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Community DX

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT A hand works on its best with others encouragement and support The researchers deeply acknowledge the

help of the barangay Captain of Sta. Rita, Hon. Jerome Michael Bacay and the Brgy. Council for their support and cooperation;Dean Vizabelle Pielago, RN, MAN for allowing them to have their community diagnosisand for pushing them to strive harder to succeed;Mr. Federico Arcala III, Mr. Billy Joe Tom and Ms. Cynthia Calma for their guidancethroughout the community activities;The families interviewed for not hesitating to cooperate with the researchers;Their parents, for their encouragement and their never-ending willingness to give in times of need, be it financial or emotional;To Almighty God for the gift of perseverance and knowledge, with Him, EVERYTHINGIS POSSIBLE.To all those who contributed for the completion of this project, your help are deeplyacknowledged. INTRODUCTION Traditionally, a community has been defined as a group of interacting people living ina common location. The word is thus often used to mean a group that is organized aroundcommon values within a shared geographical location. However, the definition has evolved andbeen enlarged to mean individuals who share characteristics, regardless of their location ortype of interaction. Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) is anemerging model of research aimed at enhancing the relevance and value of clinical researchby involving patients and community members.Many of the complex health and social problems that have accompanied us into thetwenty-first century such as TB, Dengue, Malaria, Cholera, Diarrhea and some others have proved ill suited to traditional approaches to research and the often disappointing communityinterventions they have created. COPAR contains information on a wide variety of topicsincluding planning and conducting research, working with communities, promoting socialchange and core research methods.C O P A R h a s e m e r g e d a s a n i m p o r t a n t m e t h o d i n p r i m a r y c a r e a n d e p i d e m i o l o g i c research. COPAR is a systematic investigation, with the collaboration of those affected by theissue being studied.T h e growing popularity and effective use of this approach is supported in t h e literature. Community-based participatory research has been conducted on nearly all aspectsof primary health care including family planning, immunization, environmental sanitation,geriatrics, health care and some others.The researchers were assigned at Barangay Sta. Rita, Olongapo City. Sta. Rita is thelargest of all the 17 barangays of the City. It is bounded to the North by Sta. Rita River, to theEast by East Bajac-Bajac, to the West Mabayuan and Barangay Gordon Heights and to the South by Barangay Old Cabalan.Barangay Sta. Rita is generally a flat valley bounded by mountain ranges and the Sta.Rita river that serves as the catch basin of water during rainy season. Its land elevation isbelow sea level and considered the flood plain of the City of Olongapo. Flooding that occurredcan be attributed to the overflowing of the Mabayuan and Sta. Rita river where strong wateremanated from the mountains surrounding it. The shallowing of the river brought about by the

eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1992 is also one factor in the frequent flooding of the area.Dredging is not given priority due to insufficient funds.In spite of all the aforesaid difficulties, Barangay Sta. Rita is considered the most active barangay in terms of number of puroks, number of population and the vastness of landarea. Horticulture and residential lands exist. RATIONALE Community organizing is a process by which communities and organizations worktogether to identify common problems and objectives, acquire and mobilize resources, andcreate and implement actions to achieve their goals. In this studies, students will learn thebases of facilitating community organizing processes in health promotion and educationcontexts. These include research and evaluation of community organizing processes. METHODOLOGY A community diagnosis was assigned as a partial fulfillment of the requirem ents inCommunity Health Development. As a part of the said activity, students were assigned todifferent areas in Olongapo.The recommended timeframe for the community diagnosis in the assigned area is atleast 16 hours divided into two weeks. During the said time the researchers are bound togather the data and all supporting details and analyzed them for the final paper.Consisting of 10 members, A2 was assigned to Purok I, Barangay Sta. Rita, the largestBarangay in Olongapo City. The group planned on the strategy to use for a more systematicapproach. On September 27, 2008, 7:30 in the morning, all the second year and third yeargroups gathered at the KHG hall in Gordon College for the orientation. At nine oclock, thegroups started their Each member is asked to interview 5 families, 50 families in total. Details of the questionnaire provided by their instructor served as a guide on the interview.The data collected are then tallied and analyzed. SCOPE AND LIMITATION In terms of population, the collection of data is limited to 50 families consisting of 262individuals accountable for the 0.67% of the total population of Sta. Rita which is 38,905 as of 2007 and 0.64% of the total number of household which is 7,781. In this case, the reliabilityof the information gathered was not complacent enough in reference to the totality of thecommunity population.The prioritization of the problems observed and stated by the researchers focused more on the data gathered from the families interviewed residing in Purok I, Barangay Sta.Rita. This content of data gathered from the random sample may not be reliable enough torepresent the whole community of Sta. Rita Considering the fact that Purok I may be differentto all of the others in terms of population density and socio-economic and health status.However, the study may post significance in the sense that it may be useful in determining theproblems of Purok I per se.The family structure, socio-economic status, home and environment, knowledge of theconcept of health care and health problems were obtained only from the statement of the 50families representatives.

COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS Community diagnosis is the process of assessing and defining the n e e d s , opportunities and resources involved in initiating community health action programs.The researchers have conducted activities wherein both family and public health carec o n c e p t s a r e a p p l i e d t o t h e i r d e s i g n a t e d a r e a w h i c h i s o n P u r o k I , Barangay Sta. Rita

Olongapo City, Zambales, Philippines. This study intends to improve the capability of thegroup in giving out comprehensive health care services.S t u d i e s h a v e u n d e r s c o r e d s o m e k e y e l e m e n t s o f t h e c o m m u n i t y w h i c h m a y b e activated to bring social and behavioral changes. This process of change aims to build thecapability of people to act on themselves for future community problems regarding both healthand socio-cultural and environmental factors. FAMILY HEALTH MANAGEMENT This community diagnosis is a direct application of primary health care w h i c h i s originally conceptualized on the promotive and preventive measures of health processes.Primary health care perceive health as an active framework applied to systematize servicesextended to clients. Each of these frameworks permits more than one approach to qualityassurance.It is composed by intentionally chosen action that organizes the contact to improve theclients health status and develop abilities in dealing with health problems.The primary health care puts the concept of framework to the fore. Team planning byh e a l t h p e r s o n n e l i n t h e s a m e l e v e l a n d v a r i o u s h e a l t h l e v e l s w i l l b e e s s e n t i a l f o r t h e effectiveness and efficiency of the health services rendered for the sake of the community people. I.ESTABLISHING A GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIP Family, being the basic unit of society, is also the basic unit of service of community healthcare. The client, the family, as well as the community needs to find resources in order togrow. As part of the community health team, it is the researcherrs responsibility to ensurethat a good and competitive working relationship is built with the clients family. But in orderto reach this level, establishment of rapport must be achieved first.Therefore, the key to success for this study is the free and open communication from boththe researchers and the members of the community. Barriers should be broken, the desire tohelp boost others strength and overcome weaknesses must be uplifted. I.1 ESTABLISHING GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILIES They say, first impression lasts. In this case, it is true. That is why the initial contactwith the client is very crucial. During this stage, the researchers must first establish goodworking relationship with the people in the community.Good and harmonious relationship could be met when trust is obtained in the very firstplace. With this, all other actions will be successfully rendered if the foundation is strong andstable.Within each contact through home visits, the group introduced themselves, whatschool they

came from and the purpose of the activity. They also stimulated the clients interest to make each conversation active and alive. I.2 CONDUCTING A HOME VISIts

Home visit is the method by which the researchers sought to find data and information whicha r e v i t a l a n d n e c e s s a r y f o r t h e s t u d y . I t i s t h e f a c e t o f a c e i n t e r a c t i o n m a d e t o p r o v i d e essential health care activities.Upon establishing rapport, the group conducted the interview inquiring about theirhealth and some related problems followed by a detailed observation of the surrounding environment and the assessment of the physical, physiological and psychological state of themembers of the community. From the data gathered, community diagnoses were formulated.The first phase of planning was initiated during the home visit and will be continued during theanalysis. Interventions are then performed and evaluated. I.3 OTHER MEANS OF CONTACT WITH THE CLIENT Other means of nurse-contact in the community setting besides home visit includesthe following: mothers class, health teaching; symposiu m, Rural Health Unit visits, schooland tertiary health care facility visits, and print media (posters, pamplets etc.). This is due tothe fact that the use of electric communication gadgets is not feasible in the Philippine HealthCommunity Setting. II. FAMILY HEALTH ASSESSMENT The major priority of the community health worker is the health status of t h e community. Each of them is accustomed with vital responsibilities to further improve thehealth condition of the families assigned to them by applying the ideal skills and knowledge inorganizing health care services being extended.In order for the individuals to cope and manage health problems, the health processincludes an important set of actions that systematize the effect to improve the clients healthstatus.The process uses the scientific method: gathering, observing and analyzing data toarrive to conclusions. Trough this health process, the solutions will be derived from the healthproblems. II.1 CONDUCTING FAMILY HELTH ASSESSMENT The ability to assess clients is one of the most important skills of nursing, regardless of the practice setting. In all settings in which nurseds interacts with clients and provide care,eliciting a complete health history, and using appropriate assessment skills are critical toidentifying physical and psychological problems and concerns experienced by the client. Asfirst step in the nursing process, patient assessment is necessary to obtain data that enablethe nurse to make a nursing diagnosis for the community, identify and implement nursinginterventions and evaluate their effectiveness.I n h e a l t h assessment, the nurse obtains the clients health history and p e r f o r m s physical assessment which can be carried out in a variety of settings. Few lists of communitydiagnoses is used by the community health nurses to identify and categorize family andc o m m u n i t y p r o b l e m s t h a t n u r s e s h a v e t h e k n o w l e d g e , s k i l l s a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o t r e a t independently PROBLEM PRIORITIZATION PROBLEM FISRT LEVEL 2ND LEVEL ASSESMENT

