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Bored Ex - Wife

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Bored Ex - Wife

Luke Lafferty Copyright 2013 by Luke Lafferty Smashwords Edition Luke Lafferty is now on Facebook. 'Like' him for a chance to receive free erotica in your inbox! Melanie Jacobs sat in the living room of the large rural mansion that her grandparents gave her as a wedding present. Now divorced, her two teen sons - John and l -- live with her during the summer and with their dad during the school year. !he finished her green tea, got up, stretched her athletic body and prepared sandwiches for them. !he knew how to make the perfect sub crunchy "rench bread from the bakery, bacon, red lettuce and slabs of rotisserie chicken. !he smiled and brushed her long blonde hair from her eyes and grabbed the bread knife. #here was always something left undone though, like hard static in the background of her life. !he had money, friends and her own $oga studio, but her frustrations were always there, nabbing at her like a bu%%ing insect. I could use a warm body against mine, she thought sullenly. &sually she could put her cravings aside, but today was especially bad. 'ad enough she was too distracted to change out of her nightie, which embraced the curvature of her toned body. Melanie was, at thirty-nine, in her se(ual prime and never looked better. !he kept the supple skin and plush figure of a woman half her age. !he pressed against the cabinets, feeling the hard surface against her. )as this lust* $es, it seemed to be -- all out uncontrollable lust that no +ownward +og or ,alf -obra could fi(. ./h, the 0oys of being divorced,1 she thought dryly and sliced a slab of aged cheddar. Jim, her e(, definitely had his unlikeable characteristics, but he could sure da%%le under the sheets. . t least there2s one good bone in your body,1 Melanie had once said to him. !he always felt fu%%y feelings towards him after se(, but he2d eventually do something to mess it up. !leeping with her cousin2s best friend for e(ample. !he caught them red handed, right before he was about to come. 3ity. 'ut, attraction is instinct and she felt herself dampening as she daydreamed about how his cock looked. !lap a suit on it and it could2ve made the cover of a fashion maga%ine. 4t was perfectly proportioned, larger than average, but not uncomfortably so. #he crown at the tip was pink, and shaped like a heart. !he loved putting her lips on it. 4f it was up to her, that delicious mushroom head would get all the attention. .+amn it, stop thinking about Jim51 !he said out loud. Melanie looked around. +id l and John hear her say that* No, of course not. !ighing to herself, Melanie unplugged the toaster and arranged the sandwiches on a plate. !he e(pected

them any minute now. 4t was noon, and they still weren2t up, but usually the smell of toasted "rench bread got them cracking. /f course, they were growing boys, and they were up late watching horror films again. !he really should set a schedule for them. Melanie warmed as she thought of them -- shy, innocent and striking young teens with tall, lanky figures and unkempt 0olts of thick blonde hair. #hey2d been approached to model on a few occasions, but walking a catwalk didn2t2 suit their low key style. !he smiled, an aching warmth surged through her. Melanie blushed and walked through the kitchen doors, up the stairs to their rooms. shower was running, which meant at least one of them smelled her cooking after all. +espite their sleep schedule and disheveled hairstyle, her boys were far from bums. John2s door was open and she admired his perfectly made bed, the pla6ue he received for making the honor roll in grade 7, his 8st place bowling trophies. Melanie stopped at l9s bedroom door and was about to knock, but decided against it. Maybe she spoiled them, but they deserved the e(tra freedom. !he pushed the door open to check if he was awake. l was awake, but not in a way that Melanie e(pected. l was on his back in bed, the blankets down to his waist and his cock erect and ready over his stomach. ,e grasped it with a firm hand. &nbeknown to Melanie, this was a daily ritual for l, his desire for pleasure a never ending adolescent well. 4t was a cruel 0oke that men and women reached their prime at different times, during the years they can2t seem to get any. &sually l thought of Mrs. -arter. ,e hadn2t felt any attraction to her until he saw her outside of school, sunbathing at ,arbor 'each, sporting a green bikini and keeping her thick dark hair in a tight bun 0ust like she did during school. !he seemed embarrassed when they spotted each other, her chest 0ostling to and fro as she ran for her towel. !he tried to be nonchalant, but to l2s dismay Mrs. -arter actually rushed for it, bundling herself against his piercing blue eyes. l stroked himself slowly and e(panded. ,is fantasies drifted and he began thinking about Jill, his undeniably hot cousin. ,e knew it was wrong, but l couldn2t help himself. ,e loved her full-figured body which was strikingly voluptuous for a si(teen year old. :/h, damn, oh damn...1 l said with deep breaths. ,e was ready. Just a few more seconds; ,e suddenly reali%ed the door was open and l9s face blushed fire. ,ow long had his mom been standing there*5 #here he was, his e(posed dick and his mom staring;no, gawking at his manhood. :/h, l5 /h, Jesus5: Melanie was dumbstruck. !he was embarrassed, that much was for certain, but there was a confusing other emotion too. )as it lust* )hat was wrong with her* !he never felt so confused in her <7 years. !he shivered and ran her ga%e up her son2s strong legs to his crotch. 4t was an e(act clone of her e(husband. ,er hands dropped to her sides and she stood slack-0awed, taking every ounce of him in l2s toned hairless chest, hard abs, and his gorgeous swollen cock.

