EIA Report
EIA Report
EIA Report
Term-Paper 2 Report
Group X
Manjari .T |CE15D026
B. Akash |CE12B009
Dipten Mondal | CE12B068
Project Description
Besant Nagar beach is located in Chennai, India. It forms the end-point of the Marina Beach
shore. The beach is very popular with the local people and also is visited by people from far
off places. The current infrastructure facilities are not suitable enough to handle the
increasing traffic of visitors who form a constant and increasing source of income to the local
people. Also the beach is an important landmark in the city and helps promote tourism.
The project aims to develop the public infrastructure facilities around the Besant Nagar
Beach. This include includes creating new facilities like underground walkways and seating
facilities while also renovating existing structures like lighting and landscaping.
The project is sensitive in sense that the development of these facilities will affect the people
and the flora and fauna species. Though the detrimental impacts are nominal, it is required to
analyse the overall benefit/disbenefit of the renovation and plan mitigation measures
Site Details
The site is located at the eastern border of Chennai with The Bay of Bengal surrounding it
towards the right.
Besant Nagar
within 10 Kms from the coastline. Hence we considered to categorize the project under A
Category project. Depending on the level of environmental impact the project can be
categorized under B, that does not require any EIA. Since the government has asked to
prepare a compulsory report the project is assumed as B1. Usually B1 projects are those
covering an area 50 ha and or built up area 1,50,000sq .mtrs. For the screening process to
be completed the initial environmental examination is proceeded. Hence project will require
comprehensive Environmental Impact Analysis.
Initial Environmental Examination or Evaluation(IEE)
1. The project is limited only to the region of the project site. Only during the operation
phase there will be negative impact on the ecosystem.
2. Impact on the local community
a. Increase in the business.
b. Improvement in the social status and standard of living of the locals.
c. There will increase in the employment rate with increase in the tourist
d. Economic values are higher with the execution of the project.
3. Impact on the flora and fauna
a. The flora and fauna in the project location is negligible.
b. Environmental sensitivity of this zone is very less.
c. Hence comprehensive EIA for the impact on flora and fauna is recommended.
4. Cumulative Impact
a. There are no major industries in the radius of 10Kms from the project site.
b. Harbor and port activities are the major industrial activities in the surrounding
c. Harbor and port activities along with this project will have impact levels well
within the standards.
d. The will be an increase in air pollution due to more mobile population with the
development of the beach. The probability of the impact is seasonal. Eg:
Seasonal, vacation or weekends will have higher pollution than regular days.
The impact levels will be within standards.
5. Waste generation
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Being a major tourist destination of Chennai, the beach will have many effects due to
its development. The developmental activities will improvise the number of visitor to
the beach. More people will start using the facility. People who use beach walk ways
for morning walking and jogging will increase. Sports and exercise classes in the
beach will start commencing at a larger extent. There will be more tourist visiting the
beach. This will an increase in solid waste generation.
6. Level of resource exploitation
The project itself is to cover the entire stretch of the beach. Hence land resource
utilization is high. Though the utilization is higher, the developmental benefit from the
project is quit high.
7. Resettlement of the fisherman community
The land is being utilized by the local fisherman community for all their livelihood
activities. These have to be controlled and they have to be forced to migrate to their
allotted location.
8. Alternative
Many alternatives were considered for the location, methods and materials of the
pedestrian subway.
a. Beach starting: A church is also located there, so it is the subway will not be of
use if positioned over there. Moreover it also serves as a diversion path for a
Hindu Temple.
b. Beach dead end: Difficult for the passengers to travel all the way around to
reach the dead end
c. Middle of the beach: There is residential area along the length of the beach.
Hence if traffic flow increases, it will turn out to be a noise pollution for the
residents close to the beach.
Hence the area close to the dead end is chosen as the beast alternative.
Two methods were suggested for subway construction
a. Safe from coastal environment, except for submergence under
b. Traffic flow can be regulated and proper control over traffic management.
c. Parking lots can be organized and beach zone can be made congestion free.
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a. Difficult to climb for pedestrians. So no one will be using it.
b. Direct exposure to sea environment/ chloride bearing air. Difficulty in
c. Varying wind flow due to land and sea breeze.
d. Excess land usage for the construction.
Underground subway was finally closed, considering the varying benefits
Alternatives were also considered for using different types of materials. Use ecofriendly material in the coastal region may not be sustainable and will incur more
maintenance cost. More over the construction of underground subway. Hence the idea
of alternative construction materials were dropped.
