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QB-IT2403 Software Project Management



Unit I (2 marks) 1. Important Project Management Definitions TASK: Activity: Phase: Project: Program: System: The lowest level of effort on a project An element of work performed during the course of a project. Activities can be subdivided into tasks. A group of activities/tasks, producing a significant deliverable work product. A unique, goal-oriented ,time-bound, and constrained undertaking. A large collection of related projects; An organized element acting as a whole.

Process: A bounded set of interrelated activities that takes one or more kinds of inputs and creates outputs that are of value to the customer by means of one or more transformations. 2. What is software engineering? It is a disciplined, systematic approach to the development, operation, maintenance, and retirement of software through the practical application of scientific knowledge and processes. 3. What is PM triangle? A project strives to deliver a product of a given scope, within a given cost and schedule, with a certain degree of quality. The PMs task is to balance performance(scope), time(schedule)and resources(cost). 4. What is metrix? Metrix are the yardstick for a software development project. They serve as an early warning system, a way to keep your finger on the pulse. If a project is veering off course, a metrics detection system will allow it to be brought back in line before it becomes unmanageable. 5. What is PDCA or Deming cycle? PDCA - Plan Do Check Act In the process management, PDCA is the systematic approach to problem solving. 1. Plan Define the problem State improvement objectives

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2. Do Identify possible problem causes Establish baselines Test changes 3. Check Collect data Evaluate data 4. Act Implement system change Determine effectiveness 6. Write the differences between project and product processes. Project Processes Product Processes Describe and organize the Specify and create the project work of the project product Most are applicable, most of Defined by the life cycle used the time Defined by the PMI guide Vary by application area 7. Write any four product competencies. 1. Assessing Processes 2. Awareness of process standards 3. Defining the product 4. Evaluating alternative processes 5. Managing requirements 8. Write any four Project Competencies. 1. Building a WBS 2. Documenting plans 3. estimating cost 4. estimating effort 5..managing risks 9. Write any four people Management skills. 1. Appraising performance 2. Handling intellectual property 3. Holding effective meetings 4. interaction and communication 5. leadership 10. What is the use of IEEE 1074. IEEE 1074 provides a process for creating a software life cycle process (SLCP). The SLCP is defined as the project-specific description of the process that is based on a projects software life cycle(SLC) and the integral and project management processes used by the organization. 11. What is COTS? COTS --- Commercial Off-The Shelf. COTS products are already available products. We can reuse them for the development of our projects.

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

12. What is Software Project Management? It is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of company resources assigned to a specific software project, for accomplishing a set of goals and objectives. 13. What is a process? Process is a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result. 14. What is a task? An assigned piece of work to be finished within a certain time. It refers to work that is not included in the work breakdown structure, but could be a further decomposition of work by the individuals responsible for that work. 15. What is an activity? Activity is an element of work performed during the course of a project. It has an expected duration, expected cost, and expected resource requirements. 16. Where are product, project and people competencies addressed? They refer to the product, project and people related skills a software project manager needs to possess for efficient project management. Product competencies- assess processes, awareness of process standards, define the product, evaluate alternative processes, managing requirements, manage subcontractors, etc Project competencies building wbs, document plans, estimate cost, estimate effort, manage risks, monitor development, scheduling, selecting metrics etc. People competencies- appraise performance, handle intellectual property, holding effective meetings, interaction and communication, leadership etc. 17. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the waterfall model. Strengths : It is well known by customers and end users Tackles complexity in and orderly way Easy to understand Allows for tight control by project management Weaknesses: Has an inherently linear sequential nature any attempt to go back results in major increase in cost and schedule. Doesnt handle the reality of iterations among phases Integration happens in one big bang at the end Users cant see quality till the end. 18. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the V shaped model. Strengths : Emphasizes verification and validation process in the early stages of product development Encourages verification and validation of all internal and external deliverables, not just the software product Encourages definition of requirements before designing the system, and designing software before building the components

