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Bit-Torrent in Erlang

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The document discusses the development of a BitTorrent application using the Erlang programming language. It describes the Erlang language, BitTorrent protocol, architecture of the BitTorrent application developed in Erlang, and experiments conducted.

Erlang language was used to program the BitTorrent application.

The main modules of the BitTorrent application are Bittorrent, Tracker, Statistic, Server and User module.

IT 08 024

Examensarbete 30 hp Juli 2008

Bit-Torrent in Erlang
Carlos Simn Gallego

Institutionen fr informationsteknologi Department of Information Technology

Bit-Torrent in Erlang
Carlos Simn Gallego

Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten Besksadress: ngstrmlaboratoriet Lgerhyddsvgen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 Postadress: Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon: 018 471 30 03 Telefax: 018 471 30 00 Hemsida: http://www.teknat.uu.se/student

The goal of my project has been to programme a Bit-torrent application using Erlang language. A Bit-Torrent application permits the user to download files from the system and share files at the same time. The reason Erlang was chosen is because this programming language has suitable features for concurrency and distributed system. The most important aspect I have considered in my project has been to manage a proper behaviour of the system, more than the simply fact of transferring stuff. This way, the program will be able to response to changes immediately. The changes could be: a user uploads a new file to share with other peers, a file is removed, new chunks of a file appear and others like that. My Bit-Torrent system contains five modules: Bittorrent, Tracker, Statistic, Server and User module, and all of them will be explained going into details in this document.

Handledare: Justin Pearson mnesgranskare: Justin Pearson Examinator: Anders Jansson IT 08 024 Tryckt av: Reprocentralen ITC

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Table of Contents
Erlang Language 1 A bit of History... 1 Features of Erlang Language.. 1 Getting Started in Erlang How to compile.. First program in Erlang..
3 4 4

Primitives for concurrency and distribution in Erlang 6 Client-Server Architecture.. 8

Bit-Torrent Protocol.. 11 Bit-Torrent Definitions... Bit-Torrent Operation.

12 15

My Bit-Torrent in Erlang.. 16
How my Bit-Torrent simulation differs from the real implementation.

General Architecture... 17 Bittorrent Module 18 Tracker Module... 20

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

User Module 22 Server Module. 25 Statistic Module..


Experiments 28

Appendix: source code... 33

References... 69

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Erlang Language
A bit of History
First of all I am going to talk about Erlang language a little bit. Erlang Language was designed in the late 80s by Ericsson (the famous Swedish telecom company). Ericsson wanted to develop an ideal language for programming his future telecom projects in order to make the programming task more efficient and pleasant. And not only that: Ericsson wanted to create a language that permits them to develop concurrent system that run forever. Oddly, Erlang was designed in parallel with its first applications (a project about languages for telecommunication switching systems).

At first, Erlang was a secret project and was designed with a specific objective in mind: to provide a better way of programming telephony applications. As all people can deduce, telephony applications are by their nature extremely concurrent: sometimes a single switch must handle hundreds of thousands of simultaneous operations. Such operations are intrinsically distributed and the software is expected to be highly faulttolerant. Therefore, this language was mainly designed for programming concurrent, real-time and distributed fault-tolerant systems.

Features of Erlang Language

As I told before, Erlang was essentially designed for programming concurrent, realtime and distributed fault-tolerant systems. It means that was created for implementing programs that run forever. How is possible to do it?

The secret is that in Erlang environment concurrency belongs to the programming language and not the operating system. Erlang makes parallel programming simple by

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

modelling the world as sets of parallel processes that can work together only by exchanging messages. In the Erlang world there are parallel processes but no locks, no synchronized methods, and no possibility of shared memory corruption, since there is no shared memory. Thanks to this aspect, it is possible to program concurrent applications without paying attention to memory sharing problems like race conditions or deadlocks.

Erlang uses concurrent processes to structure the program. As I have just told before, these processes have no shared memory, but communicate by asynchronous message passing. Erlang processes are lightweight and belong to the language, not the operating system.

Other aspect really important of Erlang (overall for the typical complex applications) is that this language has mechanisms to allow programs to change code on the fly, in other words, the programmer can introduce changes in the system as it is running. These mechanisms simplify the construction of software for implementing non-stop systems.

To sum up, we can group the main advantages for using Erlang:

Programs run faster when you run them on a multicore computer.

Perfect for fault-tolerant applications. Programs can be modified without taking them out of service.

Erlang language has been battle tested in real large-scale industrial products that has great libraries and an active user community.

You never have to worry about deadlocks and race conditions because you do not need to share memory between processes concurrently and therefore you do not need to use locks like in other languages (it does not mean you cannot suffer loops which never end, because in Erlang you could have, for example, a ring of

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

processes waiting for each other if you are not careful when you are programming).

Less lines of code!

Getting Started in Erlang

Before you can do anything, you have to make sure you have a functioning version of Erlang on your system. Go to a command prompt, and type erl:

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1> In any case, you can download Erlang Language from Internet. Now I will explain the basic steps to do it in different operative systems.

Windows You will find a list of the releases at http://www.erlang.org/download.html Choose the entry for the latest version, and click the link for the Windows Operative System. Click the link, and follow the instructions. This is a standard Windows install, so you shouldnt have any problems.


Binary packages exist for Debian-based systems. On a Debian-based system, issue the following command:

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

apt-get install erlang

Mac OS X

As a Mac user, you can install a prebuilt version of Erlang using the MacPorts system, or you can build Erlang from source. Using MacPorts is marginally easier, and it will handle updates over time. However, MacPorts can also be somewhat behind the times when it comes to Erlang releases. During the initial writing up this book, for example, the MacPorts version of Erlang was two releases behind the then current version. For this reason, I recommend you just bite the bullet and install Erlang from source, as described in the next section. To do this, you will need to make sure you have the developer tools installed (theyre on the DVD of software that came with your machine).

How to compile
To compile a file in Erlang, You only have to type this line on the command shell:

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1> c (MyFile.erl). And you will get the file compiled: MyFile.beam ready to be executed.

First program in Erlang

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

I am going to show a first example of programming in Erlang. It will be a factorial calculation function. Note carefully in the code below that a period completes a statement, and that a semicolon separates clauses in a statement: Math.erl: -module(math1). -export([factorial/1]).
% Name of the module (the name of the file has to be the same) % It refers to the function we want to export (the user can use this function)

% Now it is time to write the real code of the program. We can see that it is made up only of 2 lines.

factorial(0)->1; factorial(N) -> N * factorial(N-1). Now we will run the program. To do this, just type on the Erlang Shell:


Another Example: Message Passing In Erlang, spawn starts a parallel computation (called a process), sends a message to the mailbox of a process; and receive tries to remove a message from the mailbox of the current process. Spawn returns a PID for the process created, and the syntax Pid ! Msg is used to send a message. Receive tries to receive a message that fits one of the patterns listed in its clauses, and when it does it performs the matching action. Now we are going to see the code example in which Computer 1 sends a message (Hello) to Computer 2 that have a Pid called ToPid: Computer 1 ToPid ! {message_from, carlos, "hello"}

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Computer 2 receive {message_from, carlos, Message} -> Actions1; Message2-> Actions2; ... after time -> TimeOutActions end

In the last example we can see an essential primitive for concurrency and distribution in Erlang. It is the moment to explain the different primitives and methods we must use if we want to program real applications in Erlang.

Primitives for concurrency and distribution in Erlang

spawn Pid = spawn(Fun). Most programs in Erlang use spawn(Function) to create a new concurrent process that evaluates function Fun and run in parallel with the caller. This primitive returns a Pid (short process identifier) that it can be used to communicate to the process. send Pid ! Message This primitive is used in Erlang to send messages to the process with identifier Pid. An important feature is that message sending is asynchronous, in other words, the sender does not wait for an answer but continues with what it was doing.

