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Roman Engineering On The Roads To Santiago

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II The roads of the Rioja1

Published in: Revista Cimbra 356 by the Colegio de Ingenieros Tcnicos de Obras Pblicas [College of Public Works Technical Engineers].

Isaac Moreno Gallo 2004 isaacmg@wanadoo.es TRAIANVS 2005 (Translated by Brian R. Bishop 2005)

Introduction The present-day area of the Rioja has since antiquity been crucial to East-West communications in the North of the Iberian Peninsula. The road that communicated with Aquitania (Aquitaine) from Asturica (Astorga) via Pompaelo (Pamplona) led off the road to Tarraco (Tarragn) through Caesaraugusta (Saragossa) by a deviation at Virovesca (Briviesca). It gave this area a special strategic importance in that it was traversed by the East-West Roman highway for the whole of its present length. Important Roman cities like Libia (Herramlluri-Leiva), Tritium Magallum (Tricio), Vareia (Varea), Calagurris (Calahorra) and Graccurris (Alfaro) flourished, doubtless with the help of this vital communication route. The whole of the later history of the Rioja is closely linked with this spinal column, which has not ceased being used up to today: it performs its purpose still in the form of a motorway. A large part of it served, as only it could, the stream of people and cultures created by the pilgrimage to St. James of Compostela. As a result of this combination of politics and history, of the means of communications, of royal interests, of religious foundations and various other factors, the pilgrim roads changed through the ages. The changes were more visible at the beginning, before the Way was established by the centres of religion and hospitality that were specially founded to attract and care for pilgrims. There is no complete agreement among historians over the matter. There are sufficient works, which have not been bettered despite their age 2, that clarify much about the development of the
Chapter I of this series, MORENO GALLO, I. 2002. La vieja carretera castellanoleonesa [The old highway through Castile and Len], brings together a comparative analysis of the Road to Santiago and the Roman roads throughout the Community of Castile and Len. It was published in: - Revista Cimbra no 346 (June 2002) by the Colegio de Ingenieros Tcnicos de Obras Pblicas [College of Public Works Technical Engineers]. - Publications of the Institucin Tello Tllez de Meneses no 73. 2002. Diputacin de Palencia. See also: http://www.traianvs.net/viasromanas/santiago01_en.htm 2 I refer principally to the work by VZQUEZ DE PARGA, L.; LACARRA, J.M.; URA RU, J. 1949, Las perigrinaciones a Santiago de Compostela [Pilgimages to Santiago de Compostela]. Other lengthy publications exist that are not quite so useful for the present purpose, such as HUIDOBRO Y SERNA, L. 1950. Las perigrinaciones a Santiago. [Pilgrimages to Santiago] 3 volumes.


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pilgrim routes to Santiago. I shall base this chapter on these. I shall attempt not to repeat what has already been established. I shall deal with aspects that have not yet been fully proven and with recent discoveries in the light of the methodology I wish to establish. Nor shall I deal at length with Roman roads that have been the subject of previous publications of mine 3. On the other hand I shall look in depth at the stretches of roads that have attracted insufficient attention and which may in some way hold new interest. The first roads to Santiago in the Rioja: a bit of history As has been pointed out, it is known that from earliest times pilgrim ways have existed, created by politico-social circumstances, that assuredly ran more to the North than at present. According to some authors, Islamic cultural influence until the 9th century made it difficult and even dangerous to cross the Plateau of Castile 4. Others are of the opinion that shifts in the road happened more out of rivalries between rulers: during the reign of Sancho Garcs III, called Mayor [the Greater] (1005-1035), when the way was shifted more to the South, the Navarre-Castile frontier with the Moors scarcely moved, and in any case all the attempts to prevent Almanzors incursions were far from successful. It should be recalled that Almanzor ravaged Len and Santiago, the very city of the apostle 5, without difficulty. In fact it is the Chronica Silense that holds the key the decision by Sancho el Mayor (10051035) to take the Road to Santiago through Njera. This secured the way through Pamplona, Njera and Burgos. It is more likely that its route had not yet been fixed. Certainly it did not yet go through Logroo, and it was even less likely through Santo Domingo de la Calzada and Belorado, since none of these cities was in existence at the time. From Njera they would have followed the Roman road towards Cerezo de Riotirn and Briviesca, meeting up again with the Va Aquitana 6. The definitive route, better known today, was consolidated after 1076 in the reign of Alfonso VI. At that time bridges and hostelries were constructed, first by Santo Domingo de la Calzada [of the Road] and then by his disciple, San Juan de Ortega. In 1095 Logroo was repopulated with some Frankish elements7 by the king himself. Its bridge was constructed and new hostelries and sanctuaries were built on the road.
There are others that are shorter but well documented that shew that their author has closely examined and travelled the Way, such as those of PASSINI, J. 1993. El Camino de Santiago: itinerario y ncleos de poblacin [The Way to Santiago: route and population centres], and 1988 Aragn: los ncleos urbanos del Camino de Santiago [Aragon: urban nuclei on the Way to Santiago]. 3 MORENO GALLO, I. Descripcin de la va de Italia a Hispania en Burgos y Palencia [Description of the road from Italia to Hispania] (November, 1998). Junta de Castilla y Len, Conserjera de Educacin y Cultura. 1st edition 1999, in interactive format on CD-ROM in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y Len. 2nd edition July 2001, book published by the Diputacin Provincial de Burgos and the Diputacin Provincial de Palencia. MORENO GALLO, I. La red viaria antigua en la Rioja [The ancient road network in the Rioja] (November, 1999), Gobierno de la Rioja, Conserjera de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes. 1st edition December 2001. Miliario Extravagante, Appendix 2, La red viaria antigua en la Rioja, [The ancient road network of the Rioja] part 1. La va de Italia a Hispania en la Rioja. [The road from Italia to Hispania in the Rioja]. 4 MARTNEZ DEZ, G. 1998, pp.15 and 16. El camino de Santiago en la provincia de Burgos. [The road to Santiago in the province of Burgos]. 5 LACARRA. 1949, vol. II, ch.I, pp.11 et seqq., Las peregrinaciones op. cit. 6 LACARRA. 1949, vol. II, ch.I, pp.12 et 22, Las peregrinaciones op. cit. 7 LACARRA. 1949, vol. II, ch.I, p.21, Las peregrinaciones op. cit.