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Weaknesses: Does not handle concurrent events Does not handle iterations of phases Not equipped to handle dynamic changes in requirements Does not contain risk analysis activities 19. When is it suitable to use the waterfall model? In situations in which the requirements are very well understood Performs well for product cycles with a stable product definition and well understood technical methods. On large projects with multiple teams and team members 20. When is it suitable to use the V-shaped model? It works well when knowledge of how to implement the solution is available, technology is available, and staff have proficiency and experience with the technology It is an excellent choice for systems that require high reliability, such as hospital patient control applications and embedded software in automobiles 21. What is a prototype? It is an easily modifiable and extensible working model of a proposed system, which provides users of the application with a physical representation of key parts of the system before implementation. 22. Mention the strengths of the structured evolutionary rapid prototyping model Customers get early interaction with the system Developers learn from customers reactions to demonstrations Less room for confusion, miscommunication, or misunderstanding in the definition of the system requirements Quality is built with early user involvement Development costs are saved through less rework 23. Mention the weaknesses of the structured evolutionary rapid prototyping model May not be accepted due to a reputation among conservatives as a quick and dirty method If prototype objectives are not agreed upon in advance, the process can turn into an exercise in hacking code In a rush to create a working prototype, overall software quality or long-term maintainability may be overlooked Sometimes a system with poor performance is produced 24. Where is the structured evolutionary rapid prototyping model most suitable? When requirements are not known up-front, are unstable or poorly communicated When developing user interfaces Requirements change rapidly To demonstrate technical feasibility when the technical risk is high This model is well suited for user-interface intensive systems, such as display panels for control devices, interactive online systems, first-of-a-kind products, and decision support systems such as command and control or medical diagnosis.

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25. Mention the strengths and weaknesses of the RAD model Strengths: Cycle time for the full product can be reduced due to the use of powerful development tools Fewer developers are required Quick initial views of product are possible Reduced cycle time and improved productivity with few people spell lower costs Ongoing customer involvement minimizes the risk of not achieving customer satisfaction Weaknesses: If users cannot be involved consistently throughout the life cycle, final product will be affected Requires highly skilled and well-trained developers to use development tools Can fail if reusable components are not available If blindly applied, no bounds are placed on cost or completion date of project 26. When is it suitable to use the RAD model? On systems that may be modularized On systems with well-known requirements When the end user can be involved throughout the life cycle On systems that van deliver functionality in increments 27. Mention the strengths and weaknesses of the Incremental model Strengths: Funds for the total product development need not be expended up-front because high-risk function is developed and delivered first Lessons learned at the end of each incremental delivery can result in positive revisions for the next Initial delivery schedule is faster Risk of failure and changing requirements is reduced Weaknesses Does not allow iterations within each increment Because some modules will be completed long before others, well-defined interfaces are required Formal reviews and audits are more difficult to implement on increments than on a complete system Tendency to push difficult problems to the future 28. When is it suitable to use the incremental model? When most requirements are understood up-front On low to medium-risk programs When it is too risky to develop the whole system at once 29. Mention the strengths and weaknesses of the Spiral model Strengths: Users see the system early through RAD Provides early indications of risks without much cost

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Allows users to be closely tied to all planning, risk analysis, development and evaluation activities Allows for flexible design Provides productivity improvement through reuse capabilities Weaknesses: If project is low-risk or small, this model can be expensive Complex, too complicated to use Risk assessment expertise required Use of model may be expensive and unaffordable When is it suitable to use the Spiral model? When the creation of prototype is the appropriate type of product development When it is important to communicate how costs will be increasing For projects from medium to high risk For large projects When benefits are uncertain and success is not guaranteed 30. What is a phase? A phase is a collection of related activities or tasks that produce a deliverable or work product. 31. Define system. A system is a group of elements organized and arranged so that the elements can act as a whole toward achieving a common goal; is a collection of interacting subsystems. 32. Define method. A method is a manner, means, or process for accomplishing something. 33. Define technology. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge in industry or business. 34. Name five maturity levels of CMM. Initial, repeatable, defined, managed, optimizing 35. Write any four process standards. IEE, SEI, ISO, PMI. 36. Write any two goals of organizational process definition. 1. A standard s/w process for the organization is developed and maintained. 2. Information related to the use of the organizations standard s/w process by the s/w projects is collected, reviewed, and made available. 16 Marks Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Briefly explain about product development techniques. Briefly explain about project management skills. Briefly explain about people management skills. Explain about SEI CMM and its levels. Explain the International organization for standardization.

