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FM 5-484 Multiservice Procedures For Well-Drilling Operations

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FM 5-482

This chapter implements STANAG 2115 LOG (Edition 4).

1-1. Introduction.
a. The Distribution System. The military’s ability to move and fight depends on its fuel supply.
In modern warfare, bulk petroleum makes up over 70 percent of the tonnage moved in the theater
of operations (TO). The availability of fuel depends on the location of the TO. In industrialized
areas, initial supplies could be obtained locally. Tankers will bring in subsequent supplies. Major
portions of the distribution system, such as storage tanks, may already be in place. The existing
system may have to be renovated or supplemented with coupled pipelines, hose lines, and temporary
storage tanks. In undeveloped areas, tankers bring in initial fuel supplies. The Army supplies its
own distribution system. The quartermaster petroleum group is responsible for the supply and
distribution of bulk fuel in a TO.
A bulk-petroleum distribution system is the network that gets bulk fuel to using units. The
system can consist of ocean-tanker loading and unloading facilities, storage terminals, pump
stations, pipelines, hose lines, Class III supply points, tank vehicles, and rail tank cars. In an
undeveloped TO, the bulk-petroleum distributions system (Figure 1-1, page 1-2) consists of tactical
petroleum terminals (TPTs), hose lines, fuel-system supply points (FSSPs), and tank vehicles. In
a developed TO, the same items mentioned above normally consist of fixed facilities (Figure 1-2,
page 1-3). Pipelines are used as far forward as the corps’ rear area. The rest of the system in the
corps and division areas consists of portable facilities.
The basic petroleum-operating concept is to keep storage tanks full at all times. The schedule
for fuel movement through the system is based on storage capacity and product demand. Constant
communication between the distribution and storage facilities is essential during construction and
operation of the system. For more information, see FMs 10-18 and 10-67.
(1) In an Undeveloped TO. Bulk fuels are received in the undeveloped TO in over-the-beach
operations using TPTs. Hose lines or coupled pipelines initially carry the products inland, and the
Army transports the fuels to the ground forces, where possible. Coastal tankers may be used to
move products from deep draft tankers to moorings in waters too shallow for larger ships. Bulk
fuel is transferred by flexible hose lines to tank farms, which are made up of steel or collapsible,
fabric storage tanks. The petroleum supply system in an undeveloped TO includes tanker mooring
facilities, floating hose lines, submarine pipelines, and inland tank farms and terminals that use hose
lines and collapsible tanks. The system also includes pump stations, flexible hose lines, coupled
pipelines, and tank vehicles. Bulk fuel is moved from base terminals and rear storage locations to
the combat zone, using flexible hose lines.
Coupled pipelines are used when the beachhead is expanded. Initially, tactical air bases are
connected to the main hose line or pipeline and to the appropriate tank farm by hose line. The

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pipeline and hose-line systems extend as far forward as possible, usually into the corps’ rear area.
The hose-line system is a rapidly deployable system. The initial system will probably consist of
the TPT, portable pumps with capacities of 600 and 800 gallons per minute (GPM), hose lines, and
collapsible storage tanks. As the beachhead and the theater are expanded, rigid tactical pipelines
and fixed pumping assemblies will be required. Other means of delivery, such as tank vehicle,
barge, and aircraft, will be incorporated into the system, as required.
(2) In a Developed TO. Bulk fuels not locally procured are received from ocean tankers at
TPTs. Bulk fuels are transferred by pipeline to tank farms. The system includes discharge facilities,
which include tanker moorings, piers, docks, and piping manifolds at ports, sea terminals, or at other
points of entry; inland tank farms; storage terminals; and other petroleum-storage facilities. The
system also includes pump stations and pipelines.
Large-scale combat operations may justify construction of welded or coupled pipelines to move
bulk fuels from the communications zone (COMMZ) storage locations to the combat zone. When
possible, the pipeline system services air bases and tactical airfields. Hose lines are used to service
small-volume or temporary large-volume requirements. The pipeline system extends as far forward
as possible, usually into the corps’ storage sites.
Since bulk petroleum makes up over 70 percent of the tonnage moved in the TO, pipelines
significantly reduce other transportation requirements (rail and highway) and congestion. The
system is supplemented by other means of bulk delivery: barges, rail tank cars, tank vehicles, and
aircraft. Branch lines are used when it is practical to supply users from the main pipeline. Tank
vehicles, rail tank cars, and hose lines are used to move bulk-petroleum products from general-to-
direct-support echelons. Bulk transporters may move bulk fuel from the direct-support echelon to
using units. Using units are authorized organizational equipment to receive the bulk products and
to refuel their vehicles and aircraft without resorting to cans and drums.
b. Planning. Planning for petroleum supply support generally parallels the planning process
in FM 101-5. Time, space, distances, terrain, existing resources, requirements, and operating
environment are planning factors. One of the most important planning elements for petroleum
support is requirements computation. Supply publications, such as Supply Bulletin (SB) 710-2,
FM 101-10-1/2, and Standardization Agreement(STANAG)2115, contain planning data for Class
III supplies. The petroleum planner should use them in coordination with engineer theater
development planning.
(1) Elements. Petroleum supply planning involves the following major elements:
• Amount and type of product to be distributed (requirements).
• Receipt and distribution points (storage locations).
• Distribution system or method (transportation mode).
• Equipment to be used (pump, pipeline equipment, rail, truck, boat).
• Organizations and personnel required to operate the system and its equipment (units).
(2) Considerations. The petroleum supply system must be designed for the type of operations
and climate of the specific theater. Plans must take into account the following:

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• Mission and forces (size and composition) to be supported.

• Requirements of the supported force.
• Climate requirements.
• Availability of transportation units (including the host nation) to move the petroleum
distribution equipment from its theater entry port inland to the construction staging areas
to provide required support.
• Speed with which pipelines and hose lines can be constructed and extended.
• Requirements for terminals, offshore unloading facilities, and distribution points.
• Requirements for both bulk and packaged products.
• Availability of petroleum operating units and other units needed to construct, install, and
maintain petroleum distribution and storage facilities and communications equipment.
• Terrain features, which impacts on installing petroleum facilities and fuel-usage factors.
(3) Categories.
(a) Logistical. Logistical planning requires translating factors such as troop strengths, numbers
and types of fuel-consuming equipment and vehicles, and tactical objectives into specific fuel
requirements and distribution plans. Planning starts before the actual operations at the TO and
theater-army levels. The purpose of the planning is to ensure that products, distribution facilities,
and operating units and personnel will be available when needed.
(b) Operational. Operational planning includes planning both for reaching the rated capacity
of the distribution system and for maintaining that capacity to meet requirements placed on it. This
planning is carried on along with operations. Revisions may be necessary because of tactical
developments, losses in handling capacity due to enemy action, and other factors that keep the
system from operating as planned.
c. Supply Levels. DA prescribes supply levels for the theater army in terms of days of supply.
The theater army commander prescribes levels for the combat zone and the COMMZ. For planning
purposes, a 30-day (minimum) theater supply level should be established for bulk fuel in the
developed theater. In reality, the level may be greater than 30 days, depending on available tankage
and other factors (Figure 1-3, page 1-6). The major portion of the theater level is maintained in the
COMMZ. When planning, supply levels must take into account the needs of all users, including
Air Force, Navy, and allies (when so designated).
d. Host-Nation Support. In wartime, US logistical support may not be readily available. US
combat forces may be supplied with common items and services, through agreements, from the host
nation. The type and amount of support should be specified in the agreements and included in the
wartime logistical plans from all nations concerned. The amount of support, civil or military, that
a host nation can provide depends on its national laws, industrial capability, economy, and
willingness to give such support. Even if it is difficult to obtain host-nation support agreements,
they should be pursued. Host-nation resources will most likely support the COMMZ, the corps,
and the divisional areas, as appropriate. Host-nation support, if available, can significantly reduce
support requirements.

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Procedures for mutual support among North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nations are
contained in directives agreed on for civil military cooperation (CIMIC). A host nation can be
requested to provide civil resources, including facilities, food, services, or labor. National or allied
commanders submit requests for CIMIC support to the territorial command of the host nation.
Where possible, and preferable, national/allied CIMIC agreements are made with the host nation in
e. Pipelines. Pipelines are the most economical and rapid means of transporting large quantities
of fuel between two points. Based on the planning considerations, a fuel-supply planner will
consider using either a hose-line, coupled, or welded pipeline system.
(1) Hose Lines. Military hose lines are available in sizes from 2 to 6 inches with strengths up
to 740 pounds per square inch (psi). Hose lines are used in TPTs, in ship-to-shore tanker unloading
(or loading) lines, and for overland delivery of petroleum products within a 5-mile radius, based on
mission analysis. Most hose lines can be installed quickly with minimal manpower and equipment.
However, hose lines are much more susceptible to damage and cannot transport as much fuel as
metal pipelines. New technologies appear to be reducing the hose-line disadvantages. Durability
has been enhanced and working pressures increased so that hose lines may provide a viable pipeline
alternative in the future. High-pressure hose lines are currently being tested for their shelf-life
(2) Coupled Pipelines. Military coupled pipelines are available in aluminum and steel. The
steel pipe is grooved at the ends and uses a split-ring coupling and gasket for sealing. The aluminum
pipe also is grooved at both ends and uses a hinged snap-joint coupling. Coupled pipelines are

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always surface-laid. Coupled pipelines can be used in an undeveloped TO and can be economical
for distances over 5 miles. Coupled pipelines can be installed much quicker and with less skilled
labor than buried welded pipelines. However, coupled pipelines are vulnerable to sabotage and
normal damage and wear. The aluminum pipe, as a component of the Inland Petroleum Distribution
System (IPDS), is the military standard for a coupled pipeline system. Aluminum pipes for the
IPDS are 6 inches in diameter and are 19 feet long. The IPDS pipe is coupled with a hinged snap-
joint coupling with either a one-piece or integral two-piece split-seal gasket. The hinged coupling
provides improved coupling rates (less than 50 seconds per joint) over the bolted-style coupling
used during Vietnam, which required an average of 5 minutes per joint.
1-2. Responsibilities.
a. Theater Army. Theater army headquarters provides broad planning guidance for Army
petroleum support. The Theater Army Material Management Center (TAMMC) is the theater
petroleum item manager for bulk-petroleum products. The TAMMC records consumption data and
coordinates with the petroleum group to program future requirements. The theater army orders the
required pipeline construction materials and coordinates the movement of the materials to the
construction staging areas along the proposed pipeline route. The theater army coordinates with all
host-nation petroleum suppliers.
b. Quartermaster Branch.
(1) Petroleum Group. This group has the mission from the theater army to plan, control, and
supervise the operation of the fuel-distribution system. The group’s headquarters develops
requirements for petroleum-handling equipment, facilities, construction, and petroleum units
needed to develop, operate, and maintain the system. It supervises two or more petroleum-pipeline
and terminal-operating battalions, transportation motor transport battalions (petroleum, oils, and
lubricants (POL)), and other units, as required.
(2) Petroleum Pipeline and Terminal Operating Battalion. This battalion--
• Supervises the operation and maintenance of a military petroleum distribution system or
part of a system determined by geographic needs.
• Schedules and directs the flow of bulk-petroleum products through the pipeline.
• Coordinates the movement of bulk-petroleum products, using systems such as barge, rail,
truck, or air.
• Supervises the quality surveillance of the petroleum products in their area of
• Provides command and control for up to five petroleum-pipeline and terminal-operating
companies, medium-truck companies, and other units, as required.
Petroleum Pipeline and Terminal Operating Company. This company’s mission is to
operate and maintain, on a 24-hour basis, a section of pipeline not to exceed six pipeline pump
stations and one TPT. The company’s maintenance capabilities include repairing and replacing
valves, blinds, pressure gauges, meters, pump units, welded pipelines, coupled pipelines, hose lines,
and related pipeline equipment.

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c. Engineer Branch. Engineer support in the development of the bulk-fuel distribution system
requires general and specialized construction skills. General engineer construction units are
augmented with specialized units to accomplish the mission.
(1) Combat Heavy Engineer Battalion. This battalion is the primary military engineer unit to
support the construction of the bulk-petroleum distribution system. (A corps combat engineer
battalion could accomplish the mission, but at a slower rate.) The unit provides horizontal and
general construction support for the pipeline construction mission. The engineer battalion is the
higher headquarter of the specialized unit assigned to it for pipeline construction. Horizontal tasks
include route clearing and leveling, pumping-station pad preparation, culvert construction, gap-
crossing construction, TPT berm construction, and construction-staging-area preparation. General
construction tasks include surveying and constructing the pipeline system.
(2) Engineer Pipeline-Construction Support Company. This unit provides the engineer
battalion the technical expertise and specialized equipment for constructing the pipeline system.
The unit has limited, independent capabilities to construct pipeline systems. The pipeline
construction company can provide technical advisors to a battalion-size task force on a 24-hour
basis. Specialized equipment includes bolster trailers, forklifts, 7 1/2- and 40-ton cranes, and small
emplacement excavators (SEEs) with drivehead attachments (Figure 1-4). This unit does not have
the movement assets to transport the pipeline construction materials from the storage areas to the
construction staging areas.
d. US Navy. The US Navy is responsible for the installation of the Offshore Petroleum
Distribution System (OPDS) and ship-to-shore pipeline to the high-watermark and the connections
and operation of the beach-termination unit. They are also responsible for the installation and
operation of the Single-Anchor Leg-Mooring System (SALMS).

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2-1. The Army Facilities Components System (AFCS). The AFCS consists of Technical
Manuals (TMs) 5-301,5-302,5-303, and 5-304 that makeup a system for rapidly determining the
Class IV materials, layout, and construction effort required. (TM 5-304 explains the terminology
used in AFCS, such as installations that are made up of facilities which are made up of items.)
2-2. Aluminum Pipeline Facilities. Figure 2-1 shows the packaging symbols for the IPDS.
a. 5-Mile Pipeline Set. This set consists of the pipes, couplings, and gaskets needed to build
5 miles of pipeline. The set also includes gate valves, check valves, vent assemblies, elbows,
pipeline anchors, culvert materials, overcouplings, and repair clamps needed for a 5-mile section
of pipe.
b. Mainline Pumping-Station Set. This set consists of pumps, gate valves, check-valve
launchers, receivers, strainers, light sets, and pump shelters needed to construct a standard, mainline
pumping station. Most mainline pumping-station kits include two pumping units to facilitate a 24-
hour operation. Each pumping-station set differs slightly in its capabilities and component listings.
c. Pipeline Suspension-Bridge Set. Pipeline suspension-bridge assemblies are available in
100-, 200-, and 400-foot kits. A set consists of towers; guy wires; deadman anchors; main cables,
suspenders, and cross bearers; staging board; tension cables; wind guys; and hand rope needed to
construct the bridge. No special tools are required.

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2-3. Pipeline Items.

a. Pipes. The different types of pipe used to construct military pipelines are coupled aluminum
IPDS pipe, coupled lightweight steel pipe, and welded or coupled standard-weight pipe. The
aluminum IPDS pipe--
• Has replaced the lightweight steel tubing.
• Comes in 19-foot sections with a 6-inch nominal inside diameter (ID).
• Is modified single-grooved at each end.
• Is connected with a snap-joint coupling.
• Is designed to be surface-laid, not buried, because of coupling and strength limitations.
See Table 2-1 for weight, dimensions, and strength of IPDS pipe and Figure 2-2 for a sample
of the IPDS pipe.

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b. Aluminum Pipe Coupling. The hinged snap-joint coupling, which is standard for
single-grooved aluminum pipe, is available with either a one-piece separate gasket or a two-piece
integral gasket (Figure 2-3). The coupling consists of two sections that are hinged together and a
pin for closing the coupling over the pipe ends. The coupling and gasket are designed to seal under
pressure and vacuum. The hinged coupling allows for a 2 percent deflection between joints and a
maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of 740 psi.

c. Pipeline Valves. These valves are used in pipelines to cut off, control, and direct the fuel
flow in the line.
(1) Gate Valve. This valve has a gate (disc or wedge) that is opened or closed to control fuel
flow. A gate valve is used to stop flow at the tank or in the pipeline. Valves are located along the
pipeline (one-mile intervals), at the bottom of long slopes, and on both sides of a stream or road
crossing, so that when leaks occur, the valves can be closed to prevent excessive fuel loss and allow
for repairs. A gate valve--
• Is supplied with threaded ends or with flanged ends and flange-to-groove adapters or is
made up in 20-foot gate-valve sections.
• Must open to the full diameter of the pipe if used in the line and at the entrance and exit
of manifold scraper stations.
• Is set, when in use, at FULLY OPEN or FULLY CLOSED, since it is not suitable for
throttling the fuel flow. If the gate protrudes partially into the pipe, it may be so abraded
by dirt and scale in the fuel flow that it will no longer serve as a tight valve when closed.
• Is either a rising- or nonrising-stem type with an outside screw and yoke.
In the rising-stem type (Figure 2-4, page 2-4), the upper part of the stem is threaded. A nut,
fastened to the handwheel and held in the yoke by thrust collars, moves the stem as the handwheel
is turned. Determining if a rising-stem valve is open or shut is easy. Therefore, this type of valve

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is used in pipeline station

manifolds and similar
locations where it is necessary
to identify quickly if a valve is
open or closed. However, a
rising-stem valve requires
more space and is more
susceptible to tampering or
sabotage than the nonrising
type. In manifold systems, a
rising-stem valve is included
in gate valve sections with an
overall length of 36 inches.
In the nonrising-stem
valve (Figure 2-5 ), the lower
end of the stem is threaded; it
screws into the disk. The disk moves up or down while a thrust collar keeps the stem in place. In
both valve types, the line-closing element is made up of two disks separated by a split wedge. As
the stem is turned to close the valve, the disks move down until they are directly opposite the port.

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The action of the beveled surfaces between the two disks forces the disks apart squarely against
their seal and eliminates sliding action on the valve seal.
(2) Check Valve. A check valve is constructed so the fuel flows only one way. The valve has
a hinged disk or clapper that the fuel pushes when the flow is in the correct direction. When the
flow stops and back pressure develops, the clapper is pushed against its seat, stopping back flow.
Figure 2-6 shows a typical check valve. A check valve is often used at the foot of an upgrade slope
in lieu of a gate valve. So line scrapers can pass, a check valve must be opened to the full diameter
of the pipe when used in the line between pumping stations.

(3) Plug Valve. This valve has a revolving plug with an opening so that fuel flows when the
opening is aligned with the pipe. Figure 2-7 (page 2-6) shows the structure of a typical lubricated
plug valve. A plug valve opens or closes with a quarter turn of the plug. When the wrench is in
place, it is easy to determine if the valve is open or closed. A plug valve is used in a tank farm
manifold and on launchers and receivers where quick and positive closing of the valves is essential.
A plug-valve assembly, with an overall length of 36 inches, is included in a manifold assembly.
If a pumping-station manifold is assembled in the field using available material and a rising-stem
gate valve is not available, a plug valve may be substituted. However, some plug valves (not in the
AFCS) have openings equal to the full diameter of the pipe, while others do not. The valves that
do not have full openings cannot be used in sections of the pipeline or manifold that require pipeline
scrapers to pass.

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Since the plug fits the valve seat snugly to close the line completely, a great deal of friction
results. The plug valve is lubricated with a viscous lubricant that is forced into-all parts of the valve
by compressing the screw on top of the valve. The primary function of the lubricant is to jack or
raise the plug off the seat and to seal the space between the plug and the seat after the plug has been
turned and seats itself. This lubricant is insoluble in petroleum products but is soluble in water.
Relubricate the valve whenever water passes through it. Make sure that the thick lubricant is free
of dirt, grit, and other foreign matter that could obstruct lubricating channels and damage the valve
seat and face.
(4) Pressure-Reducing Valve. This valve is a diaphragm-activated, spring-loaded regulator.
When a pipeline is on a long, downgrade slope that is steeper than the hydraulic gradient of the line
permits, the valve is spring-loaded to close. This should prevent excessive line pressure from
building up when flow is stopped. Pressure- reduction regulators are included in standard pressure-
reducing stations.
(5) Thermal-Relief Valve. This valve is used to relieve pressure buildup within the pipeline
from the thermal expansion of the product within the pipeline. Under blocked-in conditions,
overpressure can result in damage to the equipment, possible personal injury, and fire. If properly
installed, the thermal-relief valve discharges small quantities of fuel through the drain hose to relieve
the pipeline of pressure buildup. Thermal-relief valves are set 10 percent above the maximum
pipeline pressure. The valve is located on the launcher and receiver assembly. The thermal-relief

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valve should be removed, serviced, and tested routinely or

every six months. Immediately install a replacement after
removing a thermal-relief valve for testing or maintenance. To
adjust the set pressure accurately, use the deadweight tester.
(6) Pipeline Vent Assembly. This assembly is made up
of a 1-foot-long section of steel pipe that is grooved on both
ends to receive the single-grooved coupling clamp (Figure
2-8). The assembly has a 3/4-inch vent tube with a 3/4-inch
ball valve. A vent assembly is installed at high points to vent
air from the system. It can also be installed as a low-point
(7) Pressure-Regulating Valve (Figure 2-9). This valve--
• Is used to control pressure.
• Is used at the end of line (EOL) and at the TPT

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• Limits the pressure into the TPT switching manifold to below 125 psi.
• Maintains a line pressure of 50 psi or above in operation and 50 psi on shutdown.
• Will not open unless the upstream pressure is 50 psi or above.
• Is supplied as part of switching manifold.
(8) Ball Valve. This valve (Figure 2-10) is used in switching manifolds to regulate the flow
of fuel. The ball valve is not used in mainline pipe systems because scrapers cannot pass through
them. Replace the packing in the valve when it is too compressed to lubricate the valve adequately
and tightening the packing nut no longer stops a leak around the valve stern. Use graphite rings in
the packing plan.

(9) Pressure-Control Valve (30 psi). This valve (Figure 2-11 ) is a back-pressure
relief/regulator. The back-pressure controllers are installed in the recirculating hose lines from the
fuel-dispensing assembly back to the tankage to maintain dispensing pressure of 30 psi (maximum).
The valve is supplied as part of the fuel-dispensing assembly.
(10) Pressure-Control Valve (5 psi). This is a l/2-inch valve assembly (Figure 2-12). The
valve is part of the two 1/2-inch dispensing points of the fuel-dispensing assembly, designated
primarily for filling nonvented drums. The valve is supplied as part of the fuel-dispensing assembly.
(11) Launcher and Receiver Assemblies. These assemblies are skid-mounted and are supplied
with the IPDS for use in a scraper operation (Figure 2-13). Their function is essentially the same
as the cleaner barrels. However, because these assemblies are preassembled with valves and scraper
passage signals and are skid-mounted, they are more readily installed and simpler to operate and
maintain. Currently, only a 6-inch design is available. Other sizes can be designed and
manufactured. In an IPDS pipeline, a launcher assembly is installed immediately downstream of

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each pumping station. A

receiver assembly is installed
upstream of each pumping
station and at the end of the line.
This permits the controlled
launching and receiving of
scrapers (cleaners or pigs) in
each pipeline segment for
purging and cleaning the line as
well as phase separation in
certain operations.
(12) Pipeline Strainer
Assembly. This assembly
consists of skid-mounted dual
strainers and associated valves
and piping (Figure 2-1 4). The
assembly is supplied with the
IPDS for installation in the
pipeline pumping stations
upstream of the pumps. The
strainers collect dirt, sand, or
other debris that may be in the
system to protect the multistage
pumps. The dual strainer
installation allows for
continuous protection even if
one strainer is being cleaned or
repaired. The 6-inch pipe ends
on the unit can be coupled to the
6-inch IPDS piping system.

d. Pumps. Pipeline pumps consist of one or more impellers mounted on a rapidly rotating
shaft. Liquid enters the impeller at the center and is impelled outward by centrifugal force into the
volute of the pumping casing. The volute catches the discharge and converts peripheral velocity
into head pressure while conducting the liquid at a reduced flow rate to the discharge nozzle of the
pump casing. See the manufacturer’s manual for operation and maintenance for each pump.
Different pump units exist for an aluminum pipeline system and a steel pipeline system.
Performance characteristic charts or curves for the pump units are in Appendix C.
(1) 6-Inch, 3-Stage, 800-GPM Mainline Pump (IPDS) (Figure 2-15). This is a skid-mounted,
diesel-engine-driven, centrifugal pump with an operational output of 800 GPM at 1,800 feet of head
when pumping liquids with a specific gravity of 0.85. This rated capacity is delivered when any
axis of the pumping assembly is positioned at any angle up to 5 degrees from the horizontal. The
pumping assembly is suitable for operation at design capacity and head from -25°F to +135°F and

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at any alititude from sea level to 9,000 feet above sea level at an ambient condition of 100°F. It is
used as a booster pump on the IPDS pipeline.
(2) 6-Inch, Single-Stage, Self-Priming Pump (600- and 1,250-GPM). This is a diesel-engine-
driven, air-cooled, self-priming, centrifugal pump. Two models of this pump are available. The
600-GPM model (Figure 2-16, page 2-12), intended for hose-line use within terminals, is wheel-
mounted and can operate in the automatic-discharge, pressure-control mode if the suction pressure
is greater than 2 psi. The 1,250-GPM skid-mounted model (Figure 2-17, page 2-13) can only be
operated in the manual mode. It is intended for flood, transfer, and general utility service. The
rated capacity is delivered when the assembly is positioned at any angle up to 15 deprees from the
horizontal. Prime is established within 2 minutes on a 10-foot suction lift after initially falling the
pump casing. The pump unit has the capacity to pump petroleum products or potable water. Potable
water should not be pumped after the pump has been contaminated by pumping petroleum products.

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e. Miscellaneous Pipeline Equipment.

