California Coastal Commission: Newport Beach Fire Rings Report
California Coastal Commission: Newport Beach Fire Rings Report
California Coastal Commission: Newport Beach Fire Rings Report
Filed: October 22, 2012
180th Day: April 20, 2013
Staff: J.Rabin-LB
Staff Report: February 22, 2013
Hearing Date: March 6-8, 2013
Location: Balboa Pier Area and Corona Del Mar State Beach,
Newport Beach, Orange County (APNs: 048-320-03,
052-051-23, and 052-051-24)
The beach fire rings have been a part of the recreational experience in Newport Beach since the late
1940s or early 1950s and are a lower cost visitor and recreational facility. Pursuant to Coastal Act
Section 30213: “Lower cost visitor and recreational facilities shall be protected, encouraged, and
where feasible, provided. Developments providing public recreational opportunities are preferred.”
The fire rings are enjoyed by generations of beachgoers, are very popular and in heavy demand,
particularly during the busy summer months. On summer weekends, it is not unusual to have to
arrive at the beach when it opens at 6 a.m. in order to claim a fire ring for use later in the afternoon
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
or evening. The fire rings are available to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is no
charge for their use.
Staff is recommending denial because removal of the fire rings would deny the public access to this
popular form of lower cost public recreation. In addition, removing the fire rings from the beaches
at Newport Beach and Corona del Mar would shift the already high demand for fire rings to other
coastal locations, creating new access and recreation demands there. Thus, removal of the fire
rings would not be consistent with Section 30212.5 of the Coastal Act, requiring public facilities,
like the fire pits, to be distributed throughout an area so as to mitigate against the impacts of
overcrowding or overuse by the public of any single area.
In its application, the City of Newport Beach proposes to remove the fire rings because of
“potential ill health effects to beachgoers and nearby residents due to smoke and particulate matter
from fires within the fire rings.” The city relies on a regulation adopted by the South Coast Air
Quality Management District that prohibited the installation of new wood-burning fireplaces or
wood stoves in new residential and commercial construction. However, Rule 445 adopted in 2008
exempts “campfires, beach bonfires and ceremonial burning.”
The city has submitted general scientific studies about the potential health effects of wood smoke,
especially particulate matter, in an effort to justify removal of the fire rings. The City Council and
the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission heard from nearby residents who
claim to have suffered adverse health effects from wood smoke they attribute to the fire rings and
they want them removed. However, the City Council also heard from supporters of keeping the fire
rings in place.
According to a City Council staff report dated March 13, 2012, two members of the city’s Parks,
Beaches and Recreation Commission urged the city at a February 2012 meeting to conduct an air
quality study, but the city chose not to do such a study or to collect air samples from the beaches or
adjacent neighborhoods. In response to questions from Commission staff, the city said such a study
and sampling would have been inconclusive about the source of the particulate matter.
Commission staff does not dispute that some individuals can have adverse health effects from
wood smoke. However, the City has not demonstrated that the wood smoke from the City’s beach
fire rings are directly responsible for a public health problem. The city acknowledges there is no
state or local air quality regulation that prohibits beach fire rings and, as indicated above, the
submitted information has not shown that the beach fire rings create such negative impacts as to
warrant their removal. There are a variety of other sources of smoke and odors in these areas
including private fireplaces, private outdoor fire rings, barbeques, exhaust from both marine and
terrestrial diesel vehicles and restaurant equipment vents that would contribute to air quality
conditions. Furthermore, there are a variety of measures/alternatives that could be undertaken, short
of removing the public beach fire rings, that might address air quality conditions, including but not
limited to enforcing the existing prohibition on burning all materials other than wood and the
existing rules about the type and quantity of wood being used in beach fire rings.
A Commission decision to approve Newport Beach’s request to remove the fire rings could also set
a precedent that could lead to removal of beach fire rings from other parts of the coast. It is for
these reasons that the Commission staff recommends that the City’s request for a CDP to remove
the fire rings be denied.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
All of the sites involved are in the coastal zone, subject to the commission’s jurisdiction. The City
of Newport Beach has a certified Land Use Plan, but does not have a certified Local Coastal
Program. The legal standard of review is Chapter 3 policies of the Coastal Act relating to public
access and recreation. The City of Newport Beach certified Land Use Plan can be used as guidance.
The fire ring issue has generated intense controversy in Newport Beach. Some homeowners,
particularly those immediately adjacent to Corona del Mar State Beach, have been active in
supporting the city’s proposal to remove the fire rings. They’ve written letters, sent emails, testified
at city hearings and recruited support from organizations across the country that oppose wood
burning fires on health grounds. “It is just plain UNHEALTHY,” wrote Daniel J. Leonard,
president of the Breakers Drive Homeowners Association, which represents homeowners who live
in the subdivision next to the beach. “Now is the time to clean our air, not only for local residents
but also for all people enjoying the beaches.” (Exhibit #12) Officials working for two public
agencies sent comments on the hazards of wood smoke. (Exhibit #13)
Comments also have been received from members of the public opposed to removal of the fire
rings. (Exhibit #14) Some opponents mobilized by establishing a website with an electronic
petition calling on the city and the Coastal Commission to keep the fire rings. More than 5,500
people signed the on-line petition and nearly 800 wrote comments. “The fire rings are an essential
part of southern California beach culture,” wrote website founder David Ruiz in the preamble to the
petition. “They offer low cost enjoyment for families. They stand for a tradition that all southern
California residents can enjoy and should have the chance to experience with their families for
years to come.” (Exhibit #15 is only available in the on-line version of this staff report due to its
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
I. MOTION AND RESOLUTION ............................................................................................. 5
II. FINDINGS AND DECLARATIONS:.................................................................................... 5
A. PROJECT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION .......................................................................... 5
B. PUBLIC ACCESS AND RECREATION ............................................................................. 6
1. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS .................................................................................. 10
C. LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) ....................................................................... 14
D. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) ................................... 15
Appendix A – Substantive File Documents
Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map.
Exhibit 2 – Aerial view of Balboa Pier beach area.
Exhibit 3 – Aerial photo of Corona del Mar State Beach.
Exhibit 4 – Balboa Pier Area – Closest and Farthest Distances Between Fire Rings & Homes.
Exhibit 5 – Corona Del Mar State Beach – Distance from Nearest Fire Ring to Various Houses
Exhibit 6 – Corona Del Mar State Beach – Distance from Farthest Fire Ring to Various Houses
Exhibit 7 – City of Newport Beach letter to Commission staff, October 19, 2012.
Exhibit 8 – State Department of Parks and Recreation letter to City of Newport Beach, September
26, 2012.
Exhibit 9 – City of Newport Beach – Educational Information Sheet about Beach Fire Rings &
Exhibit 10 – National Park Service, Fire ring information sheet for Ocean Beach, San Francisco,
Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Exhibit 11 – City of Newport Beach letter to Commission staff, August 10, 2012.
Exhibit 12 – Letters in support of removing fire rings.
Exhibit 13 – Officials working for public agencies comment on the hazards of wood smoke.
Exhibit 14 – Letters from opponents of removing the fire rings.
Exhibit 15 – Signatures on petition against removal of fire rings. (This is an on-line exhibit only
and is not in the print version.)
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
I move that the Commission approve Coastal Development Permit Application No.
5-12-134 pursuant to the staff recommendation.
Staff recommends a NO vote. Failure of this motion will result in denial of the permit and adoption
of the following resolution and findings. The motion passes only by affirmative vote of a majority
of the Commissioners present.
The Commission hereby denies a coastal development permit for the proposed
development on the ground that the development will not conform with the
policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and will prejudice the ability of the local
government having jurisdiction over the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program
conforming to the provisions of Chapter 3. Approval of the permit would not
comply with the California Environmental Quality Act because there are feasible
mitigation measures or alternatives that would substantially lessen the significant
adverse impacts of the development on the environment.
The City of Newport Beach is seeking a coastal development permit to remove all 60 fire rings
from city beaches, including 33 fire rings in the vicinity of the Balboa Pier and 27 fire rings at
Corona del Mar State Beach. (Exhibit #1) The City of Newport Beach does not have a reservation
system for the fire rings and does not charge a fee for their use.
There are 15 fire rings located west of the Balboa Pier near a beachfront parking lot. Another 18
fire rings are located east of the Balboa Pier near a parking lot and beachfront park with an
extensive lawn and play field area.
The area west of the Balboa Pier includes a wide sandy beach next to a large parking lot. The fire
rings are located close to the water, as far away from homes as possible. The Balboa Pier is a major
attraction on this narrow section of the Balboa Peninsula. On the east side of the pier are two
smaller parking areas and two park areas with green space which form a buffer between the homes
on Ocean Front Walk and the sandy beach where the fire rings are located. The east side fire rings
are located closer to the water and farther from the nearest houses. Both areas have parking nearby.
(Exhibit #2)
At Corona del Mar State Beach, there are 27 fire rings on the far western end of the beach next to
the jetty that forms the east side of the entrance channel to Newport Harbor. (Exhibit #3) These fire
rings are located in the widest stretch of sandy beach, as far from the nearest homes as possible. A
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
concession stand/grill and snack bar and large parking lot separate the fire rings from the homes in
the Breakers Drive subdivision adjacent to the beach.
Based on historical research provided by the City of Newport Beach, fire rings have been on the
city’s beaches since the late 1940s and early 1950s. In response to questions from Commission
staff, the city replied in an August 10, 2012 letter that “further research of historical information,
photographs, and discussions with longtime residents uncovered that the fire rings were originally
installed in the late 1940s and early 1950s at comparable locations to those where they are currently
located. The fire rings have been maintained in their concentrated locations due to the fact that all
three locations are adjacent to accessible parking facilities and are relatively distant from nearby
private homes.” (Exhibit #11, page 4)
At all three locations, the fire rings are densely packed into rows three fire rings deep. The number
of fire rings in each row varies from 5 to 9, depending on the location.
On the west side of the Balboa Pier, the fire rings are from 350 feet to 425 feet from the nearest
house. On the east side of the pier, the fire rings between 365 feet and 435 feet from the nearest
house on Ocean Front Walk. (Exhibit #4)
At Corona del Mar State Beach, the nearest fire ring is 460 feet from the nearest home on the bluff
above the beach parking lot (using the distance measurement tool in the Google Earth program).1
The nearest house in the Breakers Drive subdivision, which is at beach level adjacent to the beach
parking lot, is approximately 520 feet from the nearest fire ring. The farthest house at the beach
level is about 975 feet from the nearest fire ring. (Exhibit #5) The distance from the farthest fire
rings to the Breakers Drive homes ranges from 695 feet to as much as 1,030 feet. (Exhibit #6)
The California Coastal Act requires the Commission to maximize opportunity for coastal access
and contains the following relevant policies:
30210. In carrying out the requirement of Section 4 of Article X of the California Constitution,
maximum access, which shall be conspicuously posted, and recreational opportunities shall be
provided for all the people consistent with public safety needs and the need to protect public rights,
rights of private property owners, and natural resource areas from overuse.
30212.5 Whenever appropriate and feasible, public facilities, including parking areas or facilities
shall be distributed throughout an area so as to mitigate against the impacts, social and otherwise,
of overcrowding or overuse by the public of any single area.
30213. Lower cost visitor and recreational facilities shall be protected, encouraged, and where
feasible, provided. Developments providing public recreational opportunities are preferred.
30221. Oceanfront land suitable for recreational use shall be protected for recreational use and
development unless present and foreseeable future demand for public or commercial recreational
The City estimated this distance at 385 feet. Staff is unsure of the source of the discrepancy.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
activities that could be accommodated on the property is already adequately provided for in the
Among the most important goals and requirements of the Coastal Act is the mandate to protect,
provide, enhance, and maximize public recreational access opportunities to and along the coast
consistent with strong resource conservation principles. The Coastal Act also emphasizes the
protection of existing lower cost recreational facilities.
Fire rings are one of the popular activities enjoyed by the public at both Corona del Mar State
Beach and the city beach near the Balboa Pier. The fire rings provide the opportunity for the
quintessential Southern California beach experience – grilling a meal, toasting marshmallows,
telling stories, strumming on a guitar, singing songs, celebrating special occasions like family
reunions, birthdays, anniversaries, and baptisms. The importance of preserving this lower cost
recreational facility for the general public is reflected in an on-line petition that has been signed by
5,578 members of the public in favor of maintaining the fire rings in their present state.2 (Exhibit
#15 is not included with the print version of this staff report. It is only available in the on-line
version.) The petition template states the following:
California Coastal Commission/Newport Beach City Council Members
I just signed the following petition addressed to: California Coastal Commission.
Stop the removal of 60 fire rings at Big Corona State Beach and Balboa.
The fire rings are an essential part of southern California beach culture. They offer low
cost enjoyment for families. They stand for a tradition that all southern California
residents can enjoy and should have the chance to experience with their families for years
to come.
Help support this petition to stop city council from removing all of Newport Beach's and
CDM's fire pits. These fire pits serve as a fun, safe activity for families and people of all
ages to go to and enjoy the warm nights in Southern California. There is no reason why
these fire pits should be removed. They have been around for a long time and attract
tourism and shoppers to the stores and restaurants in the surrounding area. If anything,
the removal of these fire pits would hurt the businesses in the area.
I ask that the City Council of Newport Beach reassess their plan to remove these fire
rings and that the California Coastal Commission deny the permits needed to remove
these pits.
[Your name]
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
The vast majority of signatures on the petition are from visitors from throughout California who go
to Newport Beach to enjoy the fire rings and recreational opportunities. Some of those signing the
petition live in other states and countries. This demonstrates the importance of these fire rings not
just to local residents, but visitors throughout the state.
The beach fire rings are so popular and in such limited supply, both locally and regionally, that
visitors on summer weekends arrive at 6 a.m. to claim a fire ring for use later that afternoon or
evening. They stake a claim by leaving firewood, beach chairs, towels, or gear at the site. They
may enjoy other beach activities during the day when the fire ring is not in use.
In response to questions from Commission staff, the city says the fire rings are used by both
Newport Beach residents and visitors throughout the year. The heaviest use is typically in the
summer months from Memorial Day to Labor Day. (Exhibit #11, page 1)
The fire rings also receive heavy use during certain off peak periods. For instance, the fire rings
are heavily used on the Persian New Year in March when thousands gather at Corona del Mar State
Beach and use the fire rings in their celebration festivities.
Based on vehicles entering the parking lot at Big Corona del Mar State Beach, the city estimates
that 100% of fire rings are used in peak periods during June, July and August. “…Usage sharply
declines in other months….” An estimated 36% of the fire rings are used in September, May and
April and 14% in March and October. Only 5% of the fire rings are used in November, December,
January and February. “…The number of fire rings users fluctuate tremendously during off-peak
based on weather conditions,” the City said in an October 19, 2012 letter to Commission staff
(Exhibit #7, pages 2-3).
The period of lowest fire ring use (November, December, January and February) corresponds to the
period of greatest concern about wood smoke emissions from fireplaces and wood stoves since the
winter months have more days of meteorological inversions per month than other months of the
year, which causes smoke and other pollutants to linger in the lower atmosphere, closer to the
ground.3 Therefore, there are likely other sources that contribute more to air quality issues during
this period than the smoke coming from a discrete area occupied by the existing fire rings.
Corona del Mar State Beach is owned by the state Department of Parks and Recreation and
operated by the City of Newport Beach under a 30-year agreement that expires in August 2029. In
a September 26, 2012 letter to the city, the Superintendent of the Orange Coast District of State
Parks said he believes his predecessor had discussions with the City about removal of the fire rings
and may have received some form of permission from the State to remove the fire rings from the
property. However, the letter states: “California State Parks believes the current fire rings to be a
public benefit, which invites a more diverse visitor population to this unique recreational area.”
(Exhibit #8)
Removal of the fire rings would deny this diverse visitor population access to those lower cost
visitor and recreational facilities and therefore is inconsistent with Coastal Act Section 30213. The
permit should be denied because it would exclude a portion of the public drawn to the beach to use
and enjoy the fire rings.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
According to information provided by the City, there are beach fire rings at other locations in
Orange County. These include approximately 182 fire rings at Bolsa Chica State Beach in
Huntington Beach, 83 at Huntington City Beach, 200 at Huntington State Beach, 7 at Aliso County
Beach in Laguna Beach, 32 at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point, 160 at San Clemente State Beach
and 9 at San Clemente City Beach.4 Although these other fire rings exist, Coastal Act Section
30212.5 emphasizes the importance of distributing public facilities, like fire rings, throughout an
area “…so as to mitigate against the impacts, social and otherwise, of overcrowding or overuse by
the public of any single area…” The elimination of the subject fire rings is also inconsistent with
Coastal Act sections 30210 and 30213 which require that existing recreational facilities, especially
lower cost facilities, be protected.
Demand for beach fire rings is high wherever they exist. Although there are 673 fire rings located
elsewhere on Orange County beaches, there are millions of annual visitors to the beaches of Orange
County. Removing the fire rings from the beaches at Newport Beach and Corona del Mar would
shift the already high demand to these other locations, creating new access and recreation demands
there. Thus, removal of the fire rings would not be consistent with Section 30212.5 of the Coastal
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the fire rings located elsewhere would be retained. Beach
fire rings have been targeted for removal at various times at other locations for reasons similar to
those cited by the City of Newport Beach. A Commission decision to approve Newport Beach’s
request to remove the fire rings could set an adverse precedent leading to removal of fire rings from
other parts of the coast.
Eliminating the fire rings also is inconsistent with some of the following policies in the City of
Newport Beach’s certified land use plan:
3.2.1-1. Protect, and where feasible, expand and enhance recreational opportunities in the coastal
3.2.1-2. Continue to provide opportunities for a wide range of recreational activities at City parks
and beaches.
3.2.1-4. Continue to cooperate with the State Department of Parks and Recreation, the State
Department of Fish and Game, and Orange County to protect, expand and enhance opportunities
for recreational activities at County and State beaches and parks.
3.2.2-1. Continue to protect public coastal access recreational opportunities through the provision
of adequate support facilities and services.
3.2.2-2. Distribute support facilities and services in coastal areas to avoid overcrowding and
overuse by the public.
3.2.2-3. Maintain the ability to distribute, remove and relocate support facilities and services in
coastal areas in response to changes in demographics and recreational interests while continuing to
provide comparable facilities and levels of service.
City of Newport Beach, Staff Report to City Council, March 13, 2012, Attachment A.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
The Recreation and Convenience Facilities Section of the city’s land use plan includes the
following statement: “Newport Beach provides a number of facilities for the convenience of
residents and coastal visitors….Approximately 70 fire rings are provided in the Balboa Pier area
and Corona del Mar State Beach.”
“The great number and variety of support facilities and services reflects Newport Beach’s
commitment to protecting and enhancing public coastal access and recreational opportunities.
However, changes in demographics and recreational interests have and will continue to alter the
public’s demand for support facilities and services. Therefore, it is important that Newport Beach
continue to have the ability to respond to these changes while continuing to provide comparable
facilities and levels of service.”5
The City has provided no information to the Commission staff documenting any demographic
changes or changes in recreational interests that would justify removal of the fire rings. The City
contends that removal of the fire rings and replacement with an open sand beach near the Balboa
Pier or an open sand beach, volleyball courts and a children’s play area at Corona del Mar State
Beach, will provide comparable facilities and levels of service. (Exhibit 7, page 5) It should be
noted that Newport Beach’s LUP says there are between 65 and 75 volleyball courts typically
provided at the city’s beaches. Additional volleyball courts and a children’s playground are not
comparable facilities and levels of service. Beach fire rings are a unique recreational facility for
which there is no substitution.
The City says the fire ring area is underutilized because much of the day the fire rings and
surrounding area sit empty rather than being used by beachgoers for recreational purposes.