!he throbbed as anticipation overwhelmed her. :=osh, ma. 42m real sorry,: l blurted. Melanie never heard him. !he was %onked out by the sight of it. l took his hand from his dick and pulled the sheets over himself. #he last sliver of resistance flushed out of Melanie, and she grasped his wrist. !he wasn2t done admiring it. . l, you have nothing to be ashamed of. )hat you2re doing is a natural way to relieve se(ual tension. Let2s have a little chat about your body.1 &nsure, l dropped the sheets back down. .>est your head on the pillow, l. +on2t worry about a thing,1 his mom told him. ,e lied back, and looked up at the ceiling, wondering if this was all a dream. Melanie was hypnoti%ed by him again. ,e wasn2t fully erect anymore, but it still looked large resting against his flat stomach. !he sat by his waist and gawked, all shame and parenting instincts lost. :4 shouldn2t have; 4 shouldn2t have done it,: l stammered, :don2t be angry with me, please. 4 won9t...: :4 meant what 4 said, l. Masturbation is completely natural,: Melanie assured him. :42ll take the blame. $ou2re at that age when you need your privacy. 42ll knock for now on.1 !he smiled at him, his blushed face now light pink instead of tomato red. :4 assume you were doing this anyway,: she said with a low voice. : ll boys do when they come of age. ll men do too.: l2s eyes widened with surprise. .?ven Mr. /(ley, my drafting teacher* ,e2s like 7@.1 Melanie shook with laughter. .,a, ha;$es, son. ?ven Mr. /(ley.1 ,e dropped his ga%e to his mother2s nightie. ,e noticed the shape of her hard nipples e(truding beneath tight cotton. Melanie caught his wandering ga%e,but didn2t cover up. !he looked down at his cockA it had swelled again, and twitched against his torso. :4 touch myself too,1 Melanie admitted. .+o you touch yourself all the time, l* $oung, strapping boys like you are always horny,1 she added. .=osh, ma. &m, yeah 4 do 6uite a bit,: l responded :4 thought so. )hen you touch yourself, what do you think about*: Melanie asked. ,er ga%ed dropped back down to her son2s swollen dick. !he felt on fire now. Like every ounce of her body was ready to

