Coming To The Table Survey
Coming To The Table Survey
Coming To The Table Survey
The purpose of this survey is to understand stakeholders perceptions of food in Alabama. We greatly appreciate your participation.
AARP Alabama 201 Monroe Street, RSA Tower 1880 Montgomery, AL 36104 Auburn University Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Auburn, AL 36849
When discussing the food in your community, the nutritional quality of the food available may be a consideration. Please rank the following policy recommendations that are meant to improve food quality in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, and farmers markets should carry locally produced foods. ___ Communities should consider setting aside public property and creating zoning for community gardens and neighborhood farms in development plans. ___ Government and civic groups should work with seniors to ensure they can access Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits online. ___ Foods grown and processed in Alabama should be purchased and prepared in public institutions such as hospitals, prisons and senior centers. If other food quality issues are important to you please list them below: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
3. When discussing the food in your community, hunger (food insecurity) may be a consideration. Please rank the following four policy recommendations proposed to reduce hunger in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 5. Please no ties.
People who are food insecure lack access to both an adequate quantity of food and food that is wholesome and nutritious. ___ State and local governments should work with food banks, food pantries, and other charitable organizations, including faith-based groups, to increase and improve programs that reduce food insecurity. ___ State and local governments should make public transportation available and efficient so people who are food insecure can better access nutritious foods. ___ State and local governments should offer incentives to locally owned companies that choose to open new grocery stores in areas that currently lack access to nutritious foods. ___ State and local governments should offer incentives to any company that chooses to open new grocery stores in areas that currently lack access to nutritious foods. ___ State and local governments should help more retailers, including farmers markets and roadside stands, accept food stamps (SNAP). If other hunger issues are important to you please list them below: ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
4. When discussing the food in your community, local food production may be a consideration. Please rank the following four policy recommendations proposed to increase local food production in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Grants and tax incentives should be offered to farmers and processors who produce high quality foods that meet community needs. ___ State and local governments should reduce regulations that make local food production and processing difficult. ___ State and local policies should encourage local food production and processing as a means of job creation. ___ State and local governments should enhance the profitability of small- and medium-sized farms in Alabama by supporting direct farm marketing, sustainable agriculture, and agritourism efforts. If other food production issues are important to you please list them below: ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2
Overall, please rank (a) school food, (b) nutritional quality of food available in communities, (c) hunger, and (d) local food production in order of their importance to you when you consider the food system in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most important factor, a 2 next to the second most important, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Improving school food ___ Increasing the nutritional quality of the food available in communities ___ Reducing hunger ___ Increasing local food production
A food policy council is a diverse group of citizens from across the food system that seeks to educate citizens about the food system, collaborate to identify and address issues in the food system, and advocate for policy changes that would improve the food system, such as the ones above. 6. If a food policy council with these goals existed in Alabama, would you be willing to become a member by paying annual dues? __Yes __No If yes, what annual dues would you be willing to pay for this organization? $25 $50 $75 $100 $200 Would you be willing to pay annual dues that are more than the stated amounts? If so, how much per year would you be willing to pay?
7. In order for a food policy council to achieve their stated goals, many activities and skills are needed. Please rank the following volunteer activities based on your preferences and comfort level. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred and a 3 next to the least.
___ Meeting with city, county, or state officials to discuss food policy issues ___ Hosting a discussion in your community or at a school about food policy issues ___ Attending monthly meetings to organize efforts of the state food policy council in your community Is there any other way you would be willing to volunteer for the food policy council? If so, list briefly below: ____________________________________________________________________________
8. Given the opportunity to volunteer by doing your top ranked activity, how much time a month would you dedicate to that activity on behalf of the food policy council?
An average of one hours per month. An average of two hours per month. An average of five hours per month. An average of 10 hours per month.
Would you be willing to volunteer more time per month than the stated options? If so, how many hours per month?
10. What does the term local food mean to you? ___________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
12. When you purchase food, how often do you buy at the following locations?
Very rarely (0 to 5 times a year) At a Supercenter such as WalMart or Target At wholesale stores such as Sams Club or Costco At a typical grocery store such as Kroger or Winn-Dixie At convenience stores such as Kangaroo or Circle K At a large specialty grocer such as Whole Foods or Earth Fare At a small health/natural foods store or a food co-op At a Farmers Market Directly from a producers farm Rarely (6 to 11 times a year) Monthly (12 times a year) Regularly (2 to 3 times a month) Very regularly (4 or more times a month)
14. Next, we would like to ask you some additional questions about your views on food insecurity (hunger), food production, and your life.
DEFINITIONS: Food insecurity: People who are food insecure lack both access to an adequate quantity of food and food that is wholesome and nutritious. Local economic development is an increase in the ability of the local economy to create wealth for local residents. Strongly Agree There are people in Alabama who are food 1 insecure. State policies help to eliminate food insecurity. 1 Food production in Alabama increases local 1 economic development. State policies promote local food production for 1 local economic development in Alabama. Food insecurity is a problem in Alabama. 1 We need state policies to reduce food insecurity 1 in Alabama. My family is not concerned about food 1 insecurity in Alabama. My family would support a policy that reduces 1 food insecurity. I do what my family thinks I should do. 1 Food production is good for local economic 1 development in Alabama. Most Americans are concerned about food 1 insecurity in their state. My family is concerned about increasing local food production to improve economic 1 development. 6 Strongly Disagree 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3 4 5
Most Americans would support a state or local policy to reduce food insecurity. If I supported a policy to reduce food insecurity I would tell my family. We need state policies to increase local food production for local economic growth Most people who are important to me think I should support a state policy that would reduce food insecurity. My family would support programs that increased local food production in Alabama to improve local economic development. Most Americas are concerned about using local food production as a way to improve local economic development. Most Americans would support a state or local policy that increased local food production to improve local economic development. If I supported a program that increased local food production to improve local economic development I would tell my family. Most people who are important to me think I should support a program that would increase local food production to improve local economic development. I would be willing to support a program that increases local food production as a means of improving local economic development. I would be willing to support a policy that reduces food insecurity. I intend to support programs designed to increase food production as a means of improving local economic development. I intend to support programs that provide food to people who are food insecure.