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Various historians who have studied the subject differ about the siting of the early pilgrim routes, and many authors have advanced hypotheses about the routes that remain unproved and unlikely 8. What has been strongly asserted by Lacarra remains: The fact remains that there is no firm evidence until the 11th century as to the routes that pilgrims might have taken" 9. The first reference concerning the pilgrimages to Saint James which we have is that of the bishop of Puy, Gotescalco. In the year 950 he arrived from Aquitaine with a large retinue and stayed in the Riojan monastery of La Abelda 10. It is to be supposed that he crossed the Pyrenees by one of the two passes (summo pyreneo) referred to in the Antonine Itinerary on the routes from Astorga to Aquitaine and from Saragossa to Benearm. However, nothing certain can be said about the remainder of the way this personage took. In 959 Abbot Csareo from the Catalan monastery of Cecilia of Montserrat came to Compostela, and, some years later in the same century, there were precise references to other pilgrims from beyond the Pyrenees. Finally, in 997, Almanzor arrived in Santiago and destroyed the city 11. So we can see that there was no lack of roads and that it was likely that they were following the Roman trade routes. However, it would be rash to choose precisely which, if we take into account the dearth of information about these journeys and the inadequate identification of the roads that have been made to date 12. Nonetheless I shall attempt, through this series of essays, to get somewhere near identifying some of the Roman roads that became parts of the pilgrim routes. Dealing with the area of the Rioja, we shall here avoid the Roman routes that led the pilgrims towards Pamplona, basically the two that crossed the two main passes over the Pyrenees (summo pyreneo"), roads n 33 and 34 of the so-called Itinerarium provinciarum Antonini Augusti [Antonine Itinerary] 13. Nor shall we speak of the pilgrim ways previous to those that ran through the Rioja, such as the Va Aquitana, the way from Bayonne to Burgos, the way that ran along the coast and others. We shall, however, point out the routes that, after Pamplona, led to the Rioja, as well as those that went as far as Burgos. As a consequence we shall go significantly beyond the boundary of the present-day Rioja; but his seems necessary to make the desired analysis with any degree of certainty. The first period of the road from Pamplona to Njera Njera was the capital of the kingdom of Navarre in the tenth century. This route between Njera and Pamplona would doubtless have been the most important and the most used at the time.
HUIDOBRO Y SERNA, L. 1950. Las peregrinaciones a Santiago. [Pilgrimages to Santiago] MARTNEZ DEZ, G. 1998. El camino de Santiagoop. cit. UBIETO ARTETA, 1993, Los caminos de Santiago en Aragn [The roads to Santiago in Aragon]. 9 LACARRA. 1949, vol. II, ch.I, pp.12 and 22, Las peregrinaciones op. cit. 10 VZQUEZ DE PARGA. 1949 vol.I, ch.I, p.41 et seqq. Las peregrinaciones op. cit. 11 Idem 12 This is not the first time that I have complained about this aspect, and I fear it will continue. Unfortunately almost the whole of the Roman road network remains untraced. On the other hand there are too many paved ways, which, despite their poor construction techniques, have been ascribed to Roman engineers. In this respect refer to: MORENO GALLO, I. 2001. Infraestructura viaria romana. [Roman road infrastructure] Revista Obra Pblica n 56. Ingeniera e Historia. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos. 13 ROLDN HERVS, J.M. 1975, p.98 Itineraria hispana.[Spanish itineraries].


