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Application Note AN4140

Transformer Design Consideration for off-line Flyback Converters using Fairchild Power Switch (FPSTM)
1. Introduction
For flyback coverters, the transformer is the most important factor that determines the performance such as the efficiency, output regulation and EMI. Contrary to the normal transformer, the flyback transformer is inherently an inductor that provides energy storage, coupling and isolation for the flyback converter. In the general transformer, the current flows in both the primary and secondary winding at the same time. However, in the flyback transformer, the current flows only in the primary winding while the energy in the core is charged and in the secondary winding while the energy in the core is discharged. Usually gap is introduced between the core to increase the energy storage capacity. This paper presents practical design considerations of transformers for off-line flyback converters employing Fairchild Power Switch (FPS). In order to give insight to the reader, practical design examples are also provided.
Core Features EE EI EFD EPC EER -Low cost -Low profile -Large winding window area -Various bobbins for multiple output -Large cross sectional area -Relatively expensive Typical Applications Aux. power Battery charger LCD Monitor CRT monitor, C-TV DVDP, STB


Table 1. Features and typical applications of various cores

2. General Transformer design procedure

(1) Choose the proper core Core type : Ferrite is the most widely used core material for commercial SMPS (Switchied mode power supply) applications. Various ferrite cores and bobbins are shown in Figure 1. The type of the core should be chosen with regard to system requirements including number of outputs, physical height, cost and so on. Table 1 shows features and typical application of various cores.

Core size : Actually, the initial selection of the core is bound to be crude since there are too many variables. One way to select the proper core is to refer to the manufacture's core selection guide. If there is no proper reference, use the table 2 as a starting point. The core recommended in table 1 is typical for the universal input range, 67kHz switching frequency and 12V single output application. When the input voltage range is 195-265 Vac (European input range) or the switching frequency is higher than 67kHz, a smaller core can be used. For an application with low voltage and/or multiple outputs, usually a larger core should be used than recommended in the table.
Output Power 0-10W EI core EI12.5 EI16 EI19 EI22 EI25 EI28 EI30 EI35 EI40 EE core EE8 EE10 EE13 EE16 EE19 EE22 EE25 EE30 EE35 EE40 EE50 EE60 EPC core EPC10 EPC13 EPC17 EPC19 EPC25 EPC30 EER25.5 EER28 EER28L EER35 EER40 EER42 EER49 EER core

10-20W 20-30W 30-50W 50-70W 70-100W

100-150W EI50 150-200W EI60

Table 2. Core quick selection table (For universal input range, fs=67kHz and 12V single output) Figure 1. Ferrite core (TDK)

Rev. 1.0.0
2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



Once the core type and size are determined, the following variables are obtained from the core data sheet. - Ae : The cross-sectional area of the core (mm2) - Aw : Winding window area (mm2) - Bsat : Core saturation flux density (tesla) Figure 2 shows the Ae and Aw of a core. The typical B-H characteristics of ferrite core from TDK (PC40) are shown in Figure 3. Since the saturation flux density (Bsat) decreases as the temperature increases, the high temperature characteristics should be considered. If there is no reference data, use Bsat =0.3~0.35 T.

(2) Determine the primary side inductance (Lm) of the transformer In order to determine the primary side inductance, the following variables should be determined first. (For a detailed design procedure, please refer to the application note AN4137.) - Pin : Maximum input power - fs : Switching frequency of FPS device - VDCmin : Minimum DC link voltage - Dmax : Maximum duty cycle - KRF : Ripple factor, which is defined at the minimum input voltage and full load condition, as shown in Figure 4. For DCM operation, KRF = 1 and for CCM operation KRF < 1. The ripple factor is closely related with the transformer size and the RMS value of the MOSFET current. Even though the conduction loss in the MOSFET can be reduced through reducing the ripple factor, too small a ripple factor forces an increase in transformer size. Considering both efficiency and core size, it is reasonable to set KRF = 0.3-0.5 for the universal input range and KRF = 0.4-0.8 for the European input range. Meanwhile, in the case of low power applications below 5W where size is most critical, a relatively large ripple factor is used in order to minimize the transformer size. In that case, it is typical to set KRF = 0.50.7 for the universal input range and KRF = 1.0 for the European input range.