burst with se(ual energy. &nable to hold off any loner, Melanie slid her soft manicured hand up l2s thigh. ,e gulped and twitched in reaction. Melanie let out a sigh as she basked in the warmth of his legs against her hand. ou should lea!e, she thought to herself, but the voice was small and off in the distance somewhere. !he didn2t budge. :!ometimes;$ou know, 42ll think about girls from my school,: l2s voice shook. :42ll think about kissing them, touching them, and you know;having se(.1 ,is cock began throbbing with crude pulses and it rose rigidly from his stomach. 4t was fully erect and hovering, swollen and stiff in the open air. :42m sure there2s lots of pretty girls who want to kiss a handsome devil like you.1 4t was like a dream, like someone else was controlling her. !he felt like a puppet on strings as she saw herself lift her hand from her thigh and move towards his aching member. Melanie enfolded her hand around her son9s dick, e(haling softly as she felt his rigid length. !he raised her fist, running the palms of her tightly enclosed hand up his shaft. #hen she fell into a steadier rhythm, masturbating her boy2s fully erect cock. :/h, no5: l couldn2t believe what he was seeing, but his lust betrayed him. ,e thrust himself from the bed, pumping his dick through the space in her hand. >eali%ing how turned on her was, Melanie s6uee%ed him even harder. :&rgh5 Mom, that feels so fucking good5: :Look how massive your cock is now. 4t9s gigantic5 +o you fantasi%e about anything else when you2re touching yourself* $our own mom perhaps*1 :No5 4 mean; sometimes 4 do. 4 know 4 shouldn2t, but;: l was beat red again. :3lease keep going5 4t2s so hard, 4 can2t take it5: :42m in your fantasies, am 4* ,mmm; 4 guess this means 42ll have to give you something e(tra to think about.1 !he gripped him as hard as she could and pumped 6uickly. !he clenched her teeth and watched his hips grind against her hand. >ight when he felt the first pulse of an approaching orgasm she stopped. .No, mom. 3lease, keep going.1 tiny dribble of cum seeped from his dick hole. /ne more stroke and he would e(plode, but Melanie didn2t want that. !he was soaked now, and her entire body bu%%ed with heat. )ith every ounce of energy, she forced herself to get up slowly. !he rose from l2s mattress and undid the waistband of her night gown. :+on2t worry, l. 42m about to give you a lifetime of fantasies.:

!he let her nightie fall to the carpet in a pile. !he stepped out of it, revealing herself to him completely. l ran his wide-eyed ga%e across her smooth figure. ,e studied her still perky breasts and her hard pinkish nipples riddled with goose bumps. ,is eyes lowered past her tight waist and down her toned, bron%e colored legs. !he was fully shaved, and l gawked at the tiny slit of pink flesh that looked moist and ready. .+o you en0oy my naked body*1 l couldn2t muster a response, but his cock twitching with delight was all that needed to be said. Melanie slinked onto l2s bed. !he arched her back and draped her round --cup breasts over her son2s face. :!ee how hard my pink nipples are, l* #here are so swollen it hurts. ,elp mommy by putting your mouth on them. =ood, that2s right. !uck on mommies2 warm tits.1 l opened 6uickly and she lowered herself inside his wet mouth. ,e tugged away greedily on her nipple, sucking hard and nibbling softly. Melanie closed her eyes and tilted back. :/h5 #hat feels so good, honey5 $ou2re doing it 0ust right.: #he tingle in her breasts spread to her loins and she swelled. )hen she couldn2t stand it for another second, she pushed him down on the bed and kneeled between her legs. !he anticipated the hard, young dick and the taste of him in her mouth, : l, 42m going to put you in my mouth,: she said deeply, her mouth salivated, waiting for a taste. !he placed a hand around the base of him, gave l a devilish grin, then looked down at cock one last time. !he wanted to savor the moment. "inally, she lowered herself down and pushed out her tongue. l shuttered and breathed out as his mom began licking around his hard shaft, lapping it up like a thirsty cub. ,er dripping wet tongue slid up and down his swollen knob and across the bubble of pre-cum emitting from the head. :&rgh, mom5: l2s eyes fluttered and he began rocking his hips up and down off the bed. ,e pumped at her slowly, wanting her to take it in her mouth and suck. :4 can2t believe how good this feels5: l added. ,er son tasted absolutely perfect, better than their father. Bnelt before her boy, she brushed her thick hair to the side. !he s6uee%ed her thighs together and pressed her plump lips on the tip of his cock. !he wanted to feel what it was like to have his warmth inside her mouth fully. Melanie pressed her lips harder on the tip and ever so slowly opened her mouth to take him in. +elicately, his swollen member entered and she welcomed the feel of it against her mouth and tongue. /h, so slowly she lowered her head down his shaft. ,is bulging crown felt unbelievable, it twitched inside her. t last, a third of him impaled her mouth and l watched with disbelief at the sight of his own mother with his cock in her mouth. ,er face was blushed with the lust of having him against her tongue. Melanie milked the base of him and increased the pressure of her lips. !he yielded her cheeks for suction, and began blowing her son9s cock, twirling her dripping tongue over him. t once he grew even harder, pulling her lips apart strenuously.

