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Pier Footing

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For Free-Top (Unconstrained) Rigid Round Piers Using PCA / Czerniak Method Subjected Vertical Load, Horizontal Load, and/or Moment Job Name : Subject : Pier Footing Design Job Number: Designer: RM Input Data: Pier Data: Pier Foundation Diameter, D = Pier Height Above Soil, h1 = Concrete Strength, f'c = Soil Data: Unit Weight of Soil, = Angle of Internal Friction, = Depth to Resisting Surface, h2 = Allow. Soil Bearing Pressure, Pa = Pier Loadings: Axial Load, Pv = Horizontal Load, Ph = Distance from Ph to Top/Pier, H = Externally Applied Moment, M = Results: 1.00 3.00 4.00 0.00
kN kN m kNm Pier Resisting Surface

Pv=1 kN

0.60 0.00 20.00

m m Mpa

M=0 kNm Ph=3 kN

20.00 30.00 0.00 100.00

kN/m3 deg. m kN/m2

H=4m h1=0m

Ground Line




Pier Embedment and Total Length: Nomenclature Ho = 5.00 kN/m Ho = Ph/D 20.00 kN-m/m Mo = (M+Ph*(H+h1+h2))/D Mo = E= 4.00 m E = Mo/Ho Kp = 3.00 Kp = TAN^2(45+/2) (passive soil pressure coefficient) R= 60.00 kN/m2/m R = Kp* (passive soil resistance/ft. depth) L= 2.06 m L = solution of cubic equation: L^3-(14*Ho/R)*L-(19*Mo/R)=0 L/D = 3.43 L/D <= 10 for valid short, rigid pier analysis L/D<=10, O.K. Lt = 2.06 m Lt = h1+h2+L (total length) Pier Side Soil Pressures: a= 1.42 m Pc = 42.47 kN/m2 Pc(allow) = 42.50 kN/m2 Pt = 111.75 kN/m2 Pt(allow) = 123.54 kN/m2 Pier End Bearing Pressure: m2 Af = 0.28 Wf = 0.09 kN Pv = 1.09 kN kN/m2 P(bot) = 3.85

a = L*(4*E/L+3)/(6*E/L+4) ("pivot" point from top of resisting surface) Pc = 1.18*(4*Mo+3*Ho*L)^2/(L^2*(3*Mo+2*Ho*L)) Pc(allow) = Pp*(a/2) Pc(allow)>=Pc, O.K. Pt = 9.42*(2*Mo+Ho*L)/L^2 Pt(allow) = Pp*L Pt(allow)>=Pt, O.K.

Af = *D^2/4 (pier base area) Wf = (Af*Lt)*0.150 (pier weight) Pv = Pv+Wf (total vertical load) P(bot) = Pv/Af

Pa>=P(bot), O.K.


Pier Shear and Moment: Maximum Shear: V(max) = 12.29 kN Maximum Moment: M(max) = 12.09

(located at distance = a, from top of resisting surface) V(max) = ABS(Ho*D*(1-3*(4*E/L+3)*(a/L)^2+4*(3*E/L+2)*(a/L)^3) (located at distance = a/2, from top of resisting surface) M(max) = Ho*D*L*(E/L+a/2/L-(4*E/L+3)*(a/2/L)^3+(3*E/L+2)*(a/2/L)^4)


Pier Plain Concrete Stresses: Axial Compressive Stress: fa = 0.02 Mpa

fa = (Pv+*D^2/4*(h1+h2+a/2)*24)/(*(D)^2/4)/1000

Flexural Tension/Compression Stress: fb = 0.57 Mpa fb = M(max)/(*(D)^3/32)/1000 Combined Compression Stress: fc = 0.59 Mpa Fc(allow) = 12.00 Mpa Combined Tension Stress: ft = 0.55 Mpa Ft(allow) = 1.74 Mpa Shear Stress: fv = 0.04 Fv(allow) = 1.63 (AS 3600-2009 Clause , = 0.6 - Table 2.2.2) fc = fb+fa (compression) Fc(allow) = *fc' Fc(allow)>=fc, O.K. (AS 3600-2009 Clause , = 0.6 - Table 2.2.2) ft = fb-fa (tension) Ft(allow) = *0.36*(fc')0.5*1.8 Ft(allow)>=ft, O.K. (AS 3600-2009 Clause , = 0.6 - Table 2.2.2) fv = V(max)/((*(D)^2/4)*1000) (shear) Fv(allow) = *(f'c)1/3 Fv(allow)>=fv, O.K.

Mpa Mpa

Applied Lateral Load and Resistance of Pole/Foundation Reference: "Resistance to Overturning of Single, Short Piles" - by Eli Czerniak ASCE Journal of the Struct. Div., Vol. 83, No. ST2, Paper 1188, Mar. 1957
Ph Embedment depth, L, is solution of: L^3-(14*Ho/R)*L-(19*Mo/R) = 0 E Resisting Surface Mo Ho a 2 a L Ground Line






Applied Load

Pole/Fdn. Rotation

Unit Resist. Available

Pressure Diagram

Shear Diagram

Moment Diagram

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