Quarterly Digital Publication On WWF's Work in Bolivia: Edition Nr. 20 - January, 2010
Quarterly Digital Publication On WWF's Work in Bolivia: Edition Nr. 20 - January, 2010
Quarterly Digital Publication On WWF's Work in Bolivia: Edition Nr. 20 - January, 2010
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WWFolio Bolivia is published only digitally, in efforts to reduce our footprint, save paper, ink and mailing expenses.
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The graphic and thematic content of this publication is of entire responsibility of WWF Bolivia, the conservation organization, and does not necessarily represent the institutional criteria of the institutions mentioned and referenced throughout this publication.
of the important extension of forests they shelter. Nevertheless, it has to be pointed out that the positions of each country are different. For example, Brazil has been one of the main sponsors of national scale schemes, while Colombia has been the most important champion of a flexible mechanism and the development of a sub-national or project scale. Regarding adaptation to climate change, the Agreement of Copenhagen recognizes that the adverse effects of climate change and the potential impacts of the response measures are a challenge being faced by all countries, but it recommends that actions should focus mainly on the most vulnerable countries. Some Latin American countries, such as Colombia, Argentina, Costa Rica and Peru, argued at the COP that this preference shouldnt be given this way, since all countries shelter highly vulnerable ecosystems that require support for its adaptation, a position that wasnt included in the Agreement. Last but not least, there is the need to transfer technology and financial resources to be able to walk on the path of low carbon. Countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica and Peru highlighted the importance of diversifying resource sources, taking advantage of market mechanisms, while ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for the America) countries, such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, stood up against markets, arguing that the resources should come through the increase of the investment of industrialized countries.
The Copenhagen Accord is broad enough, establishing the need of additional, predictable and accurate funding, accessible to developing countries. It establishes the creation of a fund and the commitment to provide new and additional resources through international institutions (USD 30 billion between 2010 and 2012) and to mobilize USD 100 billion / year until 2020. Also, it recognizes the opportunity to use markets aiming at improving cost-efficiency and to promote mitigation measures. Nevertheless, it does not define how additional these resources are and how much would be assigned to each subject (mitigation, adaptation, REDD and technology transfer). These definitions are fundamental for the ongoing negotiation process, as is the clarity regarding which countries participate in the Copenhagen Accord, which actually hasnt been signed by all participating countries, and, therefore, it is not necessarily a document accepted by all parties. The decision has been made to hold the sixteenth conference of the parties on climate change (COP16) now in our region (Cancun, Mexico), and this offers an opportunity to highlight Latin America and the Caribbeans leadership regarding climate change.
Roberto Troya Vice-President for Latin America and the Caribbean WWF US
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WWF Bolivias Pantanal Programme Earth Hour in Puerto Quijarro Climate change impacts in the Pantanal and in Bolivia
This research shows that the presence of wild fauna in the region capybara and marsh deer- diminishes jaguars attacks on cattle, confirming that, the better preserved the region is, the lesser chances for jaguars feeding from cattle. Also, the jaguar lives in the forest, and only moves away from it 200 metres at the most to attack its preys. In order to improve the jaguar-cattle relation, cattle shouldnt be let near the forest, and wild fauna hunting should be prohibited in the ranch, among others. Besides protecting cattle, this way the natural habitat of the jaguar is also maintained. This is also the ideal scenario to develop responsible tourism activities, which generates additional income for the ranch.
Dont buy wild animals. The forest is their home; these animals suffer when brought to the city; also, dont forget that wild fauna trade is illegal.
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Municipal environmental management key to sustainable development of the Pantanal and south-eastern Bolivia
WWF supports and strengthens municipal governments in the implementation of municipal environmental management systems. Within the first Chiquitano Fair Environment and Sustainable Production held in Robor, Bolivia, last October, WWF, the Bolivian Environmental Law Society (SBDA) and the municipal governments of Puerto Quijarro and San Matas, highlighted and promoted the experiences and accomplishments regarding municipal environmental management. The Fair was organized by the regional governments of the provinces of Chiquitos and Germn Busch, and showcased local projects focused on sustainable development, providing
goods and services aimed at improving the quality of life of local inhabitants. Within this, WWF is convinced that municipal environmental management and land use planning have become key tools for the Pantanal and the Chiquitania, in a time when regional development moves forward quickly with new initiatives as iron extraction at Mutn hill. Land use planning and other mechanisms allow the municipalities to move forward in an organized manner, harmonizing development and conservation of its natural surroundings.
With support from WWF and SBDA, the municipalities of Puerto Quijarro and San Matas have created and activated their Environmental Units since 2006 and 2008 respectively, aiming at promoting local development at the minimum possible negative impacts. Each of these municipalities has also designed and started implementing its own Municipal Land Use Plan (referred to as PMOT) as a tool for integrally managing their territory towards sustainable development.