However, those who claim fire rings also make use of the beach and the water and do not have to
stay at the fire ring all day. The fire rings are often used intensively in the afternoon and evening
hours until 10 p.m. when the park and parking lot closes.
The city says it considered and rejected a series of alternatives to removal of the fire rings,
concluding none of the alternatives met the objective to fully eliminate the hazards of the fire rings.
(Exhibit #11, pages 2-3) The alternatives included:
(1) Limiting the hours or days the fire rings could be used;
(2) Limiting and enforcing the type of materials burned such as manufactured fire logs that are
reported to burn 60% cleaner than wood;
(3) Relocating or reducing the number of fire rings;
(4) Dispersing the fire rings;
(5) Installing fire log fixtures that burn natural gas;
(6) Seasonal removal;
As described above, removal of the fire rings is inconsistent with the public access and recreation
policies of the Coastal Act. There are alternatives short of removal that would mitigate and/or
address concerns raised by the City.
City of Newport Beach, Coastal Land Use Plan, page 3-29.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
For instance, the city, in their application, claims that “users of the fire rings have the tendency to
burn inappropriate materials such as treated paper or plastic creating toxic smoke.” The city’s Fire
Code allows only the burning of natural wood or commercial logs and prohibits the burning of tree
trimmings, yard waste, paper, cardboard, garbage and rubbish. The city says those restrictions are
to be enforced by city’s lifeguards, park patrol officers, and code enforcement officers. Therefore,
toxic smoke from the fire rings could be reduced through enforcement of existing restrictions on
the burning of inappropriate material, such as plastic, painted wood, pallets, and other items.
Asked by Commission staff to document issuance of citations for burning inappropriate materials,
the city replied: “The City has not issued administrative citations for burning inappropriate
materials, so quantified data is not available to substantiate the claim.” The City’s park rangers
patrol the beach at peak times and witness improper burning; however, the approach is to
proactively educate the public rather than issue citations.” (See Exhibit 7, page 2)
In addition to the alternatives listed above, the city could implement the following mitigation
(1) Have employees inspect the fire rings periodically during their use for inappropriate
(2) Provide more complete educational materials than those currently available. The
information sheet submitted by the city emphasizes that No Open Fires or Barbeques are allowed
on the beach and “Fires in Designated Fire Rings Only.” The sheet also says “only wood is to be
burned in the fire pits. No Pallet Burning & No Charcoal Briquettes.” Nowhere does it discuss
prohibitions on burning treated paper or plastic, painted wood or other hazardous materials.
(Exhibit 9)
By contrast, the information sheet prepared by the National Park Service for the fire rings at
Ocean Beach in San Francisco’s Golden Gate National Recreation Area is much more explicit.
(Exhibit 10) “You can keep the tradition of Ocean Beach fires alive by following these simple
- Burn only untreated, unpainted wood, to keep pollutants and poisons out of the air.
- Do not burn pallets or any wood containing nails or other hardware – these objects can be
- Bring your own firewood – don’t use driftwood or other natural debris…Locally grown
firewood is best.
- Burn clean. Avoid using accelerants such as lighter fluid, as they leave pollution and poisons
in the sand and the air. Paper and kindling are preferred.
- Don’t burn trash. Most trash gives off pollution and poisonous gases.
- Please observe “Spare the Air days” and do not burn beach fires when air pollution is severe.
The city of Newport Beach also could:
(3) Post signs near the fire rings to alert fire ring users about the prohibition on burning
certain materials and enforce fines for failure to abide by the restrictions.
(4) Provide nearby recycling bins to collect plastic and glass containers and trash bins for
any inappropriate material.
(5) Ask the public to restrict the use of fire rings when AQMD declares a “No Burn” day
even though, technically, the AQMD “No Burn” restrictions don’t apply to these public
recreational fire rings.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
(6) Disperse the fire rings to reduce their dense concentration. Newport Beach has miles of
beachfront, but the 60 fire rings are concentrated in three locations. Other sections of the beach are
wider and farther from the nearest homes.
There is risk involved in a variety of beach activities, but they are not prohibited. Signs posted at
Corona del Mar State Beach warn that “Swimming in Ocean or Surf can be hazardous” because
“Waves are powerful. They can badly injure you.” Lifeguards also post warning flags based on
water conditions. The National Weather Service issues warnings when high surf or high tides are
Red capital letters are painted on the fire rings warning: Danger Hot Ashes or Hot Coals. Signs
warn that “Hot Coals May Be Present” and urge beachgoers not to play in or near fire rings. The
sign says: “Always Practice Beach Fire and Fire Ring Safety!”
The city could post more explicit signs that warn of the danger of burning plastic, painted wood,
pallets, and hazardous materials. The city could enforce its regulations with citations for violators.
The existing sign simply says: “Do not burn litter in fire rings.” Therefore, there are alternatives
and mitigation measures available that would lessen the potential adverse effects of public use of
the fire rings that would allow for their retention consistent with the public access and recreation
policies of the Coastal Act.
Section 30414 of the Coastal Act acknowledges that the establishment and regulation of air quality
and emission standards and air pollution control programs rests with the State Air Resources Board
and the air pollution control districts and states:
(a) The State Air Resources Board and air pollution control districts established pursuant to
state law and consistent with requirements of federal law are the principal public agencies
responsible for the establishment of ambient air quality and emission standards and air
pollution control programs. The provisions of this division do not authorize the
commission or any local government to establish any ambient air quality standard or
emission standard, air pollution control program or facility, or to modify any ambient air
quality standard, emission standard, or air pollution control program or facility which has
been established by the state board or by an air pollution control district.
(b) Any provision of any certified local coastal program which establishes or modifies any
ambient air quality standard, any emission standard, any air pollution control program or
facility shall be inoperative.
(c) The State Air Resources Board and any air pollution control district may recommend ways
in which actions of the commission or any local government can complement or assist in
the implementation of established air quality programs.
Air Quality
The city relies heavily on the March 2008 action of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District (AQMD) in adopting Rule 445, which bans installation of most wood burning fireplaces
and wood stoves in new residential or commercial construction. The rule is intended to reduce the
emission of particulate matter from wood burning devices. The regulation also established a wood
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
burning curtailment program on days during the months of November, December, January and
February whenever particulate pollution levels are forecast to exceed a specified level.
The city of Newport Beach includes in its application documents from AQMD, specifically a
detailed 2007 study on the health effects of air pollution, including particulate matter. The report
notes that particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers are mostly derived from combustion sources, such
as automobiles, trucks and other vehicle exhaust, as well as from stationary combustion sources. In
recent years, additional focus has been placed on these small particles which can penetrate and
deposit deep in the lungs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has established tighter
standards for particulate matter.
While wood smoke is one of the contributors of particulate emissions, AQMD’s Rule 445
specifically exempts beach fire rings and ceremonial fires from its restrictions. A press release
issued by AQMD on Nov. 3, 2010 also says “campfires, beach bonfires and ceremonial burning are
exempt from the wood-burning curtailment program.”6
Asked by Commission staff if any state or local air quality regulation banned beach fire rings in
Orange County, the city replied in an August 10, 2012 letter: “There is no regulation that explicitly
requires the removal of the fire rings or restrict their use….”(Exhibit 11, page 4)
However, the city noted AQMD has rules in place that prohibit wood burning devices like
fireplaces and wood stoves in new developments. The city also says: “The health and
environmental impacts of wood burning smoke is a well-documented issue that has been studied by
agencies outside of the City.” (Exhibit #11, page 4)
During the course of the city’s initial deliberations on the fire ring issue in February 2012, two
members of the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission “discussed the
importance of an air quality study supporting removal.”7 No such study was done.
In an August 10, 2012 letter to Commission staff, the City states that they “…explored the
possibility of conducting an air quality study and monitoring program, but the determination was
made that it was not feasible. Air quality consultants that were contacted indicated that a scientific
study would not provide a definitive answer with respect to the source of the wood burning smoke
as the particulate matters are the same, be it private or public. In addition, an air quality monitoring
program would involve numerous variables such as wind direction, fog conditions, type of wood
burned, and would vary by season or time of day.” (Exhibit #11, page 2)
In an October 19, 2012 letter, the City said, “…air samples have not been taken at the beach or
neighboring homes because the result of such an analysis would be inconclusive on the basis that it
would not be possible to determine the source of the particulate emissions.” (Exhibit 7, page 1)
In addition, the City acknowledged there is no air quality monitoring station in Newport Beach.
Therefore, no data on air pollution levels was submitted.
City of Newport Beach, Staff Report to City Council, dated March 13, 2012, page 2.
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
The City Council and Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commissioners heard testimony from
residents who said smoke from fire rings was affecting their health. Numerous articles were
provided on the effects of wood smoke generally. Letters were received from supporters of
removing the fire rings (Exhibit #12) and opponents of removal. (Exhibit #14) The Commission
staff also has received correspondence from officials working for public agencies, including the
South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Chief of the Environmental Health
Investigations Branch of the California Department of Public Health commenting on the potential
health effects of wood smoke. Their letters are also attached to this staff report. (Exhibit #13)
The City of Newport Beach has not documented the air quality impacts of the fire rings near the
Balboa Pier or at Corona del Mar State Beach. As discussed above, the City chose not to do an air
quality study, did not take air samples at the beach or in adjacent neighborhoods, and did not
provide any air quality monitoring data to establish pollution and particulate levels, determine their
source, and justify removal of the fire rings.
Asked by Commission staff how the City knows the source of smoke in the adjacent
neighborhoods, the city replied in the October 19, 2012 letter: “There are no other sources of wood
smoke within proximity of the neighborhood during the summer months, when the fire rings are
used the most, residential fireplace use is limited.” (See Exhibit #7, page 1) However, the City fails
to recognize that outdoor patio fire pits and barbeques are commonplace among private residences
in Newport Beach, which are close by, and could in fact be a major contributor of wood smoke
and/or odors that residents attribute to the beach fire pits that are at least 350 feet or more away.
The summer season also has the heaviest motor vehicle and boat traffic, including boats with diesel
engines, into and out of the harbor adjacent to the Corona del Mar fire rings.
The City relies on studies about the health impacts of wood smoke generally that are not specific to
the Newport Beach fire rings or the beaches in question.
The responsibility for establishing air quality control programs and emission standards rests with
the California Air Resources Board and local air pollution control districts like the AQMD. It is not
the responsibility of the California Coastal Commission. As noted above the AQMD has excluded
beach fire pits from its air quality control program.
The Commission does not dispute that some individuals can have adverse health effects from wood
smoke. However, the City has not demonstrated that the wood smoke from the City’s beach fire
rings are directly responsible for a public health problem. Furthermore, the City isn’t under any
order to remove the fire pits to meet any requirement of any air pollution control district. There are
alternatives that could be implemented, short of removal of the fire pits that could mitigate adverse
effects of the fire pits. Therefore, in addition to inconsistency with the public access and recreation
policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, approving Newport Beach’s request to remove the fire
rings from the City’s beaches based on potential inconsistency with ambient air quality and
emission standards and air pollution control programs would be inconsistent with Coastal Act
Section 30414.
Section 30604(a) of the Coastal Act provides that the Commission shall issue a coastal
development permit only if the project will not prejudice the ability of the local government having
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
jurisdiction to prepare a Local Coastal Program that conforms with the Chapter 3 policies of the
Coastal Act.
The City of Newport Beach Land Use Plan (LUP) was certified on May 19, 1982. At the October
2005 Coastal Commission Hearing, the certified LUP was updated. In addition, the certified LUP
was updated at the October 2009 Coastal Commission Hearing. Since the City only has an LUP,
the policies of the LUP are used only as guidance. (Newport Beach LUP policies: 3.2.1-1; 3.2.1-2;
3.2.1-4; 3.2.2-1 through 3.2.2-3 relate to the proposed removal of the beach fire rings.)
The removal of all beach fire rings from the city’s beaches is inconsistent with Coastal Act
Sections 30212.5 and 30213. Removal of the fire rings would deprive the public of the opportunity
to access and use lower cost visitor and recreational facilities that have been a fixture of Newport
Beach for more than half a century. In addition, the city is asking for the Commission to approve
removal of the fire rings based on concerns about health effects of wood smoke with no air quality
data provided. As described in Section 30414 of the Coastal Act, the responsibility to establish air
quality standards and air pollution control programs rests with the state Air Resources Control
Board and local air pollution control districts, and not the Commission. The South Coast AQMD
previously considered a ban on wood smoke and chose to exempt beach fire rings from the controls
established under Rule 445.
The preceding sections provide findings that the proposed project will not be in conformity with the
provisions of Chapter 3. The proposed development will create adverse impacts and is found to be
inconsistent with the applicable policies contained in Chapter 3. There are equivalent policies in the
City’s certified land use plan with which the proposed development would be inconsistent.
Therefore, the Commission finds that approval of the proposed development would prejudice the
City of Newport Beach’s ability to prepare a Local Coastal Program for this area consistent with
the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, as required by Section 30604(a).
5-12-134 (City of Newport Beach)
Vicinity Map
Fire Ring Locations – Newport Beach and Corona del Mar State Beach
Balboa Pier Fire Rings
CDP #5‐12‐134
Exhibit #1
Corona del Mar State Beach Fire Rings
Aerial view of Balboa Pier Beach Area – Location of Fire Rings
15 Fire Rings
CDP #5‐12‐134 18 Fire Rings
18 Fire Rings
Exhibit #2
Aerial Photo of Corona del Mar State Beach – Location of Fire Rings
27 Fire Rings
CDP #5‐12‐134
Exhibit #3
Balboa Pier Area – Closest and Farthest Distances Between Fire Rings & Homes
~435’ ~365’
CDP #5‐12‐134 18 Fire Rings
Exhibit #4
Corona Del Mar State Beach – Distance from Nearest Fire Ring to Various Houses
(City Est. = 385’)
CDP #5‐12‐134
Exhibit #5
Corona Del Mar State Beach – Distance from Farthest Fire Ring to Various Houses
~695’ ~870’
CDP #5‐12‐134
Exhibit #6
CDP# 5-12-134
Exhibit# 7, page 1 of 5
CDP# 5-12-134
Exhibit# 7, page 2 of 5
CDP# 5-12-134
Exhibit# 7, page 3 of 5
CDP# 5-12-134
Exhibit# 7, page 4 of 5
CDP# 5-12-134
Exhibit# 7, page 5 of 5
CDP# 5-12-134
Exhibit# 8
City of Newport Beach – Educational Information Sheet about Beach Fire Rings & BBQs
CDP #5‐12‐134 Exhibit #9
Ocean Beach Fire Rings
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Ocean Beach
Golden Gate National Parks
Donated Art, Clean Burning Practices Allow Fires to Continue
Background In response to beachgoers’ concerns that beach fires were leaving unsafe debris
on the beach, as well as concerns about smoke blowing into neighborhood homes,
Golden Gate National Parks initiated a public process to consider the future of
fires on Ocean Beach.
Instead of banning fires, Golden Gate NP joined several organizations in a creative
partnership to install artistic fire rings on portions of the beach away from
neighborhood homes. Those organizations, Surfrider Foundation, Burners Without
Borders, Ocean Beach Foundation, and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, are
working with Golden Gate NP to allow fires to continue.
Burners Without Borders has begun donating artistic fire rings so that fires can be
physically contained. Surfrider, Ocean Beach Foundation and Golden Gate National
Parks Conservancy are organizing beach cleanups to keep Ocean Beach clean and safe
for both humans and wildlife.
Beach Fire Rules You can help keep the tradition of Ocean Ő Don’t burn trash. Most trash gives
Beach fires alive by following these simple off pollution and poisonous gases.
Ő Don’t try to put out a fire with sand.
Ő No fires outside rings.
It only hides and insulates the fire,
Ő No glass in the fires. leaving it more dangerous. Instead,
Ő No alcohol on the beach leave the fire to burn out, or put it
out with water.
Ő Burn only untreated, unpainted
wood, to keep pollutants and Ő Minors must be supervised by one
poisons out of the air. person 21 or over for each 10 people
under 18.
Ő Don’t burn pallets or any
wood containing nails or other Ő Groups of more than 25 people must
hardware—these sharp metal obtain a permit by calling
objects can be dangerous. (415) 561-4300.
There are 5,578 signatures, of which 798 also provided written comments
Stop the removal of 60 fire rings at Big Corona State Beach and Balboa.
The fire rings are an essential part of southern California beach culture.
They offer low cost enjoyment for families. They stand for a tradition
that all southern California residents can enjoy and should have the
chance to experience with their families for years to come.
Help support this petition to stop city council from removing all of
Newport Beach's and CDM's fire pits. These fire pits serve as a fun, safe
activity for families and people of all ages to go to and enjoy the warm
nights in Southern California. There is no reason why these fire pits
should be removed. They have been around for a long time and attract
tourism and shoppers to the stores and restaurants in the surrounding
area. If anything, the removal of these fire pits would hurt the
businesses in the area.
I ask that the City Council of Newport Beach reassess their plan to remove
these fire rings and that the California Coastal Commission deny the
permits needed to remove these pits.
The fire rings are an essential part of southern California beach culture. They offer low cost enjoyment for families. They stand for a tradition that
all southern California residents can enjoy and should have the chance to experience with their families for years to come.
A fun, inexpensive, and safe way to spend time with friends is having bonfires at the beach. A lot more people enjoy these fire pits than don't. Let
Tamy Chapman Newport Beach CA 92660‐024 United States 9/1/2012 those rich people compromise if they want to live by the beauty of the ocean, or let them move. The beach belongs to everyone.
Ryan Martin Riverside CA 92504 United States 9/1/2012 This is a part of our California culture that is being removed!!!! So sad!
The fire rings allow for good clean family fun. They extend the useable hours at the beach and offer a truly unique and wonderful experience. There
James Lucas Corona CA 92883 United States 8/28/2012 is nothing more enjoyable than sitting around a campfire, singing songs, telling stories and enjoying the company of friends and family.
I grew up in Corona del Mar and the fire pits are an integral part of the beach experience. Those fires create positive memories that are never
Steve Prescott Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 8/28/2012 forgotten. The greater social good is better served by keeping the fire pits.
this has been a wonderful memory
Kathy Corona corona CA 92880 United States 8/27/2012 since i was child. . to sit around these fire rings with family and friends . Please leave them!!!!!
molly wiehardt newport beach CA 92663 United States 8/25/2012 children recreation that is healthy and happy environment family values are positive
This is a part of our beach culture ‐ they have been there for years! I used to take the CDM cub scouts there for barbeques on the beach ‐ seems we
Barbara Boatman Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 8/25/2012 can't do anything anymore, It would be a shame to see them go!
it's a part of Newport Beach's culture and is a great place to come together in order to share ideas and form communities. Having these fire pits in
parker keil honolulu HI 96816 United States 8/24/2012 place only bring about good things and good times. this has to be stopped.
I was brought to these beach pits as a child, and now as a new dad, want the opportunity to carry on that tradition when my son is old enough.
With the complete entertainment domination of video games, movies, and internet, we need all the opportunities we can to provide simple down
Timothy Kennedy Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 8/24/2012 to earth fun things of the old school variety for our families to enjoy!
Kathleen Rumph Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 8/24/2012 Grew up with them!
Joanie Cafferty Whittier CA 90602 United States 8/24/2012 I can make some pretty mean s'mores in the oven, but what fun is that?
It is such a fun tradition for families to enjoy the beach & coastline, day or evening! Tell the NB City Council to stop micro‐managing our beach
Bruce Ytreeide Newport Beach CA 92657 United States 8/24/2012 lifestyle!