(l) Pipe Fittings. Standard, groove-type pipe fittings include elbows and Ts. Figure 2-18 (page
2-14) shows some of these fittings.
NOTE: Due to a maximum allowable deflection between joints of aluminum pipe of 2 degrees,
elbows must be used to change direction.
(2) Pipe-Repair Accessories.
(a) Leak-repair clamps. These are specially designed clamps used to repair leaking pipes or
couplings, temporarily. The split-leak clamp (Figure 2-19, page 2-14) consists of a saddle, a gasket,
and stirrups that fit around the pipe where it leaks. An overcoupling-leak clamp (Figure 2-20, page
2-15) comes in two halves and covers a leaking coupling.

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(b) Pup joints. Pup joints are 9 l/2-foot pipe sections with grooved ends and a constant wall
thickness of 0.4 inch. These joints are used to make short pieces of pipe, or nipples, and can be cut
and regrooved to close gaps less than 19 feet in newly constructed or broken pipelines and in
pumping-station manifolding. Repair crews sometimes carry pup joints of assorted lengths. When
a damaged section is removed (especially a surface-laid, grooved-coupled-type pipeline), the two
ends are likely to spring apart. This occurs most often on long downhill slopes during very cold
weather because of pipe contraction. The gap is likely to be 1 or 2 inches longer than the standard
19-foot length of grooved pipe section.

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(3) Culvert Pipe. This is standard,

nestable, steel corrugated pipe used for
protecting pipelines located under
roadways to minimize damage from the
weight of passing vehicles. Culvert pipes
come in 24-inch-long sections that are 12,
18, and 24 inches in diameter. The 12- and
18-inch pipes are 16 gauge; the 24-inch is
14 gauge.
2-4. Specialized Pipeline Tools and
Equipment Pioneer hand tools and
standard table(s) of organization and
equipment (TOE) earth-moving
equipment are used to clear and level the
right-of-way for pipelines and to prepare

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pumping station and tank-farm sites. The pipeline

construction support company has limited
earth-moving equipment but does have pioneer hand
tools. Specialized equipment, assigned to the
pipeline support company, is required for handling,
placing, and installing valves, pumps, and pipeline
anchors. This pipeline engineer company’s primary
mission is to support the engineer battalion in the
construction and rehabilitation petroleum pipeline
systems and facilities.
a. Tools.
(1) Hydraulic Drivehead Kit. The hydraulic
drivehead is used to install pipeline anchors midway
between the expansion devices along an aluminum
pipeline system. A clamp is installed around the pipe
and fastened to the anchor shaft, which is augured
into the ground. The rotation rate is from 0 to 21
revolutions per minute (RPM). The anchors are also
used in the construction of suspension bridges and
pumping-station protective shelters. The hydraulic
drivehead kit consists of a hydraulic motor and
anchor adapter, which can be mounted on a JD410
or a SEE dipper stick after the bucket is removed. The drivehead takes about 30 minutes to install.
(2) Aluminum Pipe Section (Pup), 9 1/2 Feet. These are alloy, constant-wall pipe sections that
come in frame bundles of 25 each (Figure 2-21). The pipe sections are used in the pumping stations,
at the end of the pipeline, and at other points in the pipeline, as required for makeup. The sections
can be cut to any required length and regrooved, using the supplied grooving and cutting equipment.
The sections are standard with the 5-mile pipeline sets.
(3) Cutting, Grooving, and Beveling Machine (IPDS). This is a portable machine used to cut
and groove nonstandard lengths of aluminum or steel pipe. This machine can also be used to bevel
steel pipe for welding. The kit is made up of two large suitcases and two pipe stands. The machine

FM 5-482

is powered by a 250-cubic-foot-per-minute (cfm) air compressor or by a generator. It is used

primarily for cutting and grooving pup joints required during mainline pumping-station
construction. The pup joints are normally precut but can be cut on location. It takes about 30
minutes to cut and groove each end of pipe.
(4) Pipeline-Construction, Grooved-Coupling, Steel-Tubing Set. This set contains the tools
and equipment needed to construct and maintain steel-coupled-type pipelines and pumping-station
manifolds. The set consists of three chests that contain crowbars, shovels, brushes, files, rules, steel
tapes, wrenches, lineup cages, and pipe-cleaning swabs needed to equip four pipeline-coupling
crews and two pumping-station construction crews or six pipeline-coupling crews simultaneously.
(5) Supplemental Pipeline-Pumping-Station Set. This set supplements the general mechanic’s
tool set. It contains all of the tools required for operator maintenance and repair of the standard
pumping units and the 4-, 6-, and 8-inch pumping-station manifolds. The set contains--
• Special pin removers and a special gooseneck-type screwdriver for removing pins in the
coupling between pump engines and pumps.
• Locking pliers for removing pump seals.
• A thin adjustable wrench for backing up valve flange nuts between the flange and body
of manifold valves.
• Box wrenches and open-end wrenches for removing and tightening pump-casing nuts
and bolts.
• Pipe wrenches for maintenance of small-threaded pipes.
• Allen set-screw wrenches for removing and installing pump seals and coupling pins.
• Tappet wrenches for adjusting pumping engine valves.
• A socket-wrench handle and wrench sockets to fit all grooved-type coupling nuts in the
4-, 6-, and 8-inch pumping-station manifolds.
(6) Pipe-Fitter’s General Tool Kit. This kit contains a variety of hand tools required for all
types of pipe-fitting work on 1/8- to 2-inch pipe. The kit includes--
• A pipe cutter, die-head thread cutter, receding-segmental thread cutter, and hacksaw.
• A machinist’s hammer, slip-point pliers, folding rule, screwdriver, and pipe vise.
• Various size pipe wrenches.
(7) Pipe-Fitter’s Supplemental Tool Kit. This kit supplements the pipe-fitter’s general tool kit.
It contains a minimum of hand tools for cutting, threading, and fitting the 2 1/2- to 4-inch pipe.
(8) General Mechanic’s Automotive Set. This set is an ordnance item of issue and is used
primarily for minor maintenance or replacement of external accessories of pumping unit engines.
(9) Welded Steel Pipeline Construction Set.
(a) 4-,6-, and 8-inch pipe sizes. This set contains the special size equipment, in the correct
quantities, required for handling the 4-, 6-, and 8-inch pipe at stockpiles, stringing pipe sections,
and laying and welding the pipeline.

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(b) 12-inch size. This set contains the special size equipment, in the correct quantities, required
for handling, stringing, laying, aligning, and beveling 12-inch pipe.
(10) Welder’s Steel Supplemental Pipeline Construction Set. This set contains the tools and
equipment required for welded pipeline construction that are not in the oxyacetylene torch outfit,
cutting-and-welding equipment set. The set includes equipment for aligning flanges for welding,
cleaning, making pipe bevels, marking pipe for mitered fittings, and removing welding slag. The
set contains an initial supply of 1/8- and 5/32-inch, reverse-polarity, direct-current, mild steel
electrode needed for pipeline welding. The set also includes an umbrella that is used to keep sunlight
off buffed welds while being inspected, rain off hot welds, and sunlight from entering the back of
the welder’s helmet. This set is essential when using any welded-pipeline tool set described in
Appendix B .
b. Equipment.
(1) 5-Ton, Cargo Long Bed. This truck is the primary vehicle used when constructing military
pipelines. It is used to pull the 4-ton bolster trailer, to transport pipe to the construction site, and to
haul valves, couplings, and soldiers to and from the construction site.
(2) 4-Ton Bolster Trailer. This is a dual-axle trailer with four bolster attachments and an
adjustable tow boom (Figure 2-22, page 2-1 8). The bolster trailer is the primary means for
transporting pipe from construction staging areas to the construction site. Pipe or tubing sections
rest on each bolster assembly and are contained by the side stakes and binder chains or straps.
(3) 40-Ton Crane. This crane is used for lifting and placing mainline pumps at construction
staging areas and at pumping-station locations.
(4) 7 l/2-Ton Crane. This crane is used for lifting and placing the scraper-receiver assembly,
strainer assembly, launcher assembly, and valves along the pipeline and at pumping station
locations. (See Figure 2-23, page 2-19).
(5) SEE. This excavator is used to install pipeline anchors, dig and backfill culverts, and load
and unload gate and check valves. (See Figure 1-4, page 1-8).
(6) 6,000- and 10,000-Pound Rough-Terrain Forklifts. These forklifts are used to load and
unload pipeline components at construction staging areas along the pipeline trace. (See Figure 2-24,
page 2-19).

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3-1. Introduction. Military forces require large quantities of petroleum products in support of
combat operations. Special channels of responsibility for the supply of bulk-petroleum products,
both in the continental United States (CONUS) and in overseas theater, have been established to
ensure uninterrupted supply of these products. The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is responsible
for the integrated management of bulk petroleum. (DLA works through the Defense Fuel Supply
Center (DFSC).) DFSC procures and, with the military services and the Military Sealift Command
(MS C), arranges for delivery of the products to the military services. DFSC contracts with a
commercial supplier in CONUS or overseas and ensures that required fuel is shipped to the theater.
Each of the military services has service control points that coordinate with DFSC on petroleum
logistics matters. The US Army Petroleum Center performs this function for the Army worldwide.
3-2. Planning Organizations.
a. Joint Petroleum Office (JPO). The JPO, established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provides
staff management of petroleum at the theater level on the staff of the unified commander. The JPO
submits the monthly petroleum requirements of all the military services within the theater to the
b. Theater Army. Theater army headquarters provides broad planning guidance for Army
petroleum support. It supervises current operations and conducts long-range planning. The
petroleum group, assigned to the theater army, is the major Army petroleum operator for the theater.
When demand exceeds availability, the theater commander will establish an allocation system, based
on priority, to support the theater plan of operations.
c. TAMMC. The TAMMC is the item manager for both bulk and packaged petroleum products.
They collect long-range (annual) petroleum requirements for the theater that are based on the
consumption data the petroleum staff officer and the petroleum group forward. The TAMMC
submits petroleum requirements for the theater to the JPO.
d. Engineer Command (ENCOM). The ENCOM provides construction support for the
petroleum facilities that are required to accomplish the theater support mission. The ENCOM plans
and supervises construction or renovation of ports, roads, railways, petroleum pipelines, and
petroleum-storage facilities in support of the bulk-fuel distribution system. General engineer
construction units are augmented with specialized engineer units to accomplish the pipeline-
construction mission. The engineer units normally assigned to the ENCOM to construct petroleum
facilities are the--
• Engineer construction group. This is a flexible organization designed to command up to
five engineer battalions (or their equivalent) in assigned or attached troops.
• Combat heavy engineer battalion. This is the basic unit assigned to a specific pipeline
construction mission. It is augmented with specialized units for equipment, expertise,
and training support.

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• Engineer pipeline construction support company. This company has limited,

independent capabilities to construct pipeline systems.
• Engineer port construction company. This company provides specialized equipment and
expertise for an engineer group for the construction and/or repair of waterfront structures.
The task organization of the engineer units for pipeline construction is based on mission, enemy,
terrain, troops, and time available (METT-T). The engineer pipeline construction unit can provide
technical advisors and equipment to three company-sized elements at a density of one squad per
platoon on a 24-hour basis.
3-3. Port Support Operations. When pipeline materials arrive at the port of debarkation, they
should be moved quickly from the port facility to the construction staging areas. If possible, the
pipeline components, which require forklifts or cranes to be moved, should be transported directly
from the ship-to-ground transporters. This will alleviate inefficient use of critical lifting and loading
assets by eliminating double movement of the construction materials.
Pipeline materials are bulky and require a large staging area. Ten miles of pipeline components
with one pumping station occupy an area about 100 yards by 50 yards. The staging area available
at the port, the down-load rate (based on the rate of construction), and the ground-transportation
rate need to be calculated so the port does not become clogged with pipeline components. The port-
operations unit is responsible for down loading the pipeline components. Close coordination is
required between the constructing engineer unit, the transportation unit tasked to move the
components, and the port-operations unit responsible for down loading the materials.
3-4. Transportation Support Requirements. Moving pipeline construction materials to staging
areas along the pipeline route is an equipment-intensive operation that is key to the success of the
mission. Pipeline components either are stored in the US or are pre-positioned in the TO. They are
packed for all methods of transportation. Based on theater requirements, transportation planners
will determine the most effective method of moving pipeline components. The most common
method is to use 40-foot flatbed trucks to and from shipping ports.
To transport 10 miles of 6-inch aluminum pipeline components, twenty-five 40-foot low-bed
trailers are required. An aluminum-system mainline pumping station can be loaded on four 40-foot
low-bed trailers. The extra material-handling equipment assigned to the pipeline construction
support company must be allocated for loading and unloading the components. From the port of
embarkation (sea) to the construction staging areas, the density of equipment support required is
based on the rate of construction and the available port facilities. Table 3-1 is a list of the major
aluminum pipeline system (IPDS) components with shipping dimensions and weights.
NOTE: The Sierra Army Depot stores the IPDS (TPT, pipe, couplings, and other hardware)
containers (156 joints of pipe per International Standards Organization (ISO) container).
3-5. Construction Staging Areas. These areas are the transfer points of components from the 40-
foot low-bed trailer to the bolster trailers and the 5-ton cargo trucks. Therefore, the location, size,
and operation of the staging areas are key to the success of a pipeline-construction mission. Staging
areas are located about every 10 miles along the proposed pipeline route. This reduces the turnaround
time required to move the components from the construction staging areas to the construction site.

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The mainline pumping unit, which requires a 20-ton crane (minimum) for loading, should be moved
directly to the pump-station locations.
3-6. Pipeline Route.
a. Considerations in Route Selection. The pipeline route is based on the petroleum supply and
the demand locations that are assigned to the ENCOM by the theater army support command. The
route will determine construction time, effort, and material requirements in either a positive or
negative manner. The engineer pipeline construction support company has the expertise to
determine the best pipeline route from source to demand. Construction equipment access, terrain,
obstacles, and pipeline trace camouflage are the key factors in determining the best construction
route. Topographic units have detailed topographic information that may help personnel evaluate
an area and select the best route.
(1) Construction Equipment Access. A pipeline usually follows the most direct route possible
from source to demand. After considering all the variables, the pipeline route is usually the route
the campaign follows. However, the route should not run along the main supply route (MSR)
because it is an important military target. The pipeline route should roughly parallel secondary
roads. This will enable the construction crew to execute the stringing operation of pipeline
construction as quickly as possible.
The stringing operation is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming activity in military
pipeline construction. A pipeline is normally laid between 20 and 50 feet from the shoulder of the
road. (An alternate route may be selected if it will save in the construction, patrol, operating-
personnel, security, and maintenance areas.) Often, following the route that is cleared for power
lines is best because power-line routes follow the most direct route (usually a straight line).
However, access for vehicles during the stringing operations could be a problem, making the power-
line route unusable. Using cross-country cutoffs can be beneficial where primary roads wind

FM 5-482

excessively and if the time and material savings are consistent with the extra construction and
maintenance effort required.
(2) Terrain. The route chosen should be as level as possible, especially if it is an aluminum
pipeline system. Unlevel terrain will require the use of sandbag leveling to limit joint deflection to
two percent. A pipeline should be diverted around difficult terrain such as marshes, swamps, or
land subject to periodic flooding.
(3) Obstacles. Obstacles can greatly increase the construction effort of a pipeline. The most
common obstacle in pipeline construction is a road crossing. Existing culverts should be used
whenever possible even if the pipeline must be diverted a short distance from its route. Any new
road culverts that are required should be built before the pipeline reaches that culvert’s location.
Culvert materials are provided in 5-mile sets of the new aluminum pipeline. Standard-weight
commercial pipe can be used as culvert material, if available. The advantages to using standard-
weight pipe are that it--
• Takes less soil for covering because the pipe has greater strength.
• Eliminates the need for the culvert to be constructed as with bolted culvert sections.
The disadvantage of using standard-weight pipe as a culvert is that additional transportation
and placement are required.
(4) Camouflage. Based on threat type and level, the route selected should use as much natural
cover and concealment as possible, if there is no substantial increase in construction effort. Natural
cover includes fence lines, hedge rows, and tree lines. The natural state of the pipeline route should
be left as undisturbed as possible. Grading and leveling the pipeline route is undesirable from a
concealment standpoint but can greatly increase the rate of construction of a aluminum pipeline
system. The trade off between camouflage and rate of construction must be weighed.
b. Procedure for Route Selection. The pipeline engineer (normally the company commander),
assisted by the combat heavy engineer battalion Operations and Training Officer (US Army) (S3),
uses the pipeline design criteria to start laying out the route location. Time permitting, location of
the route proceeds as follows: aerial photographic studies, field reconnaissance, and route survey
and route profile plotting. (Profiles should not be made from maps except in critical situations).
(1) Map and Aerial Photograph Studies. Studying maps may eliminate obviously unsuitable
routes. A plastic relief map of the area, if obtainable, will assist in preliminary planning,
Topographic maps of large scale, with contour intervals of 20 feet or less, give best results. Aerial
photographic strip maps provide a check on roads, streams, and other terrain features that may not
show up on maps. In choosing a tentative pipeline route by map study, the engineer takes into
• Accessibility of the route for stringing and placing equipment.
• Natural and man-made obstacles that will require additional construction effort and
• Suitable pump-station and construction-staging-area locations.

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• Suitable petroleum-terminal locations.

• Accessibility for patrol and maintenance.
• Elevation and hydraulic grade line.
• Stream banks. Avoid these, especially if the stream habitually floods lowlands.
• Heavily populated areas. Avoid these areas because of the potential fire hazard that the
pipeline presents.
(2) Field Reconnaissance. Routes tentatively selected by map study should be thoroughly
inspected in the field.
(3) Air Reconnaissance. Air reconnaissance of all tentative routes frequently eliminates all
but two or three possible routes. The helicopter’s altimeter will give a rough approximation of the
elevation along the route, Also, air reconnaissance can help evaluate the adequacy of natural cover
along the proposed route.
(4) Ground Reconnaissance. Reconnaissance by foot and motor vehicle is used to confirm the
decision as to which route is most suitable. A stadia survey of the selected route should be made,
if possible. Ground distances are determined by chaining or by stadia measurement when the survey
is run. Using a surveying altimeter helps determine fairly accurate elevation approximations along
the route. Each altimeter traverse should be run in loops, ending the same day during hours of
practically uniform temperature and stable air pressure. Speedometer mileage and pace counting
will assist in approximating distance measurements.
c. Map Layout and Profile of Pipeline Route. Once the pipeline route is selected, it is laid out
on a map. The combat heavy engineer battalion conducts a ground survey to plot a profile of the
route. The scale of the profile should be as follows: vertical, 1 inch equals 200 feet; horizontal, 1
inch equals 2 miles. This profile is used to locate pumping stations, pressure-reducing stations, and
other pipeline installations.

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4-1. Characteristics of Petroleum Fuels. The fundamental characteristics of fluids must be

considered when designing petroleum pipeline systems. However, only the physical properties as
they affect the storage of military fuels in terminals and their flow through pipelines are to be
considered. These characteristics are weight density, specific gravity, American Petroleum Institute
(API) gravity, viscosity, temperature, and pressure.
a. Weight Density. Density is a measure of the concentration of matter, weight is a measure
of the force of gravity. Weight density is the weight per unit of volume. Added weight makes fluid
movement more difficult. The densities of fluids are at the freezing point of water and under one
atmosphere of pressure (the pressure at the earth’s surface). The density of water is 62.4 pounds
per cubic feet.
b. Specific Gravity (SG). Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a volume of liquid to
the weight of an equal volume of water. For example, a cubic foot of diesel fuel weighing 53.04
pounds has a specific gravity of 0.85 (53.03 divided by 62.4).
c. API Gravity. The API gravity scale, used by the petroleum industry, is based on reciprocals
of specific gravities and, therefore, produces whole numbers having a greater numerical spread.
The API scale is in degrees API and has a range of O to 100 degrees. Water is referenced as standard
and is assigned an arbitrary gravity of 10 degrees API. This gives a spread of 90 degrees API
between the heaviest and lightest petroleum products. API gravity is inversely proportional to
specific gravity: the lower the specific gravity, the higher the API gravity. Thus, petroleum products
that have the lightest weight have the highest API gravities. The standard temperature for expressing
API gravities is 60°F. So, gravities taken at other temperatures must be corrected to 60°F.
(1) Conversion Formulas. Use the following formulas to convert between API gravity (at 60°F)
and specific gravity:

(2) Design Fuel. This is the fuel type for which a pipeline system is designed. Military
pipelines most likely will transport diesel and jet fuels and kerosene. Federal specifications list the
properties of these fuels. Table 4-1 (page 4-2) shows the gravity range of the most common military
fuels. The spread between the heaviest and lightest fuels is 34 degrees API. Because of this spread,
specific gravity is an important factor in the design of military pipelines. The anticipated quantities
of different fuel types to be pumped must be considered. The heaviest fuel is the design fuel, which
makes up 25 percent or more of the total requirement. Under normal conditions, a pipeline designed
for diesel fuel can handle other fuels effectively. Further discussion is based on diesel fuel that has
an average specific gravity of 0.8967 (26.3 degrees API). This provides a basis for comparison of
capacity and performance when heavier or lighter products are to be moved.

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d. Viscosity. Viscosity is a measure of

the flow of a liquid. It is the internal force
(resistance) or opposition to flow. The
greater the internal force, the more viscous
the liquid. Since a viscous liquid resists
efforts to move it, absolute viscosity is
defined as a measure of the force required
to produce flow. In the electric system, the
unit of absolute viscosity is the poise,
which is equal to one dyne-second per
square centimeter (100 centipoises).
Viscosity and specific gravity are related; the relationship is expressed as kinematic viscosity, which
is the ratio of absolute viscosity, in poises, to specific gravity of the liquid. The unit of kinematic
viscosity is the stoke given in units of square centimeters per second ( 100 centistokes). Viscosity
in stokes multiplied by specific gravity equals viscosity in poises. The viscosities of military fuels
are found in Appendix C or in federal specifications.
e. Temperature. The above characteristics are affected by temperature. Volume and API
gravity increase with temperature while density, specific gravity, and viscosity vary inversely.
Because of these effects of temperature, all measurements are corrected to 60°F. This is the standard
temperature for both design and operation of military pipeline systems. Correction factors are found
in Appendix C.
f. Pressure. In pipeline design, the elevation of fuels from one level to another, their movement
from place to place, or both are governed by the principles of hydraulics. In the military pipeline
system, the areas of interest are the--
• Behavior of liquids at rest (hydrostatic pressure and equilibrium), as in a storage tank or
slack line.
• Forces exerted on liquids by objects in motion (hydrodynamics), as in pumping
In actual application, all forces that produce pipeline flow and those opposing it can be described
or measured in terms of pressure or head. Coupled military pipelines are low-pressure systems that
operate at a normal working pressures of no more than 740 psi. Low-pressure pipelines require that
pumping stations be spaced closer than high-pressure lines to get the same throughput. Lighter
pipe, used in low-pressure pipelines, is easier to construct, and it avoids the mechanical failures
inherent at higher pressures. However, welded military pipelines can operate at higher pressures.
Head (or pressure) in a pipeline is either static or dynamic. However, you must consider atmospheric
pressure and vapor pressure.
(1) Static Head. Static head is a measure of pressure in liquids at rest. It is also a measure of
potential energy (energy of position). Static head is the vertical height from a given point in a
column or body of still liquid to its surface (usually expressed in feet). To calculate the pressure in
water, use the following formulas, which are also found in Appendix A:

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Because of their lower specific gravities, static pressures of petroleum products are
proportionally less.
(2) Dynamic Head. Dynamic head is a measure of pressure, or kinetic energy, of liquids in
motion. Figure 4-1 (page 4-4) shows the relationship between static head and dynamic head. The
distance from the liquid level in the tank to ground level is the static head. As liquid starts to flow
down the pipe, it loses static head but gains velocity and dynamic head. Dynamic head is greatest
at the ground level where the flow changes direction and the streams begin to rise in the air. After
that, dynamic pressure or head decreases until all velocity is lost. During this action, the stream
recovers some of its initial static head. The difference between the initial static head and the final
static head or dynamic head is the head loss, which represents friction losses due to pipe and air. In
summary, dynamic head is equal to the static head required to accelerate the flowing velocity of the
(3) Atmospheric Pressure. Atmospheric pressure is comparable to static pressure in liquids
because it is caused by the weight of air above the earth’s surface. Atmospheric pressure is about
14.7 psi at sea level. It decreases somewhat at higher altitudes. The maximum suction lift is about
33.96 feet of water (14.7 x 2.31 =33.96). Because elevation affects atmospheric pressure, pump
engines are affected at elevations above 3,000 feet, and design loads on pumps are decreased about
4 percent per each 1,000 feet above 3,000 feet.
(4) Vapor Pressure. All liquids, particularly light fuels, have a tendency to vaporize. This
tendency (volatility) increases with temperature and decreases with pressure. The vapor pressure
of a system is a function of the temperature and pressure of the system. However, the effect of total
pressure on the vapor pressure is small, so the vapor pressure of a system is usually regarded as a
function of temperature only. Vapor pressure begins to exceed atmospheric pressure at the boiling
point of a liquid. The boiling point varies; at high altitudes, liquids boil at lower temperatures than
at sea level. Vapor pressure reduces the effect of atmospheric pressure acting on a liquid and affects
pumping operations involving suction lift.
Figure 4-2 (page 4-5) shows the theoretical suction-lift values for military fuels. The height of
the bar graphs shows the maximum net suction lift for water and petroleum products after vapor
pressure has been deducted from atmospheric pressure. For example, Figure 4-2 shows that diesel
at normal atmospheric pressure ( 14.7 psi) theoretically can be lifted, by suction, over 38 feet at 50°

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F, about 35 feet at 100°F, and about 33 feet at 200°F. If atmospheric pressure is reduced, the net
maximum suction lift also will be reduced. To show this, reduce the atmospheric pressure 3 pounds
below normal. Lay a straight edge on the chart with one end on the point representing 3 psi on the
atmospheric scale and keep the edge parallel to the baseline. The reading should show that 3 psi
atmosphere equals 9 feet suction lift for Type A motor gasoline (MOGAS). Comparatively, Type
A MOGAS cannot be lifted this distance by suction at 135°F, and the net lift at 100°F and 50°F is
reduced to 7 feet and 21 feet respectively (16-9 and 30-9). Therefore, normal suction pressure of
20 psi should be increased to 30 psi for operating temperatures over 100°F. (Special conditions
from those just described apply to station 1 on a pipeline.)
4-2. Pipeline and Pumping-Station Data.
a. Pipelines.
(1) Capacity. Pipeline capacity (throughput) is the quantity of fuel pumped per unit of time.
Generally, it is expressed in barrels per hour (BPH) or GPM. One barrel is equivalent to 42 US
gallons. Table 4-2 (page 4-6) shows the normal and emergency capacities of military pipelines.
Normal capacities are used for pipeline designing.