1 . A s t h m a a n d o t h e r respiratory problems

ASSESMENT Health threat

2 . T h r e a t o f c r o s s i n f e c t i o n f r o m a communicabledisease case

Health threat

3 b f c

.Family size eyondw h a t a m i l y r e s o u r e s c a n adequately provide

Health threat

4 . A c c i d e n t h a z a r d s such as fall hazardsr e l a t e d t o s o i l erosion and h o u s e structure, proximityo f the houses withe a c h o t h e r s e c o n d a r y t o p h y s i c a l a n d environmentalfactors


5 . i n a d e q u a t e


F a i l u r e t o u t i l i z e c o m m u n i t y r e s o u r c e s for health due to lack of or inadequatefamily resources, specifically financialr e s o u r c e s a n d l a c k of knowledge ond i s e a s e p r o c e s s a n d t r e a t m e n t regimen. I n a b i l i t y t o r e c o g n i z e t h e p r e s e n c e o f the condition or problem due to lack of or inadequate knowledge f a i l u r e t o u t i l i z e c o m m u n i t y r e s o u r c e s for health due to lack of or inadequatefamily resources and lack of knowledgeregarding family planning. I n a b i l i t y t o p r o v i d e a h o m e / environ ment conducive to healthm a i n t e n a n c e a n d p e r s o n a l development due to lack of inadequateknowledge of preventive measures andinadequate family resources specificallyfinancial constraints/ limited financialresources F a i l u r e t o

f o o d intake both in qualityand quantity

6. loss of job

Forseeable crisis

u t i l i z e c o m m u n i t y r e s o u r c e s for health due to lack of or inadequatefamily resources, specifically financialr e s o u r c e s s u c h as cost of m e d i c i n e prescribe I n a b i l i t y t o m a k e d e c i s i o n s w i t h r e s p e c t to having appropriate action due tof e e l i n g o f c o n f u s i o n , h e l p l e s s n e s s and/or resignation brought about b y perceived magnitude/ severity of thesituation / problem

ACCIDENT HAZARDS (Fall hazards related to soil erosion and house structure, proximity of the houses with eachother secondary to physical and environmental factors.) Criteria computation Total Score Justification Nature of the 2/3 x 1 2/3 It is a health threat problem Modifiability of the px 2x 2 2 They can practice healthmeasures to prevent thespread of communicabledisease Preventive potential 3/3 x 1 1 3There are interventions toprevent the problem Salience of the px 0/2 x 1 0 11They recognize it as aproblem that does notneed an immediateattention Total : 3 2/3

THREAT OF CROSS-INFECTION FROM A COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CriteriA computation Total score justification Nature of the px 2/3 x 1 2/3 It is a HT Modifiability of the px 1/2 x 1 1 They can practice h measure to prevent

Preventive potential Salience of the px Total:

2/3 x 1 2/2 x 2

2/3 1 3 1/3

the spread of com dse. There are interventions to prevent the px They recognize it as problem that does not need immediate attention

ASTHMA AND OTHER RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS. Criteria computation Total score justification Nature of the px 2/3 x 1 2/3 It is a HT Modifiability of the px 2/2 x 1 1 There are interventions to solve the px Preventive potential 2/3 x 1 2/3 Smoking can be prevented even little by litle Salience of the px 0/2 x 2 0 The father does not perceive it as a px. Total: 3 1/3

