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Practical Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Cable Stayed Bridges

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Practical Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridge

∗ ∗∗
Thai Huu-Tai • Kim Seung-Eock

1. Introduction

Cable-stayed bridges are widely used in bridge engineering in recent decades because of their
aesthetic appearance and uniqueness. The theory and formulation of the nonlinear dynamic analysis of
cable-stayed bridge have been presented in detail in Tai et al. (2007).

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the case studies of the behavior of a cable-stayed bridge. The
results of static behavior, natural period as well as dynamic response of the cable-stayed bridge
generated by SAP2000, ABAQUS, and proposed software are compared. The good results obtained in all
cases of analysis prove that the proposed software can efficiently be used in predicting the nonlinear
behavior of cable-stayed bridges subjected to static and dynamic loading.

2. Formulation

2.1. Modeling of cables

The cables are assumed to be perfectly flexible and to resist the tensile force only. The tension stiffness
of a cable is modeled by using an equivalent modulus of elasticity proposed by Ernst (1965). The secant
value of the equivalent modulus of elasticity, when the tension in cable changes during the application of a
load increment, given by Nazmy and Ahmed (1990) is used in this paper.

2.2. Modeling of beam-column members

The large deformations in the tower and girder members due to the combined effect of axial forces and
bending moments produce a strong coupling between axial and flexural stiffness in these members. This
coupling can be considered in nonlinear analysis by using the stability functions. The stiffness matrix
formulation of a three-dimensional beam-column element proposed by Kim et al. (2006) is applied in this
paper. The gradual yielding due to flexure can be traced by using the parabolic function. The yielding level
at the end of member is determined by using the New-Orbison yield surface. To treat the strain reversal
effect in the hinge due to the abrupt change in applied direction of dynamic load, the modified double
modulus theory proposed by Kim et al. (2006) is used in this study.

PhD Student • Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Sejong University • E-mail: taispkt@yahoo.com
Member, Professor • Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Sejong University • E-mail: sekim@sejong.ac.kr - Presenter

구 조

2.3. Dynamic analysis

The Newmark β-method with the assumption of average acceleration is used in this study to solve for
step-by-step numerical solution of the equation of motion. The detailed algorithm of Newmark β-method
was presented in Chopra (2001). The integration parameters β =1/4 and γ =1/2 are chosen which
correspond to the assumption of the average acceleration method.

3. Case studies

The proposed software is verified for accuracy in predicting static behavior of a cable-stayed bridge as
well as its vibration and nonlinear response under earthquake loading of El-Centro 1940. The geometric
dimensions and material properties of the three-dimensional cable-stayed bridge are presented in Figure
1. Mass- and stiffness-proportional damping factors are chosen such that the equivalent viscous damping
ratio is equal to 5%. The gravity load due to the weight of the structure is applied first to the structure as
lumped masses at the nodes.

Fig. 1. Cable-stayed bridges (unit: m)

3.1. Static behavior
The load-deflection curves at the mid span of the bridge generated by ABAQUS and 3D-PAAP are
compared in Figure 2. It can be seen that the ABAQUS generally overestimates the capacity of the bridge
whereas the proposed software can accurately predict the capacity of the bridge.
3.2. Dynamic response
The first two natural periods of the cable-stayed bridge are compared in Table 1. It can be observed that
a strong agreement of period of the study bridge generated by SAP2000 and 3D-PAAP is obtained.

Table 1. Comparison of first two natural periods

Mode SAP2000 3D-PAAP Error (%)
First 9.81 9.83 0.21
Second 4.07 4.09 0.37

구 조

600 δ


P (kN)

ABAQUS-2el. per girder member

300 ABAQUS-5el. per girder member
ABAQUS-10el. per girder member
ABAQUS-20el. per girder member

100 ABAQUS-40el. per girder member

3D-PAAP-1el. per girder member
0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200
δ (mm)

Fig. 2. Static behavior of cable-stayed bridge

Table 2. Comparison of maximum displacement (Nonlinear elastic analysis)

Displacements (mm) SAP2000 3D-PAAP Error (%)
Top of tower (Horizontal) 41.79 42.65 2.06
Mid span (Vertical) 41.59 39.82 4.26
The displacement responses at the top of tower and the mid span of the cable-stayed bridge are shown
in Figure 3 and Table 2. It can be seen that the results obtained by using SAP2000 and 3D-PAAP
software correlate well.
40 SAP2000 40 SAP2000
30 30
20 20
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)

10 10

0 0
-10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

-20 -20
-30 -30
-40 Time (sec) -40 Time (sec)

a. Horizontal displacement at the top of tower b. Vertical displacement at the mid span
Fig. 3. Displacement elastic response

Table 3. Comparison of maximum displacement (Nonlinear inelastic analysis)

Displacements (mm) ABAQUS 3D-PAAP Error (%)
Top of tower (Horizontal) 41.08 41.91 2.01
Mid span (Vertical) 46.91 44.71 4.71

구 조

The nonlinear inelastic seismic responses obtained by ABAQUS and 3D-PAAP are presented in Figure
4 and Table 3. As can be observed from those, the difference of displacement response of second-order
inelastic analysis is not remarkable with the maximum error at the mid span of 4.71%.

Displacement (mm)

Displacement (mm)
10 10
0 0
-10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
-30 -40
-40 Time (sec) -50 Time (sec)

a. Horizontal displacement at the top of tower b. Vertical displacement at the mid span
Fig. 4. Displacement inelastic response
4. Conclusions

A computer software considering both geometric and material nonlinearities has been developed in this
paper. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed software are verified by comparing with the SAP2000
and ABAQUS through static behavior, natural period as well as dynamic response of the cable-stayed
bridge. The good results obtained in all cases of analysis prove that the proposed software is capable of
predicting accurately the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the cable-stayed bridges.

This paper is a part of the result from the "Standardization of Construction Specifications and Design
Criteria based on Performance ('06~'11)", the "Construction & Transportation R&D Policy and
Infrastructure Project".

1. Chopra, A.K. (2001). Dynamics of structures: Theory and applications to earthquake engineering.
Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
2. Ernst, H.J. (1965) Der E-Modul von Seilen unter Berucksichtigung des Durchanges, DerBauingenieur,
Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 52-55.
3. Kim, S.E, Cuong, N.H, Lee, D.H. (2006) Second-order inelatic dynamic analysis of 3-D steel frames,
International Journal of Solid and Structures, Vol. 43, pp. 1693-1709.
4. Nazmy, A.S., and Ahmed, M. (1990) Three dimensional nonlinear static analysis of cable-stayed
bridges, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 257-271.
5. Tai, T.H, Kim, S.E, Kim, B.S, and Joh, C.B (2007) Three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis of
cable-stayed bridge. Proceedings of Korean Society of Steel Construction Conference, pp. 63.


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