Baseline Study
A baseline study is first performed to evaluate the project performance. Since there is not
much scope in site alternatives, it is therefore essential to compare the project with the current
level of development.
1. Land requirement
The land required for this project is neither an agricultural nor a forest. It is barren land
available in the coastal zone.
2. Land use in 10km radius
a. Beach
b. Residential zone
c. Harbour
3. Topography
The following map shows the 10 km topography of the project site at a scale of 2km
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4. Nearest places
a. Park
b. Beach
: Marina Beach
c. Monuments
d. Heritage structure
: Raja annamalipuram Palace, Ashtalakshmi
Temple, Besant Nagar church,
e. Bus station
f. Railway station
i. River
: Adayar River
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6. Water balance
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Source: Water Quality Index for Assessment of water Quality in South Chennai Coastal
Aquifer, Tamil Nadu India. International Journal of ChemTechResearch, ISSN: 0997-4290,
Vol4, No.4, pp 1582-1588, Oct-Dec 2012
Fig. 3 Parameters of Ground water
7. Coastal region
Fisheries and other naval activities within 10Km radius will not get affected by this project as
this is an on shore project, causing no harm to aquatic or off- shore elements.
8. Solid waste generation
Beach being a centre of entertainment and tourist attraction, the most common waste
generated in beaches are the plastic and polythene related waste. Eg: Snacks covers, cool
drink bottles etc.
9. Noise/Vibration
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During construction of subways, there will be some noise due to construction activities.
During operation phase, noise will be due to the mobile population visiting the beach.
10. Power requirement
Since construction activity is carried out at the beach, it is difficult to avail power. So power
supply can be obtained from near by transformer located at the dead end of the beach. During
operation phase, for the lighting of the lamp post there will be a definite requirement of
electric supply.
11. Peak Labour force to be employed
During construction there will be peak demand. In operation phase, labours will be required
for watering of the plants and trees in the land scape areas and for other maintenance
Scoping is the process of interaction between the proponents, government agencies,
stakeholders and any other interested public. It is the foundation step of the EIA process and
identifies the boundary of the process and tries to bring forth the likely issues and any other
stakeholder concerns. All these raised issues are compiled in the draft TOR report, which then
needs to be answered and resolved to form the EIA report.
Here we carry out the scoping process in three ways:
Leopold Method
Lohani&Tanh Method
dismantled waste. Even as a part of repair and maintenance a portion of the project
area is dismantled, there will be this impact occurring in the project site.
Impact based
1. Land use impact have raised from nill to around 70%. The project itself is to stretch
across the beach length. So mitigation in this case is also difficult.
2. Though land use was give average priority, there was a terrible increase in the impact
value. This is because the land which is being utilized can never be reused in the
course of the existence of the project. it can be reused only after the project is being
3. The area development has a higher positive impact. the additional amendments
provided will attract more mass to the beach. it can also reduce the crowding of the
people in the Marina beach and other nearby entertainment zones. Hence the
resources will be liquidized to all the people.
4. Seating arrangement, walkways and lighting will the beach zone more organized and
hence there will more improvement in the social activities happening in the beach
5. The fishermen community residing near the shore will have temporary tents and
utilizes the beach zone till date. With the advent of the project his freedom of usage
will get affected. There will be shrinkage in the landscape being utilized by him. More
social functions and other gathering due to increased facility will further reduce his
scope area. Hence the fishermen community will have a major impact.
RIAM Method
RIAM study is adopted as one of the evaluation method for this project. RIAM is based on
the knowledge that certain specific criteria are common to all impact assessments, and by
scaling these criteria it becomes possible to record the values of the assessments made. RIAM
works with both negative and positive impacts.
Not all criteria can be given the same weight, and so the criteria are divided into two groups:
those which individually are important in their impact; and those that collectively important.
By a simple formula the values ascribed to these criteria can be combined to produce a score
for the component being assessed.
Scores by themselves cannot be used to separate, or scale impacts, as they are still
attributable to subjective assessments. Thus ranges have been defined, with set conditions for
the maximum and minimum scores in each range, and the final result is represented by the
range value so derived.
In this a very comprehensive set of values can be built up across all components assessed in a
holistic manner. The system allows for direct evaluation and comparison of components from
different sectors, and provides a transparent record for future use.