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

6. Explain briefly about V Shape Model? 7. Explain about the Structured Evolutionary Proto-type Model 8. Define the Waterfall Model with Strength and Weakness? 9. Explain Win-win spiral Model 10.Explain RAD Model 11.Diagrammatically illustrate and discuss the various stages of the product development lifecycle?
UNIT II 1. What are Domain processes? Domain processes are the interrelated activities that are specific to the functioning of the organization for which a software project is developed. There are six classes of product domains: consumer, Business, Industrial, Real-time, Really timely, Scientific 2. How are software products classified from the developers perspective? (i) New software product : Building a truly new software product, taking advantage of new technology (ii) Re-engineering existing product : Product existing in an old technology is rebuilt using a new one (iii) Heroic maintenance: The release of new product is purposely delayed to sell the old one with minor modifications (iv) Component integration: Taking commercial of-the-shelf products and integrating them into a product 3. How are products classified from the end-users view point? Six product component classes exist: 1. Software: the user has an expectation of an installation set of media or access key to download the product 2. Hardware: Although the software is a critical system component, the customer purchases the hardware. E.g. Cell phone 3. People: Enterprise-wide software systems used for financial management, factory control etc requires consulting services to be purchased along with the software. 4. Database: purchased as a kit- more s/w products are delivered with an embedded database package with the product. 5. Documentation: documents like books and manuals are purchased with the product. 6. Procedures or business rules: these are developed within the organization internally, or purchased from outside. 4. Who are stakeholders? What roles do they play? Employees and management of the organization, stockholders, Board of Directors, suppliers, Government, competitors. They contribute major roles towards the success of the project.

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5. What is teamicide? It is the result of group dynamics in the organizational environment, causing the members to retreat into roots of their personalities destructively, killing teamwork. There are some techniques to get rid of teamicide. They are, Defensive management: Give the staff freedom to make their own decisions Bureaucracy: Allow the team to believe in its own goals Physical separation: place workers together so that casual interaction may occur. Fragmentation of time: Limit the number of projects and the teams that a person is assigned to. Quality reduction of product: Dont allow cost-reduced products to become quality-reduced products. Phony deadlines: Avoid phony deadlines. Teams know the difference between tight and phony deadlines. Clique control Encourage jelled teams as energy is produced by team interaction. 6. What is a Project Charter? What are its contents? Project charter also called the project initiation document, scope baseline may be produced as a narrative document, a fill-in-the-blank form, or spreadsheets. The charter contains the why and what of the project processes. It contains brief statements about the following: Objectives: what the desired outcomes are Functions: major features and/or processes Performance: Generalized specifications Constraints : Limitations of the environment Scope: Boundaries of the project Costs/Benefits: Rough order of magnitude estimates 7. What is the SPMP? The Software Project Management Plan is the most important document of a project. It defines how the project is to be executed and what it is going to produce. It contains project information such as Charter: Elements from the project charter that define the project, including deliverables Organization: How the project will be organized and executed to produce the deliverables Process: Details of managerial and technical processes that will be used during the project Work breakdown: work breakdown and work package details Schedule: schedule, dependencies, and resources Budget: Budgetary and definitive estimates 8. What is a Work Breakdown Structure? WBS is a hierarchical list of the work activities required to complete a project. It includes managerial, administrative, integral, or developmental activities for: Doing software development Managing the project Providing support for all the projects activities 9. What are the uses of a WBS? Cost estimating: To make sure all activities get estimated

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To make sure each element of estimate corresponds to a necessary activity Cost accounting: To assign work and charge it to appropriate cost centers To determine the actual cost of each element Schedule performance To monitor which activities are complete To measure project progress 10. What are the contents of a work package? Description of work product expected- software element to be produced Staffing requirements who or how many people will do this activity Names of responsible individuals- who is responsible for seeing that it is completed The scheduled start and end dates- when the activity is expected to start and to end The budget assigned the effort estimate for the activity The acceptance criteria for the work- defect level 13. Mention the Leaders style. Telling, selling, participating, delegating. 14. Write the five processes of Project Management Institute(PMI) Initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing. 15. What is milestone? A milestone is a significant event in a project, usually associated with a major work product or deliverable. Stages or phases are not milestones but are collections of related product activities. 16. What are the three project activities that are needed for WBS? Cost estimating, cost accounting, schedule performance. 17. Write the stages of Team Formation Model. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning. 18. Differentiate Leaders and managers. Leaders- set direction, do the right thing Managers- Follow process, do things right. 19. What are the six classes of product domains? 1. Consumer 2. Business 3. Industrial 4. Real-time 5. Really timely 6. Scientific 20. What are product system classes? 1. New software product 2. Re-engineering of existing product 3. Component integration

