Coca Cola
Coca Cola
Coca Cola
At the beginning we want to remember almighty Allah for giving us the opportunity and strength to do this work smoothly and blessings for our success. We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to our honorable course teacher Mr. Monirul Hasan Masum lecturer of MKT for his constant guidance, helpful advice and continuous encouragement throughout the progress this report organization based information. Without these help the task could not be completed. We are very grateful to the organizations Assistant Manager (Marketing) Md Zahid Hosan, General Manager (Administration) Md. Ruhul Amin, Marketing Manager (Statistical) Md. Mazed, Their cooperation has assisted us to prepare this kind of important report which will focus overall condition of the organization. Our sincerest thanks to all of our friends, classmates and well wishers for their whole hearted support and encouragement in various aspects of our work. We went to express our best appreciation to the company member and employer for their valuable contribution in completing this report on Coca - Cola.
Table of contents
SL NO 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Head Line Executive Summary Back ground of the Study Objective Methodology Limitations of the study Historical back ground of the company Marketing mix 4, p analysis 4, C analysis Strategy of the coca cola Facilities of the company Lickings of the company Suggestion Conclusion Bibliography Appendix
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Executive Summary
Coca-Cola is an international company .Bangladesh is one region of that company. Bangladesh Coca-Cola Company controlled by Coca-Cola Farest LTD (CCFL). There are two producer of Coca-Cola one is Ablul Molem LTD another one is Tabany Beverage .We make of our report on Coca-Cola of Tabany Beverage. In the introduction we will discuses about how we will have conducted our report and what the methodologies of this report are. We have discussed here the background of the study, report objectives, type of research, limitations of the study. Then we discuss marketing mix of Coca-Cola. We describe product, price, place, promotion of Coca-Cola and describe customer satisfaction level through our customer satisfaction survey. We analyses advertisement on the basis of customer perception. Then we analyze market strategy. After that we try to find out the major problem of CocaCola and its company on basis of customer survey and our observation. We conclude our customer survey questioner with this report.
Chapter-1 Introduction
through the cock company to gather real life marketing knowledge. And to understand that how to they capture the market, fight with competitor to use product, price, place, promotion.
Report objective:
To analyze marketing mix of Coca-Cola To analyze customer satisfaction on Coca-Cola To analyze market present and future market strategy
Specific objectives: X X X X X X
To analyze 4p of Coca-Cola. To analyze 4c of Coca-Cola. To analyze market current strategy. To analyze market future strategy. To identify threats and opportunities of the company. To identify weakness of the company.
Methods followed to perform a job or conducting activities to complete a task is called methodology. In conducting this study the following methodology was adopted in collecting data & information, preparation of reports etc.
Type of research:
The purpose of market research is to provide relevant data that will help solve marketing problems a business will encounter. This is absolutely necessary in the start-up phase. Conducting thorough market surveys is the foundation of any successful business. In fact, strategies such as market segmentation and product differentiation would be impossible to develop without market research. There is several kind of research approach; we use descriptive research approach for analysis marketing mix of coca-cola. Descriptive research is to describe things, such as the market potential for a product or the demographics and attitudes of consumer who buy the product. To use this approach we analysis market mix and consumer satisfaction level of coca-cola.
Sources of data:
To gather company information we use both primary data and secondary data.
Secondary data:
Secondary data consist of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Secondary data provided a good starting point for research and often help to define research problem and objectives. This is available more quickly and at a lower cost then primary data. We collect secondary data form Internet, Business magazine.
Primary data:
Primary data consist information collected for the specific purpose at hand. We collect primary data form consumer and company through some question. For example, to consumer Are you satisfied about test of coca-cola, Which advertisement you like most?, What price level you expected from Coca-Cola?, to company What type of discount you provided to your consumer?, What are you doing to increase your sales?, How you full fill consumer need of coca-cola in Bangladesh?
Research instruments:
To collect primary data we use questioner. We use objectives type question and open question.