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

receive receive end Thanks to this primitive a process can receive a message that has been sent by other process. Each process in Erlang has an associated mailbox. When you send a message to the process, the message is put into the mailbox. The only time the mailbox is examined is when your program evaluates a receive statement. It has the following syntax: receive Message1 -> Actions1; Message2 -> Actions2; ... after Time -> TimeOutActions End After seeing the syntax of receive, we are going to see how works exactly. The steps are: When we enter a receive statement, we start a timer (but only if an after section is present in the expression). Take the first message in the mailbox and try to match it against Pattern1, Pattern2, and so on. If the match succeeds, the message is removed from the mailbox, and the expressions following the pattern are evaluated. If none of the patterns in the receive statement matches the first message in the mailbox, then the first message is removed from the mailbox and put into a save queue. The second message in the mailbox is then tried. This procedure is repeated until a matching message is found or until all the messages in the mailbox have been examined.

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

If none of the messages in the mailbox matches, then the process is suspended and will be rescheduled for execution the next time a new message is put in the mailbox. Note that when a new message arrives, the messages in the save queue are not rematched; only the new message is matched. As soon as a message has been matched, then all messages that have been put into the save queue are re-entered into the mailbox in the order in which they arrived at the process. If a timer was set, it is cleared. If the timer elapses when we are waiting for a message, then evaluate the expressions TimeOutActions and put any saved messages back into the mailbox in the order in which they arrived at the process.

So far, we have seen 2 brief examples of Erlang. In the next section we will see the (usually) most important architecture to build applications: the Client-Server architecture.

Client-Server Architecture

Client-server architectures are essential to Erlang. The words client and server refer to the roles that these two processes have; the client always starts a computation by sending a request to the server. The server builds a reply and sends an answer to the client.

The server and client in client-server architecture are not the same process; they are separate processes, and normal Erlang message passing is used for communication

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

between the client and the server. Both client and server can run on the same machine or on two different machines.

Lets show an example of a client-server application.

1 - "area" server This program will let the user calculate area of squares and rectangles, and the user will have also the possibility of obtaining the total area calculated so far.

-module(math). -export([fac/1]).

% Name of the module (the name of the file has to be the same) % It refers to the function we want to export (the user can use this function)

start() -> spawn(fun() -> loop(0) end).

% The user will use this function to start the program area

loop(Tot) -> receive

% This is the main loop of the program. At the first time Tot=0

% The program waits for any event % Now it is time of pattern matching. Depending of that, the program will calculate the % square area, rectangle area or the total area so far.

{Pid, {square, X}} -> Pid ! X*X, % Sends to the client the square area calculated. loop(Tot + X*X); % recursive call. The total area is updated. {Pid, {rectangle,[X,Y]}} -> Pid ! X*Y, % Sends to the client the rectangle area calculated. loop(Tot + X*Y); % recursive call. The total area is updated. {Pid, areas} -> Pid ! Tot, % Sends to the client the total area calculated. loop(Tot) % recursive call. The total area is the same end.

2 - Area client The client sends a message to the server asking for calculating the area. The client has to follow the suitable syntax. In this example the client wants to know the area for a square. server_Address ! {self(), {square, 10}},

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

receive Area -> ... end

% we can use receive if we want to do something with the area that the serve has % calculated for us.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Bit-Torrent Protocol
Bit-Torrent is an application of distributing large amounts of data through Internet. In other words, Bit-Torrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) communications protocol for file sharing. One of the most important features of this famous protocol is that you can share and transfer data widely without the original distributor suffering the total costs of hardware and bandwidth resources. Instead, when data is distributed via Bit-Torrent protocol, each peer supplies pieces of the data to newer peers, reducing the total cost. P2P protocol was created by the programmer Bram Cohen, who designed it in 2001. Now it is managed by Cohen's company Bit-Torrent. The reason because Bram created Bit-Torrent protocol was to improve the rates of downloading files by mean of permitting the system to download the data from several sources, especially for users that have important features to download and upload data to Internet.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Bit-Torrent Definitions

Client It term refers to the software that allows you to download and upload (share) files using Bit-Torrent. The Bit-Torrent client opens the .torrent file and allows connections from your peers. Availability It is the number of copies of the file available to the client. Each seed adds 1.0 to this number, as they have one complete copy of the file. Client The program that enables p2p files sharing via the Bit-Torrent protocol is the client. Leech A leech is usually a peer who has a negative effect on the swarm by having a very poor share ratio, however it can also refer to any peer without 100% of the data Peer A peer is anyone who is downloading or uploading the file. Seeder (Seed) A seeder is a peer that has a complete copy of the torrent and still offers it for upload. The more seeders there are, the better the chances are for completion of the file. Downloader A downloader is any peer that does not have the entire file and is downloading the file.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Choked Describes a peer to whom the client refuses to send file pieces. A client chokes another client in several situations:

The second client is a seed, in which case it does not want any pieces (ie. it is completely uninterested)

The client is already uploading at its full capacity (ie. the value for max_uploads has been reached)

Hash The hash is a string of alphanumeric characters in the .torrent file that the client uses to verify the data that is being transferred.

Index An index is a list of .torrent files (usually including descriptions and other information) managed by a website and available for searches.

Lurker A lurker is a user that only downloads files from the group but does not add new content. Unlike a leech, a lurker will seed what he has downloaded.

Scrape This is when a client sends a request to the tracking server for information about the statistics of the torrent, such as with whom to share the file and how well those other users are sharing.

Share ratio A user's share ratio for any individual torrent is a number determined by dividing the amount of data that user has uploaded by the amount of data they have downloaded.



Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

An uploading client is flagged as snubbed if the downloading client has not received any data from it in over 60 seconds.

Super-seeding When a file is new, much time can be wasted because the seeding client might send the same file piece to many different peers, while other pieces have not yet been downloaded at all. This mode is generally used only for a new torrent, or one which must be re-seeded because no other seeds are available. Swarm Together, all peers (including seeders) sharing a torrent are called a swarm. Torrent A torrent can mean either a .torrent metadata file or all files described by it, depending on context. The torrent file contains metadata about all the files in the system. Tracker A tracker is a server that keeps track of which seeds and peers are in the swarm. Clients report information to the tracker periodically and in exchange receive information about other clients to which they can connect.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Bit-Torrent Operation

In order to use the Bit-Torrent protocol, you need a Bit-Torrent client, which is a software program that accesses the Bit-Torrent network. Once you have got the Bit-Torrent client program, you have to download a .torrent file from a server. A .torrent is a small file that contains data of where and how to get a specific file. Then, the system connects to a tracker which announces the file. Announcing a file means it sends the data needed to connect to the peers and seeders of the file. A seeder (seed) in the bit torrent world (as you can see in the section above), is a person who has the whole file and is sharing the file with everyone who has the bit torrent file. Seeders are really important in Bit-Torrent System and, without a seeder related to a Bit-Torrent file, no one could get the whole file. Generally when you download a whole Bit-Torrent file, you should be a seed for at least 12 hours. That way you are giving back what you have taken. So, to sump up, the procedure to download a File in the Bit-Torrent System would be: -The user gets a .torrent File. -Once you have got the .torrent, the Bit-Torrent Client is able to locate the corresponding tracker. So, the next step would be connecting the user to the tracker. -The tracker will be the machine that coordinates the file transferring. The way to do it is very simple. The tracker gives the user a list of peers that are bound to contain the chunks (or the whole file) that the user is looking for. -Now it is time to download chunks, and the same you get the chunks, you upload this pieces to others peers that are interested like you in that file. This way the procedure is very efficient.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

My Bit-Torrent in Erlang
In this section I am going to tackle all details about my project. I will explain all different parts it is made and how they communicate each other. Moreover I think it is important to make clear the way my Bit-Torrent application differs from the real program. It is important because some user can think that my Bit-Torrent application has the same features and functions than the famous program and it is not truth. For this reason I am going to begin the section talking about the main differences between my program and the real version.