Also, the municipalities of Puerto Surez and Robor are using planning tools and have created their own Environmental Units to implement environmental management in their jurisdiction.
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WWF Bolivias Amazon Programme WWFs work at Itnez Protected Area and related to the Bolivian
Amazon dolphin Climate change impacts in the Amazon and in Bolivia
Giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)
Staffan Widstrand-WWF
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The results of the work of various years show that this project has contributed to the sound use of natural resources through the strengthening of technical productive, economic, social and legal local capacities at Itnez Protected Area. Committed to the inhabitants and sustainable development of this protected area, during 2009, WWF aimed at ensuring the continuity of the ongoing activities in spite of the closure of the project, supporting IPHAE in seeking funding opportunities at diverse levels.
We want to share some testimonies of men and women who were trained as community promoters. In these, the inhabitants agree on the fact that the training they received has allowed them to contribute to the development of their communities and the improvement of the quality of life of their families. Mr. Hermes Ayala Bella Vista Community Ive seen the progress of the communities and the strengthening of their experience, thanks to the training received. That encourages me to keep on contributing to my people. Ms. Alicia Chvez San Borja Community We learned to improve family and community orchards. Ive worked in San Borja the first two years, where I come from, and then I went to work as a promoter with IPHAE in Bella Vista. Ms. Jenny Viana Nueva Brema Community Weve distributed plane tree tillers to all communities, with positive results regarding the strengthening of food security. Weve worked in the recovery of degraded land with permanent technical assistance. Ms. Viana is the only woman of the first group of trained promoters. Mr. Luis Carlos Cayami La Soga Community IPHAE has taught us to work within this agroproductive system. Before, we didnt value the wild chocolate, orange, plane or palm trees. Now we cultivate them, and we are even selling some of these products. Mr. Jos Alva Puerto Chvez Community Mr. Alva is 70 years old, is a carpenter and plants an area of half a hectare. Puerto Chvez was the first community to accept support to cultivate plane trees. I started with 400 tillers, and in the last two years Ive collected around 2,000 plane clusters. My land has allowed me to sustenance to the 20 members of my family.
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Bolivia is the leading country worldwide exporting Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). Its collection and trade are the most important economic activities of the Department of Pando and of the Iturralde Province in La Paz and the Vaca Diez Province in Beni. Brazil nut generates approximately 75% of the economic activities in northern Bolivia USD 80 million per year and around 30,000 direct jobs. The main purchaser is the United Kingdom. Source. Brazil and the Brazil nut, Ibce, 2009
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Regarding this, what could the dams mean in terms of genetic evolution; what could happen there? Well, for starters we are very concerned about the chance of connection between water bodies that used to be disconnected, and the possibility of verifying the presence of the Inia geoffrensis species in Bolivia. Eventually this species could appear with the flooding and the construction of the dams, and that could generate a chaos regarding fish and species such as dolphins. We would see humankind intervening evolution processes of thousands of years, restoring genetic connectivity between two species that were already separated. This could lead to the extinction of a fragile species such as Inia boliviensis, since it is restricted only to the Upper Madeira River Basin. This is a very reduced distribution, comparing, for example, to the 7 million km2 of the distribution of Inia geoffrensis. Any kind of intervention in the movement of the waters and the availability of food may cause a catastrophe in Bolivia with this species.
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In terms of opportunities for local population and the country itself, what has been visualized in the Workshop regarding the potential of the species with touristic and recreational purposes? Clearly Bolivia is a very attractive country worldwide, and the fact of sheltering a unique species such as Inia boliviensis makes it even more attractive. There is already touristic infrastructure in place in the main basins, and, if we manage to train operators and direct some tourism towards responsible dolphin observation, this can generate income for local population. Just as an example, dolphin and whale observation in Latin America has grown exponentially during the past years. Countries such as Argentina, just in the Valds Peninsula area, are generating around USD 150 million yearly from whale observation. That generates an interesting economic movement that impels people to realize the economic opportunity of these species, which is an important incentive towards its conservation. In Colombia, 28,000 to 32,000 tourists, with the main purpose of observing dolphins, arrived in 2007 and 2008, generating around USD 15 million. We could make a rough analysis: in 2008 this activity has generated more than USD 8 million, and there are 430 dolphins in this
segment of the river, which means that each dolphin has a high economic value, generated by sustainable use. This means that the dolphin itself is generating income along many years, and therefore is becoming a good asset, very important for communities. We have to keep on aiming at generating sound practices all across the continent. We started in Colombia and would like to consolidate it in Bolivia; promoting a best practice certificate for dolphin observation, issued by an entity with international credibility regarding dolphins. In each country, the Government (the national tourism authority or a regional government) could provide that certificate to responsible operators and guides. There is something very clear about all this, and that is the fact that, in the end, a happy and alive dolphin in our rivers is worth much more that way, than through any other use that involves taking his life.