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The rivers Arga and Ebro were among the most difficult obstacles to be crossed. The Pons Regine [Queens Bridge] over the river Arga is attributed to the Reina Mayor [Greater Queen], wife of Sancho the Mayor (1005-1035). It was first documented as early as 109014; but the actual date of construction is unknown, whilst Logroo was repopulated with Franks at the time its bridge was being built in 1095. Before this date, Logroo, although it seems to have been in existence, lacked importance and standing. Although there is a mention in a tenth century document 15, it did not start gaining significance until Alfonso VI incorporated the Rioja into the Kingdom of Castile and repopulated it 16. The most direct route between these two towns, which was used at this first stage, passes through Puente la Reina, Viana, Oyn, the mythical Mantible Bridge over the river Ebro, and Hurcanos. I have already demonstrated previously 17 that the route must have passed across the Mantible Bridge over the river Ebro. Despite present-day general opinion, this bridge has nothing Roman about it, for a number of reasons: - No Roman road has been ascertained either before or after it. - The existence of a Roman road passing through Varea, documented by Strabo 18, is far more logical from all points of view. At this point the main road from Tarragona touches the Ebro, and the string of Roman remains around Viana19, across from Varea, supports this argument much better than a passage though El Cortijo. - Arguments adduced by some researchers do not contain the smallest weight of evidence to prove that they are Roman 20; others have chosen to pussyfoot, and have avoided tackling the matter in works of a quality that rejects such an approach 21.
LACARRA, 1949, vol.II, ch.I, p.23, Las peregrinaciones op. cit. SERRANO PINEDA, I. 1930., p.24. Cartulario de San Milln de la Cogolla. Cartulary of San Milln de la Cogolla]. 16 LACARRA. 1949, vol.II, ch.VII, p.150. Las peregrinaciones op. cit. 17 MORENO GALLO, I.1999. La red viaria antigua en la Rioja op. cit. 18 STRABO (c.63B.C.-A.D.25) Geography III.4.12. 19 ESPINOSA RUIZ, U. 1995. pp.126-127. In Historia de la ciudad de Logroo. [History of the city of Logroo] vol.I. 20 A halo of Romancism has circled for many years over the Mandible Bridge. This is reflected in learned references from the 19th century that deal with it: RUIZ GALARRETA, J.M. 1959, pp.117-119. La leyenda del Puente Mandible [The legend of the Mandible Bridge].. Berceo, 50. MENNDEZ PIDAL, G. 1951, pp.38-39 Los caminos en la historia de Espaa [Roads in Spanish history] refers to it also, when he speaks of the admiration that there was in Mediaeval times for bridges like this, the stuff of many legends. Others, as they assert its Roman origin, go on to compare this bridge with the great classics of the Roman world, such as those at Alcntara, Mrida, Alconetar, etc. MARTN BUENO, M.A. & MOYA VALGAN, J.G. 1972, p.176. El Puente Mandible. Estudios de Arqueologa Alavesa, Vol. V. Vitoria 1972. FERNNDEZ CASADO, C. 1980. Historia del puente en Espaa. Puentes romanos. [History of bridges in Spain Roman bridges]. In this lengthy work using decidedly inflated arguments, the author relies on the words of MARTN & MOYA and states that the bridge is Roman beyond doubt ("indudablemente romano"). On the other hand LIZ GUIRAL, J. 1985. p.50, Puentes romanos del Convento Jurdico Caesaraugustano [Roman bridges of the Juridical Convent of Saragossa], adopts purely geometric arguments, the merits of which are very much open to debate, and he also claims Roman origins for other bridges, for which construction in modern times has been established, such as that at Agoncillo on the river Leza at the end of the 18th century. 21 AZCARATE GARAY-OLAUN, A.; PALACIOS MENDOZA, V. 1996. pp.333-334, Puentes de lava. Gobierno Vasco [Basque Government]. This exhaustive work specifically on all the bridge of lava, alludes to a forthcoming
14 15


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Excessive variations in the geometry, not only in respect of the structure itself, but in the workmanship of the remains that are still standing, manifest how that they differ greatly from Roman construction methods 22. If we adopt a study method based on comparative analysis, not only of measurements, but especially of construction techniques, such as are adopted by the most serious present-day researchers into Roman fabric, we have to conclude that the similarity in structural design, in sizes and even more in the fabric and the materials employed in the bridge of Puente la Reina (? 1030) is remarkable. Both examples present a general irregularity in the ashlar, smaller in the upper parts of the bridge, a design using large-sized weight-reducing arches and with clear apertures between them, as well as general proportions common to both bridges that seem suspiciously alike. All this makes both bridges, part of the same road, as we shall see, not only of the same period, but also constructed by the same people.