How my Bit-Torrent simulation differs from the real implementation

First of all I would like to emphasize that my Bit-Torrent is just a simulation program and its goals are not the same than the real Bit-torrent application. Even though users can download things through both applications, in my Bit-torrent we can only download files. It is known that in the real implementation we can download all kind of digital contents like photos and videos. But the most obvious difference is the user interface:

Real version

My Bit-Torrent simulation

As we can see in the images below, the user interfaces are very different. In both of them we have the buttons and tasks for downloading files, but we can see that the real version is more complete and the user have more possibilities.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

In the following sections I will explain all features of the interface of my Bit-Torrent simulation.

General Architecture

As we can see in the image above, the structure of my Bit-Torrent in Erlang consists of 5 different modules: Bittorrent, Tracker, User, Server and Statistic. On the top-level we have the bittorrent module that controls all the system. In the next level we have the trackers (the number of trackers is variable), the server module and the statistic module. Finally, in the lower level, we find the user module that corresponds with the peers and seeds on the system at one particular moment. In the following sections I will explain all the modules, one by one, and I will give details about them.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Bittorrent Module

As I told before, the bittorrent module is located on the top-level in the architecture of the system. It means that, to run the whole system, we must begin running this module. The way to do it is not very complicate; go to a command prompt and type:

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>bittorrent:start (Size_Chunks , Max_N ) We can see that bittorrent module receives 2 parameters:


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

-Size_Chunks: It refers to the size that the parts (chunks) of the files downloaded on the system. In other words, it indicates the number of pieces the whole file will be split when this file is downloaded. For example, if a file is formed by 80 KB and Size_Chunks=20, we will have 4 pieces named as follows: MyFile_chunk01, MyFile_chunk02, MyFile_chunk03 and


-Max_N: This parameter refers to the maximum number of connections that a machine is capable to support at the same time. So if Max_N=1, then just a peer can connect to another peer to download a file, and the rest have to wait or looking for others peers.


The interface in the bittorrent module contains 4 buttons and a screen that shows information about the system. The buttons are:

Clear: This button erases the screen.

Enable: Permit or deny write on the screen (to put comments for example).

Tracker: List of trackers available currently.

Quit: Finnish the program.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Tracker Module

Trackers are very important in the bit-Torrent system. The trackers have the information about the files in the networks and coordinate the communication between users. Each tracker manages 3 lists (Users, Peers and Seeds) besides the information transferred from the bittorrent module (size of the chunks and maximum number of connections). The list Users represented the users connected currently. Peer and Seed lists represent the users registered on the system that are peers and seeds (they have a whole file) respectively.

To run the tracker module you must go to a command prompt and type:

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false]


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>tracker:start() As we can see, this module has no parameters.


The interface in the tracker module contains 5 buttons and a screen that shows information about the system. The buttons are:

Clear: This button erases the screen.

Peers: It is shown on the screen the peers connected currently in the system (Users registered this tracker previously).

Seeds: It is shown on the screen the peers connected currently in the system (Users registered this tracker previously).

Disconnect: To disconnect the tracker to the bittorrent module (tracker not available).

Connect: To connect the tracker to the bittorrent module (tracker available).


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

User Module

The user module represents peers and seeds in the system. A user can download and upload data at the same time. To download a file, you must get .torrent file appropriate from the server module.

In the same directory the user program are running exist 2 important folders:

-Share: Here is where are put the files that the user want to share with other users. When you download a file completely, the file is stored in this folder.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

-Temporal: It is in this directory where the system stored the chunks downloaded from other users. The chunks in this folder are susceptible to be downloaded for other peers.

To run the user module you must go to a command prompt and type:

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>peer:start() As we can see, this module has no parameters.

-User interface

The user interface in the tracker module contains 5 buttons, a screen that shows information about the system like the status of the user (downloading, uploading, download completed) and 2 windows that show extra-information or advertisement. One of these windows is on the bottom of the screen. In my example appears www.carlossimowa.com but it can be modified from the bittorrent module in order to show the message desired. The other window is on the right and in this example appears the name of my university in Sweden: Uppsala Universitet.

Now we will see the functionality of the buttons:

Clear: This button erases the screen.

Upload: You can upload your file in order to share them with other people. When you upload a file, it is automatically created on the server module the .torrent file that other peers will have to download previously.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Download: This is the most important option. Before you can download a file, you have to get the .torrent file from the server. Once you have this file, you can begin to obtain the download process. If you do not have the .torrent file, you will receive an information message warning you about the problem.

Disconnect: To disconnect to the system (then the download and upload option will be disabled).

Connect: To connect to the system. Once connected you can download and upload files.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Server Module

It is a very simple module. The only aim of this module is to store the .torrent files and provide them to the user that request for these files. There is an interaction among Server and Bittorrent module. When a user wants to upload a file, the user module sends a message to the bittorrent module with the name and size (Size_File) of the file. Then the bittorrent module assigns a tracker to this file and sends a message to the server module including the parameters obtained from the user and the tracker chosen. With this information the server module is able to create

-Features of .torrents Files Each .torrent File contained this metadata: {Tracker_Dir}. {File_Size}. {File_Name}.

Where: -Tracker_Dir is the direction (path) of the tracker (like Tracker1@UppsalaUniversitet), -File_Size is the total size of the file (in Bytes) -File_Name is the name of the file.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Statistic Module

This module provides 3 interesting statistic about the system. First of all it is necessary to run the module:

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>statistic:start()

Now I will explain one by one the different statistic the module provides:

-nPeers(): This function permits to know how many peers are connected at that moment in the system. The way to call the function is immediately below.

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>statistic:nPeers()

-nSeeds(): This function permits to know how many seeds are connected at that moment in the system. The way to call the function is immediately below.

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>statistic:nSeeds()


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

-timeSeed(): This function is very useful in the statistic module because thanks for this function it is possible to know the time rate in which Seeds maintain connected to the system. If the value of this statistic is high, the performance of the system will be good surely.

$ erl Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] ... [kernel-poll:false] Eshell V5.5.2 (abort with ^G) 1>statistic:timeSeed()


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

I have carried out some final experiments when the Bit-Torrent application in Erlang was finished. The goals (most of them) were to prove the efficiency of the application (and the P2P file sharing communications protocol). Now I am going to talking about the different experiments:


Disconnection and immediately connection is inefficient

The first experiment I did was based on seeds that disconnect to the system after downloading a file and connect immediately afterwards. The result was very clear; this procedure is not very efficient because a seed that disconnect and connect needs too much time to download the next file instead downloading without previous disconnection. The graph below shows us this fact. Peer1 and Peer2 download the same 5 files, but Peer2 disconnect to the system when gets a new file. We can see that, before downloading File1, both of then have spent 8 seconds. However, Peer1 starts to go slower after downloading File1.

Experiment 1
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
1 File downloaded

Peer2 needs more time than Peer1 to download the same amount of files


Peer1 (always connected) Peer2 (sometime disconnected)


5 Files downloaded


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

The explanation is simple: when a user disconnects to the system, the tracker eliminates the user from User List and lose information about it. However if the user maintain connected, the tracker have always all information up, and assigns resources to the user to download the files faster.


Seeds download faster than peers

The next experiment was based on trying to know who is faster to download files, peers or seeds. The results obtained indicate that seeds are very much faster than peers. This is because the trackers usually attach seeds to the list that sends to the other seeds and peers to the other peers. It is much efficient to connect to a seed to download a file because a seed have the whole file and you can get it in just one connection.

File1 Chunk01

File1 Chunk02

File1 Chunk03




In this case Seed A will need 1 connection to download File 1. Peer A will need 3 connections.

In the picture above we can see the most common behavior of the system when a user wants to download a file. If the user is a Seed, the user usually will be assigned to connect to other seed. If the user is a Peer, the user usually will be assigned to connect to other Peer. In other words, Seeds usually will be necessary only 1 connection to get the file (because the Seed have the whole file). However, Peers will need more than 1 connection because other Peers will have just one or several chunks of the file, not the whole file. It means that the downloading time usually will be less to Seeds than Peers. 29

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego


If the Max_N grows, the system works faster (with limits like


This experiment was really obvious because if it is permitted to connect more users to the same machine and download concurrently, the performance improve considerably. Actually the performance improves exponentially with the increment of Max_N (maximum number of connections at the same time). There is one problem: when the bandwidth is reached. Then the performance is reduces exponentially because the resource is exploited too much.

