Main Characters Transformers
Main Characters Transformers
Main Characters Transformers
The Rebirth (Part Peter Cullen More Than 3) Later killed in - Laurie 1984 Freightliner Semi Meets the Eye Transformers: Alive Faso (as (Part 1) Headmasters (In Orion Pax) Japan). Orion Once a young robot known as Orion Pax, he was attacked by Megatron in the Pax/Optimus episode War Dawn and later rebuilt, making him into the formidable Optimus Prime Prime. As leader of the Autobots, he has dedicated himself to a life of stopping the Decepticons wherever they attack. He is accompanied by a trailer in vehicle mode, which can become a weapon platform. Also accompanied by Roller, a small unspeaking Autobot which is sent on reconnaissance missions. Killed by Megatron in The Transformers: The Movie, later resurrected by the Quintessons in the twopart episode "The Return of Optimus Prime". Found dead by Arcee in The More Than 1977 Lancia Stratos Transformers: The Meets the Eye Chris Latta Dead Turbo Movie Last seen (Part 1) in Transformers: Wheeljack Victory (in Japan). The Autobots' resident inventor and gadgeteer. He often produces devices when needed, though his inventions were notorious for exploding in his face while he was still testing/working on them. Optimistic. Along with Ratchet he created the Dinobots. He was found dead by Arcee in The Transformers: The Movie. Was rebuilt into Goldbug in The More Than Return of Optimus Casey 1979 VW Beetle Meets the Eye Alive Prime, Part 2 and Kasem (Part 1) last appeared in Bumblebee The Rebirth Part 3 Often referred to as the "smallest Autobot", Bumblebee often volunteers for missions where his small size is an asset. He also possessed the best eyesight of all the Autobots which made him an ideal scout. Was rebuilt into Goldbug in the return of Optimus Prime, part 2. Cliffjumper 1980 VW Beetle More Than The Transformers: Casey Alive Meets the Eye The Movie (Casey Kasem (Part 1) Kasem left the show before season 3 due to objection to the portrayal of Arab characters as
stereotypical villains.) Impulsive. Optimus Prime frequently reminds him to exercise caution. Killed by Scavenger in The Transformers: The More Than 1979 Nissan 280ZX Movie, Later Meets the Eye Michael Bell Dead Police Car appeared in (Part 1) Transformers Headmasters (In Japan). A logical and competent tactician who operated as Optimus Prime's right-hand man in many early episodes. Killed by Scavenger. Call of the More Than Primitives Later Scatman 1983 Porsche 911 Turbo Meets the Eye appeared in Dead Crothers (Part 1) Transformers Headmasters A connoisseur of music, Jazz has the ability to disorient opponents with loud sound. Jazz is also named as Optimus Prime's right-hand man in the Tech Spec that describes his personality on his box. The Revenge of Appears in More Bruticus. Seen in Than Meets the "Only Human" Eye (Part 1). (considered an 1974 Lamborghini First speaks in animation error). Michael Bell Alive Countach LP500S More Than Later appeared in Meets the Eye Transformers: (Part 2). Headmasters (in Japan). Brave, powerful warrior, but often uses underhanded tricks to win. Carries a rocket pack that allows him to fly for short periods. "Brother" of Sunstreaker, but nowhere near as cold-blooded. Was killed by Megatron in gun More Than 1979 Nissan Onebox mode held by Don Meets the Eye Dead Vanette Ambulance Starscream in The Messick (Part 1) Transformers: The Movie The Autobots' resident doctor and mechanic. While he is a medic, he does not have a particularly good bedside manner as he frequently throws things like wrenches at his patients if they got hurt for doing something stupid/something they could have avoided. He only threw things once he had repaired them properly of course (He does this especially when it is Sunstreaker or Sideswipe as the said patients). He is also credited for creating the Dinobots.
The Transformers: The Movie (Killed More Than by Megatron 1979GMC Topkick Meets the Eye offscreen with a Peter Cullen Dead (Part 1) point-blank blast Ironhide to the head from his fusion cannon) Tough, but impulsive. Frequently calls for battle against Decepticons, and sometimes engages in battle in spite of Optimus Prime's orders. Is also head of security. Rodimus Prime Judd Nelson The Return of Hot Rod Cybertronian (movie), Transformers: Optimus Prime sports car Rodimus Prime Richard Alive The Movie (Part 2) Hot Rod Cybertronian RV Gautier (TV Hot Rod / The Rebirth (Part series) Rodimus 3) Prime Brash young adventurer and friend of Daniel. Becomes Rodimus Prime at the end of The Transformers: The Movie but reverts to Hot Rod when he relinquishes the Matrix of Leadership back to Optimus Prime. Later becomes a Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Firebolt (also voiced by Richard Gautier). Cybertronian The The Burden Helicopter/Cybertronian Transformers: Neil Ross Alive Hardest to Bear Springer Armored Car The Movie Strong and heroic, with an intense (possibly romantic) connection to Arcee. Lionel Stander The Cybertronian Pickup The Rebirth (Part (movie), Transformers: Alive Truck 3) John The Movie Stephenson Kup (TV series) Old and wise mentor with a wry sense of humor and a penchant for telling stories of his many experiences. Becomes a Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Recoil (voiced by Johnny Haymer). The Rebirth (Part Robert Stack 3) Killed in (film), Jack 1985 Mack Car Carrier Scramble City Transformers: Alive Angel (TV Headmasters (in series) Japan). Ultra Magnus Ultra Magnus is a longtime friend and follower of Optimus Prime who takes over command of the Autobots after the attack on Autobot City in The Transformers: The Movie. He is subsequently destroyed by the Sweeps but rebuilt by the Junkions. After Hot Rod becomes Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus steps down as leader of the Autobots in favor of the chosen one. Blurr Cybertronian Hover Car The The Rebirth (Part John Alive Transformers: 3) Moschitta,
The Movie Jr. Fast-talking, excitable, and prone to worry or complain. Can sometimes slow his speech when he wants to be taken seriously. Becomes a Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Haywire (voiced by Rob Paulsen). The The Rebirth (Part Cybertronian Convertible Transformers: Susan Blu Alive 3) The Movie Arcee is the only female Autobot to appear on a regular basis. She was created in an effort by the film's producers to expand the market audience to include girls as well as to appear less sexist. Some have criticized the character for being overly stereotypically female due mainly to her need to protect Daniel Witwicky and act as a surrogate mother. She eventually becomes a Headmaster with Daniel (in an Exo-suit) forming her head. The The Return of Frank Cybertronian Car Transformers: Optimus Prime Alive Welker The Movie (Part 2) Wheelie aided Grimlock and the other Dinobots in reuniting with Kup and Hot Rod on Quintessa. Wheelie speaks in rhyme. His weapon of choice is a slingshot with energon pellets.
Autobot Cars
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status
The Transformers: The Movie Later appeared in Ken Sansom Alive Transformers: Hound Headmasters. The Autobots' resident detective. Can create realistic looking holograms to keep opponents off guard. Loves his job as a scout. 1975 F-1 More Than Ligier JS-11 Meets the Eye Cosmic Rust Frank Welker Unknown Formula-1 (Part 1) racer Mirage More interested in enjoying life than in fighting, Mirage expresses the desire to return home to Cybertron more frequently than other Autobots. Can become invisible, to spy on the Decepticons, and frequently, to ambush them. His fate following the movie is unknown. According to an early script of the movie, he was shot and killed by Megatron, but this scene didn't make the final cut. Trailbreaker 1985 Toyota Appears in More Cosmic Rust. Early script Frank Welker Unknown 4WD Hilux Than Meets the for Transformers:The Eye (Part 1). Movie shows his dead First speaks in body as the Decepticons More Than retreted from Autobot Meets the Eye City. 1943 More Than Mitsubishi J59 Meets the Eye Military Jeep (Part 1)
(Part 2). Has the power to create impenetrable forcefields. Slow in terms of speed, but a team player. Appears in More 1974 Super- Than Meets the The Transformers: The Tuned Eye (Part 1). Movie. Later appeared in Lamborghini First speaks in Corey Burton Alive Transformers: Countach More Than Headmasters (In Japan). Sunstreaker LP500S Meets the Eye (Part 2). Obsessed with personal appearance. One of the most effective Autobot fighters, but isn't always a team player. Often retorts with lines like "Hey, that's a new paint job!" He is also the "Brother" of Sideswipe. Appears in More He was last seen helping Than Meets the Kup put up the barricades Eye (Part 1). in "The Transformers: 1974 Nissan First speaks in The Movie". It's unknown Casey Kasem Unknown 280ZX More Than whether or not he made it Bluestreak Meets the Eye back to Autobot City in (Part 3). time. A very skilled shooter who packs some serious firepower and abilities. However, he hates war (and isn't especially courageous), and tends to chatter incessantly. Appears in "Scramble City". Dinobot Island Survived battle of 1982 Chevrolet (Part 1). First Autobot City in "The Michael Corvette Alive speaks in Transformers: The McConnohie Stingray Tracks Dinobot Island Movie" but did not make (Part 2). final cut. Hotshot urban socialite who likes his Earth mode more than his original form. Accordingly, can be vain, but a competent warrior nonetheless.
Alternate First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status mode Appears in More Was found dead by Arcee 1984 Than Meets the in The Transformers: The John Pontiac Eye (Part 1). First Movie. Appeared in Call Dead Stephenson Windcharger Trans Am speaks in S.O.S. of the Primitives as an Dinobots. animation error. Carries powerful magnets in his arms that he can use to manipulate large objects. Somewhat impatient. One of the fastest Autobots. Brawn 1969 Land Appears in More Killed by Megatron in gun Corey Burton Dead Rover Than Meets the mode held by Starscream Eye (Part 1). First in Transformers: The Name
speaks in More Than Meets the Movie. Eye (Part 2). Despite his small stature, Brawn is often described as one of the toughest Autobots. Is considered the strongest of them, second only to Optimus Prime. The Transformers: The Appears in More Movie. He was last seen Than Meets the helping Kup put up Single Axle Eye (Part 1). First barricades in the film. He John Dead Cab-Over speaks in More received offscreen damage Stephenson Than Meets the and was mentioned dead Eye (Part 2). by Daniel Witwicky in Dark Awakening. Is often the first to express a lack of confidence in battle. Although, he is one of the strongest Autobots. Appears in More "The Transformers: The 1952 4WD Than Meets the Movie" It's likely he was Off-Road Eye (Part 1). First killed when Unicron Don Messick Unknown Pickup speaks in More attacked Moon base 1 Truck Than Meets the since he wasn't seen on the Eye (Part 2). shuttle that came to Earth. Characters periodically refer to Gears as being unpleasant. Uses infrared beam to see things at night. M551 Dinobot Island Alan Sheridan Ghost in the Machine Alive part 2 Oppenheimer Tank Optimistic, punctuates his speech with sound effects (e.g., Wham! Bang!). Appears in 1951 Dinobot Island Mitsubishi Seen briefly in The Peter (Part 1). First Alive Fuso Crane Transformers: The Movie Renaday speaks in The Truck Master Builder. Worrier and perfectionist who longs for his former life as a peaceful architect.