INADEQUATE FOOD INTAKE BOTH QUANTITY AND QUALITY CriteriA computation Total score justification Nature of the px 2/3 x 1 2/3 It is a health threat Modifiability of the px x 2 1 They can provide somehow but still lack Preventive potential 2/3 x 1 2/3 It can be preventedsomehow but resourcesare limited Salience of the px 2/2 x1 1 The family sees it as aproblem that requiresimmediate attention Total: 3 1/3



HISTORY Barangay sta. Rita is the largest of all the 17 barangays of the city. It is bounded to the northby sta. Rita river, to the east by east bajac -bajac, to the west by barangay mabayaun andbarangay gordon heights and to the south by barangay old cabalan.Barangay sta. Rita is generally a flat valley bounded by mountain ranges and the sta.Rita river that serves as the catch basin of water during rainy season. Its land elevation is below sea level and considered the flood plain of the city of olongapo. Flooding that occurredcan be attributed to the overflowing of the mabayaun and sta. Rita river where strong wateremanated from the mountains surrounding it. The shallowing of the river brought about bythe eruption of mount pinatubo in 1992 is also one factor in the frequent flooding of the area.Dredging is not given priority yet due to insufficient funds.In spite of all the aforesaid difficulties, barangay sta. Rita is considered the most activebarangay in terms of development. It surpasses other barangays in terms of number of puroks, number of population and the vastness of land area. Horticulture and residential landsexist. BARANGAY PROFILEGeographical and Physical Information Sta. Rita is the 2 nd largest of the barangays in terms of land area at 1,529.18 or 21%hectares of the citys built up area. It is bounded to the north by Sta. Rita River, to the east byEast Bajac-Bajac, to the west by Barangay Mabayuan and Barangay Gordon Heights and to thesouth by Barangay Old Cabalan.Barangay Sta. Rita is generally of flat valley bounded by mountain ranges and the Sta.Rita River, whose stream flow is one of the Citys main sources of water. Its land elevation isbelow sea level and considered as the flood plain. Recurrent flooding in the area wasattributed to the extensive siltation of the Riverbeds, long before the Mt. Pinatubo eruption,that restricted the carrying capacity during peak river stream flows.The shallowing of the river brought about by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1992 isalso one factor in the frequent flooding of the area. Dredging is not given priority yet due toinsufficient funds.In spite of all the aforesaid difficulties, Barangay Sta. Rita is considered the mostactive barangay in terms of development. It surpasses other barangays in terms of number of puroks, number of population and the vastness of land area. Horiculture and residential landsexist. Economic Development Barangay Sta. Rita consist mostly of lands owned by Esteban Estate and some privateoccupancy dated back even before the time of the American occupation. Life in the area wasformerly through farming until the period when the entire Sta. Rita was projected forresidential purposes.The salient points of development are numbered as follows:Former rice fields became residential lots and subdivision. Commercial establishmentswere erected and roads for the convenience of the residents were improved.

Schools, both public and private elementary and secondary were improved and enlarged tofacilitate the increasing number of school children. Seven Day Care Centers were alsoconstructed to cater the demands of the youth.The City Slaughter House can also be found in the area. Various plans for the furtherimprovement of the area are at hand like the construction of a multi-purpose hall within thevicinity of the Barangay Plaza and many other infrastructure projects.

TABULATION OF DATA No. of Families Surveyed: 50 No. of Individuals: 262 Total No. of Males: 145 Total No. of Females: 117 FAMILY SIZE Two-3 Three-2 Four-13 Five-11 Six-8 Seven-8 Eight-2 Nine-1 Ten-1 Eleven-1 CIVIL STATUS Single-157 Married- 117 Widowed-4 Separated-4 Live-in-1 religion Rc Inc baptist age 2-11 mos 1-3 yrs 4-5 yrs 6-10 11-14 15-17 18-20 21-40 41-60 61 & above husband wife total




EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 5 & below Pre school Elementary

HS level HS grad Vocational Collge level College grad FAMILY STRUCTURE Nuclear Extended Patriarchal Matriarchal OCCUPATION Store Owner1 Laundrywoman1 Soldier1Policeman1Fireman1Security Guard1Electrical Engineer1Painter1Midwife1Gov't. Employee1Call Center Agent1Cargador1Tutor1Jueteng2Welder3Carpenter4Driver7Construction Worker7OFW7SBMA Employee9Non-Working Minors19Vendor29Non-Working Adults72Student8 EMPLOYMENT EmployedUnemployedMonthly income source Monthly income Family health status (dses.) FELT FAMILY NEEDS Medicine18 Additional Income44 Education26 Food15 Owned Comfort Room6 HOME & ENVIRONMENT YES Lot Owned 28 House Owned 32

