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B.E./8.Tech.DEGREII trXAN{INATION, MAYiJUNE 2007. Fourth Semester (Regulation2004) Mechanical Engineering ME 1251- THERMAL ENGINEBRING (Commonto B.E. (Part-Time)Third SemesterRegulation- 2005) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

AnsrverALL questions.

PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 rnarks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sketch the Diesel Cycleon P-v and T-s planes. List out any two assumptionsfor the analysisof thermodynamicair cycles. What is the function of camshaft and crankshaft? List out the effects of detonation. Define nozzleefficiency. Give the working principle of an impulse turbine. Define volumetric efficiency of an air compressor. What is free air delivered? A carnot refrigerator requires 1.3 kW per tonne of refrigeration to maintain a region at low temperature of - 38"C. Determine the COP of the refrigerator and the higher temperature of the cycle.

10. Define dew point temperature.



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(Use of Steam table/chart, Refrigerant Property tables and Psychrometric chart is permitted)

PARTB-(5x16=80marks) 11. (a) An engine working on Otto cyclehas a volume of 0.45 m3, pressure 1 bar and temperature 30'C at the beginning of compressionstroke. At the end stroke, the pressureis 11 bar and 210 kJ of heat is added of compression at constant volume. Determine (i) (ii) pressures, temperaturesand volumesat salient points in the cycie efficiency. Or (b) (i) Derive an expression for the air-standard efficiency of a Bra;'ton (8) cyclein terms of pressureratio. Prove that the pressure ratio for maximum work is a function of the (8) timiting temperature ratio.


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Explain any four types of classification of Internai engines.

Combustion (8) (8)


With a neat sketch explain any one type of ignition system.

Or (b)

(i) (ii) (iii)

Compressionratio Indicated thermal efficiency Brake specificfuel consumption and Bore and stroke.

(iv) 13. (a) (i)



Derive an expression for the critical pressure ratio in terms of the (8) index of expansion. Dry saturated steam enters a steam nozzle at a pressure of 15 bar and is dischargedat a pressureof2.00 bar. Ifthe drynessfraction of discharge steam is 0.96, what will be the final velocity of steam. Neglect initial velocity of steam. If 70Voof heat drop is lost in friction, find the percentage reduction in the final velocity. (8) Or


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Following data relates to 4 cylinder, A stroke petrol engine. Air/Fuel ratio by weight 16:1. Calorific value of the fuel = 45200 kJA<g, mechanical Air standard efficiency = 527o,relative efficiency = 707o efficiency = 82Va. volumetric efficiency = 787a,stroke/boneratio = L.25 suction conditions = 1 bar, 25"C. Speed= 2400 rpm power at brakes = 72 kW. Calculate


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A 507o reaction turbine running at 400 rpm has the exit angle of the biades as 20' and the velocity of steam relative to the blades at the exit is 1.35 times the mean speed of the blade. The steam flow rate is 8.33 kgls and at a particuiar stage the specific volume is 1.381 rn3/Kg. Calculate for this stage. (i) a suitable blade height, assuming the rotor mean diameter 12 times the blade height, and the diagram work Derive an expression for the minimum work required for a rwo-srage reciprocating air compressor with perfect intercooling and (8) neglecting clearance. A two stage air compressor compresses air from 1 bar and 20"C to tt 42 bar. If the law of compression is pvt = constant and the intercooling is perfect. Find per kg of air (1) (2) the work done in comPression the mass of cooling water necessary for abstracting the heat in the intercooler, if the temperature rise of the cooling water is

(ii) L4. (a) (i)


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25"C. Or (b) (i) (ii)




A refrigeration system of 10.5 tonnes capacity aL an evaporator temperature of 27"C is neededin temperature of - 12'C and a condenser a food storage locker. The refrigerant ammonia is sub cooled by 6'c before entering the expansion valve. The vapoul is 0.95 dry as it leaves the evaporator coil. The compression in the compressor is of adiabatic type. Find (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


Condition of vapour at the outlet of the compressor Condition of vapour at the entrance of the evaporator COP and The power required. Neglect valve throttling and ciearanceeffect.


A single stage single acting reciprocating air compressor delivers 14 m3 0f free air per minute from 1 bar to 7 bar. The speed of and expansion is compressor 310 rpm. Assuming that compression follow the law pvt " = constant and clearance is 57o of the swept volume, find the diameter and stroke of the compressor. Take (8) stroke iength is 1.5 times the bore diameter.

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with a neat sketch describeany one type of rotary compressor. (8)


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in A sling psychrometer a laboratory test recordedthe foilowing readings. Dry buib ternperature= 35oC Wet bulb temperature = 25"C Calculatethe following : (i) (ii) humidity specific relative humiditY

(iii) \,apour density in air (iv) (v) derv point temperature and enthalpy of mixture per kg of dry air Take atmosphericpressure= 1.0132bar.



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