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Heroic maintenance

21. What are product component classes? 1. Software 2. Hardware 3. People 4. Database 5. Documentation 6. Procedures

22. What is Delphi scoring model? The Delphi scoring model is an excellent method to be used along with weighted scoring to take advantage of experts decisions for validation of the organizations unique portfolio model. 23. Write some individual personality type models. 1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 2. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B) 3. Keirsey Temperament Sorter 4. Kahler Process Communication Model (PCM) 5. WorkStyle Patterns Inventory from the McFletcher Corporation 24. What is Enneagram? The Enneagram, a centuries-old nine-part model with roots in the Middle East, measures nine basic defensive styles and gives breakthrough feedback and strategies for managing individual stress. 25. What is Teamicide? Teamicide is the result of group dynamics in the organizational environment that become stuck in the storming stage,causing the members to retreat into the roots of their personalities, often destructively. 26. What is the need for functional responsibility matrix? The Functional Responsibility Matrix defines the boundaries between members responsibilities for different project tasks. 27. Compare leadership and management. Management is about following policies and procedures, and doing things right as an agent of the project and organization. It is about execution and compliance. It is getting the project team to perform at its best to pursue the projects goal. Leadership is about conjuring up and following a vision, and communicating that vision to the project team. Leadership is about figuring out the right things to do and building a fire in the followers to do them

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28. What is project planning? Project Planning is the process that lays the framework for how the project will be run. It includes the definition of the projects objectives, selection of an appropriate life cycle, and establishment of the policies, procedures, and processes necessary to achieve the objectives. 29. What is goal and give one example goal statement Every project needs at least one goal. Most have multiple goals. Sometimes these are called the project objectives or are collectively referred to as the mission of the project. 30. What is SOW The Statement Of Work contains just enough specific details and specifications of components packages so that they can be given to a subcontractor for execution. 16 Marks Questions

1. Briefly explain about Individual Personality Type. 2. How to manage Domain Processes 3. Briefly explain about project planning. 4. Explain the following (i). Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (ii). Short notes on Leaders style 5. Explain the following (i) Define Selection of Project Team (ii)Define Project Planning and Scope 6. Describe the steps involved in constructing a work Breakdown structure? 7. Write the short notes on team formation models? 8. Explain the four models of individual motivations? 9. Describe the importance of selecting team members with a mix of personality to compromise a software development project team? 10. Describe the different work breakdown structure architecture? 11. Explain how a software WBS is used in a software development project?

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

UNIT III 1. Name the metrics that are used for size estimation Lines of code, function points, feature points, Number of bubbles on a DFD, number of entities on a ERD, count of process/control boxes on a structure chart, amount of documentation, etc 2. How is size estimation done using function points? (i) count the number of functions in each category (i/p,o/p,inquiries,ds,interfaces) (ii) establish complexities of each(simple,medium,complex) (iii) establish weights for each complexity (iv) multiply each fuction by its weight and sum up to get total fuction points (v) calculate CAF = 0.65 x (0.01 x N)(N-> sum of weighted environmental factors) (vi) compute adjustment function point AFP = raw fn pts x CAF (vii) convert to LOC using LOC = raw fn points x ADJ x conversion factor where ADJ is an adjustment for the general characteristics of the application 3. How is size estimation done using feature points? a. count the number of feature points in each category (i/p,o/p,inquiries,ds,interfaces) b. count the number of algorithms c. establish weights for the complexities of each(simple,medium,complex for algorithms and average for i/p,o/p,inquiries,ds,interfaces) d. evaluate environmental factors data complexity and logical complexity e. multiply each fuction by its weight and sum up to get total fuction points f. calculate CAF = 0.65 x (0.01 x N)(N-> sum of weighted environmental factors) g. compute adjustment function point AFP = raw fn pts x CAF h. convert to LOC using LOC = points x ADJ x conversion factor where ADJ is an adjustment for the general characteristics of the application 4. What is object points method of size estimation? How is size estimated using Model Blitz method? a. One object point is assigned to each unique class or object, such as a screen, output, report etc. b. count the number of object points. c. size estimation = count x productivity factor where productivity factor is given in number of lines of code. 5. How size is estimated using the Wideband Delphi method? a. Get experts in all areas like application domain, PL etc. b. Explain project issues and provide them with documents. c. Get their estimation and plot in a graph d. Have each of them justify their estimate and try to arrive at a consensus e. If consensus is not arrived, gather information and repeat, stop when consensus is reached.