NO 22 18

TYPE OF HOUSING MATERIALS Wood12 Concrete20 Mixed18

TYPE OF GARBAGE DISPOSAL Collected49 Throw in the river1 TYPE OF TOILET Water sealed Open pit Sanitary TYPE OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM Open25 Closed25 SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY Owned25 Bought16 Shared9 DRINKING WATER Refrigerated18 Covered32 CONTAINERS USED Plastic Pitchers40 Bottles7 Jars, Clays. Pots2 Others1 FOOD STORAGECovered33Refrigerated16Cabinet1 PRESENCE OF HOUSEHOLD PESTS YES50NO PRESENCE OF BREEDING SITES YES50NO PETS/ ANIMALS KEPT IN THE yARDDog25Cat9Rooster/Chicken5Pig3Dove6Duck3 PRESENCE OF ACCIDENT HAZARDS YES81NO19 CONSULTED PERSON Manghihilot3Nurse11Doctor13Barangay Health Worker2Albularyo1Health Center19Others4 CONSULTED PERSONS FOR PROBLEMS OTHER THAN HEALTHFamily26Relatives14Friends4Bombay3Priest1Barangay1Neighbor1 IMMUNIZATIONFully Immunized Children157Non-Fully57Continous11 ADEQUATE ACTIVITYYESNORest & Sleep3416Exercise2327Relaxation Exercise2624Stress Management3317

FAMILY STRUCTURE a.1 Total Population No. of Families Surveyed: 50 No. of Individuals: 262 a.2 Age

0 20 40 60 80 100 AGE 0 20 40 60 80 100 2-11 months--------4-5 years 11-14 years 18-20 years 41-60 years A.3 SEX Male-55% Female-45% Most of the people living in Sta. Rita are in the range of 21-40 years old, which are in theworking group. Next are the individuals whose ages is in 41-60 years of age. Both ranges of ages belong in the working group. We can say that most people in Barangay Sta. Rita have their jobs, but the thing is, they can not sustain or support their family with the kind of their job. Or maybe some heads or members of the family are underemployed or unemployed.

a.3 SEXfemale45%male55%a a.4 Civil Status Civil Status Single 56% Married 42% Widowed 1% Separated 0% Live-in 1% Most of the people living in Sta. Rita are single, comprising more than 50% of the totalsurveyed population. Next weight of large percentage is the married individuals. The live-in and widowed status are almost in equal percentage, while the separated ones have the leastpercentage. The data above shows that most of the families interviewed have larger members of single individuals because most of the members of each family are still children, teenagers,and some are working individuals. Also, because of present economic condition, someinterviewed individuals tend to stay single. Next to singles are the married individuals who areliving in the same house with their family members. a.5 Type of Family FAMILY STRUCTURE Extended 31% Patriarchal 35% Matriarchal 10% Nuclear 24% The largest portion was designated to Patriarchal family structure, in terms of who is rulingthe family- the mother or the father. But in terms whether it is nuclear or matriarchal, thenuclear has the largest percentage. a.6 Family Size02468101214Three Five Seven Nine ElevenFamily SizeNo. of Families The graph above shows the most frequent number of family members in BarangaySta. Rita. It is evident on the data above that the member of four in a family is the commonest among the family number composition, comprising 26% of the total 50 families.While 6% of the 50 families interviewed have only two family members, 4% for threemembers, 22% for five members, 16% for six members, 16% for seven family members, 4%for eight members, 2% for nine members, 2% for ten members, and also 2% for elevenmembers.Form the data above; the top four family sizes are four, five, six, and seven. But thereare also some families whose members comprised of nine members, ten and eleven. But themost famous is four- maybe composed of a father, mother, and two siblings of either sex.

B. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL STATUS b.1 EmploymentEMPLOYMENT STATUS Unemployed66% Employed34% 66% of the total individuals belonging to the families interviewed are unemployed dueto the fact that most of them are either of the non-working minors or are students. The rest,who are employed comprised mostly of vendors.

b.2 OccupatioN OCCUPATION0 5 101520 253035404550556065 7075808590 Store Owner LaundrywomanSoldier PolicemanFiremanSecurity GuardElectrical Engineer Painter MidwifeGov't. EmployeeCall Center AgentCargador Tutor JuetengWelder Carpenter Driver Construction Worker OFWSBMA EmployeeNon-Working MinorsVendor Non-Working AdultsStudent Most of the adults in Barangay Sta. Rita are non-working, maybe they are under orunemployed. This is because in our culture, elderly tends to stay at home and enjoy theiradulthood. It also shows that some of their works are low earning jobs. But education is one of the most important factors, thats why, many are still students. b.3 Monthly Income and Source 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 5 and below pre schoolelementary HS level HS graduate Vocational College level College graduate EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTeducational levelMONTHLY INCOMEBelow 5,000pesos50%20,000-30,000pesos4%5,000-10,000pesos38%10,000-15,000pesos2%15,00020,000pesos6% Most of the family income in the Barangay Sta. Rita is Php 5,000 below. It is evidencedbecause of the low earning job of the head of the family. Because of this, their income islimited only for food and other important needs. But unfortunately, sometimes it is not enoughto sustain their daily needs. b.4 Educational Status From the 50 families interviewed, the highest educational attainment of the people of Sta. Rita as of now is only Elementary level, both graduate and those who are still studying.The next highest percentage varies among the High School individuals. The third educationalattainment comprises among those individuals who attend only High School level. The rest of the data shows the educational attainment of their family members.The data explains that because of economic problems and individuals perception oneducation, most of the highest educational attainment of the people in Sta. Rita comprisesamong Elementary and High School levels. MONTHLY INCOME SOURCE Father 70% Mother 26% Others4% Definitely the father is usually the primary source of income of most of the family. Ithas been part of our culture that the father is the provider of the family needs, but then, dueto the poverty, the mother are forced to work, and as time passes by the crisis require theother members of the family in order to satisfy their basic needs

b.5 Family Needs FELT FAMILY NEEDS Education24% Food14% Owned ComfortRoom6% AdditionalIncome39% Medicine17% Among the felt family needs, additional income is the most prevalent family need.One of the interviewed person said, without money, all the other needs will not be attended.Owning a comfort room is the least felt family needs of the people living in Purok 1.

b.6 Religion Catholic INC baptist This graph showed the relationship between the husband and the wifes choice abouttheir familys religion. 90% of the families being surveyed chose to become Catholic, 8% of which chose to become Iglesia ni Cristo and only 2% chose to become Baptist.Being influenced by the Spanish colonizers in about 300 years, the people tend to follow thesame trend as before. Though these sectors were subdivided into groups, they still share thesame vision and faith towards one God. C. HOME AND ENVIRONMENT c.1 Family Interaction01020304050ObservableConflictsInteractionPatternsInteractionPatternsGENERAL FAMILY DYNAMICS(-)(+)This graph showed the interaction of the family members to each other. 0 out of 50families have observable conflicts while 44 were living pleasantly. 40 out of 50 families havepositive characteristics of communication while only 10 had shown a negative one. 46 out of 50 families have a positive interaction among its members while only 4 have a negative one. As shown above, we can evaluate that in spite the economic scarce and poverty, mostof the families still manage to cope everyday struggle. They still manage to communicate witheach other which is essential for a healthy family. c.2 House and Lot 0102030405060YES NOHOME AND LAND OWNERSHIP House Owned Lot Owned Most of the people living in Purok 1 do not own their houses, some own their lot. Thehousing there is usually in close proximity due to poverty, so there may be a possibility of firehazards.

c.3 House Structure TYPE OF HOUSING MATERIALS Wood24% Concrete40% Mixed36% WoodConcrete Mixed Almost half of the families have their houses built from concrete. The least are madeof wood, these houses are old ones, built almost decades ago.