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(2) Flow Velocity. With a specified pipe size and a given throughput requirement, the flow
velocity is constant for all practical design purposes, using average conditions of climate and
topography. See Table 4-2 (page 4-6) for average velocities of flow, in feet per second.
(3) Pipeline Pumping Pressures. Normal working pressures are used in pipeline design.
Emergency capacities are dictated by the tactical situation. Table 4-2 (page 4-6) lists safe working
pressures for lightweight pipe or tubing. These safe working pressures are based on the yield point
of the pipe material and provide a designed minimum safety factor of 3.0. Table 4-3 (page 4-8)
lists pipeline pumping pressures for normal and emergency design capacities.
(4) Flow Resistance. A liquid’s resistance to flow in a pipeline results from the following:
• Friction of the pipe walls.
• Viscosity of the liquid.
• Special factors such as entrance to the pipe, sudden changes in flow direction or
cross-sectional area, flow through equipment like traps and meters, and corrosion or
deposits in the line. Resistance usually is expressed in terms of the pressure required to
overcome resistance, in psi or in feet of head of the liquid pumped.

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b. Head Capacities of Pumping Units.

(1) Normal Head Capacity. The normal head capacity (see Table 4-3, page 4-8) of a pumping
unit is the total head against which it will pump at the most efficient operating point. The head
capacity for a particular pump varies according to its design efficiency. Head capacity is a function
of speed (operation), in RPM versus its rate of discharge (GPM). In other words, the design speed
of the pump unit (RPM) must be considered together with the required head and desired throughput
(GPM) to establish maximum efficiency in pipeline design.
(2) Emergency Head Capacity. Emergency head capacity (see Table 4-3, page 4-8) of a
pumping unit is the total head against which it will pump to provide maximum pipeline capacity.
Maximum head capacity is for emergency operation only and is never used as the basis for design.
Pumping stations should operate at maximum head capacity only during critical tactical
NOTE: For convenience, all operating graphs for military pump units are in Appendix C.
c. Use of Pumping Unit Operating Graphs. Pumping unit operation graphs (performance
curves) graphically display the interrelationship between pressure (in feet of head and/or psi), pump
speed, and throughput. From these graphs, you can estimate the pumping unit’s operating speeds,
the volume of fuel throughput, or the operating head as long as you know two of the three factors.
For example, to determine the throughput of 0.85 SG fuel moved by a 6-inch, 3-stage, 800-GPM
mainline pump (IPDS), operating at 1,800 RPM with a dynamic head loss of 500 psi or 1,360 feet
of head, proceed as follows:
(a) Find the pumping unit operating graph for the specific pump in Appendix C.
(b) Determine the dynamic head loss, in psi and feet, for the fuel type and enter the chart from
the left side.
(c) Draw a horizontal line from the dynamic head loss to the established pump speed.
(d) Draw a vertical line at the point where the horizontal line intersects the pump-speed curve.
Exit the chart at the bottom to determine throughput, which is 500 GPM.

FM 5-482

d. Friction Loss. The two sources of friction within a pipeline system are friction resulting
from fluid flowing through the pipe and friction created by fuel passing by obstructions, such as
valves, fittings, and pipelines of smaller diameters. The total friction loss in a section of pipeline,
usually expressed in feet of head per unit of pipe length, is the total of the two friction losses. The
total friction loss represents the total energy, or head, expended in moving the fuel through a pipeline.
In design, this information serves as a parameter on which to base the distances between pumping
stations on level terrain. You can calculate friction loss by using the Darcy-Weisbach equation
shown in Appendix A or the graphs in Appendix C.
(1) In Pipes. Pipe friction loss arises from the internal friction of the particles of the fluid itself
(viscosity) and the resistance to flow at the pipe-wall surfaces. The viscosity of a fluid indicates
the friction expected from a given flow.
(2) From Fittings. Friction loss through fittings results from the same surface friction as losses
in straight pipe. Such losses for all fittings except plug valves are determined by converting each
type fitting into its equivalent pipe length and then determining the friction loss. To do this, find
the intersection of a straight line between the valve type and the inside pipe diameter scales in the
equivalent pipe length of pipe fittings chart in Appendix C. Determine the friction loss for the
equivalent pipe length as discussed above. Table 4-4 (page 4-8) shows the approximate pressure
loss through lubricated plug valves.
e. Computing Friction Loss.

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f. Reducing Friction Loss. Reducing friction loss may be required when design errors or other
factors, such as terrain or time, have led to the placement of pumping stations too far apart to maintain
the design flow rate. The three remedial methods for reducing friction loss are using larger pipe,
using double-looped lines, and reducing the flow rate.
(1) Using Larger Pipe. If a problem is anticipated and material is available, using larger pipe
to reduce friction loss will save time and work; you will not have to lay the line twice. The following
problem and solution shows how to use the larger-pipe method for reducing friction loss:

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(2) Using Double Lines. If larger pipe is not available, you can reduce friction loss by laying
additional pipe parallel to the first and connecting the two. The following problem and solution
demonstrates this method:

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g. Spacing of Pumping Stations. An important element in the design of a military pipeline

system is pumping-station spacing. The spacing is determined by the hydraulic designs and the
pump-unit capabilities. The hydraulic design considers the friction head loss in the pipe and changes
in elevation of the pipeline when it operates at normal design capacity. When a pipeline runs uphill,
the stations are closer together; when it runs downhill, the stations are farther apart. The distance
between pumping stations is based on the friction head loss over distance, which is increased or
decreased based on changes in terrain. The key factor in pumping-station placement is that all
pumping stations are in balance hydraulically and are operating at the same rate (even work-load
distribution). Table 4-2 (page 4-6) shows the average spacing of pumping stations on level terrain
for various sizes of pipelines, based on maximum safe working pressures. The design factors that
determine pumping-station spacing are the--
• Topographic features of the pipeline route.
• Type and properties of the design fuel (viscosity).
• Required suction pressures, available head capacities, and other operating characteristics
of the pumping unit.
• Friction head losses based on flow rate for the selected size of pipe and fittings.
h. Modular Design. Modular design is a simplified graphical method of locating pumping
stations (except station 1) and pressure-reducing stations. This method is essentially the solution
of hydraulic calculations by means of graphs. The graphs required area profile of the pipeline route
and the hydraulic gradient triangle.
The hydraulic gradient triangle is a right triangle that is constructed on the same scale as the
profile. The triangle’s altitude (vertical distance) represents the available feet of head pressure at
the discharge of the pumping station. The base (horizontal distance) represents the distance that
the fluid can be moved on level terrain, which is based on the available head of the pumping unit,
the friction head loss in the pipeline, and the design flow rate.

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The hypotenuse of the triangle, the result of a vector diagram, is the hydraulic gradient. This
gradient represents the rate of head loss due to friction for a specific pipe size carrying a specific
fluid at a specific rate of flow. If the pipe size, type of fluid, or flow rate is changed, a new triangle
must be constructed. Generally, when this triangle is applied to the pipeline profile at the same
scale, with the right angle corner on the location of one pumping station and with the base parallel
to the base of the profile, the point at which the hypotenuse (hydraulic gradient) or its extension
intersects the profile is the maximum distance to the next pumping station.
The modular-design method is accurate enough for most tactical situations. A more exact
method of determining friction head loss and the energy relationship for liquid flowing through a
pipe between two points can be calculated by the Darcy-Weisbach and Bernoulli equations
(Appendix A). A complete hydraulic analysis should be prepared to verify the modular design as
time permits.
i. Construction of the Hydraulic Gradient Triangle. You can construct this triangle from
transparent plastic sheets, cardboard, or paper thick enough so that after trimming, each edge can
be used as a straight edge. The following problem and solution shows how to construct a typical
hydraulic gradient:

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4-3. Location of Pumping Stations.

The following paragraphs describe the
factors considered in locating
mainline pumping stations and flood
or suction stations for military
pipelines. Mainline pumping stations,
with the exception of station 1, are
placed by the modular method
described above. Locations of other
pumping stations require special
analysis for each station site.
a. Pumping Station 1. This
station (base terminal) receives fuel
from a petroleum-terminal tank farm
or host- nation supply. Station 1 is
located as far from the tank farm as
possible for safety and convenience of
operations. Because of its critical
position, the station and the
connecting line to the tank farm
require careful planning and design to
ensure that sufficient suction pressure
is provided to the first mainline
pumping station under design-flow
conditions. The suction pressure at
station 1 should be at least 20 psi. If
the required suction pressure for
station 1 cannot be created by gravity,
a flood or suction pump is required.

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(1) Gravity Systern. In determining whether gravity will furnish sufficient suction pressure
for station 1, proceed as follows:
(a) Select a tentative site for the station, the elevation of which is below the outlet of the lowest
tank in the tank farm.
(b) Determine the available head from gravity by computing the difference in elevations of the
tank outlet and the pump-suction manifold entrance at the proposed pumping station.
(c) Calculate the total friction loss in feet of head for the pipe and fittings used to connect the
tank to the pumping station for the design flow conditions. Make sure that friction loss is corrected
for design fuel.
(d) Determine the net head available at the station by subtracting the friction head loss at the
design rate of flow from the head available from gravity.
(e) Convert the net available head to suction pressure in psi by using the conversion formula
in Appendix A. When the suction pressure is greater or equal to 20 psi, the mainline station 1 can
be fed by gravity flow from the tank farm.
(2) Alternative Methods. If gravity does not furnish enough suction pressure at any suitable
site for station 1, determine if using the larger-pipe method or the double-line method will reduce
friction loss enough to eliminate the need for a flood or suction pumping station. If analyses show
that gravity feed with either method will not provide enough suction pressure, then install a flood
or suction pumping station.

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This particular site and pipe layout provides sufficient suction pressure for station 1. Required
suction pressure is 20 psi and available pressure from gravity is 47.90 psi. To prevent vapor pockets
in a gravity line, the grade from the tanks to the pumping station need not be uniform but should be
free of excessive humps, pockets, and sharp bends.
(3) Flood Pumps. When gravity will not supply sufficient suction pressure for station 1, install
a flood or suction pumping station as close to the tank-farm manifold as safety conditions permit.
See Chapter 2 for operating characteristics on pump units.
b. Pumping Station 2. The location of pumping station 2 by use of the hydraulic gradient
triangle depends on the positive suction pressure at station 1. Station 2 will maintain the minimum
suction pressure that is to be passed along to each succeeding station on the pipeline. This pressure
is 20 psi at normal elevations and temperatures.
When suction pressure at station 1 is 20 psi, station 2 is easily located. Place the hydraulic
gradient triangle on the pipeline profile with point A (the right angle) at station 1. The base (AC)
of the triangle is positioned parallel to the horizontal baseline of the profile in the direction of flow
in the pipeline. The point at which the hypotenuse of hydraulic gradient line (BC) intersects the
profile is the proper location for station 2. The pressure at this point will be 20 psi, the same as the
suction pressure at station 1. The triangle has measured the pumping distance for only the pressure
added by the pumps at station 1, and the suction pressure does not have any bearing. In other words,
station 1 started with a suction pressure of 20 psi.
c. Stations on Equal Elevations. If the pipeline profile does not intersect the hypotenuse of
the hydraulic gradient triangle, the distance between two successive pumping stations on equal
elevation is determined simply by the pressure drop due to pipeline friction. Hills and valleys along
the route cancel each other out, and there is no loss of pressure due to changes in elevation.

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For example, suppose that station 3 is at the same elevation as station 2. You would locate
station 3 by placing point A of the hydraulic gradient triangle on the point fixed as station 2 on the
profile. The base extends in the direction of flow and parallel to the baseline of the profile. If the
two stations are actually on equal elevation, station 3 will be located where Point C of the triangle
lies on the pipeline profile (see Figure 4-4).

d. Stations on an Upgrade. A downstream pumping station that is at a higher elevation than

the preceding station is said to be on an upgrade. The total pressure loss between the two stations
equals the sum of the separate losses due to friction and the difference in elevation. Logically, the
downstream upgrade station will be closer to the preceding station than a downstream station at an
equal elevation.
Suppose, because of the terrain, that station 4 is at a higher elevation than station 3. To locate
station 4, place point A of the hydraulic gradient triangle on the point representing station 3 on the
profile, with the base extending in the direction of flow and parallel to the baseline of the profile.
The first point at which the hypotenuse or hydraulic gradient of the triangle intersects the profile is
the appropriate location for station 4 (Figure 4-4).

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e. Stations on a Downgrade. A downstream pumping station that is at a lower elevation than

the preceding station is said to be on a downgrade. The pressure loss between stations will amount
to the difference between the friction loss in the pipe. The pressure gain (static head) is due to the
lower elevation of the downstream pumping station. A downstream station at a lower elevation
than the preceding station will be farther from that station than it would be if both stations were at
an equal elevation.
Suppose that pumping station 5 (downstream) is at a lower elevation than station 4 (upstream).
To locate station 5, place point A of the hydraulic gradient triangle on the point that represents
station 4 on the pipeline profile, with the base extending in the direction of flow and parallel to the
baseline of the profile. Extend the hypotenuse (BC) until it crosses the profile of the pipeline. The
point where BC intersects the profile is the proper location for station 5 (Figure 4-4).
f. Pressure-Reducing Stations. When pumping is interrupted and the pipeline is shut down,
fluid in the line exerts static pressure between points of unequal elevation. Since there is no
counteracting friction loss from fuel flow to use up or offset the static head, the total static pressure
caused by the elevation difference is exerted against the pipe and the valve, which stops the flow.
During normal flow, the safe working pressure of the pipeline may not be exceeded. During
shutdown, the total static pressure applied may be well above the safe working pressure, especially
at low sections in the line. To prevent this, place pressure-reducing stations on downgrades at all
points where static pressure may become excessive.
To determine where to install a pressure reducing station in the line, construct a feet-of-head
scale, similar to the line AB of the hydraulic gradient triangle in Figure 4-3 (page 4-13), equal to
the safe working pressure of the pipe being used. Be sure to use the same vertical scale as the
pipeline profile. With the scale, measure downward from the highest elevation on the profile; at its
base, project a horizontal line in the direction of the downgrade. The point where this horizontal
line intersects the profile is the proper location of the pressure-reducing station (see Figure 4-5, page
4-18). For example, the safe working pressure for 6.247 ID aluminum pipe (Table 4-2, page 4-6)
is 740 psi, which equals 2,011 feet of head for 0.85 specific gravity fuel by using the conversion
factor in Appendix C.
The following methods are used to regulate static pressure in long downhill sections of military
pipeline. Conditions, availability of materials and equipment, or other considerations will dictate
which method you should use to protect the line when static pressure exceeds the capability of the
pipeline tubing.
(1) Pressure-Reducing Valves. These valves will reduce upstream pressure about 25 to 800
psi and require no special tools to install. If these valves are available, using them is the best and
easiest method of controlling excessive pressure.
(2) Heavier-Weight Pipe. When the higher safe working pressures of standard pipe can
withstand static pressure, replace the lighter pipes on long downhill sections with heavier pipes to
control the increased pressure exerted during shutdown. For example, the safe working pressure
for 6-inch (0.219-inch wall thickness), standard-weight pipe is 1,000 psi. For 0.85 specific gravity
fuel, the equivalent feet-of-head is 2,506 feet. In this example, replace the lightweight pipe with
standard-weight pipe below the elevation in which the pipe strength is exceeded by static pressure.

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g. Field Location of Pumping Stations. After the hydraulic locations of the pumping stations
have been plotted on the profile of the pipeline (Figure 4-4, page 4-16), a site reconnaissance is
made and the locations are plotted on topographic maps. The exact sites are located by measuring
distances from easily identified landmarks or terrain features.
The pumping-station locations selected using the hydraulic-gradient-triangle method may not
be suitable for many reasons. The locations may be inaccessible, difficult to camouflage, or too
small; they may have poor vapor drainage or involve other unsuitable terrain conditions. If this
occurs, the pumping station should be shifted upstream or downstream to a better site on the pipeline.
Remember that a change in location also will change the suction and discharge pressures of the
pumping station.
(1) Relocation Upstream. If a station must be relocated upstream, the available discharge head
is equal to the normal discharge head plus the head from friction and elevation gained between the
new location and the original location. Pressure conditions at the design rate of flow at the new
pumping-station location must be reviewed to determine if discharge pressure of the preceding pump

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will exceed the maximum working pressure of the pipeline. If a station is relocated upstream, the
next upstream station is relocated also so as to restore the proper 20-psi suction pressure.
(2) Relocation Downstream. Pumping stations may be shifted a short distance downstream
on the pipeline to take advantage of good sites. However, the suction pressure at the relocated
station cannot fall below 20 psi. The proper suction pressure must be restored at the succeeding
pumping station. Relocation upstream is the best choice because the only effect on operations is
an increase in suction pressure over the normal 20 psi. Relocation downstream without reduction
of throughput can only be done by sacrificing part of the suction pressure. This should not be done
unless minimum suction pressure can be maintained.
h. Poor Locations for Pumping Stations. A pumping station in a poor location either cannot
pump at the required flow rate or it can pump at the required rate but with less than normal pressure.
If a station fails to maintain flow at normal pressures, you can loop the line, or you can use larger
pipe for a suitable distance on the downstream side of the pumping station to reduce friction loss
by an amount that will permit it to pump at the design rate.
If a station does not have to pump under full pressure to pump at the required rate, it may be
operated with fewer than the required number of pumping units. Or, when the station has to use
only 50 percent or less of normal pressure (or lower RPM throttled back), the line may be looped
around the next upstream station, which can then be eliminated from the line.
4-4. Treatment of Unusually Steep Grades. With unusually steep grades, it is possible that the
safe working pressure of the pipe may be exceeded by dynamic head under normal design flow

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5-1. Introduction. Military pipeline construction is a very labor-and equipment-intensive mission.

When logistics planners determine that a military pipeline is required, equipment and labor support
must be allocated in sufficient quantities to meet the required rate of construction. Additional
material-handling equipment and transportation assets, not within the engineer organizations, must
be allocated to move, load, and unload pipeline materials from the port of entry to the construction
staging areas.
A platoon can construct about 1 1/2 miles of coupled pipeline per day, based on terrain and
obstacles they must cross. On flat terrain with limited obstacles, a highly trained crew can lay up
to 2 miles per day. In mountainous terrain with numerous obstacles, the same crew may be able to
construct only 1/2 mile per day. The main factors to consider in estimating rate of construction are
terrain, obstacles, weather, tactical situation, and location of the construction staging areas and
construction access road to the pipeline route.
a. Task Organization for Construction. The organization of a unit indicated by its table of
organization is a generalized concept. Many minor changes must be made to effectively use the
available skills for a specific job or project. A pipeline construction support company is designed
to provide technical expertise to a battalion-size, engineer construction unit for pipeline
construction. The general construction unit can be made up of either troop or civilian labor. The
design rate of construction will determine the task organization between the specialized pipeline
construction company and the general construction unit. The general command structures of both
units should be retained, as much as possible, to ensure maximum command and control. For
example, a general engineer platoon could be assigned a pipeline construction squad for technical
b. Construction Standards. Military pipeline-construction standards must be established and
met from start to finish. Pipeline failure has serious consequences. Fuel loss or delay of its supply
can disrupt combat operations. Avoidable repair or reconstruction wastes time, troops, and materials
that could have been used elsewhere.
Taking time to correct past mistakes may mean that the pipeline does not keep pace with
advancing combat operations. Troops may have to use trucked-in fuel. They could eventually
outstrip the pipeline or run out of fuel. Repairing a leaking or broken pipeline can be extremely
hazardous and life-threatening. Detailed fire-prevention precautions are necessary, requiring a
disproportionate amount of military effort. Miles of pipeline may have to be drained into tank trucks
or into hastily excavated sumps. The environmental impact of such activities must be planned for.
Main supply routes adjacent to the pipeline may have to be blocked to facilitate the repair. The
following are the minimum standards for military pipeline construction:
(1) Pipes. Keep pipes clean and free from debris at the time of construction. Small quantities
of loose material in each pipe length can accumulate in sufficient volume to clog sand traps or
strainers located at pumping stations. Before coupling or welding pipe lengths together, inspect

FM 5-482

them for cleanliness inside and out. Run a swab or wire brush through each length to clean out any
debris just before connecting it to the line. Aluminum pipes are equipped with end caps that should
remain in place until the pipes are coupled. Discard any badly corroded pipes.
(2) Pipeline Components. Each connection in the pipeline should stand up to the design
pressure without leaking so that the agreed-on, allowable, product loss rate can be met. With
coupled connections, the coupling will leak if the pipe ends, gaskets, or the couplings themselves
are defective, damaged, or dirty.
(a) Pipe ends. Inspect pipe ends for dents, out-of-roundness, paint, scale, rust, or other
irregularities. The pipe end (land end) must be smooth and within 1/32-inch round for a tight joint.
(In the field, you cannot hammer or sway back into shape any ends that are dented or bent
out-of-round.) Remove all loose paint and scale from the nipple ends; file off any burrs or rough
edges. Make sure you keep nipple lands, gaskets, and coupling halves clean throughout the coupling
(b) Coupling gaskets. Coupling gaskets must fit smoothly inside the coupling halves. Discard
any gasket that shows signs of age (excessively hard, cracked, or cut).
(c) Couplings. Inspect couplings for any cracks or gouges due to rough handling. A damaged
coupling will not withstand the pressure that a coupled pipeline is designed for.
(d) Hose line. Inspect all hose lines for dry rot. Do not use a hose line that has dry rot.
5-2. Coupled Pipeline Systems.
a. Coupling Procedures for 6-Inch Aluminum Pipe and 4- and 6-Inch Steel Pipe. For military
use, coupled pipelines are preferred over welded pipelines because they can be constructed quicker.
To couple pipe sections together, groove the pipe ends to facilitate a coupling and gasket assembly.
Grooved pipe is available in standard-weight and lightweight steel and lightweight aluminum. (The
lightweight pipes are also referred to as tubing.) See Chapter 2 for more information on pipeline
components. Use the following procedures when coupling a pipeline using 6-inch aluminum pipe
or 4-and 6-inch steel pipe:
(1) Stake Pipeline Route. Marking crews, working ahead of construction crews by at least one
day, stake out the final location of the pipeline and its installations using wooden stakes. If clearing
and leveling are required, they must mark the route in advance. These markers should be visible,
one from the other, at maximum intervals of about 500 feet. The crew leader should be experienced
in pipeline construction. Good layout can greatly reduce the construction effort. Markers can be
color-coded to furnish detailed information to construction crews. Table 5-1 lists suggested stake
colors for various types of installations.

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(2) Clear and Level Pipeline Route.