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6. What are the functions associated with organizational planning? i. Identifying and documenting the project roles and skills needed ii. Assigning responsibilities to individuals iii. Establishing reporting relationships 7. What are the different roles a SE can play? Database designers, config management experts, human interface designers, web masters, QA specialists, network specialists, system architects, PL experts, Build masters, test engineers, catalyst or glue( refers to people who do not fit into one particular category, but they promote harmony in team, and gel the team together. 8. What do you mean by Roll-On and Roll- Off? Roll On refers to the initial activities related to a task performed to ensure that the task kicks off with full swing on the scheduled date. Eg. Orientation for the resource regarding the task. Roll Off refers to the activities the person has to execute before being removed from active participation in the project. e.g. knowledge transfers to remaining team members, cleanup of local files, hand-off of passwords, etc . 9. What are the tools used for organizing reporting relationships? i. Classic organizational chart ii. Organizational Breakdown Structure-relates part of the organization to the WBS and shows responsibility iii. Project Directory is a list of people working on the project with contact info and group identity. iv. Responsibility Assignment Matrix show who does what clearly. 10. What is COCOMO? It is Constructive Cost Estimation Model. It estimates cost of software using regression techniques. It refers to 3 modes which describe the complexity of the system. Organic simple software like payroll, inventory, and characterized by small team, little innovation, constraints and deadlines. Semi detached - typified by utility systems such as compilers, database systems and editors, and characterized by medium size team, some innovation, and constraints and deadlines are moderate. Embedded mode typified by real-time systems such as air-traffi control, ATMs, and characterized by large team, much innovation, and constraints and deadlines are tight. COCOMO uses 3 estimation levels Basic, Intermediate and Detailed to allow the user to achieve greater accuracy. 11. What are cost drivers? Cost drivers and in effect the environmental factors have the effect of increasing or decreasing the effort and therfor cost. EAF (envt adjustment factor) = product of cost drivers. Some attributes that will drive the cost up or down are Product attributes RELY(reliability), DATA(dbase size) Computer attributes- TIME(exec time), STOR(main storage constraints) Project attributes TOOL(modern programming tools), SCED(schedule compression)

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Personal attributes- ACAP(analyst capability), AEXP(application experience) 12. Give some unites for measuring the size of the software. Lines of code (LOC), Function points, feature points, number of bubbles on the data flow diagram, number of entities on entity relationship diagram. 13. Write the any two advantages of LOC. 1. It is widely used and universally accepted. 2. LOC is easily measured upon project completion. 14. Give some examples of size measures 1. Lines of Code (LOC) 2. function points 3. feature points 4. Number of bubbles on a DFD 5. Number of entities on an ERD 15. What is KPA? KPA is key process area. The activity in SEI CMM is divided into many sub tasks called KPA. 16. What is effort and write any 2 estimating tools Effort is the amount of person-effort, or labor that will be required to perform a task. The effort-schedule-cost estimating tool, 1. 2. COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) SLIM (software life cycle management)

17. What are the modes and levels in COCOMO? Modes: 1. Organic 2. semidetached 3. embedded Levels: 1. Basic 2. Intermediate 3. Detailed 18. What is EAF? The concept of the effort adjustment factor (EAF) is that it has the effect of increasing or decreasing the effort and therefore cost depending on a set of environmental factors. These environmental factors are also known as cost adjustment factors or cost drivers. 19. List the types of roles. 1. Database designers 2. configuration management experts 3. Human interface designers 4. webmasters

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5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

quality assurance (QA) specialists Network specialists System architects Programming language experts Build masters Test engineers

20. What is role-on and roll-off activities Roll-on activities: a. Resource should be reserved or acquired Roll-off activities: b. c. d. e. Knowledge transfer to remaining team members Cleanup of local files and work spaces Documentation and hand-off of passwords Identification of the locations of project work products

21. Write any two disadvantages of using LOC. LOC is difficult to estimate for new software early in the life cycle There are no industry standards for counting lines of code. 22. What is regression model? A regression model is derived from a statistical interpretation of historical data to describe a mean or typical relationship between variables. 23. Write the three levels of COCOMO. Basic, Intermediate, detailed. 24. Give basic COCOMO effort formula. Effort (E) = a* (Size)b Where a, b are constants. Size- thousand of lines of code (KLOC) E-effort expressed in staff months. 25. Write the three models of COCOMO II. The application composition model, the early design model, the post architecture model. 26. Write the Putnam equation S= C*K1/3*td 4/3 Where S= software size in LOC C=Environmental factor= S/K1/3 td 4/3 K=Total effort for the overall project td=Delivery time constraint in years 27. Give any two disadvantages of SLIM. 1. To use the model, the software size must be identified in advance. 2. Estimates are extremely sensitive to the technology factor.