Figure 2. Window Area and Cross Sectional Area


Ids peak

M agnetization Curves (typical) M aterial :PC40



CCM operation : KRF < 1

60 100 120

K RF =

400 Flux density B (mT)


I ds peak





DCM operation : KRF =1

Figure 4. MOSFET Drain Current and Ripple Factor (KRF)

0 0 800 M agnetic field H (A/m ) 1600

Figure 3. Typical B-H characteristics of ferrite core (TDK/PC40)

With the given variables, the primary side inductance, Lm is obtained as

( V DC D max ) = --------------------------------------------2Pin f s KRF
min 2



2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



where VDCmin is the minimum DC input voltage, Dmax is the maximum duty cycle, Pin is the maximum input power, fs is the switching frequency of the FPS device and KRF is the ripple factor. Once Lm is determined, the maximum peak current and RMS current of the MOSFET in normal operation are obtained as
I ds I ds
rms peak

(3) Determine the number of turns for each output Figure 6 shows the simplified diagram of the transformer, whrere Vo1 stands for the reference output that is regulated by the feedback control while Vo(n) stands for the n-th output. First, determine the turns ratio (n) between the primary side and the feedback controlled secondary side as a reference.
NP V R0 - = --------n = ------------------------V o1 + VF1 N s1

I = I EDC + ---2
2 I 3 ( IEDC ) + --- 2 2

(2) D max ------------3 (7) (3) ( 4)


Pin IEDC = ------------------------------------min V DC D max

DC max I = -----------------------------------

where Np and Ns1 are the number of turns for primary side and reference output, respectively, Vo1 is the output voltage and VF1 is the diode (DR1) forward voltage drop of the reference output that is regulated by the feedback control. Then, determine the proper integer for Ns1 so that the resulting Np is larger than Npmin obtained from equation (6). The number of turns for the other output (n-th output) is determined as
Vo ( n) + VF (n ) N s ( n ) = -------------------------------- N s1 V o1 + V F1 ( turns ) (8)



D L m fs


With the chosen core, the minimum number of turns for the transformer primary side to avoid the core saturation is given by

L m I over 6 = ------------------- 10 B sat A e



The number of turns for Vcc winding is determined as

V cc * + VFa - Ns1 N a = --------------------------V o1 + V F1 ( turns ) ( 9)

where Lm is the primary side inductance, Iover is the FPS pulse-by-pulse current limit level, Ae is the cross-sectional area of the core and Bsat is the saturation flux density in tesla. If the pulse-by-pulse current limit level of FPS is larger than the peak drain current of the power supply design, it may result in excessive transformer size since Iover is used in determining the minimum primary side turns as shown in equation (6). Therefore, it is required to choose a FPS with proper current limit specifications or to adjust the peak drain current close to Iover by increasing the ripple factor as shown in Figure 5. It is reasonable to design Idspeak to be 70-80% of Iover considering the transient response and tolerance of Iover.
Pulse-by-pulse current limit of FPS (Iover)

where Vcc* is the nominal value of the supply voltage of the FPS device, and VFa is the forward voltage drop of Da as defined in Figure 6. Since Vcc increases as the output load increases, it is proper to set Vcc* as Vcc start voltage (refer to the data sheet) to avoid triggering the over voltage protection during normal operation.

+ V F(n) V RO Np D R(n) N S(n) + V O(n) -

70-80% of Iover


I ds peak

- V Fa + + V cc * Da Na

+ V F1 D R1 N S1 + V O1 -

I ds peak

Increasing ripple factor (KRF)

Decreasing pirmary side Inductance (Lm)

Figure 5. Adjustment peak drain current

Figure 6. Simplified diagram of the transformer

2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



Once the number of turns on the primary side have been determined, the gap length of the core is obtained through approximation as
NP 1 - -----G = 40 A e ------------------- 1000L m A L

( mm )