It is obvious that for my experiments I am not able to reach the bandwidth transfer. For the extreme cases I have done a study about that and I have got some graphs. For the basic cases I have obtained interest data that can show us the behavior of the system.

Downloading Time depending on low values of Max_N

Now I can show a trivial case (when Max_N=1 and Max_N=2) to show the behavior of the system. (Evidently if Max_N=0, no files are downloaded). In this example we have 3 users running on the system: 1 seed and 2 peers. We suppose that Peer1 and Peer2 want to download File1, and the only user has this file is the seed machine. We are going to obtain interesting data comparing the results between 2 basic cases: the downloading time when Max_N=1 and when Max_N=2. After this experiment we will are able to appreciate the behavior of the system depending on low values of Max_N




Peer 1 and Peer 2 try to download File1 from the Seed


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Case Max_N=1

If the maximum number of connection is 1, the process is this: Peer1 and Peer2 try to connect to Seed to download File1. But Max_N=1 and just one of them will reach this goal, and the other will have to wait. In this case we suppose that Peer1 connects to Seed and Peer2 wait. When Peer1 download the first chunk of File1, Peer 2 tries to connect to Peer1 to download this chunk. But Max_N=1 and Peer1 have a connection up yet (with Seed). Finally, when Peer1 finish downloading File1 becomes a Seed and Peer2 will have 2 possibilities: downloading File 1 from Seed or from Peer1 (now is a seed in fact). That decision will depend on the state queues of the system. So, we can calculate the downloading time: Downloading time = 2*Tf + 2tc Where Tf=Transfer time of the file and tc= connection time.

Case Max_N=2

In this case Max_N=2 and now the procedure is very different. Peer1 and Peer2 can connect to Seed at the same time. So, in this example Peer2 has not to wait any time to start to download. Both of them can download the file concurrently and without waiting time. So, in this case the downloading time would be: Downloading time = Tf + tc Where Tf=Transfer time of the file and tc= connection time.

Performance Graph depending on any value of Max_N

As I have commented before, the performance improves exponentially with the increment of Max_N (maximum number of connections at the same time). Of course it 31

Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

is different when we reach the bandwidth limit. It is obvious because Max_N permits N connections at the same time. We can see the graph below that represent the performance of the system depending on Max_N.


Idea for maintain seeds connected more time:

This is an experiment impossible to prove at the current conditions. But I am sure that it works. The idea consists on the following: when a user downloads a file, to avoid the user gets disconnected to the system (this fact reduces the performance of the network) it would be interesting to change what the announcing screen contains to attract the users attention, like new advertisement or other kind of messages. So, if the user wants to know what the message says, the user must be connected after the download process is over (increasing the performance of the system).


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Appendix: source code

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bittorrent.erl ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-module(bittorrent). -doc([{author, carlos_simon}, {title, "bittorrent Erlang"}, {date, 2008}]).

-compile(export_all). -export([start/2, internal/2, trackerlist/0]).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% serverTorrent_node() -> server@Carlos1.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% disconnectuser (Pid, User) -> fun (Dir) -> {tracker, Dir} ! {old_user, Pid, User} end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% connectuser (Pid, User) -> fun (Dir) -> {tracker, Dir} ! {new_user, Pid, User} end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nPeers(N,[]) -> N; nPeers(N,Trackers)-> [First|Rest]=Trackers, {tracker, First} ! {stadisticPeer, self()}, receive {stadisticPeer, NAux} -> nPeers(N+NAux,Rest); _-> io:format("Problems in nPeers ~n", []) after 5000 -> io:format("timeout ~n", []) end.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nSeeds(N,[]) -> N; nSeeds(N,Trackers)-> [First|Rest]=Trackers, {tracker, First} ! {stadisticSeed, self()}, receive {stadisticSeed, NAux} -> nSeeds(N+NAux,Rest); _-> io:format("Problems in nSeeds ~n", []) after 5000 -> io:format("timeout ~n", []) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start(Size, MaxN) -> %Size of the chunks(Bytes) and Max N of connecions/machine case (catch register(bittorrent, spawn(?MODULE, internal, [Size,MaxN]))) of {'EXIT', _} -> already_started; _ -> ok end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% internal(Size, MaxN) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), io:format("BitTorrent Module running... ~n", []), Y = [{y,0},{height, 30},{width, 90}], R=[{window, [{width, 400},{height, 300}, {title,"BittorrentModule"},{map, true}], [{editor,editor,[{x,0},{y, 35},{width,300},{height,250}, {insert,{'end',"Press button to check the trackers avalaibles right now\n\n"}},{vscroll,right}]}, {button, clear, [{label, {text, "Clear"}},{x,0} | Y]}, {checkbutton,enable,[{label,{text,"Enable"}},{select,false},{x,100}|Y] }, {button, time, [{label, {text, "Trackers"}},{x,200} | Y]}, {button, quit, [{label, {text, "Quit"}},{x,300} | Y]}]}], gs:create_tree(gs:start(),R), gs:config(editor,{enable,false}),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

loop([], Size, MaxN).

%list of trackers

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN) -> %list of trackers


{tracker, Pid, Dir_Tracker} -> io:format("connection request from tracker: ~p ~n", [Dir_Tracker]),

case lists:member(Dir_Tracker, Trackers) of true -> Pid ! {already_started}, loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN); false ->


Pid ! {bittorrent, {Size, MaxN}}, loop(New_trackers, Size, MaxN) end;

{disconnect, Dir_Tracker} -> io:format("disconnecting TRacker : ~p~n",[Dir_Tracker]), New_trackers=lists:filter(fun(X) -> X/=(Dir_Tracker) end, Trackers), loop(New_trackers, Size, MaxN);

{disconnect_user,Pid,User} -> case Trackers==[] of true -> Pid ! {user_disconnect, {youre_no_connected}}; false ->


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

io:format("disconnecting_user : ~p~n",[User]),

lists:foreach (disconnectuser(Pid, User), Trackers)


loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN); {connect_user,Pid,User} -> case Trackers==[] of true -> Pid ! {user_connect, {no_Trackers_avalaibles}}; false -> io:format("connecting_user : ~p~n",[User]),

lists:foreach (connectuser(Pid, User), Trackers) %[{Dir,TrackerPid}|Tracker_Tail]=Trackers,

%{tracker, Dir} ! {new_user, Pid, User},

%loop(Tracker_Tail++[{Dir,TrackerPid}], Size, MaxN) ;


loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN);

{upload, Pid, User, File, SizeFile} -> case Trackers==[] of true -> Pid ! {upload, {no_Trackers_avalaibles}}, loop (Trackers, Size, MaxN); false -> [Tracker|Rest] = Trackers, {serverTorrent, serverTorrent_node()} ! {upload, self(), Tracker, SizeFile, File},


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

{tracker, Tracker} ! {upload, Pid, User, File}, loop(Rest++[Tracker], Size, MaxN) end;

{server, Content} -> io:format("~p~n",[Content]), loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN);

{trackerlist, Pid} -> Pid ! {trackerlist, Trackers}, loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN);

{stadisticPeer,Pid} -> io:format("SIIIIIIIIIII~n",[]), NPeer=nPeers(0,Trackers), Pid ! {stadisticPeer, NPeer}, loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN);

{stadisticSeed,Pid} -> io:format("SIIIIIIIIIII~n",[]), NSeed=nSeeds(0,Trackers), Pid ! {stadisticSeed, NSeed}, loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN);

{gs, clear, _, _, _} -> io:format("clear editor~n"), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}), gs:config(editor,clear), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN); {gs, enable, _, _, [_Txt, _Grp, Enable|_]} -> io:format("Enable: ~w~n", [Enable]), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN); {gs, time, _, _, _} -> TimeStr = io_lib:format(" (at ~w:~w:~w)~n", tuple_to_list(time())), %io:format("Insert Time: ~s~n", [TimeStr]), io:format("Insert Trackers: ~s~n", [lists:concat(Trackers)]), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}), case Trackers==[] of true -> Tracks= "No trackers avalaibles";


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

false-> Tracks= lists:concat(Trackers) end, gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, Tracks++TimeStr++"\n\n"}}), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN); {gs, quit, _, _, _} -> exit(normal);

Any -> io:format("Problems: received any: ~p~n",[Any]), loop(Trackers, Size, MaxN) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% trackerlist() -> {bittorrent, erlang:node()} ! {trackerlist, self()}, receive {trackerlist, List} -> io:format("Tracker_List: ~p ~n",[List]) after 5000-> timeout end.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tracker.erl ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

-module(tracker). -doc([{author, carlos_simon}, {title, "bittorrent Erlang"}, {date, 2008}]).

