Ar 195-5 - Evidence Procedures
Ar 195-5 - Evidence Procedures
Ar 195-5 - Evidence Procedures
Criminal Investigations
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
28 August 1992
AR 195–5
Evidence Procedures
This revision--
o Establishes procedures for using plain bond paper for continuation pages for
listing of evidence, rather than additional copies of DA Form 4137 (para 2-3).
o Allows for use of modified Class V container for evidence storage at locations
where evidence volume is insufficient to justify construction of an evidence
room (para 4-1d).
Criminal Investigations
Evidence Procedures
procedures, including the collection, account- regulation are not official unless they are au-
ability, preservation, and disposition of evi- thenticated by the Administrative Assistant to
dence. It also delineates responsibility and the Secretary of the Army. Users will destroy
authority between Military Police and the U. interim changes on their expiration dates un-
S. Army Criminal Investigation Command as less sooner superseded or rescinded.
they apply to evidence procedures.
Applicability. This regulation applies to the Suggested Improvements. The propo-
Active Army, the Army National Guard, and nent agency for this regulation is the Office
the U.S. Army Reserve. All provisions of this of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
regulation are in effect during mobilization.
and Plans. Users are invited to send com-
Proponent and exception authority. ments and suggested improvements on DA
Not applicable Form 2028(Recommended Changes to Publi-
Army management control process. cations and Blank Forms) directly to HQDA
This regulation is subject to the requirements (DAMO–ODL), WASH DC 20310–0440.
of AR 11–2. It contains internal control pro-
visions but does not contain checklists for
History. This UPDATE printing publishes a conducting internal control reviews. These Distribution. Distribution of this publica-
revision of this publication. This publication checklists are in DA Circular 11 series. tion is made in accordance with the require-
has been reorganized to make it compatible Supplementation. Supplementation of this ments on DA Form 12–09–E, block number
wit the Army electronic publishing database. regulation and the establishment of command 3187, intended for levels A for Active Army,
Not content has been changed. and local forms are prohibited without prior D for Army National Guard, and A for U.S.
Summary. This regulation on criminal in- approval from HQDA (DAMO–ODL), Army Reserve.
vestigation evidence procedures has been re- WASH DC 20310–0440.
vised. It covers Department of the Army Interim changes. Interim changes to this
policy on criminal investigation evidence
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) Retention of evidence • 2–12, page 11
Special handling and safety precautions • 2–13, page 11
Chapter 1
General, page 1 Chapter 3
Purpose • 1–1, page 1 Inspections, Inventories, and Inquiries, page 17
References • 1–2, page 1 Inspections • 3–1, page 17
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1 Inventories • 3–2, page 17
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1 Inquiries • 3–3, page 18
Requests for waiver • 1–5, page 1
Primary and alternate evidence custodians • 1–6, page 1 Chapter 4
Policy • 1–7, page 1 Security Standards for Evidence Storage, page 18
Storage concepts • 4–1, page 18
Chapter 2 Evidence room • 4–2, page 18
Recording and Accountability of Evidence, page 2 Temporary evidence facilities • 4–3, page 19
Identification • 2–1, page 2 Security • 4–4, page 20
Sealing • 2–2, page 3
Preparation of DA Form 4137 • 2–3, page 3 Chapter 5
Processing of DA Form 4137 by the evidence custodian • 2–4, Submission of Evidence to U.S. Army Criminal
page 4 Investigation Laboratories, page 20
Evidence ledger • 2–5, page 4 Processing of evidence • 5–1, page 20
Maintenance of evidence • 2–6, page 5 Sealing • 5–2, page 20
Temporary release of evidence • 2–7, page 5 Expeditious handling and examination of evidence • 5–3, page 21
Final disposition of evidence • 2–8, page 6 Special circumstances • 5–4, page 21
Special processing procedures for certain 6(e) (Federal Grand Jury
materials) evidence • 2–9, page 8
Use of controlled substances for training • 2–10, page 10
Field testing of controlled substances • 2–11, page 10
Figure List
MEMORANDUM FOR SFC Cleophus R. Little,125–08–3622, Fort McClellan Resident Agency, Third Region,
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, Fort McClellan, AL 36205–5000
1. Effective 1 May 90, you are appointed as the Primary Evidence Custodian for the Fort McClellan Resident Agency.
4. Period: Indefinite.
Special Agent-in-Charge
SFC Little
Admin File
Evidence Room File
equals the minimum acceptable structural and security standards be welded to the vertical bars and spaced so that openings do not
required by this regulation. exceed 32 square inches.
a. Classified information will not be stored in the evidence room. (5) Either door may be hung on the outside of the doorway. They
All containers or storage facilities used to store classified informa- will be hung with the door frame attached to the door casing.
tion must meet the security standards in AR 380–5, as appropriate (6) Door hinges will be installed so that doors cannot be removed
(for example, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret.) without seriously damaging the door or jamb. All exposed hinge
b. Evidence storage facilities may be used for storage of con- pins will be spotwelded or installed with brads to prevent removal.