Sheri Van Dorn Orange 92869 Canada 8/24/2012 part of so cal life. family, friends and fun
Brett Del Valle Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 8/24/2012 Its part of Newport and should stay
I grew up going to Huntington and Newport beaches, I have so many memories at those bonfire pits it's incredible. There's a reason you have to
Vanessa Molletti Santa Cruz CA 95060 United States 8/24/2012 show up early to get a fire pit to sit around, because so many people love it! It will be a sad day if the city goes through with this.
Alex Espinosa Sacramento CA 95816 United States 8/23/2012 So many great memories. I run through episodes of nostalgia remembering moments at the firepits including my18th birthday!
The fire rings are a tradition for my church and would take away the main reason to go to CDM. The beach is meant as a way to escape the
Paul Burt Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 8/23/2012 California heat and the pits make an all‐day beach trip complete.
I was born and raised in Southern CA. Raised my children there also. Going to the beach and having family time around the fire pits is a huge thing
to us and our Church family too. Please keep them.
Mary Eileen Angier Othello WA 99344 United States 8/23/2012
The pits are important because its where we all come to enjoy the company of our friends with an amazing view of the ocean. Great times continue
Dennis Vivanco Anaheim CA 92805 United States 8/23/2012 to surround the pits. No need to remove what is still an amazing activity to this day.
Every summer i use the balboa fire pits as a prime place to be with friends who can reunite at the beach after a long year in college. We use the pits
as a perfect venue for reunions and days of fun. People use the fire pits as a great place to come together and have a fun time. Newport Beach and
Kevin Bolland Orange CA 92869 United States 8/23/2012 Corona Del Mar will be less appealing without them
Take away the fire pits at Corona and Balboa? I see no good reason to take away such a year‐round destination amenity. I would like to know the
Darren Rector Orange CA 92867 United States 8/23/2012 reasoning behind the Council's decision. I can't think of a better reason to chill and be social at the beach in the evening.
Kevin Kearns COSTA MESA CA 92627 United States 8/22/2012 A wonderful part of living at the beach.
As an out of town youth in the 80's, while vacationing on Balboa Island, I used the fire rings. Now I live in Corona del Mar and my children and I use
Melissa Davis Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 8/22/2012 the fire pits.
JR Walz Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 8/22/2012 Love using the firepits
I have 2 small children and we have already shared many memories with friends and families at the fire pits this summer. I also grew up in the
area, and some of my best summertime memories involve afternoons and evenings at the fire pits roasting marshmallows with friends and family.
Catherine Anderson Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 8/22/2012 If Newport Beach removes the fire pits, it would lose some of the essence of what makes it such a special place. I think this would be a travesty.
The fire pits are something I use to use as a kid with friends and family. Now that I have a family of my own and can show them the traditions I had
as a kid. My kids do enjoy having the bond fires at the beach when we do stay late . Especially the making of smores. Please keep the pits.
Angela Rivera Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 8/22/2012 thanks
Michael Hardesty Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 8/22/2012 Beach fires are a CA tradition, fun for families and friends. Rings keep them safe! Keep them!
carolyn williams corona delar CA 92625 United States 8/22/2012 attempt to exclude people from public beaches
Beach bonfires are a tradition older than the people that populate the Newport homes these days. If these new richie‐rich's want a beach to
themselves, they should have invested in a private island somewhere isolated. Instead, they chose one of the most beautiful PUBLIC beaches in
Ryder Buck La Canada CA 91011 United States 8/14/2012 California... so deal with the fact that people other than you are going to enjoy the beaches as well. Dick‐heads.
The fire rings are a beautiful part of California culture. As a former CDM resident, I know what it's like to deal with outsiders on the weekends, but
Cristina Parada Laguna Hills CA 92656 United States 8/11/2012 the people who go there are mostly respectful. To lose this important gathering place for families and friends would be so sad..
The fire rings encourage families from all over to use the public beach and that is the the point. The people up on the bluff need to realize that the
Kathy White Balboa Island CA 92662 United States 8/11/2012 rings were there first and are a tradition for people from all walks of life.
Robert LeSueur Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 8/11/2012 The fire pits are awesome
Leann Soto Irvine CA 92606 United States 8/10/2012 I want to help save the fire rings! Just discovered this beach this summer and I love it! :)
Corona Del Mar holds a special place in my heart. Many of my childhood summers were spent here at the beach with my family, enjoying hotdogs
and s'mores thanks to the firepits. I came here as a teenager with my friends to enjoy the same festivities. Even to this day, this beach is my
favorite. I enjoy this shore, the rocky cliffs nearby to explore, and especially the fire pits. Please don't take away from the beach's quality by
removing some of them. Many people come early in the morning just to reserve one of these for the bonfire later on in the night. With so many
being taken away, it creates a scarcity that people will have to fight for even more to reserve one. Please reconsider taking away Corona Del Mar's
Veronica Munoz Pomona CA 91767 United States 8/10/2012 fire circles. Thank you.
Government needs to stay out of our lives. The fire pits have been there longer than any of the council members have been alive. The costal
Larry Walsh Shadow Hills CA 91040 United States 8/10/2012 commission should not allow our PUBLIC beaches to micro managed by misguided municipalities .
As a native Californian I cherish the opportunities to return and share a bonfire with my friends. It's a tradition I do not want taken away for selfish
Andrew Chauvin Virginia Beach VA 23462 United States 8/10/2012 and cockamanie excuses. Let us keep our privilege and responsibilities for maintaining a treasured gathering place.
I grew up in Orange County and to this day one of my fondest memories involves squeezing every last drop out of summer through days in the surf
and evenings and nights around a bonfire with friends and family. I return to California each year to visit friends and am now bringing my children
to the beach. I would hate to see the interests of some priviliged few, under the guise of public safety, scrap an iconic piece of California' character
Daniel Bergh Erie CO 80516 United States 8/10/2012 and history.
My parents first met, 72 years ago last month, at a bonfire on the beach in this area, and I remember fondly the fires my family and friends enjoyed
while living at the beach during the summers when I was growing up. The proposed ban smacks heavily of "locals only" elitism! For the very
John Larson Santa Maria CA 93454 United States 8/10/2012 reasons the Coastal Commission has fought for beach access for all of us, fire rings and the fires they surround should be readily available to all.
This is one of the best family/friend bonding experiences available to us here in Newport Beach. It is absurd to ban beach bon fires. I'm already
unable to play basketball past 7 pm. I work from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. throughout the week. We're working on banning every good, enjoyable actvity
Ross Currens Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 8/10/2012 that one can enjoy in our parks in this community.
Everyone should have the right to enjoy the beach. Not just wealthy homeowners. There are less and less fire pits at California beaches. Let's keep
April Garfield Laguna Hills CA 92653 United States 8/10/2012 the ones we have. For evenyone's enjoyment, including after the sun goes down, the most enjoyable time to have a fire at a fire pit on the beach.
Kathryn Hess Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 8/9/2012 I have many happy memories of family BBQ's at the pits.. please allow other families to enjoy the same thing!
Beach fire pits are the center of DECADES of Orange Country family gatherings and are the epitome of So Cal Beach Night Life...why not take away
Suzanne Deano Irvine CA 92620 United States 8/9/2012 Disneyland while you're at it...
Tammam Beydoun Aliso Viejo CA 92656 United States 8/7/2012 This is an essential part of my childhood I wished to share it with my kids.
Why is it that the need of the many are outweighed by the need of the minute? CDM has been a beach where I have gone for the last 15‐20 years
to unwind with friends and family, to enjoy a past time that has been experienced and cherished by so many. Please do not take away one of the
Shawn Lee walnut CA 91789 United States 8/7/2012 only areas that people can enjoy this still.
Barbara Kraus Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 8/7/2012 I have lived in Newport for 57 years and they are part of our local beach tradition!
We drive to the beach at least 10 times during the summer, not to mention the rest of the year. Staying later to watch the sunset and enjoy the
Kimberlie DuBois Chino CA 91710 United States 8/5/2012 firepits have been a family tradition since I was a child. Please reconsider your decision to eliminate the firepits. PLEASE.
Tired of a few newcomers trying to make Newport Beach into Pasadena! Sick of our pandering city council backing them. The air around fire rings
Raymond Gerbi Newport Beach CA 92662 United States 8/2/2012 has NOT been proven harmful to anyone who is around them.
Marilyn Elliott‐Lewis Rawlins WY 82301 United States 8/2/2012 All 5 of my kids are still in the area and this is where I grew up. I don't want to see them removed. It's a tradition!
It's a signature camping/community building activity. Especially dear to young ones, who Love "smores"!
It also serves as an incentive to come outdoors to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of our Lord's Creation!! Need I say more?
For over 30 years our family has enjoyed the firepits on Thursday nights during the summer. It has always been a family‐safe and teenager friendly
Caroline McCabe Santa Ana CA 92704 United States 8/1/2012 way to spend time together. Please don't take that from our grown‐up kids and their children who are now part of that family tradition!
Albert Barnett Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 7/31/2012 Another unnecessary government intrusion into our lives. The firepits are fun to some, and harmless to all.
Kathleen Luby Santan valley AZ 85143 United States 7/31/2012 Used to live and party in Newport, would hate to see the rings go. Good Memories. Please keep the fire rings. Thank‐You
I grew up in central Cali, and spent my teen years reading a book series set in Corona Del Mar. This translated into dreaming about spending
summers on the beach with my friends, hanging out around the fire rings and learning to surf. It took several years of hard work, but I live in So. Cal
now, and I do spend summer weekends at the beach learning to surf! Every year I join a group of friends for time at the same fire rings I read about
as a teen, and we enjoy hanging out and grilling, playing guitars and gorgeous sunsets. Please keep the fire pits. They've been a huge part of my
Laural Armster Long Beach CA 90803 United States 7/31/2012 dreams.
Cookouts at the CdM fire rings are a wonderful tradition for many Southern California families. My extended family come from all over the US,
building summer trips around a much‐anticipated and always memorable afternoon and evening on the beach at Big Corona. This activity draws
generations together ‐‐ we celebrate our lives, milestones and each other together at the fire rings. Cookouts there have always been a peaceful
Diane Cain Irvine CA 92604 United States 7/31/2012 and safe endeavor for us and for the many other families who enjoy the same. Keep the fire rings as they are!
I love to come use them, have a group of youth here today 7/31/12. We would go to a different beach. I work in Newport Beach & Love Corona del
Mary Spindler Placentia CA 92870 United States 7/31/2012 Mar. Please keep the fire pits!!
Martha Fluor Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 7/31/2012 Have used the fire pits in the past for family events. Wonderful family and friend activity.
I grew up in southern California and have 4 Grandchildren there, If we can't enjoy the fire‐pits on the Beach when I visit, Then maybe U have 1 in
JOSEPH CAIN GOLDEN CO 80402 United States 7/28/2012 you'r yard We can use?
Until I moved to Florida, for almost 15 years, I came to Corona Del Mar every Thursday evening during the summer to enjoy an evening with friends
and their families. At times we had three generations of family members at the same time. What a shame to remove the fire rings.
Isn't the California Costal Commission supposed to ensure all residents have access to the beaches for recreation. This would seem to be at least a
Michael Miller Winter Springs FL 32708 United States 7/28/2012 small step in the wrong direction and in conflict with its charter.
The fire pits are a gathering place for fun beach evenings, social times and making family memories. As such, they are a big part of our Southern
Rochelle McAleer Tustin, CA 92780 United States 7/28/2012 California culture. What a big mistake it would be to remove them !!
The Fire Rings have been an important part of my dear friends life for many many years. Each Thursday during the summer they reunite with
friends and family in the same spot. We always know where to find them. The mood on the beach is one of fun, love, and cherished memories
being made.
Please do not take this away from countless families who've discovered the magic of the fire pits and surrounding beach. It's a special place. One
Misty Bykowski Shelby Township MI 48317 United States 7/27/2012 that should be shared with ALL who wish to enjoy it.
Barry McAleer Orange CA 92869 United States 7/27/2012 For once, let reason be the determining factor, not MONEY!!!!
We have been coming to CDM on Thursday nights for the past 33 years. Our children were babies when we began this most enjoyable tradition.
They brought their friends, and now our grandchildren come, our children's friends with their little ones. We enjoy 6 to 10 summer Thursday nights
Linda Rauterkus Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 7/27/2012 at the pits. It is time for family and friends to get together and enjoy the beach and one another. Please don't remove the pits!
amy rodriguez Victorville CA 92392 United States 7/27/2012 u cant get rid of the pits!! Theyre awesome..
Emaan Baqai Irvine CA 92620 United States 7/26/2012 I love the fire pits!
Because it was a great opportunity and experience when I was out there for a seminar. It allowed our group to get to know each other in a
multitude of ways. I know how awesome of a place and experience it was for me and hope that others will be able to enjoy the same experiences
Alexander Rearick St. Louis MO 63119 United States 7/26/2012 as well. Please DO NOT take this amazing place and ALL it has to offer away. Thank You
Naomi Sahlstrom Tracy MN 56175 United States 7/26/2012 I have special memories from a cookout in a fire ring on these very beaches!!!
Sandi Bradford Williams Bay WI 53191 United States 7/26/2012 I enjoy this beach every's tradition to have a cook out. Please don't take the pits away...
These are the only beaches around me that are close in off that have fire pits. It makes going to the beach even more fun and specially at might its
Hilda Rodriguez Redlands CA 92373 United States 7/26/2012 the best when beaches have pits makes the whole thing even better!!!!!!!!
Joel Molitor Burlington WI 53105 United States 7/25/2012 I have spent entire days at the fire pits on our yearly visits to CA, and they have been wonderful.
Every summer we bring a group of Missionary Kids to Corona to enjoy a piece of true southern CA culture. We have been doing this for well over
15 years and it is a highlight of our program. We have always enjoyed our afternoon and evening around the fire...and the local people have been
Perry Bradford Williams Bay WI 53191 United States 7/25/2012 wonderful to us...and made us feel welcome. I hope that this time next year...we can still enjoy this southern CA cultural experience.
It's not southern California without bonfires! Traditions are started, memories made, smores and hot dogs roasted. Why would you want to take
Amanda Picard Irvine CA 92620 United States 7/24/2012 that away?!!!!
We visit family in California, and our fondest memories are the fires on the beaches. It's part of California's charm and draw. Please don't take that
Kimberley Hawker Halifax B4B 1S6 Canada 7/24/2012 away.
The beaches and firepits are as iconic to SoCal as Disneyland. Removing the fire pits would be destroying one of the key elements to the Southern
Matthew Kupferer Irvine CA 92620 United States 7/23/2012 California experience
My kids and I love going to Corona Del Mar and staying to cook hot dogs‐‐they look forward to it all year long. I love the pits at Corona Del Mar
Heidi Schemel Beaumont CA 92223 United States 7/21/2012 beach. It's a smaller beach, which I like for younger kids, and it's easier to meet up with friends. Please don't take away the fire pits.
since the 7th grade, My friends and I would go to the pits the Sat after school would be out for the summer. We've been doing that now for 17
years. Its become bigger and more meaningful than when we first started. Old friends now get together from around the country for this one day.
Haman Movafagh Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 7/17/2012 Old friends bringing there friends, and new friendships created. These pits mean so much us.
J. Poole Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 7/16/2012 This should remain a public amenity.
My family and a few other families go to Big Corona Beach annually to stay for the day and enjoy an evening of time around the fire and doing
smors. The kids absolutely love it and have a blast. We get there at 6 am to reserve our favorite pit. It would be a shame to see them removed. We
wouldn't return...we would just go to any beach. Big Corona is special because of it's fire pits..
randy workman glendora CA 91741 United States 7/16/2012
antonio barajas ontaio CA 91762 United States 7/15/2012 Stop the removal of 60 fire rings at Big Corona State Beach and Balboa.
The fire rings are a Newport Beach Land mark. They have been in place for well over 30 years. Many life long memories have been generated
Steve Bedaux Burbank CA 91505 United States 7/14/2012 there. The rings should remain, so more generations can enjoy.
The fire pits are what bring people to the beach and are a revenue to the city due to the cost of parking. As a member of the National Charity
League, our girls come and clean the beach as part of their philanthropic work and also want to come and enjoy an evening at the beach BBQing at
Donna Garrett 92867 United States 7/9/2012 the pits. The beaches do not belong to the homes along the coast, they belong to all residents of california to be enjoyed by all.
Beth Ulery Orange CA 92867 United States 7/9/2012 keep the Fire Rings at the beaches!!!!!
The fire pits have been a part of my family tradition for many years now. In the summertime my family has a reunion and we all sit around the pit
to roast s'mores. I would hate for the tradition to be lost. Hopefully you realize that there are many people out there sadend by this.
sandra grusman rancho cucamonga CA 91739 United States 7/9/2012 ‐Sandy
Going to the Carona del Mar beach is a tradition. The firepits include that tradition. We have spent many summer nights there BBQing and singing
Janice FitzGerald Irvine CA 92620 United States 7/9/2012 around the firepits. Don't take these great memories from future generations!
Going to the beach in the Summertime has been a family tradition for years. Sitting by the fire and talking and spending time together by the fire is
a great bond for my family and I. The kids like to make s'mores and it's just a great bond that I would hate to loose. I am signing this petition
because I think that it would be a terrible thing to break family time up. This is what i have to say about taking the pits out.
Marissa Grusman Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739 United States 7/7/2012 SAVE THE PITS!
I've been visiting New Port Beach beaches every week all summer since 1965 and the Fire Pits are just part of the enjoyment. Please save our fire
Marc McMenamin Flushing NY 11358 United States 7/7/2012 pits!
Loosing the fire pits is like loosing the dinner table! It is a special time to join together as family and friends to share your day. There is something
truly special out on the beach, smelling the salt air with sand between you toes and gazing into a roaring fire. Somehow all is good... California's
tamara spring Calabasas CA 91302 United States 7/7/2012 beaches have been enjoyed for centuries with the use of fire and should be for many years to come.
Victoria Cohenour North Las Vegas NV 89031 United States 7/6/2012 To keep the fire pits so that future generations can enjoy them.
There is actually public safety concerns if they remove these pits and I wonder if local police, firefighter, and paramedics have signed off on this.
The pits provide a safe, controlled environment for people to enjoy an evening at the beach with a traditional fire pit. Rogue beach fires outside of
marked fire‐pits are extremely dangerous and cause severe injuries to children who step on a fire pit that was not properly put out (putting it out
by covering the fire in sand is the worst thing one could do) by the gathering the night before. People will continue this tradition with or without
the fire pits. The question is if the city will do the responsible thing and allow a safe environment to do it. If they remove the safe pits, will they
Justin Miramontes Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 7/4/2012 accept partial responsibility for the searing of the next child or a tourists' feet?
Its been a family tradition for a couple of years now, to head to the beach and save a pit, so in the evening we can light it and make smores, and
Yvette Calderon Ontario CA 91762 United States 7/4/2012 relax!
These fire pits are a part of history and something that friends and families look forward to. When we tell people visiting from out of state "lets go
burn god at the beach" their jaws drop and they ask "you can light a fire at the beach?" and we tell them "only some of them". please don't remove
Charles wherritt Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 7/4/2012 this wonderful beach from that short unique list!
Eric Malyszka Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 7/4/2012 Because I enjoy them frequently!!
Bradford Gilliland Las Vegas NV United States 7/4/2012 This is part of the enjoyment of the beach.
I have spent many wonderful nights utilizing these beaches and fire rings. Now my children and grandchildren deserve to create similar memories
for their families. Improve what has been a beautiful & enjoyable place for thousands of people for many years. STOP THE STUPIDITY! Fix or
zane mayer McCloud CA 96057 United States 7/4/2012 improve, DO NOT remove!
Travis Hill Irvine CA 92617 United States 7/3/2012 The firepits are my summer life. How fun will CDM be without fire to cook our wienies?!
Jennifer Hagen Irvine CA 92606 United States 7/3/2012 Hey a**holes don't take the pits away!