Name Skyfire/Jetfire Alternate mode First Last appearanc appearance e Voiced by Status
Cybertronian Jet, Fire In the Day of the Gregg (Jetfire VF-1S Super Unknown Sky Machines Berger Valkyrie) Skyfire was originally a good friend to Starscream. As described by Starscream in Fire In the Sky the two first travelled to Earth long before the great Cybertonian wars; before there was a distinction between Autobot and
Red Alert
Decepticon. When they were caught in a storm, Skyfire crashed and was presumed destroyed when Starscream could not find him. After being found by Starscream in 1984 at the North Pole, Skyfire briefly joined the Decepticons before ultimately concluding that his heart was that of an Autobot. Skyfire continued to be a valuable asset to the Autobot cause over the course of the series. Dinobot The Return of 1984 Radio-Cassette Island (Part Optimus Buster Jones Alive Deck 1) Prime (Part 2) Talks like a radio DJ. His musical tastes are not shared by most of his fellow Autobots. Houses Autobot cassettes. Killed in Transformers Headmasters but later revied into Twincast ( in Japan). The Revenge of Bruticus Storyboards for Transformers: The Movie show Red Alert killed by the Dinobot Lamborghini Countach Constructicon Michael Island (Part Alive LP500S s after helping Chain 1) Sideswipe, Tracks, and Ultra Magnus stop Devastator. The scene was cut out of the Battle of Autobot City. Brave and professional but pessimistic. On one occasion suffered from delusional paranoia. Datsun 280ZX Appears in Kremzeek!. In Jack Angel Unkown Dinobot the original Island (Part Storyboards 1). First for speaks in Transformers: The Master The Movie, it Builder. was Smokescreen who lay dead, rather than Wheeljack (Though a bot
with his color sceme can still be seen as Springer enters the room before the shot changes to focus on Arcee moving Windcharger's body). Later seen in Transformers: Headmasters (in Japan) Intelligent and likeable but sometimes overconfident. Can spread magnetic smoke from his tailpipes, which he uses to great effect against Decepticons. The Face of Nijika Later Dinobot appeared in Microscope Island (Part Paul Eiding Alive Transformers: 2) Victory (In Japan). Team scientist who prefers studying to fighting. Usually seen at headquarters or on investigative missions. Dinobot Alan Thief in the Hovercraft Island (Part Oppenheime Alive Night 2) r Intellectual dreamer who believes he is more than a collection of mechanical parts. Dinobot 1984 Toyota 4WD Michael Island Part Scramble city Alive Hilux Tow Truck Chain 1 The team's encourager. Truck bed contains a wide variety of construction implements. Dinobot Ghost in the Michael A-10 Warthog Island Part Alive Machine Chain 1 Cocky hot-dogging flier. According to Bumblebee, "can't save a guy without doin' a commercial". In the episode "Dark Awakening" a ship many fans thought to be Powerglide was destroyed. This is considered an animation error. 1945 Dune Buggy The Five Faces of Alan Alive Insecticon Darkness (Part Oppenheime
Omega Supreme
Alpha Trion/A3
Syndrome 5) r Laid-back personality, loves peace and nature. Scramble City, but was Dinobots 1955 Mitsubishi Fuso credited in Walker Island Part Alive Fire Truck "The Edmiston 1 Transformers: The Movie" Keeps friend Red Alert's paranoia in check. Skilled warrior, but sometimes overconfident. Megatron's Grimlock's Michael Flying Saucer Master Plan Alive New Brain McConnohie (Part 2) Disaster-prone worrier, often needs to be rescued. The Big Base with Tank and Blaster Broadcast of Jack Angel Alive Rocket ship Blues 2006 Emotionless, speaks in two-word sentences (except in his feature episode). Holds a long-standing grudge against the Constructicons. The Gambler, Cybertronian Jet or The John only Unknown Cybertronian Car Gambler Stephenson appearance Bounty hunter. Helped Smokescreen save the Autobots from certain death. Michael Honda City Turbo Mini- Quest for Triple Chain, Dan Unknown Van Survival Takeover Gilvezan Theoretician. Asks many questions. Volunteers as long as there are large numbers in his group. Sacrifices John himself in The Stephenson, Key to Vector Corey The Search Sigma (Part Part of Burton (War none for Alpha 2). Last Seen Vector Dawn Trion in The Rebirth Sigma version), (Part 3) as part Tony Pope of Vector (A3) Sigma The oldest Autobot. One of the original creations of the Cybertronian supercomputer Vector Sigma. Was once known as A3 in his earliest days. Was the guardian of the Matrix of Leadership when it had no bearer and was the one who created Optimus Prime. His body is lifeless but his spirit remains in Vector Sigma. Series III Land Rover Five Faces The Dan Unknown of Darkness Quintesson Gilvezan, (Part 1) Journal Gregg
Sky Lynx
Berger Unlike Swerve and Tailgate, Outback had a couple episodes to showcase him for the audience. His tech spec describes him described as being antisocial. Though some say he is an upgraded form of the Season 1-2 minibot Brawn, this may not be the case due to different personalities. Speaks with an Australian accent. The Burden Aircraft Carrier/Jet Carnage in Hardest to Bill Martin Alive Fighter C-Minor Bear Appears occasionally to provide transportation and muscle power for Autobot missions. Changes appearance midway through the third season from a human-like face to a silver faceplate resembling that of the toy on which his character is based. Five Faces Forever Is a Single Axle Cab-Over of Darkness Long Time Hal Rayle Unknown (Part 5) Coming A mechanical genius with an admitted ignorance of theoretical physics. Leads the Minibots' ill-fated defense of Teletraan I. Five Faces Forever Is a Ted Pickup Truck of Darkness Long Time Unknown Schwartz (Part 5) Coming One of the first Autobots to fight Trypticon; stomped into the ground. Later seen on a racetrack during a time distortion. Five Faces of Five Faces Darkness (Part Ted 1986 Pontiac Trans Am of Darkness Unknown 5), only Schwartz (Part 5) appearance One of the first Autobots to fight Trypticon. Fate unknown. Scramble City first The Return of Autobot City/Battle spoke in Optimus Bud Davis Alive Station Five Faces Prime (Part 1) of Darkness (Part 5) Forms part of Autobot City when on base (although the names Autobot City and Metroplex are sometimes used interchangeably). Accompanied by the car Scamper, the tank Slammer, and robot Six-Gun, each of whom appear only rarely. Six-Gun's voice is provided by Maurice LaMarche, and Scamper is performed by Dan Gilvezan. Space Five Faces The Return of Aron Shuttle/Pteranodon/Lyn of Darkness Optimus Alive Kincaid x (Part 5) Prime (Part 2) Vocally confident in his superiority and effectiveness. Often used for transportation and rescue. Not a Dinobot, but has dinosaur electrons in his circuitry.
Pontiac Fiero (Punch) / John The Rebirth The Rebirth Lamborghini Diablo Moschitta, Unknown (Part 1) (Part 2) Punch/Counterpunc (Counterpunch) Jr. h An Autobot scout and investigator who masquerades as the Decepticon Counterpunch. Seems to enjoy deceiving the enemy. 1965 Dune Fight or Starscream's Buggy/Agusta Jerry Houser Unknown Flee Ghost Helicopter Sandstorm Leader of the peaceful Autobot colony of Paradron, but forced to fight when Decepticons claimed the planet. Befriended Octane during the latter's banishment from the Decepticons. Forever Is a Forever Is a Long Time none Long Time Susan Blu Unknown Coming, only Beta Coming appearance Female Autobot. Used to work with Alpha Trion back on Cybertron.
Last Voiced by Status appearance Tyrannosaurus Created by Wheeljack and Call Of The Gregg Alive rex Ratchet in S.O.S. Dinobots Primitives Berger Grimlock Very powerful leader of the Dinobots. Not overly bright, he tended to be used as comic relief after the Movie. Created by Wheeljack and Call Of The Triceratops Neil Ross Alive Ratchet in S.O.S. Dinobots Primitives Slag Hostile, likes to fight. Leads the Dinobots once when Grimlock is incapacitated. Created by Wheeljack and Call of the Frank Apatosaurus Alive Ratchet in S.O.S. Dinobots Primitives Welker Sludge Least intelligent of the Dinobots, follows whoever appears strongest. Created by Wheeljack and Call Of The Stegosaurus Hal Rayle Alive Ratchet in War of the Dinobots Primitives Snarl Rarely speaks, but lines convey confidence in the Dinobots and their abilities. Created by Wheeljack and Call of the Michael Pteranodon Alive Ratchet in War of the Dinobots Primitives Bell Swoop Most intelligent and cooperative Dinobot. Name Alternate mode First appearance
Alternate First appearance Last appearance Voiced by mode Silverbolt Concorde Created by the Was wounded by Sixshot in The Charlie Adler Autobots in The Key Rebirth (Part 1) and rebuilt into Name
Air Raid
to Vector Sigma (Part engines to move Cybertron in 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) Leader of the Aerialbots. Silverbolt has acrophobia, but his sense of duty puts his fear in check. Created by the Was wounded by Sixshot in The 1973 F-15 Autobots in The Key Rebirth (Part 1) and rebuilt into Rob Paulsen Eagle to Vector Sigma (Part engines to move Cybertron in 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) | Adventurous; most lines are expressions of enthusiasm and confidence. Created by the Was wounded by Sixshot in The Harrier Autobots in The Key Rebirth (Part 1) and rebuilt into Rob Paulsen Jump Jet to Vector Sigma (Part engines to move Cybertron in 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) | Brash and proud. Led a desertion based on his contempt for Autobots and humans, but later realized the necessity of fighting the Decepticons. Created by the Was wounded by Sixshot in The Autobots in The Key Rebirth (Part 1) and rebuilt into 1967 F-16 Laurie Faso to Vector Sigma (Part engines to move Cybertron in 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Gentle. Usually makes observations or gives reports. Created by the Was wounded by Sixshot in The F-4 Autobots in The Key Rebirth (Part 1) and rebuilt into Jeff Mackay Phantom to Vector Sigma (Part engines to move Cybertron in 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) | Inquisitive. Like the other Aerialbots, prefers Cybertron to Earth. Frank Welker The 5 The Key to Vector The Return of Optimus Prime (1st Time), Ed Aerialbots Sigma (Part 2) (Part 1) Gilbert (2nd Time) The Aerialbots were built from scrapped Autobot transports on Cybertron and given personalities by Vector Sigma. Together they form Superion, the most frequently appearing Autobot giant, who makes significant discoveries in several episodes. In his combined form, his thought capacity is reduced to two things: destroy the Decepticons, and protect the humans. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty adapting to new situations. In all continuities he is depicted as being the chief rival and equal of Menasor. However, this makes more poetic than literal sense, as the real-life scale difference between their component vehicle parts would suggest a rather drastic disparity in actual stature.
Name Alternate mode First appearance Revenge of Bruticus Last appearance Voiced by
Calm and casual. Only Autobot to refer to Starscream as "Screamer". Harley Davidson Frank Tour Glide Revenge of Bruticus The Rebirth (Part 3) Welker Groove Motorcycle Rarely featured; voice and personality vary across appearances. First appeared in Revenge of Michael Toyota Hiace Bruticus. First spoke in The Rebirth (Part 3) Bell First Aid Surprise Party. Pacifist (but uses a blaster in his last appearance). Designed and built Metroplex. First appeared in Revenge of Mitsubishi Fuso Fire Dan Bruticus. First spoke in The Rebirth (Part 3) Gilvezan Hot Spot Truck B.O.T.. Leader of the Protectobots. Frank Bell 204 Helicopter Revenge of Bruticus The Rebirth (Part 3) Welker Blades Heroic, but can be a bit of a hot-head. The Return of The 5 Protectobots B.O.T. Optimus Prime (Part Chris Latta 1) The combined form of the five Protectobots, Defensor, exists specifically to safeguard human life. In many ways he feels about the human race the way a parent would their children and he would give his life away in an instant rather than let one human come to harm. Defensor is emotionally attached to humans on a level that sometimes Defensor worries his fellow Autobots. He identifies with them the same way a sheep dog would with its flock or a puppy with its human owners. As far as Defensor is concerned the humans are his "kind". Sadly the titanic robot giant's attempts at personal interaction and friendly exchanges with humans tend to fail. We humans tend to be more wary and frightened of his alien nature and great size than Defensor can understand. Despite this, Defensor is fairly well adjusted mentally compared to almost every other Generation 1 gestalt. The origin of the Protectobots who form this giant is not given in the cartoon.