trolled substances for training in the narcotics detector dog program. This is not required when safety and stud hinges are used, or when
(See para 4–2f(5).) the hinge pins are on the inside of the doors. (A safety hinge has a
c. Property which is not evidence (except for b above) will not be metal stud on the face of one hinge leaf and a hole in the face of the
stored in the evidence room. other leaf. As the door closes, the stud enters the hole and goes
d. Those installations or activities who routinely maintain evi- through the full thickness of the leaf. This creates a’bolting’ or
dence of insufficient quantity to reasonably justify construction and ’locking’ effect).
maintenance of an evidence room as described in paragraph 4–2, (7) The outer door will be secured by one high-security, key-
may utilize a safe approved by General Services Administration opened padlock. The padlock will conform to military specification
(GSA) for evidence storage. Such use is subject to the following MIL–P–43607 (GL) (High Security Padlock)NSN
provisions: 5340–00–799–8016 or NSN 5340–00–799–8248, military specifica-
tion P–43951. The changeable combination padlock for the inner
(1) The master drawer of the container (the drawer bearing the
door will conform with Federal specification FF–P–110(S&G
combination lock mechanism and which must be opened prior to
8077A and 8078A series). This changeable combination padlock is
allowing any other drawer in the container to be opened) must be
intended only as an indoor or protected area reusable seal. It is not
fitted with a heavy duty steel hasp and staple, or equivalent, meeting intended for use on the outer door or for protection against forced
the requirements of paragraph 4–2c(7). entry.
(2) The master drawer of the container will be secured with a (8) All locks will be used with a heavy steel hasp and staple.The
high security, key opened padlock as specified in paragraph 4–2c(7). hasp and staple will be attached with smooth-headed bolts or rivets
(3) The container must be located in a locked, controlled access that go through the thickness of the door or jamb. They will be
room. spotwelded or installed with brads on the inside of the door.Heavy
The original and one copy of the crime lab examination request will be
sent with the evidence, and one copy, with pen and ink annotation of
the registered mail number and date forwarded to USACIL, will be
maintained with the copy of the evidence custody document retained
in the evidence room suspense file.
To: The “To” block will list the address of the USACIL serving the
contributing office. The division(s) to make the examination is (are)
shown on the “Attention line” (for example, chemistry, firearms, docu-
ments, latent print, or photography). If examination is to be conducted
by more than one division, the divisions should be listed in a logical
order facilitating the required examinations. The “From” block will list
the contributor’s return address. The evidence and report will be re-
turned to the contributor reflected in the “From” block unless otherwise
specified. If the evidence and/or report is to be returned to an office
other than the one in the “From” block, the address to which the report
and/or evidence is to be returned will be noted in the lower portion of
the “From” block, preceded by the annotation “Return report to:”,
“Return report and evidence to:”, or “Return evidence to:”, dependent
upon which action is desired.
AR 190–11
Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives. (Cited in United States Code
18 USC 504
para 4–2f(1).)
United States Code
AR 190–12
18 USC 924d
Military Police Working Dogs. (Cited in paras 2–10a(1), 2–10a(3),
and 4–4a.) United States Code
21 USC 812
AR 190–53
Interception of Wire and Oral Communications for Law Section III
Enforcement Purposes. (Cited in para 2–8j(13).) Prescribed Forms
AR 195–2 DA Form 3655
Criminal Investigation Activities. (Cited in para 2–7h.) Crime Lab Examination Request. (Prescribed in paras 2–7c(3) and
AR 195–3
Acceptance, Accreditation, and Release of U.S. Army Criminal DA Form 4002
Investigation Command Personnel. (Cited in para 3–3a.) Evidence/Property Tag. (Prescribed in paras 2–1b, 2–4b, and
AR 195–4
Use of Contingency Limitation .0015 Funds for Criminal DA Form 4137
Investigative Activities. (Cited in para 2–8k.) Evidence/Property Custody Document. (Prescribed in paras 1–6c(3),
2–3, 2–4, and 5–1d.)
AR 340–3
Official Mail Cost Control Program. (Cited in para 2–7e.) Section IV
Referenced Forms
AR 380–5
Department of the Army Information Security Program. (Cited in DA Form 3862
para 4–1a.) Controlled Substances Stock Record
Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is merely a source of additional information.
The user does not have to read it to understand this publication.
Evidence ledger
The bound record book, FSN
7530–00–286–8363, kept by the evidence
custodian to provide double accountability
and to cross-reference custody documents.
Evidence room
A storage room or facility in which items of
evidence are secured.
Fungible evidence
Evidence that might easily be exchanged or
substituted for other like substances. It is not
readily identified, marked distinctively, or
possessed of individual characteristics.
Military Police
The term that applies to soldiers with the
Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) 95B
and 95C and commissioned officers with
speciality code 31. At those installations
where law enforcement and security services
are provided by DA employees and contrac-
tor personnel, the term Military Police or MP
activities, as used in this regulation, applies
to the individuals or the agency charged with
the law enforcement or security
PIN: 002228–000
DATE: 07-26-99
TIME: 10:59:40