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Email Update - 3-19-15

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303 State Capitol

75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther

King, Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Capitol UpdateMarch 19, 2015


I serve on the following
committees: Health,
Human Services, and
Housing, E-12 Education
Policy and Finance, State
& Local Government.
The First Committee
Deadline is March 20th.
Im also looking forward
to meeting with Bloomington and Richfield residents about issues that
will be discussed this

How to contact me
at the Capitol:

Rep. Linda
Slocum (50A):
Rep. Ann
Lenczewski (50B):

March 19, 2015

SD50Bloomington, Richfield

Bills Move Through Committees

The First Committee Deadline, the date by which all policy
bills must be through all policy
committees in either the House
or the Senate, is March 20th.
This means that committees
have been working diligently,
and often for long hours, to
hear bills and move them
through the process.
With First Deadline at the
end of this week, Ive had to
present several bills last week
and this week in multiple committees. Some bills have a more
narrow scope (for instance,
allowing certain documents and
filings from the state Office of
Administrative Hearings to be
done electronically), others
have more significant impacts.
S.F. 1291 is a bill of mine
that relates to a manufactured
home trust fund established and
funded by homeowners to provide assistance when a park

closure forces residents to sell

or relocate their homes.
Among other provisions, it will
provide for an increase in the
values used to reimburse homeowners for their costs.
S.F. 1349, another bill that
Im the author of, would provide funds to study how to best
set up a coordinated system for
family home visiting programs in
Minnesota. Family home visiting
programs provide beneficial
services for families around the
state with newborns to threeyear-olds. Visitors provide
parents with education and
support to help build healthy
Im also the Senate author of
S.F. 1437, which would fund
teacher professional development programs developed by
Wilderness Inquiry, which
would allow teachers to develop lesson plans with outdoor

learning sites close to schools.

It would also fund research establishing the socio-emotional
benefits of outdoor engagement
leading to improved academic
outcomes. For more information bills that Im the author
of, you can go to
and click the Bills Authored

Richfield and Bloomington Residents Visit the Capitol

One of my favorite parts of
serving in the Senate is meeting
with Richfield and Bloomington
residents who make their way
to the Capitol to advocate for
issues they care about.
Last week, I met with constituents advocating for people
with disabilities, and with the
Joint Religious Legislative Coalition, which advocates for social

justice. This week, Ive had a

chance to speak with American
Indian students from Bloomington, as well as constituents representing ISAIAH, Beacon Interfaith Housing, and the Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics.
My door is always open to
constituents. If youre interested in setting up a meeting,
please call my office.

Stay in touch! My contact

information, and the information for the House
members from our district
is on the left, please feel
free to contact my office
with any questions, comments, or concerns you
might have. I work for you,
and the more I hear from
you, the better I can do so!

Page 2

Capitol UpdateMarch 19, 2015

Around the District

The Bloomington Fire Department hosts

Car Seat Clinics to provide information
on properly installing childrens car seats
every third Thursday of the month at Fire
Station #1 (10 W 95th St) from 6-8pm. The
next one is March 19th.

Interested parents can register their children for the annual Richfield Egg Scramble on March 28th, 10am, at the Veterans
Park Shelter (E 64th St and Portland Ave S).
Pre-registration closes on March 20th.

Bloomington Mayor Gene Winstead will

present a recap of his State of the City
Address on Wednesday March 25th, from
10-11am, at the Creekside Community
Center (9801 Penn Ave S).

The Richfield Human Rights Commission is

seeking nominees for the annual Gene and
Mary Jacobsen Outstanding Citizen
Award. For more information, call 612861-9876.

Best of luck to the Oak Grove Middle

School Robotics Team as they advance
to the North Super Regional Championships
on March 26th-28th in Des Moines, IA.

Minnesota History: On March 27th,

1912, the world-famous St. Olaf Choir
opened its very first tour at a concert in
Minneapolis, under the direction of F. Melius Christiansen. Also worth noting, the St.
Olaf Band was the first American collegiate music ensemble to tour internationally.

Budget Forecast Brings Welcome News

On February 27th, the Department of Management and Budget released its February Budget
and Economic Forecast. This forecast is required biannually and will inform budget decisions that the legislature makes this year. The
most recent forecast, released last November,
showed a projected surplus of approximately $1
Higher than expected revenues (mostly from
income and sales taxes) and lower than expected
spending (mostly from K-12 Education), and a
strong economic outlook resulted in a significant
upward revision to the projected surplus. The

strong economy is fueled in part by lower gas

prices, and a strong U.S. dollar. The budget surplus is now projected to be approximately $1.9
After years of multi-billion dollar budget deficits and several fiscal crises, Im glad to see that
Minnesota is on more secure financial footing.
Current projections also show the surplus increasing to over $3.1 billion two years out. As
we move forward with budget discussions, its
good to know that we can set priorities that
invest in Minnesota, while still maintaining financial stability for the years ahead.

Looking Ahead...
The First Committee Deadline is March 20th,
and the Second Deadline follows just a week
later. Second Deadline is the date by which all
policy bills must be through all policy committees
in the House and Senate. Next week, I also look
forward to meeting with constituents representing public employees and electrical workers unions, as well as a staffer from MnDOT to discuss
projects in our area. The legislature will also be
taking a break for the Easter and Passover holidays from March 28th until April 6th. Following
the break, budget discussions will begin in earnest. I hope youll stop by the Capitol and say
Hi!. Otherwise, Ill see you around town!

Sen. Wiklund presents a bill in the Education

Committee. Also pictured, Bloomington Asst.
Superintendent, Chris Lennox

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