Female Autobots
Last appearance Voiced by Sea Change, only Gondola Sea Change Linda Gary appearance Alana Leader of a race of aliens called the Tlalakans who rebel against Deceptitran. Has an ability to see into the heart of matter. The Search for Alpha Marlene Cybertronian car War Dawn (Ariel) Trion Aragon Elita Elita One is a devoted Autobot and powerful warrior, fearless in the face of the One/Ariel enemy, but compassionate to those who need her help. She is eternally in love with the heroic Optimus Prime. Name Alternate mode First appearance
The Search for Alpha The Search for Alpha Linda Gary Trion Trion Chromia is a soldier under the command of Elita One and seems to function as a Chromia second-in-command for her, leading the rest of the team when Elita's not around. She's brave, hard as nails and, not surprisingly, in a relationship with Ironhide. She has also taken over from Firestar as Flareup's mentor when the latter turned out to be better suited to more offense-oriented tasks. The Search for Alpha The Search for Alpha Morgan Cybertronian truck Trion Trion Lofting Firestar is one of the members of Elita One's Autobot resistance and specialized in Firestar rescue missions. Practical and unprepossessing, she is nonetheless particularly useful during thefts of Decepticon Energon cubes, as her vehicle mode is capable of transporting large numbers of them, Firestar is a close friend of Inferno and Chromia, and entrusted the safety of her protg Flareup to the latter. The Search for Alpha The Search for Alpha Morgan Cybertronian car Trion Trion Lofting Amongst her colleagues, Moonracer is the joy and the laughter. The bubbly little sister, Moonracer is full of nave optimism and, to the dismay of her partners-inMoonracer guerrilla warfare, pratfalls. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. But she'll show them. She'll show them she too can be hardcore, according to Powerglide, Moonracer is the best sharpshooter in the galaxy, according to herself, she's the best in the Universe. Cybertronian van
Name Nosecone Alternate mode Cybertronian drill First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Afterburner Computron
Created by Grimlock in David The Rebirth (Part 3) Grimlock's New Brain Workman The first Technobot created by Grimlock. Insists on thinking before taking action. Created by Grimlock in Race Car The Rebirth (Part 3) Danny Mann Grimlock's New Brain Mellow observer with a dry sense of humor. Loves being in space. Created by Grimlock in Jet Fighter The Rebirth (Part 3) Steve Bulen Grimlock's New Brain Loves "action hard and fast". Cybertronian Jet Created by Grimlock in The Rebirth (Part 3) Steve Bulen Fighter/Cannon Grimlock's New Brain Leader of the Technobots. Confident but sometimes dismissive of the need for help. Created by Grimlock in Jim Motorcycle The Rebirth (Part 3) Grimlock's New Brain Cummings Boisterous and aggressive, tends to leap into action without forethought. The Motorcycle Of His Alt Mode Is Simmilar To Tron The 5 Technobots Grimlock's New Brain The Return of Bert Kramer Optimus Prime (Part
1) Calculates probabilities in a monotone and recommends or performs the concluded action for maximally effective results. A giant formed by Technobots who were built by Grimlock who was made super-intelligent in an accident. Grimlock transferred his intelligence into Computron, to fight the evil Terricons. Typically, the combiner process dulls the wits of the individual Transformers, however, such is not the case for Computron. The Technobots managed to remedy that problem, but in the process, severely lagged Computron's reaction time. Before coming to any decision, Computron must analyze the opinions of every individual Technobot, resulting in his falling behind in battle. In the end, he always makes the correct choice.
Last Voiced by appearance The Return of Optimus Prime The Rebirth Part Ferrari Testarossa Rob Paulsen Part 1 3 Chase Impatient, overeager, usually ten miles down the road before other Throttlebots have shifted into gear. The Return of Optimus Prime The Rebirth Part Danny Sports car Part 1 3 Mann Freeway The Throttlebots' self-proclaimed comedian. The Return of Optimus Prime The Rebirth Part Dan Jeep Wrangler Part 1 1 Gilvezan Rollbar Impulsive, loves to take chances. The Return of Optimus Prime The Rebirth Part Ford RS200 Steve Bulen Part 1 3 Searchlight Cruises the Earth with the curiosity of a cat. The Return of Optimus Prime The Rebirth Part Corey Dump Truck Part 1 1 Burton Wideload Usually he's so dirty you'd think he sweated grease, but he's a neatness fanatic. Name Alternate mode First appearance
Name Sureshot Alternate mode Race Car First appearance The Rebirth (Part 1) Last appearance The Rebirth (Part 3) Voiced by Steve Bulen
Wants to be part of the action. A Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Spoilsport (voiced by Danny Mann). Truck The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Neil Ross Pointblank Least featured of the Targetmasters; his only line is a witty remark. His weapon is formed by Peacemaker (voiced by Steve Bulen). Crosshairs Truck The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Neil Ross
Mildly jocular, usually places himself near the leader of his group. A Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Pinpointer (voiced by Frank Welker).
Name Alternate mode Tank First appearance The Rebirth (Part 1) Last appearance Voiced by
The Rebirth (Part Stephen 3) Keener Hardhead Brawn-over-brains powerhouse. His head is formed by the Nebulon strategist Duros (voiced by Charlie Adler). The Rebirth (Part Frank Car The Rebirth (Part 1) 3) Welker Chromedome Laid-back character whose head is formed by the Nebulon strategist Stylor (voiced by Charlie Adler). The Rebirth (Part Michael Jet Fighter The Rebirth (Part 1) 3) Bell Brainstorm Youthful thinker and visionary who pioneered the concept of Headmasters. His head is formed by the elder Nebulon sage Arcana (voiced by Jack Angel). The Rebirth (Part Johnny Helicopter The Rebirth (Part 1) 3) Haymer Highbrow Somewhat prideful Headmaster with an impressive vocabulary. His head is formed by the Nebulon rebel leader Gort (voiced by Michael Bell), an uneasy, but friendly partnership for both. Miniature Battle The Rebirth (Part Johnny Station/Fortress The Rebirth (Part 1) 3) Haymer Maximus's head Cerebros War-weary Autobot who must be repeatedly persuaded to join the others. Eventually became a Headmaster with Spike as his counterpart. Created by Spike The Rebirth (Part Stephen City/Battle Station Witwicky in The 3), only appearance Keener Rebirth (Part 3) Fortress Maximus Constructed by Spike with the help of Cerebros (voiced by Jared Barclay), who forms his head. It is unclear from the cartoon whether Fortress Maximus has a personality of his own.
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Dune Buggy Rob Paulsen (as The Rebirth The Rebirth (Fastlane), Jet Fastlane), Danny Mann (Part 1) (Part 2) (as Cloudraker) Fastlane/Cloudraker (Cloudraker) Enthusiastic and obedient, remembered for their acknowledgement, "Roger dodger, Optimus Prime!" The two have almost identical robot modes.
The Decepticons (known as Destrons or on occasion Deathtrons in Japan) are the enemies of the Autobots, and the villains in the fictional universe of the movie and cartoon Transformers toyline and related spin-off comics and cartoons. Their best known leader is Megatron. Other terms for the Decepticons are Dcepticans (in France), Distructors (in Italy), Bedragarna (in Sweden) and Shakranikim (in Israel).
Main characters
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status
Turned into Galvatron in The Transformers: 1913 More Than The Movie. Last seen Frank U.N.C.L.E. Meets the Reformed in The Return of Welker Walther P-38 Eye (Part 1) Optimus Prime, Part 1 in a flashback. Built one dark night on Cybertron, Megatron has terrorized Autobots ever since. His power appears unmatched except by Optimus Prime himself. When fully charged, his fusion cannon can kill Transformers with one shot. Frank More Than Welker, Hal Microcassette The Return of Optimus Meets the Rayle Alive recorder Prime (Part 1) Eye (Part 1) (seasons 2 and 4) Soundwave is recognizable for his mechanical voice and loyalty to Megatron. Houses all of the cassette Decepticons while they are in cassette mode. Acts as Megatron's/Galvatron's third-in-command. Killed in Transformers Headmasters but revied into Soundblaster. (in Japan) More Than Unknown The Transformers: The Corey Laser Cannon Meets the (Presumably Movie Burton Eye (Part 1) Dead) Shockwave is the only named Decepticon to remain on Cybertron during the others' slumber on Earth. Because of this, his alternate mode is never reformatted to resemble an Earth device. Except for animation errors, Shockwave never leaves Cybertron, always standing watch over the planet for Megatron. He was last seen and heard during Unicron's attack on Cybertron. It has been speculated that he was killed when his command tower was crushed. However, another generic Decepticon that looked similar to Shockwave was illustrated (and colored white) in the alternate opening titles of "Five Faces of Darkness". 1975 F-15 More Than Turned into Cyclonus Frank Reformed Eagle Meets the or Sweep in The Welker Eye (Part 1) Transformers: The
Movie. Was seen in Starscream's coronation due to an animation error. Not very intelligent but is an outstanding warrior and is considered the sneakiest of the Decepticons. Has a cruel sense of humor. Has the ability to instantly teleport up to 2.5 miles. Carries heat-seeking missiles and variable caliber machine guns. Despite his relative lack of intelligence, he is one of Megatron's most favored soldiers. Killed by Galvatron in More Than The Transformers: The 1975 F-15 Meets the Movie. Later revivied Chris Latta Alive Eagle Eye (Part 1) by Unicron in Ghost in the Machine Starscream is Megatron's air commander and second-in-command, but is eager to usurp him as leader of the Decepticons. His scheming has at times cost the Starscream Decepticons decisive advantages. Among his arsenal are cluster bombs and a paralyzing null ray. Galvatron killed him in "The Transformers: The Movie". His ghost later appeared in "Starscream's Ghost" and "Ghost in the Machine". Yet in "Ghost in the Machine", Unicron's power revived Starscream and tumbled out of Unicron's head as the other Decepticons seeing this wonder if ghosts actually tumble. Starscream wasn't seen in later episodes after that. Made an appearance in Beast Wars series as his G1 self. Turned into Scourge in The Transformers: The Movie. More Than 1975 F-15 John Meets the Reformed Eagle Stephenson Was seen in Eye (Part 1) Starscream's coronation due to an animation error. Thundercracker Has doubts about the Decepticon cause, that was rarely shown in the series. He is good friends with Skywarp. Can create deafening sonic booms that have only been represented in the series by Megatron in Heavy Metal War, and the emission of irritatingly loud noise which Starscream complained about at the conclusion of Fire on the Mountain. He fears retribution from Megatron and has a passionate hatred and occasional rivalry with Starscream. His other notable weapons are his incendiary guns and cruise missiles. Reflector More Than 1981 Kodak Transformers:The Meets the Chris Latta Unknown Camera Movie Eye (Part 1) Reflector is the only Transformer whose robot mode consists of three robots, Viewfinder, Spectro and Spyglass, which merge to form one camera. The three robots almost always act and speak in unison with each other. Can create blinding flares that last for 15 seconds. It is rumored Reflector's death was originally planned to be in Transformers: The Movie but never made the final
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status
Turned into a Sweep in A Plague of Transformers: The Movie. Last Hal Stag beetle Reformed Insecticons seen in Five Faces of Darkness Rayle (Part 5) (as an animation error). Shrapnel Leader of the Insecticons. Repeats the last word of nearly every sentence he speaks. Able to harvest electricity of storm clouds and reproject them as energy blasts, as well as clone himself and the other Insecticons as seen in his introductory episode. Turned into Cyclonus or Sweep Japanese A Plague of in Transformers: The Movie. Michael rhinoceros Reformed Insecticons Last seen in Thief in the Night Bell beetle due to animation error. Bombshell Possibly the most intelligent of the Insecticons; serves as Decepticon mechanic on one occasion. Can control other Transformers by implanting cerebro-shells in their heads. He often shares Shrapnel's role as leader in some episodes. Unlike most of the Insecticons, he has a close relationship with Megatron. Turned into a Sweep in The Transformers: The Movie. Last A Plague of Clive Grasshopper seen in Five Faces of Darkness Reformed Insecticons Revill (Part 5) due to an animation Kickback error. Not significantly different from the other Insecticons, except for his strong back kick (hence the name), which was used several times in his introductory episode. Occasionally mispronounces words. An expert at black mailing others.