-compile(export_all). -export([start/0, disconnect/0, userlist/0, peerlist/0]). -import(lists, [member/2, reverse/1]).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bittorrent_node() -> bittorrent@Carlos1.


filtration([], L)->


filtration(List, L)-> [{Dir,_}|Rest] =List, L_aux= L++[{Dir}], filtration(Rest, L_aux). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% filtration2([], L)-> L;

filtration2(List, L)-> [{Dir,_}|Rest] =List, L_aux= L++[Dir], filtration2(Rest, L_aux).


final_filtration([], L,_,_)->



Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

final_filtration(List, L, User, Users)-> [{Dir}|Rest] =List, case lists:member (Dir, Users) of false-> final_filtration(Rest, L, User, Users); true-> case (Dir==User) of true-> final_filtration(Rest, L, User, Users); false -> L_aux= L++[{Dir}], final_filtration(Rest, L_aux, User, Users) end end.


nChunks(SizeFile, SizeChunk) ->

Number_chunks_Aux = SizeFile/SizeChunk,

case (Number_chunks_Aux > trunc(Number_chunks_Aux)) of true-> trunc(Number_chunks_Aux +1); false->trunc(Number_chunks_Aux) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %start() -> % case (catch register(tracker_internal,spawn(?MODULE, internal, []))) of % {'EXIT', _} -> % already_started; % _ -> % ok % end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %internal() -> start() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

% Dir_Tracker=erlang:atom_to_list(erlang:node()), Dir_Tracker=(erlang:node()),

{bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} ! Dir_Tracker},

{tracker, self() ,

receive {bittorrent, {Size, MaxN}} -> running... ~n~n", []), io:format("TRacker

io:format("Size of the chunks: ~p, MaxN: ~p ~n", [Size, MaxN]),

case (catch register(tracker,spawn(?MODULE, loopAux, [[],[{kakuna@Carlos1,"file1"}, {metapod@Carlos1,"file1"}],[{metapod@Carlos1,"file2"}], Size, MaxN]))) of {'EXIT', _} -> already_started; _ -> ok end;

{already_started} -> []);

io:format("already_started ~n",

_ -> io:format("Problems with bittorrent module... ~n", []), start() after 10000 -> timeout


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loopAux (Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN) ->

Y = [{y,0},{height, 30},{width, 90}], R=[{window, [{width, 400},{height, 300}, {title,"TRackerModule"},{map, true}],


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

[{editor,editor,[{x,0},{y, 35},{width,300},{height,250}, {insert,{'end',"Press button to check the trackers avalaibles right now\n\n"}},{vscroll,right}]}, {button, clear, [{label, {text, "Clear"}},{x,0} | Y]}, % {checkbutton,enable,[{label,{text,"Enable"}},{select,false},{x,100}|Y] }, {button, time, [{label, {text, "Peers"}},{x,100} | Y]}, {button, seed, [{label, {text, "Seeds"}},{x,200} | Y]}, {button, connect, [{label, {text, "connect"}},{x,300},{y, 40},{height, 30},{width, 90}]}, {button, quit, [{label, {text, "disconnect"}},{x,300} | Y]}]}], gs:create_tree(gs:start(),R), gs:config(editor,{enable,false}), loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN).


loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN) -> io:format("In loop... ~n~n", []), receive

{old_user, Pid, User} -> io:format("disconnecting_user : ~p~n",[User]), case member(User, Users) of true -> Old_UsersConnected=lists:delete(User,Users), Pid! {user_disconnect, {disconnected_successfully}}, loop(Old_UsersConnected, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);

false -> Pid! {user_disconnect, {already_disconnected}}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN) end;

{new_user, Pid, User} -> io:format("connecting_user : ~p~n",[User]), case member(User, Users) of false -> New_UsersConnected=lists:append(Users,[User]), Pid! {user_connect, {connected_successfully}}, loop(New_UsersConnected, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

true -> Pid! {user_connect, {already_connected}}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN) end;

{upload, Pid, User, File} -> case member ({User, File}, Seed) of false -> New_Seed= lists:append(Seed,[{User, File}]); true -> New_Seed=Seed end, case member(User, Users) of false -> New_UsersConnected=lists:append(Users,[User]), Pid! {upload, {connect_and_upload_successfully}}, loop(New_UsersConnected, Peer, New_Seed, Size, MaxN);

true -> Pid! {upload, {upload_sucessfully}}, loop(Users, Peer, New_Seed, Size, MaxN) end;

{download,Pid, User,File, Sizefile} ->

PeerList_aux = lists:filter (fun({_,Y}) > Y==File end, Peer), io:format("Hecha la Peer : ~p ~n",[PeerList_aux]),

PeerList_2= filtration(PeerList_aux,[]), PeerList= final_filtration(PeerList_2, [], User, Users), %%Deberia comprobar q estan connect los Users% Y q no le envio a si mismo io:format("Hecha la Peer List para : ~p ~n",[User]), SeedList_aux = lists:filter (fun({_,Z}) > Z==File end, Seed),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

SeedList_2= filtration(SeedList_aux,[]), SeedList= final_filtration(SeedList_2, [],User,Users), io:format("Hecha la Seed List: ~p ~n",[SeedList]), Pid ! {tracker, {PeerList, SeedList, nChunks(Sizefile, Size),Size}}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);

{convertseed, File, User} -> io:format("CONVERTING SEED : ~n",[]),

case lists:member({User, File}, Seed) of false >New_Peer=lists:delete({User, File}, Peer), New_Seed=lists:append(Seed,[{User, File}]), loop(Users,New_Peer, New_Seed, Size, MaxN); true -> loop(Users,Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN) end;

{userlist, Pid} -> Pid ! {userlist, Users}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);

{peerlist, Pid} -> Pid ! {peerlist, Peer}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);

{seedlist, Pid} -> Pid ! {seedlist, Seed}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {stadisticPeer, Pid} -> io:format("SIIIIIIII~n",[]),

case Users==[] of true -> Tracks=[]; false-> filtration2 (Seed,[]))==[] of true->Tracks= []; case lists:subtract(Users,


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

false-> filtration2 (Seed,[])) end end,

Tracks= lists:subtract(Users,

io:format("lONGITD ~p~n",[Tracks]), Pid ! {stadisticPeer, length(Tracks)}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {stadisticSeed, Pid} -> io:format("SIIIIIIII~n",[]),

case Users==[] of true -> Tracks= []; false-> case lists:subtract(filtration2(Seed,[]),lists:subtract( filtration2 (Seed,[]), Users))==[] of true -> Tracks= [];

false-> Tracks=lists:subtract(filtration2(Seed,[]),lists:subtract( filtration2 (Seed,[]), Users)) end


Pid ! {stadisticSeed, length(Tracks)}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);