( 10 )

other windings can act as Faraday shields. When the primary side winding has more than two layers, the innermost layer winding should start from the drain pin of FPS as shown in Figure 7. This allows the winding driven by the highest voltage to be shielded by other windings, thereby maximizing the shielding effect. (b) Vcc winding In general, the voltage of each winding is influenced by the voltage of the adjacent winding. The optimum placement of the Vcc winding is determined by the over voltage protection (OVP) sensitivity, the Vcc operating range and control scheme. -Over voltage protection (OVP) sensitivity : When the output voltage goes above its normal operation value due to some abnormal situation, Vcc voltage also increases. FPS uses Vcc voltage to indirectly monitor the over voltage situation in the secondary side. However, a RCD snubber network acts as an another output as shown in Figure 8 and Vcc voltage is also influenced by the snubber capacitor voltage. Because the snubber voltage increases as the drain current increases, OVP of FPS can be triggered not only by the output over voltage condition, but also by the over load condition. The sensitivity of over voltage protection is closely related to the physical distance between windings. If the Vcc winding is close to the secondary side output winding, Vcc voltage will change sensitively to the variation of the output voltage. Meanwhile, if the Vcc winding is placed close to the primary side winding, Vcc voltage will vary sensitively as the snubber capacitor voltage changes.

where AL is the AL-value with no gap in nH/turns2, Ae is the cross sectional area of the core as shown in Figure 2, Lm is specified in equation (1) and Np is the number of turns for the primary side of the transformer (4) Determine the wire diameter for each winding The wire diameter is determined based on the rms current through the wire. The current density is typically 5A/mm2 when the wire is long (>1m). When the wire is short with a small number of turns, a current density of 6-10 A/mm2 is also acceptable. Avoid using wire with a diameter larger than 1 mm to avoid severe eddy current losses as well as to make winding easier. For high current output, it is better to use parallel windings with multiple strands of thinner wire to minimize skin effect.

3. Transformer Construction Method.

(1) Winding Sequence (a) Primary winding
3mm Barrier tape Insulation tape
...... Na ... .......... Ns ......... ....... Np/2 ..... ........ Np/2 ......


Vsn + +



VO2 -

To FPS Drain pin

+ Vcc -



VO1 -

Figure 7. Primary side winding

It is typical to place all the primary winding or a portion of the primary winding innermost on the bobbin. This minimizes the length of wire, reducing the conduction loss in the wire. The EMI noise radiation can be reduced, since the 4

Figure 8. Primary side winding

2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



- Vcc operating range : As mentioned above, Vcc voltage is influenced by the snubber capacitor voltage. Since the snubber capacitor voltage changes according to drain current, Vcc voltage can go above its operating range triggering OVP in normal operation. In that case, Vcc winding should be placed closest to the reference output winding that is regulated by feedback control and far from the primary side winding as shown in Figure 9.

Secondary winding (4 turns)

.............. Np ..............


Secondary winding (3 strands, 4 turns)
...... Na (Vcc winding) .....
.............. Np ..............

..... Ns1 (Reference output) ..... ........ Ns2 .......

Figure 10. Multiple parallel strands winding

.......... Np .........

Figure 9. Winding sequence to reduce Vcc variation

(2) Winding method -Stacked winding on other winding: A common technique for winding multiple outputs with the same polarity sharing a common ground is to stack the secondary windings instead of winding each output winding separately, as shown in Figure 11. This approach will improve the load regulation of the stacked outputs and reduce the total number of secondary turns. The windings for the lowest voltage output provide the return and part of the winding turns for the next higher voltage output. The turns of both the lowest output and the next higher output provide turns for succeeding outputs. The wire for each output must be sized to accommodate its output current plus the sum of the output currents of all the output stacked on top of it. -Stacked winding on other output: If a transformer has a very high voltage and low current output, the winding can be stacked on the lower voltage output as shown in Figure 12. This approach provides better regulation and reduced diode voltage stress for the stacked output. The wire and rectifier diode for each output must be sized to accommodate its output current plus the sum of the output currents of all the output stacked on top of it.