Name Hook Alternate mode 1970 Crane Vehicle First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Neil Ross
Proud of his abilities and surgical precision, sees himself as superior to others. 1971 Front End Loader Heavy Metal War The Rebirth (Part 1) Michael Bell Scrapper Leader of the Constructicons. 1972 Bulldozer Heavy Metal War The Rebirth (Part 1) Neil Ross Bonecrusher Rough and eager for battle. The Burden Hardest 1973 Dump truck Heavy Metal War Gregg Berger To Bear Long Haul Vocally discontented with his assignments; would prefer to be at the forefront of the action.
Scavenger Mixmaster
1974 Excavator Heavy Metal War The Rebirth (Part 1) Don Messick Enjoys destruction and "hates nice things". Can detect metallic objects through rock. 1975 Cement Truck Heavy Metal War The Rebirth (Part 1) Frank Welker Mixes chemicals to produce spray weapons. Oversaw the construction of Trypticon. The Burden Hardest to Arthur The 6 Constructicons Heavy Metal War Bear Burghardt Devastator is a combination of the six Constructicons, Hook, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Long Haul, Scavenger, and Bonecrusher. Devastator is an immensely powerful warrior, and in that sense the combination of the Constructicons into a merged being is a huge success. Mentally, on the other hand, he's very much less than the sum of his parts. Devastator's primitive psyche is limited to only the thoughts and actions on which all his components can agree, which results in raging bouts of destructive fury. The Constructicons were originally master designers and builders on Cybertron before the war between Autobots and Decepticons. They were good friends with Omega Supreme and had built some of the most magnificent cities on Cyberton. Megatron had captured and reprogrammed them to become Decepticons, they then began destroying the cities they once built. Omega Supreme captured them and tried to re-program them but learned too late that the programming could not be reversed. Pretending to be good again, the Constructicons used their new mode, Devastator, to attack Omega Supreme and tried to have him reprogrammed to be a Decipticon as well. Omega Supreme was not fully reprogrammed, but attained an extremely serious and somewhat mean demeanor, and he became determined to stop the Constructicons at all costs. He hunted them across the universe until he found that they once again rejoined their master Megatron on Earth and he joined the Autobots there to help finish the Constructicons once and for all.
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status
Ghost in the Machine. Originally was killed by Ed Supposed Unicron in "Transformers: The Gilbert to be dead. Movie", yet popped up in later episodes. Young, arrogant and overconfident upon entering battle but usually the first to panic or flee. Appears in Dinobot Thief in the Night. Originally Island (Part 1). First was killed by Unicron in "The Jack Supposed Jet Fighter speaks in The Master Transformers: The Movie", but Angel to be dead. Ramjet Builder. popped up in later episodes. Not particularly bright but has a penchant for command. Must sometimes replace his head/nosecone after ramming his targets. Dirge Jet Fighter Appears in Dinobot Ghost in the Machine. Bud Supposed Island (Part 2). First Originally was killed by Davis to be dead. Appears in Dinobot Vertical Island (Part 1). First Takeoff Jet speaks in Dinobot Thrust Fighter Island (Part 2).
Unicron in "The Transformers: The Movie" yet popped up in later episodes. Quiet, broading, pessimistic and accident prone. He is also friends with Thrust. speaks in Auto Berserk.
Decepticon Creations
Voiced by Sea Change, only Paul none Sea Change appearance Eiding Deceptitran Created and programmed by the Decepticons to harvest energon on a distant planet. Deceptitran enslaved the Tlalakans in order to mine and collect the planet's energon. Tyrannosaurus Created by the Call of the Brad rex/Decepticon City/Battle Constructicons in Primitives Garrett Station Scramble City Trypticon Somewhat unintelligent and easily distracted but tremendously powerful. Built by the Constructicons. His toy's components Brunt and Full Tilt do not appear as characters in the cartoon. Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Created by the Kenworth K100 The Return of Decepticons in The Aerodyne Sleeper Optimus Prime Roger C. Carmel Key to Vector Sigma (Part 1) Motormaster Tractor Trailer (Part 1) Leader of the Stunticons. Sees himself as ruler of the road, unafraid to challenge even the most formidable opponents. Created by the The Return of Decepticons in The Tyrrell P34 Optimus Prime Ron Gans Key to Vector Sigma Drag Strip (Part 1) (Part 1) Loyal, often offers suggestions to his team. Created by the The Return of Decepticons in The Porsche 928 Optimus Prime Philip L. Clarke Key to Vector Sigma Dead End (Part 1) (Part 1) Sullen fatalist, but a dandy at the same time (strangely enough, isn't it?). Breakdown Lamborghini Created by the The Return of Alan Oppenheimer, Countach Decepticons in The Optimus Prime Jack Angel (in "The Key to Vector Sigma (Part 1) Key to Vector Sigma") (Part 1)
Often uncertain and paranoid. Prone to malapropisms. Created by the The Return of Decepticons in The Ferrari 308 GTB Optimus Prime Terry McGovern Key to Vector Sigma (Part 1) (Part 1) Wild and unrestrained. The Key to Vector The Ultimate Regis Cordic, Roger The 5 Stunticons Sigma (Part 2) Weapon C. Carmel Destructive brute-force giant formed by the Stunticons, who were built on Earth by Megatron from stolen cars and given personalities by Vector Sigma. Menasor was meant to be the ultimate Decepticon weapon, and perhaps he would have been if not for the fatal flaw in his design. His mind was designed to merge the psyches of the five Stunticons who compose his form. Unfortunately, the great depth of loathing the four limb components feel towards Motormaster, to say nothing of the fact that all five of them are psychotic as individuals anyway, has created a primal psychological rift and left Menasor an unpredictable mass of conflicting, chaotic impulses. Extremely powerful, highly mentally unstable, and prone to violent tantrums where he lashes out at anything in range, Menasor is not a weapon to point and fire, but a raging monster to turn loose on the battlefield and then get as far away from as possible.
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Created by Starscream Leopard tank in Starscream's The Rebirth (Part 3) Tony St. James Brawl Brigade Impulsive, eager to fight. Created by Starscream Willys Jeep in Starscream's The Rebirth (Part 3) Johnny Haymer Swindle Brigade Conniving, willing to betray his fellow Decepticons for money. Created by Starscream Space Shuttle in Starscream's The Rebirth (Part 3) Milt Jamin Brigade Blast Off Arrogant and concerned with his physical appearance as referred to in Starscream's Brigade. Has an independent streak and is quick to enlist organics to achieve his goals. Uses an ionic blaster to disable enemies. Created by Starscream SH-2 Seasprite in Starscream's The Rebirth (Part 3) Johnny Haymer Vortex Brigade Detests humans. Enjoys causing wind distortions for confusion in battle. Onslaught Self-propelled Created by Starscream The Rebirth (Part 3) S. Marc Jordan, artillery Truck in Starscream's Steve Bulen (in
Brigade "The Rebirth") Leader, strategist, and tactician for the Combaticons. Though not particularly loyal to the Decepticon cause, he cares for the safety of his fellow Combaticons. The Return of The 5 Starscream's Brigade Optimus Prime (Part Roger C. Carmel Combaticons 1) The Combaticons were created when the exiled Starscream stole the personality components of renegade Decepticons and installed them in discarded military hardware. Together they form the powerful but dimwitted giant Bruticus. A terrifying sight on the battlefield, Bruticus is among the strongest of all Transformers. He can pulverize a suspension bridge with one 14,000 psi punch. He can lift up to 500,000 pounds. His armor is impervious to most artillery and radiation.
Heralds of Unicron
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status
The Rebirth (Part 3) Leonard Nimoy Later killed in (movie), Frank Alive Transformers: Welker (TV series) Headmasters (in Japan). Galvatron After Megatron was left for dead by the other Decepticons (led by Starscream), Unicron gave him a new body and called him Galvatron. Galvatron was forced to act as Unicron's slave until Rodimus Prime and the remaining Autobots destroyed Unicron in "The Transformers: The Movie". Since the Movie, Galvatron suffers from bouts of irrationality and is often hostile to his subordinates. Roger C. Carmel, Jack Angel ("The Cybertronian Transformers: The Rebirth (Part 3) Return of Optimus Alive Jet The Movie Prime" and "The Rebirth") Cyclonus Formed by Unicron from the remains of either Bombshell or Skywarp to help Galvatron destroy the Matrix of Leadership. Acts as Galvatron's second-in-command. Usually calm, rational, and well-spoken, taking pride in the Decepticons and their cause. Becomes a Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Nightstick (voiced by Peter Cullen). Cybertronian Transformers: The Rebirth (Part 3) Stanley Jones Alive Hovercraft The Movie Formed by Unicron from the remains of Thundercracker to help Galvatron destroy the Scourge Matrix of Leadership. Acts as Galvatron's third-in-command. A barely competent doubter but secretly power-hungry and easily seduced. He leads an army of clones called the Sweeps. Becomes a Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Fracas (voiced by Neil Ross). Sweeps Cybertronian Transformers: The Return of Optimus Multiple actors. Alive Hovercraft The Movie Prime Part 2 Transformers: Laser Cannon The Movie
Formed by Unicron from the remains of Kickback, Shrapnel, and either Bombshell, or Skywarp. (It is still unclear who became Cyclonus since Bombshell and Skywarp both became him, but we never see one of them again.) Sweeps are identical to their leader Scourge. They don't talk much, but when they do, the voices are different. They are offten pushed around and shot at by Galvatron.
Multi Changers
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Appears in Five Faces of Went into exile after Boeing 747/Tanker Darkness (Part 1). First Starscream's Ghost. Last Beau Truck speaks in Thief in the seen in The Ultimate Weaver Octane Night Weapon An inventive coward known primarily for his defection from the Decepticons and his encounter with the ghost of Starscream. Appears in Dinobot Went into exile after Five Type 74 Tank/MiG-25 Island (Part 1). First Faces of Darkness (Part Ed Foxbat speaks in Desertion of 5). Last seen in The Gilbert the Dinobots (Part 1). Ultimate Weapon. Blitzwing Once tried to form his own power base and challenge Megatron's leadership. Also provoked the ire of Galvatron by questioning his trust in the Quintessons. Was expelled from the Decepticons by Galvatron in episode five of Five Faces of Darkness for helping the Autobots to force him to end hostilities after the Quintesson's plot was foiled. Appears in Megatron's Locomotive/Space Master Plan (Part 2). The Burden Hardest to Jack Shuttle First speaks in Blaster Bear Angel Blues. Astrotrain Arrogant and self-obsessed, Astrotrain once tried to build his own army of trains to take over the Decepticons and later set himself up as a god on a primitive, energy-rich planet. Tank/Armored Neil Car/Starship/Laser The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 1) Ross Pistol/Wolf Sixshot Shows off his status as a "one-robot army" by using his six forms to defeat the Aerialbots. Though loyal to the Decepticon cause, he is potentially more powerful than even Galvatron.