(a) Clearing. Clear the pipeline route just enough to get the line laid efficiently and permit
patrolling. Keep clearing to a minimum to save time and maximize natural vegetation for
camouflage. Clear enough vegetation so it does not restrict operations. Use a 4-ton bolster trailer
pulled by a 5-ton truck to get pipe to the ground efficiently. The cleared route should be just wide
enough (about 25 feet) for construction vehicles to gain access and for the pipe to be unloaded.
Two-way traffic will require additional space.
Vegetation type and construction method determine the extent of clearing necessary. Areas
containing dense growth usually require more clearing than forests containing large trees. In dense
areas, the pipe sections cannot be aligned, and the construction crew has insufficient working space
unless a lane is cleared through the areas. Forests that have large trees usually have very little
undergrowth. Laying the pipeline between the trees should be possible. The construction crew will
have to string the tubing sections manually. However, the total effort and time required may be less
than that required to cut a trace through heavy stands of large timber.
When working in heavy forests, the crew should use farm access roads or old logging trails
when off-loading pipe to reduce the distance that pipe must be carried manually. In an open field
with high vegetation, mark the line adequately with signs to prevent damage by cross-country traffic.
(b) Leveling. Leveling the terrain is critical when constructing coupled aluminum pipelines
but not that critical for coupled steel pipelines. The reason is that the maximum allowable coupling
deflection for the aluminum pipeline system is 2 degrees; whereas, the coupling deflection in the
steel system is much greater and need not be considered. Level terrain reduces the requirement for
extensive sandbagging to align the aluminum pipeline system. Minor obstacles should be leveled
or pushed aside with a bulldozer.
(3) Determine Valve Locations. Gate, check, and vent valves are the most common valves
installed in a pipeline system. The number and location of each must be predetermined, so sufficient
quantities can be pre-positioned at construction staging areas that will supply that section of the
(a) Gate valves. These valves are located at intervals in the pipeline for repair purposes. The
number and location are based on the tactical situation. Pipeline lengths that are susceptible to
damage, such as by bridges, should be isolated at each end by a gate valve. When enemy activity
is anticipated to be low in the theater rear area, gate valves are installed about one every mile. Gate
valves should be accessible from the road.
(b) Check valves. These valves are placed in the line at the bottom of steep upgrades to prevent
backflow in case of shutdowns. When enemy activity is anticipated to be low in the theater’s rear
area, check valves are installed about every three miles.
(c) Vent valves. These valves provide an outlet for air in the pipeline. They are installed about
every mile at the top of the highest terrain.
(4) Construct Pipeline Obstacle Crossings. Try to avoid major obstacles, such as steep cliffs,
deep ravines, large boulders, and swampy areas, when selecting the pipeline route. Use existing

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road culverts whenever possible. Crossing obstacles can significantly slow down the construction
rate. If an obstacle crossing facility must be constructed, it should be completed before the coupling
crew completes the line to that point. This will eliminate the need for the construction crew to return
to the site later to connect the line. If the line is constructed after the obstacle-crossing device is
built, a custom-cut piece of pipe (pup joint) will be required. Each pup joint must be cut and grooved
on each end, which takes a trained operator about 60 minutes. Pup joints should be made at a central
location, like the construction staging area, to reduce the setup time required.
Studying maps and aerial photos when planning the pipeline route can help reduce the number
of crossing sites. It may become necessary to traverse pipeline obstacles such as roadways, rivers,
streams, and drainage ditches. Aluminum pipelines must be supported at least every 19 feet. The
maximum unsupported span of steel coupled pipelines should not exceed 40 feet. The following
obstacle-crossing kits are available through AFCS:
(a) Nestable culvert material. The best way to cross a road with pipeline is through an existing
culvert. The 5-mile pipeline set has nestable culvert material. It should be installed to the same
standards as a culvert installed for drainage. Steel sleeves can be used instead of nestable culvert.
They do not have to be assembled, but they do require additional transportation and material
handling equipment.
(b) Gap support structure with pipeline roller assembly. This structure and assembly (Figure
5-1) is used for crossing small streams and gullies. It consists of 4-inch diameter steel tubing and
angled steel and roller assemblies. The rollers are installed so the pipeline can move during
expansion and contraction. The structure must be fabricated on-site and is placed at intervals equal
to the length of a stick of pipe, with the coupling positioned directly between the structures.
Expedient gap-crossing structures (Figure 5-2, page 5-6) may be required if kits are not available.
(c) Suspension-bridge kits. These kits (Figure 5-3, page 5-7) are available in 100-,200-, and
400-foot spans. Detailed assembly instructions come in the packing list for each kit. If suspension
kits are not available, expedient-crossing structures can be constructed.
(5) Prepare Construction Staging Areas. The construction staging area receives, accounts for,
and issues construction materials. The location and operation of staging areas are key to maximizing
the rate of pipeline construction. Pipeline components are moved from a central location to the
construction staging area by stake and platform (S&P) trucks or similar means. Pipeline components
are moved from construction staging areas by bolster trailers. Using a 5-ton cargo truck with a 4-ton
bolster trailer is the best way to transport pipe sections from the construction staging area to the
pipeline trace. (Using a 5-ton bridge truck is second choice.) A bolster trailer can holdup to 50
pieces or sticks of 19-foot, 6-inch diameter aluminum pipe when extensions are installed on standard
stanchion assemblies. Be careful when loading and unloading bolster trailers holding more than 35
sticks of 6-inch pipe because of the height that you must lift the pipe when loading and unloading.
As the intermediate transfer point of pipeline components, the construction staging area reduces
the turnaround time required for the movement of pipeline components to the trace. A constant
supply of pipeline materials to the stringing and coupling crews is the key to maximum laying rates.
Construction staging areas should be located about every 10 miles along the pipeline route. Each

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area must be large enough (about 100 yards by 50 yards) to store pipeline components and allow
for loading operations.
Loading crews should not accompany the transport vehicles to the construction staging area.
All loading operations at the construction staging area should be accomplish by a dedicated crew
who will remain at that area. The crew size will depend on factors such as the number of stringing
crews that it is servicing and the type of terrain on which the pipe is being constructed. Normally
10 to 12 soldiers are required, including equipment operators.
You will need at least one 10,000-pound, rough-terrain forklift to operate the staging area.
Based on the required construction rate, more than one staging area may be operational at the same
time. The layout of components within the staging area is a key factor in determining expedient
loading and unloading. The following guidelines apply:
• Keep vehicular traffic flow one way within the staging area.
• Do not handload any aluminum pipe or steel tubing sections larger than 6 inches and
standard-gauge steel pipe larger than 6 inches.
• Load couplings and valves at the same time as pipe sections. (You may have to improvise
regarding a container for couplings.)

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(6) Assign Crews to Pipeline Construction Areas. Pipeline stringing and coupling crews are
assigned sectors along the pipeline trace. The size of the sectors will depend on the number of
pipeline construction crews available and the number and size of construction staging areas that can
be operated effectively at the same time. For example, if you have two operating staging areas with
10 miles of components each and five available crews, each crew would have a 4-mile sector or 20
miles divided per five crews. After a crew is finished in its sector, it is assigned a new one.
(7) Place Pipes and Valves. Off-loading and placing pipe sections along the pipeline route end
to end is known as stringing. Two soldiers can off-load 4- or 6-inch diameter steel or aluminum
tubing sections. Manually stringing 6-inch (170-pound) pipe is hazardous work. Normally, eight
men are required to properly string such pipe. If the tubing sections have to be carried farther than
25 feet, more men are needed.
The stringing crew is made up of three teams of two soldiers each who move pipe from the
bolster trailer to the ground; one soldier places coupling materials, the other is a supervisor/ground
guide. The crew down loads pipe as the truck moves slowly along the trace.

As the crew unloads each section, they place it end to end in close alignment with the preceding
section. A coupling and a gasket are placed close to each end-to-end junction. The crew off-loads
an extra tubing section for every 50 to 75 sticks. This section will be a replacement for a damaged
section or a filler for any gap that may develop. Laying the extra section saves time. These sections
can be recovered later if they are not used.
The crew chief should be experienced in coupling operations so he can envision the final
position of the pipeline. His experience will help prevent a situation such as laying pipeline on the
wrong side of a tree.
When stringing aluminum pipeline, expansion loops must be laid out for at least every 1,000
feet of pipeline. There should be enough vehicles assigned so that the stringing crew always has a
vehicle waiting to be unloaded. Rehandling pipe should be avoided as much as possible. However,
some rehandling may be unavoidable when terrain conditions prevent vehicles from following the
pipeline trace. If this occurs, the stringing crew may have to create roadside stockpiles as close as
possible to the route and then reload the pipe on 1 l/4-ton trucks or carry it by hand to the trace. In
very difficult terrain, helicopters, beasts of burden, or indigenous civilian labor may have to transport
pipe to the trace.
The supervisor must carefully monitor the soldiers as they unload, string, and couple the pipe
sections together so they do not--
• Damage the land surface on the nipples (the pipeline will leak).
• Shove tubing sections or grooved pipe off the rear of a vehicle.

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• Hold onto the rear end and let the vehicle pull ahead until the forward end drops off the
• Throw or drop sections over the side.
• Throw or allow sections to roll down embankments.
• Raise the front end of the truck or execute a jackrabbit start, which causes the load to
slide off the rear.
Check valves and gate valves are the most commonly used valves along a pipeline. These
cannot be manually down loaded safely. A 7 1/2-ton crane or a SEE is best for this task. Valves
are normally positioned just before the pipe is coupled at that location.
(8) Couple the Pipeline. Coupling pipe sections together is the most critical task in pipeline
construction. Coupling is a time-consuming and strenuous task. If done incorrectly, the pipeline
will leak under pressure. Repairing a leaking pipeline is a time- and labor-intensive task and should
be avoided. The most common cause of a leaking joint is a pinched gasket, which is normally the
result of hasty construction. See Chapter 6 for repair procedures. If sufficient coupling crews are
available, coupling operations can be carried out in several sectors simultaneously.
Coupling on a downhill slope usually requires more effort than on a similar uphill slope. A
highly trained crew can couple up to 2 miles per day of 6-inch pipeline over flat and clear terrain.
The coupling crew should consist of seven soldiers. Their jobs differ depending if they use bolted
or snap-joint couplings. When using snap-joint couplings, the crew consists of a crew leader, gasket
greaser, front stabber, back stabber, coupler, coupler’s helper, and a pinman. The crew will normally
require the following tools and equipment:
• Two pipeline jacks.
• Assembly tool.
• Brass hammers.
• Drift pin.
• File.
• Two end caps.
• Half-gallon bucket filled with general agency agreement (GAA) grease.
• Cleaning rags.
Depending on the terrain and job assignment, the crews may need additional equipment, such
as crowbars, brush hooks, axes, machetes, saw, shovels, hand auger, hatchet, large nails, long bolts,
and crescent or open-end wrenches. The pipeline jacks, lazy boards, and wooden blocks are field-
fabricated (Figure 5-4, page 5-10). All other tools come in the grooved-coupling, pipeline-
construction tool kit or as part of the component packing list. To couple pipe--
(a) Grease the gasket lightly and place it in a clean location. Do this just before coupling the
pipe ends together to avoid getting dirt on the greased gasket. (Dirt or sand on the gasket can cause
the joint to leak under pressure.) Place the complete coupling assembly, to include the gasket,
directly next to the joint to be connected.

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(b) Place the greased gasket over one end of a pipe section you will join. Do not fold the inside
gasket flaps over because a leak could result.
(c) Position the pipe ends together. It is important that you line up the pipe ends and that they
remain in this position until you close the coupling completely. Unit-fabricated pipe jacks and wood
blocks can make this task less strenuous. Figure 5-4 shows these two items.
(d) Adjust the gasket over both pipe ends centered on joint. Do not fold the inside gasket flaps
over; the joint could leak.
(e) Seat the coupling in bottom grooves of pipe.
(f) Close the snap-joint coupling, or install the top half of a bolted coupling in the top grooves
of the pipe. Make sure that you position the gasket properly inside the coupling and that the joints
of the snap coupling are not pinching the gasket. A pinched gasket will ALWAYS LEAK and will
require replacement. After the snap coupling is closed, but not pinned, you should be able to hold
both of the hinges and rotate the coupling back and forth. Doing so will help position the gasket in
the coupling.
(g) Close the coupling halves together completely. (On older couplings, use bolts; on newer
couplings, use an assembly handle.) The assembly handle should close the coupling smoothly with
minimal pressure. The assembly handle will not close easily if the gasket is positioned incorrectly
inside the snap-joint coupling. If you feel resistance, do not force the handle shut. Reposition the
gasket and try to close the coupling again. If repeated attempts do not work, use a new coupling.
(During this procedure with the snap-joint coupling, the gasket is most susceptible to damage by
(h) Insert a retaining pin in the closed hinge of the snap-joint coupling and drive the pin into
place. A sparkless brass hammer is in each box of couplings. Use this hammer when fuel is in the
area; otherwise, you can use a 3-pound hammer.
(9) Align the Pipeline. The relative position of one pipe length to the next is pipeline alignment.
Because aluminum pipeline systems expand and contract, deflection must be less than 2 percent.
This allows the pipeline to push and pull itself without causing undue strain on any joint. For
example, 50 joints of aluminum pipeline increase in length by 15 inches with a 10O°F rise. The
assembled coupling joint has a designed free deflection (without strain) of 4 percent. The installed
deflection is limited to 2 percent, leaving room for some additional deflection during operation.
You can field-fabricate coupling deflection templates to check alignment. If the ends of a two-length
section are not outside each others radius, the pipeline is within required deflection tolerance.
You may have to use sandbags to level an aluminum pipeline system. (You do not have to
level a steel pipeline system.) Place sandbags no closer than 2 feet from a coupling point. This
allows for expansion and contraction. When stacking sandbags, make sure that they will not fall
over during pipeline movement. To stack sandbags properly, build a large base and workup to a
small top where the sandbag meets the pipeline. Avoid stacking sandbags higher than four levels.
Properly grading the pipeline route before construction starts can save time and manpower when

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(10) Anchor the Pipeline. Because anchoring is not a manpower-intensive task, a long length
of pipeline is constructed before anchoring is required. The anchoring crew is usually a two-soldier
team. They should anchor every 1,000-foot section of aluminum pipeline midway between the
expansion loop. Doing so allows for expansion and contraction due to tempemture and pressure.
Paragraph 5-2b discusses expansion devices. The crew installs a screw-type anchor (Figure 5-5)
using a hydraulic drivehead attachment that can be put on a JD410 or a SEE boom. The coupling-
crew leader should establish a method of marking the pipeline for anchor installation. After
installing the anchor, the crew connects it to the pipeline with a metal clamp lined with a piece of
rubber. They must be careful not to move the pipeline out of alignment during the anchoring
(11) Fill and Test the Pipeline. Before fuel pumping starts, military pipelines must be inspected
and pretested to locate and repair leaks, obstructions, and other flaws in construction. Fuel could
be wasted if this procedure is not followed. For example, 1 mile of 6-inch pipeline could lose about

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210 barrels (bbl) of fuel even if valves were closed immediately after a leak occurred. Because of
the required equipment and safety precautions, repairing a full fuel line is more difficult than
repairing an empty one.
(12) Clean and Pack the Pipeline. As soon as possible after testing, clean the first major portion
of the pipeline inland from the coast and pack it with fuel. (It may take several days for fuel to reach
the first inland pipe head or terminal.) Cleaning the line not only removes dirt, small stones, and
other foreign material but it also helps reduce flow resistance and the pumping effort required to
produce rated flow through the line.
To clean the line, pass three or four scrapers through it, as time permits. The water should drain
into an impounding basin and all solid material be allowed to settle out. Do not divert the water
into nearby streams because the water could harm or kill livestock, fish, and other marine life that
drink from the streams. Once most of the debris settles, either reuse the water to test the next section
of line or gradually drain it off into the natural drainage system.
Pack the line by sending a line scraper just ahead of the fuel to reduce the mixing of the water
and fuel when they meet. In cold climates, send several scrapers through the line to ensure that the
line is free of water. Some water will remain in the bottom of the gasket cavity of each coupling
but will gradually work its way down the line. Running scrapers through the line just before
subfreezing temperatures (20 to 25°F) will prevent ice crystals from accumulating and plugging the
line. (The Alaskan pipeline had problems with these crystals accumulating in low spots, valves,
and other locations that blocked the flow through the pipeline.)
b. Expansion and Contraction of Coupled Pipelines. Surface-laid metallic pipe expands and
contracts with changing temperatures. Groove-type couplings provide some angular deflection and
slack adjustment between each pipe joint (Figure 5-6). Because aluminum expands and contracts
more than steel, control devices (expansion loops) are required to relieve the tension in the pipeline
caused by thermal expansion and contraction. Aluminum pipeline is anchored every 1,000 feet,
and an expansion device is installed in the center of every 1,000-foot section. The maximum
expansion with a differential in temperature
of 100 degrees can be as much as 15 inches.
The U-loop and Z-loop are two types of
expansion devices (Figure 5-7, page 5-14).
• The U-loop is constructed with
three 19-foot pipe sections and a
combination of 45- or 90-degree
• The Z-loop is constructed with a
19-foot pipe section offset and
45-degree elbows.
5-3. Hose-Line Systems. The US Armed
Forces use hoses extensively in water and
petroleum transportation. They can be laid
much faster and with less effort than a

FM 5-482

metallic pipeline. Hose lines do not require extensive cribbing, staking, expansion joints, or other
stabilization efforts as metal pipeline systems do. That factor saves time. However, the
disadvantages of using hoses are low allowable working pressure, reduced shelf life, and less
durability. Because of the low working pressure and the durability problem, hoses usually are used
only within TPTs and as a temporary extension or lateral from a rigid pipeline no greater than 5
miles long.
New technologies are addressing the disadvantages of using hose. Durability has been
enhanced and working pressures increased so that a hose pipeline is a viable alternative. The OPDS
has a MAWP of 740 psi. The shelf life of new hose is currently under investigation. Hoses are
connected using either a cam lock or a grooved-type (single or double) coupling clamp. Connecting
devices will be discussed later in this chapter.
a. 600-Foot, 6-Inch Hose-Reel Assembly. This system is an upgrade to the 250-foot, 6-inch
lightweight hose (stored in flaking boxes). The hose-reel system consists of 600 feet of 6-inch
lightweight hoses packaged on reels, with two reels mounted on a skid. The MAWP is 150 psi.
The hoses do not have attached connecting ends. They will be attached, using a bolt-on-type clamp
at assembly time. (Figure 5-8 shows bolt-on-type clamps.) The hose line is manually deployed and
has a 24-volt, direct-current, hydraulic power pack for recovery. Six reel systems (two 600-foot
reels per system) and one power pack can fit into one ISO container. The reel system eliminates
the bending and stressing of the hose and increases the storage life 1 1/2 to 2 times longer than the
hoses that are stored in flaking boxes.
b. 4-Mile OPDS. This system, with the SALMS, provides rapid delivery of petroleum from
offshore tankers to the shore high-water mark (Figure 5-9, page 5-16). The system, which is

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constructed by the Navy, uses high-pressure hoses on ship-mounted reels. Each reel holds 0.5 mile
of collapsible hoses; eight reels make up the 4-mile kit. Hose-to-hose and hose-to-fitting
connections are made with 6- and 12-bolt flange connections that are designed for a burst pressure
of 2,200 psi. The 6-inch diameter and 1-inch-thick hose has a MAWP of 740 psi. The hose can be
stretched to 33 percent under conditions of use. Petroleum is pumped using two positive

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displacement pumps in parallel (500 GPM each at 700 psi). High pressure is required by the high
head losses that result from delivery of 1,000 GPM in the 6-inch hose over the 4-mile (maximum)
distance to shore.
c. 50- and 500-Foot, Lightweight, Collapsible, Discharge, 6-Inch Hoses. These hoses have a
MAWP of 150 psi. The 500-foot hose is packed two per flaking box and is part of the transfer hose
assembly. The 50-foot hose is available individually and is used in the tanker-truck receipt and
switching manifolds, tank-farm and fuel-dispensing assemblies, and contaminated-fuel module.
d. 12-Foot, Noncollapsible, Suction, 6-Inch Hose. This hose is used in the tank-farm assembly
and tanker-truck receipt manifold.
e. 12-Foot, Noncollapsible, Discharge, 4-Inch Hose. This hose is found in the contaminated-
fuel module and the 50,000-gallon, TPT, optional-tank configuration.

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f. Collapsible, Dispensing, 1-,1 1/2-, 2-, and 4-Inch Hoses. These hoses are used in the fuel-
dispensing assembly and the 50,000-gallon, TPT, optional-tank configuration. The 4-inch hose is
available in 25- and 50-foot lengths. The 2-, 1 1/2-, and 1-inch hoses are available in 25-foot lengths.
g. 12-Foot, Suction, 4-Inch Hose Assembly. This hose is used in the tanker-truck receipt
manifold; contaminated-fuel module; and the 50,000-gallon, TPT, optional-tank configuration.
5-4. Pipeline and Hose-Line Obstacle Crossing. Points where military pipelines and hose lines
cross roads, railroads, watercourses, or any other obstacle require special treatment. When possible,
bypass obstacles. If this is not possible, with minimal effort, construct an obstacle-crossing device.
It is a good practice to anchor a pipeline at each end of an obstacle crossing and, if the site is
susceptible to damage, install a gate valve at each end. Constructing obstacle-crossing sites should
take place before pipeline construction reaches that site. This eliminates the need for pup joints and
increases the rate of pipeline construction. The most commonly encountered obstacles and ways
to negotiate them are discussed below.
NOTE: For discussion purposes, metallic pipelines and hose lines are referred to as pipelines.
a. Road and Railroad Crossings. Roads are the most commonly encountered pipeline
obstacles. Crossings can be made by running the line through existing culverts. If existing culverts
are too far from the pipeline route, install underground culverts using either larger pipe or nestable
culvert material. Encase the pipeline in culvert material for protection as well as convenience in
installation and maintenance. (When time is a factor, use large diameter pipe or a metal sleeve
instead of nestable culvert.) If you use nestable culvert, assemble it in advance and haul it to the
job site. When you use an existing culvert, the pipeline will reduce the culvert’s cross-sectional
area and restrict the water flow. If drainage water contacting the pipeline is a factor, anchor the
pipeline so it cannot be swept away. Pipelines crossing culverts require the same amount of cover
as a culvert installed for drainage purposes.
(1) Culvert Size. A culvert 4 inches larger in diameter than the pipeline will provide sufficient
clearance for the pipeline. If possible, prevent the pipeline from contacting the culvert by supporting
it with sandbags (Figure 5-10).
Anchoring the pipeline at each end
of the culvert is best.
(2) Culvert Installation. The
opening for the culvert may be made
by boring, tunneling, or digging a
trench wide enough to receive it.
The method used will depend on the
type of soil encountered and the
available equipment. The most
common method is the ditching
method. If you use this method,
make sure that there is sufficient
cover and that it is thoroughly

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b. Stream, River, and Ravine Crossing. When possible, use existing structures to cross streams
and rivers. If you use an existing bridge, the pipeline will be a more lucrative target. Also, you will
have to protect the pipeline from vehicular damage. If an existing structure is unavailable or if the
tactical situation is not advisable for pipeline use, construct a crossing device. Do this by either
laying the pipeline in a trench at the bottom of the stream or by installing an overhead pipeline that
crosses at a site away from (usually downstream) an existing bridge. The method you use will
depend on the tactical situation and the conditions that each obstacle presents.
(1) Overhead Crossings. Often a small stream, canal, drainage ditch, or ravine must be crossed
above ground when laying coupled pipelines. If the width is too great for an unsupported span (19
and 40 feet for aluminum and steel-coupled pipelines, respectively), you must construct a crossing
device. Sometimes, a critical gap structure may be set in the watercourse. If this is not feasible,
then the pipeline must be supported by a suspension structure. The critical gap structure and various
size suspension-bridge kits are available through AFCS. If the kits are not available, you will have
to construct an improvised structure.
(2) Suspension Bridges. Pipeline suspension bridges are prefabricated and packed in kits for
100-,200-, and 400-foot spans (Figure 5-3, page 5-7). The bridge kits are available through AFCS.
Detailed assembly instructions come in the packing list for each kit. Installation procedures for the
suspension bridges are as follows:
(a) Choose a crossing site. However, remember that the difference in height between banks
must be less than 8 feet. If it is not, you may have to cut one bark with a bulldozer. Do not use a
filled area as a tower-base location.
(b) Unpack all assembly parts. Make sure that all the required parts are on hand, and learn to
identify them.
(c) Set the tower base in position, using a 20-ton crane, and stake it down.
(d) Assemble the tower by attaching the required fixtures. Erect the tower using a 20-ton crane.
(e) Attach guy wires to the tower assembly and secure them to ground.
(f) Place a 12-inch-diameter pipe deadman on each shore and attach each to a tower assembly.
(g) Attach all cables with U -bolt wire clamps.
(h) Position staging boards to cross bearers.
(i) Attach the tension cable to the cross bearers, parallel with the staging boards.
(j) Attach two wind guys per shore to cross bearers. Secure them to each shore.
(k) Secure 1/4-inch cable with U -bolts to the suspenders.
(1) Construct the pipeline on the bridge from the center to each shore. Position the coupled
joints midway between the cross beams. Secure the pipeline to the cross bearers and staging planks
with pipe straps.
(m) Use cable turnbuckles to achieve uniform tension on all cables.

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(3) Critical Gap Structure. This structure is available through AFCS and is used for crossing
small streams and gullies. It is made up of 4-inch-diameter steel tubing, angled steel, and roller
assemblies (Figure 5-1, page 5-5). The rollers are installed so the pipeline can move during
expansion and contraction. The structure is field-fabricated on-site with welding equipment. Each
structure is placed at an interval equal to the length of a stick of pipe, with the coupling positioned
directly between the structures.
(4) Improvised Structures. Figure 5-2 (page 5-6) shows improvised methods of supporting
short spans of unsupported pipeline. In emergencies, you can use damaged or demolished bridges
or floating footbridges (Figure 5-11, page 5-20) to carry a pipeline. However, construct alternate
lines as soon as possible. This is especially true when lines are carried on floating bridges that are
unstable and subject to hazards from floods, floating debris, derelict boats, and floating explosive
charges placed by enemy partisan forces.
5-5. Pumping Stations. Pumping stations are located along the pipeline trace based on the
hydraulic design of the system. They consist of the required pumps and the operating and living
facilities for the operating crew. Operating crews are responsible for their own facilities.
The pumping station is made up of a launcher, receiver, and strainer and the pumps connected
by pipe. For an aluminum pipeline system, a standard pumping station is made up of two 800-GPM
pumps. Pumping stations can be built to any specification. However, they must have the ability to
remain operational even when pumps are shut down for maintenance or replacement. Pumping
stations are designed to be operational 24 hours per day. A trained engineer squad can construct a
standard pumping station (steel or aluminum pipeline system) in one day if given the proper material
handling equipment and a prepared pump pad. The material-handling equipment will differ
depending on the type and weight of the pumps being installed.
a. Site Selection. Many factors are considered when selecting a site for a pumping station. The
• Must be located within the limits of the hydraulic design. If an adjustment is required,
it should be towards the source of the fuel, not the demand. This will ensure that sufficient
suction pressure is available at the pump.
• Must be in an area that is large enough to set up the station. The number of pumps at the
station will determine area size.
• Must be level and strong enough to support the weight of the pumps. Existing facilities
such as parking lots and abandoned slabs should be used, if available.
• Should provide access for installing and removing pump units without interfering with
• Should provide for radio communication.
• Should allow any spilled fuel or vapors to drain away from the pumping station and not
gather in low pockets in the surrounding area. The station’s fuel-supply storage tanks
should be located to ensure proper gravity flow to the pumps. Fuel vapor is heavier than
air, so vapors settle near the ground and flow downhill. Vapor pools form in low areas
unless dispersed by the wind. These vapor pools present fire and explosive hazards.