Structural comparison of the bridge at Puente de la Reina, built around the year 1030 (above) and the reconstruction of the bridge at Mantible, following the drawing made by Bueno and Moya in 1972.

study specifically on this bridge, and thus avoids coming to a decision on whether it is Roman. The authors limit themselves to referring the reader to existing works on the subject. 22 It is necessary to mention here the research of the road engineer Manuel Durn, recorded in his unpublished thesis. Only as few conclusions have been advanced; but its publication reveals the necessity for the Roman bridges of Hispania to be systematically analysed and rationally catalogued. DURN FUENTES, M. 2001, La identificacin de los puentes romanos en Hispania: una cuestin a desarrollar [The identification of Roman bridges in Hispania - an on-going problem] Revista Obra Pblica Ingeniera y Territorio no. 57. Monogrfico Ingeniera e Historia III. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos, December 2001. DURN FUENTES, M. 2002.Anlisis constructivo de los puentes romanos. [Structural analysis of Roman bridges] Libro de Ponencias del Primer Congreso sobre las Obras Pblicas Romanas [Reports of the First Congress on Roman Public Works]. Mrida, November 2002.

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Detail of the bridge at Puente de la Reina on the left and that at Mantible. Note the size and irregularity of the bond, the width and proportions of the vaulting, the positions of the scaffolding slots, etc.

Structural and bond details of the bridge at Puente de la Reina (up) and the bridge at Mantible (down).


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Structural and bond details of the bridge at Puente de la Reina (up) and the bridge at Mantible (down).

In fact, between the Mantible Bridge and Njera, it has been possible to recognize an ancient road through Buicio and Hurcanos. Its remains shew no noticeable alteration between Fuenmayor and Buicio. It also remains in much of the jurisdiction of Cenicero, where it is called Camino Mayor [Main Road] after crossing the ravine at La Galiana. The name of this locality is frequent in the Middle Ages and reveals the presence of a road on its way towards Gaul. This road, which has nothing Roman about it, was the same. It then coincides with the main road from Hurcanos to Cenicero One can follow it exactly in the aerial photograph, although today it is broken and lost along several stretches23.


Servicio Geogrfico del Ejrcito [Army Geographic Service] American flights in 1956 and 1957.
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The Camino Mayor [Main Road], in the jurisdiction of Cenicero, between the Mantible Bridge and Njera.

The Camino Mayor [Main Road] between the Mantible Bridge and Njera.

One cannot look on this road as a Roman route between Tricio and the Ebro, because the characteristics of the lengths that remain do not allow one to reach such a clear conclusion. Nothing about the layout, infrastructure or surface validate it as a Roman road. The slope of the

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rise between Buicio and Fuenmayor, despite a certain cut into the rock, is too steep for wheeled vehicles. Doubtless Tritium would never have used this road, as it had the magnificent paved roadway that linked it with the Ebro crossing at Vareia, where there was, moreover, a river embarkation point 24. On the other side of the river Ebro, the roads between Assa and Oyn display similar features. The old road of Las Muecas and that of La Serna are now asphalted over; but they have never combined the features of a Roman layout. It is the same with the so-called Camino de Laguarda at Oyn, which, moreover, lacks any kind of infrastructure. Nevertheless, sufficient traces of an ancient road exist between Pamplona and the river Ebro with paving that is not Roman in nature, although it is consistent in itself. There are other sites separated from one another, such as the paved road from Cirauqui and those found between Viana and Oyn.

View of the kerb of the road at Cirauqui (Navarre).


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Kerb on the road from Viana to Oyn.

Although they are not Roman, they clearly shew a unity in the approach to their construction throughout their length, and that they are certainly of the same period. In all cases there is a narrow kerb on both sides, with irregular-sized stones roughly squared, and paving of irregular sizes in the middle. This road differs in layout from that which was later adopted for the pilgrim ways, probably after the early ruin of the Mantible Bridge and the construction of the bridge at Logroo, over the stretch between Viana and Njera. As one would expect, the first of these was straighter and shorter than the latter. The regularity of the passage of pilgrims along this stretch has not been studied as yet, because its existence and likely use for this purpose is unknown. At all events, it could have been constructed only at the early stages of the pilgrimages to St. James and over a short period, something less that half a century, as a result of which it could leave little trace. This appears to be indicated by the Fuero de Miranda [Statute of Miranda] 25, which in 1099 decreed that there should be no bridge or landing stage between those of Logroo and Miranda, clear proof that the bridge of Logroo, rebuilt in 1095, was already in existence and that the Mantible Bridge was in ruins. The first period of the road from Njera to Burgos