,e cupped his hands behind her head and guided her deeper. :/h, =od5: ,e pumped his hips, lifting his ass off the mattress to fuck his mother2s mouth. Melanie played with him, withdrawing from his dick and chuckling at his eagerness. :+o you like having your cock in my mouth*: Melanie asked her son. .$es, don2t stop, please,1 l responded. !he pumped at his shaft as she looked up, smiling with a mischievous grin and looking lustfully into his eyes. :42m not convinced. re you sure you want my hot mouth on your big, hard dick*: :$es, yes. /h, please1 .+on2t worry, honey. 4 love it 0ust as much as you do. ?specially yours. 'ecause, well;look at it. 4t2s perfect.1 !he took a moment to gape at its glistening shape. Mom and son were having so much fun, they weren2t aware that John was long done showering. ,e combed his hair, brushed his teeth and put on deodorant. ,e left the bathroom, but turned back to retrieve his cologne. 4t wasn2t there. +id l take it again* ,e walked down the hall towards his bedroom. #hey didn2t hear the door slide open either, its rusty hinges silent before their all-consuming lust for each other. !miling, she plunged herself down and took his bulging knob back into her mouth. !he struggled to allow all of him in, the head of his dick practically slammed down her throat. Melanie rela(ed her gag refle( and her lips lowered to his sack. ,is cock was like steel nowA she was surprised he hadn2t burst. Melanie picked up speed, running her mouth up and down his shaft with vigilance. ,er head went up and down and her son fucked her mouth in tandem. #his was pure se(ual energy, and it absorbed every ounce of their awareness. #hey didn2t see the puff of wavy blonde hair probe through the crack of the door. John stood, absolutely flabbergasted that something like this was happening. ,is own mother was giving his brother a blow0ob, really going to town on himA could she ever blow5 ,e had a perfect view of the entire thing -- his naked mother2s protruding rump, her tits dangling as she bobbed. #he pink slit of her pussy between two clenched thighs. ?ven from where he was standing he could see she was wet. stream of 0uice flowed from her tight pussy lips and down the back of her thighs. ,e could hear slight sighs from her as she delighted in having a cock-filled mouth. :/h, shit5: l trembled, staring dumbfounded at his mom2s workmanship. #he delight of having his cock blown was so strong he couldn2t contain himself. ,er warm, tight lips fastened to his shaft, the twirling tongue dabbing and flickering into his cock hole... 4t was all too much. ,e hadn2t ever been sucked before. l heard a slight creaking in the doorway and he looked up. ,is brother stood there in briefs, his hair still soaked from the shower, his mouth a0ar so wide it could land a CDC. /ddly enough, the fact that his

bro was watching made l even more eager. #heir mother would 0ump hurdles for cock right about now, and John was witnessing it all5 :$es, keep sucking my dick5: l huffed gleefully, stooping over to stroke hard and deep in his mother2s mouth. ,is nuts smacked against her chin. ,e couldn2t believe how deep he was . ./h fuck, you2re gonna make me cum in your mouth5: Melanie moaned in anticipation and she rubbed herself waiting for it. !he felt the base of his shaft convulse, ready to burst sticky seed into her eager mouth. nd she2d love to have it, but as much as she en0oyed the feeling of creamy goo on her tongue, she wanted it pulsed inside herA the thought of his seed in her pussy was the pinnacle of her fantasies. :+on2t cum in my mouth, l,: she murmured between gulps of hot breath. :4 need your hard cock inside me.: !he wouldn2t wait a second longer. /blivious of their observer, she abruptly pulled her head away from his dick and with a cry of hunger opened her legs wide enough to show him 0ust how e(cited she really was. :+o you want your cock in me, l*: she 0eered. :Mom9s pussy is ready for you.1 l waved his brother in, :John, come on. Mom will do anything we want5: John2s words didn2t fa%e Melanie through her da%e of lust, but she snapped out of it when she heard heavy footsteps and a voice that wasn2t l2s .)ow, is this ever a surprise. 4t looks like you two are really en0oying each other2s company51 Melanie turned to see her youngest son, John completely awestruck by the spectacle before them. .&mmm;1 ?verything sunk in suddenly, she had been hypnoti%ed by her appetite for se( and now she felt shame and confusion. #here was no going back. s the stunned comprehension swept across her face, l laughed. :4t9s fine, ma. )e won2t tell. Let him 0oin in the fun.1 'efore Melanie could protest, John sat on the bed behind her waiting to tongue his mom9s sweet flavor from her ass, which stuck out at him invitingly.. !he was 0ust about to call the whole thing off, when John dove his face into her without warning. John9s tongue pushed out, sliding between her soaking wet pussy lips. 4t flickered intensely inside her, .John. Jahhhhhhhh;1 John seemed to know e(actly how to please her, slipping deep inside, gliding in and out. !he couldn2t help but push her ass back against his tongue, feeling its wet warm surface protrude deeper inside her cunt. Melanie9s moan was a mi( of shame and lust in response to the insanity of what was happening. l was beaming down at her, grasping his dick while John lapped his tongue around her pussy. !he was hopelessly trapped as a se( slave between her boys, bound by her lust. !he s6uee%ed tightly around John9s tongue and her pussy 0uices ran over the boy2s face, enticing him to continue.

