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CH 12

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( Chapter 12 )

Precipitation Of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide

The leaching of laterite in an autoclave at about 250C was described in Chapter 11. The pregnant solution in the slurry leaving these autoclaves contains approximately 6 g/L Ni and 0.5 g/L Co. Currently, most industrial operations recover the nickel and cobalt from the autoclave leach solution by the precipitation of mixed nickel-cobalt sulfides. This precipitate is then refined to high-purity metal. This chapter describes the reasons why this is done and the methods used to achieve results on an industrial scale.


An alternative processing route (to that of sulfide precipitation) for producing nickel and cobalt from the laterite pregnant solution is to (i) isolate nickel and cobalt into two separate solutions by solvent extraction; and then to, (ii) produce high-purity nickel and cobalt from the two solutions by electrowinning or by hydrogen reduction. A process route using solvent extraction was implemented on an industrial scale at Bulong in Western Australia. This process was plagued by high levels of impurities, especially calcium, in the autoclave exit solution that impacted negatively on the solvent extraction (Donegan, 2006). The nickel and cobalt in the leach solution can also be recovered by the precipitation of a mixed hydroxide product, which is then refined to high-purity metal. The processing of cobalt, in particular, uses this processing option to make a transportable intermediate. The precipitation of a mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide has been used from the earliest days of laterite leaching and is still being installed today (Collins et al., 2009). The essence of this process is that the resulting precipitates contain few impurities, particularly calcium, and are readily leached locally or at a distant refinery to make pure, concentrated solutions of nickel and cobalt suitable for production of high-purity metal (Molina, 2009). The main advantage of sulfide precipitation over hydroxide precipitation is that the sulfide precipitates have lower levels of impurities, such as
Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum-Group Metals. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-096809-4.10012-7 Copyright D 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

manganese. In addition, the contained water is lower than hydroxide precipitates, which makes it more economical to transport sulfides to distant refineries.

The flowsheet for the precipitation of the mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide from the hot slurry leaving the autoclave was shown in Figure 10.1. The process is continuous. It entails the following steps: (a) cooling the slurry;
(b) neutralization of the slurry;

(c) solidlliquid separation and residue washing; (d) further neutralization of the solution to remove impurities like aluminum, chromium, iron and silicon by precipitation together with their associated solidlliquid separation; (e) removal of zinc and copper by sulfide precipitation; and finally, (f) precipitation of the mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide. The product of this process, the mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide precipitate, is then sent to a local or distant refinery for releaching and metal production. The details of various industrial operations are given in Tables 12.1-12.3. Steps (a) and (c) in this process are discussed in Appendices D and E. Steps (b), (d), (e) and (f) are discussed here.


The autoclave slurry, which has been cooled from 250C to the ambient boiling point, contains between 30 and 50 g/L H2SO4. It is continuously neutralized with limestone to a pH of about 1 to prevent downstream corrosion. The neutralization reaction is given as follows: H2S04(aq)
in autoclave exit slurry

+ CaC03(s) + H20(Q) 100C


precipitated gypsum

+ CO2(g)


in limestone slurry

The neutralization is performed in a stirred vertical tank with a residence time of about 48 minutes, and then the flocculants are added. A portion of the leach residue is recycled to the tank to ensure sufficient growth of gypsum particles so that they can settle rapidly in the subsequent counter-current decantation circuit. The rate of the addition of limestone is controlled to prevent excessive production of carbon dioxide gas. The neutralized slurry is transferred to solidliquid separation and residue washing in the counter-current decantation circuit. The solution from the counter-current decantation circuit is pumped to solution reneutralization.

Precipitation Of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide


TABLE 12.1 Compositions of the Leach Solution Feed to Industrial NickelLCobalt Sulfide Precipitation Circuits. The nickel concentration is controlled by dilution
Concentration, g/L Component

Moa Bay, Cuba


Coral Bay, Philippines

5 0.4

Am batovy, Madagascar (pilot-plant results)





0.6 27



0.1 0.2 0.1 1.6

0.001 0.07

Ca Al

1.6 0.03

Mg Mn

1.93 1.4

0.9 2.9

"Ni+ Co concentration controlled to < 4.8g/L to avoid sulfide pellet formation. Cu concentration controlled to less than 0.008 g/L to avoid excessively fine precipitate (Chalkley& Toirac, 1997).


