Funeral Pre-Planning Worksheet: A Planning Guide To Assist My Family
Funeral Pre-Planning Worksheet: A Planning Guide To Assist My Family
Funeral Pre-Planning Worksheet: A Planning Guide To Assist My Family
St. Johns Lutheran Church. 8808 Harford Road Baltimore, Md. 21234 Office: 410-665-1234
Please provide as much information as you wish
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FUNERAL PLAN PART ONE Guide for the Christian Funeral of ________________________________________.
Full name: (First / Middle (maiden)/ Last)
To Plan the funeral for another: For pastoral care and to help in planning, the pastor should be notified immediately upon the death of a member of the congregation. Discuss with the pastor(s) the timing and place of service before you go to the funeral home to make arrangements. When possible, it is a good idea to plan the funeral liturgy well before the death of a Christian to avoid planning during a time of grieving. Such planning offers an occasion for the pastor to talk seriously about the Christian hope of the resurrection of the dead through Jesus Christ. To express wishes for your own funeral: You may choose to file the funeral planning portion of this worksheet with the church. The information will be kept in a confidential file available to the pastors of St. Johns Lutheran Church. This entire worksheet, which also includes financial and personal information, should be given to your family member and/or the individual you have designated as the executor of your will and/or your estate as well as filing a copy with your will.
I understand that the information and instructions provided here are for the guidance of my church, my family, and my friends in making arrangements necessary at the time of my death. Although this information is being left for safekeeping, it is not legally binding or enforceable. I understand that this worksheet does not make the church obligated or responsible for the execution of these instructions. ________________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date
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Church Affiliation if not a Member of St. Johns: _________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________________ How long? __________ II. FUNERAL SERVICE: Do you wish the following? Funeral Service (Remains present): Yes No If so where: Church Funeral Home Other: ______________________________ Memorial Service (No remains present): Yes No If so where: Church Funeral Home ______________________________ Body to be viewed at funeral home: Yes No Body to be viewed at church: Yes No
The Church Parlor is available for viewing one hour prior to the service
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Old Testament Isaiah 40:28-31 Ecclesiastics 3:1-8 Job 19:25-26 Lamentations 3:22-26, 31-33 Other New Testament Readings 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 Romans 8:31-39 Philippians 3:20-21 1 Corinthians 15:12-26 1 Peter 1:3-9 Revelation 21:3-7 Revelation 7:13-17 Romans 14:7-8 1 John 3:1-2 Romans 5:1-11 Romans 5:17-21 Romans 6:3-11
Congregational hymns (Consider favorites or choose from the below list): ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen! (ELW 377) This Joyful Eastertide (ELW 391) Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove (ELW 404) For All the Saints (ELW 422) We Know That Christ Is Raised (ELW 449) I Am the Bread of Life (ELW 485) The King of Love My Shepherd Is (ELW 502) A Mighty Fortress (ELW 504) O Living Bread from Heaven (ELW 542) Thy Holy Wings (ELW 613) Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer (ELW 618) Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me (ELW 623) Jesus, Still Lead On (ELW 624) Abide with Me (ELW 629) In Heaven Above (ELW 630) Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (ELW 631) O God, Our Help in Ages Past (ELW 632) You Are the Way (ELW 758) My Faith Looks Up to Thee (ELW 759) Lord of All Hopefulness (ELW 765) If You But Trust in God to Guide You (ELW 769) Precious Lord, Take My Hand (ELW 773) Jesus, Priceless Treasure (ELW 775) The Lords My Shepherd (ELW 778) Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound (ELW 779) Children of the Heavenly Father (ELW 781) On Eagles Wings (ELW 787) Day by Day (ELW 790) I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (ELW 815) Other (as available in Lutheran hymnals): _______________________________________________ Page 5 of 15
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Other music or non-biblical readings (please see the pastors to inquire about the use of other music or non-biblical readings during the worship service.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Pall bearers (select six for a service with the coffin present) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Honorary pall bearers: Ministry Team, Circle Members, etc. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Service folder cover (printed on parchment-colored paper) Biblical or seasonal image Line drawing of the church STRUCTURE OF THE FUNERAL WORSHIP SERVICE A funeral service at St. Johns Lutheran Church includes the following basic elements:
Prelude Prayer and Thanksgiving for Baptism (ELW p. 279) Hymn Greeting Prayer of the Day (ELW p. 281) Eulogies Scripture Lessons (3) Sermon- (Pastor) Hymn The Apostles Creed (ELW p. 282) Solo Prayers (ELW p. 282) Lords Prayer (ELW p. 283) Holy Communion (as requested) Page 6 of 15
Commendation- (ELW p. 283) Benediction and Blessing (ELW p. 214) Hymn Postlude/Recessional