'u%%ing with se(ual heat, the last of her inhibition fell to the wayside. !he shook her ass on the bed and cried with haste, :$es, keep going5 h, ah, ah5 4 love it5: John9s dick throbbed under his briefs. ,e peeled them back and let his cock feel the cool air. !he saw it erect and pointing towards her ass, beckoning her. 4t was a sight she couldn2t stand. :$es5: she groaned deeply, entranced by the perfect, erect cock teasing her wet pussy. :+o it5 3lease, 4 need it;/h, =od, /h, =od, /h, =od;Lie on the bed, John51 )ith his cock pulsing harder than ever before, John laid back on his brother2s bed, his cock in the air waiting for his mom2s desperate snatch. Melanie shook with desire as she furiously mounted him, placing her knees on the mattress on either side of his thighs, her pussy hanging over his pointing, throbbing cock. :42m going to put your cock in now5: !he guided his throbbing shaft towards her. !he ran it along her pussy lips, encircling around her opening, teasing both of them. !he let out a whimper as she felt his knob against her slit. John9s eyes were gla%ed over with desire as he awaited her. Melanie fanned her ass, 6uivering as she fit his large cock head into her opening. !he lowered down, taking in the first inches of his shaft, a high pitched noise that didn2t sound like her own erupted in her throat. :=od, John5 4 love you in my pussy5: !he refrained from getting too %ealous, wanting her son to last long enough to satisfy her. John groaned. Melanie leaned forward and arched her back, taking him in completely. !he lowered down and pressed her firm breasts against John9s chest. !he started bouncing more now, impaling herself up and down her son2s dick. ,is si%e stretched Melanie open, giving her a satisfying feeling of fullness that she had long craved. :Mmmmmmm5: Melanie bu%%ed as she grinded her hips down on him, ,olding his shoulders, Melanie raised her ass, relishing his thickness. !he rode up until only the tip was still inside her. !he dropped back down and impaled herself again. &p and down she rode him, gliding herself onto his stabbing meat. :Beep fucking me, John5: John glided his groping hands down her back, grabbing her firm, bouncing ass. ,e began to thrust her for the first time, finding the rhythm came naturalA within two strokes he was fucking her like a seasoned pornstar. :#hat2s right5 "uck your mother good5: Melanie9s hot pussy violently burned and 0uiced, wetly sucking the granite hardness of John9s stroking dick. :&rgh5 /h fuck, 4 love it5: :"uh, fuh, fuck meeeeeee5: she screamed like an animal. :&rggghhh5 John, 4 need your cock5 /h, oh, oh, 42m cuuummmiinnngggg5: #he tremors began deep inside her, and pushed out through her body like a blanket of ecstasy. 4t was too much, and she tried to hold John2s hips down, but John humped her intensely as she came, sending her up to higher and higher peaks. :/h, wow...: Melanie s6uirmed feverishly on him, recovering from the intensity.