The pH of the solution from the counter-current decantation circuit is increased to about 3.3 in order to precipitate impurities, such as aluminum, chromium, iron and silicon. This is achieved by adding limestone. The precipitation of iron occurs by the following reaction: Fe~(S04)~(uq)
solution from solid/liquid separation

in limestone slurry

9H20((1) (12.2)

6 0 " '


+ 3(CaS04.2H20)(s) + 3co2(g)

The neutralization is performed in a stirred vertical tank. Flocculants and recycle leach residue are added so that the precipitates that are formed will

Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

TABLE 12.2 Compositions of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide Precipitates from Industrial Laterite Leach Plants.
The similarity of the nickel and sulfur contents are noteworthy. Particle sizes are 10-50 p m

Concentration, % Element

Moa Bay, Cuba

55 5 1.3 35 <0.1

Coral Bay, Philippines

57 4.5 0.4 35

Ambatovy, Madagascar (pilot-plant results)

55 4.2 0.3 34 0.5



0.01 0.01 0.004 <0.1

1.6 0.1


Ca Al

0.2 <0.01 S.


Precipitate from the Murrin-Murrin (Australia) plant contains -51% Ni, 5% Co and36%

settle rapidly in the subsequent thickening step. Air is often bubbled into the tank to ensure that iron is present mostly as Fe3+. The slurry is transferred to solidliquid separation. The solution is pumped to zinc and copper removal.


An important advantage of sulfide precipitation is that solution impurities, such as magnesium, calcium, aluminum and manganese, are not precipitated with the nickel and cobalt (Kofluk & Freeman, 2006; Molina, 2009). The impurities that pose the greatest challenges in the sulfide precipitation of nickel and cobalt are copper and zinc. These impurities have the following characteristics: (a) they are always present in laterite ores;
(b) they dissolve during leaching; and,

Precipitation Of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide


TABLE 12.3 Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide Precipitate Production Details. Production Is Continuous.

Note the different temperatures and pressuresa.Tsuchida eta/., (2004) report that a low operating temperature minimizes scale formation on the reactor walls. Extensive recycle of product precipitate (sometimes ground very fine) also minimizes scale formation. The new ambatovy plant plans to recycle about 3.5 tonnes of precipitate per tonne of final precipitate product

Startup date Precipitation vessels

Murrin-Murrin, Australia, Hayward (2008)

Four stirred vertical tanks

Moa Bay, Cuba

Four stirred horizontal autoclaves

Coral Bay, Philippines

Two sulfurisation tanks

Temperature, "C


120 2 -2.5

80 3-3.5 2

PH HzS pressure, bar

Solution residence time, h Feed solution concentrations, g/l Ni




4.8 (maximum) 0.5


Precipitation efficiency, Ni


98.5-99.5 98-99
Recycle precipitation product Recycle precipitation product


Precipitation seed

Recycle ground precipitation product, 5 pm median diameter u p to 4

Recycle extent, tonnes per tonne of final product



Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

TABLE 12.3 Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide Precipitate Production Details. Production Is Continuous.

Note the different temperatures and pressuresa.Tsuchida eta/., (2004) report that a low operating temperature minimizes scale formation on the reactor walls. Extensive recycle of product precipitate (sometimes ground very fine) also minimizes scale formation. The new ambatovy plant plans to recycle about 3.5 tonnes of precipitate per tonne of final precipitate product-cont'd

Reaction vessel exit method Precipitate composition, O h Ni

Murrin-Murrin, Australia, Hayward (2008)

Moa Bay, Cuba

Flash tank

Coral Bay, Philippines

Flash tank

57 5

55 5

57 4.5 0.4


35 -50

Precipitate diameter, pm Precipitation rate, total, dry t/d

-1 0 60

-1 50

"The new Toarnasina plant plans to precipitate in a stirred vertical tank at 105C and2-bar H2S pressure.

(c) they are harmful to nickel-cobalt sulfide precipitation or to subsequent nickel and cobalt refining (Kofluk & Freeman, 2006; Molina, 2009; Nakai, Kawata, Kyoda, & Tsuchida, 2006). Fortunately, zinc and copper can be removed from the leach solution (with negligible nickel and cobalt precipitation) by adding hydrogen sulfide to the solution at low pressure and temperature (Molina, 2009). This is because the solubility products for zinc and copper sulfides are lower than those for nickel or cobalt sulfide. Operating conditions for zinc and copper removal (Nakai et al., 2006; Tsuchida, Ozaki, Nakai, & Kobayashi, 2004) are given in Table 12.4. The concentration of zinc in solution after this treatment is less than 0.001 g/L. The concentration of copper is even lower.