The Fire Pits are a fun part of our local beach culture and we should definitely keep them. Sounds like most of the arguments to remove them are
coming from a few snooty rich people that don't like the "smell". They were here before you bought your waterfront mansion. If you don't like em.
Jonathan Monte United States 7/3/2012 MOVE.
This is wrong ! Very wrong. Think of the loss of family traditions, community activities, regional events, all the young lovers ending a perfect date
night...I can go on...and on...
Paul Smith Fullerton CA 92831 United States 7/3/2012 Bottom line, it wrong.
Alissa Medart Whittier CA 90603 United States 7/2/2012 The fire pits are a great beach activity. Do not take that away from us!!
Mari Bell Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 6/28/2012 The fire pits are a great gathering place for CdM friends and families.
Teresa Bell Henderson NV 89074 United States 6/28/2012 We had so much fun around the firepits as kids. The only problem was getting there early enough to snag one for our group.
As a resident since 1967, I resent any action that tries to "remove" that which has become part of our simple freedoms and pleasures in Balboa.
Ted Mortenson Balboa CA 92661 United States 6/23/2012 Our tradition in Balboa does not support this kind of nonsense, and our tolerance of others needs to greatly expand.
carolyn snyder Kalispell MT 59901 United States 6/23/2012 All suffer for the few
Julie Reinbold Sandpoint ID 83864 United States 6/22/2012 Memories and hopefully! future memories for me and everyone else who would experience a bonfire at the beach.
Genevueve Hunt Happy Valley OR 97086 United States 6/22/2012 It Is a tradition since I lived there and parents need to be more observant about there children near fires and embers.
Oh, why would you take away something that has been there for years and years Our family and grandparents far back have enjoyed the simple
ways of life, (which is so hard to find amongst video games and texting) forever. It is what makes this beach what it is!!!! Whoever is thinking of
this, know that east coasters come to this beach for this reason. IT provides night time memories . This is what brings back memories of story times
with family, and brings back those we have lost thru bon fires with the family. There is no need to change something not broken. Thats what makes
cheryl arend newtown CA 6470 United States 6/21/2012 BAlboa ,Balboa!!!!
Fire rings are long time tradition for Southern California beach goers. Any potential negative impact of fire ring use (pollution, hot coals, etc.) is
Richard Purpura Orange CA 92867 United States 6/18/2012 more than offset by the enjoyment of there users.
Donna O'Donoghue Brisbane 4060 Australia 6/16/2012 The fire pits made my last vacation very memorable. I would like to see them retained as local families enjoyed them so much.
My children and I live just a couple blocks from the beach in CDM. We love using the firepits to make s'mores and have family fun. It is one of the
Jennifer Allen Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 6/15/2012 main reasons why we choose this beach to live near. We would be really disappointed to see these taken out.
People come from all over Southern California to visit Big Corona, to have a picnic on the beach and cook‐out in these fire pits. The fire pits have
been there since I was a child (I was born here in 1949). It is a shame that the City of Newport Beach would want to remove such a family‐friendly
Charles Masters Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 6/14/2012 feature of Corona del Mar.
Lynn Matzenger Oxnard CA 93033 United States 6/12/2012 These are what made out beach experiences growing up. Roasting marshmellows and singing aroung the fire.....
One of the best parts of our traditional summer trips to the beach is the bonfire ‐ roasting hot dogs and making s'mores. I grew up at the So Cal
Diana Rivera Moreno Valley CA 92557 United States 6/12/2012 beaches and now my son has grown up there ‐ it just won't be the same if you remove the pits. Please keep them!!
Marilyn Scott‐Waters Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 6/12/2012 Cook outs on the beach with my family are the best part of summer. Beaches are for everyone.
Louise Rose Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 6/12/2012 There must be another way to keep the pits safe. Taking them away takes away my rights as a citizen to enjoy our oceans.
I am signing this petition because the solution to the vaguely stated reasons for their removal is extreme. The people misusing the fire pits are the
minority. I attended UC Irvine 2005‐2010 and used the fire pits several times during the years for networking and recreational events and never
witnessed any problems. If the stated misuse of the fire pits is a true issue then a compromise needs to be made to maintain the fire pits while
providing adequate oversight of the rules. As a frequent user of the fire pits, I pledge to participate in peaceful and non‐violent protests until a
compromise solution, resulting in the decision to keep the fire pits, is reached.
The removal of these fire pits will be the death of a tradition enjoyed by many generations. My children will no longer be able to enjoy cooking
Krissy Danforth Upland CA 91786 United States 6/5/2012 s'mores over the fire, and I feel this is a huge loss to what it considered a huge cultural staple in Southern California.
Tom Whitney Fullerton CA 92831 United States 6/4/2012 I want the fire tradition to continue!
Big Corona and the fire rings are a big part of my memories growing up. This was the only beach my mom would bring my sister and I to during the
summer and where we would bring out of town guests. We would BBQ and enjoy the fire pit in the evening.
Later in life it was a dream come true what my husband and I where fortunate enough to buy a place in the village where we could spend the
Jenifer Russo Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 6/3/2012 summers with our young sons. At night when I see the fire p
Steve Crouch Orange CA 92869 United States 6/2/2012 Many memories at these fire rings. Good to keep for the community.
Elaine Mullen‐Barrett Laguna Beach CA 92651 United States 6/1/2012 I'm so sick of governmen ruining everything we love.
I am a third generation Big Corona firepit lover! Church groups, college groups and families enjoy the firepits there. Other issues need to be
Leslie Rolsheim Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 5/31/2012 addressed, not the firepits.
Closing the pits is part of dismantling the family culture that Newport Beach was built on. Remember the Fun Zone, its history is what popularized
Mark King Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 5/30/2012 the peninsula.
So many happy memories around the firepits with my family and friends. Even when I was a youth in San Diego and for the past 27 years in Orange
Carole Call Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 5/30/2012 County at Huntington and Newport. Please keep the rings.
The fire pits are a long standing community traditional. Countless family gatherings, birthday parties, youth groups, etc have gathered and bonded
over "bonfires" at the beach. Who in Southern California who has grown up near the beach does not have fond memories of those summer nights
spent around the bonfire listening to the waves, taking in the salty air, and just feeling the ultimate essence of SUMMER! The nearby homeowners
do not have a right to limit the public's use and enjoyment of the beach. They knew about beach use, including the fire pits, when they moved
there. If they don't like it, they can move somewhere else! If there are issues with the fire pits, they can be resolved in another way. This unique
Karin Garell Newport Beach CA 92657 United States 5/30/2012 experience should be preserved for the generations to come!!
Connie Cannon Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 United States 5/30/2012 Shouldn't a decision like this be on a ballot??
The fire pits at the beach are a great tradition that my family and I have come to enjoy each year. We have used them to teach our scouts how to
Jennifer Harris Irvine CA 92617 United States 5/29/2012 build a fire. It would be sad to see them go.
This is a terrible idea! I have lived in Newport beach for 45 years and still enjoy a fire ring cook out with family and friends. Good clean fun, it is one
of the nice things about being at the beach. Enjoying a sunset while cooking hot dogs, playing football, eating smores!
Laurie Tooch Newport beach CA 92663 United States 5/26/2012 Let's not take away any more of our freedoms to unfounded fears!!
we've been using the fire pits for 40years
gladys julia smith huntington beach CA 92648 United States 5/25/2012
Randy Duarte Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 5/25/2012 As long time residents of Newport, we enjoy the use of these fire pits regularly.
I have been a resident of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine for a total of 54 years and have enjoyed countless evenings at Big Corona Beach
with friends and family around the fire rings. It's a part of our local history and I would really hate to see them removed. It is a State beach and I
know many come from other Orange County communities to enjoy campfires on the beach. Public access and enjoyment of the fire rings should be
Kerry Lamperts Irvine CA 92604 United States 5/25/2012 preserved.
As a long time former resident of Newport Beach, and a annual beach house renter, I would be very disappointed to lose the fire rings. Mixed use
John Kalucki San Francisco CA 94114 United States 5/25/2012 consistent with conservation is the highest use for the beach, not just what is convenient for the NBPD and certain neighbors.
Beaches are a natural beauty that everyone should be allowed to enjoy. This is a clear case of a few social elites dictating access to the greater
Kristina Ruiz‐Mesa Boulder CO 80302 United States 5/25/2012 population.
Going to the local beach has always been a major part of my summer and the evenings would never be the same if we were to never be able to
have a BBQ ever again. Hopefully, the tens of thousands of beach goer can help rally together to keep this Orange County tradition for the years to
Andrew Craft Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 5/24/2012 come.
We have lived in California all our lives and most of our Summers spent on the beach enjoying the ocean breeze and conversations around the
bonfires, it is a tradition we hope to pass onto our children as Californians! Pretty soon we wont even be able to lay out our blankets on the sand
Courtney Urquiza Rancho Cucamonga CA 91729 United States 5/24/2012 and watch our children building sand castles!!!
Peter Jensen Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 5/24/2012 I love having fires at the beach!
Because our children have the right to experience what we did as kids. Help stop a few property owners from taking this experience away from our
Ron Bergstrom Huntington Beach CA 92649 United States 5/24/2012 children and grandchildren.
this is a safe and fun FAMILY activity
let's be responsible people
laura pell irvine CA 92612 United States 5/24/2012 let's save the southern califronia tradition!
We love being able to keep warm on an evening outing to the beach as well as to have hot dogs, smores etc. Please don't remove the pits. Keep
Beverly Ganiere costa mesa CA 92626 United States 5/24/2012 the beach Family Friendly.
Because the fire pits are a longstanding part of the beach experience that my family has enjoyed for years. I haven't yet heard a valid argument to
Mary McDaniel Riverside CA 92503 United States 5/24/2012 remove them. Air quality, beach safety, unwanted visitors, etc. will be an issue with or without the pits. Let's preserve and encourage family time.
I have been going to this beach for over 20 years ‐ meeting with friends every week over a bonfire dinner. I even met my husband here. Why on
earth would we want to take away the ability to connect with our friends and family in such a healthy and beautiful environment? Will the city try
Jan McQueen Huntington Beach CA 92648 United States 5/24/2012 to take away beach access next? It isn't even the city's beach ‐ it's a STATE beach.
Jeanette Lamar davis CA 95616 United States 5/24/2012 Our family has used these fire pits for years. It's a wonderful family outing we all look forward to no matter how old we get.
bj Chandler Tustin CA 92782 United States 5/24/2012 Lots of fun for all ages!
I really dont get the whole idea of removing the fire pits... if you're a native to southern ca. then you have childhood/teenage and young adult
Erin Reyes Hesperia CA 92345 United States 5/23/2012 memories of nights at the fire pits... what do our state beaches have against fire pits and the people who love them??
I want the State/County beaches and parks to be available for use by all. Private Newport Beach residents may choose to do what they want in
their own backyards but they have no business passing laws to restrict the use of fire pits in public beach parks. They knew fully well all the hazards
(smoke, etc) when they bought their beach homes. Besides, who are they kidding about a fire hazard? Have you seen how far the pits are from the
Anirudh Thakore Irvine CA 92620 United States 5/23/2012 homes?
Mike Maynard Irvine CA 92620 United States 5/23/2012 We want to enjoy a fire by the beach still
Roberta Palfini Irvine CA 92614 United States 5/23/2012 We have so many wonderful family memories with beach cook‐outs. Don't take the fire rings away!!!
Scott Rychnovsky Irvine CA 92617 United States 5/23/2012 It is a great community activity for our youth.
I think they tried this in Huntington Beach not too long ago, and it got shot down because people were outraged at such an asinine measure by City
Council members. Perhaps someone can verify that. In any case, fire rings, picnics and barbecues on the beach are a huge part of the fun of going
to the beach. Why would they even think about removing them? We don't elect these people so they can take away a basic freedom, to go out and
Raymond Hart Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 5/23/2012 have a fire ring picnic on the beach. What is the matter with these people?
we grew up with cooking hamburgers roasting marshmellows dont stop this for all the kids !
Kathleen Rios‐Keala Foothill ranch CA 92610 United States 5/23/2012
I grew up there and visit often, our family gets together at the beach around the fire pit.
Renee' Dubbert Johnstown CO 80534 United States 5/23/2012 Sad that you are trying to do this!
David Gruver Norton OH 44203 United States 5/23/2012 The fire rings are always a big part of my visits to the of the main reasons I visit the beaches!!
The fire pits have always been a place for wholesome gatherings of friends to eat, talk, and relax at the beach. I've never observed any suspicious
activity, and mostly I've seen families, church gatherings, and groups of friends using the pits. If the noise of good conversation and fun disturbs the
residents, let them be reminded that it is a state beach and that the land belongs to all taxpayers of California, not just the ones who can afford to
live within sight of the beach. In any case, people have to leave by 10pm ‐ how does that keep residents up at night? One final point ‐ even if there
is a rare occurrence fight or suspicious activity ‐ have we developed into such a risk averse society that we would ban the free use of the pits for
Sean Moro Irvine CA 92617 United States 5/23/2012 thousands because of the bad decisions of a few miscreants?
Jia Liu Irvine CA 92617 United States 5/23/2012 Great place for students to go with friends.
We love to bring out Cub Scout pack down to the beach every year. For many boys this this the only opportunity they have to participate in a
Marcy Billings Irvine CA 92606 United States 5/23/2012 beach bonfire. Please consider putting parameters in place so the fire pits are not removed. Thank you
I see the fire pits gone from some of the beaches I used to go to and the amount of fire pit availability dwindle over the years. I understand the
inherent liabilities and assets we all have in choosing a place to live. Because I have lived here in Southern California all my life, and anyone else
who lives here knows, there are certain facts about living close to the beach... There is an incredible abundance of people visiting the beaches
during the summertime. There is a lack of parking places. There is traffic on PCH. There are fire pits and some smoke associated with them. If
people are complaining about the smoke, close your windows on the east, west and south sides of your homes.
I guarantee you have lived there at least as long as the fire pits have been there, so you knew this was just a part of your home and where you
live. It has not gotten worse, if anything it has gotten better since the fire pits are extinguished by 10:00.
Do people not realize our rights are being taken away slowing and methodically?
This most recent city meeting was attended by advocates to remove these 60 fire pits.
When will this stop? When our children tell their children, "I remember when we used to be able to walk on the sand and swim in the ocean." ?
If everyone would text, Facebook and email this to everyone they know, maybe this can be stopped.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
And don't just tell those who enjoy our beaches and fire pits here in Southern California, tell those that visit here from other states. I know when
my relatives or friends visit, we will usually try to make it down to the beach for a final bonfire.
I have had the opportunity to use the beach while visiting my family who live in Lakewood. I found the beaches and the firerings to very useful and
well taken care of. I live near a national forest and know some of what its like to have to take care of the environment while trying to provide the
John Fleming Porterville CA 93257 United States 5/22/2012 public the ability to use that environment which was meant for everyone's use not just a select few.
These are our beaches to enjoy, which I have been doing for 40 years, including regular campfires at the beach. Do not deny us this simple
Barbara Ginsberg Irvine CA 92606 United States 5/22/2012 opportunity to enjoy camaraderie of family and friends in the evenings at the beach.
Harrison Bachman irvine CA 92617 United States 5/22/2012 I and my friends love hanging out at the fire pits at Corona and it would be a shame to see them go.
I was born and raised in Orange County (I lived in Newport Beach from 3rd thru 5th grade) I grew up coming to the beach and enjoying the fire pits
regularly. I brought by own sons there as kids too. There was nothing more fun then a day at the fun zone and beach followed by the night time fire
and weenie roast. My church youth group has had many sing along's around the fire pits too. I cannot believe the NERVE of the locals who think a
Celaine Gruver Norton OH 44203 United States 5/22/2012 PUBLIC BEACH should be ruled by them! NO WAY! I say SAVE THE PITS!!!!!!!
Beaches and fire pits in So. Cal. go hand‐in‐hand. So many individuals and groups look forward to summer beach "bonfires." A lot of us have grown
up with them and have many fond memories of those times cooking and singing and hanging out around them. I would guess that the statistics
comparing the number of issues regarding firepits vs. the total number of people who go to the beach and use them are small. It would a shame to
Eliot Hansen Westminster CA 92683 United States 5/22/2012 remove the fire pits.
The beaches belong to all the people not just the rich and famous. I've been going to the beach fire pits since I was a little girl and now I go with my
Cherrin L. Druschel Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 5/22/2012 grandchildren.
Such great childhood and young adult memories around a fire ring after a great day at the beach. Our youth needs to have some place to hang out
Beatrice Jamieson Phillips Ranch CA 91766 United States 5/22/2012 that is safe and wholesome!
These fire pits have been a part of my life growing up and I want all my children to enjoy the same outdoor beach adventures. It's tradition for so
Michelle Craghead Newport /beach CA 92663 United States 5/22/2012 many families especially us California Natives. My family has been here 7 generations. Don't take away our family traditions.
Fires on the beach is a California family tradition; something unique to our corner of the country. Taking the fire rings away would be just as bad as
Dwight Gergens Fountain Valley CA 92708 United States 5/22/2012 removing all the piers (don't get any ideas). It's part of our culture, and heritage.
We enjoy the fire pits as we have our marching band "end of Band Camp, start of the School year" bonfire there. This is one of the long standing
Michelle Kobzeff Irvine CA 92604 United States 5/22/2012 traditions we have in or marching band and removing the fire pits would be a shame.
Save the Fire Pits at Corona del Mar and all of the Newport Beachs that have them. They form wonderful memories to families and bond people
together...the scouts, church youth, people that live far from the beach. These are public beaches and because some of the "few" entitled
Gerry Hardin Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 5/22/2012 residents dont want it, they protest. These are public beachs for the public use.
Jeff Rhoads Orange CA 92869‐251 United States 5/21/2012 I love the tradition of beach parties with a fire.
Wayne Martin Anaheim CA 92801 United States 5/21/2012 I remember this as a kid, and have done it every other year as an adult
I grew up in Npt and Big Corona always had the fire [its. I look forward to visiting my extended family and going to the beach in the evening for a
Fredric Rhoads Chicago IL 60601 United States 5/21/2012 fire. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO REMOVE THEM?
I and my family were Balboa residents for 23
years and my son for another 20 years and
these rings have been a healthy part of that
Dale E. McCoig Ben OR 97702 United States 5/21/2012 culture. They should remain so for present and future families.
Yet another sad example of government trying to run our lives.
Mike Hougan Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/21/2012 This is a completely unnecessary action.
I had Boy Scout events there as a kid, I've celebrated numerous birthday parties there, I've performed obnoxious comedy routines there, my
twelfth grade class organized our own sendoff party there, but most importantly I've told stories, made friends, and had more than one decent
laugh in the crackling glow of those fires. Removal of these fire rings would be like cutting out a little part out of each of us. I am reminded of all
the great attractions my grandparents got to enjoy that I never will, and I would think that we would've learned our lesson so as to avoid doing the
Erik Ringman Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 5/20/2012 same thing to our future children.
Gladys J. Smith huntington beach CA 92648 United States 5/20/2012 the firepits are part of our families summers and have been for over 40 years
I have spent many pleasant evenings with family and friends over the years around a fire at CDM. I hate to see another family friendly feature
Thomas Nash Huntington Beach CA 92646 United States 5/20/2012 disappear from our area.
You can not legislate common sense nor should you legislate for the benefit of a privileged few. If that were the case, there would be an arm and
signal at every railroad crossing and Ocean Blvd would be blocked to vehicular traffic. Hundreds of thousands of people, some not so privileged,
are able to enjoy the beaches and partake in age old festivities such as swimming, Frisbee and even cooking a hot dog over an open fire. This is
done at the expense of everyone who resides in California not at the expense of the privileged few. Beach goers are already restricted from
smoking, drinking alcohol,
playing with their dogs and must abide by a curfew. Enough is enough. To placate the few, you will punish many including your house keeper, your
Robert Boragno Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/17/2012 gardener, your buss boy, your paper boy, your car wash guy and maybe even the 100,000 residents of Newport Beach. Keep the fire rings.
