Application of Cycle II
The title of the research is clear and detailed,
accurate, not ambiguous, and describes what
will be studied.
Weaknesses of Research
From the Scope Aspect of the Article Content
As a matter of fact, bilingual education is not new issue already especially in the
Western hemisphere. But this model triggers controversies in the field of education,
especially among the experts of the field. In some countries, this education program have not
given satisfactory results. In Indonesia, based on the Education Act 2003, the government of
Indonesia has endorsed some schools (at least 1 school in every district or municipality) to be
International Standard School. The society and schools which are overwhelmed with
euphoria respond the policy enthusiastically.
But, the implementation of this education has produced many problems, especially in
the level of execution of the program, such as the teachers’ difficulties and failure in running
the instruction as what is being expected. It is not too late to improve the quality of the
implementation of the program. The most promising effort to improve it is conducting
research for it provides the most scientific and logic approach to academic judgment even
decision. Bilingual education is very probable implemented in Indonesia as long as it is
prepared appropriately and wisely
That is the critical Journal Report I have compiled, I hope this critical Journal Report is
useful for readers. In this writing, I realize that there are still many shortcomings,
suggestions and constructive criticism are very much expected to perfect my critical
Journal Report.
Haryana, Kir. Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Edisi
Khusus II Tahun Ke-13, Oktober 2007.
Krashen, Stephen D. 1981. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning.
Oxford: Pergamon Press
Lopez, Maria G., & Tashakkori, Abbas. Differential Outcomes of two Bilingual Education
Programs on English Language Learners. Bilingual Research Journal. Washington: Spring
2006 Vol. 30, Iss. 1; pg. 123, 24 pgs
Mohammed, Mohini & Nordin, Aziz. 2007. Impact on the Implementation of Bilingualism in
Science and Mathematics Teaching in Malaysian School System. Mohinimohd
@hotmail.comp-mphini@utm.com.my. Accessed on January 25, 2009.
Smolicz, J., Nical, Iluminado and Secombe, Margaret. 2004. English as the Medium of
Instruction for Science and Its Effects on the Languages of the Philippines. Graduate School
of Education University of Adelaide, Australia.
Taguchi, Naoko and Naganuma, Naeko. Transition from Learning English to Learning in
English. Asian EFL Journal, Vol. 8. Dec. 2006.