:4 can9t hold off any longer5: John announced. :Mom, 42m going to do it51 l grabbed her mother and pulled her down, her body now taken by the strength of her son2s arms. !he could do nothing but s6uirm as he 0ackhammered her hard, her pussy now so sensitive it almost hurt. John spread her ass cheeks and she felt his dick pulse in waves. "inally, and with a long deep groan, his cock burst inside of her as he continued to drill. !he s6uealed. #hey both took a breather and gathered their senses. Melanie heard something s6ueak and she looked behind her to see l grinning with a bottle of Easeline. 4t was his plan to impale her ass while John continued to fuck. :No, 4 can2t take it,: Melanie whined, her ga%e downward, :Not with your brother in me too5: l ignored her. !he had turned them into unyielding se( fiends. :,elp me out, John5: l e(claimed. John grasped Melanie9s ass cheeks, and spread her wide for his brother2s awaiting dick. l slicked himself freely with thick moisturi%er and threw the bottle to the floor. ,e 0umped on the bed and fi(ed himself to his mother2s helpless ass. ,e guided his knob to her incredibly tight sphincter. :Noooo5 l5 Not yet, not yet not yet;.:

l ignored her and pushed his dick through his mom2s tight opening. #he ring of her ass tightened around his shaft perfectly. ,e pushed it in further and she let out a sound that didn2t seem human. s l entered her, John recovered, becoming hard from Melanie2s pleas. !he was still dripping cream from his thick seed. Melanie sobbed and pleaded but she was helplessly sandwiched between her boys. l9s cock was half-way in her ass now. +espite her initial reservations, Melanie began to sink into the most powerful pleasure of her life. "eeling her ass and her pussy full at ounce was incredible. /nly a tiny slip of flesh divided their cocks and she felt their hard flesh rubbing together. !uddenly, l impaled his dick inside her asshole completely, right to the base of his shaft. Melanie shook, powerless against the penetration of two young cocks at once. ,er calves spasmed ,er pussy sucked and contracted around John9s dick, and her ass throbbed and winced around l. :"ffffff;1 Melanie hissed. !he couldn2t form words. #hey began fucking her hard and she felt like she was being impaled by two spears. Melanie9s face was distorted with desire, her stunning, gleaming body convulsing in a fren%y. :$esssss5 "uck me boys, fuck me... fuck meeee5 /h, shit, 49m cumming so hardddddd5: Melanie trembled and wriggled between them, trying to inhale both cocks fully. :!crew me5 !crew my ass off51 ,er pleas made both boys hot. #hey fucked her in a rhythmic harmony, slamming their dicks into her all the way to the base, both at once

:+o it, John, fuck the shit out of mom5: l demanded. :Mom9s ass is clamped down tight5 !he2s gonna go any minute5: !he felt stranded as the feverish young bucks fucked her body without mercy, bucking with pleasure as her ass and cunt spasmed around their dicks. Melanie9s entire body arched and tensed for the approaching summit. ,er ass pulsated obscenely, and her cunt dripped wet over John9s pounding dick. Melanie2s clima( e(ploded. #aking in the fullness of both her sons, she came in a silent scream of utter fulfillment. ,er whole body vibrated with the most 0aw dropping orgasm Melanie ever had. !pasm after spasm ran through her, and all she could do was scream. ,er ass s6uee%ed l9s cock like a python, trying to suck the 0uice from within him. :/h, she feels so tight5: John gasped as he felt the warmth of her 0uices flow. )hile John began to cum, Melanie felt l2s shaft e(plode cream deep inside her asshole at the same time they were both bursting inside her. ,er orgasm e(tended from the feel of their spurting cum. #hey continued penetrating until she had taken every last ounce of their young seed. >eality hit Melanie hard. #here was no rewind button. #he insanity of the moment brought oil spots to her vision and she almost toppled over. !he slumped over John in a da%e, his dick still twitching inside her, emptying out the rest of his fluids. John rested against her back and groaned, leaving his dick resting inside her. "hat ha!e I done# !he thought to herself, but there was no denying the relief of finally being satisfied. !he looked across the room and spotted herself in the mirror, her gorgeous, sweaty body still probed by her son2s dicks. #here was no denying that smile she was finally, completely, utterly fulfilled.

Luke Lafferty was raised in the hills of northern Arizona, but currently lives just outside Los An eles where the air is cleaner, but trouble is still a stone throw away. !hree years a o he be an the e"ually frustratin and rewardin job of ownin a re#tile farm for $mostly% endan ered s#ecies. &ost of the sales from his biblio ra#hy o to feedin #ythons and #oisonous lizards. 'e has been rushed to the () several times, and knows most of the #aramedics by name. *n his s#are time, Lafferty attem#ts to #lay the saxo#hone, travel $he has a love for )ussia ++ bleak, yes, but exotic and fascinatin %, and run the odd triathlon $albeit slowly%. 'e thanks you for readin this.

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