{gs, clear, _, _, _} -> io:format("clear editor~n"), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}), gs:config(editor,clear), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {gs, enable, _, _, [_Txt, _Grp, Enable|_]} -> io:format("Enable: ~w~n", [Enable]), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {gs, time, _, _, _} -> TimeStr = io_lib:format(" (at ~w:~w:~w)~n", tuple_to_list(time())), %io:format("Insert Time: ~s~n", [TimeStr]),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}), case Users==[] of true -> Tracks= "No Peers avalaibles"; false-> case lists:subtract(Users, filtration2 (Seed,[]))==[] of true->Tracks= "No Peers avalaibles";

false-> Tracks= lists:concat(lists:subtract(Users, filtration2 (Seed,[]))) end end, gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "Peers avalaibles: "++Tracks++TimeStr++"\n\n"}}), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {gs, seed, _, _, _} -> TimeStr = io_lib:format(" (at ~w:~w:~w)~n", tuple_to_list(time())), %io:format("Insert Time: ~s~n", [TimeStr]), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}),

io:format("Peer: ~p~n", [Peer]), io:format("filration2: ~p~n", [filtration2 (Peer,[])]), io:format("substract: ~p~n", [lists:subtract(filtration2 (Peer,[]),[])]),

case Users==[] of true -> Tracks= "No Seeds avalaibles"; false-> case lists:subtract(filtration2(Seed,[]),lists:subtract( filtration2 (Seed,[]), Users))==[] of true -> Tracks= "No Seeds avalaibles";

false-> Tracks=lists:concat(lists:subtract(filtration2(Seed,[]),lists:subtract ( filtration2 (Seed,[]), Users))) end


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

end, gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "Seeds avalaibles: "++Tracks++TimeStr++"\n\n"}}), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {gs, quit, _, _, _} -> disconnect(), loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN); {gs, connect, _, _, _} -> Dir_Tracker=(erlang:node()),

{bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} ! Dir_Tracker}, loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN) end.

{tracker, self() ,



{tracker, erlang:node()} ! {userlist, self()}, receive {userlist, List} -> io:format("User_Connected: ~p ~n",[List]) after 5000-> timeout end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% peerlist()->

{tracker, erlang:node()} ! {peerlist, self()}, receive {peerlist, List} -> io:format("Peer_and_Files: ~p ~n",[List]) after 5000-> timeout end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego


{tracker, erlang:node()} ! {seedlist, self()}, receive {seedlist, List} -> io:format("Seed_and_Files: ~p ~n",[List]) after 5000-> timeout end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

disconnect () ->

Dir_Tracker=erlang:atom_to_list(erlang:node()), Dir_Tracker=(erlang:node()), {bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} ! {disconnect, Dir_Tracker}.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// server.erl ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

-module(server). -doc([{author, carlos_simon}, {title, "bittorrent Erlang"}, {date, 2008}]). -import(file, [open/2, read/2, delete/1]). -export([start/0, internal/0]).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% start() ->

case (catch register(serverTorrent, spawn(?MODULE, internal, []))) of {'EXIT', _} -> already_started; _ -> ok end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% internal() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), io:format("ServerTorrent Module running... ~n", []),

loop([]). %list of .torrents %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%

loop(List) -> receive {upload, Pid, Tracker,Size, File} -> io:format("uploading... ~n", []), case lists:member(File, List) of false -> New_List=lists:append(File,[List]),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Pid ! {server, upload_ok};

true -> New_List=List, Pid ! {server, file_exist} end, Content= "{"++atom_to_list(Tracker)++"}. {"++integer_to_list(Size)++"}. {"++File++"}.", file:write_file(File++".torrent"++".txt", Content), io:format("~p created ~n", [File++".torrent"]), loop(New_List); Other -> io:format("~p~n", [Other]), loop(List) % after 10000 ->io:format("~p~n", [timeout]) end.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// statistic.erl ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

-module(statistic). -export([start/0, nPeers/0,nSeeds/0, bittorrent_node/0, loop/5, timeSeed/0]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bittorrent_node() -> bittorrent@Carlos1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

search(_, []) -> false;

search(SeedUser, TimeList) -> [{Dir,_}|TimeList_aux]=lists:reverse(TimeList), case (Dir==SeedUser) of true -> true; false -> search(SeedUser, TimeList_aux) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% search_Seed (_, []) -> io:format("Problems in search_Seed: ~n",[]), {0,0,0}; search_Seed(SeedUser, TimeList) -> [{Dir,Time}|TimeList_aux]=lists:reverse(TimeList), case (Dir==SeedUser) of true -> Time; false -> search_Seed(SeedUser, TimeList_aux) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% calculate(SeedUser,Time, TimeList, _)-> case search(SeedUser,TimeList) of true-> {H_I,M_I,S_I}= search_Seed(SeedUser,TimeList), {H_F,M_F,S_F}=Time, H=H_F-H_I, M=M_F-M_I, S=S_F-S_I,


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

case H<0 of false -> Haux=H; true-> Haux=H+60 end,

case M<0 of false -> Maux=M; true-> Maux=M+60 end,

case S<0 of false -> Saux=S; true-> Saux=S+60 end, {Haux,Maux,Saux, {H_I,M_I,S_I}} ; false -> io:format("Problems in calculate: ~n",[]) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start() ->

register(stadistic, spawn(?MODULE, loop, [0,0,[],0,0])). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loop(NPeers,NSeeds, TimeList,RateSeed,N) -> receive {stadisticPeer, NPeersAux} -> TimeStr = io_lib:format(" (at ~w:~w:~w)~n", tuple_to_list(time())), io:format("Number of Peers:~p"++TimeStr++"~n",[NPeersAux]), loop(NPeersAux,NSeeds, TimeList,RateSeed,N); {stadisticSeed, NSeedsAux} -> ~w:~w:~w)~n", TimeStr = io_lib:format(" (at

tuple_to_list(time())), io:format("Number of Seeds:~p"++TimeStr++"~n",[NSeedsAux]), loop(NPeers,NSeedsAux, TimeList,RateSeed,N); {initstadisticTimeSeed, SeedUser, InitTime} -> io:format("InitTime: ~p ~n",[InitTime]), case search(SeedUser, TimeList) of true ->Naux=N, NewList= TimeList; false-> Naux=N+1, Nano=TimeList,


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

NewList=lists:append([{SeedUser,InitTime}], Nano) end, loop(NPeers, NSeeds, NewList,RateSeed,Naux); {finalstadisticTimeSeed, SeedUser, FinalTime, Pid} -> io:format("TimeList: ~p ~n",[TimeList]), io:format("FinalTime: ~p ~n",[FinalTime]),

case search(SeedUser,TimeList) of true-> {H,M,S,InitTime}= calculate(SeedUser,FinalTime, TimeList, RateSeed),

io:format("Resta: ~p ~n",[{H,M,S}]), STime= (S+60*M+60*60*H), RateSeedAux = (STime +RateSeed)/erlang:length(TimeList), io:format("RateTimeSeedAux: ~p seconds ~n",[STime]), Pid ! {user_disconnect, {disconnected_succesfully}},

loop(NPeers, NSeeds, lists:delete({SeedUser,InitTime},TimeList),RateSeedAux,N); false -> :~p ~n",[SeedUser]), loop(NPeers, NSeeds, TimeList,RateSeed,N) end; io:format("Is not a seed

{getstadisticTimeSeed} -> RateSeed, io:format("RateTimeSeed: ~p seconds ~n",[RateSeed/N]), loop(NPeers, NSeeds, TimeList,RateSeed,N); _-> io:format("Exit~n"), loop(NPeers, NSeeds, TimeList,RateSeed,N)


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nPeers() -> io:format("trying to get NPeers~n",[]), {bittorrent, bittorrent@Carlos1} ! {stadisticPeer, self()}, receive {stadisticPeer, NPeers} -> io:format("NPeers: ~p ~n",[NPeers]), {stadistic, stadistic@Carlos1}! {stadisticPeer, NPeers};

_-> io:format("Problems in stadiscticPeer ~n", []) after 5000 -> io:format("timeout ~n", []) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nSeeds() -> io:format("trying to get NSeeds~n",[]), {bittorrent, bittorrent@Carlos1} ! {stadisticSeed, self()}, receive {stadisticSeed, NSeeds} -> io:format("k mieeerrdaaaaa!! -> NSeeds: ~p ~n",[NSeeds]), {stadistic, stadistic@Carlos1}! {stadisticSeed, NSeeds}; _-> io:format("Problems in stadiscticSeeds ~n", []) after 5000 -> io:format("timeout ~n", []) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% timeSeed() -> io:format("trying to get timeSeed~n",[]),