Precipitation Of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide

@ )

TABLE 12.4 Typical Conditions for the Precipitation of Zinc and Copper

from Solution Prior to the Precipitation of Nickel and Cobalt

Temperature PH


3.0-3.4 4 . 1 bar
From gas space above agitated solution in a baffle tank -60 min Mixed Zn-Cu sulfide precipitate

H,S(g) pressure H,S(g) addition method

Reaction time Product

The nickel and cobalt losses during the precipitation of zinc and copper from solution as sulfides are less than 0.1% and less than 0.3%, respectively. The resulting slurry is filtered. The zinc and copper sulfide precipitate is discarded. The filtrate is sent to nickel and cobalt precipitation.


Industrially, nickel-cobalt sulfide precipitates are made by contacting purified pregnant leach solution with hydrogen sulfide gas. A sketch of a precipitation vessel is given in Figure 12.1.

12.6.1. Chemistry of Nickel -Cobalt Sulfide Precipitation

The precipitation reactions are as follows: NiS04(aq)
in purified pregnant solution


80-120C 80-120C

in sulfide precipitate


sulfuric acid to neutralization


in purified pregnant solution


in sulfide precipitate

sulfuric acid neutralization


As shown in Table 12.1, the purified feed solutions to the sulfide precipitation typically contain 5 g/L Ni and 0.4 g/L Co. These solutions are less concentrated in nickel and cobalt than the solution leaving the autoclave due to the addition of water during slurry washing.

Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

diluted H2Sgas to recycle & replenishment

80C & 2 bai pressure purified pregnant solutionlrecycle precipitatemocculant slurry

- product Ni,Co sulfide


precipitate/barren solution slurry

3 3 3


FIGURE 12.1 Sketch of nickel-cobalt sulfide precipitation vessel. The process is continuous. The product slurry is settled and filtered. The barren solution is used for washing of leaching residue or is discarded. The nickel-cobalt sulfide precipitate is washed and sent to an adjacent refinery or washed, dried and bagged then sent to a distant refinery for metal production. The input solution typically contains 5 g/L Ni and 0.4 g/L Co. The product precipitate typically contains 55% Ni and 5% Co. Precipitation is also done in horizontal autoclaves.

The product composition is given in Table 12.2. It typically contains 56% Ni, 5% Co, and 1% Fe. The remainder of the material is sulfur. About 99% of the nickel and the cobalt in the leach solution are precipitated.

12.6.2. Industrial Practice

A survey of the industrial practice of nickel and cobalt sulfide precipitation is given in Table 12.3. This survey indicates that precipitation temperatures vary between 80 and 120C and hydrogen sulfide pressures between 1 and 10 bar. The residence time in the precipitation vessels is typically between one and two hours.

Precipitation Of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide


12.6.3. Gas - liquid Contact

The original sulfide precipitation plant is situated at Moa Bay, Cuba. This plant operates horizontal autoclaves at 120C and 10-bar H2S pressure. More recent plants operate at between 80 and 105C and H2S partial pressures between 2 and 3 bar in vertical pressure vessels, as shown in Figure 12.1. This is a cheaper, safer option (Molina, 2009) that also minimizes scale formation on the reactor walls (Nakai et al., 2006; Tsuchida et al., 2004). The new plant at Ambatovy, Madagascar, plans to operate this way (Collins et al., 2005). In all cases, the solution is contacted with hydrogen sulfide gas by introducing the gas below the impeller of the agitator, as shown in Figure 12.1, so that the gas is dispersed as small bubbles into the solution. This ensures that the gas-liquid contact and associated mass transfer is optimal.

12.6.4. Precipitate Recycle

A critical aspect of nickel-cobalt precipitation is the recycle of the precipitated product as seed. This seed provides deposition sites for the newly forming precipitate. The result of seeding is that it (i) accelerates the precipitation process; and, (ii) minimizes scaling (precipitation) on the reactor walls. Up to 4 tonnes of precipitate are recycled per tonne of plant product. Not only is precipitate seed recycled at Coral Bay, but the recycle particles are also ground to a size of about 5 pm in order to prevent the formation of scale (Nakai et al., 2006; Tsuchida et al., 2004). The grinding maintains the thickness of the scale at about 1 mm.


Two producers of mixed sulfide precipitate send the precipitate to distant refineries for refining and metal production. They are as: (i) Moa Bay, Cuba which sends its precipitate to Fort Saskatchewan, Canada; and, (ii) Coral Bay, Philippines - which sends its precipitate to Niihama, Japan. These plants settle, filter, wash and bag their precipitate for ocean and rail shipment to these distant refineries. The Murrin-Murrin plant in Australia refines the precipitate on-site. The new Ambatovy plant in Madagascar will also refine the precipitate on-site (Collins et al., 2009). These plants settle, filter and wash the precipitate and then transfer it directly to the adjacent refinery.

Production of concentrated solutions of pure nickel and cobalt by precipitation of mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide and later releaching it in a refinery seems awkward and costly. However, there is no denying its efficacy.


Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

Solvent extraction would seem to be a better process, but high impurity levels, particularly calcium, in autoclave exit solutions have delayed its adoption. However, the operation at Goro, New Caledonia, planned to use solvent extraction to (i) extract nickel and cobalt from its purified pregnant solution; and then, (ii) produce separate nickel and cobalt solutions from which it will make NiO and CoCO3 (Okita, Singhal, & Perraud, 2006). Due to problems in commissioning, Goro currently produces a mixed hydroxide precipitate that is processed at Yabulu, Queensland.

Most currently operating laterite leaching plants precipitate nickel and cobalt from solution as a mixed nickel-cobalt sulfide. This sulfide typically contains 56% Ni, 5% Co, and 0.5%-1% Fe, with the remaining mass made up of sulfur. The mixed nickel-cobalt precipitate is produced by contacting purified pregnant leach solution with hydrogen sulfide gas at temperatures of 80- 120C and partial pressures of hydrogen sulfide of between 2 and 10 bar. The recovery of the nickel and the cobalt to precipitate is approximately 99%. Rapid precipitation is promoted by recycling large quantities of product precipitate (sometimes finely ground) to the precipitation tank. This also prevents scale formation on the reactor walls, extending campaign life and minimizing maintenance costs. The mixed-sulfide precipitate is an intermediate product that is redissolved to make concentrated solutions of nickel and cobalt suitable for high-purity metal production, which is discussed in Chapter 23.

ChaMey, M. E., & Toirac, I. L. (1997). The acid pressure leach process for nickel and cobalt laterite. In W. C. Cooper & I. Mihaylov (Eds.), Nickel/cobalt 97, Vol. I, Hydrometallurgy and rejining o f nickel and cobalt (pp. 341-353). CIM. Collins, M. J., Barta, L. A., Buban, K. R., et al. (2005). Process development by Dynatec for the Ambatovy nickel project. CIM Bulletin, 98, 90. Collins, M. J., Buban, K. R., Holloway, P. C., et al. (2009). Ambatovy laterite ore preparation plant and high pressure acid leach pilot plant operation. In J. J. Budac, R. Fraser & I. Mihaylov, et al. (Eds.), Hydrometallurgy o f nickel and cobalt 2009 (pp. 499-510). CIM. Donegan, S. (2006). Direct solvent extraction of nickel and Bulong operations. Minerals Engineering, 19, 123&1245. Hayward, K. (2008). Murrin Murrin leads the way. Sulfuric Acid Today, 14, 7-10. Kofluk, R. P., & Freeman, G. K. W. (2006). Iron control in the Moa Bay laterite operation. In J. E. Dutrizac & P. A. Riveros (Eds.), Iron control technologies (pp. 573-589). CIM. Molina, N. (2009). Nickel and cobalt sulphide precipitation, a proven method of selective metal precipitation in laterite process flowsheets. In J. J. Budac, R. Fraser & I. Mihaylov, et al. f nickel and cobalt 2009 (pp. 27 1-281). CIM. (Eds.), Hydrometallurgy o

Precipitation Of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide

Nakai, O., Kawata, M., Kyoda, Y., & Tsuchida, N. (2006). Commissioning of Coral Bay nickel project. In ALTA 2006 nickel/cobalt conference proceedings. ALTA Metallurgical Services. Okita, Y., Singhal, A., & Perraud, J.-J. (2006). Iron control in the Goro nickel process. In J. E. Dutrizac & P. A. Riveros (Eds.), Iron control technologies (pp. 573-589). CIM. Tsuchida, N., Ozaki, Y., Nakai, O., & Kobayashi, H. (2004). Development of process design for Coral Bay nickel project. In W. P. Imrie, D. M. Lane & S. C. C Barnett et al. (Eds.), International laterite nickel symposium 2004, process development for prospective projects (pp. 152-160). TMS.

Lewis, A. E. (2010). Review of metal sulfide precipitation. Hydrometallurgy, 104, 222-234. Molina, N. (2009). Nickel and cobalt sulphide precipitation, a proven method of selective metal precipitation in laterite process flowsheets. In J. J. Budac, R. Fraser, I. Mihaylov, V. G. Papangelakis & D. J. Robinson (Eds.), Hydrometallurgy o f nickel and cobalt 2009 (pp. 271-281). CIM. Matos, R. R. (1997). Industrial experience with the NiKo sulphide precipitation process. In W. C. Cooper & I. Mihaylov (Eds.), Nickel/cobalt 97, Vol. I, Hydrometallurgy and rejning o f nickel and cobalt (pp. 371-378). CIM.

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