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• Should make use of natural cover and concealment, thereby reducing the amount of
artificial camouflage needed if the tactical situation dictates.
• Should have room for the operating crew to set up living and operating facilities. Crew
members usually live intents unless structures are available on-site.
b. Pad Construction. The pumping-station pad must be within 5 degrees of level or pumping-
unit damage will occur during operation. A level pumping-station pad makes it easier and less time-
consuming to assemble the piping that connect the pumps. In a level area, you can predetermine
the size and number of pup joints you need and precut these joints. (Precutting pup joints eliminates
the need to measure and cut them on-site.)
The area required for a standard pumping-station pad is 136 by 58 feet for the aluminum system
and 80 by 16 feet for the steel system. The pad can be constructed of concrete or gravel and must
support the weight of the pump units. The site should provide access for installing and removing
pump units without interfering with piping. A berm is constructed for the fuel-supply storage tanks.
Figure 5-12 shows a standard pumping-station layout, aluminum system.
c. Standard Pad Layout. Accurate pumping-station pad layout will ensure that the pump units
are positioned so that precut, nonstandard lengths of pipe can be used in assembling the piping
between pumps. Assembly time is increased if pup joints are measured and cut on-site. Layout is
normally done with stakes and string. Pumps must be situated to allow trucks and material handling
equipment ready access without interference with piping and manifold. This enables pumps to be
exchanged after the station in built. Pumps are positioned parallel to one another exactly 33 feet 3
1/2 inches apart on center (Figure 5-12).
d. Pump Placement. Pump units should be moved directly from the main issue point to the
pumping-station pad. This eliminates unnecessary lifting and loading operations at construction

FM 5-482

staging areas. A 40-ton, rough-terrain crane and a low-bed trailer are required for loading, moving,
and placing each 800-GPM mainline pump unit. When placing pumps, the crane boom will be
extended, so the maximum lifting capacity cannot be used.
e. Pumping-Station Construction Checklist. Consider the following when constructing a
mainline pumping station:
• Pad construction, completed.
• Pump-pad layout, completed.
• Pup joints, precut.
• Pumps, positioned on pad. All transportation and lifting support scheduled for mainline
pumps, shelters, receiver, launcher, and strainer.
• Pumping units, reprocessed. Pump units that are received from war stocks or that are
new must be reprocessed before operating them. This includes installing and aligning
the engine to the pump coupler, filling all fluid reservoirs, running the engine for break-in
period, and calibrating all gauges. The operator’s manual for the 800-GPM mainline
pump is TM 5-4320-307-10.
• Suction and discharge manifolds on each pump, installed. These are steel and are bolted
to a flange on the pump unit.
• Pipe and valves connecting pumps, installed. After pump units are positioned, the suction
and discharge manifolds are installed on each pump.
• Strainer, launcher, and receiver, placed and connected, These items are placed with the
7 l/2-ton crane and connected to the system.
• Auxiliary fuel source, placed and connected. The 3,000-gallon fabric tank and liner is
installed with a berm around it.
5-6. Testing Pipeline Systems.
a. Responsibility. The commanding officer of the unit that constructed any given segment of
the pipeline is responsible for coordinating the testing and inspection of his unit’s work. The
constructing and operating units conduct the testing and inspection. Turnover will take place when
the certificate of operability is signed. If inspection and test results are not within established
standards, the commander of the operating unit may reject the line as unsuitable for operation.
b. Certificate of Operability. After the pipeline is tested, inspected, and found to be constructed
to standard, the operating unit prepares an operability certificate and forwards it to the constructing
unit and higher headquarters. The commanding officers of the constructing and operating units sign
the certificate. The certificate contains--
• A statement as to the operability of the line and its acceptance by the operating unit.
• The section and mileage of the line tested.
• The standard to which the line was built and tested.
• The testing pressure.
• The test method and duration of the test.

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c. Measuring Pressure. To test a section of pipeline, place a pressure gauge at each end of the
section. The test-section ends are normally at the pumping-stations. With the aluminum pipeline
system, mount a pressure gauge on the launcher and receiver assemblies, which are used as the ends
of the test section. In the steel pipeline system, mount a pressure gauge in the vent-plug tap of an
overcoupling clamp (Figure 5- 13). To install the clamp and gauge device in the steel system, loosen
the coupling at a joint and remove the gasket to cause a temporary leak. Retighten the bolts on the
coupling and fasten the clamp and gauge device over the coupling.

d. Hydrostatic Testing (Fill and Test).

Military pipelines may be tested in long or
short sections with water (and under
special circumstances with fuel) using the
pumping stations to develop the necessary
(1) Using Fresh Water. Because of
safety and economy, fresh water is
preferred. The water should be as clean as
possible, but it does not have to be potable.
If the water is very muddy, pump it into a
temporary impounding basin and let the silt
settle out. You may have to construct a
temporary pipeline or hose line from the
water source to the pipeline. Also, if the flow rate at the source is not sufficient, you may have to
construct an impounding basin so that sufficient water can be collected in advance. Fresh water
may be too difficult to obtain in sufficient quantity in tidewater areas. If possible, pump freshwater
from an inland source backwards through the pipeline to the marine terminal area by making a
temporary change in the pumping station’s piping system.
(2) Using Salt Water. If you do not have sufficient quantities of fresh water, you may use salt
water. Once you complete the fill-and-test procedures, flush the line several times with clean fresh
water, if possible, separated by pipeline cleaners, before packing or filling the line with fuel. Salt
water will--
• Not adversely affect the fuel any more than dirty freshwater.
• Ultimately be removed by filter/separators at dispensing stations.
• Not cause significant corrosion inside the steel pipe, when used only once in testing.
• Be removed by the pipeline cleaners used in flushing the pipeline and initially packing
the line with fuel.
The inside surfaces of steel-tubing sections from military storage depots will normally be
corroded and contain some dirt. Swabbing the sections once during pipeline construction will only
remove sticks, dirt clods, stones, scaly rust, reptiles, and so forth. Proper cleaning requires swabbing
the pipeline several times. It also ensures the removal of all air from the pipeline. Do not use fresh
water to test the pipeline in prolonged subfreezing temperature or if you cannot remove the water

FM 5-482

using pipeline cleaners. Pack the line with fuel before subfreezing weather. If you use ocean salt
water (freezing point about 27.5°F), you can test the line at a lower temperature than if you use fresh
water. If necessary, add salt or calcium chloride to the water to lower its freezing point.
(3) Using Fuel. Testing with salt water is preferable to testing with fuel. Test with fuel only
as a last resort in an extreme emergency, when no water is available or when extremely cold climatic
conditions make hydrostatic testing with fresh water or salt water impractical. If you must use fuel,
use diesel (or jet) fuel, since it is less volatile and less toxic than leaded gasoline. Testing with fuel
will normally delay completion and operation of the pipeline, even if you take proper safety
When using fuel, tank trucks and fire-fighting equipment must be available for draining the
line sections that leak. Make sure you have plenty of overleak couplings to temporarily correct
small leaks. Before testing, install a T and a valve at the bottom of long slopes, as a temporary
measure. Doing so will make draining the line easier and allow you to attach a hose line or pipeline
to tank trucks to receive the fuel.
Do not let the fuel drain onto the ground or into roadside ditches or streams. To do so not only
creates a serious safety hazard but also results in air, water, and ground pollution and can result in
vegetation, livestock, wildlife, water-fowl, and marine-life destruction. The US Government could
be financially responsible for such damages. Because testing a pipeline with fuel presents many
hazards, the noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) or officer in charge (OIC) should try to
get written orders before proceeding with such tests. If you have to drain fuel at a point where a T
is not installed, do the following:
• Dig a pit large enough to contain all the fuel.
• Construct dikes, if necessary.
• Line the pit with a tarpaulin to minimize contaminating the fuel and the ground by each
other, if possible.
• Anchor the line securely on both sides of the coupling you are to remove.
• Have spare piping sections available in case the coupling suddenly slips out of the grooves
and damages them as you loosen the nuts. Be careful because loosening a coupling at
the bottom of a long slope that may be under a large hydrostatic head is dangerous. The
two ends of the line may whip about and create sparks. Fuel may spray several feet in
an unpredictable direction. Spraying liquid under several hundred pounds of pressure
can seriously injure the eyes.
• Make sure that fire-fighting equipment is readily available.
• Make sure that an explosive-vapor detection meter is available.
• Have a pneumatic sump pump and tank truck standing by to recover fuel.
• Test pumping-station manifolds to ensure that no leaks will occur because of inherent
hazards present at pumping stations. Such hazards could be hot exhaust stacks, sparking
generator brushes, electric light bulbs and electric generators, violators of No Smoking
regulations, and passing vehicles.

FM 5-482

(4) Criteria.
(a) Communication. There must be reliable communication at the start point of the pipeline,
between the pumping stations, and at the end of the test section. All pumping stations must be able
to communicate with the fuel dispatcher, who controls the entire system and may be hundreds of
miles away. Long-range amplitude modulation radios must be at each pumping station before
starting fill-and-test procedures. Also, the quartermaster branch pipeline operating units must have
these radios for operating the pipeline. Pipeline operating units have the required AM radios in
their modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE). Crews that examine the pipeline
test section must have communications among themselves. Short-range frequency modulation radio
sets, within the constructing unit’s MTOE, are used between the test-section inspection crews.
(b) Calibration. All pressure gauges must be calibrated before testing. A deadweight tester is
used for this purpose.
(c) Inspection. The inspecting crew members must be dependable and have good sight and
hearing. Double checking and strict supervision of the inspecting crew are essential. An undetected
leak may require shutting down the line for many hours and spending thousands of man-hours and
equipment hours repairing and repacking the line with fuel. Mark leaks so that they can be identified
for future repair. Inspecting crews should categorize leaks and measure the loss as accurately as
possible, such as the number of drops per minute.
(5) Procedures.
(a) Inspect the pipeline test section to ensure that all vent and gate valves are open. Vent valves
are located on hilltops and opened to drain air from the pipeline system. Gate valves must be
completely open or they will restrict the passage of the line scraper.
(b) Begin pumping the test medium from the pumping station at a rate of 300 GPM. Maintain
this rate by opening or closing the discharge valve on the pump unit. A crew will walk with the
scraper, monitoring its exact location.
(c) Insert a line scraper to ensure that all air and any debris are pushed out of the line, after
pumping about 3,000 gallons. Crew members (also called pig walkers) will close the vent valve as
the scraper passes the valve and a steady stream of test medium is flowing. They will monitor the
exact location of the scraper and maintain radio contact with the dispatcher at the closest pumping
station. If fuel is used as a test medium, a collection plan must be followed to capture the fuel.
(d) Isolate the line by slowly closing the launcher, receiver, or gate valve as soon as the scraper
reaches the end of the test section. Open the initiating pump-unit vent valve, slightly, at the pumping
station producing the pressure or the gate valve at the end of the test section. This will prevent the
pump from overheating and will not affect attaining the test pressures. The pumping-station
operator can easily detect the proper flow rate to prevent overheating by placing one hand on the
pump casing and the other on the inlet pipe. There should be no significant difference in
(e) Increase the discharge pressure of the initiating pump to the desired test pressure (Table
5-2, page 5-26), normally using 50-psi increments. It takes about 2 to 3 minutes for each 50-psi

FM 5-482

increase. Coordinate this throttling process by telephone or radio with the dispatcher. As pressure
is increased at the initiating pumping station, it should also increase at the end of the test-section
pressure gauge. If this pressure increase does not occur, there is either a major leak or an obstruction
in the line. Shut down the line immediately and inspect it.
(f) Close off the test section at the initiating
pumping station using the launcher assembly or a
gate valve as soon as pressure has built up.
Immediately decrease the discharge pressure of the
initiating pump and take it off-line.
(g) Inspect the test section and mark leaks.
Leaks are detected by sight or by feel. Slight leaks
can often be eliminated by shaking the joint. To
do this, place a pick handle, crowbar, or similar
lever under the coupling and lift the coupling
quickly several times. If you cannot correct small
leaks at couplings, mark the couplings and estimate
the quantity of the leak. If a large leak occurs, shut
down the pumping station, temporarily install an
overleak clamp, and resume testing. Locate all
leaks before emptying the line to make repairs.
While the leaks are being marked, the line pressure
is monitored at each end.
(h) Repair and retest the line until it meets the
standards established by higher headquarters. If
you cannot drain the line before repairing, isolate the area to be repaired by closing the nearest gate
valve in each direction. If fuel has been used as a test medium, drain the fuel into a suitable container
before starting any repairs. Make sure that the line is not under pressure during repair. Repair all
leaks by replacing the defective pipe section, coupling, and gasket. Continue testing the entire

e. Compressed-Air Testing. Do not use compressed-air testing for high-pressure overland

pipelines. A line failure under a high-pressure air test would be an explosive failure since the
compressed air within the pipe would be rapidly released. Liquids are incompressible and are,
therefore, safer test media.
Air testing will produce many leaks that will not occur with water or fuel testing. Water or fuel
may dissolve and wash away small pieces of dirt underneath a gasket, which will then seal; air will
not. Many gaskets, especially old ones, will not seat or seal initially under low pressure. With air
testing, you will have to perform an initial cleaning and flushing of the line with water and pipeline

FM 5-482

cleaners to remove residual dirt and rust before the line is packed with fuel. Otherwise, a large
amount of fuel will be contaminated, and an unnecessary load will be placed on the sand traps and
filter/separators to decontaminate the fuel.
Although hydrostatic testing of sections of welded pipelines for tanker unloading during the
onshore construction phase is best, air testing is relatively safe and reliable. Submarine pipelines
are weight-coated (to make them heavy enough to remain on the bottom) and therefore are not likely
to whip about even if a welded joint should fail suddenly and completely. Also, 110-psi air pressure
is equal to or slightly greater than the normal pressure of 100 to 110 psi that tanker captains will
allow on their pumps.
Using soapy water to detect leaking couplings is tedious, time-consuming, and difficult. You
must apply soapy water to both sides of the coupling and to the two joints between their ends and
watch for leaks. To do this, you have to lift each joint about 1 foot or more off the ground so you
can apply the soapy water to the underside of the coupling and watch for air bubbles.
f. Locating Obstructions in a Pipeline. If the pipeline has been properly and carefully
constructed, no obstructions should remain. However, when tests show a pressure drop at the far
end of the test section or an increase in pressure at the initiating pump, an obstruction is probably
present. The easiest way to locate the obstruction is to use a scraper. Insert the line scraper upstream
from the obstruction. A walking patrol will follow the scraper until it stops. The line is then shut
down and the obstruction removed.

FM 5-482

6-1. Responsibilities. This chapter explains the maintenance and repair of military pipeline
systems for which engineer units may be responsible. The commanding headquarters of the
constructing and operating units define what repairs are considered minor and major, based on the
specific tactical situation. Quartermaster units are responsible for minor repairs and organizational
and limited higher-echelon maintenance on a constructed pipeline system. Engineer units are
responsible for major repairs when special engineer equipment is required and for organizational
maintenance to put the system into operation. See FM 10-20 for details on the maintenance of
pipeline systems.
a. Operator Maintenance. The person responsible for the day-to-day care of equipment
performs operator maintenance, which is done before and during pipeline operations. Most operator
maintenance is preventive maintenance. For example, the operator inspects the pumping equipment
for leaks and for signs that the equipment needs adjusting or repairing. He must read the technical
manuals for the equipment to be swam his repair responsibilities. The operator performs those
actions that are within the limits of his capabilities and duties. He reports defects that he cannot
correct to his supervisor. The operator also knows the normal operating characteristics of the
equipment. For example, he should be able to tell when the equipment is making more noise than
usual and when readings are not within normal operating limits.
b. Organizational Maintenance. The organization responsible for the operation and upkeep
of the pipeline and related equipment and facilities performs this type of pipeline maintenance.
organizational maintenance--
• Is service and repairs that authorized unit personnel are capable of performing while using
the assigned tools, supplies, and test equipment.
• Includes inspecting, adjusting, lubricating, cleaning, making minor repairs, replacing
parts in equipment, and servicing. The operator performs the maintenance.
• Includes unit replacement of aboveground joints of pipe, couplings, valves, and fittings;
repair of small leaks using overleak clamps; and other repairs not involving construction
or special handling equipment.
• Includes repair and maintenance of assemblies using authorized hand tools and small
power tools. The equipment does not have to be removed from the area.
c. Support Maintenance. With this type of maintenance, the equipment is removed from the
area, repaired, and then returned. Also, support maintenance requires special tools or equipment
that the using organization is not authorized to use. Therefore, the using organization cannot
perform this maintenance. Support maintenance includes overhauling the pump unit and repairing
or reconstructing the pipeline. An example would be laying looped lines to bypass major breaks in
the line.

FM 5-482

6-2. Safety Precautions. Leaders must be aware of the hazards involved with the construction,
operation, and repair of petroleum pipelines and must take measures to prevent accidents. The
potential hazards must be identified and reduced before each operation is started. The following
paragraphs discuss specific safety precautions pertinent to the construction and repair of pipelines
and pumping stations.
a. Fire and Explosion. A constant fire and hazard explosion exists on a pipeline because of
the fuels, Construction units must be aware of this during final testing of a newly constructed
pipeline and during the repair of an existing pipeline. Units should use an explosimeter to determine
how explosive and toxic an area is before entering it. When disconnecting a pipeline to replace
damaged pipe or fittings or when a line break occurs, immediately shut down the line and close the
closest block valves on each side of the break to capture as much of the fuel as possible before it
becomes a fire hazard. Every opening could be a potential fire. Fire-fighting troops should
accompany repair crews on major repair assignments. Observe the following precautions while
repairing leaks or breaks in military pipelines:
• Keep all vehicles a safe distance from a leak.
• Approach the leak from the windward side.
• Do not approach a leak from a lower level; fuel vapors flow downhill.
• Know how to administer first aid for burns and how to give artificial respiration. Make
sure you have adequate first-aid material, including burn ointment and blankets.
• Wear leakproof rubber or synthetic robber boots when standing in fuel.
• Use every precaution to prevent striking sparks when removing and replacing pipe
fittings. Use sparkless brass hammers when replacing snap-joint couplings.
• Enforce and observe NO SMOKING rules.
• Never try to weld pipe holes; use clamps.
• Cover an area with petroleum fire-preventing foam even after repairing a leak or break
and salvaging the fuel. The area may remain potentially dangerous for several days.
Guards should be posted, and they should monitor the area for explosivity, as required.
b. Projectiles. A pipeline under pressure contains a large amount of potential energy. This
energy is normally used to move fuel in the pipeline. If pipeline failure occurs, this energy is released
suddenly and violently. Pipe sections and fittings can be thrown hundreds of yards. When repairing
a coupled pipeline, repressurize and drain it before repairing it. Be very cautious when removing
snap-joint couplings.

FM 5-482

c. Fuel Inhalation and Skin Contact. Fuels, especially gasoline which contains lead and
benzene, are potentiality dangerous to the health of personnel handling them. Inhaled vapors and
prolonged skin contact may cause severe irritation. Persistent exposure to leaded gasoline can cause
lead poisoning.

6-3. Coupled Pipeline.

a. Temporary Repairs. Repair small leaks in pipe

sections and couplings, temporarily, by using clamps. The
kind of clamp used depends on the kind of leak. It is not
necessary to stop pumping operations while installing clamps.
Replace the repaired pipe sections and couplings with new
pipe and couplings as soon as possible.
(1) Pit-Leak Clamp. Small-caliber bullets can make
holes in a pipeline. Rust can eat holes in the wall of a pipe.
These small holes are called pit leaks; use a pit-leak clamp
(Figure 6-1 ) to repair any leaks. If possible, drive small
wooden pegs into the holes to stop the leaks until you install
a clamp. To mount a pit-leak clamp--

(a) Place the saddle half of the clamp around the pipeline. The gasket should cover the small
(b) Put the bolts in the saddle half of the clamp.
(c) Place the other half of the clamp around the pipeline and over the bolts in the saddle half
of the clamp.
(d) Place the nuts on the bolts and tighten the nuts.
(2) Split-Leak Clamp. Flow and surge pressure in a pipeline can cause a section of pipeline
to crack or split. Use a split-leak clamp to repair such a split (Figure 2-19, page 2-14). To mount
a split-leak clamp--
(a) Cut gasket material large enough to fit the saddle of the split-leak clamp.
(b) Place the saddle half of the clamp around the pipeline. Cover the leak with the gasket and
(c) Place the clamp stirrups around the pipeline.
(d) Place the nuts on the ends of the stirrups and tighten the nuts.

FM 5-482

(3) Overcoupling Leak Clamp. You can stop a leak at a split-ring, groove-type coupling by
tightening the bolts on the coupling. Moving the pipe and coupling back and forth and up and down
may reseal the gasket and stop the leak. If these actions do not stop the leak, use an overcoupling
leak clamp to surround the faulty coupling (Figure 2-20, page 2-15). To install an overcoupling
leak clamp--
(a) Take the vent plug out of the top of the overcoupling leak clamp. This allows the pressure
and the fuel to escape while putting on the clamp.
(b) Remove the four large side bolts in the overcoupling leak clamp.
(c) Fit the two halves of the clamp and the two-part gaskets over and around the split-ring,
groove-type coupling.
(d) Put the four large side bolts back in the clamp and tighten the nuts.
(e) Tighten the smaller packing bolts around each side of the leak clamp to form a seal between
the two-part gaskets and the pipe.
(f) Put the vent plug back in the overcoupling leak clamp. Tighten the vent plug.
b. Permanent Repairs. To make permanent repairs on coupled pipelines, break the line and
replace the faulty coupling, pipe, or fitting. Before breaking a pipeline, drain its contents and release
the pressure. Fuel vapors in the area of the break left in the line and that have collected in low areas
could cause a fire, if ignited. To prevent ignition--
• Keep vehicles away from the break.
• Remove anything that could cause a spark.
• Cover any fuel that spills on the ground with fire-retarding foam.

(1) Coupling Replacement. Always make sure that fire-fighting equipment is nearby when
replacing a coupling. To replace a faulty coupling--
(a) Stop pumping operations that affect the area you are to repair.
(b) Close the closest gate valve on each side of the area you are to repair.
(c) Drain the line and release the pressure.
(d) Remove the overcoupling leak clamp by removing the four large side bolts if a temporary
repair was made. Catch spilled fuel in a container.

FM 5-482

(e) Remove the split-ring coupling and gasket. Drain any fuel from the repair section into
drums or tank vehicles. (One mile of 6-inch pipeline holds 210 barrels (8,400 gallons) of fuel.)
(f) Inspect the coupling and gasket to determine the cause of the leak. Replace the defected
(g) Reinstall the coupling. You may need come-alongs to drawl the pipe ends together for
coupling procedure.
(h) Open the gate valves slowly to put pressure back in the pipeline.
(i) Start pumping.
(j) Remove air from the repaired section by opening the vent valves in the section. If possible,
send a scraper through the repaired section to evacuate the air.
(k) Bring the repaired section up to test pressure and check the repaired coupling for leaks.
(2) Pipe Replacement. To repair a section of coupled pipeline, replace the bad section of pipe
with a new section. Always make sure that fire-fighting equipment is nearby when replacing a pipe.
To replace a pipe--
(a) Stop pumping operations that affect the area you are to repair.
(b) Close the closest gate valve on each side of the area you are to repair.
(c) Drain the line and release the pressure.
(d) Remove the coupling and gasket. Drain any fuel from the repair section into drums or tank
(e) Reinstall a new pipe section. Inspect the used gaskets before reinstalling them. You may
need come-alongs to draw the pipe ends together for coupling procedures.
(f) Open the gate valves slowly to put pressure back in the pipeline.
(g) Start pumping.
(h) Remove air from the repaired section by opening the vent valves in the section. If possible,
send a scraper through the repaired section to evacuate the air.
(i) Bring the repaired section up to test pressure and check the replaced pipe section for leaks.

FM 5-482

7-1. Tactical Petroleum Terminal. The TPT is the Army’s bulk-fuel storage facility. It is a fuel-
handling system designed to receive, store, and issue bulk petroleum fuels, specifically diesel and
jet fuels, The TPT serves as a base terminal in an undeveloped theater and can be used in the
developed theater to supplement existing facilities that are inadequate or damaged. The TPT can
store up to 1,080,000 gallons of fuel in each of its three fuel units. Each fuel unit can be dedicated
to a specific type of fuel. The six optional 50,000-gallon tanks increase the system’s capacity. Fuels
can be received from a pipeline or from tanker vehicles. The TPT can dispense the fuel directly to
user vehicles, but it usually limits issue to bulk-fuel transport vehicles. The TPT can also return
fuel to the pipeline for distribution downstream. The system can receive fuel at a rate up to 800
GPM. Each fuel unit can issue fuel at rates up to 600 GPM. Figure 7-1 (page 7-2) shows a typical
TPT layout, including separate dispensing areas for different type fuels. The major components
that make up a TPT are--
• Eighteen 2 10,000-gallon fabric tanks.
• Six 50,000-gallon fabric tanks.
• Fifteen 600-GPM pumps.
• One 350-GPM pump.
a. Responsibilities. The theater support command is responsible for specifying the capacities
and general locations of bulk-storage facilities. The petroleum group within the support command
is tasked to develop, design, and construct the petroleum distribution and storage facilities based
on the operational plan of the theater commander. The quartermaster petroleum/lubricant (P/L)
company is responsible for installing fabric tanks. Fabric tank farms require a large, flat area for
construction. Engineers are responsible for the earthwork at the TPT site, which includes
constructing tank pads, earth berms, and roadways. Tank-farm locations must be cleared and
leveled, and all tanks should have a berm around them to protect them from enemy fire and to retain
the contents if the tanks rupture.
b. Terminals.
(1) Base Terminals. Base terminals serve ports of entry and provide initial storage of petroleum
products in a TO. These terminals are in rear areas, at or near ports of entry, or at other tanker
loading and unloading points. A TO may have more than one base terminal. The base terminal is
generally the largest bulk-fuel installation of the pipeline system. In an undeveloped theater, the
TPT may serve as a base terminal. The base terminal should be large enough to--
• Provide storage for unloading, within 24 hours, the full cargo of the largest tanker that
may be scheduled.
• Provide storage for reserve supplies of each fuel to be carried through the pipeline or
dispensing lines fed by the tank farm.