CANTERA BURGOS, F. 1945, p.56 Fuero de Miranda de Ebro [Statute of Miranda de Ebro].
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Between Njera and Burgos the road followed in the first period was doubtless the Roman road from Italia to Hispania. Its use for trade would have declined only in later centuries, during which the pilgrim way became established through Santo Domingo and Belorado, as we shall see. The identification of the Rioja stretch of this Roman road, as that of the stretch to Burgos was confirmed in my previously quoted writings. I shall therefore not dwell on this aspect longer than a brief description. We shall outline the stretch as far as Burgos where the Roman road and the Way to Santiago meet again. This stretch of road, as detailed in the Itinerary 26, coincides in its entirety with the road from Italia to Hispania, marked by the number 1 in the Saavedra 27 edition, as well as that described from Astorga to Tarragona, number 32, as follows: Wess. 387, 4 DE ITLIA IN HISPANIAS 5 A Mediolano Vapinco trans Alpes Cottias 6 mansionibus supra scriptis 7 inde in Galleciam ad Leug. VII Ge 8 minam --- ----------2 Cascanto 393, 1 Calagorra 2 Vereia 394, 1 Tritio 2 Libia 3 Segasamunclo 4 Verovesca --- ----------392, 1 Caesaraugusta m.p. DCCCCLXXV -----m.p. XLVI m.p. L m.p. XXVIIII m.p. XXVIII m.p. XVIII m.p. XVIII m.p. VII m.p. XI -----m.p. CCLV

Wess. 448, 2 Item ab Asturica Tarracone 3 --- -----------1 Tritium 2 Virovesca

26 27

m.p. CCCCLXXXII sic: -----m.p XV m.p XXI m.p. XI

450, 6 Deobrigula

ROLDN HERVS, J.M. 1975, pp.38-45 and pp. 96-98. Itineraria Hispana. Discursos ledos ante la Real Academia de la Historia en la recepcin pblica de Don Eduardo Saavedra el da 28 de diciembre de 1862, [Lectures given before the Royal Academy of History on the public receptio of Mr. Eduardo Saavedra, 28th December 1962]. Madrid 1914.

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3 Atiliana 4 Barbariana 5 Graccurris 451, 1 Bellisone 2 Caesarea Augusta --- ------------

m.p. XXX m.p. XXXII m.p. XXXII m.p. XXVIII m.p. XXXVI ------

The only road that these two journeys describe connects the following known remains between Saragossa and Burgos: Road 28 28 y 32 1 32 1 32 1 1 32 1 1 32 y 34 32 y 34 Mansio Alauona Balsione Cascantum Graccurris Calagurris Barbariana Vareia Tritio Atiliana Libia Location of remains Alagn Junto a Malln Cascante Junto a Alfaro Calahorra Junto a Agoncillo Varea Tricio Yacimiento en Azofra - Valpierre Herramlluri - Leiva Briviesca Alto de Rodilla Junto a Tardajos

1, 28 y 32 Caesaraugusta Zaragoza

Segasamunclo Junto a Cerezo de Riotirn Tritium Deobrigula

1, 32 y 34 Virovesca

The first traces of this stretch of the Roman road from Njera can be found already as it passes through Hormilla, where an original culvert still remains, and where the first embankments are evident. Between Hormilla, as it passes over the hill of Valpierre, where Atiliana 28 used to be, as far as San Torcuato traces of infrastructure continue, with raised embankments, such as can be seen in many Roman roads in so many places. This road has always been held to be Roman, and as such it is reflected in maps. This has not prevented its conversion into a modern agricultural road in the district of Azofra.


On the various sitings of Atiliana throughout history and as finally suggested, see MORENO GALLO, I. 2001. La va romana de Italia a Hispania en la Rioja op. cit.
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Raised embankment of the Roman road from Italia to Hispania in the plains of Valpierre.

The famous battles of Valpierre between the Castilian forces of Count Fernn Gonzlez and the Navarran forces of King Sancho Abarca were fought in the tenth century on the vast plains where it still largely remains 29. The location probably resulted from the ease of access for all kinds of troops and supplies. A single stone at Valpierre has provided a record of this event over the centuries30. The road has changed more between San Torcuato and the river Oja. It has even been asphalted over recently. As far as Herramlluri-Leiva, where Libia used to be, it is now a major highway, although it was perfectly preserved along its whole length until a few years ago. There still remain stretches that have not changed between the river Relchigo and the river Encemero and the two superb Roman bridges preserved at Cerezo de Ro Tirn, one of which served as a crossing for the road and the other as access to Segasamunclo. Along the whole of this length the Roman road runs through contour lines with perfect conditions for carts. The features of the slopes and their suitability for wheeled traffic are first rate. This is in contrast to the equivalent Way to Santiago between Njera and Belorado, where the contours are very

It was very evident in the time of Govantes. This historiam mentions the road in various annexes to his work. Moreover he asserts that it was in a magnificent state of preservation: GOVANTES, A.C., 1846, pp. 68, 142, 205. Diccionario geogrfico-histrico de Espaa [Geographical and Historical Dictionary of Spain]. Section II. Comprende toda la Rioja o toda la provincia de Logroo y algunos pueblos de la de Burgos [comprising the whole of the Rioja and the whole of the province of Logroo and some towns of the province of Burgos] In the same way, Francisco Coello draws the Roman road on his map as running through this plain: COELLO, F. Mapa de la provincia de Logroo de 1851 [Map of the province of Logroo in 1851]. 30 GOVANTES, A.C. 1846, p.204, Diccionario geogrfico-histrico op. cit.