Name Tantrum Alternate mode Bull First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Appears in Five Faces of Call of the Primitives Philip L. Darkness (Part 5). First speaks in Clarke
Chaos. Hostile and temper-prone. Appears in Five Faces of The Return of Tiger Darkness (Part 5). First speaks in Optimus Prime (Part Laurie Faso Nightmare Planet. 2) Speaks almost exclusively in threats, fights everybody (no matter, Autobots or other Decepticons). The only thing that can calm him down is a TV set switched on. The Return of Ron Rhinoceros Five Faces of Darkness (Part 5) Optimus Prime (Part Feinberg 2) Blindly loyal to Galvatron. The Return of Lion Five Faces of Darkness (Part 5) Optimus Prime (Part Bud Davis 2) Proud leader of the Predacons. Hates Autobots and humans but once joined with Springer to defeat a common foe. The Return of Eagle Five Faces of Darkness (Part 5) Optimus Prime (Part Laurie Faso 2) Predacon scout who often finds himself in trouble. The Return of The 5 Five Faces of Darkness (Part 5) Optimus Prime (Part Bud Davis Predacons 2) Predaking is the ferocious fusion of all five of the Predacons: Divebomb, Headstrong, Rampage, Tantrum, and team leader Razorclaw. Predaking is highly unusual, perhaps even unique, among combiners by the successful fusion of each of his component elements' physical abilities and personalities. Most others of his kind are rendered stupid, suggestible, or borderline insane by the merging of minds, but the five Predacons are united by their shared love of the hunt, and produce a single complete persona. Between his physical prowess, unexpected mental acuity, and animalistic, almost instinct-fast hunting actions, Predaking is one of the most dangerous and intimidating weapons ever added to the Decepticon ranks. As a weapon he is without equal; as a warrior he is without restraint. He can lift one million tons without straining a circuit. When Predaking is on your trail, all hope is lost. The Predacons who form his body are presented first as agents of the Quintessons before fighting under Galvatron's command. Their origin is unknown.
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Pontiac Trans Chaos Ghost in the Machine Roger Behr Am Runamuck An energetic cowboy-type who regards himself and Runabout as two of the Decepticons' "hardest-chargin' dudes".
Ghost in the Ghost in the Machine, only Roger Behr Machine appearance Runabout Little is known about him other than the fact that he hates guard duty and regards Charr as a "dinky planet". Lotus Esprit
Name Alternate mode Land Shark First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Jim Cummings
Appears in Grimlock's The Rebirth New Brain. First speaks (Part 3) in Money Is Everything.
A brutish monster. Unspecified Blue The Rebirth Grimlock's New Brain Monster (Part 3) A brutish monster. Almost never appears in robot mode. Appears in Grimlock's Orange Orthrus-like The Rebirth New Brain. First speaks Monster (Part 3) in Money Is Everything. A brutish monster. His two heads often argue with each other. Bird-like Monster Appears in Grimlock's The Rebirth (presumably a griffin New Brain. First speaks (Part 3) or a harpy) in Money Is Everything. Mission-focused, possibly the most intelligent Terrorcon. White Two-Headed Grimlock's New Brain Dragon The Rebirth (Part 3)
Terrorcon leader whose desire is to devour Autobots. The Rebirth The 5 Terrorcons Grimlock's New Brain Jim Gosa (Part 2) Even more so than the other Decepticon combiners, Abominus is a being of mindless fury. He's not truly a warriorhe's an animal, the destructive rages of the Terrorcons that compose him personified. His commanders can't give him orders simplistic enough for him to understand, so they just point him in the direction of objects that need to be smashed, and turn him loose. The only thing that distinguishes him from a wild beast is the enjoyment he derives from his terrible rampages. The Terrorcons who form him are working for the Quintessons in one episode but are otherwise Decepticon agents.
Name Slugslinger Alternate First appearance mode Jet Fighter The Rebirth (Part 1) Last Voiced appearance by The Rebirth Peter
(Part 3) Cullen Dignified but hapless warrior. A Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Caliburst (voiced by Johnny Haymer). Jet Fighter The Rebirth Charlie The Rebirth (Part 1) F1 Eagle (Part 3) Adler Triggerhappy/Triggershot Enthusiastic and impulsive young fighter. A Targetmaster whose weapon is formed by Blowpipe (voiced by John Moschitta, Jr.). Appears in The Rebirth (Part The Rebirth Stanley Jet Fighter 1). First speaks in The Rebirth (Part 3). Jones (Part 2). Misfire A pessimistic, yet smart Targetmaster whose unpredictable weapon is formed by Aimless (voiced by Milt Jamin).
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Created by Lord Zarak in The The Rebirth City/Scorpion Rebirth (Part 2). First speaks in Stephen Keener (Part 3) The Rebirth (Part 3). Scorponok Built by Nebulon ruler Lord Zarak (voiced by Stanley Jones), who forms the robot mode's head as his personal perfection of the Headmaster process. Stanley Jones The Rebirth Wolf The Rebirth (part 1) (animal noises (part 3) only) Weirdwolf Essentially tags along with the other Headmasters and Targetmasters. His head is formed by Monzo (voiced by Neil Ross). The Rebirth (Part 1) First speaks The Rebirth Alligator Chris Latta in The Rebirth (Part 3). (Part 3) Skullcruncher A Headmaster whose head is formed by Grax The Rebirth Bat The Rebirth (Part 1) Stephen Keener (Part 3) Mindwipe A Gothic mystic who uses extrasensory powers to control other Transformers. His head is formed by Vorath (voiced by Neil Ross).
Name Alternate mode Fighter Jet/Ape First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
The Rebirth (Part The Rebirth (Part Richard 1) 3) Gautier Apeface Obnoxious beast who enjoys displaying contempt for his enemies. His head is formed by Spasma (voiced by Tony St. James). Snapdragon Fighter Jet/Tyrannosaurus The Rebirth (Part The Rebirth (Part Dan Gilvezan
1) 2) Primarily operates on an animal level. His head is formed by Krunk (voiced by Chris Latta).
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by
Stan Jones Pounce, The Rebirth (Part 1), Peter Cullen only appearance Wingspan Pounce/Wingspan Infiltrated Autobot City and stole the key to Cybertron's Plasma Energy Chamber. The two have almost identical robot modes. Puma (Pounce), The Rebirth Hawk (Wingspan) (Part 1)
First appearance Last appearance Voiced by More Than Meets the Scramble City Chris Latta Eye (Part 1) Sparkplug Witwicky Human mechanic, father of Spike Witwicky. Befriends and aids Autobots after being rescued from the Decepticons by Optimus Prime. More Than Meets the The Rebirth Part 3 Corey Burton Eye (Part 1) Spike Witwicky Son of Sparkplug Witwicky. Spends whole life helping the Autobots fight the Decepticons. Father of Daniel Witwicky. Spike is the Headmaster component of Cerebros, who in turn, is the Headmaster of Fortress Maximus. The Transformers: The The Rebirth, Part 3 David Mendenhall Movie Daniel Witwicky Son of Spike Witwicky. Befriends Hot Rod and is very close to Wheelie, Grimlock and Arcee. Roll For It Scramble City Michael Horton Friend of Spike Witwicky. Often expresses skillful knowledge of science and Chip Chase computers and works closely with Wheeljack and Perceptor. Chip uses a wheelchair. In later Transformers fiction Chip's intelligence would be used for the second Autobot/Maximal named Prowl. The Ultimate Doom Countdown to Extinction Casey Kasem (Part 1): Brainwash Dr. Arkeville is a mad scientist who assisted Megatron in one of his schemes. He Doctor used hypno-chips to control the minds of humans to provide slave labor and a Arkeville human shield for the Decepticons. An attempted doublecross with Starscream ended up with him being wounded and rebuilt into a "mechanical freak" by Starscream's medicdroids.[1] The Immobilizer Nightmare Planet Arlene Banas Carly Witwicky Spike's girlfriend and later wife. Mother of Daniel Witwicky. Name
Prime Target, only Peter Renaday appearance Lord Cholmondeley is a big time game hunter who has capture many unusual Cholmondeley creatures and military weapons. He tried to get the ultimate trophy, the head of Optimus Prime. Only Human, only Only Human Chris Latta appearance Cobra Commander (of G.I. Joe fame) made an appearance in the 1986 Transformers episode "Only Human" as "the former leader of a terrorist Old Snake organization" who is now operating as an underground arms and technology dealer. He sells synthoid technology to crime lord Victor Drath, who uses it to transfer the minds of Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Arcee and Springer into synthoid human bodies and then uses their original bodies for various criminal activities. Five Faces of The Burden Hardest to Susan Blu Darkness (Part 3) Bear Marissa An officer and pilot in the Earth Defense Space Forces. She appears in a handful Faireborn of episodes early in the third season. She may be the daughter of Dashiell R. Faireborn, codenamed Flint, formerly a member of the United States Special Missions Force, G.I. Joe (see Flint (G.I. Joe)) Fire on the Mountain, only Fire on the Mountain Mona Marshall appearance Luisa In the Andes, a Peruvian girl (Not named in episode) helps Spike Witwicky and Bumblebee to destroy the "Crystal of Power" that the Decepticons want to convert in a devastating weapon of destruction. The Return of The Return of Optimus Jessica Morgan Optimus Prime (Part Joy Grdnic Prime (Part 2) 1) The daughter of Dr. Morgan and partner of Gregory Swafford who rescued Optimus Prime from his ship and discovered space spores that makes any living thing filled with rage. Morgan wanted revenge by using the spores on the Autobots after they fixed Jessica's paralyzed legs, so he told Jessica to get an Autobot and tell them they have Optimus, but she was against it. She told Rodimus Prime and he got every Autobot to surround Morgan's laboratory, but this was all a trap and the virus spread on Ultra Magnus and the Aerialbots, which then spread to all Autobots, Decepticons and Humans. After Optimus was brought back to life, Jessica went with him, Sky Lynx, Kup, Blurr, Goldbug and Blaster to Charr to find Galvatron and get the metal she, her father and Swafford were working on so that Optimus can be covered with it and retrieve the Matrix of Leadership from within Rodimus. Auggie Cahnay Trans-European Trans-European Express, Philip Clarke Express only appearance Auggie is a snobbish driver who strives for winning the trans-European race from Paris to Istanbul. The Autobots are his rivals, and he does his best to overtake them at any price. But after the Stunticons rob him of his race car, he Prime Target
had to ask the Autobot Bluestreak for help in order to retrieve it. Some time later he sacrifices his car to defeat Menasor and to save Bluestreak, Tracks and Bumblebee's lives. Enter the Nightbird, only Enter the Nightbird Michael Bell appearance Doctor Doctor Fujiyama, who reportedly is a man of some renown in the scientific Fujiyama world, built a ninja robot. Her name was Nightbird, and her purpose was to benefit mankind. However, the Decepticons stole her and reprogrammed her to be evil, so he locked her away for humanity's protection. Roll for It, only Roll for It John Stephenson appearance Doctor Alcazar Doctor Alcazar is the head of the anti-matter formula research project at an isolated high-tech laboratory. Megatron Master Plan Megatron Master Plan Ed Gilbert (Part 1) (Part 2) Shawn Berger is a very rich, grandiloquent man who owns a helicopter, a TV Shawn Berger network, a personal army (with tanks), and at least one private spacecraft. But what he really wants is to be mayor. And he'll sell humanity out to Megatron for it. Megatron Master Plan Megatron Master Plan Mona Marshall (Part 2) (Part 2), only appearance Justin Justin is a young child who is interested in the Decepticons. Sadly, his lack of "metal-coloured crayons" holds back his interest a tad. Aerial Assault, only Aerial Assault Mona Marshall appearance Prince Jumal/Hassan Prince Jumal, also known as Hassan, is the ruler of an unspecified Middle Eastern nation on Earth. In his spare time, he likes tinkering with old cars. B.O.T B.O.T, only appearance None El Presidente, one assumes, either is or was the president of a nation-state on the El Presidente planet Earth. The latter seems more likely, given that as of the mid-1980s he was known to be operating out of a ship as an international arms dealer. He presumably shops for clothes with Abdul Fakkadi. Five Faces of Thief in the Night, only Philip L. Clarke Darkness (Part 1) appearance Abdul Fakkadi (also spelled Faghadi) is the self-professed Supreme Military Commander, President-for-Life, and King of Kings of the Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Carbombya. One gets the feeling that if you were to Abdul Fakkadi inform him that, by definition, a republic cannot have a king (much less a "King of Kings"), his likely response would be to stare blankly for a long moment, and then order your immediate beheading. None too bright and none too stable, Fakkadi is concerned primarily with the accumulation of wealth and keeping "fanatics" and "imperialists" away from his homeland's shores. He is not averse to making deals with Decepticons to help further these goals. Mr. Robbins B.O.T B.O.T Dan Gilvezan Mr. Robbins is a science teacher at Benjamin Franklin Pierce High School.