And now a few background questions to help us know if weve surveyed all different kinds of people in Alabama.
15. What month and year were you born?
_______MM _______YYYY
16. What are the first three digits of your ZIP Code? __ __ __
20. Do you consider yourself . . . ? (feel free to select more than one)
Asian Black or African American White Other (please specify)____________________
25. Which Congressional District do you live? ___ District 1 Rep. Jo Bonner District 2 Rep. Martha Roby District 3 Rep. Michael Mike Rogers District 4 Rep. Robert Aderholt District 5 Rep. Mo Brooks District 6 Rep. Spencer Bachus District 7 Rep. Terri Sewell 26. Religious Attitude
Is religion an important part of your daily life? Yes____ Not at all My personal religious beliefs are important to me. 1 2 3 4 No___ Very much 5 6 7
29. If you have any additional thoughts about food in Alabama, please share them here.
Coming to the Table Now that we have had a discussion of food issues in your community. Please repeat the ranking exercise. 1. When discussing the food in your community, school food may be a consideration. Please rank the following proposed policy recommendations meant to improve school food. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Local, state, and federal governments should encourage school nutrition directors to buy from local farmers when possible. ___ Schools should have proper equipment so that foods are cooked on campus and not just warmed up. ___ Vending machines should either not be permitted on school campuses or those schools that choose to have vending machines should establish strict health standards for items offered. ___ School garden programs should be developed to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to school lunchrooms. If other school food issues are important to you please list them below: ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
When discussing the food in your community, the nutritional quality of the food available may be a consideration. Please rank the following policy recommendations that are meant to improve food quality in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, and farmers markets should carry locally produced foods. ___ Communities should consider setting aside public property and creating zoning for community gardens and neighborhood farms in development plans. ___ Government and civic groups should work with seniors to ensure they can access Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits online ___ Foods grown and processed in Alabama should be purchased and prepared in public institutions such as hospitals, prisons and senior centers. If other food quality issues are important to you please list them below: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 1
3. When discussing the food in your community, hunger (food insecurity) may be a consideration. Please rank the following four policy recommendations proposed to reduce hunger in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 5. Please no ties.
People who are food insecure lack access to both an adequate quantity of food and food that is wholesome and nutritious. ___ State and local governments should work with food banks, food pantries, and other charitable organizations, including faith-based groups, to increase and improve programs that reduce food insecurity. ___ State and local governments should make public transportation available and efficient so people who are food insecure can better access nutritious foods. ___ State and local governments should offer incentives to locally owned companies that choose to open new grocery stores in areas that currently lack access to nutritious foods. ___ State and local governments should offer incentives to any company that chooses to open new grocery stores in areas that currently lack access to nutritious foods. ___ State and local governments should help more retailers, including farmers markets and roadside stands, accept food stamps (SNAP). If other hunger issues are important to you please list them below: ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
4. When discussing the food in your community, local food production may be a consideration. Please rank the following four policy recommendations proposed to increase local food production in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred recommendation, a 2 next to the second most preferred, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Grants and tax incentives should be offered to farmers and processors who produce high quality foods that meet community needs. ___ State and local governments should reduce regulations that make local food production and processing difficult. ___ State and local policies should encourage local food production and processing as a means of job creation. ___ State and local governments should enhance the profitability of small- and medium-sized farms in Alabama by supporting direct farm marketing, sustainable agriculture, and agritourism efforts. If other food production issues are important to you please list them below: ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2
Overall, please rank (a) school food, (b) nutritional quality of food available in communities, (c) hunger, and (d) local food production in order of their importance to you when you consider the food system in your community. That is, put a 1 next to the most important factor, a 2 next to the second most important, and so on down to 4. Please no ties.
___ Improving school food ___ Increasing the nutritional quality of the food available in communities ___ Reducing hunger ___ Increasing local food production
A food policy council is a diverse group of citizens from across the food system that seeks to educate citizens about the food system, collaborate to identify and address issues in the food system, and advocate for policy changes that would improve the food system, such as the ones above 6. If a food policy council with these goals existed in Alabama, would you be willing to become a member by paying annual dues? __Yes __No If yes, what annual dues would you be willing to pay for this organization? $25 $50 $75 $100 $200 Would you be willing to pay annual dues that are more than the stated amounts? If so, how much per year would you be willing to pay? ____________________________________________________
7. In order for a food policy council to achieve their stated goals, many activities and skills are needed. Please rank the following volunteer activities based on your preferences and comfort level. That is, put a 1 next to the most preferred and a 3 next to the least.
___ Meeting with city, county, or state officials to discuss food policy issues ___ Hosting a discussion in your community or at a school about food policy issues ___ Attending monthly meetings to organize efforts of the state food policy council in your community Is there any other way you would be willing to volunteer for the food policy council? If so, list briefly below: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. Given the opportunity to volunteer by doing your top ranked activity, how much time a month would you dedicate to that activity on behalf of the food policy council? __ An average of one hours per month. __ An average of two hours per month. __ An average of five hours per month. __ An average of 10 hours per month. Would you be willing to volunteer more time per month than the stated options? If so, how many hours per month?