Bolivia is in a privileged situation comparing to other countries, since the threat level for dolphins isnt drastic yet.
International Day of Freshwater Dolphins Aiming at continuing creating awareness at national and international level regarding the importance of the conservation of these species, October 24th has been proposed as International Day of Freshwater Dolphins.
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WWF Bolivias Forest Programme Responsible Forest Trade Community Forest Management
The forest isnt just wood. The forest is earth, soil, wildlife and people living in these areas, said Mr. Federico Bascop, one of the pioneers of Bolivian forest science and its teaching.
When buying furniture and wood, try to verify that the wood is FSC certified.
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Click here to access the full publication available only in Spanish. For further information: omelgarejo@wwfbolivia.org
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WWF, aiming at generating awareness regarding this issue, since 2007 has been implementing the global Earth Hour campaign on climate change. We aim at this movement reaching all Bolivians, which is why, though this newsletter, we invite all Bolivian municipalities, provinces and department, as well as companies, civil society organizations, academic sectors and general public to participate, turning this campaign into an event that calls people to action and makes us reflect on the responsible use of energy and the reduction of the causes of climate change in Bolivia, mainly deforestation.
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In 2009, the cities of La Paz, Cochabamba, Trinidad, Oruro, Puerto Quijarro and Santa Cruz de la Sierra showed their commitment through events in each city, in each case hand in hand with their respective municipality and electricity generating and distributing companies, expressing their adhesion not only to the initiative, but to the commitment of saving energy and mitigating climate change. Up to date, we are coordinating with San Ignacio de Velasco, towards its participation in this global event. This town is the capital of the municipality that shelters the largest climate change project worldwide: the Noel Kempff Mercado Climate Action Project (PAC-NKM).
WWF and the Municipal Government of Puerto Quijarro publicly recognized the volunteers in charge of informing and generating awareness among local population regarding Earth Hour 2009. This is a step on the way to Earth Hour 2010 in Puerto Quijarro.
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Climate Change Forum: Effects, Impacts, Opportunities and Challenges for Bolivia
The event concluded successfully with more than 200 participants, surpassing the expectations of its organizers and showing a general concern for the serious threats presented by climate change globally, and especially regarding the consequences that could occur in Bolivia due to an increase in temperature and imbalance of rainfall, which would severely impact food production and health. Potential impacts of climate change in Bolivia as of the year 2030
portion of the Andean Mountain Range will have disappeared. The mythical Titicaca Lake will have been reduced and divided in three parts. The increased scarcity of water in the metropolitan area of La Paz and El Alto will reduce its growth in population. Agricultural production in the highlands will be affected by unfavorable climate. The productive potential in the lowlands will be greatly reduced due to an increase in wind speeds, drought, flooding and soil degradation. The productive supply of the valleys will become unfeasible due to negative climate effects. The major cities in the eastern part of the country will be the target of severe changes and restrictions as a result of constant flooding and pollution.
60% of the freshwater available on our planet is destined to producing food. Thus, plant fruit and vegetables in your own yard or in community orchards, watering them without wasting. It also helps if at the market or supermarket you rather buy products made close to where you live; this way you reduce the ecological footprint generated by its transportation.
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Dont buy orchids or other plants sold on the side of roads, since they could have been taken from the forest in a predatory manner. Choose plants that are sold at nurseries or reproduce plants you already have in your garden (or in gardens of friends, family or neighbours) through its segments or seeds. When buying furniture and wood, try to verify that the wood is FSC certified. Mobilize more people at your home and neighbourhood: Do your ecological footprint test Preserve green areas where you live Help creating a garbage sorting system Organize cleaning volunteer activities to embellish your city Participate in the ecological activities of schools and municipalities.
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Amazon Programme: 1,290,939 Forest Programme: 903,399 Pantanal Programme: 514,315 Institutional: 485,231
About WWF
The objective of WWF Bolivia, the conservation organization, is to contribute to the conservation of the Amazon and the Pantanal, promote and generate sustainable economic opportunities for its inhabitants and Bolivia in general. WWFs mission is to stop the degradation of the planets natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by: Conserving the worlds biological diversity Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumpti WWF Bolivia Calle Los Pitones N 2070 Av. Beni, entre 2 y 3r anillo Santa Cruz, Bolivia Tel.: +591-3-3430609 Fax: +591-3-3430406 wwfbolivia@wwfbolivia.org www.panda.org/bolivia