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Treatment Using Lab Sacle Reed Bed Using Phragmitis Australis

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Volume 3, No 1, 2012 Copyright by the authors - Licensee IPA- Under Creative Commons license

e 3.0 Research article ISSN 0976 4402

Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis
Ramprasad. C Department of Civil Engineering, BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. ramprasad_88@yahoo.co.in doi:10.6088/ijes.2012030131028 ABSTRACT The waste water generated from the quarters, school hostel and college hostels in our university campus were collected and analyzed. Conventional treatment method and the method of purification using Reed bed for the treatment of effluent were compared. The plant used for this purpose was Phragmitis australis which is locally known as NANAL. The experiment was conducted with the Primary treated sewage taken from the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of our campus. From the experiment it is found that the one with Reed Bed system gives a better quality treated water vis--vis the campus STP treated water. Hence, the filter bed of STP is planted with Phragmitis australis as a trial run. The project presents the method of construction of root zone bed and the effectiveness of removal of various contaminants using this root zone treatment process. The results for raw water and treated water samples were compared and discussed. Keywords: Wastewater, Reed bed, Root zone, Contaminants, Phragmitis australis 1. Introduction Reeds are coarse grasses growing in wet places. Reed bed is one of the natural and cheap methods of treating domestic, industrial and agricultural liquid wastes. Reed bed is considered as an effective and reliable secondary and tertiary treatment method where land area is not a major constraint (Wood and Hensman, 1988). Generally reed bed is made in shallow pits, installed with a drain pipe in a bed of pieces of lime stones and filled up with pebbles and graded sand (Crites, 1994). In this sandy body, reed plants generally with hollow root which bring oxygen into the filter bed are planted (Lawson, 1985). Application of root zone technology (RZT) is finding wider acceptability in developing and developed countries, as it appears to offer more economical and ecologically acceptable solution to water pollution management problems. Root zone systems whether natural or constructed, constitute an interface between the aquifer system and terrestrial system that is the source of the pollutants. These are reported to be most suitable for schools, hospitals, hotels and for smaller communities (Horner, 1996). The countrys reportedly first RZT system was designed by NEERI at Sainik School; Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. It has reportedly been giving a very good performance of removing 90% BOD and 63% nitrogen (CPCB, 2000). The objective of this work is to analyze the wastewater generated in the university campus and evaluate the suitability and effectiveness of treating effluents by root zone system and compare the results with conventional methods of treating waste water with STP.

Received on May 2012 Published on July 2012


Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

2. Materials and method 2.1 Wastewater parameters Wastewater contains a variety of inorganic and organic substances from domestic sources. The wastewater parameters namely BOD, COD, TDS, TSS and pH were analyzed. The procedure followed for calculating the parameters are the STANDARDISED methods (APHA, 1992)

Figure 1: Experimental Reed Bed System 2.2 Significance of root zone treatment

Figure 2: Sample Before and After Treatment

Significance of RZT are it is odorless, there is no frequent maintenance required, it has high treatment efficiency and it does not need any mechanical, electrical or chemical equipment. 2.3 Functions of Phragmites australis First, the very existence of root zone system creates channels for the water to pass through. Secondly, the roots introduce oxygen down into the body of soil and provide an environment where aerobic bacteria can thrive. These organisms are necessary for the breakdown of many types of compounds in particular in the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate; this is the first step in the biological breakdown of nitro compound. Thirdly, the process of nitrification takes place i.e. the plants themselves take up a certain amount of nutrient from the wastewater. In the spring and summer about 15% of the treatment capacity for sewage effluent occurs through this root zone treatment. Most degradation of nutrients is however undertaken by the microbes. The plants are also capable of accumulating certain heavy metals, an area where there is currently a great deal of research (Babbit and Baumann, 1960). In essence Reed beds can help to achieve a better standard of water quality through 1. High level of bacterial and viral removal 2. Decreased biological oxygen demand and reduction of suspended solids 3. Reduction of nitrogen concentrations and removal of metals 2.4 Reed bed system 2.4.1 Principles of reed beds 1. Common reed (Phragmites australis) has the ability to transfer oxygen to root zone. 2. Large population of microorganism found in root zone.
Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012


Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

3. Pollutants digested and rendered innocuous by a range of organisms similar to conventional sewage works.

Figure 3: Wetland Unit Tub

Figure 4: Aggregates in Tub

Figure 5: Sand in Tub

Figure 6: Reed Plants in Tub 2.5 Advantages of Reed Bed Operation does not require electricity or fuel supply. No mechanical systems are involved. Reed beds do not breakdown. Set up is visually unobtrusive (aesthetical good) and provides growth of microorganisms. The plants, especially the species that grow naturally and under harsh environment conditions, offer a simple and economic method of wastewater treatment. 2.6 Construction and Working of Reed bed The unit was constructed by placing separate layers of bricks (bricks or brick bats) stone chips, sand, stone dust, after arranging the layers the plants were planted in the unit. Further the growth of plants was monitored. During the growth period of one month, only plain water was sprinkled. Then sewage water was let into the root zone system and the samples were collected. 2.7 Type of Reed beds There are two types of reed beds HORIZONTAL REED BED and VERTICAL REED BED. The horizontal reed bed is the one in which the filter water is collected in horizontal manner as shown in Fig 1. The vertical reed bed is the one in which the filtrate is collected in the bottom of the apparatus.
Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012


Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

Planted horizontal gravel filters are also referred to as subsurface flow wetlands (SSF), constructed wetlands or root zone treatment plants. The horizontal planted filter is simple in principle and requires almost no maintenance. However, design and construction requires a thorough understanding of the treatment process and knowledge of the filter medium. Planted filters are suitable for pre-treated (pre settled) domestic or industrial waste water of COD content not higher than 500 mg/L (CPCB, 2000) and (APHA, 1992).waste water must be pre treated especially with respect to suspended solids so as to prevent the clogging of filter media. Filter bed should not be deeper than the depth to which plants roots can grow (30-60 cm), as water tends to flow faster below the dense bed of roots. Shallow filters are more effective compared to deeper beds of the same volume. To prevent percolation of wastewater in ground, the bottom must be sealed. While the top part of the filter media in a planted filter is kept horizontal, constructed bottom slopes down from inlet to outlet preferably by 1%. BED PREPARATION: The bed should be prepared by giving a longitudinal slope of 1 in 40 for free flow of sewage in the soil from inlet to outlet. 2.8 Phragmites Australis Name of the species used in the system is Phragmites australis. This species has hole from the leaves throughout the stem to the root zone. It takes the oxygen from the atmosphere and supplies to the root zone. So the oxygen supply in the root zone is sufficient to support the growth of aerobic bacteria. These bacteria consume the oxygen and break the organic compounds. The existing conditions favor the growth of the bacteria and they multiply easily. As the anoxic zone in the system is comparatively low the nuisance due to the anaerobic decomposition is also low. The plant which is grown for the treatment is also useful for manufacturing papers. Therefore the disposal of the plants is not at all a problem. 2.9 Sewage Flow The sewage from the collection tank is passed continuously to the filter. It filters through the graded stone layer and enters the prepared bed where the treatment takes place. After passing through the bed the treated sewage is allowed to filter through the down end filter. It rises up to the initial level maintained. It is collected in a tank by using a pump and discarded to the farmlands. The particles present above the stone layers are scraped and disposed. The reed grows quickly; it produces large clumps of thick rhizomes, oxygen transfers through the roots may be sufficient. Due to thick and sturdy rhizomes it is planted to help control soil.

Figure 7: Reed unit at time of planting

Figure 8: After 68 Days 300

Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012

Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

3. Results and discussion Table 1: General characteristics of Sewage Wastewater PARAMETERS pH BOD at 20 oC in mg/L COD in mg/L Total Solids in mg/L Dissolved in mg/L Suspended in mg/L High 8.0 350 1000 1300 1000 350 Medium 7.2 200 500 700 500 220 Low 7.0 50 250 200 250 100

Table 2: Concentration of various parameters collected (Before Treatment) PARAMETERS SAMPLES pH TSS in mg/L TDS in mg/L BOD in mg/L COD in mg/L Date 30.01.09* 1 7.27 134 972 130 392 Date Date Date Date 20.02.09* 25.02.09* 16.03.09* 27.03.09* 2 3 4 5 7.35 7.15 7.22 7.44 560 468 162 197 734 820 835 760 396 619 140 101 895 1250 515 336 * The date inscribe the samples taken from sewage line

Table 3: Concentrations of various parameters (After Treatment) PARAMETERS SAMPLES pH TSS in mg/L TDS in mg/L BOD in mg/L COD in mg/L

Date 30.01.09# 1 6.90 85 680 25 248

Date 20.02.09# 2 7.00 110 580 30 250

Date 25.02.09# 3 6.86 102 640 28 240

Date 16.03.09# 4 6.89 92 655 27 245

Date 27.03.09# 5 7.09 94 605 28 246

The date inscribe treated samples are taken at equal intervals (like 20-02-09, treated water is taken after 5 days) Table 4: Comparison of treated sewage from STP and RZT

S. No. 1. 2.

Parameters pH Total suspended solids

Before treatment 7.53 310

Treated by Treated STP by RZT 6.71 107.7 6.965 85.7

Treated plants 7.27 138.0


Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012


Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

3. 4. 5.