ADEQUACY OF LIVING SPACE Even though they are under the influence and effect of poverty, life must go on. Sincemany of the families have only 4 members, they still manage to feel that they are living inadequate space. c.4 Animals, Pest and Other Health Hazards PRESENCE OF HOUSEHOLD PESTS YES100% NO0% 100 % of the total household interviewed have observed lurking pests around theirhouse such as cockroaches, rats, ants, mosquitoes and others. This is due to the fact that intropical regions, pests that are mentioned above are present especially to areas that are nearthat are near sewages. PRESENCE OF PEST BREEDING SITES YES100% NO0% Breeding sites are present to the entire household interviewed because of lack of proper home and environment sanitation. The existence of pests is almost unpreventable.Dog Cat Rooster/Chicken Pig Dove Duck PETS/ANIMALS KEPT IN THE YARD Pets are common due to the fact that they not only serve for amusement purposes butalso for utility. It is shown on the table above that 48% of the total household owns a dog;18% cats; 12% have doves; 12% have either roster or chicken; and 12% have ducks andpigs. Dogs have the highest number due to the fact that dogs are said to be mans bestfriend,it serves not only for amusement but also keeps the house safe from intruders by beingguards. PRESENCE OF ACCIDENT HAZARDS 81% of the respondents have accident hazards present in their homes, while 19%have none. Because of Purok 1, Barangay Sta. Ritas location, which is beside the Sta. RitaRiver, some of the houses stand by the river side, making the people there prone to falls, fireand other accidents. Most of the respondents have these accident hazards present in theirhomes not just because of the location but also because of their housing materials which arewoods and concrete and mixed. And their houses are closed proximity with each other giving ahigher risk for fire.

c.4 Food and Water StorageFOOD STORAGERefrigerated32%Cabinet2%Covered66%CoveredRefrigeratedCabinet Garnering the highest percentage is those that are covered, followed by refrigerationdue to the fact that many of the families cannot avail the luxury of having refrigerators athome. The least percentage goes to the cabinet as storage because in areas that have pestslike rats, this would not be practical. DRINKING WATERRefrigerated36%Covered64%RefrigeratedCovered WATER CONTAINERS USEDPlastic Pitchers80%Bottles14%Jars, Clays.Pots4%Others2%Plastic PitchersBottlesJars, Clays. PotsOthersPitchers are the most common water container used because of its availability and thepeople have been used to utilizing those commercially sold containers. Jars and clay pots anddrums are also used by the smallest scale of the families since these containers are notavailable nowadays.Most of the populations are only covering their drinking water because they couldntafford to have a refrigerator as storage of their food and water. c.5 Water SourceSOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY Bought32% Shared18% Owned50% 50% of the total population of Purok 1 get their water supply at Subic Water, 32% arebought and 18% are only shared from their neighbors. Water is one of the basic needs of thefamily. And despite of poverty, most of them prioritize water to provide to their family. c.6 Garbage Disposal SystemTYPE OF GARBAGE DISPOSAL Collected98% Thrown in theriver 2%Since Olongapo City promotes excellence in everything, especially cleanliness, garbageis being collected twice a week in every Barangay. This can be observed by the above result.Only 2% have their garbage thrown in the river. They are those who are far from the mainroad or barangay road. c.7 Type of Toilet and Drainage SystemTYPE OF TOILET Water-sealed100%All of the residents wastes are disposed through water sealed. This is due to the factthat the families believed that it is the proper way of disposing their waste and they are alsocivilized to know this matter. TYPE OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM Closed50% Open50% The people of Purok 1, Sta. Rita, half of them have closed drainage, the same quantityexist in open drainage. It indicates that the population is not aware of the importance of closed drainage. Open drainage could bring several problems. D. KNOWLEDGE ON THE CONCEPT OFHEALTH CARE

d.1 Health ConditionFAMILY HEALTH STATUS D i a b e t e s H P N A s t h m a D e n g u e K i d n e y S t o n e s G I O b s t r u c t i o n P n e u m o n i a R e n a l F a i l u r e O v e r f a t i g u e H e m m o r h a g e C o u g h & C o l d s A t h e r o s c l e r o s i s A l l e r g y M a l a r i a F e v e r F l u M y o m a A c u t e B r o n c h i t i s U T I Asthma is the most prevalent case of morbidity in Barangay Sta. Rita, affecting allmembers of the family including the parents and their children. Or maybe it is not asthma atall. They might just get confused with the term to use to identify a certain pulmonary diseaseor disorder which has similar clinical manifestations with some other respiratory illness.

d.2 Health Practices Manghihilot Doctor Albularyo Others Of the 50 families interviewed, 35 % stated that they went on Health Center for theirhealth problems; 24% goes to doctors especially for serious diseases; 21% goes to thenurses; 8% asks other persons for help; 6% goes to manghihilot; 4% goes to healthworkers and 2% to quack doctors. Health Center is the primary choice of the respondents when it comes to healthproblems, followed by the following in a descending order: doctor, nurse, others like familyand last to be consulted is albularyos. Due Because of the effort of the government to spreadhealth care, health centers are now present in every barangay, making Health Care quiteaccessible, thus, health centers are the respondents primary choice. CONSULTED PERSONS FOR PROBLEMS OTHER THANHEALTH Family Relatives Friends Bombay