{stadistic, stadistic@Carlos1}! {getstadisticTimeSeed}.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// peer.erl ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

-module(peer). -doc([{author, carlos_simon}, {title, "bittorrent Erlang"}, {date, 2008}]). -import(file, [open/2, read/2, delete/1]). -export([connect/0, upload/1, download/1, loopDownload/6, chunks/1, leak/1, makeList/3, main/0,mainAux/0]).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bittorrent_node() -> bittorrent@Carlos1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

have_all_chunks(Nchunks, File) -> (Nchunks==number_chunks_downloaded(File)).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% createTemporalDir(Dir) -> {ok, CurrentDir} = file:get_cwd(), %case file:make_dir (Dir++"/temporal/"++File) of file:make_dir (CurrentDir++"/temporal"), case file:make_dir (Dir) of ok -> temporal_Folder_Created; _ -> error_creating_temporal_folder end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% chunks(File) -> %get the list of chunks in the temporal folder {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), case file:list_dir (Dir++"/temporal/"++File) of

{ok, L} -> lists:reverse(L); _ -> error_opening_temporal_Dir end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

number_chunks_downloaded(File) -> L= chunks(File), case is_list(L) of true->length(L); false-> error_in_function_number_chunks_downloaded end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %connectTracker(File,Pid) -> %case open(File,read) of %{ok, S} ->

%{ok,{TrackerDir}}=io:read(S,''), %{ok,{Size}}=io:read(S,''),

% {tracker, TrackerDir} ! {download,Pid, erlang:node(),File, Size};

%_ -> "you_need "++File".torrent" %end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% disconnect() -> {bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} ! {disconnect_user,self(),erlang:node()},

%%send a message if I am a seed {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), {ok, List} = file:list_dir(Dir++"/shared"), case List==[] of

true -> no_seed; false -> {stadistic, stadistic@Carlos1} ! {finalstadisticTimeSeed, erlang:node(), erlang:time(), self()} ,


{user_disconnect, {Content}} ->

io:format("~p ~n", [Content]);

Other -> io:format("Problems: ~p~n", [Other]) after 10000 ->io:format("~p~n", [timeout]) end end.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego


connect() ->

{ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), file:make_dir (Dir++"/temporal"), file:make_dir (Dir++"/shared"), {bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} ! {connect_user,self(),erlang:node()} ,

receive %%%El Bittotrrent me tiene q decir MaxN {user_connect, {Content}} -> io:format("~p ~n", [Content]), case (catch register(peer,spawn(?MODULE, mainAux, [])))of

{'EXIT', _} -> already_started; _ -> ok end; Other -> io:format("~p~n", [Other]) after 10000 ->io:format("~p~n", [timeout]) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% leak(His_Chunks)-> fun (MyChunkName) -> (lists:member(MyChunkName, His_Chunks)==false) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% makeList([], L,_) -> L; makeList(Chunks_to_transfer, L, File) ->

[First|Rest]= Chunks_to_transfer,

{ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

file:set_cwd (Dir++"/temporal/"++File), %{ok, S} = open(First, read), {ok, D} = file:read_file(First), file:set_cwd (Dir), L_aux= L++[{First, D}], makeList(Rest, L_aux, File). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% get_Name (File, Current) -> case Current<10 of true-> File++"_chunk0"++integer_to_list(Current+1); false-> File++"_chunk"++integer_to_list(Current+1) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% makeList_Seed(_,_,0,_,_,L) -> L; makeList_Seed(File, His_Chunks,Nchunks,Current, Size, L) ->

NameChunk= get_Name(File, Current),

io:format("his chunks ~p ~n", [His_Chunks]), case lists:member(NameChunk++".txt", His_Chunks) of true -> makeList_Seed(File, His_Chunks,Nchunks-1,Current+1,Size, L); false -> {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd (Dir++"/shared"), case open(File++".txt", read) of {ok, S} -> Current*Size,Size), {ok, D} = file:pread(S,

io:format("lO QUE ACABO DE LEER DEL SEED ~p ~n", [D]), io:format("INFORMATION current, size, nchunks ~p ~p ~p ~n", [Current, Size, Nchunks]), file:set_cwd (Dir), L_aux= L++[{NameChunk++".txt", D}], file:close(S),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

makeList_Seed(File, His_Chunks,Nchunks1,Current+1,Size, L_aux);

_ -> file:set_cwd (Dir), io:format("Problems opening file in makeList_Seed ~n", []) end end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% mainAux() -> Y = [{y,0},{height, 30},{width, 90}], R=[{window, [{width, 400},{height, 360}, {title,atom_to_list(erlang:node())},{map, true}], [{editor,editor,[{x,0},{y, 75},{width,300},{height,250}, {insert,{'end',""}},{vscroll,right}]},

{label, b1, [{x,310},{y, 77},{width,80},{height,250}, {justify, center}, {font,{times,[bold,italic],13}}, {label,{text,"Uppsala \n Unversitet"}}]},

{label, b2, [{x,0},{y, 330},{width,300},{height,30}, {justify, center}, {font,{courier,[bold,italic],15}}, {label,{text,"WWW.CARLOSSIMOWA.COM"}}]}, {button, clear, [{label, {text, "Clear"}},{x,0} | Y]}, {button, upload, [{label, {text, "Upload"}},{x,100} | Y]}, {entry,entry,[{x,100},{y,40},{width,90},{keypress,true}]}, {button, download, [{label, {text, "Download"}},{x,200} | Y]}, {entry,entry2,[{x,200},{y,40},{width,90},{keypress,true}]}, {button, connect, [{label, {text, "connect"}},{x,300},{y, 40},{height, 30},{width, 90}]}, {button, disconnect, [{label, {text, "disconnect"}},{x,300} | Y]}]}],

{A,B,C} = erlang:now(), random:seed(A,B,C),

gs:create_tree(gs:start(),R), gs:config(editor,{enable,false}), main().


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% main() -> io:format("In main... ~n", []), receive {downloadPeer, Pid, User, File, His_Chunks} -> %%Si N> MaxN Abortar %increase(N) un spaw aparte pal num de conexions io:format("Conexion from ~p for loading ~p chunks ~n", [User, File]), io:format("Format of His_Chunks ~p ~n", [His_Chunks]), Habra q hacer

Chunks_to_transfer = lists:filter( leak (His_Chunks), chunks(File)), %%Chunks to transfer io:format("Chunks_to_transfer ~p ~n", [Chunks_to_transfer ]), List= makeList(Chunks_to_transfer,[], File) , io:format("Lista final ~p ~n", [List]), Pid ! {download, List}, %decrease(), main();

{downloadSeed, Pid, User, File, His_Chunks, Nchunks, Size} -> %%Si N> MaxN Abortar io:format("Conexion to seed from ~p for loading ~p chunks ~n", [User, File]), List = makeList_Seed (File, His_Chunks,Nchunks,0,Size,[]), io:format("Lista final Seed ~p ~n", [List]), Pid ! {download, List}, main(); {server, Content} -> io:format("server answer ~p ~n", [Content]), main(); {filedownload, File_R} -> io:format("Chupame los cojones ~n", []), TimeStr=io_lib:format(" (at ~w:~w:~w)~n", tuple_to_list(time())),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

gs:config(editor,{enable,true}),gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, File_R++" downloaded successfully"++TimeStr++"\n"}}), gs:config(editor,{enable,false}), main();

{gs, clear, _, _, _} -> io:format("clear editor~n"), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}), gs:config(editor,clear), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), main(); {gs, enable, _, _, [_Txt, _Grp, Enable|_]} -> io:format("Enable: ~w~n", [Enable]), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), main();

{gs, upload, _, _, _} ->

%io:format("Insert Time: ~s~n", [TimeStr]), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}),

File_E=gs:read(entry,text), upload(File_E), gs:config(entry,{text,""}),

gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), main();

{gs, download, _, _, _} ->

%io:format("Insert Time: ~s~n", [TimeStr]), Enable = gs:read(editor, enable), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}),



Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

download(File_E), gs:config(entry2,{text,""}), gs:config(editor,{enable, Enable}), main();

{gs, disconnect, _, _, _} -> disconnect(), gs:config(editor,{enable, true}), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "user disconnected\n"}}), main(); % % {gs, connect, _, _, _} -> Dir_Tracker=(erlang:node()),

% , Dir_Tracker}, %

{bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} !