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28. Give any two advantages of SLIM. 1. Offers value-added effective planning, especially on large projects. 2. Simplifies decision making. 16 Marks Questions

1. What are the steps in Estimating 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of COCOMO model. 3. How to develop the project staffing management plan Explain about the SLIM Model 5. Explain about the COCOMO Model 6. Briefly explain about COCOMO: A Regression Model. 7. Briefly explain about function points to measure the software size 8. (a). Intermediate COCOMO Example: (b). Short notes on Effects of reuse on software size (c)SEI CMM and estimating 9. Explain how you can identify the tasks and activities in different software development life cycle? 10. Explain the basic concept of COCOMO estimating model? 11. Distinguish among regression, mathematical, and empirical estimating model? 12. Describe function point analysis in detail. Illustrate with an example? What is feature point analysis? 13. Give the basic formulas for COCOMO model?

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UNIT IV 1. What are the characteristics of an organization? Model, maturity, thickness, size, dispersion, structure are the characteristics of an organization. An organization is a system that exchanges materials, personnel, manpower, and energy with environments. 2. Describe the generic model of an organization Strategic apex leadership that sets strategiv direction Middle line management translation of strategic direction into tactical plans Operating core execution of the plans to produce the product/service Technostructure- technical infrastructure supporting the operating core Supporting staff people infrastructure supporting all the organizations parts. 3. What are dispersed and collocated teams? The collocated team members share the same room, floor, building or office campus, whereas the dispersed team members are in separate facilities. This situation produces problems for the s/w development project manager. Differences emerge, and it becomes difficult to communicate due to time shifts, language issues etc. 4. Identify the relative power of the project manager i. Legitimate make decisions due to the title or position in the organization ii. Reward the ability to provide things that people would like to have iii. Connection the association with influential persons or organizations iv. Coercive the ability to provide sanctions or consequences for nonperformance v. Expert the perception that the leader has relevant education, experience, and expertise vi. Information- the access to useful informa0tion vii. Referent the attractiveness of interacting with another person 5. What are the characteristics of an immature organization? i. Ad hoc processes ii. Processes and rules are not rigorously followed or enforces iii. High dependence on current practitioners iv. Likeliness of having cost and schedule problems v. Quality compromised to meet schedule vi. Quality is difficult to predict 6. What is a functional organization? What are its advantages and disadvantages? It is a standard old-fashioned organization and is the style in which people are divided into their functional specialties, and report to a functional area manager. Its advantages are i. Clearly defines authority ii. Eliminates duplication of functions iii. Encourages technical competence and specialization iv. Provides career paths for specialized skills v. Focuses attention on key functions Its disadvantages are: i. Lacks customer orientation

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ii. iii.

Implies a ling decision cycle Has no single function accountable for the overall project, so project leaders have little power

7. How is the functional organization categorized into? It is categorized into project expediter organization and project coordinator organization Project expediter organization: The expediter in a functional organization has little authority to do anything. The expediter role is characterized by Holding a staff assistant role Making few decisions Being responsible for the arrival of material and completion of tasks Being primarily responsible for communications about the project Needing special people skills and unique technical abilities Forwarding decisions by superiors to people on the project Project coordinator: This subset of the functional form is very similar to the expediter form, but the coordinator usually reports to a manager higher in the functional hierarchy. Some of the disadvantages of this form are Upper management is usually reluctant to relinquish power and authority to project managers Upper management is usually not ready to cope with the problems of shared authority Line-staff project managers who report to division heads have no authority or control over the portions of the project in other divisions 8. What is the matrix organization? Identify its advantages Enables project objectives to be clearly communicated Permits project integration to be done across functional lines Makes efficient use of resources Enhances information flow within an organization Retains functional disciplinary teams 9. Identify the stages people pass through to achieve change i. Awareness people get familiar with the terms that represent a new process and have a perception of the accompanying issues ii. Questioning/understanding : people get an understanding of what the change and appreciate its implications to their organization iii. Acceptance : people have the knowledge needed to be intellectually prepared and understand how the initiative affects their job and how they can contribute to the success/failure iv. Ownership people become personally committed to making the initiative successful in their department and at their job 10. What are dependencies? Dependencies are one form of constraint for any project. They are any relationship connections between activities in a project that may impact their scheduling. There are usually many dependencies in a software development project. Some common dependencies are : External and internal, resource and activity dependencies.