I spent every Summer there as a child, from the early morning hours to the evening cookouts on the firepits...and was then able to continue the
tradition on with my son.....many wonderful memories were made there!
Susan Lunny Fort Walton Beach FL 32548 United States 5/17/2012
Why remove a public service item just because people can't use common sense!! We're having the same problem here in Huntington Beach.
Frank Daniels Huntington Beach CA 92646 United States 5/17/2012 People get killed in auto accidents but we don't eliminate cars!!
Growing up, beach bonfires, s'mores, and family are all such wonderful influential memories I have in Southern California. We should be
Peter Bretschger Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/17/2012 promoting facilities that promote the concept of family, community, and enjoyment of our natural resources; not removing them.
Christine Anderson Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 5/16/2012 This is great family fun! It would be a shame to lose this wonderful family activity.
We need MORE, not less, places where we can gather with family and friends‐‐particularly outdoors, and in a safe environment. Big Corona seems
a perfect spot where we can get together to enjoy the "great outdoors", the beauty of this special beach, and the long‐standing tradition of sitting
Dennis Keith Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/16/2012 around wonderful beach bonfires. The fire rings belong here, and need to stay!!
CDM like every beach on the Golden Coast ‐ has a special meaning to thousands of folks across the nation. I have friends from Indiana to South
Africa that have joined our family on this beach for a mutltude of summer events. The NIMBY's can't wake up one day and realize there is "wood
smoke' in the air and be shocked it is coming from the beach. Guess I should have the rail tracks relocated cuz after I moved into our home I
Joseph Vieyra Irvine CA 92604 United States 5/16/2012 realized there is train traffic at 3am. Fire Rings make a fun, safe place for family and friends to share the California Dream.
Having a beach bon fire gathering of friends and family is one of my favorite all time things to do in life. It's a guaranteed great time had by all, and
Doreen Paul Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 5/16/2012 removing them from any beach would be horrible.
I was born in Laguna Beach and lived all of my life in Southern California until 1996. Beach picnics are one of the best memories, especially sitsing
around a fire after spending the day in the water!
I was born and raised in So Cal....and I lived in Newport Beach for 20 years. I moved to Nashville 5 years ago but I still consider myself a beach girl.
The pits at Big Corona are such a part of the beach experience there....they need to stay!! I get back to Newport several times a year and I would
Janice Sauter Nashville TN 37215 United States 5/16/2012 hate for the fire pits to be gone. Summer at Big Corona just wouldn't be the same without the fire pits.
It would be a shame to remove this tradition of enjoying a bon fire at the beach. I understand that it costs the City money, but they just spent
Patti Taketa Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/16/2012 MILLIONS on new City buildings. We pay taxes and should not be denied this simple pleasure.
Linda Williams Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/16/2012 Long time resident and user of Big Corona Beach.
So much is and has been taken away for the easy way life could be. when memiores are taken away and stories become a pass the way it use to
be....and we ask how come our kids sit in front of the tv and not get out fresh air. ...this is one of the reason... why I ask take these firerings
katherine Cervantes Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 5/16/2012 away???a family/ friends time with nature, God has created for us to enjoy. the rings...who do they hurt... no one . please keep them....
philip solomone La Mirada CA 90638 United States 5/15/2012 We come down and use the fire rings for family events.
mike Ritter Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/15/2012 They are for the public, not the residents who live at the beach.
I was born and raised in Newport Beach. Having summer beach fires is a large part of what makes life worth living. To remove these fire pits is a
travesty and crime against tradition. We will never get them back; our grandchildren will never know the joy of a summer beach party with
Timothy MontgomeryCoto de Caza CA 92679 United States 5/15/2012 smores. Shame on the City of Newport Beach! STOP THIS NOW!!
If these people don't want their children to get hurt running into fire pits, they should teach their children & keep a better eye on them as to not
Xuan Nguyen Royal Oak MI 48073 United States 5/15/2012 injure themselves by carelessly playing around.
There are public property we are the public. We use them and we use them responsibly. NIMBYS who hate everything the USA stands for take
Dan Morgan Huntington Beach 92841 United States Min 5/15/2012 away American traditions to satiate their own emotional immaturity and fear.
Sandra Munoz Santa Ana CA 92706 United States 5/15/2012 I love an evening on the beach around the fire ring with good friends and food. Let us be responsible for our actions.
I have always loved enjoy these recreational bonfire pits with my family, furthermore I would love to continue to do so with my grandson that will
Teresa Romero Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 5/15/2012 be born in a few months time!
The pits are Newport Beach. Don't further limit public enjoyment of the beach. This is being done to appease people who built homes near the
Karen Muller Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 5/15/2012 pits, when the pits were already there. This has to stop ‐ these people do not own the beach. It belongs to the public.
All throughout my childhood and adult life I have enjoyed the fire pits at Corona State Beach and Balboa Beach as well. They are a part of the
Susan La Morte Eastvale CA 92880 United States 5/15/2012 character of those beaches and should be preserved for all visitors to enjoy.
Our family has enjoyed the fire pits ever since we arrived in Newport‐Mesa in 1976. I have yet to see any sound reason for why they should be
removed. I suspect that the wish to remove them is another exclusionary move on the part of the wealthy to discourage ordinary folk from using
Robert Newsom Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 5/15/2012 our beaches.
STOP taking away things! Teach people how to use them instead and stop trying to control every bit of fun at the beach. It IS our culture. DO NOT
Corinne AndersonSch Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 5/15/2012 take that away from us!
I live in Irvine now and have been taking my kids to the fire pits since they were young. My daughter's birthdays were always at the fire pits. She's
steve holt parker CO 80138 United States 5/15/2012 17 now, and we'd like to continue the tradition as well as have other people enjoy them.
Greg Reinker Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 5/15/2012 A unique tradition. Also probably makes more money for the City in parking fees than the cost ($50k/year per Nancy Gardner).
Monica Fiedler Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 5/15/2012 They have been a meeting place for years, a means to enjoy to out‐of‐doors in an ever more urbanized world.
julianne villalba RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 9.17E+08 United States 5/15/2012 we love the fire pits!
If some people that live close by don't like them, they should not have purchased there. This is about quality of life with friends, families and
children. Just the idea of a beach fire is a warming thought. I have wonderful memories of those beach fire rings and am upset that if the city
council has their way that future generations will not share the same special love for an evening at the beach. It makes me wonder if who ever
voted on this has never experienced it. Pretty soon, where else will the public be able to go? It's too easy to take away and impossible to get it
Michael Smith Irvine CA 92604 United States 5/15/2012 back. Please stop and think.
I use to live in Newport Beach for over 20 years, and I would take my kids down to the beach there as a family and with small groups of friends..
morey robert san juan capistrano CA 92675 United States 5/15/2012 What is this society coming to that we have to stop doing wholesome family activities because of maybe a few bad apples...
Sadly, public beach use is constantly compromised by posh hotel and residential developments and some beach side residents who feel entitled to
limiting access to others. Growing up and now raising a family in Orange County I have many fond memories of my family and friends using these
Wendy Torres Irvine CA 92620 United States 5/14/2012 beach pits. Please don't take away a public amenity for the sake of a few.
Rick Stafford Balboa CA 92661 United States 5/14/2012 part of beach heritage ‐ focal point for wholesome beach gatherings after dark
Brian Allen Huntington Beach CA 92646 United States 5/14/2012 I love the fire pits and we enjoy taking our family to the beach to do so.
Brad Thomas Lake Forest CA 92630 United States 5/14/2012 Many great family cookouts at Big Carona. Other cities are removing them and there almost extinct.
I have spent countless hours at those fire pits with my family and friends with no problem what so ever. The people who are afraid of wood smoke
BRET STOUT PLACENTIA CA 92870 United States 5/14/2012 need professional mental help!
Rick Holt Anaheim CA 92802 United States 5/14/2012 This is not the time to put a stop to low cost entertainment for the public.
There is no VALID reason to remove the fire pits. "Wood smoke harmuful to health"? What a joke!! The fire pits have made people happy for
decades creating many special memories of family and friends. Lets move in the RIGHT DIRECTION for once and not take this SPECIAL TRADITION
away from THE PEOPLE. Who's idea was this? I wouldnt want to hang out with that person. I have high school memories around those fire rings.
Shayne Smith Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 5/14/2012 It would be a shame if the young people now couldn't experience the same thing.
I remember for 30 years my family would go to the fire rings at B street. The removal of the rings would just be another example of NIMBY and the
William Ramlo Santa Ana CA 92707 United States 5/14/2012 Nanny State.
Mike Jones Huntingtonn Beach CA 92646 United States 5/14/2012 I enjoy nights around a beach fire ring . A cheap so cal tradition.
Candace Leutzinger Anaheim CA 92806 United States 5/13/2012 if you have a problem with people having fun on the beach, then move!
I am a Corona Del Mar resident who enjoys the fire rings each summer. We have Boy Scout and Company gatherings at the beach because of the
fire rings. There is nothing like sitting around the fire with friends. People have been sitting around fires since the discovery of fire. This is just part
Fred Fourcher Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/12/2012 of being human.
I recently moved to Newport Beach from Carlsbad, CA. My new place is just two houses and some sand away from the fire pits. The pits were a
perk to the location. They were a reason to be here‐‐to have a campfire with friends; to see the fires burning in the night; and to live in such a
community. It brings people together. Those residents who object to the fire pits have miles of beach on which they could have lived. The removal
Andrew Contreiras Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 5/9/2012 of the fire pits affects everyone.
The Pits are part of of the charm and the family spirit here in CDM. Please don't let the tourists dictate our community. Security and stiff fines
Diane Valdies Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/7/2012 should help . Thank you.
Michaelyn Pouncey Tracy CA 95376 United States 5/7/2012 I grew up going to these fire pits all the time and I still go and take my kids every time we are in town.
We have to make sure we voice our opinion so our Council members know how to support us on this issue. We will be watching closely...the
john bryant Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 5/4/2012 majority want the pits to stay.
The National Marshmallow Roasters Institute (NMRI) supports saving the fire pits on all California Beaches, in service to roasters everywhere. ‐
Jerry Grinstead Citrus Heights CA 95621 United States 4/29/2012 President, NMRI
I see a trend of removal of everything in California, inaccessible access and locked gates to everything is a familiar thing everywhere I go. The
public is losing access to every natural environment. I am a land developer and a nature photographer. Some things should be preserved, but not
robert amond northridge CA 91326 United States 4/28/2012 locked up or removed. and lastly I remember being a child and having fires on the beach, a fond memory
Those fire pits have sentimental values to alot of people, i don't know about anyone else but when we were younger we had a blast at the pits,
partied hard ,hooked up numerous times, just plan good times, besides that its not a fire hazard so whats the big deal, who ever wants it removed
Bobby Favaro tustin CA 92780 United States 4/20/2012 has never really got the chance to truly enjoy them or they are just ASSHOLES
My whole life I have enjoyed going to the beach and making a fire to warm up after playing in the ocean. I can't believe anyone would want to take
this simple pleasure and make it illegal. It could only come from people that have never experienced the serenity of watching a sunset by the fire
John Capone Irvine CA 92612 United States 4/19/2012 while the kids play. What a shame
Here is one form of family fun as no other. We are blessed to be close enough to gather and enjoy beachside firepits and it is PREMIUM family fun.
DeAnna Risinger Yorba Linda CA 92886 United States 4/19/2012 To have this prohibittted in the future would be a huge injustice to us all!
David Ray Felton CA 95018 United States 4/19/2012 I have enjoyed countless meaningful fires at those rings. They make the beaches useful and magical.
It is a lasting positive memory everyone should have. How many of our kids will NEVER go camping in their whole lives. This simple of a thing gives
so much joy on so many levels to so many, Please don't take this away from us too. We need positive activities for our youth I propose that more
Teresa Taylor Canyon Country CA 91387 United States 4/19/2012 fire rings be installed, Do I hear a second on that???
Bert Grandia Westminster CA 92683 United States 4/18/2012 I enjoy having the opportunity to light a fire at the beach with the kids. People (humans) do happen to live on this earth too.
john campbell balboa CA 92661 United States 4/17/2012 I have many memories of being next to a fire and listening to the waves. Please do not steal this thrill from future generations.
From Boy Scouts to beach parties I have many fond memories of hot dogs and marshmallows, skits and songs, lemonade and root beer at the
Newport Beach fire rings at Balboa Beach. The first time I ever had a s'more was at a beachfront fire ring with my stepmother's girl scout troop.
Then‐Fountain Valley Mayor Bernie Svalstad was in attendance.
Used to work at the Stop n Go on PCH and Balboa when Anna (everyone called her 'Grandma') owned the place.. A generous share of our patrons
were beachgoers who'd stop in for a pack of hot dogs, a beer or a soda... or a trunkfull of ice for their fire‐ring get‐togethers. Some of these people
came as far away as San Bernardino... even out‐of‐state! Weddings, family‐reunions, even funerals. Some of my more cherished memories were
getting together for singing fests with a bunch of friends and aquaintences from high‐school and college at those fire pits.
NEVER ran into a melee on Balboa Beach in twenty‐five plus years..
I've been in NB for 30 yrs and find the city lovely. A quintessential joy associated with our beaches are the evening fire pit gatherings. I've never
noticed the scene to be much more than quiet, easy and so Newport. On occasion, people get loud, silly, maybe dance (oh no!) or forget to pick up
June Marchigiani Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/30/2012 their trash. But the beach‐front home owners should not be dictating public enjoyment on the public beaches, City Council members!
I am 51 years old and have lived in California all my life. Some of my favorite memories are picnics at the beach with my Grand Parents and
watching the sun go down. It's a tradition we have continued with our children. Most recently celebrating my daughter's 18th birthday with
Peter Mowery Mission Viejo CA 92692 United States 3/29/2012 smores and a bonfire. Please keep the fire rings. Don't let a few irresponsible people ruin it for us and future generations.
The fire pits are a part of Orange County tradition. The last thing our county needs is to have more of its history of beach culture ripped from it.
William Sharpe Irvine CA 92620 United States 3/29/2012 Orange County is becoming too sanitized and bland. We need to keep the local flavor alive, and the fire pits are an essential piece of that.
The fire pit have been a part of Balboa since I was a young child and I think every kid should get to experience roasting marshmallows on the beach
Mark Franco Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 3/29/2012 the same way I did.
I have so many incredible childhood and adult memories at this beach. Taking away these pits would destroy one of the best destinations in
Puya Vakili Irvine CA 92603 United States 3/28/2012 Orange County and most definitely hurt local economies which depend on the tourism generated by those using the pits.
Brian Lusher King George VA 22485 United States 3/28/2012 Love the beach culture, don't change it.
Baron Night Buena Park CA 90621 United States 3/28/2012 I have lived in Orange County since 1957. The fire pits have been used for family outings for decades.
It is utterly amaing the beligerent destructive agenda the newport beach city council seems determined to impose on the good nature of the
michael billings newport beach CA 92663 United States 3/28/2012 character and appeal of newport beach over the years. Impeach them all and boycott any of their professional and business dealings
The fire pits offered a safe, fun activity for me to enjoy as a child and a teenager growing up in Orange County. I would hate to see this taken away
Linda Rife Tustin CA 92780 United States 3/27/2012 from future children and families. If teenagers don't have these kinds of low cost, safe activities available, what is left for them?
Nathan Copier Logan UT 84321 United States 3/27/2012 Why remove them? I don't see any logical explanation for this.
This is ridiculous! What possible benefit could possibly outweigh the obvious negative effect on the local community? The nanny‐state apparatchiks
Charles Rogerson Staines TW18 2SR United Kingdom 3/27/2012 need to butt out.
amber brown NRH TX 76180 United States 3/27/2012 They are the best for late gatherings on the beach with your friends. Not only a way to keep warm but to build memories.
I grew up in Newport Beach. The fire rings were part of our growing up. May not mean anything to people outside of the area, but for us, it's
ROBERT Hays Agoura Hills CA 91301 United States 3/27/2012 history. Please keep them.
Aaron Black irvine CA 92620 United States 3/27/2012 the cdm fire pit are a second home to me and i would be petrified if they where gone.
bonfires at the beach are the best memories i have from growing up in orange county and it would not be the same if they weren't there
Allen Ho Irvine CA 92620 United States 3/27/2012 anymore...
Christopher Nguyen Irvine CA 92620 United States 3/27/2012 The fire rings are one of the best parts of living in orange county! If anything, we should add additional fire rings.
Sue Crapo Kaysville UT Km m ,J840United States 3/27/2012 It is a great tradition unique to the area.rr
I grew up here enjoying the fire pits and so have my children. I can't imagine their not being available. Hopefully Newport will realize their value to
Penny Darling Balboa Island CA 92662 United States 3/27/2012 the community as San Diego has. They are definitely part of our beach culture.
I moved to Southern California, in 1981. One of my first and fondess memories of living in my new adopted home was sitting on the beach in
front of a fire ring sharing a a beautiful winter evening with a few new friends, in my new home state, begining my new life. It just does not get any
better. Please keep the rings!
Bernard DeMarkey Orange CA 92867 United States 3/26/2012 Thank you
Theresa Rife Irvine CA 92612 United States 3/26/2012 These fire pits are part of the culture of our home. They contribute positively to our community.
I love the fire pits and often spend the whole day at the beach just to get a firepit for a nice bonfire with my family in the evenings. As I spend the
Moiz Horani West Covina CA 91792 United States 3/26/2012 whole day there, I buy food and supplies from local shops in the area. Please do not remove these pits!
As an 18 year resident of Newport Beach, I've always enjoyed the fire pits. Now as a father of three, it's one of the safe, enjoyable, old‐fashioned,
inexpensive, down‐to‐earth activities we enjoy every year. Especially with out‐of‐town guests. The City Council needs to think long term before
they act so quickly. They've allowed the fun zone to be slowly eliminated, and now this. It's truly a travesty. Worst of all, most residents, like
Steve Abraham Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/26/2012 myself, never even heard about it until after the fact. This should require a city vote.
Lynne Liden Irvine CA 92603 United States 3/25/2012 I grew up in Newport & value the fire pits & what they add to the beach & group gatherings.
My whole family grew up playing at those firepits! And I've taken my kids there every year with their grandparents and cousins. If there is illegal or
Michelle Huelle Yucca Valley CA 92284 United States 3/25/2012 dangerous activity happening now, how about we punish the criminals instead of ruining something fun for millions?!
Larry Dunmire Newport Beach CA 92662 United States 3/25/2012 I think the fire rings should remain in the City of Newport Beach, they're a great feature!!!
I grew up in OC and we spent many an evening at the beach around the fire rings! It was a great way to spend time with family and friends and
Karen Brown Charlotte NC 28277 United States 3/25/2012 these fire rings should be left there for all to enjoy. Leave them alone!
Jayne Miller Minneapolis MN 55433 United States 3/25/2012 Tourists enjoy the experience of the fire pit by the ocean that we can't enjoy in central states
I am a native Californian, who grew up in Orange County. I visit as often as I can and for many years have often enjoyed the firerings at the beach
Shannon Erdos‐Jock Dallas TX 75252 United States 3/25/2012 without incident. They are a great feature and need to remain.
One newsworthy incident shouldn't be a reason to ruin it for everyone else. Or, this is an excuse for the city to cut more budget money. The city
Jonathan Chavez Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 3/25/2012 has insurance! Deal with the accident and move on.
Fire pits at the beach are a wonderful resource for friends, families, and community organizations to get together and enjoy the outdoors. I have
been to many such gatherings with different groups and seen many more others groups gathered around beach fire pits and have never seen
Dorothy Roden Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 3/25/2012 anything worse than occasional trash problems. The overwhelming majority of users are great folks enjoying their beach communities.