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bad. It goes through very uneven terrain, which has been turned into a roadway with great effort only through the course of centuries. Similar circumstances apply on the stretch between Cerezo (Segasamunclo), Briviesca (Virovesca), the hill of Rodilla (Tritium) and the city of Burgos, through which the road passes 31. Between Cerezo and Burgos we find highly important traces of road in the form of embankments on good foundations of stonework that go on for miles. They are fully described in previous publications. At the same time, between Belorado and Burgos, the Way to St. James as occurred in its previous length, runs through uneven terrain, unsuitable for roadmaking and lacking the least trace of infrastructure, as can seen in the unaltered lengths. The passage of pilgrims along the Roman road between Njera and Briviesca seems to be proved by clear evidence. It is known that there was a hostelry in Hormilla and a Templar fort 32. Between Leiva and Tormantos, still in the territory of the Rioja, we find the hermitage of Nuestra Seora la Peregrina [Our Lady the Pilgrim The Virgin Pilgrim] right next to the Way, a dedication that undoubtedly links the place to pilgrimages.

Embankment of the road from Italia to Hispania at Leiva. In the background the hermitage of Nuestra Seora la Pelegrina. Behind it the bastion of Libia.

In Cerezo there are various pieces of evidence of the passage of the Way to St. James. The existence of the hostelry of Sanjurjo at Cerezo 33, is located in the same street as the church of St.

MORENO GALLO, I. 2001. Descripcin de la Va de Italia op. cit. GOVANTES, A.C., 1846, p.142, Diccionario geogrfico-histrico op. cit. 33 PREZ AVELLANEDA, M. 1983, p. 135 Cerezo de Riotirn, Autrign, romano y medieval [Roman and Mediaeval Cerezo de Riotirn and Autrign].
31 32


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Nicholas, the strata maiore mentioned in a document of 91334, possibly the Roman road on its way through Cerezo. In the Parish Museum of Cerezo is preserved a pilgrims scallop-shell, with the typical pair of perforations in its upper part. It comes from the ruins of the apse of the church of Nuestra Seora de la Llana 35 [Our Lady of the Plain], a pilgrims offering kept in the church since time immemorial. At Briviesca long ago there existed a church dedicated to St. James beside the road to Belorado 36. There was also a hostelry called de los Peregrinos [of the Pilgrims] or de Santa Mara la Mayor 37" [of St. Mary the Greater], located outside the walls in the direction of Burgos. But this was already catering also for the needs of pilgrims arriving by the Va Aquitana. Second period of the road from Pamplona to Njera Once the passage through Logroo was secured in 1095, the passage over the river Ebro approached closely the road existing in Roman times in Varea. It therefore seems logical that the Roman road between Varea and Njera should be used again: the starting point near to the outlet of the river Iregua makes it quite accessible from Logroo. Also in its immediate area there passes the very long line of the road called Calleja Vieja [Old Street].

Foundation of boulders on the road from Italia to Hispania on arrival at Navarrete. Road from Lardero to Navarrete. SERRANO, L. 1910, pp.328 et seqq. Doc.322. Fuentes para la historia de Castilla. [Sources for the history of Castile] Father Luciano Serrano. 35 PERZ AVELLANEDA, M. 1983, p.137. Cerezo de Rio Tirn op. cit. 36 ARGAIZ, 1669, p.318, Poblacin eclesistica en Espaa [Population of the Church in Spain]. 37 LACARRA. 1949, vol.I, ch.XIX, p.456 Las peregrinaciones op. cit.


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From here, through Navarrete and Tricio, the Roman road provoked the admiration of scholars who were able to see it in the eighteenth century 38. Superb remains39 could be seen until they were destroyed not long ago, with no misgivings, at the hands of short-sighted, ignorant administrators 40. This Roman road and the more modern road that runs through Grajera, still used today by pilgrims, run parallel and very close together, starting from Navarrete. The conditions of the Roman road, as regards layout and even more as regards surface, as well as visibility, as it follows a high and well-drained line are perfect. The superb remains that can be seen along the whole length of this section make it inexcusable that pilgrims do not use it today 41.