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11. What are external and internal dependencies? External dependencies include any connections to the work products of other projects. These may be higher-level projects with dependencies on your projects work products or deliverables. Your project may be dependent on other development activities parallel to the software development. An example is when there is a higher-level WBS describing a total turnkey system solution under development that includes hardware, software, and installation and training. 12. Explain resource and activity dependencies. Dependencies can be viewed based on whether they are resource-driven or activity-driven. Most schedules are derived using the critical path method (CPM) and are presented as Gantt charts. Gantt charts show only the dependencies between the activities in the project and so are activity-driven. Once you map the availability of resources into the schedule, you get a resourceconstrained schedule. A resource-constrained schedule says that some activities cannot start when the predecessor activities have been completed because the resources to do them are not available yet. They can occur due to the availability of scheduled test time on a production work or vacation schedules of key members of the team. 13. Name the possible dependency relationships The possible dependencies can be classified as Finish-to-start (FS): One activity starts only when the preceding finishes. Start-to-Start (SS): One activity can start if and only if the other activity starts. Finish-to Finish (FF): One activity must tie in with another, but it must finish at the same time. That is, one activity cannot end until the other one does. Start-to-Finish (SF): The first activity cannot finish until the next activity starts. 14. Write about Lag and lead relationships Useful dependency modifiers are the lag and lead types that can occur with any of the other dependencies. A lag is indicated with a positive number and a lead uses a negative number added to the start of finish times of their connected activities. This is a useful relationship for activities with a fixed duration connection to some other activity. 15. What are hard and soft dependencies? Dependencies can be rated based on the strength of their connection. Some connections are physical, that is, it is physically impossible for activity B to start until activity a finishes. For example, we cannot achieve the code compiled milestone until the write code activity finishes. Such connections are said to be hard logic or hard dependencies. Some dependencies allow activities to overlap. For example, paint living room and paint bedroom could occur simultaneously. The activities may start at the same time, or lag behind, thus allowing the schedule to be compressed a bit. These are soft-logic dependencies.

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16. What is meant by Nominal Group Technique? This technique is an excellent way to get balanced participation in most gathering efforts. It is good for: Problem solving looking for root causes of problems, or solution approaches Creative decision making- for estimates, and tough choices Idea generating situations completely new input is required 17. Write on the tools to present a project schedule. Project schedule can be presented using table, Gantt chart, and network diagrams. Table simples form for representing a project schedule. It is non-graphical and is just a list of the activities with a start and finish date. Gantt chart it is the most commonly used schedule representation. It is a simple illustration of activities listed down the left side, with an activity bar shown to the right under a scale representing time. Network diagram also called a logic chart, a PERT chart, it is a graphical representation showing an ordered list of symbols that indicate activity name and precedence, and other information. The different names for it are, GERT, PERT, CPM, PDM, ADM. 18. Write notes on leveling resource assignments. When scheduling resources, it is desirable to smooth out the demand for resources over the course of a project to minimize resource idle time between the peaks of demand. Load leveling is the process of rescheduling tasks that have available slack to achieve a more balanced distribution of resource usage. 19. What is critical chain scheduling It is a method to identify the constraints and arrange the system to concentrate on and exploit the constraints thereby reducing the constraints and improving the whole system. The steps identified are: i. Identify the systems constraints ii. Decide how to exploit the systems constraints iii. Subordinate everything else to the above decision iv. Elevate the systems constraints v. If a constraint has been broken, go to step1. 20. What are the characteristics of an organization 1. model 2. maturity 3. thickness 4. size 5. dispersion 6. structure 21. List the power of the project manager 1. legitimate 2. reward 3. connection 4. coercive 5. expert

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

6. 7.

information referent

22. What are the types of organization 1. Functional 2. matrix 3. projectized 23. What is FFA model Kurt Lewin proposed a model implementing cultural changes in an organization called Force Field Analysis. The model basically says that there are a set of restraining forces that are in equilibrium in any cultural situation. To implement a change, you must insightfully inspect the culture to identify these forces and then specific actions that reduce the restraining forces and strengthen the driving forces. 24. What are dependencies? Dependencies are any relationship connections between activities in a project that may impact their scheduling. 1. 2. 25. What are the software development dependencies external versus internal dependencies resource versus activity dependencies

26. How to classify the dependencies 1. Finish-to-start (FS) 2. Start-to-start (SS) 3. Finish-to-Finish (FF) 4. Start-to-Finish (SF) 27. What is brainstorming? Brainstorming is a method, which is used to invent the activities with your project team, group them and arrange them into a WBS, and then find all the dependencies using the information. 28. List the representation methods of scheduling 8. Table 9. Gantt chart 10. Network diagram 16 Marks Questions 1. Briefly explain about PERT and CPM Scheduling

2. Explain the following (i).Organizational form (8) (ii).Map the schedule to a real calendar (8) 3. Explain in detail about the types of software development dependencies and their relationship?. 4. Explain the PERT Network model

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

5. Explain the critical chain scheduling 6. How to estimate scheduling using Brainstorming 7. Explain the Organizational Structures 8. Explain the two methods of scheduling analysis with necessary diagram? 9. List and describe the organizational structure?