Unfortunately, he has Roland and Martin as students, which makes his classes significantly more dangerous than average. Townsend Coleman(Martin) B.O.T B.O.T and Michael Martin and Sheehan(Roland) Roland Martin and Roland are two teenagers who are destined to give humanity a bad name... well, a worse name, anyway. B.O.T B.O.T, only appearance Samantha Newark Elise Presser is one of a trio of school students at Benjamin Franklin Pierce High School who built B.O.T. as part of a science project. Elise is a nerd and more Elise Presser concerned about obeying rules than her classmates. Given they accidentally built a destructive robot powered by Brawl's personality component, she'll probably continue to err on the side of caution. Trans-Europe Express, Trans-Europe Express Jack Angel Professor only appearance Terranova Professor Terranova is a professional archeologist. He has a green suit. Trans-Europe Express, Trans-Europe Express Roger C. Carmel only appearance Abdul Ben Abdul Ben Faisal is the greatest sage in all of Istanbul! The only way to find him Faisal is to threaten random Turks with a fusion cannon, or by going to his house at 1024 Dreymon Street, behind the herb vendor shop. The Insecticon The Insecticon Syndrome, None Syndrome only appearance Jeff Jeff is a park ranger in a United States forest. He has a workmate named Mike. The Insecticon The Insecticon Syndrome, Walker Edmiston Syndrome only appearance Mike Mike is a park ranger in a United States forest. He has a workmate named Jeff. Microbots, only Microbots Jack Angel appearance Merrick Merrick is a field archeologist. He makes bets with his female colleague, Joan, on who'll uncover something first at a dig site, and is an expert on Mayan space technology. Microbots, only Microbots Morgan Lofting appearance Joan Joan is a field archeologist. She likes to make $10 bets with a male colleague on who'll uncover something first at a dig site. She also has blue hair. Blaster Blues, only Blaster Blues John Stephenson appearance Professor Haley is an astronomer. Like all scientists, he wears a white lab coat. Professor Haley He created the Voltronic Galaxer in an attempt to contact alien life forms, having forgotten that some already dwelt on Earth. Presumably he also founded the Haley Observatory. Astoria Carlton- The Girl Who Loved The Girl Who Loved Linda Gary Ritz Powerglide Powerglide, only
appearance After the death of her father, Astoria Carlton-Ritz inherited his vast fortune as well as his company, Hybrid Technologies. Spoiled rotten, Astoria is mostly a figurehead with little control over the company's goings-on. Instead, she spends most of her time throwing herself lavish parties and wondering why nobody wants to be her friend. She has the bizarre ability to jinx any mechanical device just by coming into contact with it, which is just one more reason why she keeps away from her father's company and its equipment. Her father gave her a necklace with a top secret formula and requested she never take the necklace off. Astoria also has a thing for Powerglide, she probably spends her time with the Hilton sisters. Desertion of the Desertion of the Dinobots Peter Renaday Dinobots (Part 1) (Part 1), only appearance Professor Professor Greene is a scientist who just wants to help the Autobots defend Earth Greene against the Decepticons. To this end, he invented the Ultra Plane, an unmanned drone aircraft which can be operated remotely. Aerial Assault, only Aerial Assault Ed Gilbert appearance Ali is an underhanded backstabber who became ruler of a small Middle Eastern Ali country by deposing its rightful ruler, Prince Jumal. Of course, one country is not enough for himhe has set his sights on total world domination, for which he needs the help of the Decepticons. As a bonus, he gets to drive Swindle around. A Decepticon Raider in A Decepticon Raider King Arthur's Court, only Linda Gary in King Arthur's Court appearance Princess Nimue Princess Nimue is a human who lived in the countryside some distance from the city of Camelot in the mid-sixth century. The devoted daughter of a feudal lord, Sir Aetheling the Red, she is a bit of a spit-fire and slightly flighty. A Decepticon Raider in A Decepticon Raider King Arthur's Court, only Michael Chain Sir Wigend du in King Arthur's Court appearance Blackthorne Sir Wigend du Blackthorne is a hotheaded young noble in 6th-century England who allies himself to the Decepticons, and lives to regret it. A Decepticon Raider in A Decepticon Raider King Arthur's Court, only Jack Angel in King Arthur's Court appearance Sir Wulf Sir Wulf is a subject of Sir Wigend du Blackthorne who decides to betray his lord and side with Starscream. A Decepticon Raider in A Decepticon Raider King Arthur's Court, only Jack Angel in King Arthur's Court appearance Sir Aetheling the Red Sir Aetheling the Red is a feudal lord in the year 542 on Earth and is father to Princess Nimue. He rules lands adjacent to rival lord Sir Wigend du Blackthorne in the countryside far from Camelot and enjoys a good joust.
Prime Target, only Morgan Lofting appearance Daina Daina, Oktober Guard One, is a member of the Soviet Union's daring, highly trained special mission force, the Oktober Guard. Prime Target, only Prime Target Alan Oppenheimer appearance Dinsmoore Dinsmoore is Lord Chumley's somewhat addled manservant. Aged to the point of decrepitude, he has painful memories of the Boer War, and is no longer able to pour tea straight. Kremezeek! Transformers: Kiss Players Walker Edmiston Doctor Sji Yoshikawa () works at Shibuya Manufacturing ( Sji Yoshikawa ). He is very gifted in science and technology, able to brainstorm with the Autobots on a competent level. Starscream's Brigade Starscream's Brigade Philip L. Clarke Marty Minkler Marty Minkler is a television reporter. His attention to detail is... somewhat lacking. Make Tracks Auto-Bop Michael Chain Raoul Raoul is a break-dancing street punk carjacker with a bandana, a mulletponytail, a rhinestone-studded leather jacket and a heart of gold. Hoist Goes Hollywood Hoist Goes Hollywood Alan Oppenheimer The Director knows exactly what makes a good film when he sees it. It might be Director some great stunt work, awesome explosions, or giant transforming robots, he'll film it and put it in his film (and change the script to make it fit)! Just don't bug him with the details. Kept on calling Hoist "Moist". Hoist Goes Hollywood Hoist Goes Hollywood Bud Davis Assistant The assistant director's job was chiefly to follow the director around and agree director with him a lot. Occasionally, he had original ideas, but the director tried to discourage that sort of thing. Hoist Goes Hollywood Hoist Goes Hollywood Susan Blu Spike and Carly encountered the production assistant rummaging through film Production reels. She explained that someone seemed to have stolen some of the scenes assistant from the work print. Carly had to point out to her that they could make more copies from the negatives. Hoist Goes Hollywood Hoist Goes Hollywood Susan Blu Karen Fishook Karen Fishook is an actress. Hoist Goes Hollywood Hoist Goes Hollywood Ed Gilbert Harold had the bad luck of "starring" in a science fiction film along with Karen Fishook whose director became obsessed with using Hoist and several of the Harold Edsel Autobots as his main characters (likely saving loads on his FX budget). For reasons that are unclear, he bears some resemblance to the Star Warrior Han Solo and Harrison Ford. Poplock Auto-Bop Auto-Bop Frank Welker Poplock is a member of the Bop Crew. In case his costume isn't 80s enough to get into nightclubs, under his clothing he wears an additional shirt which is even Prime Target
more lurid. Like Raoul, he has a predilection for making pop culture references. Auto-Bop Auto-Bop T. K. Carter Rocksteady is a member of the Bop Crew. He's got some sharp moves. How Rocksteady sharp? He keeps his hat on while he break-dances, and it never falls off! He seems to be the most pragmatic of the trio, but is easily distracted by the opportunity to show off his dance moves. Auto-Bop Auto-Bop Chris Latta Furg was utilized by Starscream to frighten off and/or dispose of people who interfered with the flow of customers into the Dancitron nightclub, which apparently included going after innocent breakdancers, he led a gang of roughly Furg fifteen punks and one mind-controlled businessman in performing his strongarm sidewalk defense. Furg's equipment, presumably furnished by the Decepticons, included at least two laser pistols and a communications device featuring a video display. Only Human Only Human Jack Angel Dutch Dutch is Victor Drath's right-hand man. As a thug, he's slightly cleverer than Drath's other men, though that isn't saying much. Only Human Only Human Philip Clarke Victor Drath Victor Drath is a successful crime lord in the far-flung future of 2006. Not successful enough though, a shortfall he blames on the meddling Autobots. Only Human Only Human Buster Jones Chief Turran Chief Turan is apparently the Chief of Police of New York City in the year 2006. He sometimes works with the Autobots on police matters. Only Human Only Human Susan Blu Though she's the girlfriend of noted mobster Victor Drath, Michelle does not Michelle object to spending the night with random strangers who turn up wounded on her doorstep. Her motivations occasionally seem somewhat unclear. Money is Everything Money is Everything Charlie Adler Dirk Manus is a handsome rogue who'll charm your socks off. He's also a liar and a scoundreldon't believe anything he says, especially if there's likely to be Dirk Manus money in it. While you're being charmed, he'll be making arrangements to steal the contents of your bank account. He has his own ship, the Lazy Sue (which he probably won in a game of space poker), and hails from Epsilon Ariadne, EDC officer Marissa Faireborn has a thing for him. Attack of the Autobots Attack of the Autobots Morgan Lofting Doctor Harding designed a solar satellite equipped to capture solar radiation Doctor Harding while in orbit and somehow channel that energy back to earth. She has lofty goals for that energy to be used by the entire world. War of the Dinobots War of the Dinobots Frank Welker Jeff Jeff is an astronomer who works at an observatory and apparently is a friend of Chip Chase. Geddis brothers Michael McConnohie (Jim) Make Tracks Make Tracks and Chris Latta (Phil) The Geddis brothers are a pair of two-bit New York-based gangsters, who aren't
beyond selling their own race out to the Decepticons for a quick buck. They specialize in converting stolen cars. The Return of The Return of Optimus Optimus Prime (Part Jered Barclay Prime (Part 2) 1) Gregory Swofford has been wounded both inside and out due to his past Gregory experiences with the Transformers. A vengeful scientist, he blames Optimus Swofford Prime for his scarred face, but was unwittingly instrumental in bringing the Autobot leader back to life. He is a professional partner to Dr. Mark Morgan, and has a professional, and perhaps romantic, relationship with Morgan's daughter, Jessica. The Return of The Return of Optimus Optimus Prime (Part Aron Kincaid Prime (Part 2) 1) Mark Morgan Mark Morgan is a scientist and devoted father to his daughter Jessica. In the future year of 2007, Morgan works in the fields of metallurgy, robotics and palynology. He has a pathological hatred of Transformers, both Autobots and Decepticons, which he shares with his professional partner Gregory Swofford. The Return of The Return of Optimus Optimus Prime (Part Prime (Part 1) Bonnie Carlson 1) Bonnie Carlson is a news anchor for KSUN TV.