Lack of information:
Information on which is so important for prepare a report. The main limitation of our making report is lack of information. The limited sources of secondary information and the controlled accessibility caused difficulty in getting the confidential information. For example, records of product real price were restricted as it is not private limited company Although we are not got enough information from internet about coca-cola on basic of Bangladesh market
Lack of time:
Our course duration is in limit time. In this short time we can not prepare our report properly.
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Marketing mix:
The set of controllable tactical marketing elements product, price, place, promotion-which the firm blends to produce the response it wants to the targeted market.
Marketing Mix
These four elements are often referred to as the 4Ps of the marketing mix. A marketer can use these variables to craft a marketing plan. The four Ps model is most useful when marketing low value consumer products. Industrial products, services, high value consumer products require adjustments to this model.
4, P Analyses Product:
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The Product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual good or service, and how it relates to the consumer's needs and wants. Tabany Beverage has franchised the Coca-Cola which is available in cola flavors of carbonated drink. Coca-Cola never comprise on the basis of its quality. Cock-Cola company produce 3 types of RGV bottle and sells 8 types of cock bottle including plastic bottle.
Size 1 litter 1.75 litter 2.5 litter 500ml 1 litter 1.5 litter 2.25 litter
Plastic Bottle
X Brand name:
X Features:
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Contains: Carbonated Water, Sugar, Caramel Color, and Acidulanf, Natural flavors and
Price is the sum of all the values that consumer exchange for the benefit of having or using the product or services. Below we show the price level of Cock-Cola. Nutrition Facts Per 100ml Whole seller Energy Retailer Price 42 kcal Consumer Single Case Fat Single Case 0g Single Case Bottle Bottle Bottle Protein tk 6.23 tk 130.83 tk 7.11 149.3 tk 0g 8 tk 168tk 7.78 tk 186.9 tkCarbohydrate 213.3 tk 11g 10 tk 8.88 tk 240tk 280.36 tk 26.80 tk 320 tk 30 tk 23.33 tk 360 tk 15.58 tk 27.25 tk 35.05 tk 46.72 tk 373.8 tk 327.09 tk 420.55 tk 280.37 tk 17.78 tk 31.12 tk 40 tk 53.34 tk 426.72 tk 373.38 tk 480 tk 320 tk 20 tk 35 tk 45 tk 60 tk 480 tk 420 tk 540 tk 360 tk
Bottle Size 175 ml 250 ml 1 litter 500 ml 1 litter 1.5 litter 2.25 litter
X Payment period:
Payment period is a period upon which price of product is paid. Coca-Cola company have also a payment period that is, prepaid system for distributor.
Placement or distribution refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point of sale placement or retailing. logistic support. Place included with channels, coverage, transportation and
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X Channals :
The Coca- Cola distribution channel is given below:
X Transportation:
Coca-Cola company give free transportation facility to there distributor.
X Logistice support:
Coca-Cola Company gives some logistic support to their retailer. They sales special refrigerator to the retailer at a minimum price, also they give free service for refrigerator.
Coverage area :
Tabany Beverage covers Dhaka and Rajshahi division through there 80 distributaries .Below we show the coverage area of Bangladesh:
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This includes advertising a sale pro motion, publicity, and personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. Promotion is concerned with the planning, implementation, and control of persuasive communication with customers. Clear-cut objectives and a sharp focus on target customers are necessary for an effective promotional program. Coca-Cola promotion is mainly based on different kinds of advertising, so that people could be attracted mentally, emotionally. CocaCola uses local advertisement and advertisement based on recent and important incidents. For example, Coca-Cola made a new advertisement at the time of Eid and telecast it through TV. Right now, for promotion, Coca-Cola is using the following activities:
Sales promotion:
To increase sales Coca-Cola Company provide some intensive to their distributor, that is they give one bottle of free Coca-Cola with each case.
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X Variety:
Variety is known how many types of a product. Coca-cola offered 5 different size of cock bottle in the market. Through this survey we found customer satisfaction level on variety of Cock between male and female. These are given below with the graph.
Highly satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 10% 10% 30% 50%
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X Quality:
Quality is the perception of a product. Quality of a product depends on its test and price. Through this survey we find customer satisfaction on cock quality. This is given below with the curve.