The alternatives are considered based upon the location of the subway since it is the major
part of the construction. Other renovation activities like seating facilities, lighting and
landscaping need to be carried out over the whole beach stretch and thus does not provide any
other alternative.
The alternatives considered are:
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No project
The various components considered for the analysis are listed as below:
Water pollution
Land pollution
Air pollution
Erosion of sand
Microclimate of beach zone
Waste generation
Traffic volume
Cultural heritage
Social functions
Fishermen community
Human health
Endangered speicies
New species introduction
Tourism revenue
Shopkeeper's income
Area development
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NO Project
There is both positive and negative effects if associated with the project
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We see that for the project the options are limited in terms of significant change in project
structure. The site is fixed and thus there is no luxury of selecting an alternative site.
Whatever changes that can be carried out are in terms of construction practices, and during
the operation phase.
Leopold method is carried out and it can be concluded that it is much better option to go
ahead with the project given its very low impact on the environment. There are economic
gains associated while some aspects are going to deteriorate. These impacts can be effectively
mitigated and are mostly reversible in nature.
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Terms of Reference (TOR) for preparation of Environmental Impact assessment (EIA)
and Environmental Management Plan for renovation and development activities ( 50 ha)
is required as per the EIA Notification 2006. The ToR has been devised to improve the
quality of the reports and facilitate the decision making transparent and easy, along with
helping the project proponents and consultants to prepare report with relevant project
specific data, which are informative, compact and easy to comprehend. TOR for
renovation project is expected to cover all environmental related features. This report will
help in framing a complete EIA for the Besant Nagar renovation project.
General Information
Area development projects as per the EIA notification of 2006 are under category B
covering an area 50 ha. These projects/activities and requires prior environmental
clearance from the State/Union territory Environment Impact Assessment Authority
(SEIAA). Area development and renovation projects has the potential to affect all sectors
of the society along with the local flora and fauna species. The potential impacts of the
projects need to be considered and suitable mitigation measures planned before
commencing any construction activity, or preparation of land, at the site by the applicant.
1.0 Introduction
Land description- plot/ survey numbers, village, tehsil, district, state and area of
the land must be mentioned clearly.
Any litigation(s) pending against the proposed project and / or any directions or
orders passed by any court of law/any statutory authority against the project is to
be detailed out.
and manpower requirements have to be detailed. Time frame for project initiation,
implementation and completion should be detailed.
Following details should be given:
A map of the study area 5 km from the boundary of the project area, delineating
the major topographical features such as national highway, state highway, district
road/approach road, river, canal, natural drainage; protected areas, under Wild Life
(Protection) Act, archaeological site, natural lake, flood area, human settlements
(with population), industries, high tension electric line, prominent wind direction
(summer and winter), effluent drain, if any and ponds etc. should be presented.
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Details of authorized municipal solid waste facilities, biomedical treatment facilities and
hazardous waste disposal facilities in the area should be included.
5.0Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures
This section should describe the likely impact of the project on each of the environmental
parameters, methods adopted for assessing the impact such as model studies, empirical
methods, reference to existing similar situations, details of mitigation, methods proposed to
reduce adverse effects of the project, best environmental practices, conservation of natural
resources; environmental management plan; post project environmental monitoring
programme including budgeting for the expenditure proposed in the project cost.
List and details of the likely positive and negative impacts and suitable mitigation
measures on land, air, water, noise, biological socio-economical and solid waste
Cumulative impacts
Cumulated impacts due to the increase in the landscape scenario in all possible aspects of
the environment and possible mitigation measures.
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Detail the types of materials use in each component part of the project
Detail out the plans and sections of buildings showing use of new technologies
and non-conventional methods and new construction techniques.
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Summary matrix of EMP and costing of EMP, during construction and operation stage
Mechanism of self-monitoring for compliance with environmental regulations
Institutional arrangements proposed with other organizations/Government authorities for
effective implementation of environmental measures proposed in the EIA
Safe guards/mechanism to continue the assumptions/field conditions made in the EIA for
arriving the site suitability
11.0 Summary & Conclusion (Summary EIA)
This document should summarize the significant findings of the EIA report. The summary
should describe each significant environmental issue and its resolution in sufficient details so
that its importance and scope, as well as the appropriateness of the approach taken to resolve
it are well understood. Wherever possible, the summary should make use of base maps, tables
and figures given in the report. It must be able to stand alone as a document. The following
should be addressed in the summary if applicable:
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