FM 5-482

• Have enough reserve operating capacity so that products can be received and issued at
the same time.
• Have enough capacity to allow fuel received from a tanker to settle at least 24 hours
before it is pumped through the pipeline.
(2) Intermediate Terminals. These terminals serve as reserve-storage and dispensing
installations. The location and size of the terminals depend on the capacity of the pipeline system,
the nature of the pumping operation, and the tactical situation. There should be enough storage
capacity to receive and issue fuel at the same time. Intermediate terminals will be located, at a
minimum, after every fifth pumping station. This will allow the quartermaster operating unit to
coordinate pumping-station activities.
(3) Head Terminals. These terminals may be located in the main supply areas of an
independent corps. Tanks at a head terminal may be either fixed or fabric, depending on the pipe
head location, the needs of the troops, and the tactical situation.
(a) Fixed. The pipe head is usually a fixed installation that services a group of airfields in the
TO’s rear area or Class III supply points only. A fixed installation may include head terminals or
branch lines, storage tanks, tank-truck loading facilities, tank-car loading and unloading facilities,
and can-and-drum filling stations.
(b) Portable. The pipe head is portable when it is in the corps’ supply area because it may have
to move with the forward supply points every few days. As a rule, portable tank-farm facilities are
used for storage. Forward petroleum supply facilities may be supplied by hose lines from this
portable storage. Tanker vehicles may be used with the portable tanks to increase storage.
c. Regulating Facilities. Any excess tanks at a terminal may be used as a regulating facility.
The extra tanks are used to store reserve fuel. When a break occurs in a line, pumping is stopped
in the damaged section. The fuel at the regulating facility downstream from the break is pumped
instead. This confines breaks to one point in the pipeline and allows pumping to continue during
repairs. Regulating facilities should have the capacity to store enough fuel to continue pumping
operations for six hours.
d. Tank Farms. A tank farm is the main component of a pipeline terminal. It is a group of
collapsible fabric tanks connected by pipelines. The pipelines in the tank farm are joined so that
products can be moved into, out of, and between storage tanks. Military tank farms are complete
installations made up of various facilities, operation buildings, and security fences. A tank-farm
size depends on the needs at the particular terminal. Standard tank farms listed in AFCS are in the
following barrel capacities: 50,000; 100,000; 150,000; 200,000; and 250,000.
(1) Complexes. If more than a 250,000-bbl storage capacity is needed at a single terminal,
two or more tank farms are installed to provide enough storage. These tank farms are connected
by a central switching manifold. Each group of tank farms is a tank-farm complex. The tank farms
in each complex should be spaced at least 4 miles apart. Each tank farm is usually supplied by two
branch lines joined to two incoming trunk pipeline. Booster stations are placed in each branch line
to provide the needed line pressures for proper flow to the switching manifold. Standard tank-farm
complexes are normally in barrel capacities of 400,000; 600,000; 800,000; and 1,000,000.

FM 5-482

NOTE: For clarity, further tank capacities will be in gallons only. To convert barrels to gallons,
multiply the gallon amount by 42 as there are 42 gallons of fuel to one barrel.
(2) Portable Facilities. Standard, portable tank farms are installed where portable storage is
needed. Portable tank farms have 10,000-; 20,000-; 50,000-; or 210,000-gallon collapsible tanks
and the equipment needed to connect them to the main line. The capacity of the tank farm depends
on the size and number of collapsible tanks.
(3) Collapsible Fabric Tanks. These tanks come in 3,000-; 10,000-; 20,000-; 50,000-; and
210,000-gallon capacities. The tanks require large, flat areas that engineers construct. Eighteen
210,000-gallon fabric tanks makeup a complete TPT. Because they are easy to install, fabric tanks
have made steel tanks obsolete.
(a) 3,000-gallon tank (Figure 7-2). The primary use of this tank is to provide fuel for mainline
pumping-station operations. The tank is made of coated nylon. It has a 3-inch fill-and-discharge
assembly. The tank is about 13 feet square and 6 feet high.

FM 5-482

(b) 10,000-gallon tank (Figure 7-3). Two types of this tank exist in the Army inventory: the
square and the rectangular models. They are used for temporary storage and for dispensing tanks
at portable, pipe-head tank farms. These tanks may be used in the fuel-system supply point. Both
models are made of coated nylon. They have positioning handles, a fill-and-discharge assembly
and fittings, a pressure-relief assembly, and a drain assembly. Each tank has a 4-inch manifold
assembly with fittings and a repair kit. The square tank is about 20 feet square and 4 feet high. The
rectangular tank is about 40 by 11 feet and 4 feet high.
(c) 20,000-gallon tank. This tank is primarily used in the fuel-system supply point. The tank
is issued as a single item of equipment for additional bulk storage. It is made of elastomeric-coated
nylon and has 12 carrying handles, two 4-inch filler/discharge assemblies with access doors, a vent-
fitting assembly, and a drain-fitting assembly. When filled, the tank is about 28 by 24 feet and 5
feet high.
(d) 50,000-gallon tank. This tank is used for initial storage at beachheads and for storage along
trunk hose-line and pipeline systems. It may be used for storage at fixed supply installations and
airfields until permanent tanks can be built. This tank is made of lightweight, single-ply, rubber-
coated fabric. Each tank has two 4-inch combination inlet and outlet connections, a 2-inch
combination overflow and vent fitting, and a 1/2-inch drain plug. Tank accessories include a
manifold assembly with half valves and couplings and a clamp kit, D -rings, and gaskets. The tank
is about 65 by 25 feet and 5 1/2 feet high when filled.

FM 5-482

(e) 210,000-gallon tank. This tank, also called a bulk-fuel tank assembly (BFTA), is primarily
used for initial storage at beachheads as an integral part of the TPT tank-farm complex. Other than
size, the 210,000-gallon tank resembles the 50,000-gallon tank in appearance. It has two 6-inch
combination inlet and outlet connections and a vent tube on top. When filled, the tank is 70 feet
square and 8 feet high.
e. Site Criteria. Tank farms must be located in the area that they are to supply. The general
location is designated by the petroleum group, which is responsible for the design, construction,
and operation of the distribution system. Site selection is relative to the location of Class III supply
points and transportation routes, whether by pipeline, tanker truck, barge, or rail tank car. The
specific location may have to be modified due to site constructability.
The engineer unit tasked to the construction site must work closely with the petroleum group
in exact layout and placement of the tank farm. The selected sites should be in noncongested areas
where other facilities do not interfere and where sabotage and sneak raids are relatively easy to
defend against. Tank farms should never be located in drainage areas above critical installations.
Site tank farms so that a tank-farm fire will not spread to other supply areas or installation areas.
The tank-farm site should have as many of the following features as possible:
• Adequate road and/or rail facilities for transporting pipeline and tank-farm equipment
and supplies.
• An area large enough for proper tank dispersion and expansion of the tank farm. This is
a major factor when collapsible fabric tanks are used because of the large area required.
• Absence of distinctive landmarks or terrain features that could aid enemy aircraft in
locating and identifying the site or could be used to adjust artillery fire.
• Terrain that allows tanks or groups of tanks to be separated b y terrain masses to minimize
damage due to the blast effects of atomic weapons or other large effect munitions.
(1) Hydraulic Design. Try to choose a site that gives the minimum required suction pressure
by gravity flow from the outlet of the lowest tank to the intake of the pipeline pumping station that
is to pump from the tank farm. The pressure should be at least 20 psi.
(2) Topographic Features. The best sites are on flat ground in sloping terrain with adequate
natural cover and concealment. This allows for gravity flow to the first pumping station and isolates
tanks for damage protection. Beachhead sites may be located in sandy seashore areas up from the
beachline and on old harbor terraces. Desirable inland sites may be situated on bench terraces along
valley borders or at points on a terrace where a small stream or gully cuts through.
(3) Soil Conditions. The site should have adequate drainage. Preferably, the water table should
be more than 6 feet below the surface. Avoid marshlands, riverbanks, or bottomland subject to
flooding and other sites with poor or undependable drainage.
f. Flexible Hose Lines. These hose lines are available in various lengths, diameters, and
strengths, depending on their use. Low-pressure hoses are used for moving fuel inside petroleum-
storage facilities. They are also used during the assault phase of a military operation when the
advancing elements push forward more rapidly than metal pipelines can be constructed.

FM 5-482

High-pressure hoses, as part of the OPDS, move fuel from ship to shore, replacing the need to weld
and install an underwater pipeline.
g. Hose Connection Devices.
(1) 6-Inch, Cam-Lock, Male-by-Double-Grooved Adapter. This adapter (Figure 7-4) is used
in the tank-farm assembly. It is connected to
the hose that goes to the elbow coupler on the
tank inlet.
(2) 6-Inch, Cam-Lock, Female-by-
Double-Grooved Adapter. This adapter
(Figure 7-5) is used in the tank-farm assembly.
It is connected to the cam-lock gate valve on
the discharge line leading to the 210,000-
gallon, collapsible, fabric tank.
(3) 6-Inch, Bolt-On-Type, Hose-to-Cam-
Lock, Male and Female Adapters. This device
is installed on the ends of the 6-inch hose-and-
reel kit. It is available in male and female
(4) Cam Lock. This is a quick connect
fitting found on valves and hoses in the TPT
and low-pressure areas of pumping stations.
The cam lock is a low-pressure connection with
a MAWP of 150 psi.

h. 4-Inch, Single-Stage, 350-GPM

Pump. This unit (Figure 7-6, page 7-8)
consists of a 3-cylinder, 4-stroke, diesel-
engine power unit and a single-stage
centrifugal pump. This pumping unit is
designed for use with the contaminated-
fuel system for loading out or transferring
contaminated fuel, but it can be put in
general utility service as necessary.
Operating at 2,300 RPM, the unit will
pump 350 GPM with 275 feet of head.
i. Filter Separator. The filter
separator is frame-mounted in the pipeline
manifold between the pump and the
loading rack of all dispensing facilities. It
is used to remove entrained solids and to
free water from the fuel before the user

FM 5-482

receives it. Free water may be present in the fuel in two forms, in a fine dispersion or in large slug
quantities. The filter separator passes the contaminated fuel through a series of filter/coalesce
elements. These elements may be constructed from various combinations of fiberglass mat or cloth;
paper and nylon, dacron, cotton, or wool cloth, as long as the elements meet the performance
specifications outlined in MIL-F-52308. The entrained solids are caught and held by the fibrous
material, and the water is coalesced into large drops. Because water and fuel have different specific
gravities, the waterdrops fall to the bottom of the filter/separator vessel and forma pool. The 15-,
50-, 100-, and 350-GPM filter separators are equipped with a water-level sight glass and a manually
operated valve to drain water from the sump.
The pump unit is mounted to the front portion of the skid frame and is attached to the engine
bell-housing and flywheel. The suction and discharge assemblies are mounted to the pump body.
The unit is a single-stage, centrifugal pump that is self-priming after an initial filling. The pump
body and volute are a one-piece aluminum casting with a 6-inch suction port at the front of the pump
body and a 6-inch discharge flange at the top of the pump body.
The bronze alloy impeller is enclosed in the close-fitting volute of the pump body. Replaceable
wear plates in the pump body take most of the internal pump wear. The impeller is secured to the
end of the impeller shaft. The impeller shaft, coupling assembly, shaft seal, and bearings that support

FM 5-482

the impeller shaft are contained in the bearing housing. The pump body is fitted with a 1 l/2-inch
priming port with a quick-disconnect, cam-locking, male coupling. The coupling has a cam-locking
dust cover secured to the pump body by a short length of chain.
7-2. TPT Site Selection and Earthwork.
a. Site Selection. The P/L company is responsible for TPT site selection. When choosing an
exact site location, a construction engineer should be present to evaluate the constructability of the
site. The P/L company should consider the following factors in site selection:
(1) Area. The site must be large enough (about 40 acres) to contain the required equipment
and roadways. Flexibility is important when setting up the area.
(2) Terrain. The site selected should be reasonably level and well-drained, especially where
equipment is loaded, unloaded, and stored. The P/L company should consider the following when
selecting the terrain:
• Low, swampy areas. Try to avoid such areas.
• Large rocks and trees. The area should have as few of these as possible.
• Earth-moving equipment. Determine how much is needed to accomplish the mission.
(3) Road Access. If possible, the site should be located relatively close to existing road systems
that can carry the traffic involved. The road system must be accessible or a new road will have to
be built to connect the existing road systems.
(4) Water Availability. If possible, water should be available at the site. If none is available,
it should be brought in. Water availability is a safety factor. Water must be available for charging
the aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) on a wheel-mounted fire extinguisher, for general fire
protection, and for personnel safety.
(5) Local Population. The site should be well away from local population concentrations.
(6) Plot Plan and Site Investigation. After the P/L company selects the site, they should--
• Make a preliminary plot plan showing all the major equipment and system locations,
including tanks, pumps, fuel-dispensing areas, tanker-truck receipt areas, access roads,
and pipeline route into and out of the site.
• Make primary cuts and fills so details of the site’s characteristics can be seen before
starting earthwork on tank sites, berms, and roadways.
• Review the preliminary plot plan and correct it as needed.
• Make a final plot plan indicating permanent equipment locations.
• Construct final roadwork and tank pad and berms, based on the final plot plan.
b. Earthwork. Earthwork requirements at TPT locations are tank berms and pads, roads, and
culverts. This work requires the support of an engineer unit, normally a combat heavy engineer
battalion. Earth berms are constructed around POL tanks to protect them from enemy fire and to
retain the contents should the tanks rupture or catch on fire. The size or height of the berms should

FM 5-482

be such that the volume of liquid in the tanks can be contained within the berms should a rupture
occur. Once a site is selected, do the following for a fabric tank farm:
• Clear the site and grade about a 1 percent slope towards the tank drain assembly. Remove
any sharp objects that could puncture the fabric tank.
• Construct berms around single or paired tanks from the surrounding area (see Figure 7-7
and Figure 7-8, page 7-12).
• Place a berm basin drain at the lowest end of the tank pad. The drain is a pipe (2-inch
diameter minimum) with a gate valve. Place this pipe under the berm during construction.
• Add 1 foot of height to the berm, as a safety factor. The berm should extend above the
top of the tanks and be at least 4 feet wide at the crown. The walkway between a tank
and berm should only be wide enough to allow for maintenance.
The type of earthwork construction depends on the site conditions and available materials.
There are three general forms of construction (see Figure 7-9, page 7-13). A berm entirely above
ground allows for rainwater drainage but is the least desirable because it must be made of fill. A
maximum amount of earth must be hauled to the site, increasing time and expense. When possible,
you can minimize the time needed for moving soil by equating the volume of the cut with the volume
of fall, as closely as possible.
c. General Site Preparation. Site selection and preparation and earthwork must be based on
the plot plan that the terminal-operating unit prepare. Again, flexibility is important between using
the plot plan and preparing the site. Consider using the following procedures:
• Base site preparation work on a grading plan that minimizes cut and fill operations even
if the plan is roughly prepared in the field.
• Base the plan on actual on-site elevations and survey, obstructions, and knowledge of
the types of soils that appear to be present.
(1) Cut an Access Road. Cut an access road, unless one already exists.
(2) Stake out the Area. Stake out the area that must be cleared, marking areas where the major
components will be located. Cut, grub out, doze, or blast out major obstructions such as trees,
bushes, large rocks and boulders, and buildings.
(3) Clear the Area. Clear and grade the areas where fuel tanks will be located, transfer systems
installed, roadways built, and loading and unloading facilities installed. You do not have to clear
and grade the entire area required for a TPT. Make sure you allow for good drainage from the site.
(4) Cut and Fill. When possible, plan and execute cuts and fills so that the volume of cut soils
roughly equals the amount of fill needed for low spots, tank berms, and roadways. If the area is
fairly flat and requires only minimal grading, get the materials for roadways and tank berms from
a borrow pit near the site. You can convert this pit to a reserve water-storage basin, if desired. When
you prepare the grading plan and execute the cut and fill, try to set the major equipment, especially
the 210,000-gallon tanks, on virgin or cut soils rather than on fill. If you cannot, compact the fill
while setting the equipment. When you need large amounts of fill, the slopes must be such as to

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prevent slides and minimize erosion. As a general rule, slopes should be no greater than 2:1 (about
25 degrees) in sandy or loamy soils.
(5) Construct Roadways. Roadways must be fully compacted, have good drainage, and have
at least a surface of gravel or crushed rock, if possible. Each side of the road should have an adequate

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swale or ditch for good

drainage. Place drainage
culverts where necessary. The
road, swale, ditch, and drain
culvert requirements will vary
with site conditions and
anticipated rainfall. Construct
roadways for ready access to
all areas for installation,
operation, fuel loading and
unloading, and fire fighting.
d. Tank Pad and Berm
Construction. You must
construct these items properly.
Doing so could protect tanks
from spills or fires resulting
from spills. Tank pads must be
free of rocks, sticks, and sharp
objects to prevent tank
(1) Tank Pads. The
preferred materials for
construction are loamy or clay
soil containing some sand so
that you can grade a smooth
area that will hold its shape.
The longest slope should be
about 10 degrees from
horizontal. Shorter slopes will
be greater. The low point
should be where the tank drain will be after the tank is unrolled, to allow maximum pumping out
and drainage through the drain line. The base of the tank-pad area must be virgin or cut soil or be
well compacted. To avoid damaging the tank bottom, remove sticks, stones, or sharp objects before
installing the tank. You can excavate, by hand, a small ditch and basin for the tank drain line and
drain valve as the tank is unrolled.
(2) Berms. You can construct berms before, during, or after tank-pad construction, depending
on job conditions. Make sure the tank pad is clear of any rocks or clumps that could roll during
berm construction. Try to finish the tank-pad rough grading before constructing the berm. Finish
tank-pad grading after constructing the berm. The preferred materials for construction are soils with
a fairly high clay content to hold shape and provide sealing. Compact the berm as you construct it.
(An alternative to graded berms are sandbag berms.)

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(3) Drainage. If you install a berm drain, lay it in a hand-cut trough after placing the first layer
of berm but before placing the second layer. Be careful so that the equipment used to construct the
berm does not damage the drain. To avoid this problem, do not install the valve until you complete
the berm, giving the berm drain pipe plenty of cover. When installing the drain valve, make sure
that it is in the closed position. Open the valve only to drain the basin, when necessary.
(4) Liner. If the installation authority decides to install construction-grade, polyethylene
sealing sheets, install them after completing the pad and berm. Spread a light layer of soil (without
rocks) to protect the sheeting and to hold it in place. Do this after you seal the sheeting joints.
e. Pads for Other Equipment. Try to set all operating equipment on virgin or cut soils rather
than fill. If you must use fill, it must be well compacted. This is particularly important for the
pumps and floodlight sets. If available, try to cover the areas on which you place equipment with
a 4- to 6-inch layer of coarse gravel or crushed rock. Extend the gravel or crushed rock out and
around the equipment for several feet. This will provide a high, dry area from which to operate and
maintain the equipment. Placing coarse gravel or crushed rock at and around often-operated valve
stations is a good practice.
7-3. TPT Layouts. Space is a key factor in the site layout of a TPT using fabric tanks. Dispersion
is essential to limit damage from air attacks, to make the best use of natural cover (thereby
simplifying concealment), and to reduce fire hazards intrinsic to storage of flammable products.
The petroleum group and their subordinate units are responsible for the exact layout of a tank farm.
Close coordination between the engineer support unit and the quartermaster unit is essential.
Tank spacing in a TPT is a trade off between safety and efficiency in operation. As a general
rule, a TPT should be arranged for maximum spacing between tank-farm modules and fuel units
based on the operating requirements and the available hose lines. This will provide for the highest
level of safety for the equipment and the operating personnel without adversely affecting operating
efficiency. The minimum recommended spacing between 210,000-gallon tanks with berms is 50
feet. The layout should provide rapid access to all areas. Site characteristics include distances to
pipeline pumping stations and manifolds and the length of tank-farm pipe connections. Spacing
should not require excessive pumps and lengths of pipe or an excessively large defense perimeter.
Try to limit and control access in and out of a TPT. A road capable of supporting two-way
tanker-truck traffic should run along the perimeter of the TPT site, giving access to each fuel-unit
dispensing assembly. In a TPT, use secondary roads to transport the material-handling equipment
used in the operation and maintenance of the area and the fire-suppression equipment. You must
be able to approach tanks from two directions to prevent a burning tank from blocking the road to
other tanks. Place all hose lines that cross roadways within a TPT in culverts below ground level.
a.. General Layout. The layout requirements for a TPT must be flexible to fit the particular
site and service. The objective in any equipment arrangement is to provide for efficiency and safety
in operations. Specific area-service requirements may affect layout and spacing. This manual
outlines several alternatives and criteria in TPT layout. Layout modification will depend on need.
(1) Area. Figure 7-10 shows a typical wide-spaced TPT layout. It has been arranged to make
full use of the transfer hose lines between fuel modules. The layout assumes that adequately sized

FM 5-482

property is available. The equipment is wide-spaced for security reasons. Terrain or operational
situations could account for different appearances in wide-space layouts. The installing and
operating authority makes the final determination of TPT layout. In a relatively secure area or when
property availability is limited, the layout arrangement should be a close-spaced TPT layout (Figure
7-11, page 7-16).
(2) Access. Road access should always be considered when planning a TPT site. However,
the site should have a limited number of entry points. Each entry point should have a control or
checkpoint to monitor and route traffic in and out of the area. A road capable of supporting two-way
tanker-truck traffic should run along the perimeter of the TPT site, giving access to each fuel unit’s
fuel-dispensing assembly. In the fuel-dispensing assembly areas, the roadway should be at least 40
feet wide. Through traffic should be routed away from the fuel-dispensing area. Fuel-handling
areas are necessary for the contaminated-fuel module and the tanker-truck receipt manifolds.

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Although not shown on the layout, secondary roadways should be in the TPT to allow for
movement of material-handling equipment, pumps, and fire-suppression equipment and for
maintenance access. Culverts must be constructed where hose lines intersect roadways to facilitate
vehicle movement. Access must be provided to the pumps and near each tank berm.
(3) Fire-Suppression Equipment. A wheel-mounted fire extinguisher should be located near
each tank berm, fuel-dispensing assembly, and tanker-truck receipt assembly and at the
contaminated-fuel module. Extra units should be at a central point ready for use anywhere in the
TPT. Covered shelters or containers for housing the kevlar fire-fighting clothing and extra fire-
fighting supplies should be at central, easily accessible locations around the TPT. A 20-pound,
hand-held fire extinguisher should beat each pump, floodlight set, and fuel-dispensing area and at
other operating areas, as determined by the operating supervisor. Personnel must know where all
of the fire-fighting equipment is at all times to prevent confusion in an emergency. Visible signs
indicating the locations of fire extinguishers would be appropriate.
(4) Floodlight Sets. These sets should be in the fuel-dispensing areas, fuel-receipt areas, and
heavy operating areas around the pumps and the switching manifold.
b. Tank-Farm-Assembly (Module) Layouts. Due to different site conditions and operational
requirements, one layout design for the tank-farm modules in a TPT is not possible. The installation

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group modifies the layout, as necessary. Use these layouts as guidelines towards establishing an
actual layout for most field situations.
(1) Area. The location of the 210,000-gallon tanks and their berms is the controlling factor in
selecting a TPT site and layout. The recommended spacing between the tanks is at least 50 feet.
Setting these tank locations defines the rest of the layout. Variations will occur due to uneven terrain,
obstacles to be bypassed, and differences in hose sections caused by specification length tolerances.
The following lists recommended spacing for tanks and berms:
• Pairs of tanks with a common berm wall need a cleared, level area about 215 feet square
for each pair. When using sandbags to construct the berm, the area requirement is about
190 by 100 feet.
• Tanks with individual berms need an area for the tank and berm about 115 feet square.
When using sandbags, the area requirement is about 100 feet square.
Figure 7-12 (page 7-18) shows a layout that has limited space or a shortage of berm material;
pairs of 210,000-gallon tanks share a berm. Figure 7-13 (page 7-19) shows a layout that has
sufficient space and berm material; each 210,000-gallon tank has its own berm. If layout changes
are made, valve locations must remain unchanged from those shown on the typical layouts. If the
relationships between valves are changed, the operating instructions must be changed accordingly,
and all operating personnel notified.
(2) Elevation. Tank elevation relative to the rest of the TPT is important in tank location. To
allow for high vapor-pressure fuels, try to keep the tank bottom and suction pump pad at the same
level to maximize the suction head available to the pump. If you have to install a TPT on sloping
terrain, install the tanks on the lower side of the slope to avoid flooding the pump-operating area in
case a tank and berm break. Doing so accounts for the safety factor. The pump pad should not be
more than two feet higher than the tank pad or it may be difficult to pump the tank dry when required.
c. Contaminated-Fuel-Module Layout. Place this layout (Figure 7-14, page 7-20) between the
associated pipeline and the switching manifold.
(1) Area. Two 50,000-gallon, collapsible fabric tanks with separate berms will each require
a level area of about 60 by 100 feet (46 by 87 feet when using sandbags). If the tanks share a berm,
the area should be about 105 by 100 feet (96 by 87 feet when using sandbags). Allow space for the
350-GPM transfer pump used with the contaminated-fuel module.
(2) Access. There must be road access to the contaminated-fuel module so tanker trucks can
load from the 50,000-gallon tanks, as required. The graded area should be about 40 by 100 feet.
d. Fuel-Dispensing-Assembly Layout. This layout (Figure 7-15, page 7-21 ) is about 525 feet
long. A 50- by 600-foot (minimum) section should be graded for the assembly. A graded area
about 120 by 700 feet for traffic and parking while loading should be next to the assembly area.
e. Tanker-Truck Receipt-Manifold Layout This layout (Figure 7-16, page 7-22) may be off
to one side of the switching manifold or next to the fuel-dispensing assembly. A 6-inch hose line
from the transfer hose-line assembly connects the tanker-truck receipt manifold to the switching
manifold. Using a hose line gives flexibility to locating the receipt manifold.