Some of my best memories were spending time with my family around those things and when I move back out there I want to start a new tradition
dawn smisek EL PASO TX 79938 United States 3/25/2012 with my kids there!
Rob Vandervort Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/25/2012 Because we have fun using teh rings during teh summer with our children.
Our homeschool community has gathered at these firepits for over 8 years. We have made many friends and memories that have had a profound
impact on all of our lives. Though they are in your community, their removal will affect all of us in the Southland who come to enjoy one of the best
Zahsca La Forza Riverside CA 92503 United States 3/25/2012 local beaches around. Please reconsider.
Kirk Fisher Wildomar CA 92595 United States 3/25/2012 The fire pits have been part of our family tradition for generations. Don't do this.
Last summer I was lucky enough to spend a week in California visiting family. On the night before I had to leave and head back to Minnesota my
host brought me to these fire pits. Seeing all of the families around enjoying the simplistic beauty of a fire and the sounds of the ocean was truly
inspiring and has made an impression on me forever. Please do not remove these, I would like to take my kids to them when I get older and share
Allesson Stensing Buffalo MN 55313 United States 3/25/2012 with them the simple fun and joy they bring.
The very vocal but small group of homeowners who are in favor of removing the fire pits claim that they are bothered by the smoke that the fire
pits generate. The fire pits were in use long before these homeowners bought their homes so, assuming that they did a reasonable amount of due
diligence before buying the homes, it is clear that they did so with full knowledge of the existence of the fire pits and the smoke that they generate.
Now these homeowners want to take this amenity away from the general public because they don't like the smoke? We live in a free market
economy where everyone has the right to buy, hold or sell an asset based on the asset's perceived value to the individual buyer or seller. The fire
pits existed when these now disgruntled homeowners bought their houses so we can only reasonably assume that either 1) they paid a price that
they perceived to be discounted in exchange for agreeing to tolerate the smoke or 2) they made a mistake and didn't do their due diligence with
respect to the smoke generated by the fire pits. In either event, please don't punish the general public (who greatly enjoy these fire pits) and
reward this handful of homeowners who are either looking for the windfall of a smoke free house that they didn't originally pay for or who now
realize that they made a mistake and didn't do sufficient due diligence prior to buying their homes. What ever happened to the concept of "caveat
emptor"? There are plenty of buyers out there who would knowingly tolerate a little smoke on summer nights in exchange for the wonderful views
and the amenity of being able to use the fire pits themselves. These fire pits are a wonderful tradition in Newport Beach and it would be a shame
Peter Desforges Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/24/2012 to see them disappear because of a small group of malcontents.
I bet not one of the people on the City Council uses these fire pits. I am a Newport resident and have been to many celebrations at Big Corona
which have extended into the evening. And the best thing is that there are fire rings that we can all gather around and enjoy the sights and sounds
Maureen Halpert Newport Coast CA 92657 United States 3/24/2012 of the beach environment. Does it make sense for the City Council to try to take nature from us? I don't think so.
I was born and raised here and I have watched this once great state go into the toilet because the people in charge are morons who care only
about special interests. I am sick of this kind of crap. We have HUGE fiscal problems. But instead we go about banning digging holes at the beach,
the throwing of frisbees at the beach in LA, transfats and things like fire pit removals is over the top. I am so sick of being nannied and regulated to
Michelle Nelson Yorba Linda CA 92886 United States 3/24/2012 the point of absurdity.
Just living life every day brings risks. Our government officials should not try to eliminate every potential hazard by taking away the activities that
Marilyn Ghere Laguna Beach CA 92651 United States 3/24/2012 are an important and memorable part of our lives. Please do the right thing‐‐ keep the fire rings.
I LOVE those fire pits! We take out of town guests down to the fun zone, then to that beach for our picnic specifically because we can have a fire. If
Vicki High laguna Beach CA 92652 United States 3/24/2012 you take them out, you'll loose our tourist visits.
Parents need to be responsible for thier children and watch them. I am so fed up with people suing when they were the ones that were suppose to
Anna Child Huntington Beach CA 92647 United States 3/24/2012 be responsible.. If you stand next to something hot "be careful"! duh
Jeanne Newton West Covina CA 91791 United States 3/24/2012 This is a part of living in Southern California. This is a family activity that should not be taken from our children and grandchildren
Because I lived in So. Cal and we would go to the beach almost every day and on the weekends sit out there and cook as a family. We loved going
out there and our son looked forward to the weekends so we could have our fire and roast marshmallows. It would be a shame other family could
cheryl crocker leander TX 78641 United States 3/24/2012 not have such great memories.
We love the fire pits! Wonderful memories of my daughter's 13th birthday party and 30 of her closest friends!! And even when we aren't using
Greg Marshall Irvine CA 92614 United States 3/24/2012 them, it is wonderful to see others enjoying our greatest natural resource, the beach! The city should think WWGD...what would Gidget do!
My dad is turning 80 this summer and because we have a wonderful LARGE family that loves the beach..we have already planned the birthday
party to be at the beautiful Newport beach fire pits in August!!! ALSO‐My husband has had his office party there too for 3 years!! We need the
diana warner NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 United States 3/23/2012 wonderful fire pits!!
Absolutely ridiculous!!! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!! You call yourselves representatives? Grow Up!!! Get a life!!! Leave our
Chris Twining Wildomar CA 92595 United States 3/23/2012 firepits alone!!! Common decency prevents me from expressing what I think of you and this idea.
The fire pits are a long time family tradition of ours. My husband & I both grew up in Newport Beach & are now back. We grew up enjoying the fire
pits and continue to do so now with our own children. Please don't remove them ‐ it would be a tragedy.
Wendy McManigal Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/23/2012 Thank you, Wendy McManigal
I want my grandkids to enjoy the beach in the evening like I did growing up. Also, all of our childrens youth groups use the rings every Saturday
Karen Harrison Irvine CA 92618 United States 3/23/2012 night. Can't imagine the beach without the fire rings.
Sincerely with heavy heart,
The beach and fire pits, hot dogs and Marshmallows are all very much a part of the Southern California summer evening life style. The pits
shouldn't be removed. In addition I think Newport Beach/CDM will lose revenue. Anyone who wants to spend the evening at the beach wants to
Nancy Osso Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 3/23/2012 do so because of the fire rings. I think you will see a decline at the Newport/CDM beaches and Huntington Beach will reap the rewards!
We have enjoyed using the fire pits for many years when vacationing here to visit relatives . Now we have moved to the area and are enjoying
Gordon Kennedy Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/23/2012 them even more with our two young children. They provide so much fun for so many people and should not be removed.
Brandy Valdez Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 3/22/2012 It's a family tradition!
our church has an annual "corn roast" where we gather around the fire pits and cook corn on the cob in salt water from the ocean. It is a fabulous
Jill Money Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/22/2012 event ‐‐ good, wholesome, clean, fun. Don't take that away from us! We love the fire pits. Loads of good memories as a resident of 30 years.
The City of Newport Beach charges for parking and should be able to manage this long traditional asset. These fire pits have been a place for
families and children to gather at the ocean front for food and fellowship, in the beauty of the outdoors, for generations. They are controled and
contained. This is a lot better then kids hanging out at the malls. Next it will be no volleyball nets. Thanks for passing this along to your friends !
Please do not remove the rings. We have had many wonderful, family and friends, special gatherings by the bon‐fires at the
Jacqueline Moran Newport Coast CA 92657 United States 3/21/2012 beach. It is a tradition. It is a fun place to gather and enjoy the evenings on the beach and stay warm and make smores and roast marshmellows.
Please don't take away the opportunity to show our future generations how great life can be on the beach with your family on a warm summer
Diane Harris Denver CO 80210 United States 3/21/2012 night. The fire pits represent the beach lifestyle that we all fight so hard to preserve.
If we lose community we lose the soul of why we exist as neighbors and the tradition of beach bonfires is a vital legacy to what makes us Southern
Californians and we would lose the wonderful community‐building and friendship/family enhancing experience of hanging out together. What a
Thomas Clark Capistrano Beach CA 92624 United States 3/21/2012 short‐sighted measure this would be if fire rings are removed. Please look at other ways to reduce costs.
Fred Fourcher Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 3/21/2012 I enjoy the rings and my company Bitcentral has beach parties at the beach and we would not do that if the rings were not there.
Daniel Pugh Long Beach CA 90808 United States 3/21/2012 When I was a kid groups of us sat at these rings and we all remember it fondly. I would like to still do the same in the future.
Stephen Margala Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 3/21/2012 I enjoy using the firepits.
Carol Heed Yorba Linda CA 92886 United States 3/21/2012 Beach parties would not be the same without a fire! Please don't remove the fire rings!!!
Richard Lines Hermosa Beach CA 90254 United States 3/21/2012 I can't think of a good reason to remove the firepits. Too much fun to be had there.
The fire rings are part of our California coastal culture. They offer a low‐cost entertainment option for families and generate sales for local
Athena Reschke Laguna Niguel CA 92677 United States 3/21/2012 businesses. Keep our beaches alive!
I grew up with these fire rings and really enjoyed going to the beach at night for roasting marshmellows and hot dogs at these great beaches. They
Dan Brock Tustin CA 92780 United States 3/21/2012 offer great fun, family unity, and lots of memories. WE NEED TO KEEP THEM THERE!!!
I had all of my birthday parties there as a child and I'd like to share that tradition with my children. Please keep the fire rings‐ it's a great addition to
Karen Carboni Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/21/2012 Big Corona and so much fun for the whole family.
Bill Balch Huntington Beach CA 92646 United States 3/21/2012 Fire pits are AMERICANA
I often walk the beach at night. The fire pits draw families to the beach which adds great atmosphere and adds to the safety of the area. Keep our
Jon Spotts Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 3/21/2012 pits.
Jill McGlasson Orange CA 92869 United States 3/21/2012 We need these fire pits for our children's sake and all the great memories!!!
I have many fond memories as a child coming to Corona del Mar and staying warm by the fire rings roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. Now that
I have children of my own we go and enjoy these fire rings as well. These rings should stay, not just for ourselves, but for the enjoyment of future
David Somoya Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 3/21/2012 generations as well.
The beach fire rings are an important part of the beach community! It is a GATHERING PLACE where people of all ages socialize, learn, grow, create
friendships. If you take these away you kill part of the healthy workings of our community! I know all of the City Planners and workers are always
looking for ways to bring people into the community, to support the local businesses, to build self sustaining relationships. So why on Earth would
Hilary Lau Irvine CA 92614 United States 3/21/2012 you vote to remove this vital part of our beach community?? It is the opposite of a smart decision. Please keep the beach fire pits!
Brenda Falk Corona CA 92882 United States 3/21/2012 It would be a shame to see thise pits removed. Bon Fires on the beach is something my family enjoys doing during the summers.
We come down to CDM as a family several times a year. We have so much fun BBQing food and having smores. We have never seen any gang
problems or problems of any kind since we've been coming (Over 10 years). We have lost so many freedoms in California all because of the actions
susan rauma Hesperia CA 92345 United States 3/21/2012 of some people who can't control themselves...why not go after them ? and leave the rest of us who act responsibly alone?
Althogh, I moved frn California a long time ago, the visits always are longer when I plan on two things: Disnyland and firerings. rings....lose
Amanda Garcia Olympia WA 98506 United States 3/21/2012 ot on a few tourist s.
Daniel Ortiz Irvine CA 92606 United States 3/21/2012 Bonfires in the summer nights are what make Southern California good times with friends and family
Our family and friends have enjoyed numerous gatherings at the beach around the firepits. Without them, we would not have been drawn
Christine Seegmiller Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/20/2012 together.
Grew up in Orange County and spent many years on the beaches at Newport. This is just one more example of nanny statehood. I believe most
Kris Urdahl Oakland CA 9410 United States 3/20/2012 people are capable of having a fire in a fire ring at the beach without doing harm to the greater populace. What a ridiculous regulation/law.
Miles Meehan Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 3/20/2012 keep those fire pits, I was just talking about how fun those were
Removing the fire rings pits will take away the summer fun after the sun goes down. Corona Del Mar has always been a place where memories are
made. I have lived in Costa Mesa/Newport Beach over 25 years and have always seen young and old bonding together. Please do not deny future
ernesto acuna costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 3/20/2012 generations from making their own memories of gathering around the fire pits and share stories, experiences and great times.
I used to live in this area. This is an amazing beach and left us with beautiful memories of family bonfires. Leave the firepits and continue to give
Maria Potts Thornton, CO 80602 CO 80602 United States 3/20/2012 future generations the same lovely opportunities.
I lived in Fountain Valley CA. for 30 years of my life, during that time my family and I used and enjoyed the fire rings at the beach on numerous
occasions. As a youth at church we spent a lot of time at the beach having ring side meetings and sing along. Please don't take those unique
Darryl Walker Medford OR 97504 United States 3/20/2012 experiences away from the now and future generations. >
I have been going to these fire pits in balboa and corona del mar since I was a child! How selfish would I be if I didn't fight to save these for future
children? This is a state beach. A public beach. Not a country club for the elite! If you are sensitive to fires, how about not moving next to fires in
the 1st place! They took away the funzone bumper cars. They took away the carousel! Now the want to take away our fire pits??? Not on my
watch! Let's fight to preserve what history we have left in Newport beach! Let's not just sign this and say "I did my part". Let's make signs. Post
them on bulletin boards, in store windows. Share again and again on Facebook! Let's save this for future generations! Utilize your talents! GOD
owns every grain of sand on that beach and it is his gift to us. If I want to play a song of praise to the LORD with my guitar around the fire, it's my
GOD given right! If I want to take a date there for romance, it's my right. If I want to have laughs with some close friends or family that is my right
Jason Anthonisen Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 3/20/2012 also. This is an American tradition. Do not let them take this CCC. Please hear our voice! Thank you!
I grew up in Corona Del Mar, and spent all my youth at CDM state beach. I have enjoyed so many evenings at the fire pits, that they are too
numerous to count. We would get to the beach first thing in the morning to get a fire pit, spent all day long holding onto a fire pit so no one would
take it, while waiting in anticipation for the sun to set, so we could light our fire pit. It would be a terrible shame for the children of today not to be
able experience the same enjoyment that I had as a kid. I don't know what kind of a person would want to take that away from the children and
their families coming to the beach to enjoy their day in the sand and water and their evenings by the fire pits. Haven't you ever made a s'more? Or
roasted hot dogs over an open flame? Or sung songs by an open fire? If not, then what a shame, because you missed out on one of the best parts
of being a lucky kid who lived and grew up in a beach community. These are such wonderful memorable times of my youth, and ones I will treasure
always. But also the amazing memories we are making as adults as well, since we still go to the beach to enjoy the fire pits with our families and
Gabrielle Kerr Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/19/2012 friends. This is what you will be taking away from the children of today. I hope you make the right decision and keep the fire pits!
I grew up spending many summer nights gathered around the fire pits with family and/or friends. Every time I come back to California, these pits in
particular are a required stop for me and my family, regardless of the time of year. We have an annual family reunion and part of it takes place
Nathan King Mesa AZ 85212 United States 3/19/2012 gathered around a fire pit, boiling corn in seawater. Don't ruin this part of my life.
Meherdad AzadbakhtLong Beach CA 90814 United States 3/19/2012 This is ridiculous. Where is your decency?
The fire pits are the cornerstone of the California beach experience. Their removal will damage tourism, lower beach use, and reduce local
Matthew Gibbs fountain valley CA 92708 United States 3/19/2012 business revenue.
I have enjoyed many happy moments with friends and family around a bonfire at the fire pits at Big Corona and I would like for this tradition to be
Jill Casserly Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/19/2012 enjoyed by many future generations.
Hunter Stroman Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 3/19/2012 I live on B Street and want the rings to stay!
What is more Californian then cooking hot dogs with a group friends and children looking out over the Pacific. My Grandparents had the Balboa
John Cannon Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 3/18/2012 Pavillion for dancing ‐ now gone. My brothers and I had the Fun Zone ‐ now gone. What are we really gaining taking away the fire pits?
Sitting around these fires were a HUGE part of my younger years...many happy, inexpensive, carefree times spent here. I am SO saddened and
Heather Cowley Layton UT 84041 United States 3/18/2012 angered to see that removing them is even being considered. I want the chance to share this part of California with MY kids...please!
These rings allow thousands of people to enjoy countless hours of cheap and safe enjoyment. Getting rid of them would anger thousands of
Southern California residences. Me included. For those of you on the council, I would advise you to think about the amount of votes you will be
Jarrod Wilbur Orange CA 92867 United States 3/18/2012 GUARANTEED to loose if you choose to get rid of these California landmarks.
Kristin Irish Mission Viejo CA 92692 United States 3/18/2012 Because you're ruining beach culture
Dennis McCracken La Mirada CA 90638 United States 3/18/2012 My family has been using this beach and firepits for years and years.
We need to retain something form our formative years to share with the next generation that brings joy, togetherness and a sense of family!! Our
funzone is being slowly dismantled by 'big brother' and NO RESIDENTS are happy about it. Keep Newport Beach a FAMILY FRIENDLY destination as
Grace Parker Bay Point CA 94565 United States 3/18/2012 opposed to the concrete jungle that is being created by corproate America!
There is little one can do in Orange County anymore that is free, except enjoy our beaches. One of any age can get together with friends and/or
MaryAnne Shults Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 3/18/2012 family and gather around a fire at the beach. Don't take away this enjoyment, and don't destroy part of our culture and history.
Cameron Schroer Tustin CA 92837 United States 3/18/2012 Iv'e had a lot of great times having bonfires down at the beach. I would hat to see the rings go.
The beach is where the ocean meets the sand. People should be able to have something to do in that special place without having to spend money
Mark Hinton Orange CA 92867 United States 3/18/2012 at a restaurant, shopping etc..
I went to High School in Huntington Beach and have such fond memories of hanging out around bonfires with friends. Please don't take away
Ellen Ching North Fork CA 93643 United States 3/18/2012 memories made at the beach with family and friends around a bonfire!
I grew up in NB in the 70's, 80's and early 90's. We had a long‐time family tradition of having dinner on the beach with friends and family several
times each summer. I'd hate to see that tradition taken away for current and future generations. So many things make inexpensive, fun, family
Jennifer McDonald GREELEY CO 80634 United States 3/18/2012 activities seem to fade away. Please reconsider this decision and keep the fire pits in NB and CdM!
I grew up going there. I'd like to make more memories there with our daughters before they're grown and gone to college. It's always been a
Greg Prete Laguna Niguel CA 92677 United States 3/18/2012 public place to roast hot‐dogs and smores. I do agree, however, there should be no burning of plastics, etc., only ordinary firewood.
I've enjoyed many a gathering at these fire pits. It would be sad to rob future generations of this simple and sweet activity that is such a part of the
Mary Ann Cote Newport OR 97365 United States 3/18/2012 local culture. I've moved on to Oregon because of stupid decisions such as these. I hope they are still there when I visit.
David Smith Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 3/18/2012 Fun to cookout at the beach
Are you kidding me!?! Why wouldn't anyone sign the petition!? The fire rings are a part of a very rich tradition in southern California beach culture
and for many, many years families and friends have gathered around the fire rings as part of the enjoyment and luxury of living in the area or
visiting the southern California coast. It's a great place for young people to hang out and enjoy the beach and it would be very detrimental to
Troy Muenzer Long Beach CA 90803 United States 3/18/2012 southern California society if these fire rings were to be removed.
Growing up in Irvine and Newport Beach, our family developed a tradition of having bonfire "corn roasts" for every major family event. ‐ weddings,
graduation, baby births, etc. We boil hundreds of ears of corn in sea water over a bonfire at the beach. Its still our favorite for when we come back
Charles Gates Bon Air VA 23235 United States 3/18/2012 to SoCal to visit my parents.
