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Created By: Annisa Nurjannah Harahap 1191111066 Lecturer:: CRITICAL Jurnal Review Pembelajaran Bilingual

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CRITICAL Jurnal Review

Pembelajaran Bilingual

created by:

Annisa Nurjannah Harahap


Lecturer :

Dody Felix Pandimun Abrt, S. Pd, M. Hum





Firstly, thank to God for giving us chance to make this assignment done. Thank you
for our lecturer to give us this critical book report assignment so we can more understand
about pembelajaran Bilingual The author are also grateful to Dody Felix Pandimun Abrt, S.
Pd, M. Hum as a lecturer of pembelajaran bilingual,who have guided the authors to compile
the paper of critical book report Thank you for writers of the book for their work so we can
make this assignment from concluding their work as one.

Secondly, we are sorry for everything that can be wrong in this assignment. We ask
for critical to make ourselves more aware. This assignment has done with every theory from
each one of us. So, that must be lack in somewhere and of something. Thank you for
everything and please us to show our assignment.

Medan,November 2020

Annisa Nurjannah Harahap


A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya CJR
When we need a reference, namely a journal as a source of our reading besides books in
studying Bilingual Education courses. We recommend that we first criticize the journal so
that we know which journal is more relevant to be used as a reading source.

B. Tujuan Penulisan CJR

1. To fulfill assignments in the Bilingual Education course

2. Improve students' abilities in summarizing, analyzing, and comparing and giving criticism
to journals.
3. Strengthen readers' understanding of the importance of Bilingual Education in everyday

C. Manfaat CJR

1. To fulfill assignments in the Bilingual Education course

2. Improve students' abilities in summarizing, analyzing, and comparing and giving

criticism to journals.

3. Strengthen readers' understanding of the importance of Bilingual Education in everyday


D.Identitas Jurnal yang Diriview

N Identita Jurnal Utama Jurnal Pembanding
o s
1. Judul Kepraktisan dan Keefektifan Implementasi Program
artikel Modul Pembelajaran Bilingual Berbasis Bilingual School untuk

Komputer Meningkatkan
Linguistik di SD INTIS

2. Nama Jurnal Kependidikan Jurnal Pendidikan

Pembelajaran Dasar

3. Vol dan Vol. 1, No. 1 Vol. 4, No. 1

no jurnal

4. Pengara Adlia Alfi riani dan Ellbert Aninditya Sri Nugraheni

ng Hutabri dan
artikel Arina Mustafidah

5. Tahun 2017 2017

6. Kota Yogyakarta Yogyakarta
7. Nomor 2580-5525 (print) p-ISSN 2355-1925
ISSN 2580-5533 (online) e-ISSN 2580-8915

8. Alamat https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jk/articl http://ejournal.radenint

situs e/view/10 an.ac.id
896 /index.php/terampil/article


9. Reviewe Annisa Nurjannah Harahap Annisa Nurjannah

r Harahap
a. Pendahuluan
One of the principles that teachers must pay attention to in managing learning so that it
can provide learning experiences for students is to develop the ability to use science and
technology. To realize these principles, teachers are obliged to improve teaching
competence, creativity, and conduct self-evaluation. Thus, the learning carried out can
increase student motivation, increase creativity, and improve their learning outcomes
which indirectly have an impact on improving self-quality, increasing skills, improving
the quality of learning and education.
b. Deskripsi Isi

The use of bilingual learning is only able to meet communication needs. Meanwhile, for
learning needs and mastery of technology, it is necessary to develop learning media
especially those based on the use of computers. Computers with all the hardware and
software facilities allow it to be used to design and develop fun learning media so that
students in learning do not experience boredom or boredom and they can absorb the
subject matter easily.

c. Hasil
The computer-based bilingual learning module is a learning tool that contains one subject
that is conveyed in two languages alternately, namely English and Indonesian which are
made and presented using computers, both hardware, software, and the use of other
computer devices. Practicality refers to the condition of the learning module being
developed which is easy to use by users (teachers and students) so that the learning
carried out is meaningful, interesting, fun and useful for students' lives, and can increase
their creativity in learning. The effectiveness test is a feasibility test in development
research. Referring to this definition, effectiveness is seen from the achievement of
learning objectives so that the effectiveness test is a test to see the achievement of
learning objectives by using products developed for the learning process. Steer (Muhidin,
2009, p. 5) states that effectiveness is not only goal-oriented but also in the process of
achieving goals.

A.Pembahasan Isi Jurnal

No Jurnal Utama Jurnal Pembanding
1. Tujuan Penelitian The research objective was to The goal to be achieved
test the practicality and through this program is to
effectiveness of the become a school that
computer-based bilingual prepares students who have
learning module on students' competences in the local,
cognitive and psychomotor national, and international
learning outcomes. realms.

2. Subjek Penelitian Subjek penelitian ialah 24 Subjek dalam penelitian ini

siswa SD Negeri Percobaan merupakan orang-orang
Padang. yang peneliti anggap paling
tahu tentang apa yang akan
peneliti kaji, yakni kepala
koordinator tim bilingual,
pendidik/edukator kelas,
pendidik pelajaran bahasa
Inggris, serta seluruh
peserta didik L5 Umar Bin

3. Metode Penelitian This type of research is Penelitian ini merupakan
quantitative with jenis penelitian kualitatif
experimental type. dengan metode deskriptif.
Istilah deskriptif digunakan
untuk mencoba menjelaskan

metode tersebut berdasarkan

pelaporan hasil penelitian.