PRESTAMERO, I. 1796, p.280. In the work by Gonzlez de Echavarri: Alaveses Ilustres [Famous people of lava]: Biografa de Lorenzo de Prestamero [Biography of Lorenzo de Prestamero]. Textos. Real Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del Pas [Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country]: ".a line has been preserved, made of gravel that had to be specially brought from a distance, because there is none of the same type in the whole of the rest of that region. As soon as one climbs the height, one can see the road unkept for a long stretch, which turns from the South to the North to go round some valleys that can be seen. The bed of this road is of chalk stone, covered with gravel, and continues under Cerezo, Quintanilleja, Tormantos, Leiva, Herramlluri, Villalobar, San Torcuato, Valpierre, Hormilla, Njera, Navarrete, Logroo, Varea, Calahorra, Alfaro, Saragossa. Throughout this long length, besides the unbroken traces of its route, one can find many whole lengths of the Roman road. I have seen these, especially in the parts near Vallalobar, San Torcuato, Valpierre, Calahorra, Logroo and Alfaro where there are some lengths that look as though they had just been laid. 39 This length is clearly identified and established in this part for the first time in MORENO GALLO, I. 2001. La red viaria antigua en la Rioja op. cit. 40 http://www.traianvs.net/viasromanas/tricio.htm 41 Basic details can be seen: MUNTIN HERNEZ, C. and MORENO GALLO, I. November 2002, Nosotros proponemos [We suggest ] Piedra de Rayo. Revista riojana de cultura popular [Riojan review of popular culture]. And the detailed description of this stretch to be seen in MORENO GALLO, I. 2002, p.7 El miliario extravagante [The eccentric mile-stone].no 81.


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Detail of the thickness of the road surface in a side-section caused by the terracing of adjacent property. Roman road from Italia to Hispania between the hill of San Antn and Alesn.y Alesn.

Foundation of round stones in a side-section caused by the terracing of adjacent property. Road from Italia to Hispania between the hill of San Antn and Alesn.

Pilgrims today meet up again with the Roman road at the bridge of river Najerilla in Njera. Nonetheless pilgrims no longer go through Tricio, although their passage also along this section of the Roman road is well documented, as is also the existence of a pilgrims hostelry in Tricio

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itself42. The actual presence of the hermitage of Santa Mara de los Arcos [St. Mary of the Arches] at the foot of the road must have attracted many devotions along this section of Roman road.

Perfectly preserved embankment with remains of upper kerb on the road from Italia to Hispania in Tricio. In the background, Alesn.

Remains of the surface on the embankment of the Roman road as it enters Tricio. In the background, Tricio. SAENZ RIPA, E. 1994. La atencin al peregino [Care for pilgrims]. Actas de las V Semanas de Estudios Medievales de Njera [Papers of the Five Weeks of Mediaeval Studies of Njera]. Instituto de Estudios Riojanos [Institute of Riojan Studies].


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Second period of road from Njera to Burgos From here on one can make use of the road which was established as a consequence of the political interests of Kings Sancho el Mayor at first and Alfonso VI afterwards, and also as a consequence of the work in the building of hostelries undertaken by Saints Domingo and his disciple Juan, in their caring for the pilgrims who were later attracted by the sanctuaries consecrated in honour of the benefactors of the road itself. This road is certainly very badly laid with no type of surfacing, as one can see even today where it has not been altered. For its spiritual objectives and its normal traffic by foot or at most by horse, together with the absence of goods traffic for trade purposes on the part of this migratory flow, any road would do, provided it covered the requirements for religion or accommodation. As we have shewn, the final consolidation of this road came about as a result of the efforts to set up towns, especially by the Franks, in the twelfth century, together with a goodly number of sanctuaries and hostelries 43. Already in 1047 Count Gmez de Carrin founded a monastery and a pilgrims hostelry in Arconada. Garca of Njera founded a pilgrim hostelry in the monastery of Irache and a superb lodging complex in Njera (1052). But the big push in Castile and Len came at the hand of Alfonso VI. He suppressed the tolls at Puerto de Valcrcel (1072) and founded the hostelry of Cebrero. In Burgos, the capital city, he founded that of San Juan (St. John] and the Emperador [Emperor] (1085), among others. In 1076 the saintly hermit Domingo set himself up on the banks of the river Oja to attract the attention of the pilgrims. He founded a hostelry and built a bridge over the river Oja. It is said that he also rebuilt the ancient Roman crossing over the river Najerilla at Njera. Bishop Osmundo of Astorga built the Pont Ferrada [Iron Bridge] which gave rise to the city. In 1096 Bishop Pedro de Len founded a hostelry in Len and in Carrin. Count Gmez Daz founded another next to the monastery of San Zoilo. Alfonso repopulated Sahagn with Franks (1085), Villafranca del Bierzo and perhaps Villafranca de Montes de Oca. Finally he repopulated Logroo (1095) at the same time as he rebuilt the bridge. In Navarre and Aragon, Sancho Ramrez supported the lodgings at Jaca (1084) and Pamplona (1087). He raised for pilgrims the toll at Somport, which already included the large lodging house of Santa Cristina. He also exempted them from tolls at Roncesvalles, where several establishments catered for pilgrims. In 1090 he created, with the help of the Franks, the township of Estella. This definitive way of St. James is what is described for us by the Pilgrims Guide of the Codex Calestinus of the twelfth century, of which book V forms the Guide of the Liber Sancti Jacobi [St. James book], attributed to Aymerich Picaud, chancellor to Pope Calixtus 44. It is of interest here to look at the Spanish section of this itinerary and its relationship with the Camino Real [Royal Road], described by Villuga four centuries afterwards, between Santiago and San Juan de Pie de Puerto:

43 44

LACARRA 1949 vol.II, ch.I, pp.19 et seqq. Las peregrinaciones op. cit VZQUEZ DE PARGA. 1949. Vol. I, pp.201 et seqq. Las peregrinaciones op. cit.
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Liber Sancti Jacobi (1120?)