My sister and her family live in Newport Beach and we have celebrations every summer at Big Corona and made tons of hotdogs and burgers from
Marie Pollerna Altadena CA 91001 United States 3/18/2012 those very fire rings! It would be a great disservice to remove those rings from the Beach!!! That is the best part of enjoying Big Corona!!!
Our Scout Troop uses the fire rings very responsibly to host an annual back to school event for parents and Scouts. It is a tradition we would like to
Joe McGhie Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 3/18/2012 keep.
For as long as I can remember our family has enjoyed spending time together around a bonfire at the beach. It's a summer tradition for our family
Veronica Holbrook Whittier CA 90605 United States 3/18/2012 and so many others. You would be destroying one of the legacies of and attractions to the California beaches.
It is hard for me to believe that the City has voted to remove the rings. Besides being a wonderful amenity to the general public, they were placed
there to control the misuse of portable coal burning stoves and protect the public from stepping on hot coals and keeps the beachs clean.
It sems lilke we lose more and more of our freedoms every day.
Joe Garrett Corona Del Mar CA 92625 United States 3/18/2012 Very Sad!!
I grew up in Newport Beach, CA and I could not think of a more classic Southern California pastime of having a fire on the beach. Please don't take
Tod Phillips Bend OR 97702 United States 3/18/2012 this away.
The Beach is a place for youth, for families, for fun and frolicking, for surfing and swimming, for babes and bikinis. For nightly fires and music and
songs. Now the City of Newport Beach wants to take away the fire rings.
Who are the residents who moved there fully aware that the fire rings were there, and now want them gone because of "air pollution"? Do they
take an early morning swim before going to work? Or grab their surf board after work and catch a wave?
The Beach is a resource that belongs to the people of the State of California ‐ to enjoy. Not to be restricted by rules by people of my generation
who have outgrown their youth and their tolerance for the antics of the beach ‐ and the beach if full of antics!!
I grew up at the beach as a child. I would get up ‐ grab my boat and water ski all day ‐ play at the beach and have lots of fun. My dad had a huge
bell mounted on a pole that he rang so we knew when it was time to come home for dinner.
I have always said I would live in a closet at the beach rather than live inland ‐ at times my living space wasn't much bigger than a closet.
Now I am 65 and the noise, the traffic, the music, the confusion and everything that comes with beach living does not always appeal to me. So I
moved inland. I still visit the beach and I jokingly tell my friends who are still there that my current neighbors must all be in the "witness protection
program'. It is that quiet. However, the quiet, the peace, the pool outside my back door all fit my life style as an older adult.
Don't take out the fire rings ‐ let another generation of people enjoy what we did. The beach was never meant to be a place of silence. Don't use
the fire rings to get rid of "certain elements" at the beach. Try and remember how much fun the beach was when you were young.
Carolyn Carr Newport Beach CA 92662 United States 3/17/2012 Besides that juicy steak on your plate is far more likely to kill you than any small amount of "air pollution" from a fire ring.
Fun times spent with family, friends, youth and school groups gathered around the fire pits roasting food or just keeping warm. So sad that anyone
Ava Shaffer Kailua HI 96734 United States 3/17/2012 in the city council would want to remove them and prevent what is a fun California tradition. Please don't do it!
Having grown up in Costa Mesa, the beach was a part of our lifestyle. Sitting around a fire ring on the beach is one of my fondest childhood
memories. I would like others to be able to have those same memories. The beach is one of our greatest cultural resources in Orange County, it
was the reason some of our families moved to this area and had their children grow up Californian. For some of us the fire pits are a family
tradition. As citizens we deserve to be allowed to use our natural resources. It is a week argument to claim wood fires are a significant source of
pollution, if it were then the city of Newport Beach is negligent by allowing wood burning fireplaces and backyard fire pits. It would seem more
reasonable for them to ban Wood fires in personal residences which are more prevalent, and then move onto the beach fire pit issue using the
Kay Richey Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/17/2012 data from the residential ban.
Frank Foley La Verne CA 91750 United States 3/17/2012 I agree that fire pits ae part of beach culture, and part of our So Cal tradition
My mother's family has been having campfires at the beach in Orange County since before there was an Orange County (it was still part of Los
Angeles County until the late 1800s), and Big Corona and Balboa have been the best places for that since at least the 1930s. Roughly six months
before he died, my father told me the story about how late in junior high school and early in high school he and a guy named "Bud" (later to
became famous under his given name of "Marlon") Brando went to Big Corona with my grandmother and Brando's mother and grandparents.
While the adults sat around the campfire, my dad and Bud climbed the cliffs. The fire rings were perfect gathering points for grunion hunts during
Kevin Hearle San Mateo CA 94402‐242 United States 3/17/2012 my own teenage summer nights, and I would hate to see such a wonderful part of the cultural legacy of Southern California removed.
David Carter newport Beach 92660 Cambodia 3/17/2012 I grew up Warming myself on these fire pits with Friends after surfing Big C was my first Spot
I grew up in Southern Calif. I go back to visit frequently and enjoy going to the beach and reliving those old days.
It's something we do and have done most of my life, I've shared it with my children and hope to share it with theirs as well.
Jacqueline Brogna Rumney NH 3266 United States 3/17/2012
The fire rings provide light at night and clusters of good people. If they are removed, walks along the beach at night will be much more dangerous.
Knowing good groups of people are near, and the glowing light of the fires help keep crime down. Without them, would you feel safe going for a
Brian Peelle Fullerton CA 92833 United States 3/17/2012 moonlit walk along the beach?
Officials & Governmental Commissions are now notorious for taking away the most iconic and harmless enjoyments from the public, while at the
same time they grant favorable rulings for corporations with HARMFUL (and ultimately costly, mass‐scale public heath issues). Leave the fire pits
alone! Do REAL public service and protect the public from these catastrophes:
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Theresa McCarthy Santee CA 92071 United States 3/17/2012 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Third‐generation Newport Beach native and frequent visitor to the beach with my kids. Those fire pits have been there since I was kid. They are
Eric Wroolie Redlands CA 92374 United States 3/17/2012 not hurting anything ‐ the environment or the nearby residents. Let them stay!
Nichole Smith Corona CA 92883 United States 3/17/2012 Grew up having family & friend events at these pits and its a tradition I carry on today.
Marnie Brow Dana Point CA 92629 United States 3/17/2012 Tradition!
The fire rings provide light at night, and clusters of good people. Walking along the beach after dark is not scary or dangerous, knowing that good
people and light are nearby. Remove the fire rings, and I would expect crime to increase after dark. I sure wouldn't venture out for a grunion run,
or just a moonlit walk along the beach anymore.
Now that I live in Oregon, we can just dig a hole and have a fire almost anywhere on the beach. I know that would never fly in Newport Beach, CA,
Gray Whelan Portland OR 97202 United States 3/17/2012 so fire rings are a great way to do it there.
Theo Varelas Belmont CA 94002 United States 3/17/2012 cuz governments be hella gay yo
I'm all for caring for our environment and avoiding air pollution. However... before considering removal of these pits, a proper environmental
impact study needs to determine how much real pollution they contribute. Seems that this is instigated by a few property owners who would
prefer the beach in front of their homes to be an extension of their yards, not a public recreation area. How many of these people have owned
their homes longer than the pits have been there? If not, they chose to buy next to a fire pit. They can either live with it or move. The beaches are
Peter Smith Newport Beach CA 92659 United States 3/17/2012 for everyone ‐ and that includes folks visiting from inland who come and spend their hard‐earned money in our town.
Because the fire pits have been there far before any residents. This was part of our community from the beginning. Taking these out won't take
Carlee Darr Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/17/2012 away our memories, but it won't allow us to do with our kids, what our parents did. Is there anything left these days from our childhoods?
John Lunde Aliso Viejo CA 92656 United States 3/16/2012 Traditional family fun and an abiding part of SoCal beach culture. Stop the madness!
There isn't much low‐cost fun to be had in Newport Beach. The fire pits are one of the few. Growing up in Newport Beach without tons of money is
Katrina Redelsheimer Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/16/2012 hard enough already without removing a key source of entertainment and bonding, not to mention warmth on cold Pacific nights.
victor martinez riveside CA 92506 United States 3/16/2012 Go there every summer has been a tradition and very few places near by allow pits anymore. it is part of the California culture!
Taylor Gonzales Riverside CA 92504 United States 3/16/2012 This is absolutely ridiculous.
I've gone to Big Corona and Balboa for fire pit use for at least 10 years. This is utterly disappointing to see the city council take away the pits
because the beach is open to all. It's a place to congregate on a nice clear evening to meet with people. It is not just for locals, it's for people from
all over SoCal. Why even have a public beach if people are not allowed to use to its full potential. I ask you not to grant the permits and to leave
Kyle Hojem Irvine CA 92614 United States 3/16/2012 things as they are. I thank you and the other users of the fire pits thank you as well.
born and raised in S.C. every time I come home the family has an evening around a pit
Michael Brannon Carroll Valley PA 17320 United States 3/16/2012 fun,safe,and tradition this is cazy!
John Schiesser Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 3/16/2012 I think this provides an excellent extracurricular activity for youth in our city.
I am a life‐long resident of Newport Beach and believe the fire pits are a wonderful part of our culture and history. Please don't remove these
Frank Carpenter Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/16/2012 treasured icons of our beach lifestylle and identity!
Alyssa Hamilton Newport Beach CA 92663 United States 3/16/2012 I had many birthdays and other events at these fire pits. Never had a problem. It's part of our culture
I am from Tustin and get up to my home area with my family quite a bit. This has always been one of my favorite things to do and can not wait for
Dean Propst San Diego CA 92111 United States 3/16/2012 this summer to introduce my children to this fine beach tradition.
they keep taking away our freedoms my family has had fires on newport beach for over 60 years we never bothered anyone what will be next block
jacquelyn roberts costa mesa CA 92627 United States 3/16/2012 the whole beach to visitors..
Removal of one of the most interesting features of the beaches is like cutting the throat of those who come visit those you can kiss a
Craig Kessinger Vista CA 92084 United States 3/16/2012 level of social estate and tourism from you coffers for this one..!! Are you really that foolish..!! Oh, I forgot, your legislators, not logicians...!!
Greg Helin West Hills CA 91307 United States 3/16/2012 I grew up in CDM. Those fire pits were an essential part of family gatherings. Hot dogs, smores with my parents...The ARE CDM!
I live right on the beach at Balboa and I am appalled that they would even consider removing the rings. It is a safe, fun, affordable, and unique
Jeff Elkins Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 3/16/2012 activity that brings character to our beaches and makes me proud to live in Southern California.
Beach Bon Fires bring family and friends together. So many condos, apartments, and townhouses, no where for firepits... The firepits NEED TO
shauna trute los alamitos CA 90720 United States 3/16/2012 STAY
Those fire rings are such a part of our family life and traditions. They are a key element of beach culture in our unique community. I urge you to
Steve Baker Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/16/2012 recognize their place in the fabric of our wonderful community!
I grew up in Southern California, and bonfires is my absolute favorite memory from my childhood/teenage years. I participated in hundreds of
Kelly Potts Charlotte NC 28213 United States 3/16/2012 them, and never had any dangerous or bad experiences.
These pits are AWESOME. They were the source of many favorite memories! The removal of these pits due to safety reasons are absolute
Karmen Wong Rosemead CA 91770 United States 3/16/2012 RUBBISH. Parents need to WATCH their children! And if people used a little of their BRAINS once in awhile we wouldn't have this problem!
tim harold newport beach CA 92663 United States 3/16/2012 our family has been enjoying these fire rings for over 40yrs please let them stay
They are one of the few honest and true traditions that are still around during high school: a bonfire for the senior class and a photo of it in the
Alma Fausto Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/16/2012 yearbook.
Gathering around a bonfire has been part of the human experience since time began, it's in our DNA. The good that happens around the fire pit
Michelle LeFort Trabuco Canyon CA 92679 United States 3/16/2012 especially, one by the sea far outweighs any disadvantages. They should be kept for all to enjoy.
Removing the fire pits is such a bad idea. Staying at the beaches during the day and hanging out with friends is great, but the real fun and bonding
happens over the bonfires. Some people come to the beaches JUST to bonfire. It's a great way for people to catch up and make great memories
together. We can't lose this, it's been part of our lives for so long and gives people more incentive to go out. It seems like California just wants us
to stay home and become fat, unsociable creatures. This is NOT what California is about. What happened to enjoying the great outdoors,
Eric Liu Arcadia CA 91007 United States 3/16/2012 California?
Born and raised in Southern California, and beaching it during the day and then hanging by the bonfire was a huge part of my childhood. I'm from
LA County but instead of going to the closer Santa Monica beach, my friends and I used to drive all the way to Newport or Seal Beach just so we
sylvia suh stafford VA 22554 United States 3/16/2012 could have a bonfire. Let the fire pits stay!
Ron Tanase NY NY 10011 United States 3/16/2012 I think Calif. has more pressing issues then community fire rings.
Because the council is a bunch of controlling Nazis, and i still do not see why there cannot be legal consumption of WINE on the BEACH....have you
Steven Yampolsky Irvine CA 92612 United States 3/16/2012 people not heard of being romantic? evidently not, as you're bitter, intimacy deprived, and pathetic
I love bonfires! My friends & family have often chosen which beach to visit based on whether they have fire rings. Such a wonderful way to enjoy
Meghan Fitzgerald Wildomar CA 92595 United States 3/16/2012 the beach longer & spend time together. Please do not take away this amazing tradition!
Fire rings are part of southern C a culture. Enjoyed by locals and tourist alike. The fact the City Council Women on TV last night told beach goers
Christine Planchon Redlands CA 92373 United States 3/16/2012 who want fire rings to go elsewhere is an insult to all who have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the beaches
This is where I grew up and is part of that experience. I want my daughter to have the same joys of watching the sun set with a hot dog over the
Chris Carpenter Kalama WA 98625 United States 3/16/2012 fire as well.
Peter Annabel Chino Hills CA 91709 United States 3/16/2012 Fire rings are an integral part of the coast experience.
The fire pits are a big part of the beach culture, and the beach culture is a huge part of california's identity. We should not be taking steps to
Jeffrey Riggs Eastvale CA 91752 United States 3/16/2012 remove the things that we have enjoyed as part of our lives for years and years, especially when there is no benefit to removing them.
Tim Grogan Bethel OH 45106 United States 3/16/2012 When i visit California I enjoy this and see it as part of Beach Life. Also as a retired Fire Chief I see no reason to curtail this.
First of all, if these firerings are air polluters, where is the proof and who did the study? Second I would like to see a study compairing the pollution
Robert Lovell Newport Beach CA 92661 United States 3/16/2012 that comes from these firerings to other polluters like SUV's, jets, leafblowers and the city council. Just say'n.
Adrian Anhood Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/16/2012 Fire pits are a southern california past time for the youth.
I grew up in Corona del Mar and one our favorite family activities was gathering around the fire pits for hot dogs, warming our hands and enjoying
one another's company. My husband of 18 years even proposed to me during one of these occasions! I want my children and their children to
Megan Bunch Kaysville UT 84037 United States 3/16/2012 have these same wonderful experiences. Please leave the fire pits!
I was a Corona Del Mar resident for many years and frequently visit the old stomping grounds. We had many fires on the beach. Not having a fire
on the beach at night? Really? Are the Camp Grounds next? Hotdogs, marshmallows, s'mores, come on! ... it's one of the last beach traditions. Let
us share one of the few things we enjoyed from our childhood with our children and grandchildren. Before your write this into law, please get out
from behind your desk, get some sand between your toes while you roast a marshmallow or two, listen to the waves and maybe a guitar then lay
back and check out the stars. Please you've got better things to worry about than adding yet another regulation to our already over regulated
Matthew Picard Palmdale CA 93551 United States 3/16/2012 lives.
Fires at the beach are a big part of California culture. Many commercials that encourage California tourism have people at beach bonfires. Imagine
Jeffrey Stevens SAN CLEMENTE CA 92672 United States 3/16/2012 the frustration of a family visiting Newport Beach only to discover that the "beach fire" moment they were shown was only fiction.
We love having family BBQ's/bonfires at the beach. Play all day in the sun, sand, water, then enjoy a nice fire with some hotdogs and s'mores at
Cindy Cowlin Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 3/16/2012 night. We'd really miss the fire pits.
Patrick Murphy Richardson TX 75080 United States 3/16/2012 Grew up using the rings please do not take something away from my children's future
A family tradition when so many have gone by the wayside. We, our children, and now our grandchildren have enjoyed the bond developed as
each generation passes the tradition on to the next. There is something magical about a family or group gathered around a beach fire. This is a
Deegie Phelps Tustin CA 92780 United States 3/16/2012 special southern California experience. Please allow the present and future generations to experience the magic.
Susan DiFlorio Anaheim CA 92804 United States 3/16/2012 I love having a bonfire.
These fire rings are an area tradition for many families who grew up in Balboa. I travel home each Summer to be with family, and the fire rings are
a natural part of our trips. As an avid surfer, NHHS grad, and Eagle Scout in my youth, I'm very environmental aware of the impact of these rings.
John Sparre Charlotte NC 28277 United States 3/16/2012 It's minimal in my opinion. One more step by NB City Council to ruin a once great area, tourist attraction and revenue generator to local businesses.
I have so many memories at these beach having a campfire. I want my daughter to experience the same thing
Joelle Escoe Orange CA 92866 United States 3/16/2012
My fondest memory is those spent at a fire enjoying the sunset at the beach, The awesome time spending with friends. I even took my Girl scouts
to the beach where we tought them fire safety and how to start a fire. Dont take away the chance for our children to experience the beach the
Anita Delgado Lake Elsinore CA 92530 United States 3/16/2012 way we loved for many ways.
I understand that the homeowners are tired of the little folks using "their" beach. The exorbitant price of your home doesn't mean you get the
Albert Mosley Corona CA 92882 United States 3/16/2012 place all to yourselves.
Taking away access to this long‐held tradition in Orange County is wrong. Obvious they're trying to reduce use for middle class citizens to enhance
Linda Swartz Orange CA 92866 United States 3/16/2012 high‐income homeowners in the area. Keep our beaches available for public use. Protect Or.Co. for our family activities.
I have grown up having beach bonfires in the evenings with my friends, church, and family. I want my kids to have this same experience. I think
Douglas Reid Tustin CA 92780 United States 3/16/2012 that this is a part of the OC beach experience that cannot and should not be extinguished.
Shawn Millbern Trabuco Canyon CA 92679 United States 3/16/2012 Fire rings are a Southern California tradition that encourages family experiences and coastal access.
Balboa is my home and so are these firepits. Continuing to discourage people traveling to the peninsula continues to put hard working people out
Kylen Sharpe Nashville 37212 United Arab Emira 3/16/2012 of business and turn our once thriving town into something I hardly recognize. We can't lose the merry‐go‐round and the firepits in the same year.
We lived in Newport Beach for 30 years and the I can't remember the fire rings being any problem. They are part of Newport Beach and what
makes summer fun! Quit trying to run everybody's life for them and leave the fire rings alone ‐ my god the water is way more dangerous are you
Leslie Dean Irvine CA 92603 United States 3/16/2012 going to take that away too?
Jeff Jensen Irvine CA 92606 United States 3/16/2012 Want to keep the fire pits, they are a great family activity resource
Dana Leavitt Highland UT 84003 United States 3/16/2012 The beach is the one place where things don't change much! Save our piece of history and happy memories!
The fire pits were there when the people complaining moved in!!!!! They are used by too many people to remove them for a few.
Christine Broaddus Corona del Mar CA 92625 United States 3/16/2012 IT IS A STATE BEACH!