Total dissolved solids BOD COD

990 210 930

739 69.80 392

650 29.6 247.5

750 42.0 303.5


1400 1200 1000 VALUES 800 600 400 200 0 30/1/09 20/2/09 25/2/09 DATES 16/3/09 27/3/09 PH VALUES TSS VALUES TDS VALUES BOD VALUES COD VALUES

Figure 9: Graph showing values before treating the waste water

1200 1000 VALUES 800 600 400 200 0 30/1/09 20/2/09 25/2/09 DATES 16/3/09 27/3/09 PH VALUES TSS VALUES TDS VALUES BOD VALUES COD VALUES

Figure 10: Graph showing values after treating the waste water
1200 1000 800 v a lu e s 600 400 200 0 Before treatment Treated by STP Treated by RZT Treated without plants pH TSS TDS BOD COD

Figure 11: Comparison of treated sewage from STP, RZT and without plants
Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012


Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

3.1 Discussion The results show the concentrations of five parameters for wastewater treated by conventional treatment plant, root zone system and simple filter bed system. It is clear that the use of Reed bed system is best for the treatment of all parameters when compared to the other two. There is a remarkable reduction in pH, B.O.D, C.O.D by Reed bed treatment and the treated water has become fit enough to be let out directly into a receiving water body as the concentrations are below allowable limits. Thus the root zone treatment can be used independently or as an addition to conventional treatment so as to make the final output fit enough for discharge into a natural water body. A sudden change in values of TSS and BOD on Feb 20th and 25th are noted. This is due the fact those two days shows peak college activity combined with some amount of rainfall on 20th morning. A sudden Rise in values of COD on Feb 25th may be due to the discharge of chemicals from our college labs. From Figure 11 and Table 4 1. There is a remarkable reduction in pH, B.O.D, C.O.D by Reed bed treatment and the treated water has become fit enough to be let out directly into a receiving water body as the concentrations are below allowable limits. Whereas, for the water treated by conventional plant, some more treatment is needed before it can be discharged. 2. Thus the root zone treatment can be used independently or as an addition to conventional treatment so as to make the final output fit enough for discharge into a natural water body. 3. Root zone system achieves standards for tertiary treatment with no operating cost or any hidden cost included in its operation. For Example: there is no consumption of electricity. 4. Conclusion The waste water discharged in our campus setting was analyzed to determine characteristics. The wastewater from campus shows variation in concentration according to students strength. TSS, BOD and COD particularly show a large temporal variation. The root zone method was employed on a lab scale to treat the waste water. The results were compared with the conventional treatment. It is seen that the root zone treatment can be utilized independently for a small scale unit or as an additional unit to conventional treatment system for complete treatment of waste water. Acknowledgement This study was conducted at the BS Abdhur Rahman University, Department of Civil Engineering, Vandalur and Chennai. The author would like to thank the technicians in the laboratory for providing assistance in specimen fabrication and testing. The author wishes to Thank Specially Dr. M.V. Moly Kutty from BSA Crescent Engineering College and Dr. Bashkar from SRM University. 5. References 1. American Public Health Association., (1992), Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and wastewater, 18th. Ed. APHA Publication, Washington D.C.
Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012


Experimental study on waste water treatment using lab scale reed bed system using Phragmitis australis

2. Babbit. H. E., and E. R. Baumann., (1960),. Sewage and sewage Treatment, Asia Publishing House., Bombay, 8th. Ed. 3. Bhide. W.D., (1982), Disposal and Utilization of Urban sewage for irrigation Cost benefit, IAWPC Tech, A (9), pp 715. 4. Bouchard. R., (1995), Using constructed wetland pond system to treat agricultural runoff: A watershed perspective, Lake Reservoir Management, 1(1), pp 29-36. 5. CPCB. (2000), Guidelines on construction, operation and application of root zone treatment system for treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater, New Delhi. 6. Crites. R.W., (1994), Design Criteria and practices for constructed wetlands, Water science and Technology, 29 (4), pp 1-6. 7. Hilley. P.D., (1995), The reality of sewage treatment using wetlands, Water science and Technology, 32 (3), pp 329-338. 8. Horner. D., (1996), Healthy future of constructed wetlands, World Water Environmental Engineering, pp 17. 9. Lawson. G.J., (1985), Cultivating Reeds (Phragmites australis) for Root-zone treatment of Sewage, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Cumbria. 10. Singh. R.S. and C.P. Shrivastava (1985), Quality of Sewage in Varanasi. IAWPC Tech. Ann. 12, pp 28-31. 11. Wood. A. and L.C. Hensmann, (1988), Research to develop engineering guidelines for the implementation of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in South Africa. International Conference on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, 32 (3), pp 291-294.

Ramprasad.C International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 3 No.1, 2012


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