- Control scheme : In the case of primary side regulation, the output voltages should follow the Vcc voltage tightly for a good output regulation. Therefore, Vcc winding should be placed close to the secondary windings to maximize the coupling of the Vcc winding with the secondary windings. Meanwhile, Vcc winding should be placed far from primary winding to minimize coupling to the primary. In the case of secondary side regulation, the Vcc winding can be placed between the primary and secondary or on the outermost position.

(c) Secondary side winding When it comes to a transformer with multiple outputs, the highest output power winding should be placed closest to the primary side winding, to reduce leakage inductance and to maximize energy transfer efficiency. If a secondary side winding has relatively few turns, the winding should be spaced to traverse the entire width of the winding area for improved coupling. Using multiple parallel strands of wire will also help to increase the fill factor and coupling for the secondary windings with few turns as shown in Figure 10. To maximize the load regulation, the winding of the output with tight regulation requirement should be placed closest to the winding of the reference output that is regulated by the feedback control.
2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



D R2 Np N S2

V O2

the leakage inductance is a sandwich winding as shown in Figure 13. Secondary windings with only a few turns should be spaced across the width of the bobbin window instead of being bunched together, in order to maximize coupling to the primary. Using multiple parallel strands of wire is an additional technique of increasing the fill factor and coupling of a winding with few turns as shown in Figure 10.

D R1 N S1



V O1
.............. Na .............. .............. Np/2 .............. .............. Ns1 .............. .............. Ns2 ..............

Figure 11. Stacked winding on other winding

.............. Np/2 ..............

DR2 Np NS2 VO2

Figure 13. Sandwich winding

(4) Transformer shielding


Figure 12. Stacked winding on other output

A major source of common mode EMI in Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) is the parasitic capacitances coupled to the switching devices. The MOSFET drain voltage drives capacitive current through various parasitic capacitances. Some portion of these capacitive currents flow into the neutral line that is connected to the earth ground and observed as common mode noise. By using an electrostatic separation shield between the windings (at primary winding side, or at secondary winding side, or both), the common mode signal is effectively "shorted" to the ground and the capacitive current is reduced. When properly designed, such shielding can dramatically reduce the conducted and radiated emissions and susceptibility. By using this technique, the size of EMI filter can be reduced. The shield can be easily implemented using copper foil or tightly wound wire. The shield should be virtually grounded to a quiescent point such as primary side DC link, primary ground or secondary ground. Figure 14 shows a shielding example, which allows the removal of the Y-capacitor that is commonly used to reduce common mode EMI. As can be seen, shields are used not only on the bottom but also on the top of the primary winding in order to cancel the coupling of parasitic capacitances. Figure 15 also shows the detailed shielding construction.

(3) Minimization of Leakage Inductance

The winding order in a transformer has a large effect on the leakage inductance. In a multiple output transformer, the secondary with the highest output power should be placed closest to the primary for the best coupling and lowest leakage. The most common and effective way to minimize

2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



D C link Np Shielding A Drain Shielding B

TOP Insulation Tape Copper Foil








Winding Direction

Primary Winding

Winding Directio








.............. Na .............. .............. Ns .............. Shield B

Insulation Tape Copper Foil

.............. Np .............. Shield A






Figure 14. Shielding example to remove Y-capacitor

Figure 15. Shielding method to remove Y-Capacitor

(5) Practical examples of transformer construction

As described in the above sections, there many factors that should be considered in determining the winding sequence and winding method. In this section some practical examples of transformer construction are presented to give a comprehensive understanding of practical transformer construction.

a) LCD monitor SMPS example Figure 16 shows a simplified transformer schematic for typical LCD monitor SMPS. The 5V output is for the Microprocessor and 13V output is for the inverter input of LCD back light. While 5V output is regulated with the feedback control, 13V output is determined by the transformer turns ratio and a stacked winding is usually used to maximize the regulation.