50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Highly satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Dissatisfied 17% 24% 11% 2% Highly dissatisfied 46%
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80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Highly s atis f ied Satis f ied 21%
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Need to change No need to change 2
77% 23%
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Customer cost:
Customer cost is the amount of money by which customer purchase the product. Customer satisfaction on customer cost depends on list price and discount offer. Through this survey we find customer satisfaction on customer cost. The curve is given below.
21% 63%
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Customer convenience:
Customer convenience is the place in where customer purchases the product. Customer satisfaction on customer convenience depends on location and channels. Cock sales through general store, departmental store, and super shop. Through this survey we find in where customer purchases cock. The curve is given below.
Genaral Store
Communication is the peoples perception about company promotion and company activity. From our survey we found that people most like two advertisement.
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Another one Ki re rangila buira Parai notun aice Chailo thanda Dili anda
We find people perception about this advertisement is When you are thirsty have a cock and coca cola is accepted by all short of people
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Multi-Market Strategy:
Serving several distinct markets is called multi marketing. Objective: To diversify the risk of serving only one market. Requirements: (a) Carefully select segments to serve. (b) Avoid confrontation with companies serving the entire market. Expected Results: (a) Higher Sales. (b) Higher Market Share.
Among the product strategies Tabany Beverage has used 'Product-Positioning Strategy' which is characterized by the following:
Product-Positioning Strategy: Placing a brand in that part of the market where it will
have a favorable response compared with competing brands. Objectives: (a) To position the product in the market so that it stands apart from competing brands. (b) To position the product so that it tells customers what you stand for, what you are, how you would like customers to evaluate you. In the case of positioning multiple brands:
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(a) To seek growth by offering varied products in differing segments of the market. (b) To avoid competitive threats to a single brand. Requirements: Use of marketing mix variables, especially design and communication efforts Successful management of a single brand requires positioning the brand in the market so that it can stand competition from the toughest rivals and maintaining its unique position by creating the aura of a distinctive product. Expected Results: (a) Meet as much as possible the needs of specific segments of the market. (b) Limit sudden change in sales. (c) Make customers faithful to the brands.
One-Price Strategy: Charging the same price to all customers under similar conditions
and for the same quantities. Objectives: (a) To simplify pricing decisions. (b) To maintain goodwill among customers.
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(a) Detailed analysis of the firm's position and cost structure as compared with the rest of the industry. (b) Information concerning the cost variability of offering the same price to everyone. (c) Knowledge of the economies of scale available to the firm. (d) Information on competitive prices; information on the price that customers are ready to pay.
Expected Results:
(a) Decreased administrative and selling costs. (b) Constant profit margins. (c) Favorable and fair image among customers. (d) Stable market.
1. Promotion-Expenditure Strategy 2. Promotion Mix Strategy 3. Media-Selection Strategy 4. Advertising Copy Strategy 5. Selling Strategy 6. Sales Motivation and supervision Strategy
Among all these promotional strategies, Coca-Cola Bangladesh is using mainly the Promotion Mix Strategy which is characterized by the following attributes: Specifies the roles that the three ingredients of promotion (advertising and sales promotion) play in promoting a product is called promotional mix strategy.
To seek the better position in the market.
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(a) Enough advertisement both in the local newspaper and also in the TV, (b) Some kind of motivator factors or incentives for the distributor so that they can be inspired to sell more Coca-Cola on a regular basis.
Expected Results:
(a) More customer response in the market, (b) Increase in sales, (c) Growth of market share.
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Chapter-3 Findings
1. Own Transportation:
Coca-Cola company provide free transportation facility to there distributor. They have sufficient number of vehicle to disturbed Coca-Cola.
3. Security system:
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Every organization should ensure the security system for their safety. So this organization has taken strong and sufficient security system to prevent the critical disaster situation.
4. Storage system:
There is sufficient stores capability and they can supply their products in time.
5. Quality control Panel: As other company there is a quality control panel in this
company. Coca-Cola Company never compromise with quality.
2. Limited advertisement:
Advertisement is an important instrument for incising sales but Coca-Cola Company telecast little advertisement.
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Tabanay beverage has no capacity to produce plastic bottle for that reason they loss their profit.