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(1) Area. The recommended graded area is about 120 by 700 feet.
(2) Road Access. Road access is important because heavy truck traffic will occur in this area
of the TPT.

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f. Optional Configuration Layout. Included in this layout are 50,000-gallon, fabric, collapsible
tanks (maximum of six) and the valves, hoses, and fittings to connect them. Use the tanks to replace
or supplement the 210,000-gallon tanks or place them in a separate area. Figure 7-17 (page 7-23)
shows a layout using six tanks. Each pair of tanks requires a level area about 105 by 100 feet (96
by 87 feet when using sandbags). If the site has less than six tanks, modify the layout.

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g. Typical Pad and Berm Design. All tanks are installed on pads inside berms to contain spills
and isolate fires that result from spills. Figure 7-18 (page 7-24) shows a basic design for tank berms
and pads.
(1) Site Selection. Carefully select the sites for the tanks and their berms. You should consider
space, terrain, soil consistency, and accessibility. Once you select the site, clear and grade it so that
the final tank pad will have about a 10-degree slope toward the drain assembly closest to the tank’s
pump-suction fitting. This will minimize the amount of fuel remaining after full pump down.
Remove all sharp objects, rocks, sticks, and so forth that might puncture the fabric tanks.

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(2) Construction Materials.

(a) Earth. Berms are normally constructed of earth from the surrounding area. The more
impermeable the soil, the better. A high clay content is best to avoid leaks and keep the berm in
shape. Some rock and gravel content is okay, since it will tend to avoid washout.
(b) Sandbags. You can use sandbags to construct berms if site conditions preclude earth
construction. However, sandbag berms will not hold a tank spill very well unless you seal the gaps

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between bag ends. Heavy clay packing between joints will help, but considerable leakage can take
place. Sandbags are supplied with the TPT.
(3) Liners.
(a) Low-density polyethylene. Tank pads and berms may be lined with a heavy gauge plastic
sheeting if soil permeability is a problem at the site. Construction-grade, low-density polyethylene,
preferably with a fiber net molded in, is acceptable. Take care to adequately overlap and, if possible,
seal the joints. Low-density polyethylene can be heat-sealed at the joints if time and site conditions
permit before the fuel arrives.

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Another sealing method is to tape the joint with 2- to 4-inch, self- adhering plastic tape. A light
earth or sand fill over the liner, particularly over the tank pad, is recommended. If you use a drain
line that penetrates the berm, pierce a section of the liner and tie it tightly with synthetic cord around
the drain pipe to avoid a washout or leak. You can also use plastic self-adhering tape that overlaps
the liner and the drain pipe. Sealing tape and plastic sheeting are not supplied with the TPT.
(b) Prefabricated polyethylene. In certain environmental situations, you may procure a
prefabricated, polyethylene berm liner, as authorized by the government. These liners are--
• Size 4, 50,000-gallon.
• Size 5, 210,000-gallon.
(4) 210,000-Gallon Tank. The dimensions of the tank and the minimum berm size are--
• Empty tank: 68 feet 6 inches by 68 feet by 6 inches.
• Filled tank: 66 feet by 66 feet by 6 feet 8 inches.
• From toe of berm to tank wall when filled: 4 feet.
• Berm height, to contain full tank with 1-foot freeboard: 5 feet 6 inches.
(5) 50,000-Gallon Tank. The dimensions of the tank and the minimum berm size are--
• Empty tank: 26 by 66 feet.
• Filled tank: 24 feet by 64 feet by 5 feet 8 inches.
• From toe of berm to tank wall when filled: 3 feet.
• Berm height, to contain full tank with 1-foot freeboard: 4 feet 6 inches.
(6) Berm Basin Drain. To provide a berm basin drain, install a 2-inch or larger pipe with a
gate valve (used pipe and valves of any rating are acceptable) on the outside end in the bottom of
the berm at the lowest end of the tank pad. The valve must be in the closed position. Open the
valve only to drain water from the bermed area. If you do not install a drain, you may have to pump
the basin inside the berms periodically, depending on the permeability of the soils and whether or
not a sealing liner is installed. Drain pipe and valves are not supplied with the TPT.

FM 5-482

This appendix contains the formulas you can use during pipeline design and operations.
A-1. Conversion Formulas.
a. Pressure (psi) to Head (Feet)/Head to Pressure.
( head )( specific gravity )
pressure= or pressure = (0.433)( head )( specific gravity )
(2.31)( pressure ) p si
head = specific gravity or head =(0.433)( specific gravity )

Conversion constant; 1 psi= 2.31 feet of head of water at 70°F.

b. Degrees API to Specific Gravity/Specific Gravity to Degrees API.
API at 60° F = -131.5
specific gravity at 60° F
specific gravity at 60° F = degrees API at 60° F +131.5

A-2. Bernoulli Equation. This equation expresses the energy relationship for a liquid flowing
through a pipe between two points.
2 2
P1 V1 P2 V2
+Z 1+ + Ha = + Z 2+ + Hf
W 2g W 2g
where =
P = pressure, in pounds per square foot.
W = specific weight, in pounds per square foot.
Z = elevation, in feet.
V = velocity of flow, in feet per second.
g = acceleration of gravity, 32.2 square feet per second.
Ha = head added by pump between points, in feet.
H f = head loss due to friction between points, in feet.

FM 5-482

A-3. Darcy-Weisbach Equation. Use this equation to calculate friction head loss in a pipeline:
Hf = (0.031) ( f ) ( L ) ( Q )
Hf = friction head loss, in feet.
f = dimensionless friction factor based on the Reynold’s number and the inside roughness
of pipe.
L = length of the pipe, in feet.
Q = flow, in GPM.
d = inside diameter of the pipe, in inches.
A-4. Reynold’s Number. Use this equation to determine the friction factor required in the
Darcy-Weisbach Equation (see Figure C-9, page C-8):
(3,160) Q
Reynold’s number = dK
Q = flow, in GPM
d = inside diameter of pipe, in inches.
K = kinematic viscosity, in centistokes (see Figure C-8, page C-7).

FM 5-482

B-1. Equipment.
a. Steel Pipe. Steel pipe (light- and standard-gauge wall thickness) is available in 20-foot
lengths with diameters of 4, 6, and 8 inches. Steel pipe is coupled using a standard, two-piece split-
ring coupling. The coupling uses two half-moon sections, which are bolted together over a one-
piece gasket. The average time required to couple together two sections of steel pipe is 5 minutes.
b. Lightweight Steel Grooved Pipe. This pipe is made of light gauge steel with API STD5L
pipe nipples welded to each end. The pipe ends are single-grooved for use with bolted couplings.
This pipe comes in 20-foot sections with 4-, 6-, 8-, and 12-inch nominal IDs. Because of its thin
wall, lightweight steel pipe should not be buried nor used for submerged stream crossings or in
populated areas and locations where fire and damage hazards are acute.
c. Standard-Weight Steel (API STD5L) Pipe. This regular commercial-type pipe, which is
manufactured to the standards of the API, is used when lightweight pipe or tubing is unavailable or
unsuitable. The pipe comes in 20-foot sections grooved for coupling and in random lengths and
diameters beveled for welding.
d. Bolted Coupling. This is a standard, split-ring, groove-type coupling (Figure B-1, page
B-2). It consists of two housing segments; two bolts and nuts; and a synthetic-rubber, oil-resistant,
self-sealing gasket. The coupling and gasket are designed so that the pipe joint seals under pressure
and vacuum. The coupling provides a sufficient amount of angular deflection and slack adjustment
for expansion and contraction of the line between adjacent joints.
When using bolted couplings, the crew consists of a crew leader, wrenchman, wrenchman’s
helper, stabber, jackman, swabber, and pipe-end cleaner. The bolted-coupling crew will normally
• Two 20-inch hinged socket wrench handles.
• Two sockets to fit size of pipeline coupling nut and wrench.
• File.
• Dauber brush.
• Lazy board.
• Two pipeline jacks with two snakes.
• Pipeline cleaner swab with one snake.
• Wooden blocks (4 by 4 by 10 inches) with carrying rope attached.
• Full half-gallon bucket or one-gallon bucket half filled with GAA grease.
• Cleaning rags.

FM 5-482

e. Pipe Saw, 8-Inch Capacity for Hazardous Locations. This is a reciprocating-type saw
powered by an air motor. You can cut steel, cast iron, and stainless or alloy steel pipe as well as
bar stock structural and rail. Use this saw to cut out a damaged portion of pipeline when operating
in hazardous locations. You can operate when clearances are at minimum and you can make a
straight, right-angle cut.
f. Tapping Machine. This machine is used for tapping into a pressurized pipeline to establish
a service tap or to install a pressure-relief device. This operation can be done without shutting down
the pipeline system. The machine uses a hole saw; a holder-pilot performs the cutting operation.
He retains the separated pipe after he completes the cut and allows for its removal.
The tapping machine is lightweight and easy to operate and has an adjustable automatic-feed
rate for any cutting condition. The advance rate for cutting is set by the feed-adjustment knob. This
knob engages a friction-type clutch that automatically regulates the feed rate. The operator loosens
(slow feed) or tightens (faster feed) the feed-adjustment knob to obtain the correct amount of force
for the task. The machine comes with a ratchet crank for manual operation.

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g. Deadweight Tester. This tester is used to calibrate pressure gauges, verify the set points of
spring-loaded relief valves, and provide precise pressure readings for pipelines. The tester uses
known weights that directly correlate to known pressure gauges and the verification of set points
for spring-loaded relief valves.
B-2. Coupling Procedures.
a. For 8-inch Steel Tubing. Procedures for this tubing, because of weight (210-pound tubing),
are different than for lighter pipelines. A saddle-type carrying bar (Figure B-2) and one extra person
in the crew are required for constructing the 8-inch tubing pipeline. This extra person is a second
helper who assists in raising the new section onto the lineup cage and in lowering it. The rest of
the coupling operations are the same as those for a 4- or 6-inch line. Except for size, the 8-inch
lineup cage and pipe-cleaner swab are identical to those used on the smaller pipe. Coupling
procedures for 8-inch steel tubing are as follows:
• The second helper assists the wrenchman’s helper to raise their end of the tubing section
and guide it onto the lineup cage, while the stabber and jackman handle the other end.
• The second helper moves to the other end and assists the jackman and stabber in aligning
the section, as directed by the wrenchman.
• The second helper assists the jackman and stabber in lowering the new end of the pipeline
on the lazy board. Then the second helper assists the wrenchman’s helper with the next

b. For 8- and 12-

Inch Standard Steel Pipe
and 12-Inch Steel Tubing.
Do not manually handle
pipe sections heavier than
the 6-inch (300-pound)
standard-weight pipe.
Use powered equipment
to off-load the pipe and
couple one section at a
time. You can stockpile
the pipe along the pipeline
trace. If you do, use a pipelayer (Figure B-3, page B-4) to handle the pipe. (The pipelayer is a
commercial piece of equipment that must be leased.)
(1) Swabbing and Cleaning. The swabber and pipe-end cleaner swab all of the pipe on a load,
one row at a time, in a single operation. (They can swab the pipe while it is still on the truck or in
a stockpile.) With one man at each end, they insert a snake in either outside pipe of the top row and
pass it through to the other end. The man at the end where the snake is coming through pulls it
through the first pipe and simultaneously feeds the snake back through the next pipe in the row.
The men repeat this operation until they swab all the pipes (Figure B-4, page B-5).

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(2) Moving the Pipe. The pipe is picked in the middle with an automatic clam-type release
hook attached to the hoisting line of the stringing boom. The pipe joint is first raised only a few
inches from the pipe. The swabber and pipe-end cleaner, working at opposite ends, clean and file
the pipe land and groove on each end at the same time. At the same time, the wrenchman and helper
(one team) and the jackman and stabber (another team) construct cribbing of 4- by 4-inch by 3-foot-
long blocks. This cribbing takes the place of the lazy board and pipe jack. Each of the blocks is
tied together with rope. Doing so allows the wrenchman’s helper to drag one cribbing set at a time
when moving it to the next location.
(3) Positioning the Pipe. After the pipe ends are cleaned, the pipe section is swung into
approximate alignment on the pipeline. The stabber inserts the lineup-cage snake through it (only
one snake is used). The jackman and wrenchman’s helper guide the pipe joint into position on the
lineup cage protruding from the end of the line. The stringing-boom operator raises or lowers the
load and extends or retracts the boom, as directed by the stabber or wrenchman. Once aligned, the
jackman keeps the joint aligned by leaning or shoving against the end.

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(4) Installing the Coupling. After

tightening the coupling, the crew lifts the
pipeline high enough so they can pull the
cribbing stack out from under the pipeline and
drag it forward (about 40 feet) to the far end of
where they will install the next section. The
jackman lowers the pipeline and guides it onto
the cribbing stack. At the same time the stabber
places the gasket inside out on the end of the
pipeline. As soon as the coupling is tightened,
the stabber pulls the lineup cage forward. The
stabber erects the cribbing stacks while
couplings are installed. As he moves forward,
the wrenchman releases the pipe lifting tongs so
that the pipe-stringing boom will swing back to
the bolster truck for the next pipe section.
B-3. Expansion and Contraction of Coupled
Pipelines. Surface-laid metallic pipe expands
and contracts with changing temperatures.
Groove-type couplings provide some angular
deflection and slack adjustment between each
pipe joint. Under normal conditions, the
tolerance in the couplings will take care of
expansion and contraction in a steel pipeline.
However, over flat terrain, long, straight
stretches of steel pipeline are subject to
accumulated expansion and contraction
stresses. In this case, horizontal bends in the
line are necessary, meaning the line is snaked
from side to side.

B-4. Welded Pipeline Systems. Because

constructing a welded pipeline takes time, this system is used only if strength is a critical factor. In
developed TOs, existing welded pipeline systems would be converted for military use and would
require maintenance and repair. Welded pipelines provide the necessary strength, corrosion
resistance, and dependability for buried pipeline, underwater stream crossings, and submarine
offshore pipelines. Welded pipeline construction requires a higher degree of craftsmanship than
the grooved coupling-type pipeline and specialized equipment. Welding a pipeline is an important
operation that requires specially trained pipeline welders. This manual discusses methods of
constructing a welded pipeline, not welding techniques. Because of the length of time and skill
required, the Army normally does not construct long sections of welded pipeline. Welded
construction may be used for dockside and underwater pipelines. However, recently fielded systems,
like the 4-mile OPDS (a high-pressure, bottom-layed hose line), are the preferred methods.

FM 5-482

a. Construction Methods. The method of stringing pipe (loading, hauling, distributing) for
welded line construction is similar to that for coupled pipeline construction. Position welding and
roll welding take the place of coupling. Welding is done by the shielded electric-arc process. The
oxyacetylene process is used for cutting and beveling pipe.
(1) Position Welding. Position welding is the standard method for welding military pipelines
and is particularly applicable to welding sags and overbends or making tie-ins. With this method,
the pipe remains stationary, and the welder works around the circumference of the pipe. Therefore,
the pipe must have a minimum 16-inch clearance (see Figure B-5). When making tie-ins in a trench,
dig a bell hole so that the welder can get at the underside of the pipe without undue restraint.

FM 5-482

(2) Roll Welding. With this method, the pipe is rotated so that the welding is always done at
or near top center. Although seldom used in welding military pipelines, this method is sometimes
more expedient in welding short strings of line, such as road crossings or manifold systems, or for
lines inside of fire walls at tank farms.
b. Procedures.
(1) Cleaning. Just before the welding operation, clean the pipe-end bevels of all foreign matter.
Do this by filing or brushing or by using portable, motor-driven brushes or grinders. Just before
cleaning the pipe-end bevels, swab the pipe to remove any excess dirt, sticks, stones, small animals,
or reptiles. If the random length pipe sections are longer than the standard swabbing snakes,
lengthen the snakes a few feet by taping or wiring a piece of wire rope on the forward end of the
snake. (For double-random sections, make a snake by overlapping and taping two snakes together.)
(2) Rebeveling and Cutting to Length. During handling, the pipe bevel or the end of the pipe
may be damaged. Sometimes you may have to cut and bevel a piece of pipe to a certain length.
Use an oxyacetylene pipe cutting and beveling machine to rebevel or to cut and bevel. Then use a
bevel grinding machine to clean the bevel of slag. Both machines are in the welded pipeline
construction tool set.
(3) Aligning Clamps. Producing a satisfactory pipe-joint weld requires exact alignment of the
pipe joint. Two types of pipe-joint aligners are available:
• Tipton-type, external, pipe-joint aligning clamps for 4-, 6-, and 8-inch pipe sizes are
common to all welded petroleum pipeline construction (see Figure B-6, page B-8). The
clamp aligns the pipe joint externally, eliminates almost all out-of-roundness of the pipe
ends, and holds the pipe joints in a longitudinal position until at least 50 percent of the
stringer bead (stringer pass) is completed.
• Internal-type pipe-joint aligners (Figure B-7, page B-9) produce the required alignment
and eliminate the requirement for preliminary tack welds necessary with the external-type
lineup clamps.
c. Standards.
(1) Use beveled pipe for welded sections of military pipeline. This pipe is furnished with
carefully squared ends and beveled edges so that, when placed with ends about 1/16-inch apart,
there is a groove all the way around the joint where the welding metal is applied. The groove angle
is about 75 degrees for pipe with a wall thickness of 1/4 inch or less; for pipe with a wall thickness
of more than 1/4 inch, the groove angle is about 60 degrees (Figure B-8, page B-10).
(2) Use reverse polarity (the electrode is positive and the work is negative), if you use shielded
arc electrodes. Do not start two welding beads (passes) at the same point on the circumference of
the joint. When you complete one bead, remove all scale or slag from the bead, undercut, and groove
with a powered wire brush and an ice pick before welding the next bead. Adjust the welding
amperage and the arc travel speed accordingly to produce the following welds:
• Filler pass - should be about l/8-inch thick. Run enough beads to provide the
reinforcements required for the completed weld.

FM 5-482

• Stringer pass - should provide complete penetration, filling the bottom of the groove with
weld metal. Penetration should not be so great as to burn through and blow the weld
puddle into the pipe.
• Finish (or cover) pass - should be about 1/8-inch greater that the original groove.
Thoroughly fuse the weld metal in each bead to the parent metal of the pipe so it provides
a reinforcement of not less than 1/32-inch or more than 1/16-inch above the pipe surface.
Thoroughly brush and clean the finished weld.
(3) Remove the full section containing lamination or split ends if you discover such defects
during the welding process. Do not use this section of pipe until you repair or remove the defect.

FM 5-482

(4) Rebevel the pipe if the ends are damaged during handling so that you cannot get a
satisfactory welding contact. Use a beveling machine on all cuts on ends of line pipe for welding.
Freehand bevel cuts of line pipe in preparation for welding are not permitted. After rebeveling,
grind the bevel with a bevel grinding machine.
d. Precautions. Coated electrodes are subject to deterioration from moisture absorption. Store
electrodes in unopened original containers, and protect opened containers from excessive moisture
changes. In handling electrodes, avoid damage to the coating. Do not use electrodes that show
signs of deterioration or damage.
Do not weld when the quality of the completed weld may be impaired by the prevailing weather
conditions, which include airborne moisture, blowing sands, and high winds. Use windshields

FM 5-482

when practicable, and use the umbrella (included in the welder’s supplemental pipeline-
construction kit) when necessary. In very cold weather (below freezing), preheat the pipe before
welding it. If you have to leave an incomplete pipeline section overnight, close the open ends by
tack-welding plates or caps so foreign matter or vermin cannot enter.
e. Tie-Ins. During most laying operations, you may have unconnected sections of the line.
Welding these sections together is known as tie-ins. These unwelded sections usually occur because
of the following:
• The section of line beneath a road or railroad is not installed by the welding crew.
• The line is not completed at river crossings.
• Crew members would like to have a free section to work on coated lines (lines being
prepared for burying) without interfering with welding operations.
• The line is left open for swabbing.
NOTE: Bends must fit the ditch and should not crowd ahead on large diameter lines.

FM 5-482

f. Buried Pipe. Welded, standard-weight, steel API STD5L pipe is the only type you can bury.
Do not use lightweight tubing under any circumstance. Bury pipeline where the line is susceptible
to damage if left exposed or where breaks will create a fire hazard to essential military or civilian
activity. For example, bury the line--
• At river-crossing approaches, especially where the possibility of flooding could wash
away unburied line.
• At road crossings where the line cannot run through existing or improvised culverts.
• In airfield distribution systems.
• In areas where the route passes through cities or other populated areas.
• In cultivated areas.
• In areas where the pipe is on the shoulders of main supply routes. If not buried, this pipe
could be broken or crushed by vehicles that go off the road surface.
When planning for buried pipe, contact local civil authorities, utility companies, and
commercial organizations through whose property the line will pass. They will advise you of any
buried systems or facilities, such as installed cathodic protection systems, that you must avoid.
(1) Construction Standards.
(a) Depth. Bury the pipe deep enough to furnish at least a 2-foot cover of earth as protection
against the weight of trucks, tanks, and other heavy vehicles or aircraft that may pass over it. In
general, the larger the diameter of pipe, the deeper it should be buried. A depth of 3 feet is preferable
for 8- or 12-inch pipe.
(b) Minimum clearance with underground structures. Buried pipelines often pass close to or
cross other buried structures, such as electrical cables, sewage systems, drain tiles, poles, and
anchors for poles. Lay the pipeline so other structures will not be damaged during construction or
later through settlement, breakage, or movement of the pipeline. In civilian construction, the
pipeline usually passes under all other pipelines and similar structures that it crosses. This practice
permits work on other utilities without interfering with the pipeline. It also ensures that when the
line settles, its weight will not damage other structures. Usually, a clearance of not less than 4 inches
(12 inches for metallic structures) is desirable. However, the type of structure will determine the
clearance requirements and how to deal with the problem. Such problems could be avoided if,
during the planning stage, a route is chosen that avoids interfering structures.
(c) Corrosion prevention. Buried pipe is subject to external corrosion more than pipe exposed
to the air. Regular-weight pipe lasts up to about 2 years when buried in most soils. To inhibit
corrosion, coat the pipe with corrosion-resistant materials, such as coal-tar enamel or petroleum
materials, and apply protective wrappings.
(d) Cathodic protection. External corrosive damage to buried pipe is similar to the chemical
generation of electricity in a storage battery. A buried pipeline could contain all of the elements of
a battery, which are two materials that have differing electrochemical potentials, connected
electrically, and immersed in an electrolyte (the moisture in the ground in which the pipe is buried
with its dissolved salts). One material, the anode, is the focus of corrosion.

FM 5-482

Cathodic protection is the measures taken to stop the flow of direct electrical currents from the
pipeline to and through the soil in which it is buried. This is done by impressing current from
external sources through the soil to the pipeline so that the pipe becomes the cathode. Several
methods and combinations of methods are used to do this; however, this manual will not address
any method, since cathodic protection is not ordinarily installed for military pipelines. Pipelines in
captured or allied territory may be equipped with cathodic protective devices and wiring systems.
Do not alter or repair these systems without expert advice. Incorrect application of the principles
of cathodic protection can do more harm.
(2) Construction Procedures. When burying pipe--
• Dig the trench.
• Assemble the pipe.
• Apply the protective coating.
• Lower the pipe into the trench.
• Back fill the trench.
(a) Precautions in trenching. Before burying a pipeline, a thorough reconnaissance of the route
is necessary. The purpose is to locate underground utility and communications lines, drain ditches,
irrigation canals and other watercourses, and similar obstacles that will require special treatment.
In ditching for a buried line, you can continue the ditch at normal depths across such obstacles when
there is no danger of damage to the pipe from accumulated driftwood, washouts, or falling trees.
This procedure eliminates the deeper ditch across the bottom of a stream and the pipe bending needed
to follow the contour of the deeper part of the ditch. In even terrain, excavate only a length of trench
that you can back fill the same day.
(b) Trenching methods. The most efficient tool for digging pipeline trenches is the SEE (Figure
1-4, page 1-8). Pipe is buried in trenches about 20 inches wide with at least 2 feet of cover. If
machines are not available, the ditching will have to be done by hand. The trench, when completed,
should provide a smooth supporting surface for the pipe. The trench should be deeper between
points selected for sags and over bends so the pipeline is as straight as possible. Where this is not
possible, the line should be bent with a pipelayer equipped with a bending shoe. Rough spots or
irregularities in the bottom of the trench can often be filled in with loose material. The finished
trench should be free of clods, rocks, tree roots, and other hard objects.
(c) Assembling pipe. Place the pipe on cribbing alongside the trench for welding assembly.
(d) Coating and wrapping. Remove dirt, paint blisters, and mill scale from the outside of the
pipe before applying protective coating. Apply the coating, such as coal-tar or asphalt enamel, with
brushes. A second method of applying the coating is with a two-man crew, using the following
• Pour the coating on top of the pipe and spread it by drawing the pipe back and forth using
a belt sling passed under the pipe.
• Wrap a reinforcing mat (fiberglass) around the pipe and imbed it in the coating.