Guardian robots
Destroyed by Rodimus Prime and the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, later partially reactivated by Scourge and Starscream's ghost. Call of the Call of the Planet Neil Ross Primitives Primitives Tornedron was the successor to Unicron, created by Unicron's creator Primacron. Unlike Unicron, Tornedron was an energy-based lifeform, controlled by Primacron's remote control. It consumed other energies, leaving stars dead and planets inert; its final purpose was to leave the entire universe a blank slate for Primacron to do with as he pleased. Unfortunately for Primacron, while Tornedron succeeded in draining most of the universe's energy, it also became just as rebellious as his predecessor. However, Grimlock defeated it before the creature could consume its creator; he threw it into reverse, returning all the energy it stole to its original locations and dispersing the entity. Enter the Nightbird, None Enter the Nightbird No Voice only appearance Nightbird is a human construct with a single form and thus not actually a Transformer herself. Created by Dr. Fujiyama, she was a non-transforming ninja robot. She was stolen by the Decepticons and reprogrammed to infiltrate the Ark and steal the World Energy Source from Teletran I. She would subsequently be defeated and returned to her creator by the Autobots, and didn't appear for the remainder of the animated series. In comics associated with the Botcon storyline, however, an army of Nightbird drones would later battle several Autobots, eventually perishing when Daniel Witwicky set off a powerful explosive that destroyed not only the drones but also himself and the Autobot Wheelie. None Atlantis, Arise! Atlantis, Arise!, Wally Burr King Nergill rules Sub-Atlantica, a hidden kingdom of water-breathing fishmen. Their relationship to humanity proper is uncertain. Like most people Megatron makes deals with, he's devious and pretty much out for his own gain. Flaskback in Rocket/tank/Rocket Forever Is a Long Transformers base Time Coming Animated, The Guardian robots were once the peacekeepers of Cybertron, powerful giants that guarded cities and quelled uprisings. The Guardians gave the Decepticons much trouble at the outbreak of the Third Cybertronian War, but by the modern era they were no longer so prevalent, The most notable surviving Guardian is Omega Supreme, who is the only one seen to have his own name, distinct color scheme, and personality; it is unknown how unique these qualities actually are. Flashback in Cybertronian car War Dawn Transformers Corey Burton Animated Dion is an earnest dock worker and best friend to Orion Pax. His is a simple life of manual labor, and he does not give a second thought to the stories that a war may be brewing around him. What does interest him are those new-fangled flying robots. Maybe someday he'll get to meet them...? Crocodilian creatures The Transformers: The Quintesseon Aron Kincaid
The Movie Journal Allicons are another breed of the Quintessons' enforcer-units, often used as guards for more important members of the race. They are slightly smarter than the Sharkticons, even capable of speech, but free will has been pretty thoroughly removed from their programming, to the point where they will malfunction if resisting a direct order,they transform into bipedal, vaguely crocodilian creatures. The Big Broadcast The Big Broadcast Motorcycle Linda Gary of 2006 of 2006 Nancy is a Junkion who appears to be the consort of the Junkion leader, Wreck-Gar. Like all Junkions, she can be blasted to pieces without taking any noticeable permanent damage, and is capable of repairing herself within seconds. Mineral monster Chaos Chaos None Chaos is a large alien monster, native to the planet Dread. Its skin is composed of an unbelievably destructive mineral known as death crystals. Apparently, death crystals are also the only thing that can hurt it. The Transformers: Bat Monster Chaos None The Movie Shrikebats are large, purple, flying, vaguely reptilian creatures. Found on Dromedon and Dread, a group of them is referred to as a "wreck" of shrikebats, or, more commonly "aiiiiiieee get them off get them off my eyes oh dear gooaaaarrrrrghkklgkglllll". They're extremely vicious creatures. Thankfully, they don't like it when you invert polarities, which drives them off. Call of the Call of the Monkey Hal Rayle Primitives Primitives Primacron is an absolutely ancient scientist. He's supposedly hyper-intelligent with an infinity of intricate plans nested within plans, but he sometimes over-thinks things to the point of coming off as rather dim, his major claim to fame is being responsible for building Unicron at the dawn of the galaxy. Thanks for nothing. Call of the Call of the Gregg Berger Primitives Primitives The Oracle was once the assistant of Primacron, an ageless creature of magnificent intellect. Primacron built the Oracle to help him create life, but the Oracle's corporeal existence was cut short after the birth of Unicron. Five Faces of Five Faces of Shark monsters None Darkness(Part 3) Darkness(Part 5) Lipoles are flying, bat-like creatures, though they can furl their wings and walk. They live in smoldering craters on Jupiter's moon of Io. Their saliva is acidic and they eat metal. When threatened, they can transform into explosive missiles and fling themselves at predators. Five Faces of Grimlock's New Stone monsters None Darkness(Part 1) Brain Skuxxoids are an intelligent reptilian species that often sell their services to the highest bidder as mercenaries for credits. They have scaly skin and are nearly as large as the average Transformer. They tend to use large asteroid ships as their primary mode of transport.
City-bots components
Name First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Five Faces of The Ultimate Cybertronic six-wheel car Dan Gilvezan Darkness (Part 5) Weapon Scamper is part of the composite whole that is the Autobot city, Metroplex. Although autonomous in his own right, with an impulsive and sociable personality, Scamper is an extension of Metroplex, and commonly patrols the peripheries of the giant Autobot's city form in his sports car mode alongside Slammer. Maurice None Thief in the Night Thief in the Night LaMarche The name Six-Gun isn't just metaphoric; this Autobot soldier is literally a walking, talking mass of weaponry. Six-Gun is one of Metroplex's autonomous troops, and is composed of six of the city-bot's guns. Along with Scamper and Slammer, he helps patrol and defend Metroplex's interior and periphery. Like his partners, he is mentally linked to Metroplex, and shares a similar personality. Perhaps befitting a living artillery battery, Six-Gun tends to be a bit more blustery and belligerent than his teammates. Nothing but only a The Ultimate Cybertronic tank in robot Thief in the Night Chris Latta Weapon mode Slammer, a drone controlled by Metroplex, does not do much. He's usually seen in the form of Metroplex's left rear tower, and is rarely seen in tank form. Call of the Cybertronic race car Call of the Primitives No Voice Primitives Full-Tilt is a Decepticon drone from the Generation 1 continuity family. Cybertronic tank Marvel comics Marvel Comics No Voice Brunt is a tank that splits into several towers of Trypticon's city mode (plus a couple of leftover pieces). In battle station mode, Trypticon uses Brunt's turret as his main cannon. Though the towers and/or cannon have been seen in each of the continuities Trypticon has appeared in, the tank mode is a much rarer sight. Only two universes acknowledge Brunt's separate existence, and even then just as a mindless drone. Cybertronic car Marvel comics Marvel Comics No Voice A lumbering, powerful Transformer like Trypticon has many important things to attend to (like destruction). When he needs some small task done, he calls on Wipe-Out to do it. Wipe-Out serves Trypticon with an astonishing level of toadying sycophancy, layering on so many compliments that he actually irritates the giant with them. Miniature Fortress The Rebirth (Part The Rebirth (Part 1) Jered Baclay Maximus/Head 3) Cerebros is the robot that transforms into Fortress Maximus's head, and is itself binary bonded to Spike Witwicky. The Rebirth (Part Head The Rebirth (Part 2) Stan Jones 3) Lord Mo Zarak is a powerful and corrupt Nebulan leader who transforms into the head of Scorponok. Alternate mode
Cassette warriors (or "Mini-Cassettes", or simply "Cassettes") are tiny transformers; they are no taller than the humans. Their alternate mode is that of a microcassette. According to "The Transformers"' version, in the days of Megatron, Decepticons developed the art of espionage using cassette technology. Their first cassette, Laserbeak, could fly undetected into any Autobot stronghold, record information and then return to base. Then the Decepticons decided to increase their spying abilities with Ratbat. As a bat, Ratbat can hide in crevices that Laserbeak can't reach, and is especially effective in tunnels, caves or in the darkness of space. Ratbat records from the Autobots' most carefully guarded secrets. The Autobots had no choice but to strike back with these Decepticon techniques of stealth, building their own force of cassette Transformers, with Blaster as their guardian. They constructed Ramhorn, the rhino, who can use animalistic force if cornered, and Steeljaw, the lion, who can crawl through the foliage of any alien world, to sneak up on Decepticons. They also bolstered their cassette force with Rewind and Eject, who can transform to robot mode and use more conventional fighting force techniques. The alternate version of the Cassette warriors' origin is stated in the animated series. According to this version, they (or, at any rate, the beast-moded ones) were once created by the divine inventor Primacron.
