Email Update - March 21st
Email Update - March 21st
Email Update - March 21st
mn/ senatorwiklund
I serve on the following committees: Health, Human Services, and Housing, Education, E-12 Finance, State & Local Government March 22nd is the second Committee Deadline, which means that all bills must be through all policy committees in both the House or the Senate Im also working with Reps. Lenczewski and Slocum on legislation that will benefit Bloomington and Richfield
Rep. Linda Slocum (50A): 651-296-7158 rep.linda.slocum Rep. Ann Lenczewski (50B): 651-296-4218 rep.ann.lenczewski
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Looking Ahead...
In the coming weeks, the legislature will be on Easter/Passover break and when we get back, well be spending more time in floor session debating and voting on bills. The legislature is required by state law to adjourn on or before May 20th, so well definitely be burning the midnight oil. As more bills come before the full Senate, please feel free to contact me with your views, and I will continue discussions with constituents about how I can best serve Bloomington and Richfield. Im excited to continue working for you, and I hope youll stop by the Capitol and say Hi!. Otherwise, Ill see you around town!
Sen. Wiklund presents a bill with Bloomington Mayor Gene Winstead and resident Chuck Kjos