Pampilona Pons Regine Lorca Stella Arcus Hospicium Turres Covas Grugnus Villa Rubea Nagera Sanctus Dominicus Radicellas Belforatus Francavilla Nemus Oque Altaporca Flumen laetiferum Flumen laetiferum Arga et Runa f. Rivus Salatus Aega fl.

Villuga Itinerary (1546) Pamplona La Austia de Remiega La Puente la Reina Aldea Estella Los Arcos

Present-day Pamplona Puente la Reina Lorca Estella Los Arcos Torres de Sansol

Viana Ebra fl. Logroo Nauarrete Njera Zafra

despoblado Viana Logroo despoblado Navarrete Njera Azofra

Santo Domingo de la Calzada Santo Domingo Gran Gran Redesilla Villa Miesta Villorado Redecilla Villambista Belorado Tosantos

Todos Santos Villafranca de Montes de Oca Villafranca Montes de Oca Montes de Oca Valdehuentes Valbuena San Dueldo Ibeas Carbadel Nuestra Seora la Blanca Atapuerca Zalduendo Ibeas

Burgas etc.

Burgos etc.


One can see that, with the exceptions of some of the stations in one or other itinerary, both cover the same route.


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Once the route between Njera and Burgos was established, through the road of Santo Domingo and Belorado, the Roman road was quickly abandoned for pilgrimage and probably for the scarce trade along it in the Middle Ages. The basic reason seems doubtless to have been that, as the increase in population along the corridor of the St. James Way was increasing, at the same time the population on the Roman road was diminishing. This can still be observed, even today. Between Hormilla, near Njera, and Tormantos, near Cerezo, the Roman road runs through unpopulated country and traverses no town. This proves that there was little or no transit on this road, because no townships grew up alongside it. Even the nearby towns did not expand to the road or acquire prosperity from it. This can be seen in the townships nearest to this stretch of road. The village of San Torcuato is mentioned in 1175 with the name of Villaporquera. In 1541 it had 44 inhabitants and still kept this name. In 1846 it had grown to 52 inhabitants 45. Villalobar, on evidence from 1120, although it had the advantage of the passage over the river Oja, at the point where it had previously been a Roman road, in 1571 had 29 inhabitants and in 1830 it had 5046. So the Roman road runs for sixteen and a half miles (265 kilometres) without going through any habitation. In contrast, in 1546, as Villuga describes for us in several itineraries, the Camino Real [Royal Road] ran through Santo Domingo and Belorado under the protection of townships, some of them already important. Of most importance was the one he called from Santiago in Galicia to San Juan de Pie de Puerto.

45 46

GOVANTES, A.C. 1846, p.180. Diccionario geogrfico-histrico. op. cit. Idem, p.210.
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Map 1. Roads to Santiago (in white) and Roman road (in blue) from Logroo to Njera.


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Map 2. Roads to Santiago (in white) and Roman road (in blue) from Njera to Burgos.


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Conclusion The importance for culture and tourism of the Way to Santiago throughout its whole length is a fact beyond any doubt. It is moreover an investment for the future and a source of income for the localities through which it passes. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the Roman road, a scene of the most infantile ignorance and negligence. Despite the importance for culture and heritage of the whole length of the Roman road that has been described in this Community of the Rioja, its future in fact gives little grounds for hope. In latter years there have been irreversible changes and assaults that are unbecoming to a modern, culturally advanced Community. The string of destruction on the Roman road has no end. In 1999 several miles of the Roman road throughout the district of Azofra, specifically named Camino de los Romanos [Roman Way], were converted into a modern local road, despite the wealth of archaeological data available at the time, previously unimaginably supportive. On successive occasions many other stretches were covered and altered, until in January 2003 the best traces of the Roman road in the whole of the Rioja, the superbly preserved embankments of Tricio, were destroyed. This trend must be reversed. This is an urgent task that is the responsibility of the officials of the Community Heritage, correcting past mistakes, so that future generations may know what the first road in this part of the world was like. Let us hope that the incentive of cultural tourism, as an alternative to religious pilgrimages, will be the most successful means of bringing it back into use, to begin a new age of conservation and to gain respect for what remains of this historical and cultural heritage of the Rioja of the highest order.

Works to convert the Roman road going from Italia to Hispania into the present-day (1999) local road in the district of Azofra. In the background Hormilla and the Camino de los Romanos unchanged.


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Above: the embankment of the Roman road at Tricio (the Rioja) before destruction. Below: the infrastructure of the Roman road destroyed by bulldozer relevelling and the extent of modern paving, January 2003, on the same spot as above.


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