Priest Barangay Neighbor Majority of the respondents consults the others in a descending order: familymembers52%; 28% relatives; 8% friends;6% bumbay; 2% priest; 2% barangay officialsand 2% neighbors.The family, as the main source of physiological, psychological and emotionalassistance, is the first to be consulted not just in Purok 1, Barangay Sta. Rita, but also in thewhole country. Filipinos give value to their families and other blood relationships. Friends arethe ones to fill in the places of family members and/or relatives if they are not around. Thismakes them close to the respondents to the point where problems are exhausted to them.As financial problems occur, the respondents opt to consult bumbays to fill theirmonetary needs. And in spiritual and needs for counseling, they go to priests. Smallpercentage of the respondents consult Barangay official and lastly their neighbors. d.3 Activity and Stress Management 01020304050Rest & Sleep Exercise RelaxationExerciseStressManagementACTIVITY AND RESTNOYES Most of the interviewed stated that they have enough rest and sleep. Persons whostated that they dont have enough rest and sleep are the older ones this is because of thefact that they have altered sleeping pattern secondary to aging process. 46% said that theydo morning exercises such as walking on the streets. They also allot some of their time forrelaxation such as watching television playing cards and other activities. Though they havemany problems, they still manage to handle stressors that come along the way. d.3 ImmunizationIMMUNIZATION STATUS Non-Fully25% Continous5% FullyImmunizedChildren70% Majority of the respondents consults the others in a descending order: familymembers, relatives, friends, bumbay, priest, barangay officials and neighbors. The family, as the main source of physiological, psychological and emotionalassistance, is the first to be consulted not just in Purok 1, Barangay Sta. Rita, but also in thewhole country. Filipinos give value to their families and other blood relationships. Friends arethe ones to fill in the places of family members and/or relatives if they are not around. Thismakes them close to the respondents to the point where problems are exhausted to them.As financial problems occur, the respondents opt to consult bumbays to fill their monetaryneeds. And in spiritual and needs for counseling, they go to priests. Small percentage of therespondents consult Barangay official and lastly their neighbors. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION From the observation and information gathered during the survey, the group was ableto identify and verify some of the communitys primary and important needs that should begiven priority by the authorities. These problems are the ones who served as a hindrance tothe communitys progress. Some problems served as health threats to people and tocommunity itself. Good example of such problems encountered by the community is theimproper source of water to drink and to use in everyday life. Community maybe is at risk of acquiring illnesses because

of improper water supply.Immediate and appropriate accomplishment must be ensured to maintain thecommunitys development. This accomplishment looks after to the health of each member of the family to the assigned family. Ones progress may not only be coming from the authoritiesbut also from the people living in the community. Self-discipline must be initiated in order toachieve the communities goals and aspirations.

PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED 1.Most of the families have insufficient income to sustain their needs. Their incomerange from P5000 and below. Financial insufficiency branches to other familyproblems. 2.the location of Purok 1, Sta Rita is at an area below sea level, causing floods in just ashort time of downpour. 3.The houses of the respondents live in close proximity with each other and are adjacentto the Sta Rita river. This posts as great health hazards. 4.The sta Rita river is polluted with trash from the houses constructed beside it. 5.The streets have no post lamps and are too narrow to accommodate the passage of automobiles. 6.Water supply is insufficient because of few water outlets. 7.The place lacks police visibility making it the home of different crooks. 8.A great percentage of the people are undergraduates making them poor in manners. SUGGESTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS 1.To counter their monetary problems, they can have double or extra jobs to increasetheir income. They can sell rags to their fellow jeepney drivers, have a mini-snackbusiness at home while caing for their children, etc. 2.Sewers and drainages should be cleaned and declogged before the rainy seasons toprevent floods. 3.The people should build fences by their houses by the river to prevent falls and also toserve as firewalls. 4.Residents should be taught how to segregate their trash and recycle so that garbagewont be disposed on improper places. 5.The men of the community should voluntarily patrol the area at night and rid thestreets of garbage to not further congest the road. 6.Water-pumps should be installed with the cooperation of the people. 7.The barangay should designate police patrols in the area to minimize crimeoccurrences. 8.There should be a school for those adults who want to continue their studies in theircommunity.

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