2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



Transformer construction Example A (Figure 17) : In this example, the leakage inductance is minimized by employing a sandwich winding. The Vcc winding is placed outside to provide shielding effect. Since the Vcc winding is placed on the top half of primary winding, the coupling between the Vcc winding and 5V output winding is poor, which may require a small dummy load on the 5V output to prevent UVLO (Under Voltage Lock Out) in the no load condition. Transformer construction Example B (Figure 18) : In this example, the leakage inductance is larger than example A, since a sandwich winding is not used. However, the Vcc winding is tightly coupled with the 5V output winding and Vcc remains its normal operation range in the no load condition. Even though this approach can prevent UVLO in no load conditions without dummy load, the power conversion efficiency might be relatively poor compared to example A due to the large leakage inductance.



Na Ns1 Ns2 Np

DR2 Np NS2

Figure 18. LCD monitor SMPS transformer construction example (B)

VO2 (13V/2.5A)




VO1 (5V/2A)

(b) CRT monitor SMPS example - PSR (Primary side regulation) Figure 19 shows a simplified transformer schematic for a typical CRT monitor SMPS employing PSR (Primary side regulation). 80V and 50V outputs are the main output having high output power. Meanwhile, 5V and 6.5V outputs are auxiliary output having small output power. The 80V output winding is stacked on the 50V output to reduce the voltage stress of the rectifier diode (DR1).
DR1 NS1 VO1 (80V) Main output with large power

Figure 16. LCD monitor SMPS transformer example



NS2 Np DR3

VO2 (50V)

Na Np/2 Ns1 Ns2 Np/2



VO3 (14V)


DR4 VO4 (6.5V) Aux output with small power


Figure 17. LCD monitor SMPS transformer construction example (A)

Figure 19. CRT monitor SMPS transformer example-PSR

2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



Figure 20 shows the detailed transformer construction. In order to minimize the leakage inductance, sandwich winding is employed and the main output windings are placed closest to the primary winding. The Vcc winding is placed closest to the main output windings to provide tight regulations of the main output. The auxiliary output windings are placed outside of the primary winding to provide a shielding effect.

DR1 NS1 VO1 (80V) Reference output

Main output with large power




NS2 Np DR3

VO2 (50V)

Ns4 Ns3 Np/2




VO3 (14V)


Ns1 Na Ns1 Np/2


VO4 (6.5V) Aux output with small power

Figure 21. CRT monitor SMPS transformer example-SSR Figure 20. CRT monitor SMPS transformer construction example (PSR)



(c) CRT monitor SMPS example - SSR (Secondary side regulation) Figure 21 shows a simplified transformer schematic for typical CRT monitor SMPS employing SSR (Secondary side regulation). 80V and 50V outputs are the main output having high output power. Meanwhile, 5V and 6.5V outputs are auxiliary output having small output power. The 80V output winding is stacked on 50V output to reduce the voltage stress of the rectifier diode (DR1). Figure 22 shows the detailed transformer construction. In order to minimize the leakage inductance, a sandwich winding is employed and the main output windings are placed closest to the primary winding. The Vcc winding is placed outermost to provide a shielding effect. The auxiliary output windings are placed between windings of the main output winding to obtain better regulation.

Na Np/2 Ns2 Ns4 Ns3 Ns1 Np/2

Figure 22. CRT monitor SMPS transformer construction example (SSR)

2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



Colonel Wm. T. McLyman, Transformer and Inductor design Handbook, 2nd ed. Marcel Dekker, 1988. Anatoly Tsaliovich, Electromagnetic shielding handbook for wired and wireless EMC application, 1998 Bruce C. Gabrielson and Mark J. Reimold, "Suppression of Powerline noise with isolation transformers", EMC expo87 San Diego, 1987. D.Cochrane, D.Y.Chen, D. Boroyevich, "Passive cancellation of common mode noise in power electronics circuits," PESC 2001, pp.1025-1029 Otakar A. Horna, "HF Transformer with triaxial cable shielding against capacitive current", IEEE Transactions on parts, hybrids, and packaging, vol.php-7, N0.3 , Sep. 1971.


2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation



by Hang-Seok Choi / Ph. D Power Supply Group / Fairchild Semiconductor Phone : +82-32-680-1383 Facsimile : +82-32-680-1317 E-mail : hschoi@fairchildsemi.co.kr

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