Positive Impacts
Positive Impacts
Positive Impacts
Positive impacts
1. Creation of employment opportunities for local labour: The
surrounding area residing people are used in nearby villages are employed
in the mining areas as well as mining related activities like transportation of
coal and management of overburden etc.
Negative Impacts:
Q2. What are the TORs to be considered for opencast coal mining ?
11) Break up of lease/project area as per different land uses and their stage of
acquisition should be provided.
31) Conceptual Final Mine Closure Plan and post mining land use and
restoration of land/habitat to the status pre- mining should be provided. A
Plan for the ecological restoration of the mined out area and post mining
land use should be prepared with detailed cost provisions. Impact and
management of wastes and issues of rehandling (wherever applicable) and
backfilling and progressive mine closure and reclamation should be detailed.
32) Flow chart of water balance should be provided. Treatment of effluents
from workshop, township, domestic wastewater, mine water discharge, etc.
should be provided. Details of STP in the colony and ETP in mine should be
given. Recycling of water to the max. Possible extent should be accorded?
33) Occupational health issues. Baseline data on the health of the
population in the impact zone and measures for occupational health and
safety of the personnel and manpower in the mine should be given.
34) Risk Assessment and Disaster Preparedness and Management Plan
should be provided.
35) Integration of the Env. Management Plan with measures for minimising
use of natural resources - water, land, energy, etc. should be carried out.
36) Cost of EMP (capital and recurring) should be included in the project
cost and for progressive and final mine closure plan.
37) Details of R&R. Detailed project specific R&R Plan with data on the
existing socioeconomic status of the population (including tribals, SC/ST, BPL
families) found in the study area and broad plan for resettlement of the
displaced population, site for the resettlement colony, alternate livelihood
concerns/employment for the displaced people, civic and housing amenities
being offered, etc and costs along with the schedule of the implementation
of the R&R Plan should be given.
38) CSR Plan along with details of villages and specific budgetary provisions
(capital and recurring) for specific activities over the life of the project should
be given.
39) Corporate Environment Responsibility: a) The Company must have a well
laid down Environment Policy approved by the Board of Directors. b) The
Environment Policy must prescribe for standard operating
process/procedures to bring into focus any
infringements/deviation/violation of the environmental or forest
norms/conditions. c) The hierarchical system or Administrative Order of the
company to deal with environmental issues and for ensuring compliance
with the environmental clearance conditions must be furnished. d) To have
proper checks and balances, the company should have a well laid down
system of reporting of non-compliances/violations of environmental norms
to the Board of Directors of the company and/or shareholders or
stakeholders at large.
40) Details on Public Hearing should cover the information relating to
notices issued in the newspaper, proceedings/minutes of public hearing, the
points raised by the general public and commitments made by the
proponent and the action proposed with budgets in a suitable time frame.
These details should be presented in a tabular form. If the Public Hearing is
in the regional language, an authenticated English Translation of the same
should be provided.
41) A built mechanism of self-monitoring of compliance of environmental
regulations should be indicated.
42) Status of any litigations/ court cases filed/pending on the project should
be provided.
43) Submission of sample test analysis of Characteristics of coal: This should
include details on grade of coal and other characteristics such as ash
content, S and heavy metals including levels of Hg, As, Pb, Cr etc.
44) Copy of clearances/approvals such as Forestry clearances, Mining Plan
Approval, mine closure plan approval. NOC from Flood and Irrigation Dept.
(if req.), etc. wherever applicable.
These above given points are to be mentioned and explained for the TOR of
Open cast mining projects such as the Parsa coal mining project.
Open cast mining involves removal of plant life, soil and potentially bedrock
to be able to access resource deposits. It is normally used for fairly shallow,
non-precious deposits.
Open cast mining involves digging out rocks to form an open pit or borrow
pit, from which resources are then extracted. An open cast mine generally
has stepped sides to minimize the risks associated with collapse and a large
ramp for mining equipment. Some kind of water management system is
generally necessary to keep an active mine from turning into a lake. Open
cast mines are typically worked until either the mineral deposit is depleted,
or various factors make the mine non profitable. When this occurs the open
cast mine is often modified to become a landfill for solid wastes.
Underground Mining
There are various types of underground mining that are categorized based
on the kind of shafts used, the technique of extraction and the process used
to get to a deposit. For instance, drift mining involves the use of horizontal
tunnels, while slope mining uses diagonal shafts to access deposits.The type
of underground mining technique used is typically based on the geology of
the area, especially the amount of ground support needed to make mining