{tracker, self()

loop(Users, Peer, Seed, Size, MaxN);

_ -> main()

io:format("Problems in main function in peer ~n", []),


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% upload(File) ->

{ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(),

{ok,List}= file:list_dir(Dir++"/shared"), case lists:member(File++".txt", List) of true-> TimeStr = io_lib:format(" (at ~w:~w:~w)~n", tuple_to_list(time())),

{bittorrent, bittorrent_node()} ! {upload,self(),erlang:node(), File, filelib:file_size(Dir++"/shared/"++File++".txt")} ,



Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

{upload, {Content}} -> io:format("~p ~n", [Content]), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, atom_to_list(Content)++TimeStr}}); Other -> io:format("~p~n", [Other]), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "Problems with File Uploaded"}}) after 10000 ->io:format("~p~n", [timeout]), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "timeout"}}) end; false -> io:format("~p ~n", [file_does_not_exist]), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "File does not exist"}}) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%

download(File) ->

% connectTracker (File++".torrent.txt", self()), case open(File++".torrent.txt",read) of {ok, S} ->

{ok,{TrackerDir}}=io:read(S,''), {ok,{Size}}=io:read(S,''), io:format("connecting with ~p, size of the file: ~p ~n", [TrackerDir, Size]), file:close(S), {tracker, TrackerDir} ! {download,self(), erlang:node(),File, Size}, receive {tracker, {Peer, Seed, Nchunks, Size_Chunk}} -> io:format("TRacker reply~n", []), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "File downloading...\n"}}), case ( catch register (transfer, spawn_link(?MODULE, loopDownload, [Peer,Seed, Nchunks,File, TrackerDir, Size_Chunk]))) of

{'EXIT', _} -> already_started; _ -> ok end;


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

_ -> io:format("Problems with TRacker~n", []) after 10000 -> timeout end;

_ -> io:format("you_need "++File++".torrent~n",[]), gs:config(editor,{insert, {insert, "you_need "++File++".torrent\n"}}) end.


storeChunks([],_) ->finish; storeChunks(Chunklist, File) -> %Chunklist= [{NameChunk, Data}]

[{Name, Data}|Rest] = Chunklist, {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd(Dir++"/temporal/"++File), Directory %%set the current

case (file:write_file(Name, Data)) of ok -> file:set_cwd(Dir), storeChunks(Rest,File); _ -> file:set_cwd(Dir),io:format("Problems in storeChunks Function ~n", []) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

downloadPeer(PeerDir,File) -> My_Chunks= chunks(File), io:format("Los chunks q tengo ahora son: ~p ~n", [My_Chunks]) , {peer, PeerDir} ! {downloadPeer, self(), erlang:node(), File, My_Chunks}, receive {download, ChunkList} -> storeChunks(ChunkList,File), io:format("Lista de Chunks recibida por ~p : ~p ~n", [PeerDir,ChunkList]) ; _ -> io:format("Problems in downloadPeer Function ~n", []) after 10000 -> timeout end.


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego


downloadSeed(SeedDir,File, Nchunks, Size) -> My_Chunks= chunks(File), io:format("Los chunks q tengo ahora son: ~p ~n", [My_Chunks]) , {peer, SeedDir} ! {downloadSeed, self(), erlang:node(), File, My_Chunks, Nchunks, Size}, receive {download, ChunkList} -> storeChunks(ChunkList,File), io:format("Lista de Chunks recibida por ~p : ~p ~n", [SeedDir,ChunkList]) ; _ -> io:format("Problems in downloadSeed Function ~n", []) after 10000 -> timeout end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loopPeer([],_,_) -> 25; loopPeer(Peer,Nchunks,File) ->

[{FirstPeer}|Rest]=Peer, io:format("Toi en loopPeer ~p ~n", [Peer]), downloadPeer(FirstPeer,File), case (have_all_chunks(Nchunks, File)) of false -> loopPeer(Rest, Nchunks, File); true -> io:format("finish in loopPeer~n", []) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loopSeed([],_,_,_) -> 25; loopSeed(Seed, Nchunks,File,Size) ->

[{FirstSeed}|Rest]=Seed, io:format("Toi en loopSeed ~p ~n", [Seed]), downloadSeed(FirstSeed,File, Nchunks, Size),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

case (have_all_chunks(Nchunks, File)) of false -> loopSeed(Rest, Nchunks, File, Size); true -> finish end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

build_file(File, [],_, TrackerDir) -> {tracker, TrackerDir} ! {convertseed, File, erlang:node()};

build_file(File, FileList,S, TrackerDir) -> {stadistic, stadistic@Carlos1} ! {initstadisticTimeSeed, erlang:node(), time()},

[First|Rest]=FileList, {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), file:set_cwd(Dir++"/temporal/"++File), case file:read_file(First) of {ok, D} -> file:write(S, D), file:set_cwd(Dir), build_file(File, Rest,S,TrackerDir);

_ -> file:set_cwd(Dir), io:format("Problems opening file in build_File ~n", []) end.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% loopDownload (Peer, Seed, Nchunks, File, TrackerDir, Size) ->

{ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), TempDir= (Dir++"/temporal/"++File), createTemporalDir(TempDir), io:format("Data from TRacker ~p ~p ~p ~p ~n", [Peer, Seed, Nchunks, File]),

%%Vamos al toro

loopPeer(Peer, Nchunks, File),


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

case (have_all_chunks(Nchunks, File)) of true -> io:format("I have all chunks after loopPeer!~p ~n", [Dir]), file:set_cwd(Dir++"/shared"), {ok, S}= open(File++".txt", write), file:set_cwd(Dir), FileList=chunks(File), build_file (File, FileList, S, TrackerDir), file:close(S); false -> io:format("looking for seeds ~n", []), loopSeed(Seed, Nchunks, File, Size), case (have_all_chunks(Nchunks, File)) of true -> file:set_cwd(Dir++"/shared"), {ok, S} = open(File++".txt", write), file:set_cwd(Dir), FileList=chunks(File), build_file (File, FileList,S, TrackerDir), file:close(S); false -> MIERDA~n", []), io:format("mENUDA

case open(File++".torrent.txt",read) of {ok, S} ->


{ok,{SizeFile}}=io:read(S,''), io:format("connecting with ~p, size of the file: ~p ~n", [TrackerDir_Aux, SizeFile]),


{tracker, TrackerDir} ! {download,self(), erlang:node(),File, SizeFile}, receive {tracker, {Peeraux, Seedaux, Nchunksaux, Sizeaux}} -> io:format("TRacker reply in loopDownload~n", []), timer:sleep(15000), loopDownload (Peeraux, Seedaux, Nchunksaux, File,TrackerDir,Sizeaux);


Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego

Other -> io:format("Problems with TRacker in loopDownload -> ~p ~n", [Other]) after 10000 -> timeout_in_loopDownload end; %%receive _ -> io:format("Problems opening .torrent in loopDownload -> ~p ~n", [File++".torrent"]) end end %%case haveallchunks end, %%case haveallchunks

io:format("Hata la polla ~n", []), {peer, erlang:node()} ! {filedownload, File}, main(). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%end_PeerList-> Nchunks, File)) of % (File); %%I got all chunks % download(File) % %finish %end. end; ->

case (loopSeed(Seed,

finish -> build_file end_SeedList ->



Bit-Torrent in Erlang Carlos Simn Gallego


-Programming Erlang, Software for a Concurrent World (Joe Armstrong)

-www.erlang.org (official Erlang website)


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