First appearance Last appearance Voiced by Status The Transformers: Cassette Tape Madman's Paradise none Alive The Movie Eject An Earth sports fanatic, perpetually uses human athletic slang in his day to day speech; never speaks in the cartoon, though. Usually seen only in the background. Transformers: The Townsend Cassette Tape Madman's Paradise Alive Movie Coleman Portable repository of knowledge. Gathers up every grain of information he can find. Rewind The most of the Autobots consider his database to be blocked up with the trifles, but he firmly believes that one day his knowledge will be of use for somebody. Also fights alongside Eject. Rhino/Cassette Call of the Scramble City John Hostetter Alive Tape Primitives Ramhorn Extremely nasty. Eager for battle. Only speaks in one episode, in which he stutters. Otherwise makes only rhino noises The Return of Frank Welker Lion/Cassette Scramble City Optimus Prime (Part (animal noises Alive Tape 2) only) Steeljaw Chose to first fly in his first appearance (flight of course for Autobots is impossible). According to Blaster, "can sniff out any trail, whether it's hot or not." Name Alternate mode
Name First Status Last appearance Voiced by appearance alive More Than Frank Welker Condor/Cassette Meets the Eye Web World (animal noises Alive Tape (Part 1) only) Laserbeak is one of the few Transformers whose robot mode is not a humanoid. When on Cybertron, his main speciality had been to interrogate the Autobot prisoners, but on the Earth he became the best Decepticon spy. As a bird, Laserbeak is usually sent on reconnaissance missions, but he is worthless as a warrior, because of his cowardice. Nonetheless, Laserbeak is one of Megatron's pets; one can often see him sitting on Megatron's hand or shoulder. More Than Five Faces of Cassette Tape Meets the Eye Frank Welker Alive Darkness (Part 3) (Part 1) Rumble is a sort of a street-thug robot. His arms become piledrivers which he can use to cause earthquakes, and also to create fissures. Frank Welker More Than Panther/Cassette Call of the (animal noises Meets the Eye Alive Tape Primitives only, with one (Part 1) exception) Ravage is one of the Transformers whose robot mode is a beast. Also, he is one of the most hidden and treacherous Decepticons, acting in the darkness only. As a panther, he is able to move with more stealth than other Decepticons. He is Soundwave's pet. The Transformers: The Movie Countdown to Cassette Tape (omitting one Frank Welker Alive Extinction possible animation error) Shares his appearance, pile-driver ability, and street-thug personality with Rumble. They consider Frenzy to be more smart and brave than Rumble, but he appears much less frequently in the series than his "twin brother". Frank Welker Condor/Cassette Transformers: The City of Steel (animal noises Unknown Tape Movie only) A civil and sophisticated creature, but also one of the cruelest Decepticons. Usually deployed with the more frequently featured Laserbeak for scouting or attacks. The Return of Frank Welker Bat/Cassette Scramble City Optimus Prime (animal noises Alive Tape (Part 1) only) The smallest of the Mini-Cassettes (his size never exceedes that of a real bat). In his beast mode, he is used as a spy in places Laserbeak is unable to reach. A Alternate mode
skilled geologist. Call of the Stegosaurus Primitives, only Frank Welker Unknown appearance Slugfest A cassette ejected from Soundwave when called along with the other primitives. In his dinosaurus mode, he is an empty-headed destruction machine. [2] In the cassette mode, he can serve only as a messenger, because of his extreme stupidity. Call of the Tyrannosaurus Call of the Primitives, only Frank Welker Unknown rex Primitives appearance Overkill/Buzzkill According to his Tech Spec,[3] he is a serviceable warrior which never stops doing something until he runs out of fuel. But in the series, he appears only as a cassette ejected from Soundwave when called along with the other primitives. Call of the Primitives
Name Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by None The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Jack Angel For a man whose work has had such a big effect on the lives of so many Nebulans and Transformers, very few people really know the distant and remote Arcana. Not even Brainstorm, who shares his psyche, can claim to truly fathom the workings of his partner's mind. But then, Arcana seems to cultivate an extremely anti-social persona unintentionally, training first as a medical doctor, only to grow bored and focus on long-forgotten and repudiated scientific lore of his planet, earning the ire of medical colleagues. Yet it was this combination of knowledge and skill, along with the combined input of his future partner, that allowed the creation of the Binary Bonding process. None The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Charlie Alder Stylor is gorgeous. Always impeccably dressed and groomed and always in the latest style. He spends most of his time primping and polishing either Chromedome or himself, and is renowned on Nebulos for his exquisite taste and dashing good looks. Though he loves the ladies, he surprisingly doesn't have the greatest luck there, since few want to spend much time with a man who's so focused on being prettier than they are. It is suspected that Stylor volunteered for the Headmaster process simply because it was trendy at the time, his Autobot partner Chromedome, being an inveterate academic and computer nerd, is something of a frustration to Stylor, but he does his best to bring out the big guy's cooler, more social side (which he figures MUST be in there somewhere). Chromedome in return tries to get Stylor to be a little less superficial. None The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Charlie Alder Duros was born to be a soldier on a world without war. He served for years as the head of security for the Nebulan Ruling Council and spent most of that time horribly bored and unsatisfied. The coming of the Transformers to Nebulos may have been a tragedy for most of his race, but it was quite possibly the best thing to ever happen to
Duros... and also the worst, in Hardhead he has found a kindred spirit, and the two have bonded over their shared interest in combat and warfare to become one of the closest pairings among all the Headmasters. The dependable, resourceful, and stoic Duros is a great addition to the Autobot army, but his eager desire for action and love of combat have made him an outsider among the naturally peaceful Nebulans and has led him to be shunned even by his family and, most painfully, his now estranged wife. Duros shuts the pain that his failed personal life causes him away and focuses instead on being the soldier he always felt destined to be. None The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Michael Bell The all-American boy of the Nebulan Headmasters, Gort rose up from a lowly position as stable boy to courageous defender of his planet. The idealistic teenager never has an unkind word for anybody and serves as a shining example of the best the Nebulan Headmasters have to offer, it's a pity, then, that Gort was partnered with his polar opposite, the elitist snob Highbrow, who takes considerable offense to being binary bonded with what he sees as a mere commoner. Their pairing is among the worst of the Autobot Headmasters, often detracting, not adding, to Highbrow's effectiveness in combat as he refuses to listen to Gort's suggestions except in all but the most life-threatening situations. None The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Miilt Jamin A ruthless businessman and industrialist, Grax was willing to do whatever it took to solidify his place at the top of Nebulan business world. Not that he needed much convincing to undergo the binary bonding process to combine with Skullcruncher in order to eliminate his business rivals, the Decepticon methods of utterly and cruelly absorbing all foes were just more literally bloody versions of Grax's own. Skullcruncher didn't see the similarity though, Nebulan corporate types were barely even a snack... Grax adds considerably to the somewhat slow mind of Skullcruncher, which admittedly isn't hard, but still finds most of his suggestions ignored unless they involve eating the corpses of your enemies or inventive noises to make when grinding your teeth. None The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Charlie Alder Vorath was the former Minister of Science of the planet Nebulos. A Zarak loyalist, Vorath was expelled from his office when Galen uncovered his involvement in illegal medical experiments on live subjects. Seeking revenge, Vorath gained the chance to do so and continue his experiments with the arrival of Transformers and the creation of the Headmasters, when he agreed to binary bond to Mindwipe. None The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) Neil Ross On Nebulos, Monzo was a professional hyperwrestler before he became a nightclub owner. He's a brutal fellow who doesn't appreciate the fine art of tactics or strategy. He especially hates poetry, which puts him at odds with his Headmaster partner, Weirdwolf. However, they both find common ground in wanting to beat stuff up. None The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Tony St. James The nervous and insecure Spasma was the son of a despised noble family on Nebulos, bullied and picked on his entire life while being crushed under the weight of a bankrupt family legacy. The arrival of the Transformers on his planet and the creation of the Headmasters gave him the prospect of power to escape his feeling of
inadequacy, or so he thought... outwardly, Spasma had his wish fulfilled when he was binary bonded to Apeface, literally becoming the kind of bully who had previously tormented him. But all too frequently, the pressure of combat will wear away at Spasma, until Apeface's actions trigger a torturous flashback from the Nebulan's past, reducing him to a whimpering, crying wreck. None The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Chris Latta Krunk is Zarak's nasty, brutish bodyguard. He takes orders from Zarak without Krunk question, no matter how illegal or rotten they are, as Snapdragon's Headmaster, he enhances the Decepticon's thuggish personality rather nicely. Two peas in a pod, really. The Transformers: The None The Rebirth (Part 3) David Mendenhall Movie Daniel Witwicky is the human son of Spike and Carly Witwicky. He is approximately 12 years of age in 2005, and was presumably born sometime between Daniel 1990 and 1993. He is the grandson of Sparkplug Witwicky. Daniel often gets into Witiwicky trouble, which requires either his father or the Autobots to save him. He is very good friends with the Autobots, particularly Wheelie, Grimlock, and Hot Rod, but the one he's closest to is Arcee, who views him as a surrogate son. Daniel is (sometimes) the Headmaster partner to Arcee.
Alternate mode First appearance Last appearance Voiced by electro-laser cannon The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Rob Paulsen One of the younger Nebulans to binary bond to a Transformer, Haywire is very much of the "act first, think later"-impulsive-teenage mold. In that respect, the relationship between Haywire and his partner Blurr is one where they get on like a Haywire house on fire, but also a classic example of the lack of planning in the early stages of Targetmasters bonding for how effective a combat team they would make. Transforming into an electro-laser cannon, Haywire is just as hyperactive as his partner in combat, often more concerned with how often he fires than where he's aiming or how effective his shots are. Pistol The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Frank Welker Pinpointer Pinpointer is a Nebulan of few words. He's binary bonded to Crosshairs. Firebolt electrostatic Discharge The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Richard Gautier rifle Firebolt was once a quiet scholar on the pacifistic planet of Nebulos, where he was renowned as one of its top atomic physicists. Beneath his meek and reserved exterior, however, young Firebolt yearned for a life of action and excitement. His dreams of adventure might never have come true, if not for the intervention of the Decepticons. When the call went out for Nebulans who would be willing to take up arms in defense of their planet, Firebolt was amongst the first to volunteer. Undergoing the extensive and painful procedure known as Binary bonding, Firebolt was given a special suit of black and grey armour and granted the power to transform himself into a powerful double-barreled weapon called an "electrostatic Name
discharge rifle", although eager for the chance to make a difference and have some fun, Firebolt soon found that his own exuberance paled in comparison to his Targetmaster partner: a young Autobot named Hot Rod. Firebolt's opinion of this situation is what could be described as "cautiously optimistic" - he is excited by all the action and adventure of being a Targetmaster, but he is also very nervous at some of the risks that Hot Rod insists on taking at times. musket laser rifle The Rebirth (Part 1) The Rebirth (Part 3) Johnny Haymer One of the older Nebulans to join the Autobots, Recoil was a former All-World Prismaball champion on his home planet, until age finally caught up with him. While helping to keep Nebulos safe is part of why he agreed to undergo binary bonding to Recoil become a Targetmaster, a large part was to prove to himself as much as to others that he still had what it takes. Transforming into a version of Kup's original old-style musket laser, Recoil has found a good match with the crusty Autobot, both seeking the respect they feel their age and experience deserves. sonic blaster The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) Steve Bulen Peacemaker is an upbeat, almost contagiously positive Nebulan police officer. He keeps trying to cheer up his Autobot partner Pointblank to little result. Pointblank doesn't feel the Autobots should have involved the Nebulans in the war to begin Peacemaker with, and so disapproves of his partner and his advice on principle. Those who know him, though, say that Peacemaker has actually made progress in improving the dour Autobot's world view. Not a lot of progress, mind you... Thankfully Peacemaker knows how to be patient, loves a challenge, and is firm in his belief that optimism leads to success. double cannon The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) Danny Mann Spoilsport has a rather appropriate moniker, given that he spoils the fun of his partner Sureshot by being an equally good marksman. In a contest between an Spoilsport intelligent gun and an intelligent gunner, the gun gets a majority vote. His partner resents his interference, and in his turn, the Nebulan resents Sureshot for his lack of appreciation. It can't help that Sureshot is a jerk, of course, and presumably he never calls. beam gun The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) Peter Cullen Back on Nebulos, Nightstick was a master criminal. For some reason, he gave that Nightstick up to undergo binary-bonding to Cyclonus. The loyal and honorable Decepticon warrior often finds himself at odds with the very dishonorable Nightstick and generally considers him an irritating pest. beam gun The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Milt Jamin Aimless should have been called "Useless". This Nebulan's success rate when he Aimless tries to hit a target is unknown, because that would require him to, you know, actually try. Together with his Targetmaster partner Misfire, he's a danger to himself and others. Mostly others. Incendiary cannon The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Neil Ross Fracas's new Targetmaster body allows him to transform into an incendiary cannon Fracas for his new Decepticon partner Scourgefitting, since Fracas is himself a hotrunning, volatile scrapper who explodes into violent rages. Caliburst lange barrel gun The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 2) Johnny Haymer
Like his binary bonded partner Slugslinger, Caliburst is merely putting on an act and playing the role of the cold and fearless Decepticon warrior he outwardly projects; it's just that he's generally more adept at keeping the mask up because of his former life as an actor. While not a good actor, more the kind to be found in the freezer section next to the other pork products, Caliburst does know the importance of staying in character. Given that he joined the Transformer conflict for the money because there was no one left on Nebulos that could stomach appreciate his "talent", he has an incentive to not screw up, Slugslinger treats his partner fairly well, mostly due to the direct link between the condition of the Decepticon's backbone infrastructure in combat and the condition of his weaponry. John Moschitta, Compression cannon The Rebirth (Part 2) The Rebirth (Part 3) Jr. The conniving brother-in-law of Lord Zarak, Blowpipe managed the political campaign that brought him and kept him in power. While a smooth political operator with endless connections, Blowpipe lacks the physical presence and style of a leader, causing him to resent his brother-in-law for taking all the glory when he did all the "real" work, treating combat like he would a political campaign, Blowpipe plots and plans things in advance, leaving nothing to chance, which puts him at odds with his binary bonded partner Triggerhappy, whose idea of combat tactics is to wave his gun around randomly as fast as he can and shoot really, really fast.