Keryn Douglass Mission Viejo CA 92691 United States 3/16/2012 It is a wonderful tradition over the summer to gather around the fire pit... would be totally tragic to remove these!
Jan Balas Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/16/2012 What will are children think of us?
Sheri Bright Santa Rosa CA 95409 United States 3/16/2012 Grew up with camp fires on CDM and I would like to be able to take my son to enjoy what I did as a kid!
This has been a tradition for generations of my family. I am saddened that future youth and families might miss out on this memorable activity that
is part of growing up here and our local culture. What is next? Should we ban Boogie Boarding because it draws unsupervised long haired youth to
the shoreline? Let's ban flip flops on the beach, because when you loose one they don't bio‐degrade. City governments need to get a grip and
Mark Nass Poulsbo WA 98370 United States 3/15/2012 spend their time on job creation and economic development, not restricting use of our beaches.
We have our daughter's birthday at Corona Del Mar every year and family has said that we should continue the tradition even when she's too old
Kristin Fogg Riverside CA 92503 United States 3/15/2012 to want to celebrate with us. It's sad that this is going to be her 16th and maybe the last beachy birthday we have for her and the tradition dies.
Danielle Davis San Clemente CA 92673 United States 3/15/2012 To save this part of California's history that we all love.
there are less strict measure that can be taken to reduce the environmental element in this matter. people will gather with the intentions of crime
no matter if there is a fire pit or not. Fire is dangerous and has been since its discovery.
Put the responsibility on the individuals and do not punish or jump to removal simply because it's a quick fix funded by the rich private citizens.
Residents chose to live at a public beach with the understanding of what a public beach is. Smoke, sand, dirt, people. don't take away the beach
from the citizens who love and appreciate it. Take away the crime and add preventative measures. This is not a fix but a bandaid and a distancing
Jennifer Gonzalez Santa Ana CA 92704 United States 3/15/2012 measure.
we enjoy the fire pits at least 6‐8 times per year. This is a shame. Also the pits are the ONLY reason we go to the beach, without it the merchants
dennis vadura trabuco canyon CA 92679 United States 3/15/2012 at the beach will not get our business.
Marco Garcia Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 United States 3/15/2012 I use the fire pits very often and would hate to see them go.
Jennifer Peterson Burbank CA 91505 United States 3/15/2012 Because we enjoy using these.
Bonfires in the pits on summer nights are what make Southern California...It brings people together in ways unique to California. Many a nights
have been spent around a bonfire in Newport for everything from church gatherings to birthdays to nights where you just need to escape reality.
Shannon Pooler Fullerton CA 92831 United States 3/15/2012 It's bonfires are what make the beach experience! Please do not remove would be a travesty.
darek swiatkowski mission viejo CA 92692 United States 3/15/2012 Love bone fire at beach , great time no crime
Wendy Wehofer Tustin CA 92780 United States 3/15/2012 Because this is over the top and wrong!!
Blake Butler Irvine CA 92606 United States 3/15/2012 I believe in keeping the fire rings and to continue to keep our beaches clean.
The fire rings have always been a part of life in CdM. They have been used and enjoyed by the residents of all ages, I grew up in CdM and am
planning to move back there in the near future. It makes me sad that my daughter won't be able to enjoy family bar‐b‐q s at the fire rings the way I
did. My family's house is on Heliotrope, right up from the fire rings and they have never bothered us. I think the people who are complaining about
Susan Darnell‐ComettLondon WC1N 2NTUnited Kingdom 3/15/2012 them should sell their houses and move inland where the smell of beach cook‐outs will not bother them.
Susie Hughes San Juan Capistrano CA 92675 United States 3/15/2012 Because I grew up in Newport...many fires at Corona with MANY fond memories!!
Kristin Ruck Santa Ana CA 92704 United States 3/15/2012 The city council is micro‐managing every aspect of neighborhood life‐‐and it needs to stop!
This idea is absurd. The reasons given were that it's better for air quality (in which case, ban gasoline vehicles, barbeques and fireplaces as well)
and it will stop gang activity (which is not only untrue, but also wouldn't it be better to keep gangs in a centralized well‐lit area than all around the
city and a dark beach?). These are obviously nonsense reasons, and the fire pits, which are a tradition and bring money to the city, should stay. It's
an anti‐business move, as many small businesses already have a hard time surviving with the anti‐tourist stance the city has. That beach belongs to
everyone in the state, not just the citizens of Newport Beach, and a few old wealthy citizens should not be able to take away the small amount of
Jamie Dow Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 low‐cost fun which is left in our fair city.
The fire pits in Newport have been an integral part of Big Corona and Newport Beach. The people who moved to the beaches were well aware of
these when they chose to move there. In addition, this is really a movement by the homeowner's to exclude people the homeowner's deem
susan graham Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 unworthy from the beaches. I want to keep the beaches open to everyone ‐ and the fire pits are a key part of that.
I grew up in Southern California, and having fires on the beach with good friends was always a great way to spend an day/evening at the beach! As
a returning Southern Californian, it would be heartbreaking to have such memorable part of my life removed because of an unfortunate event.
Please, reconsider the removal of the fire pits.
Three small reasons to keep the pits: First, as a former surfer of Southern California beaches, I remember fondly seeing and being part of fires on
the beach. It is part of the coastal cultural tradition. Secondly, pulling the pits simply removes another avenue of enjoyment on a list of things to do
for those who come to the coast. Some people specifically come just for the benefit of having a fire at the beach. What better way to warm
yourself up after an evening dip in the Pacific! Lastly, Local merchants would loose that revenue they presently enjoy due to the sales of hot
chocolate, Hershey bars, marshmellows, graham crackers, hot dogs and fixings, cokes, and fire wood. Please don't pull the pits...I would like to
Neil Horlock Broken Arrow OK 74012 United States 3/15/2012 bring my grandkids out to California sometime in the next couple of years and be able to go to the beach and have a fire!
Since I was a small boy in elementary school, there have been memories formed at the fire pits on Big Corona.
Such fond memories and now my friends and I, now entering our 30s, are looking at the first summer in literally as far back as we can remember
where we may not be able to have our annual reunion and gathering of friends and families.
The fire rings are an essential part of southern California beach culture. They offer low cost enjoyment for families. They stand for a tradition that
MARK SIMON CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 United States 3/15/2012 all southern California residents can enjoy and should have the chance to experience with their families for years to come
You MUST KEEP THE FIRE RINGS!!! They are a staple and have, for years, provided cherished memories for 1000's of families over the years!! Both
kristen molinari corona del mar CA 92625 United States 3/15/2012 my kids always had their Bday parties at the rings... COME ON!!
Hilary WHITE Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/15/2012 Because I grew up at Big Corona! We have REAL problems in this world and the Firepits are not one of them. INSANITY!!
The fire pits gives people a place to go in the evening and relax with friends, taking them away will push locals in the southern california area away
Keith Holland Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/15/2012 forcing them to drive even further to have a mellow night out
Nathan Lozano Anaheim CA 92807 United States 3/15/2012 I'm paying taxes, I want them to go to that.
Without the bonfire pits I will have no reason to go to the beach. I dislike sand and saltwater, but I go to roast marshmellows and hang out with
Dianne Wen Orange CA 92867 United States 3/15/2012 my friends.
Heather Oglesby Irvine CA 92620 United States 3/15/2012 I grew up in H.B. and the firepits are supposed to be there, they are part of the beach. The smell is the best part.
I've been using these fire pits for years. It's been an exciting place for my family to spend a hot summer night sitting around a fire pit roastng hot
dogs and marshmellows. It's like the people that buy homes next to an airport and don't hear the airplanes untill after thy move in. KEEP! the fire
Duane Downs Murrieta CA 92562 United States 3/15/2012 pits.
These fire pits are the main reason why I choose Big Corona and Balboa beaches. They hold so many memories from family bonfires, ones with
friends during high school, and a place to reconnect after we had all gone off to college and such. Now having a child of my own I have looked
Emily Novelo Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 3/15/2012 forward to his bonfire birthday parties and seeing him create his own special beach memories in the same place I did.
I was born and raised in Corona del Mar. A bonfire at the beach was so much a part of my youth. I am almost 60 now and hope that younger
Nancy Shoemate Santa Ana CA 92705 United States 3/15/2012 families and teenagers can retain the same access to the fun of sitting around the fire with friends and family that I had.
Jennifer Partlow BEACON NY 12508 United States 3/15/2012 The fire pits were a fantastic part of my college experience ‐‐ don't take that away from others!
I grew up in Newport Beach and the fire pits are part of the beach experience. Learning to build a fire in Girl Scouts, family reunions, inexpensive
"vacation days," are all on the list of good reasons to keep the fire pits. If The Coastal Commission practices what they preach and truly wants to
Allison Lusk‐MauvezinSan Clemente CA 92673 United States 3/15/2012 maximize public recreational opportunities and access for everyone, then I hope they will deny the permit.
The fire‐pits have been a fun public resource that has enriched the community. I have enjoyed many a fine BBQ at them, especially back during my
high school years. I think it is a shame that something with such popular support is going to be removed. Nancy Gardner has been trying to do this
for years but each time there has been a popular outcry. It looks like City Council finally were ably to quietly push this through. The excuses that
city council uses, "for safety reasons" is a flimsy justification that has no real evidence to support it. The real reason why City Council does it is
because they are insular cronies who want to transform public space into private space. They are more concerned about the privileges of the few
over the public interest. I believe they would make it a private beach if they could. It is a shame that they are that are doing this when they should
Geoffrey Simmon Newport Coast CA 92657 United States 3/15/2012 be working to serve the public. Let's not lose a piece of Newport Beach tradion, Let us keep our fire‐pits.
For years Orange County has been able to enjoy bonfires on the beach. It's so much a part of our culture that it's featured in movies and TV shows.
Alec Torelli Irvine 92614 United States Min 3/15/2012 Let's keep this tradition alive for our children to enjoy.
Lots of people enjoy the beach and fire pits responsibly. It's not like local residents purchased beachfront property under duress and without
knowing or being able to understand that fire pits nearby might.. heaven forbid... smell.. like SMOKE. This is an unreasinable attack against people
who go to the beach for a low cost, and simple pleasure. How did this become worthy of attention, much less action?
Someone should also mention to them that if they don't want to live near headshops, strip clubs, adult stores or other socially questionable places,
buy property far, far away from such establishments.
In the near future, I guess I'll go to a small beach town that doesn't have such uppity, boorish and snobbish locals whose sole gripe seems to be
Ted Bell El Cajon CA 92021 United States 3/15/2012 that less fortunate people who aren't able to afford beach property come to the beach, free of charge, and enjoy themselves. Oh, the humanity!
Susan Jackson Westminster CA 92683 United States 3/15/2012 Freedom
David Goldstein Seattle WA 98117‐500 United States 3/15/2012 When I was a teenager in OC, this spot was my hangout. Please leave a gathering place for decent teens! Beach beats streets.
Sharon McAleer Orange CA 92869 United States 3/15/2012 Save one of the greatest parts of summer nights at the beach!
We have loved and enjoyed the beach fire pits for years. I'm sure these feelings are shared by literally thousands of californians, including many,
ROBERT COURY NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 many locals. LEAVE IT ALONE !!
Fire rings are a wonderful tradition that needs to continue. They bring families and strangers together. It is unique to our area and should continue
to further this wonderful beach cultural treasure. It is a wonderful tradition that brings us all together. I've never had a bad experience near the
rings, nor have I seen any crime, fights, or drugs. What I have seen are people who come together ‐‐ friends and strangers. I've shared my ring with
Joy Millam Fountain Valley CA 92708 United States 3/15/2012 others and been fortunate enough to have it reciprocated. Please stop the removal.
joshua malouf santa barabara CA 93101 United States 3/15/2012 I grew up with those fire pits..
The fire pits are a piece of history and part of Newport Beach in the summertime. It's fine to regulate their use (i.e., permit fires only during certain
hours, and limit what can be burned in the basins), but they should NOT be banned altogether. Stop the City and State from regulating us to death.
Jim Moloney Newport Beach CA 92662 United States 3/15/2012 Leave the fire pits in place! Thank you. Jim M.
I am signing this because of the countless priceless memories I've had at Big Corona around the firepits. They are a deep part of the love and
Nicholas Bowden Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 adoration I have for Big C and Balboa
As a mother of 4th generation Newport BEACH natives, our entire family continues to be in horrified disbelief to have already lost too much
significant Newport BEACH history and opportunities for our descendants to experience any nostalgic family FUN to create their own cherished
memories de javu removal of The Balboa Carouselle, Scary Dark Ride, Spinning Tin Soldiers, FUN zone Rock climbing, Historic Balboa Market, 100
yr old gorgeous plush trees previously beautifying Historic Balboa Main Street, Parkers Seafood/Emerald Forest restaurant concert venue, The
Historic Balboa Theatre, 1940s Bubbles restaurant concert venue, The Historic Bank of America A+ restaurant concert venue, The historic Reuben
E Lee Riverboat restaurant concert venue, and FUN in the FUN zone replaced by a so called museum with a history of removing history instead of
preserving opportunities for future generations to enJOY and appreciate it...BEACH residents, merchants and visitors whose unfortunate health
and/or finances are negatively affected by BEACH activity including water, sand, bonfires, music and laughter aka FUN should be moved
elsewhere. End of story.
SO MANY PEOPLE USE FIRE PITS ALL THE TIME! People will just start having random fires on the beach if they take the pits out. The fire pits are a
Courtney Rotondo Irvine CA 92604 United States 3/15/2012 part of the beach that people of every age love, and it would be idiotic to get rid of things that are used by EVERYONE.
Linsey Carbone Balboa Island CA 92662 United States 3/15/2012 The fire pits are one of the best things about SoCal beaches. Banning them destroys a precious part of our local culture!
Fire rings are great family fun! Don't take them away!! We would drive from the mountains to beach and not come home till our fire ring ritual
Cheryl Gonzalez Running Springs CA 92382 United States 3/15/2012 ended the day!! We are running out of healthy fun for our loved ones...enough with the ridiculous restrictions already!
There are few nighttime activities in Orange County for the under 21 age group that are cheap and fun. Besides spending another evening watching
TV and playing video games on the couch at home‐‐which can only to the obesity epidemic‐‐ the bonfire pits have provided a fun, cost‐effective
means of entertainment for not only an age group stuck in an awkward limbo between being too young for some things and too old for others, but
Timorei Andraos Irvine CA 92606 United States 3/15/2012 also as a place for friends and families to hang out and enjoy each other's company by way of a truly authentic southern California past time.
I am signing this because i find it unsound that such a decision can be made by a group of seven people (despite their power as elected officials) i
believe that this decision, which took 30 seconds after an hour of protest, was made before the representitives had heard any information from
the people. this type of representation is not the type that the city should be proud of. In this type of action the newport mesa district has created
a haven for drugs and subversive cultures. Over the years i have seen the skating rink removed, kona lanes taken out, the removal of the fire pits
would be one among many things that has been taken away from the youth to enjoy. This town is starting to become a place where you must be an
garrett peterson costa mesa CA 92627 United States 3/15/2012 adult (or age appropriate representation of one) or face challenges in finding cheap and safe entertainment.
I've spent countless nights with my family at those fire pits for more than 25 years. They're a cherished family tradition. As a Newport Beach
Marian Clark Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 resident, I'm dismayed they are being removed.
Laura Clayton Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 So many of my memories from growing up with my family in Newport are around those fire pits. Please don't take them away!!
This has been one of my past times for as long as i can remember. Having the fire pits there are a huge part of the southern california culture.
There aren't many people who have them and when i bring friends from out of town they are amazed we have this. The fire rings are truly
beautiful. I usd to live a half hour away from the beach and when we go, its an all day trip. I shop at all the local places for food and wood and
business will suffer if they are closed down. I know live in San Francisco and everytime i go visit SoCal, the fire rings are something i look most
Alyssa Ocampo San Francisco CA 94132 United States 3/15/2012 forward to. Lets save the fire rings.
I am a surf instructor in Newport Beach and I think this is an elitist decision that ostracizes people instead of welcoming them to our beautiful city
Tom Nguyen Irvine CA 92604 United States 3/15/2012 and beaches.
i have lived on the balboa peninsula all my life for the 21 years i have been alive and these are MEMORIES... everything kills you theses days..
Brittany Phillips Balboa CA 92661 United States 3/15/2012 microwaves, cell phones, etc... whats some bonfire pits going to do to us.. pollute the air just a little more? KEEP THE PITS!
My family & I have enjoyed these fire pits for years, actually, for 4 generations. End of summer gatherings on Labor Day weekend by a cozy warm
Leslie Cox Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/15/2012 fire in Balboa, with family & friends, are some of my fondest memories. Please preserve this for future generations.
As residents we LOVE fire rings. The are a wonderful part of living in CDM/NB!! We have enjoyed them as a family for years. It is shocking that the
city council would take it upon themselves to just remove them without polling residents to see what the majority sentiment is. City council is
carol peck corona del mar CA 92625 United States 3/15/2012 supposed to be representing US. This is awful and its sad.
The fire rings are a wonderful tradition. Our family has enjoyed them for 25 years. The reasons given for taking them out don't outweight the
Lisa Clayton Newport Beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 reasons to keep them. Don't be part of the nanny state‐‐‐allow us to take care of our safety while using them.
Mason Steel Driftwood TX 78619 United States 3/15/2012 Beach fires are a part of the CA lifestyle. The pit out them in a controlled area and minmizes enviromental impact.
Kim Tacheny Chino Hills CA 91709 United States 3/15/2012 I use those firepits with my family and friends. We are OVER 40 and have a great time! Don't take them away.
This is a public space. It's ludicrous that a few overly rich, spoiled people feel they have a right to make the beach their private yard. It's akin to
Monica Holbrook Costa Mesa CA 92626 United States 3/15/2012 complaints about sea lions. Don't like it? Move to where you can build your own and gate it off. Get off the peninsula.
Barbara Espinoza Costa Mesa CA 92627 United States 3/15/2012 I have lived in Southern California most of my life and the fire rings are a part of my childhood, present and future.
My grandmother has her birthday beach party at Big Corona every year. We make s'mores and hot dogs... please don't ruin another tradition with
Vanessa Juteau Twin Peaks CA 92391 United States 3/15/2012 urbanization
These fire rings represent years of family reunions, places for young people to make memories and bond through music and nature and just plain
Linda Baker Irvine CA 92604 United States 3/15/2012 amazing, down to earth fun and joy. Don't let them go because of the irresponsible people who don't watch their children.
I have used these rings since I was a small boy, and plan to bring my own children to enjoy the wonderful experience of a beach bonfire. I hate the
knee jerk reaction of, "oh, 1 person got hurt; better ban it!" rather than finding creative solutions to life's problems. This sort of thinking is carving
Brian Hoogerbrugge Irvine CA 92618 United States 3/15/2012 away too many fun things in the name of "safety".
Newport Beach budget issues!? Really? Air Pollution!? Really?
Ana Thompson North Tustin CA 92705 United States 3/15/2012 Tourism and family enjoyment...yes, REALLY!
I grew up in Orange County and CDM is always where we go with family when we come back to town. It's been a family and church tradition for as
Nick Askew Eugene OR 97402 United States 3/15/2012 long as I can remember to gather around the fire pits, make smores, and have a good time.
Kali Kleinberg Orange CA 92867 United States 3/15/2012 Save the PITS!!!!!!!!!!!! I would not go to these beaches otherwise.
Kyle McFarland newport beach CA 92660 United States 3/15/2012 These are the things that make the beach a great place to be
Grace Jasmine Gilbert AZ 85234 United States 3/15/2012 lifelong SoCal resident‐ spent many hours at THESE firepits having a blast. Find something better to do with taxpayers money!
Matthew McArdle San Diego CA 92105 United States 3/15/2012 I grew up with those fire pits. It would be a shame to remove them.