Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
The purpose of the first assignment is to get acquainted (1) with the Linux programming environment, and (2) with parallel programming using POSIX threads. We will apply the concepts from the lectures on Parallelism and on POSIX threads. The objectives of this assignment are to practice creation and joining of POSIX threads, experience parallelism and task indeterminism, i.e., observe several threads executing in parallel, and implement task and data parallelism for a simple example. This assignment consists of two examples. You are asked to implement those examples until the due date. You must hand in your programs as explained in Section Deliverables and Submission below.
Please allow enough time to get acquainted with the course environment (remote login, the edit-compile-run cycle under Linux, aso)!
This assignment is probably also your first encounter with the C programming language. The lecture slides contain code examples that you can use for this assignment. We will discuss selected C topics (e.g., pointers and memory allocation) in the tutorials as well. Recommended resources related to C programming are The classic textbook The C Programming Language, second edition, by the inventors of C, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie (often referred to as the K&R book). Notes for the K&R book: from A tutorial on pointers in C: The C Programming FAQs from The online version of The C Book by Mike Banahan Dont take chances when developing parallel programs. Programming errors can be very subtle and show up only at a later stage, e.g., when your program is being marked. If you are not sure about something, try to resolve the issue by consulting the course materials, discuss with your
colleagues or post in our YSCEC discussion board. Dont just go by trial-and-error and rely on the information obtained from trial runs! Always develop step-by-step: break down your programming task into a sequence of steps, and do one step at a time. When you have implemented one step, test it to ensure that it works correctly. Then move on to the next step. The idea behind this approach is that you can locate the cause of a problem quickly. If the program behaves unexpectedly, then it is most likely because of a problem introduced in the most recent step. Once you have changed 10 things at once in your code, it is much harder to track down the cause of a problem.
You can solve this assignment on any computer that has Linux, GNU GCC and the Pthreads librarary installed. A convenient way will be to do the assignment on our server ( Our tutorial on the course environment contains all the information you need to access the server. This assignment will be tested and marked on the server; it is therefore highly recommended that you test your programs on the server before submitting (see also the submission instructions below).
run this example for N=10, 100 and 100000. For thread T1, the printf() inside the for loop shall be printf(T1); Likewise for threads T2 and T3. After output of the above text N times, the thread shall terminate (no need for a sleep() statement!). (1.) Compile and run your program on the server for N=10. What can you conclude from the output? Is this output as you would have expected it? (2.) Recompile and run your program on the server for N=100. What can you conclude from the output? (3.) Recompile and run your program on the server for N=100000. What can you conclude from the output? If you run the program several times, does the output change between runs or stay the same? Note: you may want to pipe the output of your program to the less command as follows: [you@elc1 ~] ./example1 | less That way you can scroll the output with keys page up/down. // no newline after T1!
Our test-script will look for output in the specified format. Non-conformance to the above rules will make your program appear as being wrong! Part 2: Calculate max, min and average in parallel, using task parallelism. You should use three threads for calculations thread 1 for calculating the minimum value, thread 2 for calculating the maximum value, and thread 3 for calculating the average (again no need to pass arguments to threads). After all three threads have finished their computations, they must store the results in global variables that you provide. You should then output the results on the screen. Output must be done in the main thread, after threads 1-3 have terminated (use pthread_join to synchronize the main thread with treads 1-3). Part 3: Extend Part2 to use data-parallelism. For each computation (min, max, average), create an additional thread. The two threads share the work: one thread works on the lower half of the array, one thread works on the upper half of the array. You are required to pass an argument to a thread function to distinguish between lower and upper half of the array! You need to create 6 threads in total (two for min, two for max, two for the average). You should provide global variables where threads can store the result of their computation, e.g., int T1min, T2min, T3max T4max; double T5sum, T6sum; The first thread computes the minimum of the lower half of the array (T1min), the second thread computes the minimum of the upper half of the array (T2min). Likewise for the maximum. For the average, we compute the sum of the lower half of the array in T5sum, and the sum of the upper half of the array in T6sum. The main thread must join the 6 threads and do the output of the results. For the minimum, the main thread must select the minimum from T1min and T2min. For the average, the main thread must add T5sum and T6sum and divide by the total number of integers. As outlined above, it is recommended to use a step-by-step approach for your assignments. For this example, a sensible work-breakdown could be as follows. Step 1: read in integers from a file and store them in your integer array. Then output the integers from your array to a temporary file. You can then use the UNIX diff command to check that you read in the integers correctly. Create a file with only a few numbers if you have to debug. Step 2: create the sequential version and test it on a file with a few numbers. Check the correctness of your computations. Run your program on the provided large file. Step 3: Create the task-parallel version, compare the output with the output from Step2. Step 4: Create the task-and-data-parallel version, compare the output with Step2.
For Example 1, we will check that you created threads and that the threads produce output (the exact order of the threads output, relative to each other, will be irrelevant). For Example 2, we will use a different file of 1000000 numbers. We will compare the output of your Example 2 with the output of our solution. With Assignment 1 we do not evaluate program performance (we will study performance of parallel programs in subsequent lectures). Testing will be done on the elc1 server, so please make sure that your programs compile and execute there. Programs which fail to compile, crash, or produce no or the wrong output will receive 0 points. Please note that all assignments are individual assignments. You are most welcome to discuss your ideas with your colleagues, but code-sharing or code-reuse is not allowed. Pls. see also the university policy on plagiarism from the course introduction slides.
To submit these files, please log in on, create a submission directory, e.g., ~/myassignment1, and copy the above files to this directory (the directory should contain only those 5 files and nothing else!). After copying the files to your submission directory, you must cd to the submission directory and type submit (return) to submit your Assignment 1. The submit command will collect all files from the directory and copy them to our repository. [you@elc1 ~] cd ~/myassignment1 [you@elc1 myassignment1] submit Please note: There is no submission of Assignment 1 unless you issue the submit command! Failing to issue this command will result in 0 points. The timestamp of your submission will be recorded by the submit command. Please note also that if you re-submit, then a previous submission will be overwritten and a new timestamp will be recorded. Good luck! :)