4. Teknik The sampling technique is To collect qualitative data,

Pengumpulan Data generally carried out various methods or methods

randomly, data collection of data collection can be
using research instruments, used that can be considered
quantitative / statistical data in foreign language teaching
analysis with the aim of and learning research,
testing predetermined namely observation,
hypotheses. interviews, and
5. Langkah-langkah Penelitian ini terdiri dari Dalam penerapan program

Penelitian beberapa tahap, pertama Bilingual School di sekolah,

melaksanakan pembelajaran langkah-langkah nya
dengan menggunakan modul meliputi staffing, teacher
ini pada siswa dalam recruitment, teacher
kelompok kecil (sampel certification, staff
dipilih secara acak), Kedua, development, and
melaksanakan pembelajaran curriculum development.
dengan menggunakan modul
ini secara klasikal, Ketiga,
data yang diperoleh dari
instrumen penelitian

6. Hasil Penelitian Dari hasil penelitian Program-program

didapatkan bahwa produk pengembangan untuk
yang dikembangkan sudah edukator dibahas dalam
sangat praktis dengan nilai aspek staff development
Kr sudah bisa dikatakan
= 1 karena di atas syarat
kepraktisan 0,90. Hal ini membantu (meskipun belum
dipertegas dalam uji optimal) untuk memenuhi
skalabilitas dimana koefi tuntutan komunikasi
sien skalabilitas atau Ks = 1, berbahasa Inggris di
angka ini juga sudah sekolah. Adapun kegiatan
memenuhi syarat yakni di berbasis bilingual yang
atas 0,60. Dari uji efektivitas diterapkan untuk peserta
pada ranah kognitif dari 24 didik dibahas dalam aspek
orang siswa terdapat 20 curriculum development,
siswa yang tuntas dengan yakni berupa kegiatan flash
persentase rata-rata 84,44. card, penggunaan buku
Untuk ranah psikomotor saku, recitation, kultum
dikategorikan sangat baik bahasa Ingris, hunting
dengan angka rata-rata yang tourist, native visit, market
diperoleh siswa pada setiap day, day english day.
indikatornya yaitu 97,29. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi
Dengan demikian, modul ini pendukung penerapan
sangat baik digunakan dalam program bilingual school di
pembelajaran khususnya SD INTIS School
pada sekolah bertaraf Yogyakarta ialah motivasi
internasional. Hasil yang kuat dari pihak
penelitian memberikan sekolah, flash card dan buku
gambaran kepada guru-guru saku sebagai media
untuk selalu melakukan pembelajaran pendukung,
inovasi dan dapat digunakan media visual sekolah yang
guru sebagai acuan untuk berbasis bahasa Inggris,
pengembangan modul pada tambahan 2 jam pelajaran
pokok bahasan lainnya. english di setiap
minggunya, dan pembinaan
english trainning untuk

7. Kesimpulan Kesimpulan yang diperoleh Kesimpulan pada penelitian

dalam penelitian ini adalah: ini adalah, jenis penelitian,
pertama, modul ini memiliki metode dan langkah-
tingkat kepraktisan yang dalam penelitian sudah
tinggi dalam artian mudah sangat baik sehingga dapat
digunakan dalam proses meningkatkan kecerdasan
pembelajaran dengan nilai siswa pada pembelajaran
0,90. Kedua, modul bilingual ini. Adapun ini
pembelajaran bilingual semua terjadi karena
berbasis komputer efektif faktorfaktor yang sudah ada
dalam meningkatkan hasil dan sudah terjadi di sekolah
belajar ranah kognitif karena sebelumnya.
rata-rata persentase
keberhasilan siswa secara
klasikal adalah 83,33% dan
efektif pada ranah
psikomotor. Hal ini
dibuktikan dengan
kemampuan siswa dalam
menghasilkan sebuah karya
yang sesuai dengan
ketentuan yang telah
ditetapkan dengan rata-rata
perolehan nilai siswa secara
klasikal yakni
97,29. Angka ini
mengkategorikan siswa ke
dalam tingkatan hasil belajar
yang sangat baik.

B.Kelebihan dan Kelemahan Isi Artikel Jurnal

A. Kelebihan
1. The grammar or writing style used in the writing between the main journal and the
comparative journal is easy to understand, making it easier for readers to understand how the
research was carried out and what results were obtained with the objectives to be achieved
from the research results.

2. The two journals each have the contents that match the given title, no explanation comes
out of the article title.

3. Each of the main journals and comparative journals has good standards, because both
journals already have ISSN and their journal publishers are well validated. So that if you do a
journal search, it is very easy for readers to find.

b. Kelemahan

Between the two journals, there are still punctuation errors as well as errors in
writing, for the author it is hoped that such things will be paid more attention so that
they do not occur again in future journals.


Some experts define bilingualism within strict limits, but there are others whose demands
are very lax. According to Pranowo (2015: 103), the limits given should contain elements (a)
the use of two languages, (b) as good or one that is better, (c) use can be productive or
receptive, and can be used by an individual or society. . Thus, the boundaries of bilingualism
can be corrected into the use of two languages alternately both productively and receptively
by individuals or by society.

From the two journals above, it is known that the journal is very good and worthy of study,
but every advantage must have drawbacks as well as this journal, in every job there must be
one or two mistakes that need to be explored more deeply so that it can be even better.

B.Rekomendasi .

According to what I read, the two journals are suitable for use by students or female students
like us and become a reference for readers and it is hoped that the journal is more thorough in
using punctuation so that there are no errors and makes it easier for readers.

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