NOTE: a note about the internment or cremation is usually printed in the worship bulletin. A note about memorials helps family and friends direct memorial gifts according to your wishes. MEMORIALS Memorial gifts are often requested in lieu of flowers. They can be designated to any charitable organization and/or to St. Johns Lutheran Church. Please indicate to your loved ones your desire for memorial gifts. If you would like memorial gifts to be given in your memory to St. Johns, we offer the following options: St. Johns Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund. This is an endowed fund dedicated to support the mission of the church. Each year five percent of the accrued interest is allocated the mission of St. Johns. This includes outreach into the community and ELCA for education, social services, institutions and agencies to which this congregation relates; special programs designed for those persons in our parish who are in spiritual and/or economic need; development of new congregations; global missions, ecumenism, evangelism, and capital funding as well as enhancing the missional outreach of the congregation of any special ministry of St. Johns. St. Johns Lutheran Capital Improvement Endowment Fund. This is an endowed fund dedicated for capital improvements and debt reduction for any building program. Each year five percent of the accrued interest is to be allocated for purpose of capital improvements of St. Johns. St. Johns Memorial Fund. This fund supports various expenses outside of the operational budget such as fine arts, library, furniture, special equipment needed by the church, worship resources for St. Johns as approved jointly by the Memorial Ministry Team and the next of kin. This type of gift is usually offered in lieu of flowers in the context of ones funeral service and would be given as smaller gifts from friends and relatives. St. Johns Operational Budget. Gifts would be used toward the current operational budget expenditures of the church. NOTE: If it is your wish to include any of the above planned giving in the event of your death, please make sure you include this in your will.
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Meal following the service for mutual conversation and consolation Yes No Location: Church Fellowship Hall Other _______________________________________ Menu
desserts sandwiches cold salad hot meal other _________________________ Coffee Cold Drinks
NOTE: St. Johns Funeral Ministry Team is available to help plan the reception and will set up, serve and clean up the Fellowship Hall. COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____
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FUNERAL PLAN PART TWO Your family will need this information when they meet with the mortuary, or you may wish to consider these items before you visit the mortuary. The following information is for you and your family and need not be given to the church/pastors with Part One of your funeral plan. BIOGRAPHY/OBITUARY Obituary Information Relatives Listed: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Organization Memberships: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Photograph to be included? Names of newspapers for obituary to be placed? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ CEMETERY Preference for means of burial: Traditional burial at _____________________________Cemetery Page 9 of 15
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LEGALITIES Have you completed a Will? Yes No If yes, where is it located?_____________________________________ Who is your attorney? Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________ Organ/Tissue Donation: Yes No Organ donation on your drivers license does not authorize the hospital/doctor to remove any organs or tissue. Signed authorization by next of kin must be secured. Talk this over with your spouse and/or children. Planned Giving: Have you named St. Johns Lutheran Church, St. Johns Endowment funds, and/or educational or charitable organization as a partial beneficiary of? Your insurance proceeds Your estate proceeds Name(s) of Church __________________________________ Charitable organization _______________________________ Education Institution _________________________________ Have you talked with your attorney or Certified Financial Planner about tax advantages now and for your estate of:
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Stocks/Bonds/Mutual Funds Who is your broker/brokerage house? Name ___ ____________________________________________________________ Location ____ _________________________________________________________ Location of Stock certificates, if not with your broker: _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ Titling ________________________________________________________________ Life Insurance Name of Company ________________________________________________________ Policy Number(s) _________________________________________________________ Name of Company ________________________________________________________ Policy Number(s) _________________________________________________________ Page 13 of 15
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Thank you for doing a hard task that will make things easier for your loved ones. If you chose to return a copy of this information to the church, it will be kept in a confidential file available to the pastors of St. Johns Lutheran Church. If you want to meet with one of the pastors to personally talk about these matters, together or with your spouse and/or family, please call one of the pastors and we will set up a time to meet. Signature:__________________________________ Date:______________________