6. No social working:
This organization doesnt take any social task for that society. But they should do because they operate their business in a society and thats why they should have some responsibility.
Increasing promotional activities with: 1. Discounts for buying in bulk. 2. Sticker/glass/other small gifts for buying more than two. 3. Print signs inside the cap that would provide consumers either with gift or with good luck statements. 4. Provide 'luck-notes' inside the caps like fortune-cookies. 5. By sponsoring games/musical events/art shows/drama/cleaning programmers/ school event etc which would bring the consumers closer to Coca-Cola. And promote Tabany Beverage to be socially responsible company.
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Medias like advertisement on TVs, Radios, newspapers and magazines and alternative media like the following: 1. Huge Dummy Bottle in selected visible locations. 2. Neon Signs in selected visible locations 3. Paintings, Stickers and posters of Cock and on the sided and back panels of local as well as inter city buses.
From the visiting of Tabany Beverage we have identified that the beverage industry is growing and identified their main weakness is insufficient promotional activities. A gap in the market is also identified not explored by Tabany Beverage. On the other side, distribution system is the strengths of Tabany Beverage. From strategic marketing point of view, we see that Coca - Cola is taking corrective steps in almost all the way. In very few sides Tabany beverage has lacking. Based upon these facts recommended strategies would assist in the growth of Tabany Beverage in among the fierce competition in the beverage industry.
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Chapter - 4
Principal of marketing ( Philip Kotler & Gry Armstrong ) www.coca Conversation with officer & Labor. Magazine. Information from retailer.
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Form of each question:
Sex: Age: Male 10 - 20 20 - 30 Female 30 - 40 4 40 - 50 50 - 60
1. How much soft drink do you take per week? 250 ml-1litter 2litter-3litter 3 litter-4litter More
2. How much money do you spend for soft drink per week?
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10-30 TK More
30-60 TK
60-100 TK
100-150 TK
3. What test of soft drink you generally preferred? Lemon Cola Orange Mango
4. Do you like Coca-Cola? Yes No 5. If yes, then why? Image Price Test Others .
6. If the answer of question 4 is no, then why? Quantity Bottle design Price Test Others. .
7. Would you accept any type of free gift with Coca-Cola? Yes No 8. What kind of item do you prefer as free gift? Glass Mug Cane opener T Toy item Others.
9. From where you usually buy Coca-Cola? General store Departmental store Super shop One stop mall
10. From where you would like to large number purchase Coca-Cola? Shop Retailer Mall
11. Would you like to give Coca-Cola as gift on special occasion? Yes No
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13. In which occasion do you prefer to buy huge amount Coca-Cola? Eid Wedding Ceremony Birthday party Festival Other.
14. Why do you prefer Coca-Cola more than any other soft drink? . . 15. Do you know how many types of Coca-Cola in present market? Yes No
16. Do you want any change in Coca-Cola? Yes No 17. If yes, then would you expect to change? Bottle size Bottle deigns Color Test Price
18. What price level you expected from Coca-Cola? Excepted Price BOTTLE SIZE 500 ml 1 litter 1.5 litter 2.25 litter EXISTING PRICE 20 35 45 60
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250 ml
500 ml
2.25 litter
20. Which bottles do you usually purchase more for coca- cola? 250 ml 500 ml 1 litter 1.5 litter 2.25 litter
22. Did you get any discount from Coca-Cola before? Yes No
23. What type of discount you like most? Cash discount P Price discounts Others. .
24. Which test of coke you like most? Old test New test
25. Are you satisfied about present price level of Coca-Cola? Highly satisfied Highly dissatisfied 26. Are you satisfied about test of Coca-Cola? Highly satisfied Highly dissatisfied 27. Are you satisfied about design of coca-cola? Highly satisfied Highly dissatisfied 28. Are you satisfied about variety of coca-cola? highly satisfied highly dissatisfied 29. Which media attracts you most for Coca-Cola? TV Newspaper Magazine Signboard Billboard satisfied not satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Dissatisfied
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31. What do you understand from this advertisement? . 32. Comments about Coca-Cola as a whole. .
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