FM 5-482

• Apply a protective outer wrap of felt or heavy wrapping paper. As an expedient, you
may use burlap or other coarse fabric impregnated with protective material.
• Wait for the pipe to be lifted with belting slings (pipelayer on large pipe sizes) as you
reach the cribbing to complete the coating process.
(e) Lowering pipe into the trench. After the protective coating has hardened, pipelayers,
equipped with belt-type slings, lower the pipe into the trench. Steel pipe contracts about 0.8 inch
per 100 feet for a temperature drop of 100°F. The elasticity of welded pipe offsets this change, and
the effect of expansion and contraction of a buried military pipeline is not too significant. The sags
placed in the line to follow the contour of the trench must rest on the bottom. Side bends should
rest on the bottom of the trench and against the outside wall of the curve.
(f) Filling the trench. If practicable, bury the line during the coolest part of the day while the
pipe is contracted. Back fill immediately after lowering in the pipeline so that the pipe or its
protective coating will not be damaged. Use only good, loose soil that is free from trash, debris,
rocks, or clods as the first layer that you place over the line. Cover the pipe with not less than 4
inches of this type of backfill. If this type is not available along the right-of-way, it should be hauled
in from other locations. Use expedient equipment such as angle dozers, bulldozers, or graders to
complete the backfill. The crawler-mounted, side-boom backfilled is the most efficient piece of
backfilling equipment. When backfilling, be careful not to disturb the coating and wrapping. Do
not drop heavy stones on the pipe or allow such stones to roll into the trench against the pipe. Use
the following procedures, where applicable:
• Take extra precautions to prevent damage to the pipe and coating in rocky areas. One
method is to provide a traveling shield or lizard that is pulled ahead of the backfilling
machine to absorb the impact of the earth being placed in the trench over the pipe. You
can field-fabricate this traveling shield using heavy belting fabric or a piece of shaped
metal. Shape it so that the shield will protect the pipe and coating as it is pulled along
the ditch.
• Place sandbag dams at intervals in the trench on steep slopes to prevent the uncompacted
trench from becoming a sluice for rainwater runoff.
• Make sure the backfill is dry and placed quickly in areas where you encounter
considerable groundwater. The pipeline, because of its positive buoyancy, could float
and even rise up out of the trench in wet, sloppy backfill.
(3) Testing. You can test for leaky joints before or after lowering the line into the ditch.
However, try to test for leaks before backfilling, since leaks are easier to locate.
g. Bending Pipe. To change direction or angle in welded pipelines, you can use the fittings
shown in Figure B-9, (page B-14). You can make some smaller angle changes by bending the pipe.
However, with the type of scrapers presently in military use, the radius of pipe bends must be at
least eight times the diameter of the pipe or the scrapers will not pass. (Use more gradual bends
when possible.) Pressure loss due to friction increase in the pipe is negligible unless an unusually
large number of joints are used. Cold bends and wrinkle bends are the two methods normally used
in the field.

FM 5-482

(1) Cold Bends. For cold bends (Figure B-10), the pipe joint is pulled until stressed beyond
the yield point of the material, thus causing a permanent set. Do not use this method on thin-walled
military tubing. The tubing sections will always buckle before you can attain a slight bend.
Hydraulic or mechanical machines provide the simplest method for creating such pipe bends. Use
them whenever possible. If these machines are not available, you can bend pipe using any expedient
method such as the following:
• Tactical vehicles or simple block and tackle providing bending power.
• Wood cribbing, A-frames, or chassis-mounted shoes fabricated of pipe scraps serving as
• Gin poles or A-frames providing support for vertical bends.

FM 5-482

Use the following equation to determine the pipe lengths for cold bends:
L=RD (0.017)+ T
L = length of bend, in inches.
R = radius of bend (to centerline of pipe), not less than 8 times the nominal pipe diameter, in
D = number of degrees in the bend.
T = total length of tangents on each end of bend, in inches.

FM 5-482

Find the minimum length of 8-inch pipe required to make a 90-degree bend having
l-foot tangents on each end.
R = 64 inches (8 inches x 8)
D = 90 degrees
T = 24 inches (2 x 12 inches)
L = 121.92 or 122 inches (64 x 90 x 0.017+24= 97.9+ 24)

(2) Wrinkle Bends (Figure B-l1). Use an acetylene torch to heat the pipe (not tubing) to
produce an area of relative weakness. If done correctly, the bent portion of the pipe will have an
outwardly projecting wrinkle. The method requires a skilled welder and a large amount of time and
materials. (Wrinkle bending has become less popular because of specialized, reliable, cold-bending
machines.) Use the following procedures for this method:
(a) Mount the pipe so that its entire circumference is accessible to the welder. Do this by laying
the pipe on the ground and digging a hole around the area to be heated or by supporting it on cribbing
or on a field-fabricated metal frame.
(b) Construct a fulcrum using pipe sections driven into the ground for horizontal bending, or
use a field-fabricated shoe welded to a truck chassis for vertical bends. You could conceivably use
a section of larger diameter pipe, properly staked or weighted, as a fulcrum.
(c) Use items such as heavy-duty, manual screw jacks; block and tackle; and power winches
for an easily controllable bending force.
(d) Construct a gin pole or A-frame for supporting pipe on vertical bends or cribbing for
horizontal bends.
(e) Heat a narrow band of the pipe (about two-thirds to three-quarters around the pipe’s
circumference) with a torch to a bright cherry-red color close to the desired bend.
(f) Bend the pipe inward on the heated portion to form a wrinkle in the pipe wall. Limit the
bend to no more than 5 degrees.
(g) Space each successive bend one pipe diameter apart.
To determine length of pipe required for winkle-bending degree of bend, use the following

L= (degree of bend) – 1 x nominal pipe diameter + T

L = length of pipe required, in inches.
T = total length of tangents on each end of bend, in inches.

FM 5-482

Find the length of 8-inch pipe required to make a 90-degree bend having l-foot
tangents on each end of the bend.
T = 24 inches (2 x 12)
L = 160 inches ((90/5 - 1) x 8 + 24= 17 x 8 + 24= 136 + 24)

FM 5-482

(3) Underwater Crossings. Use a 2-foot minimum cover at all underwater crossings, regardless
of stream-bed conditions. Two feet is sufficient where crossings are made in solid rock. However,
increase the cover as the streambed changes from rock to sand. (A 6-foot cover is necessary in a
sandy, shallow river.) Measure the cover below the lowest point in the streambed.
Many rivers carry more water underground in their broad, sandy valleys than is carried as
surface water. These rivers are likely to scour badly during flood stage. If this condition exists, lay
the line flat across the valley from the fixed low point so that future channel changes and scouring
will not affect the crossing. A stream with low banks in a wide, sandy valley will be subject to
overflow and scour across the entire valley. If this condition exists, place the line below scour depth
all the way across the area subject to high water. If possible, place the crossing in a long, straight
reach of the stream, as the banks are less likely to cut and expose the line.
Crossings at bends or narrows will be subject to stress or damage from floods, water velocity,
and scouring of the streambed. Do not provide an upstream or downstream bow in the line. It is
difficult to pull an accurate bow in a pipeline. Unless you properly bury the pipeline, it might
become a swinging line. Driftwood lodging against a swinging line may exert a force great enough
to pull the line apart. Bury the line deep enough and far back from the water’s edge so that fast
flood waters will not uncover and damage the line.
Examine the crossing site closely to determine the height of previous flood waters. The pipeline
placed in the riverbed should be flat. If practicable, excavate the banks so that you will not need
sags or overbends. Place block valves above the highest watermark on each side of the river. As
soon as possible, construct an alternate crossing several hundred yards upstream or downstream to
provide uninterrupted flow if the major crossing is damaged (Figure B-12). Connect this alternate
crossing line to the main crossing at a point well back from any possible flood zone so that the block
valves can be located and safely reached if necessary.
(a) Preparing the bottom (ditching). The method of excavating the ditch for a river crossing
will depend on soil conditions and available equipment. Sand may be wet-excavated by means of
a dredge or dragline, or it may be dewatered with well points and dry-excavated with a dragline.
Occasionally, you can use a sand
pump to remove sand or silt from
underneath a line to lower it into
place or to prepare the ditch just
ahead of the line as it is launched.
You can remove rock (and mud)
by drilling and shooting through
water, if necessary.
(b) Assembly and
launching. Submerged pipeline
river crossings will be of welded
construction and only heavy
weight submarine line pipe.
Assembly and installation of

FM 5-482

major crossings are the same as for submarine pipelines except that the triple-drum (pulling) winch
and the holdback winch would be on opposite sides of the river. Place the pulling winch on the far
side and the holdback winch on the near side. Use tractor or truck winches for smaller crossings.
As soon as the pipeline has been pulled into place, pump it full of water to displace the air in the
pipe and increase the line’s in-place weight.
(c) Backfill. Pay particular attention to the backfill on the banks of streams. A soft backfill
in a wide right-of-way cut is likely to slide into the stream during a flood or to be carried away by
the current. In either case, future floods will erode the bank and expose the line. Firmly tamp the
backfill and reinforce it with sacked earth, rip-rap, or other similar materials, if necessary. Backfill
the streambed ditch with crushed rock, if practicable. Backfill the streambed ditch carefully if you
use earth. Use a clamshell to lower the earth to the bottom of the ditch; place the backfill directly
on top of the pipeline. Do this operation quickly to minimize mixing the earth and water. Since
mud has a higher specific gravity than water, the line is buoyed up more than it is by water. The
drier the backfill, the better.
h. Welding Repairs. Welding is used to make temporary and permanent repairs on welded
pipelines. Welding can be extremely dangerous. It should be done only in an emergency by a skilled
welder. The commanding officer of the using organization must approve any welding operation.
The welder should use only electric arc welding, be supervised, and weld according to the guidelines
in TM 9-237. The safety officer should issue a permit to weld; the permit should be posted in the
welding area. Once a welder has permission to weld, he should--
• Move fire-fighting equipment into the area.
• Wear clothing and shoes that protect him from the fuel and the welding operations.
• Use an explosimeter to find out if fuel vapors are in the welding area. The readings must
be in the safe zone before welding.
• Use the right size and type of electrodes and not worn electrodes.
• Pack the line with moving fuel to displace the vapors and to carry heat away from the
• Keep in constant contact with the pumping-station operator. He must stop welding if
pumping operations stop or if pressure in the line drops.
i. Pipeline Painting. Paint coupled steel pipeline with enamel to prevent rusting and to reflect
heat. (The first coat is applied at the factory.) Paint identification markings on pipe sections after
putting the pipe into operation. Pipelines are checked often for chipped and flaking paint to make
sure that the protective coating and the markings do not wear away.
(1) Protective Coating. To spot paint the protecting coating--
• Use a wire brush and paint scraper to remove flaking paint and rust.
• Sand the surface down to the bare metal.
• Wipe the surface clean.
• Paint with red lead primer (DOD-P-17545). Let the primer dry.

FM 5-482

• Paint the primed areas with rust-inhibiting, semigloss enamel (Federal Specifications
TT-E-485F). Use the natural color to reflect heat unless the pipeline has been painted
with camouflage colors.
(2) Markings. Check the markings on the pipeline and paint them if they cannot be read easily.
The markings (Figure B-13), which are painted on the line near valves, should conform to the
guidelines in AR 385-80 and MIL-STD-161. Some marking guidelines are--
• Bands of yellow paint symbolize caution. Yellow bands are used to warn of the presence
of flammable materials.
• The number of bands that appear around a pipeline identify the fuel that is pumped
through the pipeline.

FM 5-482

• A sign with a black background and white letters on each pipeline that identifies the fuel.
• A yellow arrow shows the direction in which the fuel is flowing in the pipeline.
B-5. Welded Pipelines. Welded pipelines should be buried. However, if a leak occurs, it could
go unnoticed until it is large enough to affect the fuel pressure in the pipeline. A sudden drop in
pressure from one pumping station to the next could mean a leak in that section of the line.
Comparing the amount of fuel pumped through meters at various locations could narrow down the
area. A drop in throughput from one meter to the next indicates a leak between the meters. When
the general area of the leak is determined, the line is laid bare so it can be repaired. Remove the
dirt around the pipeline until you find the exact location of the leak. Dig out the area around the
leak completely, allowing for working room and a clear escape route from the trench.
a. Temporary Repairs. Use clamps or weld temporary repairs. There are three types of
temporary repairs on pipe sections you can do by welding (Figure B-14). The type of welding repair
will depend on the size of the damaged area.

(1) Small Pits. Small pits in the outside

wall of a pipe section are spot-welded so that the
pits are flush with the outside of a pipe. This
repair is called pit patching. Use this method
only when the pipe is in good condition or if
there are a few rust spots. When making a rust
• Clean the rusted area down to bare
• Use a pit gauge to measure the pits.
• Fill in the pits that measure less than one half the thickness of the pipe.
• Maintain flow in the pipeline to carry away the heat.
(2) Areas Less Than One Half of the Pipe. You can repair rust areas that are on less than one
half of the pipe circumference by welding precut pieces of pipe over the damaged areas. The patches
may vary in size from small slabs to half soles or half wraps that cover half of the pipe. When
making this repair--
• Cut a patch from a pipe section slightly larger in diameter than the damaged one.
• Reshape the patch so that it fits snugly against the pipe.
• Clean the rusted area down to the bare metal.
• Hold the patch in place with steel leak clamps (Figure B- 15, page B-22).
• Weld the patch in place on all sides and remove the clamps.
• Maintain flow in the pipeline to carry away the heat.
(3) Areas More Than One Half of the Pipe. You can repair pipe that is rusted in large areas
on the top and on the bottom by surrounding the damaged line with a casing. To make this repair--

FM 5-482

• Cut a casing, from new pipe, slightly larger in diameter than the damaged pipe.
• Cut the casing in half along the entire length.
• Wrap the two halves around the damaged pipe.
• Hold the pieces in place with clamps and weld them together.
• Run welding bead around the casing at each end.
• Maintain flow in the pipeline to carry away the heat.
(4) Clamp Repairs. You
can temporarily repair small
pit leaks with steel leak clamps
(Figure B-16). Using these
clamps is a stopgap measure.
The repaired pipe should be
replaced as soon as possible.
To mount a steel leak clamp--
• Cover the leak with
a cone-shaped or a
flat gasket. Make
sure the gasket is
made of fuel-
resistant material.
• Cut a steel patch to
cover the gasket.
Curve the patch to
match the curve of
the pipeline.
• Hold the gasket and
the steel patch in
place and cover
them with steel leak
• Put the bolts in the
clamp, attach the
nuts, and tighten the
b. Permanent Repairs.
Permanent welding repairs are
made by removing damaged
pipe and welding new pipe in place. The temporary measures described above should be replaced
with permanently welded pipe as soon as possible. Permanent welding repairs are made with and
without the use of a bypass. The method used depends on whether or not the repair is an emergency.

FM 5-482

(1) Emergency Repairs. If a large leak occurs that cannot be repaired with clamps, pumping
operations are stopped and the commanding officer and the safety officer are notified. The leaking
section is then replaced as quickly as possible without taking the time to construct a bypass. Such
an emergency pipe change can be dangerous because of escaping fuel and fuel vapors. You must
follow all safety rules. Once you locate the leak--
(a) Move fire-fighting equipment into the area.
(b) Wear proper clothing and shoes for protection from spills and welding operations.
(c) Close gate valves on each side of the leak to limit the amount of fuel flowing to the leak.
(d) Move anything that could cause a spark out of the area.
(e) Drain any fuel still in the damaged section of pipe into drums or tank vehicles. Use a suction
pump to remove fuel that may have collected in the trench.
(f) Cover spilled fuel and fuel-soaked ground with fire-retarding foam.
(g) Let vapors be carried away or dispersed in the air.
(e) Use an explosimeter to find out if there are fuel vapors left in the area of the leak. Check
inside the pipe. Displace fuel vapors with carbon dioxide or nitrogen (both are available in fire-
fighting equipment). Make repairs only when the readings on the explosimeter are in the safe zone.
(f) Dig out a trench so personnel can work around and under the section of pipe. Make sure
there is an escape route.
(g) Cut out the section of damaged pipe with mechanical cutters and move the damaged pipe
out of the way.
(h) Swab out the pipe ends and clean the pipe end bevels with a wire brush and file.
(i) Move the new section of pipe into position and align it with the old pipe.
(j) Hold the new section in place with clamps and weld the sections together. (Remember that
only skilled welders may do the welding.)
(k) Open the gate valves slowly to let pressure and fuel back into line.
(1) Start pumping operations.
(m) Purge the entrained air from the pipeline.
(n) Check for leaks.
(o) Coat bare areas of pipe with coal-tar enamel. Wrap the pipe with a layer of felt.
(p) Bury the pipeline.
(2) Nonemergency Repairs. If a small leak occurs, stop the leak with a steel leak clamp until
the pipe can be replaced. Spot-welded and patched pipe should also be replaced as soon as possible.
Get permission to weld from the commanding officer of the using organization and a permit to weld

FM 5-482

from the safety officer. Since this is not an emergency repair, you can build a bypass line, which
will carry fuel around the repair area. Using a bypass line means that pumping operations can go
on while you replace the damaged section. Be careful so that fuel vapors will not ignite. Wear
proper clothing and shoes for protection from fuel spills and welding operations. Move fire-fighting
equipment into the area and post the welding permit. To replace a section of welded pipe, using a
bypass line--
(a) Dig out the area around the pipeline and provide space for the bypass line.
(b) Make sure the line is packed with fuel to displace vapors and to carry heat away from the
weld. Keep in contact with the pumping-station operator to make sure that pressure in line does not

FM 5-482

(c) Weld a bypass fitting and a stopper fitting on each side of the pipe section you are replacing
(Figure B-17, A). (Remember, only skilled welders may weld.)
(d) Bolt a bypass-tapping valve on each bypass-fitting and a sandwich-tapping valve on each
stopper fitting.
(e) Attach a tapping machine to the bypass valves, tap through the valves, close the valves,
and remove the tapping machine.
(f) Construct a bypass line and attach it to the pipeline at the bypass-tapping valves.
(g) Use the tapping machine to cut into pipe at the sandwich-tapping valve (Figure B- 17, B).
(h) Put the stoppers in place and plug off the flow in the main line. This forces the fuel to flow
into the bypass line (Figure B-17, C, and Figure B-18).
(i) Tap or break the line in the repair section and drain the fuel into drums.
(j) Cut out the damaged section with mechanical cutters and move it out of the way.
(k) Allow time for the fuel vapors to be carried away or dispersed in air.
(l) Swab out the ends of the old section of pipe.

FM 5-482

(m) Use an explosimeter to find out if fuel vapors are left in the repair area. Do not weld until
the readings are in the safe zone.
(n) Move the new section of pipe into position and align it with the old pipe.
(o) Clean the pipe-end bevels with a wire brush and file.
(p) Hold the new section in place with clamps and weld the pipe sections together.
(q) Stop pumping operations to reduce pressure in the line to zero.
(r) Take out the stoppers and remove the sandwich-tapping valves, the bypass line, and the
bypass-tapping valve.
(s) Bolt blind flanges in place to cover the bypass and stopper fittings (Figure B-17, C and D).
(t) Start pumping operations.
(u) Purge the entrained air from the pipeline.
(v) Check for leaks.
(w) Coat bare areas of pipe with coal-tar enamel. Wrap the pipe with layer of fiberglass and
a layer of felt.
(x) Bury the pipe and fill in any area dug out for the bypass.
(3) Clamp Repairs. There are two kinds of clamps you can use to repair minor damage to a
pipeline permanently. Both of the clamps are made of stainless steel and require the use of fuel-
resistant gaskets.
(a) Band repair clamps. Use this clamp (Figure B-19) to repair a small leak. To mount--
• Cover the leak with a fuel-resistant gasket.
• Wrap the clamp around the pipeline, taking
care to cover the gasket.
• Put the bolt in the clamp, place a nut on the
bolt, and tighten the nut.
(b) All-around pipe repair clamp. Use this clamp
(Figure B-20) to repair pitted areas and breaks that run
completely around the pipeline. To mount the clamp--
• Cover the rusted area or break with a fuel-
resistant gasket. You may have to use gasket
material to cut a gasket large enough to fit.
• Wrap the clamp around the pipe, covering
the gasket.
• Put the bolts in the clamp, place the nuts on
bobs, and tighten the nuts.

FM 5-482

B-6. Hose Lines. Patching equipment is provided

for repairing seeping or spraying leaks that may
develop through the wall of the hose during testing
and use (Figure B-21). While the hose is still under
operating pressure, cover the leak and an area from
4 to 6 inches on each side with one spiral wrap of
2-inch-wide neoprene rubber tape and two spiral
wraps of 2-inch polyvinyl tape. Apply the tape
wraps with as much tension as you can.
If a hose develops excessive leakage from a
split or puncture, repair it by cutting out the
defective area and rejoining the cut ends with two
coupling sleeves and a coupling. Install hose
clamps (included in the hose-repair kit) on each side
of the leak far enough to reach an undamaged area
(Figure B-22, page B-28). Use rubber cement as a lubricant so you can insert the sleeves into the
hose easier. Using a special banding tool, wrap stainless steel bands around the exterior of the hose
end and over the sleeve to firmly join the hose to the sleeve. You can use hand tools (included in
the kit) to help install the sleeves. After you finish attaching the repaired sleeves, bring together
the grooved ends of the sleeves and connect them with lightweight, groove-type couplings.

FM 5-482

FM 5-482

This appendix contains the pump curves, correction factors, and pipeline design charts
necessary during pipeline construction operations.

FM 5-482



These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.

International Standardization Agreement
STANAG 2115 LOG (Edition 4) Fuel Consumption Unit. 1 September 1987, w/change (Edition
2), 21 September 1989.

Military Publications
AR 385-80. Nuclear Reactor Health and Safety Program. 16 April 1991.
FM 10-18. Petroleum Terminal and Pipeline Operations (Reprinted w/basic incl C1). 1 June 1987.
FM 10-20. Organizational Maintenance of Military Petroleum Pipeline, Tanks, and Related
Equipment. 29 February 1984.
FM 10-67. Petroleum Supply in Theaters of Operations (Reprinted w/basic incl C1). 1 October
FM 10-69. Petroleum Supply Point Equipment and Operations. 22 October 1986.
FM 101-5. Operations. 5 May 1986.
FM 101-10-1/1. Staff Officer’s Field Manual Organizational, Technical and Logistical Data
(Volume 1). 7 October 1987.
FM 101-10-1/2. Staff Officer’s Field Manual Organizational, Technical and Logistical Data
(Volume 2) (Reprinted w/basic incl C1). 1 July 1990.
TM 5-301-1. Army Facilities Component System- Planning (Temperate). 27 June 1986.
TM 5-301-2. Army Facilities Component System - Planning (Tropical). 27 June 1986.
TM 5-301-3. Army Facilities Component System - Planning (Frigid). 27 June 1986.
TM 5-301-4. Army Facilities Component System - Planning (Desert). 27 June 1986.
TM 5-302-1. Army Facilities Component System: Design (S&I, USAEDH, ATTN: HNDED-FD,
Huntsville, AL 35807-4301). 28 September 1973, with change 1, September 1977; change 2, May
1979; change 3, March 1982; and change 4, December 1985.

FM 5-482

TM 5-302-2. Army Facilities Component System: Design (S&I, USAEDH, ATTN: HNDED-FD,
Huntsville, AL 35807-4301). 28 September 1973, with change 1, September 1977; change 2, May
1979; change 3, March 1982; and change 4, December 1985.
TM 5-302-3. Army Facilities Component System: Design (S&I, USAEDH, AlTN: HNDED-FD,
Huntsville, AL 35807-4301). 28 September 1973, with change 3, March 1982, and change 4,
December 1985.
TM 5-302-4. Army Facilities Component System: Design (S&I, USAEDH, ATTN: HNDED-FD,
Huntsville, AL 35807-4301). 28 September 1973, with change 3, March 1982, and change 4,
December 1985.
TM 5-303. Army Facilities Component System, Logistics Data and Bill of Material. 1 June 1986.
TM 5-304. Army Facilities Component System User Guide. 1 October 1991.
TM 5-4320-307-10. Operator’s Manual for Pumping Assembly, (Mainline) Diesel Driven, 800
GPM. 14 August 1989.
TM 9-237. Operator’s Manual for Welding Theory and Application. 29 October 1976.
DOD-P- 17545. Primer Coating Alkyd, Red-Lead. 14 August 1985.
Evaluation of Pipeline Construction Technologies, Volumes 1 and 2, Technical Report, US Army
Belvoir Research, Development, and Engineering Center, 30 September 1989.
Federal Specifications TT-E-485F. Enamel, Semigloss, Rust, Inhibiting. 18 September 1969.
MIL-F-52308. Filter Element Fluid Pressure. 8 September 1987.
MIL-STD-161. Identification Methods for Bulk Petroleum. 1 August 1985.
SB 710-2. Supply Control Combat Consumption Rates for Ground and Aviation Type Petroleum
Products. 12 March 1993.

Nonmilitary Publications
Area 3, Transportation Plan, OPLAN 1008
Calibration of Pressure Gauges and Relief Valves with Deadweight Tester
Erection Instructions, 100-Foot Pipeline Suspension Bridge
Erection Instructions, 200-Foot Pipeline Suspension Bridge
Erection Instructions, 400-Foot Pipeline Suspension Bridge
Hydraulic Drive Head and Anchor Installation Procedures
Operational Area Design, Area 1, Southwest Asia Petroleum Distribution Operational Project
(SWAPDOP), Inland Petroleum Distribution System (IPDS), OPLAN 1008, January 1989.

FM 5-482

Student Handout, Engineer Pipeline Construction Support Company, August 1989.

Student Handout, Expansion Loops
Student Handout, FORSCOM Petroleum Training Module, March 1993.
Tapping Machine Operating Procedures
Technical Manual, Volumes 1 and 2, Installation, Operations, and Maintenance Instructions with
parts list, tactical petroleum terminal (TPT), April 1989.


These documents must be available to the users of this publication.

DA Form2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. February 1974.

PIN: 072856-000

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