UNIT V 1. What is quality function deployment? Quality function deployment is a process for capturing customer requirements and translating them into requirements that can be used by designers, producers, and suppliers. Its goals are: Educate management on the importance of the elicitation phase and the benefits of promoting communication Allows design decisions to be traced back to customer needs. Promote group work to achieve producing quality requirements 2. Write about software configuration management (SCM)? SCM is the organization of the components of a software system so that they fit together in a working order, never out of synch with each other. It is a set of activities designed to control change by identifying the work products that are likely to change, establishing relationships among them, defining mechanisms for managing different versions of the work products, controlling changes impose, and auditing and reporting on the changes made. 3. Why is SCM important? Software PMs pay attention to the planning and exe3cution of SCM because it facilitates the ability to communicate status of documents and code as well as changes that have been made to them. High quality s/w has been tested and used, making it a reusable asset and saving development costs. 4. Mention the basic requirements of an SCM system i. Identification: each s/w part is labeled so it can be identified. ii. Control: proposed changes to a CI are reviewed and, if approved incorporated into the SC. iii. Auditing approved requested changes have been implemented. Audits allow managers to determine whether s/w evolution is proceding bothe logically and is in conformance with requirements. iv. Status accounting reports and documentation produced by the status accounting function are auditable entries. 5. Write on multiple developer syndrome For some projects, there might be multiple people working on one product base. Effort is wasted when two or more people work on the same file and save it. Without SCM control, the last persons work alone is saved. All the other changes are lost. This is the multiple developer syndromes. It can be overcome by locking a file when one person is working.

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

6. What are the benefits of the SCM process? i. Control provides the ability to review, approve, and incorporate changes ii. Management concerned with the automation of identifying and guiding configuration items iii. Cost savings are realized across the entire product development life cycle with SCM. iv. Quality ensuring high quality is done by tracking changes made to a product throughout its life cycle.

7. What is SQAP SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan Software quality assurance involves reviewing all delivered software products and the activities within the lifecycle that produced them. 8. What are the major sections of SQAP Purpose Reference documents Management Documentation Standards, practices, conventions, and metrics Reviews and audits Risk management Problem reporting and corrective action Tools, techniques and methodologies Supplier control Training Records collection, maintenance, and retention 9. What is SCM Software Configuration Management (SCM) is the organization of the components of a software system so that they fit together in a working order, never out of synch with each other 10. Why is SCM important Software project managers pay attention to the planning and execution of configuration management, an integral task, because it facilitates the ability to communicate status of documents and code as well as changes that have been made to them. 11. List the SCM functions Identification Control Auditing Status accounting
12. What is the selection criteria for SCM Tools

multiuser support

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

Intuitive GUI Conformity to the organizations development environment Scalability Flexibility in integrating other software development tools Ease of setup Modifiable models Process management Extensive support for the development phase Management of non development objects Permission management 13. What are the benefits of SCM process and tools SCM benefits an organization in four areas: control, management, cost savings and quality. These four benefits are mapped to an organizations overall goals and objectives when the decisions are made to bring a SCM tool in-house. 14. What is the use of SCM Configuration tools The configuration items (CI) are those things that represent internal and external project deliverables. They are the final result of all the work done to implement SCM in your organization. 1. 2. 3. 4. 15. List the goals of SCM at maturity level 2. software configuration management activities are planned Selected software work products are identified, controlled, and available Changes to identified software work products are controlled Affected groups and individuals are informed of the status and content of software baselines.

16. What are the layers in SCM PYRAMID? 1. CI 2. Tools 3. Measures 4. SCM Processes 5. SCM plan (policy) 6. Understanding of SCM

16 Marks Questions

1. Explain the basic requirements for an SCM system

2. Explain how to plan and organize for SCM. 3. Explain the concepts of Software Quality assurance. 4. Explain in detail about Building the quality assurance plan. 5. Explain in detail about Software Configuration Management (SCM) Principles.

QB-IT2403 Software Project Management

6. Explain about Planning and Organizing for SCM. 7. Explain the Benefits of SCM process and tools. 8. What are the basic requirements of SCM system? How to plan and organize for an SCM? 9. Develop a software quality assurance plan that complies with the goals of the CMM? 10. Explain the SCM principles and SCM tools?

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